THE PlTTSBTTEa DISPATGHT MONPAY SEPTEMBER ' 8, J 188$ r ; IT IS HALF PAST FIVE In the World's History, Dr. Talmage Thinks, and Day is at Hand, "WITH A BRIGHT 110KN1KG OUTLOOK Arbitration in Tegne Instead of BatUe,and Justice to Indians. AEITHMETIC IS PEOYIXG THE BIBLE -ErXCXlX TILEQRAU TO TBI DISPATCn.1 Bkookltn, September 8 The KeY. T. 5e 'Witt Talmage, D. D., was -welcomed heme to-day by an overflowing congrega tion. At the opening of the service the liymu beginning, Welcome, sweet day of rest. That saw tbe Lord arise, ras sung with fine effect Dr. Tal mage's Eubject was: The Sunrise," and his text: "The day is at hand," Konians xiiL, 12. He cajd: Back from the mountains and the seaside, and the springs and the farmhouse, your cheek bronzed and your spirits lighted, I hail you home again with the words of Ge hazi to tbe Shunamite: "Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well -with the child?" Now that I have asked you In regard to our welfare, yo.u naturally ask how I am. Very well, thank you. It was said that John Hofiatt, the great Methodist preacher, occasionally got fast in his sermon, and to extricate himself would cry "Hallelujah!" I am in no such predicament to-day, but I am full of some rhapsodic ejaculation. Starting out this morning on a new eccle siastical year, I want to give you the key note of my next 12 months' ministry. I Vint to set it to the tune of Aatioch, Ariel ana Coronation. Some, time ago we had a new stop put in this organ a new trumpet stop and I want to put a new trumpet stop into my sermons. LAUGHTEK AXD CHRISTIANITY. r In all our Christian work you and I want more of the element of gladness. That man has aq right to say that Christ never laughed, So you suppose that he was glum at the wedding in Cana of Galilee? Do you sup pose Christ was unresponsive when the children clambered over His knee and shoulder at His own invitation? Do you suppose that the evangelist meant nothing when he said of Christ: "He rejoiced in spirit?" Do you believe that the divine Christ who pours all the water over the rocks at Vernal falls, Yosemite, does not believe in the sparkle and gallop and tumultuous jov and rushing raptures of human life? I believe not only that the morning laughs. and that the mountains laugh, and that the seas laugh, and that the cascades laugh, but that Christ laughed. Moreover, take a laugh and a tear into an alembic, and assay them, and test them, and analyze them, and you will often find as much of the pure gold of religion in a laugh as in a tear. Deep spiritual joy always shows itself in facial illumination. John Wesley said he was sure of a good religious impression being produced because ot what he calls the great laughter be saw among the people. Godless merriment is blasphemy anywhere, but ex pression of Christian joy 'is appropriate everywhere. Moreover, the outlook of the world ought to stir us up to gladness. Astronomers re cently disturbed many people by telling them that there is danger of stellar collision. "We have been told through the papers by these astronomers that there are worlds com ing very near together, and that we shall bare plagues and wars and tumults and perhaps the world's destruction. AS INCH BETTER IHAS A M.ILE, Do not he scared. If you have ever Etood fit a railroad center, where 10 or 20 or 30 rail tracks cross each other, and seen that by the movement of the switch one or two inches the train shoots this way and that, without colliding, then you mayunderstand liow SO worlds mav come within an inch of disaster, and that inch be sa good as 1,000,000 miles. If a human switch tender can shoot the trains this way and that without barm, cannot the band that for thousands of years lias upheld the universe keep our little world out of barm's way? Christian geologists tells us that this world was millions of years in building. Well, now, I do not think God would take millions of years to bnild a ltouse which was to last only 6,000 years. There is nothing in the world or outside the world, terrestrial or astronomical, to excite dismay. I wish that some stout Gospel brecre might scatter all the malaria of liuman foreboding. The un rose this morn ing at about half past 5, and I think that is just about the hour in the world's history. "The day is at hand." The first ray of the dawn X see in the grad ual substitution of diplomatic skill for human butchery. Within the last 25 years there have been international differences which would hare brought a shock of arms iu any other day, but which were peacefully adjusted, the pen taking the place of the enord. That Alabama question in any other age of the world would have caused war be tween the United States and England. How was it kettled? By men-of-war off the Narrows, or off the Mersej? By the Gulf Stream of the ocean crossed by a'gulf stream ot human blood? Br the pathway of nations incarnadined? " No. A few wise men go into a quiet room at Geneva, talk the matter over, and teleeraph to Washing ton and to London: "All settled." Peace. IPeace. England pays to the United States the amount awarded pays really more than she ought to have paid. But still, all that Alabama broil is settled settled for ever. AKBITBATION INSTEAD Or BATTLE. So, the quarrel eight or nine years ago about the Canadian fisheries in any other ree would have caused war between the United States and England. England said: "Pay me for the invasion of mv Canadian fisheries." The United States said: "I will not pay anything." Well, the two nations say: "I guess we had better leave the whole matter to a commission." The commission is appointed, and the commis sion examines tbe affair, and the commis sion reports, and pay we ought, pay we must, pay we do. Not a pound of powder burned, not a cartridge bitten off, no one lurt so much as by the scratch of a pin. Arbitration instead of battle. So the Samoan controversy in any other age would have brought Germany and the United States into bltydy collision. But all is settled. Arbitration instead of h.ittlo France will never again, I think, through