Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 08, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Engineers Examine the Car
negie Library Building.
Wonderful Beauties of tlio Library
and Music Hall.
The Tnrpose to Which the Edifice Will Be
Devoted Explained.
It will be seen by the general public when
the doors of Carnegie Free Library and 31 ul
sic Hall are thrown open that Allegheny
City has been the recipient of a gift not
only unique ot its kind, but a model of
architectural beauty. In the fruition of
Mr. Carnegie's purposes there have been
three factors outside of the gift of the
money, viz., Architect Pell's genius,
Mr. James B. Scott's common sense
and the constructive ability of the resident
architect, General Steintnctz. Mr. Pell's
specifications, while always distinguished
for beauty, were not always entirely practi
cal. Mr. Scott, as Chairman of the commis
sion having the building in charge, has
made radical changes in the details,"which
have been faithfully carried out by the con
structor, and it is not by any means too early
to see that the result has been a building of
cnequaled beauty, but at the same time
fully measuring up to the requirements.
The donor may well be proud of such a last
ing monument of his generosity.
The first formal inspection of the build
ings took place vcslerdav. the German
Technic Society of the two cities having
been invited to go over the edifices by
Messrs. Steinmetz and Krause. . The engi
neers composing the society were manifestly
delighted with what they saw.
A Dispatch reporter wandered around
the lnclosure and was so fortunate as to en
counter Chairman Scott, who gives a por
tion of tach day to the practical supervision
of the progress of the work. Under his
guidance a tour of the buildings was made.
An inspection of the graceful front on the
Federal street side reveals many beauties.
The alternate courses of granite
are a pleasing digression. A 24-inch
course is followed by au 8-inch
course in the construction of the entire ex
terior. The windows, while square or ob
long in form, are invariably marked by
round columns of cut granite with rounded
pediments and terminating in faliated
capitals. The semi-circular curves formed
by imbedded arches above the windows, in
common with the vertical lines of columns,
constitute what is known as the purely
'.Romanesque" style of architecture.
Chairman Scott explained that vertical
lines and semi-circles in combination were
the essential elements of the Romanesque
style. The effect is certainly very remark
able, especially in the graceful tower where
the vertical lines rise for many feet, and
finally terminate in the curved archways.
The summit of the tower is
very beautiful. There is a colon-
ade with short towers, then a
plain space pierced by round portholes with
the huge clock dials one set black with
gilt letters for daylight, the other set illu
minated lor night and insideof this portion
of the tower will be placed the clock ma
chinery. Crowning all is an apex built of
huge cut stone overlapping tiles with a
graduation so gentle as to impart much
beauty to the tower.
The Federal street frontages are both
gabled with turreted corners, crowned by
carved finials. The effect is very pleasing
to the eye.
Entering a hall with a small room nnder
the tower at the right hand and the stone
stairway leading to the second floor on the
left, the library reception room is seen. If
it were round it would be called a rotunda.
Prom the archway entrance clear through
the reception and reading rooms extends
one of the finest mosaic floors ever nut down
in the United States. The pattern is indis
criminateits chief beauty until the exact
centerof the reception room is reached, where
there is seen a serpentine mosaic of rare
beauty. The words "Carnegie Library"
are within the inner circle worked in
mosaic. At the four corners are other cir
cles with the outer edge of the inner circle
interlacing a central pattern. The varions
colors of quartz are blended in a most
artistic manner. There are larger mosaic
patterns in the Capitol at Washington, but
in no public building in the country is any
thing that in delicacy of design transcends
this work of art.
"Here," said Mr. Scott, pointing out a
flight of stairs leading downward irom the
entrance hall, "is the descent to avernus.
"When we have finished the cellar it will be
as clean, white and dry as the jest of the
building. 2Jo connection with city sewers
and no chance for underground moisture to
destroy valuable volumes."
The system of delivering hot air bv mpnn
of anil-loot blower, in connection with a
huge furnace, was then explained. The
huge pipes converge to every room in the
building. The system of electric lighting
also centers in the furnace room.
In regard to the magnificent colnmns
wliich grace all sidesof the library reception
room, Jilr. bcott said: "These mark an era
in the erection of public buildings. For
years it has been the custom to cover iron
pillars with stucco, but it has been done bv
making the covering in two halves and join
ing them around the center. These columns
have been molded to their graceful propor
tions at one job, and the lines are so exact
as to defy criticism. Bv makinp use. nf
plaster ot pans a marble effect is attained.
you will notice that the whole interior of
this room is treated in the Romanesque
The interior is indeed wonderfully beau
fuL The division of the reception, reading
and bibliographical rooms is accomplished
by the stately white pillars which rise from
square pediments and terminate in foliated
capitals of lavish design. Light is admitted
to the reception room by a peaked skylight.
But on a level of the ceiling has been placed
a gridiron covering of elaborate design pre
senting a fiat surface upon which ground
glass will be laid. The effect will be to con
ceal the naked and nnbeantiful outlines of
the skylight supports. This innovation is at
tributable to Mr. Scott's inventive powers.
The reading room is a large apartment,
weil lighted lrom the Ohio street side. A
row ot settees will run around the walls,
while a large reading table of the exact
shape of a horseshoe will accommodate
book worms and the public in general. A
graceful arch separates the main room from
the ladies' apartment. The arch will be
partially met by a low screen. A huge
.Dutch fireplace is a distinguishing feature
of the reception room. The so-called
""bibliographical" room is a space which
may be utilized for stands of fine prints or
folios. Mr. Scott's explanation of the
library details was very interesting. "The
library will be run on the 'stack system.
That is none of the public will be allowed
in these vaults fitted up with iron racks for
books. The choice of books must be made
from the catalogue, when the librarian's as
sistants will bring tHe book or books out.
As you observe, there are two stories of
bookshelves, and the present space in the
two rooms will hold 150,000."
"Where will the books be secured?"
"We have a nucleus now, and there will
be a reserve fund for the purchase of more
how many I cannot now say. Numerous
offers of books have been made, and the
residents of the two cities will be given
ample opportunity to come forward with
their bibliographical treasures.
"We are also very anxious to receive
some donations of statuary to be placed in
this beautiful little entrance to the artroom
on the second floor," said Mr. Scott, leading
the way up the massive staircase.
