Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 08, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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How Onr College Boys and Girls Study
Greek as it Should be Studied,
Tisit to the Dome of Dr. ScUiemano.
the Great Explorer.
August 19. It will
be surprising to
many to fcnow that
Athens has an
American classical
school, and that
the graduates of
American colleges
live here the year
round and devote
themselves to the
study of Greek lit
erature, Greek his
tory and the Greek language. This school
is supported by donations from Xale, Har-
vard, Cornell, Ann Arbor, the "University
of Virginia, Columbia C allege aud several
others of our great schools, and it also re
ceives support from a number of wealthy
citizens of America who are interested in
the classics. Its tuition is free, and the va
rious colleges have the right to send such of
their students as have taken high rank in
the classics. It is presided over by compe
tent professors, and some of the greatest col
legiate men of the United States have been
at its head. Prof. Goodrich, of Yale, and
Prof. Mercian, of Columbia, have each spent
a year here, and during the past
year Prof. Tarbell, of Xale, has lectured to
and studied with thestudents. Until this year
the head of the school has been one of these
professors sent out from home for one year
to be relieved at the end of that time by
some one from another American college.
At present, however, a permanent head has
been chosen, and this head is Dr. Charles
"Waldstein, of New Xork, who has made
himself famous in the classics and in archi
ological study at the King's College, Cam
bridge, England. Dr. "Waldstein held a
high prolessorship at Cambridge, and he
stands at the very head of the professors of
Europe in his specialty. He will be assist
ed by professors sent out from America,
and there is no doubt but that the school
will be even better than it has been in the
It is not a large school, and its students
seldom number more than eight or ten per
sons. It is a school of specialties, and it
pays attention to nothing else but Greek
and the classics. Last year it had eight
students, and among these were two young
lady graduates of Wellesley college, Massa
chusetts. The Wellesley girls proved them
selves fully the equals of the men in their
work on the Greek poets, and tbey can patch
up old statues, decipher inscriptions and
direct excavation quite as well as their
brothers. These students devote a part of
their time to Greek architecture, and they
have done a great deal in settling some of
the questions of Greek history. One of
them, Mr. Buck, has been excavating
near Marathon and has determined the site
of ancient Icaria, where he uncovered an
old temple. He has now left Athens and is
studyinp at Leipsie for the summer. Prof.
Tarbell has been superintending ex
cavations at Anthedon, in Beotia, and Prof.
"Waldstein has made some successful
excavations near the site of old Thebs. As
I write this Prof. Tarbell has just
i started out on an excursion to Ithaka with
Prof. Hale, of Cornell, and Prof.
Palmer, of Harvard. Prof. Palmer has
his wife with him, who, it will be remem
bered, was Miss Freeman, the young girl
who was lor some years President of Welles
ley College.
I visited the American school this after
noon. It stands just outside the city, about
a mile from the palace of the Kinr. on the
slope of Mount Lykabettos, and not far off
jruia ice ouve surrounaea home ot Sopho
cles. Xou go by the aqueduct which Had
rian built, in your drive to it, and on its
base you have a fine view of the great ruins
of the Parthenon, which stands 200 feet
above modern Athens on a rocky hill not
more than a mile away. Standing upon its
roof you can see the most famous
places in Greek history and all
about you is the beautiful country
of the Greek classics. The location is
most healthy, and the breezes from the sea,
which shines like blue diamonds at the east
and from the silver "rav mountainn wtiirli
on all sides kiss the blue skies, are fresh and
pure. No atmosphere could be better lor
such study than this, and every surrounding
is classic The building is a fine three-story
structure of brick cohered with yellow
stucco. It is well furnished and it has a fine
technical library. The building cost be
tween $25,000 and 30,000, and the ground
was given by the GrcekGovernment through
the diplomatic efforts of our Minister, Mr.
"Walker Pearn, who is interested in the work
of the sehooh
"Within a short distance of this American
school is the home of Doctor Schlieinann,
the greatest Grecian explorer. It has a mar
ble inscription on its front in Greek mean
ing "palace of Ilion." and it is nearer a
Greek palace than any private residence I
have ever seen. A great square, three-stnry
structure of the purest Pcntelic marble. The
edges of its root are crowned with massive
marble statues which stand boldly out
against this bluest of Grecian skies. These
represent some of the figures most famous in
Greek history and poetry, and in each of
them is a work of fine art. In the front of
the building are two porches or loges cut
into the walls and looking out through great
Ionic pillars. The ceilings of these arc
frescoed and they make yon think of
some of the prettiest features of the
architecture of Venice. The house
stands even with the street, but on its right
and it left are gardens, in which beautiful
statues jook out surrounded by rose trees.
Bushes of roses climb over the winding
marble steps that lead up to the mansion,
and every one of the manv rooms of the in
terior reminds one of old Greece. The whole
house is floored with mosaic in small bits
put together in the shapesi f old Greek vases
and figures. Xou find Greek columns in
the halls, and the stairs of the building are
marble. The whole house is frescoed, and
many of the paintings remind one of the
walls of Pompeii. On some of the walls
are verses in Greek characters from the old
poets. A bnst of Homer stands on the
marble mantel of the ballroom, lookinc out
between Jupiterand Hera. ThrA ,. k...
of Minerva and pictures from the Iliad. The
library contains thousands or volumes and
its front windows give a magnificent view of
the Parthenon.
great female school of Athens, kndwn as
the Arsakion, when Bchliemann met her.
