4 V ft REVIEW OF SPORTS Opinions About the Searle O'Connor Boat Bace. "WHO WILL BETHE WINNER? Interesting Comparisons of Rowing of the Past and Present. LOCAL BASE BALL CLUB AFFAIRS. Tlio Proposed Changes in the National League Playing Rules. A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE PUGILISTS Of course we nil know about that familiar quotation to the tffect that history repeats ifelf, and really there is considerable inter esting truth in the old and olt repeated statement. In the sporting -world history is just on the eve of repeating itself in an ex ceedingly interesting way. Australia and Canada will, before we are very much older, have another contest for the scull ins supremacy of the world. It seems just the other day that Hanlan and Trickett, the two Eds, struggled for the same great title on the same course on which Searle and O'Connor will tight it out this week. And yet it is nine years since Hanlan, then In his glory, defeated the big and powerful Austra lian and won a -wagon load" of money. In that race both countries thought they had a wonder. Hanlan, undoubtedly, had the best record, but Trickett had anquisnedaIl the scnllers of his native laud and had received a good forfc.t from 'William Lmnsden, a then promising j oung English rower. OldJim'my Taylor and J. H. Clasper had, on the quiet, found out that Trickett was a "flyer" and Rumsden was at once unable to go on with the race because of an "'injured thumb." This in spired the Australian party with confidence and as a result the betting on the Trickett Hanlanrace was very great indeed. We all know how Hanlan won and how Canada re jo:ced over the creat victory, and also how the pocket books of the Antlpodeans were emptied. Well now, the approach ing big race between Searle and O'Connor is in almost every respect a repeti tion ot that between Trickett and Hanlan. Of course the result Is not known yet, but the probability is that the result will be similar to that of JSSO; that is, Canada will likely be to the front again. I have often said that there is no direct way by which we can measure Searle; this to a great extent leaves him as an unknown quantity. However, if there is a man outside of Searle's trainers, and Searle himself, who knows what he .can do, Edward Hanlan ought to be that man. He has stated definitely that he thinks O'Connor will win. but the ex champion predicts a very close race; Indeed, so close that it would seem that Hanlan is not at all very confident of hiB countryman's success. Hanlan thinks that O'Connor will win by about a length. Sow, when it comes down to a point as fine as that in a four-mile race, to name the winner is an absolute guessing story. The odds in England are in favor of Searle, but this is entirely because of the large amount of Australian money in London, just as the preponderance of O'Connor money ai Toronto makes him favorite there. However, I am still inclined to favor the chances of O'Connor. 1 state this conclusion because reviews or comments would be worth less without conclusions of a definite kind. We cannot hit the nail on the head every time, but I'll be content with hitting It a majority of tunes. Certainly I am aware that Searle is a speedy man, and so is O'Connor. But advices from the Thames state that Searle Is not much speedier than Matterson, and taking this as a criterion it may be safe to say that Searle's speed wiU not take him away from O'Connor in the early part of the race. If Searle cannot get away from O'Connor in the early part of the race, the Canadian, if all accounts about him are true, ought to outstay the Australian. Then nnd Now. Few, if any, of us can think or talk abont the big sculling events of to-day without thinking of the "good old times" that have gone by and the changes, that have taken Dlace In the meantime. Probably in no branch of sport has there been so many changes during SO or 2-5 years as in rowing. Going back to 1863, when Honest Bob Chambers beat G. W. Everson, the Australian, over the Thames couire. and In the same year when Chambers defeated R. Green, the other Australian, we can see a most wonderful transtormation that has taken place in the rowing world between then and now. Since that time America, Canada and Australia have all left the mother country.wherein sculling originated, far behind. In the present instance, however, it may be a little consolation to English people to know that two British subjects are battling for the proud title, and whoever wins America will still be playing second fiddle. But although time's changes have been great in the localiza tion of champions, they just have been as great in the styles of sculling. Would space permit, many interesting things could be ild on this feature, but I may resume the subject some other day. w Among the Pugilists. There has been remarkable quietude among the pugilists d urlng the week. "Words, words, ords," have been abont the full extent of the doing in the fistic world. Cardiff and Mike Conley were underlined for a battle, but the terrors of the law have kept them out of the ring. This fully bears out the prediction I made when Sullivan received his sentence. 1 contended then that the effect of that sentence and of Governor' Lowery's action would be to put a damper on pnze fighting throughout the country. So far this prediction has been amply fulfilled. A week or so ago I also said that the Marine would take his own time in responding to Dempsey's challenge, and now the Marine comes defiantly out stat ing that Dempsey made him wait three years, and now Dempsey must be content to linger. Kobody need be surprised at this when modern pugilism is taken into account. 1 he show busi ness and pugilism are so closely allied that nowadays everything pugilistic is arranged with the ulterior object of makingmoney in tho show. The Marine is certainly aware of this fact, and doubtless he will not try and kill the goose that lays the golden eggs as did Dcmpsey. The Marine is the vanquisher of the great Dempsey, and undoubtedly the Marine will re main so -as long as he can without entenng tho arena again. The latest about Slavm. the Australian, is that he is matched to fight Jem Goode with gloves. If the Goode party really believe they have any show at all their estims. tlon of Slavin would prompt us to say: Slavm, don't come to America. However, one of the most interesting battles would be one between Slavin and Jackson. They may meet before long. Locul Baseball Affairs. IJraowthat it is to some extent wearisome talking about the local club when it is losing as it has been doing. The team is now in a osition In the race that tends to kill all en thusiasm about it. To be in sixth place is not at all Inspiring, and the probability is that the team will finish a notch lower. Manager Han Ion is doing just as good as anybody else would under the circumstances. Nobody will be un reasonable enough to say that the defeats are due to bad management so soon after praising lilm for the lato victories. Several davs ago it was announced in thisnaper that Manager Phillips was on the way of recovery. President Nimick has verified this announcement, but the President adds: "Nobody but Mr. Phil lips' brother is allowed to visit bim." It is to be hoped that Horace will soon be all right again. The team will return from the East at the close of this week, and ir the pitch ers can only got in good condition there may be hope of many good victories yet The pitchers have been the Jonah so far this season, and their work, take it all round, has been of a very unsatisfactory kind. This may mean that we may expect to see one or two new faces in the local box next year. . t . . Dirty Ball flaying. During the latter part of this baseball sezon, at far u It has gone, there has been something like a remarkable increase of what is termed dirty ball playing. A notable feature of these much to be lamented scenes has been that the disgraceful work has been participated in by dome of the most prominent players in the League. Back Ewing and Fred Pfeffer have been extremely conspicuous In what is nothing short ot very dishonorable conduct on more than one occasion. One amusing circumstance of the matter is an earnest homily that Pfeffcr got off to me w hen he was last here. During a conversation he went on to lament the fre quency of dirty ball playing this season, and urged that something should he done to stop It. He referred particularly to Ewing. This is amusiug. when it is stated