THE PITTSBURG .DISPATCH, . SUNDAY, ., , SEPTEMBER &f, "1889, A YIGTIM OF GROYER. Legitime Charges His Defeat in Hayti to Cleveland's Policy. A CONCESSION OP TERRITORY Made by Hippolyte to Secure the Support of tlie Government. AN AMERICAN SILMSTEE A PAID SPY, Who Wcried in the Interest of the Insurgent Forces of the Xorth. General Legitime states that his over throw in Hayti was due to the policy adopted'by Mr. Cleveland, and followed out by the Harrison administration. He also charges that the American Minister at Port-tTu-Prince acted as a paid spy tor his enemies. Hippolyte will cede a harbor to the United States in accordance with his bargain with Cleveland. rsrrciAi. telegram to tbe dispjltch-i New York, September 7. Ex-President Legitime, just before his departure for France, received at the Hotel Martin a re porter of The Dispatch, and to him made p, kuement which is the only statement in reference to Haytian politics that he made for publication during his stay in this city. In it he makes charges of the most serious nature directly against Minister Thompson, the representative of the United States at Port-au-Prince during the recent troubles, whom he accuses of accepting pay for serv ices as a spy upon his associates in the diplomatic corpsand generally against the administration of Mr. Cleveland, which, he alleges, was guilty of the grossest breaches of in ernational law and of the neutrality bound to be maintained by this country in a contest such as that just concluded in Hayti. "What can you say as to your relations with Minister Thompson, our representative at Port-au-Prince?" the reporter asked. General Legitime became interested at once. a soet or a spr. "Dr. Thompson, as they called him," he said, "was during the administration ot General Salomon one of his most trusted servants. I have been informed since that he acted as a sort of spy, informing General Salomon of whatever was going on among his colleagues in the Diplomatic Corps, and for that reason the other foreign Ministers shunned and avoided him. I have also been iulornied that General Salomon rewarded Dr. Thompson for this service, paying him various sums. "When I was elected Provisional Presi dent Dr. Thompson had already taken sides with the other taction, and though I con stantly evinced my readiness to do all in my power for the people and for the Government of the United States, Dr. Thompson was my bitter enemy to the last. Why, during the siege of Port-au-Prince, he was inside the capital, the center of the elements resisting my government. His house harbored and sheltered conspirators arrayed against me. Iso more open, barefaced violation of diplo matic privileges was ever indulged in by a Minister; neutrality was never more openly violated. I can mention many instances in which I should have been A3irir JUSTIFIED iu sending Dr. Thompson out of the coun try, and have remained in perfect accord with the tenets of the law of nations. I be lieved it, however, to be more advisable to tolerate Dr. Thompson's presence, and I continued to do so on account of my high retard for the United States. I am only surprised that he should not have been re called by President Cleveland himself." "Do you mean to make the formal charge that Minister Thompson took bribes or was mixed op in doubtful transactions?" the re- porter asked. "I have not only heard that such things were true," replied General Legitime, "but my Government had many proofs ot their truth. Some of the facts were published by our newspapers and severely commented upon. Should the Government ot the United States choose to investigate the charges I think they can be easilv proven. and it seems to me. that a great nation like the United States should neither tolerate such conduct on the part ot its agents nor permit such charges to be made without making an investigation of them." "Were any other representatives of the United States involved iu any such charges?" asced the reporter. PRINTED EVIDENCE. "As to that," said General Legitime, "I can refer you to the documents printed by your own State Department. United States Consul Gcutier, ot Cape Haytien, chartered the American steamer Havtfan Benubiic as early as October, 1888, to spread the insur rection from Cape Haytien to St. Marc, to Gonaives, and so on down to the southern ports. Later this same Consul Goutier made the bill of sale of the steamer Carondelet, a vessel chartered in the United States for Hippolyte's service, and which.upon anival at Cape Haytien, was turned over to our op ponents and purchased bv them. Consul Goutier acknowledged the bill of sale in his official capacity. I ask you whether an English Consul ever acknowledged bills of sale to American rebels during your Civil "War? In many other instances this same Consul aided the Northern party. "Some months acothe Haytien Assembly ordered the publication of 6ur correspond ence with the United States Government. If you can obtain a copy of that correspond ence you will find there the true cause of mppome s success, l can make this state ment, as absolutely susceptible ot proof, namely, that Hippolyte has not won in this war by his own efforts or the strength of his cane, but because the United States has used all the means necessary to secure his success. VICTIMS OF GKOVER. "We became the victims of Mr. Cleveland's policy, and Tor some reason the present ad ministration has persevered in the line of conduct originated by Mr. Cleveland. The story of that conduct and its results can be summed up very briefly. In the first place, I was lawlully elected President of the Ee public of Hayti. At the time of my elec tion I was in undisputed control of all the machinery of the Government; m v authority was recognized by over two-thirds of the whole Republic. ".Nevertheless Mr. Cleveland's adminis tration withheld that recognition to which I claim my Government was entitled. This deprived mv Government of the protection it should have been able to find in the court of the United States against the fitting out in this country of unlawful expeditions. That was