mass rxmFK &t THE TREND OF TRADE. A Pittsbnrs Flour Jobber Tells of a Tour in Minnesota. QUALITY OF SPKISG WHEAT KO. 1. Important Facts as to Crops in Western Pennsylvania. A PACKING HAY TBUST IS ORGANIZED OFFICE ofPittsbtjeg DisrATcn.! Thursday, Septembers, 1&S9. j S. 0. McMasters, one of our prominent flour jobbers, returned yesterday from a two weeks' trip through Minnesota. He says he went for a good time, and had it, weav ing pleasure with business. As to crops in the great spring wheat section of the United States, Mr. McMasters reports as follows: "I found sections where the wheat crop was light; but taking the entire State of Minne sota, there is a full average in quantity this season, and as to quality, I do not be lieve it was ever surpassed. Last season quality was below average, and good mill ing wheat was at a premium. Though the yield this season maynotbemuch, it any, above last, the quality is so much better that you may put down the crop of 1SS9 as a great improve ment over that of 16SS. In fact. I doubt it the Minnesota wheat belts ever did better than they have done this season. "The corn crop is also extra good In the North west. In ten days more corn will be out of all danger. Weather was just as favorable as it well could be through J uly and August There was a sufficiency of moisture, and enough dry, hot weather to bring the corn crop well up to maturity. Minnesota is not an oats country, but crops in this line reached their best this season." Mr. McMasters reports a hunting expedition from New Elm last week, of which ho formed a part, which returned laden with 21 prairie chickens and a dozen ducks. One of the fine, fat prairie chickens he is reported to have shot on the wing, but his modesty forbade him to confirm the story. The interview developed this fact as certain that Minnesota never yield ed a better wheat crop than this, and that the quality of flour made from new wheat will, as a whole, beat all former records. Crops Id Western Pennsylvania. A reliable trader who pays weekly visits to the farmers between Clinton and New Cum berland reports the trade situation as follows: "Eggs and butter are higher and firmer than a week ago. Last week I cl osed out my stock of eggs at ISc to stores. This week I sold 300 dozen at 20c Poultry was never as scarce in my memory as it is this season. With the greatest of difficulty I managed to get ten pairs of chickens for one or my customers. The po tato crop will not be as large on my beat as it promised a few weeks ago. A great many are rotting in the ground by reason of too much ram. "If frost will keep away until the last of Sep tember there will be a good average corn crop. This crop was very unpromising early in the season. It did not have a good start, owing to a late, wet spring. For the past two months the weather bureau has been very favorable to the corn crop, and If it will bnt continue so three weeks more the crop will be out of the woods. Two weeks' absence of frost would let a large portion out, and four weeks would let all out of trouble." An Item of Interest to Packers. The Daily Trade Bulletin, of Chicago, In Its issue of September 4, gives the following item, which interests all dealers in hog products: "The attorney of the Board or Trade gives the following opinion: Under section 4 of rule S3, pork packed in barrels on and about the 1st of October, placed in approved ice storage and prepared and packed as required by the regula tions relative to barreled or mess pork, is regular and deliverable on contracts, and it is not necessary that such pork shall remain in ice storage for 30 days or any number of days before it can be considered regular for de livery." Packing Hay Trust. The Kankakee Valley hay shippers organ ized a trust last week at Lacrosse. IntL, to pro tect themselves against the ruinous Driccs for packings hay which have prevailed tho past' year. The trust covers about three counties of that famous valley, from which Immense quan tities of packing bay come to this market Last year thepacking hay business was a losing tame. Money was lost by shippers in general. The association has been formed for protec tion, and so we now have a Packing Hay Trust, in addition to countless others which have in recent yesrs been launched on the commercial seas. Stock Handled in a Week. Following is a report of the week's transac tions at the Eat Liberty Stockyards: ltECEIITS. CATTLE. HOGS. SHEEP JThro'. Local. Thursday HO' .... 4.500 550 Friday l,(C0i ... 4,300 C60 Saturday. 420 60 2,100 C60 bnndsy ia) 1,640 3.675 J.S70 Mondsjr 1,720. lm 3,750 2.S30 Tuesday. ISO 50 oo Wednesday iooj to 3,400 ilJW Total 4,ax) 3,110 " 34.1a 9.S70 Thursday 1,320 Friday 7 2,743 50 fcalurday 933 244 Monday 2,463 4.I3G 4,Ot5 Tuesday. 630 1.217 1,536 Wednesday S3 2,437 212 Total 3,19 12,843 6,157 Br Tclccrnpli. New-York Beeves Receipts, 107 carloads for exportation, IS carloads for city slaughter ers direct and 3 carloads for the market; no trading in beeves; market steady for dressed beef at 5J7Jc per pound for native sides, and 4J5c lor Texas and Colorado stock. Ex ports to-day, 610 beeves and 740 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts. 730 head; market firm, with sales at J5S per 100 pounds for veals, and at S33 50 for buttermilks. Sheep Receipts. 5,900 head: market steady for sheep at S3 50 4 80 per 100 pounds; firmer for lambs at to 25l 6 75. a few choice lambs going at 7 and some culls at $-1 5005. Hogs Receipts, 5.500 head: market dull and lower at S4 404 70 per 100 pounds alive. KANSAS Citt Cattle Receipts, 4,261 head shipments, 2.95S head; ciaikct active and strong for good both natives and Texis; good to choice corn fed steere, $44 25; com mon to medium. S2 903 80; stockers and feeding steers, Jl 603 00; enws. Jl 352 50; grass ranee steers, $1 60$2 CO. Hogs Re ceipts. 3,928 head; shipments. 1,317 head; market strong; mixed and light, 10c higher heavy steady: good to choice light $4 154 25; heavy and mixed, f3 204. Sheep Receipts. 4,u neaa; sniuments, 3S9 head: market steady; good to choice muttons, 3 25&3 75; stockers and feeders, J22 75. Chicago Cattlo UecelDts. 11,500 head; shipments. 4,000 bead; market stead v, choice to extra beeves, 404 SO: steers, S3 004 50; stockers and lecders. 003 10: cows, bulls and mixed. Sl3; Texas cattle, 51 502 70: Western ranger. $2803 70. Hogs-Receipts. 17,000 head: shipments, 8,000 head; market MSiintc fimn ,......,. .1.1. roents, L500: market strong; natives, 34 65: c. i-'c?. ' "-""i "wuu:iamDS, 54 50o 8a ST: gJJS-paWe-Keeeipts, 1.200 head; ship, ments. yOOhead; market active and strong; choice heavy native steers, $4 3064 50: fair to good do. U fog 4 'JO; stockers and feeders nominally: range steers, 51 91WT2 7a Hois Receipts. 3, 460 head: shipments, oOU head: market 510c lower S'j-iS.f'i?1?6 " $3 SO 10: packing grades, S3 603 So; licht fair to best 54 104 30 Sheen Receipts. 2,901) head; shipments, 1.700 head; market active and hrm; fair to choice, $3 25 41 2ui , 5yrPt0EETBee,f o-Kle-Market slow: sales l-"6Kc lower; best beeves. 44 3-10c: ccnerallv rated flret quality, 333J4c; medium, 335ic: ordinary. 225ic; most ol the sales were from iyiUftt; icuciiJia, a,ii neaa: sales. 1,057 head. The arrivals or sheen and larnlis numbered 2. 5 head; quotations : sheep,SJ43ic; do lambs. 45Jc BUFFALO Cattle -Receipts, 40 carloads thronch: 20 carloads for sale; market dull and irregular. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 7 car loads through; 6 carloads for sale; market steady. Hoes Receipts, 21 carloads throuch; 50 carloads for sale; market dull; corn Yorkers Ji 50; others unchanged. ' Cincinnati Hogs steady: common and light 63 404 60; packing and butchers, 54 00 4 2a Receipts, 1,200 head: shipments, 500 head. Oletnl Mr.rkct. New York Pig Iron steady. Copper weak lace, SeDtember, 511 01 Lead quiet and strong; domestic, $4 02W. Tin Spot stronsr: futures weak; Straits. 