If the first floor will come in for admi
ration, the second floor will provoke
rapture. The art gallery is certainly one of
the most elegant rooms ever constructed for
artistic purposes. Outlines, curves, light
and decorations have been brought into
harmony. The ground glass ceiling, on the
same plan as the reception room, will
radiate just the sort of "dim religious light"
which oil paintings require. At night a
system of incandescent lights will take the
place of Old Sol. Beyond the art hall is a
narrower room, which will be a
place for the reception of prints, etchings,
water colors and statuary. On the Ohio
street side of the building is an assembly or
lecture room which will easily seat 300
people. This may be christened "Science
Hall," as it is admirably adapted to the
display of scientific phenomena or the de
livery' of disquisitions upon microscopic
or other matters in the wide range of natu
ral science. A feature of the general ar
rangement of the library is the system of
lavatories and bathrooms.
Passing through the library and going
around to the Ohio street side, one comes
upon the immense entrance to Music Hall.
The flight of steps will be 44 feet wide, and
will lead up gradually to the triple arches
of the main entrance. They are in the same
general form of architecture as the remain
der of the buildings Inside of them are
the three ponderous oaken doorways leading
to the square vestibule.
On the right hand is the ticket office, and
on cither side winding stairs lead to the
balcony. The entrance into the auditorium
is accomplished through two wide doors.
The hall is imposing, the sweep of the
arched roof being even and gradual. On
the Diamond street side are other large
doors giving instant egress from the
building. As originally submitted the
plans lor the interior had no reference to
galleries on the sides of the room. 3Ir.
Scott caused these to be added. The gal
leries are of solid polished oak and are very
handsome. The stage is elevated, of the
choral style, being constructed of wide tiers
for singers, orchestra, etc. By the use of
open side boxes the effect is mueh enhanced.
There will be no overhead work on the
stage whatever. Beneath the stage
are elaborate dressing and green rooms for
the comfort of singers, speakers, etc. The
floor is now being laid on the cemented un
derpinning. Mr. Scott states that 1,200
chairs will be placed in position in the two
sections of the auditorium. The chairs will
be wooden, comfortably padded, and of a
pattern said to be far more oomfortable than
the ordinary opera chair.
With reference to the completion of the
building, Chairman Scott states that an im
mense amount of detail work decorating,
finishing, etc, still remains to be done and
that its character does not allow of undue
precipitancy. He holds out hopes of the
completion of everything by the first of
next January.
Capt. McCormick's Twenty-one Years'
Experience as a Ship Agent.
In Speed. Comfort and General Equipment!
of Ocean Navigation.
Captain J. J. MeCormick, general ticket
agent, No. 401 Smithfield street, -and who
does a very extensive ship agency, is an en
cyclopedia of facts connected with 21 years'
experience in smoothing the way of the
wayfarer intent on journeying to Europe as
well as to all other points of the compass,
and a talk orthe subject is interesting.
Mr. McCormick at one time thought of
devoting his life to literary pursuits, but
after investigation decided that there were
more blanks than prizes in that line of life,
and turned his attention to business and
does not now regret his choice.
Captain J. J. McCormick.
The Doe Jumps at a Drug Clerk's Tfaronl,
bat Falls to Bite Him.
A mad dog was seen rushing up and
down Penn avenue, between Twenty-third
and Twenty-fifth streets, yesterday. The
people residing in the vicinity were in a
state of consternation, because the dog was
toaming at the mouth. In its wild career it
dashed up Twenty-third street, then
along Liberty and down Twenty-fourth
street, rushing madly into a boy
named Willie Brown, who was standing
in the doorway of Stuckey's drug
store. The dog struck the boy and
knocked him against the corner of the coun
ter, inflicting a deep wound behind the left
ear. The dog then scampered to the back
part of the store and upset a number of drug
Dottles that were put on the floor while the
clerk was dusting' the shelves.
The presence of the dog scared the clerk,
but he picked up a broom handle to defend
himself. The dog jumped at his throat, but
receiving a heavy clout in return lor his
effort, he made a break for the river, pur
sued by the clerk and a number of small
boys. The animal reached the water first
and swam toward Allegheny.
Fonr Victims of the Law From Erie County
Behind the Bars.
Four prisoners were taken to the River
side Penitentiary by Sheriff W. O. Mehl, of
Erie county, yesterday afternoon. John
Thompson is sentenced one year for larceny,
from the person; Frank Mullhery three
and one-half years for burglary and larceny;
and Charles Morgan and Harrv Pierce the
same sentence for the same offence.
Movements of Plttsbui-gers and Others of
Wido Acquaintance.
Major George W. Morgan, Deputy
Sheriff of Cook county (Chicago), III., is
spending a few days in Pittsburc, and to
morrow will leave with other veterans of the
One Hundred and Fifty-flfth Pennsylvania
Volunteers for Gettysburg. He was formerly
a resident of this city, and has been acquiring
wealth and fame in the Western mtrnnflis
Among his comrades of the One Hundred and
Fifty-fifth are Major E. A. Montooth, Colonel
Samuel Kilgore. Assistant City Clerk George
Booth, General A. L. Pearson. Assistant Su
perintendent of Highways Hunter, Attorney
John H. Kerr, Attorney Charles F. McKenna.
Detective Wm. Shore .and other well-known
citizens of Pittsburg.
C. A. Durham, of Washington, and J.
A Parkes, of Wisconsin, passed through this
city on their way homo from the annual con
ference of stationary engineers, which has just
terminated at Detroit, Mich. Mr. U A. Dur
ham stated that a number of new laws had been
incorporated in their constitution.
James F. Burke, stenographer,' re
turned from the seashore yesterday and went
back to his old position in the United States
Court. He had retired prior to United States
Attorney Allen's resignation and has been re
instated by Hon. Walter Lyon.
W. C. Barr, Jr., one of the best known
salesmen in merchant tailoring stores of Pitts
burg has left that business. He becomes the-
neau oi the crane levator company's branch
Chicago house in Pittsburg
George A. Middleton, the Chicago and
Cincinnati amusement manager, with his wife,
passed through the city last evening on their
return to Chicago from a seashore visit.
W. P. Bend, the large coal operator of
Chicago, and his son, Joseph P. Bend, are at
the Monongahela, after a short visit to the
coke rrion.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Harris have returned
homo from their extended trip among the
Eastern watering places.
W. H. Gardner and E. F. Hamilton
and wife, representing Barnum fc Bailey, are
at the Hotel Anderson.
