VHHjjPM p m,y "-WHMf wWlliFIPip W- WHEN YOU COME HOME fflV. 1 m WKrcur- --e v -- "ww:- " "gr- -i n From sea or mountain, to notifjr the carrier or DIBPATOH office, that on your paper may be FORTT-yOTJUTH YEAH. fLAT 01 ITS BACK. i The Trustees of Johns Hopkins University Still Pass ing the Hat TO KEEP THE MILL GOING. A Grievous Tale of How the Institu tion Was Wrecked. TOO 1IDCH FAITH IK RAILROAD STOCKS. The Collet Fonndcd br a Benevolent Quaker Now Reduced 10 Beggnry The. P rndence scd Liberality of the Good Old IUan Gone lor Naught A Maleficent En dowment Melted wtiv The Dps and Downs of tbe University Cot in tbo Salaries of the Teacher The bole Hope of the Trustees Baltimore and Ohio Rnllrond MpcU Blast Climb Back fo Its P)d Position. The story of how Johns Hopkins Univer sity came to be flat on its back, and haying to pass the hat for funds is a grievous one. Too much faith was placed in the power of pne man to keep up above par the stock of a railroad in which the college was deeply in terested. rsrrciAL telegbam to the dispatch.! Baltimore. Sentember 8. Evil days have fallen on the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. The famous institution of learning, the pride of the city of the State, is in want and distress. From the proud position which a magnificent endowment, and a princejy income had given it, a position hich it was rapidly becoming had really become a university in fact as well as in name, it has fallen tQ a place where the salaries of its teachers must be cut, and its trustees must pass the hat and beg for money, hoping against hope that no further cuts may become necessary, hopeless of wjdyning its usefulness over the broad fields contem plated by its founder. AXX GONE FOn NAUGHT. The prudence, the foresight, the economy, the energy and the munificent liberality of the kindly old Quaker who thought to bene fit his kind to a remote generation, and to make the city wherein he had achieved success famous as a seat of learning, are well nigh gone for naught. He gave to this university millions of dollars almost four millions and an income amounting almost to hundreds of thousands. He had earned this money honestly, and be bestowed it nobly. Opt of it all there can now be found a pile of school buildings, a breadth of farm land, that is worth no reore than when he died, and a pile of depreciated patter representing shares in a railroad. THE MUNIFICENT ENDOWMENT and the princely income have melted away. Nor is that all, for the wrecker who destroyed the hope of the founder of the in stitution did it deliberately, although he bad obtained at the hands of this founder his power to do evil and accumulate a vast private fortune out of the wreck he created. The Johns Hopkins University was en dowed with Baltimore and Ohio KaiLroad stock by Johns Hopkins, of Baltimore. John W. Garrett was made a trustee of the university by Johns Hopkins. In an evil day, Johns Hockins having by his Treat wealth saved the Baltimore and Ohio road from bankruptcy, made John W. Garrett President of the railroad company. There upon John W. Garrett, who had heretofore been a partner in a grocery business that brought him a few tnousand a year, became a power in railroad circles. He thought he was a great power, and so he was, in a way. A GBIETOUS STOEV. The story of how Garrett took advantage of bis power as trustees' President to use the endowment of the university for his own private gains is grievous. For ten years the school grew and flourished. New build ings were erected and a valuable addition was made to the library and apparatus. But to say that everything about the uni versity was satisfactory to the trustee?, to the faculty, or to the people of Baltimore would not be in accord with tbe truth. Prof. Gil man soon began to urge that the foundation of the university be placed on something more substantial than railroad stock. Of all that Board of Trustees there was one, and one only, who really objected to such a transfer of the endowment, and that was President John W. Garrett, of the Baltimore and Ohio, For personal reasons he very strenuously objected to such a transfer, and such was his influence in the board that the transfer never was made. ONCE VEEr VALUABLE. In the early das of the university it was a very profitable stock. The university held 1,500 shares of a par value of $1,500, 000, and a market value of a good deal more than $3,000,000. The annual dividend of this stock was ?150,000 On the face of these facts, ordinary lolk might think that no change was necessary. But to men of sense it was a most reckless thing to thus rist the permanence of the income. When at last the crash came and the pay ment of dividends ceased, it is said that some of the trustees shed tears over the wip ing out of the funds of the university. No more sorrowful meeting of school trustees than that which followed the disaster was ever held, put it was held secretly, and the trustees wilj pot tell what was said and done. When they are asked about it, as Mr. J. Hall Pleasants was asked about it by The Dispatch reporter, they all say, ss he said: MEBELY A MUTATE MATTER. "It was a private matter. The university is not a public corporation. The people do not hold any stock in it. They have no right to know." Whatever the, legal nature of the organ ization, Johns Hopkins created the uni versity not for the benefit of the gentlemen whom he named as trustees, but for the benefit of the city of Baltimore, the State of .Maryland, and the whole country, for that matter. The people of Baltimore are not to be bluffed in that way. They hold the trustees morally, if not financially, responsible for thej freak and reckless administration of J don't forget call at THB the address .changed. ! the trus( imposed upon, them. The ruin of the university lies on the honor of the trustees. That the university U ruined will appear on a brief consideration of he iacts. Im mediately after the crash that wiped ont the university's revenue tie trustees hejd a meeting with the professors and teachers of the school and MADE, A STATEMENT pf the condition of affairs. There was some xnoney pp. hand, accumulated out of the sayings of former yerrs. They had been getting 8150,000 a year from the stock. The money from students had amounted to over 20,000 a year. The expenses of the Uni .versify were about 5130,000 a year. Some money that had been interfiled for newbuild