520 7a MARKETS BY WIRE. Heavy Feeling In the Wheat Pit A Proml. nent Operator Holds Up December Bcnrish Cables Corn Rnllles on Reports of Frost Hoc Pro ducts Tame. Chicago There was a continuation of yes terday's dullness in the speculative market for (vbeat to-day, and iu the absence of stimula ting news or outsido support the feeling was again quite heavy. That the price did not get below.7Sc for December was probably due to the fact that a prominent local operator stood ready to buy all the crowd would sell at that. It was a light, scalping deal all day, there be ing no outside orders either way and no con centrated local buying. Early cables, though non-conimital, were upon tho whole, bearish in tone. Closing quo tations for futures were about c below these of yesterday, with trading confined largely to December and Mav. Fluctuations were ex tremely narrow throughout, is covering all of the changes. A fair business was transacted in com, and the feeling developed was firm, trading being at slightly higher price. The strengthening factor was reports of frost last night in some sections of tho West, and the market opened firm at yesterday's closing prices but soon sold offejjjc, offerings being large. Local longs sold freely. A reaction followed the early de cline and the market recovered, which was due to indications of frosts in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana to-night The market fluctuated fre quently within ie range, final quotations be ing He below yesterdav. Oats were unsettled.' Reports of bad weather and the advance in corn bad a strengthening effect on the market and induced liberal buy ing of May, which opened c higher. For a time trading was brisk after bujers had been filled up, weaknesses set in and prices receded ic rallied He, bnt reacted at the close. Early in the day a moderately active business was done in pork. Prices ruled somewhat higher, closing at about medium figures. Only a small trade was reported in lard and the feeling was easy. Prices ruled 25c lower and the market closed quiet at meuium figures. Trading was fairlyactive in ribs and the feel ing was somewhat unsettled and prices were lnegular. Early the market was stronger and prices 25c higher, but with moderately free offerings an easier feeling prevailed, prices de clined 7j10c and closed steady at medium figures. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2, October. 7iTiU7T6 77c: December. 79k79K779c: year, t6V7K77K77Kc; May, t3Sffl4&8383c. Cokn No. 2, October. 3l(s3i4Q33 igaayjc; iovemuer, anaoii&'SKie'SBlc: .Decem ber. S3Ji633c Oats No. 2. October. 19;19U19319c; December. 202020Ji20c; May, ii 23c Mess Pork, per bbl. October, S10 5010 70 610 40010 55; year. J8 87k8 85; January, S9 17Kg9 209 12KS9 15. . Lakd, per 100 lbs. October. $5 97K5 97J4Q 6 9(i5 90: November. $5 805 75: January, ?o 80 05 805 72K65 75. Short Ribs, per 100 Ihs. October. $5 05 5 054 95(34 95; January. Si 674 e Cash quotations were as tollows: Flour steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 77c: No. 3 spring wheat, 6970c; No. 2 red, 77c No. 2 corn. Styic No. 2 oats, lBJc No. 2 rye, 42c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax seed. Jl 26K. Prime timothy seed, S8. Mess pork, per bbL $10 5a Lard, per 100 pounds. S6 02k605. Short nb sides (loose), 15 005 05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $4 5u4 62f Short clear sides (boxed), S5 37i5 oO. Sugars, unchanged. Re ceipts Flour, 15.000 barrels; wheat, 150.000 bushels; corn. 435,000 bushels; oats, 362,000 bushels;rye, lS,OOObushels;barley,PO,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 11,000 barrels: wheat 119. 000 bushels: corn. 372,000 bushels: oats, 392,000 bushels: re, none; barley. 4.-000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-dav the butter market was unchanged. Eggs at liibc. New York Flour weaker and fairly active. Corumeal dull. Wheat Spot moderatively active, weak and c lower; options dull at c decline, closing steady. Rye unsettled. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot fairly active, chiefly for export and Kc higher; options active, irregular and Jgc lower. Oats Spot stronger and fairly active; options moderately active. Hay quiet Hops quiet and weak. Coffee Options steadv at o10 points up; sales, 37.000 baps, includingSeptemher. 15.45: October. layjfiriiLtwci.iufcu.uci, ij.Ajgitj.uix:; uay, ij.ii ' 15.0c: spot Rio firm; faircargoes. 19Kc Sugar Raw steady and quiet; fair refining oc; cen iruugai, at" test, oic: rennea nrm; good aeiuana. Molasses New Orleans quiet; open kettle, good to fancy, 23346c. Rice steadv and moderate de mand. Cottonseed oil quiet Tallow firm. Rosin fairly active and firm. Turpentine steady and quiet at 4144Kc Eggs, moderate demand and stcadj; Western, 1719r; receipts, 4.950 packages. Cutmeats flrm;pickled bellies, sales 7c: Dickled shoulders. iKiiiMc: nlckled hams. 10llc Middles strong; short clear. 55 75. Lard lower and dull; western steam. $6 45; sales choice at K 50: October. S630; November, M 16; December, S6 13: January. $6 13. Butter quiet; western dairy, 912c: do creamery, ll19c Cheese quiet and steady; Western, 0KKc Pnn.ADEi.pniA flour very dull, and prices ruled in .buyers' favor. Wheat weak and lower: sales, choice rejected in ex port elevator. Tic; No. 3 red in do, 75)c; steamer No. 2 red in ao. 7SJc; No. 2 red in do. 81c: No. 2 red. September. WAQSllic: October. S2Wg)S25ic: November. mtSSUe-.Sei cembcr. 84gb4Kc Corn Quiet but firm: sales. No. 2 high mixed, in grain depot 43Jc: No. 2 mixed in export 'elevator, 42c: No. 2 mixed, September. 4242Jic; October, 4242Kc; November, 42434c; December, 4142c. Oats Car lots firmer and prices generally U yyc higher; sales. No. 3 mixed, 21c; No. 2 mixed, 23c: No. 3 white, 21c: No. 2 white. 26c; do. choice, 27c; fancy clipped. No. 1 white. 35c: futnres strong, and advanced i& Jc; No. 2 white, September. 26Ji26)c: Oc tober. 27K27?ic; November, 2SV2S2c; December. 2929j$c Butter Fancy good firm; Pennsylvania extra creamery, 18c; do, prints do, 2226c. Eegsfirm; Pennsjlvania firsts, 20c St. Louis Flour dull but firm. Wheat weakness in corn, with dull and lower cables and declines at other points caused the market to ease off from the opening until Jcfbwer later partially recovering, but closiug weak and VHSMz below yesterday; No. 2 red, cash. 76c; September, 76J7GXc closed, 76c asked; December. 7878;i78;j!c closed, 7S4c asked. Corn Cah lncher; options lower; No. 2 mixed, cash, 30Jc; September, SOJic closed. SOic asked; October, S09i31c closed, 30Jc asked; December, 30ysMXc closed, 30Jic asked; year, 3030c closed 30J?c; January. 30303ic -closed. 30Kc asked: May, 32J434ic closed, 3232kc asked. unts dull and ueak: ?.n 1 mch miz. tn 22Jc asked: September, 18c bid; October! l!c bid. Rye-No. 2, 3Sc Flaxseed un changed at $1 22. Provisions very dull. Cincinnati Flour easv. Wheat firm: No. 2 red 76Jc; receipts, 820 bushels: shipments, S.02Q. Corn firm: Is o. 2 mixed. 34 Xc Oats firm No. 2 mixed, 2121c Rye In fair demand; Is o. 2. 4344c Pork quiet and steady at Sll 25. Lard firm at 56 15. Bulkmeats steady and firm: short ribs, S5 155 2a Bacon firm: short clear 56 25. Butter steady. Sngar weaker. Eggs steady at 14c Cheese quiet and firm. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat easy: cash, 73c; December, 76JgC. Corn steady; No.3,33Jc Oats steady: No.2white. 2222c Rye easier; No. L 42c Barley nominal: No. 2, 5Sc Provisions firm. Pork Cash. 510 55; Octo ber.SlOGO. Lard Cash, $6 00: October. 