Mrs. Emmie Case, of Kansas City, who
is visiting friends in the East End, Is registered
at tne tiotei jjuquesne.
Charles Connor of Hatfield street, yes
terday left the-city for Cumberland, Md., for a
month's vacation.
E. M. Hooper, of the Philadelphia
JTeis, was at tbo Hotel Duquesne with his
family yesterday.
John Lockhart, of the Executive De
partment, Harrisburg, is at the Hotel Ander
son. Mr. and Mrs. Roman, of Paris, are at
the Hotel Duquesne. 9
George A. Kelly returned home last
evening from the East.
He established his ship agency business
in 1868, and in 21 years has witnessed
growth in travel that one in the ordinary
avocations of life would never suspect.
For instance, his experience shows conclu
sively that "a life on the ocean wave'' is
comparatively safer than one in avocations
not ordinarily classed as hazardons. There
is scarcely a large building or bridge erected
which does not cause the loss of one or more
lives, but of the 54,000 people Mr. McCor
mick has booked lor passage to Europe not
one lost his life by accident, and of more
than 100,000 he has provided with creden
tials to travel on ocean, lake or rail, but one
has been killed.
Mr. McCormick says he predicted that
that man would be killed, as he was too
much under the "influence" when he leftthe
office to be safe even on the street Mr.
McCormick states that while the Cunard
line claims that good management has ex
empted it lrom loss he attributes his success
to good luck.
In 21 years there have been vast strides
made in'ocean navigation, so vast that a
trip to Europe has become a matter of but
small consequence. In 1868 the fast ships
were the Scotia and Russia, of the Cunard
line, and the City of Paris and the Brussels,
of the Inman line. The. best time made
then in a trip across the Atlantic was about
eight days. It has been made recently in
5 days, 19 hours and 18 minutes.
Twenty years ago there were no smoking
rooms except under the bridge, and they
were only available in dry weather. The
price of passage then was not -so high as that
commanded by last steamers at the present
day, but there wasn't so much choice either.
The saloons were then below the staterooms.
Now they are amidships, and run from side
to side, and smoking and reading rooms are
now to be found on all lines. The White
Star line was the first to revolutionize the
steamship business, and it forced all others
to follow suit, the struggle for patronage be
ing intense.
Mr. McCormick states that when he first
established his agency first class lines did
not care to recognize intermediate passen
gers. He was told 15 years ago in New
York that they would never consent to carry
intermediates. He replied that ere long
they would be only too glad to get this kind
of custom, and now they are all catering
to it. Second class business now commands
respectful attention from all first class
The improvement in the lot of steerage
passengers is still more marked. They are
amply provided with superior accommoda
tions and well furnished rooms for families,
and all for $20 a head.
Mr. McCormick t,tates that his business
this year was fully double the average, and
his first-class business surpassed that of any
other agency in the country. He attributes
his success to, first, his experience, and,
secondly, his facilities and capacity to ac
commodate the traveling public with just
what it wants. He represents 35 companies
of all kinds.
New Managers Elected for the Hand Street
Bridge Yesterday Pleasant Valley Lino
rushing the Work.
The last move in the negotiations of the
Pleasant Valley Street, Railway to obtain
control of the Hand street bridge was made
yesterday, and the company is now ready to
go ahead and replace the old wooden struct
ure with a massive iron bridge, such as will
answer the purposes of the company in their
new electric system.
The company at first failed to make ar
rangements with the bridge company
through the influence of some of the old di
rectors. Defeated in one way they sought
the next and bought out the stockholders,
paying 8100 per share for 200 shares.
A meeting of the managers was held yes'
terday, and seven of them resigned by virtue
ot the sale of their stock.
The managers retained are David S. Wil
son, Robert H. King, IT. H. Voegtly, Addi
son Lysle. Those elected to fill the vacan
cies are D. F. Henry, President; W. H.'
Graham, Secretary; Williaa A. Stone,
William Roseburg, Oliver P. Scaife, Ar
thur Kennedy, James Kennedy. B. S,
Bamsey was elected Treasurer.
The company's plans in regard to the new
bridge are not fully developed yet, but in a
short time the new management will be
ready to proceed with the work.
By the 1st of December the Pleasant Val
ley Railroad will have become a regular
electric line. Twenty-five vestibuled palace
cars have been ordered from the Pullman
Car Company. The platforms at either end
of the cars will be vestibuled and inclosed.
The motor man will stand on the Iront plat
form, and will be enabled by his position to
direct the trolley and brakes. The
trolley will emerge from the middle
of the top of the car, and follow
the car. The trolley wheel rnns under
neath the wire, and the condnctdr on the
rear platform can govern it by a rope, and so
stop the car. Tho trolley is adjustable and
by changing the wheel and throwing back
the trolley the car is started in the opposite
direction. By meons ot his levers the motor
man can start or stop his car instantly, and
can also reverse its motion and send it'back
ward. He can also regulate the speed of
his car.
Thousands of People, From Near and
Far, Visit the Exposition,
Positive Success of the Enterprise Com
' pletelj Assured.
Mile End Spool Cotton display. The large
showcase, surmounted by f ohrgrifflns. contain
some notable objects, viz: Berlin and Paris
cloaks in designs entirely novel. An elegant
collection of Parisian bonnets and hats as well
as many which have been designed by their own
artistic workpeople, who have an Increasing
reputation for producing as recherche styles as
the most celebrated New York modistes, whose
A very line display of long Suede
Grapples With an Enraged Steer and Kills
Him Without Weapons.
An enraged steer broke loose from a
drover out Fifth avenue, near McGee street,
yesterday, and created a regular panic for a
time. He chased a little girl, who was bare
ly saved from being tossed in the air, and
then turned his attention to diving at any
one who dared to lace him. No one, how
ever, attempted to retard his progress, and
he owned the neighborhood.
At last the noted athlete, Reis Richards,
secured a rope, and lassofed the steer just as
he was tearing by Darlington's brewery. As
soon as the rope was over his horns Richards
made a rush and grabbed him by the nos
trils, and hung on till he fell and in a few,
moments expired, while his conqueror cool
ly looked on.
Richards was the man who first trained
Teenier, the oarsman, and brought him be
fore the public, and has often figured in
many feats requiring strength and bravery.
Cox, the Brnkcman Who Was Shot, Will
Fall Throagh All Right.
