f-v i t THE PtTTSBTTRG ,DISPATOH, - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER "6 1889. 1ESS 1W 150,000 Is to Cover the Cost of Transforming All Allegheny's Lights. WESTINGHOUSE TO GET THE JOB, And the Citj to Shine Under the Detroit Skeleton Towers. MAYER HAS BOODLE. AN IMPOETASr KORTHSIDE CONTEACT The Allegheny Councils Gas Committee last night recommended the awarding of the contract for the purchase of an electric light plant for lighting the city to the "Westinghouse Electric Light Company for 5141,158. The committee reported the following bids: Westinghonse Company, for the plant with Detroit towers $141,155, with Indianapolis Jen ney towers. S136.15S. Fort Wayne and Indianapo lis Jenney Companies, with tbe Star iron tower, 140,195. Brush Electric Compauv. with Detroit Company tower. Phoenix plant, 160.901 83; "Westinghouse plant, S159.P66 t3; Buckeye plant, 156,101 83: Mcintosh i. Seymour plant, 166,. 856 S3; Ball plant. 159,980 S3. In addition the "Westinghouse Company stated that they would include the Star Iron Compan'y tower or any other tower instead of those mentioned if it was so de sired. Mr. Miller offered a resolution providing ior the adoption of the report of the sub committee, the approval oi the bid of the "Westinghouse Company at $141,158, with Detroit Company towers, and the recommendation of the same to Councils. At this juncture the agents of the Detroit Tower Companv and the Star Iron Tower Company engaged in a dispute as w the merits of their towers. Mr. Steffin next moved that Mr. Miller's resolution be amended by substituting the Star Iran Company's tower for the Detroit Company's tower, in the awarding of the contract to the "Westinghouse Company. Mr. Lindsay further amended by having a bond of indemnity filed, and Mr. Kennedy added that a special bond be required in the matter ot towers. Upon motion of Mr. Kennedy the O'Bierne mast-arm was adopted; also the "Westinghouse compound engine, and an ar rangement that for three years from the date of contract the company will furnish ad ditional material at the prices in their bid. The original resolution was then adopted as amended without discussion. The con tract is for a plant, including 52 towers, with 216 arc lights, 100 mast irons, with one lieht each, and 2,130 incandescent lights. Fifteen of the towers will be 125 feet high and 37 will be 150 feet high. The only other business disposed of was the indefinite postponement of the or dinances granting the Brilliant and Meri dian Electric Light Companies the right to erect poles in the city for the purpose of supplying citizens without light. This ac tion was taken on motion of Mr. Kennedy without discussion. The Governor Dm Secured the Money Kcccaaary to Complete the Work at JounstoTvn All tbe News From Nearby Towns. rSFECUI. TW.ECUAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Johxstowu, September 5. Captain Hamilton has received orders from Gov ernor Beaver to go ahead and employ as many men as necessary in clearing up the town as fast as the Board ot Health make condemnations. Dr. Lee, of the Board, has not yet returned, but as he was known to be favorable to pushing the work, it is believed now that the intention is to put the whole town in a good sanitary condition. Jnst what the arrangements are is not known, but it is presumed that the Governor has made some arrangements to get tne money. In accordance with the directions from Gov ernor Beaver to push thowotkof cleaning up the town, Captain Hamilton to-day hired every man he conld find that wanted work. There will bo no trouble In getting teams, but there is a scarcity of laborers, and It is likely that & considerable number will have to be engaged elsewhere if a large force Is to be put on. As a consequence of the movement to push along the work ihere is much activity to-day. and everybody feels that about the proper thing has been done, although it would have been better to have hurried tbe work more months .ago. At a meeting of the Cambria County liar As sociation yesterday expressive resolutions were adopted regarding the death of three of tbe members who were drowned in the flood. The members of tbe Board of Health at last admit that there is a great deal of sickness prevailing here now. Malarial and. typhoid fevers seem to be tbe worst diseases, although a great many people are suffering from nervous prostration. A member of tbe Board of Health to-day said tnat tne present hot weather greatly aggra vated tbe diseases. The present indications are that the death rate among the flood sufferers will be large. juost or the