THE PITTSBURG- -"DISPATCH, "TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10; -.' i88a- FIRST WARD PURITY. It Was Proven by Constable Carr and Jndjje White Yesterday. FEW SPEAK-EASIES AT THE POIKT. A Little Boy Finds a Defender in the Judge TVLo Tries His Case. GENERAL KEWSOP THE COUXTI COURTS Constable Peter Carr, of the First ward, has been away on a vacation and did not get back in time to make his official returns to the courts on the first of the month. Carr appeared in Criminal Court yesterday with his return, in which he specified that Ivol Angello, an Italian, was the only ille gal liquor seller in the ward. Judge "White had evidently been waiting ior Constable Carr, and His Honor's ques tions, with Constable Carr's answers, fol lowed rapidly like this: Q, Do you know Samuel AbernethyT A. Yes, sir. G Has he been selling illegally T A. Not that X know of. Q But did you make any effort to find ont whether he was selling or not A. Yes, sir, I did, and could find uothlng. Q. Do vou know whether Mrs. Brennen, of Penn avenue and First street, is sellinc or not: A. I do not. Q, Mrs. Connelly, of Fort street and Penn avenue? A. I not only tried to find her, but also sent my mother. Icoald get no informa tion. Q. Mrs. Freeze. 201 Market streetT A. She is in the workhouse. Q. Mrs. Gletz, 31 Third aTenue? A. Never beard of her. Q. Thomas Godfrey, 200 Market streetT A. His place has been closed for six months. Q. Mrs. Griffin. First street? A. I made an information against ber, but the witnesses would not testify that she was selling, and she is uiacoargeu. Q- Mrs. Hines, Third avenue? A. I don't know her. Q. Mrs. Cody. Gun tree alley? A. There is no such a place in the ward. Q. Mrs. King. Third street, and Mrs. Mo Guire, Penn avenue? A. I know nothing abont the places. Q. But it's your business to know or try to find out. Mrs. B. McGinnis, Water streetT A They have a bottling license, but sold none by the drink. Q. Mr. Powers, Point alley? A. No such a woman lives there. Q. M. Sullivan, Water street, and Mrs. Dcuov. Penn aenue? A. I never heard of them scllm;;. "It is hard for a constable to get these places," concluded Constable Carr, "as they won't allow us within half a mile of the place." Judge "White Did you ask anv police men about illegal liquor sellers? Constable Carr Yes, sir; but got no in formation. Your Honor, there are fewer speak-eaies in the First ward than in any ward in the city. Judge "White It is common rumor in the newspaper offices that there are thousands of illegal liquor selling places in the city. I have no doubt that there as a great deal of talk, but I don't think there is as much illegal selling as they try to make out. I don't say that a constable 'should spend all his time looking for these places, but when he hears ol one he should investigate it. THEr "WERE INDICTED. Important Cases Acted Upon Yesterday br he Grand Jury. The Grand Jury yesterday returned a true bill against Edward Castle for entering a building with intent to commit a felony; larceny and receiving stolen goods. Castle is charged with having robbed the store of "W. E. Bclimertz on Mx, Oliver about a year ago. He was arrested a few days ago in Hagerstown, Md. Papers for his return will be made out to-day and forwarded to the Governor. A true bill was also found against James Ii. Orr, the real estate agent, for indecent assault on Miss May Kelly, a girl employed in his office oo Fifth avenue. True bills were found against Miles Laughlin, James Crawford and George Morrison for rescuing prisoners. They are charged with having interfered with the officers who arrested the rioters at the Carrie Furnace a few weeks ago, and trying to rescue the prisoners. The other true bills were: A. Hocfiing, entering a building with intent to commit a felony; William White, horse stealing; William McCoy, William McCIoskcy, John Kennedy, larceny and receiving stolen goods: William White, James Stanton, V. Jones.larceny from the person; William Drake. William Grant. William P. Hanlon, Jacob Thomas, assault and battery; Dude Claire, Jacob Bodm, Jerry Mahoney, Jerry Downey, aggravated assault and battery; Adams Piska, felonious assault. The ignored bills were: Cljde E. Mnrcklish, larceny and receiving stolen goods; Joseph Bane, setting a fire with intent to defraud insurers; Jacob Wenthman selling and furnishing liquor on Sunday; Ja cob and Joseph Wenthman, selling liquor with t out license. PLEDGED STOCK. Testimony i Being Taken In the Marshall Heirs' Case. The taking of testimony was commenced in the Orphans Court yesterday on the pe tition of Anna Frances Marshall to recover her share of bank stock owned by her father, the late James Marshall. The stock was pledged by James Marshall, Jr., as acting execntor of his father's estate, as collateral security for a note held by the American Bank. The stock in question was 50 shares of 400 shares of the stock of the Farmers' Deposit National Bank, owned by Mr. Marshall, Sr. The petitioner's portion of his estate is one-fourth. It is held that Mr. Marshall, Jr., had no right to pledge property belonging to his lather's estate when the loans were really obtained as an individual, and not as ex ecutor, and that their father's estate was not interested. This suit is one of a num ber, Mr. Marshall, Jr., having pledged a large amonnt of stocks belonging to his father's estate, and afterward tailed. The testimony being taken is as to his right to so pledge the estate as an executor. JUDGE WHITE'S FEAT. He Acta na Attorney and Judge Both for a Llttlo Boy. Andrew Kinslow, a 13-year-old boy, was placed on trial in Criminal Court yesterday for larceny. He robbed the money drawer of P. H. Tbod's store, on Carson street, Soathside. The boy had no attorney to de fend him, and as there was no one about the room who could be called on, Judge "White undertook to defend the lad himself. The Judge put thewitnesses through a more se vere examination than an attorney would. The evidence was very conclusive against the defendant, but this did not seem to worry His Honor. Whether the boy admitted to His Honor in their private conversation that he had been guilty of the theft or not was never for a moment betrayed by the Judge. The case was submitted without argument, and the Judge, in chargiug the jury, made a very fiDe charge, in which the young client did not get any the worst ot it. The jury is out in the case. Hurtnpee'a Case Appealed. C. A. Sullivan, Esq., attorneyfor Andrew J Hartupee in his suit against the city of Pittsburg and Joseph L. Lowry, which was decided against Hartupee by Judge Stowe some time ago, yesterday filed an appeal of the case to the Supreme Court What Lawyers Hove Done. .Kate Flaccus yesterday entered suit against James Whitfield for 5,000 damages for sunder. Eichabd Kelly plead cuilty to a cuarjre of assault and battery. ud was sent to the work bouse for on year. Mabtin NocTON plead guilty in Criminal Court yesterday to robbing a drunken man in Enarpsburg. He was sent to the workhouse ior one year. tfjZBTKUSs Zohn yesterday entered suit &3sV5isSKaBKdaLusEicVJfet s,t, f . -. tjaj.4ti iLigIAaBBsJlsnass& la$slaHassfcM. ' islsssssssli InStsss against William Streible for S500 damages. Streible obtained an execution against William Zohn and others, and then levied on and sold goods belonging to her. Richard Folkt, Janes O'Conner, James Morrison and Thomas Jenkins were found guilty in Criminal Court yesterday of the lar ceny of a lot of blankets from a tugboat at Thompson's landing. Foley was sent to the workhouse for one year. The other three boys were remanded for further consideration. To-day's trial list is as follows: In the Criminal Court Commonwealth vs OllverTate, Andrew Kinslow, Edward McDonald (2), P. Banevento, Dennis Sullivan, James Kelly et al, Joseph Guelics, Henry Rapp, John