She was the best student in her
class, and when the learned doctor
found that she knew the Iliad by
heart, the gossips of Athens say that he
straightway proposed. She was beautiful,
however as well as learned, and her por
trait which I saw on the wall of the drawing
room represents a very fine-looking lady.
She is said to be as fond of Greek as her
husband, and at a children's fancy ball not
long ago her daughter wore a dress like
those shown in some ot the figures discov
ered in the excavations of Trov. Dr. Schlie
mann is quite wealthy, and it is said that he
.owns property in different parts of the
United States. He came from America to
Greece, and claims American citizenship
from haying been a resident of California
when it was admitted to statehood. He has
not been in Athens during my visit, and he
is, I am told, in Paris attending the Exposi
tion. The polytechnic institute of Athens con
tains the finest of Dr. Schliemann's discov
eries, and I saw here a whole room
gold masks and gold plates, together with
jewelry and other gold articles which, all
told, must in the gold alone be worth several
big American fortunes. These things were
all found at Mycenae, not many miles across
the Gulf of Corinth from Delphos, and
some archaeologists suppose that under the
present site of Delphi are works equally
valuable. Delphi was offered to the French
for excavation on condition that they would
agree to a certain treaty with Greece. This
treaty has, I am told, fallen through, and
Delphi may yet be bought by the Amer
icans. A number of American scientists are
Greek Girl
thinking seriously of making excavations
here. If they get the grant of the
Government, however,they will have to pay
for the removal of the village, which now
stands on its site, and this will, it is sup
posed, cost in the neighborhood of $100,000.
At Delphi was the great oracle of the
Grecian cult of Apollo, and it was here that
some of the greatest of the Grecian games
were celebrated. The Grecian oracles and
their temples had great treasuries, and the
Temple of Apollo had, in tb time of Pliny,
3,000 statues. When Sulla jsieged Athens
in'86 he paid his troops out of the treasuries
of Delphi, and it mav be that under this
village there are pecks of gold cups and gold
vases, to say nothing of historical relics and
works of fine art.
The modern Greeks are as much interested
in these excavations as are the scientists of
Europe and America. They are proud of
their history and there are several gangs of
men now at work on the" Acropolis. As I
drove up to the Parthenon yesterday I saw
half a dozen men digging out the dirt from
the side of the hill and carrying it away in
great baskets upon their heads. Just out
side theTParthenon other excavators were at
work, and the museum of the Acropolis con
suls a numoer ot new discoveries. Athen
has a national museum which is filled with
the broken legs, arms and torsos of great
statues of the past, and the Parthenon itself
is guarded by Greek soldiers, who see that
its wonderful beaut v is not damaged by
relic-hunting travelers. There is an Acad
emy of Science in Athens, which stands on
the street of the University just below
Schliemann's house, and in front of- thi
A. Modern Greek.
fine Greek features of the past. The girls
about Corinth have faces which remind you
of ,some of the noted statues, and I have
seen near Athens girls who would pose for
Minervas, or for the goddess of love. I have
seen several Apollos in petticoats and fez
caps, and I saw a face the other day which
made me think of that of Achilles. The
costume ot the Greek farmer and that of one
of the regiments of the Greek army here in
Athens is the same. It may be called the
Greek national costume, and it is
you will find outside of Korea. If you will
take the tallest and leanest man of your ac
quaintance and put him in a short, round
about vest and white, ballet girl skirt; if
you will , put a soft, red, rimless cap on the
side of his head and let the long, black
tassleof this fall down over his ear and
then clothe his feet in long, red slippers,
which turn up at the toes, you will nave
some idea of how these gaudy country
Greeks look. Xou must, however, make the
vest gorgeous with brass, silver or gold em
broidery and it must have long sleeveswhich
hang down from the wrist. On the toe of
each red slipper there must be a redtassleas
big as a chestnut burr and of the same shape,
and bright leggins must be wrapped tight
around the shins. The white skirts must
come to the thighs and they must stand out
as though starched. They must be so many
that the breadth of the bottom will be at
least a foot thick and the wearer must flirt
them as he moves with a gay and giddy air.
If you would have him like a Greek soldier
you must give him a great belt and fill this
with old pistols and knives. Xou must put
a sword at his side and a gun in his hand.
Xou must shave off all but his mustache
and give him a strut like that ot a drum
major when the band is reviewed by the
The women are different. Their costumeis
a beautiful one, and they look bewitching.
Tall, straight and well formed, they have
large, bright eyes, regular features, and a
wealth of brown or black hair, which hangs
in braids down their backs. They wear in
the fields a single gown of linen which falls
from their necks to their feet, and over this
they have a long sleeveless sack of white
wool, bordered with stripes of black. I have
seen some of them upon fete days, and I at
tended a great national dance near Athens.
The girls had on their fine dresses, and they
came out in costumes of silk embroidered
with cold. Their heads were covered with
fine silk veils, the ends of which were woven
with stripes of gold and were wound
around their faces so as to frame them
in silk. They had on the long skirts of
the week day, but many of these were em
broidered half the way to the knee, and on
their breasts they wore great squares of gold
coins, which, string above string, extended
from one side of the body to the other. These
gold coins were their fortunes, and each girl
had thus on her person the dowry which she
was to bring her husband in marriage. There
are no marriages in Greece without dow
ries, and every girl is expected to bring her
share into the fund for the beginning of
housekeeping. The 'dresses, which are em
broidered, are made with a view to being
used after marriage, and as soon as a girl is '
old enough to sew she begins to work on her
wedding outfit. The customs and costumes
vary in different parts of Greece, but all of
the country girls delight in great silver
buckles at the waist, and maids uf Corinth
wear belt buckles" of silver made of two great
silver disks, each of which is as big as a
of Greece are very primitive. I see girls
and men harvesting, using the same tools
which you will find on the old Greeksculpt
ures, and the cutting of the wheat is done
entirely with the sickle and it is bound with
the hands. About the half of the people of
Greece nre engaged in agriculture and this,
I believe, is a small proportion in compari
son with pther nations. The average Greek
is too fond of excitement and money making
to stick to the soil. He is either a lawyer, a
doctor, a merchant or a sailor, and the ship
ping interests of Greece are very large.
