EMaWIK 12 IN THE SOCIAL SWIM. "Yes, I am back from my vacation. I tad a lovely time, of coarse, but I wish yon wouldn't ask for particulars nowI am too tired to do the subject justice. And I am actually thinking very seriously of going to the home of my aunt, out in the country, to stay a week and get rested. There 1 can get along without changing my dress three or four times a day; I can go to bed at 8 r. 21. and arise when I please, and there won't be a crowd of 50 or 100 girls around me all day long to see whether I'm "fixed up" as I should be or not I believe I'll go I never felt so thoroughly weary of hops, late hours and other fashionable foolishness." This is an extract from a Pittsburg girl's letter to an old school mate. "Without a "Haec fabula docet" addition, its lesson .ought to be plain enough to people of good sense. KETUSX OF THE SUMMER GIRLS. The summer girls are flocking home From seaside and from mountain. From e ening's whisper-laden gloam And loi e song-tinkling fountain. Their rounded cheeks are wearing now The red of summer roses; Their steps are light as zephyrs blow. And graceful are their poses. Can girls be lovelier than these? Can hope in such hearts smolder? Ah, time flies e'en for girls at ease They're w edded not and older. Social Events. A very pleasant surprise party was giren at the residence of Mr. John V. Wilson, Superior avenue, i'riday evening, in honor of Mr. Albert Christy. Dancing and singing were the feat, tires of the evening. The many friends of Mr. AVm. Bigge, of Meynra avenue, Oakland, gathered at his resi dence last Monday to wish him a farewell journey to Europe. Mr. Bigco left Tuesday and sailed Wednesday noon. He will be gone two to three months. A select lawn and dancing party was given by Mr. William Powell at his residence, Mar shall avenue, Allegheny, last Thursday even ing. Dancing and singing were the amuse ments. A most pleasant time was had by all present. Among those present were: Misses Carne Binghani, Annie, Jennie and Maggie Stewart, Jlinnis Noah, Mary Baird, Bessie Snainau, Stella Powell and Mrs. Earl, and Messrs. Marshall brothers, Eylcs, Kilpatnck, Baird, Cowan, Mahaftey ana Barrett. The Twenty-fifth Ward Debatinp Society held its fall opening meeting at the home of Kobert L. Swearer and was largely attended; a fine programme was carried out. The opening address was made by the President, Miss Stella Brooks, after which the society was presented with handsome badges by Mr. Robert J. Mc Crea, George and John Henry. The presenta tion speech was made in a handsome and fitting way. The regular eekly meetings will be held every Friday cvemug. The next will be held at the home of George and John Henry. A most pleasant surprise party -was given last "Wednesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, at their residence on Llthgow avenue, by some 40 of their intimate friends. All kinds of games were indulged in. after which Crulk shank's Orchestra enticed the guests to danc ing. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sbalenberger, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. James Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. William CruikshanK and family. Miss Lizzie Frazier, Mis') Annie Morris, Misses Cora and Lillle Sbalenberger, Miss Car rie Hackman, Misses Minnie and Maggio Wal ters, Miss Minnie Cramer, Miss May Spangler, .Miss Maggie Akin. Messrs. Theopolis Bates, Sam Boju, Campbell Walters, Tom Drcnnan and many others. A very pleasant surprise was tendered Miss Kate Heed, daughter of Captain Reed, o( Congress 6treet, Pittsburg, on last Thursday evening. The Caracticuss Quartet sunganum ber of choice selections, which were highly appre ciated by the company present. Dancing, sing ing and card playing were the principal features of amusement. Later all enjoyed supper and the quartet sung their good night song. Among those present were Misses Jennie Harvey, Emma Frederick, Mary bcott, Jennie Cava naugh, Julia Miller, Alice Robertson, Alice Pidceon, Carrie Miester, Kate Reea and Lilly Astor, and Messrs. John R. Cavanaugh, Thomas Scott, F. Taffin, Joseoh Pidgeon, J. Snyder, Ross J. Cavanaugh, M. "Tracy, Stewart Devine, A. Snyder, William Reed, Frank Pidgeon, Charles Reed and C Kelley. A pleasant phantom party was given by the Navarre Club at the residence of Mr. A C. Duncan, Franklin street, Wilkinsburg, on Friday evening. Dancing to the strains of Gernert Sc Guenther's Orchestra was continued, after the phantom costume had given place to evening dress, until the "wee Etna' horns," and the affair was a thoroughly enjoyable one. Among the 60 guests present from Allegheny and Pittsburg were the follow ing: The Misses Cora McElveeii, Tnde Gor liam, May Reynolds, Edith Duncan, Nellie Duncan, Nellie and Jessie Bailey. Maud Mun roe, Grace Bollman, Mabel Dabney, Mabel Hoffman, Mildred Thompson and the Messrs. Charles Marshall. R. Munroe, G. P. Bollman, "Walter Stevenson, T. M. Silvey, W. J. Bates, T. A Palmer, William Thompson, W. AV. Knartx, A C. Duncan. Jr., J. W. Hutchinson, "W. H. Brown, W. E. Harnett, Charles Palmer, George Campbell, T. S. Duncan, John Camp bell, J. L. Duncan, A D. flossing, Charles Mc Elveen and others. Visitors nnd Absentees. Mr. George Lies is rusticating with the Bach elors' Club at Erie. Mrs. Hare and Miss Birdie Walker, of Alle gheny, left on Monday for Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish, of Pearl street, have returned from a visit to friends In Cresson. Mr. Harry Thompson, of North avenue, is spending bis vacation at the Thousand Islands. Miss Rose Kelly, of Savannah, Ga., has been the guest of Miss Mary McCartaw, of Wylie avenue. Miss McLean and her sister Annie are the guests of Miss Edith McDonald, of Evergreen Hamlet. Mrs. Ickcs and Mrs. Lottie, of Columbus, are visiting Mrs. Charles Schmidt, of Elm street, 1'ituburg. Miss Annie Kclinfelter. of TJnlontnwn, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. Bush, of Watson street, city. Messrs. Hugh and Frank McCambridge, of Forbes street, have spent the past week in Youngstown. Miss Clara Kurtz, of Allegheny, has returned homo after a two weeks' visit with friends in the mountains. Miss Minnie Burchfield has returned from Maryland, where she has been for two years attending school. MissJL Londis, of Fifth avenue, has re turned from a visit to JNew lork, .Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mr. E. A Jones has returned from a visit to Harrington, Del.. Bower's Beach, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Kate Sweeney, daughter of Mrs. B. Sweeny, of Verner station, has left for St Xaviers Academy. Miss K. L. "Wentz, of Carson street. South side, has gone on an extended visit to Toledo, Cleveland and Erie. Miss Ella O'Donnell, of Forty-second street, and Miss Mary Bake;-, of Carnegie avenue, left last week for Altoona. Mrs. Williams and her niece, Miss Mattle J. Reid. of Arch street, Allegheny, are visiting friends in New Galilee. Miss Maggie Cappe, of Bellevue, who was visiting bcr cousin, Miss Bertie Rankin, at Glenfield, has returned home. Mr. AS. Wall, of Arch street Allegheny, returned on Thursday from a sketching trip in tbe vicinity of Bridfcenlle, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Eckert, of Allegheny, nee Miss Roeder, are at home to their friends, having returned from their bridal trip. Mrs. M. J. Crilly. of Allegheny, has returned from a few weeks' trip through New York State. Miss Julia C. Harper, of-Washington ave nue, Allegheny, is in Steubenville on a visit to her cousin. Miss Helen Harper. Miss Gertrude Hughei. daughter of ex-Governor Hughes, of Arizona, is tbe guest of Miss Bertha Evans, Ward street Oakland. Mr. Carroll S. Duff, of the Pittsburg post office, and his mother are visiting friends in Washington village, near Mansfield, O. Miss Sadie Hamack and Miss Grace Watson have returned home from a three weeks trip at Bedford and White Sulphur Springs. Mrs. James A Lane and daughter, Mrs. H. G. Rose, of Johnstown, are with Mrs. and Mr. N. Richards, Mrs. Lane's sister, at Shady side. Miss Tillle Hennlgin, of Carson street South side, arrived home Thursday evening, after -visiting Cleveland, Detroit Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The Misses Ferry, of Steubenvjlle, who have been spending Bveral weeks with Miss Stein me er, of Forbes street Oakland, have re tured home. Mr. A Bryan Wall sailed from Liverpool on his way home on the 3d instant after an inter esting tour throughout all the well-known Eu ropean art centers. Mrs. Edward Bridge and daughter. Miss Edna, of Avalon, who have been visiting Colonel Higgins and wife, of Johnstown, will return home on the 11th. Mr. Frank Wilson, of New Brighton, and Mr. Louis Bisnop, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are in the city for a few days seeing the sights. