Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 10, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Hon. "Walter Lyon Talks About
That Hen's Island Dam.
Col. Merrill Will be Instructed to
Proceed With the Work.
Against a Kew Federal Bnilding for the
City Across the Eiver.
The Allegheny Wharf Committee was io
Lave met last evening to transact a large
amount of minor business, and to listen to
an address from Hon. Walter Lyon on the
new Government dam at the foot of Herr's
Island, which, when completed, will consti
tute a complete controllable harbor for the
entire water front of Pittsburg and Alle
gheny. Despite some energetic drumming
up of absentees a quorum could not be ob
tained. As the matter of drafting an ordi
nance expressive of the city's attitude to
ward the dam was confided to this commit
tee, with instructions to take action, at is
probable that nothing will be done in the
matter by Councils on Thursday evening,
for there will be no report to go upon.
Mr. Lyon explained the matter at some
length to a Dispatch representative. He
said: The question of riparian rights is al
ways a broad one, and in the case of the
proposed dam is complicated to some extent
by the existence of State laws which are
manifestly at variance with the United
States laws and usages. The State River
Commiision in 1858 establishel arbitrary
lines for high and low water marks, this ac
tion bavin? been supplemental to the
platting of Bank lane at the time of Alle
gheny's organization. But the United
States claims that the natural high and low
water marks of navigable streams connot be
affected by State legislation, the latter being
simply for the guidance ot citizens of the
State. The State conceded to municipali
ties portions of riparian lands which really
belong to the Government.
"I had honed that the Government would
receive assurance against annoyances in the
shape of suits or objections. If nothing is
done in the matter at the rerlar meeting of
Councils on Thursday evening I shall in
struct Colonel Merrill, the Government en
gineer, to proceed with the dam. Lieuten
ant Arras, the engineer in charge, is anxious
to get to work without loss of time in order
to exhaust the present appropriation. If
that is not encroached upon this fall it will
be difficult to receive a further allowance
for the prosecution of the work. Should
suits be brought I shall go before the United
States Cuurt and obtain an injunction,
which will probably settle objections."
A member of Councils from the Eighth
ward stated that his constituents believed
that the pool would retain so manv impuri
ties as to seriously affect the water supply.
Mr. Lyon then observed that a local expert
had advanced the opinion that water taken
Irom a pool formed of running water was
just as apt to be pure as under other condi
As a clincher to the informaljarguments
advanced while a quorum was being hustled
lor, the United States District Attorney
said: "The geocraphical conditions have
made it inexpedient in the past to agitate
lor a public building in Allegheny.
But now that Pittsburg's building is nearly
completed, Congressman Bayne feels that it
is time to present Allegheny's needs in
Congress. If there is a violent opposition
in Allegheny to the prosecution of the
Herr's Island dam it may prove an un
answerable argument against a Federal
building. The dam will be such a great
benefit to the communities that any opposi
tion to it seems remarkable."
The Outside Exposition Dealers Object to
The Building Inspector yesterday issued
an order to eight proprietors of stands on
Dusquesne way opposite the Exposition
buildings, to take down the structures they
had erected without the formality ot taking
out a permit. John A. Martin, of milk
shake fame, was among the victims and with
the others is highly indignant at receiving
a five days' notice to stop a business which
cost him about 51,600 to get under way.
His stand was erected by D. R. Speer on
his own property, and Martin thinks he
ought not to be held responsible for the sins
of omission on the part of the builder.
The business men who have stands con
tend that the influence of the cafe owner
and other people inside the Exposition is
responsible for the move just undertaken,
and that if the inside business paid the out
side venders would not be interfered with.
It is quoted in suDport of this theory that
even inside dealers may get at cross pur
poses, as they did in the Cincinnati Exposi
tion some years ago, when the purchaser of
the lemonade rights of the Exposition
sought to procure an injunction to prevent
the Hyatt filter agent from giving free ice
water to the Exposition visitors to show the
purity of the water. This failed, and the
standholders claim that the effort to shut
them down will also fall through.
A Number of Prominent Select Knights Go
ing to the Meeting.
George Anderson, proprietor of the Cen
tral Hotel, and a Colonel in tbe Order, Su
preme Treasurer, William C. Brown, Su
preme Secretuary. J. J. Davis, Captain,
George Manchester, J. B. 2sTobbs, Richard
Thompson, and a large number of other
prominent members of the Knights of tbe
Mystic Chain left last evening for York,
Pa., to attend the meeting of the Select Cas
tle of theOrder. The programme of exercises
of tbe meeting has been previously published
in The Dispatch. One ot the features of
the gathering will be a parade under the
command or (general J. li. Koberts, com
mander of the uniformed rank.
Supreme Trustee, Coroner Heber McDow
ell, wilUeave today lor the convention. A
pressure of public duties prevented him
from going with the crowd last night.
The Protected Home Circle Takes Another
Step Forward.
Another branch of the Protected Home
Circle was organized last night at 102
Fourth avenue by a number of well-known
business and professional men. Rev. H. C.
Hall, of Sharon, attended the meeting, and
assisted in its exercises.
The following set of officers were chosen:
Past President, Joseph A. Langfitt; Presi
dent, R. V. A. Simmons: Vice President,
W. P. Bennett; Secretary, J. Y. Trcdway; Ac
countant, George Shepatd; Treasurer. V. H.
Morrison; Guardian, Prof. Byron W. King;
Chaplain, J. W. Soon; Guide. H. B. Brnnst;
Porter, J. W. Turner; Watchman. W. A. Mc
ulty. This is the twelfth circle of this kind
that has been organized in this country.
Chairman McCrcrry Receives nn Important
Letter From the Slate Executive A Spe
cial Merlins Impending;.
Governor Beaver has broken the silence
at last, after exactly two weeks of medita
tion, by a lengthy letter to William Mc
Creery, Esq., Chairman of the Pittsburg
Relief Committee.
The fact that Mr. McCreery had, in his
official capacity, requested Governor James
A. Beaver to return, as promised, $123,000
to the Pittsburg committee was exclusively
published in The Dispatch two weeks
ago last Sa'urday. Since that time the
amount of Executive silence around Mr.