55 9a Cheese higher: Cheddars. SK8c Baltimore Provisions weak. Butter firm; western packed, 1013c: creamery, 1718c Egg, 19c Coffee firm; cargoes fair at 19Kc Toledo Cloverseed weak and lower; Octo ber and November, 54 45; December 54 62. ONE CONGRESSMAN JIAPP1. Every Postmaster in His District, Big and Little, Changed. ISrXCIAI. TZLEGBAU TO TUX DISPATCII.l "Washington, September 5. At least one Republican Congressman is perfectly satisfied with the administration, and that is Representative Sherman, of New York, who is now in the city. While he ad mits that the Presidental Postmasters come somewhat slow, he points with pride to the fact that there is not in his district a fourth-class postoffice worth $200 a year or upward, not one in fact that any body would want, but has been filled. He is proud of the additional fact that while under Cleveland the trst fourth-class postmaster in his dis trict wasn't appointed until July 30, under this administration all of the lourth-class offices, worth 5200 or upward, were filled. Mr. bhernian is happy, and asserts that if other Congressmen have not got as much it was because of their own inactivity. Beecham's Pills cure sick headache Pears' boap, the purest and best ever made Ten Thousand. Though most houses are unprepared with new fall stylesour counters are crowded with the newest, brightest and most fashion able clothing ever seen in this city. All the latest fall styles in both rough and smooth faced goods we display, and to introduce them we will sell 10,000 men's suits at the two bargain prices of fl2 and $15. These suits are cut, trimmed and finished equal to custom make, and at 12 and $15 are the greatest value ever offered. Sale starts at 8 o'clock this morning. Pittsburg Combina tion Clothing Company. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond its., opp. the new Court House,. ,.. THE ADVANCE IN REALTY. An Upward Movement That Touches Every Part of the Long Line. THE BUSINESS IN GOOD SHAPE. Brokers Divided on the Proposition to Adopt Trading in Fntnres. TAKING THE SHINE OUT OF SUGAE TKUST Owners of real estate are responding to the revival in trade with an advance in values all along the line. Said Samnel "W. Black yesterday: "There has been a notable advance in real estate within the past few weeks. I could make a number of sales if the owners would accept what they asked three months ago. Several properties have been withdrawn from the market, the owners being at a loss to set a price. A fine property in the East End has jumped from 530,000 to 535,000 in a few days. I could mention several other similar cases. The advance ranges from 15 to 20 percent. There is no particular reason for the enhance ment so far as I know. I suppose it is tho, re sult of the heavy demand." For Sumo time a quiet movement has been going on amonc certain members ot the Stock Exchange to secure an amendment of the rules legalizing sales for future delivery, as is done in New York and other cities. In response to a call for a meeting of members to consider the proposition they came together yesterday but without making a decision adjourned to Monday afternoon next, when this matter will probably be settled one way or the other. It is urged against the change that it is unnecessary, as futures can be dealt in under existing rules. Thefriendsof the project contend that its adoption would broaden the field of action by placing other properties on the list,' which would attract the floating Interest and close up the bucket shops, thereby improving the char acter ot speculation and increase the import ance and influence of the Exchange, the maintenance of which is essential to the pros perity of the city. Opinion as to the propriety of the Innovation is divided, but the weight of it seems to be in opposition. The meeting on Monday promises to be one of the liveliest held at the Exchange for a long time. The shine is being taken out of the Sugar Trust which has been quite a favorite with certain Pittsburg speculators. The Daily Vindicator, a Wall street publication, says: "The feeling on the street regarding Sugar Trust certificates is becoming more bearish daily. Reputable stock commission houses re fuse to permit their customers to trade in them upon margins, while the leading banks will not accept them upon any basis in loans. The clique is setting into a very tight place. The Southern nugar crop promises to be the largest in the history of this country, and bids fair in consequence to materially reduce, if not wipe out, the profits of the Trust The insiders who are familiar with this state of things are more than anxious to throw over their holdings, but" they find it impossible to get a market for them, and are now afraid a crash in these things may come before they will be able to un load. Every trick known to the wily stock gambler is being employed to saddle the public with these certificates, and if they do not suc ceeded in doing it it will not be for the want of trying." The real estate market is in an excellent con dition for the season. In fact it is active, con sidering that about 50 per cent of those who dabble in it are out of the city. The demand is largely for small-sized building lots, large properties, especially business sites, being temporarily neglected. Among the trans actions yesterday were sales by Black it Baird of eight lots in North Homestead to parties who will build on them this season. The Government engineer in charge of the Potomac lately announced some strange facts concerning the planting of willow trees. In vestigation showed that the water reached a height of 2 feet 7 inches above the high water mark of the freshet of 1877. which is the highest known or recorded freshet The benefit of planting willows upon new lands bas been jus tified. That portion of the newly-made flats upon which willows were planted was pro tected from washing, so that practically no damage was done there, while in portions of the improvement which were not so protected, there was great loss. There is nothing new to be said of the iron market this week. Prices hold Arm, and will go higher should coke be materially advanced. Orders for all descriptions of iron are coming in freely, and the mills are working up to their full capacity. The demand for pipe is some thing extraordinary, and in some cases orders for immediate delivery have been refused. The prospect is good for a continnauce of ac tivity throughout the fall and winter. It bas been a matter of much historical inquiry and mental speculation as to the origin of the name Sheboygan, Many years ago, according to the latest version, when the red man of the forest ruled supreme, the chief of a tribe who had his wigwam on the site of what is now the Cucker Chair Company plant was the father of a papoose, but constitutionally a weak and puny boy, having the mental traits of a girl and an effeminate disposition, which mado tho uld chief allude to his offspring as "she-boy." xne years rolled around, and an other heir was presented to the Indian. He glanced at the little delicate mite of humanity, turned up bis nose at its sickly appearance, and, shrugging his shoulders, gave expression to the regular Indian "Ugh!" and said. "She boy again!" and stalked away. Ever since then the place was called "Sheboyagaln," which a more enlightened civilization has cor rupted to Sheboygan. Borne genius a Yankee, no doubt has made the discovery, or rather makes the assertion, that a fly always walks upward. Put a fly on a window, and np be goes toward the top: he can't be made to walk downward. So an in ventor has made a screen divided in half. The upper part laps over the lower, with an inch space between. Well, as soon as a fly lights on the screen, he proceeds to travel upward, and thus walks straight out doors. By this means, a room can be quickly cleared of files. UXLOADINGr A FAVORITE. La Norla the Only Active Feature of the Stock Market. La Norla was the active feature of the stock market jesterday, colng off like hot cakes at and 1. A broker remarked: 'This looks to me like inside selling on private information that the enterprise is a failure. I may be mis taken, but that is the way it strikes me." Two small lots of Central Traction brought 31, showing that the stock is holding its own. Washington Oil broke a long silence by selling in a small way at 102. There was no move ment in anything else, and no material chano in figures. Bids, oilers and sales were: " "OHSING. ArTERSOOIf. Hid. Pitts. ret-S.AM.Kx. City Savlnps Bank.... Cltv Deposit Bank... Masonic Hank Knterprlse savings. .. Citizens' Insurance... Humboldt Insurance ,... a, iia. Askea. 