Drnmin, William White. John Smith, alias Ganish (2), Andy Smith, Patrick Boyle. Pasquall Cione, John Golden et al. Ida BishOD and Osbey Clark. Richard Kintzleb, Sr., yesterday entered snit against the German Roman Catholic Knights of St. George of the Dioceses of Pitts burg and Allegheny. He sues lor $3,000 dam ages on account of his expulsion from the order for his refusal to pay an alleged unauthorized assessment. The order is a beneficial one, and Kintzler was assessed 82 40 f or four deaths. At the same time an unauthorized extra assess ment of 51 45 was made. The testimony taken in the divorce suit of Mrs. Sarah Jane Quartz against William Quartz was filed yesterday. The couple re sided on Twentieth street and have been mar ried for 22 years. It was shown that Qnartz neglected and abused bis wife for years, and she finally had to leave him. On one occasion after she had left him he met her and knocked her down and kicked her in the face until she was unconscious. THE EVERETT PIANO CLUB, Or Co-Operatlve Plan of Selling Pianos, Offers inducements which can be secured in no other way, while the club members have the privilege of the easiest payments ever offered, viz., $1 00 per week. They at the same time get the benefit ot the lowest pos sible cash price, obtained by contracting for 350 pianos at one time. If you have not seen the plan send for our circular at once. or come and see the piano. Application for membership should be made immediately, as the club is filling up. Address or call on Alex Boss, Manager, 137 Federal street, Alleghenv. Prof. Carl Better, Prof. Jos. H. Gittings, Prof. H. Bohbock, Prof. F. Albrecht and a host of others say the Everett Club is a thoroughly honest and practical plan of securing a first-class piano at the Ion est possible cost. John Howard, the great voice teacher and author of Physiology of Artistic Singing, says the Everett piano pleases me. It has a most delightful quality of tone, a pliant, responsive touch, and is in every respect a most satisfactory instrument. tts J. G. BENNETT fc CO., Corner Wood Street and Fifth Avenue. Bennett & Co. sell Youinan's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Dunlap's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Silverman's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Boston hats. Bennett & Co. sell Christy's English hats. Bennett & Co. sell Lincoln, Bennett & Co.'s English hats. Bennett & Co. sell Heath's English hats. The above makes are known to be the fin est in the world, and can be purchased at a slight cost over the ordinary make of hats at J. G. Bennett & Co.'s, corner Wood street and Fifth avenue. The School Review. The attention of school principals and teachers is called to the September number of the Beview, which is now ready. The Beview is a monthly publication unequaled as suplementary reading in the schools and of inestimable value to both pupils and teachers. "With the current number the Beview be gins its seventh year. It is brighter and better than ever before, containing stories and sketches for both old and young by the most accomplished writers in the country. It is now used in nearly all the city schools and many other schools throughout the country as supplementary reading, and it re ceives nothing but commendations wherever it goes. The subscription to single sub scribers is 75 cents per yeir and 50 cents to school children. Orders sent to PercvF. Smith, publisher, 55 Virgin alley, Pitts burg. Sample copies sent free on application. GRAND MILLINERY; OPENING, At the People' Slot-r, Beginning Tuesday, 10th instant, and con tinued "Wednesday and Thursday. Full line of lately imported French pattern hats and bonnets. Campbell & Dick. 15 Cts. Wrapper Flannels 15 Cts. A beantiful line only 15 cents. Fast colors, fast colors. Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. At the Expo. "When you go to the Exposition don't fail to visit Marvin's stand and get a delicious hot cake, made from Marvin's un rivaled, self-rising pancake flour. Then when you go home again take with you a sack of the flour and make some cakes for yourself. ttssu. At tho People's Store. "We have a large line of New Fall Suits for Ladies and Misses made up from best materials, in latest styles, equal in work manship to any in the country. If they need alterations to suit customers, it will be done free of charge at the People's Store by most competent parties. Campbell &Dick. Block Goods. Black Goods. Headquarters on black goods. See ours before you buy. Knable & Shuster, 35 Fifth avenue. HARRY Alden, formerly of this city, can now be found at "W. H. Holmes & Son's Chicago House, No. 264 South Clark street. 120 AVater street, 264 South Clark st., 158 First avenue, ttssu Chicago. Pittsburg. Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Wall Paper! If you want to paper your house this fall call and see John S. Boberts, 414 Wood st. He carries all grades, from the cheapest to the finest, and with the aid of experienced decorators ne can assure you satisfaction. tts Use "Una' flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. 25 Cts. 25 Cts. 50 Cts. 50 Cts. Fast black hosiery, hosiery, wool hose, 25 cts., 50 cts. and upward. Knable & Shuster, 35 Filth avenue. Harry Alden, formerly of this citv, can now be found at W. H. Holmes "& Son's Chicago House, No. 264 South Clark street 120 "Water street, 264 South-Clark st., 158 First avenue, ttssu Chicago. Pittsburg. Misses' Clonks nnd Wraps. Our stock is open, embracing every style and quality. Our goods are marked at the very lowest cash prices, and we can suit you in every way at the People's Store. Campbell & Dick. Knable & Shnster. Dress goods, dress goods. French goods, English good. American goods, German goods. All prices, all prices, all prices. Knable & Shuster, 35 Filth avenue. Heads of families should not fail to keep a supply of Baeuerlein Brewing Co.'a well known brand of bottled beer. Pints or qts. on hand. A call per telephone 1018 will re- ( ceive prompt attention. ttssu Ladles' Snit Parlors. New suits for early fall wear arriving daily at Parcels & Jones', 29 Fifth are. US CUSTARD PIE AHEAD. The Children in the Country Pre ferred It to Other Dainties. SOME CHILDISH EXPERIENCES. How the Little Ones From the IT. P. Home Were Kicely Entertained BI GENEROUS YEOMEN ON THE FARMS If the good people in the country who entertained the children from the United Presbyterian Orphans' Home in Allegheny for the past four or five weeks could hear the reports they give of their vacation they certainly would feel amply paid for their trouble. Every June the Home sends out circulars to the pastors of the churches of the denomination in the country districts asking them to send a list of those in their congregation who will entertain the children for a few weeks, with the number each will take. July and August are monthsof expectation and great preparation with the little ones. To them it is an oasis in the yearly life at the Home, and the one time above all others when they are petted and humored, allowed to romp as much as they please and made to feel that someone beside the matron and immediate friends of the Home care for them. This year 40 of the children were enter tained in West Newton, Tarentnm, Logan's Ferry, points in Beaver county and other places. Ten of the inmates were too small to go or had to stay at home through sick ness. During last week 30 ot the children returned at different times, and the other ten will be back this week. THEY WERE SHY AT FIRST. When a reporter visited the Home yes terday, Mrs. Boss, the matron, called a number of the children into the playroom to tell their experiences. Though shy at first, their exuberant spirits could not keep them long from talking on their favorite theme. "Well, what did you do in the country?" asked the