Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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T ?.
Leading Features of Trade for the
Week at Herr's Island.
Iott-Grades of Sheep and Lambs Lower,
fancy Stock Strong.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. J
Moxdat, September 9, 1SS3.
Markets in most lines "were slow, owing
to the liberal receipt's, and prices were not
quite np to last week. The exception to
this rule was in the line of sheep and lambs,
rhich were in light supply, and fancy
grades commanded better prices than last
In cattle the supply was large and de
mand light. The market started out slow,
and concession of 10 to 15c per cnt from last
Monday's rates was essential in order to
effect sales. The quality of cattle on the
market was a decided improvement on last
week's. Prime heavy estcrn beeves weighing
1,500 to 1.600 lbs sold at $4 S5 to So; medium
weights 1,350 to 1.430 lb-, S4 CO to 54 TO; do L200
to 1,300 lbs. Jl 15 to 4 45; prime light weights,
900 to 1,100 lbs, J3 K to $4 10. Fresh cows were
dullatarangeof EStoSlO. The only sales re
ported w ere at J39 to S3i Calves were scarce
and firm at a ranee of 5c to CJc. Dry cows,
bulls and stags sold at 3V to 3c per lb.
Receipts From Chicago. I. Zieglcr, 107 head;
L. Gerson, 114; A. Fromm, 90: L. Rothschild fc
Co., 101; E. Wolf. IS; Winter A. Dellenbach, 47;
from Ohio, S. Lowcnstein, 44; from Pennsyl
vania, Sanford 4 Langdon, 20; various owners.
10. Total. 551 head; last week, 4S1; prenous
week, 560.
Slierp nnd Liimb.
Supply and demand were both I.gbt and
prices were lower on common and low grades.
The best heavy Western wethers sold at a
range of S4 50 to S4 75: medium to good, fs to
54 35; common to lair do, $3 50 to S3 75, with
some sales of mixed fair wethers and ewes at
S3 83 to S3 Pa Good to choice ewes sold at
ersmtj finnA tf, rhmrp lainbs vi ere sold at
4V to 6Kc per pound Receipts From Chicago,
LZei"ler. 100 head: from Pennsylvania. D. O.
Pisor '-ll; Bingnaui & Co., 170; J. Reiber, 101;
W Allen, S2; J. T. Cruikshank, 36: W. Mc
Crearv. 12s: Sanford t Langdon, 54; J. Ackcr
nian, 9a. lotal 94 head: last week, 1.152; pre
vious week, LSjL
JIocs in Light Demand.
Offerings were large, and the demand was
light. Markets were slow, at lower prices than
a week ago. Chicago bought hogs sold at S4 50,
butchers' selections; Ohio at $4 25 to S4 50: Penn
sylvania's at S4 00 to Si 25. the latter figure
barely obtainable for small lots.
Receipts, From Chicago L Zeigler. 82 head;
from Pennsvuaina D. O. Pisor, 79: J. Behlcr,
SS: G. Flmn'er. 4; J. F. Cruikshank, 24; E. D.
Sergeant, 50; William Craig, 15: Sanford &
Langdon. 23. Total, 49S head; last week, 267;
previous week. 43G.
At Chicago receipts of hogs to-day were 14.000
head, and prices w ere 10c low er than closing
rates of la-t week. The outside price there to
day was S4 40 for light packing boss.
Cattle Receipt'.
At East Liberty were 60 loads less than last
Monday, and markets were unchauged. There
is general complaint that the quality of cattle
coming to this market the past week or two Is
not up to the standard. Stock raisers are not
putting a sufficient amount of com into their
beeves, owing to the great abundance of gra.
Grass-led stock made a good outside show, but
the tenderloins and rib roasts from this kind of
rattle do not pan out as well as the same from
stock which has had a generous allowance of
Low prices of cattle and dressed beef have
introduced an era of low grade stock, and few
primes are coining to our markets.
The standard of beef offered on our bntcher
stalls has been lowered In the past jear: but
prices are unchanged. It is high time butch
ers would come down in price of steaks ard
Br Tclecrnpli.
Xew- YortK Sheen Receipts, 11.400 head,
making SifOObead for the week: cood offerings
bad a quick sale at strong firmer prices; infer
iorand common ruled dull; common to prime
sheep sold at S45 37Kier 100 pounds: choice
to .prime lambs at $4 7o7, with abont 2 car
loads sold at 7 25. Hogs Receipts, 10,700 bead,
making 30.700 head for the week: the limited
trading in live hogs was at SI 404 ho for ordi
nary to good, with a carload of grass pigs from
Michigan sold at S4 15. Beeve Receipts. 6,030
head, tmkmg 13.000 for the week: fresh arrivals
included 153 carloads for exportation, alive and
dead, 102 carloads for city slaughterers direct,
and 49 carloads for the market; ordmarv to
prime native steers had a ready sale at S3 25 to
S4 80 per 100 pound; Texas and Colorada do.
were dnll at S3 to S3 20; native bulls and dry
cows S2 102 83. Calves Receipts, 1.300 head,
making 5.000 head for the week: firm for all
sorts at full prices with sales at S5S for veals
and at S2 O03 ,o for grassers and buttermilks.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 113 car loads
through. 225 for sale; active. 1525c higher,
on butcher! and common; extra to choice
steers. S4 lOgl 50: choice, heavy S3 704 00
medium butchers. S3 403 75; common, mixed,
BOO to 1,000 lbs. 12 50&2 75. blockers and feed
ers, S2 50S3 00; cows and heifers, common to
extra, SI 753 25; fresh cows and springers in
good demand: good to extra, S35Q40: Sheep
and lambs Receipts, 13 car loads through, 55
for sale. Sheep scarce and stronger. Lambs
slow. Sheen, good to best, $4 604 75; fair
to good. S4 4U1 60: common. S4 004 40:
lambs, good to best. S6 OOWB 25: fair to good,
S575000;common. S550575. Hogs Receipts.
So car loads, sale. SO through. Steadv: mediums
and heavy. S4 10?4 40: mixed. S4 50; corn
yprkers. S4 50S4 0U; grass jorkers. H 354 50;
p.gs, $3 004 00. '
Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 7,786 head;
shipments, Saturday, 6,060 head; bulk or offer
ings grass range fed, and market dull and
weak: good to choice cornfed steers, S4 00
4 2o: common to medium. S2 90Q3 50: stockcrs
and feeding steers, S2 30; cow. $1 352 60;
grass range steers. SI C0gS2 70. Hogs Re
ceipts. 1.425 head; shipments, 353 head: supply
m-uiucieni, .-urn values generally 510c lower:
good to choice light, S4 155 35: heavy and
mixed, S3 ,04 Oj. Sheep-Receipts, L63
head: shipments, blank; market active and
steady; good to choice muttons, 3 4003 75:
common to medium, S2 25g3 00.
CmcAOO Cattle Keceiots. 17,600 head;
shipments. 3.500 head; market slow; all below
iTl?0-" ,5 lowe2. cnolce to extra beeves,
404 .ox Ktcers. $3 (J04 50; cows, bulls and
5?Ixea-.1 10z ackers and leeders. SI 75
63 L Z? "& S 5m3 10: Western rang
ere, S2 O0S3 GO. Hogs-Receipts, 12.000 head
E'lipments, 5,000 head: market active and 5o
highen mixed. $3 65(5!4 40; heavy, S3 60fi4 is.
light. Si 9O04 70; stockers. S3 3004 50. Shtep
Rcceipts. 12,000 head; shipments, 4.000 head
market 10c to 15c lower; natives. S3 OOai 60:
X'SSST'a?3 601 lOlTerans, S3 003 40; lambs."
SI 254 CO. '
ST- SE?-Ce Receipts, 3.100 head; ship
ments. 200 head: market easier: choice heavy
native steers, J4 2504 50: fair to good do, S3 50
64 50; stockers and feeders, S2 002 50. Ho-s
Receipts, 1,500 bead; shipments, L100 head:
market oc lower; fair to choice heavy S4 00
4 15; packing grades S3 503 70; light grades!
fair to best, S4 204 3a Sheep Receipts, L700
head; shipments, 2,100 head; market active and
steady; fair to choice, S3 254 25.