405 470 450 60 60 60 Sh "w 33 43 38 43 Alononirahela Ins Charllers Val. Has Co. soj4 Nat. (iu Co. or w. va. I'eople's X. U. & P. Co Pennsylvania Uas Philadelphia Co Whecllnr Uas Co Forest Oil Co Ventral Traction - Ultirens' 'fraction Pittsburg Traction.... Pleasant Vallev I'. Ky. Pitts., Alle. & Man.... Pitts. June K. IE. Co.. P., C. ASt,L.K.f6.Co. Pitts. & Western B. K. F. A W. K. It Co. pref Union liridpe.. ......... La Gloria Mining Co... Yankee blrl illn. Co.. Westintbonse Electric 7J VX "37 30 102H 31 37 30) "Six 702 37 30 31K esu 202 243 30 20 13 20 18. 202 243 1 S1K . 52 '(2 U.S. Slg. CO.. ay 22J At the morning call 25 shares of Central Traction sold at 3 700 La Norla 1. and 1.500 at IK. In the afternoon there were sales of 25 Central Traction at 81K. 3 Washington Oil at 102, and 800 La Norla at 1. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 372,190 shares, Including: Atchison, 10.000: Delaware. Lackawanna and Wmi 43,770; Erie, 5,000: Lake Shore, 1&100; Louisville and Nashville, 23,200; .Missouri Pacinc, -12,500; PITTSBUEG ' " DISPATCH, Northern Pacific, 11,600; do preferred, 32,800 Oregon Transcontinental, 9,400: Reading, 47,160; .nicuniouu iuu p csii 1 uiuk iivi .-;' 700; Union racinc, 7,0; western union, ' THE CHANQB,C0M1NG. Bankers Report a Better Demand for Money Bond Purchases. 'The old story told dally at the banks was slightly varied yesterday by statements that there was an improvement In the loan demand. "We are not very busy yet," remarked a cash ier, "but expect to bo before long. Business will require considerable money between now and the holidays, but we expect to be able to supply the demand." Another banker said: '"The only new feature that I am aware of is a better demand for money to meet which and have enough left for emergencies the East has been drawn on for considerable amounts. This will make cur renev ensier " Checking was heavy, but other routine lines were only a fair average. The clearings were $2,209,050 02, and the balances $259,831 42. Since August 3, 1887, to and including Satur day last when $106,200 were accepted, the Trea sury Department has purchased $77,805,350 4 per cent bond, and $118,185,350 4K Per cent bonds, or a total of $195,490,700. Their cost was $226,852,875, and they would have cost at ma turity 5269.724.522, so that the Government has saved 142,871,446. In the last ten days the pur chases aggregated $17,978,800, at a cost of $22, 515,359. The largest purchase was on Aucust 27. when $6,329,600 was paid out for $4,945,000 in bonds. Money on call atNew York yesterday was easy at 203 per cent: last loan, 8K; closed offered at3jj. Prime mercantile paper, 57. Sterling exchange quiet but steady at 54 &fyi for 60-day bills and $4 87 for demand. Closing- Bond Quotations. u. S. ,reg 1:7 U.S. 4s. coun :..12S M. K. ft T. Gen. 5s . SS Mutual Union 6s.. ..1013 N. J. (J. Int. Cert...ll2M Northern Pac lsts..U5? Northern Pac. 2ds..lI5 Northw't'n consols. 146W U. S.4Xs,rejr 103V u. s. isj, coup.... llJ( Pacific 6 of SS. IIS Loulslanastampedta im JU1S50UX1 89 1U094 1'enn. new set 6j....l05li Tenn. new set. 5s... .104 Northw'n deben's..H5)i Orciron & Trans. Gs.105 St. L. A I. SI. Gen. 5s 83 St. L.&S.F.Gen.Jl.ltS 81. Paul consols ....123 St.P1..0hi A Pclsts.lIS)i Tenn. newset.33.... 73V iiuaaa so. zas yoft Cen. Pacificists lHit, Den. &K. a., Itj...l22 Den. & It G. 4s 78 D.&Ita.Westlsu. 10S Erle.2ds 104 M. K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 63 Tx., Pc.L.G.Tr Ks. 90S Tx.. Pc. K. G.Tr.Kcts S3S4 Union Pac. lsts...-ua) West Shore 1 Government and State bonds were dull and steady. New Tore Bank clearings, $141,012,596; bal ances. $6,031,026. Boston Bank clearings, $14,859,860; balances, SL432 033. Money, 22 per cent Philadelphia Bank clearings, 113,034,962; balances. $1,570,788. Baltimore Bank clearings 52,019,801; bal ances, $327,463. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bane of England on balance to-day is 71000. The bullion in the Bank of England decreased 99,000 during tne past week. The proportion ot the Bank of England's reserve to liability is now 40.83 per cent Paris Three per cent rentes. 85f 90c for the account The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows an increase of 1,400,000 francs gold and 750,000 francs silver Chicago Money on call, 5 percent: time loans, 67 per cent Bank clearings, 511,804, 000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,506,400; balances, $682,347. DULL AND WEAK. The OH Market, Llko the Lobster, Making Progress Backward. There was no improvement in the oil market yesterday. On the contrary it was weakor and, if possible, duller than on Wednesday. It opened at 9S, which was the highest broke to 96 on selling in New York, and closed on a ral ly at 91. Trading here was very light: cash 011 was even auncr man regular and c lower. Wednesday's clearings were 376,000 barrels. Fentnrea of the Market. Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened , 98 (Lowest 96 97 Barrels. 25,283 72,1150 11,321 Ml Llghest.. , 93 Closed.. Averaeernns Average shipments Average charters Kenned, New York, 7.20c HeflneK, London, 5 13-IGd. Refined, Antwerp. lXr- Befined. Liverpool, 6jd. A. B. McQrew & Co. quote: Puts, calls, 8c 9Kc; Washington Wells. Washington; Pa.. September 5. The con dition of noon to-day was -as. fol lows: Burns &. Co:, Knntz No. 1, 11 bits in the sand, with a small showing of oil. Barrows' well did not improve on deeper drilling. Mc Quay No. 1 got a showing of oil in the "Big Injun" sand. The extent of the strike is not known yet The Wright wildcat near Hill's station, is dne to-night Haggerty No. Sim proved on deeper drilling and Is now doing 150 barrels. Other Oil markets. On. Crnr. September 5. National transit cer tificates opened at97c; highest 88c; lowest, 96Xc; closed, 97c Bradford, September 5. National transit certificates opened at 97Jc; closed at 97c; highest 87c; lowest, 93c TrrusyrLLE, September 5. National transit certificates opened at 97c; highest 98c; lowest, 96c; closed, 97c New YORK,September 5. Petroleum opened firm at 97-c, but after the first sales became weak and declined to 96c; supporting orders then caused a slight rally, and the market closed steady at 96. Total sales, 803,000 bar rels. A FEW MORE. Enough Dlovement In Really to Show the Interest Is A lire. C. Berlnger 4 Son. No. 103 Fourth avenue, sold for William AViekle a frame house and two lots in Heidleburg, near Mansfield, for $2,000. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenne, sold to Philip Kraneter two lots on La Force street, Twenty-seventh war.l. Sontbside. each 20x140 feet being lots Nos. 77 and 78 in the People's Savings Bank plan, for 500. The Yankee Girl Mine. According to the Denver Republican this mine, the stock of which is held almost entire ly in Pittsburg, bids fair to be a slmon pure bonanza. Superintendent Schwartz a week ago opened up the richest body of ore ever found in the mine. Two cars of the ore are worth from 30,000 to S40.000; the strike was made between the fourth and fifth levels, and is the main body of the Springer, that was worked out in 1S55. Ore was sold In Denver for 54,200 per ton; an JSOO brick was melted out of one sack. The new ore body is strictly the same character, and specimens shown in town to-day are one half silver. It is claimed that the ore body cannot be worked ont in a year, and ten days will suffice to wipe out the debt on the proper ty. All Red Mountain is jubilant over the strike, and other properties are starting up with renewed vigor. Transferring the Stock. The work of transferring the stock of the Hand street bridge to the Pleasant Valley Bail way Company commenced yesterday, and will probably be completed to-day. The railway company will at once proceed to build a new Driuge wnicn win cost siuu,uuu. The new bridge will have 4-5-foot spans, and there will be two foot ways and four tracks. STILL GAINING. The Upward Movement in Stocks Exhibits StnjhiB Powers Nearly Everything Uisher nt tho Close The Grnnsers and the Coalers Connplcaoasl; Slronc. New Yoke, September 5. The stock mar ket was again very active and decidedly streng to-day, the weakness seemingly having en tirety disappeared from the list. The con tinued animation was largely the result of buy ing orders from outside sources, though the most influential of these was the buying of the Western stocks by the Chicago party, which mado the Grangers to-day the leading stocks with the exception of the Coalers! The Vil lards occupied rather a secondary position in the market, though there was liberal buying of those shares by brokers supposed to act for the insiders, and the impression that, the pur chases for Mr. Villard had been completed was not bo mucn ueueveu. The bearish feeling based upon frosts in the West was very smalt, and while there was a feeling thattbe reaction should have continued further there was considerable hesitancy in making further short sales. The Coal stocks were the great feature of the day, and the etfect of the recent demonstration of harmony In continuing the restrictive policy finally scared the shorts In those shares and a liberal covering movement was chiefly responsible for the rise to-day. The smaller coal andiron companies were specially strong and the Ten nessee Coal was also helped by rumors of im provements to be made by new capitalists inter- esfccu iu buo cumpany. AraonEtheepecialtteswhichexhibltedmarked J .-X FRIDAY "" SEPTEMBER " strength were Manitoba, Wisconsin Central, Tennessee Coal, Wheeling and Lake Erie pre ferred, and Kingston and Pembroke. Wheel ing and Lake Erie advanced on the continued good earnings and hints of developments In the stock from London, where a large amount of it has lately been sent The London prices this morning were generally lower, but our market opened higher, with advances over last night's figures extending to. per cent The market was rather quiet at first but Northern Pacific and the Coal stocks became very strong, and marked activity was soon developed, the upward movement extending rapidly to the rest of the list The advance was so rapid, however, that a material reaction took place before noon, and a decided weakness was de veloped in Cotton Oil. The market regained its tone after 12 o'clock and the strength began to show in the special ties, many of which scored handsome .gains, while the upward movement in tho active stocks was slow but steady. Toward the last hour realizing sales checked the progress of the advance and fractional reactions were made all over the list but the close was active and firm to strong at close to the best prices of the day. The list is almost Invariably higher. Manitoba and Wheeling and Lake Erie pre ferred rose 2: Tennessee Coal. 2: Lacka wanna, Hi; Jersey Central, 2; Wisconsin Cen tral, 1; Lake Shore, IK: Louisville and Nash ville; Vfc Reading and Northern Pacific pre ferred, 1 per cent, and others fractional amounts. Railroad bonds were dull, though the number traded in was much larger than usual. The only features of the day were the evenly dis tributed business and the generally firm tone. The sales were only $908,00a The following table snows tne prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dailv for tub Dispatch by Whitney iSTXPntNSON, oldest Pittsburg mem bers of .New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Clos- Open in r Am. cotton Oil. ...... 62K Atch.. Top. & s.r.... S8H Canadian Pacific 6Mi Canada Southern H Central or .New Jersey.H7H Chesaneake & Ohio.... 24! inr Kid. 52X 39 63X S4K 11S 21H 108S 74K 1I5S 103H 14 Xl vA 1004 113)4 74 101 H c Bur. a ....I08M C, Mil. s, St Paul. . n O.. JUU.A8t.l-.. or... V., iiocKl. 41' 102 O., St. L. & Pitts C, St L. & Pitts, pf.. 34 C 3t.-P..M. AO MX o st.i.,ji.o., pr. .... C. Northwestern.. ..11275 O., C, C. A 1 75 C, C, C. 41., pf 101 Col. Coal 4 iron 30tf Col. 4 Rocklus: Vat .. 18 Del.. L. A W 147 Del. 4 Hudson 153 E.T.. Va. AGa 10 E. T., Va. 4 Us. 1st p.V .... E. T.. Va. 4Ga. 2dpf. 23 103 102 4 33" is" 35 35 High- Low' esL est S3 52 39 38 63 65S4 55 M 119 117 24H 24 109!4 108 74 73 113 112 75 74 :oi ma Ji a 18 is 150 147 155 153 10 10 23 23 IP 19 C4 64 Mo 104 73 72 92 91 14 14 13 12 7i 74 108 107 28 28 68U 68 18 17 a us 33 37 51 50 17 17 54 84" 36 35 77 75 23 22 31 18, S '$ 72 VLX 1I6H VX 64 lOiH 73H 81H 14 13 74 jos (S8 18 69 3!X SI 17 16H H UX 7614 22 W SS 34 21 46 17 iSH 80 109 27 61K 110 21 M 64 17 luinoii uentrai Lake Erin 4 Western.. 1SV Lake Krle 4 West nt. 64 Lake Shore 4 m. S 104 Louisville 4 Nashville. 72 Mlcultan centra 91 Mobile Ohio 14 Mo.. Kan. 4 Texas.... 12 Missouri facWc 74 New York Central 107" N. V.. L. E. 4 W 28 N.X".,L.E. 4 W.prer.. 681 N. X.. C. 4 St. u. 17 N. I., U. 4 St L. pr.. 63 N.V.. C. 4St.Lf.2dCf 33 N. Y4N. E 50 A. 1".. O. 4 W 17 Norfolk A Western Norfolk 4 Western, nf. Northern Pacific Mortnern Pacific nref. 35 76 UQ10& uisslsslnnl 23 Oregon Improvement. "rcg-on iranscon ao Pacific Mail Peo. Dec. Evans Phlladel. 4 Heading;., si Pullman Palace Car.. .180 Richmond 4 W. P. T.. 23 Klchmond 4 80 St. P., Ulna. 4 Man. .107V StL. 4San Fran 28 St. L. 4 San Fran pr..'61 St.L. 4 Ban P. 1st pf. Texas Paclflo 21 Union Pacific 63 Wabasn Wabash preferred 33 Western Union 85 Wheeling 4 L. E. 71 Sncar Trnst 108 .National Lead Trust.. 23 Chicago Gas Trust 61 36 36 45 ISO 23X 8U 107 27 61 33, 851, 71 108 72 108 21 61 Philadelphia fltoclu. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex- cnanpe. Pennsylvania Kallroad Reading Bnflalo. Plttsburc and Western. Lehlfth .Navigation Northern Pacific Northern Pacific preferred Bid. Asked. ,. S3 M .. 23 3-16 .. 10 .. U .. 35 ..76 ??K 10.14 53 35 76 Doatnn Stocks. Atch. 4 Toe, 1st 7s. 113 A.4T. LandGr't7s.l08 Atch. A Top. It K... 39 .Boston 4 Albany.. .21654 Boston 4 JUalne.....203U U. B, 4(1. 1065 IClnn. San. 4 Cleve. 24 .Eastern B. it 100 TUnt4 rere.ll 29)4 Pllnt4PereM. nrd. 93 Mexican Cen. com.. 15 Mex.C.lstmtg.bas. 67 N. y. ifteirsnt... 51 X. Y. 4N.E.7....12SX Old Colony. 178 ttutlsnd preferred.. 45 29H Wis. Central pr.... 61 AIIouezMs;Co(new). 70 Calumet 4 Reda....220 Catalna u Fronuin. 10 Huron y Osceola. 