'6 i r WOBSHIP OF EDISON. The Paris Public Willing to Concede Him All Attributes. PLEASURES HAVE SOME ALLOY. flans of the Wizard of Menlo Park TerT Much Interfered With. SIS PEOBABLE PLANS IN ENGLAND. tltely an Effort TVIU be Made to Induce a Chance in Canadian Patent Lairs. Edison rill visit England after tie leaves I'aris. The hero-worship he has received In the latter city seriously interfered with liis plans. It is possible when he is in England he will endeavor to secure a change in Canadian patent laws, to over come a difficulty in the importation to that country of some of his patent appliances. "BY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. liOXDOX, September 7 Copyright, Edison has civen over his original plan of Returning from Paris to New York without Visiting London, and will arrive in this town in a day or two, accompanied by Sena tor William Maxwell Evans. Edison has had a reception in Paris such as no Ameri can or any other foreigner has ever received. During the ihree weeks that he has been in the gay capital he has only escaped big din ners two or three nights, and he is said to be in the condition of a Strasbourg goose as a result of the over-hospitality of his ad luirers. Paris enthused over Edison as only Paris can. Crowds have followed him in tbe streets, and his appearance at the Exposition has been the invariable signal for a blockade which only the police could More. As his picture has been published in all the illustrated papers and his photo graphs are on sale in the shop windows, his lace became well known and he has been unable to appear anywhere in public with out being recognized. The newspapers have published his goings and comings with jeater attention even than they devoted to the Shah, and Mrs. Edison and her sister, Miss Miller, have been described with much detail by the Parisian flaneurs. BELIEVED ALMOST AKTTIIIXa. Tbe French public considers Edison is the cole inventor of vhe telegraph, telephone, electric light and even electricity itself, if sot the solar system as well, and when J"igaro gravely announced this week that he bad just completed an adjustment for the phonograph whereby conversation in English was translated into French, halt Paris be lieved it, and Edison worship has in creased a hundred fold since. The atten tion he has received has not' been an unmixed pleasure to Edison. His intention in visiting Paris was to make an exhaustive studv of the mechan ical exhibits at the Exposition, instead of which he has been one of the principal ex hibits himself, while the crowd that have followed him! and the festivities that were thrust upon -him have prevented his giving tbe protracted attention to what would have interested him most. Frank E. Upton, President of the Edison Electric Lamp Company at East Newark, and Eugene H. Xewis, of New Tork, who were with the Edison party in Paris, arrived in Londbn this week, and Upton sailed for America on the Saale Thursday. SOTPOSED PATENT PLAXS. Lewis, who is Edison's lawyer, and has eonducted most of his recent patent suits, Remains here to meet Edison and Evarts, a circumstances showing that Edison has changed his plans, and will come to Lon don, and that he is to be accompanied by Mr. Evarts, whose ostensible purpose in vis iting Paris was to have his eyes treated by an eminent French occulist, gives rise to a rumor affecting electric lighting interests in America. The rumor is that Edison and the two lawvers visit London for the pur pose of having a consultation with her Majesty's ministers about the prospect of Canada's being included in the patent con vention of 1883, which governs the patent laws of the United States and Great Britain, with a view to its effect upon Edison's high resistance filament patent now in litigation in Canada. England reserves the right by the terms of this convention to include any of her colonies under its provisions, and the clause that is supposed to interest the Edi son people provides that the importation of a patented article from one of the States bonnd bv the convention to another, shall sot invalidate the patent I1TTEEESTIXG LEGAL COXIEST. The filament patent was first taken out in Canada, and according to Canadian law an article patented in that country and manu factured in another country caunot be im ported into Canada without invalidating the patent. Whether the Edison filament patent has been thus invalidated is now being considered in the Canadian courts, and the representatives of other American electric lighting companies, who will be affected by the decision, believe that an effort is to be made to bring Canada into the