vagrants that are picked up now are given about 30 days on the street, and to day there were 3 at work under guard. Killed Himself by gvrnllowlnB Faint. Columbus, September 5. A post mortem developed the fact that Samuel Wyrrlck, the Preble county convict who died at tbe peni tentiary Monday, committed suicide by drink ing paint. His Body has been turned-over to a medical college. JUnrriage Licenses Granted Yesterday Kime. Beildenes. JHnehSmlth IMttsbarj? JTillleHarmes FittsDure; I It. G Crothers S't.tsnrf: 1 Margaret J. McKee ttttsburg f Archie Steel S!"0? I Leanno Cochran Pittsburg George W. Kobinson , Pittsburg I Hattfe Menary Coraoplfi 5 Henry Berg Verona j Casslo Autlf....... Pittsburg IHobert Beatson McKeesport I Elizabeth A. Whttmore Keynoldton I Orla D. "Williams H1!5!!" ) Mary Qalnn Pittsburg I Lawrence Gibson Pittsburg f Hannah Connolly Plttsbnrg (Thomas B. Jones Allegheny Amanda M. Karasey Allegheny J Hugh Thompson Pittsburg juary tainn.. ........... ............. .v"6 jJacob Harnett...' Plttsburc (Kebccca Jovlnss;y Pittsburg (Mlchalev Jlorroz Allegheny J Martha fcubrlikl Allegheny IJohnF. Rusell..i West Bellevue J Laura V. Whit Allegheny (James L. Kelly. Allegheny J Lena E. Webner ., Allegheny (John V. Beveriago McCandlcss township IKmma Toogood JlcCandless township ( William Mendel Allegheny J Llirle flelmeycr Allegheny (Andrew J. Davis Knoxvllle borough t Clntna McDancl Sbarpsburg I Robert Heeht Pittsburg 1 Catharine fallwa Pittsburg jncorjre T. Marshall Pittsburg IMlnnio E. Brettell Pittsburg NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OUR NEW GOODS OPENED. The late purchases of our Mr. Wattles have been received and opened. Wo think we show the handsomest- assortment of goods in the city. We cordially invite your Inspection at our NEW STOKE, 37 FIFTH AVENUE. WATTLES &SHEAFER, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JEWELERS. seS-jrwr THEY. WIMi APPEAL. The Cigar Makers' lnlon Will Take Their Lnbcl to a Higher Court. rtPECIAI. TELEGHAN TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Buffalo, September 5. "The Inter national Cigar Makers' "Union will not sub mit to the decision," said President Adolph Strasser, of the International Cigar Mak ers' Union, whose headquarters are in this city. This remark was called out when The Dispatch correspondent showed him a dispatch from St. Lonis, which said that in the United States Circuit Court there Judge Thayer had rendered a decision to the efTect that counterfeiting of the blue label used on union band-made cigars can not oe prevented or punished. "I do not know," continued President Strasser, "just how far Judge Thayer's jurisdiction extends, and until I get tbe text of the decision irom St. Louis I can't telr you exactly what will be done. How ever, the rights of the bine label have al ready been tested in the St. Louis courts, a permanent injunction having been granted against counterfeit blue labels. The pres ent case will be appealed, in all probability, but if it should be found that a loophole has been discovered in the Missouri trade mark law, theft the law will be changed. "The blue label has finally won everv test case so far, and I have no lear in the St. Louis case. Judge Thayer might with equal reason decide that a man's signature might be counterfeited with impunitv as to decide as he has in this case. I think we will appeal." WILL A BITSTERT. No Arrest Have Yet Been Blade for the Beaver Falls Murder. rsr-Ecni. telegram to thx disfatcii.i Beaver Falls, September!!!. This evening an inquest was held on tbe remains of William Spencer, who was shot .by unknown parties in this place last nlcht. The inquest was ad journed until Saturday, the 11th inst, to allow the Coroner to get additional evidence. But one witness, a tramp named James Kelly, from Smoky Hollow, Youngstown, was examined. He was with Spencer when he was shot. The others all fled and no arrests have yet been made. Kelly's evidence threw no light on tbe affair. So far nothine has been heard Irom tbe reported home of the mnrdered man. The body still lies at the undertaking estab lishment. P1TTSBUKG WILL FUENISH A System of Electric Lighting for a Llvo Buckeye Town. rFFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO TITS DISrATOIt.1 WAEKEJf, September 5. Under tbe superin tendence of T. J. Bray, formerly of Pittsburg, reconstruction of the old plant and the addi tion of new structures and machinery to the extent of 5100,000 are being rnhed by a big force ot men at tbe Pace Tube Works, which are expected to be in full operation by Octo ber L The Board of the City Council are observing the Pitttburg electric light system with a view of putting such in here. The Westinghouse people are thought to have a successful bid in. y MARRIED. MACKENZIE JACKSON Thursday, Sep tember 5, 1SS9, at 7 P. M., by Rev. Mackay, at St. Peter's Church, Roderick Mackenzie and Axxe Jackson, daughter of J. B. Jack son, Esq. McCAJNCEKAFPEL-September 5. 