10 Pewablo (new) 2 Qulncy 54 Bell Telepnone 238 Boston Land 6 Water Fower ft Tamarack 104 SanDlejto 27 ThoDrjooods market. New York. September 6. Interest In dry goods still centers in the jobbing trade, which continued active and steady, all descriptions of goods meeting with ready sale at good prices, though there Is no speculative movement At first hands business was fair, with a steady, healthy demand. Brown and bleached cottons were in good request, and there was increased business in colored cottons and three-yard Southern sheetings. Prints were In good de mand and in light supply. Woolen goods were In fair request The market was unchanged, with prices generally firm. Wool Market. St. Louis Receipts, 5,910 pounds: market quiet and steady. THE COUNTERS WAS MAD. She Creates a Scene nt a Dance at the Governor Genernl's. Quebec, Septembers. Quebec society is agitated over an encounter that occurred an evening or two ago in the presence of the Governor General between two well-known society ladies of this city, one the Countess De Londieres, wife of the Chancellor of the French consulate at Quebec, and the other a sister ol the Attorney General of the Province of Quebec, and the wife of a prominent French journalist. The ladies were included in a select company of about a hundred guests, that "were invited by the Governor General and Lady Stanley to a dance at the vice-regal quarters, at the Citadel, with the Admiral and officers of the North American fleet, now here, and with the Lieutenant Governor of the Province and party. The Countess, while promenading with a Eartner of the previous dance, spied her usband on the other side of the ballroom having on his arm a young married lady, of this city, who is not only exceedingly prominent in Quebec's best society, but also deservedly esteemed lor her amiability of manner and propriety of conduct. The Countess dashed over to her husband, and tearing l'iui from the lad v on his arm, ordered him to come home with her at once. One rumor alleges that the Countess struck the other lady in the face with her fan. STARTING TO DEATH. An Eccentric Character Who Proposes to End His Lite Bis Wny. rSPECIAI. TEI.EOKAM TO TUB DISPATCH. Saratoga, September 5. Jim Stearncs, of Hadley, iu this county, has for many years lived a lonely and eccentric life. He is now making arrangements for his death and burial. Some years ago he made the coffin in which he desires to be buried, and which he has kept in the house as a convenient article in which to keep his clothing. He recently bought a piece of ground in which he has dug bis own grave. On the 1st of September he commenced his last, with the avowed deter mination to end his life in that way, declar ing that he does not regard death by volun tary starvation as snicide. ,Stearnes is of quite a religious turn of zdind, and has made arrangements to have all his property invested in Testaments (by distribution among the poor. He ist cheerful, but firm in his determination to go without food, asserting that as he had nothing to do with his cording Into the world, he means to go ont of mat such time and in such manner as he maychoose to adopt. Fron HOBSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE For the Tired Brala over-exertion. Try it ' 6, 1889. ' 7rJ DOMESTIC MARKETS. Good Butter and Eggs Firm andVegetables Also. -Trait POULTRY SCARCE IN THIS EEGIOIT. Heavy Cereal EeceiptaOata and Hay ire Firmer in Tone. PACKAGE CMTEE MUSI GO HIGHER Omra 0 the PrrrsBTTBa Dispatch, J Thursday, September 5, 1S& J Country Prodnce Jobblos Price. There are no new features in markets. Trade Is quiet Eggs that are sure are firm at out side quotations. The same Is true of butter. Apples and sweet potatoes are poor stock. Large quantities of pears have been coining to market for a few days in very bad shape. Stuff in all fruit and vegetables is in excessive sup ply. Overripe bananas are abundant and prices are nominal. A great scarcity of poultry in the region around Pittsburg for 100 miles is re ported. Unless distant sections come to onr relief, the Christmas turkey will go above the usual price this season. Butter Creamery, Elgin, Zier Ohio do, 2021c; fresh dairy packed, 1617c; country rolls, 1416c Beans Navy hand-picked beans. $3 403 GO; medium, $2 302 40. Beeswax 2830c W lb for choice; low grade, 18 20c. Cidkb Sand refined, 6 50Q7 0; common, 3&0100: crab cider.. SS0080 V barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c 9 gallon. CHEESE Ohio. 8i38ke: New York. 10c: Lim- burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, !12c; imported Sweitzer, 22a Eaas 1718c y dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, 41 502 00 p barrel; pine apples. SI 001 25 fl dozen; whortleber ries, 7580c $) pall; watermelons, $20 0025 00 ff hundred; peaches. $2 503 00 ft bushel box; crapes, 57o ft pound; Bartlett pears, $5 fl bar rel. Feathers Extra live eeese. 50ffl60c: No. L do, 4045c: mixed lots, 3035c $ ft. Potjltby Live spring chickens, 4045c pair; old, 65Q70c l pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Its to bushel, !o 60 ?) bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 00; clover. Alslke, J8 60; clover, white, 19 00; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy. It fts, SI 00; orchard grass, 14 fts, SI 65; red top, 14 fts. SI 25; millet 50 fts, SI 00; German millet 60 fts, SI 60; Hungarian grass, 60 As. SI 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, S3 60 fl bushel of 14 fts. TALLow-Country, 4Jic; city rendered, 43 5c Teopicai. Fbotts Lemons, common, $5 60 6 00; fancy, 50 006 50; oranges, $5 00 5 50; bananas, SI 75 firsts, SI 25 good seconds, fl bunch; cocoanuts, f4 004 60 ft hundred; figs, 8K9c ft ft; dates. 6H66J4C V egetables Potatoes, SI 2501 40 ft barrel; tomatoes, home-grown, SI 2501 60 ft bushel; wax beans, SI ft bushel; green beans, 6075c ft bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, SI 60 ft bushel; radishes, 2540c ft dozen; home-grown, cab bages, 60c ft bushel; new celery, home-grown, 40c ft dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, S3 00 3 25. Jerseys, S4 004 60. Groceries. Jobbers here wonder that package coffee fails to go up since Eastern markets for the green article have been on the ascent for ome weeks. Sugar is steady. Green CorrEE-Fancy Rio, 21X22Kc; choice Rio. 1920Kc; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio, 19K20&c; low grade Rio, 1718Mc: old Gov ernment Java, 26c: Maracaibo, i23c; Mocha, 2728c: Santos. 1922)c; Caracas. 2022c; pea berry, Rio, 2224c; La Guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, I3c; high grades, 2526c; old Government Java, bulk. 3131Jc; Maracaibo. 2627c; 8antos, 2022Jfc: peaberry, 25c: peaberry, choice Rio, 23Kc; prime Rio, 21Wc: good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 2uHc. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test 7c: Ohio, 120. 8Kc; headlight lm 8Kc; water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine, Hc;royaIine, 14c bYBUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice suear syrups, 33ffi38c: prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime. 8385c: new maple syrup. 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 4042& SoDA-Bi-carb in kegs, Sk4c; bl-carti in Ks, 6c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight 9c; stearine, ft Wl) .V?. , M, AU.UG, .llU. starch. 5627c. Fobeign FHTrrrs Layer raisins. 82 65: Lon don layers, ?3 10; California London layers, $2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels, $1 86; Valencia, 7Jc; Ondara Valencla,9k10c; sultana, 8Vc: currants, 4&5c: Turkey Drones, 45c; French prunes. 8)i13c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-fi packages. 8c; cocoanuts, f) 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., per B. 20c: do Ivlca, 19c; do shelled. 40o: walnuts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1216c: new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, ?1 a, 1314c: orange peel, 12Kc. Dried FBTrrrS Apples, sliced, per ft 6c apples, evaporated, 6fc6Xc: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 12Kioc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted. 56c: raspberries, evanar. ated. 2!24cj blackberries, 78c; huckle- uernes, ivzgizc SjUOaks Cubes, 8Jc; powdered, 8c: granu lated. Sc; confectioners' A, 8c; standard A. 8Kc; soft whites. 88c: yellow, choice. Ific; yellow, good, 77Xc; yeUow, fair, 7Kc; yellow, dark. 7c. Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), Ji 50; medi um, half bbls (600). $2 75. 8 AIT No. 1, W bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, ? bbl, $1 05, dairy. bbl, Jl 20; coarse crystal, bbl. Jl 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S3 80, Higgins Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 (XX Canned Goods Standard peaches $2 00 2 25: 2ds SI 605)1 60; extra peaches. $2 402 60; pie peaches, 05c; finest corn, gll 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c!I; Lima beans, 51 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do. 7585c; mar rowfat peas. 