L 'i M . li YERSATILE A&ENT Comes to Grief After a Yery Be markable Business Career. HE WAS THE CHAMPIOS HDSTLEB, 'But Would Take the Company's Funds for Individual Use. MEMBER OP AKOBLE AUSTMAN FAMILY Gubernatorial Commission is nearinc the end of Its labors. To-day Mercer and McDowell counties were disposed of finally. The two thow a net gain of 193 votes for TIeniinc Braxton county was taken up this afternoon, and S3 Fleming and 17 Gott. rotes rejected on a district boundary dispute and two Fleming and one Goff rotes rejected on otber points.. A HUNGARIAN RIOT. One Chicago, September 1. Mai Jacobson, until recently Western Superintendent of the Fidelity and Casualty Company, which has general offices in this city under the control of General Manager W. A- Alexan der, was before Justices Randall and White this morning, charged with embezzling small amounts of money from the company. The arrest was made on a warrant sworn out by Mr." Alexander, the accused being on the point of boarding a train for 2few Xork when the officers fonnd him. Mr. Alexander was seen by a reporter,and 'from that gentleman the story of Jacobssn's career in this city and something of his pre vious history were obtained. "Jacobson is one of the most versatile men I ever saw," said Mr. Alexander, with some enthusiasm. "His talent is something wonderful, and he had no equal in handling insurance busi ness. He is only about 26 years old and a fine-looking fellow, with a most winning address. He got iu with the best class of business men, such, for instance, as Par well, McVeagh and Armour, and he got along with them so well that he could put his feet on their desks with impunity and act as familiarly as he felt inclined. A "MODEL AGET. "He was with us about nine months and he made plenty of money. He did a busi ness of 820,000 in' fire months, and his salary and commissions amounted to nearly or quite $i00 per month. The first irregularity 1 discovered in his business was in last March. This, alter talking to him and get ting his promise to do better, I overlooked. "When the Washington Park races came on. he cot into rapid company, and I found that he was using my money to buy pools with, and was carrying on at a high rate. "I called him in and remonstrated with him, again getting a promise of reform, but it was not long before I found him going wrong, as usual, and then, about three weeks ago, I discharged him, making at the time a demand on him for all moneys in his hands belonging to the company. He was behind with us to the extent of "about $700. Ac soon as I discharged him he went over at once to work for another liability company, and they advanced him money. The assur ance of the man is shown by the fact that he went down to Joliet and, on the strength of forged letters representing that he had left me in a straight way, got prominent citizens and influential Senators to go on his bond." "What do you know of his antecedents?" A2T AUSTKIAS- NOBLE. m ell, jl Know lie belongs to a promi nent noble family in Austria. I got a let ter from his father only a few days ago. The letter bore the family crest JToung Jacobson used to live at Monte Carlo, where he was known as a poker player and a very slick one. Before he came to Chicago he had served a three-year term in the Joliet Penitentiary for forgery, but he made him self solid with Warden McClaughrey and other prominent people while there, and when he came out carried with him the most flattering letters of recommendation from ex-Mayor Page, Banker Fish, Senator Cul lom's brother and General McClaughrey. He has been equally successful in this city in 'coming it OTer' people, and he has obtained I don't know how much money onaer jaise pretenses lrom ainerent people, Sinn Killed and a Nnmber Injured In a General Flphl. tSMCUL TKLEaitAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Grssxsbttbg, September L News has just reached here of a riot among the Hungarians at the Standard Mines, near Mt. Pleasant, in which one of the Huns was beaten so badly that he died a short time afterward. Another was shot through tho leg and severely hurt. The fight. It anDears, was occasioned by a dis pute between two burly Hungarians over a woman. Both claimed the lore of the damsel. Argument was of no avail, and urged on by moonshine" whisky and jealousy a general fight took place, in which wen, women and children took part with the above result The names of the injured could not be learned. Lightning Alter tho Whisky. ISrZCtil TELEGRAM TO TI1E DISPATCH. 