Maaaggi-B aag paMHBBTyah. ,JBMsTsHsMiar,saaKsaliWEslssgisiiiMsl. KI when 'you come home ' emn''- v' 2XZ 21L.1 '' ' ' lfl JU- ' mf-'WSrwym From sea or mountain, to notify the carrier or DISPATCH office, that on your paper may be ' FORTY-FOimTH YEAR. MUST HI ft JURY. The Court Says Intelligent Men Will Be Taken in the Cronin Trial. IF THEY READ THE STORY It Does Kot Necessarily Bar Them From Trying the Case. THE FIRST DISCOTEET OF EVIDENCE. Offlcrr Robinson Tells Only How He Ar retted Two Men Before ibe Murder Was Known Tbelr Suspicions Actions ot the Carlson Cottage Cnptnln Wine Dis charged the Prisoners It Is Believed They Were Two oftbo Principals Who Arc Now On Trial Tbc Offlcrr's Testi mony Will be a fttronc Link In Ibe Chain of Evidence Another Venire lias Been Ordered A Sensational Scene at the Carlson Cotlusre. It is likely that the tactics will be changed in procuring a jury to try the Cronin suspects in Chicago. Judge McConnell plainly said yesterday that a jury must be obtained. A new venire was issued last evening. A strong link in the chain of evidence is now told for the first time by Officer Kobinson. l6rECLL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Chicago, September 9. There was a large crowd in Judge McConnell's court room all day to-day to listen to the tiresome questions and responses of lawyers and talesmen. There was the usual craning of necks when the prisoners tramped over the bridge of sighs into the courtroom. A big bailiff walked behind each ot the defend ants. Little Kunze, the clown, wore a high standing collar, which gave him much trouble after he got well seated in his chair. Bcggs still wore a white lawn tie around his highly-polished collar. Court had scarcely been called to order when the drooping figure of Senator Kennedy, with his long hair hanging in wads upon his fore head, glided silently among the attorneys for the defense. AWAT FOE A BEST. Kennedy, who is defending Burke, has been missing for the past three days. His absence gave rise to the report that he had dropped out of the case. It appears, how ever, that the great man from the North went home to get some rest. As he glided into the court room he carried with him the fragrance of the piney wood, and golden rod of the prairies. He shook hands with everybody, and then sat down. Five jt.n utes later he had assumed his favorite atti tude, which is indicative ot deep medita tion. It took just four hours to examine the 25 jurors oi the seventh venire. Tne talesmen were nearly all farmers. The eighth venire was issued to-night. When court adjourned at 4 o'clock but one talesman was held over. SOT A FAIK JUBOB. Even Creighton, the fine looking young fellow who has been held for the past five days, was excused by mutual consent of the attorneys because he had confessed to Judge McConnell that he thonght he wouldn't make a fair juror, owing to an opinion he had once expressed as to the guilt of the I prisoners. Attorney Forrest conducted the weary examination at both sessions of court. Tne grim-looking lawyer dropped most of his dilatory tactics, and pushed his inquiry with great vigor. During the examination he used up seven peremptory challenges in behalf of Beggs, Burke and Kunze. This was really the only progress made 'during the dav. EXTBAOEDINAEr CHALLENGES. The defense have now canceled 31 of their 100 peremptory challenges, while the State has ued but 13. The only feature of the inquiry to-day was the examination of 'Will iam Bcynolds, Edward H. King, J. J. Goodheart and John Morgan. In response to a question Beynolds said: "I believe the prisoners guilty, sir." King declared that he believed them guilty individually and collectively. Goodheart said he was satis fied of their guilt, while Morgan replied that he should not like to have a juror try him who felt as he did toward the prisoners at the bar. These four frank announcements aroused the prisoners from their newspapers. Burke grinned contemptuously, but the rest of his colleagues were painfully solemn. Mr. Forrest will resume his examination of talesmen in the morning. JUDGE M'CONNELL'S CAUTION. After the Court had overruled challenges for cause in several cases, Judge McCocnell said: "I want to say a word to gentlemen on both sides in reference to the line of chal lenge. As I understand the law and I think I have taken it from a very bizh au thority and from rules of practice well ap proved in the early selections of a jury in a case which has been very much discussed nnd very much published in the news papers, as this has, and concerning which the Sheriffs summoning officers have gone to nearly all parts of the county and sum moned nearly all classes and conditions of society, if it becomes apparent that an ideal or a perfect jury cannot be secured; that is, a jury which has not formed any im pressions upon the matter, then the Court must take the next best jury that can be found, so long as it is a legal jury. LIMITING LIBERALITY. "So, while great liberality will be per mitted, such as this Court has permitted in this case in the early impanneling of the jury, necessarily as the Court becomes con vinced that it cannot be so liberal, that if it were to continue the course no jury could be impanneled, that liberality must be limited. So whatever might, be the ordin ary rules of law which govern the impan neling of a jury ill an ordinary case, they must bend to the exigencies of the case of don't forget call at THE the address changed. - more public concern, otherwise the result would necessarily follow that, in certain cases, no jury could ever be impanneled. Now, I mean to say by that, that where I find that those opinions are simply founded upon newspaper reading, and men come here on whose intelligence and character confidence can be placed, and the Court is obliged to come to the conclusion that, from what they say, they can fairly and impar tially try the case on the law and evidence, I shall not be so liberal as I have been. "We have already consumed nine days in en deavoring to impannel a jury." THE CARLSON COTTAGE. Ilovr the First Evidence Was Discovered The Story Only Told Now An Officer Arrested Two Men Before tho Murder Was Known. Chicago, September 9. It seems that althongh a great deal ot matter has been published abont the Cronin murder, the true story of the discovery of evidence at the Carlson cottage has never been told until now. It is also singular that the re porters who were working on the case never discovered that on the night of May 7, three days after Dr. Cronin was killed, two men, now supposed to have been Kuntz and Cooney. were arrested and taken to the Lakeview station