Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 06, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    6" ' THE PITTSBTiRG-' ": DISPATCH, ? FRIDAY, i SEPTEMBER 6,'. 1889.; ' S ' " ljf
CMDDDICTn nnCTnii fi&TLS3 association games. LOTS OF GOOD SPORT. the sculps At Wobk. ontt one juror yet
MW r" W r W- 1 P I IH TJ.-n....M a.u.M.1 nnlnti .lc1 ,lt Mfal nr.lIKi1
MF 1 I I I I I III Ik II llll I I I ! utUMlua nuicu. WUIUU ..lav .,. Htcil, , iM AGt .-
Wwlll 111 wUU Uwwlwlll ounu lo imru anu bcoreu uu omuu b uit 10
; White. Ganzel then sent a bounder to Rows
W' . and the contest was over. Score;
The Home Team let Tliem
selyes Loose and Badly
Jack Howe and Miller Each Make a
Home Hun.
Ton der Ahe Writes a Strong Letter About
the Umpires.
The local ball club won a great game at
Boston yesterday. The League leaders were
completely outplayed. Kovre and Miller
each made a home run. Xew York was
also beaten and Boston is still first. Von
der Ahe has sent a strong protest to the As
sociation Board of Directors about Presi
dent Byrne, of Brooklyn, and the umpires.
BOSTOK, September 5. The Bostons tried
hard to throw up the leadership to-day, but
the fates were against any such proceeding,
and, as the Giants were also defeated, the
Bostons are still on top. They were beaten
out of their boots by the Pittsburg players,
who seemed to take fiendish delight in rub
bing it into the fallen Bean Eaters. The
drubbing which the latter received was as
emphatic as it was painful, and, although
there were several close decisions against
the home club, they cannot lay their defeat
at the feet of the umpire. The Bostons
played a losing game from the start, and lost
courage when the visitors took the lead in
the first inning. The game was decided in
that inning, and the succeeding eight in
nings only added to the agony. The play
ing of the home nine was painfully weak
when contrasted with the dashing work of
the visitors. The latter played ball for all
the came was worth, fielding and batting like
champions. The veterans Galvin and Rad
bourn were pitted against. each other, and Gal
Tin landed on top.
The batting was about even so far as base-
hit column fchows, bat the Boston hits were too
scatteren to bo of much use. The Pittsburg
- sluggers not only bunched their hits, but they
also gathered in a couple of home runs and a
-, three-bagger, all of which had a demoralizing
effect upon the Bean Eaters. Kelly was unable
, to play owing to an injury received yesterday,
and he appointed Dan Brouthers captain pro
tern; perhaps it was that fact that' upset the
Boston players and left them helpless. Brown
made bis first appeara.ee in nearly a month, but
he did nothing to show that his lay-off had been
beneficial. Quinn was suffering from a dose of
rattles, and couldn't seem to pick up the balL
ICash, however, made some brilliant stops.
Rowe and White carried off the fieldinghonors
for the Pittsburgs, and Rowe's batting was also
a feature. Richardson did some pretty hitting
for the Bostons, but he spoiled the effect of two
hits by miserable base running. The crowd
numbered but 1,917, the smallest attendance of
the season.
When Richardson opened the game with a
sinele everybody thought it augured well for
the success of the borne team. They held that
. opinion only half an inning. A sacrifice and
If ash's hit cave Richardson a chance to (core
the first run for Boston. Then there was a
cneer from the 1,900 persons present. In less
than five minutes the cheers had changed into
.a groan. Radboum opened the Pittsburg
game with wild effort to get the bal' over the
plate and Carroll walked to first b?je, Rowe
rhowed his contempt for Boston by trying to
kill Smith, the bean eating shortstop. The
ball banged smartly against his shins and
landed out near the bleacbenes. Smith nursed
. his shins while Nash ran for the ball and
Carroll improved the opportunity to reach
third. BecKley tried to dispose of Quinu in a
like manner, bat the latter handled the ball
properly and threw it to the plate lu time to
put out Carrol L The latter dodged back and
foui th until he saw Rowe on third and Beckley
on second and then he gave up the hopeless
task of trying to escape. Radbourn had
another nervous fit and Deacon White walked
to first after vainly waiting for a good ball.
With the bases full
with the management by lining out a hot one
past Smith, bringing in Rowe and Beckley.
This success eeemed to make him careless, for
while he was thinking of the hit, Radbourne
caught him nappingat firstbase. Miller, whose
coaching had been the life of the gauie, showed
that he could bat as well as talk by lifting the
ball over the left fence for a home run, and as
he trotted home behind White he was greeted
with hearty applause. Miller Is quite a favorite
in Boston and The crowd was glad to see him
walk off with the honors if they were to go to
any outsider. Maul showed that be, too. had
on his batting clothes by sending the ball Anne
into right center for three bases. Dunlap
made an effort to bring him home, out couldn't
pet the ball ont of Qninu's reach. When the
inning closed the Bostons saw defeat staring
them in the face and each succeeding inning
oniy strengtnenca tnc teeiing tnat tney were to
receive their third successive trouncing.
Both nines took a rest in the second inning,
and the third also resulted in a blank,although
the Bostons got in two hits. Richardson had
the first, bat it was a fly to short right field,
and be was easily thrown out when he at
tempted to make two bases on it. It was in
the fourth that the unequal nature of the con.
test was again vividly portrayed. The Bostons
sized up Galvin for two hits, and on these,aided
by a t-aenfice. Quinn bustled across the plate
with Boston's second run. Bnt it the baseball
cranks had their hopes raised by that per
formance tbev suffered a relapse when the vis
itors got their whack at the ball. Maul threw
some spell of witchcraft over Rad and received
a present of the first bag. Ganzel, who had
been unjustly called out at second in the first
half of the inning bad not recovered his com
posure, and when Manl tried to purloin second
Ganzel threw the ball high over Smith's head,
then Dunlap, seeing that the Bostons were rat
tled, hit to Quinn. His surmise was
correct Quinn fumbled the hall until Maul
had reached third and then threw wildly to cut
off Dunlap. The result w as a run for Maul and
Dunlin reached second base. Galvin sacri
ficed his chances and advanced Dunlap to
third, by hitting a slow one to Nash. Dunlap
played off too far, and he would have been
caught if Ganzel had thrown accurately, but
be did not, and Dunlap was safe. Carroll lifted
the ball far into center field and Johnston
caught it, but he couldn't throw it to the plate,
and Dunlap scored rasilv. as if to clinch mat
ters, Rowe sent the ball flying through a hole
in the right field fence for a home run, and
Beckley made Rad's hair raise a few degrees
bv lining the ball into right center for a single.
Tnen the visitors thought they would take a
littre exercise in the field, and Deacon White
closed the muing by giving Quinn an easy
Both pitchers did some good work in the fifth
and sixth innings, and Galvin kept it up in the'
seventh. But the pace was too hot for Rad
bourn, and he weakened in the last of the
seventh. Rowe led off with a single, Beckley,
struck out much to his own disgust and Rad's
delight. But White made up for it by landing
the ball into right field for another single, send
ing Rowe to third. Fields again came to the
rescue with a timely hit to left field and Rowe
scored. White going to second. Hardie Rich
ardson's arm was lame, and be made a poor re
turn of the balL As it rolled toward the grand
stand White waltzed across the plate and
Fields landed on third. By this time the Pitts
burg contingent on the bleacberies had in
creased ten-fold in numbers, and they
howled over the discomfiture of the
Bean Eaters. Radbourn lost bis head
and burled the ball out of Ganzel's reach thus
enabling Fields to f core while Miller walked to
first. Manl was retired on a foul fly to Breath
ers and Dunlap closed the inning by sending a
flvinto left field, which Richardson captu red
after a hard run. The eighth inning saw both
.sides retired in order.