1 Feee1oet. SeDtember 4. During the heavy storm to-day lightning t truck the bonded house of Gucltenhelmofc Bras' distillery, injocKing a hole in one comer of it. The fluid failed to reach the whisky. If it had the whole building would have been destroyed. WITNESSES WON'T TESTIFI. DIcCall Says He Has Mo Evidence Against the Sponk-Enslea.' Agent McCall said yesterday that he was only the clerk of the District Attorney, and he will be governed by the latter in the prosecution of speak-easy cases. He Baid he has no evidence at hand with which to convict anybody, and he finds that in the cases iu which he felt pretty sure of con viction the witnesses will go into court, and say they don't know anything about it. New Spiritualist Society. Frank T, Bipley, of Boston, organized the first society of spiritualists in Allegheny last-Sunday. Mr. Bipler will address the society in Washington Hall every Sunday for the next two months. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents ofa Day In Two Cities Condensed for Bendy Reading. Joseph Beesstein was held for court In default of $300 bail by Alderman Snccop yes terday, on a charge of larceny by bailee, pre ferred bv Phillip Marcuson. The latter Is a picture dealer and alleges the defendant took out a lot of books and pictures to sell and failed to return them or their equivalent in money. Albert Jones was placed in jail last night to await a bearing Saturday before Alderman Porter on a charge of larceny. Annie Robinson alleges that he went to ber room on Stockholm avenue, broke open her trunk and stole a cloak and otber articles from it S. K. Cooper made information before Alder man McMasters yesterday against Magna Calla, a labor boss on the new bridge being built at Beck's Run. It is alleged Calla struck the defendant in the face with a chisel ana knocked his teeth loose. Last night Alderman Leslie held Lena Nast and Norcrave Snyder In $300 ball each for court on charges of assault and battery. They reside in jo-boats on the Allegheny river near Herr's Island, and got into a row, which resulted in cross suits. WixijAJt Buisk, who was charged before Alderman McGurey, of the Southside, with bigamy by Mrs. Elizabeth Viarheller, appeared before the Alderman last night, waived a hear ing and gave bail in the sum of $1,600 tor trial at court. MARRIED. MILLER RUSH Wednesday, September 4. 1SS8. at tbe home of her father, C. H. Ruth, Uniontown, Pa by the Rev. Millholland, K. F. Milleb and Jane F. Rush. inciuaing Max or Edward Strakoscb, who us morning. are relatives of his, and on whom he drew I CATUXKiifE McCabtut yesterday charged forged drafts. There is no telling how I James Beck with grievously assaulting her 8- including Max or Edward Strakoscb, who many people ne nas aone up. When the case was called Tjefore Justice White the prisoner had no counsel, but he uiicrwaru sem oui ana got lawyers, who began to fight the prosecution with a will. Alter neanng the testimony, which was to the effect that Jacobson bad collected $35 from one party and 19 from another, Jail ing to account for either sum on demand. the Court held the prisoner in $300 bond. A writ of habeas corpus was at once taken out by the defendant's counsel. AT supper time last evening Susie Dickson, aged 12 years, lifted a kettle full of boiling water off tbe stove, at ber home. No. 2803 Smallman street, and scalded herself badly on the breast and arms. Her case is serious. DtJEiKO a heavy thunder storm at Freepori yesterday, tbe lightning struck the gable end of No. 1 still belonging to Guckenheimer. Tbe bricks of the building were scattered all over the place.' Damage was slight. Henet Daskec, an orphan 12 years old, who lived with his grandmother at No. 2SM Penn avenue, was arrested last night on a charge of stealing $8 from the store of Mrs. Dagnell, No. 2617 Penn avenue. CiiAnuES Donahoo, a roller in Carnegie's Thirty-third street mill, was arrested and com mitted to jail by Alderman Leslie yesterday on a serious charge preferred by a girl named Ellen O'Heran. James Braes, while crossing the West Penn track at Sharpsburg last evening, was struck by an engine and badly injured. The com pany's doctor was called and he dressed the man's wounds. The remains of A. B. Lewis, lawyer of Aber deen, Dakota, passed through the city yester day morning for the borne of the deceased in Indiana, Pa., where the interment will take place to-day. Christ Beers, a resident of Nixon street, Frankstown, died at his home suddenly yester day, it is presumed from heart disease. Tbe Coroner was notified and will bold an inauest STILL HADING BODIES. Throe More Recovered From the Rains of tho Wrecked City Bellefonte for Dearer All the Nuts From Nearby Towns. " rSFECIAI. TELXQBAX TO THE DISPATCH.! JoHNSTOtVK, September 4. Three more bodies were found to-day, one.thatof aman, in a cellar on Market street, just in the rear of the Burgess' office. Another body of a man was found in a cellar on Walnut street. The third was that of a woman and was un earthed in Jlillrille, close to the schoolhouse, b v a man in hunting for the hydrant of the lot oc cupied by him. The woman