Though the country is so small it has a big
ger navv than we have .and its coasting
vessels alone amount to over 6,000. It does
much of the business of the Mediterranean
Sea, and you will find Greek merchants
everywhere you go in the East. I found
them controlling the business in Cairo and
Alexandria, and the finest houses and the
best turnouts there were those of the Greeks.
In Jerusalem there are a great number of
Greeks and in Asia Minor there are as
many Greeks as in Greece itself. Tn Euro
pean Turkey there are 3,500,000 Greeks,
and altogether there are 8,000,000.
in me wona. nen it is con
sidered how many there are and how
able they show themselves to be in all busi
ness undertakings, it is impossible to look
upon the Greeks of to-day as an ordinary
people. They are steadily growing in
wealth and though at present the country of
Greece has a great national debt and its
taxes are heavy, its credit as a nation is good
and its Government grows better from year
to year. It will of course never take its old
place as one of the great nations of the
, world, but there is no reason whv it should
tnot haven good rank among the nations
and indeed it ougnj to nave tnis to-dav.
Feank G. Caepentee.
American Policemen Compared "With
English, Irish and French,
The Present Condition of Ireland and Oat
look for the Future.
"WOULD very
much like, with
the reader's per
mission, to draw a
few comparisons
between the aver
age policeman of
New Xork, Paris
and London. The
native born New
York policeman
says,"I don't care a
dang who makes the
lax of me country, so that I kin knack aff the
nawz av the men that wiolates thim." He
is proud of the position. He would rather
be the proud guardian of a beat than to be
a Foreign Minister with a foreign congre
gation and only two donations per year.
He also wears good-fitting clothes and is
proud of his job.
The American policeman, though at times
1 A
Nye's First Arrest.
Dr. Schliemann is infatuated with old
Greece and he wants nothing not Grecian
about him. His servants have Greek names,
and he never changes these, though the men
may be different It is Pericles who always
opens the door and Lycurgus lugs up the
coal from year to year. He has two prettv
children, and I saw throuchout the house
the paintings of Andromache, his daughter,
aud I looked at the photographs of his little
dot, who has the name of Agamemnon.
His wife is, you know, a Greek lady. She
is nearly a generation younger than her
husband, and she was a girl studying at the
building, on great pillars, are mammoth
statues of Minerva and Apollo. This acad
emy is intended for Grecian and foreign
savants, and it is modeled on the style of
the great Greek buildings of old Athens.
The University of Athens is worth notice.
It has 2,000 students, and it is after the
same style as the universities of Europe.
The majority of its students are preparing
themselves to be lawyers, doctors and poli
ticians, and the professions are nlready
overcrowded. "What Athens is to do with
all her professional men in the future it is
hard to say. The people are very bright,
but there is not enough business for them.
As to other schools, Greece has a good
system of education. There are common
schools everywhere and attendance is com
pulsory. The Arsakion has 800 girl students
who are
and there is an American Episcopal school
here which teaches the poorer class of girls
the more common studies. There are pri
vate schools In file different cities of Greece,
and a great many of the young Greeks are
sent to Europe to be educated. The people
are. as a rule, well posted, and those of the
oetter cioss speaK several languages, it is
not uncommon to meet a young lady who
talks English, French, Italian and Greek
with equal facility, and the Greeks believe
that the modern Greek pronunciation is the
same as that of Socrates and Plato. The
Greeks make good political speeches, but
there is no Demosthenes among them. The
Greece of to-day has not an jEschylus nor a
Homer, but to judge lrom the newspapers
there is no lack of modern Greek poets, and
there is a Greek comedian here named Ko
romila, who has written some plays which
have been acted in the theaters, and some of
which have been played before the King.
Even in ,the country districts you will find
people who are posted on the Greek poets,
and there are few Greek youth who have
not read what we call the Greek classics.
The conntry people of Greece are far dif
ferent from those of the cities. It is outside
of Athens that you find the picturesque
costumes, and it is here that you find the
Obliged to Laugh at Stale Jokci Whenever
no Hears Them.
Detroit Free Press. I
"I am thoroughly convinced' said the
hotel clerk sadly, "that there cannot be
found upon this footstool a class of people
who have to put up with as many chestnuts
as wc have to stand and grin at. This sad
state of affairs is due to an ancient idiot
who, many years ago, in writing up those
happy specimens .of humanity known as
commercial travelers, remarked that all
drummers were capital story tellers, and
went on to relate how they would keep a
car full of people in a roar, or how they
would send the merchants on whom thev
called into convulsions with the latest story,
after which they were sure to take his order
for an immense bill, etc.
Since that fatefultimeeight-tenths of the
traveling men consider it necessary to be
up on the newest yarn, and naturally the
hotel clerk is the first unhappy mortal on
whom thej spring it The clerk has got to
laugh at it He may have heard it just a
pinute previous, or maybe a dozen times
that day, but if he doesn't laugh, his would
be entertainer gets it into his head that he
is ot auite as jovial a fellow as ho mrl
formerly thought, and he'd think seriously
of trying some other place on his next trip.
