HHHHHPW t v "V-v 1 iP lsfiP 7H IS not 1UBDEE IS FEARED. Two Poles Under Arrest at McKees port Awaiting an Inquest A COUNTRYMAN DIES STRANGELY. Great Interest in the Mill Burners' Trials at Greenslmrg; XEWS KOTES FROM KEAEBI HiACLS rFriCUU. TELEQItUt TO Tnit DisrATcn. J McKeesport, September 9. Joseph Tonsech. a Polander about 30 years of ase, who was employed in a Third ward brick yard, and lived here about five years, died at 6 o'clock this morning at his boarding house, So. 47i Center street, after lying unconscious since an early hour Sunday morning, and it is feared that death was not brought about by natural causes. As a re sult ot this two Toles are under arrest, awaiting an investigation which Coroner McDowell will make to-morrow. Physicians are at work holding a post mortem on the remains of Tonsech to-night, in consequence of the orders of the Coroner, and whether or not the death was caused by injury received from a fall, as stated by two persons, remains to be seen. The men under arrest called in Dr. "Walker, the county phy sician, yesterday morning at an early hour, asking lilni to see the man. The doctor found him unconscious, lying on the floor, face down ward. Several of bis teeth were missing, his chin was lirnlsed and his face was covered with blood, while his abdomen looked as though it had been injured. The two men told the doctor that Tonsech was out stealing apples at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, and fell oat of a tree, and that they bad carried him back to the room. The doctor called again in the evening and found tbo man still unconscious and dying. Everything in connection with tha death points to the belief of those who have inquired into it, that it was not brought about by nat ural causes. Coroner McDowell ordered the men to be held, and an investigation immedi ately upon arrival here. ON TRIAL FOR AHSON. Grent lotcrcstin the Hearing of tbo BIIII Darner nt Grrensbnrc. Greexsbuimj, September 9. The famous mill cases were taken up In the courts here this morning. It was the intention of the Court to take up the new trial of Frank Baer, upon the convening of court this morning, but the- coun sel for Hctzcl and Francis, the Connellsville people who are charged with the burning of the Ilambaiigh null. demanded their trial, the case having passed through three terms of court. Then the counsel for "William Richardson, the Pittsburg colored man. asked that his case be taken up first, and ltwasaoae. uicnaroson, it is alleged Dy (ox, the negro who confessed to the Laming of the Chambers mill at Litrobc, accompanied him fmm Pittsbnrg to Latrobe on the night the mill was bnrned, and after he (Fox) lighted the torch, Richardson applied it to tbe mill. Richardson isa mulatto, and worked along time for Dr. Franks, of Pittsbnrg. Extraordinary interost is manifested in these mill burning cases, as the best legal talent of the bar is in terested. The entire day was consumed in the selection of a jury, as each juror was examined separately, as is done in a murder case. Since the burning of tbe mills, over a year ago, D. L. Chambers, the owner of the Latrobe mill, has died, and financial troubles have swept from Baci's father all his possessions. A DKSI'EKATE MAX. Convicted of Seven Crimes, but Broke Jail nnd Got Axraj. Lima. September 9. John E. Lane, a de tective from Trenton. N. J arrived Here to-day after Albert Guyer, who -was arrested Satur day. From tbe officer it is learned that Guyer is a desperate man. In April last he was ar rested in Winton. N. J., on two charges of breaking and entering, three of grand larcenv, one assault and attempt to kill, and resisting an officer. He was convicted on all the charges, but broke jail from outside assistance, and escaped before receiving his sentence. He will be taken back to New Jersey as soon as the nec essary papers are received. SAW HER CHILD KILLED. Sndf Fatal Acctdent on tbe Baltimore and Ohio, Rear Wnecline. Wheeling, W. Va., September 9. The noon train from Pittsbnrg on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad struck a deaf and dumb girl, 7 years old. two miles east of tbe city. She was instantly killed. She was the daughter of a Mrs. Lacey, and the mother was an eye wit ness of the accident. An unknown tramp was instantly killed by a Baltimore and Ohio train at Benwood, this morning. LIST OF CAMBRIA'S LOST. The