convention that binds Great Britain, in order to take advantage of the clause giving the right of importation between the States bonnd by the convention. This would, at least, give an opportunity to gain time by bringing an intricate legal question into the courts. Lewis professes utter ignorance of any such move on the part of Edison and Evarts, however. SULLIVAN FOR CMGKESS. STic DialingaUbed Pasilisl Announce Him aolfns n Full Fledged Candidate. Newt Yoek, September!. The Sun pub lishes a letter from John L. Sullivan in which he announces his intention of running for Congress on the Democratic ticket. It is his ambition to represent a Boston district, and he states that with such a high ambition he trusts he will in the fut ure make his life what it ought to be. In bis letter he states that any man who doubts his popularity with the American people has only got to travel about with him and Ret rid of his doubts. Sullivan does not doubt his qualifications, as he says in con cluding his letter: In my travels about this country and Europe I ha e had as much experience m public speak ing as most people. I'll have no trouble about getting a bearing in Congress or in making people pay attention to what 1 Ray. A man wbo can quiet a crowd in Madison Sqnaro Garden as I have done can make his presence felt in Congress or anywhere else on earth. I there fore announce now my willingness to enter political life. This communication is drawn up in consultation with friends and with their ad vice, and is the longest that I have ever ad dressed to any paper. I shall be obliged to ou if you will print it. Yours truly, Joux L. Sullivan. Foisoned by Eating Cheese ttTTClKI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Tiffik, September 7. Fifty people were Ecriously poisoned by eating cheese at the village of Bcttsville to-day, and it is feared some mar die. This is the third lot of peo ple poisoned within a week and the matter j win oc iDvcsugaieu. Coal for 40c a Ton. PlTTSBUEG, Kax., September 7, 1880. All railroads have arranged to sell half fare tickets, good for 30 days, to Pittsburg, ICan., on September 10 and 24. This will afford a rare opportunity to visit the great raining, smelting and manufacturing center of tbe Southwest Two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) dollars have been raised to encourage additional manufactures. Faded Fbotocrapbs. Photos made bv Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, E16 Market sL, PitUbnrg, will not faile. Cabinets ?1 per dozen. Bring the little ones. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The President has appointed Rev. Henry E. Hall, of California, chaplain in the army. At Sioux City, la.. Hedges' livery stable, with about 25 head of horses and mules, was totally consumed by fire. Loss, 512,000. Reports from Madrid. Spain, say that yellow f e er is raging at Vigo, a seaport town on the Atlantic coast, in the Province of Ponte vedra. A saloon passenger named Toole, on board the Canard Line steamer Umbria. committed snicide during the voyage by cutting his throat with a razor. Ex-President Leptime, of Hayti, sailed from New York ou La Bretaeno for Franco yesterday morning. Minister William Walter Phelps was a passenger on the Elbe. Secretary Procter left Washington yester day morning for his homo in Vermont. He will be gone about a week, and in his absence General Schofield will act as Secretary of War. The bond offerings yesterday aggregated f 40,200, as follows: 4 per cent coupons, 1100 at 12S; 4 per cents, registered, J2S.200 at 12S; i per cents, coupon. fLOOO at 105; IK per cents, registered. 518.900 at 105 The extensive mill and yards of the Ford River Lumber Company, seven miles from Escanabi, were panly burned yesterday. The property is valued at 5500.000, and the amount of damage cannot ) ct bo estimated. At Richmond, IncL, the Central Telephone Company's exchange was burned ont yesterday by one or more of the wires coming in contact witli the cable of the electric street railway. All the mas9 of wires between the operating room and toner were burned out. W. F. Harrison, in the Frankfort, Ky., penitentiary, died Thursday from poison in commercial alcohol which he imbibed in large quantities. He was employed in tbe paint shop and used to steal tbe bottles of alcohol, and carry them to his cell to drink at leisure. It Is understood at Washington that the friends of silver currency will make a vigorous fight during the next session of Congress for an increase of coinace of silver dollars to the limit of 54,000,000 per month. The steady in crease of the circulation or silver certificates