ilBBjBMBBMPIHBBBHBlM IP: " " i- THE eSsBUBG 'DISPATCH, THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5?v 1889$- T.'V7T - " T7" . - ri IMG ELECTRIC LINES. Extension of the Southside Suburban Road -Into Pittsburg. MAHI IMPOETAST IMPROVEMENTS. From Znoxrille tc the Exposition in Twenty-five Minutes. CAKB TO BE HOISTED BY. AN 1KCL1UE Important matters were decided at a meet ing held yesterday afternoon by the direct ors of the Suburban Rapid Transit Bailroad Company. The line of this company ex tends from the city line, on the Brownsville road, two and a half miles toward "White hall. It has been in operation for about 11 months, connecting at the city line with the St Clair Electric Bailroad, and from that company has been receiving its motive power. The St Clair road suspended oper ations about six weeks ago. which has been the cause of considerable annoyance and de lay to the suburban road. The meeting yesterday afternoon was held to dfecide upon ways and means to avoid any further opportunity for such delay by mak ing arrangements for the extension and in dependent operation of the suburban road. The board concluded to erect its own power house. A site has been selected on the turn pike, near the second toll gate, in Knox ville. Plans were ordered to be drawn for a brick power house, SO by 100 feet in Bize, to cost about $22,000. The intention is to have it completed within sixty days. The system sow in use is the overhead wire system, with under contact Thecompany will use either a Ball or Ide engine, with Daft dynamos. It was decided to extend the main line across the river into the city of Pittsburg. This extension will begin at the present ter minus at the city line, will run down tbe hill to South Eighteenth street, thence to Mary street, to South Seventeenth street, to Muriel street and to South Tenth Street, where it will strike the tracks of the short line of the Birmingham Passenger Railway Company. By these tracks it is the inten tion to cross by the Tenth street bridge to Second avenue, Pittsburg. There the line will connect with the proposed Second ave nue electric lailroad, and by a traffic ar rangement the passengers of the Southside line will be carried, without change of cars, to the Exposition building at the Point This will make an electric line from five to six miles long, extending from the southern edge of Knoxville borough to the Exposi tion, but it is the expectation that the trip will be made in 25 minutes. A remarkable innovation in electric rail way operation was decided upon at the meeting. By it the company proposes to reduce the drain on the power and to ob viate the danger of hauling a crowded car up a steep hill by a single wire. Another loop line will be built from the present city line terminus to Barkhamer street, thence to .Marengo street, to Pine street, to Fort street, and on that to the top of the Twenty second street incline. From the base of the incline the line will run along Mary street to Eighteenth street, where it will connect with the other tract. Cars will descend the hill at South Eighteenth street, but will ascend on the freight incline on South Twenty-second street This will save time and power. As experience has shown, to haul a heavy car up a steep hill is not only a heavy drain on the dynamic power, but is not unattended with danger. The President of the suburban company is Mr. John Phillips, of the firm of Oliver Bros. & Phillips, and the Secretary Mr. C. A. Xoble. EESOLUTIOKS ABOUT Wtf. THAW. The Society lortbelinprovementof the Poor and Its Tribute. The Society for the Improvement of the Poor met yesterday afternoon and passed the following resolutions relative to the late ftWilliam Thaw: S Whereas, Our Heavenly Father in His in- niteloveandunerringwisdom has been pleased to remove from this life oar esteemed friend and counsellor, 'William Thaw, we deem it peculiarly fitting tbat this association pay its tribute of gratitude and respect to bis memory. Resolved, Tbat in the death of William Tbaw vre have lost one of the first and most steadfast supporters ot this society. In the hand of Providence we owe to him our present growth and prosperity He gave liberally ot his time, thought and money. He was "brother to the poor," truly and deeply Interested in all that pertained to suffering humanity, en couraging managers and visitor by the hearti ness of his counsel and practical sympathy. He regarded money given to relieve dlstresss as "sanctified money," and has so expressed it Resolved, That, as an association, we express our heartfelt sympathy with the family in the great loss they have sustained in the death of the husband and father, especially to Mrs. Thaw, who, with her husband, has always been an active and faithful coworker in charities. "We sincerely mourn with her in this great affliction, and pray that He viho measured out her grief may give her crace and peace with an abiding sense of the living presence of Him who has promised to be a "husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless." Venom Inhaled With the Air, And imbibed with the water of a malarious locality, has still a certain antidote. Experi ence sanctions confidence in Hostetter's btom ach Bitters as a preventive of this scourge. All over this continent and in the tropics it has proved itself a certain means of defense, and an eradicant of intermittent and remittent fevers and other forms of miasma-boru disease. Nor is it less effective for kidney troubles, con stipation, rheumatism and nervousness. J. G. BENNETT fc CO., Corner Wood Street and Fifth Avenne. Bennett & Co. sell Youman's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Dunlap's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Silverman's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Boston hats. Bennett Co. sell Christy's English hats. Bennett & Co. sell Lincoln, Bennett & Co.'s English hats. Bennett & Co. sell Heath's English hats. The above makes are known to be the fin est in the world, and can be purchased at a slight cost over the ordinary make of hats at J. G. Bennett & Co.'s, corner "Wood street and Fifth avenue THREE RAKE BARGAIN'S. A Splendid Finno nt 8150. An elegantly carved four round corner Vose piano lor $150. A magnificent T Oct upright piano in perfect order for 5200. Also a double reed Mason & Hamlin organ, cost $150, for 50. Three rare bargains at J. M. Hoffmann & Co.'s, 637 Smithfield street Fine stock of the celebrated Sohmer pianos, Colby pianos and Hallet & Cumston pianos, at prices that defy competition. The Vichy of America. Why drink impure water when the abso lutely pure Ponce de Leon mineral spring water can be procured for $1 per case of CO pint bottles (carbonated), f. o. b. Mead ville. Address, Ponce de Leon Mineral Springs Co., Meadviile, Pa. Use Use "Una" flour nnest spring patent in s world. "Golden Wedding" the best of .nA flntlH CrinnT1CTIo" Vine W annnl . fhc hrpnri flours. vuiurtruw una uv lluai M a pastry flour. Horning' s "ivory," gem of all family flours. Paet of that beautiful property known as the-"Boss estate," adjoining Sharpsburg, at Aspinwall station, has been laid out into building lots. Plans can be had from W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth avenue, its REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LML, 401 Smltbfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent its . . i t ..-j.. t :u n. ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth at. irsa J THE WATER C0MIHG UP. The Completion of Davis Island Bara Slakes a Big Chance A Poor Sewer Thnt May Cante Heavy Damage Suits. The completion of the Davis Island Dam is bringing the water up steadily in the rivers. Of course the rise is not rapid, be cause very little water is flowing into the rivers from their tributaries. The water mark showed over two feet last evening. The stony islands that have dotted the two rivers for a fortnight have entirely disap peared, and the water is slowly creeping up along the wharves and on the bridge piers. The dam will bring the water up to six feet above the first riffle iu the Ohio. For over a week none of the vessels on the Monongahela have been able to . come below Lock; No. 1. Yesterday morning the wharfboat of the Brownsville line was brought down to its old mooring place below the Smithfield street bridge. The steamers Adam Jacobs and Elizabeth came below the lock to their old docks, It is probable that a number of coal barges will be sent down below Davis Island this morn ing, but they will be unable to go any further. The water below the dam is much lower than before that work was completed, and a skiff can hardly be floated. When the water in the pool attains a depthof six feet it will escape from the dam, but it will be some weeks before the Ohio will be navi gable, unless there are heavy rains. Men along the river express regret that Captain Crawford, the wharfmaster, did not take advantage of the period of low water to repair the outlet to the sewer which flows into the river opposite to the foot of Wood street The outlet has been broken up and the sewage flows out over the wharf, emitting a vile smell during the warm weather. Large and thick flagstones, with sharp corners and edges, with which the lower part of the sewer was covered, are scattered about ir regularly on the wharf near the water's edge. When the water has risen so that they will be covered, they will be dangerous to vessels coming to the wharf, and may be the cause of heavy damage suits against the city. 2J0W IN SESSION. River Captains Will Urge the Purchase of Locks br Uncle Sam. The delegation of river captains from Pittsburg to the ri vermen's convention num bers 26. They had a special car on the Baltimore and Ohio Tuesday night and reached Cincinnati yesterday morning. The convention assembled yesterday afternoon, and will probably hold sessions during the remainder of the week. The Pittsburg del egation will bring before the convention the importance to transportation and commer cial interests of Government purchase of the locks on the Monongahela river. This sub ject will be urged strongly, and an effort will be made to secure Congressional action next winter, to the end that the Government may proceed with the work well begun by the condemnation and "purchase of lock No. 7. . SCHAEPPEE EXPLAINS How He Got Behind With Fond of the Convent Laundry. John Schaeffer, who is charged with em bezzling money belonging to the Convent Laundry, denies the allegation. He says that he had an agency for the laundry, and used to receive and deliver packages. He was also empowered to take the money due for laundry work. He says the Convent people used to send a different man every day, anfl he refused to give them the money. He consequently got behind $21, which resulted in the suit He again assumed the leading agency yesterday. HANDSOME NEW BOAT. The Plltsbnre nnd Cincinnati Packet Line Repairing; Their Boats. The Pittsburg and Cincinnati Packet Line is taking advantage of the low water season to have all of its steamboats thor oughly repaired. The Scotia is lying here and is receiving new smokestacks, new painting and a thorough overhauling. The Hudson is on the dock at Cincinnati and the Katie Stockdale is being repaired at Marietta. This line has just put afloat a new excursion steamer, the Nellie Hudson, which will operate at this port It draws only 14 inches of water. BROKEN ON THE WHEEL. Richard Thomas Killed While Attending to His Work. The engineer of Sankey Bros', brick works, on Brownsville avenue, near the head of South Eighteenth street, was killed by being caught in the bend of the driving wheel while pntting rosin on it, and was killed almost instantly. His name was Richard Thomas, 20 years of age, and lived with his uncle on Mission street, near where the accident occurred. The inquest will be held this morning. GOING 0TEE THE B. & 0. The German Volunteers Will Start for Gettysburg Next Taesdav. The Seventy-fourth German Volunteers met last night and decided to go to Gettys burg next Tuesday morning over the Balti more and Ohio road. Members of the regi ment can secure transportation by sending affidavits of their discharge to General Hastings. They will meet in John Hermann's old saloon at 7 o'clock in the morning. A GREAT HANI COMPLAINTS. The Board of Viewers Adjoarn to Look at Bogs Avenne Property. The Board of Viewers had a meeting yesterday to receive claims for damages by the grading of Boggs avenne. The meeting was largely attended, and numerous com plaints were made about the damages caused by the grade, and it was necessary to adjourn the meeting until the board can make another view of the property. Manager Slander Sued. An information was made before Alder man McMasters yesterday by Frederick Kline against D. W. Staufler, the manager of the Clinton Boiling Mill, for assault and battery. The prosecutor alleges the defend ant choked him and hit him in the face during a dispute about wages. Staufler gave bail for a hearing this morning. Pledged to Washington. George H. Anderson, representing the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce, sent a let ter to the StLouis Merchants' Exchange stat ing that the Pittsburg Chamber appreciated the many advantages that St Louis had tor a world's exposition, but they had been pledged to vote for Washington, D. C. Feeble, tired women, needing a mild strenzthener and stomachic, will find gen erally jnst what they require in the use of Tt. Tt Tnwna'a Tj,n?A V.miltirra i. 41... small or tonic doses. It corrects acidity of the stomach, gives tone to the organs of digestion, improves appetite and assimila tion of food, thus assisting nature in the restoration of wonted health and strength. Where the liver is inactive the Sanative Pills, taken in conjunction with the Vermi fuge, will be of much service. The Vermi fuge is inexpensive, and thus within the reach of all; but for the above uses it will be cheaper to buy the double or half dollar size. Sold by all druggists. Maryland Exposition. The B. & O. E. B, will sell excursion tickets at rate of $9 for the round trip, from September 7 to 14, inclusive, good to return until the 21st, inclusive, to the Maryland Exposition, at Baltimore. Trains leave depot at 8 A. M. and 920 r. u. . A COLD WAVE COMING. Sergeant Stewnrt Predicts Better Times for Sweltering People. The weather was an absorbing topic yes terday as evidenced by the clothes worn by the general public. The textile fabrics absorbed considerable perspiration, and the atmosphere considerable profanity on ac count of the heat Upon scaling the heights occupied by the signal service observer in Schmidt & Friday's building, Sergeant Stewart met the reporter with a cool air and a toby. He said: "There is a cool wave in the atmosphere which will reach here to-morrow or the day alter. The mercury showed 28 in Wyoming Territory to-day, and through the northwest cool areas prevail. To-day is very warm, although not phenomenally so. The highest point reached in Pittsburg was 86 at 130 p.m. On August 30 the high est point reached was 89. In September last vear the first four days registered 70, 74, '77 and 80. The lowest last year was Septeaber 30, which went down to 39. The highest point reached this year was 93 on July 10. Since the establishment of the signal station in Pittsburg the highest point ever reached in September was 102 in 1881 and the lowest 35 in 1879. The outlook just now is for rainy weather for a few days, and a considerable lowering of the temperature, which will be agreeable news to the large majority of Pittsburg's citizens. THE EVERETT PIANO CLUB, Or Co-Operatlve Plan of Selling Pianos, Offers inducements which can be secured in no other way, while the club members have the privilege of the easiest payments ever offered, viz . $1 00 per week. They at the same time get the benefit of the lowest pos sible cash price, obtained