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, Jl 40QJ1 60; Bahama do, J2 75, dam sonplums, 95c: greengages, $1 25; egg plums, $2: California pears. J2 60; do greengages. $2; do, egg plums, 82; extra white cherries. 82 90: red cherries. 2 lbs. 90u; raspberries, 81 401 60: strawberries. 81 10; gooseberries, Jl 301 40; tomatoes, 82U92c; salmon. 1-ft, J 752 10: blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c; do green, 2 fts, Jl 251 60; corn beef. 2-ft cans. $2 05; 14-ft cans, 814 00; baked beans. Jl 45 (S 00; loosier. i-B, i voeii ou; mackerel, 1-B cans, broiled. 31 50: sardines, domestic, i, H 504 60: sardines, domestic, Js, :JS 25S 50; sardines, imported. i 811 6012 60, sardines, imported, s. S18; sardines, mustard, H 60; sar dines, spiced. J4 50. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, J36 bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess. 840; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ft: do medium, George's cod, be; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67Kc. Herring Round shore, $5 00 W bbl; split. S7 00; lake. 82 00 M 100-ft half bbl. White fish. 87 00 W lool ft half bbl. Lake trout. 85 60 f) hall bbL Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c f) ft. Pickerel, barrel, 82 00; Ji barrel, 81 10; Potomac herring. So 00 1 barrel, 52 50 1 J barrel. Oatmeal $6 306 60 $ bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c f) gallon. Lard oil, 75c 1 Grain, Floor and Feed. Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange, 65 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chi cago, 4 cars of flour, 1 of corn, 6 of oats, 1 of wheat, 2 of rye, 1 of bran, 2 of bay. By Pitts burg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 6 cars of corn, 8 of oats, 2 of rye, 2 of bran, 1 of mlllfeed, 2 of wheat, 1 of flour, 1 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of oats, 1 of rye. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 5 cars of flour, 2 of rye, 1 of malt. By Pittsburg and Western, 2 cars of hay, 1 of corn, 1 of flour. Sales on call, 1 car 2 y. e. corn, 43c. 10 days. P. R. R.; 1 car packing hay, S7 50. 10 days, P. R. R. Hay and oats show a firmer tone. Wheat and flour are quiet, with the situation in buyers' favor. Receipts in all cereal lines are bevond the demands of trade. and with such a condition of things, sales are only made by cbncesslons. Prices below are for carload lots. Wheat New No. 2 red, 82c: No. 3. 7779c COKN No. 2yellow, ear, 45J4Cc; high mixed ear, 4344c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 404Ic; high mixed, shelled, 4040Kc: mixed, snelled, 39K6140C. Oats No. 2 white. 2627c; extra No. 3, 2425c; mixed. 2122c. Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 49050c; No. 1 Western. 4849c; new rye No. 2 Ohio, 45 46c Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, 85 255 75: winter straight, 84 504 75; clear winter, 84 25Q1 50; straight XXXX bakers'. 83 7504 00; Rye flour, 83 60 i 75. Millfeed Middlings, flue white, $13 60 15 0O W ton; brown middlings, Sll 6012 00; win ter wheat bran, 811 0011 25; chop feed, Jlo 60 16 oa Hay Baled timothy, choice, 813 0013 60; No. ldo, J12501300; No. 2 do, 811003)1200; loose from wagon, 810 0012 00, according to quality; No. 1 upland prairie, 18 609 00; No. 2, 87 007 60; packing do, 86 757 Oft Straw Oata. t& 50: wheat and rva straw l 6066 oa .' Prvli4. SMf-cared BaWterm?' HMei haios, medium, 12e, ffHtM-oarel,lMM, wall, rl2Kc; SBgar-cnred brekffceoo,lJ;jrar cured shoulders, 6e; wnmwa 'heeelsM shoulders; 9c; sagar-ewe .ClKorla hansa. 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, Me; sugar cured dried beef sets, lie; angar-oared dried beef rounds, 13c; bssoa souJ4eri. SUe: bswea clear side, 7c; baoon clear bellies, c; dry salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, -7e. Mess pork, heavy, S12 ovs'tsesa pork; family,' S13 00. Lard-Refined, ia tieraes, 6Kc; half barrels. PAe: 60-ft tubs, mid 26-t. natls.7e: 60-ft tin cans, 6c: 3-D tin pails: 7Hc; 6-l tin pailsy ci ivm un pans, oc: o-a. ua pans, ve; ju-js tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c. Bonolesa hasM, Me.' Pigs feet, half barrel, K 69; quarter- Barrel, ' Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnished tho f eHowtofE wiefts on dressed meats: Beef, eareaseee, 438 to 568 fts, 6c; 660 to 660 fts. 6c; 60 to 760 fta,M0 7c. Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9e ft ft. Hogs,6Ve. Fresh pork loins. 8c. --.- MAREIED TWICE IN 0SE DAT. The Same Minister Perform the Ceremony on Each Occaalon. New Hayek, September 4. George G. Haven,.Jr., of New York, and Miss Hija beth Shaw Ingersoll, youngest daughter of ex-Governor Charles E. Ingersoll, were married twice yesterday by Eey. Dr. Har wood, of Trinity Episcopal chnrefe, at the Ingersoll mansion oa Elm street. The hour set for the wedding was 1230, and when it arrived it was dis covered that Mr. Haven had neglected to purchase a wedding ring; Bather than have the ceremony delayed Mrs. Ingersoll loaned ner ring, ana her daughter was married. No sooner had Dr. Harwood completed the ceremony than Mr. Hayen purchased a rinsr and, with his wife, quietly withdrew for a few moments from among the guests, and Dr. Harwood read the marriage service again. t B1XTEBN WICKETS D0WS tf Tlie Cause of a Sodden Decrease of Water la the St vers. ' During "Wednesday night 16 of the wickets in the, Davis Island Dam were lowered, and the water fell rapidly yester day, flowing into the river below the dam. At sundown "Wednesday the river indi cated 39 inches, and by the same hour yes terday it had fallen 16 inches. The wickets were lowered and the water let out to facilitate the work on the new bridge at Brnnot's Island. Steamboat men are not well pleased with ihe action, claiming that the dam is designed as an aid to navigation, and not for the benefit of bridge builders. No barges wereletdowntheriver yesterday and the prospects are now that none will be moved for quite a while. It will require over four feet of water before any loaded barges ean take the channel. EIGHTEEN STILL L1TIHG.. Snrvlvora of the Wnr of 1812 Receiving Pensions Here. During the quarterly pension payments, which are now being made at the Third avenue office, as noted in yesterday's Dis-, patch, tne distribution is made V 18 in valid survivors of the war of 1813, and to 313 widows of participants in that war. The number of veterans of that struggle, which closed over 74 years ago, is rapidly dwindling. It was only about 11 month ago that one of them, James B. Morgan, died at his home on Liberty street, in this citv. There are paid also, from the Pittsburg office, 236 pensions to veterans of the Mexi can War and 90 to widows. HE. BDDD EETDR.VS. He Admits the Fnnernl Company Is Some what Involved. In speaking of the affairs of the United States Funeral Directing Company H. I. Budd, Jr., the manager, who returned from the East yesterday morning, said the cause of the failure could only be attributed to mismanagement or intention to wreck the company on the part of the officers.He thought the business wonld be continued under new management. He only arrived home from the Bast yesterdav, and withont any satisfac tory results of his interviews with stock holders there. LATE HEWS Iff BRIEF. John Schlaepler, mildly insane, killed his brother Jacob and himself at Union Hill, N. J., because he was to be sent to an asylum. At the Republican convention of the new State of Washington on the first ballot ex-Governor K. P. Ferry, of Seattle, was nominated for Governor, and John L, Wilson for Con gress. The Texas State reunion of ex-Confederate and Federal soldiers beiran at Ft. Worth v. terday. Thousands Of people were present. There was a nig barbecue, speech making and remarkably good feeling all around. The re union continues three