When the Bostons went to the bat in the
ninth the visitors made little effort to prevent
'runs after the batsmen reached first. Miller
stood back alter Brouthers had made a bit and
ir . rv
Kieh'ton, 1.. 1 4 2 0
Brown, r.... 0 0 10
Nash. 3. 0 2 0 5
Brouthera.1. 1 112 O
2 0
0 0
Johnston, m 0 0 1 0
Qulnn, 2.... 2 2 0 4
Smith. jB 0 0 11
UanzeL c... 0 17 2
0 0
0 0
3 0.
4 0 Kadb'rn, p. 0 0 0 2
Totals 10 9 7 14 0 Totals. 410 24 14 S
Pittsburg 4 0 0 10 0 3 0 '-10
Bostons I 0010000 2-4
Earned runs f Ittsburgs, 6; Bostons, 3.
Tnree-ba6e hit Maul.
Home runs Miller, Rowe.
bscrlflce hits Carroll, White, Galvin, Brown,
Brouthers, Johnston, bmlth.
btolen bases Mam, Brouthers. Qulnn, 2.
First base on hallsCarroll, White, Maul. John
Eton. Mrack out Carroll. Beckley, Fields, Maul,
Dnnl&p, Galvin. Nash. Smith.
lime or (tame One hoar and 2S minutes.
Umpire McQuaid.
The Senators Bent the Chicago! In
markable Game.
"WAsnns-aTOS', September 5, To-day's game
between the Washington and Chicago clubs,
while far from being interesting, will go on
record as one of the features of the baseball
season. Each club played a magnificent game
in the field, and neither side made an error.
The inability of the visitors to bat Fcrson's
curves safely was the principal cause of their
defeat The Senators, on the other band,
batted Dwycr quite freely, and their hits were
generally well bunched. Up to the ninth
inning Chicago did not make a ran, and only
two hits had beun secured off Person's deliv
ery. After two men had been retired in the
ninth inning. Van Haltren made two bases on
a scratch hit and saved Chicago from a-whitewash
on Duffy's single. The features of the
came were brilliant one-hand rnnning catches
by Wise and Beecher the lattcr's catch being
the best seen here this season. Score:
J. Irwin, 3.. 1
Hoy, m 1
Wllmot, 1... 1
Beecher, r.. 0
Wise, 2. 0
A. Irwin, 6. . 0
Mack.1 0
Daily, c... . 1
Person, p... 0
2 1
2 3
1 2
0 2
1 3
3 2
0 9
2 6
0 0
i o
0 0
0 0
Ityan. m.. 0 0 3
VanHalt'n,l 111
Duffy, r 0 12
Anson. 1.... 0 1 10
Plefler, 2.... 0 0
Will'mson, s 0 0 2
Burns, 3..... Oil
iarrell, c... o 0 1
0 0
o o
0 o
1 o
3 o
6 0
2 -0
4 0
0 0
1 0
3 0
4 0
0 0
0 0
1 0 Uwyer, p....O
o 1
Totals 4 1117 10 0 Totals 1 4 27 16 0
Washington. 2 000011004
Chlcagos 0 0000000 11
Earned rani-Washlngtons, 4: Chlcagos 1.
Two-base hlts-J. Irwin, Dally, Van Haltren.
Three-base hlt-Wllraot
sacrifice hit Hoy, Beecber, Ferson.
First base on balls Off Ferson, 3.
Hit by pitched ball Mack.
Struck out By Person, 2.
Time of game One hour and 40 mlnutei.
Umpires-Powers and Curry.
It Puzzled tho
Ginnts and Keefe
New York, September 5. The Indianapolis
team defeated the Giants. Young Rusie's
pitching did much to bring about the Giants'
downfall. Gore did not run on a fly ball
which Hines muffed and was put out when he
should have been safe on first Indianapolis
won the game in the fourth inning, where an
error by Connor and Keefe's wild pitching were
responsible for four runs. Whitney played a
remarkable game. Attendance 2,19o. Score:
Gore, m 0 0 0
Tlernan, r. 1 0 1
Ewlnjr, c... 114
Connor, 1... 0 0 8
Ward, s 0 2 3
Klch'cson.Z, 1 I 6
O'Kourke. 1. 0 0 1
Whitney, 3.. 0 1 1
Keefe, p 0 0 0
Seery. 1 1
Andrews, m 1
Glasscock, a 1
Dennv. 3.... 0
Hines, 1 0
Sommers,c. 1
McGescby, r 0
Basse tt 2... 0
1 1
0 2
3 3
1 2
1 4
0 2
2 2
0 0
Busie. p 1
Total 3 SI4 14 4
,5 9 27 11 S
ewYorks 0 0001200O-3
Indianapolis 0 0004001- 5
Earned runs New Yorks, 0; Indianapolis, 0.
Two-base hits Glasscock. 2.
Sacrifice hits-Tie man. Ewlng, Ward.O'Bourke,
Andrews. Hines, Soinnier:.
btolen bases Tlernan, Ewlng, lllcbardson, 2.
Double plays Klchardson. Ward andCcnnor.
t irst oase on oaus-un neeie, z; on itusie, z.
Hit by pitched ball-Andrews.
Struck out-By Keefe, 3: by Kusle, 2.
f'assed ball bommers, 1.
First base by errors New Yorks, 3; Indianapolis,
Time of rame-'-One honr and 53 minutes.
Umpire UcEnlght.
His Two Mistakes Give a Game to tbe
Philadelphia, September & A. fumble
and a muff by Strieker in the fifth inning to
day gave the Phillies three runs all that were
scored during the game. Both pitchers were
very effective, and, with the exception of
Strieker, all the fielders acquitted themselves
in first-class style Attendance, 2,281 Score:
Wood. 1 1 1
Clements, c 0 0
Myers, 2 0 0
Thompson, r 0 0
MulTey, 3... 0 1
Fosarty, m.. 1 2
Farrar, 1.... 0 0
Hallman, s.. 0 1
Huff-ton, p.. 1 1
0 0
2 0
0 0
0 0
Kadford.r... 0 0 2 0 0
Stricter.:.. 0 0 4 3 2
McKean. s 0 0 1 3 1
Twltchell,l.. 0 2 10 0
Ttbeiu, 3 ... 0 0 2 1 0
McAleer, m. 0 0 2 0 0
Faatz. 1. ... 0 0 10 2 P
Zlmroer, c. 0 1 4 2 0
Bakely, p. . 0 0 1 1 0
Total 0 I 27 12 3
2 I
0 0
1 0
7 0
1 0
Totals. .
,3 627 13 1
Philadelphia 0 0003000 0-3
Clevelands 0 000000000
Two-base hits Koparty, Twltchell.
Sacrifice bits Farrar, Bufilnton.
Stolen bases Forarty, 3.
Double plays Faatz and McKean, Strieker,
Faatz ana Zimmer.
Firstbase on balls By Bufilnton. 3:byBskely,2,
btruck out By Bufilnton, 2: by Bakely, 2.
Passed balls Clements. 1; Zimmer. 1.
Time of frame One hour and 13 minutes.
Umpire Lynch.
Secretary Scnndrett Returns nnd Tells
Abont tbe dab's Misfortunes.
Secretary Scandrett of tbe local ball club,
returned from New York yesterday. Speaking
of tbe club he said:
"The team is in a badly crippled condition.