encourages them to believe this will be ac ceded. Secretary Proctor has detailed .Major Oswald Ernest, of the Engineers corps, as superintendent of Public Buildings and uronnas oi tne uistrict oi uoiumDia. vice Colonel J. M. Watson, appointed commandant at West Point. Major Ernest has been located for several years in charge of the improvements at Galveston, Emmons lllaine and Miss Anita McCormlck will be married on the 26th, at Richfield Springs, and will spend their honeymoon at the Bar Harbor residence of tbe Secretary of State. Mr. Blaine met Miss McCormick first in Chi cago, when he was in the service of the Santa Fo Railway. He is now General Manager of the West Virginia Central. At Llnknlle, Ore., fire broke outback of J. T. Forbes' saloon and in two hours the whole business part of the town was in ashes. The loss will be abont 5160,000. There was no loss of life. Ben Monroe,, a barkeeper, was se verely burned. G. W. Smith, a merchant and hotel keeper, lost 540.000, insurance 511.000; Baldwin & Forbes, hardware, loss 530,000, in surance 56,500; Reems, Martin & Co., general merchandise, loss 530,000, insurance 515,000. Other losses range from 510,000 down to 5300. The case of Denison D. Dana, Treasurer of the Douglas Ax Manufacturing Company, has been taken in hand by the Boston police. A warrant was secured charging tbo missing man with embezzling 525,000 from the company. This is not regarded as more than a small part of what he actually took, but t Has necessary that a particular sum should Ve specified, and tbe facts w ere not at hand to substantiate an allegation as to the whole amount. A German daily of Milwaukee devoted a page to the opinions of the German press of the country on the much agitated question of a national German American holiday, which it is proposed to be celebrated annually by tbo German-Americans all over the country. The paper sent out 82 circulars to German dailies in all parts of the United States, and the answers received show tbat a great majority of them are in la or of such a holiday, although some of the prominent papers are opposed to it. An accident, which may result in the death of one man and the permanent injury of another, occurred yesterday afternoon in the sener opposite No. 8 East Sixteenth street, New York. A quantity of sewer gas was ignited by a candle in the hands of a workman, and in a moment a fountain of flame rushed up the manhole 16 feet high. Two of the men were enveloped in the names and other two saved themselves by falling face foremost into the stream running through the bottom of the sewer. As the Sheriff of Butler county, Kan., was taking Robert Snyder, who about a month ago murdered his wife and mother-in-law, to tbo Court House for a preliminary hearing, a mob formed and made a rush for tbe prisoner with the intention of lynchiiur him. A number of deputies were with tbebbenff and a pitched battle ensued, which resulted disastrously for the lynchers. No one was killed, bnt Snyder was struck in the shoulder with a bullet. The Sheriff finally ran the prisoner into the Court House. The draw span of the Thames river. Conn., bridge, on the New York, Providence and Boston Railroad, was swung into place yesterday afternoon. The elevations and con nections were exactly as calculated. This is the longest draw span in the world 603 feet, full length; clear opening, 225 feet each side of the central pier. The bridge was designed by A. P. Boiler, and constructed by the Union Bridge Company, at the Athens shop. Trains Bill probably be running over the bridge by Oc tober L At Montreal, Canada, the Dominion Labor Congress yesterday passed resolutions approv ing the eight-hour movement, Henry George's land taxation scheme, the appointment of a compulsory board of arbitrationfor all disputes between laborer and employer, and asking the Government to pass a law comnelling all cigar dealers to destroy their empty boxes. Day labor for bakers was encouraged, and female typesetters, it was declared, should receive the same pay as men or be prevented from work ing. Ottawa was agreed on as the next place of meeting. The Senate Committee on Irrigation ar rived in El Paso. Tex., esterday. They were met by a committee from the City Council and dm en in carriages to the City Hall, where short addresses were made, explaining the ne cessity of irrigation and touching upon the ben efit to be derived by the Mills reservoir. Colonel Mills stated that the value of the land which would be submerged would amount to about 5100,000, and the estimated cost of constructing the dam $220,000, but that it would afford am ple water to irrigate 