SRJti &0&?ixig$)p2&rFJiZ CTTf' jtV . IZEE1 t' k 'PENNSYLVANIA'S DAT In the Great Gathering of Veterans on Gettysburg's Field. IT WILL BE A 48-HOUE AFFAIR, And a Programme for the Entire Demon stration is Furnished. HOW OLD EEGIMENTS WILL 3IAECH. The Vast Ean&e to be Eerinred by His Excellency, lie Governor. So many veterans are going hence to Gettysburg on Monday that hundreds will be interested in tbe programme for Penn sylvania Day two days. The Governor will review the old troops, and it will be a great occasion. Pennsylvania Day at Gettysburg will be observed next week. The veterans in Pitts burg are securing the railroad tickets, and receiving daily information about the pre parations being made. The programme has been arranged for tbe two days. Major General Gregg, Chief Marshal of Pennsylvania Day at Gettysburg. Septem ber 11 and 12, has issued explicit orders numbered 3, covering the formation and progress of the line. The parade will march aa follows: The escorting detachments of the regular army and the N. G. P.: the First Division, composed of infantry regiments of Pennsyl vania Volunteers engaged In the battle as members or tbe nrst Army yorpa, m " in the order named- 11, S6 bS, 90, 107. 12. 112. 113.149, 150andl5L ... . The Second Division of infantry repments encaced a the Second Annv Corps, as follows: 53, 69. 71. 72, 81. 105, 116, 140, 145 and 14S. The Fourth Division. Infantry Regiments, en raced as members of tbe Fitth Army Corps, as follows: 30. First Reserves; 31. Second Re server; 34, Fifth Reserves: 35, Sixth Reserves; SS. Ninth Reserves; 39. lenth Reserves; 40. Eleventh Reserves; 41, Twelfth Resen es; 42, Thirteenth Reerves; 62. S3. SI, 118. 155. The Fifth Division, Infantry Regiments en caced as members of the tenth Army Corps, as follows: 23. 49. 61, 82. 93. 95. 96. 98. 102 and lis. The Sixth Division, Infantry Regiments en caced as members of the Eleventh Army Corps as follows: 27, 73, 74. 75 and 153. The Seventh Division, Infantry Kegiments encaged as members of the Twelfth Army Corps: 28, 29, 46. 109. Ill, 147. The Eighth division, composed of batteries of artillery engaged in the battle, as follows: B. First Artillerv: F, First Artillery: G. Firs' Artillery, and C. E and F, independent Artil lerv, and H. Third Heavy Artillery. The Ninth division, composed of cavalry reg iments of the Pennsylvania Volunteers engaged in the battle, as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 16, 17 and 18. The Tenth division will consist of tbeO. A. K. or the Department of Pennsylvania. Eegiments must be divided into compa nies not to exceed eight files, with ten feet distance maintained. The divisions will form as above rotatively mentioned, the right of the First on the left of and 30 feet from the regular army troops, each division to follow the same general arrangement. In this formation the Governor will review, and will then march forward in parade. The line of march is such as to bring the parade to the National cemetery, where the ceremonies of turning over the monuments to the State will take place. At the National cemetery the troop will form in line of masses by divisions around the stand, agreeably to the conformation of the ground. There will be no "vehicles allowed in the column. The divisions will form on the parade ground at 12 M. September 12, and the column will marcn ior review at 1230. Brevet Major-General Greg? gives the orders, which are countersignoa. ny e. Bonnafon, Jr., Chief of Stall. FOE LITTLE E0UXD T0PJ .Orders to the Old Ninth Reserves tory to Reunion The following orderysrned yesterday, will be of interest to Members of the old Ninth JEeserves: s- ' HKilXJTTABTFRS NlSTIT REGIMENT, P. R. V. C ASSOCIATION, Pittsburg, September 5, 1SS9. General Orders No. 2. Headquarters will be established at tho Hun ter House, No. 118 Chambersburg street,Gettys borg, where the members of the association will assemble at 130 o'rlock P.M. sharp on Wednesday, September IL to proceed to Little Rotmd Top, where dedication of monument will take place. Second Comrade Edward Fisher will leave on special train on Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Monday morning, September 9, by way of Shenandoah Junction, anu will meet comrades at headquarters, Gettysburg, Monday evenine. Third Badges can be obtained from tbe Secrettry, I B. Richard", City Treasurer's office: Alex. Murdoch, 103 Smithheld street, and at headquarters. Gettysburg. By order of C. W. Owston. Commanding Regiment. L. B. Richabds. Adjutant. The programme of the Uinth Eegiment for the dedication of their monnment is as follows: Assembly, by the drum corps; prayer; hymn, "America," by the regiment; hlstoricaladdress,by Comrade A.P.Morrison; transfer of the monument to the regiment, by Comrade Robert Taggart; dedication of the monnment, by Comrade E. Torrance; song, "John Brown's Body," by the regi ment; short addresses by members of the regiment; doxology. The regiment willbe photographed aronnd the monnment at the conclusion of the exer cises, and the annual election will then be held. C. T. A. U. CHANGES. Proposition That Conicmplato tbe Benefits of Library nnd Club. Father F. Kegis Canevin, president, and P. "W. Joyce, secretary, of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of the Pittsburg and Allegheny Diocese, have issued an official bulletin in relation to the conven tion to be held at Irwin Station on