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wade, of Edgewood. Mr. William Prescott and daughter, of Isabella street Allegheny, after a sojourn of several weeks at Canton, 0., Myers Lake and the surrounding conntry, have returned, full of life and gay spirits. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wnrzell, having re turned from their wedding Journey, are now comfortably settled and "at home" to their many friends at their cozy little house, Swiss vale avenue, Homewood. Mis! Rose Bannon and hernlece atid nephew. Miss Mollie Doris and Mr. Joseph B. Doris, all of Craft avenue, have gone on a six weeks' trip to the West They vl!l visit Chicago, Kansas City, Denver and other points. Miss Ella J. Duff, of South Seventeenth street is at home again after a delightful two weeks' visit to Jamestown and Pt Chantauqua, N. Y. While in Jamestown she was the guest of Miss Rose O'Donnell, formerly of the South side. Last week closed the season at Atlantic City. Tbe last of the delegation of Pittsburg ers will leave for home before the end of this week. Miss Clemmie Frauenheim left for home on Monday. The Misses Dardis returned home Thursday. John Giltinan spent the week among his friends at Atlantic City. Dr. Guy McCandless, Jr., left for Pittsburg Tuesday, whence he goes to his newly purchased cattle ranch in tbe West. Miss Mamie Seville closed a month's enjoyment by the seaside on Wednes day afternoon. Sewlckley Socletr Notes. Mr. William Kerr is home from Saeger town. Pa. The Misses Black are home after spending three months abroad. Mrs. M. C. Spencer has for guests her nieces, the Misses Spencer, of Steubenville, O. Mr. Judson Brooks, Jr., left during the week to resume his studies at East Hampton, Mass. Miss Madge McMillan entertained a few of her young friends very pleasantly last Friday evening. Mrs. Joseph Craig is home after a six weeks' stay at Loug Branch, New York City and the Thousand Isles. Miss Cochran has issued cards for a dancing party, to" be given at the Park Place Hotel Thursday evening, September 12, 1SS9. The annual meeting of the Sewickley Valley Club will be held in Choral Hall Tuesday even ing, September 10, at 8 o'clock. It is desirable that all members should be present Much to everyone's regret Miss Mackintosh, of Elizabeth, N. J., left for her homo last Tues day. Miss Mackintosh was the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Adair, during her stay here. Mrs. Darwin Wolcott's niece. Miss Macon, after a two months' visit left last Tuesday for her home in Orange Court House, Va. Miss Macon made many warm friends during her visit here. Several small parties have recently boen ex ploring tbe caves on the hillside near the Ath letic grounds, aud the party that descended last Thursday morning had some flash lights taken, which are said to be very good. Mr. Frank Ncvin leaves to-morrow lor Will iams College: Messrs. Arthnr Jones, George Hutchinson. Chis. Shannon and John Semplo leave for Lehigh: and Knox Cain, Frank Semple, Jr., and Dale Ta to leave for Lawrence ville. A party of gentlemen Including Mr. A B. Starr. M. R. D. Wilson, Mr. Darwin Walcott Mr. W. W. Whitehall and Mr. Joseph Nevin leave t i-morrow. In a private car, for Wiscon sin, where they will devote themselves to hunt ing and fishing fur ten days. Brnddock Personals. Mr. T. G. Wagner returned home from the seashore Tuesday. Miss Clare Rankin entertained a number of guests at her home Friday evening. The pupils of Prof. Kennedy's dancing school picnicked Wednesday at Kinney's Grove, Mr. Josh Miller and daughter, Mabel, of Tal bot avenue, left Tuesday to visit friends in Youngstown. Miss Millie Clemison, of Braddock avenue, returned home Tuesday from a two weeks' visit to Fayette City. Miss Bertie L. Woods, of West Newton, is the guest of Miss Lizzie Carllne, Talbot avenue. She will remain two weeks. Mrs. R. A Clay and daughter. Bessie, re turned Tuesday morning after a two months' stay in New Jersey and at Ocean Grove. Mr. Rollo Watson, of Cleveland, tne civil en gineer of the La Noria Mining Company, of Mexico, is the guest of his uncle, Captain John McMasters. Miss Alice Teeters, daughter of C.C. Teeters, after a pleasant vacation at home, has returned to take up her studies at Seaton Hill Semi nary, in Westmoreland county. A pleasant partv was held at the residence of Mr. Eli Boyd, at Turtle Creek. Saturday even ing. A band from New Texas furnished the music and about 0 guests were present B. P. O. Elks Notes. Brotheb Hasdback. of New Castlo lodge, was in the city during the week. Beothee H. B. Obb has roturned from his vacation to the Thousand Islands. Brother L. G. Wilixy has returned from a visit to his old homo in New York State. BnoTHEB Q, A Robison says that Elks were at Atlantic City this season in droves. Lizzie Evans, who played at tbe Bijou last week, is an honorary member of the Memphis lodge. Bbotheb John Johnson, the scenic artist of the Academy of Music, has severed his con nection with that institution. Brother Frank Gibabd, who is ono of th o oldest Elks in tbe country, was with Lizzie Evans' company at the Bijou last week. It is expected that several applicants will ap pear next Wednesday evening, and be deco rated with tbo honors of tbe first degree. Brother Lou Moore, of New York Lodge, who is widely known as Nick EngelNo. 2, has returned to Pittsburg after a two u eeks' vaca tion in the East The next regular communication of No. U will bo held next Widneslay evening. There should be a full attendance, as there will be considerable work. Brother Billy Fumjit has been visiting his farm near Ravenna for a few days. He has two promising yonng trotters there with which he expects to lower the record before long. Beothee Frank McDonald returned last Friday after a three months' tonr of Europe. Ho did tbe Pans Exposition and took in the eights of London. Tiio Alhambra won his heart Exalted Ruler W. V. McClellan has received the supplies for the organization of the new lodge at McKeesport, which will be in stalled in a few days. McKeesport will start with a mosexceilent list of charter members. TnE new club ,1s now an assured success. Every member of No, 11 should sign the list, as this will be ono of the greatest clubs ever organized by a lodge of Elks. A meeting will bo called some time this week for the purpose of electing a Treasurer aud other permanent officers. Unrsnln, Towels, Towels. 12)f , 15, 19, 25, 37, 50 cts. See them. See them. Bed spreads, bed spreads. ENABLE & SHUSTEB, 35 Fifth avenue. Haebt Alden, formerly of this city, can now be found t W. H. Holmes & Sou's Chicago House, No. 264 South Clark street 120 Water street, 261 South Clark st, 153 first avenue, TTSStt Chicago. Pittsburg. THE PITTSBURG BREENRDDM EDSSIP. Bijou Theater W. J. Scaulon Geajtd Opera House.. 