120,000 acres of land in Mexico and nearly as mucu ou this side. Encroachments by boomers and intended settlers upon the Sioux reservation have caused ine interior .Department to station a number of companies of regulars across the river at Fort Pierre to preserve order. Trouble is feared. A party of Government surveyors is also on the spot surveying off a milo square allotted to the Northwestern Rtilroad Com pany. Settlers on this piece of ground are numerous, soniehaving been located there over ten j ears, and great excitement prevails, as it is probable that the company is about to claim the land and the settlers will be ordered off. The President has pardoned Daniel find. winn, of Illinois, a deputy postmaster, who was convicted of disposing of postage stamps other wise than for cash, and fined 550 and costs. In the case of Peter A. Ponseti, ot Louisiana, sentenced to three years' imprisonment for vio lation of tbe postal laws, a pardon Is denied; and in the case of Dr. T. V. White, of Dakota, sentenced to live years'Jimprisonment for embez zlement of postal funds, the sentence is com muted to two years. Action was found to bo unnecessary upon the application for pardon of William Powell, of Kentucky, sentenced to six months' imprisonment for violation of the rev enne laws, as the time of sentence expired Sep tember 4. At Chicago a few days ago the Western Stone Company was incorporated under the laws of Illinois. The incorporators sail that it is merely a combination to reduce expenses and put the business on a paying basis, it hav ing been greatly demoralized during the past J car. A local paper, however, sajs that it is in reality a local tiust in building stone. Tbe plan. It says, it is to bny out all of the stone quames in mis section oi tne country and con solidate them, paying for them in cash or giv ing tbe owners stock in the consolidated com pany, as they prefer. Options have been se cured on all tho quarries of any magnitude ex cept three. A decision was rendered by the Land Office yesterday in a catc involving the right of the United btates to tidewater lands on the shores of Territories. The question comes be fore the office on an appeal bv Frank Bums, Jr., from the action of tho Register and Receiver of the Land Office at Seattle, Washington Territory, who rejected his application to locate, on the ground that the land did not belong to the United States. The Land Office holds that in the United btates is vested the titlo to tide water lands on the shores of Territories and that aTerritorj doesnot posse's the sovereignty ...... ......,,j w uutou, uv uunx mere- fore grants Burns application for location. .Mn rat Halstead writes the following in re- ly to tbe letter or yonng Jack Logan: "The Republicans of Ohio felt themselves wroned when General Logan failed to stand in the Sen ate for their rights in the matter of Mr. Payne's corrupt election to that body. They were in grief for him rather than angry with him, and when he died they were forgetful of all but his clory, and there were no mourners more sin cere than they. It is regrettable that his son demands attention to the error that clouded the close of his Senatorial career, bnt a gen erous pcoplo would moro than once forgive for his father's sake tho impetuous- indiscretion of tho son of the great General of the Western volunteers. I have only to say of myself that tbo young man mistakes me." A letter from a reliable stockman in Big Horn Basin, Northern Wyoming, dated September l,sa)s: "For three days wo have been fighting tlre,-Tbo Big Horn'Mountalns THE are ablaze. The flames have crept down the mountain side, carrying destruction before them. As there have been thousands of head of stock feeding on the mountains tne loss will necessarily be heavy. Every ranch located on the mountains from north to south is burned. Two lives are said to have been lost. One of these is a man named Robinson, who was camped on the north fork of Powder river, with a man whose name I cannot learn. FireJU now burning along Powder river, Clear creek and at the head of Tensleep creek. Hunters who have been over tho ground say that fully 5500,000 worth of timber has gone up in smoke." Edward Mnir, a poor man, was taken sick at Wausau, Wis., nearly a year ago, and after keeping him as long as possible the proprietor of the hotel at which he had boarded sent him to the county poorhouse. One. very cold night shortly afterward, Mnjr, whifo irrational from fever, got up in the night and wandered 30 miles from the poorhouse, freezing bis face, hands and feet, as he was dressed only in a sblrt and pair of pants. He was