&tr THE PITTSBURG " DISPATCH, SUNDAY. 'SEPTEMBER 8: 188'9i m af"M;' "- FOR RAISING FUNDS. The Methodist Episcopal Church Will Organize a flew Society TO HELP EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS. A Knmber of Ministers to Change Places at the Xext Conference. BISHOP TOSS WILL ACT AS PBESIDEKT Attorney H&rvey Henderson has been retained by several well-known clergymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church to ob tain a charter for an important society. The object of the society is laudable. It is to promote and provide fnnds for the advance ment ot higher education in the Pittsburg Conference. A lew men who have had the education of the younger portion of the church at heart have been struggling for some years in a disorganized condition for the welfare of the colleges, and the result has been that their efforts have suffered con siderably through lack of organization. To remedy this and place the society in a sphere where it can accomplish successfully the desire of those interested in college work this application has been made. Every day the need of better educational facilities in the church is felt, and the seats of learning are in need of systematic help which will place them in a position where their usefulness will not be impaired by meager supplies. The Pittsburg Conference of the Methodist Church has had for some years an educa tional society composed of ministers of the Conference. This society promoted and en couraged education among the people, pro viding means whereby they could acquire knowledge. Said Mr. Henderson yesterday: . "We have been working on a verr limited scale. Ouraid to tLe institutions of learning has been small, but we n ill. after incorpora tion, push this society to the front. Com mittees will be created who will be empow ered to collect funds. These iunds will be used solely lor edncational purposes. The distribution of the money will be in the hands' of a board of trustees, who will have regularly elected officers. "For lear of any misapprehension it must be emphatically stated that no help will be given to individual students at present. At some future date this may be contemplated. In the colleges of the Conference, however, scholarships will be created which cau be ob tained through the ordinary channels, of competitive examination. There are only two colleges in the Pitts burg Conference, and these are for females. It is expected that the incorporation of this society will greatly benefit these institu tions. Allegheny College, Meadville, though outside the Conference, will be helped. The Conference is a patron of the college. The Pittsburg Methodists have tubscribed 580,000 to its endowment. The college requires about 515,000 a year. The office of the new society will be over the M. E. bookstore, on Smithfield street. The charter is expected in a few days, when immediate steps will be taken to collect money. All members of the Conference, lay and clerical, will be members, and all who subscribe $5 and upward. THE COMIXG CONFERENCE. On October 9 the sixty-sixth session of the Pittsburg Conference will meet at Emory Church. Bishop Foss will preside. Some little interest will be centered in the Con ference, because a large number of ministers who have served three-year terms will be changed. Some of the pastors, where their term ends at this Conference, will not seek re-election. The removals and appoint ments of pastor? will be in the hands of the Bishop, who will consult with the Presid ing Elder of the district It is learned, however, that some or the clergy desire to be relieved or their pastorate. The following named clergy finish their three years' term at this Conference: Kevs. I R. Beacom, H. L. Chapman, "W. F. Connor, C E. Cart right, O. A. Emerson, C C. .Emerson, A. Freeman, A. E. Hustead, M. M. Hildebrand, Q. V. Johnson, J. F. Jones, IX I Johnson, S. JJ. Laverty. E. G. Lonctery, T. J. Leak. K. L. Miller. J. Mechem, L. Mc GnircG Orbin, J. F. Pershing- IV. H. Pearce. G. T. Heynolds, B. F Thomas, 13. iL Ward and R. E. WUburn. The preachers mentioned below have served four years at one place: Revs. J. A. Ballantme. A. Bash, D. L. Demp strey. fc. W. Davis, J. C, Gogley, J. C. High, M. b. Kerdirs. J. A. Miller, R. T. Miller, A. H. Miller, J. J. Mclhar, J. C. JlcJImn, S. H. 2Jes blt, W . C Weaver, J. T. Riley, W. A. Stewart, T. btoerer. Pittsburg will have the honor of having the firt General Conference of the Primi tive Methodist Church held here. This body is not large in this country, but it is powerful in many of the manufacturing districts throughout England and Wales. The conference will be opened on Wednes day next at the First P. M. Church, on Holmes street. The conference will enact some very im portant laws for the future government of this body. Some very radical changes will be made. The conference sermon will be preached by Eev. J. A. Graham. Among the visiting ministers will be M. Baker. D. Savasre. C. Prosser anrl 7. iv Mathews. WORK OF SCHOOL TEACflERB. A New System of Tcnchlnr, Drawing Ob jrclivrlT, to be Introduced The First In stitute Next Saturday. Both the teachers and pupils of the pub lic schools have now donned their working gear in real earnest for an illimitable quan tity of work is before them, but they all put their shoulders so earnestly to the wheel that their path is qnite smooth. The public cooking school, in charge of Miss Ballon, who has created a most favor able impression, is progressing finely. The Hazelwood school sends the largest class of pupils, 15 in number. The Central Board meets next Tuesday evening, when the confirmation of Mies Ballou as cooking teacher and Prof. G. Gut tenberg as teacher of biology at the High School will be acted upon. For the next few months the Pittsburg teachers will have a special teacher in drawing. Last May the Central Board of Educa tion adopted the revised system of "White's Industrial Drawing." A New York pub lishing house who controls this series has sent Miss Harriet Smith, of that city, to instruct the Pittsburg teachers. The new system is to teach drawing ob jectively, and according to the manual idea of training, modeling in clay will be taught to the pupils ot step I. Miss Smith comes highly recommended. She has given instructions in this new1 sys tem to the teachers of the principal cities of Kew York and Connecticut, and will re main in the city till the Pittsburg teachers understand the subject. -The teachers ot other cities, like those of Pittsburg, think the change from the old method ot drawing t be difficult at first, but soon come to be much pleased with it. The first institute of the school year will be held at the Ralston school next Saturday at 9 a. ai. The programme will consist of discussions on the following subjects, and every one can have his say: "Resolved that single dailv sessions of school in June are not desirable," to be opened by Prof. W. A. Proudfit. "What amount of home work, if any, should be re quired in the primary grade?" by Prof. J. JI. Logan. Prof. Vissman will give an address on United States history. Prof. C. A. Biddle will give his views on "The spelling-book should it be abolished ? and, if so, why?" "Concert reading can it be used to advantage?" by Prof. A. G. Burgoyne. THAT DAT EXPRESS. Its Loss in the Johnstown Flood Accredited to Negligence. SDIT-ENTERED AGAINST THE P. R. R. Heavy Suits for Damages in Other Matters y Also fiecorded. IMPORTANT NEWS FfiOE IHE COUKTS School Notes. The increased attendance at the Soho School was exceptionally marked at the reopening. Miss Annie Baiibin, late of the Lincoln school, will be married on the 19th to Mr. Will lam Hardy. Miss L. Williams, of the Mt. Washington school, has resigned. Miss Ream was elected to fill the vacancy. The BelleCeld School, Fourteenth ward, will have half-day sessions as long as the warm weather continues. Miss Kunzlek, last Wednesday evening, was elected writing and drawing teacher at the Birmingham school. Miss Edith SpAtJLonJ and Miss Alice Berry have been elected to fill the two vacan cies in the Peebles school. Twenty-third ward. Miss Josie McGuikr, one of the best known teachers of the birrulngham School, while at tending the Bellevne concert last Tuesday evening met with a serious accident. The horses became frightened and MissMcGuire was thrown from the bugcy and tier arm broken. Pbof. G. Gcnthek, whose election to the position of teacher of biology at the High School, will be acted upon by the Central Board next Tuesday evening, has been a teacher at the Erie High School for ten j ears. Previ ous to that time be edited a German paper In Wheeling. His special forte is the natural sciences. BOATS STRANDED. How the DavU Island Dnm Bothered Ilca-rlly Laden Coal Crrtlt. A heavily laden coal barge belonging to the Alps Coal Company was snuk, just be lowLock 2o. 1, on Friday morning. "When the Davis Island dam was completed Tues day night the water in- tha fit- pool rose to four feet, and on Wednesday three barges belonging to the Alps Company were moved from their moorings, prepartofy to taking them down to the city wharfs. Next day the water was let out of the dam so rapidly that the barges were stranded. One of them went down on a rock, which pierced its bot tom. It is now almost entirely under water. Three tugs tried in vain to raise it. Yesterday the river rose rapidly, until last evenine it was oer five feet, higher that it has been for over a month. Alfthe wharfboats were brought in further ashore. "W. H. Brown let a number of coal barges down from Lock No. 1 to the Southside docks. K0 MUSEUM TRUST. Farney S. Tarbell yesterday entered suit against the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany for 550,000 damages for the deaths of his wife and three children who were lost in the Johnstown flood. Tarbell states that he purchased tickets for his wife, Mary E. Tarbell, and his three children, aged 2, 0 and 7 years, from Cleveland to Tyrone, Pa. They went via the Cleveland and Pittsburg and Pennsylvania Railroad. On May 31, when the train they were on, the ill-fated day express, had reached Conemaugh, two miles east of Johnstown, the railroad officials, so he alleges, got notice of the danger from the flood and the anticipated bursting of the South fork dam. The train was held at this point for six hours, and though they had ample time and fair warning, they failed to remove the train. It was overwhelmed in the flood, and Mrs, Tarbell and the three children were lost. Their deaths, it is claimed, were due to the negligence of the railroad company in not removing the train from a point of danger. Mr. Tarbell's attorneys are ex Senator John J. Hall and Marshall and Imbrie. DAMAGES TO BEPUTATIOIT. Police Officer J. M. Jamison yesterday entered suit against Mrs. Annie Sullivan for 55,000 damages. Jamison states that he was a patrolman on a beat in the Nine teenth ward. About 2 a. m. June 22, he was passing the house of Mrs. Sullivan, No. 313 Collins avenue, when he noticed that the windows of the house were opened. As was his duty, he rapped on the door with his mace and notified the inmates of the house of the open windows. The next day Mrs. Sullivan went to the Nineteenth ward station and reported that the officer on the beat had broken into her house, went to her room, took her dress and obtained her purse from the pocket. He then went opt, she said, and rapped on the dnnr Willi lll mofa fiha vtw Ilia nnantiAna but was afraid to speak. When ne rapped on the door she answered him and said "All right." She further testified at the hearing given Jamison before the Inspector that she had seen the man, who was a policeman, but that she could not recognize him. The next aay a boy bad brought back her pocketbook, and gave it to her, saying, "I guess this is