that the day after Mr. Pfeffer poured, out his lamentations and censure, he. in the most uugentlemanly and brutal manner. dUabled Dnnlap. Not long before that Ewing was the means of disabling Miller. Case after case could be cited to show to what a deplorable extent this dastardly and contemptible work has developed. Now, what I claim is this: It can be stopped, and stooped en tirely. If it is not stopped, it will be so much the worse for the dignity and popularity ot the national game. The um pire can easily stop, if managers won't do it. The umpires should be given fnll swing in a matter of this kind and for any violation ot the rules of gentlemanly conquct a player should be fined as heavy as possible ami ordered off the field. If penalties of this kind w ere enforced all round, dirty ball playing, as it's called, would soon disappear. Ot course a player deserves all the credit for any cunning and legitimate trick he may dovise and suc cessfully put Into operation, but there is a difference between a trick designed to only outwit another plaer and a trick designed to break a player's leg or even jeopardize his life. The question Is certainly worthy of notice at the annual meeting of the League. President Young' Notions. It now seems certain that we will have the double umpire sj stem in full swing next year in the League at least. President Young has oe clarcd himself definitely on that point and in tends to recommend the League to entirely adont the system. This moans, 1 think, that It will be adopted, because ir I am rightly lntormed President Voting has, heretofore, been one of the strong op ponents of the new system. He has opposed Its introduction so far because of the extra expense It would entail. However, matters have come to surh a climax that expense Is out or the question and tills Is really a very pleasing termination ofa long controversy. 1 have always been an advo cate ol the double umpire system and have claimed that the good resulting from Its operation would more than outweigh the question of extra cost. Time and time again this season there have been quarrels. III reeling and unpleasant scenes caused by the shortcomings of the present system. These unpleasantries and rows would not have been had the proposed system been In operation. Matters ha e even been worse In the American Association, and it seems safe to say that that or ganization will also fully adopt the system now advocated bv President Young. President Young has also another idea which he wishes to have solidified Into a rule. lie sees much dexterity and good plaj In a catcher nabbing a foul tin. At present a plav of this kind counts for naught and President Young thinks there certainly ought to be some kind of reward for such accomplished plav. The President, theretore, suggests that a toul tip count a strike against the batter. This seems to be such a fair and honest proposition, that it is hard to Imagine any strong opposition to it It is orten very interesting to watch a catcher catch a foul tip, and often the best kind of skill is needed to do so. lfaplavofthis kind amounted to anything toward removing the batter. It would be an encouragement to better work. But Mr. Spalding Is also suggesting another change In the plajing rules, which will not tally very well with the change suggested by President Young. Mr. bpaldinr wants loul files abolished entirely, that is. he desires that a foul fly do not interfere with the game. The proposed change certainly seems too sweeping to ever be adopted, when we con sider the wonderful efforts made to catch foul files now and again. Why some of the exciting playing Is In catching those kind of flies. And whv take this inducement for extraordinary workaavr Mr. Spalding says to give the batters a chance but it may be asked in reply: Ha e some or the best features of the game to be abolished slmplv to keep a man a longer time at bat? Arc there no other means of aiding the bat ter if more batting Is still needed? Beally. If it comes down to a question of batting and nothing more why not take all the fonl lines away at once? However, ir President Young's font-tip sugges tion is made a law, and it likely will, there is not much fear of Mr. Spalding's proposed change being adopted. The former's object is to sustain some good features of play, while the latter's Is to abolish them. Britishers on SnIHvan's Sentence. Although the London Refertt has not been an out and out supporter of Sullivan and Kllraln as first-class pugilists, that paper has some kindly remarks about Sullivan's sentence. In a recent Issue the paper contained a paragranh as follows: "In common with otherstudentsot transatlantic tricks and manners, I was rather taken aback on hearing the sentence of the Slugger. Twelve months inside Is hot, is it not? Among Ameri cans the popular idol is generally, while he Is popular, a king who can do no wrong. And there Is no denying that Sullivan was an Idol, who, af ter getting deposed from his pedestal, reinstated hlmseiras a demigod by defeating Kllraln. When such a personage breaks the law, especially If his fracture Involves no earthly harm to anyone but himself or an opponent who is an altogether free agent, a way out is usually found for him. We have yet to hear whether appeal may not be successfully ral'ied against the crushing sentence pronounced on Sul livan Honestly 1 hope there will be. 1 do not believe in the man as a wonder, and never did, but hear verv much to his credit in tbe fight which has got him Into so ranch trouble. I am assured that the accounts sent to England were not by any means truthful, and that the big fellow was attacked in them without Justification. .Looking at the whole business. It seems to me that the newspaper representatives are responsi ble for the whole bother. Not long ago over here parties mixed np In the Hayes-Kob-erts fight were brought to trial, and had a narrow sqneak of getting put Inside because a reporter made capital out of the alleged bum bugging of a poor devil of a constable. Ills chief was compelled to take proceedings to clear himself and his subordinates. Several of the Sulllran Kilraln accounts went at large into charges of complicity against big officials wno ought to have stopped the RIchburg set-to. Wrat else would these men, who were gibbeted as poor creature easily fooled or cheaply squared, do but try to put themselves right In the eyes of the American public? Self preservation is nature's first law. Sullivan and Sllraln might have been at large now but for the Hastiness of the reporters, who pointedly challenged the State officials to make reprisals on the fighting men. " A Good Exnmple. One of the most satlstactory and pleasing features of the recent trip of the Philadelphia cricketers to England was the purely amateur basis on which they traveled. They have been twice In England and each time tney have trav eled on their own hook. Gate money, therefore, to them was not the great object of their journey. Referring to this matter an English sporting au thority savs: "In the matter of cricket touring, the 1'hlladclphlans and Parsees stand out by themselves as pure r.mateurs. No English ama teurs or mixed company organized In England has. to my recollectfon. disregarded gate or not made It one of Us chief alms. 7 he Americans have twice been here on thelrown hook, prepared to pay their way cheerfully If the visit did not prove self-supporting, and fully content without Sroiltin anvca6c 1 am quite aware that the elbournc "Club has run two or three English combinations in their country, but these were not on the same lines as the Americans, because It took a ton of gate to pay their exes, and some big lumps byway of bonus or lilreto non-professionals who would not work without it, " Tho Locnl Rnce Meeting. The publlcls already aware of the approaching race meeting to be held at Exposition Park during the latter part of this month. 