discovered and cared for bv a farmer, and both feet wero amputated. When Muir recovered he brought suit aralnst the poorhouse keeper, wbo allowed his charge to escape, but was defeated. On appeal to the Supreme Court the case was re manded for a new trial, and Muir has just se cured a verdict for 53,200. Sylvesbro Morales, the outlaw who has for some time terrorized certain sections of tbe southern part of California, was captured yes terday afternoon. -Morales was seen to emerge from the brush near the head of Almites Bay by Constable Wilson, of Ocean Side, and two deputies. They covered him with their rifles as he was stooping to wash his hands in the waters of the bay and mado him their prisoner. Nearby in the brush was found tho girl, Nymphia Brown. whom Morales abducted from her home abont a month ago, and wbo has since accompanied him in his journeys. She refuses to state whether willingly or nut. The couple wero taken to San Louis Rey. where the girl will be restored to her parents and Morales will be held to answer the charge of recently murdering the wealth rancher, Henry Charles. Three men, who bavo been engaged in swindling inventors all over the United States, were arrested in San Francisco on warrants issued by Judge Hoffman, based on indictments found by the United States grand jury. They are Samuel Sanborn, attorney-at-law; his brother, Clarence Sanborn, architect and patent agent, and Edward L. Aiken, who claims to be a dairyman. These men were tho man agers of the Pioneer, Globe and Occidental patent agencies. They are alleged to have re ceived large amounts of money through false representations The Pioneer Patent Agency was established in 1S75. They claimed to have unrivaled facilities for Belling new patents on the Pacific coast and to control advertising space. They sent circulars to all pateutees of new inventions, offering to place the matter before tbe people west of the Rockies for 550, which amount was generally reduced to 520 after a letter or two had been passed between the parties. Many victims were thus roped in. Canada's Great Fair. Canada's Great Pair aud Agricultural Exposition, to be held t Toronto from the 9th to the 21st of September, promises to be an affair of great magnitude. It is proba ble that a large nnmber from this section of the States will visit it, and those who have never attended this great fair will be sur prised to see the great display that is there made in every department, and it will con vey to them a better idea than they could get anywhere else, or in any other way, of. the immense resources of the country to the north of us. Reduced rates will be granted on all rail way and steamboat lines entering Canada by way of Detroit, Niagara Falls and Port Huron. Programmes, containing full par ticulars of each day's attractions, will be sent to anyone who may desire them on their dropping a post card to the manager at Toronto. HENDRICKS fc CO., Popular Pbotocrapbcrs, 6S Federal Street, Allegheny, Will give special low rates for photographs during the Exposition. Liberal discount on all work done. Don't forget this. Every body welcome. Good cabinets $1 a dozen. Hakby Alden, formerly of this city, can now be found at W. H. Holmes '& Son's Chicago House, No. 261 South Clark street. 120 Water street, 264 South Clark st., 158 First avenue, . ttssu Chicago. Pittsburg. All Strangers Miould Visit Anfrecht's Elite gallery, 510 Market st,, Pittsbnrg, and take with them a dozen fine cabinet photos of themselves for $1. Notv's the time to buy lace curtains. New designs, extra good values; also new line heavy curtains now opened. Hugtjs & Hacke. A FiTLii line of winter hosiery at lowest prices for best goods. P. Schoenthal, 612 Penn ave. No Curomos Given Awnj As others advertise, but instead good work and low prices. Cabinet photos 51 per dozen at Aufrecht's Elite gallery, 51G Market St., Pittsburg. Jerseys. Jerseys. See the line we have. You can't help bnt be suited. Knable & Shuster, 35 Eifth avenne. Cotjeteous treatment, good work and promptness prevail at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st,, Pittsburg. Cabinets 51 per dozen. Combination patterns entire new effects for fall wear; the largest assortment in the city. Hugtjs & Hacke. All the best stocked bars keep Franen heim & Vilsack's celebrated Pilsner beer on draught. Ask for it, or order it direct. Telephone 1186. Cabinet photos, 51 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st TTSu Absolutely Purea This powder never varies. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary Lin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only m can. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO- KX3 Wall St. N. Y. oci-mlG-irwrsu For Bilious and Nervous Diaavdera. mrli n ippi mwsswmmmMm m . JLaW!?rs mi HI Medicine . M Jilllfcllrfi guinea a Headache. Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling; after Meals, Dizziness and Drovrsincts. Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlvouess Scnrw. Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed Sleen..Fritrhtfn1 TlrAntna. nnii nil -KrAn.il nnd Trembling Sensations, &c. THE FIRST MINUTES. This is no Action. Meiy sufferer is and tlieu will be acknowledged 1 tlieu will be acknowleaata to be a Wonderful Medicine "Wnrth n milnna nKn-rn ' BEECHAH'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to comniete health. For n. WEAK STOMACH: IMPAIRED DIGESTION: DISORDERED LIVER: they ACT LIKE BrAGIC: a w(Joewillworkwoider3 upon the Vital Organs.Strongth ening the muscular System; restoring long-lost Complexion; bringjng'backthekeenedgoot nppetlte, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy oC the human frame. These are " facts " admitted by thousands. In all classes of pncletv, and one of tho best cnarnntees to tho Nervous and Debilitated in that BKCEiM'3 FILLS HATE IS!: LASQESS CALH CJ AHI JAIEHT jaaiCIHI! 18 THE WOSLD. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold by Druggists generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 30S and 367 Canal St., New York. Bole Agents for tha United State wAoWnauirerst), if pourdruggist does not keepthem, vWILL MAIL BEECHAM'S JILLS OK RECEIPT OF PRICE. 25 CENTS A BOX. PITTSBURG DISPATCH, HENDRICKS & CO., Popular Pbotosraphers, OS Federal Street, AUeaiieny, Will give special low rates for photographs during the Exposition. Liberal discount on all work done. Don't forget.this. Every bodv welcome. Good cabinets 51 a dozen. Special Train to Gettysburg, Via the Pennsylvania Railroad, Tuesday morning, September 10, leaving Union sta tion at 9 A. M., running solid through to Gettysburg. Round trip tickets will be sold at rate of one fare from September 7 to 12, inclusive, good to return until September 18. Rate-from Pittsburg, 58 95. Special train stops at East Liberty, Braddock, Irwin, Greensburg, Latrobe, Bolivar Junction, Johnstown, Cresson, Altoona and points East. Visitors to the Exposition should go to Pearson's for their cabinet photos. He takes the lead. Photographing galleries 96 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal st, A1L gheny. SI. Until Oetobcr. SI. Mothers, bring children to Anfrecht's Elite gallery, 516 Market streetPittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets $1 per dozen, proof shown. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government Indorsed by the heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. 6T. LOUIS. my5-S2-TTSeosu SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. JAPANESE GOODS. Will open with a full line of JAPANESE GOODS of our own importation, on or about OCTOBER 1. This department will bo open during the months of October, November and December only, making it an exclusive HOLIDAY DIS PLAY. No goods sold after January 1, but will again be open the following October. By this arrangement we will be enabled to make a better display, and the roods being principally of a holiday nature, it Is useless to keep open the entire year unless at great labor and ex pense and unsatisfactory returns. This de partment will be on second floor, with a front entrance. Regarding prices on tbe ware, wo can assure you they will be lower than ever before, and, as such prices will be very close, no reduction will be made during the entire season. '1 his state ment we make on account of the customary babit among some of our merchants in closing out their goods at a nig sacrifice price prior to Christmas and New Year's Day, thus making it rather unpleasant for those who bought be forehand. Due announcement will be made as to open, ing aay. I Select Family Grocers, 18 DIAMOND, Market Square. se8 I. DIAMOND, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free of charge. Spectacles perfectly fitted. au29-72-TTSu Optical, Mathematical and Engineering In struments and Materials. Profile, cross-section, tracing and blue-process papers, tracing linen, etc. Largest and best stock of Specta cles and Ere Glasses. KORNBLUM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 00 Fifth avenne. Telephone No. 1686. j)31-DSU SCOTT&KENMEG Mannfacturcrsof Ornamental Iron Fencing, Railing and Cresting. 