yours." All the money was in it. Jamison was suspended and was off the force lor two months, finally, after much anxiety and hard work being partiallv re instated by being placed on the sub list." He claims that Mrs. Sullivan's complaint and testimony were wholly false. Thai she afterward told persons that her pocketbook was not stolen. She had mislaid and after ward found it, and had said it was stolen to have whoever might find it retnrn it to her. Jamison states that he is still looked upon with suspicion and his reputation injured, and he asks for 5,000 damages. INJUEIES TO PEKSOIT. William J. Gordon yesterdav entered suit against Carnegie Bros. & Co.", Limited, for 5,000 damages. He states that he was employed at Carnegie's bessemer furnace iu MeKeesport On August 26, 1887, the wall of the furnace burst out and the hot coke and gas burned Gordon about the head, lace ana body, laying him up for four months. The accident, he claims, was due to negligence in the buildingof the furnace. THE L. 4 0. SUSTAINED. of Alderman McNulty, who fined him for the offense, but admitted the fact. Counsel for the prosecution,. General Blakely, asked for a postponement of the hearing and it was therefore fixed for Saturday, Septem ber 28. In doing so Judge White expressed the.opinion that Alderman Brinker had not been guilty of an illegal action in taking the information. A STRIP RESERTED. The Claim of Oliver Orraibj's Helri In a Soutbslde Case. An answer was filed yesterday to the petition of Christian Stalzenbach and others in a snit asking for an injunction restrain ing the heirs of the late Oliver Ormsby from granting the right of way for the Southfide railway to lay tracks on Wharton street from South Twenty-first to South Twenty second street. The suit is one brought two ears aeo when the ieirs, Hill Burgwin and John O. Phillips as trustees, and O. O. Phillips and Patrick 1?oley were made de fendants. It was proposed to lay a coal road along Wharton street, to which the residents objected. In the answer filed by the defendants they claim the abutting property was bought of the original owner, Oliver Ormsby, who reserved a strip of 12 feet for coal road pur poses. That Famous Boycott Case. M. A. Woodward, master in the Brace Bros, boycott suit, filed a petition in court i yesterday asking for an order on the plain tiff for his fees in the case, amounting to 600. In nis petition- he avers the fees were to be paid by plaintiff and defendants, and the latter be'ing unable to pay their share he asks that the amount be paid by the plaintiff. A Bis: Case Dismissed. The Court made a decree yesterday dis missing the bill in the suit of John R. Glonninger and others against the Pitts burg and Connellsville Railroad and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad regarding the issue of 510.000.000 worth ot bonds ol the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad, as recommended by R. B. Carnahan, the mas ter in the case. They'll Hear Wofnl Tale. George Shiras III was appointed com missioner in the divorce case of Flora B. Young" vs. John K. Young; "William Wat son in that of Mary Woolensack vs. Florian, Woolensack, and Charles A. Pagan in that of Nora Heckel vs. Charles C. Heckle. NEW BELIEF 'SOCIETY. An Association to be Started to Sys tematically Help People LN TIMES 0E GREAT EMERGENCIES. General Axlin, of Ohio, ana Dr. Chris, la'nge Devising the Plans. EXAMPLE OP THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. YVilkln.uurg's New Wards. S. B. Donaldson, W. W. Anderson and P. L. Ferry, commissioners appointed on the division of Wilkinsburg borough into wards, yesterday filed their report, giving the boundaries for three wards. The borough has 1,076 registered votes. ' Diamond Alley's Widening, i The hearing in the application for an in junction against the city of Pittsburg from opening and widening Diamond alley, prayed for by W. J. Howard andlothers, was nxea lor Jbriaay, September 27, l! tata of Tony" Judge Stowo Decides JJHIk Cannot be Legally bold on Snndar. Judge Stowe filed an opinion yesterday convicting John A. Martin of worldly em ployment on Sunday. He also fined him $25 and costs in each case, and in default of payment to be placed in jail for 30 days. In this decision the Court held that the three cases depended on the same question. The evidence of the defendant as well as the plaintiff showed him guilty under the act of April 22, 1794. Says Judge Stowe: The sole Question in thesA case tv,e i. whether such selling of milk was a violation of the act of 22d April, 1794, prohibiting worldly employment on the Lord's Day, commonly A Wild-Eyed Rumor From the West Au thoritatively Dented. A movement was yesterdav reported to be under way to consolidate all the dime muse- wlt?tbes.i 1nestio,ns we have nothinc to do in , f.ti ..:...! "" "lm mnse- deciding the questions before u. and any ex- canea bnnaav. Jluch has been nirt imih ,n court and elsewhere as to the methods em ployed by certain parties interested in these and other suits, to secure evidence and convic tion lor violation oi this act of Assembly. But S0JIE ADDITIONAL CLAIMS. Valnes Placed on Certnln Tieces of Diamond Street Property. The Board Tjf Viewers met yesterday to hear additional claims for damages to prop erty caused by the proposed widening of Diamond street "William Trance & Son, grocers at 14 Diamond Square, put in a claim for 7,000 damages. John E. Kuhn, attorney for the Sarah Arthur estate, claimed damages in the sum of ?30,000. This as a general claim and set iorth no special losses. He also made a general claim ot 15.000 for the estate of James M. Steele. Om men t & Hoffield, grocers on the sauae" claimed a loss of 510,000 to their business. ' Mrs. Jane Redpath put in a claim for damages for 523,000, which she thinks her property at 2sos. 27 and 29 Diamond street will sustain. Anna M. Bissell claimed that the proposed widening would render hot- property valueless and wants 556,000; and her tenants, J B Haines & Co., want $3 000 a year until April 1, 1893 Fred Kamm, of 27 Diamond Square, claims 52,506 damages. J. R."Weldin &. Co., corner Diamond and AYood streets, claimed 527,750. Anna E, Brown and Mary I. Gates owners of the property at Uos. 13 and 17 Diamond street, claimed a loss of 540,000. The meeting was adjourned until Thursday. 