I have stood up before some stories a thou
sand times, and in all probability will have
to take punishment from them a thousand
A Conclusion In tho Park.
the victim of insomnia, is the best lookjng
specimen of manhood, I think, of the three.
I do not say this in order to stand well w;th
the police of my own country alone, foi I
find that I am abont as likely to be arrested
in one country as another, but truth Aid
justice demand that I should say honesly
that the police of our own country stand at
the head of their profession, also at the head
of their victim, and look better byalaige
percentage. This is especially true of fur
more thoroughly American policemen frm
uermany and Ireland.
Different nations clve to the policeman
peculiar emblems and peculiar methdls.
The New Xork copper carries a club which
gets heavier as -the -sun goes-down. Ihe
French policeman carries a short stabknife
with which he is supposed to neatly scoop
out the Selh Thomas works of those who re
sist him, but I am told that there is tip
sword in the tin scabbard, only a dummt
handle for style. Just as Mr. B.'Wall usett
to carry seven or eight different colored silk,
umbrella covers in which he would insert,
his cane from time to time, thus apparently
wearing an umbrella for each hour of the
day at a great reduction of expense.
The London policeman carries a mys
terious weapon which it took me all of one
forenopn to fully understand the principle
of. But I found out after a while. It was
a long, black, shiny cvlinder, hanging at
the side and looking like a little, juvenile
cannon without a breeoh. Finally I got so
curious that I gave a large, corned-beef
policeman thrippence to tell me about it.
He then unrolled the gun and I saw that it
Exchanging Confidences.
Homely Pettigrew (who has been rudely
awakened) Jest my bloomin'luckl Every
time I'm took in dey's a (.trance Jnd?e on
i d' bench. I s'pose I'll get 20 year this time,
Jby th' looks o' that one. Judge.
was a kind of Mackintosh made of oilcloth
to be worn when it rains, which it some
times does in London, especially during
what is called the rainy season.
The English policeman regards his office
with a peculiar veneration, exceeded only
by the awe with which he. regards himself.
His jaw is kept inplace by a strong, black,
shiny strap, which passes under the chin,
and prevents the mouth from falling open
in such a way as to admit flies or other in
sects. The London policeman rarelyspeaks
to any one, but the silent way he controls
the carriages, cabs and pedestrians, com
pelling nervous Americans to "keep to the
left," when they have always been in the
habit of keeping to the right, challenges the
admiration ot the civilized world and
awakens a feeling of profound admiration
even in the calm and padded bosom of the
policeman himself.
And yet this same man is in a degree cor
rupt. With a shilling one may blunt the
moral sense of a whole squad. With six
pence you may select the style of indignity
which you would like to present to one of
them, not for the intrinsic value, but as a
mark of esteem.
I was at the opening of the trial of Mrs.
Maybrick in Liverpool. The police'guarded
the entrance to the great Court House
where the pure juice of justice was so soon
to be squeezed from the ripe knowledge of
in average jury instructed by a peculiar
judge. I stood about, hoping to be drawn
on the jury myself, but was unsuccessful. I
could not conceal my intelligence and so
other men were chosen. It I had been on
the jury, I would have been there yet, I
As I understood the case, it was a trial on
the charge of murder and not on the charge
ot piracy, willful negligence or infidelity.
If I am the wife of a man who eats arsenio
between meals for 20 years, and at the end
of that time I find that he fails to get upJbr
his breakfast, having during the night
ascended the flume, and I am arrested, ind
though it is pot proven at all that I gave
him the arsenic, it is shown that four years
ago I neglected to pay my gas bill or wrote
a poem on spring,am I to behanged for mur
der or scared to death in my cell, and then
S'ven a life sentence? I trust not
But I was speaking of the police. I no
tice this difference between the methods of
policemen in the countries named. "When
arrested in London I was taken by the ten
der spot just above the elbow. In Paris the
gen d'arme took,me politely as one would
take the arm of a lady who has threatened
tp be a sister to him. In New Xork, the
first time that I was arrested, if I am not
mistaken, the policeman took me by the
rear of the coat collar and by a dexterous
twist of the wrist, asphyxiated me in a few
moments so that I could see the heavens
roll together like a scroll. I lost conscious
ness for a little while and all wA. a. blank.
If I had not accidentally caught a reviving
whiff of the policeman's breath, I guess I
woma not have been resuscitated at all.
a The Parisian policeman, I must say, is
inferior in his general appearance. So is
the average French soldier. I used to won
der how France could maintain a large
army while she was so poor and in debt, but
I see it all now. She saves many millions
of francs each yearby making the tails of
the coats of the military shorter as times get
harder, and also shortening the waists of
the Same. It has got so now that the two
coattail buttons and the collar button be
hind are almost in a row. Added to that,
the French soldier is getting smaller eveiy
year. If I had to fight in a real war I
would rather be attacked, I think, by a
French soldier in a short tail coat and wide,
red, cotton trousers than by any other ad
versary I can think of. They are not the
kind of soldiers who sustained the remark
able supremacy of the Emperor.
The French policeman wears a navy blue
coat that fits him in a rambling and desul
tory way. He also wears linen tronsers
which should have tattin? around the bor
ders, but the Bepublio is at present in such
a chaotic and turbulent state that it is al
most imposssible to get the tatting appro
priation through. These white linen trus
ers costing, we will say, two francs f. o; b.,
that is to say 40 cents lree on board the cars,
are the sole covering of the Paris police
man's legs. Hence, he always has the air
of a boy who has recently been recently
chastised. He carries, as I say, a short
sword or iron stab knife, which adds some
dignity to his otherwise apologetia appear
Some will say that I am severe to the
French police, but I reply, not so severe as
he has been on me. what right has an offi
cer to arrest me in a language which I do
not pretend to understand and herald my
name all through Europe without paying
the slightest attention to the remarks which
I made in the purest English of which I
was master? I say and I say it also in sten
torian tones, that no conntry except Amer
ica can hope to be great which makes up
her entire police force of foreigners. .