Faster Cox, the brakeman who was shot
by train jumpers at Walls station on Fri
day, was examined by surgeons at the West
Penn Hospital yesterday. The first bullet,
which had lodged in his jaw, had been ex
tracted at Braddock on Friday night, but
the ball which had passed into the fleshy
part of his shoulder was left untouched.
The West Penn surgebns decided that it
was better not to disturb the bullet. Cox's
case is not serious.
William Way and Fred Smith, the two
men who were arrested on suspicion at the
Union depot, were discharged by Alderman
Gripp yesterday, but Andrew Egan and
Henry McArdle, who were taken off a
freight train at Thirty-third street by Officer
Houghton, were sent to the workhouse for
30 days.
The Exposition yesterday attracted a large
number of "visitors. All the railroads
brought many people to the-city. Even dur
ing the afternoon there was a lively throng.
In the evening, however, the crowd was
enormous, the estimates of attendance vary
ing from 12,000 to 15,000.
Mechanical Hall is still incomplete, and
cannot be finished in less than three work
ing days. The management is apparently
vexed with the contractors, believing that
their force of workmen is too small. The
workers were increased in number yester
day. Many of the exhibitors have been un
able to wait for the completion of the edifice,
and are getting their displays in shape,
The iron fence which surrounds Mechanical
Hall was almost completed yesterday.
The main building is now in excellent
condition, and many of its exhibits attract
keen interest. It is evident that some of
the exhibitors have been given more space
than tbey needed, and a few of them are
frank enough to admit the fact.
Among the attractive exhibits are: The
silk weaving machine, where handkerchief
souvenirs of pretty design are woven before
the eye of the' visitor; the display of the
Collins Cigar Company, where tobacco
plants are growing, and where three hand
some young ladies are busy making tobies;
the exhibit of the electrical curative appa
ratus, where cards are perforated by electric
sparks and given away to the curious, all
being in the north gallery. The booths of
the several sewing machine agencies are
constantly surrounded by women, watching
the work , turned out by the clever lady
Beaver Falls and other towns down that
way turned out splendidly last night, and'
some 2,000 strangers in the city had their
railroad tickets stamped in the office.
In spite of the newness of the thing, every
thing went as smoothly as clockwork, and
as the officers did their duty well, not a jar
occurred to interlere with the success of the
affair. There was a quiet little confab be
tween Vice President Bindley and Manager
Johnston last evening, and the certainty is
that when the attendance runs up over 20,000
Mr. Johnston will invent a few out-door at
tractions that will delight all comers.
The Exposition has grown upon the average
Pittsbutger's mind and eye so slowly that he is
loth to appreciate its present magnitude, but
when it is sprung uDon the Stranger in its per
fection til at once ample excuse is given them
for the unconcealed delight and amazement
shown by them last night. The musical pro
gramme of the Great Western Band, as care
fully prepared by Condnctor "Weiss, was al
most a revelation yesterday.
A double mnsical programme was rendered
both in the afternoon and evening. The
special excellence of the band music will be
maue a teature oi the Exposition on Saturdays.
tbey ask.
fvmvaa fnF traiiftlnM am) ranflnttnni la itl..iM.J
they range from IS to 24 buttons. Over 100
styles of nobby silk umbrellas with stylish and
unique handles are in view. Also infants' flnn
cloaks, of which Rosenbaum & Co. carry the
largest variety in Pittsburg. There are many
fine muffs and capes, the genuine article only;
also real Astrachan muns and capes. The
choicest selection Is observed in fine imported
silk hose jn new .shades, costing from S3 50 to
$10 a pair. Fine fans, silk nchns are grouped
among hand-made linen tidies, scarfs and
other ornaments for parlor and boudoir decora
tion. Bosenbaum &. Co. aim to give to their patron s
the best goods for the least money: their con
stantly growing trade has proved that tbey are
on the track ot popularity.
While this case of goods represents but
samples of some articles tbey keep in stock,
only a visit to their store would give one an
idea of the richness and variety of its marvel
ous contents and extent, branching from hlnrfc-
to block, and facing both Market street and
Fifth avenue.
Taylor fc Dean's Iron and Wlro Works.
This firm have attractive snacA on tha prntinil
floor, near the mam entrance, devoted to their
specialties, so well known in Pittsburg. They
manufacture fire escapes, iron shutters, iron
fencing, iron stable fixtures, iron vases, settees
and chairs for lawn decoration and use, iron
tree boxes and other substantial matters per
taining to this line. Their wire work fi a
household word, embracing all large lines of
Items made from this material, including forms
for clothing, fire fenders and spark guards.
They also make a specialty of bronze, brass
and nickel plated office railing of a very attrac
tive nature. In their extensive Works, 205 and
207 Market street, Pittsburg, a fall and com
plete stock of their specialties can be found in
E. G.-IInys it Co. Pianos.
Everybody visiting the Exposition has heard
the mechanical singing bird in its gilded cage
which bangs in the center of this exhibit. The
bird is of brilliant red plnmage and its notes
are clear and unmistakably birdlike; even
when the band is playing its sounds penetrate
to the farthest corners of the building. This
firm has on exhibition the famous Mathushok,
Hazelton, Lester & Petite bijou pianos, and
the Wilcox & White pneumatic symphony or
gans, instruments of undoubted reputation
and worth. Among the musical exhibits in
the building none are more popular than
these, and Prof. H. P. Ecker, who is in charge,
has made hosts of friends bv his courtesy ami
hospitable manner, as well as bv his masterful
exemplification of the good qualities possessed
by his instruments.
E. G. Hays fc Co. are located at 75 Fifth ave
,nue, and carry a full line of pianos, organs and
all kinds of musical instruments.
W. A. lagee Wanted fieri awi He
, Quietly Sailed Across theSta.
But Disclaims My Political orParkfre
'jets In His Journey.
Another thing that largely increases
travel is the confidence and comfort with
which people travel. Twenty years ago
steamships were generally from" 1,500 to
3,000 tons burden, and they were so short
that when their bows were in the water
their sterns were out, and vice versa. Now
a first-class ship is of 10,500 tons burden,
aud she does not bob up and down nose and
stern alternately in the water. She cuts
through three waves, and there is less dis
comtorting motion. This, with water-tight
compartments, have given people confidence
to travel.
One thing learned, which was also news
to the inqnirer, was that it is cheaper to
travel alive than dead, notwithstanding a
live person consumes food and is liable to
indulge in grnmbling. The cost of taking
a corpse across the Atlantic is $200, ten
times that of a steerage passenger.
