$r r ESfABLISHED FEBRUARY Yol.-, N 0.215. Entered at Pittsburg PostoHce, Urn ember 14, 1S87, as second-class matter. Business Offlco 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. Nows Booms and Publishing' House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street, Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 46, Tribune Building, New York. ATcrage net circulation of the dally edition of The Dispatch for six months ending August SI, 1W9. as sworn to before City Controller, 30,045 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition or The Dispatch for three months ending August 31, 1ES3. 55,643 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE THEE 1J. THE FMTED ETATES. 1VATI.T Dispatch, One tear t 8 00 11AII.T DisrATCH, Per Quarter 1 00 DA1LT DISPATCH. One Month 70 Dailt DisrATCH. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 Daily Dispatch, including Sunday,3m'th6. 2 Dailt Dispatch, including Sunday, l month 90 fcDMJAT DISPATCH. One JT I 60 "Weeklt Dispatch, One ear lis The Dailt DisrATCH Is delivered by carriers at J5 cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at cents per week. PITTSBURG. TUESDAY, SEP. 10. 1SS3. A HOPELESS TANGLE. The letter of Governor Beaver, in answer to the demand of the Pittsburg Belief Com mittee for the refunding of the ?125,O00 which that bed y advanced to start the clean ins up at Johnstown, amounts to a denial of his liability. The full text of the letter may furnish more light on the subject when it is placed before the public; but so far as reports give any indication of its contents, its practical effect is to traverse and deny the assertion that he agreed to refund the money. "We do not suppose that anvone claims that the Governor is individually and per sonally liable for the money advanced from the Pittsburg relief fund. That in his offi cial capacity he agreed to sec the money re funded, was the public understanding, and is the specific assertion of the Pittsburg committee. On the other hand, the Gov ernor is understood to deny it. As far as wc cm see, this makes further wrangling profi. s Thcifliir is an unpleasant and appar ently irremediable one in which the cir cumstances are mightier than the men en gaged in it. The fact is, beyond qnestion, that the Governor has not got the money; and therefore it is totally beyond his power to comuly with the request to pay it. On the other hand the Pittsburg Committee cannot properly close up its accounts with out the money; but the well-known impossi bility to obtain blood from a turnip makes the obstacle as great for it as for the State's executive. Possibly the best way is for the Pittsburg Committee to turn over the claim to the State Belief Commission to be preserved there among the other monuments which go to prove that when State funds are needed for State work, the proper way is to call together the Constitutional appropriating power. THE GETTYSBURG COMMEHOBATIOH. The veterans of Pennsylvania are assem bling at Gettysburg to dedicate the monu ments oi the various regiments engaged in that great and pivotal battle of the civil war. The occasion will be an interesting one,both as a reunion of the participants in one of the most theatrical battles of history and as a commemoration of those who fell there. The old soldiers of Pittsburg, and the long list of "Western Pennsylvania regiments whose members have gone to the commemoration show the more important representation from our half of the State at the time that the rebel armies were given their most vital check. Gettysburg was one of the great bat tles of the century; and the participants in it do well to commemorate its mighty results and to honor the memory of their comrades who lost their lives on that field. NIAGARA'S CURSE. Niagara Falls has had the ill-luck of late to attract a noisome gang of cranks, cow ards and crooks. The usual quota of sui cides and the Niagara hackmen are not included in this contingent. "We refer sim ply to Messrs. Graham, Brodie, ct al., who have sought to turn the wonderful waterfall to their advertisement. A cunning crew of Email bore rogues, bankrupt in morals as in cash. The evident failure of the advertising schemes of these gentry is gratifying. Con siderable doubt has been thrown upon the man Graham's plunge of the Falls in a cask, and there is every reason to believe that Brodie's more recent exploit occurred in his imagination. If the lives of Graham and Brodie possessed any extrinsic value, we should rejoice that they had plunged into a sea of lies instead of the Niagara river. As it is their survival to vex the world with exhibitions of their stern de termination to avoid working for a living is not a blessing. It was the same Graham whose heroic career in a cask as likely as not never took place, who so bravely sent aa unfortunate dog to its doom over the Falls not long since. In little side issues of this sort we get a glimpse of the real fiber of the sensa tionalist He .seeks notoriety that he may escape toil. By cajolery he hopes to make the world support him. Of course it flatters the wretch's vanity if he can win a name for bravery at the same time, but dol lars are what he is really after. Perhaps the public may be persuaded at last to provide for men of Graham and Brodie's class in jaiL A few years at hard labor might temper their imaginations and discourage other vagabonds with similar aspirations. KO REASON FOE UNEASINESS. The intimation that the dealers in milk "who make a regular business of supplying milk to customers on Sunday, as well as other days, are alarmed lest Judge Stowe's ruling on the milk-shake case should inter fere witjj their business, does not, on in vestigation, amount to much. There is no reason why any man who attempts to con form to the common-sense interpretation of the law should be uneasy about its inter ference. The delivery of milk which is made legal by the law conveys a distinct meaning to all who take the trouble to consider it in connection with the methods of that trade. It refers to the delivery of the regular daily supply of milk at the houses of customers a function of the business wholly distinct from keeping open places where milk is sold to transient customers. There has been no recent judicial assertion of this construc tion, but it is safe to credit the courts with the ability and disposition to construe, the law by the light of common sense. DIVEBGEHT VIEWS OH THE LAW. It is calculated to arouse suspicion when we find that eminent millionaire, Mr. Russell Sage, indorsing the inter-State com merce law. It is true, as Mr. Sage says, that great good and lasting benefits will now from the use of "tne power to enforce upon the railroads a policy of common sense and common honesty and obedience to the law." Nevertheless such a gift of the Greeks, as the support of Mr. Russell Sage, to a law which was intended to restrain the aggressions of his class, is likely to arouse a fear that the law as he supports it, is not the law that was enacted. Such a support of the enactment has more concealed dangers about it than the opposi tion to the law which reverts to the old and threadbare method of misrepresentation. An example of the latter class is afforded by an "editorial in the "Washington Post, which in quoting a deliverance from the Pacific coast against the law and the competi tion of the Pacific railroads, says that the Canada Pacific road "is not competitive, because the inter-State commerce law forbids American Pacific roads to compete with its through rates unless they lower their local rates to the same rate per ton per mile, which for them would mean bankrnpey." It does appear quite plainly whether this remarkable statement is to be charged to the Pacific coast assailants of the law, or to the Post, which indorses them. In either case it is a completely exploded and threadbare falsehood. The law makes no such require ment and assertions of that sort are only in tended to create prejudice against it among those who know nothing of its provisions. Attacks upon the law which resort to open and easily exposed misrepresentation are little to be feared; but the support of Mr. Russell Sage, which implies its perver sion to corporate uses, involves a dangerous and unknown quautity. A CEITIC OF FUTSBUBG. The report made by the Rev. J. O. S. Huntington, the mission clergyman of New York, concerning the condition of the miners at Spring Valley. 