days. A Chinese divorce case is the latest addi tion to the marital misfit bureau of tbe Chi cago conrfs. Tne complainant is Mrs. Blanche Loy, wife of Cblng Loy, a Chinese laundryman, whom she married In N,ew York September 19, 1SS6. She alleges cruelty and desertion. An unknown woman committed snicide at Niagara Falls, yesterday morning, by Jumping Into the water above tbe falls. She was ap parently about 25 years old, bad red hair and wore a black dress. She was alive when she went over tbe falls, as she was seen to raise her head. She was a stranger and arrived on the early morning train. The New York Prohibitionists assembled in convention at Syracuse yesterday. The fol lowing ticket was Anally selected: Secretary of State, Jesse H. Griffin; Controller. Mr. Rand, of Tonawanda; Treasurer, J. W. Bruce; Attorney General, C. A. Hart; State Engineer and Surveyor, A. J. Kenyon; Judge of the Court of Appeals, W. J. Farrlngton. At Buffalo a horrible and distressing ,-irrl. dent happened about noon yesterday that again exemplifies tbe fact that electricity will kill. H. P. Ferry was working among the tele phone and electric light wires on Seneca street, when he was seen suddenly to drop his bead and bang to the wires. Tbe workmen were afraid to touch him, and the fire department was called out, and in the meantime a rope was attached, to him te prevent the body falling to the ground, as he was evidently dead. Ferry came from Detroit. The shock that be received burned his hands and blackened bis face. Train robber Holzhay 13 still carefully guarded and heavily Ironed in the frail struc ture used as a Jail at Bessemer, MIcfa. He will be taken to the new stone prison in a day or two. All his fellow prisoners have been put in irons and men scattered about the jail in all directions to prevent crowds from approaching the prison. There is no danger of an attack from a I3 nching party, and there is no excite ment here. It is rumored here that Holzbay bas many friends about Shawano who would not hesitate to make an attempt at his rescue. Adispatcb. from Republic says the arrest of tbe highwayman Holzbay has given rise to no end of bard feelings, as there are half a dozen Erincipal claimants for the rewards offered for is arrest. As Holzbay will be tried at Bessemer- for murder, tbe Government reward of $1,000 will not be paid. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children,she gave them Castoria ap9-77orwTSu 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTejBTJKG, P. Transact a General BanMng Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, m STERLING, Available In all paits of the world. Also issue Credits niLi&WBIIL IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ap7-l-srwr 4 ifmm iiiiii t "jfj. -j im,'. ji s" .,; - . .vwqr . Eight years ago caaeer csmm e a? kMs lip. It took off mr.vadt Up from mm ttt the other, asd down to My eata. I katl treated ky brais4fots wMkttMtTM BectoiBK faaiicMia wm Attar nanh mirVnlsM' 1 Urntmn treataaeet and bejtaataktBs; wMAil astdtM eaaeer soon frafM , sfiert itme w was eoatsMMy 1 estaretrweH. Iris bow over Op 1 got wen; aaa were am men 1 retsra of tho disease. I knew and. I know it was ahrael alooe br I M. T. FaWKAjta. Msmisjss, la. XFO&MSo On vjbUcoOv BAIiVsl iiovm the swot srsomc u., Ga. ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF KM?; MBBMV Sfas kfltrK ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO;, 4 sols ttAXVTACTOwmam. " This is now eoseeded to e MM mrtlatM market, u wltaessed by ttw Sat1hts km just secured the DIPLOMA. rOH JB(9L LENCEattaePore PoodliinsKlgB.wbo. lagheld la PbUadeipfcic ' - CLEANLY IN MANUKACTUaJt . SUPERIOR TN QlJAIJtjr, . And with the brtfar8Hatar stare oTstaiV ly roasted beet ft REMlSf&BR,- v t ; JLKIlVEOtTiRS.' Jj5-10-JtWT WHOLESALE HOUSE. cs JOSEPH HOME I CO.; Cor. Wood and Liberty Ste,; -v' Importers aad JobfeeM of Special offerisgs tMs weekia SUsKS, PLUSHES, DBBSS GOODS, " SATTWW,, II GOODS ani Mil SEERSUCKER, i3 GINGHAMS, PRINTS, t'1 andCJHHVlOTSC-' For largest assortment and lowest jHaos east and see us. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY feZrf-D 3 BROKERS-FINANCIAL. -rrTHITNEY 4 STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENTJK Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,' .Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap2S-l J MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PEXN ATENDE. PITTSBURG. PA.. As old residents know ana back files of Pitts- , ourg papers prove, is tne oldest establiafiea 1 and most prominent physician In the city, de- voung ipeciai attention to au cnrouio aiseases. 5B?5!ffiN0FEEUNTILCURED M C D h 1 1 C and mental diseases, physical -liCn V UUOdecay,nervous debility. lack of energy, lunbitlon and hope, impaired raera- -ory, disordered sight self distrnst,bahf aloes, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, te-, poverisbeoT blood, falling powers,orgaaic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person. for buslness-society and mar riage, permanentlyrsafely and privately cured. ri nnn Awn 9mu$l? hkww f inv uilinwjin, cruptioss, blotches, falling hair, bones tmus, glandular.. swellings, ulcerations or tongue, insf44Bfbat; ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood, poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange u nil inn I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, , prompt relief and real cures. Dr. WhltMer's life-lore, extensive experi ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. x. Sun day, 10 A. H. to 1 p. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. auS-lSK-DSuwk A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical DeDlllty, impurities 01 the liiood, Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorcnce, Ex-, cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar riage or Social Relations. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this S -eat work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8to. eautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if you. apply now. Tbe distinguished author. Win. H. , Parker. M.D., received tbe GOLD AND JEW. ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be con sulted, confidentially, by mail or in person, at the offlce 01 IHt HtflbUUY MbUlCAL IN. STITUTE, No. 4 Bulflneh St., Boston. Mass., to whom all orders for books or letters for advice shonld be directed as above. aulS-67-tarsawk ' GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Knll particulars ra pamphlet sent free. The genuine Grays ' Specific sold by drneclsts only in yellow wrapper. Price, ft per package, or six for S3, or by malt on rnrplnt of nrlre. hr ftrtrirMA. It THE GHAT MEDICINE CO- Bnffalo. Jl. X Sold InPltMbnrg by S. S. HOLLAND, corner Smlthflelrt and Liberty its. apl3-S3 DOCTORS LAKE ., SPECIALISTS In all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S.K. Lake. Af "R Ci P S ith nlrtoct ftnrl most experienced specialist in the city, consultation tree ana strictly confidential. Offlco hours v to 4 and 7 to r. M.; annaajs. a to 1 p. u.Consult them personally, or write. DOCTOS3 Lake. 323 Penn ave Pittsburg, Pa. Iel2-45-nwfc 3 io3s's. Oottcra. Boot. COMPOUND t imncsed of Cotton Root. Tansr and n.niwmnl.n TWWllt tHwVTfT ll. T 'old Dhysician. Is succewfuUu userf'. mn.rhfSiifp. KfTertnal. Price 51. nv nuul. sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for CooVsA or Inolose 2 stamps for scaled particulars. Ad-1 ' dress pond ulx compamx. no. s PUher mock, 131 w-rpawara ave-, .uetroit. Mien. CHICHESTrne E-rfintieu' PENNYROYAL WHS. Ji iscu cross .Diamond Brand. Th only rtlllbtejUl for ula. gfi- ml nra. Ladles ulr Unm. fartA. Iu.. uonU It rand, In red nmalUobw, ea!c4 v.; viu eiaanoooa. AftKenooUie. P&d4c.)i (ttimpi) lot pimmm and "KtUtt tr i CUeacater Chemical t, Hadboa S4 PUlsda. Pk jpnSpO fn ? a I p. Li VVit ";! ;v 4 A ., iyl-a-iav