the reason why the Mercedes and the Carondelet, which had been secured for th service of the .Northern insurgents, were allowed to leave the port of New York! "In the next place, our blockade of the four insurgent ports, the effectiveness of which was recognized bv all the European powers, was disregarded by the United States, and thus it happened that Admiral Gherardi conveyed to the ihon u;., port of St Marc the Caroline Miller, an American ship which had on board large supplies of contraband goods, the timelv arrival of which saved the city from cap ture by our.forces. Then there is the treat ment we received at the hands of the United States in the affair of the steamer Haytien Bedublic. an American steamer chartered bv the Bevolntiouary Committee of Cape Haytien, and which was captured by our navy in the very act of conveying armed revolutionists to Various ports where they wereprooking insurrection. ANOTHER COMPLAINT. "Notwithstanding these facts, it was held by Mr. Cleveland's administration that the seizure was unlawful, and an ultimatum was presented by Admiral Luce to the ef fect that the piratical ship must be deliv ered to him. Yon can readily understand 'that my Government could not hesitate; we had to surrender that rebel property; the policy was forced upon us; the effect it had uponfature events can be .readily under stood. "It is impossible to escape from the con clusion that many and open acts of interven tion were the result of a deep-seated policy. Of course I have not seen any agreement, contract or protocol that may have been signed by General Hippolyte, nor his al lesed engagement to cede to the United States that part of Haytien territory known as Mole St. Nicholas, together with its splendid harbor. I know, however, that it is believed that General Hippolyte agreed to such a cession. As for me, I have not con sented to part with one inch of our national territory. By the unity of Hayti, by its na tional independence, I have always stood, and to that course I shall devote my whole life. "As to the United States, I have always admired it, and I believe that Hayti can be immensely benefitted by -friendly relations with such" a powerful neighboring republic But I do know that any attempted occu pation of part of Haytian territory is fraught with immense perils, and that no Government can last in Hayti which makes such an unpatriotic concession." THAT REVENUE AMENDMENT. Governor Bearer Writes the Trndcs Coun cils -s boat II He Blast Consult the At torney Genera! First. There was an unusually large attendance last night at the meeting of the Central Trades Council. Joseph L. Evans pre sided. Five new delegates were admitted. They were: John B. Larkin, L. A. No. 6332; Charles Huf, Brewers' Union No. 22; Edward King, L. A. No. 3681; F. D. Myers, Tin and Sheet Iron Cornice Workers Union No. 12; John Loder, Iron Moulders Union No. 46. J. W. JJcNaldy was named as the alternate delegate from the Iron 3IouIders Union Ho. 4b. The following letter was received from Governor Beaver, relative to the commission appointed to revise the revenue laws, in answer to one sent him by the Secretary of Trades Council asking as to the legality of the act as it is now constituted: Mr. Charles F. Wardc, rUttsburg. Pa.: Dear Sib Your letter of the 26th instant has been received. I have had my attention indirectly and unofficially called to the fact that the bill providing for the appointment ot a commission to revise the revenue had been amended during its passage, and that the amendment was not included when it was finally transcribed. The resolntion is printed in the pamphlet laws Inst as it was received by 13. US 1. W 1CUC1VCU U State Department from the Chief Clerk of the State Department from the Legislature. It is clear that I have no authority to change it. It is difficult to see how it can be changed now even if the presiding officers ot both houses were to sign it after it should be retransenbed, for the rea son that the Constitution requires all bills and resolutions equivalent to bills to be signed by the presiding officers of both houses in the presence of the bouses respectively. Whether or not the resolution In its present shape would be considered inoperative because tne tran scribing cleric omitted to Include the amend ment, is a question which I am not able to de cide without carefnl consfderation. It is a legal question which I would prefer to have passed upon by the Attorney General. When he returns I will have your letter referred to him with a view of securing his professional opinion upon the subject. It may be true that under the resolution as it is at present no one could be appointed as special representative of the wage-earning class, and yet it is true that the practical re sults ot sucn representation might be secured by the commission when organized inviting some representative men to sit with them in the discussion of the questions which will naturally arise for their consideration. This is a question which may bo considered when the appointments are made and the commission organized, if it is considered prudent to have it orcamzed under the resolution as it is at present. So far as I am personally concerned it will give me pleasure to do anything in my power consistent with duty which will enable tho large constituency which you represent to secure a representation upon the commission. Very cordially yours, James a. Beaver. The Secretary was instrncted to acknowl edge the receipt of the letter and request Governor Beaver to send to the Trades Council the opinion of the Attorney Gen eral when rendered. A committee composed of C. H. W. Buhe, Conrad Auth, JDaniel.Mc Williams, James C. Young and Patrick Hovey sub mitted the following: Resolved, That the Central Trades Council considers itself in duty bound to turn out and take part in the ceremonies pertaining to the unveiling of the monument to our late la mented member of the Trades Assembly, Brother Thomas A. Armstrone. Resolved, J hat a committee of five be ap pointed to make all necessary arrangements. In reply to a