McCreery's office has been very appalling
to the newspaper representatives.
Yesterday, however, changed the tune of
"the letter "that never came," for Mr. Mc
Creery received a very lengthy letter from
Harrisburg bearing the distinguished frank
of Governor Beaver.
"I understand that you have received a
letter from Governor Beaver, Mr. Mc
Creery," said a Dispatch representative,
entering the office of the Imperial Coal
"Yes. The letter has arrived. I received
it Saturday evening after my return from
my little outing."
The newspaper man hintpd that publish
ing the letter would suit The Dispatch
right down to the ground.
"No doubt, no doubt," said Mr. Mc
Creery. "But the Governor's letter will
not reach the public through any channel
until it has been discussed at a special
meeting of the Pittsburg Relief Committee,
I shall call the meeting for some day this
week. Oh no, I might as well give yon the
letter as to give any explanation of the
Governor's attitude. The letter is long and
important, and treats of so manv subjects in
connection with Pittsburg's share in the
flood relief that it would not be judicious to
even hint at its contents before it is passed
on by the committee I can say, however,
that I see no reason to depart from the
stand I took from the first in this matter. I
think the meeting will be as interesting as
the cause of the call."
The following reply from Harrisburc was
received last night to a telegram asking for
the Governor's letter:
The Governor says be has no copy of the let
ter sent to William McCreery, which he states,
was sent about a week ago, and was in reply to
Mr. McUreer's demand for $125,000. He told
Mr. McCreery that he certainly misunderstood
him, as to the alleged promise to make up the
amount expected by the Pittsburg committee.
His Reasons Not Clear Why Ho Wishes Io
Wlthdraw-Hls Son Says Politics Had
Nolbinc io Do With It.
Georee S. Fleming, of the firm of Joseph
Fleming & Son, was seen at his place of
business last evening, and upon being ques
tioned as to the cause of his father's effort
to be released from the bond of Chief
Elliot, said:
"Mv father and another gentleman be
came Mr. Elliot's bondsmen, after his elec
tion as Chief of the Department of Chari
ties, in the sum of $50,000. Afterward
Elliot and I differed in regard
to political matters in the First ward, and
following that we were refused a license by
the Court. It was generally believed at
that time that Mr. Elliot used his influence
to deprive us of a license, but I never
thought so, and I endeavored to persuade
my father that Elliot had nothing to do
with our failure to obtain a license.
"He thought differently, however, and
nothing could shake him in his belief. But
I can assure you that politics had nothing
to do with the step taken in relation to the
bond. My father, from information which
he has recently obtained, believes that he
has other and sufficient reasons for demand
ing his release from Mr. Elliot's bond."
"What are his reasons?"
"I am not at liberty to tell you at present,
and must refer you to my father. He ad
dressed a note to Elliot two weeks ago, re
questing him to furnish a cdunter bond, but
has not received a reply. The failure of
Elliot to notice his request precipitated the
move which was made yesterday. That is
all I can tell you about the matter just
An effort was made to see Chief Elliot,
but he could not be found. A reporter
called at his home, but the chief was not
Delegates From This Vicinity Gone to
Attend the Mecilnc.
Joseph Rosinski, delegate to .the Polish
.National Alliance, to be held at Buffalo, If.
Y., left last evening for that place. He was
accompanied by Charles D. Nooack, of
Mount Pleasant, who is the delegate from
Westmoreland county.
The convention will last about one weet,
and will be attended by over 200 delegates
from all parts of the country. The object
of the Alliance is to devise ways and means
for the improvement of the condition of the
Polish people in this country. The rules
of the organization require every man to
become a citizen as soon as he is eligible for
citizenship. The members are also not
allowed to belong to any socialistic or
anarchistic secret society, and everything is
done to make good citizens of them.
There are two branches of the alliance in
this city and 123 branches in the United
States. In Pittsburg there are over 200
members in the two branches. The organi
zation also takes charge of any sick or dis
tressed Poles, and upon the death of a
member an assessment benefit is paid.
The next annual convention will probably
be held in this city.
Ex-Concrossman O'Neill is Booming the
World's Fnir.
Ex-Congressman O'Neill, of St. Louis,
passed through the city last night on his
way East. Mr. O'Neill is now engaged as
a professional boomer for the World's Fair
which the St. Louis people want As the
well-known ex-representative stated last
night, that when the St. Louis people want
a thing of this kind they generally get it.
Governor Francis is working hard to "have
the show held in that city, and rather than
let Chicago get it, he "is willing to spend
quite a sum of money. The machinery for
capturing the fair has been set in motion,
and if it gets away from St. Louis it will be
an extraordinary proceeding.
Mr. O'Neill is paying but little attention
to politics since the political cyclone struck
him about a vear ago. He says that the
faults of Corporal Tanner are tfiose of his
deputies who are not in sympathy with him.
Wonderful Operation Performed at the
West I'cnn Hospital.
The first successful case of hip-joint
amputation ever performed at the West
Penn Hospital is now convalescing. Miss
Kate Musser, a young lady of about 18 years
of age and a resident ot New Brighton was
suffering with a cancerous tumor trhfoti
affected the upper third,of the femur of her
right leg. The disease was hereditary and
Miss Musser suffered from it since Febru
ary, 1888. She was brought to the hospital
about two weeks ago and her leg was suc
cessfully amputated at the hip as the only
means of saving her life.
Simply Perfect.
The Union Pacific Railway, "The Over
land Route," has equipped its trains with
dining cars of the latest pattern, and on ana
after August 18 the patrons or its fast trains
between Council Bluffs and Denver, and be
tween Council Bluffs and Portland Ore
will be provided with delicious meals, the
best the market affords, perfectly served at
75 cents each. Pullman's Palace Car Com
pany will have charge of the service on
these cars.
The Dealers Feel Uneasy About Lac
teal Sales on the Sabbath Day.
Is the Causa of Servousness Among Many
of the Local Venders.