1 had given up all hope of seeing any race meeting at all worthy the name in Pittsburg this year, but I am happy to be disappointed not by any of the good wishes of those who have and are still trying to entirely prevent everything of an honorable snorting kind. The happy disappointment has been caused by the plucky enterprise of those who are con nected with the track. With odds against them, thev have decided to hold a four davs1 meeting, and the purses and classes are such that will at tract a good supplv or entries. True, we may not expect to see a J20O-pur6e attract the best horses In the country, but a purse of that amount ought to secure the presence of a verv good class of competitors. But one cannot talk about 'Pitts burg and horse racing without thinking of the extremely misguided actions of a few people who, prompted by an thing except the betterment of the moral snrroundlugs stopped first-class horse racing here. Nobody who had moral improvement in view would have been instrumental In stopping a public race meeting of a high order. Of course I am aware that "It was the retting" that the ultra good people assailed, but ihls Is Just where the mistake was made. Be fore we had first-class horse races and betting, and now we hae betting and no races. But we not only have betting, but or a worse character than It otherwise would be if the regulations of the various associations were surrounding It. The stopping of races, or the prohibition of the pool box on a public race track, has never and never will stop betting. Like the poor, the bettors we have alwjns with. us. This is no plea for gam bling; not at all. It is only the state ment ot a fact that is centuries old, viz., that clandestine betting Is a much greater source of evil than Investing in a pool box on a public rice course, bo far this season Pittsburg has been deprived of seeing some of the best pacing and trotting horses ever seen in this countrv. Doubt less had things been as they used to be, some of tnese nyerswouia uave Deen nereaispiayingweir speed erenow. Another big cities are enjoying the good business results ofa first-class race meet ing exccptPlttsburg. The Grand Circuit. The Grand Circuit races continue to keep up their great fame for speed and profit. The meeting just closed at Springfield lias been a very success ful one, and, indeed, it would be difficult to imag ine how it could be otherwise. This season there Is probably as good a lot of pacers and trotters as ever went before the public to contest one against another. Taking the records all round during the six weeks of the Grand Circuit races it may be safe to say that they are remarkable. Not only nas the quality of the horses been extraordinary, bnt the amount of money Invested has been greater than usual. There has also been a remarkable absence of trickery. Ol course everything has not been con ducted on the most moral plaite, but there has not so far been that amount ot Jobbery that has char acterized previous seasons. This Is a very hope ful sign. There has been one disappointment so far, however, and that baa been the ?oor performance or J. B. Richardson, bat horse was looked upon as one of the big things oftbe season when the season commenced and he has yet a race to win. His performance this year is not as good as it was last year. Doubt less, the speedy Susies has had much to do with It. Richardson is a game horse and remarkable for his staying powers. Hut Susie is so speedy as to be able to settle all disputes In abont three heats so that a stayer never seems to have an opportunity to let himself out. Pbixole. nlAllh I HI- nil HIl II r Alter a short intermission both teams took scored on iColllns' linedrlve tot two bases into ,.Z JX. I-Hiis J7 mattSittttb MVNfr7lSHR IVIHIM I III IWI llllilll I l the Held for the second eatne. the onlv chance the crowc.inecrooKiTns were ouinemea ana HUME GREAT PLAYING. - TkmirfflalliMtMaTCBS lt)HH3B Bostons Had to Change Their Pitcher to Defeat' OUR I0CAL AGGREGATION. Daly Was Made Weary and Clarkson Came to tlie Rescue. THE SENATORS DO CHICAGO TWICE An Exciting Scene at the Brooklyn and St Louis Game. GENERAL BASEBALL NEWS OP THE DAI 1 The Bostons again defeated the Pittsbnrgs yesterday in a seven inning game. Young Daily pitched for Boston and he was taken out of the box and Clarkson 'put in. The change won the game. 'Washington, won two rrames from Chicago. There was an exciting scene at the Brooklyn-St Louis game and when the latter were in tue teau the umpire gave the game to Brooklyn 9 toO. 1EPECIAI. TELXGBJLJt TO IHE DISPATCH.1 Boston, September 7. The Bostons won to day's game, but they had to fight hard for the victory. The game was closely contested throughout, and until the darkness put an end to the sport the winner could not be picked out. Both nines played as if the champion ship depended upon every play, and 'the errors were the result of nervonsness rather than carelessness. The veteran Jimmy Galvlnwas opposed by Kid" Daly for five innings, and then the strain becoming too severe for his young nerves, Clarkson was sent between the points. It was a wise change and one that saved the day for Boston. Daly WAS LOSIKO HIS HEAD nnder the lively coaching of Miller and Beck ley, and the latter did not snare him. Manager Hart saw that he was losing control of the ball and told Clarkson to go to the rescue. The crowd cheered when be stepped upon tho Held in the sixth inning, and felt that the game was already won. So it proved, but the lads from the Smoky City made such a game fltht that the 3,500 spectators were kept on the anxious seat until the last man was out. The sky was overcast with clouds all the af ternoon, and at the end of the seventh inning it was so dark that the ball conld scarcely be seen. Then the umpire called the game. Mo Quaid was anything but satisfactory, esDecially in regard to balls and strikes. Daly and Clarkson were the greatest sufferers, but Cal vin didn't escape altogether. Galvin's dander took an upward shoot in the third inning. He was given bis base on balls and of course did not kick at that. Carroll then faced Daly and made TWO DESPERATE LUNGES at the ball. In the second attempt the bat missed the sphere, but his arm turned the course and it flew out toward the players' bench. Galvin thought it was a passed ball and lumbered along the base line as fast as bis short legs would carry him. It was a comical sight, and the crowd enjoyed it hugely. He reached third before the ball was returned, and his lungs worked like a pair of bellows as he tried to recover his wind. His smile failed rapidly, however, when McQuaid told him to go back to first, basing bis action on the ground that it was a dead ball. Carroll stoutly denied that the ball hit him, and Galvin backed him up from his perch on third. But the protests were of no avail, and Jimmy crossed tho diamond, mopping his face with one hand and shaking the other at the umpire. Both nines started out on even terms. The Bostons scored two runs in the first on Rich ardson's three bagger, Kelly's base -on balls and Brouthers' single. The latter made two hits in the game and each sent two runs across the plate. This fine opening put everybody in good spirits but their foy was short lived. The visitois tied the game in their half of the first. pop's veey bad throw. Carroll opened for his side with a three bagger tnd scored on a terribly wild throw by Pop Smith, the ball going under the right bleachers. Rowe reached third on the throw and scored on Beckley's sacrifice. The Pitts burgs took the lead in the third, Galvin scoring on errors by Daly, Qainn and Johnston aided bv White's single. Beckley, who had profited by the same errors, was thrown ont at the plate. Rowe made a costly wild throw in the fifth, giving Richardson his base, and, as a re sult the Bostons scored two runs on hits by Kelly and Brouthers, aided by Nash's sacri fice. Kelly increased the Boston's lead in the seventh by lifting the ball over the left field fence for a home run. The visitors did not score after the third, but they had men on bases in every succeeding inning. In the fourth Hanlon was left on second. In the fifth Rowe reached third. In the sixth White was on third and Fields was on second with only one out, yet the hits that wera needed aid riot ma terialize. In the seventh Galvin reached third and Rowe was on first, and only one man had been retired, but Clarkson's superb pitching made Beckley a weak tool in his hands. Score: B B P A IIPITTSBL'RCS R B P X I Kicn'son, 1.. I 1 0 1 0 Carroll, c .. 1 Kelly, r 3 2 10 0 Kowe, s 1 .Null. 3. o 0 0 1 o Beckley, l,. 0 Jlionthcrs,!. 0 2 9 0 0 White, 3... 0 Johnston, m 0 0 2 0 0 Fields, L.... 0 Oulnn, 2.... 0 0 1 S 1 Hanlon, m.. 0 cTmlth. a..... 0 111 2 Miller. r 0 Ganicl. c... 0 17 3 0 Uunlap, 2... 