1689, at the residence of the hrlde's mother, 601 Fifth avenue, by Rev. A. A. Mealy, Mr. Robert U. McCauce and Miss Millie It. Kappel, both of Pittsburg, Pa. PERSHING REYMER On Tuesday even ing, September 3, 18S9, at the residence of the bride, 203 Western avenue, Allegheny, by the Rev. B. P. Woodburn, D. D., Mr. James H. Peeshlkg and Miss Martha K. Reymeb. The Grcnt West Virginia Count. rPFECIAI. TELEGEAM TO THE DISrATCH.l Tebra Axta, W. Va., September & The net result of to-day's work by the Gubernator ial Commission was the loss of 28 G off votes in Doddridge county. Fleming gained 10 in Ritchie and in Tyler. Goff gains 2 votes, and In Tncker. the examination of which is not concluded. Goff lost 10. Tbe examination of Tucker will be concluded to-morrow. IXDOESED EIGLEE. To Hunt for the Volatile. ISrSCTAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH : Mansfield, Pa., September 5. The Oak dale Gas Company, just organized, has leased several thousand acres of farming land at Shtr land, Allegheny county, and will begin opera tions for oil or gas next week. The Baldwin well at Noblestown has given them much en couragement, and the gas supply there is good. DIED. BLUEMTjING On Thursday. September 6, 1SS9, at 12.30 A. at., Peter Bluemlino, aged 63 years. Funeral on Saturday, September 7, at 9.80 A. il, from his residence on Main, near Eigh teenth street, Sharpsburg. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. BIER Suddenly on Wednesday. September 4. 1889, at 5 P. si., Frederick Bier, aged 60 j cars, 8 months and 13 days. Funeral on Friday at 2 P. x. from his late residence. Forward avenue. Twenty-second ward, Four Mile Run. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. BRAUN Entered Into rest on Tuesday evening. September 3, 1889, at 5:50 o'clock, Adam Braux, aged 72 years and 1 month. Fnneral will take place from his late resi dence, Shaler township, Butler pike, on Fri day afternoon, at 2 ojcloclc Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 BURNS On Wednesday, September L 1889, at 2 o'clock F. if., addie. youngest son oi 596 d02. CORSETS, 39c These, among other BANKRUP.T GOODS make this a , Mammoth- Sale in midsummer, which conclusively proves the merits of this POSITIVE CLEARANCE of tho entiro stock of J. R, ANDERSON, in Wool Dress Goods, Silks, Wool Underwear and Carpets. T, 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. sel-mrrau THINK. KBW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. fc B. Friday, September 6. JUST OUT OF BOND! SIX (6) CASES LACE CURTAINS. Our own direct importations. New Tapestries and Upholstering Materials. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ABSOLUTELY: The largest, and we believe the "Don't Act First and tT SL"Q I"' A larger number of new things; more exclusive goods; a larger as sortment altogether than we ever brought out. Motto: The best goods in the largest assortment popular prices. ELEGANT BLACK SILKS, New Light Weight Long Wraps. New Jackets, i Children's Wraps and Suits. Tho Randall CInb Frepnres to Celebrate nnd Do Political Work. There was a largely attended meeting of the Randall clubbers last night, J. P. Fleming presiding;) John J. McCaffrey, secretary. The following was telegraphed the Demo cratic nominee for State Treasurer: Hon. E. A. ilUrler: The Randall Club of this city tthonoredin the selection of one of its members as the standard bearer of the Democratic party. It congratulates you on your nomination for mate .treasurer; heartily indorses the princi ples enunciated by the convention and pledces you the support of its 600 members and the re sources of the club at the election in Novem- J. P. FLEMING, President. As the club will be five years old on Octo ber 1, it was decided to celebrate that birth day in fitting style at the clubhouse with speeches, music and a supper. Owing to the large membership it was decided that none hut members should be admitted. Seventeen new members were elected. Alex. "Wilson. John J. McCosker and Thomas B. Foley were appointed a commit teeto assign the members of the club to active duty in their respective election dis tricts. It is intended to have Randall Club men at the polls on "lection day in every district in which the club has a resident