Hanion, Miller, Sunday and Dunlap are all
sadly ont of condition, and the wonder is that
the team can win any games at all. Had Han
Ion been all right at New York we could have
won tyro games at least His absence caused
two defeats. The team certainly is having the
lion's share of bard luck. Tbe New Yorks are
in better shape than tbey have been all season.
Mutne says his pitchers are all in first-class
form, and the team will finish the season just
as brilliantly as it did last year. Undoubtedly
tbe Giants played great ball against us."
200,000 For the Giants.
New Yobk, September 5. J. J. Coogan to
day offered $200,000 for the New York Baseball
Club franchise. President Bay refused the
Carroll, m.. 0 0 I
Itowe. 3 3 3 6
Heckler. 1 1 1 II
White, 3... 2 1 2
Fields U.... 15 1
Miller, c. 1 1 2
Maul, r Ill
Dunlap, 2... 10 2
Galvin, p.... 0 0 1
League Record.
Perl Per
Won. 1ost.Ct. Won. LostCt.
Bostons 65 3 .GUlClevelinds...53 55 .491
New Yorks...6f 39 .629 I'ittsburcs. ..49 63 .433
Clilcseos 58 53 .522, Indianapolis 48 63 .132
Phlladelphlas55 51 .M9iWashtaKtoiu36 68 .353
Games To-Dny.
National League Pittsbnrgs at Boston;
Clevelands at Philadelphia; Indianapolis at
New York; Chlcagos at Washington.
American association No games sched
uled. International League Syracuse at
Rochester: Bnffalos at Hamilton; Detroits at
Toronto; Toledos at London.
Cadiz Bndlr Beaten.
TJhrichsville, 0 Septembers. The Twin
Citys defeated the Cadiz baseball clnb with
hands down to day. Score:
TwlnCltys 2 2 3 10 7 0 0 0-15
Cadiz i 0 4100000 0-5
, Batteries Twin Citys, Nealand Watson; Cadiz,
Call and Hughes.
Tbe Bell'fontes Won.
Belxbfonte, September 6. There was a
good game of ball to-day between the Altoona
and Bellefonte teams, resulting in a victory for
tbe home club by the score of 21 to 7.
Sporting Notes.
The Giants lost a great chance yesterday.
It ill likely be Staley and Clarkson to-day.
Rain stopped the Columbus-Louisville game
yesterday. . .
And what's the matter with Old; Jack Rowe
these days?
If we can only down the big people of Boston
again to-day.
Old Sport Galvtn had one of his good
days yesterday.
The Allegheny Athletics and tbe Johnstowns
will play at Recreation Park this: afternoon.
The proceeds will go to help the Johnstown
ciud to ouiia new grounas. uaiaweu ana
Aeue win be tne Athletics battery.
Brooklyn Winds Up the Cincinnati Series
With Another Good Victory Somo
Fine Fiildlng Von der Abe's
Champions Plnr a Tie
With Baltimore.
NewYobk, September a The Breoklyns
wound up their series with the Clncinnatis to
day. Burns' hitting and Collins' fielding were
the features. Bnlliday, as usual, made some
pretty catches. Score:
Brooklvns 0 102102 006
Clncinnatis 2 00 1. 00000 3
Base hits Brooklyns, 8: Clncinnatis, 8.
Errors Brooklvns, 2; Clncinnatis. 4.
Earned runs Brooklyns, 3: Cincinnati, 1.
Two-base bits-O'Brien, McPhee, Holllday,
Three-base hit Burns.
Home runs Burns, Duryea.
Struck out By Burns, 2; by Dnryea, 4.
Umpire Holland.
That Stopped the Browns From Beating
the Baltimore.
Baltimore, September 5. Tho game to-day
was called at tho end of the ninth inning on
account of darkness, with the score a tie. The
visitors fielded well, bnt were weak at the bat,
while Baltimores were just the reverse. At
tendance 2,626. Score:
Baltimores 100001012-5
St. Louis 0 10030010-5
Kaschlts-Baltlmores, 11; St Louis. 7.
Errors--Baltimores, 8: St Louis, 2.
Earned runs -Baltimores, 5: St. Louis, 2.
Two-base hit Tucker.
Three-base hits Griffin, Mack, Boblnson,
Struck out By Foreman. 1; hy Stlvetts, S.
Umpires Kerlns and Goldsmith.
Von der Abe Files a Protest Against
St. Louis. Septembers. Von der Ahe is on
the warpath. He telegraphed the following
from Baltimore to-day: "I have entered a pro
test with the Board of Directors of the Ameri
can Association against the three Kansas City
games with Brooklyn, played in Brooklyn last
week, in which Bnshong was allowed to um
pire The laws of the Association absolutely
demand that in the absence of a regular Asso
ciation umpire, one of the three substitute um
pires, whose names must be furnished the
President ot the Association before the begin
ning of each season, must officiate. Not only
did President Byrne see that no regular umpires
were on hand, bnt his substitute umoires were
employed in a neighboring graveyard and were
dead to the world. He hied them awav, and
then, with his ready tool Watkins, the -Kansas
City manager, proceeded to effect his scheme
to get the lead in the Association race.
Uyrae induced watkins to let Bnsbong
pire. Bashonc did umpire, and Brooklyn
won three games bands down. Watkins did
not even make a bluff, to have one of his own
men officiate with Bushong to give the series'
an air of fairness and respectability at least
If the Board of Directors of the American
Association are fair-minded and want to see
fair Dlav thev will throw out the three raitm
in question and have them either played over
in accordance with the rules, or serve a just re
buke to Byrne and his underhanded methods
by counting them against the Brooklyn club
record. The Cincinnati game played in Brook
lyn Tnesday and tbe game to be played to-day
have been protested by me. One of them is the
game regularly scheduled in Cincinnati on
Sunday, August 25, bnt which the police pre
vented during the third inning while being
pla.ted at Hamilton, O. Byrne took it upon
himself to transfer it to Brooklyn. He bad one
postponed game with Cincinnati which was
scheduled for Brooklyn on June 15, and one of
the contests was this game. In order to trans
fer a game scheduled at one city to another it
is necessarv to have the consent of a majority
of clubs. This consent the Brooklyn club has
not got
Couldn't Come to Terras.
Baltimore, September 5.-WMiam "Whit
taker, of the Athletic Baseball Clnb, was here
to-day and bad a conference with Von der Ahe,
of St. Louis, relative to the exchange of Lyons
and Welch for Latham and Dnffee. Whittaker
wanted a large money consideration, which
Von der Ahe refused, and the subject was
uruppeu. .oauimure anu ot, juouis nave ar
ranged to play off two postponed games to
morrow afternoon.
Association Record.
. . l'erl Per
won.Lostct.1 Won.LostCt.
Brooklyns 75 37
St. Louis 72 33
Baltimores. ...C3 45
Athletics 62 45
.6551 Kansas CI tys.. 46
.583,Columbus 45 63
.5741LoulsvlUe 23 S3
Tho BIcKeeapons Hnvo to Hnstle to Beat
McKeespoet, Pa., Septembers. McKees
port and Johnstown put up a great game to
day and the home clnb only won in the ninth
inning, when tbey got a hit and three errors
gave them three runs and the game. Hart
man, who has been playing in the home team
all season, joined the Johnstowns to-day and
played his first game with them, catching a
very good game. Ed Marbnrger, formerly of
the George Schads, Is playing for Johnstown
and Is doing some wonderful hitting. He was
not playing to-day on account of a sprained
arm, but will take his place in the club to-morrow.