peccadillo ot ambassador, bring on a battle with other nations. She sees that God, in punishment of Sedan, blotted out the trench Empire, and the only aspirant for that throne who had any right of expecta tion dies in a war that has not even the dignity of being respectable. What is that blush on the cheek of England to-day? What is the leaf that England would like to tear out of her history? The Zulu war. Down with the sword and up with the treaty. We in this country might better have settled our sectional difficulties by, arbitra tion than by the thrust of the sword. Phi lanthropy said to the North: "Pay down a certain amount of money for thepurchasc cf tbe slaves, and let all those born alter a certain time be born free." Philanthropy at the same time said to the South: "You sell the slaves, and get rid of this great na tional contest nd trouble." The North replied: "I won't pay a cent." The South replied: "I won't sell." War! warl A million dead men, and a national debt which might have ground this nation to powder. INSTEAD OF THE ItEBELLlON. Why aid we not let William H. Rtran1 of New York, and Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, go out and spend a few days nnder the trees on the banks of the Potomao I and talk the matter over, and settle it, as settle it they could, rather than the North pay in cost of war four billion seven hun dred million dollars, and the South pay four billion seven hundred and fifty million dollars, the destroying angel leaving the first born dead in so many houses all the way from tbe Penobscot to the Alabama? Ye aged men, whose sons fell in the strife, do yon not think that would have been bat ter? Oh yes! we have come, to believe, I think, in 'this country that arbitration is better than battle. I may be mistaken, but I hope that the last war between Christian nations is ended. Barbarians may mix their war paint, and Afghan and Zulu hurl poisoned arrows, but I think Christian nations have gradually learned that war is disaster to victor as well as vanquished, and that almost anything bought by blood is bought at too dear a price. I wish to God this nation might be a model of willingness for arbitration. No need or killing another Indian. No need of sacrificing any more brave General Cut ters. Stop exasperating the red man, and there will be no more arrows shot out from the reservation. A general of the United States Armv,in high repute throughout this land, and who, perhaps, has been in more Indian wars than any other officer, and who has been wounded again and again in be half of our Government in battle against the Indians, told me that all the wars that had ever lOccurred between Indians and white men had been provoked by white men, and that there was no exception to the rule. While we are arbitrating with Christian nations, let us toward barbarians carry ourselves in a manner unprovooative of contest I inherit a large estate, and the waters are rich with fish, and the woods are song ful with birds, and my cornfields are silken and golden. Here is my sister's grave. Out yonder, under that large tree, my father died. An invader comes, and proposes to drive me off and take possession ot my property. He crowds me back, he crowds me on, and crowds me into a closer corner, and still closer corner, until after a while I say: "Stand back, don't crowd me any more, or I'll strike. What right have you to come here and drive me off of my prem ises? I got this farm from my father, and he got it from his father. What right have you to come here and molest me ?" DOES MIGHT MAKE BIGHT? You blandly say: "Oh, I know more than you do. I belong to a higher civiliza tion. I cut my hair shorter than you do. I could put this ground to a great deal bet ter use than you do." And you keep crowding me back and crowding me on into a closer corner and closer corner, until one day I look around upon my suffering family, and, fired by their hardships, I hew you in twain. Forthwith, all the world comes to your funeral to pronounce eulogium, comes to mv execution to anathematize me. You are the hero, I am the culprit, Be hold the United btates tiovernment and the North American Indian. Tbe red man has stood more wrongs than I would, or you. We would have struck sooner, deeper. That which is right indefenseof a Brooklyn home or a New York home is right in de fense of a home on top of the Bocky Moun tains. Before this dwindling red race dies com pletely out I wish that this generation might by common justice atone for the in humanity of its predecessors. In the day of God's judgment I would rather there he a blood smeared Modoc than a swindling United States officer on an Indian reserva tion! One man was a barbarian and a, savage, and never pretended to be anything but a barbarian and a savage. The other man pretended to be a representative of a "Christian nation. Notwithstanding all this, the general disgust with war and the substi tution of diplomatic skill for the glittering edge of keen steel is a sign unmistakable that "the day is at hand." I find another ray ot the dawn in the com pression of the world's distances. What a slow, snail-like, almost impossible thing, wonld have been the world's rectification with 1,400,000,000 of population and no facile means of communication; but now, through telegraphy lor the eye and tele phonic intimacy lor the ear, and through steamboatintr and railroading, the 25,000 miles of the world's circumference are shriveling up into insignificant brevity. Hong Kong is nearer to New York than "a few years ago New Haven was; Bombay, Moscow, Madras, Melbourne within speak ing distance. Purchase a telegraphic chart and by the blue lines see the telegraphs of the land, and-by the red lines the cables under the ocean. SCIENCE AS AX EVANGEL. You see what opportunity this is going to give for tbe final movements of Christian ity. A fortress may be months or years in building, but after it is constructed it may do all its work in 20 minutes. Christianity has been planting its batteries for 19 cen turies, and may go on in the work