Cincinnati Hogs stronger: common and
light, S3 2o4 50; packing and butchers. $4 00
64 25. Receipts, 2,100 head: shipments. 700
British Breadstuff.
London, September 9. The Jlfarfc Lane Ez
prist, in its weekly review of tho British grain
trade, says: The deliveries of new crop English
wheat are disappointing as to quality. Prices
range from 30 to 36 j per quarter. The sales of
English wheat forthe week were38,780quartcrs
at 31s per quarter, against 14,543 quarters at 37s
Bd per quarter for the corresponding week last
year. California wheat relapsed 6d to 9d. New
American winter red is firmly held. Russian
and Indian are rather lower. Com is 3d higher
At to-day's market English wheats ruled lower
and foreign declined Cd. Corn, barley and oats
were in buyers' favor.
The Visible Supply of Grain.
SewYoek, September 9. The following is
a statement of the visible supply of grain,
afloat and in elevator, on Saturday, Septern
ber 7, as issued by the Produce Excharw
Wheat, M.C98.032 bushels; decrease, 2871
bushels. Corn, 12,090,608 bushels; increase
333.114 bushels. Oats, 6.111.257 bushels de
crease 19.401 bushels. Rye. 9SO,7no bushels; in
crease, 55.882 bushels. Barley, a95,743 bushels:
increase, 5,967 bushels.
Grain in Sight.
CHICAGO, September 9. TheBoardof Trade
report of the risible supply of grain is as fol
lows: Wheat, 14,218.000 bushels; increase, 173,000
bushels. Com, 12.167,000 bushels; increase,
41L000 bushels. Oat. 6,130,000 bushels; in
crease, 117.000 bnshels. Kye,l,O3S.0O0buskels;in
erease, 113.000 bushels. Barley, 256,000 bushels;
decrease, 35,000 bushels.
Wtnknrs Still the Rcllng Cfanrnclerlillc of
Ibe Wheal I'll Larue Visible Sopply
nnd Drooping Cables Too flinch
for tbo Longs Lending
Futnrra Close Lower.
Chicago The market for wheat ruled
steady and narrow to-day. There n ere no new
features and trading was light and of a scalp
ing character. Opening flguies were Jc under
Saturday's closing range for the leading
futures, the early w eakness resulting from the
larger receipts present and prospective, and
the dull, drooping cables. It was the impression
here earl v that the visible supply would increase
1,000,000 bushels, and this had a depressing
effect. Despite the bearish surroundings the
market did not break in a way to cause any
uneasiness among holders.
Tho demand was sufficients active after the
ooeningto put the pneo back to Saturday's
closing figures in a very few minutes and from
that time until within half an hour of the close
December swung between 77c and 77Jc,
touching both extremes several times. The
quantity technically dropped out of the visible
on account oi Aiinncanous owing iu me mnuic
of some of the houses there to comply with the
new rules making them regular, is 192.000
bushels. This made the visible supply show a
decrease of 173,000 bushels. During the last
half pi ices eased off, closing quotations being
at the bottom for September and October and
Jsc lower lor the aaj. December and May
rallied a small fraction, and -were only a shade
below Saturday's close at the adjournment.
A moderate and very good shipping business
was transacted in com, the feellrfc being
steady. Fluctuations were confined within
narrow limits. Reports regarding the growing
crops are generally of a very favorable char
acter. The market opened a shade under the
closing of Saturdas", was firm and gradually
advanced iac became quiet and steady,
closing a shade better than Saturday.
Oats were traded In moderately and a stead
ier feeling prevailed. There was no particular
Pressure to sell and a fair disposition to buy,
ut price changes w ere confined to a narrow
Some little interest was manifested in pork,
with some irregularity in prices. October ad
vanced and January declined.
Trading was light in lard, and the xeeiing
was steady Very little change in price.
Inquiry for short ribs was active and offer
ings talr. Prices on the whole range averaged
higher, but outside figures were not main
tained. The leading rutures ranged as follows-
Wheat No. 2. October. 7SJiI76K75
75c: December. 77J77JI7777c; jear,
75Ji7(iQ755075ic: May. 81.JSlkc.
CoitN-No. 2, October. 33pe3333J
033c: November, 33K33Kc; December.
Oats No. 2. October. 1901Sil9Kfiil9Vic:
December. 19Ji201920c; May, 22Ji22Jsc
Mess Pork, per bbL October, SU 40311 76
11 40li 55; vear, SS 70S 72K; January,
S9 059 05S 929 00.
Lard, per 100 lis. October, $5 955 95
5 05 90; December. $5 725 72i January,
55 725 72.
Short Ribs, per 100 tts. October, $4 95
4 954 85ffi4 85: January, S4 S7K04 55.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 75 No.
3 spring wheat, 64C0c; No. 2 red. 75c. No. 2
corn. 33;c N o. 2 oats, 1919Xc N o. 2 rye. 41Kc
No. 2 barter, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI 2SK.
Prime timothy seed, SI 32. Mess pork,
per bbk Sll 5011 60. Lard, per 100 pounds.
56 006 02K. Short nb sides (looe), to 055 10;
dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 504 61:
short clear sides (boxed), S5 37K5 50.
Receipts Flour. 13,000 barrels; wheat, 118.000
bushels: com. 368,000 bushels; oats, lb7,000
bushels;rye,17.000buhels; barley. 42,000 bushels.
Shipments Flour, 20.000 barrels: wheat. 57.
000 bushnls: com. 1O2.OO0 bushels: oats. 410,000
bushels; rj e, 2,000 bushels; barley. 10,000 bushels.
un uiexroauce tixenange to-nav the Duttec
market was unchanged. Eggs, 15c
New York Flour dulk Wheat Spot dull;
limited demand for storing; options dnll. ir
regular and unchanged, to a lower, closing
steady; moderate selling by foreigners. Rye
dnll; western, 4Si(J594c. Barley dnll; Canada,
70g75c asked. Com Spot steady and fairly
active: options quiet, Ji'c higher and firm. Oats
quiet and stead); options dull and stead)-. Hay
easy. Hops weak. Coffee Options opened
steady and 15S25 points up: closed barely
stead v at 5 points p; sales, 73,000 bags, includ
ing September. 16.00c: October, 1585I6.10c:
November, 16.00gl6.15c; December, 15.95
16.15c: May, 16.051620; spot Rio
strong; fair cargoes, 19Jc. Sugar Raw
strong; refined fairly active and firm.
Molasses Foreign nominal: New Orleans dull.
Rice fair: demand stead). Cottonseed oil dnll.
Tallow steadv. Turpentine quiet. Egg quiet;
western. 17lSJc: receipts. 6 009 packages
Pork firm; mess inspected. S12 751350; do un
inspected. $12 5013. Cntmeats strong; pickled
bellies, biU7c: do short ribs. 4Jc Lard
easier and dull; sales, western steam, S640
6 iiyi. closing at $6 40; September. S6 35; Octo
ber. i6 30: November, J6146 15. closing at
$6 14: December. f6 12. closing at Still asked.
January 56 126 13. closing at S6 12. Butter
Extra in fair demand and Arm; western dairy,
912c: do creamery, ll19c. Cheese Light
supply and stronger; western, 63i7Jc.
St. Locis Flour easy but qnotably in
changed. Wheat Cash higher; options lower;
larger receipts than were looked for; dull
cables and favorable weather in this country
and England weakened the market early in
31 ay.
December. 7677c, closed 76c bid;
oimoiTfciutuyjc ciosen oi4C i;orn easy; JSo. 2
mixed, cash, 29Jj;c: October, 2930Ke
closed 3CKc bid; December, 2Si0c. closed
3030Kcbid:May. 3232Kc, closed 32c bid.