Lawrence, who played with Braadock, is
also one of their players and his hitting
to-dav was the feature of the came. Both
Thpmpson and Patterson pitched good
games. Thompson is McKeesport's new man,
and he pitched agalst his home club to-day on
trial and did good work, striking out seven
men and only allowing seven hits, four of them
being made after tbe side shonld have been re
tired. Patterson is also another new man in
the box for tbe borne clnb, he having formerly
been a catcher. He has jnst commenced to
pitch, and has been doing some good work for
tbe Uridgeville club. Tbe Johnstowns put np a
rattling good game, and made tbe home club
bustle. Liston caught a great game, and his
throwing to bases was great The following is
the score:
Miller. 3.... 4
G.Smltb.l .. 1
Qulnn. 1 .... 1
Patterson, p 0
It Smith. 3.. 0
Provlus, r.. 0
Liston, c .... 0
Martin. 2.... 0
Gibbons, m, 1
2 1 0
2 0 0
114 1
0 0 12
12 1
0 0 1
18 3
0 17
0 10
Lawrence, 2
Cooper. J...
Williams, s
Hartman, c
Keyser, 3..
McCalley, 1
Wilson, m.
Thomn'n. n
3 2
0 2
0 7
0 0
1 1
0 1
0 0
Beese, r....
Totals 7 7 27 24 4
Totals 4 7 27 18 8
McKeesports 1 000201037
Johnstowns .'.0 200000204
Two-base hits Liston, Lawrence, McCalley,
Bases on balls Patterson, 2; Thompson, 2.
Hit by pitrher Patterson, 1.
Passed nails Hartman, 2.
Wild pitches Thompson, 2.
Struck out By Patterson, 9: by Thompson, 7.
Time or came One honr and 40 minutes.
Umpires Marshall and Dunn.
International League Games.
At Syracuse
Syracuses 2 0 10 0 0 0 0
ltochestcrs 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3
At Buffalo
Buffalos 0 301002107
Torontos 0.0 03200005
London The game was postponed on account
of rain.
Hamilton Ram.
Ohio Will Present Her One ns the Banner
Republican State.
Topeka, Kan., September 5. During
the last Presidental campaign the Repub
licans of Ohio offered a costly
bilk flag to the State poll
ing the largest Republican majority.
Kansas won the flag, and Governors Humph
reys and Foraker, in considering the matter,
have decided to make the presentation a
national affair, at which gnests from every
State in the Union will be asked to partici
pate. The date for the presentation has not
been fixed.
Mining Stocks.
New York. September G. Best & Belcher,
350; Caledonia B: H., 320; Colorado Central. 100:
Consolidated California and Virginia. 750; Com
monwealth, 200: Deadwood Ter., 150; Eureka
Consolidated, 150; Gould fc Curry, 200; Hale A
Norcross, 300; Homestake, 900: Horn Silypr, 120;
Iron Silver. 200; Mexican, 400: Mutual, 140;
Ontario. 453; Occidental. 155: Plymouth. 200;
Savage, 210; Sierra Nevada. 275; Standard, 100;
Union Consolidated. 300; Ward Consolidated,
150; Yellow Jacket 300.
Ten Thousand.
Though most houses are unprepared with
new fall styles, our counters are crowded
with the newest, brightest and most fashion
able clothing ever seen in this city. All the
latest tall styles in both rough and smooth
faced goods we display, and to introduce
them we will sell 10.000 men's suits at the
two bargain prices of $12 and $15. These
snlts are cut, trimmed and finished equal to
custom make, and at $12 and $15 are the
greatest value ever offered. Sale starts at 8
o'clock tbis morning, Pittsburg Combina
tion Clothing Company.
P. C. C. C cor. Grant and Diamond sti..
Jopp. tbe new Court House.'
An Immense Crowd at tbe Spring'
field Trotting Baces.
Britannic Lowers the Seven Furlong Kecord
at Sheepshead. Bay.
St John Writes a Letter About the Approaching Eace
General Sporting.
There was some rare sport at Springfield
Grand Circuit races yesterday. The favor
ites all won and delighted one of the largest
crowds ever on the race track. Britannic
lowered the seven-furlong record at Sheeps
head Bay. St John put up the balance of
Gaudaur's stake money for the latter's race
with Teemer for $1,000 a side.
Spbingfield, Mass., September 5.
This was a great day for trotting sport in
this section, for the public patronized
Hampden Park more liberally than they
have done for many seasons, and the old
timers say it reminds them of the days when
Goldsmith Maid drew admiring thousands
to this same track. Besides the three regu
lar events there was the free-for-all pace
still undecided, and though Roy Wilkes
was generally considered to be far away
superior to his field, there was a possibility
that Gossip, Jr., might show one of his sur
prising finishes and beat the stallion after
all. No such sensation was in store, how
ever, for the Wilkes horse was full of speed
and had the victory won from the first quar
ter. Robins profited by his experience yes
terday and drove a straight course, hand
ling the fleet pacer very well, as Roy
Wilkes jogged home in 2:14 on a track much
Blower than tbe elastic. Charter Oak course,
where he made his best mile in 2:1 There
is no doubt that he could have reduced that
record to-day under the same conditions.
Then the regular card was taken up, and the
talent were rejoiced to see -the favorites suc
cessful in all three events. The guaranteed
stake of $3,000 for the 223 pacers was the best
race of tbe day, and those who saw Hal Point
er limp along in his warming up work could not
understand why he was the choice over a field
of seven competitors. Geers drovo the gelding
an easy mile in the first heat permitting Alex
ander Boy to score one mark to bis credit and
get a record of 2:19. Then tbe Tennesseean set
ont to end matters, and by three. rapid bursts,
of speed in the last part of each mile won the
necessary three beats and evoked tbe admira
tion of the delighted spectators. Those who
had seen the same young pacer at Cleveland
and Hartford were quite prepared to find him
victor over a slower field than he had previous
ly met, but his, brilliant finishes were of a
character to aronse the enthnsiasm of the
The chestnut mare Wickopoo had quite a lot
of speed, but seemed fretful in scoring and her
chances were injured thereby, though she
could scarcely cope with Hal Pointer when at
her best Turner displayed good generalsbip
with Mambrino Hannis, and after waiting
patiently for two heats was able to get to
second place in the last two. thereby earning a
fourth share of tbe stake. William M. Singer
ly's speed was of no nse to him after he made
one ot his standstill breaks In the first heat
and he was unable to beat the flag.
There was more than the usual interest in
the free-for-all since Jack was to make his first
essay in that distingnlshed class, and try con
clusions with Gean Smith., The gray gelding
found a doughty champion in tbe black flyer
and was not able to get a single heat though
he forced Gean Smith to trot twice in 2J6'
Mambrino Sparkle was in the contest but not
of it, and Spian had to devote his energies to
beating the distance flag.
In the second heat Gean Smith came from
the half mile to the wire in 1:07 and.was not
at his limit even then. For the first time since
tho circnit opened Knapsack McCarthy got
Geneva S. to the front in the 220 class, which
the chestnut mare gathered in by beating her
field in consecutive heats. It was the easiest
race she has had this year, for she bad tbe foot
of tbe party and none of them was able to make
her go to her fastest clip. Golden Rod had re
covered sufficiently to get second money, and
Colvina Sprague. who won a good race at the
Cleveland meeting, was very unreliable and
had to be content with third place.
Johnston's attempt to beat his record fell
short by four seconds, but his mile in 2:10 is the
fastest to date over this track, beating his own
record of 2:12 made two years ago. Summaries:
Free-for-all pacing, purse l, 000, divided. (Un
finished yesterday.)