2IE. MESSLEi: RECOVERING. Reports About Bis Illness Were Grolr ExneKcrated. Second Vice President Messier, or the Pennsylvania Company, is not so seriously ill as reported. Yesterday George L. Mc Coy received the followingletter: CltESSON Spelngs. September 7. "We were all pained yesterday to read an arti cle in a morning paper to the effect that my father had had a relapse, and that but little hope was entertained of his recovery. The re lapse referred to was simply a slight attack of indigestion, from which he quickly recovered. We have very recently had the eminent phvsl dan, Dr.Janowav. oflNew York, in attend ance nnon him. and he has made a enti.oi -r. amlnation of father s case, and assures us he is progressing very favorably, and pronounces his permanent cure a mere matter of care and time. Father had a pood night and feels well and cheerful this morning. R. v. Messleb. Xniurnl Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent. See our new gas fires, gas ranges, gas stoves, etc.; register yourorders for fall deliv erv. The larirest. finest and most com Die te As sortment of any firm in the world. O'Keefe J trAS AjmiULXu& isu., r x um are. urns of the country into on! syndicate, con trolled by the Barnum-Bailev combination, J. W. Plocker, Manager of the Casino Mu seum, was asked about the matter last night and laughed at the idea. He said: Of course a consolidation of the museum busi ness would be a money-making investment, but it is not being done. The names you show me in the list prove that There is Cole & Middleton's, which has changed hands in a very short time, and no money could buy out the present proprietors. The investment is claimed to be 52,000,000, but that money would not begin to buy out the dime museum interests of the country. I am perfectly satisfied that the interests of the Casino are not for sale, and I know well that others are fully as independent. AVhen a man is making money it is a poor time to sell out his business." EAST EKD ORNAMENTS. Agent Dean Investigates Complaints About Horses Oat That Way. Complaint was made yesterday morning to Agent Dean, of the Anti-Cruelty So ciety, that the horses used in drawing the omnibuses which carry passengers from East Liberty to Hiland Reservoir, were in a'miserable condition. Agent Dean went to the East Ehd during the afternofti and looked at some of the animals. He reported that the horses were in sqrry shape. One, he 6aid, had a badly swollen leg, and was not at all fit to be used. Others are so poor that coffee sacks or others articles are placed between their bodies and the harness to keep the leather from chafiing the prominences over the bones. Ilr. Dean says that he will take action on Monday. FOUR ACRES ADDED. The WntLE in the city go to Pearson for your photographs. You are sure to be pleased. Valley Camp Athletic Associations Have First'Class Grounds. The Valley Camp Association has pur chased a splendid piece of property, cover ing four acres, adjoining the camp grounds. It is proposed to utilize the grounds lor out door sport. There will be plenty of room for every class of games, baseball, lawn tennis, quoits and bowling. The cost of laying out the property will be about 5500. Xbe annual lee lor memoers will be nomi nal. It will be known in the future as the Valley Camp Athletic Association. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE For Ibe Tired Brain From over-exertion. Try it. pression of opinion in reference to them would be out of place. it cannot oe seriously urged, I think, at this late day. in view of the popular understanding of a whole century, and of the many expressions of opinion lrom both Common Pleas and Supremo Courts of the State, that deal in? in milk as a merchantable commodity is not as much a worldly emplojmentasdeallne in bread or meat or any other article oi food. Nor does the suggestion of counsel, and the proof that milk is a perishable article make any difference. The Legislature knew that as well as we do, and they have not seen fit to make any distinction for that reason We have no right to do so, even it we so desired. Our plain duty is to enforce law, not to make it. If an act of the Legislature has become un smted to the times in which we live, the matter lies with the lawmaking power and not with us. To give the act of 1791 the interpretation the defendant claims would be simply to re peal the statute In its material character and in my opinion a violation of our judicial duty. EBENEZb'R CHURCH'S TROUBLE. It Comes Into the Conns Based on tho Hew Charter. Exceptions were filed yesterday to the petition for a charter for the Ebenezer Bap tist Church. The exceptions are made by D. W. Doming, W. C. Webb. M. H. Lee and Nathan Thompson, claiming to be trustees of the church and representing 265 members of the congregation, who with 265 others, compose the church. It was organ ized years ago. and 52,000 has been contri buted. This has been used by the trustees in the purchase of a lot and building valued at 53,000. The title is vested in the Susten tation Association of the Baptist Church who will convey it to the Ebenezer Baptist Church when a charter shall be obtained. The petition for a charter filed, included Isaac Morton, W. S. Johns, Isham Carter Nelson Bryant and Alex. Barbour as trustees, and J. M. Bryant, Anderson Lind. say and M. C. Johnson, all of whom were excluded from the -church in 1886, after a regular trial. "They have no right to apply for a charter," it is held, "and