through other centuries; but when those batteries are thoroughly planted, those fortresses are fully built, they may all do their worfc in 21 hours. The world sometimes derides the church for slowness of movement Is science any quicker? Did it not take science 5,652 years to find out so simple a thing as the circulation of the human blood? With the earth and sky full of electricity, science took 5,800 years before it even guessed that there was any practical use that might be made ot this subtle and mighty element When good men take possession of all these scientific forces, and all these agencies of invention, I do not know that the re demption of the world will be more than the work of half a day. Do we not read the Queen's speech at the proroguing of Parliament tbe day before in London? If that be so. is it anything marvelous to be lieve that in 21 hours a divine communica tion can reach the whole earth? Suppose Christ should descend on the nations manjr expect that Christ will come among the. nations personally suppose that to-morrow morning the Son of God from a hovering cloud should descend upon these cities. Would not that fact be known all the world over in 24 hours? Suppose he should present His gospel in a tew words saying: "I am the Son of God; I came to pardon all your sins and to heal all your sorrow; to prove that I am a supernatural being, I have just descended lrom tbe clouds; do yon believe Me,, and do you believe Me .M0 ' now.' Why, all the telegraph stations of the earth would be crowded as none of them were ever crowded just after a shipwreck. I tell you all these things to show you it is not among the impossibilities or even the improbabilities that Christ will conquer the whole earth, and do it instanter, when the time comes. There are foretokenings in the air. Something great is going to happen. I do not think that Jupiter is going to run us down, or that the axle of the world is going to break; but I mean something great lor the world's blessing and not for the w orld's damage is going to happen. ENOUGH MISFOETUNES. I think the world has had it hard enough. Enough, the London plagues. Enough, the Asiatic choleras. Enough, the wars. Enough, the shipwrecks. Enough, the con flagrations. I tfrink our world could stand right well a procession, qf prosperities and triumphs. Better be on the lookout. Bet ter have your observatories open toward the heavens, and the leases of wur most power ful telescopes well polished. Better have all your Leyden jars" ready for some new pulsation of mighty influence. Better have new fonts of type tn your printing offices to set up some astounding good news. Better have some new banner that has never been carried, ready for sudden processions. Bet ter have the bells in your church towers well hung, and rope within re.ich, that you may ring out the marriage of the King's Son. Cleanse all your court houses, for the Judge of all the earth may appear. Let all your legislative halls be guilded, for the great Law-giver may be about to oawe. Drive off the thrones of despotism all the occupants, for the King of heaven and earth may be about to reign. The darkness of the night is blooming and whitening into the lilies ofjnorning clnnd, and tbe lilies TwIflpninP into tbe rout of strnnrpr- Aft Ht mrlamli. whether irhito or rH fn,- M i ,.. Whoso head are many crowns. "The day i at hand!" One more ray of the dawn I Bee in facts chronological and mathematical. Come now, do not let us do another stroke of work, until we have settled one matter. What is goiqc; to be the final issue of this great con test between sin and righteousnesst Which is going to prove himself the stronger, God or Diabolus? Is this world going to be all garden or all desert? Now let us have that matter settled. If we, believe Isaiah and Ezekicl and Hosea, and Micah and Mala chi, and John and Peter, and Paul and Christ, we believe that it is going to be all garden. But let U3 have it settled. Let ui know whether we are working on toward a success or toward -a dead failure. It there is a child "in your bouse sick, and you are sure he is going to get well, you sympathize with present pains, but all the foreboding is gone. If you are in a cyclone off the Florida coast, and the captain assures you the vessel is s'anch and the. winds are changing for a better quarter, and he is sure he will bring you sate into the harbor, you patiently submit to present distress with the thought of safe arrival. CLEAR SUBTRACTION FBOM WOE. Now I want to know whether we are com ing on toward dismay, darkness nnd defeat, or on toward light and blessedness. You and I believe the latter, ana it so, every year we spend is one year subtracted from the world's woe, and every event that passes, whether bright or dark, brings us one event nearer a happy consummation, and by all that is inexorable in chronology and mathe mathics I commend you to good cheer a'ud courage. If there is anythingiu arithmetic, if you subtract two from five and leave three, then by every rolling sun we are com ing on toward a magnificent terminus. Put your algebra down on the top of 'your Bible and rejoice. If it is nearer morning at 3 o'clock than it is at 2, if it is nearer morning at 4 o'clock than it is at 3, then we are nearer tbe dawn of the world's deliverance. God's clock seems to go very slowly, but the pendulum swings and tbe hands move, and it will yet strike noon. The sun and tbe moon stood still once; thev will never stand still again until they stop forever. If yoii believe arithmetic as well as your Bible, you must believe we are nearer the dawn. "The day is at nana." There is a class of phenomena which makes me think that the spiritual and the heavenly world may, alter a while, make a demonstration in this world which will bring all moral and spiritual things to a climax. Now, I am no spiritualist; but every intelligent man has, noticed that there are strange and mysterious things which in dicate to him that perhaps the spiritual world is not so far off as sometimes we con jecture, and that after a while, from