Oats dull; No. 2 cash. ISJic: May. 22i22Kc
September. 18c bid; October, 18c. RVeT 3Sj!c
Barley dull. Flaxseed better at SI 24. Pro
visions quiet. Pork entirely nominal; no sales
?nd no price named.
Cincinnati Flour in moderate demand:
family, S3 103 30; fancy, S3 65!?3 85. Wheat
in fair demand; No. 2 red. 76Jc; receipts.
3,000 bushels: shipments, 8.000 bushels.. Corn
mixea,doc uais quiet; io. z mixed.
itye strong; iso. -A 4oc. Pork firm at
rare quiet at wm. uuikmeats firm; short
rios, so io. cacon steaar: short clear, S6 25.
Butter strong: fancy creamery. 2122c; choice
dairy, ll12c Linseed oil steady at 57
59c Sugar steady; bard refined, 89c:
New Orleans. 7sc. Eggs steadv at 14c
Cheese quiet but hrm; prime to choice Ohio
flat, S8c
Milwaukee Flonr dull. Wheat steady
cash, TSKc; October, 73c. Com quiet; No. 3. 33Jc
Oats dufl: No. 2 white. 2222c Rye quiet;
Barley easy. Provisions firm. Pork Cash
Sll 65; October, SU 55. Lard Cash, S6 00; Oc
tober. S5 95. Cheese steady; Cheddars. SKESJia
Toledo Cloverseed steady: cash and Sep
tember, S4 sa
Ulctnl Market.
New York, September 9. Pig iron firm;
American, S15 5018 00. Copper dull andheaw;
lace, Sentember, S10 75. Lead quiet and firm;
domestic S4 10. Tin spot, strong; futures fiat:
Straits. S22 00.
No Donbt of the Identity of the Latest King
nra Falls Snlcldp,
2TIAGABA Falls, September 9. A. H.
Eogers, n Binghamton young man, came
to Xiagara Falls this afternoon and inquired
for Joseph Spalding, the hack driver who
saw Miss Anna Mead go over the American
falls last Tuesday. As soon as Spalding
was found Bogers asked him all sorts of
questions about the young lady, and it soon
leaked out that he was her affianced hus
band. He afterward went to the Spencer
House, where he recognized the signature in
the register, "Mrs. Lawrence, of Brooklyn,"
as being that of his sweetheart.
Mr. Rogers is satisfied that she was the
victim of an infatuation for Niagara, "Miss
Mead was here two weeks ago," he said,
"with two lady relatives from Philadelphia,
and when she returned home spoke ot the
fascinations wbich death in the Niagara
torrent would have for her. She talked con
tinually about it until her folks tired of
listening to her. AVe missed her after her
Dreaciast Wednesday, ana tne next we
knew was a letter postmarked Niagara Falls
in her writing, wbich said:
"I have just bought a ticket for Niagara
Falls. I am going to commit suicide there. I
hope no one will ever find my body. No one
is to blame' "
Mr. Eogers will search for the body, and
has gone to Lewiston, where it is likely to
be recovered.
And Although 60 Yenra Old, and Wealthy,
He Shot Himself.
Cincinnati. September 9. Mr. John
Doescher, a retired manufacturer Hying in
St. Bernard, a sriburb of Cincinnati, shot
himself this afternoon.
He left a note indicating that some dis
agreement in the family was the cause of his
suicide. He was about CO years old.
A Cuban Bandit Killed.
Hataxa, September 9. In the Province
of Santa Clara yesterday a posse of the
civic forces encountered the llatanzas band
of jobbers. One of the banditti was killed.
The H. C. Frick Cote Company Bonds
Going Off Like Buckwheat Cakes.
Light Thrown on the Manner of Placing
Mortgages on Western Farms.
The demand for the H. C. Frick Coke
Company bonds, amounting to $2,500,000,
the placing of which has been entrusted to
the Fidelity Title and Trust Company, ol
Pittsburg, is so far from being exhausted
that it is almost certain the entire amount
will be absorbed by local capitalists. Con
siderably more than half of the issue had
been disposed of up to the close of business
yesterday, and negotiations were pending
for more. Tne prospects of the coke trade
are so favorable, and the tecurity so un
doubted, that these bonds are considered
a gilt-edged investment.
Secretary McVeigh, of the Trnst Com
pany, said yesterday evening: "I have had
my trunk packed for a week to go East to
dispose of these bonds, but I have about
reached the conclusion that the journey will
be unnecessary, as, from the extent of tho de
mand for them, and the inquiries regarding
them, it is almost certain the entire issue will
be marketed here within a few days."
Stocks and oil commenced the week dis
couragingly dull, but they developed a feeling
of stability and confidence sufficient to build
hopes upon of an early improvement. When
any given article is able to sustain itself In the
absence of a buying demand, it affords the best
proof in the world that it possesses enough ot
intrinsic value to protect it against material
depression. That is the condition of stocks
and oil. They are both good properties, and
must grow in demand as the necessities for
their use increase They may be handicapped
by manipulation for a time, but they will
eventually come to the front on their merits
and receive encouragement and support from
discriminating investors.
The proposition to amend the rules of the
Exchange, so as to allow of tradingin stocks of
future delivery, was disposed of yesterday. In
the shape in which theamendment passed sales
and purchases of all stocks on the ticker-board
may be made deliverable on the second Thurs
day after the transaction. This will give the
brokers ample time to arrange for the transfer
of certificates. The adoption of this amend
ment, though not all they wanted, is considered
quite a victory by the reformers.
Considerable of what has been written of
late in relation to Western realty mortgages is
so one-sided and unsatisfactory as to be under
suspicion of having been inspired by interested
persons. As the subject is one of great inter
est to Eastern capitalists, anything that will
throw light or the manner in which the busi
ness is conducted cannot fail to be read with
interest, and possibly profit. The Record and
Guide, a publication of high standing and
large influence, after full investigation of the
entire subject of Western loans, sums up its
conclusions in the manner following:
On the part of small investors there has long
been a growing distrust of railroad securities
as a source of safe and constant income The
agents of mortgage loan companies have taken
advantage of this to push their wares in the
Eastern markets, and with results not at all
pleasing to those trying to dispose of stocks
and bonds. We believo it is quite generally
admitted that in many of the. Eastern cities
the rate of interest has been very perceptibly
stiffened if not raised by this process
ot raking together the small capi
tals and sending them to the West.
The interests involved are so considerable that
much of the "investigation" on the part of
newspapers and others is undertaken, not to
get the facts, but to prove a point. Bad crops
for a scries of-thraa.years in Western Kansas,
and excessive competition on the part of those
anxious to place loans, have also resulted in
vexatious delays and serious losses, which leads
even disinterested observers to regard Western
securities with disfavor.
The nnmber of companies and persons anx
ious to make loans in the West and to dispose
of their securities in the East is past all esti
mate, but they can be grouped in three general
classes. First, there is a man who acts merely
as the agent for the Eastern money-lender,
placing the loans for a commission, bnt assum
ing no responsibility. A large majority of all the
local attorneys and real estate agents through
out the West do more or less of this sort of
business. It is obvious that lenders ought to
have full assurance of the honesty and
good judgment of such men before re
posing any great confidence in them. Secondly,
there are companies that loan money at their
own risk, deposit the mortgages as collateral,
and issue debenture bonds at a somewhatlower
rate than their own loans aro bringing. Thirdly,
there are the regular loan and investment com
panies, big and little that place loans from
their own capital and then dispose of the orig
inal securities in the East, either with or with
out their added guaranty. Many of these com
panies keep regular traveling men on the road
disposing of securities "by sample" the same as
so much hardware
There are wild-cat loan companies, as there
used to be wild-cat banks. They organize with
little or no capital, push far out on to the fron
tier where the rate of interest is high and the
value of the land uncertain, and thrive mightily
so long as fortune including the crops is
favorable, bnt in the end collapse, leaving in
vestors with nothing but a tangled mass of
claims that are profitable chiefly to the lawyers.