communication sent him, A. Strasser, of Buffalo, President of the Cigar Makers' International Union, wrote to the Trades Council that the seal (blue label) offered for sale by Straus tc Sons, of Chicago, 111., is a fraud, and, of course, un authorized by the Cigar Makers' Interna tional Union. The International Union, he stated, is making efforts to punish such wrongdoers. The letter was received and noted. TiTO OP THE TRAMPS HELD. Men Suspected orthe Walla Station Assault Sent to Jail. The special officers of the Pennsylvania Bailroad were unable yesterday to discover any substantial clew to the identity or loca tion of the tramps who assaulted Brakemen Cor and Nichols at "Walls, on Friday after noon, Mr. Nichols has so far recovered from the beating which he received as to be able to leave his house yesterday. The four men arrested Friday evening were arraigned before Magistrate Gripp, at Central station, yesterday morning. Way and Smith, the Philadelphia men, were dis charged. The magistrate and the police were satisfied that they were not connected with the assault. The same cannot be said for the other pair, Henry McArdle and Andrew Eagan, who were taken lrom a freight car. They were sentenced to 20 days in the countyjail for trespass. Thev will be obtainable if any positive evidence against them shonld be discovered. Attention, Yeterans. Bemember the special, train to Gettys burg to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, via the B. & O. B. B., passing through country noted in historv. Tickets good to return via Baltimore and Washington, with privilege of stop off. Bate $8 95, with choice of five different routes. Notice to G. A. R. The Pennsylvania Bailroad will accept all orders issued by Adjutant General Hast ings for transportation to Gettysburg for tickets, whether the order is drawn on this or any other company. Attention. Veterans. Bemember the special train to Gettys burg to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, via the B. & O. It. B., passing through country noted in history. Tickets good to return via Baltimore and Washington, with privi lege nf stop off. Bate $8 95 with choice ot five different routes. Be Sure to Try Tbem. Pancakes baked before your eyes from famous self-rising pancake flour, at Mar vin's stand in the Exposition. Don't torget to try them when you visit the big show. ttssu Children's Jnckets. Great big assortment. Prices to suit all. Kxable & Shuster, 35 Fifth avenue. Attention, Trterana. Bemember the special train to Gettys burg to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, via the B. & O. B. B., passing through country noted in history. Ticketsgood toreturn via Baltimore and Washington, with privilege of stop off. Bate 58 95, with'choice of five different routes. Harrt Alden, formerly of this city, can now be found at W. H. Holmes & Son's Chicago House, No. 264 South Clark street . 120 Water street, 264 South Clark st.. 158 First avehne. ttssu Chicago. Pittsburg. NOT SO MYSTERIOUS. Evidence That William Bartholomew Shot Farmer Dilliard. A CASE OP LOVE AND JEALOUSY. There Had Been Frequent Qaarrels. Both Households. in MRS. DILLIAED PROBABLY ASSISTED In aettlng Her Hnstand Oat of the Way to Lire With His Murderer. The murder of "Washington Dilliard, a farmer living near Easton, Pa., on Friday morning, is being cleared up. William Bartholomew, a neighbor, has been arrested for the crime, and Mrs. Dilliard is suspected of complicity in it. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Easton, September 7. The suspected murderer of Washington Dilliard, the farmer who lived near Bearsville, and who was shot early yesterday morning while in vestigating a presumed raid by thieves on his chicken pen, was lodged in the Easton jail to-night. He is Wiliam Bartholomew, a sloucby, un kempt, repulsive looking man of about 50 years. He has been the admitted lover of Mrs. Dilliard for some years, and there is no doubt in the minds of the officers that the woman knows all abont the intentions of the murderer. The story of the crime, as learned by the Coroner to-day, is this. At about 2 oclock Mrs. Dilliard awakened her husband and told him that some one was in the chicken pen. She was dressed at that time. She persuaded him to go out and investigate, giving him his gun, which, it was afterward learned, HAD BEEN TAMPERED WITH so that it conld not be discharged. She and her 13-year-old son accompanied Dilliard part way. and then returned to the house. Dilliard walked on, and not finding any thing wrong at the chicken pen, was re turning, when his wife called to him to go over to a cherry tree near the road, and see if any of the chickens roosting on it had been taken. As he did so he was shot and fell, but managed to walk to the porch of the house, where he fell dead at the feet of his wife. Very little evidence has yet been taken by Coroner Weaver. The stories of Mrs. Dilliard and of her son were heard first. The wife testified that recently she and her husband had lived without much quarreling. A year ago they had removed to their present home. Before that they lived near William Bar tholomew's house, and there had been many quarrels because Bartholomew visited at the house. She narrated the story as above, omitting that portion referring to the cherry tree. SHE DECEASED POSITIVEEY ' several times that she did not hear a re port of a gun. It is a fact that neighbors half a mile away heard it. That the wife had directed her husband to the tree was learned by the jury, and they recalled her, asking her if she had told everything. She said "Yes." When asked if she had not sug gested that he go to the tree, she said she "remembered that she had." An investigation showed that the mur derer had stood in the road, rested his gun on the fence, and fired at Dilliard, who was about 0 feet away, probably holding the lantern to look at the chickens in the tree. Jacob D. Dilliard, the 13-year-old son of the murdered man, was the next witness. The lad has a pleasant face, and told his story in a straightforward manner. "When I woke last night," he