had earrings, also ?P nD& one Pkted ring with initials The Flood Commission is expected to meet here on the 13th Inst., when the Board of In quiry expect to have their report ready to hand the commission. Dr. Robinson, who disap peared recently, has turned np InPhiladelphia, and it is understood has satisfactorily arranged his affairs with the State Board of Health. A MYSTERIOUS MURDER. Btrango Manner In Which a Resident of Brnddock Met His Death. ISrECIAI. TZLEGILAM TO THE DISrATCILl jjeayeb .fatus, September . This even lng about 9 o'clock a young man aged about 23, and named William Spencer, was shot at this place and Instantly killed. The deceased, whose home is at Braddock, came to this place yesterday with a gang of tramps. To-night they assembled in the Paperwill woods in a shanty and began drinking beer and carousing. During the carousal a shot was heard, and Spencer fell to the ground with a groan, lhe gang, -with one exception, fled. He ran lor a doctor, but when they returned Spencer was dead. The bullet had entered just below the heart and death must hare been Instanta neous. Who fired the shot is not known and so arrests hare been made. year-old child, rne parties lire in Gtorman,al ley. It is alleged Beck attacked him and beat bun. Maetts Duetke, a Hungarian, was brought to the West Penn Hospital last night, suffering from serious injuries received from the falling of a crane bucket near Conemaugb. An information was made by Peter Kroffk yesterday, charging Debold Moneyold with forgery. Moneyold was arrested and held for a bearing to-morrow. George Eberhabt, 75 years old, was found deaa in his bed at his home In Mulberry alley yesterday morning. The Coroner decided an inquest unnecessary. WnxiAsr Hastixos was brought to jail from Baldwin-township last night bn a charge of theft. He is accused of stealing $31 from William Braway. The fifth annual excursion and basket pic nic of Star of Liberty Castle No. 102. A. O. K oftheU.C, will be given at Rock Point on SeptemDer 12. A meeting of the delegates to the Widows and Orphans' Home will be held in Allegheny September 11 to adopt a charter, by-laws, etc.. for the home. Mead C. Cabpenteb, of Gray's Mills, Crawford county, lost an envelope containing $117 on Smithfield street yesterday afternoon. Yesterday a Pole named Jawasxo was overcome by the heat while at work in the Black Diamond Steel Works. The meeting at which Dr. Campbell will speak this afternoon iu the Y. M. C A, Hall will be open to everybody. An uifKNOWir old man, supposed to nave been a tramp, was killed near Mansfield by second No. 6 last night. - The Committee on Surveys win meet this afternoon. SCARCITY OF WATER. TThe Bearer Rlrer Is Very Low and Rain Is Badly Needed. rsrEciAi. telegeam to the dispatch.i Beavek Faixs, September 4. Owing to the continued dry weather the Bearer rirer has be come nnprecedently low, and unless rain comes soon many of the works along the river that run by water-power will have to shut down. Great difficulty is also experienced by the water works company to get enougb water to keep a respectable stage of water in the reser voir. The pumps are kept busy night and day. i esterday a force of men were put to work constructing a temporary dam from the shore, just below the influent pipe, to an island in tbe middle or the river, which will create a pool sufficient to allow the pumps to get a full sup ply. If rain does not come soon the sprinkling carts will be taken off and consumers notified to be careful of the water. ASSISTANT CHIEF CLARK. His Appointment Confirmed by the Allegheny Fire Committee! . The Allegheny Fire Committee last night confirmed the appointment of Bichard Clark as Assistant Chief. He was named by Chief Jones. Mr. Clark was for many years a member of the Eureka Company No. 7, and his appointment is generally com mended. A petition was presented by M. C. Boyd, a grocer doing business at 2o. 325 Beaver' avenue, asking for reimbursement for an awning destroyed by sparks from the Hope fire engine on the night of the fire at A. D. Miller & Son's oil refinerv. Mr. Boyd pre sented a bill ibr ?10 50, "but it was not allowed. DIED. BERGER On Tuesday. September 3, at 6 o'c.ock F. JL, at his late residence,Fiftb avenue, Beaver Falls, Jqiln Berger, aged 75 years. BEBOTJT Of diphtheria, on Wednesday, September 4, 1S89, at 130 o'clock A.SL, Abbib N., youngest daughter of James N. and Lire tta E. Bebout, aged 1 year, 7 months and 2 days. Funeral services at the residence of her pa rents, Second avenue, Marion station, Balti more and Ohio Railroad, on Thursday, the 5th inst, at 4 p. M. Interment private. BRAUN Entered into rest on Tuesday evening, September a, law, at OiXi O'Ciock, Adam Braun, aged 72 years and 1 month. Funeral will take place from bis late resi dence, Shaler township, Butler pike, on Fri day afternoon', at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend, 2 BURNS On Wednesday, September 4, 1889, at 2 o'clock P. M., Eddie, youngest son of Ber nard and Mary Ann Burns, aged I year 2 months 21 days. Funeral from the residence of bis parents, Bates street, near Second avenue. Fourteenth ward, on Friday, the 0th inst., at 2 o'clock p. jr. Friends of the family are respectfully In vited to attend. 