and discharged in the morning by Captain King. - A local paper stated recently that there was a certain Irish officer upon the Lake view police lorce who was suspected of di rect complication in the murder of Cronin. Other such statements were presented by the same paper in later issues. Finally the offi cer determined to tell his story, which is now made public for the first time, as fol lows: THE orncEE's STOET. Officer Isaac Robinson has been on the Lake new force several years, and has always borne a rood reputation. He is an Irishman by pa rentage, but is not a member of any Irish se cret society. Robinson had the beat in which the cottage was located and it was bis duty to patrol Ash land avenue and the intersecting street for sev eral blocks north and south of the Carlson honse. At different times before the murder Robmson noticed men goinginandontof the cottage and noticed lights within it. He thought the cottage was not occupied and asked Carlson who the men were that went Into it and why the lights were lighted. Carl son told him that be had rented the place to two men who .sometimes slept in tho cottage and who expected to soon move in furniture and commence housekeeping. THINKS IT "WAS BUBKE. On the night of May 6, however, Robinson saw a man crawling out of the basement of tho cottage and accosted him. Robinson has never seen Burke, but he believes that Bnrke was the man who talked with him that evening. He said that he and his brother were renting the cottage and that he had been in the basement simply to see if there- was not a good place there to store somo old furniture. Robinson was not satisfied ith the explanation, but he did not think he was warranted in arresting the man. At 9 o'clock the next night, May 7, Robinson turned the corner on Roscoe street and came upon two men who were talking together in the shadow of a little real estate office, 100 feet south of the Carlson cottage. They had the door of the office open and were talking about hiding something under Ithe floor. Rob inson decided to make an effort to discover who tbev were and what they were doing there. One of them, who was shorter than the other, spoke in broken English with a German accent and said that they bad lost their way and wanted to get down town. He said they were painters and lived on the Westsidc. ACTED SUSPICIOUSLY. Robinson asked them why they were stand ing and talking on the corner if they wanted to get down town, and why they did not ask some one in the neighborhood and find ont the way. Ttib tall man, v Lwl illh -xntURach And. ?poixe witn an iron accent, answered evasively, and Robinson decided to arrest them. Just as he started for the patrol box a man ran across to them from the direction of P. O'Snllivan's barn, and asked what Robmson was going to do with the men. Robinson recocnized this person as the man he had seen crawling from the basement of the Carlson cottage, and told him he was going to the station house, but the stranger said to take him along. The man said no more when he saw that the officer recog nized him. Robinson went to the station with the two men, and they were questioned by Captain "Wine They gave their names and supposed addresses, and repeated the story they had previously told to Robinson. NO CHAEGES WEBE ENTEBED acalnst them on the books, consequently the officer did not remember the names they gave. They were taken down stairs, kept In custody until morning and then released by Captain Wine's orders. "What the use of sending them to the Bride- well to cost the citv of Lakeview 25 cents a day?" said Captain Wing to Robinson. The two men thus discharged, it is now be lieved by Officer Robinson, were Kuntz and Cooney. Their description answers that of the two suspects very closely. At the time of their arrest it was not believed that Dr Cronin had been murdered, it being supposed that he had left the city of his own accord. Two nights later Robinson says he saw one of the men he had arrested coming out of the cottage after midnight. He did not accost him, because he considered that he had been rebuked by Cap tain Wing when he discharged the prisoners. Robinson talked with the neighbors about the goings-on in the cottage, and concluded that there must have been a crime committed there. He told Carlson of bis suspicions, and young Carlson went into the cottaireand fonnd th blood stains. FIEST SUSPICION OP MURDER. The thought that Cronin had probably been killed in tb'e place sugcested itself to Robinson, and he told Captain Wing of his suspicions. Captain Wing listened to his story, but did nothing. Robinson learned more about the strange oc cupants of the cottage, and again spoko to Can tain Wing. Three times in succession the officer claims to have told Wing of his belief that Cronin was killed In the cottage, but nothing was done until the week after Cronin's body was found. Lieutenant Scheuttler was then sent for from the Laraabee street station to Lakeview, and while talking to Captain Wing learned ot Offi cer Robinson's suspicions. Scheuttler went to the cottage and examined tho blood stains, and satisfied himself that the murder had been, committed there. Robinson has not as yet been summoned as a witness by tho State. A STKATEGIC MOTE. An Attorney for tho Defense Obtains the Blood-Stained Flooring-. Chicago, September 9. A sensational affair in connection with the Cronin trial occurred this evening in the noted Carlson cottage. About 5 o'clock Mr. Forrest, one of the attorneys for the defendants, drove up to the cottage, accompanied by three other men, and after paying the usual admission fee, entered with his companions. The only inmates of the cottage at the time were Mr. and Mrs. Iangren, the son-in-law and daughter of the old Carlson couple. They showed the visitors about the interior. Lawyer Forrest asked Ijingren to show him where O'Sulli van, the ice man, resided, and Iiindgren accommodatingly took him to a window in the end of the house and described the locality. While the pair were thus engaged, For rest's companions jumped over the railing around the blood stains, and with sharp tools rapidly cut out such portions of the flooring and walls as they wanted. Lind gren turned, saw them and after endeavor ing in vain to make them desist, shouted for aid. Old man Carlson came rushing in with a cocked revolver, but Forrest's companions were ready for such an emergency, and dis armed him. The party then entered their carriage, and drove back to the, city with the blood-stained wood. Dlore nonorn for Edison. Paeis, September 9 The municipal authorities gave a banquet this evening in honor of Mr. Thomas A. Edison. The affair was a brilliant success. THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. Views of Republican aad Democratic Lenders The Effect of Fornker's Home Rale Policy It is Not Likely to Hnrt Him. r SPECIAL TELEOBAU TO THX DISPATCH. 