ings could be used for current expenses. It would pot dQ to close tbe University. Would the teachers accept a reduction of salaries? They would. They will not tell how much the cut was, but it is commonly said to have been 10 per cent. Other economical measures were adopted, and all schemes for enlarging the usefulness of the University toward its intended scope were abandoned. Then the trustees passed the hat. They told their friendsaad the friends of the University that the institution was FLAT ON ITS BACK. The income had failed; but they hoped that it would revive again. If?100,000 could be raised it would keep the university running during the years 1890 and 1891. By that time they would know what to ex pect from the Baltimore and Ohio stock. The dioney was pledged, and it is now certain that the work of the faculty of philosophy will be continued during that time. The trustees get together and tell each other that, by that time, the present management of the road will be paying dividends of 3 per cent on the par value of the capital stock. They do not believe that the road will be put in the hands of a re ceiver. Meantime, they tell people who ask them about the institution that streets have been laid out on the 330 acres pf Clifton, and that the property is COMING INTO THE MABKET. This property adjoins 80 acres sold to the city not long ago. The city paid $1,000 an acre. If an attempt .were made to sell Clifton to private buyers it would not bring $100,000. "Baltimore is a growing city, but it does not grow toward Clifton. The sole and only hope of continuing the Johns Hopkins University, even ip its present scope, is in the rehabilitation of the Baltimore and (Ohio stock, and there are ten chances of its being wiped out to one of its being rehabilitated. MABEIAGLS GETTING CHEAPER. A War pf Kate on Between Tiro UlTaJ Matrimonial Agents. tSFXCXAL TELEOBAM TO THE BI6PATCH.1 Louisville, Kt., September 8. A bit ter rate war is on between two rival matri monial agencies in Jeffersonyille, and some slashing cuts have already been made in the line of fees. The matrimonial agent is a growth belonging exclusively to Jeflerson yille. His duties are to watch the ferry boats, and when he sees a couple who loot like elopers in search of matrimony he in troduces himself and agrees for a specified sum of money to furnish everything re quired for a wedding. The business is pe culiar, but it pays. The oldest and best- known agency is under the management of I joaa. iianse, and another acgive, nustlitur concern is operated by"WiHTpm Kratz, and until recently the men have been good friends and have respected each other's rights in the business, but it is not so now, and every day marriages get cheaper. By an especial arrangement with the magistrates the figures have been cut down from $7 50 to $3 for a complete matrimonial outfit, license, ceremony and all. including the services of a professional swearer to make oath to the lady's age. About a week ago Kratz contracted -to pilot a country couple over and attend to their case for 55. On the boat Hanse offered to do the job for 4, and then the row began. The rival agents cut the rate $1 at a time, until Kratz oflercd to do the work for nothing. TOOK TOO MUCH ELIXIR. A Harrisbnrg Sinn's Life Sacrificed in the Interests of Science. ISFECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DIBPATCH.1 Habeisbubg, September 6. John Barth, of this city, who has been suffer ing from a complication of diseases, several weeks ago made application at the Harris burg Hospital for the injection of the Brown Sequard elixir, in the hope that it would improve his condition. His request was granted, and he left the hospital highly gratified with the operation, stating that he lelt Hke a new man. His improved health was'ot briefduration, and he paid another visit a few days ago to the hospital, to have the elixir agjin administered. Since then he has died, aDd some physi cians are disposed to ascribe his death to the elixir's effects. Soon after he ceased to breathe his body turned yellow, and sub sequently black, requiring his early inter ment. bLATIKG OS A RAILROAD. Contract Laborers Imported and Pnt to Work nt 5 Cents n Day. Louisville, Kt., September 8. Fred Wagner, who arrived here from Birming ham, Ala., yesterday, said he was a native of Chemnitz, Saxony, and had come to Birmingham under contract to work on a railroad. There were 130 in the gang of laoorcrs in wnicn ne came, xney were promised $12 a month and board, but were only paid 5 cents a day. He could talk no English and knew noth ing of the contract labor law, He had escaped with difficulty from Birmingham. He was given a pass, and continued his trip towards New York. A WAR AGAINST SUPERSTITION The Freak ol an Insane plan In a South Aniboy Chnrch. New" Yobk, September 8. A man who gave his name as James Corkery, and who claimstobea teacher in the public schools at South Amboy, attended 9 o'clock mass at the Cathedral to-day, and was kneeling at the altar when Father Lavillc, at the head of the processional, swinging a censer, reached him. Corkery snatched the censer and flung it away, shouting: "How dare vou thrust that vile decoction down mv roat" He was immediately seized by Special Officer Butledge, who was on duty at the church, and taken away. To the Judge at the Yorkville Police Court he said he was waging a war against superstition, and did not propose to have any doughnut gods forced down his throat He was committed as insane. NURSE DONNELLY RECOYERING. She Will Appenr Beforo the Grand Jnry on Next Tuesday. Atlantic Cits, September 8. This afternoon Nurse Dounelly, who was stabbed by Mrs. Kobert Bay Hamilton, was able to get up and walk about her room and then to go down stairs. There is no doubt pf her appearance before the grand jury on Tuesday. w THE TEEEIBLE DESTRO YEB. Firo Fpca Out Vnt Forests and Threatens Tillages ia Jttnine Deer and Bear Driven From Cover Pf Or plo Alarmed, rsr-ECUL TELEGRAS XO TUB BISPATCB.l Yanceboeo, Me., September 8. The entire State, and especially Eastern Maine, is now passing through one of the most severe droughts known for years, and the result is that brooks haye entirely dried up, while the lakes and rivers have become low, and the forests and vegetation everywhere js parched and dry, As is always the case in such periods, forest fires haye started in the Maine and New Brunswick forests and on tbe