member. LDTC11EKS DEXI JT. They Say They Are Not Polluting Stream In Allegheny. Several Allegheny butchers, whose slaugh terhouses are loc-ted near Butcher's run, are somewhat indignant over Health Officer Bradley's animadversions on their disposal of reiuse. Conrad Dietz, who is high np on the stream, says that his offal is carted awav three times a vreek by "Walker. He thinks Mr. Bradley is empowered, bv ordinances, to stop at any time the work of butchers who may be throwing their refuse into the water courses, and he does not believe that an v butchers are doing such work. Mr. Bradley says that offal lias been found in the water course immediately below Mr. Dietz slaughter house, and that he has been warned not to allow it to occur again. BEDFORD BPiUKGS SASITAEIDlf. ThlrtT-nlne Acres Added to the Popatar Pennsylvania Sninmcr Resort. rSrSCIAZ. TKLIGKAVI TO TUE DISPATCB.J Bedford, Pa., September B. One of the most important transactions of real estate that has transpired here for some time was consummated to-day. It's a tract of land consisting of some 39 acres, adjoining the lands of the Bedford Springs Company, the-l purchaser being Mr. "William D. Jones, of jtijiiuucijui. mi. iMJou ii acting lor a syndicate, composed of Pittsburg and Phila delphia capitalists, who propose to erect a sauitariuni, completely equipped with all the necessary appliances, where invalids who visit this resort in search of health can be properly cared for and treated. The san itarium ii to coit between fGO.000 nnd 78,000. COXSECTICOrS BLUE LAWS. Ritid Rules of Conduct That Were In Force 250 Venn Aao. BTKATFonD, Conn., September 5. The cele bration to-day of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Congregational Church here calls to mind some of the old Connecticut blue laws, which were in force when our forefathers sat and shivered in the old church. Here are samples of them: No man shall be a freeman or give a Tote nnless he be converted and a member in full communion of one of the churches allowed In this dominion. No man shall court a maid, in person or by let ter, -without obtaining consent or her parents- XS penalty for tbe flrst offense. 10 for the second. au. u .us .u.iw -U.U.M.WUUACU. uuiiuk iue pleas ure of the Conrt. No one shall run on tbe Sabbath day, or work in his garden, or clsenhcre. except reverently to and from meeting. No one (ball travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep lioute, cut hair, or share on the Sabbath day. So woman Shall kiss her child on the Sabbath or fasting day. None 6hall buy or sell lands without permission of tbe (selectmen. A drunkard shall have a master appointed by the (selectmen. Whosoerer Dubllshes a lie to the nrptnrfin nftvt. neighbor shall be set In the stocks or be whlnned ten strines. : set In the stocks or be whipped No one shall read Common Prsvpr liwiV. van Christmas or set days, make minced pies, dance; play cards, or play on any Instrument ofmnslc except tbe drum, trumpet, orjewsliarp. No food or lodging shall be offered to a Quaker. Adamite, or other heretic. ' ir any person turns Quaker be shall be banished and not suffered to return but on pain of death No Koman Catholic priest shall abide in the do minion: he shall be banished and suffer death on his return. A EIKGULAK SUPERSTITION. Because He Believed It a Cnnmberabnrc Sinn Was Sent to Prison. CnAiiBERsnuno, September G. George Bowermaster, of Cumberland county, was be fore Judge bteuart here to-day, charged with bigamy, and the defense set up by him re vealed a queer "superstition that is current among country people. The defendant did not deny tbe second marriage, which took place in this county, bnt attempted to justify it on tbe ground that he did not think bo was really married to wife No. L It appears that while tbe first marriage cere mony was being performed, the groom and bride accidentally parted their hands, and Bowermaster was told afterward that this made tbe marriage not binding, and that this was a common superstition among tbe people. Judge Stcuart did not take much stock in this explanation, and gave Bowermaster one year in the penitentiary. "fc&a && 1 hmmkk Ber. nard and Mary Ann Burns, aged 1 year 2 months 21 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Bates street, near Second avenue, Fourteenth ward, on Friday, the 6th inst, at 2 o'clock p. si. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. 