October 8. The convention will be preceded by sol emn high mass at 920 A. 21.. and at "10:30 the convention will open in Thomson's Hall. At 6:30 p. M. there will be a street parade, nnd a free lecture in the evening. The attention of the local unions is called to a number of points. Among them are the advisability of electing a layman for President, plans to perfect and ren'der more binding the organization; ideas as to the "best way to interest and hold voune men who have signed tbe pledge by means of libraries, readme rooms, debating societies, or other means of recreation; and the Father Matthew choir, and the best way to raise tbe snm required for the union's share in the endowment fund. The local unions are urged to consider these questions and send their delegates to the convention prepared to vote in a manner that will reflect their constituents' inten tions. OFF HIS PRESEETES. Ziocal Insurance Men Guarding Their Unci Against Outsiders. It requires a license to do insurance busi ness in Pennsylvania. Yesterday afternoon there was a long hearing in tbe case of Stewart Brown before Alderman McMasters. Mr. Brown was charged with being the representative of the Armstrong Insurance Company, ot New York, by W. J. Morris, who is in the insurance business in this city, the averment of the charge being that the Armstrong Company did not pay license in Pennsylvania. B. M. Johnston, Esq., appeared for the prosecution, and G. C. Lasear, Esq., for the defense. The case was stubborncontested, nnd at its conclusion Brown wis held in 2,000 bail for trial at court neld for Trial. Conrad Houseman and "W. F. Hunter, wo of the people charged with running peak-easies in MeKeesport, were fceld for rial at court by Alderman Grinn yesterday afternoon. DEMAND IMPROVEMENTS. The Wntcr Ways Convention Calls Atten tion to tbe Mississippi nnd It Tribu taries Tho Ship Canal to Lnke Erie. Cincinnati, September 5. At the "Water "Ways Convention to-day the Com mittee on Resolutions presented their re port through their chairman, J. H. Murphy, of Missouri. The chairman prefaced the report by saying that alter long deliberation the committee had arrived at a unanimous agreement with regard to the following reso lutions: Jtcsohed, That it is the sense of this conven tion that tbe general welfare of the people of the Mississippi Valley, and of tbe entire coun try, demanas that the Mississippi river and its navigable tributaries be so improved by the General Government as to secure to the people easy and safe navigation, as well as cheap transportation, and this convention hereby re affirms the declarations made by the River Im provement Convention ot lbSl at Washington, at New Orleans in 18S5. and at Memphis in 1887. That this convention deeply regrets the fail ure of Conjrress to make the necessary appro priations at its last session for continuing the improvement of Western waterways. That we call upon Congress as the representatives of the people and the gnai-dlan of their interest and rights to protect these great waterways upon m hicb It Is expending large sums, further injury or rnin through the construction of faulty or defective bridges with numerous piers, and while we recognize tbe undoubted right of railroad companies and others to bridge a river, tbe right must be exercised without injuring its value and withont imped inc or perilinp; its use, as the competition the river affords is the only guarantee of tho peo ple against excessive rates; the river must be free and unrestricted. It is declared tte duty of Congress to im prove and protect all the waterways of the nation where private individuals or corpora tions have assumed or secured by State action or otherwise, privileges on such waterways to the injury ot commerce. The removal of snch obstructions is asked. That this convention heartily approves the connection of the waters of the upper Ohio with great Northwest Lake throuch tho waters of Lake Erie by construc tion of a ship canal if upon a survey the same found is practicable. JHEIE FIRST PICNIC. ' The Select Knights Have a Good Time nt (silver Lake Over 3,000 People Enjoyed the Festivities. A magnificent picnic was held yesterday at Silver Lake Grove under the auspices of tbe McCall Division of the Uniform Select Knights. All the members of this ancient order, dressed in the lull regulation United States army pattern, with plumed hats and epaulettes, marched from their rooms in Moreland Block, East Liberty, in the after noon, headed by their own brass band. Captain L. A. Barr was marshal and Major Elliot McCall chief of staff. The principal streets of the East End were traversed under Inspiring m music. Though the line was limited, it nevertheless looked picturesque and won universal ad miration from the residents along the route, because of their personal appearance and soldierly carriage. "When the grounds were reached, the body of men were drawn up in front of the plat form and went through a portion of the nfanual of arms. After dispersing the men sauntered with their lady friends among the woodlands and strolled along the bank of the pretty lace. At 5 o'clock the bugle sounded and the guests drew into line. When everything was ready the band nccompanied about 50O guests at a time to the supper room.and dis coursed sweet music while each set of guests reireshed themselves. The supper room was filled over and over again. It