0 Daley, p.... 0 0 0 10 Calvin, p.... 1 Clarkson, p. o l u u u Totals......! "5 21 12 3 Totals 2 42011 i Nash out for running out of line. Bostons 2 0 0 0 2 0 I 6 Plttsburgs 2 0 10 0 0 03 Earned runs Bostons, 3; Plttsburgs 1. Three-base bits Richardson, Carroll. Horn e ru n s Kelly. Sacrifice hits Carroll. Rowe, Beckley, Hanlon. btolen bases Kelly. Hanlon. First base on balls-Kelly, Kowe 2. Fields, Han lon, Galvin 2. Struck out Ktchardson, Kelly, Hash, Carroll, Beckley, White, Galvin. Passed balls Carroll 1. Ganzel2. First base on errors -Bostons, 2; Plttsburgs, 2. Time or game One hour and 41 minutes. UmplreMcQuald. HIT HUSIE HARD. The Giants Get a Gome From tho lively Boosters. New Yobk, September 7. Tho Giants de feated the Hoosiers to-day. Rusio was batted freely, and besides was poorly supported. Dark ness stopped the game at the end of the seventh inning. Buckley was hit by a foul tip in this inning and retired. Sommers taking his place. Murphy relieved Brown in the same inning. At tendance, 3,754. Score: HEW YORES. B B P A BIINDI'POLIS. B B P AX Gore, m 3 Tlernan, r. 2 Brown, c... 0 Connor, 1... 0 Ward, s..... 1 Kich'dson.2. 1 O'Kourke, 1. 2 Whitney. 3.. 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 0 10 3 0 Seery, 1 0 Andrews, m 0 Ulasscocfc. s 0 Denny, 3.... 0 Hlnes 1 C Buckley, c. 0 McGeacuy, r 1 Baesett,2... 1 Kusle. p 2 Sommers, c. 0 O'Day, p.... I Murphy, c. 1 Totals 12 10 21 8 l Totals 4 8 2113 6 IewYork ....2 3 4 0 0 1 2-12 Indianapolis 0 0 2 0 0 0 24 Famed runsNew Yorks, 4: Indianapolis, 3. Two-base hlts-Bassetl, 1; Kusle, 2.' Three-base hit-O'Kourke. Sacrifice hits-Brown, 2; Connor, Ward. Stolen bases Gore, 2; Tlernan, 1; Connor, 1; O'Kourke. 1. Double plays Ward, Klenardson. Conner. First base on balls-Off O'Day. 2: off Kusle, 9. First base on errors New Yorks, 3; Indiana polls, 1. lilt by pitched hall -Brown, L Btruck out By O'Day, 1: by Kusle, 2. Wlldpltch-O'Dsy, Kusle. lime of game-One hour and 43 minutes. Umpire McKnlght. TWO FOR THE SENATORS. They Down Anion's Tcnm in a Couple of Good Games. Washington, September 7. The Washing, ton and Chicago teams played two games here to-day for one admission fee, but despite this attraction, on account of the cloudy weather, not more than 1,200 people wore present. In the first game Chicago started oS with a com fortable lead which they increased on the Sen ators' bad fielding in the fifth Inning. In the seventh inning, however, they played their game, and by hard and well bunched hits, coupled with an error, tallied four runt, thus THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH.' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8;-fJ88a '' . Y"' 'BfSBP '' ?BBHr Prffi taking the lead which they maintained to the finish. , , After a short intermission both teams took tho field for the second game, the only change being the substitution of new batteries. Per son and Gumbert were equally effective, each team fielding solidly, the home club with only one error while those of the visitors did, not figure in runs. In the fourth inning Wilmot caught the ball squarely on the end of his bat and It sailed over the right field fence. In the same inning Chicago tied the score on Van Haltren's double, a sacrifice nit and Pfetf er's single. Ryan led off with a triple in the ninth inning, but fine fielding on the part of the Sen ators prevented the visitors from scoring. Wilmot opened the eleventh inning with a triple and scored the winning run on Beecher's single. Score: TIBST GAME. WAEH'TOIf. B B P A El CHICAOOS. B B P A X J. lrwln, 3.. 0 Hot. m 0 Kyan. in.... I 1 1 2 1 : 2 1 14 0 0 0 0 van naib-u,i i DuOy, r 1 Anann. 1 0 wnmou i... v Beecher, r.. Wise, 2. A. lrwln, s. Hack, 1 Dally, c... . Haddock, P 0 10 111 1 0 1 1 112 12 6 0 0 0 PfefferT 2.... 0 WilI'mson, s 0 12 7 0 0 3 2 1 tturns, o..... v L mil i n n 0 3 0 1 0 0 Hutch'son,p 0 Totals 4 9 27 12 Totals 3 7 27 18 4 Washington. 0 0004" Chlcagos i 00010000-3 Earned runs Chlcagos, 1. Two-base hit Wise. Three-base hit-Kyan. Sacrlflce hit-Haddock. Double plays Mack, unassisted: Williamson, Pfeffer and Anson: Pfeffer and Williamson. First base on balls-Off Haddock, 2; off Hutch inson, 1. Hit by pitched ball Burns. Struck out-By Haddock. 4. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpires Powers and Curry. SECOND GAME. WASH'TON B B P A XI CHICAGOS. B B P A X J. lrwln, 3.. Hoy, m Wilmot, 1... Beecher, r Wise. 2 A. lrwln, (., Mack, 1 Dally, c... . Person, p... Totals 0 3 1 2 2 4 t 4 1 1 0 2 Oil 0 6 0 0 Ityan, m 0 VanH'tn.1.. 1 Duffy, r 0 Anson, 1.... 0 Ptefler, 2.... 0 Wllll'm'n, s 0 Burns, 3.. .. 0 Darling, c. 0 Gumbert, p. 0 0 C 1 0 2 5 33 13 l Totals 1 S S3 10 2 Washington. 0 001000000 1-2 Chlcagos i.0 0010000 0-001 Earned runs Washington, 2; Chlcagos, 1. Two-base hit Van Haltren. Three-base hits Wilmot, Byan. Home run -Wilmot. btolen bases Dally. 2: Anson, 2. Double play Van Haltren and Anson. First base on balls Bv Ferson,2: by Gumbert. 3. Hit bv pitched balls Van Haltren. Wise. Dally. Struck out By Person, 2: by Gumbert, 8. Time of game One hour and 50 minutes . Umpires Curry and Powers. VERY BAD FIELDING. The Cleveland! Give a Game so Harry Wrlchi'x Deleeatloa. Philadelphia, September 7. Clevelands out batted Philadelohias two to one to-day, but threw the game away by the worst kind of fielding. Buffinton was hit hard all through but the superb work of the fielders and the poor base running of the visitors kept the scoring down. McAleer ruptured the ligament of bis right ankle while returning to second and bad to be carried off the field. It is doubt ful if be will play again this season. Attend ance ,496. Bcore: FntLAB. B B P A EICLXVKLA'D B B P A X Wood. 1 1 Clements, c. 0 Myers, 2 3 Thompson, r 3 Mulvey, 3... 0 Fogarty, m.. 1 Farrar, 1.... 0 Hallmarks.. 1 Buffinton, p. 0 OjKadfd.r&m 1 3 siricter.z... v i McKean. s. 1 Twltchell.l. 1 Tebeau, a ... 1 McAleer, m. 0 Sutcllffe, r.. 0 Faatz. 1. ... 0 Zlmraer, c 0 O'Brien, p.. 0 0 10 0 3 2 0 Totals. ... 8 8 27 12 1 Totals. ... 4 16 24 13 7 Clevelands 1 00001200-4 Phlladelphlaa 0 0120230 '-8 Earned runs Clevelands, 3: Philadelphia. 2 Two-base hits Tebeau, Faatz, Clements: Myers, 2; Mulvey. Three-base bits TwltchelL Zlmmer. Sacrlflce hlts-Strlcker. Twltchell, Fogarty, Zlmmer, O'Brien, Thompson, Mulvey. Home runs Thompson. Stolen bases Stricter. Tebeau, Wood, Fogarty. 2. Double plays-Hallman, (alone) ;Hallman, Myers and Farrar; McAleer and Zlmmer. First base on balls By ilufflnton. l:by O'Brien, 5. Struck out By Buffinton, 2; by O'Brien, 1. Passed balls zlmmer. Wlld,pltches-Buffluton. Time or game One hour and 35 minutes. Umpire Lynch. HOW THEY STAND. Figure That Show the Close Contest in the Nntlonnl Iicnuue. The struggle for the National League pen nant is still as close and as exciting as ever. It seems.a life and death contest between the Bostons and New Yorks. During the week the latter were almost in front, but Indianapolis showed up in formidable condition and beat the giants two out of three games. Both the leaders are playing great ball, but the New Yorks are scarcely putting up such a steady game as the Bostons. However, the chances seem equal yet, and perhaps they are in favor of Boston because the success of that team almost entirely depends on Clarkson. The Phillies have once more taken their old posi tion, third place, but we may expect to see a tough struggle between tfiem and Chicago for it. Cleveland is scarcely as high as it will get, although the team is playing a steady game. Indianapolis is playing better than at any previous time during the season, and the chances are that Pittsburg will have to do some tall hustling to get ahead and keep ahead of the Hoosiers. Following is'the standing of the clubs up to date: SHi;a;5 : z. ? ." S j S j j .- : S j - 8 11 7 7 8 14 12 67 6 9 10 10 11 10 10 67 6 4 - 1(1 8 10 8 9 57 6 4 7 - 9 12 10 10 &$ 5488-97 12 53 9635 10 -97 49 2669 II 8-7 49 5576266- 37 38 40 SI 55 57 64 63 67 437 CLUBS. Bostons New Yorks... Phlladelphlas Chlcagos Clevelands ... Indianapolis . Plttsburgs..., Washlngtons , Games lost., ' .638 .628 '.528 .513 .482 .434 l .430 ' .356 THE TWO UMPIRE PLAN. President Young Resolves to Try It in Each League City. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE TjISFATCH.I Washington, September 7. "It is sn near the close of the season," said President Young this afternoon, "that I do not expect to be troubled with many more contracts unless something unexpected happens. There may, however, be certain desirable players in some of the minor leagues who will be secured for the remainder of the year, so as to permit of their being reserved for next season, but I do not know of any pending business of the sort. All that I have received at tho League head quarters fur the past two weeks have been official scores of games played by the various League clulfe. "There have been many demands recently from League cities for two umpires and I have been pnt to my wits' ends to contrive a scheme that will be satisfactory to everybody with five regular umpires at my disposal. I have con cluded to try the double umpire system lor a week in each League citv, and Washington is at present reaping the benefit of my conclu sions in this regard. For the Now York-Chicago series I propose to have two umpires, and as Curry and McQuade will be at the Capital for the first of the week I will probably send one of them to New York to assist Lynch at the Polo Grounds." ASSOCIATION GAMES. Some Lively Fan at the Brooklyn-Si Lonli Game Comlsky Tnkcs His Tenm Off' the Field, and the Umpire Gives the Gnmo to Brooklyn Tho Gnmcs at Philadelphia nnd Baltimore Dlark Baldwin Shuts tho Cowboys Out. rSPECIAL TELEOBAK TO TUX DISFATCB.1 Brookltn, September 7. An enormous crowd went to Washington Park to-day to see the first game of the last series between tho Brooklyn and St. Louis teams. All signs pointed to a red hot contest, and such it turned ont to be. It was by far the most exciting con test played in Brooklyn this year, hat cul minated in a scene that was disgusting to the 15413'spectators, The game was not allowed to be played to a legal finish, as Captain Comiskey withdrew his team at the beginning of the ninth inning and absolutely refused to continue playing, claiming that It was too dark to see. ' That was the culmination of the afternoon's sport, but the events that led up to it are where the real trouble originated. A tremen dons cheer greeted the Brooklyn players when they walked on the field to take their early practice, and that cheer was Increased tenfold when, in the first inning, tbey scored two runs. Chamberlain put the first ball over the plate and O'Brien hit It, It went to Fuller, but the latter fumbledlt, and O'Brien got to first bas He stole to second at the first opportunity, and scored on Collins' line drive toe two bases into the crowd. The Brooklyns were outfielded and outbatted, and on the merits ot the game the visitors should have had the victory. And they probably would have won. it had they played it ont. When Comiskey left the field, Clark at the time was on second with no one out, when Comiskey ordered bis players off the field. The 15,143 spectators began to.boot them and also ran on the field, but the Brooklyn players chased everyone off quickly. By that time thousands of the visitors were going out ot the gate. At the end of the sixth inning, when it .i.A .rniAnri tho Am .nMntf - npTinnnan u.u z iu u n fii niT m . rv i ." n m . ra. -w h ' - - rzz-MTnmx " - .aBsssssnassssssssssfassssssssaai the visitors wcro iu iaa leau, uiey. uegan to clamor for the game to be called, and upon every decision after that there was a kick. Umpire Goldsmith kept fining the St. Louis men, bnt with little effect. The Brooklyn club will insist upon the 51,500 fine being Imposed nn st Louis. Two or three St. Louis nlavers were roughly handled after the game. Score: llFAnfrlrna 2 O00000 O 2 St. Louis 0 00012104 Base hits Brooklyns, 7: St. Louis, 10. Errors Brooklyns.. 6: St. Louis, 8. Earned runs Brooklyns. 1; St. Louis, 1. Two-base hits-Collins, Plnckney, O'Neill, Fnller. Struck out By Caruthers, J; by Chamber lain, 4. Passed balls Clarx. 2. Umpire Goldsmith. IN GBEAT LUCK. Tho Reds Fortunate to Tie With Barale'a 'Aggregation. Baltimore, September 7. Baltimore and Cincinnati played a tie game here to-day, dark ness causing its being called. The visitors played in great luck, scoring three runs in the first inning after chances had been offered to retire the side. Kenns umpired In place of Ferguson, who was unable to arrive. Score: Baltlmores 0 0 0 2 2 10 0 05 Clnclnnatls 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-5 Hlts-Baltlmores, 6; Clnclnnatls, 5. Errors Baltlmores, 2: Clnclnnatls, 4. Earned runs Baltlmores. 2. Two-base bits Shlndle, Beard. Three-base blts-Bellly. Mcphee. btruck out-By Foreman, 8; by Smith, 3. Passed ball Qulun. Wild pitch Foreman. Umpire-Kerlns. ANOTHER TIE GAME. The Athletics and Lonlavllles Have Alio a Drawn Battle. PHILADELPHIA, September? The Athletics and Louisville clubs played to a tie this after noon, game being called while the visitors were at bat in the ninth inning, having scored two runs and having two men on bases. Both pitchers were wild, and the errors of Vaughn were disastrous. The fielding of Stovey and Galligan and the base running of Welch were the features. Score: Athletics 2 010010004 LoulsTllles 0 000200024 Base hits Athletics, 9; Loutsvllles, 9. Errors Athletics, !: Loulsvllles, 7. Earned runs Athletics, 1; Loulsvllles, 3. Two-base hit Welch. Struck out Athletics, 5: Loulsvllles, 4. Passed balls Vaughn, !. , , Wild pltch-Weyhlng. ' Umpire Holland. SHUT THEM OUT. Mark Baldwin Pitches Another Great Game Against tbe Cowboys. Colujibus, O., September 7. Kansas City opened tbo series with Columbus to-day. At tendance 1,500. The visitors were shot ont by Columbts owing to their Inability to hit Bald win at critical points, and when the bases were full. Svartzell pitched a fine game, and the homo team made no headway against him. Score: ( Colombo 0 20002010-5 KansasUtys 0 00000000-0 Base hlvs Columbus, 7; Kansas CItys, 6. Errors Columbus. 3; Kansaa Cltys, 5. Earned runs Columbus, I. Struck jut By Baldwin, 11: by Swartzel, 6. Passed balls uunson, 1. Wild Pitches-Baldwin, 1; Swartzel, 1. Umpire Gafiney. TRYING FOR SWEENY. The Chclnnatl Want Him to Flay First Base. rSFECUL TELXGBAH TO TBE DISPATCILl Cincetnatt, September 7. It is a fact that Cincinnati is after Sweeny, and Ted Sullivan is trying b s persuasive powers on the boy re jected b'j both the Senators and the champions. President Stern says: "If I cauld secure Sweeny I would play him at first base and put Beilly In the field. As to releasing Carpenter, Cincinnati has no inten tion of doing anything like that, and Nicol will also be reserved for next season. I see a state ment credited to Nicol to the effect that he hopes be will not be asked to ."continue to play in Cincinnati. If Nicol doesn't want to play in Cincinnati he will have to buy his own re lease, or some clnb will have to buy it. I would sell hfs release for 81,000 to any club that wants him, or to himself." Some of the five pitchers will have to go, and to a man up a tree it looks as If the whole lot was ineffective under the present method ot working them. The news of Cincinnati's de feat at the bands of- an Atlantic Association team has made all the cranks hero throw up their hands in mock horror. Association Record. Perl Per Won.Lost.Ct. Won.Lost.Ct. Brooklyns 78 37 .673!cinclnnatls...6S 54 .522 St. Loul 72 40 .643KansasCltys..46 66 .412 Baltlmores. ...64 45 .587Colnmbus 47 68 .409 Athletics 62 46 .574! Loulsvllles... .23 90 .203 Games To-Dny. American association- Loulsvllles at Philadelphia; St. Louis at Brooklyn; Kansas Citjs at Columbus. Mnnnfoe's Grent Pitching. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCR.I Jamestown, N. Y.. September?. Scottdale defeated the home team again to-day. Mana fee pitched for the visitors and had the big sluggers at his mercy, as they only secured two hits. He was very well supported by Boyd and the team. Moore made a circus catch in the fifth inning, catching a long fly from O'Rourke's bat and turning a complete somersault. He also led the clubs at tho bat. The Scottdales play at Meadville Monday and Tuesday. Bcore by innings: Scottdales 3 0001002-6 Jamestowns 0 U0004 0004 Base hits Scottdales, 5; Jamestowns, 2. Struck ont UyManafec,13; by Scblllerman, 9. Left on bases Scottdales. 7k Double plays Manafee, Hlnehartand Miller. Umpire Hope. The Maros Again on Top. ;S1'ECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCR.I Bbidgevtlle. Pa., September 7. A picked nine from Mansfield to the Pittsburg limits suffered their third defeat on the Bridgeville ball grounds at tho hands of the C. P. Mayos to-day. The features of the game was the heavy slugging of the Mayos, the good catch In" of Mallory, the latter having only one nassed ball in four games. This is the same team that knockea pitcher Deitz of the Our Boys clear ont of tho box at Canonsburg last Saturday. Score: C. P. Mayos, 14: Mansflelds, 6. Earned runs Mayos. 9; Mansflelds, 4. Home runs-Patterson, 2: Fritz. 1; Allen, 1. btoleb bases Mayos, 3: Mansflelds, 1. Double plays Mayos, 1: Mansflelds, 1. Bases on called balls Mayos. 