2 CAMPBELL Wednesday. September 4. at 305 P. It, CnABl.ES Campbell, of Loitrim, County Down, Ireland, in the 17th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his uncle, John Campbell, No. 72 West Jefferson street'Alle gheny, Friday at 2 r. ii. 2 DIFFENBAUH At his residence, Hoev eler street. Nineteenth ward, on Thnrsdav. Septembers, 18S9. at 6 A. St., Fbedebiok DlF fenbacu, in his list year. Funeral services on SUNDAY, Septembers, at 2 r. M. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. 3 ENGLISH On Wednesday. September 4. at 8 p. n., Elizabeth English, aged 82 service will be held at her late resi dence, 66 West Jefferson street, Allegheny. Pa., Fbiday, September 6, at 3 r. M. Interment private. EWING On Thursday morning, September 5, I8S9, at 2:30 o'clock, Laura Allen, wife of D. K. Ewing, Jr., in her 38th year. Funeral services at the residence of Win. Ewing, Jr., Ewmg's Mills. Pa., on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. ERHARDT On Wednesday morning. Rep. tember i, 1&S9, Geoeqe Ebhabdt, aged 75 years. Funeral Fbiday, September 0, 1SS9. at 8.30 a. jr., from residence of bis son, Wm. Erhardt, 122 Mulberry alley, city. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 GILLESPIE At his residence, Boule vard, East End (lorrens station), on Wednes day evening, September 4, at 9 o'clock, James Gillespie, aged 61 years. Funeral service 2 o'clock Friday after noon. Interment private. Carriages will leave T. B. Moreland's livery stable, Penn avenue, East End, for tho residence at 1:15 p. n. JOHNSTON On Thursday morning, Sep tember 5, 18SS, Mrs. Bessie Johnston. Funeral from tbe residence of her daughter, Mrs. Jennie McClelland, 57 Twenty-first street, Saturday at 2 o'block. MORRIS Tuesday, September 8, 1S89, Rob ekt R. Morris, in his 47th year. Funeral services from his late residence, Crafton, on arrival of train leaving Union depot at 1:05, city time, Friday, September 6. Interment private. McDONODGH On Wednesday. September 4. 18S9, at 705 o'clock P. M., Ann, wife of John McDonough, in ber 78th year. Funeral from the residence of her sou, Pat lick McDonongb, Salt Works station, B. & O. R. R.. on Fbiday, the 6th inst, at S20 o'clock A. IL Services at St. Stephen's Church. Hazel wood, at 9 a. M. . Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. McKEE At Wilkinsburg, Pa., on Thursday. September 5, 1889, at 2.30 A. M., Robert W., youngest child of H. H. and Jennio A. McKee, aged 11 months and 1 day. Funeral will be held at the parents' resi dence, corner Wood and North streets, Wil kinsburg, Pa., on Friday, September 6.18S9, at 2U p. 2t. .interment private at a later hour. McGILVERY On Thursdav, September 4, 1SS9. at 10.30 P. M., Andrew, son of James and Sarah McGilvery, aged 3 years and 10 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Carnegie avenue, between Fifty-second street and McCandless avenue, on Friday, Septem ber 6, at 2 r.K. Friends of tbe family are re spectfully Invited to attend. WIKTH September a 1S89. Irka, little daughter of Adolph and Matbllde Wirth, aged 8 months. Funeral to take place Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from parents' residence, 79 Locust ' street, Allegheny. Friends of the family are respecuuuy invitea to attend. All ASSURED FACT! We mean the Pittsburg Exposition, which is now thrown open for the inspection of the pub lic in general. We have an exhibit there which is now complete; our flrst display in one side of the case consists of FINE LACES AND LACE GOODS. These cannot fall to interest and attract the attention and admiration of the ladies, and the gentlemen as well, who have bad their taste cultivated up to the point of appreciation for the beautiful in this line. In the opposite side from the laces we make a display of HIGH PARISIAN NOVELTIES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS! So arranged and applied on stands as to give an idea as to the manner of using these really artistic and beautifnl goods. Our line of new trimmings, consisting of Fringes, Fronts, Panels, Gimps, Galloons, Ornaments, Girdles, etc., are now ready, as usual our stock is large and contains every variety and style of dress and wrap trimmings, in medium and finest goods made. In tbe center section of the case a small exhibit of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is made, consisting of Neckwear, Fine Under wear, Fine Half-Hose, Umbrellas, etc. The display will be changed from time to time, so that every time you visit the building give us a dance, as you will be likely to see something different each time.