The ruling of Judge Stowe in the case of
John A. Martin iu regard to the sale of
milk on Sunday, gave many of the milk
dealers a very uneasy feeling last Saturday
evening and Sunday morning. The pub
lished accounts of Judge Stowe's decision
represent him as saying that the sale of milk
On Sunday at shops kept open for that pur
pose was entirely distinct from the delivery
of milk to lamilies. It is the peculiar turn
of this phraseology which has rendered the
milk dealers nervous.
2"one of them hesitated last Sunday morn
ing to send out their wagons for the delivery
of milk. Nearly all the wholesale milk
dealers in the two cities have been accus
tomed to sell milk by the pint and quart to
persons who call at the store for it.
Whether this can be called "delivery" of
milk is the qnestion which is bothering the
milk dealers. Inquiry reveals the fact that
the number of those who call at the milk
stores for their Sunday morning supply is
very large, especially among housewives.
On Saturday evening many of them were
warned to buy for Sunday, but on Snnday
morning, as far as can be ascertained, all the
milk depots were open.
William Dilworth, the President of the
Milk Dealers' Protective Association, who
keeps a shop on Pennsylvania avenue,, said
last evening: "I did not read the decision
of Judge Stowe, but from what I heard it
was rather peculiar. Under the law, as I
have read it, we have a perfect right to sell
milk for family consumption. I have heard
of the dealers talking about the decision,
but I do not believe that anything will be
done. No meeting of the association has
been called to discuss the question."
The decision of Judge Stowe made Rob
ert Hemingray uneasy, among other milk
men, and for some time on Saturday even
ing tie debated with himself whether he
should sell on Sunday. He decided, how
ever, to sell. To a reporter he said yester
terday: "When the Law and Order League
started out to prosecute for Sunday selling,
it sent to every milk dealer a copy of the
law, which exempts us from prosecution for
selling on Sunday from 5 to 9 a. m. and
after 5r.ni. I made up my mind to stand
the chances, although I think Judge Stowe's
decision makes us indictable. As far as I
am personally concerned, I would rather not
sell on Sunday, if others were prohibited.
Our customers could buy on Saturday even
ing, and I would have an opportunity for
rest which I do not have now-"
Several milkmen who were spoken to em
phatically declared themselves in favor of
Sunday closing, if it could be operated on
all dealers. Mr. Hemingray said: "I would
be pleased to keep closed on Sunday, be
cause then I could go to church with my
lamily. If I would do so now, however,
the other dealers would keep open, and I
would lose many of my customers. In the
winter, when milk will keep, we do not sell
on Sunday, but in the summer time there
are many purchasers who have no ice boxes,
and are not in shape to keep milk over one
day. It is for the benefit of such consumers,
who ate quite numerous, that we sell on
Sunday forenoon."
Another milkman, who keeps a place in
Allegheny, said last evening, to a reporter:
"The law allows us to deliver milk only
until 9 A. M. Now the man who cot up
that law never drove a milk wagon in the
morning. It is simply useless to start out
before 7 o'clock on Sunday morning, and
that is a little early. The people are not
out of bed. We cannot deliver our milk
before noon on Sunday, and therefore, in a
technical sense, we violate the law by three
hours. All the other milkmen do the same
thing. I heard that Wishart was going to
start after us, but I do not believe he will
do so."
Twenty-Six Children In the Colored Orphan
Asylum Have Scarlet Fever The School
Turned Into a Hospital.
The Colored Orphan Asylum on Green
wood street, on the banks of the Ohio river,
is the scene of much gloom and confusion.
There are 60 little colored people cared for
in the asylum, and 26 of these have been
stricken down by that dreadful disease,
scarlet fever. This alarming scourge first
manifested itself about last Wednesday,
when the bright eyes of the children were
observed to grow dujl, the eyelids to become
heavy, and one after another tell asleep in
the school room.
The authorities were of course very much
alarmed, and summoned medical assistance
at once. Dr. Wilson, a homeopathic physi
cian of Allegheny, pronounced the disease
scarlet fever, but said it was of a mild tvne.
Only three of the cases were at all serious,
and even these are rapidly improving.
When a Dispatch reporter called at the
institute yesterday afternoon it was evident
at a glance that something was wrong. The
courteous matron of the establishment
showed the reporter through the building,
and explained "its workings as she went
Tbe school room was remarkable for the
number of empty benches, but there still
remained children enough to screw their
necks into all sortsof stiff positions, in order
to catch a glimpse of the visitor.
Even in the sick wards it was almost im
possible to keep them quiet. The girls put
their heads under the blankets, and giggled
in a way that seemed to belie their feeble
condition. The boys all looked bright and
airy, and peeped out to see if the doctor was
coming. In the nursery the arrival of the
reporter was announced by one little urchin
who shouted: "Here comes a man," and a
general ducking of heads was the result.
The children do not like the change of
diet, which their malady necessitates. As
one little fellow put it, "corn bread was
better than milk and crackers." The sub
stantial food, which has usually been I ur
nished the inmates, has had to give wav to
milk, crackers, toast, water and other fight
No fear is entertained of the spread of
the disease. No new cases nave been re
ported since Sunday, and those already Buf
feting with the disease are much improved.
The matron could assign no cause for the
outbreak unless it was that the children had
overheated themselves while at play and
caught a cold afterwards.
Couacltmea Object to Being Discriminated
The Exposition officials yesterday sent
tickets to both branches of Councils, each
season ticket being inclosed in an envelope
bearing the name of the recipient. When
the distribution was made, a number of the
city fathers .on finding they had been
omitted from the list, were indignant, while
those who had paid for life memberships
expressed the wish that they had had a
string attached to their ?100.
A Brnlirman Killed.
The Coroner's jury rendered a verdict o
accidental death in the case of the Pan
handle brakemau, William Norris, who was
run over near Mansfield yesterday and tad
both legs and an arm cat off.