111., where he has recently visited, will not be very pleas ant to the Hon. "W. L. Scott. He declares that the condition of the miners in that cap italist's mines is especially deplorable. Epidemics are starting as the result of want. Mr. Scott has ordered the mines closed down indefinitely, "because," as Mr. Huntington says, "W. L. Scott insists on having inter est on 1,000,000 represented by 40,000 acres of coal rights, while he operates only a few hundred acres." This is a very telling picture. It ex hibits an abnormal condition of affairs and would indicate that something was wrong under any circumstances. But when it is the case in the mines of an operator who has made himself prominent in attacking the relations of other employers to their laborers, it is especially a matter of public criticism. Little more than a year ago Mr. Scott made a particular assault on Pitts burg employers; and the nature of that as sault warrants a comparison between the condition of Pittsburg labor and that of Mr. Scott's workmen. It is a mild statement of the truth to say that at no time have the working classes in Pittsburg been in danger of dying "of want and diseases induced by insufficient nour ishment" Even at Mr. Scott's mines, in this section, where, at the time that Demo cratic leader made his attack, he was making his miners accept wages 5c lower than at neighboring mines, there was no such a condition of want It is the favorite policy of Mr. Scott and his party to revile Pittsburg; but if labor everywhere was as well paid as it is here Mr. Scott's millions would not be so overshadowing as they seem to be at Spring Valley, 111. The main trouble here, from Mr. Hunt ington's statement, is that egregious capital has control of the industry and holds the miners down to starvation wages. This might result without regard to the politics of the capitalist; but the Illinois miners have exceedingly ill fortune in being in the grasp of a Democratic capitalist and pro fessional friend of the workman for po litical revenue only. ADVANCED PEICES FOE IRON. The change which has taken place in the iron market since the opening of the summer months is -shown by the comparison of prices. At the 1st of June the iron market was nearly if not quite at its lowest ebb. The general advance is shown by the fol lowing statement of prices three months ago with those prevaling at present: Junol. September L Bessemer pig per ton 515 a Gray forgo per ton 13 fco Steel rails per ton 26 00 Bar iron per pound l.Go Coke, per ton 1 00 J17 7518 00 15 0015 25 23 00 1C 135 Thus, it is shown, the advance in the course of the past three months has been $1 402 00 per ton on pig iron; $2 00 steel rails, and three dollars per ton on bar iron. The advance in coke bears the largest per centage to the old prices but is the least ab solute advance. In the comparison of abso lute gain about one-fifth of the advance in pic iron is appropriated by the advance in coke; the entire advance in steel rails is taken up by the advance in pig; and two thirds of the gain in bar iron is balanced in the same way. These are not boom prices by any means.. They are below the average prices for 1888; and could stand a still further increase be fore reaching a stage where inflation is threatened. But the large increase of out put which is certain with a very slight en hancement ot ptices over the present level, will prevent any such advance as is likely to contain the dangers of a reaction. The satisfactory feature of the present ad vance is the fact that if the iron trade could make itself whole on the prices prevailing three months ago, it must be enjoying very comfortable margins on the conservative ad vance that has since taken place. CLEAN BUBGLARS. The burglar as he is found in this lati tude is not a cleanly person. His character will not wash, and he will not wash himself with regularity and soap and water. He works in the dark, and he has no desire to show his face. Cleanliness is not a part of his stock in trade. But in the jumping and joyous "West it is otherwise. The other night Mrs. Babcock, an estimable lady re siding in Omaha, heard the water running in the bathroom, and, seeking the cause, discovered two healthily developed burglars disporting in the tab. They politely ex plained their errand, and, bidding her keep quiet, finished their ablutions before thev ransacked the house. As they did not steal anything, it is to be presumed that the bur glars were chiefly bent upon takftig a bath. Of course, without more exact informa tion at our disposal it is not possible to exact a superb sheaf of morals from this story. It is plain, however, that a clean burglar, even if he obtain his cleanliness at your expense, is superior to a soiled burglar any day or night Is not cleanli ness second only to godliness? Maybe that healthy form of Anglo mania which finds expression in a devoted attachment to the bathtub early and late has broken out among the burglarious brethren of the VUUUUiuti HUta AJijUUIl! tug 1UU) Ul tk I ' THE PITTSBURG ' DISPATCH 'r TUESDAY EPTElilBBRrioHlSS5? W liWBT HBP HHHHHHHHI ' - ' ' ' ' ' i i 1 m i mmmBm burglar risking his liberty to get a bath is as encouraging as it is novel. "We do not go so far as to say that we desire a visit from any burglar, but if it is our fate to be so visited we sincerely hope that the burglar will take a bath before invading our cham ber. The thought of a freshly-washed burglar brings to mind the days when the polite highwayman robbed his coach or chaise in a cocked hat, perriwig and frilled shirt. A clean hand might make the chloroformed handkerchief it held less ob jectionable; an odor of Perrybinks' un paralleled soap see that you get it might render the request to give up your money or vour life less terrible. Burglars will do well to study these facts In the interest of humanitv. The news that the State of Virginia has an old mortgage upon the "White House is disturbing to a good many politicians from other States; but it furnishes an explanation of Mahone's attitude. Tiie esteemed New York World inter poses objections to the breaking of a bottle of champagne under the auspices of Mr. "Wanamaker, at the launch of the cruiser Philadelphia. This is professedly on the ground of Mr. "Wanamaker's temperance principles; but the most evident ground ot the World's objections is the belief of our esteemed cotemporarv. that champagne should not be allowed to encroach upon what it considers the exclusive and sole function of water, namely, the purposes of navigation. Pbedictions are now heard that there will be a hard winter. Nevertheless, it is safe to predict that about the end of the wiuter we shall hear the usual reports of a short crop of ice. Since we have set up our claim to the ownership of Behring Sea, it is announced that the geographical center of the United States is six hundred miles north by west of San Francisco. But besides the difficulty of erecting a capital at that point in the Pa cific Ocean, there is the danger that if we did, it would follow the example of our prize crews and be taken into Canadian ports by the refractory Canadian sealing fishers. The erection of tinder box franc sheds in the vicinity of the Exposition will afford a good opportunity to test the question whether the building inspection laws can be enforced or not The fact that a Scotch cutter in the yacht races of Marblehead, last week, defeated a crack Burgess "forty-footer" on all the three points of