reporter of a bright little girl named Emma Dewey. "It would take me till summer to tell you," she replied. "What did you like best?" was asked. "Oh, I liked the house, 'cause it was yellow an' I had four little kittens, all my own. Yes, sir, I milked the cow in a big bucket and had lots ot milt to drink. "I had custard pie," and "I had custard pie, too," broke in another. "I, too," echoed a chorus, showing that custard pie was a prize feature of the menu in their country homes. "I didn't have custard pie," said little Budolohf Short, climbing up on to the re porter's lap, with a woe-begone expression on his face. ''I want to milk a cow, too." NELLIE COMES TO HIS RESCUE. Little Nellie, his sister, told Budolph that she would tell him all about it, and maybe he could go next summer. The matron said that the children would talk about their vacation all winter until it was time to go again, and since their re turn they have had great times comparing notes. The Sunday school picnic was to them a great pleasure. Mrs. Bose said that with 50 or more little ones together, she could not give all the attention and caresses, which seem as neces sary to children as water to growing plants. If she paid a little more attention to one than another there was a strike right off. While in the country they are petted and their little wants and desires looked after by kind people, and once a year they ieel something of the influences of maternal love, such as it is impossible to give them attKa .Homo. - For a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. Peaks' Soap the purest and best ever made MEETINGS "VrOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF LX the stockholders of the Frohsinn Society to elect Directors takes place at their office, 305 Penn ave.. TUESDAY, beptember 10, 18S9.from i o'clock p. M, till 9 o'clock p. it. iu2S-a.p C. W. KRAUS, Secretary. T RIDGE NOTICE U.S. ENGINEER OF JL FICE, Louisville, Ky., August 10, 1S89 llio Board of Engineers on the Louisville bridge will meet in public session at Major A. Stickncy's office, Louisville, Kv.,ou September 12, 1889, at 11 A. 31.. local time, to hear argu ments for or against the plan and location of the bridge proposed by the Louisville and Jel fersonville Bridge Co. C. B. COMSTOCK, Colonel of Engineers, President of the Board. aul3-28 13 14-15-16-selO-U OTlCEs. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS THE CHAN NEL piers or the Dravoaburg bridge, on the Monoacahela rtlver are being bnilt at preen t. McDQNaLD & JTJTTE. Builders. selO-45 PROPOSALS. "VTOTICE TO HOUSE BUILDERS JL Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until MONDAY, September SO, at 4 p. jr.. for the erection of a bose house and police station, to be erected for the Borough of McKeesport, on Market street. Plans and specifications for the same can be seen at the office of the Borough Clerk, First National bank building. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. GEORGE BOSSART, Clerk. selO 96-TTS The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Office 233 South Fourth Street. Philadelphia, beptember 7. 1889 CEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED 1 TO yj the undersigned (and marked on the out- siae "Proposals"), will be received at this office until 9 A. M. SEPrEMBERlfl, 1889, for furnish ing all labor and materials and erecting complete above foundations at Walls station on the Pitts burg division, P. R. R.: (1) A brick semi-circular repair shop, 432 feet diameter. iZ) A brick office building; 30x40 feet, and (3) A brick paintsbop, 20x81 feet, together with Ave frame buildings, inclosed and covered with corrugated iron, the latter comprising a total of about 27,200 square feet. Proposals to state price for each of the above eicht buildings. Plans and specifications can be seen at this office. Room 16, Annex, and at office of J. T. Stuart, Assistant Engineer, Walls station. This company reserves the right to reject any or all bids. WM. H. BROWN. se8-30-TTSn Chief Engineer. LEGAL NOTICES. JENNINGS & WILSON Bakewell Liw Bide E STATU OF MR8. ISABELLA W. U. Comingo, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the es tate of Mrs. Isabella W. C. Comingo, deceased late of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to rnako Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay to ISAAC CRAIG. JR., Administra tor, Na 91 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. auWH-Tu TN RE DISSOLUTION OF THE ELIZA. j BtSTfcl Bridge uompany. In the Onurr nf iummou rjea rtit. x, ui Aiiegnenv COunt Pa. No. 404, October term, 1889. Notice is hereby given that on SATURDAY, September 28. A. D. 1SS9, at 10 A. M., application will be made to the Court in the above proceeding for a decree dissolving tho Elizabeth Bridge Company and distributing its assets in accordance with the schedule filed, and that the same will be granted unless exceptions are filed in the meantime. ALBERT J. WALKER, Attorney for said Company. sel0-i4 tu r A. BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1341 se5S8 tts A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT, 98 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. aul8-57-TTS SPECIAL SALE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS jewelry and silverware till Oct I, to make room for tall stock; solid gold stick pins 50c up, eta, all other goods marked down equally as cbean: 25 per cent off on all silverware (hollow) at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave., Pittsburg! Watch, clock and jewelry repairing a specialty. au27-rrs ' ' 83-Display advertisement! one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ment on this page such at Wanted, For Bale, To Let, eta ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the publio, Branch Offices have been established at the following1 places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to O P. M. for inser tion next morning: , Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthlMDlS rATt'u. prrrsBURa. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 8S,9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton st 24. bfOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. .EAST END. I. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OABXAKD. MCALLISTER & SHEIBLER, 5th av. & Alwood it. SOUTnsiDE. JACOB srOHN. So. 2 Carson street. H. A. DUlALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEE, S8 Federal street. H. J. McBKIUE. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEHS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M. GLEIS1. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. 3I1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLo'cKEB. Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Male Hcln. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS OYSTFR AND clam opener, at ISO. 3DIAMONDSQUARE. -TTTANTED-lW LABORERS AT t OURTH A VE VV NUEand Grant st. BOOfH&FLINN. WANTED -A TUTOR IN GERMAN AND French. 