Councilman Robert Berry Will be Married
In a Few Days.
Councilman Bobert Berry has gone from
his old ground in the Eighth ward to a new
residence in the Twenty-first There are no
political reasons for the change, the only
explanation of the move being the fact that
the cards are out for tbis marriage to Miss
Annie Schaub, of the East End, within a
few days.
The Dcpnrtmcnt of Awards Met and Gavo
Ont Considerable Work.
The Department of Awards met yester
day and approved the specifications for
Nos. 2 and 3 police stations in the Eleventh
and Twelfth wards. The following con
tracts were awarded: Grading of Kent
alley, John Piert; paving of Moulton and
Broad streets, Martin Joyce; Carnegie street
with irregular stones, Clarence Brock
man; Cedar street, block stone No. 1,
Bobinson Hillis; Chestnut street, Ott Bros.;
Virginia avenue, William street, Joil's
lane, Kearsage and Belonda streets, board
walks, to H.VV. Sellers; Gum street, to B.
McPoland; Hemans and Kirkpatrick
streets, grading and paving, to Ott Brothers;
Forth-eighth street, rebuilding,. to M. Gal
lagher; Schafer and Arch streets, culverts,
to M. Gallagher; Conrad street, to It. S.
Waters; Penn avenue, P. O'Donnell, and
South Twenty-fifth street to Ott Brothers.
The Suburban Schools Beat Their Showing
of Last Tear.
There is a steady increase in the suburban
school rolls this year, but in the old city the
numbers stand about as they "were last year.
The. High School has already 704 pupils, an
increase of 13 over last year.
In Allegheny the increase is 400, and six
new teachers will have to be employed. The
total increase is about 1,000.
Dr. B. M. .Han na. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. ' Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
Incidents of n Day in Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Reading.
A meeting of the Board of Supervisors of
the Teachers' Academy was held at tbo rooms
of the Central Board of Education yesterday
afternoon, its object being to revise the list of
active and retired members. A number of cor
rections were made, subject to appeal at the
next meeting of the Board.
The embankment along the Pittsburg and
Castle Shannon railroad is now in process of
completion. The embankment is of dressed
sandstone, quarried from the Beaver,Falls dis
trict. About twenty men are employed on the
work, which will be finished within six weeks.
Yesteedat the workmen engaged at the
reservoir by Superintendent Armstrpng, of the
Allegheny Watt.- Department, struck for $2
per day. They have been receiving $1 65 ud to
this time. The matter will probably be ar
The survivors of the Sixty-second Pennsyl
vania Volunteers held a final meeting last
night, in City Hall, to prepare for the Gettys
burg trip to-morrow. There will bo some 80
members of the organization present at the re
union. Pat Cailanan, aged 14, fell under a mov
ing train at East Liberty yesterday morning,
whtle trying to get on board. The entire 14
cars passed over him. His leg was subse
quently amputated at the West Penn Hospital.
Judge McKenna sent four bogus detect
ives to Claremont yesterday. Tbey were H. A.
Donahoe, Scottdale; A. Connly, Oakland; P,
Laughlin. Fayette street, Allegheny, and h!
Altmarx, Greensburg. They got 30 days each.
The survivors of the Seventy-seventh Regi
ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, will hold a
reunion In this city about October 1. This was
Neglev's old brigade, and was commanded at
the first mustering by Colonel T. E. Rose.
These are not coal cars enough on the B. &
O. road to carry the coal from the mines. In
consequence all the mines except the Shaner
and Dilworth are lying idle. The operators in
tend to stir up the railway men forthwith.
Thirty two coopers engaged in the shop of
M. C. Dolan, at the foot of South Twenty-sixth
street, went on a strike yesterday for the union
scale of wages. Mr. Dolan, however, refuses
to recognize tne union.
Julius Smruiki, of Taylor street. Bloom
field, made an information against Fritz
Eberle for assault and battery. Siturniki
alleges that the defendant struck him a violent
blow, cutting his face.
The Thirtieth ward police yesterday moved
into their new station on Carson street, South
side. The house has been rapidly transformed
into a station, and the telephone alone remains
A colored man named Richard Leyton was
arrested yesterday and locked up in the Central
station on suspicion oC having stolen a watch
from a workman in Jackman's stable on Penn
The Coroner continued the inquest in the
Homestead accident until next Tuesday.
Isaac Lane, the fifth victim, was buried at
Turtle Creek yesterday.
THE horseshoers' strike still goes on fiercely.
At several of the shops yesterday there were
crowds of horses waiting to be shod, and not a
man to shoe them.
THSjast of Pittsburg's delegates to the
Waterways Convention, in Cincinnati, returned
home yesterday morning.
The Pennsylvania Railway Company's pay
rolls for the month of Anrnut contain tho
1 cam Js of 68,863 persons.
Messrs. Hopper Bros.. North Gallerv, Oppo
site Band Stand.
The itea of a Moorish Villa in onr midst is
rather s artling, yet Hopper Bros, originated
the thoight and have carried it out in the most
felicitots manner. It is a veritable "tone pic
ture;" Jiarmony of design, coloring, furnish
ment both as to articles and arrangement, have
given t this exhibit a rare delicacy and
piquancy seldom tound and which are creating
alurore. A peculiarity of this exhibit is that
it iseqtally beautiful by day and by night.
Withtht sunshine streaming in the judicious
blending? of tones and tints are very marked,
yet at mibt the searching electric lights only
serve to emphasize the brilliancy and magnifi
cence oLjLhe collection. Of the four rooms,
you cannot pick out one and say, "this is the
best," for each in its way Is perfect: of the
front, with its airy brightness, dainty combina
tion of pillars and curves of palest blue, with
silver aud gold metal plates instead of every
day brick and mortar. No fault of omission or
commission can be found: instead, conpratn-
latyms and compliments are offered on every
biur iu mo urui wnu. wnen toe aoors ot tne im
position were thrown open, had every article in
position reauy lor inspection.
Men visitors seem particularly taken with the
dining-room, feeling instinctively that the
long sought ideal has at last been discovered.