Movements of PIttsburgers nod Olbers ot
Wide Acquaintance
Colonel W. H. Gilder, the famous
Arctic exolorer. spent yesterday at the Du
quesne. The Colonel Is quite a story teller,
and the following will serve as a good
example or his skill: "During .my ex
pedition to Siberia," he said, "I had a
somewhat laughable, yet, at the time,
exciting encounter with wolves. I had gone
ahead of my party, ana without noticing, it
gradually passed out of sight. I had no
weapon with me, except a small jackknif e. but
I felt no alarm, as the country was considered
practically Bare. Suddenly, however, I became
aware of the presence of several large Siberian
wolves. They were distant about a couple of
hundred yards, and stood looking at me in a
curious, hesitating sort of a way. I began
to beat a hasty retreat toward my
uarir, wucu, 101 iwo more uruies appearea
quickly in my way. What was I to do? Tbe
cold chills began to run up and down my back,
and the sweat broke out alt over my forehead.
and the sweat broke out alt over my forehead.
Then 1 remembered that old Sunday school
statement ot tbe power man could exercise
over the brute creation with the human eye,
and I resolved to try it. Fixing a cold stare on
the wolves I walked toward them; but they
didn't seem to mind it a bit. I waved my arms
and increased the stoniness of my stare, but
they stood as unmoved as ever. Matters
were growing desperate, when the
head of our party appeared, and the wolves
were scattered by a few well directed shots. 1
afterward discovered that my escape was
owing not to the power of the human eje, but
to the fact that the wolves were not hungry. A
dead whale had been cast up on the shore and
they had feasted on the carcass!"
Permits were issued from the Building
Inspector's office yesterday to Alfred Moreland
for eight 2-story frame dwellings on Grand-
view avenue. Thirty-second ward, valued at
11.025 each. To 1). F. McAfeo for a 3-story
brick dwelling, on tbe corner of Natchez and
Bishop streets, Thlrty-second ward, valued at
$6,000. To Mrs. E. L. Edwards for a 3-story
brick and stone dwelling on Monrliead's lane,
Twenty-second ward, valued at 59,000. To H.
G. Brown for a 2-story frame dwelling on
Bonlevard place, Twenty-first ward, valued at
Dr. Charles Shaw, of Penn avenue, on
reading the interview with ex-Mayor AVcaver
regarding the erection of monuments on B.ad
dock's Field, suggests that the city of Alle
gheny ought to set up, in its parks, monuments
to Richard and John Penn, the sons of William
Penn, who set aside the land now occupied by
tbe parks as commons for pasture and play
grounds. The grant by those heirs ot tbe
proprietary was the origin of the parks, and
Dr. Shaw thinks that their public spirit ought
to be commemorated by statues.
State Councilor J. P. Winower, of
Lancaster, and State Councilor Secretary
Edward S. Diencr, of Philadelphia, state offi
cers of the Jr. O. 0. A. M., wilt arrive in Pitts
burg to-dav instead of to-morrow, as originally
planned. To-night, with a committee from the
Past Councilors' Association, they will visit
Franklin Council. To-morrow night they will
attend the banquet ot Manchester Council at
the Monongahela House, and on Thursday
nieht they will visit Twin City, General Put
nam and Acme Councils.
W. H. Williams, of Somers Bros. &
Co., yesterday returned from New York, where
he had been engaged in the formation of the
Orange Dealers' Syndicate. Three or four
Pittsburgers will be members of the pool. The
purpose Is to prevent consignments of Florida
oranges, by concentration ot the same, at some
convenient point, and the members pledge
themselves to establish a buyer in Florida and
buy all the oranges of the growers in honest
rivalry with others, thus fixing a uniform price.
Dr. D. G. Foster, of Crafton, left last
night for Gettysburg to take in the exercises
to-day. Dr. Foster is the surgeon of the Four
teenth regiment, and was the first outside
physician to render medical aid to the sur
vivors of the Johnstown flood. On Sunday
afternoon after the flood be opened a hospital
in the old Bedford street skating rink, and at
tended to the wants of the sufferers for 48 hours
before he was relieved.
Judge Magee returned home yesterday
after a vacation on the lakes. Ho called upon
Jndge White in the Court of Quarter Sessions,
and his appearance there at once decided the
retail liquor dealers to present their petition
to-day byJosiah Cohen and John Robb for
licenso re-hearings. The Liquor Dealers' Com
mittee held a meeting later in the day and re
solved to brine the matter to a head.
The funeral of Stephen Vedder will be
held at 2 o'clock this afternoon, at his father's
house, No. 105 Forbes street. Mr. Vedder
was a popular joung veterinarian, who was as
sociated with his father on Cherry alley. On
Saturday evenlnr he was eointr down town to
tbe Exposition, when he fell dead, from heart I
iauure, on weoster avenue, iio was as years
oiu ami aingie.
-The well-known form of A. A. Stevens,
State Chairman of the Prohibition Executive
Committee, of Tyrone, was seen about the
corridors of the Seventh Avenue Hotel yester
oay. air. elevens is nere consulting witu loca;
prohibition leaders, and, as usual, says the)
outlook for the party is encouraging.
Ex-Controller William McCarthy ii
suffering from a dog bite received last week it
Tarentum and Is confined to bis bed from th
effects. The wound was in the Controller'
leg and it is thought it will bo considerabli
time oeiore ne can get around aitnougn nc
danger of hydrophobia is feared.
James F. McCrorv, the letter carrier
who was taken sick daring the Uniontown eft
campment of the Eighteenth Regiment, which
he attended as a member of Company C, is still
lyinc very ill with typhoid fever at his home In
the Fifth ward. There is said to be very little!
aopo ox nis recovery.
The condition of James Rees, the boiler
manufacturer, who resides at the East End,
was reported last evening to be very bad. He
is suffering from chronic asthma and heart
failure, ana his physicians have given np all
nope ot nis recovery,
The funeral of Will Lautner. of No. 278
Locnst street, Allegheny, who died in Woisenj
burg, Switzerland, August 19, took place yesteri
day aitemoon at toe Aiiegneny uemetery. IievJ
nr. i'lCK, ox me voej;nuy iaurcn, umo streetj
Miss Annie McAfee, of Webster avenue,'
sister of James McAfee, tho young attorney of
this city, left last evening for New York td
meet her father and brother who are comind
home from Europe.