said, "mother was out of bed and father was stilPin bed. She called him to get up. We went down stairs together. Father got the lantern, and mother got the gun. Then we went out into the back yard, and father had not been gone more than a minute from the porch when he came running back and FELL ON THE POKCH floor. He handed me the lantern and said 'Oh.' Mother was inside of the door, and I ran for help. Mother directed father while in the yard, told him to go over to the cherrytree and look." Tne boy then told about the run and was next questioned about Bartholomew. He said Bartholomew came a great deal to the house, and very often when his father was away. Bartholomew would send him to the store for tobacco and wonld give him candy and peanuts. Bar tholomew had some weeks ago looked at the works of the gun while at the Dilliard home. The intimacy of Bartholomew and the Dilliard woman dates back several years. Bartholomew's wife died a year ago, and she, too, frequently quarrelled about Mrs. Dilliard. After Dilliard moved his family from a house near where Bartholomew lived his visits ceased for a time, then began again, and he nsed to make the three-mile journev be tween his house and that of the billiards. tnree and lour times a week. He slept at the house several times the last two weeks. THE ACCUSED S STATEMENT. Bartholomew was on the witness stand two hours to-day and though made ex tremely nervous by the questions he did not commit himself. He admitted that there had been family quarrels on account of his visits to the Dilliard woman, but said Dil liard never spnke to him about it. The evidence against Bartholomew is cir cumstantial, but of the strongest kind. Two keys found near the Dilliard House at tached to a piece of leather string, were recognized bv Bartholomew's daughter as belonging to "him. The string was a part of a watch chain which fitted into a broken chain found on Bartholomew. Bartholomew say he was home all of Thursday night. His daughter savs she knows he was out of the house after mid night. His boots fit the tracks which lead across the fields between hia house and that ot JJilliards. CAUGIIT LY MAEILAND. Edward Cnstle Will be Bronchi Back to Pittsbnrir for Trial. Edward Castle, who was implicated in a burglary in the Hill district over a year ago, was arrested by the local officers in Hagerstown, Md., yesterday. An officer of the Pittsburg force will be sent to take him back to-morrow morning. His partner in the burglary was sent to the penitentiary for two and a half years, Castle making good his escape at the time. SIX CARS SMASHED. One Train Bans Into the Rear End of Another on the I'rnntv Road. It was rumored late last night that a collision had occurred on the Pennsylvania road at New Florence, in which several persons were killed. The report proved to be unfounded. One freight' train ran into the rear of another at Bolivar and smashed six cars. No one was injured. The track was blockaded seven hours. Attention, G. A. R, Bemember the special train to Gettys burg to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, via the B. & O. B. B., passing through countrv noted in history. Tickets good to return via Baltimore and Washington, with privi lege of stop off. Kate, 58 95, with choice of five different routes. The Terr X.ateit, Marvin's Exposition cakes. Children cry for tbem and old folks walk a mile to get them. E. S. Marvin & Co. TTSSU. BOTH H0RSDE COMBAT, But tho Library Association Drew First Blond In tho Set-To-The Hifibc.t Bid Offered Wns $131,000. Judge Slagle yesterday called Judge Stowe into consultation regarding the inter vention of the Library Association in the matter of the sale of Library Hall by the Sheriff on the mortgage held by Mr. Felix B. Brunpt, and on which Mr. Charles J. Clarke" appears as the mover in a manner which at present ap pears to subject himself to.criticism by some of the people opposing the sale. Judge Stowe decided to allow the sale to proceed with the understanding that the Library Association shoufd have the right to offer objections subsequently to ratification. His Honor regarded the matter as too serious to be disposed of without due consideration and argument. On the whole the Library Association are disposed to be satisfied with the shape in which the controversy is left. Said one: "It gives us what we have been trying to get, time for funding, but at the same time it somewhat complicates the sit uation. The proceedings so far make the proposed gobble more difficult, but we are thereby forced into an apparent fight with people whom we do not wish to antagonize; people who are friendly to us." The property was offered at 2 o'clock p.m., but before bids were entertained the follow ing notice bv Messrs. McClung and Neeper, Esqs., on behalf of the Young Men's Mer cantile Library Association, was given and read by Mr. Marshall: Notice is hereDy given that the mortgage which is the basis of the judgment on which the present writ issues, was executed by the de fendant without autborlty. The bolder ot the bond was a member of the Board of Directors of said defendant company and had notice of said want of authority, and said defendant was iruiiee oi tne nttsnurg Aaorary Association, which is the equitable owner, the defendant company Improperly permitted Judgment to bo entered by the defendant and the purchaser as this sale will take no title to the property. Thus handicapped, bidding began, 5,000 being the first offer. At first there were a number of bidders, among them John Walker, once a member of the firm of Car negie, Phipps & Co. They dropped out one by one until Mr. A. Thomson, of the law firm of Thomson & Son, and John M. Kennedy, Esq., the latter representing the 'parties wanting to force the sale, were the only ones left. Aft er rising to 5100,000 the bids fell off to $100, to 500, and finally there was a rest at $131, 000, Mr. Kennedy's bid. Notice was given of the priority of a $50, 000 mortgage held by the Shields estate and $100,000 by the West Penn Hospital. There was then a powwow between Messis. Kennedy and Holmes, the