Boy Wilkes 1 2 14 1
GosslnJr 3 13 12
Jewett .'. 2 3 2 3 4
Wilcox 4 4 4 2 3
No time given.
$3,000 guaranteed stake, 2:22 class, pacing. .
Hal Pointer 5 111
Alexander Boy 1 3 4 5
Wtckonee ....2 3 3 2
Mambrino Hannis 7 6 2 2
Markland 3 4 7 7
Chapman 6 7 5 4
Chase 4 5 6 6
WmMSlnzerlv , dls
lime, 2:19. 2:16, 2:17,1, 2:lS.
Free-for:alL trotting purse, J 1,500, divided.
Gene Smith 1 1 1
Jack 2 2 2
Mambrino Sparkle 3 3 3
Time. 2:16S$, 2:16, 2:19$.
2:20 class, trotting, purse 1,500.
GenevaS I 1 l
Golden Bod 2 4 2
Colvina Sprague 8 2 3
Granby 3 5 4
Pennant 4 3 5
Mulatto 5 6 6
Time, 2:21, 2;20, 2:20.
Ho Makes a New Sevea Furlong Mark at
Sheepshead Bay.
Sheepshead Bat, September 5. There was
a good attendance at the races to-day. The
surprise of the day was Britannic's victory in
the second race. He made a new record for
seven furlongs, 156 2-6, which beats S. W.
Cook's record of 126.
First race, one mile Starters: Loantaka, King
Ciab, Badge, Little Mlnch, Lady Pnlslfer. Belle
d'Or. Badge won. Little Minch second. King
Crab third. Time, 1:40.
Second race, seven furlongs Starters: Bess,
Coots, Fordham, English Lady, Defaulter. Britan
nic, Britannic won, Bess second, Fordham third.
Time. 1:282-5.
Third race, mile and three-slxteenths-Starters:
Tavlstan. Buddhist Sorrento. Casslns, Cailentc.
Philander. Buddhist won, Caliente second. Phi
lander third. Time, 2:08 2-5.
Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile-Starters:
Masterlode. Civil Service, Livonia, Elmstone,
King Uazem. Magnate. Halph Bayard. Cyclone
colt, Lady Jane colt Tournament Pandora. Mag
nate won. the Cyclone colt second, Balph Bay
ard third. Time. 1:144-5.
Firth race, mile and a half-Starters: Exile,
Firenzl, Kaloolah, Uetriever. Firenzl won. Ke
triever second. Kaloolah third. Time. 2:35 4-5.
Sixth race, mile and a half on turf Starters:
Montrose, Bonanza. Barrister, Troy, Elgin, Flevc,
Barrister won, Elgin second, Troy third. Time,
2:33 4-5.
Entries for to-morrow's races of the Coney
Island Jockey Club at Sheepshoad Bay are as
Firstrace, onemlle VIolante. Casslns, Anranla,
Woodburn, Quesal, Glockner 115 pounds each. St.
John 132, Speedwell 125, Telle Doe 125, Brldgellght
Second race, about three-quarters of a mile
Ucvnete. Lnla Blackburn. Eminence 115 nounds
each. Successor, Milton. W. U. Morris. Centaur,
Little BUI 118 each. Lady Agnes, Helter Skelter,
Rosette. LlllleM, Martha, Jennie V filly 108 each,
June Day, Miss Cody. Chieftain, Lordlike. Dr.
Helmutb, Jim Wasson lit each.
Third lace, abont three-quarters of a mile Vil
lage Maid 119 pounds, Vermont 114, Lotion 114,
Prince Edward 114, Carnpt 114, Vinctura 105, Day
light 105, Manola HI. Quesal lit Coots 105. Llllle
D. 105, Oregon 122, New Castle 122, Hub S. 108.
Kern 108, T Opeka 108, Lady Pntsirer 111, May O.
Fourth race, mile and an eighth Syntax 121
pounds, Panama 126. Tattler 128, Burnslde 105,
Fonsle 108, Kedar Khan 111, Marsh Bcdon 11L
Leap Year 111, Maid of Orleans 123.
Filth race,inlle and three-sixteenths Ortflamme
HI pounds, Diablo lit, Niagara 109, Castaway 11
108, The Lioness 108, Iceberg 90.
blxthrace, mile on turf Glocknr, Flitter, Lor
rls. Village Maid, Al. Beed, Woodburn, Birth
day, Pericles, The Lion, Superior, Bellwood, Fal
con, Bohemian, Bnpert, Brldgellght Berlin,
each 120 pounds. Bertha, .Meriden. Prose, Bordc
lalse. Little Addle, Connemara, 117 each. St Luke
140, Ban Cloche 143, J. t. U'B133, tololM.
r Anothcr.Fjghter Arrested.
Pobtsmottth. N. H September 5. In the
Police Court here yesterday George Bush
pleaded not guilty to a charge of engaging in
apnze fight with Henry Watson at Salem, N,
H., on August 24, waived examination and
was held in IL.000 for the grand Jury.. The pun
ishment for the offense cnargea may be StOOO
fine or.one year in the penitentiary, or both, at
mo luscreuen ui me coon.
Gnndanr Attracts Great Crowds at McKees
port Teemer la Good Form.
MoKeesfobt, September 5. The approach
ing boat race is the tbeme of all conversa
tion. All that remains now is for tbe backers
of the oarsmen to place the remainder of the
stake money at the office of The Dispatch
to-morrow (Friday), and select a referee, when
all will be complete for the great race to take
place not later than 5p.it. to-morrow a week.
Gaudaur has familiarized himself with the
course since his trainer, Hamm, is well ac
quainted with it, and crowds of people gather
along the banks of tbe Monongahela river
daily to see tbe big St. Loni3oarsman. with his
sweeping stroke, spin over the course in the
morning and afternoon. He wears a
brieht red cap and jacket, and is
easily distinguished on the river. He
is in. tbe pink or condition, and when he
pulled up to tho boathouse this afternoon after
a spin over the course twice in succession, be
rowed with ease and grace and with a tremen
dous pull,
Jake is a fine specimen in the boat, and de
serves the appreciation of St John. Teemer
looked as big and heavy as Barney Morris two
montbs since, but to-day be stands as perfect in
in condition as one could be. There does not
appear to be an ounce of superfluous flesh on
him, and bis limbs feel and look like bars of
hickory with ropes entwining them. He is all
bone, sinew an&muscle, and as active as a con
tortionist It is probable that both of the men
are in as fine condition as they could be, and a
game race can be expected. Ruddock tele
graphed to Hamm to-day that Gaudaur's new
boat was shipped for Pittsburg to-day. He also
stated in a telegram to Teemer that his new
boat could not be sent before Saturday,
An Owner, Horao nnd Jockey Expelled for
YOUNGSTOWN, O., September 6. The third
day's races here were attended by over 20,000
In the running race, mile and a half dash, the
judges expelled Philip McConley, of Ft
Wayne. Ind., owner of the bay gelding. King
Alphonse, his j ockey, Joe Naylor, and rubber,
Jobn Malloy, for shifting weights, having rode
14 pounds light
In the 1-year-old stake race. C. W. Brown, of
Palmyra, 0., who entered a colt by Connanght,
was expelled for substituting a colt by Condi
tional. 2:40 mce (unfinished yesterday) Harry Hontas
won. Monroe Bnsfr second.