In Ireland the police are also foreigners,
but they speak very good English. I was
not arrested in Ireland. I bought a sprig
of shamrock, however, and brought it home
in a little flower pot I sat up nights to
keep it alive and watered it with my tears
while ill on the ocean. Bnt thank heaven
'it pulled through at last and is alive and
growing on my country seat.
But it is not a Shamrock.
It is olover.
And mighty poor clover at that!
If the Irish relief fund is not so large this
year as usual, the public will understand
why it h thus.
Our jaunting car driver was an Irishman.
He was an extremely entertaining one also.
Very polite and a good singer. He had the
stars and stripes tied to his whip and so he
had a good many American dollars at the
end of the year which he puts into pounds,
shillings and pence. He told me all abont
Ireland so that I know more about the mat
ter than I ever did before, I believe.
Then I tried to get even by telling him
about our glorious country. I spoke of the
marvelous growth and wealth of the Repub
lic, also of our cordiality toward foreigners
who desired to come here and vote, OBr.wpy
as'soon as possible".
Then I told him about the great agri
cultural resources of our country and the
mighty cyclone of the "West which is able to
puil an artisan well wrong side out like the
finger of a glove and leave it sticking S00
i :et up into space like a sore thumb. I
t ten spoke briefly but feelingly of the Far
'est; the gold and silver and canned
giods, wild animals and desperadoes, the
I igh mountains, the wealth of timber, the
r irity of the atmosphere, which enables one
I I easily see across an entire State and
v hich makes the bore of an ordinary re
volver look like the Hoosac tunnel. All
t lese I told him about, as we rode gaily
along in our russet colored jaunting car
f ith Maud S doing the pulling.
Maud S is a bay mare of about middle
aje with a green grass style of embonpoint,
as we say in France, which prevents her at
taining a great velocity without training
down a good deal.
After I had told the driver all I could
think of, he yawned a little, I thought, and
said, "Xes, lam always interested in Amer
ioky and shall be all my loif, for I lived in
Montany eight years mesilf 1"
I then spoke of the scenery through which
we were passing. George W. Floyd bought
a small flask of Irish whisky while we were
on the old sod. I drank some of it on the
way over here. I now see why Ireland feels
that she has been grievously wronged. That
is exactly the way I felt.
"We also bought several shillalahs, some
times called the original Home. They are
made of black thorn with a protuberance on
ton. ont of the root of Oir thorn. TMa nn!i
rebounds from the head with great elas
ticity so as to give several blows with only
one propulsion, so to speak. This com
bined with the popular beverage, seems to
offer the best facilities in Ireland for spir
ited and earnest controversies over anything
which may present itself.
But seriously, the Emerald Isle seems to
be more hopeful of peace and prosperity
than for many years past, according to the
authority of the best read Irishmen, and es
pecially of the clergy, among them the Be v.
James Hegarty, who was a fellow passenger
and who talked very cheerfully of the Irish
situation at present, feeling, as he said, that
it must certainly very soon, and without
serious disturbance, adjust itself to the sat.
isfaction of every one with 'the exception of
those, perhaps, whose opinion is not valua
ble. Next tb the policeman, the railway guard
of the old country interests me. Having
been accustomed to thfi Mr nint nnil
elocutionary elevated railway guard and his
bright, crisp remarks about the stations as
we pa,s along, I was ill prepared to be fast
ened into a railway carriage by myself, with
no conductor to converse with, no brakeman
to core a hole into the effete atmosphere with
his corkscrew voice, no peanutter to come
and lean a whole circulating library on my
bosom or show me the scenery as he pointed
out the beanties of our latest and most suc
cessful smutty novel, fresh from the hands
of its bright young school girl author.
That is why I was carried past my station
and instead of Liverpool, I turned up at
Scotland Xards once, and at another time,
in gazing up the Thames, I found myself
after a little nap at a station called Chester.
Several times I was carried to the end of
the road when I had intended to stop on the
way and I would have lost, a good deal of
time only that one can only go far enough
away from London so that he will be able
to get back in half an hour. If one should
eo larther than that he wonld drown.
Bill Nye,
An -Emperors
ti il
ata :i
Mm at
tntk Ha '"
m Sr'Mm
ANY centuries ago
there lived in the
East an F.mperor who
loved his people and
was beloved by then.
He had grown old
lappily, and no waste
nl wars had rednced
his coffers nor whiten
ed the hair upon his
majestichead. Strong,
calm and dignified, he
wielded a paternal
scepter above his sub
jects, and when he went among them they
bowed before him in affection. It had come
about, as the years went by, that his people
consulted him upon all kinds of enrious
problems, and'if a mother doubted the vigor
of her babe she sought audience of the
King. Merchants and lawyers, doctors and
soothsayers took much stock in his royal
judgment, and'when hf eye beamed hope
fully there waa joy throughout the land.