Some entirely responsible companies, however,
have steadily pursued the policy of moving
West, not only to secure the high rate of in
terest, but because the rising value of land in
new districts improves the security each
year that the mortgage runs. Yet it
must always be borne in mind that land values
are much more liable to fluctuate in a new
country than in an old one Even a short
series of bad crops may almost depopulate a
new district and render the land unsalable for.
the time being. It mnst also be remembered
that the foreclosing is usually an expensive
business at the West, and that the money
lender will do well to keep well up with the
session laws of each State in wbich he operates.
One of the largest and most conservative com
panies claims to have been obliged to foreclose
only one mortgage in 300. To secure such re
sults loans can not be made for much more
than 40 or 50 per cent of a fair valuation of the
land mortgaged.
Stocks Dnll, bnr They Hold
Recent Gains.
All of the
Acooseegg was the only result of the morn ing
stock call yesterday. Prices were firm, with an
improvement in a few cases, and concessions
were refused. La Noria was out of the market
at 1. Another spurt in it'is expected. There
is very little of this stock floating around.
In the afternoon 85 shares of Airbrake went
at 116, and 100 Citizens' Traction at 7a All the
tractions were steady, as were the cas and oil
stock, and indeed about everything on the
board. The brokers were in good spirits over
the rosy prospect of along period of activity
Bids, offers and sales follow: "
hid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Pitta. Pet. S. &M. JEx..
Commercial a. Bank. ....
City Savings Bank 60
Clt Deposit BinV 60
Eichauge M. Bank
Fourth Mat. Bank 130.,
Filth Avenue Bank... 423f
Fidelity Title ft T. Co
Masonic Bank. 60
Monongahela Nat. Bk. 110
Enterprise savings.... M
lhlrd Na. U.. All'y.... 135
Allegheny Ins. Co
Humboldt Insurance.. ....
Teutonla Insurance.... SI
N at. Uas Co. or . Va. 79
Ohio Valley Oa, .....
People's N. C. ft P. Co 17
Pennsylvania bas 16
Philadelphia Co 37
Wheeling uas Co 30
Fores toil Co 105
Bazelwood Oil Co
Tuna Oil Co
Washington Oil Co....
Central Traction........ 31
Cituens'Iractlon,... ,
Plttsburff Traction....
I'iMsantVallcT(new). 18K 21
ritU.. Alle. A Man.
1"R. xou'e't'n Ash Sli
i"ltts. June. K. K. Co 30
P.. McK.AY.R. B.CO. 67 60
Pitts. & Western K. K. .... 13
P. & W. K. It- Co. prcf .... 3)
LaNorlnMinlnK Co... IX ....
1-uster Mining Co 1
hllverton Mining Co.. 1 ....
Yankee Girl Mln. Co.. 2 ...,
WestinehouBe Klectne SI WA.
Oranlte'ltoofing Co 60
MononeabeU Water. S5
U. S. &Slg. Co Htf ....
U. 8. & big. Co. prer.
Weuingbouse A.B.Co. 115 J16
West'se A. B. Co. Llm
Sales were 85 shares of Airbrake at 116 and
100 La Noria at 70. Andrew Caster sold 100
shares of La Noria at 1, 50 Panhandle at 20,
and 10 Enterprise Savings Bank at 5L
The total sales ot stocks at New York yester
day were 274,779 shares, Including Atchison,
22,700; Pelaware, Lackawanna and Western.
1L600; Louisville and Nashville, 44.500; Missouri
Pacific 13,400: Northern Pacific, 8,377; Northern
Pacific preferred. 18.000: Reading. 17.5H0: Rich
mond and West Point, 8,090; St. Paul, 29,500.
Local Banker Recognize the Improvement
Id the Money Marker.
Business at the banks was "almost satisfac
tory" yesterday. It was in this qualified
phraseology that the gentlemen who handle
the money-bags of Pittsburg recognized the
improvement in financial matters noted last
week: and it was their opinion, from the easy,
natural manner in which it started out, that it
had come to stay. It is already perceptible In
every branch of trade.
Considerable paper was discounted yesterday,
the most of it at 6 per cent, but it was generally
for moderate amounts to be used in strengthen
ing existing enterprises. Expansion will take
place later on. Currency and exchange were
rated about even. There was some scarcity of
the former on Saturday with which to make
up pay rolls, but liberal depositing yesterday
removed the pressure.
A scarcity of fives and tens was noted a few
davs ago. This friction has almost disappeared,
thongh some of the banks sav a larger supply
of these denominations would be convenient.
The accumulation of checks from Saturday
swelled the Clearing House report to good
dimensions, the exchanges footing up 2,193,
703 32 and the balances 8301,077 51.
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 3(94 per cent, last loan 4; closed offered at
4. Prime mercantile paper, 67. Sterling
exchange quiet but steady at S4 81Ji for 60
day bills and S4 83 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
V. B. 4e,rec 127
U. S. 4s. coup 12s
U. 8. 4s, reg IO.j'4
U. S. 4Us. coup.... I053j
I'nclficesof '95 lis
LoulslanasUmpeds 90
Missouri 6s 10CX
Tenn. new net, 6s. ...104
Tenn. new set. 5s... .101
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73
Canada So. 2ds 9
On. 1'aciflclsU 114
Den. Alt. O., lata. ..122 '
Wen. & K. U. 4s 79
l).&R.Q.West,lsts. 105
Erie 2ds I04i
M. K. & T. Gen. 6s.. 63K
M. K. AT.Gen.Ss . 68J
Mutual Union 6s.... WIS,
N. J. U. Int. Oert...H2H
Nortuem Pac. lsts. UX
Northern f ac. 2d..H4
Northw't'n consols. 148
Northw'n dehen's. I15S
Oregon & Trans. 6s 105M
St. J,. &I.M. Uen.687)4
St. L.Jtb.K. Ocn.il.118
St. Paul consols ....V-iii
st.PL i!hl Pclsu.119
Tx., PcL. O.Tr K. 91H
Tx.,FcK.(i.Tr.Kct 38
union racists. ....us
West Shore I6X
Government and State bonds continue firm
and dull.
New York Bank clearings, $68,850,723, bal
ances. 54,036.909.
Boston Bank clearings, $12,700,099; balances,
$1,462 455. Money. 22K per cent.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, 9,133,526;
balances. Sl.341.747.
Baltimore Bank clearings. $2,138,433 bal
ances, $253,993.
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bant of England on balance to-day is 47,
000. Bar silver, 42s 7-16d per ounce. J
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 86f lOcfoithe
Chicago Monev unchanged. Bank tear-
ings. $11,283,000. 1
St. Louis Bank clearings, 53.281,060; bal
ances, 9000,2dJ.
a jjroucr xmnics tue market Is iavori
to the fehorls. I
The oil market yesterday was unsatisfactory
to both sides, and was strong and weal by
spells, with very little business and noliews
to sustain or depress prices. The opening
figure was S9Jic, the lowest 99c, and the
closing 99JJc New York sold some and Oil
City and Pittsburg bonght a few email lots.
ome cash sales were made in the forenoon at
09c and in the afternoon at 99c Theresvere
no changes in the general condition of the
market, the dullness being caused by wnt of
business, the outside contingent doing ndibing
but look at the professionals going througl the
customary routine. T
A broker remarked! "There are tivrtt or
ders booked than ever before at tbig season ol
the year within my knowledge. I look for a
big jump in refined one of these days, and then
crude will boo m. This is a good short market,"
in my opinion."
Monday's OH Rnnse,
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey t Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro-S
leum Exchange.
93Lowest m
99Uosed 9S3J
Average rnns , 45,741
Average shipments 78,377
Average charters 57,665
Heflned, I, ew York. 7.20c
Kefineo, London, 56d.
Refined, Antwern. I79jr.
Kenned, Liverpool, 6d.
A. li. McOrew fc
Co. quote: Puts, 98c;
calls, 51 OOK to SI 01.
Other Oil Market.