43 BEECH Sr.. Allegheny Citv. BelO-61 WANTKU-4 COOPERS FOR SLACK WORK. , Apply to M. C. DOLAN, No. 142 Colwell St., city. selO-99 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER; steady work: married man preferred. P. idyTi i, Nf SEEFORD, illes, O. se7-82 WANTED BROWN STONECUTTERS iOll bnlldlnRwork. Call on or address A. H. AJIICK, Cnmberland, Md. sc8-14 WANTED-SALESMAN TO SELL GOODS BY sample: good salarvDald. Write toCEN- ienniaLS jmu. CO., Cincinnati, O , or Chicago. se3-,d TTSSU WANTED-TWO DRUMMERS FOB CITY; used to solicit: good commission. Apply between 10 and 11 A. x. Tuesday, No. 4431 VENN AVE. selO-63 WANTED A GOOD, SOBER -LATHE hand, at once: mnt be a mechanic: steady employment to right man. Apply BUTLEK ai-jju. w., ijui., uutier, ra. 6e8-140 WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER; must take charge or office and collecting; city reference required. Address, stating salary expected, ir. PE., Dispatch office. scD-71 Tirj-ANTED GARDENER AND MAN TO vv work about country place; Blngle and able to drive and attend to green house: references re quired. Apply to ROOM NO. ONE (1), Bakewell Law Building. selO-60 WANTED FIRST-CLASS, SOBER PRE SCRIPTION glass blowers; also a few food finishers: union wages: steady work: rare wild; rite Tullv: say who vou worked for. CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO.. Chicago. aulB-45-D VTTANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING TV powder and pure eptces: gifts with golds; coke workers, miners or mlllmtn can makemdney In their spare time: special Inducements toier Bons having established trade. YAMASHlRO TEA CO.. SS Jackson t Allegheny, Pa. J au20-T9-TTS i . WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, 4SIxth St.: penmanship, tpok keenlng. arithmetic Bhorthand,typewrlting thor oughly taught for fo per month: private tnstuc tlons for both sexes; open dally 9 A. M. to 9 r.'it. auio-TTfsu WANTED AGENTS IF DEfalRlMJ TO make money rapidly to take our fTug Fastening:" no experience required; they sell themselves at 35c and 50c per pair; they cost vou Japanned llc nickel plated 12c; Just the hlng for county fairs: 110 per day made easily, iend 25c for sample (nickel plated), or 2c stamp foi cir cular. SAFETY TUG FASTENING CO I 304 Vine St., Cincinnati. sc5-S6-tirs WANTKD-FIRSI'-CLASS BARBERS; ALSO wanted barbers to know that we have:r great furiilturc salesroom still open forlnipec tlon to prove that we are the only manufacturers in Western Penna. ; we occupy 5 floors and 1 num bers, and we will be pleased to show any barbers that may call and convince themselves of the truth of our statement. A. ELLIS & CO., Lead ing Manufacturers or Barbers' supplies and fur niture: successors to S. Delp; formerly 80 Diamond, now Wi, 504, 506, 503 and 510 Liberty st. se8-108-Tusu Female Help. "TTTTAN TED-FIRST-CLASS SALESLADIES IN r t cioait aeparimcm. Apply at OFFICE. 510 Market st. seio-ol WANTLD-GOOD STOUT GIRL FOR LAUN DRY. Apply AMERICAN HOUSE. 1002 Liberty St., city. selO-72 WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL UOUSE WORK: must come recommended. AddIv ust come recommended. Apply at NO. 9 ARCH ST., Allegheny. selO-65 WAN1ED-AT ONCE. 50 GOOD "WOMEN and girls for general factory work. Inquire BOVARD PARNELL, Ml Liberty St., tit?. EC10-6S WANTED-6 TRAINED FEMALE NURSES; must show diploma. Apply DR. SU1TOA. private hospital, 170 Ridge ave., Allegheny citv. SC19-63 -VTTANTED-GtJOD COOK. AND LAUNDRESS. it German Protestant woman preferred, by &K?il3rJfftSSi must speak English. Adaress NEIL CROSBY, P. O. Box 661, city. selO-53 WANTED-A PROTESTANT GIRL AS NUR SERY governess, who can do neat sewing, amuse children, assist them with their lessons, and make herself generally useful with the care of them. Address GOVERiiJiSS, Dispatch office. Pittsburg, Pa. S65-55 Male nnd Pcmnle iTdo. WANTED-50 LABORERS, STEADY WORK: carriage driver; farm hands, 60 cooks, 20 chambermaids, 100 nurse girls, pantry girl and dishwasher, housekeeper and sewing girl, store girl. MEEUAN'S, 545 Grant st. se9-n WA,,TEPr:7EAC'HE,teTIIE BOARD OF School Directors or Ohio township willmect atschoolnoaseNo. 5, two miles rrom Glenfleld station. P.. Ft. W. AC. R. It. on Friday, Septem ber 13. at 1 o'clock p. M., to elect five teachers for schools of said township. W. S. GRUBBS, Sec. SC10-64-TT WANTFD - f25 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every community: goods staple: household necessity; sed at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. ull particulars and valuable simple casefree: we mean just what we say. Addressat once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. Jel4-70-i Sltnntions. WANTED-POSITION TO TAKE CARE OF horse and cow aud work about a place- will work ror board and clothes. Address jAb CLINGAN, No. 5 Market St. selO-M WANTED-blTUATlON BY YOUNG MAN with three years' experience In the hard ware business; understands d. e. bookkeeping references. Address Q. U. A., Dispatch ofllce. selO-07 WANTED-POSITION 1). E. BOOKKEEPER; competent to take charge of set or boots ror rnfg. or other concern: salary fOOO to S1.20C- Al reference. Address BOOKKEEPER, 8H Eleventh ave.. Altoona, Pa. sclO-S TiTANTED-SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER. T T paymaster or confidential clerk: best ofref ences; bond ir required; by a reliable gentleman who sneaks several languages. Address Kappa. Allegheny P.O.. Pa. Communications confiden- tlal. se 10-54 Partners. WANTED-PARTY TI1H p.500 TO .101 V advertiser in land operation or unusual merit and profit: no risk: large profits certain. Address O. D.. Dispatch office. . selO-50 -TTTANTED-TWO (2) ACTIVE, ENEKGE1IC V V men with tj00 eacb to loin the subscriber in the purchase of an old-established and well known real estate business, lor particulars ad dress MORTO AGE,- Dispatch office. 6C10-62 WANTED-TO MEET A PARTY OF INFLU ENCE among capitalists to join under signed in organization ol syndicate to purchase very large tract coal and Umber land at a great bargain. Address N. B., Dispatch office. selO-57 Rooms, Houses. Etc. WANTED - ROOMS - A PROFESSIONAL gentleman and wire desire rooms, with or without board. In Allegheny near the parks. Aa dress BOi. 15J, Allegheny. sel0-69 Boarders, and Lodgers. WANTED-BOARDERS. AT No. 502 NORTH HILAND AVE., East End. iel"70 Flnancinl. -rT7-ANTED-MpirrGAGES.LARGEORSMALL VV amount. 4" tnOner cent h curity and desirability of loan. TtlN K- -"."-... " 3 - uv. ..CUL. I HART, Room 4, 54 Fuurth ave. selO-89-TTS WANTED-MOKTGAGES-Jl, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties st 4K. Sand t per cent and on larms in Allegheny anTaala-,C0.ntJe !?, 6 per t. ii. pennock: a SON, 10j fourth avenue. apnt ISaiWJrth'auef "ockM- WANTED. Financial. "fTr ANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN TV In sums to suit at 4f, S and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TT8SU WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over 4,00O;.43 ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. K Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-i WANlED-t300 TO $3UO0O TO LOAN ON mortgages: 4.1. 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE St. CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. Be5-26-D XTANTED-MORTGAGE3 I1.000.000TOLOAN v r in large and small amounts at 4)4. 5 and 8 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. myH-eo TK7"A1 TED-TO LAN MONEY ON MORT v T GAGES on Improved real estate lu sams of 300 and upward at 4), 5 and 6 per cent. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Bntler streets. ieio-50-rrsu "TTTANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS V V or S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H percent, tree or tax: also smaller amounts at Sands per cent. BLACK UAIBD, So iourtu avenue. se21-d28-D Mlscellaneoua. WANTED-YOU TO GET A MAKER'S dozen (13) or Stewart ft Co. s fine cabinet photos Tor II, at SO and 92 FEDERAL ST..AUe ghenr. my53-49-TT8n WANTED-EVERYBODY TO SEND THEIR furniture needing upholstering, repalrlne andrefinlshlngto HAUGUAK -KISKAJN, a ana AN, 33 and 34 Water st. 