1 Columbus, O., September 9. James E. Neal, Chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee, arrived to-day, and formally took charge of the interests of the Ohio Democracy. When asked concerning Mr. Campbell's prospects he said they were encouraging, and that a vigorous fight would be made for his election. The dis sension among the colored voters would have a telling effect against Foraker. "What do you think of Mr. Campbell's running qualities as compared with Bishop, Hoadiey and other like men, who have led the Ohio Democrats to victory in previous campaigns? "Well, I think Mr. Campbell ag a cam paigner is equal, if not superior, to either of the gentlemen referred to," Mr. Heal re plied, "and the Democrats have every reason to hope for success. The home rule principle of the Ohio Democracy is going to receive strong indorsement, and Foraker is going to be rebuked in every city where his boards have existed." General A. L. Conger, Chairman of the Republican State Committee, also came in to-day to make preliminary arrangements for the campaign. Asked as to the pros pects, he said: "I think that they are all that could be desired. Of course the cam paign has just been opened, and we cannot tell what developments may bring forth. But at present the outlook throughout the State is very bright indeed." As to the convention ot colored voters which convenes at Toledo to-morrow, he thought it would have no telling effect on the Republican cause. Campbell, as a can didate, compared with Hoadiey, Bishop and other Democratio candidates, is estimated by General Conger as a much weaker can didate than Hotdley was. Hoadiey had many points of strength not possessed by Campbell, and fhe latter can never be as good an opponeat to Foraker. Campbell's nomination had created no enthusiasm at all in the northern part of the State. The Democrats, General Conger said, were losing ground because of their free trade policy, aad the alleged usurpation of home rule by Governor Foraker would not injure him in the least. A IEAP TO DEATH. Torriblo fate of borne Employes In a Rag and Paper Warehouse Fire Forces Them to Jump FromThird and Fonrtii-blory Windows. Albany, N. Y., September 9. P. J. McArdle's large rag and general paper stock warehouse was totally destroyed by fire this afternoon. The origin of the fire was due to spontaneous combustion of a pile of rags in the third story. So quickly did the fire spread through the grease-saturated building that the employes, consisting of some 14 women and girls at work in the sorting room and ten men and boys in the office or about the building, were forced to jump for their lives. The majority leaped to the root of a neighboring house and es caped. Carrie Swartz? who weighs over 200 pounds, jumped into the yard and crashed through the roof of an outhouse, breaking her arm, several ribs and sustaining in ternal injuries. Mrs. Ellen Mack jumped from the iourth story a distance of 70 feet, and fell upon a pile of scrap iron. She fractured her left wrist and received numer ous cuts about the face and head, beside severe burns. Her condition is critical. -ltrcharCteramTne7aTBooKt'eepJr,16sthis life". He went to the top of the building just be fore the fire began, and his escape was cut off. In his endeavor to avoid the flames he fell through the shaft and was badly cut and bruised, but the inhalation ot the flames was the direct cause of his deash. Mrs. Ellen Frank, who jumped from the fourth floor, and Mrs. Ellen McShane, who fell through the elevator shait, sustained fractures of the limbs and severe bruises, but not necessarily fatal injuries. Several others received severe injuries. Loss about $80,000; insured. PEOBaBLT OTTERSOK'S BODY. The Missing Allcsheny City Merchant Slay Have Been Browned. rfPECtAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCn.l New Yoek, September 9. Gus L. Otter son, a dealer in wall paper in Allegheny City, has been missing since August IS. He came to New York on August 14, on business, and intended to go home by the wav of Philadelphia. He was last seen at the Hotel jEoyal on the 15th, where he dined with two ladies from Allegheny City. Henry Smith, of that city, reported the case to the police to-day. This morning the body of a man answer ing Otterson's description, in part, was found in the North river, at the foot of West Tenth street. The body was taken to the morgue, and has not yet been identified. OUTCOME OP A PRIZE FIGHT. Fivo Persons Arrested for Being Connected With the Encounter. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! St. Louis, September 9. About 11 o'clock this morning Detectives Bnrke and Fitzgerald arrested Thomas Kelly, Edward Kelly, Thomas Allen, Dan Daly and Archie Flint, on complaint of Sheriff Jesse P. Crume, of Troy, Lincoln county, Mo. The men are charged with being fugitives from justice. All gave bond and were re leased. This is the outcome of the Kellyt-Daly prize fight, which took place about two years ago near Foley, Mo., between Dan Daly and Ed Kelly for the middle-weight championship ot Missouri, in which Kelly was beaten. CAUSED BY A STRIKE. The Origin of the War Between Races at New Castle, Delaware. Wilmington, Dee., September 9. Four arrests were made this morning of al leged "American" participants in Saturday night's not at JNew Castle, and warrants for eight more rioters have been issued. Hawkins, one of the injnred men, is in jail under treatment. Owen Kavauagh, who was stabbed seriously, is in a bad way. The identity of the man who killed Jauv nosky has not been established. There were 140 Poles and Slayacks em ployed at the Tasker works, and the feel ing of the other workmen had been embit tered at the start by the fact that the Hun garians were introduced to take the place of men on strike. A FLTWHEEL FLEW. It Burst In Pieces and Did Abont 815,000 Worth of Damage. ISrECIAL TXLECBAX TO THE DISPATCH. J Haeeisbueo, September 9. A flywheel, 30 feet in diameter and weighing 60 tons, burst at the Pennsylvania Steel Works to day and was torn into fragments. A piece of the iron struck a four-inch steam pipe 50 feet away, and broke it in many pieces. Another, 8 or 10 feet long and 4 by 10 inches thick, struck in front of a man aud imbedded itself in an upright position. Fifty men were working in the vicinity of the wreck, and yet none were hurt. The loss by the accident is estimated at from flO.000 to 515,000. - i - - - . PITTSBURG. TUESDAY, YETMANSIM LEGION. Eully 5,000 of Them Already Gathered on Gettysburg's' Field, WITH PROMISE OP 50,000 VISITORS. Arrival of the Pittsburg Hosts all Eight Last Evening. WESTEBN SECTION L00H8 UP "WELL. And There is Eiery Indication of the Grandest Be union Since tho War. To-morrow and next day, both known as 4 "Pennsylvania Day" at Gettysburg, prom ise the most impressive of all the reunions of veterans since the war. Pittsburg looms ud in great shape on the old battlefield already. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DIBFATCII.l Gettysbueo, September 9. Camp Samuel Harper is in its glory to night. AH day long veterans from the Eastern and Central portions oi the State have been marching from the depots to camp. In the evening General Meade Post Nos. 1 and 2, of Philadelphia, arrived with full ranks, and -the Baltimore and Ohio brought the G. A. B. men from Pittsburg and the neighborhood, by con siderably the largest representation from the Western portion of the State ever in attendance here. Some idea of the largely increased at tendance of comrades over any of the past encampments can be gleaned from the fol lowing figures, taken from a list furnished by Department Commander Stevens and Adjutant General McCormick. Of the Philadelphia posts. No. 1 has 75 men. No. 2 has 6a No. 51 has 180, No. 71 has 6(and No. 65 has 80. Post 11, Norristown, has 90;Post 214, Huntingdon. 150; Post 118, Columbia 150; Post 415, Mechanicsburg. 100; PostZ28,MarEita, 70; Post 217, Easton. 110; Post 151, Pitts urg, 90; Post 157, Pittsburg, 140; Post 12, Roxtoro. 140, and Post 64, Williamiport, 100. ' WITH BOOMING CANNON. I Quite a number of the posts have their post cannons along, which furnish oie of the many ways of keeping things liver. fo far this camp has been decidedly orderl' aid quiet. After the taps, which sound it 11 o'clock,many of the comrades begin to fqljf6 discomforts of age, and the younger Bd more vivacious seem to recognize- ct and allow them their rest. The town has been filling up very rapidly all dayand the trains on both roads came in crowdd. The Philadelphia party via the iilti more and Ohio got in some time alter ark, closely followed by a large Pittsburion tingent. Colonel Bpnnaffon andlhis assistants, Captain Ram bo and len tenant Dougherty and Bugler McFartdd, nave been kept quite bnsy to-day at fead quarters, dispatching business prelimiary to the great event of Thursday, fcief Marshal Gregg arrived this evening, did General Gobin and Colonel Ricketts, tiie Commission. The other two marchii col umns, Taylor and Nicholson, got ii this afternoon. A business meetiug of the comnision will take place this evening, and a niot'r of monuments will be inspected to-mcrar. A feature of theG. A. H. encampmat?-J morrow night wjll be a display ot hre costing 5500. " PEEDICTINO FIFTY THOUSAND. An Associated Press dispatch adds: Ptnn' svlvania Day is beginning to loom up l gigantic proportions. Every train bring! itatovnna nn( ctronmaM anrt nw TlinMrAi i.ibiaii3 uuu sktuuf,vid. uuu ujr A.uuiouiiji the number will probably reach 0,000. The State Monument 'Commissioners have 'as-' sumed charge of the preparations for the ex ercises on the 12th. To-morrow they will inspect all of the monuments that are in position, and finally pass upon them. Captain Samuel Harper, of the G. A R.. has been exceedingly lively to-day. Post alter post has arrived, principally lrom the interior of the State, until about 175 are represented, numbering 5,000 men. The weather has settled, and tent life is being enjoyed to the utmost. To-night dress parade was held on the regular ground. To-night train after train has been steaming into the town and empty ing its load of veterans and sight-seers into the crowded streets. 0TEE ELEVEN THOUSAND, Tho Old Soldiers Will Go to Gettysburg In Lame Numbers. V SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 Haeeisbueo. September 9. At 6 o'clock this evening Adjutant General Hastings ' uau issueu aj.,uoi transportation ticicets to survivors of the three days' fight at Gettys- burg. The appropriation of 550,000 by the State to give the veteran soldiers an op portunity to witness the dedication of the Pennsylvania monuments, on Wednesday and Thursday next, will probably be suffi cient to carry put the purposes of the act in view of the fact that the railroad comnanies have agreed to carry the soldiers to Gettys burg from aud to their homes at 1 cent ja mile. Governor Beaver and Adjutant Generil Hastings will leave this citv to-morrtw morning for Gettysburg, where they will r- mam until alter the dedication of the Penn sylvania monuments. E0ADMASTEES' ASSOCIATION. The Annual Meeting to Commence In Denvo To-day- Prograramo of Subjects. I rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DlSPATCH.1 I Denvee, Col., September 9. The Boaf masters' Association of America hold their seventh annual convention in Denver con mencing with to-morrow. Many and ioL portant are the questions that will be di cussed. The programme for the entire se sion is as follows: htandard Track Joints, R Caffrey; Standar Frogs, P. Nolan; Labor on Track. O. F. Jordat Automatic Snitch. Stands and Protection d Facing Joints, Robert Black; Tract Tools anl Implements for Maintenance of Way a U Svrtnney; Standard Cattle Guards, J. Doyle, j The officers of the association are: Presi' dent, W. Craig; First Vice President, jl Burnett; Second Vice President, Jamef Sloan; Secretary and Treasurer, H. w Eeed. Amone the roadmastera in !,. nit. are G. W. Bishop, of Pittsburg Ti nr. of the Lehigh Valley; J. Tupplee, of tW -l cuusyiviiuiu jaiiroaa; w. W. Salmon, oi vne A-miaueipnia ana iceadine:, and J O Mandeville, of the Lehigh Valley. DESECRATED A CEMETEET. 'A-ne 1'own or Kennebunk, Me., Thrown Intc a Fever of Excitement. SPECIAL TELSOBAIt TO TUX DISPATCH I Kennebunk, Me., September 9. The town of Kennebunk was thrown into a fever1 of excitement Sunday by the startling intel-i ligence that a large number of graves in Mt. Hope Cemetery had been dug into and otherwise disturbed. An examination! shows no less than a dozen graves to have' been entered, some of them only a little I while others were penetrated to the coffin. Several footstones were pulled up and dis-i figured. The work was evidently done with! a sharu stick instead of edged tools At first it was thought to have been the work of some wild animal, but later investi gations showed that it could not have beeni in this way. SEPTEMBER 10, 1889. A DYING STATESMAN.. Congressman 8. 