to give them one would wrongfully place the church property in their hands." The exceptants state that they intend to make an applica tion for the charter for the church. What Lawyers Have Done. Saturday. September 28, was fixed jester day for bearing the petition for a disso me iMizaDem xsriage uompany. Judge White yesterday made an orcer con firming the report of the Commissioner divid ing Indiana township into three- election dis tricts. The bond of William A Herron, Inlhosnm of 570,000, as administrator of the e Mrs. Martha Newell, the widow of Newell, was approved yesterday. Charters of incorporation were rranted yesterday to theBuelah Park M. E. Chkrch, of Versailles township; to the Armstrong 3ros. & Uo.'s Employes' Beneficial Associatioi and to the Sewickley Republican League. In the Criminal Conrt yesterday, Judge White sentenced John O'Brien for larceny, four months in the workhouse. Nicholas Kim- berger pleaded guilty to the larceny iof some window sashes from the National Saltl Works. He was given one year to the workhouse. Ax attachment was ordered to be issued yes terday for the arrest of Charles Fennerfta con tempt of court. Fenner had been sued by his wife for non support, and ordered by the Conrt to allow her S2 per week. She stated that he failed to give her the money and the attach ment was issued. V Judge Ewing yesterday heard the habeas cor us case for the release of John Lorensti from the workhouse. Lorenskl had been com mitted by Magistrate McKenna for disorderly conduct. He proved to the Judge that he was innocent of wrong intention and was a hard working man, and his release was ordered. Monday's trial list is as follows in the Criminal Court: Commonwealth vs Oliver Tate, Clarence Mitchell, Andrew Kinslow, Charles Dougherty, Charles Morgan, Edward McDonald, Martin Uocton. P. Banevento. Den nis Sullivan, Joseph Kelly et aL, James Ouelies, Henry Rapp. George Kelly et ak, Leatha Kinney, John Drum. A charter has been applied for the American Belief Association, in Columbus. The birth of this association is the outcome of the dis organized manner in which the work of relief was carried on at Johnstown. Dr. Lange, Eirst Vice President of the .society, said yesterday: "The work of ameliorating the sufferings of the people in the devastated regions of the Conemaugh Valley was seriously crippled, because we lacked organization. The exigency of the case demanded immediate action. Steps had to be taken promptly yet cautiously. Suffering in its most malignant form was scattered all around, and to relieve this as quickly as possible was the main desire. But on every hand we were handicapped. "This organization proposes in times of great urgency to work in a systematic manner. Onr society will be divided into three parts, a medical corps, a sanitary corps and a commissary corps. These divi sions will cover the whole needs of a com munity overtaken by any appalling calamity. THE DUTIES DEFINED. "The duties of the medical and sanitary corps are obvious;he special and" perhaps the most important corps will be the com missary, whose work will be to receive and take charge of all clothing, food and money, and to distribute them in a business-like way. "Theadvantage of this sooiety can be seen by giving an instance that happened at Johnstown. General Axhne, of Columbus, gave orders to unpack a large bpr of shoes. In turning the box over the shoes naturally mixed up. The people, eager to produre them, snatched up a couple, regardless of the shape or size. The resnlt of this pro cedure was that the shoe donation was worthless. Nearly every person got odd shoes. "The same thing occurred with the food. Large boxes of pies and sweatmeats were sent, but before they were landed they were crushed and could not be used. Through the carelessness of donators, three-eighths of the preserves that we received in glass jars were broken. The commissary will advise the good people who give how to give. For instance, they will ask those who give shoes to tie a, pair together, or if they donate clothing to put a full suit in a parcel. ODD THINGS EECEIVED. "Often we received a package which wonld contain a pair of trousers that would fit a man measuring 46 inches around the waist, and a coat and vest that might suit a boy of 7. The givers will be instructed how to pack goods so that they will be received without being broken and useless. "Some people are under a misapprehen sion that this new society will conflict with the Bed Cross. This is not so. The object of the society will be different from any other in existence. The President is Gen eral Axline, of Ohio; Vice Presidents, Dr. Chris Xange and Mr. A. W. Co wen; Secre tary, Dr, Jones." G. A. K. T-ike Notice. All orders issued by Adjutant General Hastings for transportation to Gettysburg will be accepted by the agents of the Penn sylvania Railroad for tiokets, wDether the order is drawn on this company or any other company. Black Goods. A complete assortment of all staple and fancy wears in all-wool and silk-'nool fabrics for tall now opened. Huotrs & HACKS. THEY DIDN'T RUN AWAI. SInrk Wishart nnd His Companions Tarn Up in Conrt. M. W. Wishart, J. P. Young and E. P. Hesser filed petitions in court yesterday be fore Judge White asking that the decision of Alderman McNulty, in declaring their bail forfeited for non-appearance before him in a case brought by John A. Martin, be set aside. The conrt granted a rule on John A. Mar tin, the prosecutor, and Alderman Mc Nulty, to show cause why the petition should not be granted. J. W. Houston was the bondsman for the petitioners in the sum of 5500 each. Alderman Brinker appeared before Judge White yesterday to answer the charge of violating the law in taking an information on Sunday. He appealed from the decision SOUTHSIDE GHOSTS. The Grncsomo Apparitions of a Man and Doff Startle nirminsham. A curious ghost story is going the rounds