First Exact Statement aiado From nil the Flooded District. JomrSTOWx, September 9. A complete list of the dead in Cambria borough has been 'made by Mail Carrier Bridges, and be finds that there were 324 people drowned in the flood. This district was below the stone bridge, and the full force of the waters did not catch it. This is the only absolutely correct list of any part of the flooded dis trict yet published. To be Tried for Bnrelnry. tSrSCIAX, TELEGRAM TO THE UISPATCn.1 New Castle. September 9. George Ward was arrested and placed in jail to-day on a charge of burglarizing the icsidence of Syl vester Gibson, of Union township, on the night of the 24th of August He will have a trial this week on a charge of burglarizing the residence of William Wcller, of Shenango township. The detectives think they have captured the gang that has been doing much burglary work in Lawrenco county. Betrothed In YonnEMovrn. YousGSTowif, O.. September a The bonds of matrimony were yesterdav announced here In St. Columba's church, of Thomas A. Cotter a member of the local staff of the riUsbura Catholic, and Miss Martha Angela Wilson, of Cincinnati, an accomplished young ladv of the Cathedral parish. The nuptials will 'be ccle prated early in October. Expect a Raise In Rntc. Uniontown, September 9. The customers of the Southwest Natural Gas Company were notified to-day that their contracts would be canceled In October, and they do not know what it means. It is believed that a pool has been formed between this company and the Fayette Fuel Gas Company, whereby the pres ent low rate will be raised for the coming year. " Convicted of Forffcry. Uniontcwn, September 9.Iacob Sboof and John McCormick were to-day convicted of forging Mrs. Catherine Richards' name to a fLOOO check. Shoof induced McCormick to present the check for payment. Shoof as saulted an officer while being arrested, ana is awaiting sentence for this offense, and also for attempting to burn down tho county jail. Thieves Broke In nnd Stole. isrxciAi. telegkax to the dispatch. . McKeesport, September 8. Thieves broke into the residence of Thomas Lawther, of Rey noldstown, opposite McKeesport, at an early hour this morning, and stole $163 from a coat hanging In his bedroom. The coat was found in his yard this morning. fnlcldcd During the Sight. Wheeling, W. Va, September 9.-Mrs. Rickey Fette, aged 4!). residing at Nn. 3,412 Cbapline street, was fonnd drowned in tho river at the foot of Forty-First street this morning. Sho committed suicide some timo during tne night. A CW TIIAT CHEWED TOBACCO. TboActCnnsrs Rcr Death and Also a Very NotcI Lawsuit. Geeencastxe, Ind., September 9. Acasi tried at Fillmore last week involved tbe rather novel point of a cow's fondness for tobacco. Johnson Herod hitched his horse at Tom Sid don'a blacksmith shop, and then deposited his bag of tobacco inside the lot. Slddons'cow came nosing around, and, the bag bein" open. It is alleged by tne plaintiff to the suit that she ate of its contents. The cow sickened and died, whereupon Siddons sued Herod for dam ages. The favor would eat anything from a tenpenny nail to a corkscrew. The jury wrestled with the caso all night, and finally agreed to disagree. A new trial will bo had to determine the question at tuue- LOCAL ITEMS. LIMITED. Incident! of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Rending. TnE new bridge to take the place of the Ninth street structuro will be finished In fdur months. It will bepaved with aspbaltnm, stone, or some other improved pavement. The follow ing committed on the new structure was ap pointed by the Pleasant Valley Railroad Com pany: D. F. Henry, W. H. Graham, W. A. Stone, O. P. Scaife and James Hunter. Joseph Bebger was committed to jail yes terday by Alderman Grlpp on a cnarge of ag gravated assault and battery preferred by Louis Strassburger. The parties are neighbors on Fifth avenue, and in a quarrel Berger, it is alleged, threw the prosecutor over a bannister and broke his arm. There will ba a bearing in the case to-morrow. Officer Fbakk Carroll, of tho South side, was held for court by Alderman Lohrman yesterday morning on charges of assault by Mrs. Michael Dougherty and John Slattery. of Brownsville avenne, for unnecessary violence in gaining entrance to thehouso lastweckwhile raiding it as a speak-easy. at the meeting of the Board of Managers of the