the spiritual and heavenly world there may be n demonstration upon our world for its bet terment We call it magnetism, or we eall it mesmerisin, or we call it electricity, be cause we want some term to cover up our ignorance. I do not know what that is. I never heard an audible voice from the other world. I am persuaded oi this, how ever: that the veil between this world and the next is getting thinner and thinner, and that perhaps after a while, at the cal) ot God not at the call of the Davenport brothers, or Andrew Jackson Davis some of the old scriptural warriors, some of the spirits of other days mighty for God a Joshua, or a Caleb, or a David, or a Paul may come down and help us in this battle aga'inst unrighteousness. Oh, how I would like to have them here him of the Eed Sea, him of the valley of Ajalon, him of Mars Hill. y A SPLENDID ILLTJSTBATION. History says that Bobert Clayton, of the English cavalry, at the close of a war bought up all the old cavalry horses lest they be turned out to drudgery and hard work, and bought a piece of ground at Naversmire heath and turned these old war horses into the thickest and richest pasture to spend the rest of their days for what they had done in other days. One day a thunder storm came up, and these war horses mistook the thunder of the skies for the thunder of battle, and they wheeled into line no riders on their backs they wheeled into line ready for the fray. And I doubt me whether, when the last thunder of this battle for God and truth goes booming through the heavens, the old scriptural warriors can keep their places on their thrones. Methinks tiny will spring into the fight and exchange crown for hel met, and palm branch, for weapon, and come down out of the King's galleries into the arena, crying: "Make room! I must fight in this great Armageddon." My beloved, people 1 preach this serpon because I want you, to tpil with the sunlight in your faces. Brother! brother! all I am afraid of is, not that Christ will lose the battle, but that you and I will not get into it quick enough to do something worthy of our blood-Dought immortality. Oh, Christ! how shall I meet Thee, Thou of the sacred brow and the scarred back and the scarred hand and the scarred foot and the scarred breast, if I have no scars or wounds gotten in Thy service? It shall not be. so. I sten out to-day in front of the battle. Come on, you loes ot God, I dare yon to combat. Come on, with pens dipped in malignancy. Come on, with tongues lorked and viperine and adderous. Come on, with types scaked in the scum of the eternal pit. I defy yout Come on! I bare my brow, I uncover my heart. Strike! I cannot see my Lord until I have been hurt for Christ. If we do not suffer with Him on earth we cannot glorify with Him in heaven. Take good heart. On! Ont On! See! the skies, have brightened! Seel the hour is about to come! Pick out all the cheeriest of the an thems. Let the orchestra string their best instruments. "The night is far spent, the day is at hand." FOR SEASICKNESS Use Horaford's Acid Phosphate, Dr. W. W. Blackman, Brooklyn, N, Y., says: "1 am very much pleased with it in seasick ness. Several cases have been brought to my attention where it afforded prompt and. entire relief." G, A.U.IO Geltj-eburfi. The Pennsylvania Bailroad will accept all orders issued by Adjutant, General Hastings for transportation to Gettysburg, whether the order is drawn on this or any other company. HENDRICKS & CO., Papular Photographer!, GS Fodernl Street, AUeaheuy, Will give special low rates (or photographs Curing tbe Exposition. Liberal discount on all work done. Don't forget this. Every body welcome. Good cabinets 1 a dozen. IiastKIngara Falls nnd Toronto ExcnrnloB, Via Pittsburg and Lake Erie E. P.., Tues day, September 10. Niagara Falls and return, 7. Toronto and return, $8, Tickets good 15 days for return, giving ample time to visit the great International Fair at Buffalo and Colonial Fair at Toronto. nwssu Use "Una" flour finest Bpring patent in the world. "Golden 'Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "iYPrTi" genf o( all family flours. Arijataut General Hnstlac' Orders for transportation to Gettysburg will be accepted by Pennsylvania Bailroad Agents for tickets, whether the order is drawn on this or any other company. 82 73. 32 73. $2 73. Ask to see our all-wool jackets, only (2 75. Better ones at 3 50, U and go up to finest. Enable & Smuster, 35, Fifth avenue. Ijndlea' and Blluca Fall Salt In greatest variety at the People's store and at prices unapproachable by any other deal ers. Campbell & Dick. Adjutant General HnitlnB' Orders for transportation to Gettysburg will be accepted by Pennsylvania Bailroad agents tor tickets, whether the order is draa n on this or any gthercompaaj. Awr dmssi 8v Age, WW? j TAB PQOfc F0BMED. The Coke Producers Arrange, the Detail of Their Syndicate. j The small coke operators in the Connells ville region have- combined and formed a syndicate. At a meeting- held yesterday by those interested in the pool it was decided; to 'apply for a charter at qucc The, new; syndicate will be styled the ConneUsYiUe, Coke Exchange, Tne owners of the owns are to become I subscribers to the capital stack at tne rate and to the amount of $3 for each oven. Each firm subscribing will haYa a, represent tative in, the directory. They have agreed to commence sellinc as; a syndicate on the 15th day of September. Tbe director are authorized to dispose qf the product at the best advantage. They will be obliged to furnish each operator with a scale of selling prices for the month, and to pay for shipments on or before the 20th of eaoh succeeding month. Five cents per ton will be deducted from the monthly pay ments, to be set aside for expenses or losses. The directors- are authorized to. open a, sales office in Pittsburg and a shipping office in Everson. John A. Atoheseo, it is believed, will act as general business man ager of the Pittsburg- exchange. In the event of a scarcity of car the ot ders will be evenly distributed and in, like manner eaoh