on the Southside. Every night, about half an hour after midnight, a tall man envel oped in a cloak and ,wearing a heavy slouch hat, passes hastily from the direction of the river, and striding along Carson street, turns into a waste field on the right hand, where he is speedily lost to sight. He is followed in his rambles by a gaunt dog of the deer hound species, who trails a broken chain from his neck-collar and limps as he walks. Several people have spoken to the late wayfarer among others an elderly man who keeps a tobacco store near the Castle Shan non depot but to none has he returned any other reply than to fold his heavy cloak more closely over his face. ' Those who saw him say thaf his eyes are bright and pierc ing. One gentleman declares that he threw a stone at the dog, and felt sure he hit hira in the ribs, but the dog took no notice of the blow. The police have been informed of the strange creaturesj who have now been seen on over a dozen different nights. The most curious part of the thing is that dumb animals take no notice of either man or dog, and appear not to see them. The police, it is said, will try to waylay the ghosts if pos sible. The man never appears exesnt on nitrhts when the moon is wholly or partially cloud ed over. REPUBLICAN LEAGUE MEETING. Preparations for the Great Clab Convention on the 24th Inst. She second convention of the Republican League of the State of Pennsvlvania will be held in Lafayette Hall, on Sunday, 24th inst., at 10 a. m. It will consist of three delegates from each clutf belonging to the league. The representatives from the Tariff Club are Hon. John Dalzell, John Gripp and William Elinn. A meeting will be held on Tuesday even ing at the Tariff Club rooms, with represen tatives from the Americus and Allegheny Tariff Clubs, to make preparations for the reception of the delegates, which will include a trip on the river and other entertainment for the visitors. The Speak-Easy Cases. Thehearing in the MeKeesport speak-easy cases took place before Alderman Gripp yesterday. John Higgins was discharged, John Hanlon wns held under 5500 bail, and the hearings of Wm. Dean and Daniel But ler were postponed. Beecham's Pills cure bilious and nervo ns ills Fears' Soap secures a beautiful complexion SD 73. 89 73. SO 73. Great bargain, great bargain'; wool suits, wool suits, ask to see them. KNABI.B & Shustek, 35 Fifth avenue. COESETS at 50c, 75c, $1, $1 25. $1 50, 81 75, 82, 82 25, 82 50, (3, 83 50, 85 and 86 50. We can snit you at all prices. F. SchoenthAl, 612 Penn aye. J. G. BENNETT &, CO.'S Phenomenal Exhibit. EtTBOPE 1AEGELT DBATVN UPON TOE THIS DISPLAV. This firm may justly claim to have the exhibit of exhibits in the Exposition. All Europe has been called upon to furnish marvels with which to astound Pittsburg. As you enter the space, which is under the north gallery, you see the marvelous natural seal furniture, consisting of four pieces, manufactured for J. G. Bennett & Co. at Paris. The variety of tints with their sin gular markings surprise those who are only familiar with the London dye. The sofa is broad, low and symmetrical The back has an arch formed over the center of pol ished ox horns, while the outline is car ried out by other horns turned toward the center. The base of horns is ornamented with fringe of angora fur, a mosaic of seal fur adorns the center of the back.? The horns also form the lour feet. An umbrella stand has a crown made from fonr horns meeting at their points below, four others form the pins for holding umbrellas, and are turned to form a square. A sturdy column, covered with natural sealskin, has at its base a handsome brass vase as a holder below this angora fringe for a finish. Two armchairs have their backs and arms formed entirely of polished horns, the seats with mosaic to match sofa, are of natural seal, the bands being of a different hue, yet still sealskin. On the floor lies the most wonderful white Polar bear rug, with mounted head, natural teeth and claws, the whole bordered by plush of French blue. The skin at its greatest length is 15 feet, and was exhibited at the Paris Exposition by Beayillon Freres, the largest furriers irf the world. A companion to this is the Bengal tiger rug, with mounted head, which keeps guard over, the great showcase, of which more anon. An immense Bengal tiger, noble speci men ot the taxidermist s art, is standing on the alert, his four feet resting on a rock, while he seems to be guarding the exhibit. Now about the show case which was made especially for J. G. Bennett & Co. by the McNulty Show Case Company, it being the largest one of the kind ever made. The mam plates of glass are 15 feet long, 6 feet high and 4 feet wide, the large plates each weighing 500 pounds. The mountings are of silver, the whole being plush lined. Inside this case a Polar bear boa is stretched from end to end, the muff to match hanging in th'e center like the pen dant of a. necklace. On a form are placed a muff and fichu of white thibet lamb; it is like a snow drift in its" delicate whiteness. Another form holds a Persiana jacket, 27 inches long, with seal collar. This style is to prevail. An Alaska seal jacket near the former is of some length, with standing collar, but no cuffs. A 33-inch seal coat has shawl collar; also cuffs. Then there is a 37-inch seal oacque, and a seal wrap trimmed with long points of black lynx. In contrast there is a fichu of white Polar bear; the gem of the collection is a mink tail cape, selected shades, the points-in front reaching waist line, the back being grace fully rounded. In two cases Bennett & Co. make a dis play of fall and winter hats. Thev consist of the highest grades and finest "makes in the world, such as Dunlap & Co., of New Ydrk; Youman, of New York; Stetson, of Philadelphia, and imported styles are from Christy, of" London; Lincoln," Bennett & Co., London, and Heath & Co., London. A further display is being carried on at the corner of Fifth avenue and Wood street, Speclnl Train to Gettysbnrf, Via the Pennsylvania Bailroad, Tuesday morning, September 10, leaving Union sta tion at 9 A. m., running solid through to Gettysburg. Bound trip tickets will be sold at rate of one fare from September 7 to 12, inclusive, good to return until September 18. Bate from Pittsburg, 58 95. Special train stops at East Liberty, Braddock, Irwin, Greensburg, Latrobe, Bolivar -Junction, Johnstown, Crcsson, Alloona and points east. -A Plain Statement. ,' "Septembeb 7. 