by contracting for 350 pianos at one time. If you have not seen the plan send for our circular at once, or come and see the piano. Application for membership should be made immediately, as the club is filling up. Address or calf on Alex. Boss, Manager, J37 Federal street, Allegheny. Prof. Carl Better, Prof. Jos. H. Gittings, Prof. H. Eohbock, Prof. F. Albrecht and a host of others say the Everett Club is a thoroughly honest and practical plan of securing a first-class piano at the lowest possible cost John Howard, the great voice teacher, and author of Physiology of Artistic Singing, says the Everett piano pleases me. It has a most delightful quality of tone, a pliant, responsive touch, and is in every respect a most satisfactory instrument vrchs Cabinet photos, $1 per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st txsu MEETINGS.) rOTICE-THE ANNUAL MKETING OF L the stockholders of the Frohsinn Society to elect Directors takes place at their office, 305 Penn ave, TUESDAY, September 10, 1889.from 4 o'clock P. K, till 9 o'clock P. M. au2S-4-D C. W. KRAUS, Secretary. SOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of "The Sewlckley ry Co." will be held at the office of the company. No. 110 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa- on TUESDAY, September 10, between the hours of 3 and i o'clock p. v.. to elect a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and transact such other business as maybe properly brought before them. J. E. SHAW, Secretary. PlTTSBPBG. August St 1889. se2-16 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TBAT THE report of viewers on the opening of Wil liam street from Bailey avenue to Browns ville avenue, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed in the Court ot Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. if. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Pnblic Works. PrrrsBUBO, Pa., September 4, 1889. se4-89 SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller untU SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. at 2 P. ST., for putting new prison cells In Police Sta tion Nos. 2 and 3, also for repairing said police stations. Flans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of bids must ac company each proposal. Said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the neat to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, se4-83 Chief Department Pnblic Safety. AMUSEMENTS. mv IWELFTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE BUTLER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AS- SOCIATION Will be held on their grounds, at BUTLER, PA., SEPTEMBER 10, 11, 12, and 13, 1889. Liberal premiums are offered in all classes. A large addition to the stabling has been built Exhibitors will be well accommodated and vis itors well entertained. Entries in all classes close Baturdav. September 7. at 0 o'clock r. ic. ALL PREMIUMS PAID ON THE GROUNDS on Friday, 13, commencing at 1 o'clock. Mu sic by the Major E. A. Montooth Band, of Pittsburg. For premium list or speed purses send to W. P. ROES8ING, Secretary. SC3-55-D pRAND OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY. and MATINEES Sept-9. Week Wed. and Sat. TannehlU's BRIC-A-BRAC, A new musical comedy extravaganza. THE ADMIRING Talk of EVERYWHERE. Mingling in glorious revelry the richest de lights ot music, dance, comedy and beauty. ORIGINAL, . CHARMING, SUCCESSFUL. SEE IT, HEAR IT, ENJOY IT. sel-69 TITRS. J ENNESS (MILLER Will lecture on ARTISTIC DRESS, GRAND OPERA HOUSE,- 2 o'clock P. Jr., THURSDAY, September a Box office now open. Orchestra, SI; circle, 75c; balcony, 60c. au31-70 D TTIRANK T.RIPLEY. Jj of Boston, the noted Spiritual Lecturer and Test Medium, will lecture for the First Society of Spiritualists of Allegheny every Sunday morning and even ing in the months of September and October. All are invited to attend. ADMISSION FREE. seo-15 GRAND OPERA HOUSi FREDERICK TO-NIGHT. WARDE. DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Week September 9 TannehlU's Brtc-a- Brac. se5 B 1JOU THEATER- LIZZIE EVANB. in her greatest succe THE BUC. E. se4 September0 W.J. BCANLAN. . HARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. FETE BAKER -in CHRIS AND LENA Week Sept 9th Passion's Slave. se5-91 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night and Matinees. LABOR DAY MATINEE AT 2. Night Prices. DAVENE'S ALLIED ATTRACTIONS sel-8 THE NEW WORLD'S MUSEUM, Allegheny City. James Geary, manager; Harry Scott business manaeer. Casino Comic Opera Co. A multitude of Curiosities. Perform ances hourly. sel-91-p PURE MILK. This Company is prepared to receive orders by mall or otherwise tor Absoltttelt Ptjee Mile, delivered to customers in sealed glass Jabs, packed in ICEat our creamery in Bewick ley. Price 8 cents per quart THE SEWICKLEY DAIRY CO.. au20-73.D 110 Wood st, Pittsburg. Pa. J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT, 69 Fourth avenue, aulS-67-TT3 Pittsburg, Pa, Kg-Display bdvertUcmait one dollar psr square or one intertion. Clcutlfled advertise menu on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, 3b Let, etc, ten cents per line for each truer tion, and none taken for lest thanflfiy cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements areto be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TBI DIS PATCH, rnrsBUBa. THOMAS MCCAFFBKY, 35o9 Butler street EMIL G. HTUCKET, 21th street and Fenn ave. K. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and Fultonst 2i. BTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. XAST ZSB. I. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER A SHEIBLER,5thav. AAtwoodlt . SOUTHSIDE: JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson strest ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEB, 69 Federal street II. 3. McBEIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGEK3. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEK3 & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. BTEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets, THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. 1'EKIIYM, GLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Hcln. WANTKD-GOOD BABBEB-C, 422 Smltbfleld street. H. GBAVEK, sco-00 w ANTED AT O NCE GOOD BAKBEK. AP PLY 710 FIFTH AVE. 6e5-fl -T1XANTED-8 0R4 GOODTINNEBS ATG. W. STEVENSON ABKO.'S, 637 Liberty St. seS-32 WANTED-FIFTY. LABORERS AT r. B. B. crossing, head Thirty-third street. BOOTH ft FLINN. seS-16 WANTED GLASS DECOBATOBS. IN QUIRE FOB! PITT GLASS WORKS, Washington St. se3-71 WANTED TWENTY BRICKLAYERS AT once. Apnlyto STEEL ft HALL, at Wll merdlng, P. K. K. se4-25 -TTTANTED-A GOOD ALL-BOUND PRINTER TV to work at Job and newspaper work. J.D. HALL, Parnassus, Pa. se4-l TTTANTED-20 CAULKERS-WAGES K 25 VV per day. Inquire at MCCORMICK ft MOBAN'S, 150 First ave. seS-41 WANTED-A COACHMAN, MUST COME well recommended, and make himself gen erally useful. Audress P. O. BOX 162, City. sei-ia WAN TED-SALESMAN TO BELL GOODS BY sample: good salary paid. Write to CEN TENNIAL MFG. CO., Cincinnati, O., or Chicago. seS-75-TTSSU VT7-ANTED-A DRIVER FOB A GBOCEB If DE W LIVERY wagon in Allegheny. Address ALLEGHENY GBOOEB, Dispatch office, Pitts burg. se5-13 WANTED-ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY laborers to work on sewers In Braddock. Apply on work. LAWBENCE SLOAN, Con tractor. ' sel-110 WANTED A GOOD MAN IN EVERY town: salarvpatd weekly. Address SHER MAN, TANGENBERG ft CO., 160 W. Lake st, Chicago. au23-4 TTANTED-25 MASONS AT CONEMAOGH VV roundnonse. Apply AT WOKKortor. P. BEILLY, Wall's station. MCMANUS, Con- iracior. BC17 WANTED-INVOICE CLERK: ONE WHO thoroughly understands Invoicing In the lamp and glass business. Address GLASSWARE, jjispatcn omce. seo-w WANTED-BILL CLERK AND ASSISTANT bookkeeper by manufacturing firm, state age, reference and salary expected. Address S., Dispatch office. se5-64 WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for teas and groceries; salary and commis sion; good position to right party. Address B., Dispatch office. se4-2 WANTED-TBA VELINO OR LOCAL SALES MEN to sell fond specialties to grocery, ho tel and restaurant trade on commission. BEN NAGE MFG. CO., Phllada., Pa. seS-29 WANTED-3INGLE MAN TO WOBK IN veterinary hospital; none but those thor oughly acquainted with the care of horses need apply. DR. R.JENN1NG8. 