St. John river. The situation is especially serious at thiB time. The fires extend over several counties, and already the timber lands have been damaged to the extent of hundreds of thou sands of dollars. All the "people are pray ing for rain, and in the bnrning region the villages are being guarded carefully. Fredericton Junction, some miles east of here, on the New Brunswick .Railway, is in a particularly critical position, and the ut most vigilance is being exercised by its citi zens to prevent the destruction of their property. Hundreds of young cattle run ning in the woods have been caught and destroyed in the fires, while in a few cases farmers baye been unable to save their buildings from the flames. Deer are driven out to the settlements, wildly frightened and herd with the cattle, and bears seek refuge in the water, where many of them have been shot already. The smoke from the fires is.so dense and heavy that night navigation of'tbe St. John river has been suspended for miles, and even the regular passenger steamers from St. John to Fredericton have stopped running. Fortunately the fires near this place and on the American side have not gotten into tbe best timber sections as yet; but, unless rain soon comes, enor mous damage will be done to the timber lands. Along the St. Croix section many miles in extent have been burned over. The fires raging between here and Forest station were caused by sparks from locomo tives. Day and night here the sky is heavy with black clouds of smoke, and when the sun is seen through the dense mantle it is blood-red and decidedly uncanny in appear ance. Nothing like these fires was ever known in this section, and the utmost alarm Is felt concerning them. OLD NEPTUNE ON A TEAK. High Seas DoJaff Great Damage Along; the Coast at Aiburg Park. XSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBI PISPATCn.1 Asbuby Pabk, N. J., September 8. All day long a terrific wind storm has been raging along this coast, and to-night the sea is running hitch over tbe board walk, driving the loungers from the seats, and in many instances from the upper balconies of the Asbury avenue and Fifth avenue pavilions. Great heaps of sand are being thrown upon the plaza, while the spray from the dashing waves reaches over to Ocean avenue, a distance Of 100 feet People are out in rubber suits', and many without them, haye returned to their homes completely drenched. In many spots along this section ot the coast where great damage was done during last summer's severe storms by heavy cuts, old Neptune has repaired the inroads then made on the shore. Superintendent Baremore estimates that 1,000 tons of sand have thus far been thrown upon the shore during the past 24 hours. A big gang of men has been called out and stand ready to respond at a moment's notice, shonld the sea wash away any of the board work or structures on the beach. The im mense fishing pier has-been seriously dani aged'nndlhe "'outer' end"twisted abarfit ten feet from its original position. A EACH WAR IS DELAWARE. Irishmen and Hangnrlans Have a Lively Riot With Fatal Results. Wilmington, Del., September 8. Last nigbt a race riot broke out in the lower part of New Castle, locally known as Dob binsville, between gangs of Irishmen, Poles and Slavacks, employed in the Tasker Iron Works, in the course of which a Hungarian named Francis B. Jankovsky was shot in the heart and instantly killed by some one of the Irish rioters, and an Irishman named Owen Kavanagh was stabbed in 10 or 11 places by an unknown Hungarian. Kava nagh will recover. Tbe rioting was the outcome of bad feeling that had existed be tween tbe workmen ever since the entrance of Poles and Slavacks into the mills, nearly two years ago. Thirty-three of the Slavacks have been arrested and 'warrants will be issued for the Irish participants, who, a preliminary hear ing before Mayor Hanson this afternoon, showed were the aggressors. The evidence thus far indicates that Jankovsky was try ing to escape from several intoxicated Irish when one of the latter fired a shotgun, the load passing through Jankovsky's heart. Five Irishmen, two Hungarian men and a Hungarian woman also received wounds from gunshots and missiles in the melee. A MOST ATROCIOUS CRIME. Negroes JMnidcr nnd Bnrn n IMnn In Order to Secure Plunder. Nobfolk, Ya., September 8. C. S. Walters, who kept a grocery store at Sewell's Point, was found murdered in his bedroom this morning. It is supposed that about 3 o'clock this morning parties called at the store and woke up Mr. Walters, and as he opened the door he was struck sense less with a club and then beaten to death, the broken skull and mangled face plainly snowintr inc manner oi aeatn. The mur derers then robbed the store of $180 and a lot of merchandise, after which the body of Walters was placed between two cotton mattresses, which were set on fire. The fire burned slowly, and when the body was found by members of the family one arm and a portion of the lace only was burnt off. The authorities were notified, and two negroes who acted suspiciously in a boat near Sewell's Point were arrested brought to Norfolk and lodged in jail.' Both had spots of blood on their clothing! and are believed to have concealed the plunder. HE IS PR0BABLI LINCHED. A Snspcctcd Horse Thief Token From tbo Hands of the Sheriff. Pana, III., September 8. L. S. Tate was arrested at Mattoon yesterday on sus picion of being the person who stole a horse from here three weeks ago. A constable left Mattoon on the train this morning with the prisoner en route to this city. At Tower Hill, six miles east of here, the train stopped, and was immediately surrounded by an excited crowd of men, who boarded the car, overpowered the constable and took Tate from the train. - It is supposed the men were members of the Tower Hill Hose Company, but what disposition they niaae oi xate is unknown. A TESTIBULE TBAIS WRECKED. One Man Killed and Another Injured In a Uallroad Accident, rsrzcux, teleoram to the dispatcit.i Greenville, Pa., September 8. Vesti bule train No. 8, on the New York, Penn sylvania and Ohio Railroad, was wrecked to-day, and one man killed and one injured. The accident happened a short distance be low Greenville, and it is claimed was caused y the negligence of the switchman. pm$mx& PITTSBURG. MONDAY, CAN'T PEP 'EM OUT. Droves of Cbjnejse Coniipg Into America Despite the Treaty. THEY LEAP BIGHT OYER ALL BARS. Jtye Latest Scheme Almost ps 'fJiitea? Any Tankee Could Devise, COMLNG IN NOW BI WAT OP CUBA. ffhere Ihey Are Made Spanish CiUiens and Learn fo Walk Epauish. The Chinese have discovered a new way to get into this country in spite of the pro hibitive act. They have only to go first to Cuba, where they are naturalized, secure a passport, and come here as Cuban citirens on a visit. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE OtSrATCS.l NewYobk, September 8. The increas ing number of Chinese in New York City is a matter of speculation which has had no apparent solution. The colony aug mented mysteriously and steadily but no information as to the manner of these additions could be gained. There are at present over 300 strange Chinamen in New York. That these aliens were in some manner or other smuggled into this port was evident, bus the manner in which it was accomplished has remained unsolved. It now develops that a regular smuggling business is carried on by certain vessels in the Cuban fruit trade, and with the appar ent connivance of tbe Government of the island, for, as the Consul General te Cuba says, nearly all the Chimmen in Cuba are naturalized citizens, and as such could not De aeoarrea irom visiting mis rouuui. ,HOW IT IS DONE. "Citizens of Cuba, with the co-operation of certain officials of the Spanish Govern ment in that island, are aiding Chinamen to evade the United States restriction act, and are landing hundreds oi them at this port every month," said a well-know? Ful ton Market f rpit dealer ,to The ' Dis Jatch reporter to-day. The attention of the dealer had been called to the fact th?t the Chinese cobny in New York is bewgeonstautjy recruit d from abroad, in spite of the prohibitive egula tions of the restriction act adopted sy the Government. "There is a certain steamship comany in this city owningor controlling nine spamers that ply between New York andCuban ports," he continued, ' 'oo jeih of these vessels there is a thinese interpreter. His name does not jappear on the nay roll of the company's employes, nor on the roster of the ship he sails on. It is his duty to receive and care for theChina men who embark at Cuban ports, anl to see that they PASS THE CUSTOMS OFFICEIS and are safely landed here. He is jot paid Jy the company, but receives certjin per quisites, tbe evident objejt of this arrangement being to tenable the company to claim, wih an appearance of justice, that it is notrespon sible for the interpreter's acts, as hej is not in its employ, but simply a passenger on its boats. i "Now, as to the manner in whioi these Chinamen are enabled to pass thenJnitcd States customs officers. Each Chi cardan leaving Cuba'iftJmhe -port of-5fVYork is provided with a Spanish pasWiprt in which he is represented to be a traveler de sirous to sojourn for a brief period iV the place named as bis destination. This pasj port secures him the privilege of landing. Once he sets fot on the steamship company's pier here, hejs safe. His passport has served its purpost, and is destroyed, and the Chinaman joits bis fellow countrymen in ilott street. PREPARING A BIGLER BOOM. Govornors mil and Green to Assist in tb Democratic Campaign. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO T1IE DISPATCD.: Philadelphia, September 8. Thefc will at an early day be a meeting held the Presidents of the Philadelph Democratic clubs for the p pose of making arrangements to w come the visiting delegates who wll he in attendance at the general assembly f Democratic societies of the State, whichts to be be:d in this city on October Governors Hill, of New York, and Green, of New Jersey, have beta invited to be present, and it Is said the Democratic City Committee wll appoint a committee to confer with tie Democratic leaders of the city for the pur pose of taking special care of the two ds tinguisbed Goverpors. President Chauncey F. Black, of tbe Democratic societies, and Chairman Kisnef, of the State Committee, will unite with tie party leaders of 'this city in an effort Jo have all the political capital possi ble made out ot the meeting n the interest ot Edmund A. Bigler, Demi cratic Candidate lor state Treasurer. Ja; didate Bigler is expected to be in attendance at the General Assembly, and the delegates will be urged upon their return to their re spective counties to do everything possible in order to get out the full Democratic vote. Many of the Republican clubs of this city have already elected delegates, and the others will shortly, to attend the convention of the Republican League of State Clubs, which will meet at Lafayette Hall, Pitts burg, on September 24. LOST IN A GREAT CITY. The Jnws of New York Open and Swallow a Pretty Young Girl. rSPECTAL TELEOBAM TO THE UISPATCII.I New Yoek, September 8. Miss Eva Stuyvesant, 18 years old, came from Port Washington, B. I., a few weeks ago to visit her married sister who lives at C62 HerLi mer street, Brooklyn, Just before noon on Wednesday she lelt the house to make a few purchases' in Fulton street. Her folks have traced her snbseqnently to Somer ville's drygoods store in Washington and Fulton streets. Miss Stuyvesant is slender, and she has an attractive face and fine.dark gray eyes. She is about 5. feet 2 inches tall, and has brown hair and a light com plexion. Under her lelt ear, extending along tbe cheek, is a scar, quite distinct, caused by a burn. When she left tbe house she had on a blue cambric dress, with white stripes, a white canvas belt and a black straw hat with pale green velvet trimming and white flowers. Her father said to-day: "I confess I am at a loss as to what to think. My daughter is too sensible and good a girl to elope or let any man trifle with her, and too intelligent to get lost. They couldn't kidnap her in broad day- iignt, eimer. a uave an iuea mac some woman, pleading poverty or distress, asked her assistance, and persuaded Eva to follow her to some house, where, after drugging her, they detained her." The Pope Will Not Leave Bomc. London, September 9. A dispatch to the Clironicle from Home say?: The Pope has abandoned the idea of leaving Borne, the German Government having mediated in his behalf and assured him that in the event of a war Jialy would .strictly respect his position. ' ' - - K ' " SEPTEMBER 9, 1889, FAMY MUST HAtfG. The Accomplice pf Dick Untycs in tbe piarder of pis tVJfe ConT?ted A Llftlp Ch!d tbe Qnly fat ness pf the