1889. To the Public: " We wish to make's, few statements in an swer to what appeared in the morning papers in regard to (tha horseshoers' strike. The master horseshoers claim that the men have struck so often that they must draw the line some place. I wish to .state that there has been one de mand in eight yean, and that was for 10 per cent of a raiseiver three years ago, which was granted, This is the second one in that tjme. T want to let the public know what the journeymen have done for the master horse shoers of Pittsburg and Allegheny. We organized their present union oyer three years ago, and compelled men to join whom they bad no-influence over, with the help of the organized labor of Allegheny county. It fs not ove're three months ago since we took into their, organization about six shops that they have been trying to get to join them for over-three years. They are now getting at an average from 50c to 75a per. set more for shoeing than be fore we organized tbem. They claim they cannot par 25c a day more to the workman. It may be so, bnt we claim they can. We would iike to see them make more money. and if thev are not mak ing enough they can charge lot the shoeing, in answer to Dr. Doris, who is not a horse- shoer, and cannot be expected to know as much about the- business as the man who makes his living at it, we affirm that we are not better paid than any other class of me chanics, and there are no other mechanics but the horseshoers at the present time work ing ten hours for a day's work. We asked them to give us nine hours for a day's work, and they objected, stating that it did not suit their business. We have now .made a- demand to tret off at 1 o'clock on Saturday, and they claim that the public would be .inconvenienced by that. 1 say the public can g$t a sboe on in any shop to last till the next" week. We offered to leave a man in each shop id tighten and pnt on shoes for the accommodation of .the public, and if they, can close the shops up far a whole week, only tightening shoes they can surely afford to close up at 1 o'clock on Sat urday. He spoke of the journeymen being great soendthrifts, and drank most of their money. I know that is true, butl am willing to com pare the journeymen with the master shoers. I wish to inform the master shoers that we don't have to call on any outside parties to carry on our strike, as we hare Drains enough among ourselves. We were open for arbitration in the first place, and the bosses made no reasonable propositions,, therefore we are in this fight to win. In regard, to advertising for men, they could not get enough men in twelve months to fill our positions". W. J. Alopre wishes to contradict a state ment which appeared in the morning papers with his name attached, that the masters made 90 percent, as he made no such state ment. He Knows as well as any man at the business what bosses can make, but that is to himself. ' A word to the masters before closing, that instead of bringing all our influence to bear against the shops that do not belong to your union, we will bring it to bear, with the help of the labor Organizations, against the shops that hire scab labor. We are not looking for sympathy from the public, but we just wish to give you a few facts, which cannot be denied. We have won the fight now. as our men are returning to work, some every day, re ceiving the demand. A Membee of the Joubnetmen. In Memorlnm. At a special meeting held by the Acme Tanning Company the following action was taken on the death of Morris E. Wert heimer: Whereas,. It has pleased an All-wise Providence to remove by death from onr midst Morris E-Wertheimer, a member of the Board of Directors of this company; therefore Resolved, That in the death of Morris E. Wertheimer this company has lost a valued member, one though young in years yet ripe in experience, and who has been a shining example of -business honor and in tegrity, the community a worthy citizen and the family a beloved son and brother. Resolved, That we do hereby tender to the stricken familv onr sincere sorrow in this their sad affliction in the loss of an only son and brother. May they be supported in their sad bereavement by trust in the wis dom of an inscrutable and All-wise Provi dence. Besolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the bereaved family, and a record be made on theaminntes of this com pany and copies be sent to the daily press. Signed John G. Bbant, V. P. Special Train to Gettysbarc;, Via the Pennsylvania Railroad, Tuesday morning, September IU, leaving Union sta tion at 9 A. si., running solid through to Gettysburg. Bound trip tickets will be sold at rate of one fare from September 7 to 12, inclusive, good to return until September 18. Rate from Pittsburg, (8 95. Special train stops at East Liberty, Braddock, Irwin, Greensburg, Latrobe, Bolivar Junction, Johnstown, Cresson, Altoona and points east. G. A. R. Take Notice. All orders issued by Adjutant General Hastings for transportation to (iettysburg will be accepted by the agents of the Penn sylvania Railroad for tickets, whether the order is drawn on this company or any other company. Coats, Suits nnd Wraps. Ladies' jackets all prices. Children's coats all prices. Woolen dresses all. prices. Silk dresses all prices. Shawls all prices. Knable& Shustek, 35 Fifth avenue. LITE STOCK MARKETS. The Condition of Business at tho East Liberty Stock Yards. Office orFiTTSBtniG Dispatch, l Saturday, September 7, 1859. j CATTLE Beceipts, 40u head; shipments, 460 head; market steady. Ten cars of cattle shipped to Now York to-day. Hoos Kecelnts. 