Allegheny General Hospital last evening. Misses Eliza McKinley, Louisa Church, Lorena Griffith, Nannie Gray and Lizzie Collier were awarded nurse's diplomas. On September 1 there wereCG patients in the hospital. A 3Ii:etikg of the General Committee of tho Jr. O. V. A. M. on Johnstown Relief will bo held on Saturday evening in the Moorhead building. The business of the committee will he wonnd up, and all councils are expected to be represented. A Chinaman named Sam Sing made infor mation yesterday before Alderman Gripp charging John McGlnley with breaking into his shop and stealing 2.25. Tho defendant was ar rested and held in 51,000 bail for a hearing to morrow. Richard A. Brickley. of Webster avenue, near High street, who was recently a member of the fire department, was arrested last even ing for acting in a disorderly manner in Duffy's saloon, at tbe comer of Grant street and Sixth avenue. OS payment of tho costs and $40, the amount which he was charged with embezzling. Dr. Maharneke was last night released from tbe Allegheny lockup. Dr. J. S. Fierol, of Clove- land, was present and agreed to the discharge. George R. Young and Clara Young, arrest ed on Sunday night for stealing a ring from James R. Foster, an agent for the Encyclopedia Britannica. were discharged by Alderman Mc Kcnna yesterday morning. The Church of Ascension at Shadyslde has had placed in it a beautiful new font of white marble, tho gift of the. little girls of tbe parish, who obtained tbe means of its purchase by the work of their own hands. A rath was made on a Polish speak-easy at 1016 Carson street, Bouthslde. Sunday night, and yesterday the proprietor, Frank Marowski, was held for court and the other 16 captives fined 65 and costs each. Frank Mullan, car inspector In the Balti more and Ohio yard, at tho foot of Ross street, had his arm crushed while coupling cars yes terday, about noon. He was taken to the West Penn Hospital. Superintendent Arm6thono. of Alio legheny, put ten city employes to work on the Troy Hill basin yesterday in place of thoso who went on a strike for an advance in wages. At Tarentnm on Saturday a portion of a human body, probably that of one of the vic tims of the Johnston n disaster, was brought up oy a. sana ooac in me .tuegneny river. Frank Lanagan. a 20-years old son of Park Policeman Lanagan. bad bis band taken off by cogwheels in tbe Pittsburg Locomotive Works yesterday afternoon. The Board of Viewers yesterday held a meet ing to receive claims from Urbana alley prop erty holders, and two were presented. The electric lights along Carson street, Southside, were out nearly all the time last night. Autumn tinges are already appearing In Al legheny county forests. A CAT IN COURT. Pnaay Apprnrs as a Witness in a Rbodo lalnnd Chancery Suit. Providence, September 9. A cat a fine, large, educated cat for the first time in the history of this State, has been a witness in a suit at law brought for trial before Master in Chancery Pcckham. The case hinged on the possession and identity of the cat The parties concerned besides the cat are two College Hill ladies, airs. If. W. Deumanand J,Irs. Caroline Richmond, both of whom are prominent In the social circles of that aristocratic quarter. Each lady stoutly claimed the cat as her own, and the only way to settle it was in court. H nn. tnal agreement tbe notoriety attending a jury trial was avoided. Mrs. Deumun testified that when she was teaching in a fashionable young ladies' school, she had a cat for company In her leisure hour. One day the cat disappeared and Mrs. Deumun, some days later, discovered what she insisted was the samo cat disporting itself in Mrs. Richmond's front yard. Mrs. Richmond declined to givo the cat up, and Mrs. Deuicun's efforts to entice tabby away were a complete failure. Mrs. Richmond was represented by Lawyer Amasa Eaton, but after hearing both parties the master decided that he could give no de cision until the cat was produced in court. Mrs Richmond's coachman said that tabby was in the country, and that bv telenhomnn- onnia h. got to court in two hoars. Master Peckham then adjourned the court to await the coming of the cat. Two hours later the cat was brought up from its country residence and tbe trial proceeded. Witnesses swore to the circus tricks that pussy was in the habit of performing. Mrs. Richmond awum itisu buai ib ujiiuicKea persons