2:40 trot: purse $600
Viola Clay, Youngstown 1 1 1
Brown George, Ashtabula ,,,.2 3 4
Five Points, Cleveland 3 2 3
Catlquc, Allegheny. Pa 4 6 2
Minerva, Cleveland 6 4 5
Lucille, Akron.. 5 5 6
Harry Hjles, Wheeling and ConneautvlUe were
Time, 2:3K. 2:30& 2:32.
Banning race, one and one-half miles dash,
purse fajO-Eflic Hardy, Lexington, won, Dew
drop second. Time 2:45.
Banning race, three-quarters of a mile heats,
was won by McLaughlin, two heats. Best time
Three-year-old 6take race was won by Leonora
Cossack, Salem, O,. la 2:52.
One-year-old stake race was won by Brown,
Yonngstown, In 1:40.
The Races Finished and Some More Walk
Overs nnd Mow Time.
Greenville, Pa., September 5. A good
crowd attended the last day's races ot the
Pennsylvania Association of Trotting Horse
Bace for2-year-olds-0 Kstera, Franklin, won;
Lulu Borton, West Bridgewater, second. Time,
2:503(, 2:4SK. 3:00.
3:00 class Dufly, Evansburg. walk-over. Time,
2:40 mixed:
Hempfleld Boy, Greenville 112 2 2
Walter, Frcdonia 2 2 1 kl
Trouble Daughter, Greenville 3
Time, 2:3 2:44, 2:41!j, 2:41M. 2:43.
Half mile race for 1-year-olds Vevay, Frank
lin, walk-over. Time. 1:29K.
Hair mile running race Daisy B Greenville,
won; Eowdy Boy, GreenvlUe, second; Baldy,
Greenville, third. Time, :59.
Jobn Forwards the 8800 and Says a
Few Words.
The final deposit of S0O each in the Teemer
Gaudaur race is doe to-day. and will be made
tbis afternoon. Gaudaur received bis S300 for
expenses yesterday, and Mr. John A. St. Jobn.
'forwarded a check to this office yesterday for
the balance of Gaudaur's part of the stake. The
letter is as follows:
Dfab SIBS-Inclosed find draft for fSOO, final de
posit In the Gaudaur-Teemer race 01 ttoooa side.
In compliance with tbe articles of agreement.
Gaudaur Is to receive S300 for expenses. This
amount should be paid him to-morrow, and, I
presume, will be. .
I would suggest for referee Mr. George Faulk
ner, of Boston, or Mr. Highway, of Cincinnati. I
oo not know that either of these gentlemen can
serve. If neltherof them suit Teemer then lam
quite willing TBE Dispatch shall select a man or
act In that capacity. As It Is a straight-away
course, there Is very little danger of trouble.
except from outside Interference, and this point
Is provided for rowing under national rules.
Ifeel quite sure Gaudaur will receive the same
fair treatment at McKeesport that 1 would guar
antee Teemer at St. Louis. We ask for a fair,
square contest and bel'eve we will have It
Thanking you for your kindness In acting as
stakeholder, I remain
Yours truly, J. A. bT. Jobn.
Teemer's SS00, as above stated, will be put up
to-day, and then the entire $2,000 will be up,
ready for the victor next Friday.
The Promoters Watching for
TiOivry'a Deputies.
New York, September 5. There was not a
pogilist in town yesterday, Sullivan or anti
Sallivan, who could tell where tbo Sullivan re
ception would come off, as announced at the
Academy of Music pn Saturday night Charley
Johnson was off having a good time at Jim
Dunn's chowder party, and Jim Wakelv, the
other alleged backer of tbe great man, had
business with Lawyer Peter Mitchell.
A good deal depends upon the conduct of
Governor Lowry's deputies in the next two
days. If they come here with warrants to
corral the alleged backers and the bottle
holders and seconds in tbe great fight the show
on Saturday night will not take place.
The Keystone Clnb Will Go to Lnlto On
tario. .
The members of the Keystone Hunting Club
held a meeting yesterday to take action on
their annual bunting trip. As several members
were out of town nothing definite was done. It
is understood, however, that tneclub will visit
Lake Ontario for a month, and tbe members in
tend to travel in style as usual.
Thev intend to start some, time next month,
but at present they are without any tents.
During the Johnstown flood they loaned their
tents to tbe survivors of the flood and have not
been able to secure them again.
Dempsey Wants Another Chance.
Portland.Ore., September 6. Jack Demp
sey, the heretofore invincible middle weight
champion pugilist, arrived here to-day over
land from San Francisco. He shows hut few
marks of his recent terrible battle with the
Marine. The swelling of his nose has nearly
subsided. He is in good spirits and lino condi
tion, and expresses a very strong desire to have
another chance with LaBlanche. He says
that is the height of his ambition, and he has
every confidence that be will be able to re
trieve his fallen laurels. He will remain bere
about two weeks and then return to San Fran,
Colombo Races.
Columbus. O., September 5. The State
Fair races to-dav are as follows:
Stio trot. R00. divided-
Buck Morgan 1
Blanch Morris -. 2
Twilight........ 3
Best time, 2:46.
Special pace, 300, divided. Better than
i i
3 2
2 3
Minnie Cassel...
bau Boy
Buckeye Girl....
Wild Frank
Best tme, 2:37.
1 1
.3 2.2
.3 3 3
.4 4 4
An Onrsmnn In Trouble.
Worcester, Mass., September 5.-James
W. Kennedy, the well known professional oars
man, was arrested on a serious charge preferred
by a 16-year old girl. In the Central District
Court he admitted tbat he was a married man
and tbe charge was changed to adultery. He
was held in $500 bail, and being unable to find
securities was sent to jail.
Rain Stopped Them.
Detroit, Mich., September 6. To-day's
programme of the National Breeders meeting
was carried over till to-morrow on account of
To Christen the Cruiser Baltimore.
Philadelphia, September 5. Miss
"Minnie "Wanamaker, daughter of the Post
master General, will christen the cruiser
Baltimore, which' will be launohed at
JjjVltiUf B Ml'(VW VM Mttuup( f
V ..&S&&sft)ALxj.iJt iMJkfcVI.agata afcafcS. l-iJUaLjL .- .....t-.- .A.-lJwMouJ.,ufk- . . . av?.....ik& . -Awv ..JLarf
Slow Proceedings in the Trial of the
Cronin Suspects.'
At the Present Bate Fonr Weeks Can he
Occupied as Now.
The Defendant's Lawyers Can Only Do So Under Police
Only one jnror has been secured as yet for
the trial of the Cronin suspects in Chicago.
It may take four weeks to get a jury. Judge
McConnell refused to allow the defense to
examine the supposed blood stains except
under police surveillance.
Chicago, September 5. When tbe law
yers for Conghlin, O'Sullivan, Burke,
Beggs and Kunze exhaust the 100 peremp
tory challenges to which they are entitled,
there will be some prospect of getting a jury
to try tbe five prisoners charged with the
murder of Dr. Cronin. Not a juror will be
chosen by the defense until all of the chal
lenges hare been used. The case has now
been on trial one week. During that time
the defense has nsed up 20 challenges,
eighty remain, and at this rate it will be
four weeks before a single juror will be
chosen, it is clearly evident that the de
fense had rather waste one ot its precious
challenges than accept a good juror. This
fact was emphasized late this afternoon
when Wm. P. Brayton, of Blue Island, was
peremptorily dismissed by Mr. Foster.
Brayton was without much doubt an ideal
juryman. He is a tall man with massive
head and splendid face and ideas broader
than his tremendons shoulders. He is a
member of the Baptist Church.
He had read about the crime in the news
papers, but formed no opinion as to the guilt
or innocence ot accused that could not be
changed by evidence. He was opposed to
no secret societies whose workings were not
in conflict with the Constitution of the land.