2 CREESE On Wednesday, September 4. 1SS9, at Sewickley, Pa., at 2:15 p. m., Florence Aida. daughter of David C. and Jennie Creese, ageu 4 years o montns :a days. Funeral from tbe residence of ber parents, Sewickley, Fa,, Thursday, September 5, at 3 o'clock P. II. CURRY At Wilkinsburg, September 4 Wimjam L. Curby, aged 25 years. Funeral at tbe residence or A. Cummins, Wallace street, Thursday, at 1 p. u. Burial at Versailles Cemetery, McKeesport, at 430 P. M. of the same day. EVANS On Wednesday, September 4, 1889, GWANL1.IAN-. wife of William T. Evans, of Etna, Pa., aged 53 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. ERHABDT On Wednesday morning, Sep tember 4, 1&S9, George Erhabdt, aged 75 years. Funeral Friday, September 6, 1S89. at 8:30 A. it, from residence of bis son, Wm. Erhardt, 122 Mulberry alley, city. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 GILLESPIE At his residence, Boulevard, Kast End. on Wednesday evening, September 4, 1SS9. at 9 o'clock, James Gixxespie, aged 64 years. Notice of funeral in evening papers. GOTTCHALK Beethai relict of the lata Henry Gottcbalk, aged 67 years, 5 months and 8 days. Funeral from 215 Ohio street, Allegheny, on Thursday, 2 o'clock p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 LEITBIM Wednesday. September 4. at 3:15 p. ii., Charles Campbell Leithjm, of County Down, Ireland, in tbe 17th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of bis nncle, John Campbell, No. 72 West Jefferson street, Alle gheny, Friday at 2 p. sr. 2 MILLER On Monday, Septembers; at 3 A. JL, at her residence, 1312 Carson street, 8. S., Mrs. Catharine, widow of Simon Miller, in her C7th year. Funeral will take-place on Thursday, Sep tember 6. at KSO p. n. Berrices at Rot. Lorch's church, Jane .street, S. S., at 2 p. 1L. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. MORGA-N On Wednesday. SeptemDer 4, 1SS9, at 9 A. jr., John W.' Morgan, one of the Johnstown flood sufferers, aged 2 years and 6 months. - Funeral service at the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. John Harry, Thirty-eighth and South streets, on Thursday, September 5, at 11 a. m. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend, interment private at Sandy vale Cemetery, Johnstown, Friday, Septem ber 6, 18S9. PERRY On Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock. George Perry, Sr., aged 78 years, at his residence in Banksrille. Funeral on Thursday, September 5, at 230 p. ii. PORTER On Tuesday afternoon, Septem bers, 18S9. at 8-30 o'clock, Mary A Porter. widow of the late James Porter, in the 72d year of her age. Funeral services at her late residence. No. 273 Robinson street, Allegheny City, at 2-30 p. ii. Thursday. Interment private. 2 R1CHEY Entered into rest at Butler on Wedneday, the 28th of August, Mrs. James Richey, in her 82d year. -Mrs. RIchev was the eldest sister of the late George R. White, of Pittsburg, and mother-in-law of James Raf ferty, of-Allegheny City. 8CHWARTZ Fredebick William, son of Frederick William and Caroline Schwartz, aged 2 years and 9 months. Funeral from parents' residence, 60 Chatham street, on Thursday, at 2 p. m. Services at Oakland Cemetery. . 2 WELSH On Wednesday, September 4, 1SS9, at 230 A. M-, Ella, daughter of Richard and Mary Welsh, aged 17 years and 4 months. Funeral from tbe residence of her parents. No. 2 Violet alley, WestEnd, on Friday, Sep tember 6, at 9 o'clock A. M. Friends of the family are invited to attend. WINTER On Wednesday, September 4. 18S9. at 2:15 a. il, Henry Winter, at his residence, 1715 Mary street, Soutbside, aged 72 years 7 months 13 days. runerai services on THURSDAY at 2 P. M. Friends of tho family aro invited to attend. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION -DI- CARPETS. - B. & B. Thursday, September 5. . To make room for ndw fall stock we are cbmpeaed Lo sacrifice last season's patterns at extremely low prices.!, We will therefore offer the following extradrdinarj grams, viz: "7"7 cents for quality of i i Brussels whose 95 'price with all has been '$r. cents and re $110 bar Body gular ealers for Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Body Brussels whose regular price has been from $r 25 to $1 '50. Wilton Carpets (M JH . per yard. v) 1 aU English, Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Wil ton Carpets at mO reduced- from $2 50. vj)i s SCHOOL SUPPLIES. OJcClintock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. aulO-TTS