'Urlc-a-Brac" Habbis' theater.. "Passion's blave" Academy op music. Rose Hill's Co. WORLD'S MUSEUM. .. Minstrels, etc. Casko Museum Curiosities, etc. The above aro the theatrical attractions for this week. There is a well-founded belief among tbe friends of Mrs. James G. Blame, Jr., in this city that that joung lady will never appearupon the stage. The story about inflammatory rheuma tism is laughed at as a polite piece of fiction, intended to cover a transaction of a far more interesting nature. A gentleman who is in a position to know a good deal about tbe affairs of the Nevlns family said yesterday: "Secretary of State James G. Blaine will not permit his name to be displayed uron tbo. bill boards throughout the country, and he is willing to pay handsomely to have his own wav. I have it on excellent authority that Mr. Blaine, Sr., has paid to his son's wife a large sum of money on the understanding that she will abandon her theatrical tour for good. My autboritv informs me that the price paid for Mrs. Blaine Jr's. retirement is either J50.000 or $60,000, and out of this Daniel Froh man, her manager, and presumably some others must be paid for the trouble they have been put to." "is this move of Mr. Blaine's voluntary?" I asked. "Yes entirely so. Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., was very ambitious to go on the stage, and it took a strong argument to persuade her to give the ambition up. You may bo sure she will never be seen behind tho footlights now. There is no truth that any threats were made by tbe Blaines to Marie or her manager, as I see It is reported there have been. The nego tiations wero amicable, and terminated as I have told you." "Mrs Blaine was under engagement to play at the Bijou Theatre this winter, and on learn ing this news I sought Mr. Gulick and asked him if he had heard the story related above. Without replying directly to tbe question he said: 'I understand all her dates aro cancelled, and I do not expect to see her play in my thea ter or any other man's this season.' " ... W. J. Scanlan relates a funny incident that came under his observation while playing abroad last summer: "While I was in Cork a Hungarian band ar rived to give a series of concerts under tbe management of a Mr. Johnson, of Liverpool. In London, of course, at tbe conclusion of a concert or a performance the orchestra plays "God Save the Queen," but in Ireland they would not stand that, so Johnson had an nounced on the programme that tbe orchestra would not play "God Save the Queen." The Hungarians, however, wound up this concert with an anthem suspiciously like it While they wero plajing it there was much uneasi ness in the audience. Finally one man got up very much excited, went out to the door, and asked Johnson why he was playing "God Save the Queen." "We are not" said Johnson. "I'es.youare," replied the Irishman, "you are playing it in French." This season, so far, has been remarkable for the number of tours cancelled. Not only is Mrs. Blaine unable to make her projected tour, butMrs. James Brown Potter and Kyrle Bellew, Mary Anderson, and one or two others of lesser Importance are. from one cause or another, unablo to fulfill their engagements. The death of George Fawcett Rowe, the clever English actor and dramatic author, puts an end to another promising tour. With the exception of Mary Anderson and George Faw cett Rowe. the public rather gains bj these withdrawals. In place of Mary Anderson Mr. Abbey promises a gaiety company under the leadership of that very brilliant comic oper artist AHss Florence St John. For the rest there are no probable substitutes. ... Mr. Waede's engagement at the Grand Opera House has been lairly satisfactory to him, and to Mr. Wilt, in a financial senso, and more than satisfactory to the public from an artistic point of view. The weather in the earlier part of the week was decidedly unfav orable for tragedy. All the same, that sterling drama, "The Mountebank," attracted large audiences aud delighted all who saw it. Mr. Warde'swork in the plaris undoubtedly as fine as anything ho has given us; but it would be very wise in Mr. Warde to contract the play in many places. It is far too long and tedious; nor does the plot of the play demand such im moderate elaboration as it has. ... "The United States Mail," the new farce comedy by Mr. George Jenks, of this city, will have its first performance upon any stage at Macauley's Theater, at Louisville, to-morrow night For the last six weeks or more Mr. Jenks' play has been actively rehearsed In New York City with the best results apparent ly, .for Mr. Jenks writes me that the play moves very smoothly, and has not a flaw in It so far as the acting, the costumes, and the setting are concerned. It is not to be supposed that at this time of tbe year, in a city so far South as Louisville, that Mr. Jenks' plav will make a very large financial success. It "will, however, enable the company to get down to smooth work, and Mr. Jenks may be able to make such alterations as practical experience will teach him are needed before he returns to the North and commences tbe teason in full earnest Mr. Jenks' friends will be pleased to know that there is some hope for the preservation of that clever author and newspaper man's brain dur ing this crisis. V The proposed sale of the Library Hall prop erty by tho Sheriff under the foreclosure of. a mortgage held by Mr. Felix Brunot, neces sarily interests Mr. Gulick, the proprietor of the Bijou Theater. It may not be generally known, and it certainly appears not to be, that if the sale of this property takes place, the lease under which Mr. Gulick and company occupy tho theater might become void. It is understood that Mr. Gulick has received some sort of assurance of protection under the sale. It is even said that the seller of tbe property would not agree to aaale thereof except the purchaser agreed to continue Mr. Gulick in the possession ot bbj lease. It is by no means cer tain, however, that any such tacit agreement between the sellers and buyers of this property could be made to stand. At present tho sale is postponed until December. Hepburn Johns. Tbo Programme. TnE first important dramatic event of the season at the Bijou Theater will be tbo appear ance, after an absence of a number of years, of tho celebrated and versatile Irish comedian, W. J. Scanlan, who begins a week's engage ment on Tuesday evening, September 9, with a Wednesday and Saturday matinee. Since Mr. Scanlan's last appearance in Pitts burg he has played in all the cities of the United States, meeting with the greatest suc cess, one city following another in paying tri bute to his worth and his genius. Not content with having America at his feet be sought other and distant climes, and after playing a 12 weeks' engagement in Great Britain, receiving the favorable Indorsement of England, Ireland and Scotland, returned home a fortnight ago and opens his season of 18S9-90 In this city. In "Shanc-na-Lawn" and "Myles Aroon." the two plays that Mr. Scanlan will present this week, he has an excellent opportunity to dis play his ability as a delineator oi youthful Irish character and to sing several of his taking songs. In tho jolly and genial Myles, with his light-hearted gayety and steady flow of wit Mr. Scanlan finds a congenial part The scene is laid In County Westmeath, Ireland, at the present dayj the hero is a merry and worthy young Irish gardener, and the plot brings on the efforts of this gardener, Mylts Aroon, to clear bis character of a stain which has been cast unon It by ah unscrupulous Irish adventurer Mr. Scanlan will sing the following songs, written and composed by him for this play: "You and I Love," "My Maggie," "Live, My Love, Ohl Live," bis famous "Swing Song" and, bv special request his world famous "Peek-a-Boo." "Shane-Na-Lawn" will be given tho first three nights and Wednesday matinee, "Myles Aroon" fiUingJout the.remalnder of the I -" 1 ?? $$ DISPATCH," engagement Of Mr. Scanlon's engagement in Dublin tbe Freeman's Journal of that