sailing is giving American yachts men a decided and disturbing intimation that future contests for the America's cup may not be such a walk-over as they have fondly imagined. The Florida orange syndicate is the latest thing in the combination line. If it expects that it can stop the shipments of outsiders, it will be squeezed before its oranges are. General Algeb is quoted as saying that he "would rather be Commander-in-Chief of the G. A. R. than President of the United States." "Without enlarging on the acidity of the grapes that hang beyond our reach, let us hope that Governor Alger will always continue to preserve the modesty of his ambition. Cardinal Manning's friendship to the London strikers will be of little-avail to them, if they cannot learn to be satisfied when his efforts secure them a moderate victory. Mh. Howells now states that Tolstoi is the greatest living novelist. This indicates an advance in Mr. Howells estimate of Tolstoi. Heretofore Mr. Howells opinion has been understood to be that Tolstoi was one of three greatest living novelists and that Mr. Howells is the other two. Johnstown is getting worked up to the point of giving a very downright utterance to the belief that the way to distribute a re lief fund is to distribute it Mr. Aemouk, of Chicago, adopts the Shakespearian method of claiming that he docs not bite bis thumb at the United States Senate; but he wishes it distinctly understood that he continues to bite his thumb. AlJJANT furnishes the last fire trap which achieves the feat of penning up a score of working girls and burning them to death. O'Connor's defeat has cleaned out the Canadians, of all the money that they won from the rash backers of Teemer in this country and elsewhere. The whirligig of time and boat racing is certain to bring round its revenges. TEOPLE Of PROMINENCE. Mns. Hakbiet Beeciier Stowe remains in promising health. Mr. Edison smokes a great deal; the more woik he does, the more cigars be consumes. TnE Woman's National Press Association in tends to erect a statue to Mrs. R. B. Hayes, in Washington. Mr. R. D. Blackhobe, the great novelist now devotes more attention to his market gar den than to his pen. Prof. Georoe A. Wentworth, Chairman of the Faculty,has been made Acting Principal of Phillips Exeter Academy. Mrs. Harrison left Jenkintown for Wash ington yesterday, accompanied by her father, Rev. Dr. Scott, and Postmaster General Wana maker. On his fifty-eighth birthday anniversary, the other day, Mr. Goschen received many girts, among them a largo cartwheel, with the in scription: "Don't tax me." Ahokq the inscriptions In her album most prized byMme. Patti-Nicollni is this, by the elder Dumas: ''Being a man and a Christian I love to listen to your singing; but if I were a bird 1 Bhoald die of envy." EX-ATTOBXEr GENERAL GARLAND iS hunting at his hermitage at Hominy Hill, Ark. He has been chasing deer and having a good time. He wrote the other day to a friend to say that ho had just killed a fine buck. Tub railway postal clerks at Now Orleans presented Congressman Peters, ot Kansas, tho other day with a handsome snakewood cane, with a gold crook In the shape of an eagle's head, whose eyes are rubies. The gift is Intend ed as a grateful recognition of his efforts in be half of the service and its increased pay. OUR MEXICAN TRADE GROWING. Figures That Show nn Increase of Several millions Last Year. City of Mexico, September 9. The Mart can Economist, the best authority of Mexican finance and statistics, gives some facts and figures regarding the condition of trade be tween Mexico and the United States which are regarded as rather startling, and which differ materially from those given out at Washing ton. It says that in the flBcalyear 1887 S8 the value of the exports from the United States to Mexico was; in American coin, S19.281.6T3, or, in Mexican money. $25,686,237, and that tho value of exports from Mexico to tho United States during the same period was 31,059,220. These fignres are regarded as tho most ac curate that have ever been obtained, and show that exports from the United States to Mexico are several millions larger than heretofore stated by either Mexican or United States authorities. THE TOPICAL TALKEE. A Frond of Spolted-Lobstcr Color Odds and Ends and Peraoonl Notes. There's a rather gaudy spoilt lobster-colored ice-water tank behind the gateman's house at the Federal street crossing of the Fort Wayne Railroad. It is one of those Ingen ious machines that defy the Law and Order League and serve water at 1 cent or 5 cents a cup. A legend on the tank says that the water comes from Waukesha. Perhaps it does: that is not the point I'm after. So long as the water is pure and cold I care not where It comes from. What I want Is to know for cer tain that when I drop a penny or a nickel into the slot the waterwlll come from the tank. . The tank has a modest sort of look, and its spoiled-lobster tint is not unlike a blush, but I am pained to be obliged to say that it is a fraud. On Thursday night last, after a rather wild walk to catch the last tram out of (town, I stopped before the tank and Inserted one good cent of the United States coinage into its maw. Then I turned the handle. It turned beauti fully; there was nothing wrong with tBo mechanism. But no water came not a drop. The cup remained as dry as I was. But the penny never came back. A friend of mlno had a similar experience with the tank on another occasion. It is prob able that a great many pennies go into the tank's treasury and bring forth nothing. Of course, the proprietors of the tanks are toler ably safo from suit, because nobody cares to enter suit for a penny. But could not the tank be made to signify by the closing of the slot, for instance when it is empty? Yor hardly look for theater parties thus early in the season especially on a warm Monday night but nevertheless two stage boxes at the Bijou wero filled with the guests presumably oi a well-known Iron man. At the first performance ot "The U. S. Mail," in Louisville last night, were present qnito a number of Plttsburgers, besides the author and his financial partners. Manager Gulick, of the Bijou Theater, was there, and so were George Shoppard, Charles D. Scully and several others. V Tiie Exposition is really in flr3t-class shape now. There aro heap3 of things to see there, and not lease of all to a lover of his race the variety of men, women and children who flock to the befogged hall. Under the moonlight last night and with its own abundant jewels of electric light, the Ex position building looked very attractive. Just the sight of it drew many visitors from among the pedestrians who crossed the Allegheny bridge. SO." A PARADISE FOE FISHERJIES. One Firm Alono Captures 30,000 Alaska Salmon In n Month. WAsniNOTON, Septembers. In accordance with an act of Congress passed last session Col onel Marshall McDonald, Fish Commissioner, sent a party this summer to Alaska to make an investigation of the salmon rivers of that territory, with a view to prescribing regulations for the protection of the fisheries. Dr. Tarl- ton H. Bean is in charge of the investigation, and his first report, dated Karluk, Alaska, August 12, has just been received by Colonel McDonald. Dr. Bean says the Karluk Is, accord ing to the statistics, the greatest salmon river in Alaska. A falling oft in the catch this year is anticipated owing to over-fishing and seining at the mouth of the river, which makes the as cent of the fish to their spawning grounds a matter of great difficulty except one day in the week. The river is full of young salmon and the stream is broken by rocks int rapids and la goons. - Bat few enemies of the salmon, aside from the fishers, are found the salmon shark, a species of porleagle, cormorants, gulls, scul pins, dolly vardens and steel heads. There are six canning companies located at Karluk, and all the fishing is done along a little piece of outside beach adjacent to the