at prayer while she had heard that Mrs. Deumun's cat never did that. Master in Chancery Peckham said that in view of the contradictory evidence he conld come to no decision. Pending further litigation the cat stays in Mrs. Richmond's possession. A miaslon nt Horarstend, A mission under the charge of the fathers of the Bedemptorist Order was started Sunday in St. ilary of Magdalene Church, Homestead. So far the mission has been a success. X8 a blood disease. Until tne poison Is A expelled from the system, there can. be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only effective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla the bestof all blood purifiers. The sooner yon begin the better ; delay is dangerous. " I was troubled with catarrh for over two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated by a number of physi cians, but received no benefit until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of tnis troublesome complaint and com pletely restored my health." Jesse M. Boggs, Eolman's Mills, N. C. "When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec ommended to me for catarrh, I was in clined to doubt its efficacy. Having tried so many remedies, with little ben efit, I had no faith that anything would cure me. I became emaciated from loss of appetite and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of smell, and my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re ferred me to persons whom it had cured of catarrh. After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine, I am convinced that tho only sure way of treating this obstinate disease is through the blood." Charles H. Maloney, 113 Biver st., Lowell, Mass. yer's Sarsaparilla, TSEFABZD XT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles. $5. "Worth $5 a bottle. BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA. 150 CUPS FOR IU CHOICEST, PUREST. BEST. jeaj-MTTT TRY IT. Im the PUREST, BEST and Cleanest SOAPnSS. Of all Druggists, but beware ol Imitations. I PEARS' I 1 BBni iko-zo-xto Let It Rain. "With umbrellas at tbe following prices, who cares whether it rains or not. "We offer to-morrow 00 umbrellas at the following prices 26-inch glorias, withgold oroxydixed hooks and caps, SI 19; 28-inch, $1 49; same style caps in fine satins, 79c and 89c Did you ever hear of such low prices. Thobhtoh Bros. 50 Cis. 20 Cts. 0OCt Velvets, velvets, velvets, all colors, all colors. Plushes, plashes, plushes, 39 cts., 50 cts., 69 cts., 75 cts., SI. all silk, all silk, all silk. KKABIiE & SHUSTEB, 35 Fifth avenne. At the People' Store. "We have a beautiful cloak room, and the finest display of wraps for Ladies, Misses and Children. Onr stock embraces every thin.? new and desirable, whether it be a plain cloth jacket or an elaborate trimmed garment. Campbell Ss Sick. Telvets. Velvet. 29J cts., 21 inches wide. Great bar gain, great bargain. Enable & SnusxEB, 35 Fifth avenue. Hakry Aiden, formerly of this city, can now be found at "W. H. Holmes & Son's Chicago House, No. 261 South Clark street. 120 Water street, 204 South Clark st. 158 First avenue. ttssu Chicago. Pittsburg. Ladles' Salt Fnrlors. Visitors to the Exposition shonld not fail to see the new costumes we are showing for early fall wear. ' Parcels & Jones, its 29 Fifth ave. Dress Robes. Dress Robes. The finest, tbe finest. Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. The Clonk Department CM the People's Store contains the grandest display of outside apparel for ladies ever seen in Pittsburg. Come and examine the styles and prices. Campbell & Dick. Past of that beautiful property known as the "Boss estate," adjoining Sharpsbnrg, at Aspinwall station, has been laid out into building lots. Plans can be had from "W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth avenue. TTS The Terr Latest, Marvin's Exposition cakes. Children cry for them and old folke walk a mile to get them. S. S. Maevin & Co. TTSSD Jeraeyi. Jerseys. See the line we have. You can't help but be suited. K:n'able& Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. Ladle! John S. Boberts, 414 "Wood street, has the largest and most complete stock of wall paper in the city. TIS Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. Lies' Pop- TTSU Mnrrlnco Licenses Granted Yesterday. Kama. Residence. (Andre Fcdor McKeesport 'Suzsll Vargo McKeesport John Hnne Stowe township