James Ewing, son of the present judge
of Common Pleas Court, left last evening for
New York to attend the second course of lej
tures at the College of Physicians and Sut
geons. Colonel Chill Hazzard, of Monongahela
City, and a candidate for the Pension Agency,
was in tho city yesterday on his waytoQetts
bure, where he wants to meet the "boys."
The family of J. B. Edward, the
former well known railroad man, now de
ceased, retnrned borne from Mackinaw Island
.yesterday in a special car.
Hon. B. F. Jones, looking hale and
hearty, accompanied by several members of
his family arrived home last evening from
Cresson Spring?.
Bishop Phelan will dedicate a new
church atMeyersdale next Snnday. A largo
crowd is expected to witness the ceremony.
Among the passengers on the Limited
express last evening was John W. Chalfant
who came home after a week's vacation.
Nelson P. Eeed has been for nearly two
weeks confined to bis bed by rheumatism. He
is reported to be improving.
C. H. Jackson, General Manager of the
Standard Underground Cable Company went
East last night. " m
S. Davis Page, Treasurer at the United
States sub-Treasury iu Philadelphia, is at the
Hotel Duquesne.
James P. Witherow and his partner
Charles Peegan, left for the East last evening
on business. "
W. A. Lyon and F.B. Storer, two well
known cattle dealers of Bellefonte, are in the
H. B. Curll, the prominent lumberman
of Clarion, and his wife, are visitors in the city.
Hepubllcnns Meet to Arrange for the Slate
The Allegheny Central Bepublican Club
held a meeting last night, and elected dele
gates to the State Convention, which will be
held in this city on the 24th instant. The dele
gates, John N. Neeb and W. D. Porter
will alternate with H. M. Datt, W. J. qmi
and Theodore Harrington.
No News of Otterson.
The whereabouts of Mr. Gus Otterson are
still unknown. The friends of the young
man in this city received a telegram at noon
yesterday, stating that as little was known
about the missing man now as was known a
week ago,
President 0'Keil on His 15 ay to
Steubenvillo to Settle a Strike.
The Cigar Makers Will Turn Down
Producers of Bogus Seals.
John O'Neil. President of the Potters' In
ternational Union of the United States, was
in the city yesterday afternoon, on his way
to Steubenville to try and settle the potters'
strike at that place.
Mr. O'Neil is.a resident of Trenton, N. J.,
and the association he represents is attached
to the Knights of Labor as a national trades
district. He explained the object of his
visit to Steubenville and the causes that led
to the strike. The latter is in Day's pot
tery, where the men struck last spring
against the men who would not join the
union. After the strike 'the firm succeeded
in getting non-nnion men to work in the
pottery, but the strikers claim their work
was so bad that the firm lost money by them.
The Journeymen Potters' National Con
vention was held in Steubenville in July,
and at that time the firm tried to make
overtures to the union. Tho latter refused
to entertain their proposition, and since
then nothing has been done. A conference
between the firm'and tbe representatives ot
the strikers has been called, and it is likely
that the trouble will be patched np.
At the meeting ot the Trades Council Sat
urday evening, a circular was read from the
Eastern Ohio Trades Council, at Steuben
ville, asking all trades organizations in this
city to boycott the product of the
firm. The circular originated in
Ceramic Assembly, to which tbe strikers
belong. A general boycott has been insti
tuted by the K. of L. against the firm, but
it has not been confined to any particular
locality. The strikers found that niost of
the firm's goods were shipped to this city,
and have asked tbe Trades Council to re
quest that the matter be worked np. vThe
Council has not yet taken any official ac
tion about the matter. It is very likely
thatofficial action will be taken at the next
meeting, on the 21st President O'Neil
wilireturn to the city in a few days.
The Cigar Maker' President Will Protect
Their Yellow Seal.
Jhn Ehman, the well-known labor leader
of bis city, yesterday received a letter from
Preident Strausser, of the Cigar Makers'
Intrnational Union, at Buffalo, about the
ypltw seal label, which Is being imitated,
lb lis letter President Strausser says be
vWltake immediate steps to prosecute the
plans imitating the label.
tveral weeks ago L. A. 1394, cigar
ma; ers, of this city, accidently discovered
thg a firm in Chicago were sending circn
lar.to cigar manufacturers of this city offer
inii to sell them au imitation union seal
lab! The label was intended for firms or
individuals running non-union shops who
wiled to convey the impression that they
wes nnion manufacturers. One ot the cir
cujrs fell into the hands of a member of L.
AJ374, who had the matter brought to the
attntion of the Trades Council. Secretary
Wrd, of the latter, wrote to President
Stiusser, who was charged with furnishing
thaeal. Some ot the courts have decided
thdthe seal ot a labor organization is the
Ban as a copyright, while others say that it
is i infringement to imitate it.
ThjCommlttee on Demonstration Wilt Post
pone the Sleeting.
Jlmeeting of the sub-committee having
a charge the advisability of holding a
enfonstration on tbe 'day of the dedication
nf th Armstrong Monument was to have
been 0wing to the absence of
James Campbell, of the Window Glass
Workers' Association, who is in Massa
chusetts settling np some trouble, it is
likely that the meeting will not be held
until the latter part of the week. The com
mittee is composed of Messrs. Campbell,
Martin and Kelly. It is likely that a dem
onstration will be decided npon, as several
organizations have already expressed their
intention of turning out. The date of the
dedication has not yet been settled.
An Unusual Order Given to Carnegie's by
the PennsT Road.
Captain W. E. Jones, General Manager
of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, was
in the city yesterday, and said the firm was
shipping the last of an unusual order for
steel rails. The rails are the largest ever
rolled in the mills. They are 60 feet long
and each weigh 1,700 pounds. The rails
were ordered by the Pennsylvania Kailroad
Company and are intended for special
bridge work. The plant has previously
rolled 60 foot rails and then cut them to 30
foot lengths, but this is the first lot they
have finished at 60 feet.
Tho Ilorseshoers Wnut Their Oric'nnl De
mand or Nothing.
A conference was held last evening be
tween the wage committees of the Master
aid Journeymen Horseshoers Association.