river's mouth, not exceeding half a mile in length, and in the last two miles of the river's course. Haul seines are the main dependencies. Some of the larger ones are 1.500 feet long. The catch of August 4 was 153,000, one firm alone taking 50,000. Fishing continues all day and all night, as it Is light enough to see plainly except from 10.30 to 1:30 A. M. From Friday midnight to Saturday midnight the ascent of salmon is un obstructed. The doctor says the sentiment of the fisher men is in favor of obeying the law against ob structions. A trap placed in the river was torn out by tbem just before the arrival of the party, and the old Russian sapoa, formerly lo cated near the rapids, has been dismantled. The number of fishermen employed at Karluk is 400, all white. Six hundred Chinese are em ployed in the canneries. Mr. Booth has sur veyed the river three miles, but further pro gress cannot be made this year. PROGRESS OF THE COLORED RACE. Interesting Uemnrks on the Snbjcct by Bishop Newman, of Omnhn. CniCAGO, September 9. Bishop Newman, of Omaha, addressed the Methodist ministers at j their meeting in the Methodist church block, onsthe subject of the race problem in the South and the work of the Methodist Chnrcn in solving it The speaker told of bis late trip through the country and gave several graphic illustrations of his experiences. Ignorance and fanaticism were to blame for much of the ill feeling, he said, but contrarv to ceneral belief. ..,--.": ij -,f " - . tus ignorance hdu xaoaticisi ms were as much on one side as the other. The colleges for the colored people were doing a wonderful amount of good, and a prominent Southern statistician admitted tnat mere were now more illiterate people among the whites than among the col ored people. This was largely due to the ef forts of the Methodist Church in pushing education among the negroes. Bishop New man said: I called on the Governor of South Carolina and had a long talk with him. He discovered for the first time that the Methodists were not working for social equality for the neerocs, but lor full rec ognition, lie complained of the terrible strain of the conflict ensrendered by the race prejudice. I told him that lie had i comparatively easy prob lem. You of the South," I said, have only your native born people to contend with, while we in the North bare all Europe." 1 would rather a thousand times be the Southerner and have the race problem to grapple with than to be here in Chicago and the North, and be con lrontcd by the vat hordes of lcrnnrant, unedu cated foreigners, who are swarming over here to take possession . 1 look, forward to the time and hope It is not far dUtant when we ican stand up and firmly sav: 'Noforelitn-bom cltlien shall henceforward nave a place lathe legislative con ductor this country." Bishop Newman's remarks wero received with applause, but were not discussed. AL1TE WITH A BROKEN NECK. A Camden Man Who Has Survived a Seri ous Injury for Eight Days. PnHiADELPHiA.Septem ber 9. Caleb Lozier, the young man who has lived with a broken neck in Camden for eigbt days, one inch and a half of his sninal cord being exposed tnrough the successful removal of the crushed verte bra?, thinks he is going to get well. He cannot Eossibly lh e, however. His sweetheart, whom e would have married next month, sits by his side day and night, and also thinks ho will get well despite the physician's intimation to tho contrary. A bate Bet. From the later Orcan.l Now York City claims to have as many millionaires as all otber sections of the coun try combined. It would be safe to bet a red apple that she can not prove it by her tax duplicate. DEATHS OF A DAY, Father Philip Hnrtmnn. rCFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO TIIE DISfrATCn.l EBIE, September 9. Kev. Father Philip Hart man, of this diocese, died to-day at the age of four score years. Father Hart man built St. Mary's church in Erie and several other churches In this section of the dio cese. A few months ajto he had his hands severe ly burned with kerosene, and had been unable for some time prior to his death to perform the func tions of his office. Julia A. Falrmaa. Julia A. Fairman, widow of tho late James Fair man, a former well known old-time river man of thiscltv. died in l'lainfiela. N. J., Saturday and her remains will arrive home this morning. They will be burled in Allenheny Cemetery from the residence of Mrs. J. Cable, Ne. 64 Irwin avenue, Allegheny. bnmnel Graves. Louisville, KY., faeptember 9. -Mr. Samuel Graves, editor of tho Lebanon Standard and 1 mu, died this morning of blood poisoning at his home at Lebanon. He was 37 years old and was one ofthe best known and ablest members of the State press. He leaves a wife and one child. Hon. B- B. Dnnn. WATXnraiE, Me., September 9. Hon. E. B. Dunn, a prominent business man and ex-President or the .Maine Central Katlroad, died this morning, aged 7. , IJentennnt O. O. SUnrrnr. WASHINGTON, September 9. The Hsvy Depart ment has'becn.lntormed that, Lieutenant O.O. Sharrar died yesterdav. at Aurora W. Va. SOME GOOD FLATS. ' THE ALCnEMISTS:OP 0LDh ' 'tII GwStKlS G0THi(9WrifliMnHHHK Sir. Scnnlnn Is Very Welcome Brlc-n.Brno nnd Other Plays and Players. Itls a genuine pleasure to welcome back to Pittsburg after an absence of five years Mr. W. J. Scanlan, an actor whose talents are of the highest order. A big audience made the greet ing warm enough at the Bijou Theater last night in fact, the warmth of the almighty "gods" was destructive of the artistic effects and the continuity of action at times. First as "to the play. -Shane-na-Lawn," writ ten by J. C. Roach and the redoubtable J. Armory Knox, this much can be said; It is a clean, pretty story, raoy ot Ireland in its pleas antest aspects, devoid of political colortand still more happily divorced from agrarian troubles. It is not a melodrama, although a murder and a good deal of bombastic language are thrown into it. It is really a love story, or, rather, two or three Jove stories woven to gether, and the villain is allowed to interrupt iue course oi hub love during two acts, only to ba tripped up and punished finely for bis deserts In the third act. The meat of the play is the delightfnl charac ter of Sfiane-na-Lawn (meanine "foundling of the grass" ) which Mr. Scanlan assumes. It is a part that Boucicault might revel in, and it fits Sir. Scanlan to perfection. He is a merry Irish boy, fall of that graceful graceless hUmor, that readiness at quip and repartee, that courage unquenchable for which no race Is So famous as the Irish. It is Scanlan himself, and not a merely assumed character we see in his Bhane-na-iatCTV or if it -isn't he is the more consummate actor,-that's all. More over, be has a voico built for the homelv, happy ballads of the "onld coun thry." It is worth a position in the Treasury Department with nothing to do but draw a sal ary and curse the Civil Service Commission to hear Scanlan sing Sam Lover's "Low Back Car," even if he does take tremendous liberties with the air of the famons son?. His own songs are good, too the women are always caught with tho old favorite "Peek-a-Boo," though we confess the Irish ballads please us the Lest The quaint whimsical love passages between Sian and his sweetheart are the finest gems in Mr. Scanlan's work. Na ture is there in every look, move ment and word. Luckily, too, he has a young woman worthy of his metal to maseioveto. juiss ilattie Ferguson Is a deli riously dainty colleen, with a fair face and a tongue sharp as a needle, and sweet if she please as a honeycomb. So with her as Peggy O 'Moore. Sftan's lovemaking is a picture of amazing fun and cuteness. The rest of the company is good, though we are sure the ghastly imitation of Mr. Mansfield as Hyde given by the lesser of the two villains wo Jld be very much better in some more con genial play. The chief villain, Mr. Charles Mason, rould not be heard always. It is un necessary to tell Mr. Mason that