31 SAMPSON ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. Snecially Adapted for Cemetery Lots. Jel3-9-Thsu PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait $3 60; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, J2 and & BO per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. apll-16-MWFSU AGENTS! 2pdrporf?t'it "We want an agent in every town and city to sell a popular and low-priced book that goes like "hot cakes" and sells at sight. Sample book with special price list and terms to agents sent for 10c stamps or silvor. Territory assigned to live parties, who can easily make $10 per day. No previous training needed. Ladies ard bojs can sell this easily. N. A. GILBERT 4 CO., Publisher, auI8-64-Su Enosburg Falls, Vt. s?i TVlnrl DOSE TVILLGIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY earnestly invited to try one) Box of these Pills. UU. WEf Gf, p?PRIC'S CREAM aking iyg. mgml nTin Pftln In 4f,n CtnwnnMf. OI.1. "J2 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DO NOT PAIL TO SEE CORRECT SILK HAT FOB FALL AND WINTER, 1888-90. TBE BROADWAY BLOCK. 53 00, 54 00. 55 00, $6 00. Not only do we make a specialty of handling only absolutely correct styles, but we also make it a point to name such prices as will meet with no objection from the most economical buyer. OurSJ 00 Silk Hat is a standard grade, of which we have sold thousands. Next comes our 4 00 quality, of undoubted durability, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Tho $5 00 grade is a superior article, extra heavy plush and hand finished throughout The 56 00 grade is certainly the finest in the land and will hold its own with any S3 00 hat in the market. Be sure and see us on Silk Hats. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St P. S. Mail orders promptly filled. seS-wrsu A woman who once puts on Ball's corset will wear that make as long as she lives. That is why the makers do as they do. What do they do? They tell every store in the United States to take Ball's corset back and return the money paid for it any time within three weeks, if the woman that buys it don't like it Do the stores do that?- They do if they have Ball's corsel. ' They are glad to; it costs f hem nothing. Yopr store has a primer on Corsets for you. Chicago Corset Co., Chicago and New York. HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, E5NESTH ST. je30-75-Su VnIf f E LATEST 'flffl HflB H illl Sit PROM THE LOOMS OF ENGLAND AND AUFMANNS' CUSTOM TAILORING DEPARTMENT Men who are at all careful about their personal appearance cannot fail to profit by an inspection of the elegant and exten-l sive combination of Fall and Winter Suitings, Overcoatings and Trouserings exhibited in our Custom Tailoring Department It has always been a matter of pride with us to place on our counters such cloths as will best serve - the double purpose of wear and beauty, and, while our ettorts neretoiore nave proved entirely bausiaciory to our army of customers, we must confess that the stock we have gleaned from the best harvest fields of Europe and America this season overtops by one hundred per cent anything we have ever shown. It is simply fascinating. You are invited to come in and look over these magnificent groupings of the best products of the world, so far as clothing to order is concerned. There is here for you to look upon every shade and every color of cloth; every combination that the ' genius ot the inventor or designer couia nit upon, ana you must ue uuuu tu mc beautiful and all that is tasteful if you cannot find something here to suit even the wildest dreams of your fancy. Among the celebrated fabrics we show are Clay's Worsteds, Martin's Broad Wales, John Taylor's Trouserings, Blarney Tweeds, Genuine Scotch Cheviots, fine Silky Corkscrews, West of England Cloths, etc. nfact picture in one group, before you come, everything beautiful you have seen and when you'll gaze on the stock gathered here you'll say your mind s picture is not near as fascinating as the one we ask ' ' you to look upon. How about prices? 'Well we always feel at ease in regard to our prices; they are always "right." No merchant tailor can even begin to equal our marvelous values in fine Fall Suits made-tc- order for $30 and $35, or Pantaloons for $6 and $8: Certainly none have done so yet. The small tailoring shops with their dozen or so patterns make frantic efforts, but like climbing the famous greased pole, they slide back into their abodes. Depend upon it, it will pay you to leave your measure here for your new fall apparel. It takes but one triaJ order to convince you of our superior facilities. .