city said in May last: "His acting showed a capacity far and away beyond that of any Irish comedian who for many years has appeared in Dublin. His alternations between native shrewdness and pathos are thoroughly Hibernian, and it is perfectly obvious that he has made nature his guide and model. He Is humorous, without any trace of vulgarity or coarseness, and his acting is by no means the less attractive from tho fact that it Is unobtrusive and unpreten tious. His brogue is well nigh perfect and tbat is saying a great deal for one not to the manner born and the best ot It Is that it seems to come just as naturally as did evenBouci cault's." "Brio-a-Brac," a new musical comedy which has gotten very much into the air for a new piece, will occupy tbe Grand Opera House next week. The first act Introduces us to the characters of the piece and revolves melod iously and comically around an Ill-starred din ner given by a cooking school. The seond act presents us to Philanthropby Hall and tbe rustic "Committee on Honesty," with the hobby of an old nabob named Jee Gold, who wants to help tbe troubled and heavy laden geniuses of the world. Tbe experience of this green committee supplies tbe entertainment of this act which is said to be quite original and hugely funny. The third act is wild extrava ganza and takes place in a wierd region of Africa. Stress is placed on tbe singing of tbe company and the newness and freshness of the faces and humor. "Passion's Slave," the' melodrama which occupies the stage of Hatris'Theater this week, is by no means new.but it is one of those strong emotional pieces which always appeal especial Iy to the public The company which brings "it here this week is said to contain a very fair lot of actors, and particular stress is laid upon the beautiful stock of scenery which the company carries, among the scenes represented being Old Point Comfort Fortress Monroe. Chesa peake Bay with moonlight effects, a stretch of the stormy ocean, a snow scene and the old sig nal station. Romantic melodrama is always a good card at Harris', and there seems to be no reason why "Passion's Blave" should not be as successful as usual. Rose Hill's English Folly Company Is the attraction at Harry Williams' Academy this week. Its claims are strong and based on pret ty women, gorgeous costumes, amazon marches mixed with a great variety of new specialties. The performance closes with a new burlesque called "Parisian Revels; or, Cupid's Capers.'' It is the right sort of show for this time of year. The Museums. The success of the new World's Museum on Federal street, Allegheny, continues. A very much more ambitious programme than tho museum has yet offered is advertised for this week. Manager James Geary guarantees that the minstrels he brings to his house this week are as good as any nlaying at theater prices. It is said that the company comprises 32 sing ers, dancers, contortionists, etc, and a select party of Japauese. Beside tbo minstrels, there are tbe regular attractions in the way of curi osities and freaks. The admission to the whole performance is 10 cents. "Me and Him" leave this house for a couple of weeks, when, having been a good card, they will return. At the Casino Museum an attractive variety performance and an accomplished corps of human curiosities are billed tor this week. Singe Whispers. Prof. Isaac Tuteub, leader of the Casino Museum Orchestra, was elected business man ager and musical director of the Duquesne Greys Band at their last meeting. "Why Paddy is always Poor," one of Scanlan's new songs, is said to have the true Irish flavor and was written by him while riding on an Irish jaunting car during his tour in Ireland last summer. Next Tuesday will be the fortieth anniver sary of Edwin Booth's first appearance on the stage. Tbat pregnant event occurred at Bos ton, where tbe embryo tragedian played Tressel to his illustrious father's liichard. Mrs. Leslie Carter's proposed starring tour seems to be in doubt It is said that the sensational experiment will. In all probability, be abandoned by Manager Gilmore, to whom it does not look as profitable as It did a few weeks ago. In Tannehill's new musical farce, "Bric-a-. Brae," billed at the Grand Opera House this week, there Is a rapid change from the flum meries of Gotham life to the tropical and un tutored dress and ways of interior Africa, by means of an ingeniously devised airship. It will be a matter of surprise to the Amer ican public to learn that at the recent annual meeting of the shareholders of the Gaiety Theater Company, London, the announcement was made that tho American and provincial tours of tbe organization had resulted in a loss of 9,911. or a little less than 50,000. Ellen Terry once told Stuart Robson that the first time she met Lord John Russell after her debut as Juliet she asked him how he liked her performance. "My dear child," Lord John renlled. "vou were very good, very good indeed. you know; but really the best thing in the play i WAS wueu iuat uiu ujubucuaijr ouiu iuu yuiounl to Jiomco. Serio-comio singing'in England ismcch better remunerated than is generally supposed here It is stated, on what the London Era calls unimpeachable authority, that Jenny Hill took for her share of the receipts fir a week at the Gaiety Theater, Birminglnm, England, recently, the modest little sum of 200, or $1,000. I The unqalifled success of J. H. Ryley and Madeline Lucette in legitimate comedy will probably result in a spring production, either in this city or in Boston, of a comedy written by tbe latter. My. Ryley's performance of Doubledot in "Surprises of Divorce," is con stantly compared to Charles Wyndham id his greatest creations. The costnmes used in "Shane-na-Lawn" (by all the members of Mr. Sanlan's company 'are said to be historically correct and were de signed by tbe eminent Irish scholar, James McNcvin. Tbe epoch of the play is 1790, under the G rattan Parliament one ot the happiest periods of Irish history. The dresses worn by the Grattan volunteers at that time were both rich and picturesque. ' A correspondent writing from Alx Ies Bains, Savole, says: "Mrs. Lillle Langtry is here looking thepicture of health; and, judging from her dancing at a ball given by tbe Prefect on Sunday night there Is no danger of return ing gout interfering with her coming tour of tbe British provinces. The fair actress is study ing the star parts in "Jealous of the Past," and an adaption of "La Mardeaude de Sourives," lu which play she will be seen in London when the leaves begin to fall." THE windows aro filled with lithographs of the comedian, Scanlan. Again we see the familiar trade mark of "Eeek-a-Boo," a large and well executed picture of a chubby babe lying on a pillow and tbe pleasant face of Scanlan peeping through tbe half drawn cur tains. It is just such a babe as every mother delights to exhibit to her lady friends in its natural state lull of dimples, fat and rosy. It was a happy inspiration that prompted Scanlan to write f eek-a-l)oo.' He is compelled to sing it at every performance. Mrs. Dr. Simpson has just returned from New York, where she has been for seversl months taking instructions in elocution and dramatic reading from tbe celebrated actress and elecutlonist Mrs. Emma Waller. She has received the highest encomiums, not only from Mrs. Waller, but from prominent mem bers of the dramatic profession and others who have heard her In New York for her extraordi nary delicacy of conception and strong imper sonations, and has had a number of offers of appointments for readings there during the coming season. The Brigands," at the closo of its very successful run at the New York Casino next Saturday evening (which will be its" one hun dred and twenty-fifth performance), will then be taken on a tour of the principal cities, in cluding Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, where it will be presented for four weeks in each of these cities. In Pittsburg. WashingtonBalti more and Brooklyn it will be given for one week each. This will be a tour of only 16 weeks, and is without exception one of tho shortest tours over played by any attraction. "The Brigands" "will be revived at the Casino upon its return to New York. Yisitobs to the Exposition are invited to inspect my immense stock of diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware, clocks, bronzes, etc. The largest stock and-lowest prices in the city. No trouble to show goods. M. G. Cohen, 533 Smithneld st. G. A. R. Tnko Notice. All orders issued by Adjutant General Hastings for transportation to Gettysburg, will.be accepted by the agents of the Penn sylvania Railroad for tickets, whether the order is drawn on this company or any other company. Velvets. Velvets. 