nobody will believe in his villainy if he docs not put fury into his voice. After Mr. Boucicault no better Irish come dian than Mr. Scanlan walks tho stage to-day. Grand Opera House. A dictionary gives as the meaning of tho word bric-a-brac, a collection of objects having a certain interest or value from their rarity, an tiquity, or the like, and the derivation of the word shows that It means literally things col lected by hook or by crook, As to the definition of "Brfc-a-Brac," the farce comedy which made a good many people laugh very often and heartily last night at the Opera House we cannot speak so strictly by tho card. The materials out ot which it Is formed were certainly gathered by hook or by crook from all sorts of plays and places. There Is nothing veryvaluableinit on the ground ot rarity, hut there is a good deal which is old enough to be valuable on the ground of antiquity. The fact is that llr. Tanehill's "Bnc-a-Brac" is not very great shakes even as a farce com edy.'and yet is funny enough, and presented stroigly enough to make andlences faugh and for its owners a good sum of money. The farce is ofa rushing, rattling order. The company is stroig in comedy, in voices, and, on the femi nine! side, wonderfully comely. You can cer tainly find a beauty to suit your particular taste with such a bevy of beauties before you. "Bric-a-Brac" received the stamp of popular appnval beyond a doubt. The laughter was so incetsant that no less than three persons wore caned out of the theater m hilarious hysterics. Hnrrla' Theater. Bi-tley Campbell's "Passion's Slave" is be- ing iven at this playbonse this week by a very clevi r company. The mechanical effects are good and the comedy parts in excellent hands. Missj Josie Sisson being a pretty soubrette and 3. W, Larsen and Richard Lyle taking propsr care of tho buffooneries. Miss Bessie Taybr Is a very pretty young lady, and has tho sympathy of the andience throughout her trlali, while Miss Bstello Keene's rendition of the role of ClotMlde Dijon is excellent. Charles Barringer as the hero, Manuel de Foe, is man rls.lmt John W. Cope scarcely grasps the vil lain's part he essays. The audiences at both per formances yesterday completely filled the Louse. Hurry Williams' Academy. The attraction at this theater the present week is one of those female burlesque shows that always draw large audiences. But this is rather out of the ordinary, in that it is a more than good company. It is a "corking good show," in the language of a man heard at the doors after last night's performance. The spec tacular burlesque that concludes an evening of amusement is "Parisian Revels." It affords an opportunity for tho exhibition of some very beautiful costumes and a number of pretty faces and figures. The company has strength ened throughout since Its last appearance here and will undoubtedly do an Immense business this week. Tho World's Museum. This new but popular place ot amusement has an attraction that drew large crowds ester day afternoon and evening. The minstrel en tertainment is one of the best evor given hern for the price, while innumerable curiosities are shown in the other department. A more Inter esting place in which to spend a leisure hour can scarcely be found In the two cities. TERI JIUCE IN EARNEST. Chicago Proposes to Raise $13,000,000 to Cnpinro the World's Fair. Chicago, September 9. The Times tomor row will say: Wlthm the next few diys some Important developments are promised in con nection with Chicago's World's Fair project. A syndicate composed of some of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of the city has been orgiiiizfrt and proposes to put up not less than S12.000.000, and even more, if necessary to make Chicago's success certain. Already $8,000, 000 has been assured, and the other plan, when completed, will give the organization a backing of sso,0w,ouu. These gentlemen, wnne tney win not work directly in conjunction with tho pres ent World's Fair Commission, which is now do ing such excellent work, will not act antagonis tic to it. They propose to Issue bonds to bo secured with actual property, and to create a sinking fund. It Is then propos:d to locate the exposi tlon buildings on the lake front. Within tho next few days all of the arrangements will be completed and tho plan matured, when the de tails of the enterprise and the names of those interested will be made public. DE NEVER .IIAD A DOCTOR. An Ex-Pltlsburser Passes Away at tho Ago of 09 Ycnrs. Lebanon, O., September 9. John E. Dey, a well known pioneer resident of this place, died last evening in his ninety-ninth year. He cele brated his ninety-eighth birthday July 3 last. He came down theJOhioriver from Pittsburg on a flatboat in 1818, and from thence came out to Lebanon, where he has ever since resided. He joined the Odd Fellows in 1842. being tho second one initiated into Lebanon Lodge after its charter. He never employed a doctor for himself in his life, and was alwajs adverse to the use of medicine. He retained his faculties to the last. SULLIVAN FOR CONGRESS. New York TTorW: John L. Sullivan has been noted for his overwhelming "return." but his return to Congress Is not probable. PHILADELPHIA Inquirer: It might bo more appropriate if John L. Sullivan would run for Congress in the Mississippi State prison. Philadelphia Record: With tho re doubtable John L. in Congress the Speaker of the House might want a sledge hammer for a gavel. Indianapolis Journal: John Snlllvan says bono longer feels like living as he has done, and wants to go to Congress as a change. But is this reform T New York Tribune: An ex-pngllist might "givo tone" to a legislative body; but oould the country stand the spectacle of a Congress man leaving his seat to cballengo all comers in the 24-foot ring? Louisville Courier-Journal: When Gov ernor Lowry goes to the Senate and Mr. Sulli van goes to Congress, two acquaintances may chance to meet on Pennsylvania avenup. New York Herald: The member who should interrupt him or Intimate that "Tho gentleman doesn't tell the truth, and knows it," or "The gentleman is a coward, ana aare cot repeat the' assertion outside ot this Housej" would probably be sent home in a box, J i i - -i Some Extrnordlnary Delusions That Oc cupied the Blinds of Wise Men la tb Middle Ages Elixirs of Life and Uni versal Panaceas. One of the most extraordinary delusions in the history of human evolution is the search for elixir ot life and the philosopher's stone, which occupied the minds of mediaeval alchem ists. Ho w far these two were identical is left in some doubt by the more mystic and Incoherent authorities. Originally, indeed, they seem to have been one the substance which in Geber's phrase would "heal" the baser metals into the convalescence of gold would certainly exert similar effect upon the human body, would' purge the impurities therein, restore youth and indefinitely prolong life. Most alchemists agreed that It was some form of lfquld gold. Roger Bacon recommended gold dissolved in aqua regla, claiming that it had kept him alive for 70 years, and that he bad heard of an old man being restored to blooming youth by Its use. But people drank of this solution, and still death was not ban ished from the eaxth. Bacon himself died. Then the advocates of potable gold fell back upon a new explanation. The gold of com merce was not the proper article, but only the gold produced by tbe touch of the philosopher's stone. But whatever tbe ingredients of the elixir, says a Boston Globe writer, two things were held to be certain by the most intelligent and learned minds of tbe middle ages: First, that such an elixir did exist; and, secondly, that it had been discovered at various periods, but had been lost either through tbe selfishness of the individual, who kept the recipe a close secret, or else through the dullness of Intelli gence which prevented any but tbe most fa vored mortals from penotratlng to the esoteric meaning