His prompt and intelligent responses to the
skillfully worded questions of Mr. Foster
showed the big farmer to be remarkably
well suited to sit as a juror. Bnt he was
clearly too broad gauged for the defense,
and with a wave of his hand Mr. Foster
dismissed him from the box.
The wearisome examination of veniremen
continued all day. Many people came into
the courtroom, but they soon wearied of the
monotonous questioning and retired. A
Catholio priest sat down within the rail and
took notes in a little book. The prisoners,
with the exception of Kunze, watched the
proceedings intently.
The German does not appear deeply in
terested in the outcome ot the trial. He
spends most of his time scribbling on paper
and ogling the women in the audience.
Twenty-seven veniremen were examined
during the day.
When conrt adjonrned all had been ex
cused for cause except Geo. A. Creighton,
E. E. Graham and Roland A. Crandall.
They were held over until to-morrow. Free
man Gross still remains the only juryman
who has been passed by both side's, but it is
probable tbat he too will be dropped, as
under the ruling of Judge McConnell the
right of peremptory challenges may be
exercised until the twelfth man has been
passed by both sides.
Mr. Forrest made an unsatisfactory at
tempt at the opening of the morning session
to get a ruling from Judge McConnell
which would permit experts of the defense
to have possession of the gory relics from
the Carlson cottage, for the purpose of mic
roscopic examination. The court ruled that
the experts could examine the specimens of
blood stains in the presence of the officers,
but refused to erant the other half of Mr.
Forrest's prayer which requested that the
experts be permitted to invade the Carlson
cottage and gather some blood stains on
their own hook.
Legitime, of Haytl, Lands in New York on
His Way to France A History of tho
Troubles on the Island During
tbe Past Year.
NewYobk, September 5. Legitime, the
banished ruler of Hayti, arrived in New
York to-day with his family. They will sail
for France on Saturday. Inan interview Leg
itime gave the following history of events in
Hayti dnring the past year:
On October 7. 1SSS, I was elected President of
the Pfovisionary Government of Haytl. Every
thing was done fairly and squarely in my elec
tion, but Intriguing spirits in tbe North ac
cused me of fraud and cheating, and General
Thelemaque came down with an army
to declare himself the desired Presi
dent of the North and Booth. I, of course,
resisted bis attempts, and abont a week
before tbe general election, my troops and
those of the North under Thelemaque bad an
engagement and Thelemaque was killed. I
did not conspire for his assassination. Be was
killed In battle. But my enemies in the North
turned Thelemaqne's death into a deliberate
assassination on my part and kept up tbe cry
against me.
We had heard thatlfour deputies from the
North were on board the steamer Havtien
Republic with evil designs, and of course it
was prudent for us to seize them. The seizure
of this vessel was entirely a mistake, a mistake
for which we were sorry, and this is evinced in
the speedy manner in which we turned her
over to her owners, together with a large In
demnity. I was duly elected President of
Hayti on December 17, 1SS3. My election was
formal and regular. The war. you might say,
was begun at tbis period, and soon after my ac
cession to power circumstances za my rights
and ray people's rights forced me to engage in
it The war has been a bloody or.e and of long
duration. Hippolyte came down from the
North sweeping destruction before him and
spilling blood in a most shameful and diabol
ical manner, and I can assure you that tbe loss
oi so many lives pamea me.
Finally, finding tbat tbe increasing numbers
of the Northern army threatened my Southern
country with destruction, I decided tbat the
wisest and most proper course for me to pursue
was to resign and retire quietly and peacefully
from tbe country. I was not forced to leave
Haytl nor was there any surrender. My de
parture from Port-au-Prince was indeed an
ovation to me. I love my people and I have
every reason to believe they love me. It is very
possible that I shall spend a year in France and
.then perhaps return to Hayti. My return, how
ever, is undecided and depends entirely on the
state of things.
A Wife Saves Her Hnabnnd's LIfo by Her
Timely Action.
Brazil, Ind., September 5. George
Potts, a pick boss in tbe Harrison Coal
Mine at Clay City, and Robert McCIusky,
a miner employed under him, quarreled to
day over the amonnt of time the latter
had 'made in the mine. McCIusky
was drinking and threatened to kill
Potts. Securing a revolver, he asked to
be lowered into the pit where Potts was at
work, saying he wanted to kill Potts, but
was reiused admission. He then went to
Potts' house and began abusing him. This
alarmed Mrs. Potts, who wrapped a revolver
in a shawl and sent it down into tbe mine
to her husband, telling him of McClusky's
"When Potts relumed home McClnskywis
in his home, abusingbis family and flourish
ing a revolver. Believing it was his life or
his opponent's on sight, Potts fired through
a screen door. The ball struckMcClniky in
the heart and killed him instantly. He
then surrendered, but it is believed he will
be acquitted.
Ho Got a Few Votes.
Newobleahs, September 8. Price's
majority in the Third Congressional district
is6,690t . . -
Tbo Cause of Truablo In a New York Cath
olic Congregation Two Members
Refused the Saernmenta
Until They Make Pub
lie Pennnce.
Atjbuen, N. Y., September 5. The
strife between laymen and priest over the
Father Lambert case in Waterloo does not
abate one whit, but rather grows the hotter.
The latest development occurred when
Father Hickey, at morning mass in St.
Mary's Chnrch.read a letter from Bishop Mc
Qnaid denying James Kelly and Wm. Demp
sey, two prominent members of St. Mary's
Chnrch during Father Lambert's pasto
rate and bis warm personal friends, the
sacraments of the chnrch until they should
make public penance for bringing Father
McGlynn to Waterloo. This letter was
read at the early mass and again at
the 11 o'clock mass, which Mr. Kelly, con
trary to his custom for tbe past live months,
attended, having heard of the letter from
his friends and expecting thaf it would be
read again.
He was not disappointed and heard the
penalty that was imposed npon him. In
stead of subduing Mr. Kelly's impetuosity,
the letter rather increased it and
in his wrath he rose after the
priest had left tbe altar and in the presence
of a majority of the congregation exclaimed:
"I came here to answer for James
Kelly, and as for y Bishop McQuaid
and J. J. Hickey, I neither crave their
friendship nor fear their frowns' This ac
tion of Mr. Kelly caused a great sensation.
For some reason none of the "Waterloo
papers published have printed a line
abont the matter. A copy of
the Bishop's letter could not be obtained,
but as reported by several who heard it, it
said that James Kelly and "William
Dempsey should be deprived of the sac
raments of the church nntil public
penance had been made for bringing an ex
communicated priest to Waterloo to creat a
disturbance among Catholics and lecture
on the Father Lambert case, which had
been long decided.
The people of AVaterroo think the true
cause of the trouble is a controversy that has
been going on in the Seneca county papers
for the past month or two between Father
Lambert's followers on one side and Bishop
McQuaid and Father Hickey on the otyef.
Messrs. Boyer and Blgler Shako Hands
An Agreement to Call Upon Each
Other Wallace Pays a Visit
to Randall.
Philadelphia. September 5. Ex-
TJnited States Senator Wallace, who came 1
here after tbe adjournment of the Demo-''
cratic State Convention, remained at the
Continental Hotel this morning. Early in
the afternoon he took the train
for Wallingford to pay a visit to Congress
man Bandall. Mr. "Wallace was seen last
evening, after his return to the city, but
he declined to say what passed between him
self and his distingnished fellow Democrat,
eontenting himself with remarking that he
had nothing to say on the subject which
would be of interest to the publie. It is
known that before leaving for Wollingford
Mr. Wallace had a talk, with his friend,
Candidate Bigler, who spent to-day in the
city, 'in company with Congressman-elect
Kerr, of Clearfield county; Harry Alvan
Hall, of Elk county, who present
ed Captain Clay's name to the
Democratic convention in opposition to
Bigler; Phroy Meek, of Bellefonte; C. H.