CLEARANCE SALE or Flannel Blouse Waists To Clean TJp tho Season's Stock. $1 60 Qualities at 81 00. S3 00 Ones at SI 50. $2 60 and S2 75 ones at $2 00. J3 00 and JS 23 ones at S3 25. A few, only, of silk H 60 ones at $3 25. S5 60 ones at S3 75. Then we call your attention again to our clearing up sale of Boys' Waists, IN daroe sizes, 9 TO H tears. A cood chance to buy boys' waists cheat). f 1 00 ones at 75 cents., tl 25 and SI 40 ones at SI 00. These are all thebest Star maVe, but we want to run off the stock to make room for winter goods. The Men's and Boys' Flannel Shirts Also going out at greatly reduced prices. See tbe great bargains In Gents' Neckwear, Hosiery ancTTJn derwear, In fall and winter weights, opening every day. Come in lor schools outfits if you aro going away. 9 For this class of goods their can be no shadow of doubt ve are the headquarters, Every kind and description of school requisites will be found in our establish ment, and the vast quantities we sell enable as to offer unprecedented values. Below we quote a few sample prices: School Companions at 10c eaoh. Noiseless Victor Slates 5c each, worth, 10a Small Plain Slates at 2o eaoh, worth 4o. Lead Pencils 4c a-doz, Composition Books at 3a eaoh. Penholders at 3o a doz. Four Slate Pencils.un neat box, lea box. Best Lead Pencils" afr-4o each or 45o a doz. School Bags at all Prices. Writing Paper by the pound, from 15o upward. Foolscap lOo a quire, ,$1 50 a ream. Legal Cap 10a a quire,. 91 60 a ream. Memorandum Books of alUDe scription. Tablets of all sizes and all prices. New Fall Gds"'toriving,xfjti!ly. Mail Orders Becaiye Prompt At tention. .. ; , Catalogues and Price Lists Mailedi Free of Charge. A FEW BLACKS, High class combinations, stripes and plaids, Black and White all wool and s,ilk and wool Suitings, 40 inches wide, plains to match (Bas ket Cloths and Foule) 1 25 for" tancy; gi a yard for plains. Elegant Novelty Sidebands, plain Black and Black and White, 43 inches wide, $1 and $1 25 a yard. New Jacquard Suitings, novel figures, 'all-wool, 40 inches wide, 75c, 90c and 1 a yard. NOVELTY DRESS GOODS. 42-inch "Clan" plaids, all-woo, beautiful colorings, $1 a yard. 42-inch fine, all-wool -English Suitings, 75 c a yard. 52-inch fine, all-wool English Suitings, $x 25 a yard. "Handkerchief Robes," only found here, 10 and 12 each. Full patterns and something new. B0GGS & BUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 Federal st.,Allegheny. se5-D OUR EXPOSITION Of new Fall Goods surpasses all our former ones In variety and cheapness. We opened during this week high novelties in IMPORTED NEWMARKETS, IMPORTED JACKETS, FINE PLUSH JACKETS, FINE PLUSH 8ACQUE8, IMPORTED LONQ WRAPS. Imported direct by us and not to be procured elsewhere. Those fine Stockinette Newmarkets at t9 75 are reaUy worth 20, and if you wish to save moueyyon bad better select one this week. We also opened this week 240 cartons containing 4,180 pieces colored Bilk Velvet Ribbons, choice shades, which we offer at ex ceedingly Jow prices. These goods will be very scarce shortly, as there is an enormous demand tor them In Europe and America. WITH GU M V o OPEN THE FAL -AHD- AN IMPARTIAL PUBLIC WILL h THEIR NEW PALL STOCK THE L. THEIR FALL STYLES THE PRj. THEIR PRICES THE LOY ALL THE NEW STYLES, NOVELTIES, DESIGNS and MATERIAL The product of the widest experience, the greatest amount of energy, the employment of a vast, amount Jof capital, combined with a perfect knowledge of what the people in this vast business center require. To .mention even one small portion of the thousands upon thousands of good things for fall and winter wear now displayed in our store would be a matter of utter impossibility. The whole stoie is crowded with The Best Clothing for Men, Boys and Children. The Grandest Stock of Hats and Caps. The Finest Assortment of Furnishing Goods. I The Greatest Variety of Elegant Footwear. Fleishman &.Co.'s SEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st "AnoiluT-lirtation of Kii Fall line of GENUINE FOBTER FBENUH' !' KID. P3 FW ?L&. i 11 J&tslptHI GI0Y83, BOOK N FALL OVERCOATS. Choice from a stock. All the styles in all the' grades from plain to finest Three izes to every breast measure, with extra sizes for the big, good naturecf fellows. A perfect fit guaranteed every buyer. CAlL SUITS. "ces anl qualities which will create a sensation and bring every thinking person to our store. Unques tionably the finest and best Ready-made Clothing in this city. Men of any size and shape (except actual deformity) fitted. The key word of the immense business we shall do is "GENUINE BARGAINS." FOR SHREWD AND SAVING PARENTS BOYS' Among mentioned -OUR GREAT SALE 07- AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING POSSESSES STRONG ATTRACTIONS, the very' many extraordinary bargains obtainable may be 5 Hooks, i oo. 7 Hooks, a 60. PPTTSBTJBOr, PA. 6e5-D HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. inSO-D $10. 