of the chaotic iumble of words in which the secret wasrevealed. Some Extraordinary Stories. There was Axtcpbino. for example, who In the twelfth century published a book on the art of prolonging human life. Certainly, no one could bo a better authority on the subject, for at the date of publication he was in the 1025th year of his age. There could be no doubt about this. He said so himself. He bad known the great men of antiquity, bad con versed with them familiarly, and was never at a loss for an answer when questioned as to their personal appearance, manners and characteristics. His disciples even attempted to prove that he was Apol lonlus of Tyana, who lived in the time of Christ, and whose life and pretended miracles formed the subject of a biography by Fhilos tratns. Theie was Nicholas Flame!, who, at the age of 80. discovered the elixir of life, and, according to the more modest story, was en abled to prolong his life for a quarter of a cen tury longer, although, according to his more enthusiastic disciples, he did not die at all. and even now may be traveling around somewhere in company, perhaps, with the wandering Jew. Other alchemists, like Roger Bacon, pos sessed brazen heads which were so far ani mated that tbey could speak and predict the future. It was even whispered that other Ehilosophers had succeeded In making a omunculus i sort of elf orfalry. Paracelsus boldly gives a recipe for producing one. As Disraeia remarks, there was a greatness ot mind in this pilosopher, who, having furnished a recine to make a fairv. had the delicacy to refrain from its creation. Even the serious minded Baptista Porta does not deny the possi bility of engendering creatures which "at their full growth shall not exceed tho size of a mouse," but he adds that "they are only pretty little things to play with." Superstitions Die Hard. Long after the doctrines of alchemy had been exploded, long after the learned had abandoned the search for the philosopher's stone and tho elixir vita?, these marvelous legends retained their hold upon the popular mind, and gave a fruitful opportunity to im postors. In the sixteenth, and even In tbe seventeenth and eighteenth centuries pretended alchemists traveled from town to town selling elixirs which would restore youth and beauty and prolong life for ages. There was the famous Dr. Dee, for example, an Englishman, who, in 1581, claimed to have found the elixir among the ruins ot Glastonbury Abbey. Peo ple came from far and wide to see a man who could never die, and to be sharers in his im mortality at a fair commercial equivalent. A weatby Polish nobleman, Count Albert Laski, came among tbe rest. He was cordially received, his horoscope was read, it was pre dicted that he should become the owner of the philosopher's stone, should live for centuries and become the King of Poland. But in order that all these things should be added unto him he must first leave EnglandV taking with blm the doctor and his assistant, with rheir -wives ana families. The happy family proceeded to Poland, and for several years tbe doctor and bis assistant lived a cheery life on the count's estate, spend ing several hours every day in the endeavor to transmute iron into gold. But somehow the experiment always failed at the very moment it ought to have succeeded. At last, when tbe count was almost rained, he disembarrassed himself of his visitors. But they readily found other victims to fleece. It is gratifying to note that Dr. Dee finally died in penury in En gland. An Ancient Faith Care. Tho belief in tho elixir vitas was not a whit more astonishing than the belief in tbe royal touch for the King's evil or scrofula. From the time of Edward the Confessor to that of Queen Anne it was currently held in England that scrofulous patients could bo cured by the touch of the monarch. Sovereign after sovereign submitted to tbe public ceremony. Not less than 100,000 people were touched by King Charles II. According to eminent au thority none ever failed of recovering "unless their little faith starved their merits," an im portant reservation, of course. Many who had been blind for weeks or months were restored to sight at the first touch of the royal hand. Physicians acknowledged its efiicacy; Catholic divines did not deny that the power had de scended to Protestant princes. Then there was the weapon ointment, which 300 years ago excited tho wondering credence of Europe. This ointment was prepared in various wajs sometimes of portions of a mummy, sometimes of human blood, some times of moss from the skull of a thief or pirate who bad been banged in chains. But its peculiarity was that it was applied, not to the wound, which was merely cleansed and dressed, but to the weapon that had inflicted the wound 1 Even Lord Bacon speaks of this oint ment as having the testimony of men of credit, acknowledging, however, that ha himself "as yet Is not fully inclined to believe it." Other Universal Panaceas. The same idea reproduced itself later In the so-called sympathetic powders, which were simply powdered blue vitriol and were applied not to the wound, but to the blood-stained gar ment of tho injured party. These powders were tried with marvellous success by Sir Kenelm Digby in the presence of King James L of England, and performed many miraculous cures In France and Italy. The extraordinary virtues of tar water were next exploited by tbe famous Bishop Bcrkely, of whom Dr. Holmes says that he held two very odd opinions, "that tar water was everything and that the whole material unlversowas nothing." The bishop's recipe consisted simply in stirring a quart of tar in a gallon of water, leaving It 48 hours and pouring otf the clear water. This was the universal panacea which he recommended for all dis eases. Cure after cure was in fact reported, and the good bishop was raised to the eleventh heaven when one day he received a letter stating that a sailor bad fallen and broken bis leg, and had cured the fracture instantaneously by an ap plication of melted tar. The next post, bow ever, disabused his mind. The wag who had written the AM letter now wrote a second, saying that he had forgotten to state that tbe patient's leg v. as a wooden one. MILLIONS WORTH OP PROPERTY Claimed by nelrs cf a Nero Who Owned the Site ofa CUT. Looansport. Ind , September 9. The heirs of Benjamin Talbot lay claim to 610 acres cov ering the central portion of this city. Talbot, while a slave, settled at Logansport 55 years ago, with Mr. McBaue and famll from Yellow Springs, Ky. Ho bought from the Government 640 acres of land, and lived on It until the pass age of the fugitivo slave law, when be aban doned bis property aud fled to Canada. He never returned to claim it, but often spoke of it to Ms children. Not long ago one of them put the matter lntotbo hands of attorneys, who, upon examination, found Talbot's titlo in dinputible. . . . It is said that tho Wabash and Eel River Railroads, with valuable buildings on the Tal bot ground, have already compromised. The entire property is estimated to be worth sev eral millibns. There are four sons and two daughters who are tbo heirs. One of be sons, Henry Talbot, has not been beard from for several years. He was last heard from at Dan ville, Ky. Cblcnim'n Court Record. From the Chicago 'lrlbnne. It Is written in the breeze As it passes on Its way With" a murmur through the trees " "No juryman to-day." K ' " -5"'" I r V '.. A -"- w '4WHM, t ,. -??-,. , i " " - imrzm&mm .j Ives Seere4 m Heparnts Tvtt KrewysT wnr i u srxcuLa.1 New YobkI September ft Hewr-3- the young ,2rt)eieoa of his former partner In Wa4U street, George H.' Stayaer. were cilrt bar of the Court .of General DsiolsBS tfefe morning. 