Thus it happened that the Emperor was
nearer to his people than are his kind in
modern days, and he ielt the pulse of his
race and knew the health, so to speat, of
his kingdom at large. "Watching closely,
therefore, the temper of those about him, the
aged sovereign, as time went on, became
convinced that the besetting sin or those
who called him king was self-conceit. This
worried him, and in the dark watches of the
night he would toss about upon his royal
conch crying: "Egotists, O egotlstsl"
As the conviction grew upon him the peace
of his earlier days fast fled from him. A
simple man himself, he held immodesty ab
horrent, and praved to the strange gods
whose presence .filled his mind to keep his
people humble in his sight It may be that
this itself was proof that he was not as mod
est as an earnest king should be, but still
the fact remains that they who make obeis
ance to a monarch should hold their pride
in check.
There was one strong reason why the
Emperor should be so firm in this regard,
for he possessed no heir, and in the course
of nature his throne would descend to his
daughter and her sponse. Thus was it that
he wished to leave a modest kingdom and
one easy to be ruled.
One morning, as the Emperor paced his
andience hall, these thoughts were thick
upon. "Why should men hold their heads
so high and women plume themselves upon
' their beauty? "Was not death the end of all?
The rainbow faded and the flowers had died.
The bloom upon the forest mnst depart, and
the golden glory that made the sea so fair
must pass away with night He himself
had once been lusty, and soft, white hands
had smoothed his face and called him beauti
ful, but now old age had creased his face
and crowned his head with snow. "Why
should men walk so jauntily, and women
talk as though they held the secret of im
mortal youth? Surely of all the sins that
tempt the human race none is so foolish as
that ot self-conceit. Thus thought the Em
peror as he looked about upon his court and
wondered why his advisers were so richly
As the morning passed the good old po
tentate grew grave. Case after case came
before his notice, and in every instance the
conceit of man had made essential protest to
the throne. "Never before had the passion
of self-conceit seemed to him so hateful, and
as the day went on his royal brow grew
black. His courtiers, grouped around,
looked up at him in dread, for they knew
his heart was kind, and feared to see his
gentle face so strangely overcast
"What thinks the King that he should
speak so sharp?" they whispered to each
other in tones of dread, and when he turned
his roving eyes upon them they shuddered
through and through and pulled each
other's robes and coughed. At length there
came before the King a man whose dress be
tokened wealth. Baising his voice be spoke
in tones that thrilled the throng, and
boasted of his wealth. Then asked he of the
Emperor revenge upon a man who, as he
"Men of my realm," ha said, "asd' yea,
who bring yonr case.to this the conrt of last,
resort, listen to-your iung. X. have heard'
the facts in this most foolish salt and Lhave
been annoyed. There is not, as it seems to
me, a trulyjionest man left in my domain.
The egotist is all supreme! You boast of
your wealth, your wife, your babe. MV,
courtiers stand about feeling proud that
they possess neither wealth nor wife nor'
babe. Our young men boast of their strength
and our old men claim to be wise.
Homely women think they are fair and
fair women try to seem bright Even
The children who play at our knees smile
in an egotistio war. Conceit in all its forms
is rampant in, the. land I love so well. I
have held counsel with' the truly wise ma
oT my domain. They .tell me to be firm.- I
shall be, Iassnre yon. The'egotist must go.
There is in my vast empire no room for him
who feels in his puffed-up heart that ,he is
greater than the worm which wriggles be
neath our-feeL Listen, then, all of too,
and let the Lord Keeper of the Scrolls note
carefully my words. If hereafter any one
of my subjects shall express by word or deed
or manner overweening satisfaction in his
achievements, his possessions' or his appear
ance, he shall lose his head. Any case
which comes nnder the new law shall be
tried by me and my ad visers. Xou may go.
Tho suit which led to this command la of
too trivial a character to call for my decree.
And, take heed, all of you, how yon give
voice to the egotistio thoughts that are boil
ing in your brain."
One by one the courtiers filed; from the
hall, casting dark looks upon the last coun
selor, the thin, evil-lookincr Bamek. the1
King had summoned, to his throne. Bnt
Bamek, the wise, heeded not their looks as
heplucked a flowerin the gardeq and placed
it in his bosom. For well he knew he con
trolled the ear of the king, and when he
wished to raise a storm the royal clouds
would answer to his word. And in this case
he had his ends to serve, for be loved the
daughter of the King and feared that his
.rival, Prince Hamassar, had already won
the hand of the Princess Bnu.
-Then throughout the city spread the news
of the Emperor's decree. Over mountains,
plains and rivers traveled the words of the
new law, and in distant villages the people
groaned in fear that their King was growing
old and harsh. The faces of the women
wore ssreastio smiles, and playfully would
j i i -i s-u. ... 37,
autu isnwimM isjwii Hiiiasj ism ' isju'i
i.i..i i-Q " r "T5t
At the" hU frf tk HWHt
-Priste HiBHUWr. hhUrk. fla Am 1
wittfs stalk. WliybMiiMMbi
Yosts, wealth. ad mim wm Jim, i
preaiise of a etowa. im imk i
the world hid ivn his hr,
was belayed by the ppl aad yM injHn
friendship of hH Xia. As he csm4 aU
.him , that night, ad . saw, aatg bfc fattf
tne great e oitne Jang, mMi y
wiiaiy.ABd Be anugea a glass
oooledwine to atuet the -Java
whioh-be kaw was taiweUag ia afc
flear him aax ttw wae baiwrtahad
decked ia gerg aa,rb, tmiUMtmm
thinner than nafare,' piaeed w i
twees two rabaat sea. ;Bt Bnnnfc,
not treat) ia . had a imUiaa
aad his wittr luis imnmd thoaa who
them, so that a roar of Imgaiar aaar
anoa som nasi AM earner of tM
Out of his mall. Mfaiae avss M
the Prince, tM Am pledged hi asalHi w
a brimming gaalec or we aaMtat-, mi,
HarMgear, nasaapcojjay at his rival's .aaay
pose, drank, freely aad JaBf-aed Baiitatavatr
at the pungent words of ftsnulr, the wia.