2:300 nead: shipments." 2.1M head; market slow; light Yorkers, Si S0f GO; medium and light Philadelphia, Si SOigl 53: heavy hoes, 4 104 25; 3 Cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipt?, none; shipments, none; market fair and prices unchanged. CHANGE IN MAKE-UP. 82 73. 82 75. 82 73. Ask to see our all-wool jackets, only 82 75. Better ones at S3 50, 84 and 85 up to finest. Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. BaboXins this week in table linens, nap kins, towels, pillow and sheeting linens, etc., etc Htjous & Hacke. CLASSIFIED ::: ADVERTISEMENTS That heretofore appeared on this page of THE DISPATCH will be found on the Eleventh Page, in the Second Part of this issue. The Wants, For Sales, To Lets, Business Chances, Auc tion Sales, eta, are placed under their usual headings on the Eleventh Page. Adver tisements handed in too late for Classification will be found on the Sixth Page. row mm i us j SHOULD YOU HAPPEN: TO REA - -OJ" THE- "EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS" ADVERTISED BY i. 4 . t WOULD-BE COMPETITORS, PAUSEAND THINK Think of the solid satisfaction your last bought-of-ss Ctothiag aor4t4 you and then come and look at the beautiful aad' ektra&rdtriijr" elegant Fall Suits and Fall Overcoats we. are aoV dispfeyfef. , Examirie critically the fabric of the goods; iaspect, tc-9, tile, trimmings, the fit and the workmaaship;, yea'H 4 J find them in every way equal to-merchant tailor ,J .' .'. . goods, at .'. .. V. t HALF MERCHANT TAILOBS' PRICES! FALL OVERCOATS: $5, $6, $7, $8 to $25. FALL SUITS: $7, $8 $10, $12 to $35. It's only a question as to how much you want to pay for yoa t g a Suit or Overcoat at a price to suit you. 7 - BOYS5 KNEE PANT SUITS, $1 to $10. ;: BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS; $3 50 to $15. These are busy days for us, particularly in our Boys' Clething de. partment Many a lad we've fitted for school the -past few days maay here at home and many for schools far away. Now if you've gota boy or boys to clothe send 'or bring them here. We'll give you such goods for such little money that you'll be astonished. ' , If You Wish to Inform Yourselves as to Where Can be Ftiwt v ' the Newest and Nobbiest Styles in r Fall Hats, Fall furnishings and Fall' Footwjear pay our store a visit Give us but half a chance and we'll sell yoa whatever you may want in any of the before-mentioned goods. We've ALL the novelties and the secret of our doing such an immense business lies in the fact bear-it in mind well that we undersell all other dealers' in the city and intend to keep the good work up. Visitors to the city are specially invited to make our store their headquarters. We will take care of packages, parceb, wraps, etc, free of charge. Come and wander all about our store, ask any questions you like and in fact make yourselves at home. Don't fail to see our magnificent exhibit at the Exposition. )-C G-TJSKY'S 300 to 400 Market street seS-TTsan CORE r -fe urnrii--t. vsjo'cd s.:' Jtfyik. M W Iiua-.k mm mj-; mm w and HMtiif tW'-Vi- ssss . a. .!. JssssssssssT' F ZmmWM w WA W A GUM- GUN" WA, An Educated Chinese Physician, who cannot under the American laws practice medicine, has a line of prepared Chinese herb and vegetable specifics for the cure of rarious diseases, which he sells for a small sum. They are quick to act, perfectly harmless, pleasant to take and never fail to cure. Among the diseases which these remedies quickly cure are Can cer, Tumors, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Female Weakness, Paralysis, Bron chitis and Lung Troubles and all Blood and Chronic Diseases. NO CHARGE FOR ADVICE OR CONSULTATION, as Gua Wa does not practice medicine. A friendly talk costs nothing. If you cannot call write to Gun Wa, inclosing 4c stamps, foe a history of his life or a circular on Cancer, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Tapeworm, or his book (for mea only) on private and nervous diseases. fc GUN WA WILL CUBE YOU or tell you in all kindness that he cannot, but all of the" above mentioned trouble which Gun Wa calls "AMERICAN DISEASES" (they having been mastered and eliminated in His country) quickly and permanently yield to these Nature' Cures, which are the result of thousands of years of research and study in the homa of Cqnfucius and are considered positive specifics among the upper and educated classes in.the Celestial Empire. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS are sent daily to Gun Wa. whose eel- ebrated Chinese Vegetable Medicines are recognized the world over by their healing and life-gtving qualities. They are made of rare medicinal herbs, Imported from; China for this sole puroose, and are not in use nor known to any physician in the United States. Gun Wa is not allowed to practice his profession nor to visit the sick, as his limited knowledge of the English language prevents his graduating la any of the American colleges of medicine. He has, however, a merchant's privilege to sell his remedies. Call in and see his handsome oriental parlors at 940 Penn ave nue, and have a pleasant interview with the famous doctor. The consultation will be FREE, and the medicines are sold very low. GUN WA'S CHINESE HERB BLOOD PURIFIER CURES SECONDARY BLOOD POISONING OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 12 A. M., Mo 5 P. M.. 7 to 9 P. M. . G-TXLST Ihe doctor has several parlors you win sea him priTatelr. ..W i, PITTSBURG, IX. ao2f.i2.wsa r V M gi s.;&&. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIMB..MMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ..ST- r.. -. -ujt $mttSaZ2bt&JLrj "' BMgi.,.ssMraaj8EmmMMiiiijlmgMMBt