'Both looked sleek, dapjwr iad anx' iouf. Ires wore va natty fall rait, a roMe's eie blue necktie and a WOO diamond Mrtit4.'Hel tried to conceal bis' nervousness by sbUIb W1 interruptedly sl by carrying Ms ohln Mgtt, His fat partner, Staynerwu badly Haste,, and made no attempt to bide it. The request" of Ives' and Stayner's lawyerforseparata tfttas of his clients was granted, and to-morrow was ' fixed for the opening of tho case against Ives. TbenNapoleon and company were lad back to their luxurious quarters in Ludlow street' jH.' In a PKlabI Condition. A policeman found four children, under; 8r years of age and their grandmutfcerJ Catharine Nolan, 80 yean old, crying fro hunger in a wet cellar near the river at 3 o'clock this morning. Two ot the ch'iidrea bad whoonlng cough: one cholera infantum, sad onecroup. Their father was to jail, and, their mother bad disappeared while on a spree four weeks ago. They and their grandmother had been evicted from their lodgings for non-payment of rent, and all ,their fumltnre bad been seized; ' All five seemed half starved to death. They were sent to a hospital. SaccrssfalJYoatlifnl Higfcwaracs Alexander Gladstone, 13 years. old, upset Jacob Bloomfleld, keeper of a soda water and cigar stand, by dodging, between h legs. While Bloomfleld was scrambling t bis feet, Gladstone's three pals, all under II years, ran oil with two-boxes of cigars, $1 in money, and some soda water paraphernalia. Tbe young highwaymen were arrested, arraigned in court to-day, and were handed over to the care of the Children's Society. Studying the FostoSee System. Sabnro Fujn. Japanese Consul here, to-day introduced to the postofflce authorities a Jap anese postoffice official; who has been seat to this country by the Japanese Government to study our postal system; After making a de tailed examination of tbe New York postofflce tbe Japanese official win visit the central post offices in Washington, Philadelphia and Bald more. A Faithful Canine BentlaeT. Oscar F.Dudley was awakened by the whin ing of his pet dog at 3 o'clock this morning'. The air in his room was thick and smoky. He opened tbe door and found the corridor all ablaze. He dropped from bis window to the pavement, a few feet below, and shouted loudly to awaken the 23 other tenants of the house. No one heard him. Then he threw five or six glass bottles, which he found in an ash barrel, against the side ot the house. The crash of glass awakened the house. In a minute there was a panic Ten persons harried downstairs and escaped with onljf a few slightbnrns. Sev eral saved themselves by way of the scuttle and ran across the adjoining roofs. Two men jumped from a second-story window and suf fered bruises and sprains. Otherwise no one was injured. About one-half of tbe building was destroyed. The dog was saved. The drug gist's yonng wife committed suicide about two months ago, while insane, and Dudley since then has lived in the tenement where tbe fire occurred, with his dog as his only company. Hnd a Bight to Hit Blm. A'coroner's jury to-day exonerated Henry S. Harlman, of San Francisco, who fractured the skull of Patrick J. Ready by striking mm oa the head with a cane when Ready attempted to steal his watch on August 30. Ready died, September 4, of his injuries. OJiE WAI OP PAIIKG DEBTS. How the Slate of Arkansas Settled a Bill for 65,000. Washington, September ft Ex-Attorney General Garland has been chasing deer and having a good time at Hominy HIU. He wrote the other day to a friend to say tbat he had just killed two fine bucks. He explains! also bla anmrunt rttriw,ri1 fnr tha mlmA lnr- Th. State of Arkansas owed him some 85.000 for legal services. Ho put in a bill for nair that amount and said be would calllt'soaaro If tbe bill was paid as presented. At the last meeting of the Legislature money should have been ap propriated to pay him. bat unexpectedly the bill was defeated. Tnere was no dispute over the indebtedness, but some of the old legisla tors were simply opposed to paying. The reasons tbey gave for their opposition were varied and eccentric One old fellow, wearing a choker collar and a full salt of black, said that during the last campaign he had heard Garland tell stories that were oH color, and he did not think that the State should vote money to a man who would do such a thing. Another man gave as his reason for voting against the bill tbat the ex-Attorney General played poker, and that to pay blm the money would be to encourage vice. A friendly member ultimately suggested: "Garland is always here along during the month of August and has to be a going home about the middle of September. If he does chase deer with hounds he's a mighty good shot, I propose tbat we just change the law so as to allow the shooting of deer to begin tbe 1st of August, instead ofthe 1st of September. That will allow blm a month of shooting." This proposition met with approval and the game law was amended accordingly. AH dur ing last month Garland was chasing deer, under tho new law, and" be says he is perfectly sausueu wua me settlement oi nis Claim against the State. THE SELECT CA8TLE'S SESSION. An Outline of What Will bo Done at York To-day. tSFECIAI. TXI.XGB.UI TO TOI DISFATCJI.1 York, September ft The Select Castle of Pennsylvania will convene in annual session in I. O. O. F. hall, in this city, at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. Select Commander J. F. Skerrett will, in bis report, recommend the ad vancement and encouragement of the funeral benefit relief Jn all subordinate castles, as well as enconraging tho advancement of the mili tary rank and the establishment of assemblages of the ladIes"Tank. The Select Castle will, in all probability, accept the privileges granted by tho constitution recently adopted by the Su preme Castle, by which tbe original officers ot castles hereafter will, at the expiration of their first term ot service, receive the honor and title of past commander. A parade of the order in honor of tbe Select Castle will take place to-morrow afternoon. It will be marshaled by tbe general commanding tbe military branch, J. B. Roberts, and will be participated In by members of the order from various parts of the State. Mayor D. K. Noell will make the address of welcome. A Very Good Reason. From the New York World. : The question, "Why do not more Americans marry English girls?" is up again for interna tional discussion. There Is one reason so suffi cient tnat the others do not need to be men tioned. And that reason is the American girls. TRI-STATE TRIFLES. One of the cannon used by tbe American Colonists in 1763 In defending tbelr settlements from tbe attacks of the 'Indian Chief Fontlac, is imbedded in the foundation walls of the residence of J. Samuel Krause, of Bethlehem, Pa., where it was placed by the officers of the Moravian Church, to prevent Young America from firing it oS on Liberty days. A newly married woman named Wltman threw red pepper in her husband's eyes daring a quarrel at Reading. A man arrested at Erie for jumping a board bill had 50 in bis pocket. A Juniata county woman pqblicly flogs her husband every time be comes home drunk. Tbe Mayor of York bas been presented with a cane made of wood from tbe Waterloo battle field. A tame woodchuck belongs to a family in Trumbull county. O. Tbe boys caught it when young and treated it so nicely thatlt now fol lows tbem about like a kitten. A Wheeling grocer carelessly left a cheese uncovered at night and in tbe morning ..dis covered that- mice had riddled it with holes. One had evidently started a nest in it. A dog that has been taught to walk back ward Is on ned by a BUlalre man. Three hundred and eighty-five crows were, counted on two trees in a cornfield near Barnes- ville, Ot a few days ago. j, . aw "Bwqaninufr 'as Jt-raoii, at. ays- ' ."gffgrnfc- Imdm,' HC elegant jaaliea,, -for,-- Mii'TiMM, ".'?.?'W'WlllJlHPJlgii OIBAC H HCHIH BMHBB. Im torn mMd! bate tell." .. , ,.wL Jleiesa, Ore- a twiaed actxnd aa otrw um sssl . skiSBSSBUCk h isnfr WrahA Via , large asBjsJs.a tU. have Soxes Miiiitt em mi to kf tbttmrressiuelin1fcl Dr.' 