was a wonder how so many neople could be supplied with food without a hitch being observed. The menu was a very choice one and reflects great credit on the management. The evening, owing to the unpropitious weather, was devoted to dancing. An ele gant string band had been engaged for this part of the entertainment. At least 3,000 or 4,000 people were on the grounds, and they were an orderly crowd. Quite a charming contrast was presented to the sightseers in the dance as the ladies with bright summer costumes went whirling around with men dressed in the somber uniform of the Uni ted States soldier, relieved here and there by a silver ornament, 'The picnic was under the management of Mayor McCall, and a hearty vote ot thanks was accorded tbe gentleman because he con ducted the picnic with great ability and brought it to a successful termination so cially and financially. METHODISTS IN CONFERENCE. They Decided to Hold Their Next Sleeting In Washington Connly. At the Pittsburg couferente of the Meth odist Protestant Church at Springdale, yes terday, in the absence of the President, Br. John Scott was called to the chair. The conference committees were announced. Eev. Heed, of the United Presbyterian Church, and Kev. "William Hastings, of Toronto, O., were introduced to the confer ence. The examination of the character of pastors was resumed. 'Several letters and papers were read, and referred to the proper committees. Rev. J. B. "Walker, Cor responding Secretary of the Board of Ministerial Education, addressed the con ference upon that work, and upon the edu cational outlook at Adrian College. At the afternoon session the conference voted to hold its next annual session at Amitv, "Washington county, Pa., on the first Wednesday of September. Bev. A. R. Seaman, of New Cumberland, preached to a large audience in the evening. BURIED IN WHEAT. The Peculiar Manner In Which a Chlcaco Elevator Employe Met Ills Death. Chicago, September 5. The Coroner was notified this afternoon of the death of Jacob Szoll, who worked in Purcell's grain elevator, Larrabee street. Szoll was in the elevator when one of tbe doors gave away and an immense lot of wheat poured in upon him, burying him so that he smothered to death. Pay Rolli Ready. The pay rolls of tbe city departments are nearly all completed for the month of Angust, and to-day the firemen and em ployes of markets and wharves will receive their pay; the police will be paid Saturday morning at Central station, and the em ployes on streets and sewers on Monday. Important Meeting of Viewers. The Board of Viewers yesterday held a final meeting on the grading and paving of Fifth avenue, between Penn and Franks town avenues, East End. The part of the avenue under consideration is about one and one-half miles in length. SAHFORD'S GINGER SANFORD'S GINGER lithe Best of All Known Gingers. ONLYASAHUGEJOIE Do tbe Canadians Regard the Present Bearing Sea Trouble. NOT A VESTIGE OP YUR FEELING Has Tet Spread Abroad Amonir Oar Neigh bors of tho Dominion. THE EELATIONS OF TAB GRAND TRUNK And tho Inter-State Commerce Commission Are Peace ful So Far. Joseph Hickson, General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railroad, states that there is no danger of serious trouble between Canada and the United States over the Behring Sea difficulty. Railroad matters are equally peaceful. New Xobk, September 5. Joseph Hick son, of Montreal, general manager of the Grand Trunk Railway system, was in the city attenOing a quarterly meeting at the Trunk Line Commissioner's office. In re ply to a question as to the "war feeling" in Canada be laughed heartily and remarked: "Why, I haven't heard of any 'war feeling' except in a few newspapers which seemed to be looking for a sensation. The people of Canada are very peaceably inclined so far as I can discover. They regard the work of your revenue cutter in Behring Sea as a huge joke. She overhauls a Canadian seal ing vessel,' puts a prize crew of one man aboard, tells her to sail for Sitka, and sails away again. The 'prize crew' simply lies in his bunk, while the sealer seeks a Cana dian port and turns over her cargo, 'prize crew, and all, to her owners. "I should consider that more of a joke than anything else. You needn't fear that Canada will try to thrash the United States until she finishes up the 'prize crews.' They are her greatest bugbears just now. Of course, Canada claims that you haveno ground for attempting to close Behring Sea, but the matter will be settled by diplo matic negotiation. The Vancouver sealers seem to think the Government somewhat slow about it, but they can't well go to war without the Government's consent." NOT MUCH OF A DISPUTE. "How did you come out of your con troversy with the inter-State Commerce Commission?" ""We had no controversy that I know of. The commission thought we were unwilling to recognize their jurisdiction, and the question was brought up on the importation of coal over our line into Canada. "We have simply posted our rates with the commis sion and gone on about our business. The commission couldn't fix our rates fof us. and didn't try to do so, I was at the Trunk Line. Commissioner's office to-day, and I heard! many expressions of regret at the departure of Albert Pink. He has been a great loss to the railroads. His calm, judicial mind, his patience and his great ability, enabled him to fill that most trving position