latter trustee of one oi the mortgages, when Mr. Kennedy stayed the writ and the sale was off. The matter will come up again in court for a hearing on the 27th inst. SATS HE SHOT ST. CLAIR! Remarkable Story of a Man In Cincinnati An Incident Connected. I The story related by one GeorgeMcCor mick in Cincinnati is remarkable,if true. He appeared at a police station and desired to be locked up as the man "who burglarized several stores in Wilkinsburg last'spring, and fired a number of shots at Mr. St Clair, of Penn avenue, who had tried to repulse him. McCormick stated that he wis from Greensburg, Pa., and that he had : jcentlv heard that a man named Frank Fiods was under arrest in this city for the birglary and attempted killing, and that he wanted to save an innocent man. Assistant Superintendent Boger 5'Mara takes no stock in the story, and a t legram from Greensburg reports McCormicl as un known in that city. Cyrus Alshouse, of Point Perry, 'ho was arrested by the Wilkinsburg Vigilance Committee just succeeding the attack upon St Clair, and incarcerated iu 'Squire Creel man's office for several, hours upon sus picion or being the tburglar, has brought suit for $25,000 damai;es,claimcd on account of his detention in jail. His acquittal took place when he wa,s placed on trial. The parties named in the suit are Samuel Creel man, William Boss, Frank Cunrod, Will iam Linn, William McCloskey, Floyd Boss and George C. Welsber. MILK SHAKE GIYES UP. He Will Abide by Jndse Stowe's Decision and Not Sell on Sunday. The Law and Order Society won their cases against Milk Shake Martin. He had appealed to conrt on three separate snits. The decision of the Court went against him in each appeal. The Judges indorsed the .action of the lower courts, and Martin had to whack up $25 and costs or spend 30 days at the barrel factory. Martin said last night: "I will abide by the ruling of the Court; judgment was ad verse to me, and it would be short-sighted policy to pursue a course that is a financial loss weekly. I will not be injured comiuen surately with the public inconvenience. The law that compels me to close down my soda fountain is cruel and oppressive, yet when the iron hand of the law clutches vou it is impossible to free yourself from its grasp. The result of the judgment will be to close down my soda water fountain on Smithfield street. ' If the public's mouth is parched to-day by the action of the sun there is a delightful hydrant with a couple of tin cups attached on Fifth avenue, near the postoffice. Until this obnoxious law is rescinded, you may expect the milkshake machine ol John A. Martin to enjoy a Sab bath rest I will, however, open my stand at the Exposition. I presume the Cold Water League will not pull me in for cater ing to the public wants there." Notice to G. A. R. The Pennsylvania Bailroad will nccept all orders issued by Adjutant General Hast ings for transportation to Gettysburg for tickets, whether the order is drawn on this or any other company. The Oyster Season. With September comes the opening of the oyster season aud the consequent de mand for Marvin's superior 'oyster crackers. The luscious bivalve is incom plete without them. Everybody wants them. Your grocer keeps them. ttssu Sllhs. Silks. Silks. Blacks, fancies, colored and stripes. We can show you great bargains in these goods. Surah silks a specialty. .Knable & Shustee, 35 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg beer, brewed by Frauenheim & Vilsack, is a product of home industry. Call for it. Drink it. Telephone 1186. Attention, G. A. R. Bemember the special train to Gettysburg to-morrow morning ut 8 o'clock, via the B.& O. B. B., passing through country noted in history. Tickets good to return via Balti more and Washington, with privilege of stop off. Bate 58 95 with choice of five dif ferent routes. G. A. II. Take Notice. All orders issued by. Adjutant General Hastings for transportation to Gettysburg, will be accepted by the agents of the Penn sylvania Bailroad for tickets, whether the order is drawn on 'this company or any other company. At I lie Expo. When you go to the Exposition don't fail to visit Marvin's staud and get a delicious hot cuke, made from Marvin's un rivaled, self-rising pancake flour. Then when von eo home anln fair ril, mn a sack of the flour and make some cakes I lor yonrseit. r . ttssu. J BRQDIE'S LAST FEAT. Claims to Have Gone Over Niagara Falls in His Kubber Snit. HE GETS , flIMSEEP ARRESTED For an Attempt to Commit Suicide, and is Released on Bond. LITTLE STOCK TAKEN IN THE ST0EI. The Whole Business, Arrest and All, Tftongnt to tie Part of a Fake. Steve Brodie claims that he floated over Niagara Falls in his 'rubber suit yesterday. He was arrested on a charge of attempted suicide. The whole thing is believed to be a fake, with the arrest thrown in as a clincher. tSPrCIALTELEQBAM TO TUB PISFATCH.1 Niagara. Falls, September 7. Sieve Brodie claims to have gone over the falls early this morning in his rubber suit Only four witnesses can be found who know any thing about the trip. They are W. E. Harding, of the Police Gazette; Earnest Jerold, New York Sun; J. McCarthy,. New York World, ..and Louis Ledger, an attendant No one living here saw the trip, or knows anything about it except by report The party are all from New York, arrived here last evening and put up at the Waverly House, Clifton, two miles below the falls. They left the hotel at 4 o'clock this morn ing and went to the falls, where the suit had been placed in hiding last evening, nnd the party claim that he got into it some 200 feet above the falls, and with his paddles succeeded in reaching the center of the falls before going over. He was out of sight about two minutes, when he was seen float ing toward the American shore, but changed his course and came to the Canadian side, and when about 400 feet from shore Ledger plunged in, swam ont and fastened a rope around Brodie's waist, by which he was towed in. TAKEN OTJT INSENSIBLE. When Brodie was taken out of his suit he was insensible, bleeding from mouth, nose and ears, and it