- ALSO, GIVE OUR SI ORE, 41 FIFTH A. VENUE, A VISIT AS WELL. Think Afterward." BUT, Think flrst and act afterward. Think where you can get the most for your money. Think where you can get the best for your money. Think where you can get the greatest variety for your money. Bead the following list, then think " and we know how you will aot. JUST A HINT OF WHAT WE HAVE, TAKEN AT RANDOM: Paper backed novels from 5o upward. Oloth-bound books Irom 25o up ward. Letter paper, by the pound, from 15o upwari Note paper, in boxes, from 80 up ward per box. A full line of Patent Medioines at' out prices. Ladies' trimmed ohemises from 25o upward. Ladies' trimmed drawers from 25o upward. Corset covers from 19o upward. Extra nioe quality corset covers (big bargain), 25c. Night dresses at 50c and upward. Infant's Slips 25o upward. Infant's long cambric skirts 50o upward Infant's complete outfits. ' Viotoria lawn aprons, tuoked, 25o upward. A full line of Patent Medicines at out prices. A full line of household goods. Samples of Opaline Powder given away to-day. BOGGS & BUHL, 115, 117,119, 12I,Federal sbf Allegheny. SC6-D miw School IS AT HAND . BOYS who have been away en Joying their vaoation, return with their clothing too seedy for sohool wear. They'll need new Pants, new Waists and perhaps a whole Suit and Hat. No matter which, parents will have no difficulty in supplying thorn from our new Pall Stock, which contains a complete assortment of both medium and heavyweight goods. Prices the lowest In the two citiea We make it a speoial point to have our SOHOOL STJ1T3 extra strongly made, whioh fact mothers will no doubt appreciate. Fall Styles in HATS now complete and open for your inspection. 0 Fleishman & Cos NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market si, PITTSBURG, PA seS-D HORNE & WARD. se6-D "Established Oyer Half a Century." mmM? PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET, A fine, large crayon portrait S3 SO; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and 12 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. aoli-16-iuvFsa RESORTS. HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., Henbt WAx.TZB,Prop'r., is o. B. Schlosseb, Manager, late of Hotel Dnquesne, Pittsbnrpr. rpHE CHALFONTE- ATLANTIO CITY, N.J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt-water baths In house. se3-77-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. STEA3XKUS AND EXCURSIONS. EW YOEK TO LIVEKroOIi VIA QOTKN3- IV. 'JJ. piUNAEU LINE. SE TOWH, 1THOM P1E14 HOBTH BT KA8T EXPRESS MAIL SEKV1CE. Berrla, Sept. T.sru Bothnia,Sept.I5,5:30AM Gallia, Sent. 11, 6:30 A MlUmbrla, Sept. 28.7:50 AM Etrnrfa. Sept. 14. 9 A M Serria, Oct. 5, 2:30 P M Auranla,Sept.zl.:i30r MiOallls, Oct. 9. 5: JO a x Cabin passage, (60, SO and f 100; Intermediate, (35. steerage tickets to and Torn all parts of Europe at very low rates, VERNON U. IJltOW S & CO., General Agents, , 4 Howlinp Green, New York. J. J. SIcCOKMlCK. Apent. Fourth re. and Smlthfleld St., Plttsbnrf. BUi-W This Trade MarK Is ou our Winildws. LADIES LOOKto YOUR FURS and brine them tous NOW for REPAIRING, REFITTING, REDVEING or MAKING OVER into the newest FALL and WINTER STYLES, which are now ready. As we are daily getting busier in our Fur manufacturing department, we would advise those wishing anything done in this line NOT TO DELAY, as wp can give more satisfactory work NOW than when our winter rush comes. PAULSON BROS., Manufacturing Furriers, 441 WOOD STREET. FIts Poors from Fifth avenue. N. B. Inquiries by mall about above work etc., receive our prompt and careful attention auH-srwT Profits go to Buyers in this special sale of our clothing. It should' be borne in mind that our prices' are not high ones brought down, but a genuine reduction from man ufacturers' prices. It's possible for buyers to save a heap of money on their wardrobe at our rates. Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. se5-D THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT As to vhere you should buy your FURNITURE, CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, if economy is the object you have m view. TafloR, ClotMers aM Halters, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. Gratia with each Boy's Suit a Vacuum Tipped Arrow Pistol and Target. se i 41-wtsu NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. H fi, CAMPBELL & SIS, Our fall line ol Stainless Black' Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hosiery is now complete, both in Plain and Bibbed Children's Single and Donble Enees. This vast assortment is composed of tha following celebrated brands, in light, me dium and heavyweights, for Ladles, Misses, Children and Hen, from 20o per pair to finest quality. The makes we carry are: Acco, Onyx, Gloria, Eclipse, J. & B, Horley, Parisian, Silver Crowns, Daisy. Every pair warranted. Our Ingrain Stainless Black Hosiery has been a wonderfnl success in Color, Wear and Price. We bars a special drive in a ladies' In gtain Black at 29c, worth 40c Also in a Child's All Black Heavy Bibbed Hose at 29c, sizes 6J to 9. This is the time and place to fit oat the Sohool Children. We can certainly sal,) you money. LARGEST STOCK, SXTPEBIOB GOODS, . LOWEST PEI0E3. Mail orders receive prompt attention. 