Tie latter offered a compromise on $17 per
week for floor work and $19 for fire work,
tie hours to be the same as at present. The
journeymen refused this.
fChe employers met afterward and decided
stick it out with the strikers.
To mow la Another Fnrnace.
'(Mark F. Kuhn, tbe young furnace owner
o'this city, left for Mahoning last evening,
vberejhe will blow in a cupola furnace to
diy. The plant is on the old Stewartson
ftrnace ground, and has been idle for years.
One new" owner will start the cupola and
turn out pig iron.
' Yonnc Ladles on a Strike.
(The girl nail pickers at the New Castle
Vire Nail Works are out on a strike.
They desire the dismissal of the forewoman,
Kiss Kate McAleer, who, they claim, is
domineering and tyrannical. The strike
tffects 20 young ladies.
Tuo Central Turn Verela Meets and Elects
It New Men.
The Central Turn Verein held a special
aeeting at their hall, on Forbes street, last
irht. Tbe meeting had been called for
die purpose of choosing officers for the com
ig year, and the following were duly
ejected: First Speaker, William Lenz;
Second Speaker. Helwig Lange; First In
structor, Joseph Kramer; Secondlnstructor,
Herman" Honrad; Kecording Secretary,
Heury Hoburg; Corresponding Secretary,
Theodore Falz; Financial Secretary, Titus
eioeckner; Treasurer, Martin Frommer;
Master of Properties, Theodore Axthelm.
Nothing else but routine business was trans
The New Cnstlo Wnir Delivered to a Sister
' al tbe Reputed Mother.
( The baby found on a porch in New Castle
il days aeo was brought to Pittsburg yes
terday by Poor Director Long, of New
Castle, and delivered to a brother and sister
if the reputed mother of the infant, Miss
Minnie Todd.
Bow It Would Bavo'tho City Expense nod
Bender Pollco Work More Efficient and
The ordinance presented in Councils yes
terday by Mr. Keating providing for the
appropriation of a portion of the Mononga
hela, wharf on the opposite, side of the
Smithfield street bridge to tbe B. & O.
depot for a central police station site, meets
the approval of the city officials generally.
Tbe proposition is to take 200 feet along
Water street, beginning at the west side of
the approach to the Smithfield street bridge,
the strip to be the same width as that
granted to the B. & O. railroad for the new
depot. Chief Brown is the author of the
bill, and speaking of it last night, he said:
"I think the location would be excellent.
We have been notified to quit the present
Central police station by the 1st of
next April, and as the property be
longs to private parties who wish
to tear it down and rebuild we
will have to go. Our lease expires
them. We raust'havo another place to go to
by that time, and as there are none avail
able we must build, and in order to tret a.
building up by that time we must begin at
"My idea is to build a structure something
after the style of the new Baltimore and
Ohio depot, making at once an ornament to
that part of the city and a substantial
building that will answer all purposes.
There is economy in tbe thing for one
recommendatjon. The city can appropriate
this ground and it will cost nothing, while,
if we were to buy a suitable site in the lower
part of the city, where it needs must be, it
would cost anywhere from $80,000 to $110,
000. So much for that Now, we are paying
an aggregate rental of $3,000 for our police
station, patrol stable, department warehouse
and the Bureau of Health building on
Seventh street. That is 6 per cent on an
investment pf $100,000, and it is easy to see
bow, if we put up a building to cost the
latter sum, we could in a few years save its
"The convenience thus secured by having
the Department of Public Safety depart
ments in one building is one of the strongest
recommendations of this plan. We want to
have onr prison department separate from
our various offices, and with the site I have
suggested we would have sufficient depth to
place the cells in a wing on the water line,
thussecpring at once good sewerage, good
ventilation, exclusion and convenience.
We could construct the building to accom
modate the departments I have named, as
well as sleeping and bath departments for
the emergency police, a gymnasium for the
men and a good police court room.
"The ordinance has been referred to the
Finance Committee and if affirmatively
recommended by them I think there will be
no difficulty in getting Councils to pass It."
Complaint About tbe Exits Increases as the
Attendance Grows.
Inspector McAleese went to the Exposi
tion at 9:30 yesterday morning and swore
into service as special officers 60 of the po
lice employed by the Exposition Society.
During the last week these men acted with
out any authorization from the Department
of Public Safety.
There has been some complaint about the
slowness of egress from the Exposition.
Many ladies have complained about the
turnstiles at tbe exits, which allow only one
person to leave the place at once. It has
been discovered that a law of March 14,
1867, as amended March 28, 1870, subjects
the Exposition Society to a fine or $500 per
day for keeping any impediment; in the
exits. Inspector Brown, of the Building
Department, said yesterday that he consid
ered tbe exit tnrnstile3 a perfect nuisance.
He appreciated the utility of the entrance
turnstiles, but could see no use whatever for
tbe turnstiles in the exits. It is possible
that the Building Department will in a day
or two take some action in regard to the
It is estimated that the attendance vester-
day afternoon and evening aggregated 8,000.
Mechanical Hall contains atxtuf-balf-its
number of exhibits. Tbe promise now is
that the great iron and glass building will
be in shape by Wednesday. If present in
dications go for anything, that department
will attract more attention than the store
keepers' exhibit in the main bnilding.
The programme for this afternoon, as pre
pared by Conductor Weis, reads:
1. March Triumphal, Schreiner.
a Overture, Poet and Peasant, Suppe.
3. Tnrklsche, Schaarwache, Oretry.
4. Mazurka Caprice. Eilenberg.
5. Waltz Immortellen, Uungl.
1. ThePearl of Madrid Bachmann.
2. Honey of the Southern ilelles Childs.
3. Paraphrase My Maryland, Helnemann.
1 Gavotte Btephania, Czibnlka.
6. Galop Crescent, Leldebach.
Bernard Casey Knocked Off tbe Track by a
Cable Cnr.
Bernard Casey, 53 years of age and mar
ried, living at 21 Steuben street, was struck
by a cable car on Penn avenue, near Ninth
street, last evenine. He was thrown some
ten feet, and appeared when taken to a
neighboring drugstore to be seriously in
jured. Upon his removal to the Home
ODathic Hospital he was found to be under
the influence of liquor and without a broken
bone to show for his adventure.