McConley and Judge Charles A. Mayer, of
the Clinton, Cameron and Elk judicial dis
trict. Jndge Mayer is now serving his third
term, and looks good for a few more terms.
Candidate Boyer and Candidate Bigler
met at the Continental Hotel this afternoon.
They shook hands heartily, and mutually
expressed their pleasure at meetiug. "If I
am to bo defeated," said" Candidate Boyer,
'1 am glad I am to be defeated by such a
type of Democrat as yon, Mr. Bigler."
"After you are eleoted, Mr. Boyer." re
plied Candidate Bigler, "I shall be most
happy to call npon yon at the Treasury."
'Yes, and 'when yon are eleeted," re
torted Candidate Boyer, "I shall not only
be pleased to call upon you, but I will be
prepared to g npon your bond."
An agreement that the defeated candidate
should call on the winning one on the 6th
of November, tte day following the elec
tion, was entered upon!
A Man With a Claim to Over $5,000,000
la Oregon's Capital.
POBTLAND, Oee., September 5. Frank
Harold Hamilton, a Boston attorney, now in
this city, claims to have been sent by an old
New England family to lay claim to $5,000,
000 or 6,000,000 worth of real estate in the
heart of Portland. "I came here," he said,
"at the solicitation of a family whom I
have known from early boyhood. Their
name is Brownfield, and the grandfather of
the head of this family is alleged to have
been here from 1836 to 1838, or in this
locality. While here, right on the
banks of the Willamette river, he took np a
large tract of land, of which theBrownfields
became cognizant but six months ago by
looking over some papers which tbe old
man, now dead, had stored away in a chest
years and years ago.
'I examined the papers very closely and
became impressed that the land the
Elder Brownfield took up was lo
cated here and is among the
most valuable real estate owned by
some of your wealthiest citizens. My inves
tigation into the matter leads me to tbink
that they'left a valuable interest here. The
moment I am satisfied of that point, I shall
begin an action at law at once."
A reporter called on some of the oldest
residents bere after leaving Mr. Ham, bnt
none recollect ever having heard of a man
named Brownfield living here during the
pioneer days. Hamilton, who is a man of
0 years of age, claims . to be a wealthy re
tired lawyer.
Oregon Fishermen Will Send Their Catch to
tbe Atlantic Coast.
Pobtland, Obe., September 5. The
steamer George A. Cbance, of the Deep Sea
Fishing Company, arrived in this city this
afternoon from a cruise to Flattery banks,
offWashington Territory coast, with 50,000
pounds of halibut and black cod. Half of
this fish will be shipped direct to New York
in refrigerator cars.
This fish, It is claimed, will be laid down
in the East in better condition weekly and
a lower fi?nre than it can be from the At
lantic banks.
The Fearful Manner lu Which a Baltimore
Woman Committed Salcldr.
Baltimobe, September C Mrs. Kate
B. Fetter, wife of Ordnance Sergeant Fetter,
United States Army, committed suicide this
evening at FortMcHenry. She drank a
pint of coal oil, then saturated her clothing
with the fluid and set herself on fire with a
lighted match. Her 4-year-old daughter
gave the alarm, but too late to save her life.
Ways of tho Boodler lu Far Corea.
Youths' Companion.
So many persons. annually disappear in
Colea from the ravages of tigers that hope
less debtors and defaulters take advantage
of tbe presumption thus created in case of a
missing person to leave their torn garments
at the border of some wood nnd privately
decamp. "Canght by a tiger" has come to
be equivalent in Corea to onr American
phrase, "Escaped to' Canada,"
For Wet tern
Pennsylvania, light
rains,lightly cooler;
southerly, shifting to
westerly winds.
For Ohio and In
diana, light rain,
jviwwcv uy .
stationary temperature, followed on Satur
day by warmer weather; variable winds.
For West Virginia, light rain, lower tem
perature, westerly winds.
PrrrsBtmo, Septembers, 1339.
Tbe United States Signal Service officer la
this city furnishes the following:
Time. Twer.
8:00 A. If..... 74
15 .-00 K 82
2:00 p. K 81
50 P. M
8:00 F. X 75
Mean temp 78
Maximum temn.... 85
Minimum temp..... 72
Kange .... 13
Precipitation 07
Hirer at i r. x., L5 feet a fall of 1.3 feet in U
River Telegrams.
Wabben River stationary at low water
mark. Weather cloudy and warm.
Brownsville River 3 feet U inches and
stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 78
at6 p.m.
Moroantown River 2 feet and stationary.
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 8S3 at 1 p. Jf.
It Sees an Elephant for the First Time and
Falls Down Demi.
Lancaster, O, September 5. A valuable
horse belonging to Pat Gordon, of this city,
dropped dead on Main street this morning at
sight of the big elephant while Robinson's
cirens was making its parade. .Veterinary
surgeons say the animal was frightened to
to Housewives.
Tho farmer and working man who have been oat ia
ths mud aB day can wash their boots clean befbrs
entermgthehouseiTheywillbeSOft, Polished
and Dry, if dressed with
Hakes housekeeping easier.
Saves Stveeping and Scrubbitiff,
The boots will wear a great deal longer, wfll not get
stiff and hard in Snow water or rain, and win bo
WATERPROOF. Ladies, try it and insist
that your husband and eons nse it Oncoaweek
far Gents' Shoes and once a month for Ladies.
UneqaaledasaHarness DresslnBindPrescrrer
Sold by Shoe Stares, Grocers, Druggists, ic.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia
.I- .... 0
Industrial Fair
Agricultural Exposition "
SEPTEMBER 9 to 21.
Greater Attractions and a Grander Display
than ever before.
Newest and best special features
that money can procure.
The greatest annual Fair and
Entertainment on the American
Cheap Excursions on all Rail
ways. Over 250,000 visitors attended this Exhibition
last year. For Programmes, etc., drop a Dost
card to H. J. HILL, Manager, Toronto.
J.J.WHHROW.Pres. se6-2.ysa
Whv do von nav SI 00 ner bottle
for Sarsaoarillaand BeetWlne and
Iron when you can bny either pre
paration from ns at 75c ner bottle.
six bottles S4 00. and quality guar
anteed to be the best in the mar
ker. We have numerous testimo
nials from physicians and others
indorsing our Liver Pills as a mild and effective
cathartic. Thev are unsurpassed. After giv
ing them a trial you will nse no others. Prica
25c For sprains, bruises and all rheumatic
pains, nse the Anchor Liniment It has no
eanal. Come and see us if -you are in any way
afflicted. MW
Men's Furnishing Stores,
100 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny.
Now line of Neckwear on display. See those
Hand Painted Scarfs In Windows.
Dyeing, Cleaning and Laundry Offices.
Pittsbnrg Telephone 1264; Allegheny Tele
phone 3169. se2-MWF
Of all Druggists, hut beware of imitations.
PTTDP ApolIInaris. Bedford, Poland, Sslu
rUIlD tarls, Strontla, Saratoga, Sprndel,
U 20. K. 8 rEVENSON & CO,
bIvvVi 9r B it
' IH THE WORLD. Afrfy'
or honouhvX' t
'oilTTqsTO&al DE?OT,roRTHx ciarxo