Crjme. rGFECtAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCJT.J JJibmingham, Ala., September 8. The jury in the case of Fanny Bryant) fbe mulatto woman who assisted pick Hawes in the murder of bis ffife and children, last pecember, at 10 o'clock thja morning re turned a verdict pf murder in the first degree, and fixed the death penalty. The woman broke Aovia. completely when the verdict was announced, and sobbed aloud. Her attorneys wijl move for a new trial, and jf they fail to get it will appeal tp the Supreme Court. The prisoner, Fanny Bryant, has made a partial confession which would have cleared her, perhaps, if she had told tbe story when she was on the stand at the trial of Hawes; but will do her no good now. Dick Hawes killed bis yife and one child on Saturday night, December 1, and May, the eldest child, on Monday night, Decem ber 3. The little girl, May, was left at Fanny Bryant's house from Sunday morn ing until Monday evening. Fanny Bryant has confessed that May told her on Sunday morning all about the killing ot Mrs. Hawes and the baby the night before. Hawes be gan cursing his wife and she threatened to leave. She put on her cloak and taking Irene, her youngest child, ran put in the yard. Hawes followed her, and killed her and the child with a heavy stick. He then dragged the bodies into the house and cov ered them with a mattress. They lay there until Sunday night, when Jhey were carried to a lake a few yards away, weighted with iron and then thrown in. May, who wituessed the crime, seemed to realize that her father would kill jier be cause she endangered his safety. This story is corroborated by the circumstantial evi dence on which Hawes was convicted, and shows that little May was the only eye wit ness of the murder of her mother and sister. SUNDAY AT GETTYSBURG, The Present Encampment the Biggest in fbp Department's History. Getttsbueo, September 8. The second day of Camp Samuel Harper was p. great one. In the morning the veterans, headed by the department officers and a band of music, marched from their quarters to the rostrum in the National Cemetery, where religious services were held. In the after noon the veterans remained in the camp or drove over the battlefield. At 6:30 the first dress parade of tbe encampment took place. Department Commander Stewart reviewed the men as they filed past him and his staff on the level ground south of the camp. Later in the evening a song service was conducted by Chaplain Sayres, a chorus of ISO voices furnishing the music. Tbe camp has assumed a more invitingappearance, the various potts have established their headquarters and hung out their flags, while before almost every tent flaps a streamer of some character. The trains to-morrow will bring many more yeterans, including the Pittsburg contingent, and all indications point to this being the biggest camp in the history of the department. A MYSTERIOUS MURDER. It Is Believed to be the Work of an Italian Secret Society. NewABKj N. J., September 8. A foul murder was discovered in East New ark to day, the victim being an Italian about 55 years pld. The body of the murdered man was found on an old gravel dock situated on tbe Meadows, 'The -remains presented a horrible sight. The head had been cut from the body, evidently with a knife, and hung by shred of flesh. Besides this, three bullet holes were found in the breast, anyone of which would have caused death. Nothing was found on the body by which it could be identified. It is believed that murder was committed in Newark and the body rowed across the river and lelt where it was found, as no blood or signs of a struggle have been dis covered near where the dead man was found. It is thought that the murder was the work of an Italian secret society. THE DUEL IS FF. Vigilant Police Authorities Prevent the HnlT-Patterson meeting. Macon, Ga., September 8. Hon W. A. Huff, member of the State Legislature from this city, who left here for Alabama, Satur day, to fight a duel with Hon. E. W. Pat terson, also a member of the Legislature, returned to the citv to-night, having been unable to meet Patterson, owing to tbe vigilance o'f the authorities. The trouble between the gentlemen was caused by Patterson's denouncing certain statements made by Huff in reference to local legislation as malicious lies. Both are men of proved courage, and it was be lieved that a meeting would certain ly take place. THE JOHNSTOWN SCHOOLS. An Effort to be Made to Open for the Fall Term. rSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE OISPATCU.1 JonNSTOWN, September 8. Although there is but little money in sight, except that received from the State appropriation, the school directors of Johnstown borough have decided to open the schools on the 30th of September, and hope to raise funds enough to keep them open for a term of eight months. Considerable money is expected in re sponse to the-appeal recently made for help, however. For many years the schools here have been kept open for a term of nine months. A TOWN MARSHAL BH0T While Trying to Arrest a Negro for Incit ing a Itlot. Savannah, September 8. H. D. Castle berry, Town Marshal of Pelham, a village near Thomasville, was shot last night while trying to arrest a negro for inciting a riot. Alter Castleberry was shot he returned the negroes fire, and ' a general shooting began between unites and blacks, in which the negro was fatally wounded. A race trouble seemed imminent for a time, but was averted. Castleberry died shortly after being shot. THOUGHT HE WAS A TURKEY. The Peculiar Manner in Which a Boy Diet Bis Death. tSFEClAL TELEGRAM TO THE PISPATCH.1 KlNOWOOD, W. VA., September 8. Moses Libscomb, aged 10 years, was shot and instantly killed by Luther Knotts Friday. Mr. Knotts was out hunting and used a "turkey caller" to attract birds. Mr. Libscomb and his son were also hunt ing, and hearing the call from Mr. Knotts, young Libscomb answered it. Knctts thought the boy was a turkey and shot him dead. SOMETHING OP A STRIKE. Bnndnsky People Very Much Excited Over a Big Gas Well. I6FECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE PISPATCa.1 Sandusky, O., September 8. This city drilled in a gas well last night conceded to be the largest in the world, showing a capacity of oyer 50,000,000 cubic feet daily. Forty-five thousand people visited the lo cality to-day, and the excitement is intense. PLUMS AWAY AHEAD. Secretary Windom Scheming for a Minnesota