Notice the Combination.
It is not our disposition to aggravate com
petitors by cutting all their regnlar
prices as we do, which causes
consternation in the ranks to such a
degree that we have been approached by a
go-between to enter into a combination to
sustain values. Neither is it our aim to van
quish rivals, but to attract and delight the
people with bargains. When we opened
three years since, our competitors gave us a
warm reception; we appreciated it, and how
red hot we have made it for them since, you
can gauge by the gigantic business we have
established. As one of tbe firm is present
at every important auction sale in New
York, ready with cash to seize any bargains
offered, we' are constantly naming prices
that startle our competitors. Mr. Jno.
Thornton, Jr., who has been in the market
the past month, has made some extraordi
nary purchases, and the public is invited to
share in tbe profit. Following are a few
sample quotations, some on sale now and all
by Friday: 300 pes. of linen crash, 16
inches, at 5c, worth 9c; 50 pes. of table
linen at 25c, worth 45c, extra wide; 250
pes. of double width 35c. cashmere at 13c;
200 at 25c, worth 40c; 400 doz. of towels
with tassd fringe, 2 rows inserting, 25c,
worth 50c; 2 cases blk. silk warp Henrietta
at 59 and 69c, bring samples ot any dollar
goods in the city to match them. Hundreds
of other bargains, but space is too expensive
to enumerate. Visitors to the city come to
the popular store. '
128 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa,
Excnrstons to Wheeling Tin the Pennsylvania
Excursion tickets will be sold via the
Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Rail
way from September 9 to 13, for all regular
trains, at rate of $2 50 from Pittsburg, good"
returning until Saturday, September 14.
Bate includes admission to the fair.
Excursions to Botlcr Fair.
The Pittsburg and Western Kailway will
sell round trip tickets to Butler, September
10, 11, 12 and 13, good to return until Sep
tember 14, for $1 60. Trains leave Alle
gheny at 7:40 and 10 o'clock A. m., 1:40 aud
G:30f. M., city time.
Natural Gns Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent,
See our new gas fires, gas ranges,
stoves, etc: register vour orders for
delivery. The largest, finest and most com
plete assortment of any firm in tbe world.
O'Keefe Gas Appliance Co., 31 Fifth
lively DiscBeeion on Flltratfek
Takes'pitYcejn AlIefrlwBjr
Filter Kenof Allowed to Present TMr
Claim at the-Meeting.
Several filter men occupied the lobby in
City Clerk JVhite'a room over in Allegaeay
last evening; .and evidently itched for
a chance to expatiate npon their
respective apparatuses for the purifi
cation off the Allegheny brand of
Adam's ale." For two solid hours the
gentlemen of the Water Committee debated
the expediency of getting a move on in the
matter of taking steps for the adoption -of
some improvement. Finally, on the ques
tion of vital' interest Mr. Henrick's motion
to instruct the City Controller to advertise
for plans and fpecltJcations for the filtration
of water, the'negative votes were so decisive
that the filter men jammed their occipital
coverings, well down npon their ears and
strode homeward.
Mr. J. E. McCrickart, Secretary of the
Pittsburg Company, was present at the
meeting He represented, the company
which recently offered to supply the city of
Allegheny with" water at the yearly figure
of $0,000. In the course of a conversation
Mr. McCrickart Intimated that tC -proposition
of tbe same general import as that made
to Allegheny Councils' would be shortly
laid before Pittsburg Councils. He" said:
"Our idea in the fixing of the quotation
of price to Alleehenv Citv was that we
would have to furnish about 20,000,000 gal
lons of water per diem. Pittsburg con
sumes upward of 35,000,000 gallons every
day, and X presume that oar price
for the service will be graduated
accordingly. The figure is likely
to run from $75,000 to $100,000.
Oh, yes. Our company will furnish bonds
if required. Although we have no pure
water plant in operation as yet, it will not
be long before a public and adequate test
will be made of our apparatus. We claim
that Pittsburg is even more in need of some
such device conducing to a pure water sup
ply than Allegheny. Our system is prac
tical, and all we want Is an opportunity to
demonstrate its usefulness." At the com
mittee meetintr. on motion of Mr. Cochran.
the Superintendent of the water works was
instructed to prepare specifications for two
new duplex engines lor the Troy Hill
pumping station, the Controller to advertise
for proposals.
EouxnrE BusnrEsa transacted.
The report of the sub-committee on a pure
water supply, submitted at the last meeting,
was called up and disenssed for an hour and
a half. Mr. Cochran advocated going to
Nine-Mile Island for the water supply, and
Messrs. Stayton and Henricks said that the
distance was immaterial to long as a filter
system was made use of for the purification
of the water. Mr. Cochran said hs didn't
care "shucks" for analytical reports, and a
lively argument ensued between himself
and Mr. Stayton. Mr. Cochran asserted 1
that tbe workhouse people bad bought the
only available place for the reservoir at
Nine-Mile Island, but Mr. Henricks said it
was a syndicate. Superintendent Arm
strong said the city could condemn land
outside of the city limits for a water works
After voting down by 8 noes and 3 ayes a
motion to instruct the City Controller to
advertise for bids on filter systems, the
committee adjourned.
'" -jTlie Exposition! " '"'"'
An assured success ia now beyond doubt.
Every inch of spacers taken up with beau
tiful displays, and as you pass in at the
main entrance you are at once attracted by
the beauty that opens np before you on
every side. To the left, the second from the
main entrance, is, the exhibit of S. Hamilton,
with his matchless pianos and organs. The
Decker, Knabe, Fischer and Estey pianos,
Hamilton's famous quartet' of instruments,
assures everyone whose stand it is. These
instruments are known the world over, and
in and aronnd our city are met with every
where. The instruments on the stand at tbe
Exposition are but a very small portion of
what Hamilton lias on disrilav ever-v dnv st
his large salesroom, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue,
where you can get them on easy terms and
low prices: Give him a call and get prices
and terms from him.
The Oyster Season.