29y cts., 21 inches wide. Great bar gain, great bargain. Knable & SnUSTER, 35 Fifth avenue. Axii the new fall shades iu kid gloves at lowest prices. r. Schoenthal, 612 Penn avev BRAND ARMT ECHDEB. GEAHD AEMY DAY. Yesterday's Sleeting of the Committee W. T. Bradburr Chosen Commnndor Progress or tbo Preliminary Work Ex. cellent Prospects Notes From tho Posts. A regular meeting of the Grand Army Day Committee was held in Council chard-, ber yesterday afternoon, Comrade A. P. Burchfield in the chair, and Comrade H. H. Bengough, secretary. Comrade Lambert, Chairman of the In vitation Committee, reported a form of in vitation to be used, which was unanimously approved. Comrade A. O. Frank, of Post 151, was unanimously chosen Corresponding Secre tary of the committee, the vacancy being for merly filled by the late Comrade Sidney Omohundro. Comrade W. T. Bradbury, of Post 162, was unanimously chosen rommander for Grand Army Day. Comrade William McClelland was elected Commander of tbe Middle division; Commander George Shad, ot 123. Commander of the Northsido, and Comrade John C. Thomas, of 238, of tbe Soutbside. The sub-committees reported progress in their work, and prosnects are good for a large parade. From present indications it is more than possible that the Exposition managers will admit free to the Exposition all comrades in line, the matter being now before the board for consideration. It was decided that the column should move at 2 P. It. sharp. Tbe Commander will an nounce the formation of the line and route at the meeting to be held Saturday afternoon in Council chambers. Oar Old Flogs. In answer to a letter forwarded by Comrade Edward Fisher, of the Ninth Reserves, to Adjutant General Hastings, of this State, that official says: "Nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to act npon your sugges tion, that of allowing the Pennsylvania regi ments the use of their old battle flags for the parade on Sentember 12 at Gettysburg, but I regret to say the Act of Assembly forbids their being removed from the State depository." G. A. R. Notes. Grand Army Day next Post 151, of the Southside, will open their : lir at Salisbur Hall about October 15. Lysle Post No. 128, of Allegheny, have lready formnlated their plans for attending ae national encampment at Boston in 1S80. CoitRADESof the Grand Army should wear jeir uniforms when visiting Gettysburg this reek and call at the Department camp during heir stay. The gun squad of Post 41 did 'themselves roud in tho parade atMUwaukee,and received ntbuslastlc recognition for tbelr splendid larcnlng and soldier-like appearance. Comrade George -S. Shattuck, of Mead ille, is urged by his friends for Senior Vice department Commander next year. It would e a merited recognition to an active comrade, neb as he is. Past Commander-in-Chief Warner was he recipient at Milwaukee of a beantifnl J.A.E badge inlaid with diamonds a token rom tho members of his personal staff during he past year. The Society of the Army of the Tennessee -111 hold a reunion at Cincinnati, O., on the 5th and 26th inst Special rates have been ranted by tho railroads for the occasion, and a rfarge attendance is assured. The continuance of Comrade William Mc. Clelland, of Post 259, as tho representative of this department on the National Council of Administration was a deserved compliment to an earnest and active comrade. Colonel J. W. Patterson Post 151started last night for Gettysburg, where they go into camp with the department, and the comrades will attend the dedicatory services of their re spective regimental organizations. The address of Past Commander In Chief Warner before tbe Encampment in Milwau kee was replete with fine diction and interest ing facts, and should be carefully perused by every comrade of the Grand Army. The Exposition management have strongly favored old soldier applicants in the appoint ments of employes at the Exposition building, for which many thanks are due to tbe gentle men composing the Board of Management Comrade Thomas W. Bean, of Norristown, will deliver the oration at the dedication of the memorial tablet of tbe Seventeenth Pennsylva nia Cavalry at Gettysburg on the 11th Inst Comrade Bean is an eloquent and impressive orator. The Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry will go to Oettysburg on the special train via Pennsylva nia Railroad, leaving tbe Union depot at 0 o'clock Tuesday morning. The regiment has chartered a Pullman sleeper and will have a special car attached to tbe train. Adjutant L. B. Richard, of Post 117. and Secretary of the Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves, deserves the thanks of that organization for bis untiring labors to seenre a full attendance of the comrades of that regiment at the un veiling of their monument at Gettysburg. The reunion of the Society of the Army of tbe Cumberland will take place at Chatta nooga, Tenn., on the 18th, 19th and 20th inst A barbecue will bo given bv tbe local commit tee on the battlefield of Chickamauga, at which General Rosecrans will deliver an ad dress. colonel W. J. Patterson, of Post 157, left Friday evening for Gettysburg to arrange the details for the dedication of bis regimental monument, tho Sixty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers. Tbe comrades of this regiment will report for duty at tne Court House at Gettysburg, on Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock. The summer encampment of this department opened at Gettysburg yesterday and will con tinue until the 13th Inst Tho attendance will be large owing to the dedication of tbe Penn sylvania monuments this week. A large and beautuui camp nas Deen iaia out dv tne de partment officers for the accommodation of the comrades, and a good time will be the result. The difficulty which aroso over the fact that no official record was on file In Harrlsburg showing tbat tho Seventy-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers was in the battle of Gettysburg, has been satisfactorily adjusted by Adjutant Gen eral Hastings finding that tho omission oc curred through error. The members of the or ganization all received orders for transporta tion last week. Colonel W.H. Moodt Circle, ladies of the G. A. R., of Mount Washington, will give a garden fete at the residence of Mrs. M. K. Cargo, Belinda street on Friday evening next Post 155, G. A. R., has been invited and is ex pected to attend in a body, as well as the South side and Allentown Circles of the Ladies' As sociation. The large grounds surrounding Mrs. Cargo's bonse will bo brilliantly illuminated and decorated with tbe national colors. The honor of serving as Department Com mander next year is likely to fall to Major Jos. F. Pennlston. of 117, many comrades throughout the Stato having already urged him to accept the trust Comrade Denntston has for many years served the interest of the Grand Army actively and consistently, and his selection for the position would be unanimously indorsed by the comrades of this county, as they know of and appreciate his services in