8. Cox Seriously III Wlia Pneumonia Ills Life Hanging by a Thread Sorrow in Washing ton His Greatest Work. NewYobk, September 9. Congressman Samuel Sullivan Cox is lying at his home, No. 13 East Twelfth street," in a very criti cal condition. Four days ago he was con fined to his bed by an attack of what he sup- Posed to be malarial fever. This rapidly developed into acute pneumonia, which has defied the best medical skill. At 10 o'clock to-night his physicians, Drs. Lockwood, Skidder, Wynloop and Sauer, of Washing ton, state that his condition is nnohanged and that the next 13 hours will decide whether or not he will recover. A special telegram to The Dispatch from Washington says: Washington is grieved by the news of Mr. Cox's illness. It was almost beyond belief, as he stopped here only a short time ago on his way home from his trip through the Rocky Mountains, feeling in better health- than he bad for years. It is the general verdict that no one now in" Congress would be more missed on the floor ot the House than he. His absence in the Forty ninth Congress was regretted though to partially atone for his empty chair he sent frequent letters from Turkey written in his best vein. In the Fiftieth Congress his great work was his persistent urging of the bill admitting the four Ter ritories which are about to become new States. The leading members of his own party were opposed to the bill in any form that would warrant its passage, but Mr. Cox fought them and talked and acted with the Republicans, taking his stand on the principle that if the Territories were entitled to admittance party politics should have no place in the discussion, and he finally won, largely by mercilessly shaming his op ponents. It's no exaggeration of the facts to say that had it not been for the courageous, un tiring fight made by Mr. Cox the four Terri tories wouldn't have had constitutional con ventions nor be on the eve of electing Sen ators and Congressmen. Mr. Cox himself felt that this "was the crowning event of his notable career, and often remarked that he would think he hadn't lived in vain if that had been the one work of his life. None ot the frequenters of Congress will forget one of his retorts made in a speech in which, while dwelling on the solemn duty of Congress to admit these Territories, he de clared the cause he was advocating to be as great as that advocated by Douglass in his last days in Congress. At the close of an eloquent period in which he alluded thus to the "Little Giant," Breckenridge, of Ken tucky, who was opposed to the Territorial bill, shouted ont in a sneering tone: "But you are not Douglass." "No, I am not Douglass," retorted Cox, 'for Douglass failed, and I'm going to suc ceed." AN INJUNCTION" CONTINUED. One Kentucky Rnllrond Can Sell Oat Only lo Another One Named. 1EFECIAL TELEQBAU TO THE DISPATCH." New Yoek, September 9. Justice Bart lett, in the Supreme Court, Brooklyn, has given a decision continuing the injunction obtained by Josiah J. White, restraining George C. Wood and others from trans ferring the franchise and property of the Chattaroi Bailroad Company, of Ken tucky, to any other corporation than the Ohio and Big Sandy Bailroad Company. The transfer to the latter company is to be made only on condition that the full issne of the stock, amounting to $2,000,000, be distributed among the sinking fund and Y gold mortgage bonds of the Chattaroi coin- pacv. . , The persons named are also restrained from receiving 556,000 or any other snm for any of the property held under the fore closures. DETEEMINED TO STAT. A Democratic Postmaster Refuses to Give Up to His Republican Successor SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Haeeisbueo, September 9. George S. Machen was recently appointed postmaster of the East Harrisburg postoffice, in place of S. A. Fishburn, who was chosen under Cleveland's administration. Last week Machen received his commission, and armed with the document demanded possession of the office. Fishburn refused to surrender the control of the Government property un less on an order from Washington. The order was received and shown to the incum bent, but he still refused to give , up the office, informing Machen that he 'proposed to stick to it until the expiration of the I Quarter encime October 1. Legal proceedings arc threatened by the Dew appointee iu uieposses.3 x isaourn, JIURDEEED BY FITE E0BBEES. 0nB of thB Wurderers Breaks Down, Upon Arrest, and Confesses Ills Crime. Nobfolk, Va., September 9. T. L. Waller, a well-known merchant of Sewell's Point, six miles from this city, was mur dered early yesterday morning in his store. Thp mnlivp fnr thp. murder was rnhherv. nnd six negroes, William Henry Custis, Henry Williams, Samuel Stencil.Cornelius White, Jieorge Jfryor ana itobert custis are now in ail ior the crime. William Henry Custis tras the first one of the murderers arrested, and while under examination broke down and implicated the other five men named as his accomplices. A VICTIM OF JUDGE LYNCE. Taken by a Mob From n Constable and, Xlaagcd at Once. Hiawatha, Kan., September 9. Dick Fisher, alias Dick Bhodes, a negro vvho was wanted in Donophin county, Kansas, for assault and horse stealing, was captured here yesterday by Sheriff Cushmau, and turned over to Constable Sloane, who pro posed to take him to White Cloud, the county seat of the county, where he had commuted his crimes. Word comes from White Cloud to-night that a determined mob of farmers attacked the constable, toot bis prisoner lrom aim and hanged him. TEAMPS WHO SHOT, And Wbo In Turn Were Shot nnd Captured by the Officers. fSrlECIAL TELEGBAM TO TIIE DISPATCn.1 Coshocton, O., September 9. While Marshal Hogan was trying to make drunken tramps leave Coshocton to-day they opened fire, shooting him twice in the breastbut not seriously. A bystander was shot in the leg. Alter the shooting the Sheriff, with a posse, pursued and one of the tramps was shot in the neck, it is thought fatally, and two others were captured, having fired re peatedly at the posse. A CUEE FOR DUELING. One Principal nnd His Second Arrested and Now in Custody. Salem, Ala., September 9. Hon. W. A. Huff, the would-be duelist, and his friend, Captain Kofi Sims, of Macon, were arrested at that place this afternoon. The two were taken to Opelika and carried be fore a judge. Huft was placed under $10,000 bond to keep the peace, and Sims under $2,500 bonds. ' Both are still in the custody of offi cers. Patterson, the other duelist, is still in hiding, JOHFLISIKEAMEST Sullivan "Tells Why He Will leally Bun for Congress. DIDH'T GET A SHOW LICENSE, And He Will Make the' Alderman Who Ee f used Terr Sorry for It. PAT COLLINS HIB POLITICAL BACKEE. TbsFnsllIst Will Beprtsent the Strongly Democratic fourth District. John