215 First ave. se5-43 WANTED-FARMER ON A SMALL FARM, -with some knowledge of gardening, with a wile who has experience in hutter making; send reference. Address P. O. BOX 226, Pittsburg. Pa. se4-63 w -ANTEU-INTKLLIOENT, ACTIVE .MAN for resDonslble Dosltlon: must coma well recommenaea; steady employment; fii weetly. jvppiy. auerv, -eluxvIi stv.t oi f ourui ave, .sp- stairs. 6C5-22 WANTED-F1FTY STONE CUITEBS. AP PLY at office, corner Charles and Short street, Allegheny City, Tenth Ward, or at quar ries at Wampum, Lawrence county. Pa., 0. M. DBIVEB. se4-14 WANTED-A DRIVER FOR A FURNITURE wagon; mult have experience In the deliv ery of fine furniture and care of horses. Address, giving references, "FUBNITUBE DRIVER," xi Jlspatch office. 8C6-11 WANTED F1BST-CLASS, SOBER PRE SCRIPTION glass blowers; also a few good finishers: union wages; steady work; fare paid: write fully: say who vou worked for. CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO.. Chicago. aul6-4S-D -TT7-ANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED ELECTRIC VV light wlremen and a few stout boys willing to work. Call at E. E. office, 104 Shady ave.. be tween 9 and 10 A. M. Friday and Saturday. PITTS BURG NATIONAL ELECTRIC CO. se5 WANTED-A MAN OF BUSINESS APPLI CATION, located outside Pittsburg, to act for established house In his State. Liberal salary to right party. Beferences exchanged, MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 1610, N. Y. oc7-43-Th TTT-ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING VV powder and pure apices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmi.n ca"n make money In their spare time; special inducements toper sons having established trade. YAMASHIRO TEA CO., S3 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-7-TTS WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S ECLECTIC SHORTHAND ANT K11S1- ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI- NEbS COLLEGE, 4 Sixth St.: penmanship, book keeping, arithmetic, shorthand, typewriting tbor- oughly taught for 5 per month: private lnstruc iiuus lur uum; upeu uauy v A. 21. 10 u F. 11. aulO-TTSSU WANTED ACCOUNTANT FAMILIAR with bookkeeping who can command $3,000 to take an Interest In tbe manufacture of a specialty in which tbe market Is unlimited and profits large. A confidential Interview will be given .by. addressing ACCOUNTANT, Dispatch office. se5-5 WANTED AN ACTIVE, INTELLIGENT man as general clerk In merchant tailoring establishment; one with a knowledge or book keeping and experience In dry goods or tailoring establishment preferred: state what wages ex pected: answer In own handwriting. B. ft CO.. Dispatch office. . se4-16 WANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED CLOTH ING and furnishing goods salesmen, the latter to be a competent window dresser; both to be of good address and able to give satisfactory reference; steady employment guaranteed and best of wages paid to the right parties. Apply Thursday at RAUH BROS, ft CO., 800 Liberty St., 11 a. m. . se4-l0 WANTED AGENTS IF DESIRING TO make money rapidly to take onr "Tug Fastening;1 no experience required; they sell themselves at 35c and 80c per pair; they cost yon amnle rnlrlcel mated 1. orai Kbrnn ft cnlar. SAFETY TUG FASTENING CO.. 301 vine st., vincinnau. se5-3-TT3 Female Help. w ANTED A HOUSEKEEPER IN CITY. Address, with reference, C, B. It., Dispatch se5-:4 WANTED-A GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN ,ERAL housework. Inquire at 122 OHIO ST., Allegheny City. se5-21 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COOK AT 325 n" H1LAND AVE, E. K; no washing or ironing; Protestant preferred. eeo-fl WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In small family; reference re quired. 277 WESTERN AVENUE, Allegheny. se5.23-Thssn . WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOB GENERAL housework and a smaller girl to assist gen erally: girls who can speak German preferred. Apply at house or L. F. DEMMLER, 4S Bldwell St., AUegbeny.tor at 526 Smithfield st. sei-100 WANTED-AN AMERICAN LADY, OF good education, for position In our art de partment; situation permanent and pay liberal to suitable party: reference required. Apply after 10 o'clock at Nos. 53 AND 55 NINTH ST., Room 7. se5-i5 WANTED-A PROTESTANT GIRL AS NUR SERY governess, who can do neat sewing, amuse children, assist them with their lessons, and make herself generally useful with tbe care of them. Address GOVERNESS, Dispatch office, Pittsburg, Pa. . se.i-55 Illnle and Female fleln. TTTANTED-LADY OR GENTLEMAN WITH TV some experience 10 rnn soda fountain. FLEISHMAN ft CO. se5-18 -TTT-AN TED-HOUSEKEEPER, LAUNDREhS. VV chambermaids, cooks, dining room girls, nurses, bouse girls, German and colored girls, farm hands, gardeners. MRS, E. THOMPSON, 60S Grant st. an24-MTbS WANTED -125 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female, in every community; goods staple: household necessity; sen at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad- vaneed. cuii particulars ana vaiuaoie sample case free: we mean Julwhatwe isay. Address at I once STAHUAltu BlLYJSKWIUtfi CO-. Boston, 4KMct 4rtvtf 1 WANTED. Male and Female Help. TTT-ANTED-DRIVERS. FARM HANDS. LA VV BORERS, gardeners, coal -miners, waiters, col. man cook, chambermaids, house girls, nurses, dining room girls and seamstress, working house keeper. MLEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. se3-D Situations. "TrrANTED-lCOUNG LADY WISHES A SIT VV UATION as bookkeeper for any kind of a manufacturing or businesshonse; reference ex changed. Address L. C. 29 Thirtieth street. se5-52 Financial. TXTANTED-MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN 11 in sums to suit at 4)j, 5 and 6 ALLES ft BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tej 5 and 6 per cent. el. 167. apitf-H-TTHSU TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP VV , ERTY, over St. 000; & per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO.. 82 Fourth avenne. mh2-a22-D TTT-ANaED-SSOO TO S5CO.00O TO LOAN ON 1 A, mortgages: 4S. 5 and 6 per cent. JA3. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. BC5-26-D WAN TED-MOBIG AGES-tl. 000, 000 TO LOAN In large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 8 per cent, free of State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-60 WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OB small amounts on Improved city or Alle gheny county property at lowest market rates. THOS. LIGGETT, No. IHiourthave. seJ-83-TTSSU TI7-ANTED-TO LOAN f350,0W ON MOET V V GAGES In amounts to suit, in city or coun try, at 4K to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay, SAMUEL W. BLACK, ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. jyl4-16-HThS WANTED TO LOAN SMO.OTC IN AMOUNTS of 3, 000 and npward, on city and suburban property, on 4$ percent, free oftax; alio smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 1 ourth avenue. se21-d2S-D WAN TED MORTG AGES-tl, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at AH, Sand opwccDt, ana on lanns 111 AlteKucnr ana naja- cent counties at 6 per cent. pennock: ft oufl, iw r ourin avenue. ap7-ru TTTANTED-TO LOAN 1200.000 ON MOBT- VV GAGES; tlOO and upward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at Hi per cent on residences or bnslneu uruperiy; also in aaioinins FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. counties. S. H. oc3l-eSf-D miscellaneous. TTTANTED - SECOND-HAND GBOCEEY VV wagon. Address 3. F., Dispatch office. , se4-2 "TT ANTED YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV dozen (13) of Stewart ft Co. 