Senatorship, TflEGOYERHOR MUST BE LAID LOW If jthe Scheme Pans Ont the Way Windom1 and Washlmrn Pray, NICE LITTLE N0ETHWESTEBN PLOTS Begin fa gtfr np the Politicians cf a Great Grata Crowinj Stale. An interesting little 'political broil in Minnesota, involving a possible United States Senatorship for Secretary of the Treasury Windom, is wafted on the wires outside ofthat State. The modus operandi of securing such plums, even before their tree is ready to blossom, is Interesting and instructive. TBFECIAL TSXEOBAX TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 St. Paul, September 8. The political vultures of Minnesota have scented their prey. Daring the las.t en da7s St. Paul journals and various papers outside the Twin Cities have been printing the charges of boodl eism made against Governor Merri am and Senator Washburn in tbe last Gub ernatorial and Senatorial campaigns. Tbe almost simultaneous publication ot these charges, so far in advance of the State Con vention, shows conclusively that it is part of a concerted scheme, ostensibly for the sole purpose pf preyenting tbe renominatiop of Governor Merriam ip 1800. 'This is the way the small fry Jiaogerspn look at it There are but two or three who are. able to discern tbe handwriting 90. the wall, and they are tpo dhjereet jto "give tbe snap away." Last year Gpyernor Merriam set his literary bureau to work months aead of the usual time and worked up such a furore in the country that his opponents buried their hatchets for the time being and sought to bring about a reaction. NOW he is mom. They were so far successful that Jfcrriam was obfiged to call a halt and bis name was, for many weeks, conspicuously absent from the columns fifth? patent inside?. He has profited by his experience pf last year, and now refuses to be interviewed on the sub ject, except to say: "These are old charges; let them be proven, or an Attack be made on my administration," The election for Governor will not take place until November, 1890. It is wejl known that Merriam js ambitious to bo re elected Governor next year, and in 1893 to succeed Cush K. Davis as United States senator. With tbe patronage of the State at his disposal, he would enter the lists with something more substantial than the "silver-toned oratory" of Cusb Davis. To an outsider the contest is likely to be between these two gentlemen. Heretofore Senator Payis has been apt to talk too freely in every campaign in which he has taken part, much to his loss; but no w he cannot be caught napping, and appa rently knows nothing of the combinations for or against him. He and his chieftains, however, do a powerful sight of thinking in secret. TVXNDOM BEHIND IT ALL. The writer baa learned from unquestion able authority that Secretary of the Treas ury Windom is the man who is behind the present movement against G6vernor Mer riam. FrpnLthe time Windom first ea tered Harrison's Cabinet to the present hour, every move he has made has been in the interest of Windom for United States Senator. He first made Tim Byrnes, of Minneapolis, Appoint ment Clerk of the Treasury Depart ment. Byrnes was a fledgling lawyer of medium ability and without any practice to speak of, but popular with the young Re publicans, and succeeded, greatly to every body's surprise,7n being elected President of the State Republican League. He has always been an out-and-out Windom man, and is now in a position where be can do the most good for his chief, and events show that the latter has not lost bis political cunning. Secretary Windom, while not taking a very active part in tbe fight between Wash burn and Sabin, managed to get in some good licks for the former. He was sly, but even then had bis weather eye looking toward 1892. Washburn was backed by the money power of the twin cities, and Sabin had to go under. Windom, therefore, sees that his opponents are almost sure to be Davis and Merriam. POPULARITY AND WEALTH. The former is comparatively poor, but is the "idol of pride" of the State outside of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Merriam, on the contrary, is a millionaire, and will have the support of the wealthy corporations such as the Manitoba Bailroad Company and the biggest newspapers. Now, the surest way to kill off Merriam as a Senatorial candidate is to give him his quietus next year by preventing his re nomination. While Merriam's adminis tration can so far show clean hands,, tbe Governor has made many enemies by his disposition of State patronage. Ex-Governor McGill is also on the war path. He feels that be did not get a square deal last year, being defeated for a second term, and is pining ior vindica tion. Hon. AiberPbcnetter and Lieutenant Governor Oilman will also oppose Merriam, so that Windom considers "boodle" the most effective string he can pull with the farmer, and it is Windom who has thus early started the ball rolling. While devot ing considerable attention to Merriam, Sec retary Windom has not forgotten that the earlr bird catches the worm; hence he pro ceeds to make hay while the sun shines. With Senator Washburn ont of the way for six years, Mr. Windom thinks that it would be good policy to give the junior Sen ator the lion's share of the Federal spoils in Minnesota, always, however, with an eye to Windom's interest as well. It is for this reason that Senator Davis' friends are fairly boiling over with rage. So far Davis' fol lowers have been totally ignored in the mat ter of appointments, except possibly a few village postoffices. GRAND OLD GLADSTONE. Tbo English Statesman Expresses His Ec gnrd for France nnd America. Pabis, September 8. Mr. Gladstone this morning attended service at the church to" which the attaches of the British Embassy are accustomed to go. He said to-day to a reporter: "I have come over to Paris for a special purpose. ,1 am too old to travel merely for the sakeof the pleasure the travel affords. I have come to show good will and respect to France." In his speech at the banquet yesterday Mr. Gladstone, referring to the rapid increase of population in America, said: "I wish to recognize America's right to be considered, prospect ively 'at least, and even now to some extent, the great organ of the powerful English tongue. I wish also to indulge in feelings of satisfaction on reflecting that no cause on earth, unless our own folly, nowor hereafter, onght to divide us from one another or revive those causes