On, Crnr. September 9. National transit cer-
uncates opened at SSiic: inchest. 99"!i: lowest.
99c: closed. 99Jic Sales. 15&000 birrels: clear
ances, S68,0UO barrels; charters, 7.73S barrelss
shipments, 102,438 barrels; runs, 45,624 barrels. I
TrrrsviLLE, September 9. National transit'
cenincates opened at vjvic: nighest, VJi
lowest, 99Kc; closed, 99c.
New YOKK,September 9. Petroleum opened!
steady at 99c. and declined to 99K in tho early
Lrauing. men raiueu ana ciosea nrm &t vvC
Total sales, 383,000 barrels.
Bradford, September 9. National transit
certificates opened at 99c: highest, 99?ic:
lowest, 99jc; closed at 99Jic Clearances, 700000
A Twenty Thouaand Dollar. Doal on River
Avenne Other Snlea.
J". J. Howley sold to Thomas Carlin's Sons
the McFall planing mill property. River ave
nue, Allegheny, lot 200x123, for J20,000. The
purchasers will build a new foundry on this
property and move from their present location
on Sandusky street.
Alles &. Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold at
auction on September 7, for Dr. R. H. GiUi
ford. a nice country residence on Ashton ave
nue, near McCIare avenue, Eleventh ward,
Allegheny, about one and one-quarter acres of
ground and a frame dwelling of seven rooms,
for S4,300.
"W. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenue, sold 88x260
feet on Squirrel Hill, corner of Forbes and
Murdoch streets, for $4,000 cash, to W. P.
Getty. A fine bnck residence is to be erected
at once upon this lot He also sold lot 87 in
the McComb's Grove plan for $1,250 to Albert
Swift, for Levi DeWolf.
W. A. Herron & Sonsrenort another sale in
the Asninnall plan of lots at Aspinwall sta
tion, WctPenn Railroad, near Sbarpsburg.in
size 5X1x100, for SSO0. The pui chaser has begun
the erection of a handsome suburban cottage.
The inquiry for these lots is growing day oy
James W. Drape & Co. closed a $40,000 trans
action, a very important enterprise, fuller
particulars of which are withheld for tlio
Black t Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Anthony Zenderlot 45 in the Linden Land
Company's nlan. having a front.irn on Bound
ary street of 50 feet by 195 feet, for $500 cash,
for C. E. Speer.
Railroad Shares Irresnlnr but Lose None of
the Recent Advance Insignificant
Change bnt Generally In Jhe
Upward Direction Spe
cial Features Rath
er Bullish.
New Yoke, September 9. The stock mar
ket was active in spots to-day, and the strength
displayed was con tin ed to a few stocks, most of
which were what are known as specialties. The
general list was rather quiet and feverish. The
news of the day was meagre and not of a char
acter to have any marked effect upon values,
and the movements were more the consequence
of rumors and special buying, movements than
of any pew developments in either direction.
The bullish feeling was still strong this morn
ing, and London was a heavy buyer of Louis
ville and Nashville and 'Reading, but sold St.
Paul, while Chicago was the chief support of
the Grangers, which were somewhat affected
by the rurnorsif changes in freight rates cir
culated on Baturday.
The opening was very active and stroncr.
with first prices showingadvances extendlng.to
half per cent, and in the early dealings further
70 JsmaU fractional advances were ecored oier thJ
general list. The Northern Pacifies developed
new life on the story that large blocks of the
stock had been transferred to Berlin, where
they will ba listed, and both kinds made
material gains In the first hour, when, however,
the highest prices of the day were reached.
The Coal stocks were quite weak, though
Reading was well held. Louisville and Nash
ville soon became the leading active stock, and
Its advance was most marked, and the large
and persistent buying of the stock made It the
most prominent on the list.
Prices began to settle away toward noon, but
while the changes in the market from weai to
strong and vice versa were sudden and frequent
the fluctuations in all except the leading active
shares and the specialties, which showed
marked strength, were confined as a rule to the
smallest fractions. Toward delivery hour the
realizing became so heavy that a decided de
cline took place and many of tho advances of
the forenoon were wiped out and some stocks
retired to a shade below the first price. The
advances in the specialties, however, were most
marked at this time and Manhattan, Denver,
Texas and Ft, Wortt Oregon Short Line
uubiauooga ana uanaaa jraciuc weru oyowj
The denial of the rumor that there was to be
an increase in the St. Paul dividend on the
Preferred, however, caused a sharp setback for
that stock, and the common sympathized close
ly. The close was active and rather heavy, but
generally at insignificant changes from the
opening prices. The final changes in the gen
eral list are small and about equally divided
between gains and losses, but while St. Paul
preferred is down 2i Chattanooga rose 3, Man
hattan 2, Short Line Manitoba, Louisville and
Nashville and Nickel Plate first preferred ljj
each. Canada Pacific 154, arid Denver, Texas
and Ft. Worth 1J.
Railroad bonds were also more activo and
stronger, the tone of the dealings showing a
firm front throughout the day, and the filial
changes aro almost invariably In the direction
of higher figures. The sales of all issues
reached $1,608,000, of which Reading firsts fur
nished 31t6.00a the seconds $110,000, and Ft,
Worth and Denver firsts $140,000.
The following table snows tne prices oracttve
stocks on the Sew York Stock Kxchange yester
day. Corrected dallv for THE Uispatch by
Whitnky Stxphkssox. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of .New York Stock Exchange, SI Fourth ave-
Hlgn- l.ow- Ing
est. est. Jilrt.
52 62 62X
40 ZSfi 40
67k 669s 66V
55 65 54
i 119 U
S3 15 34
24 24 4 24)4
109 109M 109ji
74 74 74
104H WW 1031
li'A 15'A 1514
S6M 36 35
101 101 100S
114 113K "''Si
1UX 13 IKK
75 74 74
1013 10134 101H
MM 33 32
150)4 '?M H9H
155 154 154
ton 50 50K
75 75 74)4
24K 24 24)1
Vlli 19H IM
64H 6& 63
106V4 105 105
76M UH 7SH
KH 92 92X
J2H 12K 12M
77 WZ 76
108 103M JOSH
4 24 VA
6SH 63S Mil
1 16 18
69H 69 69
39 39M 39
51M SI 61
18H UH 19
ViH IS 11H
54H 54V 64
36 2o! 35
77X 76 76
23)2 23 231,
35K 35K 35
35 35 34
24 23 25
47JJ 47M 47
24 24M 24
81 81 80
111 109 111
28 , 28 27
62X 62, 62
21 21' 21
4 64 63
18 17 riM
34 33 33H
87 SS)) S3
72 72 72
108 107 1075,
24! 23 23
MM 59X S3
ing. Am. Cotton Oil 62
Aica., xop. & a. jr....
Canadian Paclnc...
Canada honthern
Central or Hew Jersey. 120V
Chesapeake Ohio.... 24M
C. liar. & yuli.ey. ....109.S
C, Mil. St. raid.... 74)
C, M11.4 St. P., pr....ll5S
C, KocKL, At 103
C, SU L. & Pitts ii'A
C, SU L. & Pitts, pr.
C St. P..M.&U 38
c. st. p..m. & o.. pr.ioi
C. A Northwestern. ...114
CJt Northwestern, pf.l43?i
C, C., C. &l 74
c, u., cti, pr mix
Col. Coal & Iron 33
Uef.. L. & V 150
Bel. & Hudson 135
Denver & Bio U.. pt... 60
E.T.. Va. 4Ua ....