3: Mansflelds, 2. Struck out By Patterson. 11; by Allen, 7. Passed balls Mallory, 1; Lemmons, 3. 'Ob! Whnt a Beating. fsrSCIAL TELEGBASt TO THE DISPATCH. 1 FitEEror.T,' Pa., September 7. The third game was played here to-day between- the Times nine and our home nine; each clnb hav ing got a game before. To-day it was like a i n--bandlc, as tbe score will show: Freeports 4 0 6 2 2 0 4-17 Tinics 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Strnck out By Gillespie, 6; by Faas, 10. Home runs Reeves. 1. Two-bate hits-Gundy, 1; Hunter, 1. Base hits -Freeports, 13; Times, 3. Umplre-llicns. Easy for Mingo (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Misoo Junction. O., September ?. The Mingos defeated the Torontos in an interesting game here to-day. Kelly and Feeter's battery work was great, as was McGannon at first, Min'o played almost an errorless game. Score: liing'os:. 3 Oiofui 0-10 Torontos 0 0, 0 0 0 I 0 1 0-2 Battcrles-Mlngos. Kelly and Feeter; Toron tos Young and Sanford. Base hits -Mlngos, 13, Torontos. 5. Two-btsehlts-Paden, 2; Feetcr, 2. Three-base bit Candy. Struck out By Kelly, 16; Young, 6. TRI-STATE LEAGUE. At Canton Cantons 4 0 0 0 13 0 0 614 Mansflelds 4 00000200-6 Base hits Cantons, 16: Mansflelds, 8. Errors Cantons, 6; Mansflelds, 3. At Springfield Bprlngnelds 1 0 2 0 0 3 S 0 1-12 Daytons 0 0000000 11 Base hits Sprlngflelds,-14: Daytons, 5. Errors-Sprfng&elds, 3; Daytons, 7. Twn Very Eniy. Erie, Pa,, September 7. The Neshannocks, of Newcastle, and, the Drummers, of Erie, played their second game to-day. Toe game by innings stood as follows: " -. w , a g-g -c u jpg f" "SLUT U --i -i TaaaaaaKsaaaaaaaaaaKT Xesh&nnocks -.0 1,0 1 0 o 0 0 0-2 .TT? ITITV5 TIT7T7in TkfTUvl T m-iUt 'tt tfibMiBV Homestead and McKeeiport Have a 10 Innlnsr Tie Game. A County League game of exciting Interest was played'at Homestead yesterday afternoon between the McKeesport and Homestead dubs. Unusual interest centered in the outcome of this game by reason of the fact that the Mc Keesport and Athletic clubs are a tie in the race for the league championship pennant, and the losing of this game by the McKeesport club meant for them the loss of the champion ship and pennant. The Homestead club is particularly strong at present, and is now making a winning record. Manager Torrey son, knowing the situation, strengthened his' team by engaging the Greensborg battery, Thompson ana Liston, for the occasion. The game started out by the Homesteads scoring three runs in tbe first inning. The McKees port clnb evened tbe score up in the third, after which goose eggs were recorded in the remaining innings on both sides. As inning after inning was played without additional scoring the excitement grew intense and the clubs put .forth their best efforts to win. Ten innings were played, and the score being a tie and darkness coming on, the umpire called the game. The features of the game were a line catch and a high throw catch from third by Bulmer, a fine catch at second by Youngman, who ran in from short stop, and a magnificent running catch with one band by Province in right field. The battery work on both sides was par excellence. Bat one hit was made off Jones after the third inn ing. A large audience was present, among whom were Al G. Pratt and many players of the Ath letics and Braddock nines. The game will be played out on the Homestead grounds Septem ber 23. Following is the score in full. UOMXST'DS. B B P A EIH'KXXSF'T B B r A X Armor, r.... 1 A.Colgan.m 1 E. Colgan, 3. 1 Hess, C 0 Young'n, s. 0 Bulmer, 1... 0 Kowe. 2...... 0 Woods, 1.... 0 Jones, p.... 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 1 112 3 111 0 13 0 12 3 0 0 0 0 14 Qulnn. 1.... 1 015 provlns, r... 1 1 1 G. Smith, I.. 0 0 Hartman, 3.. 0 1 Williams, s. 0 0 Liston, c 0 0 Martin, 2... 01 pnmini. m. o o Thompson, pit Totals.... 3 629 12 0 Totals 3 4 30 IS 3 'Phillips called out. hit by batted ball. Homesteads..., 3 0000000003 McKeesports 0 0300000003 Earned runs Homesteads, 1; McKeesports, 1. Two-base hit Hartmaa. Sacrifice hits Youngman 2, Armour 1, Jones 1. First base on errors Homesteads. 1. First base on balls By Jones, 2; Thompson, L Hit by pltahed ball Smith. Stolen bases E. Colgan 1. Qulnn 2, Provlns L Passed balls Hess, 1; Liston, 4. Wild pitches Jones. 1; Thompson, L Strnck ont By Jones, 15: Thompson, 11. Time of game Two hoars. Umpire Shaffer. OUR BOYS AGAIN. They Wallop the Daqaesnes and Knock Pitcher Klllen Out. The Our Boys club, of the Southslde, again easily walloped the Duquesnes at Recreation Park in the presence of GOO people, yesterday. The batting of Onr Boys in the seventh inning was terrific. Killen being knocked completely out of the box. Newell was substituted. Deitz pitched a fine game, only four hits being made up to the ninth inning. The features of the game were the third base play of Retzeland the good all-round work of tho Our Boys. Score: OUB BOTS. B B PAX DUQrESKES B B P A X Smlnk, c... Vetiers. m.. K. Smith, s. S. Smith, 2.. Newell,21p 2 Martin, s.... 0 Klllen. pl. 1 Feaney,r2Ac0 O'Dn'l. c24r 0 Conway, m. 0 Wa'a'd,lr43 0 McKlm, 1... 0 KetzeL 3.... 0 Walker. 1 . Lent. 1 0 1 10 Doyle, 3.. 2 2 0 0 2 2 Deitz. p..... 3 Fltzslm's, r. 2 Totals . .14 10 27 10 3 ToUls 3 6 24 7 19 Our Boys 0 4 0 0 0 0 10 0 '-14 Duquesnes. 0 010000203 Earned runs Our Boys, 5. Two-base hits Newell, Tetters. Three-base hit Smlnk. Stolen bases Our Boys, 5: Duquesnes, 8. First base on errorsOur Boys, 6; Duqnesnes, 3. First base on balls Deitz, 4: Klllen, 3. Passed balls O'Donnell, 1; Smlnk, 2. Wild pitches Klllen, I: Newell, 1. Umpires Klnkon and McAnally. FOR A STAKE. The Wellsbnra Greys Beat the Clay CItys for 850 a Side. rSPECIAL TXLEOBAX TO TBS DISFATCH.l Steubenviixk,- O., September 7. The game for J50 and the gato receipts' between the Greys Baseball Club, of Wellshurg and the Clay Citys Baseball Club, of Cumberland, has been played at Stenbenville, O. As each club had one victory to its credit, considerable in terest was taken in the result. At the conclu sion of the gamp the Clay Citys challenged tbe Greys for another game for a purse of $100, and the challenge was promptly accepted. Score: W. OBAYS. B B P A EICLAT CITYS B B F A X Harvey, m Nichols, 3... Lanck, c... Sm'walte, 1, Winning, 1. Thomas, a.., Fenwlck, r. Shrlver, p., Glasso, 2.... 0 0 2 1 8 3 1 0 8 0 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 Whltcomb,10 217 G.Carey.lp 0 2 0 McShane. s. 1 0 .1 ll.ntola 12 2 Pyle.m43... 2 1 smun. & i. u Brecn. r.... 0 0 Housd'r.pm 1 0 rieny, c u i Totals 12 14 27 12 5 Totals 6 11 27 11 7 W. Greys 1...2 5 0 3 0 0 0 1 112 Clay Cltys 0 002202006 Struck out By Shrlver, 8: by Carey, 2. Home run Daniels. Three-base hit Lauck. F-arned runs Greys, 6; Clay Cltys, 2. Umpire McGlnnls. STILL KICKING. YonderAhe Means to Make Things Lively, Before Long. (SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO TUX DISPATCH. L New Yobk, September 7. The maddest man in this town is President Von der Ahe, of the St. Loins club. "I do not want to be hasty in what I say." said he, "but I will say that I will have a good story to give out soon. We have been knocked about long enough, and there are lively time ahead. One thing I will say, and that is the Brooklyn cluD will have to play that forfeited game with the Columbus club on June 24. That was the game which Umpire Paesh gave to the Brooklyns. I have in my pocket a sworn statement made by the manager of tbe Colum bus club which shows that the Brooklyns were in the wrong, and this as well as several games may have to be thrown ont. One thing I will say, and that is if the Association race Is any way close, there will be a meeting of the Asso ciation called before the season ends. This will be done to decide the protested games. Then, too, I have a little business in regard to the umpires." It is understood that yon have evidence with regard to a certain manaeer trying to in fluence an umpire with money?" remarked the reporter. The only evidence that I have in that line is tbe word of the nmpire himself. He told the story in my presence." Tbe Gamberts Win. There was an interesting game atTarentum yesterday between the A. C. Gnmberts and the Etna Resolntes. The Gumberts did some heavy hitting and good fielding. Following is the score by innings: Gumberts 0 3 12 5 12 2 016 Besolutes 0 101000103 Pigeon Flying. William Hillebrecht, of Oakland, a member of the Pittsburg Homing Pigeon Club, sent nine young homing pigeons yesterday to Mr. Squiffe, Adams Express agent for Coshocton, O., to fly foraoung bird record, under tne management of the Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers, Federation rules to govern the fly.' The distance from Coshocton, ., to Mr. Hillebrccht's loft is 107 miles air line. They will be liberated this morning, September8, if tbe weather is favorable, as they will not be so liable to be shot at. A great deal of interest Is being manifested In the event by the members of the club and also the federa tion, i Nlklrk and McClelland. The, second deposit; S150 a side, for the Niklrk-McClelland one-mile footrace, was pnt up at this office last evening by the backers of the pedestrians. Both runners are in active training and doing excellent work. An Inter esting feature oftbe contest is the extreme confidence of each partv. This indicates that when the 21st arrives there will be some spir ited betting. Will Ron Thomas. The backers of D. Jones called at this office last evening and left the following challenge: "D. Jones will run A. Thomas 100 yards for S50 or 8100 a side. A match can be made and articles signed at The Dispatch office on Batnrday evening next between the houra of 8 and 9 o'clock. Loll of Money for O'Connor. London, September 7.