with a won derful decree of satisfaction to railroad men. and his -place will be hard to fill. I under-1 stand that he is a very sick man, and will' probably never return to America, and I am truly sorry for it. "I wish I could have as high a record for the wisdom of all your laws as I have for tbe American Government and the Amer ican people, for I look upon the latter with sentiments more than respectful," he con tinued. "But I must say I am not in sym pathy with your contract labor law. Its motive is doubtless good, but I seriously question its wisdom. A CHINESE "WALL. "Here you are, one of the greatest and most progressive nations of the world to-day, and you have turned back to ancient his tory and built a veritable Chinese wall about your land. Just to think, I cannot employ a Canadian to load onr cars on the American side without I submit to a fine of $1,000 for each man so employed. It makes no difference if my men are trained in the service and are thoroughly competent, I cannot use them on this side of the line without violating your law. It is the same in all branches of business. "Now, it seems to me that this country is large enough for us all, and for my part I would not prevent any man from coming in; but you do. You have barred out tbe Chinese absolutely. In Canada we impose a tariff of 550 on each one that lands, and let as many come as choose at that price. They don't seem to interfere with us much. Your Congress, doubtless, thought its reasons good, or the act would not have been passed; but I don't understand how they can do you any more harm than they do us. "It may be out of place for me to criticise your laws, but you ask me what I think and I tell you. Returning to railroad subjects, in which I am interested, I must say that much of the good that could have been ac complished by the Inter-State Commerce Commission seems to me to have been lost sight of in framing the law creating it POOLING ALL BIGHT. "The prohibition of pooling has deprived the railroads of one of their greatest levers for the maintenance of rates. Four or five competing lines solemnly agree by their rep resentatives to maintain rates. Now, if one of these representatives is dishonest or dis posed to be tricky, he may secretly cut rates to the disadvantage of the other roads, and you have no power to punish him because of the difficulty ot proving the charge. "When pooling was allowed it removed the incen tive for dishonesty or trickery; , Dut, as -the law now stands, you have simply put a premium on dishonesty. "You have feared combinations and have forced consolidations. Now, it seems to me that pooling should have been legalized, the reasonableness of rates submitted to the Inter-State Commerce Commission, whose members are surely competent to judge on that point, and you would have simplified the railroad situation at once." Ten Thousand. Though most houses are unprepared with new fall styles, our counters are crowded with the newest, brightest and most fashion able clothing ever seen in this city. All the latest fall styles in both rough and smooth faced goods we display, and to introduce them we will sell 10,000 men's suits at the two bargain prices ot $12 and 515. These suits are cut, trimmed and finished equal to custom make, and at $12 and $16 are the greatest value ever offered. Sale starts at 8 o'clock this morning. Pittsburg Combina tion Clothing Company. P. C. O. C, cor. Grant and Diamond ets., opp. the new Court House. CaxIi for Frauenheim & Vilsack's cele brated Piisner beer, on draught at all first class bars. i FOR OVERFEEDING The distress arising from overfeeding is speedily overcome by a teaspoonfnl of Ban FOBD's Ginger after a hearty meal. Dyspepsia, flatulency, rising of food, cramps, indigestion, sick headache, nausea, and many ills may be prevented by a timely dose. Sakfobd's Ginger is a delicious combina tion of imported ginger, choice aromatics, and medicinal French brandy,and is the finest ginger ever compounded in tbe history of medicine. As a pure fruit etimulant for tbe aged, men tally and physically overworked, for delicate females, especially mothers, and as a means of eradicating a craving for Intoxicants, it is In valuable. Never travel without Saitfobs's Gctoeb. Beware of cheap, worthless, and often dan gerous gingers which are urged' as substitutes. Ask for SANFORD'S GINGlip With. Owl Trade Mirk on hs Wrapper. THE TJTTSBTntG IDISPATCH, A DESPERATE MAN ESCAPES. Significant Flight From Dlxmont's Prison Department. Peter Griffin, an inmate of the prison de partment of the Dixmont Hospital, made his escape yesterday morning. Griffin was convicted about a year and a half ago of the robbery of a Penn avenue store and re ceived a sentence of six years to the peni tentiary. About six months after his in carceration he was adjudged insane and sent to Dixmont He was discovered to have escaped when the inmates were fed yesterday"morning, and the police were notified. They say Griffin is a desperate character, and they now think he feigned insanity in order to secure his transfer and ultimately escape. A FATAL ACCIDENT. Ono Brother Killed and Two Others Injured In a Kailroad Wreck. A gravel train on the Bellevernon 'road was derailed by a cow. Eight cars were knocked off the track. Three brothers named Scanlon, of Milesville, were on the rear car. One was billed, one had a broken leg, and the other was seriously hurt. HENDRICKS fc CO., Popular Photographers, OS Federal Street, Allejtlicny, Will give special low rates for photographs during tbe Exposition. Liberal discount on all work done. Don't forget this. Every bodv welcome. Good cabinets ?1 a dozen. New Fall Neckwear To be had here to-day in the in the to-De-worn shapes. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Beware of Imitations. . Be sure you patronize the Standard Photo Art Gallery, 70 Federal 'street, Allegheny, for fine cabinets at $1 per dozen. Bring children. No stairs to climb. SI. Until October. SI. Mothers, bring children to Anfrecht's Elite gallery, 616 Market street. Pittsburg. Use elevator. Cabinets (1 per dozen, proof shown. Special Sale. Remnant sale of wall paper now going on at Jno. S. Roberts', 414 Wood st. P Absolutely Purea This powder never varies. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wholcsomenesa, , More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight alum or phosphate now ders. Sold only in cam. ROYAL 1JAKING POWDEK CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oc5-m46-3rwTSu 20 Doctors Said She Must Die Miss Morgan, of this city, speaks: "The catarrh in my system cansed me to he continually hawking and spitting. I had a short, backing cough, tightness in the chest, short breath, and I felt weak and tired all tho time. As I grew weaker I suffered with those terrible mgbt sweats. My father took me to 20 physicians who said I could not be cured. Some of my friends thought I had consump tion. I doctored with many physicians, but got no better. In fact I was gradually getting worse. After 14 jears of suffering I began treatment with tbe physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn avenue, to whom I owe my recovery. Jly cough is gone. I have no lnzines3, ringing in the ears, bead aches or night sweats any more. The pain and soreness in my stomach have lott me. My food digests well, so that now no gas forms in my stomach. ' My throat used to be so sore I could hardly swallow. That Is cured. I feel well and strong, and why should I not praise these doctors for thus saving me from such an un timely deith. MISS LYDIA MORGAN." Kearsarge St., near Virginia, iit. "Washington. Mrs. Dr. Crosley, ladles' consulting physician at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, S23 Penn ave. Consultation free. Office hours, 10 A m. to i p. jr. , and 6 to 8 p. M. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. (. sei-HWF P ATBNTS. O. D. LEVI8. Solicitor of Patents. 131 Fifth avenue, aboTe Bmithfi eld, next Loader office. (No delay. se29-hlo .Estabusbea zu ) years. RAIUtOADS. PnTSBUKO AND WJ&TEKN KAILWAY Trains (Ct'lStan'd time)! Leave. Arrive. Day Ex., Akrnn.Toledo, Kane Butler Accommodation....... Chlcaco Express (dally) Hcvr Castle Accommodation. Butler and Foxburc Ac 6:40 a m 9.00 a m 7:S7 p m S:00 ti m 11:40 p m 11:30 i m 7:oo p m 6:30 a m 6:10 p m :au d m Flrit class fare to Chicano. S10 50. becond claim t9 so, 1'ullman Bullet sleeping car to Chicago dallv. PITT8BUKO AND CASTL.ESUANNON R. It. bummer Time Table. On and after May 1, 1889, until lurther notice, trains will runasrolloni on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving l'fttsburg-:20 a. m. ,7:10 a.m., 8:U0 a.m.. 8:30 a. m.. 11:30 a. m.. 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p. m., 6:10 p. m.. 6:50 p. m 6:30p.m., 9:30 p.m., 11:30 p. in. ArlUicton-S'40-a. m., 6:30 a. in., 7:10 a. m., 8:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m., 1:00 p. m , 2:40 p. m., 4:20 p. m., 6:10 p. m 5:60 p. m.. 7:10 p. m., 10.3) J . m. Sunday trains, leaving l'ltt jburg io a.m., 2:50 p. m.. 2:30 p. in., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30 p. m Arlington 'j:U, m., 12 m., 1:50 p. m., :) p.m. 6:30 p. m., 8:00p.m. JOHN JAHN, Snpt, TjrrrsBURo and lake ekie railroad X uusirA-Dii scneauie in enecuanez, 1889, Central time. Dfpaxt. for Cleveland, 6:00, 8.00 a. m.,l:S5,4ilO,9:3op. caeo and St. bonis, 6: m. For Cincinnati. Cbl COa. m.. 1:35. 9:80o. m. For Buffalo. 8:00 a. m.. 4:10. 8.30 n. m. For Sala manca, '8:00 a. m.. 4:10 p. m. For Younjrstowa and Mew Castle, 5:00, '8-00, 10:Ha. m., '1:35. 4:10, 9:30 p. m. for Heaver Falls, 5:00, '3:00, 8:3a 10:15 a. m.. 1:J5. Z-.ZO, 4:10. 5:15. 9:30p. m7 For Chartlers. 5:00. 1V30 a. m 6:35, 6:20, 1S.55. 7:15, 8.05, 8:80. 9:25. 10:15 a. m.. 12:05, I245, 1:40. 3.30, 4:30. 4iV, OS, 5:15, 805, 10:30 p.m. AWUVE irom Cleveland, '6:30 a. m., 12:30, 5.35. 7:55, 9:40 p. ra. From Cincinnati. Chicago and bt. Louis, 12:30, 7:55 p. m. From Buffalo ca. '12:30. o.ov a. u.., .ovjt u. .u. ciuw oaiauiaa 7:55 p. m. From Toungstown an I Mew Castle. 6:30, 9:20 a. m '12:30. 6:35. nils 9:40p. m. From Beaver Falls. 5:25. 6:30, 7:20, 9:70 8, ra., '12:30, 1:10, 6:35, V.U, 9:40 p. m" p' C. 4 Y. trains from Mansfield, 8:S0 a. m,, 8:3l 4:50 p. m. For Essen and Beecbmont, 6:30 u. m., 3:30 p. m. 1.. C. & Y. trains from ilays fleld, Essen and Beecbmont, 7:08 a. m., 11:59 a. in. I. McK. & Y. K. a. -UiPABT-For Mew Haven. 5:30 a. m., 3:3lp. ra. For West Newton, I'apff io.05a. dim 3:30, oils p. ra. Kew Haven, $7:a. m '5:00 p. m. From WestMw ton, 6:15, f7:50 a. m., 1:25. '5.00 p. in. For Mo Keesport, Elizabeth and ilonougabela City, '5130, 10:06a. m., "3:30, J:15p. m. From Monongatela City, Elizabeth and MeKeesport, "7:50 a. m., 1:23, '5:00 p.m. , Dally. 