E. T., Va, 4 Oa. 1st p.'. 75
K 1:. Va, & Oa. 2d pr. 24
Lake Erli & Western.. KH
Lake Krle ft West. nr.. tell
Lake Shore SM. S 10nH
Louisville ft Mashvllle 74
Michigan Central 92
Mobile ft Ohio
Mo.. Kan. ft Texas.... 12
Mlsaonrl pacific 6H
New Kork Central 103H
. V.. L. E.& W 29J$
H.Y..L.T.. ft W.nref.. SSX
It. .. C. ftSt. L lS',i
it. Y., c. st. L. pr.. a
... C. ftBt.i.. 2f pi 39K
M. Y4N. E 61)4
it. X.. O. ft W im
-Norfolk Western.... 1
Norfolk ft Western, vt. S4
Northern PacWc 3S5i
Nortnern Pacific ore!. 7CM
Ohio 4 Mississippi..... W
Oregon Improvement
Oregon Transcon 35X
PaciDcMall 35
Peo. Dec. ft Evans 23X
Phlladel. ft Heading.. W
Pullman Palace Car
itichmona ft W. P. T.. 24X
Klchmond ft W.P.T.of 81
St. P., Minn, ft Man..lu9
St. L.&San Fran 28
St. L. ft San ITran pf.. SIV
st.L. ft ban jr. 1st pf.
Texts Pacific 2IK
Union faclBo 64 H
W'abasa 17?
Wabash preferred S37
Western Union S6&
Whreling ft L. E. 72H
bugar Trnst 108
National Lead Trnst.. 24
Chicago Gas Trnst.... 53
Pbllndolpbtn Stock.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur-
nlshed ny Wrdtne;
' wnitney Asiepoensoi
ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue,
Members .New
lore uiocK ex-
Pennsylvania Kallroad 54
Heading 23
UuBalo. flttsburg and YTostern 10
Lehigh Valley 54
Lehigh Navigation 64
Northern Pacific 35
Northern Pacific preferred 76
Boaton Stocks.
Atch.ftToc.kt7s. 114
A.ftT. LandUr't7s.l07
Old Colony. 179
Wls.Oentrai.com... 30)4
Wis. Central pr.... 63
Mlonel MgCo 70
Calumet ft BecU....203
Catalpa 12
ITranklln. 8
Osceola. 9
Pewablo 2
Qalncy 49
Atcn. ftxop. it. K... 4U
Boston ft Albany. ..219
Uoston ft Maine.. ...203
JT is. ft .
Clun. San. ft Cleve. 24
Eastern K. it im
Eastern It. B. 6s ....127
Flint ft PereM. era. 93
Little B. ftFt.S. 7s. 100
Mexican Cen. com.. 16
Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. 67
. Y. ftAewtng... 51
N. Y. &N.E.7S....123
Ugd.ftL.Cham.com. &,
Bell Telepnone.
. 6
. 6
. 27
. 55
Boeiou i,saa, ......
Water Power ,
Tamarack ,
San Diego
Santa Fe copper.,
Business Notes
The McKeesport and Bellevernon Railroad
is finished to Webster, and will be at Bellever
nou by October 1. It is earning expenses and
interest on its $600,000 of bonds with its present
30 miles of track.
Captain J. K. Baebour. of the Pittsburg
Exchange, will leave this morning for Gettys
burg to take part in the soldiers' reunion. He
is a member of the Monumental Committee and
chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Ninth Pennsylvania .deserves. John D. Bailey
will handle the gavel and make the customary
speeches at the Exchange during the captain's
absence, which will be until Saturday.
Henry Clews says of the stock market:
i "In lookingtoward the future the prospects in
many respects are most gratifying and encour-
aging; still there remain some serious draw-
more severely in proportion to our present ex
cess. The rise in stocks, while it may continue,
has been too continuous and prolonged to be
permanent. Reaction is necessary. This fall
the money market is almost sure to be a source
of difficulty, and later on, when Congress opens,
we mnst face renewed tariff discussion, snd a
consequent disturbance to business interests."
Congressman O'Ferrnll Thinks the Little
Boss la Maro to bo Brnten.
"WASHiNGTON,September9. Representa
tive O'Ferrall, of Virginia, one of the
brightest lights of the Old Dominion De
mocracy, stayed in this city last night, on
his way to Bowling Green, to open the cam
paign in Augusta county, and regaled
numerous visitors with his assertions of the
ease with which Mahone would be beaten.
He not only prophesies the certain defeat
of Mahone, but also that such a result will
end his career as a leader. Mr. O'Ferrall
asserts that neither Groner, Cameron, Wise,
Riddleberger.Brad f or either of the Yosts of
the Valley Virginian, will support Mahone,
and these number nearly all of the white
Republican leaders of the State.
He, however, does not depend on Repnb-
ii can disanection tor JHahone s ueieat. Ha
believes this would be accomplished in any
event by Democratic numbers, as Mahone's
nomination has fired the Democratic zeal as
no other could, and will have the effect to
bring ont every vote. O'Ferrall does not
attach much importance to the decision of
Langston, the colored leader, to support Ma
hone, but it is noticeable that this is not as
pleasant a phase of the subject to him as
the disaffection of the white leaders.
A Conple of Counterfeiters Arrested, With
Their Completo Outfit.
"Washington, September 9. Chief Bell,
of the Secret Service, has received a tele
gram from Agent Harris, at San Jose, Cal.,
stating that he arrested Charles and Lizzie
Atkins, in San Francisco, yesterday, for
making and passing counterfeit 5 cent
mickels, and also captured a complete outfit.
Do We Need Bis Musclesf
By no means. Persons of herculean build
frequently possess a minimum of genuine
vigor, and exhibit less endurance than very
small people. Real vigor means the ability
to digest and sleep well, and to perform a
reasonable amonnt of daily physical and
mental labor without unnatural fatigue. It
is because a course of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters enables the enfeebled dyspeptic to
resume the allotted activity of every day life,
as well as to participate wlthont riftfnmfnrt in
its enloyments, that It is such a pre-eminently
useful medicine.
Eggs Active and Firm-Choice Butter
and Cheese Steady.
Cereal Receipts Large-Hay, Oats and Mill
Feed Advanced.
Omcs orxBK PrrrsBTBO dispatch, J
moxdat, September 9, 1S9. J
Country Produce Jobblnff Prices.
Choice lien fruit is firm at outside quotations.
Butterand cheese of good grades are active and
strong. Irish potatoes are in better demand
and prices are slightly advanced. Sweet po
tatoes are slow.
The supply of peaches is better than last
week and markets are not so firm.
Apples are exceedingly dull and will be until
other fruits wane. Grapes are coming freely
to markets, but aro not in the best shape.
Home grown grapes will, no doubt, reach their
best this week. The outlook for a good yield
was never better.
Lemons are scarce and firm. The season for
huckleberries and watermelons Is close to its
Monday's produce trade was light and sap
plies were light.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, zac; Ohio do,
Z021c; fresh dairy packed, 16017c; country
rolls. 140116c.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans. $2 40Q2 60;,
Beeswax aso0c ?1 fi for choice: low grade,
Ciber Sand refined, $6 507 50; common,
$3 504 00: crab elder. $8 00g8 60 ft barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c ) gallon.
Cheese Ohio, 88Kc; New York, 10cj Lim
burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 912c;
imported Sweitzer, 22a
Eoos 19c fl dozen lor strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, JI 602 00 V barrel; pine
apples. $1 001 25 ft dozen: whortleber
ries, 75S0c R pail; watermelons, $20 0025 00
$) hundred; peaches, $2 503 60 ty bushel box;
erapes, &7c f) pound; Bartlett pears, $5 ft bar
rel. Feathers Extra live geese, 60660c; No. 1,
do, 4045c: mixed lots, 303oc ft ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c fl
pair; old, 6570c f? pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. $5 60
$1 bushel; clover, large English. 62 fts, $8 00;
clover, Alslke, $8 60; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 4o fts, $1 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; bine grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, lifts, 1 65; red top, 14 fts. $1 25;
millet, 50 fte, $1 00; German millet, 50 fts,
$1 60; Hungarian grass, 60 fts. $1 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 f) bushel of
Tallow Country. 4Jic; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, $6 00
6 50; fancy. $7 008 00; oranges, $5 00
6 00; bananas, $1 75 firsts, $125 good seconds,
?? bunch; cocuanuts, $4 004 60 W hundred; figs,
89c 9 ft; dates. &H66c fi ft.