'Brisurif ' a' ' dtrtlmtlMilil ' Freseh physietaa attested VilleiBtt. hi ixmd to 'ba weftferttTsare of wstsfSBptfcw 1 tM-eaM-asr , huisii. c uBMItaey ate attkttTsfeep c regardless f tbe weather. WlitiMsVMtf; at Oifv, C.,-bws: stooghssw a BMatsJv nWimsi'i measured 8 feet da leagtk, art saaatesMlsat ties. Thespetteststheawstrtinatrt uerxamuy. jar. isyswi mi tae n aad will asaWa Mies' beltaf I snake saias aM btaaariajr. fmajsanatii, aa44 ww oe oatoc avtM beauty.- H. P. TTarreor'of Coaaefl, had a red bin i ate faattly stat.ttK. ;M oat last weer, lanat: reaeoM im i age oi ao yean at Mast. Bad tar a Mpposed to be saarteY-fvad. peoially whea eouaaed. Tbey ' OreeS and diaauhr.-aatt Mats sat tamo them or raaie thorn cBWayto m xuoiea nome- . e-Attutawat; stand frew aettrtoair- wmfcreflcaWedseJy ByaWtanialeswhr! iromjacason lor W ooffljw. watt raakss eft raaroaa wrecks, riots, snail per many others gained cireBlattoa .NotlHc3eoold be gotten frees the COfflua were axnrsasad. Tjttar It that a mistake hadbeen sawk-eatr M JM casket had been ordered. ' '"'' A hen at Barnesville, G., baa kid aa average of aa egg a day slaee JaaeeryL Tlaa tremendous number, however, dM net satisfy ber. aad Friday aad Satarday she laid Ave eggs eaeb oay., Again she waa not sid, aad Sunday, taetead of "keeping the fsaaaatbday holy," she laid serea eggs, tasking 17 la three days, or for the 2H days of this year she had laid268eggs. She Ja owned by JoaaVaa. Among the pateaes of sea-weed whisk float in tie Gulf Stream there a small fishes very prettily colored. tBMehasa earieas aaeaa ef defeat e aad be- cause ot this ja eased tae ale . NenaaHy folded down upoa Ha back la a rather: leeg spine, w aenever aasger is aparoasaaeai spine suddenly springs aariaat aaaWih JisiMA mere or a lime Dose oeoma k aet and under the skis. A slaughter of swallews JW ganixed oa a-large scale aleag-tae soataom seaboard of Franca. Tha nam omo.tnT)raWaht on wires provided for the purpose, feted oatl ilssssft HHBSIW'9V' SStSSSSsmfiU- Nwtffke- 1lM lMSVtMl.. m: mStwmWKOLk ?r aifsMtf FK8W Ww. aJlrafwV- a kWVWWHM ? v-- si. t-ir - VU tesiM after long flights to or from Italy and tbe Jaset, $fc& and they are killed in thoataBda bymaaaaef ; -eleetrie currents. This modern mosansea of .1 the innocents, has been wdalsed ha tae later eats of fashion, and tiie slaughtered Mras are used for the decoration of the.bats or boaasta of dainty dames and-damoseis la -Ion Jot),, Paris or New York. "" ", The Hennonites of the HaaMHt Creek district, Lancaster county, held a saetiat seat ing a few days ago to select a Biaisteraaeerd ing to the usual custom. Tweaty-oae Btbles were placed upona table in the meeting beasev eligible members of the congregaUea taea passed around the table, each taklag oaa of tbe Bibles. The one tbat contained tbe sMp of paper fell to Jonas Hets, of Lltitr, aad be was accordingly declared called to the ministry and endowed with the ministerial authority. Sir. Gordon, A member of the Georgia House of Representatives, created a sensation ia the Legislature the other day. While talk ing to several members he suddesly drew a live snake from his pocket. As the reptile darted its tongue towards the Representatives there was a dispersion tbat eclipsed tbe dispersion after the flood. A shout aad burst of laughter followed that endangered the gravity of the House. One of the members said that a snake was an uncanny sort ot a jest. It carried with it an insinuation not pleasant to a member who had been up late tbe night before. On the banks of the Trinity, about a mile and a bait from Galveston, stands an old log cabin dating from the earliest days of Texas. I Tb ea6in.lt is daisied, JsnlghUy the seeae of chostlv ors-fea. ralnnlated to freesa tSin fclwl nf any living creature within sioat aad hearisg otjLfit,t them. A party of young men in a spirit of ad- ' venture visited this haunted hovel a few nights since and report tbat they found It illuminated by an unearthly blue light, which emanated , from no visible source and filled with suffocat ing fumes of brimstone and sulphur. Invisible hands snapped and tngged at them and shrieks of diabolical laughter and lamentation too pitiful for description mingled In a dreadful chorus. Half-embodied figures coald be dimly seen through the hazy atmosphere of the room. A party of sportsmen from Port Stock ton, Tex while hunting antelopes la the Sierra Charrote a few days ago, made a most singular discovery. Riding up a narrow gorge they caught sight of a gigantic rattlesnake trailing his hideous length along the steep crag just above their heads. Several of the party, states the truthful correspondent, fired at the reptile, but none of tbe shots had any effect beyond causing his snakeshlp to accelerate hisleisurely movement: Tbe sound of their shots brought a man out of a cave in the rocks, and after some talk the hunters were Invited to enter. They found a woman and children there. Tbe woman lighted a torch, revealing the cave swarming with snakes of every description and size. They bung from rocky projections la the root and sides of tbe cavern, hissing at the unwonted light, and glided about from one corner to another: One great slimy black monster lay across the throat of a sleeping infant; gently waving its horrid head above the child's month. An older child was eating; something from an earthenware vessel, and a, large rattler leaning from his shoulder would' swing over and eat from the diah. while the child would strike it with Its bare band when ever its strange messmate seemed getting more than its share. FUNinr MEN'S FANCIES. An exchange says: "What does a man make by getting married? Occasionally he makes a fool of himself. It also bappens occasionally tbat he makes his wife mis erable. Tza Sifting. Not a Fast Color.-rMiss Periode (at tha races) I shall buy the horscvirhose driver wears bine. Hiss Discreet I wouldn't. Bine Is not a fast color, yon know. Sta Tort Sun. Widow Flapjack Are yoa superstitious, Mr. DeSmlth? Ous UcSmlth-Not at all. Then I don't mind telling you. That's t9S thirteenth hlicult you've eaten to-night. Test Siftings. Mrs. Luopkini-Jb5b.u3, I am going- to the dentist's to nave a tooth pulled out. You mind the baby while I'm gone. Mr. L. (J umplng for his ha1,) Say, you mind the baby and I'll go and get a tooth pulled, yon know. Sew lor Sun. Traveler My friend; did yon notice a pedestrian passing this way wlthm the last half honr? Native I seen a feller trampln' erlong, but I dunno whether he war a pedestrian or a Free-Will Baptis'. St. Paul Punuirprut. The Usual Monkeying. Bessie How was It yoa refused Charlie when yoa love him so? Jennie Because after proposing once he changed the subject and never referred to It again, I Intended to accept him the third time ba asked. Drake's Magazine. A little boy bearing some one remark tbat nothing was quicker than thought, said he knew better than that; whistling was quicker than thought, and ha had some marks on bis legs to show for It. Being asked to explain, be said: "la school the other day I whistled before I thought, and got a licking for It" Texat Stjtingt. As "Warm as Toast Squeers Ton Mt. Washington j-Whew, Isn't It cold? Nlctleby Why. I feet. warm as toast, Squeers-You do. ffhy, man, the thermometer Is down to 15. Nlekleby-WelV I feel as warm as toast. Inst tha same-that is, boarding boose toast. Sew Zorl Sun. Had Been Tnere. Mrs. Blotterwlck Joshua, there was a tramp here this afternoon, and he looked so bungry that I gave him a large'' piece of gooseberry pie. I wonder how- he feels now? . Blotterwlck (gloomily) I know how he feelilTI had a piece of that pie at dinner, you remember? Drake's Magazine. . & "What It is Coming To. Attorney Hare yoa formed or expressed any oolnlon as toioeJ gnllt or Innocence ofthe accused In-tbls ease? " c Man drawn as a juror No, sir. But I have some times thought " Attorney (rising Indignantly) Your Honor, this man acknowledges that he sometimes thinks. It Is hardly r&teccusry to say that we.saaH caaHeage him aa a Juror In this cue, Chicago Tribune. ?v msfr t