1 Sundays only. Will run one hour late on Sunday.. I Will run two honrs late) on Bandar. Utr ticket office, 401 Smltbileld street, EROYALISSSH J. Win POWDER PETDAT, SEPTEMBER . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Nobody ever would have dreamed of the metal eyelet, if some bright woman had happened to think of a loop of corset lace before the brass eyelet got invented. One is a woman's device; the other smacks of the machine-shop. One is soft; the other hard, and forbidding. One is smooth; the other has sharp edges. One is invisible through the dress; the other shows the corset laces unpleasantly. One is a woman's way of doing things; the other be longs to the man with a ham mer. Why can't we have women inventing things for women's use, especially dress? The soft eyelet a mere loop of corset lace is used in the Ball and Kabo corsets, the corsets that you can get at almost any store in the country, wear them two or three weeks, and go back and get your money, if you don't like them. Chicago Cosset Co.,Chlcago and New York. THE MERCANTILE AGENCY K. ft Dun & Co., Germania Bank Building. 423 Wood street, cor ner of Diamond, Pittsburg, Fa. This establishment supplies all necessary information as to the standing, responsibility, etc, of business men throughout North Amer ica. It is the oldest and by far the most com plete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Bankinir and Mercantile interests and the General Promotion and Pro tection of Trade. Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended to throughout the North American Continent. IE1 BAEGAINS! BARGAINS! DOUGLAS Have succeeded pretty well in clearing out time, what remains will as Will D e offered at almost too One pile ver; v pretti pretty Plain and Plaid Dress while many of them were 25c your pick of tbe OC tnnli I1 a la nnd TIoll fl7lXrt inUlnna fnw 1 Irt A most fascinating Range Fancy Silk mixed effect Dress Goods that were 40c, now for 25c a yard. 42-inch English Mohairs, in fancy stripes and plains, they were 50c, price now only 31c a yard FALL GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. JUST TO HAND A few hundreds Ladies' Early Fall Wraps and Jackets. Perfect concep tions of beauty. COME AND SEE THEM. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. se2-jrw THE THIRD DAY AND THE SUCCESS OF THE PITTSBURG EXPOSITION INCREASES EVERY HOUR. ELECTRICAL, MUSICAL and FLORAL DISPLAY coupled with the Handsomest Exhibits and most superb Art Galleries ever shown west of the mountains, LEAD ON TO SUOOESS. COME. ADMISSION, 25c. CHILDREN, 15c. VRbHI &'" SS 8S KSSssS .iKK&.." MEDIC me ,m m iiiiiPgSss? For Bilious and Nervous Dlsordon, Such as Wind nnd Pain In the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flashings of Beat, Xmb of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurrr. Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreamt, and all Mervona and Trembling Sensations, &c THE FIRST DOSE 17111. GIVE KELIEF IN TTVENTX MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly Invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they trill be acknowledged to be a Wonderful Medicine. "Worth a guinea a box. BEECHAJTS PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGIC I- ening nppel humai 1C the muscular System; restoring long-lost I jevo aowe win nnnetlte. and arousing with the lloaEUUU or human frame. These are " facts " admitted by lu. m,.r.ntaA tn thn Nervous And Deniuta fil A&7 PATHIT USSIOOra IH SSS WOSLs. Full moes to las nervous ana jjeoiuuibeu is Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Ioncashlre, England. Sold by Druggist generally. B. F. AIXEN & CO., 365 and 387 Canal St., Now York, Bole Agents for the United States, who (inquire first), It your druggist does not keep them. WILL MAIL BEECHAffl'S PILLS UW use rnni amp ADE MaW IN THE W UttJLU Geq.A.Macbeth&Co. Pittsburgh,Pa. io- - v 61 '1889. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KXTBElsT'S FALL STYLE NO. a ' GENTS' DBESS DEBBx. U 90, $2 20, $2 40, $2 90. ?3 40. Last week we illustrated a very nobby shape intended solely for young Gents wear. This week we publish a hat of larger proportions, and one suitable lor portly and fleshy gentlemen, or those of middle age. This Derby is essentially and emphatically a fall bat. The full crown, medium brimtf and heavy rolling curl makes it one of the most sylish and becoming hats" in the mar ket. One of the attractive features in our establishment Is tbe earnest endeavor to give customers tbe benefit ot our judgment in the selection of headgear, and where our ad vice is taken a stylish and becoming hat will adorn the wearer every time. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfleld St SOl-WTSU Optical, Mathematical and Engineering In struments and Materials. Profile, cross-section, tracing and blue-process papers, tracing linen, etc. Largest and best stock of Specta cles and Eve Glasses. KORNBLTJM, Theoretical ,and Practical Optician. No. SO Fifth avenue. Telephone No. 1688. Jy31-Dsa Established 1832. BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY & CO., 77 WATER ST. AND X FIRST AVE. Telephone 163. au23-31-arwr BARGAINS! IYIACKIE their summer stock, and as low prices talk every ridiculous for anvtbine D rices: Goods, not a piece of which sold for less than 15c, lot now for 10c ayard. a imvil nnTV COME. seC-9 2PR GUINEA wont wonaeis upon ine viuu uren8,Di"si- Complexion; bringing back the keen edge ox aEALiu the wnolephyticai energy 01 ins thousands. In all classes of society, and one or uia directions with each Box. wa. sjuigaAA 0 sutua oavs oa wun.u !'" WSUSUT Utf FiUUS, 25 CEIUS AKUA. IHjr'-flUf)iBSfi3H mm ST (honeys Z jyr - - v -;T"4 " 'flu HMpUMjlMI - gfr.jfr3ff-. ij.i'.ii'fi.iii ! r. J FIRM I 1 of the ClitrHrrf, Cloak, Srte, nittflry m Pittsbura , bt - - - . vania, Eastern Ohii ami - firmer than' THE COMING f for right now- we are better prepared than eter f e&ter to ; all classes and conditions of people. The number of those who -patronize, us increase daily. all along claimed that we were .!..... . n..... .. . .A V. A ..rt . fl 1. iiiiug yci wuuug iu mc ioiuiiiHH could, in sporting parlance, "see" better." We claimed this because fyrng to us to -find that the number a,-w JUST KOW WE ARE in the successful attempt of converting kito cash the balance of oar s stock of Spring and Summer Clothing. Tbe heated, teraa ka't over yet "! ? Oh, nol Indeed, the thermometer during the past few day's has ranged t: higher than at any time this summer, and thin .gamaats are notosljr.,. n . n.M.B.nM. nv. . ......1 . t. A MM mIa &. .T. .... ..m.i 1 U.Hfl. & utVUL UUh UbbuaiUT A.uu. UUVV UUUl- do you want? An Alpaca, Seersucker, Pongee, Mohair,- d'Ete Coat and Vest? You can half the regular price. .'. THE LIVELY SHOE TRADE that we enioved all throusrh the month of Aucrust still continue? . ...,. ... , - iacr, in tne iace or, me ioua complaints aDOur. ami trade on tne other dealers, is proof positive prices. Ifs the wonderful and matchless values we give that attract.the masses to our store. Since the re-opening of the schools our trade-in Boys' and Misses', School Shoes has been especially heavy. We have sold several thousand pairs of our Boys' $i 50 and Misses' and Youths'" 1 25 Shoes. Theyjre the most comfortable and substantial tured and equal to anything sold elsewhere for double the money. PACTS ABOUT ODE NEW FALL HATS There is no mistaking the temper of the gentlemen of Pittsburg on the Hat question. They are determined to stop paying the gilt-edged profits of exclusive Hatters and buy Thus, for instance, our new Youman, Derbys hit the taste and pocketbook Our prices for them range from precisely the same for which other All the latest novelties- in Children's. Hats a most bewildering pro??: fusion to select from at strikingly low prices. Nice cute styles fromr 25c up. . OCTREE. OCTREE. We will continue -to give a rubber (waterproof) School Bag with every purchase in the Boys' department A beautiful and very amusing novelty will be handed every person passing our Grand Display at the Exposition. KAUFMANNQ Fifth Avenue and KAILKOADS. '0NnSY.L.VANlA BMLKUAU-ON Aflll Jl sRer Aucust 2B, 1889. trains leave Union. Station, fltutiarc a follows, Eastern Standard Timet MA1X LINK EASTWARD. New York and Chicago .Limited orfnUmsa Ves tibule dilljr st 7 1S a. m. Atlantic xpre dally for too ast, 3:3) a.m. Alan train, lall7, except Bandar. Si3ua. m. San day, mall. S:40a. m. llav express daily st 340 a. m. jiau express dally at 1:00 p. m rnlladelptila express dally at 4:39 p. m. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. fast Line daUy it 8:10 p. m. Kxnresi for Bedford l:UOli. m week days. Express for Cresson and Ebensburg 2; aip. m.. Baiuruays only. Kerry express 11:00 a. m. week days. AUturonzb trains connect at Jersey Cltywlta boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. S. Y., avoldtnKdonbleferrlaz t and Journey thronzn H. Y. City. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: tlall Train, dally 8:10p.m. Western Express, dally.. 7:13a. m. 1'aclflc Express, dally 12:43 p. m. Chkaro Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m. Fast Line, dally ll:S5p. in. SOUTMWESr VlUiH KAILWA1. For Unlontown. A:30 ana 8 3.1s. m. and 4:23 p. m.. without chance of cars: 12.60 p. m.. connect. Ins; at Ureensburg? Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m.. 12:20. 85 and 8:10 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDEKAL ST. STAflON. Alleghcn v City, train, eannectlnr for Blalrsvllle.. Express, for BlalrsTltle, connectlne for Itntl.f 1 :w a. m. S."J5p. m. Bntler Accom 8:20a. m 2:2Sand 5:45 p. m. bprlcgdale and etfOp.m. Jfreeport Accom - " " n:p. ra. UnSunday 12:60 and :3p. m. North Apollo Accom..... 11:00 a. m. and 4-00 p. in. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butler 8:20 a. m. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 10:40 p. m. Trains arrive at FEDERAL 8TMEET STATION: Express, connectlne; from Butler 10.35 a.m. Mail Train. vl-SP-- Butler Accom 9:10a. m., 4:and7:a)p. m. lilalrsrllle Accommodation 9:52 p. m. FreenortAccqm.t:40a.m..lSS,7:a)and 11:10p.m. On Sunday.: 10:10 a. m. and7rfp. m. Bprln;dale iccom....6a7,ll:43a.n;.,3ai,6:30p. m. Nortli Anolio Accom 8:40a. m. and 5-40 p. m. MON ONO A HELA IJlVlaiOIi. Trains leave Union station. Flrunurg, as follows. i"or AlononKahela Cltv, West Brownsville and Unlontown, 10:40a.m. VorMononsialieU City and West BrownsvUle,7r05 and 10:40 a.m.and 4:40 p.m. On Sunday, imp, m. For Uononxanela City, 8:49 p. m., week days. Dravosbunr Ae., week days, 330 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:20a.m., 10, e(iandlltp. m, Handiy. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenne and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. l'UUH, J. B. WOOlf. General Mananei. Gen'l l'ass'r Arcat, PANHANDLE KOUTE-JULY8. US9. UNIOX suUon, Central Sundard Tin t- Lean for Cincinnati and St. Loulx,d7: a,m., d8KX) and d 11:15 p. m. Dennlson, 2:40 p. m. Chicago, 12:05, d 11:15 p.m. Wbeallng, J JO a. m., 12.-05, 8:10 p.m. BteubenviUe. tiSa. m. Washington. 1:55, 8.35a. m..l:5t,li30,4:l5,4Ua p. m. Bulger, 10:19 a. m. Burgettstown, 3ll:35a.m 6:25 p. m. Mans field, 7:15. :), llrtOa. m., una, 8:30, d 8J5; 105 p. m. McDonald, d 4:15, d 9:15 p. m. From the Wi 2il0, d 60 a. m., SrfB. dSSI p.m. Dennlson.-9:S0 a. m. Steubenvllle, 5 p. m. Vheelln, 1 10, 8:15 a.m.. 3:05, 5:.i5p.m. Bnrietts town, 7:15 a. m.,S 9:05 a.m. Washington. 6.u,7iVl, 8:40, 10:28 a. m., 2:35, 8:45 p. m. Mansflsld, 55, 8:30. 11:40 a.m., 12:45, 3:55, 100 and S 8:20 p. m. Bolder, 1:40p.m. McDonalds, dlJ5 a.m, d Ia3a p. m. d dally; B Bunday-oalyi offisr trains, except 6undw. HOLD l" II Hit and Fwrmm , wttoWMtor Pi Wert Yi-w ever cm- FALLSEASOI Vr .'jr3R wm: headquarters in this section Mr nvitr? AM f v-...4 T Jt. J L .III . .. ui guuus uamuea aywrn iMrjl our competitors and "f we believed it, hence it k of those whoako Mit-irc it incrt'aiitr - Rufrtwi BUSILY ENGAGED! IUC LUUICI W C aULC.,. IStESB JSk-MTTASV buy any kind, grade -or stylc'lir. ... . ..... . .. ' of the popularity of our goods'fc&d jr solid leather footwear manufac their headgear at popular prices. Knox, Dunlap and "Little English' of all sensible gentlemen to adot $1. 24 to 3 50, and the qualities are,. '2ri hatters get from $2 to Ss- Smifhfi eld "Street se5-D IlAIIiKOADS. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S L1NEJ UarlZ Vim. Central standard Time. TKAINS JJEPAKT As follows from Union Station: Tor Chicago, d 7:21 a. m d UZO, d 1:00. d7.45. except Saturday. 113) p.m.: Toledo. 7:25 a. m d 12:20. d 1:00 and except Saturday. llO p. m. ; Crestline, 8:45 a. m.: Clere tand, 6:10 a. m 12:45 and d U.-05 p. m. and 73 a. n., via F F. W. 4 & By.: New Castle and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m.. 12:30, 3:45 p. m.: Youngstown and Nlles, d 12:20 p. m.; MeadvUlo, Erie and Ashtabula, T$ix. m., 12.-20- p. bus NUes and Jamestown, 3:48 p. m.: Masslllon. 4:l0p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre. 8:10a. xa.. 12:44. I.30p. m.t Beaver Falls. 4iu0. 5-05 p. m Bock Folnt, Sa) a. u.: Leeudale. 5:30 a. m. ALLEQUENY-Bochester. 6d0 a. m. t Beaver Falls, 8:15, 11KO a. m.: Fnon, 3:00 p. m.j Leets dale, 10.-00, 11:45 a. m., 2:00, 4:30. 4145.:30, 7-00. 3.-03 p. m.; Conway, 10 JO p. m.1 Fair Oaks, S 11(40 a. m.: Leetsdale, 8 8:30 p. m. TRAINS AKK1VE union station from Chleago, except Monday 10, d 8:00. d65 a. m., d 8:50 p. m. ; Toledo, except Monday 140, d :33 a. m., tit S. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. ra.: Youngs town and ew Castle, 8:10a.m., 13, 8:50, 10:15 p. m.;Nlle and Younsrstown. d 8 M p. m.: Cleveland, d 5:50a, m.. 2:23, 7:(0 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, ixa a. m 2:25, 7KU p. m.t Erie and Ashtabula, lra, 10:15 p. m.: MassUlon, lOrtO a. si.; NUes and Jamestown. 8:10 a. ra.; Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. nu. 1:10 d. m.. BockFolnt, S 825 p. m.; Leetsdala, AKKIVE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, a. m.: Conway. 8:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.: Beaver jitus. :iua. m s:u p. in.; .eetsaaie, f.w, o:u. 7'W a. m niw, ii .:uu, om ynw p Fair Oars. 8 8:85 a.m. ; Leetsdale; S 8MB Bock Z-oinc 9 a:ia p. m. 8. Sunday onlyt d, dally; other trains, except Sunday. iti B ALTIMOKE AND OHIO KAILROAD Schedule In effect Hit 12. l ton. D. C. Baltimore, Philadelphia and ror wasning- M. and hi York, S-JCO a.m.. and 9S0 n. m. lor Cum berland, '8:00 a. m., tl0, 'DOff p. m. For Con nellsvllle, $8:40 and 8KB a. m.. i:oe, 14S0 and 9:20 p.m. For Unlontown, t8:40, 3:00 a.m.. tlO0andi4:0Dp. m. For Mount Pleasant, :40 and MS0 a. m and tlrfM and 34:00 p. m. For Washington. Pa.. 6:4 t9M0 a. m., 3:3S, tS-M and 8JOp. m. For Wheeling, e-.ti. t9:40 a. m 1:35, "S p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. 6:45a.m.. "3:30p.m. ForColnmbnv 6:45and9:4C a. p.. J3:30 p. m. For Newark. "8:45, 43:40 a. m., 3:35, 8:J0 p.m. For Chicago, fl:45. t9: a. m.. 3:3j and. 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, 8:20 a. m. and "80 p. m. From Columbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago. "7:45 a. m. and 9S0 p. m. Fr0,2vheeUD 7!l5 100 a. m.. t5rtJ0, 9 00 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash ington and Cincinnati. nheeilng accommodation. 8:90 a. m., Sunday only. Connellsvllle accommodation at (3:35 a. m. Dally. IDally except Sunday, (bnnday onlr. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and ebeck baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner Firth avenue and Wood street. CHAS. O. BCULL, Ben. Pasi. Agt. J.T.ODELL, Oen.Mgr. ALLEOfiENY VALLEY BATLBOAl- , . Trains leave Union SUtlon (Eastern Standara tlme)i KltUnnlng Ac. t-J6 a. m.: Niagara EX;, dally. 8-45 a. nu, llulton Ac., 10.10 a. m.; y"y Camp Ac, 2.-05 p. m.t OU City and UuBoIs Ex press,::00 p.m. j Bnltcn Ac, 3 ) p.m. : Klttannln? AC, 4Kp.m.; BraeburnEsu, Kittaan lng Ac. 5.30 p. nut Braeburn Ac, 6:20p.m.: Hul ton Ae lua p.. m,s Buffalo Ex., dally. 8:50 p.jn.t Hulton Ac Si44 p.m.t Braeburn Ac, 11 aa p. m. Church trains waebnrn, 12:40 p. m. and Ids v.. m. Pnllman Parlor Buffet and Sleeping Cars betwselPtttsours; and Buffalo. JASTP. ANDERSON, e.T. Agt.5 DAYIO Me. jpnSfe vJiisKiB partem, . t