-The hackers of Searle to-night, refused to give 12 to 10 against O'Connor on Monday's race. The Canadian oarsman's supporters were willing to lay thousands of pounds atthese odds. Beclare Wi w Another 6m4- lace - Witk'lTdffalous EMe,aa4 WILL.MMtl SON OF H01P0LK. Wlndap at Springfield and Andiae WIm ,' tie Big. Stakes. BmiKG,0N'T0-KORBOW's BOAT SICE L3tsofEeyfrO,diior-Bicyclist Eswell's Hew , , Record. Beclare woaa good" race at Sbeepehead Bay yesterday' 0''easily that she Is con sidered a dangerous rival ol the great 1 Eio Eey for ,nexi)'Wednesday's race. The Springfield Grand Circuit races finished, and Andine won the $5,000 stake race and was protested. There is lively betting in London oniato-ra6rrow's boat race between O'Connor and Searle for the world's cham pionship. Bichard'Eowell broke the mile record, for bicycle tiding. . Bace Trace, SjifiEPSHEAD Bay, Sep tember 7. -The first -two races to-day were run off before a very. small crowd, but as the afternoon wore ton the seats began to fill up, and before the day'was over abont 15,000 race-goers were scattered around in the ring, paddock and stand'. The feature of the day was the easy Tietoryof Beclare in the Belle's stakes; She was the last to leave the post, but soon, passed .the others, and from there home if was only a walk. Still the time 1:10 3-5, was remarkably fast After the .race, "in the paddock, the chief suDjeitoicopversasiortwas ner meeting wua 1 Rio Bey In 'the Great Eastern handicap, which will berip'OT.I'vrednesday. September 1L Many good.'JugeS teem to think that if the handicap favors hpr she will give the son of Norfolk a'Tace'bat will surprise him. McLaughlin's victory iirthe September-stakes with Salvator evoked tbe heartiest applanse that has been heard since the meeting began. First race, one mile Starters: Tea Tray, Cracksman, Macbeth Il Belvldere. Maori, Belle d'Or, UonnemsTa.'Irene: Cracksman won. Belle d'Or second, alaort. third. Time, i:io 1-5. Second race, thrfe-ouxrters of a mile Starters: Beclare. CameostsrUght, JTalry Queen, Mora, Daisy F, Amazon, Peart, act. Golden Horn. Be clare won. Mora secondV Amazon third. Time. 1:103-5 ' '- Third race, dne and three-sixteenth miles Starters: Hindoo Craft, Bronsomarte. Marauder. Bronsomarte wim. Marauder second, Hindoo Craft third. Time. 2:03.'. Fourth race, one and three-quarter miles Start ers: Salvator, J UB, Slrrento, BhUader. Sal vator won, J A B second, Slrrento third. Time 3:05 2-5. . ' " Fifth race. onrfancrone-eUnth miles Starters: Flrenzt. Defaulter, Xaragon, Prlneeu Bowling, Strldeaway. Kalaoolab. Brown Princess. She, XmoUon..CotllU6n, Flag, Glory. FlrenzT won, Strldeaway second Tanuron third. Tune 1:543-5. Blxth race, one and three-quarter mil's on turf -Starters: Montrose, St. Luke, Bonanza. Elgin. Five. St. Lake won,, Montrose second. Bonanza third. Time, 3:033-5,' r TO-MORROW'S BIG BOAT BACE. The CanadlaBsBacklug Their Han Howell's Latest Bicycle Fear. BT CABLX TO THE DISrATCQ.1 LosDOjr, September!, X Copyright f-The sculling race between the Canadian, O'Connor, and the Australian, Searle, takes place Mon day afternoon over tbe championship course. Opinions are divided, but Australians are so confident, and aro backing their man so read ily, that he has advanced to 11 to 8 on him in the betting. Both men are in the prime of con dition. Watching the men in their spurts, it does not 'seem that Searle gets away from Neil Matterson.bis trial horse, so readily as to justify the odds bet upon him, for Matterson is not a sculler of the champion class, and yet sticks close to Searle for a mile at a time. These trial shows, however, may be only schemes to mislead the public Beach says that Searle is the best man who ever rowed in a boat, bnt then Beech was somewhat off when Searle beat him. However. Searle made the best time ever accomplished. qrer thaParramatta course, and this, point is made-much- of by his friends. O'Connor has inspired plenty of confidence, and has plenty of backers tor small amounts, but be has not tbe .great, monetary following of his rival. He is smart in getting away, and the only doubt expressed about film is that he can not last the coarse. This week Chitabob has become a still better favorite for theSt-Leger. All the Northern betters arejillng their tnoney on him at 2 to 1 against. Donovan- Is backed at 5 to 4 on bim, and there is strong feeling against tbe horse In certain quarters', the rumors being that he is short of work, that he is a roarer and that he won't faeA hia hit- Bnt thAt has nnt affortpfl his position so much as tbe money laid upon umtaooD ana u tnings turn out as expected a grand St. Leger race will be the result. The only other horse backed is Enthusiast, but the most money is going on him for a. place. Howell, the .English bicyclist champion, has this week beaten the mile record, doing the distance in 2 minutes 31 1-6 seconds which is an advance of 8-5 of a second upon the previous record. Hitherto the bolder of the mile record has nearly always been an amateur. THE M'KEESPORT RACE. Betting Has Commenced on the Eveut With jOddi on Gnndaur. McKeespobt, Pa., September 7. Betting jmtbeTeemer-Gaudaurrace has commenced. Teemer money is plentiful and even bets are asked, very little Gaudaur money has been seen so for. One man offered odds on Gaudaur to-day and his money was grabbed up very quickly. There are plenty of men who want even bets ob Teemer and will soon be offering odds. Gaudaur was on: on the course -this morning, but did not go out this afternoon, as fie was in Pittsburg getting bis boat. Teemer'a old boat weighs 35 pounds, and he says that if tbe new boat does not come in time he will row the race in the old one. Teemerstrlppedatl72 pounds this afternoon, and stayed on tbe river an hour. He has ter rible staying power, and shows great prowess and endurance in making tbe old boat ply through the water when returning after a long and trying pull over the course. Gaudaur does not believe in tbe walking. He says that to row a boat a man must be in the boat and row, and that is the only kind of training he wants and that he ever takes. When Gaudaur pulls along the Monongahela river hundreds of people follow the 8L Louis man. Report" to-night received by Teenier Btate that a big delegation will come from Baltimore, Washington and New York to see the race. SPRINGFIELD WINDUP. Andine Wins tho 83,000 Stakes and Is Protested. BPBINGFIEI.D. MAS3., September 7. The circuit races on Hampden Park were wound np to-day after a very successful week. The grounds were thrown open to tbe public, no ad mission being charged, but the attendance was light. The track was "a trifle slow and the weather was cool and pleasant. The unfinished 233 class of Friday was called first and disposed of in one heat, Sallle B, who won two heats yesterday, taking the fourth and deciding beat. Sallle B ? 111 Miss Egbert.... i i i Yorker ...., LucyB-.J ,r,-ri; J Time, 2:33, 2:31. 