L. Sullivan tells why he concluded to become a candidate for Congress. An uppish Boston Alderman refused him a license for a sparring exhibition, and John wants to get even. He says Congressman P. A. Collins is his political backer. SPECIAL TELIOBAK TO TOX DISPATCH. I Boston, September 9. A Boston re porter called on John L. Sullivan to day, in New York, and learned the big fellow's -reasons for desiring a seat in Congress. John talked enthusiastically on the matter, saying: "Yon know I've always taken more or less interest in politics at home, and my recent treat ment . in Boston is due wholly to tho part I took in the last municipal election, when Hugh O'Brien was defeated by Hart, the Republican. The men who elected Hart are Democrats, and now they are mighty sorry they did it, for he" has given them the cold shoulder every trip. The city is naturally Democratio by 10,000 majority. The Democrats will elect the next mayor to a dead certainty now. When I got over my sickness at Crescent Beach I was rather hard up. To be sure, X could have borrowed $6,000 or 57,000 then, or at any time, bnt several good people came to me and said: TB1TNG A SHOW. "John, you've had a little harcTluck; get up a show; it will be all right, and I thought it would be better to get the money that way, although I would never have asked for a permit if I had thought that theBepublican Aiuciiiicu were wur uu uie. it cu, a weHb down to City Hall one day, and saw all the Aldermen but one Alderman Bogers. They all said it would be all right to go ahead. Now it takes the unanimous consent of the entire board to get a permit for a sparring exhibi tion in Boston, and when I went to see Bogers he wouldn't speak to me. He af terward told friends of mine that if he had1 treated me civilly it would have ruined him in his district in the Back Bay. I'll live to see all these chaps downed?" "How abont running for Congress?' going, to move. "Well, I live now in the Third Congres sional District, bnt I am going to move over to oouiu xu3iuu, wuicu ib in tne j?ourin District. This district is Democratio by a big majority. It was formerly represented by General P. A. Collins, who is a good friend of mine, and Joe O'Neill, another friend of mine, as General Collins' successor. The next Congressional election is in 1890, and I'm going to made a big try for the nomination, and I'll get it, too. When you get the Democratic nomination in South Boston yon are elected." "Yon feel pretty certain that General Collins will dowhat lie? canto help'you gef the nomination?" "Certainly. He's through with politics himself. He is counsel for the West End Land Company and the Old Colony Bail road Company, and his income is 540,000 or ?50,000 a year. A MUTUAL LIKING. "He can't afford to monkey with politics. He likes me and I like him(and I bet he'll be there when I call on him. He is the power in Massachusetts politics. There isn't a man in the State the Republicans are so afraid of as they are of Pat Collins." "What would vou do if thincrs shonld cm wrong in Mississippi?" "I don't like to talk much about that business. My lawyers think I have a good case. If the Supreme Court reverses" tne verdict I shall not have to go to Bichbnrg till June." In speaking of his future movements John said: "Yes, I'm going to manage my own show. John L. Sullivan has been working for other people long enough. I've quit drinking to excess, and I'll hire a good, smart fellow to go ahead of the show, and I will do the rest of the business my self." FITE MEN KILLED INSTAKTLT. ATerrlflc Boiler Explosion in Illinois Caused by a Reckless Engineer. rSPZCIAL TELEOBAU TO TUX DIBFATCn.l Cabbondale, III., September 9. A boiler explosion occurred at 8 o'clock this morning on the farm of John W. Snider, a mile east of the city. Snider was using a steam thresher, and about an hour before the explosion a leak was discovered in the boiler. A temporary shutdown was ordered and the leak was patched up. The engine was started up again and the engineer, be lieving that the work could be finished without turning more water in tne boiler, put on a fnll head of steam. Instantly there was a terrific explosion, and every man within a radius of 30 feet of the boiler was killed. The dead are: John W. Snider, Thomas Lyget, A. G. Lyget, John Briggs and Isaac Miller. W. G. Snider, who had turned and walked off a minute before the explosion, sustained a fracture of both legs. All the men leave families except A. J. Lyget. AN ACTUAL MUSEUM TEUST. Two PIliabni-B Concerns Now Flanrlng; to Get Inside of It. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. V New Yoek, September 9. The combina tion of dime museums which Barnum & Bailey have in mind is near realization. The museum at Thirty-fifth street and Broadway will be the central, and branches will be in New York, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Providence. Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Pittsburg, St. Louis aud Buffalo. The idea is to have a combina tion big enough to utilize all the freaks and curiosities in tbe world that are of any ac count and change them around for variety. Jim Geary and John J. O'Brien, each of whom have a museum in PitUburg, are con tending for the membership in that city. The agreement is that each museum shall be entered into the combine at a fixed valu ation, contribute all its receipts to the gen eral fnnd, and receive of the profits a share in proportion to its comparative valuation. STANDING BI THElE TEEMS. The Directors of tho Iiondon Dock Com panles Won't Take Water. London, September 9. The directors of the dock companies refuse to depart from the terms offered by them to the strikers. On the other hand, however, additional wharf ingers to-day signified their willingness to grant the demand of the men sixpence an hour. The fund for the benefit of the striking workmen was augmented to-day by sub scriptions amounting to 1,500. The leaders of the strike conferred with Cardinal Man ning this morning. look ABIST0CBATI0 A. Foreign Lion of Society la Telia Bhr Btory He Used and Skipped- Oat Not a SaSrer . tPKCTAL TELEGBAM TO TBS MS PATCH. St. Paul, Minn., September 9. Oswal Biddel Miles, alias Leonard Morris, of Lon don, England, who was arrested at Fargo yesterday for forgery, passed through here to-night in charge ot detectives. Miles, in an interview, says he was a bookkeeper and clerk for the firm of Woodall & Company, London, and in the enjoyment of a fairly good salary. His father is at present residing in Australia, and is in poor circumstance; Gambling and women con sumed a large portion of the yonug man's stipend, and about three months ago