the cause. Comrade Judge Slaqle, of Post 233, will deliver the oration at tbo dedication ot the monument of tbe One Hundred and Forty ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, of which he was a Captain. The regiment bad engaged at the battle of Gettysburg, 450 officers and men, out which 68 were killed, 159 wounded and 109 captured, making a total loss of S38 men, "br "!i per cent The killed and wounded amounted to over 50 per cent the killed alone being oyer 15 per cent. At the reunion of Confederate soldiers held at Higginsville, Mo., ex-Congressman Crisp, who was a Confederate Colonel in tbe late war, delivered an address in which he paid a glowing tribute to tbe memory of Abraham Lincoln, and referred In disparaging terms to Jeff Davis. He was raked fore and aft by Bob Claiborne and other Confederate notables who were present iRMzmr -,,--. , for his just and honest declarations, and will bo donbt be made tbe Subject of vicious at-uaks to the future for daring to tell, the truth about Davis. BEDSfl AND PALETTE. Interesting Displays nt' the Exposition Representative Works ofLocnl Artists A Water Color Exhibit Well Wort Inspecting. . About the most interesting department in the Exposition art gallery is that devoted to draw ings for Illustrative purposes furnished by tbe CenSurv publishers and others. About every kind of drawing for such purposes known is displayed. India ink and Chinese whtto seem to be the most popular mediums, and they have been nsed in almost every way possible Pen nell's English Cathedrals, Harry Fenn's land scapes and noted buildings, and E. W. Kem ble's famous Southern darky sketches are mainly done with a pen, the first two, however, showing excellent work in washes. Others! show that their best works are done in oil; others again Insist on using some color, es pecially those delicate bits of nature by W. Hamilton Gibson, who finds It almost impossi ble to sketch perfectly and give proper values in plain black and white, although it is a source of wonder bow tbe engravers manage to pro duce these selfsame otf ects through whatseems an infinitely more difficult channel. It will be observed tbat nearly every artist represented there are a great many of them have each their own mannerisms in producing effects from the broad, vague, .misty sketches by George lnnes3 to tbe bold, dashing lino work of Robert Blum. Relnhart, Abbey, Gibson, Fennel, Fern, Zogbaum, Redwood, Kemble, Boughton, Parsons and many of tbe most f amons magazlno and bookillustrators are well and most characteristically represented. In tbe local room of the Exposition art gal lery Is gathered probably the most representa tive collection of productions by Pittsburg talent ever seen here at one time. Those dead and gone favorites, Blythe and Charles, are each represented by some of their very best works. M. B. Lelsser, who has been doing Europe artistically for the- last three years; Miss Eurllda Loomls and Elmer Salisbury, who are studying in France at present and several others well known, but whose names cannot be recalled just at present have some of their most clever works on hand, while all of our local art laborers each contribute from one to a half dozen pictures and works of art The School of Design has a room all to itself, to which every lady student ot note during recent years contributes a work or more It can be said that some of the works exhibited by the ladles do not lose anything by their proximity to those by artists of wider reputation. Among the pictures at tbe Exposition are many that have been made familiar to tbe pub lic through the medium of prints and etchings. Among the best known maybe mentioned C. Y. Turner's "Puritan Wedding," Thos. Moran's "Big Buttes," one of the famous "Garden of the Gods" series, "The Huguenot Refugees." several of "Hamilton Hamilton's well known works, and many others equally celebrated. It Is very seldom that the arrangement of such a thing as an art collection is made under such difficulties as have encompassed Clarence Johns since he undertook to place thepicture gallery of the Exposition In shape. That he has succeeded as well as he has done is a mat ter of gratification, not -only to his Immediate friends but to those who love art for its own sake Mr. Johns has been receiving the warm est commendations on every hand for his good work, and should continue to receive It as he deserves all that he can get The greatest difficulty he encountered was the seemingly total inability of tbe management to supply him with light ot any description. The exhibit of the American Water Color Society forms an interesting adjunct to the art gallery. Nearly every picture present bears the name of one distinguished in the art world. Hamilton Hamilton, Hopklnson, Smith, Shirlaw, Chase, and others are well represented. Several of the works are qnite large. One of tbe most striking of the latter is Rhoda Holme Nicoll's "Scarlet Letter." NATIONAL GDAED NOTES. The Twelfth Regiment was inspected by Adjutant General Hastings at Gettysburg last Tuesday. THE commission of Colonel Smith, of tbe Eighteenth, expires on the 30th of this month. Orders are ont for his re-election. The State Fencibles of Philadelphia are go ing to give a crack drill In tbo armory of the Seventh Regiment of New York next month. 'Company G, Eighteenth Regiment was in spected last Thursday night by Captain Penny. For(y-flve men and three officers were present Quartermaster Patterson, of the Four teenth Regiment intends going to Creedmoor this week to see the national rifle contest to be held there Orders for the inspection of the Fourteenth Regiment will be Issued shortly, and it is prob able the whole organization will be inspected in a body in a field close to the city. The regu lar inspection was postponed on acpount of the Johnstown tour of duty. Captain O, C. Coon, of McKeesport tied Corporal Wegraff, of the Sixteenth Regiment for second place In the brigade match last Fri day at Mt Gretna. Considering the fact that Corporal Wegraff is one of the finest shots in the United States with a military rifle, Captain Coon has some grounds for feeling elated. Compant J, of McKeesport gave a very pleasant little reception last night to the mem; bcrs of Company D, and a number of friends. The affair was held In the armory of the com pany, which is elegantly adapted for the pur pose A number of the officers of tbe regiment were present from Pittsburg, and seemed to en joy themselves hugely. It Is rumored that Captain E.M.McCombs,of Company C, Eighteenth, will shortly tender his resignation on account of throat troubles that make it impossible to give commands. Captain McCombs has been a member of Company O for 14 years, and has been captain of the com pany for 10 years. His friends in the regiment will be sorry to see him leave Mb. J. A Huooins, who was a member of the Fourteenth team at Mt Gretna last week, fell below tbe mark bis many admirers ex pected him to make. Mr. Hnggms has a world reputation with the sporting rifle, and took $2,000 worth of prizes in Geneva. Switzerland, some years ago in a field of 22,000 shooters from different parts of the world. He "states that a Springfield rifle with six pounds pull and 174 pounds of recoil. Is more of an instrument of torture than a gun for shooting purposes, The annual State contests in rifle practice closed at Mt Gretna last Friday. Every organ ization in tbe division was represented by a team of plcKed men, making a total of 22 teams in all, and the results of the contests showed a remarkable improvement over tbe scores of last year. Tbe team practice commenced Mon day, and on Wednesday the regimental match took place, the Thirteenth team taking first place, with a total of 361 points: the Sixteenth second, with 352 points,and the First third, with 349 points. Tho Eighteenth Regiment team stood seventh in the contest with 839 