'a fine cabinet photos for f 1, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. my28-49-Tlsu WANTED-EVEBYBODY TO SEND THEIR furniture needing upholstering, repairing and reflnlshlng to HAUGH ft KELNAN, 33 and 31 Water st. 'Phone 1626. anl4 WAN1ED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a line gold watch for each one in the clnb at II 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX SOL and I will call and snow you the watch. WANTED-BOOKKEEP1NG TAUGHT IN all Its regular branches. Including Voucher system and Improved methods: terms very low, comparatively: evening sessions 7 to 9. W. WOOLSEY. Expert Accountant, 163 Fifth av enue. BC3-96 WANTED-P ARTIES TO ATTEND IMMENSE sacrifice and auction sale of houses, lots and building sites in Bellevue, on Thursday, Septem ber 5, 1839; party will be at N evllle station to meet train that leaves Federal st. at 12, 12:45 and 3 P. SI. train. A. J. PENTECOST, Auctloner. sel-10 XCTANTED-BY PEABSON, LEADING PHO VV TOGBAPHER, 96 Fifth avenne. Pittsburg, auu u eaerai sireet, .Aiiegneny, know that be Is making fine cabin everybody to fine cabinets at fl CO per dozen; photos delivered when promised; lnstan taneous orocess. mhl3-63 FOR SALE-iaiPItOVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Itenldencea. FOR SALE-JO, 500- A NEAT BRICK HOUSE 8 rooms on Center avenue, near Crawford st,.a good house at a reasonable price. W. A. HEBRON ft SON s, 80 Fonrth avenue. se5-40-TTS FOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house, 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement; all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 in. by 133 ft.: terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 BinS St. auI-87-TTSSU FOR SALE A VERY GOOD, ALMOST NEW, frame house of 7 rooms, porch, nice yard, etc. ; also a 3-roomed house on the rear of lot; Natchez St.. Thirty-second ward: price only $3,600. C. BEBINGER ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. se5-39 FOR SALE 10 FEB CENT NET IN VEST MENT on HarrLon street, between Forty ninth and Fiftieth two frame dwellings of 4 and G rooms, in good condition: lot 24x100. T. H. BUCKING, fruit stand. sUth and Liberty. SC5-20 FOR SALE-A CHEAP BABGAIN-814 WYLIE avenue: cable cars will pass the door; fine brick mansard dwelling of 6 rooms, finished attic, etc; ihilde shutters, slate roof, side alley: lot about I8.X1IOO ft. to a 20-foot alley; price only S2, 825: easy terms. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fonrth ave. Tel. 167. sel-77 ITV A? bTORY frame house of 5 rooms and storeroom. corner B. Twenty-first and Jane sts. :2-story frame house 6 rooms and storeroom on Plane ave., near Mount Oliver Incline Plane; "2 two-story frame houses, 4 roomsand attic each, on S. Twentieth it., cor. Fox alley: 2 two-story brick nonses, 4 rooms each, on Fox alley, nearS. Twentieth st. :also oth er property for sale. O.B.TOUDY, 1721 Carson st. au28-23 East End Residence. FOB SALE-LARGE 8-ROOMED MANSARD roof house with porches, arbors, etc., on a lot 48x135 feet, on a wide street at Dallas: price, H20G. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. sel-t3-TTSSn FOR SALE-CORNER LOT ON O'HARA ST., 35x114: good frame house of 5 rooms and attic; good dry cellar, natural gas. etc : convenient to both steam and cable cars; HOOO. TUOS. LIG GETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. se3-83-TTSSU FOR SALE-SUBSTANTIAL 7-BOOM BRICK house with lot, 47 feet front on Blppey st. : all modern conveniences and sireet Improvements; location best In city: price low and will sell on time. MELLON BROTHERS, 6319 Station St., E. E. sel-43-TTSSn F OR SALE-A HANDSOME 8-ROOMEDBBICK house beautifully located on O'Hara street (which Is opened from Fifth to Ellsworth ave.), near Fifth ave.; complete sewerage; price only S6.000. For lans and terms see V. A. HERRON ft SONS, SO ourtn ave. ses--5, 7, 10, 13, 17 FOR BALE-ON O'HARA ST., NEAR WAL NUT st., lot 42x130; good frame house of 8 rooms, bathroom, basement laundry, elegant front and side porch, good neighborhood: 5 min utes from Fifth ave. cable; 17,600. THOS. LIG GETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. se3-S3-TTSSu FOB SALE-HOU8E AND LOT, EAST END, monthly payments: Snlce rooms, hall, cellar, porches, all in nice order; sltnate near cable cars and R. R. station. East End; price only $3,250, monthly payments; Immediate possession. J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Se3-9-TWT8 FOR SALE-SHADY SIDE HOME, CENTER avenue, near Aiken. A beautiful new Queen Anne of 11 rooms with all modern improvements; excellent lot, 50x200 feet, convenient to P. K. R. and cable roads; price reasonable. An investiga tion of this bouse will convince yon of its real worth. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3A-145 sel-06 FOR SALE-ON COR. PENN AND LINDEN avenues, lot 46x179; elegant brick house, almost new, reception hall, parlor, library, din ing room, kitchen and large pantry on first floor; o good bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; large furnished attic and cedar closet, electric bells, sliding doors, elegant front porch and fine neighborhood, offered at a bargain. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. se3-83-TTSSu FOB SALE-(99)-A NEW 7-ROOM QUEEN Anne frame dwelling, with bath, laundry, hot and cold water, inside w. c. and shutters, nat gas, finished attic reception hall, fine large pan try, plenty of closets, newly papered throughout: lot 36x119, convenient to Fifth ave. cable and Roup station: will sell at a sacrifice If sold at once; good reasons for selling; terms reasonable. SAM UEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. se4-39-wihs Hozelvrood Residences. FOR SALE-HAZELWOOD AVENUE, ONLY 5 mlnues lroin Hazelwood station; frame dwelling 6 rooms, hall, front, side and rear porches, inside shatters, fine hardwood mantels and tile hearths; newly papered and painted throughout: fine lawn and shade trees; lot 72x100 feet: terms, $1,250 cash, balance long time: price, HWO. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 90 Fonrth avenne. se3-39-TT8 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE A NEW HOUSE AND NICE large lot: two minutes' walk from Ingram station; six ropms: finished attic; natural gas; water In house, etc. ; will be sold at a bargain on monthly payments. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. se3-67 FOB SALE-AN ELEGANT HOME, BELLE VUE. P.. Ft. W. ft C. R. R.; H acres ground: 8-room house, wlih water, gas and all modern Improvements: carriage bouse and stable; great bargain; must be sold at once; terms easy. AMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. auJ9-5S-TTS FOR 8ALE-SK ACRES-AT GLENFIELD, P., It, W. &C. B. B-: 10 minutes from sta tion, with one 2-story frameof eight roomsand finished attic, and one of six rooms; also one of two rooms, all newly paperea ana painieu; gooa stable and carriage bouse, good spring of water. and five arres planted in all kinds of bearing fruit trees; price for a few days only $5,000. THOS LIGGETT. U4 Fourth ave. se3-79 THOS. FOR SALE LOTS. CltT Lota. FOB SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKBOY sts., near college; terms to suit. ROBT. COWARD, 20 Bluff st. anI-87-TTSSU TTlOR SALE-LOTS, AT A GBEATBABGAIN.IN JP the Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg, near Center ave. : prices only 300 each, and sure to enhance greatly In value tbe next year. C. BERING EB ft SON, 103 Fonrth ave. seS-39 Allegheny Lota. FOB SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avennes and Lombard street, Allegheny, in tbe Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. An- ply to JOSEJ?aMgKAuaHBt J(i DJaraOBdlt, AiiuiBtf9(W FOR SALE LOTS. iEnat End Lota. TTIOB SALE A FEW CHOICE LOTS LEFT IN JP McCIlntock plan (Point Breeze) : bandy to P. P. R. and cable: from $550 each and npward. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. sel-49-atThs t FOR SALE-ON SOUTH HILAND AVE., near Walnut St., lot 40x120 to 20-ft. sewered alley; elegant neighborhood; only $3,b00 if sold at once. THOS. LIGGETT, No. HI Fourth ave.. se3-83-TTSSU FOB SALE-FINE CORNER LOTS ON JACK SON and Euclid ave.: beautiful building site; handy to Hlland and Stanton aves. : size 60x102 feet, lor $2,000. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Sta tion St., E. E sel-51-MTb FOR SALE-FINE LARGE CORNER LOTS ON Improved streets, between Hlland and Nez ley aves.. 60 ft. front for $70 a foot: no finer loca tion In the city. MELLON BROTHERS. 6349 Sta tion st., E. E. sel-50-TT8a -jjc 'OB SALE TO SECUBE A DESIRABLE home with Pleasant surronndlnes von should buy a lot In Banm grove plan; with the improve ments now made this is the most desirable and cheapest property in the market.' Fall Informa tion from MELLON BROS., East End, orJNO.F. BAXTER, 512 smithfield st. , sel-42-TTSsa Suburban Loin. FOR SALE-EMSWOBTH BUILDING LOTS, 60x100 feet. $400 and $500 each; these are bar gains and will not stand long. BLACK ft BAIRD, fc Fourth ave. 2U-3 ' se4-57-D FOR BALE-LOrS IN THE HIRR FElLBACH plan, on West Penn R. R-. be'.weeu Willow Grove and Bennet stations, at 1200 and upward: easy terms. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. ieJ-S0-TT8BU FOB SALE-FINE LOT AT EDGEWOOD, ON Pennsylvania B. R., 2 minutes' walk east of station, right along the R.R.; size 86 feet front by 137 deep. Apply to HENRY G. OTTO, 2631 Penn ave., city. se5-57 Tnrma. FOR 8 ALE-A FARM AT A REDUCED PBICE If sold quick, 231 acres, near Bakerstown. Allegheny county. Pa. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. au29-73-TTS FOR SALE-A VERY FINE FARM OF 110 acres In Washington Co., Ohio, near B. ft O. B. B.; good frame house of 8 rooms, large barn, etc.; spring water In every field. C. BERlNGER ft SON, 103 ifonrth ave. se5-39 FOR SALE-FARM-132 ACRES, LIMESTONE land, very productive of wheat, corn and oats; frame house, 7 rooms, mile from Clarks burg, near station West Penn R. B. ED W1T T13H. 410 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa. sel-D miscellaneous. FOR SALE-LOT WELL LOCATED IN FIRST ward, for light manufacturing plant, or ware house purposes; there U about 5,000 square feet In It; will sell low and on long time If desired. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourtn ave. se4-33 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chanres. FOB SALE-DRUG STOEE-THE BEST POINT In tbe city: sales $25 to $30 per day. Call or addres G. U. GBEEN, 814 Penn aye. se5-50 TTlOR SALE-A RETAIL DRUG STORE IN A X? thriving suburb of Pittsburg. For partlcu lars Inquire of A. ave., city. HENDERSON, 50 Seven tn se4-23 FOE SALE-STORE ROOM AND DWELLING In best East End location, one square from East Liberty station: price $5,900. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station st., E. E. sel-43-TTSSC' TTIOB SALE - SADDLERY AND HABNESS C business, well established In tbe best town within ten miles of Pittsburg: will sell either with leasehold and building, or will sell stock, goodwill, etc., and rent building at moderate rent, jippiyio or aaaross a. ju. hiiuijamj, ei Diamond sC Pittsburg. au30-16-UThssu FOB SALE-FIBST-CLASS BESTAUBANT3, boarding houses, choice cheap grocery stores, confectioneries, drygoods and notion stores, furnished house for roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery, cigar stores, bakeries, feed store milk depot, shoe stores, drag stoies, printing office, good country newspaper office, butcher shop, and many oth6r business chances. Free particulars. bHEPARD ft CO., 4 Filth ave a,u29 Bnalneas Stands. FOR SALE-A BUSINESS PROPERTY-ON one of the best streets In the city, for less than value, to close up an estate. C. H. LOVE, n Fourth ave. se4-34 FOR SALE-X-STOEY 1BON-CLAD BUILD IN G,25x60, with lease, engine, holler and main shaft; terms reasonable Inquire 2600 SMALL MAN ST., city. sc4-7l FOR SALE-HOTEL 35 ROOMS, ALL MOD ERN Improvements; In successful operation: on prominent railroad near Pittsburg. Further particulars from ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel.. 167. an27-43 -pa IOR SALE ADVANCE ROLLER MILLS Newlv refitted to Case system, steam rjower: ooing no. 1 wora: aesiraDiy locaiea on a. ic; plentr of hard wheat at mill door; terms low. Call or address TAYLOR BROS, ft CO., Rogers, Col. Co., O. au22-67-D FOB SALE OVER 2 ACRES OF LEVEL land, with blacksmith shop, stable and good frame house of 4 rooms, good fruit trees, etc.: on a good public road near i reeport; a splendid loca tion for a blacksmith; price only $800. C. BER 1NGER ft SON, 103 Fourth ave seo-39 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Hones, Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOR SALE 3AR0UCHE: PLATE GLACS front; used but little. T, a. O'NEAL ft CO., 5321 Penn ay. se3-41-TTFSu FOR SALE-A GOOD LEATHER TOP SIDE BAB road buggy and set of harness; price). Address BUGGY, Dispatch office. se5-ot FOE SALE A STYLISH BAY HORSE SUIT ABLE for barouche or family user 6 years old; warranted sound and gentle; price $200. as owner hasn't further use for htm. Can be seen at MCNULTY BEOS.' LIVEBY STABLE, 212 Fifth. se5-45 Machinery and Metals. F OB SALE-ENGINES AND BOILEBS-NEW and refitted: repalrlngpromptlv attended to. POBTEBFOUNDBYANDMACH1NECO..LIM., below Snspenslon bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine 2 surface planers and 1 baper.and new and second-band engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bliunen valves, castings, etc VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. Jy21-0I-TTS Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-AT HOMESTEAD, FLAT, two flrnnnell deen. 6-lncb eunnelL 2-ln 19X60. unnelL 2-lnch bot- torn. Inquire ofED H. MORTON, 223 Sixth ave- nne Homestead. se5-5ti LOST. LOST-A SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING eltner on Lang or Penn ave, E. E. ; owner's name Inside. Please return, and rescive reward, to J. B. LLOYD. 71U7Penn ave. se5-95 LOST-YESTEBDAY FOBENOON. IN ALLE GHENY or Pittsburg, or on a bine car, 3: sum of money, the exact amount of which and the denomination of tbe bills will be stated to tbe finder. The finder will be duly rewarded and will please call at or addressNo. 64 UNION AVE., Allegheny. se5-94 LEGAL NOTICES). W. F. MCCOOK, Solicitor. VTOTICE is HKREBY GIVEN THAT jLM letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel Palmer, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all debts dne said estate must be paid and all claims against the same must bo presented at once. JAMES W. BROWN, Howe Brown & Co., Limited, Fenn avenue. Seventeenth street, Pittsburg. an81-Th PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO BUILDERS OF FIRE ES CAPES. Sealed proposals will be re ceived until SATURDAY, September 7. at 3 P. M. for tbe erection of Are escape to school building in Knoxville borough. Bidders should give specification of Kind of escape they pro pose to erect and state what time would be re quired to erect same Tbe board reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. W. C. H. NO BLE, Secretary, Twenty-second and Josephine sts., S. a, city. se3-87 PROPOSALS "FOR STEEL SHELL ORD NANCE office War Department, Wash ington, August 29, 18S9. Sealed proposals, in duplicate will be received at this office nniil 3 o'clock F. M.. on Thursday, Sxptember 19, 1889, when they will be publicly onened. for famish ing the Ordnance Department, U. S. A., with 1007-inch and SO 11-inch steel cast shell. All Information required by bidders can be had upon application to Captain R. BIRNIE, Jr., Acting Chief of Ordnance. selB8 BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the co-partnership heretofore existing be tween H. B. Nease, D. A. Nease and tbe Ke i nebec Ice & . Coal Co., under the nanfe of H. B. Nease, Son & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, tbe Kennebec Ice & Coal Co. withdrawing. H. B. Nease and D. A. Nease are authorized to settle the business of tbe late firm. JULY L 1889. r The undersigned have this day formed a partnership under the name of II. li. Nease, Son fc Co. for the purpose of carrying on the lumber business In the city of Pittsburg. H. B. Nease, ' D. A. Nease, Benjamin aioor.E. July 1, 1889. se4-72.wihs DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that tbe copart nership heretofore existing between E. T. Coyan and Joseph Bay under the firm name of Coyan A Bay, Is this day dissolved bj mutual consent. The wholesale grocery business will be contin ued by Mr. E. T. Coyan, who will pay all debts. All persons Indebted to the late firm are re quested to make payment to said E.T. Coyan. JOSEPH BAY, E. T. COYAN. In retiring from the firm of Coyan ABay, I cheerfully recommend to onr friends and the publioJn general a continuance of their patron age. JOSEPH DAY. J potsbtoo, August 81, 1&S9, PIXTSBTB0, August BL 1WV, KMl TO LET. CItv Residences. TO LET-908 AND 910 PENN AVENUE-TWO good dwellings of 9 rooms each, both gases; very low rent for this pleasant location. BLACK ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth avenue. se4-55 TO LET-802 PENN AVE.