V eoetables Potatoes, SI 2501 60 ft barrel;
tomatoes, home-crown, $1 251 50 fl bushel;
wax beans, $1 fl bnshel; green beans, 6075c it
bnshel; cucumbers, home-raised, $1 60l bushel;
radishes, 2o40c $1 dozen; home-grown, cab
bagei, 60c fl bushel; new celery, home-grown,
40c fl dozen: Southern sweet potatoes, $3 00
3 25, Jerseys, $4 004 60.
Groceries. a .
Package coffee has at last yielded to the
pressure and advanced c At the advance
it is relatively too low to correspond with the
green article Sugars are very firm.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 21K22Kc;
choice Rio. 1920Kc; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio,
19$20Jc; low grade Rio, 1718Hc; old Gov
ernment Java, 26c: Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha
272Sc; Santos, 1922c; Caracas, 2022c; pea
berry, Rio, 2224c; La Gnayra, 2122c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
3c; high grades, 2oX26c; old Government
Java. bulk. 31K32c; Maracaibo, 2627c;
Santos, 2123c; peaberry. 26c: choice Rio,
24o; prime Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21c; ordinary,
SPICES (whole) Cloves. 2I25c: allspice, 8c;
cassia. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c:
Ohio. 120. 8c; headlight, 150, Sc; water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
llc; royaline, 14c
syrups Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar
syrup, 33ffi38c: prime sugar syrup, 8033c;
stnetly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup. 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bl-carb in tegs, 34c; bi-carb in Ks,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, '66c; sal
soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, ft
apt, oi'; uiirauiue, iil$nc
Rice Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6
7c; prime, oM6Hci Louisiana, b6Kc
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 57c
Foreign FRurrs-Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
$2 60; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
$1 85: Valencia, 7Jc; Ondara Valencia,9Ji10c;
sultana, 8Kc: currants, 45c; Turkey prunes,
4Ji5c; French prunes, 8X18c; Salonlca
prunes. In 2-fi packages, 8c; cocoannts, fl 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lam, per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled, 10c: walnuts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1216c: new dates,
56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, fl ft, 1314c: orange
peel, 12kc-
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c
apples, evaporated, Wi6Kc: apricots, Califor
ma, evaporated, 12Jlocj peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 6Cc; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries, lu12c
sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c: granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8Jc; standard
A. 8jc: soft whites. S8Kc: yellow, choice,
TMc; yellow, good, 7sa7Jc; yellow, fair, 7c;
yellow, dark. 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200)' $4 50; medi
um, half bills (600). 82 75.
SALT No. 1. ft bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. fl bul, $1 05,
dairy, fl bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 SO, Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches $2 OOQ
2 25; 2ds $1 501 65; extra peaches. $2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, $11 60; Hid. Co.
corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c!l; Lima beans,
$1 10; soaked do, b5c: string do do. 75S5c: mar
rowfat peas $1 10 1 15: soaked peas. 7075c;
pineapples, SI 40&S1 50; Bahama do, 82 75, dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, $2 50; do greengages, $2; do,
egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90; red
cherries, 2 fts. 90c; raspberries, $1 401 50:
strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, $1 301 40;
tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, $ 752 10;
blackberries, bOc: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 ft;, $1 251 60; corn beef. 2-ft
cans. $2 05; 14-ft cans, $14 00; baked beans. $1 45
1 60; lobster. 1-ft, $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled. $1 50: sardines, domestic, 'is,
$4 604 60; sardines, domestic Us. :$S 25S 60;
sardines, imported. 'As, $11 5012 60, sardines,
imported, s. $18; sardines, mustard, $4 60; sar
dines, spiced, $4 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $36
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra Na 1 do, messed,
$36: No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c fl ft: do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do
George's cod In blocks, 67c Herring
Round shore. So 00 fl bbl; split. $7 00; lake,
$2 00 ft 100-ft half bbl. Whito fisb. $7 00 fl 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout. $5 50 fl halt bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
fl ft. Pickerel, K barrel, $2 00; i barrel, $1 10;
Potomac herring. $5 00 fl barrel. $2 50 U
Oatmeal-K 306 60 M bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557o
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grnln, Flour and Feed.
Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
61 cars. By Pittsbnrgi Ft. Wayne and Chicago,
4 cars of wheat, 2 of cdrn. 2 of oats, 5 of flour, 1
of malt, 1 of bran, 1 of '.feed, 1 of barley. 2 of
hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis,
2 cars of hay, 6 of corn.'l of rye, 1 of bran, 4 of
oats, 2 of wheat. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie.
1 cars of middlings. 1 of hay, 1 of barlev. 1 of
oats, 11 of wheat. 2 of flonr, 3 of rye. By Pitts
burg and Western, 4 caij3 ol hay, 4 of flour, 1
of corn.
Sales on call, 1 car sample corn. 37c, 6 days;
P.K.M car No. 1 old timothy hay 814 00, o
days; P. & L. E., 2 cars Noi 2 white oats, 26Kc
10 days; P. R.R., 10 cars No. 2 white oats, 27c,
10 days regular. '
The tone of cereal markets is stronger. Hay
and oats are bringing better prices than for
several v, eeks past.
Bran nnd middlings are als0 'n better de
mand. It seems that bed-rock prices have been
reached, and the drift of markets is toward a
higher level. '
Wheat Ne No. 2 red. 82c: No. 3. 7779c.
COENNo.2yellow, ear, 45K4 6c; high mixed
ear. 43Sc; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4041c;
high mixed, shelled, 4040Kc; mixed, snelled,
Oats No. 2 white, 2f27c; extra No. 3,
21325c; mixed. 2122c.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, SO051c;
No, 1. Western. 4819 new rye No. 2 Ohio,
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, 5o 253 75; winter straight,
84 5."4 75; clear wlntor, ti 254 60; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 75S4 00; Rye flour, S3 60
4 7i 7
MrxLTEED Middlttigs. fine white, S15 50Q
16 00 ton; brown middlings, $13 00013 0; win
ter wheat bran. 111 Of 11 25; chop feed, Jlo S0
IB 00.
HAT-Baled timftny, choice, 111 Z5ls 60; I
No.ldo,-1366140e; No. 2 do, fMSeattfi
loose from wagon, 'til 06IS 00, aerdwr to
quality; No..l uplandpralrie, f8 5606 G;'3io
V 0007 E0; packing do, fg 7607 08.
Straw Oats, W 50: wheat and rye straw
1560860a, '
Pro virions.
Sngar-ctrred hams, large, llKc; sagar-cared
hams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured bams, small,
12Kc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, Kc;ssgar
cured shoulders. Get sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California haras,
8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 10c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; Sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders, 6Kc; bacon
clear sides, Te; bacon clear bellies, ic; dry
salt shoulders. 6jc: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy. $12 60; mess pork, jamlly,
$13 00. Lard Refined In tierces. 0c; half
barrels, 65c; 60-ft tubs, 6c: 20-lb palls, 7c: 60-
tin cans, ocr 3-ft tin palls: TKer 5-ft tin palls,
7c; 10-& tin palls, 6e; 6-ft tin pails. 7o:.10-ft
tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long, 5c: large,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 14c
Pigs feet, half barrel, $8 50; quarter barrel,
$3 00.
Dressed Heat.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: .Beef carcasses. 460 to 550
fts, 6c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c: 650 to 760 fts, 640
7c Sheep, 8c fl ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6&c
Fresh pork loins. 8c
A Paper Hill, Founded on a Rack, Loses
III Equilibrium.