of honorable or less honorable contention that have here--tofore prevailed among us." e On Mr. Gladstone's invitation, Mr. Tuck, one of the American Commissioners to the Exhibition, replied in a clever speech. The French newspapers express themselves m delighted with Mr. Gladstone's speech. ww .Look TSCBDIWAWMK,5 ... setfwhat you are HABBISOH -fflLL The Crest Celebration Jn Bol Day-Tap City ia Its Pais. "targe Cypff ds I Atf es4BCft -A BeteptL, by sb FretUeW, ISFECUl TELEOBAM TO J1J PJfAS, Baltimobe, September 8. tETerythiae is ready for tbe big celebration whieh faegks to-morrow. The city has been filling up, and to-night Baltimore street presents a gay scene. The sidewalks are crowded- with people who haye come from the lurreBad ing country.. To one looking up o-rown Baltimore street from a point anywhere between the bridge and Eutaw street, it seemed that the whole of both walls of houses, and a good deal of the space be tween shem, was alive wjth flags and buat ing. ' President Harrison has consented ia hold a public reception at the City Hall to-mor-' row evening, from about 6 to 730 o'clock. The Mayor to-day sent the following tele gram: ' To the Presldent'of the United States: The desire of onr people ia universal for an opportasit) to pay their respects to the Chief Magistrate of the country. Can we add to the programme on Monday a, reception at the City Hall from 630 to 8 p, m. ? Please telegraph, your consent. The fojloirjng reply was receiyed: Executive Mansios Washin oton, D. C, J To Hon. T. C. Latrobe: Jwillcpnse.pt to a reception if I can get a train heme by 8 o'clock. Benjamin Harbison. Arrangements will be mads to secure a train for the President at the time desired. All tbe public buildings will be closed to morrow, and the day given up to enjoy ment. The celebration will be ushered in with, a trades display which promises to rival that ot New York last summer. The most extensive preparations have been made, and from present indications the procession will require four hours to pass a given point. A press dispatch from Washington says: D. L. Bartlett, John S. Oilman, and James A. ' Gary, tbe Committee, of .Escort, to escort President Harrison to Kaimore, Arrived n the city to-night. The party nill leave here at 930 to-morrow morning via the Baltimore and Onlo Bailroad. In a train especially prepared for the trip. Tbe President will be accom panied by Secretary Tracy and probablvSec retary Windoin. Postmaster General Waaa xnaker is expected to stop in Baltimore for the day, on his way down from Philadelphia. NOT SO TENDER A TIrfB. A Young Lady Who Might Have Been a dinger Uses a Cowhide. rSPECIAL TXUtOSAM 70 TBE EUrATCH.1 Kingston Depot, N. Y., September 8. The particulars of a public cowhiding af fair have just come to light. Martin Plough, a robust young machinist, is em ployed in the Ulster County foundry in this city. For some time past he has been bestowing his attention upon a domestic named Beichert, of pleasing appearance and welL-rounded form, vpo now charges that he has trifled with her affections. The young lady armed herself with a cow hide on Thursday afternoon and made her way to the foundry in search of the recreant lover. Seeing her approach Plough secreted himself, and his fellow employes told the irate female, when she asked for him there, that he was not there. She then took her departure, but did not proceed far, remaining in hiding until the time arrived for the men to leave work, when, seeing Plough approaching, she rnshed upon him and dealt him several blows over the head and shoulders. He re treated and she pursued, steadily belaboring him with the cowhide until a gleam of satis faction lit np her countenance. The next day she appeared" before a justice and swore out a warrant for his arrest. EXCURSION STEAMER WRECKED. Fortunately Ail of tbe 600 Passengers Escaped Without Injary. Alexandria Bay, N. Y., September 8. The Thousand Island Steamboat Com pany's finest steamer, the St. Lawrence, met with a serious accident pear Kingston, Ont., last evening. She was approaching the dock at Kingston with about 600 excur sionists on board, when her walking beam broke and one ot tbe driving rods was forced through the cylinder and steam chest, resulting in complete ruin to all this portion of the motive power. Another boat towed tbe disabled steamer to shore and the passengers were landed. 'No person was injured. Tbe damage is great, and the boat cannot be used again this season. THE TREACHEROUS SEA. One Yonng Man Drowned and Three Ladles Have a Narrow Escape. Sea Isle City, N. J., September 8. The sea has been extremely treacherous to day and running unusually high. A Phil adelphia young man named Blunscbei was drowned and three young ladies from tbe same city narrowly escaped a like fate. All were bathing, and Blunschei was carried beyond his depth by a tremendous under tow. The young ladies were brought ashore in an exhausted condition by two yonng men. IRON ORE AT TEN FEET. An Isbpemlng Man Strikes Blno Hematite Ore ia His Well. ISFICIAL TdLEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. J Ishpeming, MICH., September 8. While digging a well at the rear of a house on North Second street a man struck blue hematite ore at a depth often feet. The ore is of excellent quality, and of considerable extent. The mineral right of the land is owned by the Iron Cliff Company. The discovery will lead to developments of a mine within the residence part of the city. AN ENORMOUS TIDAL WAYE Boils Upon tbe People at Bockaway Beach, Causing Great Consternation. Bockaway Beach, L. I., September 8. At about 430 this afternoon great conster nation was caused by a tidal wave, which rolled 70 feet up the beach and broke over 2.000 or 3,000 persons men, women and children who were on the sands. It came without warning, and though a rush was made for shelter few escaped being drenched. A laige number of small build ings, stands, etc., were washed away. ALL ON BOARD LOST. A Boat With a minister and a Komber of Slill Hands Svrnmped. West Selkibk, Man., September 8. During a storm on Lake Winnipeg on Sunday night last a boat containing a number of mill hands and Bev. Mr. Mc Haffie, was swamped, and it is supposed all were drowned. Two bodies have been washed ashore. Details are meager and great anxiety exists here. CHINESE SAID. Fifteen Celestials Lodged in tbe Central for Gambling and Fighting. A raid was made