points to lu credit being beaten at 500 yards by but two points by tbe famous Thirteenth Regiment team. Tho work of the Eighteenth team was remarkable considering it-was the baby team in the contest and was openly praised by Colonel Watres, tbe Division Inspector of Rifle Practice. The work ot the Fourteenth Regiment representatives was not quite so good, considering tbe fact that it bad the picked material In tins vicinity, and took but eleventh place on the list with S32 points. Wednesday evening the men for the brigade teams were selected, and on Friday theexciting match of the week took place. Tho teams con sisted ot 12 men each, and seven shots at each range, seven minntes per man being the time allowed. The result was close, the Third Brigade scoring 1,026 points, the Second Brigade 1,018 points and the First Brigade, 1.009 points. Fridav evening Colonel Watres selected a team of 15 men to represent the State at Creedmoor this week in tho national contests to be held there for the Hilton trophy and other prizes. Tho team con sists of Pratt, Watkins.McCaskieandStIllweli, of the Thirteenth; Newton, of the Ninth; Bergstresser, of the Eighth; -Coulston. of tho First; Mountjoy, of the Sixth: Mayer, of tbe Twelfth, and Horton. Wegraff. Conncely, Gun ning, Elliot and Bradley, of the Sixteenth, with Lieutenant Conneely, of the Sixth, as Captain, and Lieutenant Osthaus, of the Thirteenth as AOjutant. AH the men chosen are Tcmarkable shooters with the military rifle, Pratt the first man selected, naving a score of S8 points last week, and Conneely 00 points. Friday afternoon Colonel Watres was presented with an elegant frosted silver onyx clock and silver tide pieces valued at $250 by the Inspect ors of Rifle Practice and marksmen on the ground in appreciation of his services in behalf of rifle practice in Pennsylvania. As a whole the shoot was tho most successful ever held in the State, and has given a great impetus to markmansblp in the Guard. G. A. H. Tnko Nollcr. All otdcrs issued by Adjutant General Hastings for transportation to Gettysburg, will be accepted by the agents of the Penn sylvania Railroad lor tickets, whether the order is drawn on this company or any other company. Dress Robes. Dress Robes. ' The finest, 'the finest. .UNABLE 55 DHUSTKK, . i. 35 Fifth avenue. A pure, wholesome and delicious drink E, whole is Frauenheim v& Vilsack's "Iron City Beer." It is undoubtedly the best in the market. , . t Telephone 1183. EYBRWiT S 3 " -wi. .-jt&4 -,- Why jaHterkta' Worki: t3 9n- ' p&sg tlwrSBglish ia IftMity. EITKAOIBlxTARI THFM1 iAS. Inspection of Boilers, by EletitcRy, VWk . Under Steam. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL ..KWJ6 frSKASZD TOB TBI CISrATCH.l Readers of The Dispatch -who tierira information on subjects relating to' Mas trial development and progress in mstutai cal, civil and electrical engineering and the sciences can have their queries aanrerad through, this column. If the Amerioan. workman reads aa arti cle on. 'lAmerioan Mechanics From an .Eng lish Point of View," lately published in aa English journal, he will probably have a keener appreciation- than be had before of the advantages by which he is surrounded. In England the intelligent workman gets no encouragement from his employer; la America, it he is successful ia one instance, he is encouraged to renew his e&rts, Ike result being that W employer and the country at large ar benefited thereby. Ji an English railway shop the same old-fashioned tools and appliances, with few exoep tions, are used at the present day that were used 30 rears ago. A body-maker's chest of tools weighs 200 weight or more, tfhe American car builder's tools consist small chest of tools weighing not more than a quarter the weight of an Englishman's, but each tool is so constructed as to do of the utmost service to him, and with .,, ..oi .hooi-nf tnniifi is able to perform the most intricate work with which he may be brought in contact with greater preosm dispatch. Another cause why Americana sur pass the English in ingenuity is that iaferaa tion is notArithheld from them. Papers of every description are circulated and contri buted to by employers and employes on an equal footing. This circulation ot technical papers Is greatly appreciated, and each Msne & loosed forward to witn eagerness. Work men, too, receive encouragement nd aay sug gestions made by them to their superiors as so the most economical ways ot working are at tentively listened to j if proved to te as repre oontj.il. thn svstem is tried and tbe man re ceives the thanks of his employer, and often pecuniary remuneration m. u..,.--of general encouragement Is one of the chief reasons why the American manufacturer is able to pay greater wages and still send his commoditiesto the English markets cheaper than tbey can be produced in England. The Cigarette Doomed. nt.-Hvn fnnnhilr places fives satisfac tory evidence that the" use of cigarettes is rap-j Idly on the decline- wnamrr tun a uui w uw stringent laws passed" in many of the States against selling them to minors, or that smokers have come to tneir senses, and have taken warning from their own experience ana the nnanlmous condemnation of smoking cigar ettes by the medical profession, or whether the evil has begun to be looked upon as a dis creditable vice to be only practiced in secret remains to be proved- But it is certain that as compared with the past very few cigarettes aie now smoked ia public Cigar dealers say that the sales of cigarettes have fallen off enor mously. Tbe manvfacturers of them have been compelled to advertise .largely to prevent the entire destruction of their business, and about the only people who can now be seen smoking cigarettes are a f ew moon-faced juv eniles, who imagine that cigarette smoking is the correct thing." This is cause lor much emulation; cigar and pipe smoking, within certain limits, are excellent but cigarette smoking is absolutely suicidal. Influence or Electric Light on Plants. In Uie course of a recent lecture before the RoyalSoclety. England, Dr. Siemens placed a pot of budding tulips In the full brightness of the electric light in the meeting room, and in about 40 minutes the buds had expanded into full bloom. JlK Siemens' experiments have been made with quick-erowlnu seeds and plants like mustard, carrots, swedes, beans, cucumbers and melons. The pots, the lecturer stated, were divided into four groups, ode of which was kept entirely in the dark, one was exposed to the influence of the electrlo light only, one to tbe inflaenoe ot daylight only, aid one to daylight and electric light in succession. The electric light was applied for six hours each evening-f rom 6 to 11-and the plants were then left in darkness during the remainder of the night The general result was that the plants kept entirely in the dark soon died; those ex posed ti the electric light only or to daylight . -t .. ......11 ,A thAB. -TTimMI oniytnroveauoui. trijuiij, .. ...