Appletok, Wis., September 9. There
was a remarkable occurrence at the mills ot
the Combined Locks Paper Company, at
Combined Locks, fiye miles below Apple
ton, on Saturday. From some unknown
cause there was an upheaval of rock upon,
which the mills are located, throwing the
mill walls out of plnmb, cracking a great
wall of stone and cement 20 feet thick and
making a saddle back several hundred feet
long nnd six inches high in the bedrock
beneath the mill. An artesian weir, 200
feet away on the bluff, was dried up. The
damage to the mill and machinery trill
probably amount to several thousand dol
lars. The Upheaval is thought to have re
sulted from some hydraulic pressure be
tween the seams of rock beneath. A panic
occurred among the mill operatives at the
time of the shakeup, but nobody was hurt
in the stampede from the mill.
Accident at a Ball PIhr.
Havaua, September 9. At Eegla dur
ing the progress of a bull fight yesterday, a
part of the circus suddenly collapsed.
Seven persons were wounded badly.
Few remedies, after 60 years trial and
constant use, retain their position as the
best; yet, such is the case with Dr. D. Jayne's
Tonic Vermiiuge. Whether as a tonic o
strengthener in dyspepsia in adults, or the
indigestion and derangements of the stom
ach in children, it is simply invaluable; and
as a worm remedy, it is one of the most safe
and best. Bold by all druggists.
401 Smlthfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, 100,000. Surplus, 545.00O.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. its
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. $125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
is now admitted by the medical authorities to
he a deficiency or undue waste of Cxidizable
Phosphorus normally existing In the human
economy. The remedv consists in the admin,
istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being
at once assimilable and Acidizable. WINCHES
aration of Phosphorus which combines these
characteristics in the highest degree For
Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Night
Sweat, and Nervous DItesses, it is unequaled.
Recommended by Physicians. Sold by Drug
gists. $1 per bottle. Send for circular.
WINCHESTER & CO.. Chemists.
my31-24-rrswk 162 William St, N. Y.
i,wi m
A purely Vegetable
L Compound that expels
Sail bad humors from the
(system. Removes blotch-
' es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
a y2-58
Eczema,v Itchy, Scaly, Skin Torture.
The limpl ppltoatioa of 'Swaxb Oixnmrr" wltbat
u, lntenil modidBe. win mr anr ' TeUer, 8Jt
Rhmm. Blnrwonn. !. Ilch. Sore.. Mmple.Sr7lpU. 1
oo mMter tow ob,tint or Ion; uiiloi. Sow tyimttM.
or lent bT mill tat 50 ett. t Boiw. Jl J5. 4it"fP
SwnSow.PhlllelBlita,r. A xour iSroal w It.
Sold by all stove dealers. Manufactured by
632 and 631 LIBERTY STREET.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc.
General agents, 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia.
Fnll information can be had of J. J. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithneld street
LOUIS MOESER. U10 Smithneld street.
Gallia, Sept. 11, C:30A Jl'llmbrla, Sept-7:30 A M
Etrnria. Sept 14. 9 AMiServia, Oct. 5, 2:30 p si
Auranla,Sept.21,2ioOPM Gallia. Oct ft. S:30 a m
Eothnia,Sept.2S,5:J0AM Etrnria. Oct. 12, 7:30am
Cabin passage. 60, $80 and (100; Intermediate,
f35. btecrise tickets to and from all parts of
Europe at very loir rates. ,
VEKNONH. BKOVNCO., General Agents,
4 Howling Oreen, New York.
yoarth avc. and Smithneld st, Plttshnre,
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
From Pier Columbia Stores, South Ferry,
Brooklyn, N. Y., EVERY THURSDAY.
Cabin passage (35 to J30. according to location
of stateroom. Excursion 165 to 990.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., General Asent
S3 Broadway, New Tor.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg, Pi.
Royal and United States Mail Steamers.
Adriatic Sept. 11. 7a m
Teutonic, Sept.18, noon
Germanic Sept.2S,Zpm
Britannic Oct. 2. 11 a m
Adriatic, Oct.fl,5:30pm
Teutonic, oe.ia, 10:30a m
Germanic, Oct. S3. S p m
Britannic. Oct. 30.10 am
A.. r ,V ., Tn.,fi a.
From White Star dock.
Second cabin on these steamer-. Saloon rates.
IWIVI If t. ...
1,0 and upward. Second cabin. (35 and upward,
according to steamer and location of bertb. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. (20.
White Star drafts payable on demand In all the
principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap
ply to JOHN J. MCCORMICK, 401 Smithneld St..
Pittsburg, orJ.BKUCEiSAiAi, General Agent,
41 Broadway, New Yorr, ieS-D
k M Ant Cjuji Im nrniriftinvT tiM Tka aMst
liber saver and quick cJeMter, whfcsst Umw to ;'
hsKb or fefctk, EtsmsitaJ, mm mt mti, '
Beats t&e world ftr daMisf gnssss. wkimt,
hastes, dishes, milk pails, nHk csm, afstWsplK.
Keeps metftS out of carteti, fcsrstsi. . tf .
that yoa get BELL'S SOATOIM-IM PseAgM.
II n r".LL ttrUt Wiif imRf ll t-t
Cor. Wood arnJ Liberty 9t
Importers asd JoMenoC
Special offerings tMsTreekta
silks, pltjshss,
,. iM IB HsKsKsi t r
nnn nnrrn t iTnatvim.
miNLtrlftMB, FEINTS, -
For largest assortment sad lowest price oaJL
uu see aa. r
fe22-rS3-D , 4
Issue travelers' credits thronirh l!wi.Tl,ml
Morgan 4 Ca, New York. Passports MognJed.,
ap2S-l f vf
Members Chicago Board of Trade aad
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. ' ;
45 SIXTH 8T., Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back files of PlttM
burg papers prove, is the oldest established!
andmoscprominent physician -In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases
MCRni IQaDd mental diseases, physical
1 1 L fl V U U Odecay, nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem-'
orv, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfnlness
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples eruptions, im-,
poverisbed blood, failing powers, organic weak-''
ness. dyspepsia, constipation, consumption. un
fitting the person for business. Society and mar
riage, permanently, safely ana privately cure J.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV Sidney and bladder derange
Unillrtn laments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal dischaiges. Inflammation and other:
painful Symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cares.
Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated,
as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. K. Sun
day, 10 A. K. to 1 P. 3b only. DR. WHITTIER,
814 Penn avenue. Pittsbnrg, Pa.
know thyself;
rniu 1,1 SCTEUOB CS
A Scientific and S tandard Popular Medical Treatise oa
tneisrroraoi xoutn, iTematurexiecune.Xiervoas
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting from Folly. Vice. Ignorance, Ex
cesses or Overtaxation. Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, the liar.'
rlage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
S 'eat work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo.
eautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price.,
only $1 by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if yoa
apply now. The distinguished anthor. Wm. H.
Parker. M. D., receivedthe GOLD AND JEW
ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a,
corps of Assistant Physicians may be con
sulted, confidentially, by mail or in person, as
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch SL, Boston. Mass., to
whom all orders for books or letters for advice
should be directed as above. aulS-67-Tursuwlc
SPECIALISTS in all cases re-
S airing scientific and confident
al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake,,
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
most experienced specialist ia .
the city. Consultation free ana
strictlv confidential.' Office
hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P.M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P. .
M.Consnlt them personallv. or write. DoctobS
Lake. 32S Penn ave Pittsburg, Pa.
. .
ioIe's Ootitoja. Ztcoofl
imnosed of Cotton Root. TassT and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
'old physician. Is tueeeafuUM used
t7ionW.il-Safe, Effectual. Price JL by man,
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's
Cotton Root uomponna ana taxs no suostuuis,
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress rOND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward avev. Detroit, Mlch.
For menl Checks thn worst cases In three)
days, and cures in five days. Price SI 00. at
ja5-29-rrssu 412 Market street.
a positive cukb
For LOST or Falling;
MAN HOOD. N ervoas
ness. Weakness of
Body & Mind, Lack of Strength. Vigor and De
velopment, caused br Errors, Excesses, Ac Boot,
Hods; of Ssxr-TBEATltix-r. and Proofs mallei,
(sealed) free. Address ZS.IH MEDICAL CO
Buifalo, N. Y, de3-S7-TTS4wii