-COMPLETE FUR NISHED house, suitable for- boarding or private dwelling; 10 rooms, bath. aU modern con veniences; reasonable rent. BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. se3-5l TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE ON PENN AVE., between Eighth and Ninth streets, of 10 rooms, bath and all modern Improvements, sta tionary washstands with hot and cold water in every room: will rent furnished or unfurnished :In elegant location for boarders and roomers: good stable on rear of lot: rent reasonable. See REED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fourth aye. se5- Allegheny Residences. TO LET NEW S-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, Second ward. Allegheny; side and rear orches," large yard; $16: no water rent. W. W. IcNElLL &.BBO., 105 Fourth ave. SC5-30 TO LET-ON BIUGEWOOD AVE,, ALLE GHENY, modern house (rooms, hall, bath, both gases, etc., etc.. at $22 per month; no water rent. ALEXAN DEB ft LEE, 313 Wood st. se3-65-TT TO LET-ON PAGE ST., ALLEGHENY, brick bouse 8 rooms, back and front stairs, laundry, gas. etc., front and back yards; good location. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Alle gheny. au31-75-TT8 Offices. Desk Room, etc TO LET-CHOICE OFFICES. SINGLE OB in suit. In the Standard block. Wood, near Fifth avenue. W. A. HEBBON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. sel-52-TT3 TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two or tbe roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent; pooand 300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 A. M. and 1 r. M., or between 2 and 4 P.M. y 23-67 mo LET-STOBE OB OFFICE BOOM, "WITH JL large vault, suitable for Insurance office or similar business. In Germxnla Savings Bank building. No. 419 Wood street; room formerly oc cupied by George Belneman as saloon, and now temporarily occunled by the American Express Co.; It is two steps below grade making a lirst- class basement. Inquire a at xan i.Aa a. 1e2X-6S-D PERSONAL. PEBSONAL-MALTBY'S OYSTEE DEPOT, late 76 Fifth avenue, removed to 641 Smlth neld street; fresh oysters received dally: orders filled at lowest prices. J. B. HEMMERLE, Mgr. sel-92-o PERSON A L-BOOKSI BOOKS! BOOKSI New and old, ancient and niouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific-30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. au3-9S PERSONAL-NEAB EXPOSITION THE OF FICE Ot the Association of Regular Physi cians Is removed from 720 to 315 Fenn ave. we now have larger parlors and room for our many patients. Onr specialty, diseases of women, chronic diseases, medical or surgical. Office hours, 10 to 11 -.30 a. 11., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 r. 21. Con sultation free. DR. ORB. se5-4S PERSONAL -HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on tbe best of terms owing to a little family jar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, of course was done In a bungling manner; In order to prevent the tronble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood st , second floor, and now everything is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. andO AUCTION .SALES. TITASTER'S SALE. In the Court of Common Pleas No. 1 of Alle gheny county. Thomas C. Fulton et al, vs. James S. Arnold etal. No. SI September term, 1889, in equity. By authority of an order of the Court made August 10, 1889, in the above entitled case, I will expose the following described real estate for sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder, viz: On WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1889, at 10 o'clock IK., on the premises, lot No. 35 in William Arthur's first plan, beginning on Arthur street, Pittsburg, Pa., at corner of lot No. 38, thence along Arthur street 22 feet more or less to line of lot No. 34, and thence ex tending back preserving the same width 141 feet to tbe boundary line of said clan. At 11 o'clock A. if., of the same day on the premises, lot No. 117 in Thomas Scott's plan of lots, bounded by lots No. 113 and 118 and by Scott street and Cherry alley, fronting24 feet on Scott street, and running back 100 feet to Cherry alley, Pittsburg, Pa., having thereon erected two frame dwelling houses. At 12 o'clock noon of the same day, on tbe premises, all that certain lot situate in the Sixth ward, Pittsbnrg, Pa., beginning on the south side of Fifth avenue, 200 feet 9 inches west of Chestnut street, thence westwardly along Fifth avenue 61 feet and 6 inches, and thence southwardly and parallel with Chestnut street, pre serving the same width, 112 feet, to Watson street, having thereon erected a single and a double brick dwelling honse At 2 o'clock P. if. of the same day, on the premises, half of lot No. 7 in Mark Watson's plan of lots beginning at corner of lot No. 6. on Fourteenth street, Southside. Pittsburg, Pa., tbence along Fourteenth street southwardly 24 feet to line of lot No. 8, and thence extending back east wardly, preserving the same width, 63 feet 6 inches, having thereon erected a small brick dwelling house. At 3 o'clock P. it. of tbe same day, on the premises, all that certain lot beginning on the north side of Wharton street, 103 feet east of Meadow street, tbence extending in -front on Wharton street eastwardly 20 feet and In depth northwardly, preserving the same width, 120 feet, to an alley 24 feet wide, having thereon erected a small frame dwelling house ALSO, ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1889. at the Grant street entrance to the Alle gheny county Court House, at 11 o'clock A. Jr.. all that tract of land, contain ing SO acres and 103 perches, situ ate in Green Tree borough and Scott town ship, Allegheny county. Pa., bounded by lands of tbe heirs of Moses Dunlavy, James Brown; heirs of Daniel Shawhan, Bell's Rnn: heirs of Isaac Kadweu and Thomas steel and William Hendy, all but about 3 acres of which is UNDERLAID WITH COAL, which will be offered separate from the sur face Terms of sale 5 per cent at time of sale, one third on delivery of deed and tbe balance In one and two years, secured by first bond and mortgage with Interest payable semi-annually, and with 30 day scire facias clause. A. M. NEEPER, Master, Room 357. Bakewell Law Building, cor. Grant and Diamond streets, Pittsburg, Pa. WILKINS LINHART. Auctioneer. No. 81 Fonrth ave, Pittsburg, Pa. au30-27-3fTh AUCTION SALE At the Rooms, No. 3U MARKET STREET, FRIDAY, September 6, at 10 o'clock A. K. Fine Darior suits in plush, tapestry rugs, brocatelles, silk and haircloth; fine pianoforte rugs, curtains, lambrequins, pictures, orna ments, clocks, bookcases, fancy rockers, lounges, oak, walnut and cherry chamber suits, washstands, bureaus, bedsteads, chiffoniers, wardrobes, desks, ball-racks, tables, sideboards, extension tables, leather, cane, patent