he found himself decidedly "in the hole' He then forged his employers' name to a cheek for 1.500, and other smaller amounts. With the proceeds of his crime he went to the races and plunged in the 2,000 guineas, backing- Donovan 'heavily. Donoyan lost, and Miles fled to America, registering at the Hoffman House as Leonard Morris. After enjoying the lights in the Metropo lis he proceeded to Chicago and Portland; but while en route to the latter place, he stopped off at Fargo. Young Miles, as Leon ard Morriswas the lion of the North, and gained admittance into the most exclusive circles, among his most ardent ftiends being Colonel Howell and Dr. Archibald, of Jamestown. Somehow it was announced in an unofficial way that the slim young man with the big eyes and cockney accent was the son of a duke, and while Miles did not confirm the story, he modestly declined 3to deny the allegation. Hundreds of beautiful damsels of Dakota worshiped at his shrine, and the lawn tennis parties he was invited to preside over were legion. After a brief visit to his Jimtown friends the crash came. The youthful forger expresses his delight at all he has seen here, and tninks his em ployers will not push the matter very hard. THE FLACK DIT0ECE CASE. Witnesses Beforo the Grand Jnry (a Regard . to the Aileeed Conspiracy. SPECIAL TXLZQBAX TO TBS DISPATCH- New Yoek, September 9. All of the penons who figured prominently in the Flack; divorce conspiracy case, visited the General Sessions building to-day, except Civil Justice Ambrose Monell, Sheriff Flack's counsel in the divorce suit. He was said to be still unable to leave his home, on account of his attack of pleurisy. Lawyer Wright said that he had been subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury, and that he proposed to testify with out a particle of reserve. He was satisfied that an attempt had been made to use him as a cats paw, and he did not propose to be used, and would tell what he knew abont the whole affair. Sheriff Flack and Will called to tell Col onel Fellows that if the grand jury wanted to hear their story they were willing to tes tify. Meanwhile the grand jury, sitting two floors above, had resumed the investi gation. The first witness called into the private room was Miss Cameron, Margaret Smith's sister. In the report filed by Bef eree Meeks it is made to appear that she and Mrs. Smith appeared personally before Beferee Meeks. , After she had been testifying for abont 15 minutes Beferee Meeks was called in for the purpose of giving her an opportunity of identifying him, if she had, in fact, ap peared before him as a witness. TEN MINEES MEET THE1E FATE. Sad Accident fa a i Colorado- Coal Mine, Caused by Water. Golden, CqL.,September 9. One of the most serious and saddest mining accidents ever known in this portion of the State occurred late this afternoon in the White Ash coal mine, near this place. An old abandoned mine runs alongside the White Ash, and has for months been full ot water, which, without a moment's warning, burst through into the White, Ash mine, filling it lull of mud and water. Ten miners are known to have been at work in the White Ash mine at the time of the accident, and they could not have lived five minutes after the surging mass broke in upon them. It will take two or three weeks before their bodies can be reached. In the excitement only three of their names' can be learned to-night, a Mr. Allen, John Murphy and Jack Morgan. Then there are three brothers, beside four other men, making a total of ten, wno are positively known to have per ished. Work will be commenced at once by hundreds of willing hands, in order to pump tne mine out, bnt old miners who have been through the mine, say it will be impossible to clear the mine and reach the bodies under two and perhaps three weeks. Part of the men leave families who were dependent upon them, while the rest were single and all highly spoken of. WEECKED BY THE WATES. Old Ocean Does Some Havoc at Itockavrny Beach and Other Points. rSFECIAL TXLXanAU TO THE DISPATCn.1 New Yoek, September 9. -The ocean at Eockaway Beach to-night gave an exhibi tion ot surf and foam surpassing that of Sunday night. The tide was so high that Wmnwright's pavilion was all surrounded and the surf dashed up to the faces of the people in the veranda. To-night a bigger swell than common lifted Lay's photograph gallery off its legs, and carried it out with the receding waves. A sausage dealer and his family were seated around the table eating their evening meal in a shanty adjoining, and the same wave wrecked the building over their heads nnd gave them a thorough drenching. The tide was higher at Coney Island this morning than on Sunday night, and it was higher still this evening. In the evening Brighton Beach suffered more than any other place. The break water had been smashed in the morning and the asphalt walk was entirely exposed to the fury oi the waves. The consequence was that throughout its entire length of 200 yards it was badly torn up. All this time a wide stream ran between the Brighton Beach Hotel and the Marine Bailwav sta tion. Beyond the station the water swept so mnch sand on the tracks of the railway that trains had to stop running about 8 o clock and travel had not been resumed when the reporter came away. SUE WAS A SUEE SHOT. A Colored Woman Fatally Wounds a Man In a Base Ball Bow. SPECIAL TELEOBAU TO TIIE DISPATCD.l Charlotte, N. C, September 9. There was a big row at the colored base ball grounds, near here, to-day, in which William Pettus, a colored youth, was fatally shot. The umpire made a decision that caused one side to tick, and soon all the players were huddled together disputing very bois terously. A young fellow by the name of McHenry seemed to be getting in the most words, and soon hall a dozen boys made a jump. He ran, and stones were showered upon him. His mother, Mary McHenry, came to his rescue, and quelled the trouble, but William Pettus followed on after the old woman, showing fight in his eyes. She warned him to go away, hut he re fused, whereupon the woman jereed a pistol from her pocket, and taking dead aim, fired. Pettus fell to the ground, being fatally wounded. The woman has been arrested. Jk VfcJk IB0 sssssssm OT-BBBsVlL. .- " TlsKy w . jsaijiSK .