Mary Ueyer Stowe township I Henry Mayer Pittsbnrg I Elizabeth Miller Pittsburg Frank Abel Pittsbnrg (Annie Seidelbeck Allegheny 5 A. J. Elliott Patton township (Delia J. Woods 1'luin townshiD I John Sallr Pittsburg (Mary McCormick Pittsburg ( August Ben gston Braddock ( Emma Johnson Braddock Km. Utendyke McDonald (x-uzaoein foster dicuonaia (Charles F. Glrty MlUvale borough (Flora A.Young MlUvale borough (John Campbell Pittsbnrg ( Maggie Gamls Pittsburg ( Otto Knocpfle - Allegheny (Anna WahUchless Pittsburg ( Frederick Both Allegheny ( juaua X dmrnermui .Allegheny -Plttsburir (Charles Seidell.. ( unve Lt. ud nthrie Pittsburg ( E. J.Schall Natrona 'Mary Wallace Natroni J Kobert McLaughlin North Fayette township (Mary Crellln .North Fayetto township (Michael A. Lynch Pittsburg J Annie B. Sullivan Pittsburg (Michael Hanlon., Allegheny Allegheny (Dottie McCandless., (Joseph Kalble McKeesport I Annie Uerzog Allegheny ( Christopher Heron Allegheny J Sophia S.Othe Allegheny (Alexander Branch Pittsbnrg .ntts&urg Allegheny jhucb IHiaMli MARRIED. VOIGT ROWLAND-August27, 1889. at the residence ot tbe officiating clergyman, Rev. L. E. Young, D. D., of Bntlnr, Pa., Mr. Albert V01GT and Miss Annie J. Rowland, both of Pittsburg, Fa. DIED. BRENNAN At Mansfield on Sunday, Sep tember 8, at 6:45 A. U REV. EDWAED BnEN- NAN. Funeral mass at St. Lnke's Church on Wednesday mobning at 10 o'clock. Friends of the family and the reverend clergy of the dio cese are respectfully invited to attend. F AIRMAN At the residence of her son-in-law, M. H. Brandon, Plalnfield, N. J., Mrs. Julia A, widow of the late James Fairman, luiuienj 01 Auegueny, ageu o years. Notice of funeral hereafter. LEPPER On Sunday, September a at 4 A. M John H. Leppee, son of Margret Lepper, aged 26 years, 6 months and 2 days. Funeral services on Tuesday aiternoon at the German M. E. Church, on Fortieth street below Butler, at 2 o'clock. Friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 McELVENNY On Saturday, September 7 1883, at 8 p. h., James McElvenny, in tho 37th year of bis age. Funeral from tho residence of his parents. Spring Garden borough, on Tuesday, at 9 a.m. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 NEWTON At the family home. Atwond. Kan., on Sunday, September L ISStf. Henri. etta J., wife of Thomas P. Newton, and daughter of the late William Joyce. At Rest. Interment took place on Tuesday, the Sd mst. PE2KSTE1N On Mondav. September 9 1889, at 6:18 A. M.. Geoege Peckstein, a"ed 75 years and 4 months. " Funoral from bis lato residence, 344 Forty, second street, on Wednesday, September IL at 930 A. H. Friends of tho family are respect fully invited to attend. 2 QTJIG On Sunday afternoon, Septembers 18811. at 2:10 o'clock. ANNA Marguerite" youngest daughter of Lucy C. and E. JI. D. Quig, aged 6 months and 28 days. Funeral services at the residence of her grandfather. Dr. E. a Czaraieckl, 110 Liberty street, Allegheny City, Tuesday, at4r.it. Interment private. 2 SHANNON On Sunday, September 8. 1889 at 9 o'clock A. il. Susanna Shannon, widow ot the late James Shannon, in her 77th year. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law Charles F. Leonard, Brushton Station, P.R. R.' on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock! Friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. ZIEG On Saturday, September 7 1SS9 at 730 p. m., George W. Zieo, aged O years S months 10 days. Funeral services on Tuesday, September 10, at 2 r. M., at tbe St. Peter's German Lutheran Church, Liberty street, Allegheny. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 JAMBS ARCHIBALD A BRO XJVERY AND SALE STABLES 117, 119 and 130 Third arenue, two doors below Bmithfleld st, next door to Central HoteL Carriages for funerals, S3. Carriages for operas, parties, tc, at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. inyl-ll-TT3 -pEPRESENTEU IN PrTTHBURO IN 1SCI Assets - J9JOT,693sj. Insurance Co. of North America. losses adjusted ana paia dj WILLIAM L JONES. J otr i fourth avenue. ia20-s2-D WESTERN INSURANCE CO. of rirrsEurtG. Assets 1S,50187 NO. 411 WOOD 8TKEET. ALEXANDER NIMICK, President. JUiLN a. JACKBOJ. v ice President WM. P. HEI BERT. Secretarr. NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION -IN- CARPETS. - " To make room for new fall stock we are compelled to sacrifice last season's patterns at extremely low prices. We