"When, the fan was at Its fcafefct, aa4
sedate and solamn eoansaloM aad fcmaHaa,
their digaity sad sang sad draak as twatjk
they were boys on a lark, Baawk ee aid
called ia lead, tones, far jtfeaat.. A'Mar
awhile the uproar oeaood, the wiae was .
touched, for a moment, tbsag sSad away '
in cheerful, eefceas taroagh taa pstaea, ad -.
all eyes were tamed upoa the gasWiMW
courtier who stood Bear tae Priaae.
"My friends," said Bawek, haldia a
glass of wine in his. kad, "it gives mm
great pleasure to propose a toast. It is sat. -dom
that so many oireaaastancogof aaed
omen surround a man as those whisk eaawd.1
upon him whose health it is fiMJar wVi
should drink. To most men ye ath Metf.ia
a sufficient joy. "What then sfeeald M aj'
satisfaction of a man who1 is not ealy jssjml
but handsome, rich, and over whase head'-i?"
there hangs the promise of a orewn? "We waa ?$j
love our land, who eive our lives to ih ad
vancement and look with jealeas eyes aae
all tnat enects its welfare, oan traiysay
.that the event which is celebrated by tfeki
gathering here to-night' meets' wHh ear
warm approval. J. can wen romesseei'tae
day when our host was a little' cWld. lLi
hard for me to realise that the fteetiag y'eara
have changed him from a toddliag bay iato
a firm, able man. filled with a loftr kh
and crowned at the outset of his career wita v''
the laurels of success. But I most' ae 'ie . ,
tain you further, fori' see that every Kl.ws
is filled. My countrymen, I give yoa ths
health and happiness of Hamassar, Prisee, "
and an Bmperor'a hope." "- '
A. wild fihont of acclafta s&oafe UmT&m'
fifnnrllnv ihn tt-nmni drftT.fr- tb feuu init.
way which proved that they leved' the
Prince and were glad of his advaBfJB'nt -Hamassar1!
face flashed as he heard th'-i
mighty cheer' and met 'the glaneiis uf
affection which fell upon bus from all'sldeSL'
Saved by a Woman's Ingenuity.
Slice With a Costly Nest.
Indianapolis Bentlnel.1
The New Albany" National Bank on
Saturday received four 53 bills to be sent to
Washington for redemption or exchange.
They belong to a gentleman in the country
near New Albany. He had them put away
for safe keeping in an oyster can without
closing the can at the top and the mice got
into the can, cut up the bills and made .a
nest of them.
claimed, had wronged him of his gold. The
man who was accused stepped forward then
and loudly claimed that he himself was rich
and of his mental force had made his
wealth. And further still he boasted of his
probity and puffed his wife and said that
bis child was fat The courtiers
laughed, but on the brow ot
him who mled the land a
erowing cloud was seen. "What meant this
strange emotion of the King? Fall many
a time fools and their fancies had stood be
fore his throne. "Why was it then that as
he gazed upon the men who argued heat
edly before him now his countenance so
gentle in its mould, should grow so stern
and set? "What if this one boasted of his
gold and another of his wife and child?
Was that a canse for him who sat upon a
throne to lose nis poise and scowl as though
his royal head throbbed from painful
So thought his courtiers as they watched
their King and listened to the foolish
prating of the men who made the fight.
After a time there was silence in the hall
and a verdict in the case was hoped for from
all who bad listened to the nonsenso of the
same. But still the King looked black, and
leaned his head upon bis hand and frowned.
When, after time had passed, he raised his
regal brow, smiled sweetly on the court,
and beckoned to an ancient lord who stood
well with his chief. In whispered consul
tation the two old men bent their heads to
gether, while the courtiers remained and
wondered what had happened to their ever
ready King. As time went on suspense be
came a potent and a growing pain. "Why
shonld so simple a question of right and
wrong delay the throne so long? The proof
was positive that here injustice had been
done, and though the defendant claimed a
handsome wife and most stupendous child.
the legal minds of all who heard his plea
scoffed at such defense.
Surprise was therefore great' when still
another counselor was beckoned by the
King. Surely this was trifling with all
precedent The courtiers smiled, then
coughed, theri shifted nervously. Each one
felt that their most honored lord was grow
ing very old. At length a silence as of
death fell upou the whispering throng.
The Emperor, dismissing the gray-hsired
men who naa come to jus assistance, again
fell to musing, and all awaited his. most
fateful words. After a time he slowly rose.
they enjoin their husbands to keep, their
heads. But the men murmured, and, in
some places, the ever-ready plotter saw a
chance to raise revolt Eor even in the most
peaceful kingdom there is always present
the man who loves to stir np the people
against their lord.
So the davs went bv. and all men vera
humble. No longer did the boaster free his
tongue, nor the dandy tell of his triumphs
in love. The lawyers and the doctors, the
soothsayers and the merchants went about
in silence, and when they referred to them
selves spoke in a deprecating Way refresh
ing to hear.