-m throMh- .i rmiifk THSpiSPATOK, tm&jmmL,i see what yog waDt,'dniUio wrt' yoa are euro to get it THESE CEWf neUBESlUDETOHH u . ,. xetary Wiwloai IipWiwfc Ajhl pareit iBcreMt'tf fttarit i'r m LiTMf;- THE BIS, DMT - . e -J le S73ttisa Sert'fMf4ikl Dae Frigeij! j W . ' . i'J&jiV THE WAY TIB STATTiMT If kMmj His Way of Aewaiittog fcr tfce Immh of Secretary-Windea has take tfcc tieaalef to show that in some oases Agarae wUC K Ho says that the appareot iaaraaso Jar taw"; public debt fez the last two aoalhs to arj apparent thai it has so exMeaae iv feat, and he takes measures to store &e fa right Washington, SeptemBer 9. Sefcrri; to certain newspaper ststamtaU thai ehtrktc; the mouths of July wad Aagast ot tM year the puWIo debt had befe taareaoed; over 57,660,960, while dans tie months in 1886 the debt had bees over 511,660,060, Secretary Wiwfeai te-aW'i said: ?? - Those statements eoavey aa eaMrsvy ous impression, Tio feet is. as skews lytitS uuujus oi mo- Ajeassry. taat oa mm Jai June, I8S9, the total amount of tho pasHeaa,' including bonos ot all kind, was smJHiMr. I and on the 31st day of August ft ws e!v IM,-4 "W. snowing areauctiea or. asKtos4as inc those two months. ,, - The reduction .during tiie same sacntfesat' last year was only about one-third of teat amount, yiirS7.OM.8e8. The redaction of, tke annual interest charge, ot public debt daring the months of July and Anenst, MeoVwaa ealr B91,30l 10, while tho redaction of e aaaaai, interest charge daring the same month MS year was $875,885 00, being a little mwo taaa iinubuuu WUia.gL jafe yeax. Aa 200V !a t; reduction of annual interest on the pubUc dekCf ' during the last two months has been enajojljg, by only a few periods In the country's hJatogfe notably fat President Garfield's admlnlstraMett.. 'A - ..-- ba vj.uvt ,.uivb..imj an nual Interest charge was red need 815,917,8k. The erroneous newspaper conelmrteo' aeeva referred to arose doubtless from tke peeaMar form of the monthly statement to ttepasic debt Issued by this department1, mwhieb the amount of the debt is given "lass oath ha tee Treasury." Bj this form any increase of the cash in the Treasury shows an apparent de crease ot ineaeDtana aiSDnrseajeots I-orany purpose "other than tne purchase of bonds at par value show an apparent increase of the public debt equal to the amount of inch dis bursements. For instance. If the public debt, were stated to-day at t80O,O8Q,eeo less cash in the Treasury,' and to-morrow 110,060,669 should be PAID OUT OJT VTABBAXXS drawn by tne other departments, the amount of the public debt, less cash in Treasury, would be stated to morrow (assuming: no receipts) at 310,000.000. notwithstanding the fact that the : entire f 10,000,080 so drawn out may still be m hands of tho bond debt. The facts durteg tee last two months exactly correspond to tats supposed case, and tbongb the actual reduc tion of the debt was JBO.910,160, the 'debt state ment' showed an apparent increase of S7.094, 003. ' The Increase of disbursements raada in JoIt and August this year, over July and Augaat last year, is accounted for by the tact that m ost of the appropriation bills were not passed in 1888 until September and October, and the money was not available, except to sach lim ited amounts as were permitted by the contin uance resolutions of Congress, while In 1888 the appropriations for the entire year ware availa- Sin ft lnlwl ' " -- --.. THE. MONET UIULVriC. OUT. Nearly all of the departments drew In Jnlr and August, and placed in the bands of their bonded disbursing officers, sums for future uW largely in excess of the expenditures for those months. One of them will have a balance oa band from such drafts of $5,000,000 after the September payments shall have been made. The largely increased purchases of bonds for tbe sinking fund daring the last two months over the corresponding months of last year show an Increase in the premium paid of 52.577,926 43. All these things figure in the last debt statement as an increase In the pnbllc debt, while in reality they have nothing to do with it. I can readily see how -an honest misappropriation may arise from the form of the monthly- state ment, and therefore have taken the trouble to make this explanation. Similar apparent statements to the public are quite common. For instance, in llarcb. 1SS5, the apparent increase was S89.256: in November. 1885. it was $4,887,000. In November. 1887, $1,490,000. In November. 1888, $11,199,817, and In February, 1889, $6;3,0. NO DESTITUTION ON THE TUK0N. Plenty of Fish and Game Thero and Not 468 miners, Anyhow. San Feancisco, September 9. The story that 400 miners are starving on the Yukon Biver in Alaska, is discredited herer The statement is based on a letter written more than a year ago, to the effect that the miners on the Ynkon were nearly out of provisions. The Yukon Biver nas been open since last April, aud supply steamers have been, going up and have failed to bring any information that destitntion exists or that any calamity has overtaken the miners. Lieutenant Cantwell, of the revenue cutter Corwin states there are four trading posts on tbe river, in addition to which the Yukon abounds with fish, while the woods on the banks are filled with game, and that the proposition that men could suffer from lack, of food is entirely improbable. He also says there are not 400 miners in the Ynkoa country. A M0EH0N SUGAB PACT0ET. Prominent BTembers of the Polyanmoaat Faith Investing; Their Capital. tSPECIAL TXLEOEAlC TO THX DISPATCH. Salt Lake, September 9. President Woodrnffi George Q. Cannon and, a num ber of other prominent Mormons have just organized a company for the manufacture of sugar. The factory will be In fnll opera tion within a year. The Mormon church is behind it, and the enterprise will be made a success, if practicable. The leaders of the church have ot late been quite active in starting new enterprises, and while this new departure has surprised the Gentiles they are glad to see it, as it can but result in great good, not only in the material ad vancement.of the city, but in bringing men of opposing beliefs into closer relations. TICTIMS OP THE EXPLOSION. The Antwerp Officials Underrated the Num. ber of litres' Lost. Antwerp, September 9. It is known that the official report of the explosion and fire here on Friday last underrated the number of those who lost their lives. There) were 106 persons killed and 79 wounded. Many of the oldeit windows in the Cathedral here were destroyed by the ex plosion. The bodies of numerous victims were blown to pieces, including those of fivo English visitors to the city. SETEEAL PAT JOBS. A Number of New Yorkers Receive Ap pointments to Federal Offices. Washington, September 9. The Presi dent to-night made the following appoint ments: George W. Lyon, of New York City, to bo Surveyor of Customs for the port of New York; Theodore B. Willis, of Brooklyn, to bo Naval Officer of Customs In the district of New York: Ernest Nathan, to be Collector of In ternal Bevenue for the First district of New YorS.