will therefore offer the following extraordinary bar gains, viz: 77 cents for quality of Body Brussels whose regular price with all dealers has been $i. g5centsand$iio for Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Body Brussels, whose regular price has been ' from $i 25 to $1 50. Wilton Carpets (M XT per yard. vj) X. Englishj-Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Wil ton Carpets at PhQ reduced $2, from $2 5a -- O.McCMock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. anl-TTS All ASSURED FACT (' We mean the Pittsburg Exposition, wiieh is now thrown open for the inspection or tip pub lic in general. We have an exhibit therewhlch is now complete; our first display in one tide of the case consists of j FINE LACES AND LACE GOODS. . These cannot fail to interest and attr cttbe attention and admiration of the ladles, t id the gentlemen as well, who have bad thev taste cultivated up to the point of appreciation or tho beautiful in this line. In the opposi i side from the laces we make a display of HIGH PARISIAN NOVELTIES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS! I So arranged and applied on. stands as t give an idea as to the manner of using these really artistic and beautiful goods. Our line of new trimmings, consisting of Fringes, Frosts, Panels, Gimps, Galloons, Ornaments; Girdles, eta. are now readv. as usual onr stock ! large and contains every variety and style if dress and wrap trimmings, in medium ani finest goods made. In the centersectlonror tha case a small exhibit of j GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is made, consistine of Neckwear, Fine Under -wear. Fine Half-Hose, Umbrellas, etc. The display will be changed from time tc time, so that every time you visit the bnlldln; give us a glance, as you will be likely to see) something different each time. ALSO, GIVE OUR SI ORE, 1 41 FIFTH JL VENUE, A VISIT AS WELL. HORNE & WARD. ef6-d 4 G, CAMPBELL & -SONS, Par fall line ol Stainless Black Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hosiery is now complete, both in Plain and Bibbed Children's Single and Doable Knees. This vast assortment is composed of the following celebrated brands, in light, me dium and heavyweights, for Ladies, Misses, Children and Hen, from 20c per pair to finest quality. The makes we carry are: acio, unyx, uiona, jicupje, 1. U. Morley, Parisian, Silver Crowns, Daisy. Every pair warranted. Our Ingrain Stainless Black Hosiery has been a wonderful success in Color, "Wear and Price. "We have a special drive in a Ladies' In giain Black at 29c, worth 40c Also in- a Child's All Black Heavy Bibbed Hose at zc, sizes (M to a. This is the time and place to fit out the School Children, "We can certainly save you money. LARGEST STOCK, STJPEEIOB GOODS, LOWEST PEICES. Mail orders receive prompt attention. 710 Penn avenue, 710. PENN BUILDING. Between Seventh and Eighth sta. EeS-TUFSO TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from il ud. Amalean. Wc: sUver. 75c; white alloy, 11. Gold Crowns a specialty. DR. J. M. McCLAREN, Comer Bmithfleld and Fourth avenue. jeO-TTSu GRATEFTJL-COMIfORTINU. " EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge ot the natnral laws which govern the operations of digestion and nntrltion,and and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbythe judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually buUt up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our Belvcs well fortified with pnro blood and a prop er! v nourished frame." mrii .. u,.,t. MadesimplywithboilingwaterormUk. Hold omy innaii pouna tins bv Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co. a5MS2S&S3!a no3-h-90xus t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THAT HEALTHY BABY. What! J Baby show at Fleish man & Co.'s. Yea, that is just wiat" we are going to have. One such baby as ours will make a show worth seeing. Of course very father thinks that, but okH baby is a beauty, our baby (for a year old) is a bouncing baby our baby is popular with the multi tude; our baby is bound to make a noise in the world and we are proud of our baby. TO-MORROW, TO-MORROW, TO-MORROW we will celebrate the birth of our baby by (we mean of course the opening of our stores) A GRAND ANNIVERSARY. Just one year ago, September 8, we opened our New Depart ment Stores', at 504, G06, 508 Market street. Thanks, Thanks for