-. HUNDREDS Men's and Boys' Suits and Fall Overcoats. These goods were bought at the lowest possible cash prices and they will be sold without one cent of profit This may seem startling, but it is true. We are compelled to do business for glory because, owing to our present building ope rations, we have not the necessary room to show and display the goods. If you're wise, you'll make the best of it by making your purchases thus early in the season. .-. THE PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OF OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT .'. will make it the largest place of its kind in the State. Just at "present, however, we are rather crow'de d for room and won't hold on to our goods, if low prices will sell them. This week, in particular, our bargains in Men's, Women's, Boys', Youth's, Misses', Children's and Infants' Shoes will be something marvelous and exceptional. Economical people don't miss 'em. TTIAQ17 WITH visit th ExPosition need not be told to look at our display, because they can't lilUulli H 11U help but see it, but we would urge all to call at our establishment and inspect our truly wonderful bargains. H B GRAND DEPOT. 8 . M880.ff . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , ' f illllliaissiisii Finzer's Old Honesty. The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that it -lastst longer, tastes sweeter than other tobaccos, and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist on getting it Genuine has a red H tin tag on every pluff. , 0-m4h mb2-3S3u WM. GrRABOWSKY, N HAT MANUFACTURER. Our Fall Fashion Plate is ready. All the leading styles for Ladies' and Children's Straw Hats are made up and ready for inspection, the styles shown will meet the demands of our many friends. Our old establishment with in creased facilities for turning out good work only, will gain many customers the coming sea son. " We will dye and renovate your old-fashioned hat to any of our new Fall shapes, by our new electric process, rendering the bats as good as new in every respect Bring your hat or Don net now, don't wait till half the season is gone. Bummer Hats are out ot style now. The style this fall is Black Hats, trimmed in Plumes or Tips. We are practical Ostrich Feather Dyers, and do the work correct Bring your plumes and your hat to us and in a few days yon have a new fall outfit at slight cost WILLIAM GRABOWSKY, 707 PENN AVE., Opp. Penn Building. sel-CS-wsu AND FINEST AS WELL AS OUR OWN FREE AMERICA, ARE NOW READY FOR INSPECTION AND SELECTION AT OF NEW FALL STYLES ARE NOW Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks, Wraps and Jackets. AUFMANNS FIFTH ,...,., INTERESTING TO HUSi " We want aU to JmewJ including the Humnto efger'sons coming t theeUyte viaiitke .HotpatiUtn, that' our great CLOSING OUT SALS i nm im? full blast a-nd one the city. The principal feature eft this sale are theeet Our goods are all new, latest stifle emd most quaMy,Z and in goint of variety, second to none; emd host of' ' all our prices are so low that it will only he a short time until toe liave closed ont our vast steeh of Lamps, Glass, China, Queensumre, Fish; Game and Ice Cream Sets, After Dinner Cogeee, Miohlu Decorated Plates, Umbrella Stands, Lawn Vmsos; Cuspadores, Bric-a-Brac, Bigh, Art Pottery, Pedestals, Easels, Bronze and Onyts TsMos, f Positively all must go. ..,r . TheJ.P.Smith Lamp,Glass andGhina Co', 935 Penn Ave., Between Ninth and Teatii Sis.' F. a Rogers' .Best at 81 24 per set. EXPOSITION VISITORS Have the privilege of entering our exhibit at the Exposition and examining it thoroughly. We know you wiU find it eom- j plete in every detail. It shows what we are capable of doing tuf in the way of furnishing a house complete, as every pieoe of ? goods shown we 't v - - . . CJ-Jb66T J at the store. You are also ptace of business, 307 Wood COMPLETE, and its completeness will surprise you. Of ourl prices, well they are as low as C-A .SH on? IE.A.S-Z" hopper mjst&mm 307-"WOOT3 ST.-S07 Sele Agents for the Davis Sewing Machine. NOVELTIES SCOTLAND,-FRANCE Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats and Caps. AVE AND SMITHFIELD ST. janwrwiMti ... A wv . mem Ueutittg aUrmetiena in 4hi &.i Triple Plated Dinner Knives -m sUi-niWfS h, ( fefttHLsltt flMI&j x1 - EST STOCK cordially invited to call a street. O UB FALL STOCK IS the lowest and we sell for IP.A.'Z'TyriEIETTBj --xV Si i rtrSHe. "'. IN WOOLENS - v AND GERMANY", NS READY IN "v. Neckwear, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, etc., etc. 9 A.' -, j'3j9Hk, seevmrw' - JVft ' vSrfcr t HH $mm ''pmt B M "TSff "" t 5S3 I '1fgfa 2 , .- "..iju . J'jxjiate2&iv Jk. . . . v.j: ir f , l4aia4L&ifcSfJife- .,-. .s-.i'. ..t . ,. . !&; .a-A , .w-&.sySHS mim M&mkmmmmBkWkwWmM tiMJWr'THriailM'Mlra