710 P&nn avenue, 710. P.EN2T BOTLDINa. Between Seventh and Eighth sts. se5-Tursu Double Barrel Breech Loader, Sop action, Beboundinj; Bar Locks, all Dprovements, same as cut, 20 00. Double Barrel Muzzle leaders, J4 and up Double Barrel Breech Loaders.SJ and up Flobert Rifles, $2 and up. 100 Loaded Shells, J2. Loading Tools. 35c, 75c, $1 23, Paper Shells, 60c per 100. -AT- IKI. SIMHTT'S, 934 Liberty St, Cor. Smithfield. Send name and address for our Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, mailed free of charge. selSrwVsa ZCTIE-W- G-OOIDS. We have just received and have no'w ready for inspection, beautiful China Dinner Sets, Pish Sets and a full line of nice China, odd pieces, to which we invite the attention of the ladies. R. P. WALLACE & CO., 211 "Wood.-St. OPPOSITE ST. CHARLES. aut-TVTSB IdMj. School Opens Sept. 18th. vet Fou Yearly Exptnse, $300. ur Paymsnts, J 125. DIA ACADEMY I elasslfles young men and boys at any time: fits them for Hoalne,.anT College, polrteeh. for JV est I'olnt or Annapolis. Graduating classes. One of the best equipped and best man Is. Good table. All stndents board with the .Principal. Teachrrs all men and gradnate Admits and classifies 3 nic school, 10 ageascnoois. 000a table. AH stmlents board with the .Principal. Teachrrs all men and graduate of first-class Colleges. Tine buildings; single or double rooms. Every room has In It a steam radiator and Is completely furnished. Grounds (ten acres) for foothill, baseball, athletics, etc. Gymnasium. Special opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly, rtlvate tutoring and special drill for back ward boys. Patrons or students may select any liudlrs. or a Business, College-Preparatory. lee trical, or ClyllvEnglneerlng course. Physical and ClK-mlcal Laboratory. Practical Business Depart ment, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc., etc. More rally supplied with apparatus than any other ColTege fittlng school. Media Academy affords every home comfort, tbe best education and the best training. Fixed prices cover every expense. No examinations for admission. New Illustrated catalogue sent free to any address. SW1THIN C. BHOKTtDUE, A. B., A. M. (Harvard Graduate). Principal and Proprietor, Media, Pa. v Media, Pa., near Phila. School Opens Sept. 23th. Yearly Expense, $500. Two Payment!, $250. FOR GIRLS AND YCUNG LADIES. Wi Eastman'a Celebratad School. Graduating Courses In Classics, Literature, Science, JIathematlc.3Iusle. Jlfxlern Languages. Twelve accomplished teachers and lecturers. Superior Musical Department. School has an organ and eleven pianos. Private tutoring for backward pupils. Individual 'attention. Small classes. Pupils sur rounded by such restraints as are essential to their safety and happiness. New Illustrated circular free. SW1TH1N C SnORTLIIKJE. A. M.fllirrmlX'llra.ln.K.I ?"V" lrB ieS-ST MBS.BW1THIN C. SHUKTUDUE. .' Principal Medla, Pa. KEECH'S WATyTTVtO'ITBC. Cash and Credit House, 923 and 925 Penn Ave., is the house for you to pat-. ronize, it you want to save money, and get dependable and stylish merchandise. ieYl-xwr Assets, January L 1887 ,668,839 6C EDWARDS k KENNEY, Agents, " OQ fourth avenue Pittsburg, DO US THE FAVOR TO SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE lEixiiFosiTicasr. Then be kind enough to call at the Store, 307 Wood street, and we will show you the handsomest line of New Fall Styles of Furniture, Carpetipgs, Eta, it has ever been your pleasure to witness. Our prices are very low and the terms, ' should you desire a little time, we will make very easy. i-H PIONEERS OF LOW PRICES. 1al5-53-HT TO OTJE ZDTjE'W FALL DRESS GOODS. TTTHITE STAB LINK JOB QUEENSTOWN AND LIVEEPOOL. Boyal and United States Mall Steamers. Adriatic, Sept. II. 7 a m -jeuiomc, cepuis, noon. Germanic 8cpt.5i,2pm Urltannlc. uct. 1 11 ji m Prom White Star dock. Adriatic, Oct. 5, 5:30 p m Teutonic, uc.io, iu:wa m. Germanic, Get. 23, Sp m Britannic, Oct. 3a 10 am lYi ANTHONY MEYER, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold & Co., Llm.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenue. Tele phone connection. mylO-W-MWFSU && 3ta.