the kindly encouragement and'liberal patronage which has been so freely extended to us. We -are going to make the ANNIVERSARY OPENING memorable by a GRAND DIS JPJJA T of all that, is new, beauti ful and unique in our various departments. TTie stores will be handsomely decorated. ALL ARE INVITED. t Seasonable and reasonable goods arriving daily. Mail or ders promptly attended to. See mvr Exhibit at Exposition building. Fleishman & Co.'s NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG-, PA. Bel0-D Save Your Money. New goods ae daily com ing in. The Boys' and Children's stock is overflowing with new, bright goods for this season. Please remember that we. have the largest line of piece goods to be found in the city for making goods to order. It embraces the choicest se lections of French, English, Scotch and American manu facture. We solicit an early inspec tion of our goods and prices.j Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. sel0-D NEW. nSTZE Whi. Semple's, 165, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET. OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Now full up with the newest things in Ladies' and Misses' Garment of every description at prices guaranteed to give satisfaction. Ladies' Colored Cloth Jackets, i 50 up. Ladies' Beaver Jackets, Stockinet Jackets, Tailor-made Jackets, new Directoira Jackets, colored and black, Ladies' Newmarkets, $4 50 up; Tailor-made Newmarkets, all colors; Directoire Newmarkets, Plush Jackets, Coats, Sacques and Wraps. Misses' Newmarkets and Jackets, all the leading colors, 12 to 18 years. Children's Coats in great variety; 2 to 14 years. Suits of every kind opening daily. Thisvdepartment occupying our irrmense entire second floor and receiving very special attention. DRESS Real French Cashmeres, 46 inches wide,, 50, 62, 75c and &s, in all the new colors. Black Cashmeres, special values, at 50, 62 and 75c, Newest im ported Novelties for Combinations and Suits, being daily opened. Yon only need, to see them. .Blankets, all wool, full size, in red and white, $3 a pair and up. Flannels, in splendid assortments. Country Flannels, all wool, iSc up. ... vs Underwear for Fall now ojpca'at low .prices. ' seO-D NEW;ADVEKTI6E.XMJT Y I" :B."c IB,-:.- " TUES0AY, September IX THE BIGGEST CASHMERE BARGArN ALLEGHENY AND prTTSBUBiG it BUYERS EVER, SAW. Fine French Black Cashmeres, - 46 inches wide, AT 75 CENTS A YARD, (worth every cent p a dollar). We recommend these even beyond the fine Henriettas, although we keep a! tun stock ot tne best Henriettas in the worldnot say-so Henrietta, but genuine. Another grade of these FRENCH CASHMERES, at go cents a yard. Nearly 7,000 yards. We want 700 ladies of these cities or vicinity to respond to this cashmere "ad," and respond promptly. BOGGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal sfc.Allegheny. lelO-s THURSDAY -AND- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 and 13, OUR GRAND Fall Millinery Opening, At which time we shall en deavor to eclipse all of our past efforts by showing the largest, the richest and most exquisite line of Trimmed Hats, Bonnets and Turbans. New and Novel designs in Ribbons, Fancy Feathers, Pon Pons, Wings and Jet Urnaments. Now exhibiting our new importations in Silks, Wool Goods, Cloaks and Wraps, Jerseys, Gloves, Underwear, Hosiery, etc, etc. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Special attention is called to our large and varied as sortment of House Furnish ings at PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST, Sixth street and Penn ave. selO - W.. ZCTZE-W. GOODS. sHOMiiwifffri - -0 H- "EXmAORIMNARY INDUCEMENTS" ADVERTISED VT J f.. 'WOULD-BE PAUSE AND Think' of ibe'sdfid satisfaction yon and then come and look at elegant Tall Suits .and- Fall Examine critically ihe fabric of the goods j-ipect, 'to -' ' tbe trimmings, the fit find them in-, every way HALF MERCHANT FAT.T, OVERCOATS: $5, $6, $7, "& i to $06. ... FA3XSUITS: $7, $8, $iOl2'to.SfeC , It's only a question as to how irfVfcA va v- vvu - www v BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS, $1 to M3 BOYS' J.GNG PANT These are busy days for os, pariiueui. luauy a iiu wc vc imcu I or SCUOOl me past tewaayj M3MJ. here at home .and many for schools fsr away. Now if .yoa'c gtaboy? or boys to. clothe send or bring them here. We'll give yont -ncfgooial lor sucn ntue money iwai you u