Once more the face of the Emperor took
on its accustomed smile. He was pleased
with his people, for they seemed to him
sufficiently humble to satisfy his most ex
acting 'mood. The boaster no longer ap
pealed to the throne, and the courtiers wore
a subservient air which appealed to the
heart of the autocrat
Seeing the monarch in this pliant state,
Prince Hamassar, a handsome and wealthy
youth, whose diffidence had often been no
ticed by the King, felt encouraged to plead
for the hand of the Princess Bru. It was no
easy task which he thus essayed. The 'man
who won the hand of the Emperor's child
would be King one day, and this fact had
been a potent motive in the unsuccessful
suit of Bamek, the wise.
Thus it was that there was" great excite
ment in the land when the Emperor, yield
ing to the blnshintr intercession of hi child
Igrnciouslv acknowledged the worthiness of
Prince Hamassar, and placed in his the
, hand of PrincessBru. Thecourtiers smiled
and shouted in acclaim, but Bamek, frown
ing, stole from the hall in silence, and when
he reached the street breathed a vow of
vengeance to the god3. "What if he we re old
and thin! "Was he not wise? "Who was this
Hamassar, that he should win a kingdom
and a bride, while better men must bow be
fore him and wander alone beneath the stars?
But hold, the end was not yetl "Was there '
not a way to overcome this bold presumption
on the part of prince formerly so modest?
Surely Bamek, who had placed an emperor
beneath his thumb, should not be defeated
because for a moment the force of youth had
proved too much for his gray hairs.
uommunmg tnus with himself, the Cas-
A a "RflfnaV aw tlin 4V . : AV-. rJ t
" -" n UG lOCr .IS LIIH rnii'H M
eye, and noticed the trembling of bis" jetf-JJl
eled hand, he smiled maliciously, and" '
Bceiucu to gain a tew ponnos oluesn.
After the guests were again seated, and
quiet had been restored, Princa Ham ssar,
began in a (.trembling voice his re jly to
Bamek's speech. He was much affect -A hv
conflicting emotions, and at first his words
were feebly put.
"It is bard to express the inner feelings of - ' -the
heart at such a time as this," hs said.
"The warm words of my friend, the wisa' v
and courtly Bamek, and your approval ot
his praise have filled me with a joy lean
not now display." Here he paused and
seemeu to leei tne disturbing influence
.TfrMUL M h
frincess Bru Bemoans Ber Lover's Fate,
sius-litce figure of the defeated suitor an.
proached his palace. The ofay was hot, and
as he removed his hat and let the flower
scented breeze play with his silvered locks
his face became stern with a vengefnl and
determined purpose. Conld Hamassar and
the Princess Bru have seen that look their
transports would have been much less pronounced.
The palace ot Prince Hamassar was gay
with brilliant lights, and on the soft, warm
air of night arose the joyous notes of, a
drinking song. The gardens which sur
rounded the great mansion seemed to feel
the influence of the gayety, for the flowers
welcomed the kisses of the night wind and
the trees and shrubs murmured as though
humming the air that echoed from the bnn.
qnet hall. The fountains splashed merrily,
and when the moon came up seemed to
laugh at their own silvery beauty.
Within the palace dark-faced eunuchs
hurried about, dispensing the hospitality of
their lord. For Prince Hamassar enter
tained that night 200 miehty men in honor
of his betrothal to the Emperor's child.
The banquet room presented a glorious
scene. About the table were gathered the
statesmen, poets, merchants of the land, and
the feast before them was worthy of their
rank. Stern men of battle sat among the
men of peace, and men learned in the law
conversed politely with their clients. Sharp
eyed doctors were glad to see the viands and
the wines disappear so fast, for tbey well
knew that indigestion, sharp and painful.
would give them work next day. So each
guest was. happy in his own peculiar way,
caused by the gaze of 400 eyes. The crisis
unnerved him, and, seizing a tumbler of
wine, he drained it to the lees. It was a
fatal step.
"My friends," he began again. "Thero
is nonooy so so beautiful as my he-be-bo
frothed. I am proud proud ot her hie
No man," here he braced himself a little
"no man ever won so wonderful or no won
der so so wonderful . "Well.whatlmean
to say is that she is won-wonderfnl. Bte? '
Now I want yon to 'bserve that she has the
most hie beantifuMiair and eyes, and her
figure her fig-fig-ure runs up into the mil
lions. See? Hie. Further-furthermore, I
am not ug-ugly myself. I tell you hlc
my friends, I have the hand-handsomest
nose in the world. See? There is no nosa
so firm in outline, so del-delicately tapered,
so overwhelm-overwhelmingly impressive as
mine. See? Now, I say, do yoa see? Hie.
By this time the palace was in an uproar.
It was bad enough that Hamassar waa
drunk, but the guests realized with horror
that in his boastfulness their host had
placed his head in peril. The Emperor's
decree made his speech a capital offense,
and so open a defiance of the law could coo
be overlooked.
Cared for br servants. Hamassar waa led
away to his sleeping apartments, and tha
guests dispersed. In groups they sauntered
through the grounds, inhaling the coolinc
breezes which wandered down from tha
monntains. The moon in all her glory shed
a soit radiance over the sleeping city and
helped to quiet the excited mood of Hamas
sar's friends. An hour later the city was
wide awake discussing the details of Ha
massar's folly, and wondering what wonld
be the outcome of it all.
Bamek, after seeing that Hamassar was
safely guarded, hurried to the palace of tho
'Emperor, craved admission to his lord, and
related to the startled King the story of tbe
night. The Emperor could not believe his
ears. Hamassar, noted lor humility, had
boasted in public? It could not be. Thero
mnst be some mistake. But other guests
near to the King in rank,had followed Bamelc
to the palace and confirmed his tale.
"Let not the Princess know of this till
morning," said the broken-hearted King to
his attendants. "Xou tell me, Bamek, that