50c; TEETH, $5, $8, Gold fllUncs from $1 up. At silver. 75c: white alloy, tl. Gold Crowns a specialty. -OK. J. M. MCCLABEN, Corner Smithfield and Fourth avenue. Je23-TT3U A BOOJI FOR HASTINGS. Center Conntr ! Certain He Will be the Next Governor. , lErECUL TELEGBJLM TO TUB DrSMTCn.1 Bellefonte, September 1 The Republi can County Convention met here in the Court House this afterroon and nominated the fol lowing ticket: Associate Judge, Michael Mus ser. of Milheim; Prothonatory, TV. I. Fleminc Bellefonte; District Attorney, W. E. Gray Bellefonte; Surveyor, Jesse Clever, Unionrille: Coroner, W. F. Woods. ' Resolutions were adopted indorsing the ad ministrations of President Harrison and Gov ernor Beaver, and also the course of M. S. Quay, and especially the course of Genera D. S. Hastines at Johnstown. Speeches made bv Mr. Coburn and Uhers referred to General Uastfac as our next Governor. I.. L. Brown was elected County Chairman for 189a So Shovr ftor General GofT. :SrXCL.t. TELXQllAX TO TBI DISPATCH, Tebea Aita, "W". Va., September Walling for a Fall Bench. The attorneys have decided not to present the refused retail liquor dealers' petition until there is a full bench. Judge JIajjee jo not in me city, xne lawyers leel confi dent that some oMhe retailers will be granted licenses for the balance of the year. MnrrlnBo Ucesiea Granted Tcsterdar. Ksine. Keilflenee. I William Lear Allegheny t Annie Thompson Allegheny ( Koderick MacKenzIe J'lttjtiiiri- 1 Annie Jacltou .".WtUbSJJI J mSR.S- Hro," McKeesport )MaUndaOoley. McKeesport I Frank H. Symcs Osborn boroneh I Clara M. Heckert McUandles. township J Andrefr Graham Plttsbnrir i Maria Connelly ." . "piuXSS McKeesport McKeesport Allegheny Allegheny . Allegheny wiegneny tKachelFrlem-n :...:....V."::nt1t0Srrf J Morlss Schwartz McKeesport Lena Kaufman McKeesport I John Slater Alleirhpnv iBhei autiiu ::..::::Ai.eIheS? Thomas Lenlhan Mtttbnre 1 Kose Upperman .nurture josepnuoiaen Plu.bnr ...Pittsburg JAMES ARCHrBAX,t 4 BRO . .LIVERY AND SALE STABLE3, 117, 119 and 138 Third avenue, two doors below omiumem il, nexi aoor to uentral Hotel. CarrlaKesforfunerals,$3L Carriages for operas, parties, ic, at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. myl-li-TTS FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND S11ILAX A. M. C J. B. MTTltDOCH, r j n SMITHFIELD ST. OX.KJ -Telephono429. dc8-f4-5TWF pEPRESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN 1SCI ASSETS - . t9X171,(!9633. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. SI Fourth avenue. ia20-3-D SCOIT&KENNEWEG Manufacturers of Ornamental Iron Fencing, Bailing and Cresting. 34 SAMPSON ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. SDecially Adapted for Cemetery Lots. jelS-9-ThSu Profits go to Buyers in this special sale of our clothing. It should be borne in mind that our prices are' not high ones brought down, but a genuine reduction from man ufacturers' prices. It's possible for buyers to save a heap of money on their wardrobe at our rates. Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. , seS-D TT-naa. "Po-trf-. .Qi-iifa of. t!1 KH l!0 fcO RH o-n3 t!Q -x " - " u ,u VJ. W, Va, Vi W emu W, V -AND- JSsng Pant Suits at $3 50, $5, $6 and $8. We are al offering Boys' Shirt Waists in Cheviot and Cretonne, unlanndried, i?c, 24c, 49c up. Boys' Percale Waists, "Star" make, standing collars, oc only Boys' Shirt Waists in flannel, all grades, 63c, 74c, 98c up. Boys' "Star" Percale Waists, 75c and $1. Boys' White Shirts, laundried or unHaund"ea"' a11 Prices ilom 44c up. Boys' Percale Shirts, loose cuffs and 2collaxs, 49c, 74c, 98c, eta, eta, with PHENOMENAL BARGAINS k SCHOOL HATS and FOOTWEAR. ) ?-( -VTi GUSKY'S 300 to 400 hr.fcl.street. "tTMHn !e - 1 STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes nnsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc. PETER WRIGHT A SONS, General agents, 307 Walnut st Philadelphia. Full Information can be had of J. J. McCOR. MICK, Fourth avenue and 8mithneld street. LOUIS MOESER, BIS Smithfield street. mhlB-66-TTS JAS. MNEIL & BRO., BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IRON WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING BOXEa With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work in our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine wort Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. ' fe5-&S-TTS 5 Hooks, $1 50. 7 Hooks, SI 76, laCENSED UNDER FOSTER'S PATENTS SUBLIME- 7 Hooks, $2 23. Guaranteed Poster Hook Kid Uloves hooks, 89c; 7 horfks. Jl. No such values offered by any other house. 