firm is to restrict production when deemed necessary by the directory. The latter are required on their part to pro tect the syndicate against loss of contracts by reason of strikes. Tbe firms who will join trill bring in about 2,052 ovens, 10 GETTYSBURG. Poat 151, of the G. A. H., Departs la a Special Car for the Encampment. Post 151, G. A, E oi the Sonthside, left Ljst evening in a bpdy for Gettysburg, The post sent 50 members. They were escorted to the Union depot by the Independent Martial Band, of Mount Washington,! They occupied a special car on the fast line over the Pennsylvania Bailroad. Post Commander John Dittis and Past Com mander William Matthews accompanied the ppst. It will go. into camp on Little Bound Top. The Commonwealth furnishes tents and straw, while tbe post provides blankets and provisions. A few members of Posts 38 and 136 accompanied Post 151, Colonel Samuel Kllgore and Colonel S. W. HilJ, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, departed last evening for Gettysburg- These early goers expect to attend the sessions of tbe State Encampment IJENDUJCKS & CO., Popular Photographer, 88 Federal Street, Allegheny, Will give special low rates for photographs during the Exposition, Liberal discount on all work done. Don't forget this, Every body welcome. Good cabinets, 31 a, dozen. Half Fare to Gettysburg, There will be a special train leave Union station at 9.00 A. 21. Tuesday, September 10, for Gettysburg, via Pennsylvania Bailroad. Tickets will be sold at rate of one fare for round trip, good to return until September 18. These rouud trip tickets are on sale from September 1 to 12, good until Septem ber 18. Kate from Pittsburg $8 95. Special train will stop at East Liberty, Braddock, Irwin, Greensbnrg, Latrobe, Bolivar Junc tion, Johnstown, Cresson, Altoona and points East. A Umbrella Special Three hundreds umbrellas at $3 apiece- gold and silver handles cropksand straight Windsor doth a ?6 umbrella for S3. Jps. Hobke & CO.'S. Penn Avenue Stores. S9 75. 89 73. 80 73. Great bargain, great bargain; wool, suts, wool suits, ask to sec them." KNABLE & SH08TEB, 35 Fifth, avenue. $8, 95 to GcttysburR, The Pennsylvania Bailroad will sell round trip tickets to Gettysburg and return at one fare for the, round trip from September 7 to 1?, good until September 18, to the general fiublic Bate from Pittsburg, 8 95. Trains eaving Pittsburg at 320 A. ir., 8 A. M. and 840 ?; hi. make direct connections for Gettysburg. A tube, wholesome and delicious drink is Frauenneim & "Vilsack's "Irpn City Beer." It is undoubtedly the best in the market. Telephone 1186. Popular Good nnd Popular Prices ' Haye made the People's store the peoples, shopping place. The new fall wraps and shawls are taking the people by storm. See the elegant room devoted to cloaks and wraps, Note the immense stock and exam ine the low prices. Campbell &Dick. Adjutant General Huntings' Orders for transportation to Gettysburg will be accepted by th? Pennsylvania Railroad Agents for tickets, whether the order is drawn on this or any other company. Prci Good Bargains, Dress goods bargains. Dress goods bargains. Dress goods bargains. Dress goods bargains. Enable & Shtjsteb, 35 Filth avenue. Important to Clothing Salesmen, Steady position and liberal salary- will be given to three first-class clothing salesmen with good experience. Address particulars Bronner Bros., 404 to 418 Main St.. Bat falo,W.Y, B. !kB. 46-inch, all-wool black cashmeres, 75o a yard, worth a dollar. Booas Buhl. 81. Until October. 81. Mothers, bring children to Aufrecht's Elite gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets $1 per dozen, proof shown. G. A. R. to Getiynburc. The Pennsylvania Bailroad will accept all orders issued by Adjutant General Hast ings for transportation to Gettysburg, whether the order is drawn on this 'or any other company. Ask yoor Age, druggist for Klein's Silver Absolutely Pure This powder never Tarics. A marvel of pur ity, ftrencth and Vtbolcfomeness. llore eco nomical than the ordinary kin. d and cannot bo sold in competition -Kith, the multitude of ow est. short vratirht. alum or chosnhut Tm orphosph raft ders. Sold only tn can. ROYXL itAKIHQ lowiSa cbtiMWaus" AKlH6 POWDER oc5-mls-irnT0B. NOT) ADVEH.TJSBJHKTS. Sick Headache IS a complaint from vWch many suffer atMifejvjwe. entirely ftee, J cause; is indigestion and a sluggish liver, tha cure for which is, readily found in tha useoAyeraI,lllsl " I have found, that for sick headache, caused by a disordered condition of the stomach, Ayer' Pilla are the most re UaMe remedy.'V8am,ne4 &, Brad,purn, Worthington, Mass. ' "After the use of Ayer's Pills for i my practice ana lamuy, savinz that tuey are an cathartic and liver medicine sustaining all the claims made for them." W, A. Westiall, M. D., V. P. Austin, & N. W Eaihvay Co., Burnet, Texas. 'AyW'$ Fills, are. the best medicine k known to-me for regulating the. bowels, and for rtl diseases caused by a dis ordered stomach, afld liver. I suffered for over three years, from headache, in digestion, and conatlp'ation, I bad no appetite and was, w,eak and nerToua. most of the time. By using three boxes of Ayer's Pills, and at the, same, time dieting myself, I was completely cured." Philip Lpeltwood, Topeka, Kansas. "I was troubled for years.witb. indU gestion, constipation, and headache, A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small daily doses, restored me to health. They are prompt and effle.ctiYe."-rW,Hi, Btrout, Meadville, Pa. Ayer's Pills, XXBTABSn BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Qo., Lowell, Mass. Bold by U Druggists and DeltmMedlcin, THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT As to where you should, buy your FURNITURE, CARPETS n4 HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, if eionoroy h the qbject you have In view. KEECH'S siammoth; Casi and Credit House, J23 and 925 Penn Ave,, is "He house for you to pat rone, if you want to save momy, and get dependable andstylish rnerchandise. lexj-ww i (Established 1832. BROOM CORN. Brodn Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. EGBERT DICKEY k CO., Tefepbqfle 1631 an?3-31aivf y O. D. LEV1B. Solicitor of Patents. Fifth avenue.above Htnithneld. next Leader Bee. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se29-hll KE-ORTs. IPHE OHAliFC-NTE AXUANXIU CITY, JM. J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Bait-water baths in house. se3-77-D E. KOBERTS & SONS. JEW GOODS I GOOD GOOD, At Our Ever Popular, DOUGLAS re receiving new goods several times daily now, Sit the followine few, as samples of values to be Large sue all-wool white uonntry Dunueis, ,oW anarint nonntrv Rlankcts from S3 00 up Rprpri! cases all-wool barred Country Flannels, will be marked from 2So a yard up: they're Com 5o to 8a less than usual prices. I 110 dozens pure Linen Damask Towels, 4S inches considered cheap elsewhere at S3c. EXTBA AND VHRY SPECIAL. finr Cln.ik Salons are literally loaded down with Ladies', Misses' and Children's FaU Cloaks. Jackets. Wraps, etc.: they'ro in every conceivable and Inconceivable style of weave and material. Styles newest and prettiest. Prices beyond compare, and attainable by aL LADIES', GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERTJTEAR, An Immense assortment at unusually low prices. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. seO-MWV Double Barrel Breech Loader, Top action. Rebounding Bar Locks, all Improvements, same as cut, 20 00. Double BarrelMuzileLoaders,M and up pouWo Barrel Breeph, Loaders, and up Flobert Rifles, $2 and uj. inn Loaded Shells. 2. Loadine Tools. 35c, 75c, $1 25k Paper Shells, Wo per 100, IC SMTTS, 934 Liberty St Cqr. Smlthfleld. Send name and address for our Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, mailed free of charpe. sel MWFSn Near Philadelphia. Sehool Opens Sept. 18th. Yeirly Expense, $500. Four Payments, 5125. admits afiil 1 classifies younR men and boys at any ...AohAnii. fiiwiri tnhle. All stmlents board with .i. k.hdAl fn. Wn,t Vn nt nr Annsnmli. flraduatlnir lor west x'olnt or Annapolis, uraouatmg of flrst-class Colleees. J?lnebirildlnEs; single or double rooms. Every room has In It a steam radiator J Snecial opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly. .Private tutorlnt and special drill for oacir ward boya. 1'atrons or students may select any studies, oc a JJuslness, Oolleee-Preparatory. Klec trlcjl or Clvll-Englncerlne course, I'hysloal and rnemloal Laboratory, fractlcal Uusiness depart ment, fcliorthand, lypewrltliiir. etc., etc. ilore fully supplied wjtb, apparatus than any other t-olie-flttlne school. Media Academy affords every home comfort, the best education and the best training. Fixed prices cover eery expense. Mo examinations for admission. New Illustrated catalogue sent free to any address. SAylTHU 0.8U01UI.11JOE, A. U A.M. (Harvard Graduate), Frlpclpal and Proprietor, Mcdja, Fa. ' J , Media, Pa., nar Phila. School Opens Sept. 25th. Yearly Expaise, $500. Two Payments, $250. FOR GIRLS Graduating Courses iu Classics, Literature, Science, accomplished teachers and lecturers, superior musical pUnos. rVl&itru"n? foV tackw.Vd'pupils: Tid rurdedbYsucrfrestraliVtsasrcescntla roim ? SW1TH1N O. bUOBTUOUE. A. M. For full information' callon li WALKKK at Monongahela House Tuesday and Friday this week. USE. . --T j ST H 9 iH rid J ?tt THE V m y madeomlyb. inthe. yHLU Geo.A.Macbeth&Co.Pittsburgh.Pa. NEW- AnVEHT;g?M?iNT8. SOHQOirJBAGS, " FENOIk BOXES and RULEJISJ HAVE MADE IN MY SCHQOL'.SHQI DEIPAK.TMBOT Ra9 IndqQc ipe tq Giyb Ti Away ft few MFe.k mpre, Vfttfo every pair of Boys' or Girls' Soes, bought aA roystarq I will giyp that yery useful article, either- a School Ba.g pr ft Pen.cU Bo and Ruer, So don't migs your- chanqe and buy you fcQe G,D.SIMEN'S 78 QHIO ST, ALLEGHENY, Corner of Sanduskyjtreet. ?e-w Optical, Mathematical and Engineering In. atiumeata and Material. Profile, cro&s-aec-tton, tracing and hlne-proceis papers, tracing Unen, etc. Largea and bert ftgpk. j 6j??et cles and TJve Glasses. ' 'KORNBEiTFM, Theoretical and. Era,Qtfoal Qntloten, . Not ; Fifth ayen.u,e. e. xeiopnoneno. itpo. "y?l-MU PHOTOGRAPHER 1? SIXTH STREET, A fine, large crayon portrait S3 ft); see them before ordering eluewnere. Cabinets, $3 and tt pes dozen." PROMPT DELlVBBV. " apu-iaarvrago " ' ' K4II410ADS. PreUB3 Ueutnl time. Uepabt rar Cleveland, 5:00, "S.OO a., m., '1:35, 4jia t-Je p. uu For Cloc(i cagp nd IBt! lnls,:0Oa. la.. Mi IPor Buffalo. 8:J. m.. 4:10, manca. 18:00 a. m.. 4:18 n. m. For Y, uiocinnau. i;m- Mi a.ajp."m. Talo, 8:00 a. m.. i:K, 'S.ajp. m.' ForHaU- nxanca, 'flitoa. m.. 4:19 p. m. For Youoistowa and ew Caatje, 5.00,, 10:15 a. m., 'U3 4:10, 9:STp. m. 'Vbr Beaver1 Falls, 5:00,' 8.00, 8:30; 10:15 S, m M:3S. 3:30, 4110, :15, 9.3p. m? For Cliartlers. 5.0a, 15.J0 a. m., 5:33, 6:20, e.55, 7:15, , lidtb .JUk 1UL a.ldL T3MII. Ul. JUE 8 8:30, t-.a. 10:15 a. m.. 1J:05, 12iK. 1:4a SO. 14:3a 4 150. '5.0! 5:15, '3:05, 10:30p. m. ABBtvi From Cleveland TS.3U a. m.. Tiz.m 5:35, 7:55, 9:i0 p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago ana si. i.oais, -z:w, i:m p. m. from uqnaiG, fliSO a.' m.,' '12:30, 9:40 p.1 in. " From Salaman ca. '12:30. 7:W p. xa. Jfrom Yonngstawn and New Castle, 'fl;3a 9.3) a. ra., '12.-S0, 8:85, 7J5 9:4Up. m. From Beaver Falls. 5:25. 6:3CL 7:20, : a. m., '11.3?, 1:10. 5:35, T.53, 9:40 p. m. P., O. & Y. trains from Mansfield, 8:3d a: m.. 3.30, 4:50 p. m. For Essen "and Beechmont, 8.30 a. m.," 3:30, p. mi P.. C, AY. trains from ' alani ne W, Essen and Beechmont, 7:08 a. in-, 11:59 a, m", P. McK. & Y. K. K. -DBPAKT-For New Haven, 5:30a. m., 3.3p. m. For West Newton, 13:30, 10,05a.m., 3:30, SilSp. ra. ABRIYS-From New Haven, tl-M a. to.', '5.00 p. m. From West New- ton, 6:15, t7:50 a. m., l-.tS. 5:00 p. m. For Mc- Keesnort. Elizabeth and liononeahelaOltr. Ui30. 10.05a. m., 3 .30, 5:15p.m. From Monongahela Wl, UUftUCUi AUU.JMGJXCK Ceesport, 7:50 a. ra., 1:25, .w p. iq. . "flallr. 1 Sundays 'only. tWIU run one hour two hours late on late on Bandar. T will ran Sunday. City ticket office, 401 Smlthfleld street. M7TSBUKO AND WIMTBBN RAILWAY AllllUi l,'l OMU U UUiVH JiMTV. 