at 179 Second avenue last nigbt a little alter 2 o'clock and 15 Chinamen were captnred, who were fighting among themselves, presumably over a game of fan-tan. No gambling materials, however, were cap tured, and accordingly a charge of disorder ly conduct was entered against them. k itronaa yoawt, JV aura to get it Tmtsij t anml THE BATTLE STIEL1 Of: tT -t - cr Praftwd Cm$imm. ff'l 'fp !. t J m tmmwi js iak. TIu Pxsaristar ikd IbIbabb QsaassasM. BltfAMfTS M Ml IHIMUM'1 ABeab Is TswatWMfc tfce MMbft naB. Instead of beis? settled e gmifMc. strike is bow pasted as" vigiFOarfyasWy. The men have refused te asssyt the eoiprs raise agreed upon by their repraseatofcirss. The Antwerp -fire bag bee wiiiigaiiiuid witBatetelofQied. sivof ysm mitehas again been resorted to it SnUmi. fBT CABLE TO THE ISTAKM.l Lonbox, September" 8 Oayyrfgat. John Bums' smile and -wfek peeve to ki been deceptive or presotsre. -Q&er tent the majority of newspaper meafcomo to bed happy that the big ttrie was orsr. Skit Was still tse impression at BikkigM w4mb your correspondent cabled. A hejf .isw later a messenger arrived at tbe XtnMma House with a letter to the Lord M?r, . saying teat the strike oommHtee oeaH jet1" accept the dock companies' terms, tsiU ' about the same time copies of tfee'BewV-. mauiiesto emooayiBg tse re8su rensaoa Fleet street A FALSE MOTE. The strike Jssdsn haye made anetber false move, from which they say not re coyer, so easily as they did from tbeegeets of the po-wcrk. manifesto. The Lord Mayor apd tbe Bjshop pf London both asearsd your correspondent, that leaders Bums aAd Tillett distinctly intimated tksir ateeptanse of the dock companies' offer to concede, ad vances ip wages on and from January L, The strike leaders are equally positive that they did nothing of the kind, but their lordships' version is confirmed from aa in dependent source, and Barns aad Tillett stand, convicted of what, for charity's sake, may be termed diplomacy j No map was more astonished tsa.fta Lord Mayor when be learned that the strike committee had rejected the proposed com promise, and it is probable, he will now wash bis bands of the whole business. The Bishop of London and Cardinal Massing may be more patient There is praetiealry a consensus of opinion that the dock com panies are entitled to at for a postpoae- wcuk ui tuts ukk upua waxen me lEicreaseu wages shall come into force in order that they may make their tariff arrangements to meet the additional cost ot labor. THE POINT AT ISSUE. The only point at issue is the duration of the probationary period, and herein, as the best hope of an early settlement, probably an offer that an increase shall date from No vember 1 would be accepted by both dis putants, and it will probably-be" made. It must not be forgotten thstall other demands of the strikers have been conceded in. full. The settlement of disputes, especially labor disputes, it not usually arrived at by all the ' concessions being on one side. It is undeniable that the general public ore getting sick and weary of this strike business. They will probably lay upon the strike leaders the blame qf its unexpected prolongation, and the effect will be seen in the diminntion of subscriptions heretofore sent to fhe strike fund in generous measure. The usual -demonstration was held in Hyda Park to-day. The attendance was notso great as usual, and to judge from the tone -of most of the speakers, Burns included, an early compromise settlement would not do unwelcome. ALL A MISTAKE. Mr. Burns in a speech declared it was a mistake to suppose that he had agreed to the proposal of the arbitrators. He invited the strikers to declare whether or not they would accept the proposal. A loud shout of "No" went up from the crowd. Mr. Burns, continuing, said the Strike Com mittee were prepared to hold out for three . weeks more, but he' believed the directors of the dock companies would concede the strikers' terms before another week hod passed. Mr. Tillet visited the Lord Mavor this evening and proposed new terms, lo com mence In October. The Lord Mayor de murred, but promised to use his best en deavors to persuade the dock directors to agree to the terms. The Lord Mayor told Mr. Tillet that he and Mr. Bnrns ought to have resigned when the men declined to ac cept the compromise. Mr. Tillet explained that tbe compromise was rejected because it would have created difficulty with the wharfingers, who had already conceded six pence. THE PROPRIETOR ARRESTED. Antwerp's Great Fire Has Been Extin guished, bat 200 Are Dend. Antwebp, September 8. -The fire which started in the cartridge factory on Friday has at last been extinguished. Several more corpses have been found, and tbe number of the dead will certainly reach 200. King ' Leopold and the Cabinet Ministers to-day visited the hospitals where the sufferers by the fire are being caredfor. Tbe arrest of M. Corvillain, the proprietor of the cartridge factory, has been ordered. A DEADLY DYNAMITE BOMB Used as a Persuading Influence on a Boy cotted Ireland Estnte. Dublin, September 8. A bomb was ex ploded on Smith Barry's estate to-day, de molishing tbe offices and destroying all the private papers and important documents. Four of Barry's tenants, who have been boycotted for paying rent contrary to com pact, to-day expressed contrition at a public meeting and offered large compensation, but the meeting refused to remove the boycott A DIFFERENCE OP OPINION. The French Clergy Think They Have Bight to Political Action. Pabis, September 8. The Bishop of Marseilles has issued a formal protest against the circular recently Issued by the Minister of Justice, in which the Minister reminded the clergy that they are prohib ited by law from taking part in elections. The Bishop affirms the rights of priests to intervene in elections and other political affairs. FOR SLAYING AN EDITOR. A Man Convicted or Manslaughter After the Jnry Twice Disagreed. San Fbancisco, September 8. Dr. Llewellyn A. Powell was convicted of man- " slaughter last night for killing Balph Smith at Bedwood City, CaL, two years ago. Smith, who was editor of a paper at Bedwood City, published an article to which Powell took exception, and when the men met a quarrel ensued, in which Smith was killed. Powell was tried twice in Bedwood City, but the jury disagreed both times, a change of venue was then obtained to this city. 1 SaaaalWaaaEaTaaiaaMsazaBpBMBsMaarJBaWMWBBeBacElasMaaMaM