60 doz. Misses' 4 b. Kid Gloves this week at 48c 120 doz. Ladies' 4 b. Embroidered Kid Gloves this week. 48c 40 doz. b. fine Em broidered Grav Snede Gloves, 68c, worth Jl. 220 doz. 4 b. Real French Embroidered Tan Kid Gloves, warranted, 89c a pair, a real Jl 75 glove. Undoubtedly tbe greatest bargains ever offered in Kid Glove), and cannot fail to boom this department. It is our aim to give you re liable gloves at as low prices as the so-called job lots or seconds offered by many dealers as real Kid Gloves. MILLINERY All tbo early Fall Novelties can be had in this department. New Wines. Tips, Ribbons, Velvets, Plushes, etc, inen less variety, and at prices which cannot be undersold. PITTSBUBOi PA. - SPECIALTIES: 20,000 GRADUATES. Bookkeeping Shorthand, The best accommodations. Type-Writingr, Coml Arthmetio, The best methods. The best results Penmanship. Send for Circulars. Address J. C. SMITH'S SON. Night School Opens Monday, September 30. aul5-73-TTS Qc$dmdm OAI ITIOM J "- DoB' name and the price aresfempedon the bottom of al rJ I lUIV fchoes advertised by him before leaving his factory; this protects the wearers against high prices and inferior goods. If your dealer does not keep the style or kind you want, or offers you shoes withont W. L. Douglas' name and price stampetf on them, and saw they are just as good, do not be deceived thereby, but send direct to the Factory, for you can git wnatyou want by return mail, postage paid. Dealers make more profit on unknown shoes tSat are not warranted by anybody; tberetore du not be induced to buy shoes that have no reputation. Buy only those that have W. L.Dakglas' name and the price stamped on the bottom, and yon are sure to get full value for your money. Thousands of dollars are saved annually in this coun- trV bV the Wearers at W. I Dounllt' Skni. Tn nri1.rt.iF Km.lt .....a Y.A...w ...... m... t. t.v. t :n -".;-. v.V- r. "r."" "' """ "' .""". j """-y fe..., .u.vwu Ul .LMVC, LWUUVU Mip IVC, J on. auu wiuiu you wear. can nt any I variety 01 mains, sizes and hail sizes. X gua tlon or money refunded upon return of the shoes in cood condition. W. U DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mm. RIO to 514 Market'Street and 27 Fifth avenue. -Visitors to the Exposition are cordially In vited to inspect our Stores. Entrances on Fifth avenue and on Market street. se3-TT8su TO OTJH 3STE"W FALL DRESS GOODS. W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE (Carl J. Plpn. i Helena L. l.unrtstrom.. I Frederick Mrlnhardt ... I Mifrdclcni Egermyer . . J Bichard D. Gray Josephine Knrzdoefer ., WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF PITrSBURG. Assets JS,50I87 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIMICK. President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice PimMmi fe22-26-TT3 WM. P. HERBERT.'Secretarr. piUNAKD LINE. xj via, Jiuuju riBlt 40 HOBTH BlVJSJt. 'FAST EXPRESS MAIL SEHV1CB. Servla, Sept. 7,1m Bothnia, Sept.25, 5:30 X sr Gallia, Sept. 11, 6:30A w Umbrla, SeptS,7:30AM Etroria, Sept 14. 9 AM Servla, Oct. 5. 2:30 r M Auranla,Scpt.21,2i30FliGillla. Oct. 9. 5:J0 A H iuin passage, twi, lao ana iiuo: intermediate. steerage tickets to and lrom all parts of luff rates. ?35. i-urone at very VEKHON H. 1IKOWN CO.. General Agents. Esther Gessen., Frederick Englebrecht, I l.ydla Moiser ;. Allegheny .Allegheny ..Elizabeth enzabctb CH.1 l-TheJJ iBiTceWvlIe i Blanche Thompson M1.0 J H'rlln Jr Allegheny M"T J. lUyes Allegheny JArhJeuS2f" Mansfield Sarah Bowmin James Cruthers. Sarah Autburu., juansfleld ....McKeesport vrsilc&eesBort CAFE WILL OPEN THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 4 Howling Green. New York. Acent- JTourth ave. and Smithfield St.. Pittsburg. J. J. MCCOUMICK. 1 se2-D TVTH1TE STAB LINK FOB QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Royal and United States Mall Steamers. W m. Semple's. .165, 167 and 169 FBDEEAL STREET. 'Adriatic SeDt. 11. 7am Teutonic, Sept.18, noon Germanic BepLi5,Ipm .Britannic, uct. z. Ham Iirltannle. From White Star dock, foot of West Tenth st. Adriatic Oct.9.5:30nm Teutonic, Oc.16, 10:30a m Germanic Oct. 3, 3pm Britannic Oct. 30.10 am Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, 50 and upward. Second cabin. 33 and upward, according to steamer and location or berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorahle terms. Steerage 20. scS-li BLOOKER'S .DUTCH COCOA. 150CUPSFOR. 41 Broadway, New York. ses-r CHOICEST, PUREST, BEST. je2i-MTxr . TBTIT. -A State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage tWS to S50. according to location of stateroom. Excursion S63 to S90. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates. AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., General AenU, a Broadway, New York. . J. J. McCORMICK, Agent, Pittsburg, Pi. fiipiff lihis week we present you with the very newest and most desirable materials, specially selected from the American, French and German looms, with our same reliable prices. Come and look round. Not nec essary to buy. So pieces rich Jamestown Plaids, Stripes, Mixtures and' Fancy Weaves, 25 and 37c. These are especially handsome. S2-inch Ladies' Cloths, extra weight, 45, 50, 65 and 75c. , 42-inch Tricots, all colors and black, 31, 3Jj4c and up. Side Band Suitings, all-wool and superb quality, 62, 75 and 870. The most elegant line of Black Goods of all kinds, and superb Silks. Prices interesting. BLANKETS and FLAlflNELS. Red and white all-wool Country Blankets, full size, $3 pair. Mar velously low for quality. You should see our stock before buying. Dollars saved. In our next we'tell you all ab, out the attractions in our new Suit and Cloak room, Thisjdepartment to be a grand specialty. FOB GENTLEMEN. s a fins seamiest calf shoe, with Gondola tops and Oak Leather bottoms. They are made in Congress, Button and Lacs, on London Cap Toe, Narrow Cap Toe, and Plain French Toe Lasts, in slztt from 5 to II, including halftixet and in all widths. Ifyouhsva been prying from $5 to $8 for shoos of this quality do not do to longer. Onsptir will wear as long tl two pairt of common shoes sold by deitert. lhtt art) not warranted by the manufacturer. Our claims for this thoo over all other S3 shoes advertised art: 1st It contains bttter material. 2d. It is mora stylish, better fitting and durable. 3d. It gives batter general satisfaction. , 4th. It costs more money to mtke. ffh 14 9u.. nnMva n.Anau A.k ,l.a ... " "- .. v iKuii., rw. aim . wir u ma r i,, 6th. It it told by more dealers throughout the U.S. ji in, its great success is out to merit. ng 8th. It cannot be duplicated by any other mana-V aciursr. 9th. It it the btti in the world, and hat a larger dtmand than any other S3 shoe advertised. $5,000 will be paid to any person who will prove the above ttatemenft to be untrue. The fol lowing ines will be found to be of the Same Quality of Exeelltnce: CR nfl CUflP GENUINE HAND-SEWED, which takes tho place of custom-made 'shoea 3J.UU OniJE. that cost from $7 to S9. $4- 00 SHOE THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY HAND-SEWED WELT S4 SHOE. Eqi -v - - KHSioill-lUilUU SUUC3 bUSfcUlg ladiU tffU fall fj. 3 in QHflP FOR POLlCEMEtl. Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear them. vw.ww a xacics or w ax xnreaa to nnn me zeet. $2 50 9H0E IS UNEXCELLED FOB HEAVY WEAB. Besr Calf Shoe for the- price. $2.25 SHOE $2.00 SHOE $2.00 SHOE $1.75 SHOE WORKINGMEN'S. Is the best la tbe world for roajh wear; one pair ougatij IU ncil ( Ulll a JCtk.li IS EQUAL TO SHOES THAT COST FROM S3 TO 53.50. One pairwfflj JTG4I luuvt uuu iiujr buud over ouju aft me prcc. FOB BOYS is tbe best School Shoe in the world. YOUTHS' SCHOOL, gires the smaUJBoys a chance, to wear the best shoes in tbe world. ALL MADE IN CONGRESS, BUTTON AND LACE. W. L DOUGLAS $3 AND S2 SHOES FOB LADIES. a Common-Same." "The J Alto, Frtnch Opera mt Both Ladles' Shoes aro made in sizes from 1 to 7, including half size, and B, C, D, E and EB1 . STYLES OF LADIES' SHOES. "Tho French Optra." "The Spanish Arch Optra," "The AmtrlcV Medium Cimmon.Seme." All made in Builon in the Latest Stylet. rruni bscs, vu j ?nuu snijr. consumers sbonld remember that W. L. DOUGLAS is the largest and only Shoe Mannfaet- nrer in me wona, suppijingsnoesairectxrom iactory, thus emne all the middle men's pronu to the wearer. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Matt. r FOR SuSJLTE BT m. J. B u. m. Lana, Fnrtv-nf th and Butler streets. J. X. Froarlns. 3K Fifth arenne. D. carter. 73 if tli avcirac. E. C. Sperber: 1328 Carson street. In AUesbeny City, by Henry Rosser.' vn . m.. ... j.. i.v. ...... .). j. uuihujji. i. .w:ugi;r;j BUCtit. JJia.rTT3 DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cared Aomlmttering Or. names' by Golden Specific the knowledge of the person taklna; ltt It abso lutely narnuess, ana wui enect a permanent ana dy cure, whether the patient is amylcrate Intel; peei It can be etren in a cup of coffee or tea without tely har meedr en drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thonsaidt of Drunkards bare been made temperate mm who haTe taken todenripeelncln thclrcottrewkhoet their knowledge ami ulay believe tber ntt drinking; from their own tree wtU. IT H EKK FAILS. The system once Impregnated wit the ripecine, it becomes an nuer impossiDiniy lertn liquor appetite to exist. Ifor tale by A. J. Dutia ana xrenn. aTe.irj DO X CUirU BL.. AUG. D 1 Jteo. A. KeUrtiOJ.. a?lttiburt Xu fena aTcflttsborr; E. Hoidei. lTsue tup - ...... l RESORTS. HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J, HtcntT WAZ.TSB.Prop'n, Jso. B. ScbxossxbS .Manager, late of Hotel Dnqueane, Plttabarj. J '-! jyM rPHE CHALFOKTE ATLANTIC CUT, N. J. " On the beach, with nnsurpassed oeeawrievJI oaii-waier cams in noose. -- r 1 se3-77-o & KOBEEOB & S0N3.1