The cheery, bright dining-room set In richly
carved antique oak. is so suggestive of com
fort. The massive buffet with beveled mir
ror, the elegant cabinet for china with its
plate glass doers, the buffet stand filled with
dessert dishes, the great expanding dining table
with delicate napery, cnt glass and everything
necessiry to the "first course." the easy, com
fortable chairs, leather covered; the beautiful
mantel cabinet and ornaments and valuable
imported clock, the pictures, the rngs, the
carpet, comoine to mako a whole which has
caused hundreds to remark, "I wish ours was
like that." Then peep through the plush
portiere with snowy, secondary draperies and
vou will see a kitchen that is an education in
Then treat yourself to a survey of the bed
room with its very handsome suit of solid
mahogany furniture with tops of Tennessee
marble. The carving is not machine w6rk.
neither is it "applied." but is genuine hand
work cut in the wood itself. The suit consists
of eight pieces', viz.: Bedstead of large and
commanding size, French dresser, the broad
top of unusuai;iengtb, the immense beveled
mirror, having curved top of an entirely
new and beautiful style; toilet washstand, also
with its mirrors, and a lovely two-shelved
square center table. Then come the four chairs
for ladies and gentlemen, those for the fair sex
being partially upholstered in gobelin and
French bine plush. The graceful lines of these
chairs remind one of Vienna hent wood; two of
them are rockers. Hand-ome chlnaware, rugs,
pictures, add to the completeness of detail.
There is a portiere through which you may ob
tain a partial view of the drawing room, and
this portiere is to he examiued, for it is a pretty
conceit and the invention of Mr. Frank Hopper.
Instead of bamboo it is made of silver and
crimson twisted ,wire, each strand concluding
with a tiny bell or drum or kettle, pan or some
thing else of like nature; a lambrequin is draped
over this, and when desired the heavy plush
hangings may be dropped so as to exclude all
light. From any part of the hall may be noticed
the pleased crowd that at all times and hours
surrounds this charming exhibit.
The White Sewing: machine
Is to be found on the lower curve of the gal
lery. The exhibit displays a beautiful collec
tion of decorative art work and pictures exe
cuted by deft operatives, exemplifying the
perfection to which the White sewing machine
has been bronght. Among the latest achieve
ments is a butterfly banner worked in tinsel of
various colors on silk; the butterfly heads a
very fine printed illustration of the Exposition
building. These silk banners are in great de
mand, and are found in many colors.
A case of pinned busts, illustrative of the
Newton system of dress cutting, reminds the
public that J. Keran 4 Co., No. 12 Sixth street,
are not only agents for the White sewing ma.
chine, but have the best devised system for
cutting tailor-made garments. Miss Newton
will be in attendance at the stand to explain
the system.
Echols, nicMqrray it Co., Pianos and Oreans.
A very tastefully disposed space in the gallery
opposite the band stand contains some of the
choicest specimens of pianos which have ever
been seen. The leading instrnments are from
the factories of Ablstrom; Haines Bros., Bush
& Gerts and Jewett- Among the organs are
found the Taber, Waterloo and Mason & Ham
lin. This firm is located at 123Sabdusky street,
Allegheny, in the Telephone building, and is
composed of young, enterprising business men.
who have been known to the trade for the past
ten years. During the short time they have
constituted a firm tbey have built up a very
prosperous business. This is theirfirst appear
ance in the Exposition arena, and a very credi-
taDie impression nas Deen maue among the
visitors, by whom, it is understood, several
fine orders have been already placed.
Councilman W. A:5Magee, of the Four
teenth ward, returned from his trip. to
Enrope yesterday morning. He sat ust
night on the sioOp'bf his house pensively re-
viewing the chance- of getting into his resi
dence without' using a pair ot stilts on iic'
count of the manner in' which Halkett street
is torn op, when he was approached and in'
terviewed. ,
He said he had been greatly benefited in
health by the trip of 28 days, 22 of which he
had spent on the ocean. "I'll tell you what
it is," said Mr. Magec, when addressed as
plain, every-day "Doc." for the occasion on
the political significance of his trip, "it
seems to me that there is nothing more cal
culated to reduce the hydrocephalic symp
toms in a man and make a smaller-sized hat
fit him with precision than to discover that
he has been for three weeks absent from his
home before.he is missed. I did not think
when-I left that it wonld take that long to
make the general public aware of ray ab
"Oh, yes, regarduig"ihe political signifi
cance, I'll tell yon what was done when
Harrison was nominated at Chicago. A.
reporter from the Inter Ocean went to inter
view Joseph Medill on the nomination and
whistled up the pipe, to the editor of the
Tribune explaining his errand,
Mr. Medill tnrned to the month piece and
replied to his interrogatories: Ton want, to
know what I think- of the nomination.
"Well, what I think I write, and what I
write I print so that yon will have no diffi
culty in reaching, my opinions."
This was regarded as a delicate lntima
tionjthat ilr. Magee was.no t alone a traveler,
but a publisher, and would be found in type
on any subject on which he is interested.
The social end of his peregrinations was the
next snbject of discussions, and here he was
more communicative. He met his brother,
C, I. Magee, at Brussels, and traveled
through a portion of Belgium with him,
leaving him at Antwerp on his return. He
thought there were no changes in his
original plans to return by the City of
Paris early in October.
He had heard of Senator Rutan last at
Frankfort-on-the-Main, where, he was en
joying good health and a German diet, bnt
as far as he knew could say nothing as to
the time when he wonld return.
"Few people will believe," continued Mr.
Magee, "that a man will take a trip of that
length merely for rest and recreation, bnt it
is, nevertheless, a fact that these were my
motives in making it. The sea air did me
good, and I got as much as possible of it, as
yon may see ere this from the account of my
Mr. Magee stated he did not see Mrs.
Schenley, and his trip abroad had nothing
to do with the proposed parks.
BIssell & Co.
Have a magnificent exhibit of mantels, ranges,
grates and tiles on the main floor, near the
floral entrance. Everything Is of the massive,
imposing type. On the left are the marbleized
slate mantels with tiled hearths and open fire
places, some for coal, others for gas logs. A
glowing gas fire throws its prismatic hues from
the vari-colored lumps of glass upon the fluted
brass lining. A surprise is found in an appa
rent solid mahogany mantel, which upon inves
tigation proves to be also of slate vis-a-vis are
found the wood mantels with anil without the
cabinets one of these with its mirror and rich
carving is peculiarly adapted for a reception
ball. In all the mantels shown we find the
small tiles, one color shaded being the rule; for
instance one will be peacb, another electric
blueT, again peacock blue, and different shades
of olive. The reversible Triumph ranges at
tract general attention; their value is recog
nized at a glance, for everything possible in a
range is accomplished by them, and they are
especially indorsed by Miss Parloa, who nses
them In ber cooking schools. Then too, they
have the brick-set stationary range to which
has been added the sliding shelf and adjusta
ble boiler on the principle of a Dutch oven,
also the Peerless grates already so well known.