'FhonelKS, auis T)irANlED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM VV BERStosccnreaflne gold watch for each one in the club at tl 00 per week. Address P. O. Box SOL and I will calf and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 TTTAJ,TED-ALL UNION COOPERS TO V know that a strike Is In progress at Dolan's Cooper Shop. Twenty-sixth street, Southsldc. for Just cause. WILLIAM" BURN and JOHN SMITH, Committee, K. or L., 1862. eeg-lC "VTITANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO VV TOG RAPHER, 96 Uth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at (1 SO per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-C3 WANTED ALL BARBERS TO KNOW THAT we are not any benefit to our competitor. We do not have papers print lor ns false state ments. We don't try to Injure oar competitor. Wc are not proprietors of any barber shops, but we have rurnished the finest barber shop In West ern Pennsylvania. All barbers know that we manutactnre all first-class goods.. We don't have others make goods Tor us with our name on. Who supplied the 6 cent shops before we came to this city? Who started the 5 cent shop at corner or Wylle and Federal streets. Pittsburgr We do not ask our workmen ir they belong to the union, but pay union wages, which others have one man doing the work or six and only nay boy's wages. Now who has scab labor? We don't claim that we are any length or time at present location, but we do claim to be successors to the oldest barber supply house in Western Pennsylvania, formerly so Diamond street. Surely two in the same line of business could not occupy the one number. Now we hope that all barbers will Iook Into this matter. We expect our competitor to advertise and try to Impose on our customers with all bis falsehoods, which we hope will not be recognized as a business way. This we answer to prove that we are doing only a strictly honest business, and it Is for the last time that we answer to our protection. Beware of falsehoods and remember the only honest and leading manufacturers and dealers in barbers' supplies and furniture In Western Pennsylvania, A. EULIS & CO.. scccessors toS. Delp. rormerli No. 80 Diamond St., now 502, 604, 506, 503 and S10 Liberty st. so 10-90 FOR SALE-LTintOVED REAL ESTATE. City Realdences TTKIR SALE-FOR S3.100-A GOOD HOUSE 6 -a.' rooms. No. 43 Linden, near Chestnut St., Dixm wara. w. A. ave. HERRON &SONS. SO Fourth 8U3I-4-TS FOR SALE-K.500-A NEAT BRICK HOUSE 8 rooms on Center avenue, near Crawford St.. a good house at a reasonable price. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. se5-40-TTS TTIOR SALE-WEBSTER AVE.. NEAR FUL- JU ION St., a very desirable 2-story brick; 6 rooms and large storeroom; price low. J. i. JiciLiiji, vi uiamonasi. ses-ill-TTSSu FOR SALE-SOUTHERN AVE., MT. WASH INGTON. 3-story frame: 8 rooms and store room; this can be bought at a bargain: lot 24x146. J. C. RE1LLY. 77 Diamond St. EeS-lll-TTSSU TTlOR SALE-BLUFF ST., Mrif rviirrnn. JL new nrlck honse. 8 rooms. halL bathroom. finished basement; all late Improvements; lot 23 ii. iu. oyi.Mii.; terms 10 suit. num. tuir ARD, No. 20 Bluff St. aul-87-TTSSa FOR BALE-WYL1E AVE.-NEAR DAVIS street, 2-story and mansard brick dwelling i rooms, bath and laundry, n. and a. gas; every thing In flrst-class condition; lot 23x100. J. 0. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. se8-lll-TTSSa FORSALE-87.0DO MAIN STREET NEAR PENN avenue, three new brick dwellings, 5 rooms and finished attic each: Inside shutters, slate roof, well finished and completely sewered; corner lot 57x84 ftet; good permanent Investment: a bargain. L. O. FRAZIER, Fortr-flfth and Butler streets. selO-50-Trsu East End Residences. TTioR sale-ward st., Oakland, an Xz elegant 2-story frame dwelling: 6 rooms and finished attic; nat. gas; a very desirable locality: large lot, J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. se8-lll-TTSSu TTIOR SALE-S3.700-FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY. Ion Ward St., Oakland, with gas. water, bath. civ.; u uniKuiii lu uuiCK OUTer. .BIjAUH X BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-73 se8-69 FOR SALE-OAKLAND HOMES MAGNA st., near Craft ave.: elegant 2-story and mansard brick dwellings of 8 rooms; all modern Improved conveniences: invite inspection. BLACK & BAIKD, S5lourth ave. 2D-3I 6e8-& FORSALE-A IIANDSOMES-ROOMED BRICK, house beautifully located on O'Hara street ( which Is opened from Fifth to Ellsworth ave.). .near Fifth ave.; complete sewerage; price only 156,000. Forplans and terms see W. A. HERRON I & SONS. SO Fourth ave. se5-8-5,7,10,13,17 TTIOR SALE-S1.500- OAKLAND DWELLING, JJ 8 rooms, halL vestibule, range, bath. Inside W. c, laundry, ctcr; all modern conveniences, on good street and on line of new cable loop; is sure to enhance In value: examine this before you buy. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fonrth ave. 2D-74 se8-69 FOR SALE-S2.700-GROSS STREET, NEAR Liberty ave. ; three minutes' walk to station; new frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule. Inside shutters, side entrance, nicely finished and grained: lot 21x100: si. ooo rash. mi. ance easy payments. L. O. FRAZlEK. Forty-fifth and Butler sts. selO-50-TTSu FOR SALE-S2.600--LIBERTY AVE., NEAR Thirty-ninth st.,two squares from cable line, new frame dwelling. 5 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, inside shutters, slate mintel, side en trance, etc.: lot 20x100 feet to alley: Immediate possesion; JI.OOO cash, balance long time. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. setO-50-TTSu FOR SAL E-OAKLAND, FOURTEENTH ward, a new 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, bath. w. c, hall, laundry, etc., slate mantels, tile fireplaces and hearths, nne chandeliers, both gases, city water and house wired ror electric lights, plate glass windows, electric bells, good sewerage, street paved with asphaltum and paid ror, beautiful shade trees in front of house, a lew minutes rrom cable cars: price SS.5O0; a moderate cash payment and bal ance long time: Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. se 4-D FOR SALE-A FINE NEW EAST END RESI DENCE and large lot. 70x23 leet, on one or the most desirable paved avenues In the East End; contiguous to cable and steam tars, 12 spacious and elegant rooms, billiard room, library, bath and lavatory, patent Scotch w. c, reception hall, finished attic rooms, laundry, stationary washing apparatus with patent enameled tubs, furnace, pantries, china closets, fine marble mantels throughout, large cupboards aud clothes presses, with all other ot the more recent Improvements and modern appliances, and everything new and perfect In every particular; flue piazza, and verandah covers the entire front, from which the view ortbe Liberty Valley Is most charming and picturesque; the residence Is all complete and re idy tor immediate occupancy: It will pay any one who contemplates purchasing a first-class East End rcsldeuce to examlue this nronertv- terms reasonable: a card of permission to ex amine the premises can be obtained at our office. JAS. AV. DRAPE & CO., 12) Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. e7-61-D Allegheny Residences. FOR S.LEJ0. 36 NIXON ST., SATURDAY, September 14, at 2 o'clock, at auction, on the premises. See EW1NG BYERS, No. 93 Fed eral St., first floor. eelO-75-TTs FOR SA lE-ONLY HK, 2 HOUSES ON SHEF FIELD ST.near Beaver ave.. Allegheny. For full Information see W. HERRON & SONS, Ho. 80 i our tn ave. Se8-99-10,13,16,18 FOR SALE-3-blORY BRICK HOUSE Fourth ward. Alleghenv, 9 rooms, bath room, lavatory, large wide lialls;vestlbule: house cry complete and in good repair: will pay 10 per cent on investment: price ss,0C0. w. W. Mo NE1LL&BRO., 105iourthave. seS-93 Snburban Residences. FOR SALE ONLY 2.300 IF SOLD QUICK a neat dwelling; 5 rooms in fine order: lot 40x 176 rt; this is a great reduction in price, and chear ; centrally locatea In Bellevue, P.. tt W. &C.R. R. W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. SC10-88-TWT FOR SALE LOTS. Suburban Lots. FOR KALE-EMSW ORTH BUILDING LOTS, 60x100 leet. (400 and (500 each; these are bar gains and will not Btandiong. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 211-63 se4-57-D FOR BALE-160 ACRES, GOOD TITLE, BEST land In Dakota; well situated; price, only SS50 cash, or pX on time; owing to death or former owner the place must be sold; would exchange for good city property. FRANKM. ROSS. 127 Pearl st.. city. se8-U5-Tusu T?OR SALE-A GREAT BARGAIN-A FARM of 500 acres; 100 cleared, balance timber; new house, barn, etc.: farm well watered: fronts for one mile on the Potomac river; No. 1 situation ror fishing club: price only S5.000. J. H. BRlblOR, Martlnsburg, W. Va. selO-74 FOR SALE-FARM 125 ACRES. 2-STORY brick dwelling 10 rooms, large barn, frnlt shrubbery, springs; soil, lay of land, location lor summer and winter, and price, has notltseaual: excellent location for physician, ED. TISH, no Grant st., Pittsburg, Pa, ie7-D I FOR te ALE-LOTS. City Lota. FOR SALiy-LOTB ONBEUFF AND VICKROY sts.. near college; terms to salt. ROUT. COWARD.SOBluffst. auI-67-TT8SU FOR SALE-LOTS ON SOUTHERN AVE. Mt. astitngton, two very desirable ones at 300eacb. J. CvBElLLY, 77 se8-Ul-TTSSU IJlai amond it. TiWR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOTS 25x120 1 ONLY JL' 3 miles from pnstomee: fare 4 cents: close to station: pore air; abnndince of water, for ITS and upward: S5 down and 75 cents per week: come to ?.m?for rree r'de to the ground. MAG AW A GOFF, 145 Fourth ave. se8-S8-T8u East End Lots. FORSALE-CONHAD STREET. TWENTIETH ward, choice building lot,S0x!6O feet:Iocatlon flrjt class and convenient to steam and cable cars; Srlee. 50 per foot front. L. O. FitAZIER. Forty fth and Bntler sts, selO-SO-rrsu FOR 8ALE-IN NEIGHBORHOOD OF LATjS , William Carr's residence (Point Breeze), nice building lots, handy to cable and 1. R. R-. from l0 each and upward. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 station st., E. E. seS-llS-ToBU TTHIKSALE-ATLANIIO AVE.. TWENTIETH -l,. ward, large fine lot JOOxlM feet, covered with fine shade trees and surrounded by flrst-clasi Improvements; three mlnntes walk to station; frfce very low and terms easy. L. O. FRAZ1ER, orty-flfth and Bntler streets. selO-50-TTSU FOR SALE--TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE low prices at which we ofler finest building sites between Hlland and Negley aves.; property in this location Is advancing rapidly on account of the bnlldlng or the Hlland Park cable line. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. se8-I16-TTSt FOB SALE LOTS. SIZE 40X120 FEET TO sewered alley. 20 feet wide: near South Hl land ave., East Liberty; only two minutes' to ca ble cars; finest locations ior residence; the price einnot be dnplleated In the East End. MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, 512 Smlthfield street. seS-103-Tnr FOR SALE A PIECE OF GHOUND ABOUT 2 acrs. in the East End, Mulford avenue near Brusbton avenue; about 3 minutes' walk from Brnshton station: to be sold at public sale for account of whom It may concern, on Monday afternoon, September 16. at 3-30 o'clock, on the premises; terms rrom JAS.W. DRAPE ft CO., Agen ts and Auctioneers, 129 Fourthavenue, Pitts burg. se7-63-D ATlecbcnT Lota. FOR SALE (99) 10 ACRES IN THEELEVEI.TH Ward, Allegheny, adjoining the P. Ft. W. ft C. R. U., andnear California Ayenne Boulevard; wonld subdivide nicely. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. selO-48-ns , Ollscellaneona. TPOB SALE-WEST VIRGINIA COAL AND timber lands far ! at low cash nrlees. Address D. O., Dispatch office. selO-49 FOR 8ALEREAD THIS THROUGH, YOU will find great bargains In real estate on tne southslde. Knoxvllle, frame bouse, 9 rooms and to ree-story brick of rooms ana casement, corner vrwenuein ana Jane streets, H500: corner Twenty-eighth street and Fox alley, 2 brick and 2 frame houses, each containing 4 rooms and attic. 7, 500: Nos. 2014 and Suis Sidney street, each having 6 rooms and attic, only (2.500 each; Breed street, corner Uxor alley, 2 brick houses and 2 rows of frame buildings, monthly Income tlOl, the entire place cheap, 3,000; frame dwelling, 6 rooms, head Fifteenth street, 11,800; frame house, 5 rooms. No. 1703 Mer rlmans street, fl.5CO; No. 53 South Fifteenth street, Iot40x80, large dwelling. 12.800; No. 219 Plane avenue, near Mt. Oliver Incline station, house, 10 rooms, store rooms and large hall, only 4,500; house, 4 rooms with 4 lots, Charles street, Knoxvllle; will sell lots separately or the entire place cheap, at S3,35U; lots on Carson street, $1,000 each: lots near Twenty-stcond Street Incline, S300; row of frame houses Tlilrd street, near Ann street. Homestead, only (1.350; beautiful home. 7 rooms, 2 acres of land at Howard station. P., V. sUH. R., near Homestead, very cheap. 4.250. Look at this large tine house, 8 rooms, bay win dows, etc, with about 1 acre ofland, at Industry, Scott Haven station, P.. McK. &Y. R. R., tine location, only 3, 000: and have lot 60x150, with a stable near house, cheap, at (600; two houses con taining IS rooms, store room, good water, near Homestead station, both cheap, ror 3,500; fine lot, Carson street, centrally located, So.500; frame house. Brooms, No. 1709 Josephine street, fAOOO; elegant house. 8 rooms, all modern Improvements, Carson street, lot 25x120. very low at SI. 000. I have a great many other properties for sale in al most any locality at bargains and on easy terms. Apply to O. R. TOUDY. 1721 Carson street, Pitts burg, SonthsldePiw selO-82 POE SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS SALOON DOING A good business: best location In the city. Ad dress 8. C. vHnTENBEBGER.179Markelstreet, East Liverpool. O.. Opera House Block. selO-Sl TiWR SALE-FOB . PART CASH, BUSINESS J paving now from 115 to S20 per week, can be doubled In two months, suitable ror oldish man. Ask ror D1TTMAB, American House, 1002 Liberty street, Pittsburg. selO-47. FOB SALE-FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANTS, boarding bouses, choice cheap grocery stores, confectioneries, drygoods and notion stores, furnished house for roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery, clear stores, bafeerle . reed store, milk depot, shoe stores, drug stores. Erlntlng office, good country newspaper ofilcc. utchershop. and many other business chances. b i ee particulars. bUEPAED CO.. 54 Fifth ave. au29 Business Stands. F IOR SALE-COR. ROSS AND FIRST AVE.; cheap: lot 39x70 feet, with buildings.' W. A. cap: HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. ses-7-xur FOR SALE-ADVANCE ROLLER MILLS N ewly refitted to Case system, steam power; doing No. 1 work: desirably located on R. R.; plenty of bard wheat at mill door; terms low. Call or address TAYLOR BROS. & CO., Rogers, Col. Co.. O. SU22-67-D FOR SALE 3I1SCELLANEOU&. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc FOR SALF-JUMP SEAT BAROUCHE. AP PLY to DEWING & FRENCH, Madison ave. and Concord st , Allegheny, Pa. seiO-92 FOR SALE-TWO OOOD HORSES. ONE FINE saddler and one suitable for doctor's driving horse; both 7 years old. Can be seen at SKEL TON '3 STABLE, 13 Third ave. selO-98-TT Machinery and metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted; repairing promptly attended to. PORTER OUNDRYANDMACH1NECO..L1M., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aul0-29 FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers andl shaper,and new and second-hand engines. boilers. iutu Ktrmea, uir Lau&s, au'men valves, castings, etc. VELTE &, MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. iril-91-TT8 PERSONAL. PERSONAL MALTBY'S OYSTER DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 smith field street; fresh oysters1 received dally: orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMEKLE, Mgr. sel-92-p PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKSI New and old, ancient and ittouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and aclentlBc 35.000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE: 900 Liberty st. - au3-9S "DEKSONAL-HIS LOVE J 1UKM.D recently they bad not been on the iwlnrto a little famllT lar rw.ivi. best or terms owing to a sloned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearlnc annareL and which, of course, was done In a bungling manner; In order mgllngi tfieyag to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereaRerto DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 llith ave., corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again rclgne In their household. Telephone 1558. au LOST. LOST-SMALL BROWN SPANIEL DOG-ON Penn ave , E. E., on Sunday last. Reward will be paid for return to O'HARA ST.. second house below Walnut. E. E. sclO-97 AMUSEMENTS. T WELFTH ANNUAL FAIR DF THE- BUTLER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AS SOCIATION Will be held on their grounds, at BUTLER, PA, SEPTEMBER 10, 11, 12, and 13, 1889. Liberal premiums are offered in all classes. A large addition to the stabling has been built. Exhibitors will be well accommodated and vis itors well entertained. Entries in all classes closo Saturday. September 7, at 6 o'clock p. w. ALL PREMIUMS PAID ON THE GROUNDS on Friday, 13, commencing at 1 o'clock. Mu sic by the Major E. A. Montootb Band, of Pittsburg. For premium list or speed purses send to W. P. ROESSING, Secretary. se3-55-D GRAND OPERA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. TANNEHILL'S BRIC-A-BRAC. September 16 Denman Thompson's "Old Homestead." se9-15 BIJOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT, W. J. SCAN LAN. bHANE NA-LAWN. September 16 C. L. Davis in "One or the Old Stock." se8-48-D HARRIS' .THEATER-EVERY NOON and evening. AFTER- PASSION'S SLAVE. Week September 18, WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN. seS-6-D H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday and oar.un.iay, ROSE HILL'S ENGLISH FOLLY CO. se9 mHE This-! HE NEW WORLD'S MUSEUM Allegheny City. week the great WORT.IVS MINSTRF.TA 32 In number, all artists. IfextiBIg Eliza, weight 900, es-0-.D TS JJfT. City Residence. TO LET-PEN N. NEAR NINTH ST.. HOUSE of 8 rooms, jsopermo.: will sell faralshmeat of same cheap. W. A. HEREON A SONS, M Fourth ave. seg-ge-B To let-no. 41 marion st. (furnished or unfurnished); 7 rooms: late Improvement!: pear Forbes st. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. seie-07 Te LET PKNN AVE.. NEAR NINTH street. 1 tpw rfMlrAhli. and nteaa&ntlv lfw cated dwellings, suitable for boarding or private; both gases: city water; low rent. BLACK & BAIHD. 95 Fourth aye.- seS-71 ttar rent, 37.50 per month. STRAUB MGKKIS, corner vvoodst. and Third ave., Pittsburg. Fa, seIO-79 Allegheny ReaJdeneeav TO LET-IN THE SECOND WARD, ALLE GHENY, brlcfc'house. or 6 rooms, finished attic, both giues, bath, etc. r near parks: && per month. ALEXANDER & LEE, UJ Wood .;. s7--TUS Atrartraentav TO LET-42S PENN AVE.-LABGE BOOM, second-story front, three windows: hack parlor first story, and smaller rooms, all hand sometyand newly furnished. selO-M mo LET-IN HOUSE FACING PARK. VERY X desirable large, airy, well famished room, both gases and use of bath, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Address, PRIVATE FAMILY, Dis patch Office. sels-43. Business Stands. TO LET - FORTY-FIFTH ST. A GOOD brick corner business stand, containing fine storeroom. 9 dwelling rooms, hall, etc.: counters and shelving complete: good opening fors grocery or hatcher; rent very low. L. O FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. ae8-77-TT8a Offices. Desk Room, dec TO LET-CHOICE OFFICES. SINGLE OB in suit. In the Standard block. Wood, near Fifth avenue. W. A. HEBRON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. r sel-52-TTS TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, T7 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be round in the city; rent, 200andsaeo per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam heating. Apply- between 10 A. M. and 1 P. v., or between 2 and 4 P.M. JT23-C7 rpo LET-STORE OB OFFICE ROOM, WITH JL large vault, suitable Ior insurance office xr similar business, in Germanla Savings Bank bnlldlng. No. 419 Wood street t room formerly oc cupied by George Kelneman as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co.; It Is two steps below grade, making a first class basement. Inquire at THE BAN K. tezx-es-o AUCTION SALES. BY JAS. TV. DRAPE 4 CO. PUBLIC SALE OF 8 TO 10 ACRE PLOTS OF GROUND "OAK GROYE," AT YOUNG STATION, Between Parnassns and Valley Camp. THURS DAY AFTERNOON. September 19, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, or on the arrival ol the 2 o'clock express train at Young's Station, adjoining the property. About 90 teres in all, laid oS in 3 to 10 acre plots, all quite close to the railroad station, and to the town of Parnas sus, where there are churches, schools, stores, etc., etc. On the property there are beautiful knolls, groups and rows of trees, several un failing springs, coal, natural gas, etc Few places offer so many desirable points for residence purposes or for suburban homes. Plans and further particulars from JAB. W. DRAPE CO. Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. se7.ffl.D rE TURKISH PARLOR SUIT, PIANO forte, oak and walnut chamber furniture, carpets, curtains, eta, removed from an East End residence to the rooms. No. 311 Market st, for convenience of sale, TUESDAY MORN ING. September 10, 10 o'clock. Walnut and oak chamber suits, mirror dooc wardrobe, pier mirror, coeval glats, bedsteads, bureaus, wash stands, hair and husk mattresses, pillows and bolsters, pictures, cbeffoniers, cabinet, folding bed, secretary desk, fine walnut bookcases, fine drugget, Turkish carpet and' Sne plush parlor suit, pianoforte, hair cloth chairs and lonnge, toilet ware, leather chairs, haflrack. sideboard, fine dinner set, china closet, extension table, rugs, brussels and tnzrain carpets, lace cur tains, laundry and kitchen goods, etc.: also three very line parlor suits; one In Knclisb rug, one in French tapestry and the other in English crushed plush. Owner leaving city. Goods must positively be sold. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneer. se8-161 PnWlc Sale -of Leaseliolil MaeWnery And fixtures of Machine shop and Glass Mold Shop. The undersigned, sumving partner 'of the firm of Franz A Brann.wM sell at public sals on the premises, on rhMllAI, Septemoer 13, 1PS9, at 2 o'clock p. 31., the leasehold of prem ises No. 69 South Twentieth street, Pittsburg, together with the machinery and fixtures thereon nsed in the manufacture of molds for making glass and for the general purposes of a machine shop. Lease runs one year from Oc tober 1, 1SS9, with privilege of three years more. Machinery and fixtures are new and in good condition. Terms of sale cash. This sale offers a good opportunity to engage in a profitable business. For further particulars inquire at the premises. HENRY FRANZ, sel(M6-TT Surviving Partner. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Ll report of viewers on, the opening of Wil liam street, from Bailey avenue to Browns ville avenue, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal, is died in the Court ot Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsbukq. Pa., September 4. 1883. se4-89 PrrrSBtnio, Pa, September 9. 1ES9. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLX report of Viewers on the grading, paving and curbing of Carnegie street, from Fifty second street to McCandless street, has been approved by Council, which action will be final, unless an appeal Is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) aavs from date. E. M. BIGELOW. se9-32 ChietofDep'tot Public Works. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVEDatthe office of City Controller until FRIDAY, the 18th day of September, at 2 p. M.. for the furnishing and delivering of twelve (12) flatloads of good straw manure. Flats to measure not less than 80 f t.xlS ft.x3 ft. 0 in. Six (61 flatloads to be delivered at City Farm landing, Monongahela river. Six (6) flatloads to be delivered at Negley Run land ing, Allegheny river. The Denartment of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. R. C. ELLIOT, se931 Chief of Departm ent of Charities. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J.1 renorts of Viewers on the opening of Loyal alley, from Allen street to Beltzhoover avenue; Allen street, from Washington avenne to Mo Lain street: Copeland street, from Ellsworth avenne to Walnnt street; Mahogany alley, from Essex alley to Laurel street: Walter street from Washington avenue to Lillian street and Home street from Plummer street to Butler street have been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department ot Public Works. Pittsburg, Pa., September 9, 18S9. se93 SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. at 2 P. H., for putting new prison cells in Police Sta tion Nos. 2 and 3, also for repairing said police stations. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bnreau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of bids must ac company each proposal. Said bonds to be pro bared before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. se4-88 Chief Department Public Safety. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LM reports of Viewers on the construction of Bowers on Dresden alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty-second street; Dithridge street and Forbes avenue, from Filth avenue to a point on Forbes avenue 300 feet west of Dithridge street; Atwood street from Bates street to Louisa street; Wrightsalley.from South Twenty-third street to South Twenty-fourth street, and Howe street from Ivy street to Aiken avenne, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within (10) ten days from date. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Dep't of Public Worki. PlTTSBUBQ, Pa.. September 9. 18S9. seQ-32 SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & CO., STEAM dyers and scourers And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. jell-TTa 68 BTSTH AVE.. Pittsburg, Pa, Walter j. Osbouenk. Kiohabd Barrows. Barrows & osbourne job printers. 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 813. au3l-6-T-ra -JT rvr.ei D ro9ixwtm.m.O9t mere. Vrtit. j. O. KiaMr. A. 1 lee or twain on. PiWTBaned xa comfort aud iHaattsa. IH0 to ISM St Mar.. a17-SS T ONO VIBW, BBOOKVlUje, PA., -A Ofccrtfc Beaool tor Oirat,-wilt reepM Msf. KXT. JOHA O. MULB-ULLA-SD, LU1V aua.B-xwr rrfsapn. TX7BST WALNUT STHMKT MBHTJr. V V for yoamc ; JM ytwr: for eiviaea MMrior odnoaUon li eeleoueawt weyratory JearHWt music ana art. MB8 flXSMaTTA 2845 Walnut St. Phfla. llTRa REBECCA -BOAMMAJt. IVI teacher or KLOCxrribK. 896 PENN AVE.. PITXgflVM. Business boon from 3 Utt S v. x. fi and 17 S. Cfe&rlex HTML MRS.W.M.CAKY. I EMahltefaoa (EMahltofaoa 1W. JWtk. the teairuf Mm MMi. HISS CARY. Jyl84-rrs Notre Dame-of Maryland. Collegiate Institute far yeaag laJJMaW pre paratory school for ltttte fK WMLA r. 0, three miles Ires Baltimore, 3skU unsHssssif hjr the Sisters of Notre Baae. Sea tat aasassgsis.i Jy38-99-TT8 PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal, Aeademlc. Coiniiisisssf. austeaH) prepared for advanced classes) 1st Mm teat st leees, for teaching, for business. TsaacLa dies' Seminary Department PaB ten swim September 9. 1H. Hon. Tboa. SC MhJiiif, President Board of Trustees." AMreM J. WAR REN LYTLE, Prindpal. No. T Fear arenns. Jyl81-TTS -DARK MJSTITTJTB-FORiUSBLT F JL PARATORY and eouseraMl lispnn raents of Western University. Three nnliinr Classical. Bratteb and BnsineogJe el adfag straw Kill I lata ff4W WHM ffllE SCBIML F08 WU, fi and 17 K. Cfearlex Mreef. BtMnaWL ' hand and typewritings BusliiCM and ilmitlsssU. A classes open to Dtn sexes. Fail term oeas mm-; ' tember2atNo.3W North avenue, ABopsslV. Pa. Office hours 9 to-It A. 1C Call or nrosrjeetBs. LEVI T.TTnnsrw A. V " - ; au546-rrs - aTTM!7TTTrt21p UVnTl an n-nur .-! ' voung men and boys oalyv ' HBROOKlS HALL for girls and yoBBg laqsea only. Address SWUHIN a SHORTUDGK, A. SC, (Harvard eraduate), MeUia. Pa-, or call en & WALKER, Mononfrabela House, for faS in formation TUESDAY and FRIDAY, MM week. seg-Mt KEBLE SCHOOL, BYRACUSK,N. X. . Boarding School for Girls. Under then pervtsion of the Rt. Key. F. D. HsatJsgtes, 8. ' T. D. The nineteenth school year bea a Wednesday. Sememher 11 llttt lubnuu. Rt. Rer. H.C. Potter. D.DN.Y. Key. Wm. R. ? nuounfion. .u..u., urace 1'nuros, N. y.ckt., Pres.E.N. Potter, D.D.. Geneva. N.Y. Hea.V Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply l jelMJra CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. 1 477 STTTT1KNTS I.1RT WTIB Classical. Scientific. Ladies' Remlsarv. Ns Musical. Elocutionary. Business- CeHeea Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with yountrperteas de siring a better education respectfully soHeited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. it, Pres'fc jylM2-TTS. FTTSBURG ART SCHOOL. ESTAB USHED 1884, 'offers advantages o a tuorougn Academic tscnool or. Art. combined with private in struction; each .pupil under joint direction of George Het zel (Dusseldorf Academy), John. W. Realty (Munich Academy). Students wbo cannot attend daky' may enter for limited number o days a week. For prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal. au36S-Tus 411 Wood street, Pittsbura. TfflE PEHHSayAHIA STATE (MLLESE. Fall session opens September 11. Examinations for admission September 10. New buildings and equipment greatly Increase the facilities for In- structlon In all departments. Courses in Agri culture. Chemistry, Botany and Horticulture,; ClvlL, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, andln Ueneral Science and Modern Language. Special courses for Ladles. Tuition free FlPtr Scholarships entitle the holders to free room rest. Forcatalogue or other information address THE PRESIDENT, State College, Center Co., Fa. aul-7-TTS "WOOD MANTELS CElllNGi AJfD WAINSCOTTLNG, , Chrif sskr IP IHTERIOR DECORATORSf Manufacturers and Importers of FIno Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete; House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT 4 CO.. 1219 and 1221 Market St, iyU-TS-Tul' Philadelphia. Pa. "ClORSALE ATASHHWAlrSTATIOH 7mlnnte3 from Federal st, Allegheny, on the West Penn R. R., adjoining Sharpsburg, being, part of the 'ROSS ESTATE." Lots in sizes and on terms that should suit any desiring to teenre a home. The lay ot the ground Is beautiful. Special inducements offered to first purchasers. Sea the representative on the premises or call oa or address W. A. HERRON A SONS. se30-TTS 80 Fourth avenue. CHAS. SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St REAL ESTATE. Choice and cheap, large and small, im proved and unimproved properties throughout both cities and suburbs. Call and see us. Telephone No. 1042. set SOMETHIHG CHOICE. REAL ESTATE. To close up estate of Alexander Negley, ds ceased, I offer about 11 acres land situate be tween Neeley and Hlland aves-, adjoining resi dences of Colonel Anderson, Alex Dempster and others. Nineteenth ward, Pittsburg, and adjoining recent purchase ot Messrs. Magee, Flinn and S.ewart This land all fronts on streets already laid out, and is in a flrst-class neighborhood, which is building up rapidly. Will be sold as a whole or in blocks to suit purchasers. Also, lot corner Penn and Negley aves lOsr 200 feet HENRY H. NEGLEY, CORNER SANDUSKY AND LACOCK STa, ALLEGHENY, Or residence, NEGLEY AVE., Pittsburg; auMH-TTS PUREMILK. This Company is prepared to receive orders by mail or otherwise for Absolutely Ptbb Mile, delivered to customers In sealed GLASS Jars, packed in Ice at our creamery inSewick ley. Price 8 cents per quart THE SEWICKLEY D 4JRY CO. -au20-73-D 1 10 Wood st. Pittsburg. Pa. P IANO&, ORGAN& a HAMILTON, SI AND 98 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittaburfc pa, p3Q-7t-. &i vSi VI