With September comes the opening of
the oyster season aud the consequent de
mand for Marvin's superior oyster
crackers. The luscious bivalve is incom
plete without them. Everybody wants
them. Tour grocer keeps them. ttssu
Call fora glass of Baeuerlein Brewing
Co.'s lager beer when giving your order at
your favorite club, hotel, saloon or restau
rant It is pnre, healthful, palatable and
invigorating. Proprietors and managers
will and it to tneir interest to keep It on
tap. Telephone 1018. Bennetts, Pa.
Hosiery and Underwear.
Hosiery and underwear.
Gloves and umbrellas.
Kkajle & Shtjsteb,
35 Fifth avenue.
Same Price by Yard, Pleco and Cartoon.
Ribbons at onr millinery opening.Tuesday,
10. Any shade of ribbon made which can't
be found elsewhere will be at the People's
Store. Campbell & Dick.
Haeet Aides', formerly of this city,
can now be found at W. H. Holmes &
Son's Chicago House, No. 264 South Clark
'street. 120 Water street,
264 South Clark st, 158 First avenue,
ttssu Chicago. Pittsburg.
Hnt materials Galore.
Come to our millinery opening to-morrow
and see the Paris hats, and get your ma
terials and imitate them.
Campbelii & Dick.
S3 7S. $3 73. $2 75.
to see our all-wool jackets,
2 75. Better
to finest
ones at $3 50, $4 and $5 np
35 Fifth avenue.
Ladles Sail Parlors.
Visitors to tbe Exposition should not fail
to see the new costumes we are showing for
early fall wear. Paecels & Jones,
its 29 Fifth ave.
All the best stocked bars keep Frauen
heun & Vilsack's celebrated Pilsner beer on
draught. Ask for it, or order it direct.
Telephone 1186.
In every possible tone of ribbon in our
grand millinery opening, Tuesday, Sept.
10. We have every seasonable shade,
width and quality.
Campbell & Dick.
99 75. 89 75. 89 75.
Great bargain, great bargain; wool suits,
wool suits, ask to see them
KnABLE & Shtjsteb,
35 Fifth avenue.
Bpeclal ale.
Sale of wall paper remnants now going
on at John S. Boberts", 414 Wood st. its
Blkeplksskess. indigestion and pain are
horrors that Parker's Ginger Tonlo will abate.
Parker's Hair Baham aids tbe hair growth.
MMTMeka Mr.t-
Miss Mary A,MC a, XttwsWt i
PiHsbare LlWsrv IniirisHitt ihrtiVrh'i'r
h& Ja 1 ... i . L. fc I AstjL
o ura jtv swopsse wo wv irawi jsn
oemrevemr ftstwaaa tits uhssr Asa
tioa and the Libmrv Kslll "- -'
she take luae squarely with "iiksJJ.j'M.
wiiiisHM regwdiag his eittmte CNMt
usefulness of the Ptttsfcsjcc mittrf.
Mis MeCraa Kates that fe t
fiWw, ot. tbe ). Mm .Mikity
patrons are those of a wfestaaHa! ehaV
aeter, and aseh ot she &rfeeaHefr Uitj,
a high order, ealealeted te ptwrMe
rst for these 4 'high ssealsl onJow'sifi
Awwg the books returned withw a yV$
two k Bsrtes's ABateay ot Mslenshily.t
certainly heavy enough fer ot&mtjfmg
i?S?J-, JZr.?XJV?a&m'i!i
buicu ik are iwDuiiM essays, BMfMMT.'
travels, ete., while is bob of the ieM retst
13 ui a cmuwtw esucaiaiea io uMnw, least
of it of a ehawter that may he imltsi
classical. '" &s
She stsias tW'if nan at Am aalsU. V
the number of sjeehftBle! aad trlmtrlsal
engineers who eeae to the library to. fttmm
ius means ot iaviigti wy, we rttHv
AnlH !. ..-. iL.! J- a. . m t "
facilities furnished te tflugM
- . . ji uruter. ja.ua Jt
.irallr,he,tates' ftftt otwhtJttis
An examination of the list oallei fcr-'shk
x.u., certainly caieafeted to eteate
the impression that many pstreae are either
greatly in earnest in purwit of kaewlede.
or seekinr for sonorifini Pui. ,i ?i
cat&er grapes from thorn, ,b igtltm
uic9, uu we irienos ot tee library are
confident that they are reeosipeased fer
their ajarch after knowledge in its alcove.
CABiirEX photos, fl per dez. LleVPo
nlar Gallery, 10 and 13 Sixth it ttsb
The most effioaeioas stimulant to exalte
the appetite is Angostura Bittersv
.. ...... vuougs iseir saisas. one wemia nm
Ta navA .U 1 a . -
--.a lues, Linus sou investigate w iiimi.
icram state, sm 9, .
; ' jy -r . s
' - -., ,f.sKjMsf
Ko ordinary stock, but the blgzett
and finest More new Dress Goods this
week the already large variety of
Plaids is stilt further increased bv mora
'new ones,so'thiJmrflda?toe?
.. i
new Fall Dress Goods Is constantly
growing larger. .
Tbe new Fall Millinery Is very taking
and includes the very latest in Pattern
Bonnets and Hats; also all the latest "'
novelties in untrlmmed Hats and Tur
bans. Very pretty styles In Tarn1
O'Sbanters and other new shapes for
children's wear.
Stylish novelties in fancy Satin 'and
Velvet Ribbons, Birds, Feathers and
other trimming novelties.
New Paris Novelties in Applique
Dress Trimmings open to-day comprls. a
inzthe handsomest assortment in the
city and at lowest prices.
All ready now with new Hosiery and
Underwear in medium weljrhta for fall
wear we save yon money on these.-
goods and yon get tbe best
Novelties now coming in dally in the
Cloak and Suit department in Cloth
Jackets and Long Garments in medium
weights, colors and black.
Onr display at the Exposition will bo
more attractive than ever, many very
handsome new goods being shown,.
The largest and most complete ex
hibit in Pittsburjcfn Silks and Dress
Goods ever seen is here In our Immense &(
store. By alt means come and see tils if
wonderful free exhibit. T I
JDS. HDRNE k CD. '3-