& w$.Wte Dyspepsla'a Victims are numberod by thou sands. Do not continue in misery, but cire Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. The many re markable cures it has effected warrant us in ursine it upon your attention if you gutter from indigestion, sick headache, biliousness or other stomacn disorders. Be sure to Hdod'a. cet BLOOKER'S DUJCH COCOA, 150 CUPS FOB f L jOJCEST.PmjESTrBEST. XBX IT. JAMES M. FDLLERTON. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, NO. 6 SEVENTH STBEET. Telephone 1153. ap27-82-W7Sa FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOIOE CUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. C J". B. MURDOCH, r A SMITHFIELD ST. ulU Telcpbono 429. deO-H-JfWF ftont of W.it'IVrthBL 'SeCOnd C&bln fin itipt. Itpsmapi Unlnnn rata. SW and upward, becond cabin, S3S and upward, according to steamer and location of bertu. Ex cu,C?i?n tickets on favorable terms. Steerape. ?20. white Star dralts payable on demand In all tbe principal banks throughout Great Brltaiu. Ap ply to JOHN J. McCOKUICK, 01 Smltbflcld St., Pittsburg, or J. BKUCEiSatA, General Agent, 41 Broadway, New York. se5-n. Whi. Sempie's, 165, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET. nuu L1J X ER .BROS. & CO.; SO'7-"WOOD ST.-307 Sole Agents for the Davis Sewing Machine. ael-'wrsu JOHN R. &A. MURDOCH, Offer the choioest flowers and floral work in any desired style. 508 Smithfield Street. Telephone 239. seS-JTWT p KFRESENTED IN ITlTSBUftU IN 13CI ASSETS i 19,071,69851 Insurance Co, ofjforth America, Igsses adjusted and paid by WILtLIM L j tfv&o.orourui aTeuue. jajJHa-D ANCHOR LINE. . ... M'snlio Express Service; L VERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship "Cmr ay ItOiIE,fromi.ew York, WEDNESUAY. Sept. IS, Oct. 18. Saloon passage, ISO and upward: second-class, 130. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from New York to . , GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver. pooh-fSO and sso. Second-class. fSo. Steerage passage, either service, S20. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts lor any am ou at lssu ed at lowest cu rre nt rates. For books or tours, tickets or information, TArpp.'i?.,tS,BSWK1SON BBorHEBS. N. V., or J;.rVoii.t;i?LAlclV. fourth and Smlthfleld: A. U. 2Oi,?.?'!fc.8U.4!.55mU.,lfl0ld"-. "Manure;; W. SEMl'LE, Jr., l&SJfedcralst., Allegheny. JyMorwr State Line To Glasgow,' Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. KROM NEW YORK EVERV THUR8DAY. Cabin nassago 135 to fM. according to locatloa of ststeroom, Excursion sss to 190. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Sates. AUSTIN BALDWIN CO.. General Agents, MBroadwsy, MewYor. .. j. j. Mccormick, Ajtot, puuburo. p. -. . . '.i,iaK Fancy, This week we present you with the very newest and most desirable materials, specially selected from the American, French and German s7 looms, with our same reliable prices. Come and look round. Not nec essary to buy. So pieces rich -Jamestown Plaids, Stripes, Mixtures and Weaves, 25 and 37c. These are especially handsome. 52-inch Ladies' Cloths, extra weight, 45, 50, 65 and 75c 42-inch Tricots, all colors and black, 31, 370 and up. Side Band Suitings, all-wool and superb quality, 62, 75 and 870. The most elegant line of Black Goods of "all kinds, and superb Silks. Prices interesting. BLANKETS and FLANNELS. Red' and white all-wool Country Blankets, full size, $3 pair. Mar velously low for quality. You should see our stock before buying. Dollars saved. In our next we tell you all about the attractions in our new Suit and Cloakroom, This department to be a grand specialty.. ' ALL GLEAE SAILING, We find no trouble at all in selling goods. Whyl The answer is -plain and simple. We have done just what we promised to do when we commenced our CLOSING O UT SALE. We have marked our goods at such low prices that they sell themselves. This together witJir the fact that onr goods cannot be excelled anywliere in quality and that we have sxich an endless variety makes them sell. Our stock comprises Lamps, Glass, China and Queensware, Cliandeliers, Clocks, Bronzes, Gas Fixtures, Cut Glassware, Bric-a-Brac, High Art Patterns, Ped estals, Easels, Bronze and Onyx Tables, etc., all new and latest styles. The J.P.Smith Lamp, Glass andGhina Co,, J 935 Penn Ave.. Betweeft;jjfnth and Tenth Sts. P. a Sogers' Best Triple) at 91 24 per set. lated Dinner Knives ...'- .. ... ... . ,j.. . t ,Jti2tn.44. . . ...... hs-.JJsA.-ifir.L-J. - - &J - .J . . .j. i,X S.A. ' J 1 asWst ) ' J . Ma I ' . ; JBHHBmq9mKU)0M3 I tfisslssBl'J3aCfahaaattaaaBltla3P ''JaWtLlI ml'J'm-X'wfii-lMVW'-V' ' jf jlfr.-f, IStftifi ftA Mk j UL