required some time to bring him to, and then he was taken to his hotel, where a physician was summoned. An hour later he was seen in his room, ap parently none the worse for his trip. He says that when he first entered the water his heart failed him, and he tried to turn back, bnt couldn't. '"I went over the brink," said Brodie, "feet firsthand felt as if I was dying. All the sins I ever committed passed before me when I became unconscious. It seems as if I went over two falls. I think I must have bounded when I struck. The first thing I fully realized 1 was on the shore. For years I have wanted to go over the falls, till it has become a mania with me, and I had to go over them or go to the insane asylum, I do not think there is any danger, and I bad as soon go over in a life preserver." He claims the reason for keep ing so quiet was his fear of arrest. LOOKED ON AS A JOKE, No one here takes any stock in the report, and it is looked upon as a fake. The snot where he claims to have entered the water would compel him to go half way across the river only a few feet above the brink, just where te rapid and current are worst. Where Ledger claims to have swam ont for Brodie it would be impossible for any per son to live two minutes. Where he claims to have landed is close under the falls, and the only way of reaching the point is by climbing over a rock alone the water's edge, which a man couldn't accomplish in an hour, and if Brodie was injured at all he 'couldn't have been taken out in several hours. Still only about two hours from, the time the party left the hotel, the great feat had been accomplished and they were back. By noon Brodie was as well as ever and soon after he was arrested for aitempting to commit suicide. The newspaper repre sentatives, fearful of arrest for false reporta tion at the hotel, skipped out one by one, no one knows where. Brodie was released on bond that he wouldn't attempt the trip again'in a year, and early in the evening with his attendant left for New York. HE REFUSED TO SWEAR. Brodie said, when taken before Police Magistrate A. G. Hill, that he did not go over the falls.. The Magistrate then asked him to swear to the following declaration: I. Stephen Brodie. the nartv within charged. herebr declare I did not go over Niagara Falls as within charged, and that story of having gone over was all for the purpose of specula tion, and untrue. Brodie refused to swear to the declaration, saying he was a Catholic and could not commit perjury. He was then placed in $500 bonds on his own recognizance to keep the laws of the Dominion, especially that of not attempting going over the falls for one year. NOT ALL ACCIDENT. Hinting That There Warn Method In Derail- Inn the Shad's Train. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, September 7. The Austrian newspapers are hinting that the disaster to the Shah's train was not quite so much a matter of accident as first reports endeav ored to show, and point out asa coincidence that the Shah is not favorably regarded in high quarters in St Petersburg. No sane person really imagines that the Czar would adopt Nihilist methods to get rid of a brother sovereign, however obnoxious he might be, but the mere insinuation of such a thing in Vienna shows the feeling which exists in Austria against all things Bussian. MAI EESDLT SERIOUSLY. One Man Slugs Another With a Good-Sized Piece of Gns Pipe. C. H. Frey assaulted Toliver Boyer, in the office of Garrison, Williams & Co., 23, Seventh avenue yesterday attcrnoon, strik ing him in the head with a three foot length of inch and a half pipe. Boyer was intoxticated when he went into the office and accused Frey of causing him to loose his .situation in the place. Both men were locked up in the Central station. Boyer was struck over the left temple and his injuries may result seri ously. THE GETTYSBURG EXCURSION. Three1 Hundred Orders Honored nnd the 1 Tickets Sold br the B. & O. Mr. Smith, Division Passenger Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, was seen yesterday. He was very jubilant over the prospect tor Uettysburf exrqrsions. Three hundred State orders have already been honored and as many have been sold; four palace cars have, been engaged, and Mr. Smith expects that the engagement of a fifth will follow. There is every prospect of a decidedly pleasant excursion. Fell Down tho Stairs. Mrs. Johnston, of Washington avenue, Allegheny, a lady of 86 years,' tripped and fell down a flight ot stairs at her home last night and fractnred her thigh. She was taken to the General Hospital in the ambu lance, where, on account of her great age, her case is considered precarious. Pushed Off tho -Sidewalk. C. H. Albert Berg, while quarreling with James Shields, or Pearl street, pushed him off the sidewalk. Shields fell back and his head struck a cobblestone, inflicting a seri ous wound. He immediately made an in formation against Berg, who was placed under a 300 bnnri to annpar fnv total ah IT 0A&E TO AN END.- Continued from First Page. unduly about shareholders' dividends, pre ferring to get fun for themselves by squan-. dering money In, ,reckless tariff wars with each other. The leading companies amal gamated a year or two ago, but that the shareholders have not reaped much ad vantage by the fusion may be gathered from the fact that tbe- present market value of ordinary stock is only from 21 to 42 per cent. GREAT DEPRECIATION. In the stock Of two companies alone this depreciation represents a sum of $25,000,000, dne undeniably to mismanagement and reckless building and competition. One of the companies,is in chancery, and the rest might as well follow it sooner or later. The municipality will take over the entire dock system of London, forming a harbor trust like that af Liverpool and other seaports. The directors hope the present struggle will have hastened this solution, because ther actually cherish the belief that Parliament will not pass a bill which does not provide for purchase at- original cost. This wonld be about $85,000,000, but in open market the property would not fetch more than $25, 000,000, and beyond that sum public opinion would certainly not permit the Government or municipality to go. A YAGBANT YISCOUNT. The Heir to Vast Estates Arrested for An- noying People With a Hand Organ His Wife and Children Assist In Catherine Pennies. BY CABLE TO THE DISrATCK. London, September 7. Two more mem bers of Britain's nobility were in the police courts this week in the persons of Viscount Hinton and the Viscountess, who were charged with causing a nuisance by playing their barrel organ in front of a hotel, after" they had been ordered to desist The Vis count is heir to the noble Earl Poullett, of Hinion, St George, Crew, Kerne and Bel-. size Park ' Gardens. The Earl, however, conceived a dislike to the Viscount, because he was born only five months arter the no bleman had made a love match with Eliza Savine Newman, the daughter of a pilot, a simple village maiden, who had had a lover before she married above her station. Being born in wedlock, however, the Vis count is heir to the earldom and estates, bnt the Earl has steadfastly refused to maintain the ofispring-of his Cottntess. The ViscoUnt, therefore, after having run through! all post obits he could raise on his prospective estates, has been obliged to ob tain a livelihood. He was at one time a clown and pantomimist at the Surrey Thea ter, but for the last year or two has played a barrel organ in the streets. He married a ballet dancer who figures in the peerage as "ViscounlessHinton," where their offspring, who follow' the organ and pass the cup for pennies, are solemnly registered as Hon. William Henry George Hinton, and Hon. Maud Marie Hinton. Earl Pouelett, who is 62 years of age, has been doing 4 his best since the birth of the Viscount to'dispose of everything possible on his estates so that his heir may inherit as little as need be. The entailed estates fall to the Viscount in spite of the Earl, but he has cut down all the timber on them and re duced their value as much as possible, dis posing as well of every foot 'of land that is not entailed. The Viscount was fined 40 shillings for causing a nuisance, and her ladyship, the Viscountess, was' discharged with a cantion. MAEY ANDEKSON. She is Stopping in the Scottish Highlands in Excellent Spirits Not Likely to Return to the Stage for Many Months Yet. IBT CABLE To THE DISPATCH.) London, September 7. Mary Anderson is visiting Wm. Black, the novelist, at his house, Kilichrenan Lodge, Oban, in the Scottish highlands. She is in the best of healtb, and her gayety, high spirits and geniality have quite won all Scotch hearts. She spends her time walking, rowing and yachting, or in visiting neighboring places of interest with Black's pretty children. She informed a representative of The Dis patch, who called npon her at Oban, she shonld remain in Scotland until the middle of October, bnt should not return to the stage for a loug time. "I intend to have real rest and mean to play," she said. Concerning the rumors disseminated in America regarding her recent illness, Miss Anderson said: "The statement that I was on the verge of insanity had not the slight est foundation in fact, and I shall be obliged if you will let all my American friends know it. I was simply suffering irom exnaustion causea Dy excessive fatigue. My doctors told me to rest and I am following their advice, and," she added, witn a cay laugn, "enjoying myself im mensely." Miss Anderson's appearance isa sufficient refutation of the rnmors that she had sufr fered permanent physical or mental iiyuryl She has never looked better in her life, and, as she says herself, has never enjoyed her self more. A RED HERRING TRAIL. The Gladstonlnns Will Qppose a Catholic University for Ireland. I BT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. J London; September 7. The Glad stonians have formally announced that they intend wrecking Balfour's Catholic Uni versity scheme if possible. The Ulster Orange members have called a great meet ing to denounce what they term "these iniquitous proposals," and Michael Davitt bitterly opposes the scheme, which he designates as a red herring trail across the home rule scent, which of course describes the whole situation in a sentence. Some of the English county members of Established church proclivities are also fuming, so that even if Balfour gets his proposals adopted by a large majority he is certain to leave a deal of soreness behind among his own immediate followers. It is remarkable that so little has been made of this matter here, considering the importance of the subject, but the public apathy is a clear index of the weariness of the people of all things appertaining to politics. Mr. Gladstone has already expressed him self against the scheme of giving Ireland a Catholic university on Balfour's lines. A BISHOP'S INDIGNATION. lie Reproves a Clersvmna for listening; to a Lecturer's Blasphemy. :bt cable to the nisrATcn.J London, September 7. Bev. J. G. Gregory, inenmbent of Emmanuel Church, Brighton, has got into trouble with his boss, the Bishop of Chichester, because the cler gyman presided at a lecture delivered by Bev. Justin D. Fulton, of Brooklyn, where in the lecturer reflected upon the personal character of the Virgin Mary. The Bishop informs Mr. "Gregory in a letter that has been made public that he should have pro tested on the spot, He continued: "I hope vou will take some opportunity of publicly repudiating the lecturer's revolting statements, which must give much offense to all pious believ ers. It is amazing they shonld have been received on one occasion with laughter, and on another with applause by an audience professing and calling themselves Chris tians." Attention, Q. A. R. Bemember the special train to Gettysburg to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, via the B.