2:Mtf, 2:26. Aublne was so strong a favorite in the 2:23 class for the 85.000 stake that she was soon barred from the pool box. She won the race In three straight heats, with hardly a struggle. Fearnauirhtwasa good second, while J. K. bhedd made a bad mess of It. Flista. driven by Coble, was drawn at the end of the first beat on accouutoflameness. A protest was died airalnst the favorite's trotting on the gronnd that she made a record oflcss than 2:28 last year at Saco. ile. Tills will be decided by the proper authorities later on. In tbe first heal the mare came within a quar ter of a second of her record. Summary : 15, 000 guarantee stake 2:3 class. Aublne 1 1 1 Fearnaught 2 1 2 Saxon. ......... v, & 3 4 Spragne Golddust...., 3 4 3 Markman's Maid 7 i 3 John Ferguson 3 6 S J. K. Shedd , 7 7 Flista ,. .A: Idr Tlme-2tl9-)(, uttfi, zaVA. FOR BASEBALL CRANKS. A Great Game 'Arranged Betweea Lawyers and Newspaper Men. There will undoubtedly be lots of fun com. bined with a display of the latest baseball science at Recreation-Park on Tuesday. Tbe lawyers and tbe newspaper experts are going to play their annual game. The former are evidently trembling In their boots, for they have at any cost secured a nine made up of County League lights and serai-professionals. However, it luck Is evenly divided they will need all the special talent that money will co-it orfcnr. flfc sfcey arajMts aMaatMti ' There wffl at leasts Mr. Hhrted will ttoUmm the crowd, Adsstesloaaaa tiefcet. Hi alt tteksts aw Pratt win nndrts.etlM tion of unDtML while Mel aed Qesrge McLe will sodvot score. PoMewtacarethaataw: Newsnaser Mtoev W. M.Tepoa...Ca4br .ir.Jfc A. 8. irelad..PItchr......j. sC H.B. Lsytoa Shorts....?. . i. J. Awnaa, jr....First &...J. K. J. CBBlBfham..3eed bsm.Q. H. H. Marrey...... .Third b..jL C. P. 'Walker.. ...... Center SW.S. X.P. Kevin. Jr.....Lrt field. ...W. Frank Whales Right field.. Jt. u. u. aesuiy jsxtra THE TBHKIS TOPsUCJUlsEWsV A Hasdssie CkaHeeca Ca PreaesssJ'hr J C. ttref as of TMs Cttjr. ." The feet wsiil tonraaaeat of the Tennis Otah ' he held oathellta. Htbof Hits meatfa promises to heal fashionable affair. The contests will at the efab'a avsas,BellafleW. Oae ing feature of the toareameat will he test for a handsome obaJleose eaa v by J. C. Grocaa, ot this oity. The eaafla elegant desfga aad oeetty. xtefers W hea the absolute property of aay penes x mast won by the saaaepersoa three Bsw KsM contested for by singles, aad doabtieM wit the great attraettoa of the toataaieaC ' V " Beside the handsome ehauesntd eaa there ara Other verr tiIiuM h 1r -- m th- leading players In Western PassjffiTasM.wjh,-; compete. The Pittsburg Teasi Ctah Is TsswS uiu wo leaaisg team nrtsMasiiaa-af, Taa Ttcwtu pan or, tne tstate. aad ne awttnnaal wuiuaaiens promises to he a great fasasss. intereaunc Tenia Ftejtas. rnCXu.TLXOBAllTO TEX PIgfAHMt.1 , Saitsbitss, Pa., September 8.-The'toaaar tournament at KbkimiBetae Spinas to meaced to-day ana was enjoyed by-oasts. a,; crowd of spectators. The f ouowise trninut were entered for doubles: Messrs. Rehsaa brethers, of Pittsburg, Campbell and Adams, Sefeal and' Gordon. Harter and Sutton, Wflsea aad Kia kaid. of Kbkiiainetas. Springs, HMehraad and Klein, of Iadiaoa. --. ' Tbe first round , Kelman brothers ..'.....4-s- Harter aad Sflttsa....... -... ....... ....l-S-4 Second resad ; Enroal and Gordon o-0 Hlldebrand and Klein j. e-4 ' Third round Wilson aud Kbikald .......-.i...-u.S4i Campbell and Adams. ...1-2, Finals - Hlldebrand and KMs ........?....'.....- Wilson and XinraW , 5....:. sm-4 Finals -' r3i Hlldebrand and Klela s.'.SSbt-e-e Wilson and Klein .rrr.-.S-O-t HlldebrandandKleln..-.......-..irc..ni-s-7' .Keiman nrotners.,,. ,....n.-.3-X-S The second prize was won by WBsea sad la kald by a score of M-S-4- t. '7rSaw .Messrs. Klein and Hlldebrand, of IfiataaaTteek not prize, a nanasosie racket. " ; Snortlns" Notes. The A. J. Mauls defeated the St, 1 leraay Dy as to i. - c.j The L. A. S:hotts defeated the Votaateefit ' by 20 to 13 yesterday. - vrl .ju, wnica iw bus .xpwsiuoB zrarK ncea , close on next Saturday night Sixsf ' The Our Boys would like to play Wheel ing clnb next Saturday at Wheeling. ,i ?t ' The Wheeling races start on TaeMaytand will continue until Friday. The entries are good. ,- In answer to Schell's offer to rowD.Goaldr again, the latter says he will be happy to aeeossm modate Schell. - ': If Clarkson croaks away goes Boston; hot? Pfeffer says he la the grittiest pitcher in the.,, business. ",'' An AS3CXBXB or New Yoke;. The New- Yorks did not win tlfree straight from Clew land at the time you name , Some excellent racing is promised at the Waynesburg fair, which commences on tbe ' 25th Instand continues three days. Von deb Ahe is certainly having a hot time .of it this trip. Tbe East is evidently out for ' the pennant this time at all hazards. The St Clalrs defeated the Tip's Stars 8 to 10 yesterday and wonldlike to bear from the 1a A. Schotts. Address Walter Foley, 131 Twenty second street D. C. Gibsoit. one of the prominent sporting men of Uniontown. !s in the city negotiating for the organization of tho Western Pennsyl vania League of Baseball Clubs. The Boston management is kicking hard be cause tho Plttsbnres would not nlar two nmii on Friday. Considering tbe crippled cosdf Uoakj of tbe team, Manager Hanlon was perfecUyJ ngnt in reiosuig. -.-.- iai 1 The 'manager of the Allegheny Atbletiea? , w.1 ttila Ma l4? avanlnw t n.t.h til., , VB MM IHt'aiS a-KiSi wrJifi4M&i9(S MML (MMtfPSSWI nsf Sk J 3Rh f sMIHWivM VtsHsV I Hk? HniejjjM. is'.oCSWB he)! Paatayas-jflRKi team to play the Gnmberts, ot Tarentum, I or ". f any amount Tbe manager ol the latter team ' did not show np, however. Additional sporting news. Including the averages of the League clabs aad players, will be fonud on the 11th and 13th paxes, second parr. We have enlarged our storeroom considerably, and with Increased facilities and mucb-'mora room for doing business, we extend to all of onr friends, patrons, customers and strangers a cordial invitation to make our store headquar ters during tbe Exposition season. Whether you wish to purchase or not we are better pre pared than ever before to meet tbe constantly increasing demands made upon us for Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines. Pure Wines, Whis kles. Brandies, Gins, Paints, Oils and Var nishes, etc. etc., at prices that deserve your; especial attention. In connection with cur large wholesale and retail drug business, we make a specialty of Poire Wines. Whiskies. Brandies, Gins, etc . etc., a partial list ot which we here present with prices for your considera tion if you wish good pure reliable goods: - Pnre 8-vear-oId export Guckenhelmer Whisky, full quarts, 31, or 310 per dozen. Overholt Pure Rye, 5 years old, full quarts, 31, or 310 per dozen. Finch's Golden Wedding, 10 years old, full quarts, 31 25. or 312 per dozen. Gin, Pure Holland, our own importation, full quart 31 25, or 312 per dozen. DunviIIe's Old Irish Whisky, quarts, 31 63, or 315 per dozen. Ramsav's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery at Jilar. 31 50 per bottle, fnll quart Wise's Old Irish Whisky, distillery at North Mall, Cork. 31 0 per bottle, full quart Pure California Brandy, fnll quarts, SL Four-year-old California Wines, full quarts, 60 cents, or 35 per dozen. All mail orders receive prompt attention. Persons wishing any of tbe above choice brands bere quoted and order by mail will please remit .by money order, draft, or regis ter their letter. Address, Job. Fleming Snn, DRUGGISTS, NO. 412 MARKET 8TREET, PITTSBURG, PA. SeS-TTSSU HE WAS IN GOOD LUCK, A gentleman whose business calls him to all parts of tbe country and for an absence of six months at a time, desires to say that at no place has he found tbe facilities afforded for renovating and repairing the clothing neces sary for such extended Journeys and at such short notice, as that provided bvJAS. DICK SON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth ave- cor. Wood st. second floor. Telephone 1558. Suits made to order. Fall and Winter styles now ready. se8-su TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTKU - FIRST-CLASS MALE COOK (white); none other need apply. ".- " TVKIGHT, 1 and 4 Master's alley, city. sc8-18S WAJJTED-SALESLADY TO TAK E CHARGE of J. G. Bennett ft Co.'s fur display at Ex position: must be good figure and come wen recommended. J, &. BENSEIT 4 CO.. cor. Wood st and Fifth aye. ses-117 TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS- .. SHORTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY for young men and bovs only. BROOKB HALL for girls onlv. Address SW1THTN a SHORTLIDGE, A. M. (Harvard mdnatel. Media. Pa., or call on E. WALKER, Monongahela House, for full in formation TUESDAY and FRluAY, thl -cAK. te-iw ssMk' ?&3Bl