The wareroom is at No. 716 Liberty strett.
Artists' Materials, Art Stationery Artisti
cally Displayed by Jos. Elcbbnnm fc Co.
Never was found a jauntier, more enticing
exhibit than this one, on main floor under
north gallery. The first thing noticed is the
framed owl, trade mark of the firm. Cases are
full to overflowing with art materials, fancy
goods for toilet, libraries, smokers and other
purposes. Art stationery is in full force in
papeteries, guest and menu cards, and speci
mens of fine engraving: the more serious and
business side nf life being represented by pon
derous tomes.labeled ledgers, journals, casb.re
ceipts, etc., massive globe ideal cabinet files
with roller fronts, letter presses and all thiugs
incident to business offices. Again, the neces
sity for things beautitol, which seems second
nature to Eicbbaum & Co., and for which this
bouse is noted, are found In the lovely indeli
ble pastels on porcelain so exquisitely mounted
in the very newest styles of frames, Jos. Elch
baum 4 Co. are alwavs prepared for their pri
vate exposition at 48 Fifth avenue.
Rosenbanm fc t'o.'s Exhibit.
This enterprising house has secured an ele-
Sanitary Plumbing-.
This exhibit is a practical demonstration of
the necessity of sanitary plnmbing and of the
methods which, have made Reinecke fc Coc
masters of the situation. In the space richly
draped in crimson, with canopy overhead, the
flutings of which radiate from the center to
the corners, various specimens of the goods
carried by them are disclosed. First may be
noted the elegant brass bathtub, the sides of
which are panels "in relievo:" then a hand
some marble stationary washstand mounted on
brass snoDorts. Again the snuare iron station.
ary washtubs, porcelain lined, with receptacles,
and all appliances for a complete bathroom.
The attendants were bnsy placing in position
one of the celebrated Gnrnoy Hot Water
Heaters, the heat generator of the future. The
advantages of hot water most be at once mani
fest to the intelligent observer. The ability to
regulate the degree of heat to suit the changes
in our now variable climate, the impossibility
of explosions, the saving of luel, for
even a low grade fire will give out
warmth with the Gurney heater, whereas
with steam, should the temperature fall below
212 Fahrenheit in the water of the boilers,
your steam is nil: therefore constant supervis
ion is necessary; but with the Gurney twice or
thrice in the day is allsufflcient to insure a
heat of mild, agreeable character, instead of
the horrible dryness ot steam which seems tq
shrivel the lnngs, and produce a sense of suffo
cation, i Pendant from the canopy we find the
various styles of gas and electric light chan
deliers for rooms and halls, at the entrance
stands, a most elaborate example of newell
post light, which has not only the lantern but
the outspreading electric lamps and simulated
candles, the pedestal of ornamental brass.
Reinecke & Co.. are also putting in shape a
large space in Machinery Hall to be devoted to
pumps. This is located very close to the big
water tank, and will present many interesting
features, an account of which may be expected
in these columns next Sunday.
Corner Wood Street and Fifth Avenue.
Bennett & Co. sell Youman's bats. '
Bennett & Co, sell Sunlap's hats.
Bennett & Co. sell Silverman's hats.
Bennett & Co. sell Boston hats.
Bennett & Co. sell Christy's English hats.
Bennett & Co. sell Lincoln, Bennett & I
Co. s English hats.
Bennett &. Co. sell.Heath's English hats.''
The above" maker "are known to be the
finest in the world and can be purchased at
a slight cost over the ordinary make of hats
at J. Q. Bennett &.Co.'s, corner Wood
street and Fifth avenue.
For a Good Smoke.
Gentlemen visiting the Exposition will find
an excellent line of tobacco and cigars at popu
lar prices at the cigar stand at the entrance of
the cafe.
A Permanent Exhibition.
No man more heartily wishes success to the
Exposition than Pittsburg's leading, photog
rapher, J. R. Pearson, of 96 Filth avenue,
and 43 Federal St., Allegheny. It had been his
intention to secure space anil display examples
of his tine work, but circumstances prevented,
and visitors to the city must be content to call
at his studio to see these splendid photographs.
Toe secret of Mr. Pearson's success does not
consist alone in his gifts of posing a subject, of
arranging a group nor vet in bis skill with the
camera. He does indeed possess tbese quail.
fication3 in a high degree, bnt his popularity
does not depend solely upon them. The chief
reason is that he is always careful, patient,
and judicious in his treatment of each
sitter, showing undue partiality to none, but
doing full justice to all. His displays of wcrk
at photograph exhibitions have always re
ceived the greatest praise from severely critical
judges, who recognized In his work the fact
chat he had not devoted a great deal of his time
to finishing only the finest subjects, but gave
equal care and skill to each sitter's photograph.
Tnu Mr. Pearson is enabled to select at ran
dom from his collection anv number of pic
tures, knowing that all of them exemplify his
careful and artistic work in a degree rendering
tbem worthy of a place in any exposition.
Visitors to the city this month cannot do
better than to call at Mr. Pearson's studio tot
enjoy a look at some of the finest photographic
work to be found in this State. Persons desir
ing to sit for orayon portraits are invited to ex
amine some or tne superior lite-size pictures ne
exhibits. Probably no honse in this city has
executed as many orders for crayon work, and
certainly none bas been able to give more cer
tain pleasure and satisfaction to its patrons.
Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes and Safety
Bicycles of all Kinds.
This firm, although life members of the Ex
position Society, was nuable to get space In the
Exposition building, and are therefore com
pelled to make their exhibit in their store
rooms. No. 10 bixth street, near the bridge.
They have the largest stock of fine
wheels to be fonnd west of the Alle
gheuies, and are now showing a very fine line of
the new style Safety bicycles at prices from $25
up to SISo. We can heartily recommend all
comers to visit this firm, and enjoy looking
over their splendid stock. They have a large
number of second hand wheels which they
offer for sale extremely cheap. They are clos
ing out a fine line of light buggies and road
wagons at very low prices.
The display of prizes won by the Banker
brothers in bicycle races and tournaments is
well worth a trip to see. Remember the loca
tion, No. 10 Sixth street.