& O. E. B., passing through country noted in history. Tickets good to return via Balti more and Washington, with nrivilamt r,y stop off. Bite S3 95. with choice ot fi THEIR MINDS IADE UP .The Reason Fo JnroraC&a te Secured for the Crojiia, Case. ALL HAVE VERY FIXED 'PIKIONS As to the Guilt of the Frieesers oa Trial for Their IiT66. SENSATIONAL YIDKCE IS KPSCTIB. The State Said to Hare a Sore Cue ijaiatt Tws of tie. Aeeased lien. Not a single juror has jret beendefinitely accepted in the Cronin case. All of the talesmen summoned have positive opinions on the subject . ISriCIALTILIOBAK TO TBI DISrATCH.1 Chicago, September 7. The emingly interminable task of securing a jury to try Coughlln, O'SuIlivan, Burke, Beggs arid Kunz for the murder of Dr Patrick Cronin was resumed this morning. After five hoars of tedious examination of tales men, conrt adjourned until Monday morn ing. Young George Creighton is still held as a possible juror. His companion for Sunday is O. C. Simmonds, a merchant of Bavenswood, who was the last man of the sixth venire, and who was passed by the State j nst as the hands of the clock marked the hour of adjournment. The seventh venire was issued in the af ternoon, and by 10 o'clock Monday morn ing the waiting room will be filled with men1 with fixed opinions and conscientious scruples. Long-haired Senator Kennedy, of, Wisconsin, who was retained by somebody to defend Martin Burke, is still missing. A THEATRICAL ORATION. In the absence of the lawmaker Mr. For rest got & chance to make one of his theatri cal orations. It was late in the afternoon and the spectators were almost overcome by the soporific influence of the sepulchral voice of Mr. Wing, when one of the State's officers asked Mr. Forrest who was defend ing Burke. ., The grim-looking leader of the defense jumped ont oi his chair, and, with a pomp ons wave of his hand exclaimed, with great emphasis on the personal pronoun: "I am defending Mr, Bnrke, and X shall defend him to the end." This announcement wonld seem to indicate that Bnrke does not intend to turn informer. Mr. Forrest looked very pale after he made this declaration. Burke, however, appeared embarrassed, bis face was crimson and he tried to laugh. Mr. Forrest conducted the examination of talesmen during the morning session. His line of Questioning differed widely from that of Wing or Foster. CURIOUS QUESTIONS. "Do yon know," he at one time ex claimed, "whether the -man who wrote that article was an honest "if or a discharged thief?" Before the man could answer Jndge Mc Connell put a large weight on Mr. Forrest, and quietly informed him that that kind of qnestioning was offensive. Mr. For rest is a slender man 'whose nale face is heavily carpeted with closely trimmed whiskers. He has a prominent forehead. When he speaks he buries one hand in a pocket of his trousers and levels the index finger of his other hand at the Conrt. He is always ready to talk. He nsed to be a school teacher. Talesmen were excused for one cause or another until 22 of them had walked ont into the'street There were four peremptory challenges. These were evenly divided be tween the State and the defense. The latter has now nsed np24 of its 100 challenges,while the Statea has wasted just half as many. The examination ot B. J. Dennett, a fine looking man from Kay ens wood, aroused con siderable interest. With a strong voice, which could be heard throughout the big court room, he said, in reply to a ques- SECOND OP1 TIHIIE PITTSBURG EXPOSITION Unequaled Attractions in Departments. Art Galleries in Floral Display. Superb Musical Programme.? OPEN ifiroim: 9 a. m. . ZDZBISSIOaSTz ADULTS, 25c. iii $I$SJ3?' CwKhslatH isee the Mai itpm -he wia! , dropped the jwMj"ir hewMiMdtNt BSrfMT. IftM MB dSSASBlV glared savagely at the jwer. Hk iMf jpMr3 intensely pale. Xa'ariMd U "MHk a bring hia a op of watar. ' A SBXSATIOirAI, STIDWCB. The Statel Jafaf sssMsliM of' i tionat evieXwe, VMM, H H MM, establish tfeegailt ot at least W ot & prisoners hvm trai ttyeM mmt j Me doaM, Abot ik tfcu Mm trunk was fM oa me MMir ! i German oefseierr. Omtsrfa TiTHsis. Ssmb in charge of tke .Lakviw jHMm fifMfct. meat, resigBed" to aoeejH'aa bumHm & lfl t&e village Mil. uaptaia WMtfwMMs neeeseor, h altfcovgk hie MIssM permit of assah deteettve work, ssr flaptehi - Villiers worked secretly oa sts1 .tm iaiag clews. ' '. When Captain Wing waa JlsjiisjilfW Chief Hubbard after the aaiajliaOf Lak'eview to the oity, be jots! -OtjpsU Villiers in working oa ttehaawhij fee latter had straok. The two ax-ynWes stasiss, after having collected a vast aasWat ot sejs sational evidefiee, MA s coatosMC-wflk the State's officers sad tolrtlje ssry, tmi is from them the sonsarioMrerHsBie" fclssv pected. rA w r u4L4i.ri nn fVV Wf JFJwriv tfw JyfvSnMt OfMt Wmti Virginiajt If, varmerj eaesatfag totakieettern por ofFenruvttani'a- : .m nonary temperm-; Tor (Mo, Indiana i Kentucky, Tennessee and Lover MeMgak: fair, stationary temperature, eeuterly tstHaW Dr. Snafer, one ot the physicians of tte. Pol jpatble Medical Institute, at 420 Penn are. Mr. C. V. Pulpress, of No. 48 Liberty street, Allegheny, hid for a long time suffered from a' weajt. urea ieeiing. no amutlon. pain aerese the small of his back and palpitation of the heart. His complexion was very sallow, and as the diseased condition of bis kidneys from, which he suffered further progressed, his stem-' ach became involved. He had bloatlnev belch tnpof gas and distress after eating. He low flesh, his memory became poor and his mini became so affected that he could neither read or think, and was In constant fear of becoming In sane. He often felt dizzy, so that everything, seemed to be in a whirl, and he became sir nervous as to entirely unfit hha for any basi , ness. Having read In the. papers that tea. physicians of the Polypathia Medical Institute make a specialty of kidney and urinary diseases he began treatment with them. His own words' state the result: "This Is to certify that I haw been cared by the phTidans of the PoljpataJc -. Medical Institute at 420Penn arsnne. ,. a V. PtTLPBESS." . Office hours, 10A.H. to 4 r. acandB to8p. x. . 8usdays.lto4p.ic Consultation free. ' se5-TT8 ITTTt iif .;. WEEK G-KElT T j vi t, ' i Perfect Orders DAILY to 10 if. - md 4 M -v CHILDREN, 15c. -. :W' V -i Isssssl Iff Hl Mi lit r 9 . . tSSk n Monday. - . seS-Isi. Jfcd I different routes, , . i