- ,r .... to both day and electric light throve far better than either. Advertising; for Cheap Engineers. Day after day the public are Informed of dis asters and accidents, of destruction of life and property, the result of boiler explosions. The cause of nearly all these accidents Is known. Defects certainly exist, In many boilers, and they are expected to occur more or less, but boilers should be in charge of men who can detect defects. The persistency of steam users in employing Incompetent men to look after boilers and machinery, in the face of almost dally calamities is something unaccountably strange and marvelous, not to speak or Its culpability. The Ignorance of some men put In charge of steam machinery is simply aston ishing. And yet advertising for cheap engi neers continues. It is fully time that this flagrant irresponsibility should be checked. A Promoter of Diphtheria. The medical profession has begun to regard seriously the theory recently promulgated that the smoke of burning kerosine oil has much to do with the causation of diphtheria and its malignancy. It appears tbat in every case of diphtheria It was found that oil was used either in the parlor lamp or kitchen light Cases did not occur where gas alone was used. Many of the health boards In the East have lately expressed their opinion that the terrible epidemics experienced of late were due mainly to tho Increased nso of this oil. Putrid sore throat and diphtheria hT8 always been more fatal in the Pennsylvania oil region than In any otherportion of the country. A Knr Sream I.lfebont- Among tho latest life-saving devices appears SX'tXSSTA ill is built of steel, and strong a lifeboat with ..!., Thn hnll lJU13iVU. mw -. -. Iy braced, and tno totai woigu. ui mo uw. when completed and ready for service will not exceed 20 tons. The boiler Is calculated to carry a very heavy pressure. Inthedeshrn of the boat thegrcatest pains bare been taken to secure strength, safoty and lightness, and speed has not been obtained at the cost of these dualities.' It must be mentioned tbat tbe boat Is nrovided with a small steam capstan at the bow, which is expected to do good service nn der many circumstances, and will also hare the Hickman steering apparatus. Inspecting Boilers While Under Steam. It is reported that a German scientist has devised an incandescent lamp arrangement by which the interior of a boiler may be inspected while tbe same is under steam. A thick tube is Inserted Into a stuffing box, through which a small incandescent lamp is introduced, which is connected with a battery. By means of a thick class plate, placed in the shell of the boiler at a convenient place, the illuminated Interior of the boiler may ba Inspected. This is likely to be the means of providing remedies for many of the existing uncertainties in boiler manipulation. The Bakn Oil Wells Running Dry. Intelligence has been received at Berlin frop Baku to the effect that a permanent decrease Is showing Itseu in iuoiiuuu,nvuuiiiiuni in that region, and that there is a probability nt ..ii.1ani crisis Shortly Cominff on. The Is showing itself in mo pruuucuuu ui uitpuwia of a very serious crisis shortly coming on. The naphtha basins of tho Asphefou Peninsula BIbicibat are no doubt still very productive, hut tho yield is no longer to be relied on. Al most all the factories at Baku, including M. Nobeitaro suffering for want of tne raw pro duct which has increased in price SCO per cent Many new borings have been made, but-the Tesults aro not satisfactory. Extraordinary ine to. uas. A remarkable case of theft is reported from England. For li months two London clerks Extraordinary Theft of Gas. were working an Illicit still, and in order to get fiiAl tn tan tha atlll rrnlni- theV t&DDed & CAB main. In this way. It is said, they were able to steal 6,5C0,0C0 cubic feet. Incrrnslng Uapid Transit Facilities. One of the latest suggestions for tbe Increase of rapid transit facilities In New York is the jjwg -swra present lines, on wWcl fast or express traiiifciaai-wso j 2r. A r4V 7tM9M Ti ilolislniihsiipm j .raUim mis tt Wa talevtHMto upas' by aa' BfidatettaK tmnemt. tfc Teats' obfatoeeTar e, ta'a is tease an Bare . mitmt Ksstl SKMsbraee Is Hartotf as Ms jMlllMr created. Tats lasmneatu aa ss snoss aajFaatasMasrmsssisWsrssisisjsaiaifcatR Beighboriag wires. SMBeCeMr U U MM that tke sate ". eiegM w nnsniHig very Xwms a4ia tfels eeaatrr.aasl aaaa 1 Of tfeis.ttt tin) sale of the urtsfM'ts a sttaaHy f ma yeast. W "- ' -- MMttkan. tfca Smi'ferlsf Journal of J thwseM otatvH disontssi im a-woaaa wao, aaea bbHT MHM m aissye Biggest ' mm lttiatefMlastv- ?&. aa HEL.Zra SMsafessssass SsKil It is a fast set weM kaewa '. piate of baryta te aa active peisea to staisaji anddofsi It Use easy te esiasif .tw-aettoOT considerisf Us ezsrssaa limiliisMHtn tat, assart with lard, it'is ready ateabr SImsb.'. tU being the ease, the qaesttea ingaisss Mastf, whether it might not isntnse tlw saaas (ssbbbi obs poisons new so Baao8 nsed ftr ftl aarsess, aad do away with tap list altsaatag law. Cork Uctia. CorkemttfegIseBeofthelas!OSttosiawMa .: ( maohmery Is net yet able to preaaee ska aaasC' kind of work. Maohtees havqbaea aeastrasaea .wbiea turn oat about 2,060 posts aa ajar, bat they are useless for the eaMagac aW fleer varieties. A skillful cork eatter eaa vaaaeo from 1,560 to 2,880 corks a our.bis eaty tools being two sharp knives' with breaa Haass. Zjesaealaa the Strata TJpoa Hones. Tbe Xioadea, EasdaaeT, Street Tramways Company baa adopted a aewstartteg appar atas let tbe parpesa of lessoning the strata upon, taa horses. A similar object Is being gained ia this coaatry by tbe adoption of the electric street- ear, wbteb is expected before loss e esleet a raateal oare of the evik SpfcClAL fcarzaJBS ia diamonds, watches. S jewelry, silverware, leeks, fcreaxe, etc, at ti. CsfcS , 08V gCSMaSeM K. Call for a glass of Boeaerteia3fgwiag Co.'s lager beer wfcea ririae yre4srat your favorite olub, hotel, saieeaor restaa rant It is pore, healthful, palataWeaas ' invigorating. Proprietors asd -manaiow will find it to their interest to heepttM tap. TeJepbeaa 1018. Beanerts, Pa. ' xrsaa ; ' Ha Always Took the Best. The compliment which George the Fourth paid to Lord Eldea was on tie strength of bis head aftertakiag a bottle at Oaerto port His Lordship replied: "Bat I always teie the best, so I sever mix aydriaks." Tbe plaee"to get these royal old geeas that have beeH is the market so long is at the Half Century House of John McOoHeagb, 623 Liberty street, foot of Fifth avenue. Medicinal whiskies a specialty. TJ8B "Una" flour finest spring patent ia the world. "Golden "Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. , Notice to G. A. R. The Pennsylvania Railroad will accept all orders issued by Adjutant General Hast ings for transportation to Gettysburg for tickets, whether the order is drawn on this or any other company. Hosiery and Underwear. Hosiery and underwear. Gloves and umbrellas. Enable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth avenue. Vail SnfrfnffB snd Tranrfna.V .. - J1 T.a vAnr Arrlttr fnr full snlt at Pit. ' cairn's, 434 "Wood, at .'WSttjaf 596 doz. CORSETS, 39c These, amons other BANKRUPT GOODS make this a Mammoth Sale In midsummer, which conclusively proves the merits of this POSITIVE CLEARANCE of the entire stock of J. B. ANDERSON, la IT. Wool Dress Goods, ' Silks, Wool Underwear and Carpets. -- I, y, LATIMER i) 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. sei-jrwrsa An Army of Renters Seeking Homes and Business Houses at Wilmerding. The East Pittsburg Improvement Company has invested large sums of money in laying oat tbe town ot WILMEEDING And in f nrnlshlns; it with the most complete and extensive system of pnbllc improvements in Allegheny county, outside the cities, includ ing siaewalks, sewers, water, natural gas and electric lights, and it now takes pleasure in oallins tbe attention of wide-awake builders and investors to the opportunity afforded them by the great and growlnc demand for resi- i ucnecs auu Dusiness nouses as nuniciujuii. This demand comes especially from young and I enternrlslnr- mn nnd flrminhnhtrnnotinfl- aences ana ousiness nouses at wumeruiuK. enterprising men and firms who have not suffi cient capital to Doth build and stocK tarse stores, but who are able and willing to pay a handsome rent for adequate facilities, or pur chase buildings outright on long time. Many houses aro now in course of construction, but not enough to HI! 10 per cent of the require ments. Information as to the kind and size of hquses ,Q Janiihti , tae C0Bpany, and special prices giTen on lots goid for Immediate toprovement. W3t M s It A ti4r1i or loiiuor parucuiani cjui v . Westinghouse Building, PITTSBURG. PA. I-CAPITAL OPPORTUNITY East Piilsbura: .mDroYeniBnt Co. O I