1 A4I,B, lavEt.,Aran,Tiedo,Kane 8:40 a m Kutler Accommodation I 9.0Q a m, 7:37 p m. 5.00 p m 11:30 a ttj unicago .bxpresa taaujj..... New Castle Accommodation, Butler ann ITnxhnrr Ac 3.w p m 4:30 d m 5:30 p m 4iW U Ul 5:30 a m j irst class tare to unicagu, fiu w. pecuuu ui, f9 50. L'ullman Bullet sleepmc car to Chicago dallT. -. "7"; . V-0;:: !., dj - - T31TTHBUBO AN1 CA&T1.1C SHANNON B. B. A. Bummer Time aaoic. vn ana alter ui 1, 1889, until furler notice, trains will rnnasfollqws on eyery nay time: ijtav 8.00 a.m.. 9: lilt. Jiwft, ill-. A.wy. uw 6:50 p. m., 6:30 p.m., 9:30 m., 5:10 p. m On. m. 11.30 p. m. Arllunton-5:40 a. m., 6.20 a. nC. 7:19, o.uua. m., JU.7US. . m... 1:00 p. m , 2:40 p.m., 4.20 p, m., S:l0p. m., 5:50 p. m , 7:10 p. m., J0.3J p.m. Uuhday trains, leaving FHUhurg-lQ a.m., 12:5up. m.. 2:3op.m., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p, m., 9:30 p, m Arilngton-'J.Ua.m., Urn., l:Mp. m, S2a p. m. 6:30 p, in., 8.0Op. m. rt ' - JOHN JAHN. Supt. DESJRAEIfEJ GOODS MoneyrSaving Prices, & MACKIE no tirno for enumeration, but woulrj suh. ibqnd all over tqe ponse. z 10 a pair; real value, 3 SO. to finest, all eleeant values. lonand 23 inches wide, for 25c each; they're 0rM. MEDIA ACADEMY tlmei fits them fpr Jlnslness, any Collepre, rolytech- the l'rlnclnat. Tenehprs nil men and eraduates classes, une or tne nest egmppeq anq otsim4' classes, fine or flip. npRt ,n AND YOUNG LADIES. . , Miss Eastman's Celebrated School. iiafhematIcs,Mus!c Modern Languages, Twelve vldKi TtteVtlonT bmall classes. 1'uplls .ur- (Harvarof Urad.uate), Iprlnclpals, Media, e. tlAnftrtment School lias an organ nnd eleven scS-37 LAMP rsT (himneys Knrmmwn x r jMm? NJW. IHGE1ASE M- METIM IS A RULE CHARACTERISTIC OF KAUFMANNS' BUSHY f- M -f TfcfaS3. re pevgr stationary- aneaa continuously, we're building up tt4e vterj day trad M aywita us. ks easy to. co ylh fiur pigpjcxJ?. TJ$ Pf qpk r?. burg NOT TIf EY ALONE. but those living ia tha wwatry, witW radJHS 9f 19 P!e? ffQa Piftsfcurg M.,1.H4. --.. I.....! .... -J - 111- r-np eya too scrutinizing for KaufraaHHs' way ef Baildiag tra4.- wbat Platform pan. yeu fjnd. a stronger plaqfc t$sj $WNg JAl WHAT YOU BUY OF US. IP YQU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH! YOUR PURCHASEi your rnqney NO SQUABBLING, WU POTEST. Wee fa sprue of the stores. We can't help but talk sometimes about ?or igis, urne, THESE ARE BUSY DiYS FOR 'W$ partjpulaily fa pur Bpys.' Clothing Departm(n.t, Many a lad W.Ye jted for school the past few lay? Pliny for schools here at home, some for schools far 'away. Won't the little fellows be pieud ef the dressy things frqm. Ka.nfrflanns wh?R they mjagle with friends at s,5bpQl? We'll no say rqueh aou,t PrlcPs to-day only want to remind parents once more qf those siflp ALLrWQQL SCQTQfj CHyiQT SHQRTPANT gylTS AT & 50, AN8 A CAP TO MATCH REJ WITH gYRY SUIT. 'They come in magnificent Scotch effects, and there is Bathing better pr more, djJTWe f pr school T??ar than these, yery S.UJ& ' Qft'er clqthiers gsk from to $7 far ftiq, 145 prrtjaemeu vtiiu caei) une ui meae MEN'S FAHrSjDKES Qur gtQC JPQli quite ready yet, )ut there are engqgh. pretty WtA elegant styles to suit the tastes, of the Hjpst particular and fastidious gentiemen. Suits, rx Imported arid domestic materials as fine in qual ity, as faultless in make and, a.s per feet in t a? 3y merchant tailgr; can make. The prices range from $15 to, $2$. Dress 9 QF perfect fitting W hjte Df ess Shirts are worn by everybody de? sirous of having good, fine, durable, faultlessly "fitting shirt, No ripping open of seatns here, no. huttpns bursting oj, qo Jiutton holes tearing .outi no edges of bosom or neck and cu5 bands getting ragged, no bosoms bulging out as though ydu carried a water melon in front of your chest AH tnesie uppleaant feature re fjpne away wjjh by wearing, ogr mafcfcgggf less Dress 8hirts. Special attention is called to our celebrated (open front as4 back) Manhattan, White Shirts at Sit These shirts are re? . tailed by all firsj-class. Furnishing Goods dealers, for J?i 50. -i BEAUTIFUL FALL NECKWEAR. i t All the yery latest stylgs Qf Bow ties at unequaled low prices. & Flagg's goods. - 4). KAUFMANNR Fifth Avenue .and Smitbfield Street tST Strangers Visiting the Exposition Welcome at Our Store. se9-D KAILB.OADS. rEi(J1YI.VAWlA KMLll'JAU VX .A.N1J after Angnit 2s, I8S9. trains lear. Union utatlon, tltubutg, as follows, Castsra Btandanl 'timet ' - MAIN LINE EASTWAKD. JfevrTork and Chicago Limited of rnllman Ves tibule dally at 7:14a. m. mM Atlantic Express dally for the East, 1:20 a.ra. Man tralnTdaU?, except Snnday, S:3ua. m. aan day, mall, 8:40 a. m. Pay express dally at S.00 a. m. Mall express daffy at 1:CD p. m. Vhlladelphla express dally at 4: JO p. m. Eaitern expreVdsIly t f:JJ p, p. ' Fast Line dally at 8:10 p. ra. Express for Bedford 1:00 p. m.. week days. Express for Cresson and Ebensbnrg Zw p. m., Saturdays qnlyt Greensbnrg expressatlo p.m. weekdays, llerry express llrtX) a. m. week days. Ail through trains connect at Jersey Cltyirlta Wsof "ifrooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. Jr, aToldlngdonb(eferrUge and Journey tbrongh H. iralns arrive at Union Station as followsi Mall Train, dally ,,..., , 5-Pi m. Western Eipress, dally .I'- ,n- i'actfe Express, dally H&- " Clilcagq L)mle4 Express, dally 8;30p. m. Fastttne. dail?................,............U:p. m. SOuTHWESr PKKi KA1LWA1. For Unlontown, 5i30 ana t-Si a. ra. and 4:3 p. m., without change pfears: U.50 p. m connect lng at Greensbuifr. Trains arrlva front Union toSm at 9:45 a. m.. 1:30, J.J5 and ;W P. m, WESTi'ENNSlfiif ANlA IJIVISlOa. FromFEUEKAL tfr. STATION. Allegheny City. Mall train, connecting for iSlalrsTllle... C:Ua.m. Express, for Blalrsvlile. connecting for " " Uutler S:tSp. ra. llntler Accem 8:20 a- m Z.JSand J.p, ra. Unrlncdale a.m.a-JOanil 6,20p.m. l?eeportAom....,.V...4:li;:.-nan(l 111:40 p.'m. Onounday ... .B;Wand BOp. m. North Apollo Accord tl:00a.m. and frtO p. in. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Buuer..:. ,. :20a.m. Blalrsvlile Accommodation 10:40p. m. ftiins arrive at FEUEKAL STBEET BTATloS: Express, connecUng ftom BuUer 10:35 a. m. Mall Train ;"""yJ,J5 p " Butler Accom ? m., 4:4pand70p. ra. Blalrsyille AccoromodatlQn.J.....i.......9.a2p. m. Freenort Accom.7:a.m.. 1.-25, 7d0andll:10p. rn. On Sunday 10:10a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Bprlngdalq i.ccom.-:,7,ll:a.m,,3:6i30p. m. NortlfApoUo Accom 8:. m.'and5 40 n. m. MONorfOA UEI.A mvisioa. Trains leave Union station, rittsonrg, as follows. For Monongahela City. West Brownsville and Uqtontown, lOMOs.m. For MonongaheU City and West Brownsville!? :0J and 1":) a.m.and 4:40 p.m. On Sunday, 1 Jl p. m. For Monongahela City. 4.-4J p. m., week dayfc . ' Jiravosburg Ac, week days, I JD p. m. West Eliiaoeta Accommodation. :3a. m., 20, 6duandll:p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. TJcket offices-Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station." CHAB. E. PUGM7' J- WOOIs. General Mana. Gcn't l'atslr Agent. TJANHANULE KOUTB-JUIY S. 1SS). IM1UN X sUtlqn, Central Jjfandard Tin . feave for S:i?P.,m- 8tbenville. 55 a. m. 1 8.S, 8:S5a. m.,li)ao,4:sT4p. m. a.m. Bargetutown. 811: a.m.' 6:M Bnlger, 10:19 d. m. Mans nela, 7:15, 9:30, U:C0s. m,, las, 30, d tiZS; 10:55 y. fu. ra. McDonald,' d 4:15, i 8:45 p. m. From the West rt 2:1ft, d.-oo a. m 8.-08, d5J ,m. Oennlion 910 in phpnvlllp. flftn. m. ra. Uennlson' SJJs.m stpnhpnvllle. A5d. m. Wheeling. 7 10, 1:45 a.m.. 3rt5. Kiirgetts. town, 7:15a, m.,SO:03.m, W(Hhmfon- "'"J-V 8:40. 10 ZSa. jal 1:85, BHj'p. m. Mansfield. 7: f :JD. 11140 a. m,,' 11.43. j.Si, JSH) and b 6:0 p. m. B5W HP H' vr5!Wy& 4rfl ?! ? 'd dally i B Boaiay oalyi ether UaUs, tztcpt TO i M Jim-srSfWr stagwrij,, tyi 1MTJP thgy all' know that pur ) 1 t T 1 li . . rSfcil baQt as. eiafrffllly as w5 rfctHTf pur way of doing thiags, fct ea4MUM Rmemtjerj- a pap t jaatej quus. .,j 6 w leu's 1M Qyercouls TJji? ne s.tyje thus, far reseiye tjy ug are perfeet beautiesHjiir ,:??' of the tailor's, art They come gilk and seige lined, tang or Sort cut, Prince Charles, Sack or En? glish box Btyle, the latter with or without back seam. Tfos grand grmen.tirin all colors, shades ajyj designs, and prices ranging from $ to U j, Lppk at them, . Shirts, -1 Teck, Pjifjf, Fppr-in-hand, Strjng.and We make a specialty of Fisk, Cla'r ' KAILKOAD3. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S MNK3 liar 11 1888. Central Standard Time. 7 TBAfNS UEFAKT ' As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7M a. m., d ij-jb. d 1:00, d7:4i. except Saturday. 11 dl 5.U.: Toledo. 73a.m- 4U. d 1)0 and excenr atnrday. 11:2) p. m.: Crestline. t:45 a, m.: Urre land, 6:W a. m., 11:15 and d UiOt p. m. and Ti a. m.. yl X f. ff. t C. By,: New Cast! and Youngstown, 7:03 a. ra.. 12:20, "1:45 p. m.; Youngstown and Miles, d 12:20 p. m.; Meadville; Erie and Ashtabula. JJa. m., 11-31 p. m.; NUes and Jamestown, 3:(o p. m.tMasslUon. 4:10p.m.: Wheeling and Bellalrp, C:10a. m.. 12:48, 1:30 p. rn.; Bearer Falls. 4-03. S.-OJ p. m, Kock TolnV Sldtl a. u.: Ietadale. 8.30 a. m. ALLEGHENY Bocbester. 8 JO a. m.: Beaver Falls, 8:14, 11.-00 a. m.:Enon. IsV pm.;Xets dale, 10:00, U:a. m., 20, 40, 4iti,;ao, 70, 9:0) p. m.; Conway, 10 JO p. m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:49 a. m.:Leetsdale. S 8:30 p. m. TKAINSABB1VE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1150, diaa di . ra., a 840 p. m.t Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 8;-8 a. m 830 p. m., Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and Newcastle. 0:10a.m., 1:25, 81 10:18 p. m.:NU- and Yonnzstown. d 6-50 p. m.:dey eland, 4 8ta. m., f:15, 7:0) p. m.:TWheefiiig and BeUafreJ-O a. m 2:25. 7rOO p. m.; Erie anil Ahtahula,7li-i, 10:18 n. m.: lUsillloa. 100 a. su.; NU&s and Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls, 7 J0 a. m., 1:10p.m.. Koct Point, S 823 p. m.; LeeUdala. IO140" p. m. AKKIVE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, IKS) a. m.: Conway. 8:S0; Bochester, 9:40 a. m7: Beaver Fills, 7:10 a. m, 5:45 p. m.: Leetsdale, 80, 8:15, 7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 10, 8:30, 0:00 p. m.: Fait Oaks. S 8:55 a. m. : Leetsdale, S 8-uS p. a.t Hock Polar. S 8:18 p. m. ' p ' S. Sunday only: d, dally; other trains, except Sunday. & BALTIMJOKB anu omo kaileoau Schedule In effect May 12, 1880. For Washing, ton. 1. ti. Baltimore, PhltadelphU and New York, "S.00 a. m.. and "020 p. m. For Cum- "fl".?! "8:?.if- ta'.1i2, " P. m. For Con---"J,- and 8r a. m.T tlM, tM andS0p. m. For Unlontown, 88:40. 'tMt. m, tl00and IJp. m. Fpr Mount Fleaaant,t6:0anl S,100,?- ?- ,fnd ni M-00 p. m. For Washington, l'a.. f6:4i :40 a. m :B. MJO and 8 10 p. n- For Wheel loc. 8.45. t9:0a. m.. 2.35. 'sTsop m. FjoraneiaMtl a?dSt; LoSs. 6.43a.m., ForColnmbua. -8:4Sand9:40 a. m.. p. m. For Newark. :4S, 19:40 a. m' S.J0 p. m. For Chicago, :45T9:40 a m 5:15.and l8: pf m Tral ?s irrTveHromNew York, FhUadelplla, Baltimore and Washington. Sfffla.m.and "SJ0 p.m. From Columbus. Un clnnatl and Chicago, f:45 a. m. and:OOp. m. lro,2jVnceLln?:s' 10 jo a. m.7t5.-oo7!!sQp: m. Through sleeptae cars to Baltimore; Wash ington and Cincinnati. Wheeling accommodation. 8J0 a. m.. Sunday only. Connellsvllle aecommodatlon at M:95 a. ra. fllslly. tOallyexfept Sunday. JSundayonlr. The Pittsburg Transter Company will call jor and !)k baggage from hotels and residences upon orders lett at B. 4 O. Ticket OSca, corner lrth avenue and Wood street. jL'HAJ. O. SCULL. Gen. J?asi. Agt. J,T.y,OELL, Oen.Mgr. ALLEGHENT VALLEY KAILUOAU Tralns leave Union Station (Eastern Standard, lime): Klttannlng Ac. 8J6 a. m.: Niagara Ex.. dally. J .45 a. m.. Hal ton Ac. 10:13 a.m.; VaUey Camp Ac, S.-C6 p. m.: Oil City and llurjoU Ex-press,2-00 p.m. :Hulten Ac, 1.-00 p.m.: Klttannlng Ac, 4:00 p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 5:00 p.m.: KltUan lng A.,?.30p. jn.: Braeburn Ae.,80p.m.i Hul ton Ac, 70 p. m.: Buffalo Ex., lUlly. tJ p. ni.; Hulton Ac. 9.45 cm.: braeburn Ail 11 ao p. m. Chorea trains Braabam, lS:40p. m. aad iS p. m, Pullman Parlor BoCet .and win i i i Hv tF