De If You Wish to Inform Yourselves as 1o Where Canf the Newest and Nobbiest Styles in Fall Hats, Fall Furnishings ami Fall FootwMr pay our store a visit Give us but whatever you may want in any of ATX tn A nAtfaUiAs ts4 h a 0 AAVA- n lies in the fact bear it in mind well in the city and, intend to keep the Visitors to the city are specially invited to make our store their headquarters. We will take care of packages, parcels, wraps;1 etc, free of charge. . Come and wander all about our store.. ask any questions you like and Uon't fail to see our magnificent )- GUSKT'S Xs$32y55iw - tjv&yEr PLUSH Jackets, Sacques ETC., AT By this advertisement we wish to attract the attention of ail who have not read former announcements of onr great summer sale of Seal Plush Garments at prices which in sure an enormous saving. The commenda tion of hundreds of customers who have been supplied during the last two weeks is increasing the list of purchasers every day. we nave.i.uuu garments in stocs which can not be approached in point of price and quality by anything that will be offered by other nouses d if ring the coming season. OUR PRICE-LIST tHIS WEEK Seal Plush Jackets,. S10; worth S15.' Seal Plush Jackets, $12; worth $18. Seal Pluah Jackets, 514 75; worth $20. Seal Plush Sacques, $16 50; worth $23 50. Seal Plnsh Sacques, 818 75; worth $25. seal Plush sacques, SZi 50; worth $30. Seal Plush Sacques, S25; worth $35. Seal Plush Sacques, $29 75; worth $40. 11 m ECLIPSING ALL OTHERS IS OUR NEW PALL STOCK OP HVC I Hi L I IN" El ZR,"y, of all descriptions, Trimmings and Ribbons, all colors. Anew stock of 1,200 dozen of Ladies', Gents' and Children's UN-. DERWBAR, from 25o to 82 a piece, better than ever offered before' Examine at - - ROSENBAUM&CO. 510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. - DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be siren in a cup of coffee or te i irKliout the knowledge of tbe person taking-1 :laabto latelr b&rmless, and will effect a perma.. eat and tpeear care, whether tbe patient I amclerats drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Tbonsan Is of Drunkards hare been made temperate men who hare taken uolden Specific In their coffee wit. oat their knowledge ami to-day bellcvo tber n tt drinking from their own free nllh IT UEVLK l'All1. The system once Impregnated with tbe Specific. It becomes an ctter Impossibility: for the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J. Bankln, Blith and 1'enn aTe..Jrlttsburg: E. Bolden AUo 3 . federal st., Allegheny. Tlrod supplied by . - . -. . '? " -r - ''& CPMPETITOrcr, r?J 3-5 1. WTiWft orirIast booght-efttts CluWH tbe beautiful, aad Ovefcba&vr are aWttiiijlrfift and the -irdrksMMbiaf yotl .f3 equal to erchaat' .tailor " ,-ij' rfitkM k 'aiHffaw7. !H! IV IP 1X1 I V:fv; a! , - -v goods, at .-. v. f -; - vjpi 1 . ' 1 , j ' -i TAILORS' much ypu wamt to py for yw ft au&fc tvd. SUITS, $3 50 to $I3S particularly in onr jBoys Cktiusfi astonisneo. t ,KTe half a chance and, we'll sltt;.vBK r tfiSa '- . jfc the before-mentioned goedsv Weel n 4?m mmT. . f- i t. "' ' S that we undersell alLother dealere-i good work up. in fact make yourselves at home, v exhibit at the Exposition; 300 to 4W Market street le&TTSSB SPECIALS-SALE CLOAKS. Ton dan have no idea of the Im mensity, variety and cheapness of the stock we are showing tiita season exoept by an inspection. We axe opening the season with a SPECIAL SALE of NEWMARKETS!- Seal .All-wool Stockinette Newmarket, satin faosd, $9 75; worth $18. , Another lot at $11 50; worth 320. "Beaver Newmarkets, $7, $8, $9; worth CO i per cent more. Striped Wool Newmarkets, J5, S7.fi), S3 50: worth nearly doable. .Fine heavy Stockinette Jackets, $2 75; worth $4. Better quality Stockinette Jackets, $3 25 worm $o. Still finer Stockinette Jackets, & 50 worth SG 75. Extra quality Stockinette Jackets, $3j worth $7. - Extra fine imported ones up to $15. aliases' Jackets at all prices.- BRAIDED MANTLES In Broadcloth, Camel's Hair and light weight Beaver. New styles just oat. -&- 150 STYLES OF CHOICE - Children and Misses' Wraps, Plain, Fancy and Jacqnard Stripes, Plaids and Scotch Mixtures, from $3 to $18. selO-TTSsa RE40KTS. rpHE CHALFONTE- ATLAHTIO CITY, H". 3. On tho beach, with unsurpassed oeeaavteir. Salt-water baths in house. Se3-77.D E. KOBERTS 4 SONS, P ATEIiTTS O. D. LEVIS. Hol!rJtn nf Pl..u frvirv . ,& 1 m