Notice to G. A. R.
The Pennsylvania Eailroad will accept
all ordefs issued by Adjutant General Hast
ings for transportation to Gettysburg lor
tickets, whether the order is drawn on this
or any other company.
Special Announcement.
Visit the New York Grocery for bargains.
lib dessicated coeoannt $0 15
11W lbs granulated sugar. 1 00
12 lbs coffee sugar 1 00
5 lbs Carolina rice 25
5 packages corn starch 25
7 lbs rolled oats 25
8 lbs Kingsford's lump starch.......... 25
12 bars good scrubbing soap 25
5 cans sardines 25
lean Colombia river salmon 13
2 dozen parlor matches (200's) 25
3 cans corn beef (2-lb cans) 50
12 boxes bag bine 25
1 sack choice Amber flour 1 20
Goods delivered free. Freight prepaid on
orders of $10 and upward. Send for cata
logue. M. E. Thompson,
301 Market St., corner Third ave., opposite
Dress Goods Bnrgnlns.
Dress goods bargains.
Dress goods bargains.
Dress goods bargains.
Dress goods bargains.
Knable & Shustee,
35 Fifth avenue.
Natural Gas Bills Redaced IS Per Cent.
See onr new gas fires, gas ranges, gas
stoves, etc; register yonr orders for fall deliv
ery. The largest, finest and most complete as
sortment of any firm in the world. O'Keefe
Gas Appliance Co., 34 Fifth ave.
Visitoes to the Exposition. It will pay
you to buy infants' cloaks, slips, caps, etc.,
Busy'Bee.Hive, Sixth and Liberty.
Scholarships in the Pittshnrg Female
College can be rented by applying to Mr.
Jos. Shallenberger, Duquesne Bank, Tues
day and Friday from 11 to 12 o'clock. Tusn
Suede monsqnetaites. Good quality at
one dollar.
F. Schoenthal, 612 Penn ave.
Some, big money can be saved buying
blankets, comforts and underwear at Busy
Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty.
The most efficacious stimulant Jto excite
the appetite is Angostura Bitters.
Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop
ular (iollery, iu ana n uixtn st. xisu
Two-toned brocade velvets 13 00 goods
at 75c; a bargain. Hcgus & Hacke.
Important to Clothing- Salesmen.
Steady position and liberal salary will be
given to three first-class clothing salesmen
with good experience. Address particulars
Bronner Bros., 401 to 418 Main St., Buf
falo, N. Y.
Half Fare Accaant Baltimore Exposition.
Tlie Pennsylvania Railroad will sell
round-trip tickets to "Washington, D. C, at
one fare for the ronnd trip; tickets good to
stop off at Baltimore in either direction, ac
count Maryland State Agricultural and
Mechanical Exposition, and celebration ot
the battle of North Point. Tickets will be
sold from September 7 to 14; good to return
until September 21. Rate from Pittsburg
59 00.
Maryland Exposition at Baltimore.
For this occasion the Pennsylvania Bail
road Company will sell excursion'tickets to
Washington, D. C, and return, with the
privilege to stop off at Baltimore in either
direction, at half fare ($9 00). Tickets
now on sale, good to return until September
1. '
Peaeson makes the best cabinet photos
of the children of anv in the citv. Take
Lrour baby to him.
"fwWwW 9wwtt
The Central Trtia
employes yettttckr 141 Mm
cable road e feartfe
field to Graat street Tfcfefe
which passes the aew
-where tfee gradg estabHshu!
nance to several foe Wwc
grade followed by the
Thiaaetios stirred an
lose, of the Federal building
upon im JJeartfflent of
learn what action the eity vmM
tos4etetraie com posy iraa
its work. K had a leoVtatlc
Draagfetmaa Smith on the
Smith jrajtantad what Chief
said is Ms feti to, Hx." Maloe
would see that before the. Federal
was completed that the streets weeer
down. to their proper grade.. The immtl
meat held fee she rnntlim rmmywif ttM
oe compeuea hc own expeese to stMjWM
the grade of ttt rood whea called 3k
ordinance estaWkWw tiie grade to a petbHel
record, and access thfe to the irasMeii nni-:
pany. Thatoerpetto,to, wnxMwd.ioiWi
cognizant of the eerreet m&stj If iiamlf
streets on any other grade h dees se! Me Vp
Superintendent Malese iatinatod yester-1
-j uwunsKSiieni Breeeeeangi t satami
in a day or two be instituted fey ike evw-i
--..wimnu ue iraeuoa oompajy, i
...fKnuj iu jouna avesBewMt
present grade.
fPEIt .-Ji I
To-MOBBOw we offer ladies Meek jerseys'
."fc- I
C '
jerseys and Monies 25e to rw
25e, worth 75c; jersey blotwes 0fe to ; gfchVj
xr. , !i
" . i
The Pittsburg and Western Bafl way will sell V
round trip ttekets to all potato la Kaasaa, Ne,t
Minnesota at the fare one way. Good tolrtyt- 1
.j. .. .flu OUIJMIIU 1HJHT W ;
TioketAseot.P.xW.epot, !
se7-3i-8u , , Allegheny. Pa. -
"Where yon can leave jour parcel fTe'
cl charge until called for. Every week
daring the Exposition we will offer,
. - jj tt n
y w
,- T - . -
- AtJfa
brocaded o.
That will make it interesting to you
nnrehim at our store. For this week.
' 7 . i .
we have cut prices in Plaid Sultlagf '
from 23c to 12Xc per yard, donble width . j
Cashmere from 37Ko to 24c, 22-Inch Vel-'
vet, any color, striped,
plain, 25c per yard; Silk Flushes fromy
50c to 88c, Ladles' Jerseys SSc, Children's
all-wool 25c, large Shawls, all-wool, rev
duced from II 60 to 98c'
"WORTH 75c, FOR 40c
"We can give you a pair of Curtains f of
75c Our 2 60 Curtains are an extrs
bargain,' 4 yards long by 2 yards wide.
It Is somewhat early to talk
"We bought a stock in summer at a
gala; if you buy now we will save yoa
money. "We now offer All-wool Bed
Blankets atC 65, large Gray Blankets
at SI pair. "We offer one lot of Blankets,
slightly soiled, at almost half price.
Large Comforts SI id: fins fast-color
Comforts SI 15, worth S2.
Underwear and Stockings also ata
big reduction this week, at
i 4 1
r I