and wood seat chairs and rockers, bedding, decorated dinner and toilet sets, dishes, tinware notions, fancy goods, fine pnntine press, cost $o0. HENRY AUCTION CO, LIM., sc5-43 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE DESIRABLE RESI DENCE property, Eleventh ward, Alle fheny City, on Ashton and Fleming aves, near IcCInreave. Sale September 7,1889. on the premises at 3 P. M. Fi ame dwelling ot 7 rooms, etc; abundance of very line fruits and grapes; about an acre and a quarter ot ground; excel lent spring water, never fails: also city water; both gases; 138-ft. frontage on Ashton ave. and lij-ft. frontage on Fleming ave.; within one square of Union Line street cars and one square from California ave. extension and new electric railway, and 3 minutes' walk from Woods Run station. Ft. Wayne R. R. Terms made known at sale, or further particulars from ALLES & BAILEY. Real Estate Auc tioneers, 164 Fonrth ave. Tel. 167. aul8-7-19,2L2i,26,2S,31.se5,6.7 AUCTION SALE ALLEGHENY LOTS. California ave, Seigel and Somerset streets. THURSDAY, SEPT. & 1889. at 3 p. if. on the premises, two fine lots 23x108 each, facing on above three streets. Terms: One-half cash, balance on easy pay ments. BLACK & BAIRD, an27-72-TT ' 95 Fourth ave. F IOR SALE- ATASPIHWALLSTATIOH 7minntes from Federal st, Allegheny, on the West Penn R. R, adjoining Sharpsburg, being part ot the "ROSS ESTATE. Lots In sizes and on terms that should suit anv desirintr to ter.nre a. home. The lay of the ground Is beautiful. Special V inducements onerea to, nrsc purchasers. Dea ths representative on the premises or call on -I or aaaresa w, a. JtttiKKur s. buis. cefi9-XT3 so Foam! avenue, EDCC S T. GEORGE'S HA RBOYS'AND vonnp-men. St. GeoiatAId.. near Balti more, Prof. J. C. Klnear.VisPJL, Principal, Col lege or business. Unsurpassed m advantages, comfon and situation. $200 to J275 a year. aul7-93 -VTAZARETH HALL IN NAZARETH HALL. JNAZARETH, HALL. Moravian Boarding School for Boys at Naza reth, Pa. Founded 1785. Beopens September 18th. - . y28-73-Thsa TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, forelrls and youn? ladies. 8HORTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY, for boy3 and young men. SWITHIN C. BHORTLLDGU, A. M. (Harvard graduate), Media, Pa., near Philadelphia. anl-8 WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY for young ladies; 23d year: is provided for giving a superior education in collegiate eclectic and preparatory departments; also In music and art. MRS. HENRIETTA KUTZ, 2015 Walnut st Phila. au4-9HTS SODTHEM HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 915 and 917 .. Charles street, Baltimore ' MRS.W.M.CARY. Established 1842. French. MISS GARY. the language of tbe school. JJ18-S1-TTS Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladies and pre paratory school for little girls. EMBLA P. 0 three miles from Baltimore, Md.. condncted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue jy3a9-TTS NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, CornwaB-on-Hudson. Courses of study ia civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful bnildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, a 8., A. MSupt.; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jelO-U MOUNTAIN SEMINARY. BIRMING HAM, Pa. A thorough school for young; ;s. Situation noted for health. Home comforts. 33d year. Grounds, 100 acres. Three courses of study. Prepares for college Send for illustrated catalogue. A. R. GRIER, Busi ness Mn'g-r. MISS N. J. DAVIS, Principal. au053-D EOOK HILL COLLEGE, ELLICOTT CITY, Md.; condncted by the brothers of the) Christian Schools; scientific, classical and com mercial courses: the modern languages and drawing are taught without extra charge; studies will be resumed on the first Monday of September. For particulars address aul6-23 BROTHER DENIS. President rE STETJBENVILLE. O., YOUNG Ladies' Seminary opens September 17; with best of advantages in social, English, music and art departments, and with an ex perienced native French teacher. Address REV. DR. AND MRS. A. M. RED), Princi pals. Mrs. Sanford, Co-Principal. ao31-3&-31-se3,5,7,9,ll,H ST. MARY'S ACADEMY FOR YOUNG LADLES, Chatham street. Also ST. MARY'S SELECT SCHOOL FOR SMALL BOYS, Webster avenue. Sisters of Mercy, Re-opens Sept. 2. For farther particulars apply to Directress. au34S2 PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal. Academic, Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in tbe best col leges, for teaching, for business. Young La dies' Seminary Department. Fail term opens September 9. 1889. Hon. Thos. M. Marshall, President Board of Trustees. Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal, No. 7 Fourth avenue. jylS-81-TTS PARK INSTITUTE FORMERLY PRE PARATORY and commercial depart ments of Western University. Three courses: Classical, English and Businesajnclndrngshort. hand and typewriting. Business and shorthand classes open to both sexes. Fall term opens Sep tember 2 at No. 204 North avenne Allegheny. Pa. Office hours 9 to 11 A. M. Call or send for prospectus. LEVI LUDDEN, A. M-. Principal. au3-46-TTS CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET. PITTSBURG. L477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical, Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. M.. Pres't. jyl8-82-TTS. THE PMSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Fall session opens September 11. Examinations for admission September 10. New buildings and equipment greatly Increase tbe facilities for In struction In all departments. Courses In Agri culture. Cbemiatry, Botany and Horticulture, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and In General Science and Modern Languages Special courses for Ladles. Tuition free Fifty Scholarships entitle tbe holders to free room rent, i'orcatalogue or other Information address THE FKESIDET, State College, Center Co.. Pa, auI-7-TTS CHAS. SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. REAL ESTATE. Choice and cheap, large and small, Im proved and nnimproved properties throughout both cities and suburbs. Call and sea us. Telephone No. 1012. sei SOMETHIHG CHOir REAL EBTAT To close up estate of Alexan ceased, I off er abont 11 acres la tween Neeley and Hlland aves., &. dences of Colonel Anderson, AI and others. Nineteenth ward, Fi adjoining recent purchase of Me Flinn and Stewart. This land a streets already laid out, and is in neighborhood, which is building up r Will be sold as a whole or in blot purchasers. Also, lot corner Penn and Negley aves, 200 feet. HENRY H. NEGLEY, CORNER SANDUSKY AND LACOCK STa, ALLEGHENY, Or residence, NEGLEY AVE,, Pittsburg. I au22-M-TTS 150 BUILDING LOTS. ' We offer for sale at low prices and on terms to suit purchasers, ISO lots in the Vilsack heirs property, situated at the junction of the Butler Turnpike and Township Road, doss to Spang, Chalfant A Co's. mills at Etna station, Pitts burg and Western railroad. These lots lay well, are convenient to station, mills, etc., and will rapidly Increase in value. Call early and get first choice. STRAUB & MORRIS. 106 Third avenue, corner Wood st. lauiT-61-TTSU SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. HAY SOtS & CO,, STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored In color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. jeU-rrs 66 SIXTH AVE.. Pittsburg, Pa. P lANOb, ORGANa S. HAMILTON. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-D SPECIAL SALE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, jewelry and silverware till Oct. L to make room for fall stock; solid gold stickpins 50c up, etc., all other goods marked down equally aa cheao; 25 per cent off on all silverware (hollow), at WILSON'S. 61 Fourth ave.. Pittsbnrg. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing a specialty. au27-TTS n A, BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, s'ii u aeventn avenue. -M iburgjP Telepaoner-mt ZX4 4 r? 1 J '! I