Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 05, 1889, Image 1

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From eea or mountain, don't forget
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The Clearfield County States
man Nominated for
State Treasurer.
Allegheny County's Delegation Did
Its Best for flumes,
Ex-Senntor Wallace Attracts Much Atten
tion In ibe Convention nil Speech In
Which Cleveland la Eulogized ia Loud
ly Applauded Asking for Only Six
Months More of Grover' Administra
tion The Platform Strongly Indorses
' Tnrlff Ucform Trusts Dcnonnced tn TJn
roensnrrd Terms Republicans Accused
of Ilypocrlcr on tbo Prohibition Ques
tion They Are Also Accused of Failure
to Enforce the Constitution Itccnrdinc
Land and Labor.
The Democratic State Convention, which
met at Harrisbnrg yesterday, nominated
Edmund A. Bigler for State Treasurer on
the first ballot. "William A. "Wallace was
present, and made a speech which caused
much enthusiasm. The platform adopted
strongly favors tariff reform, denounces
trusts, and arraigns the Eepnblican party
for hypocrisy on the prohibition question,
and for a failure to protect land and labor.
Haebisbcbg, September 4. The Demo
cratic State Convention was not a remarka
ble gathering. The attendance was meager,
and the enthusiasm not difficult to repress.
The only robust applause was when the
name of Grover Cleveland was mentioned,
and when ex-Senator Wallace .faced the au
dience for the purpose of saying a good
word for his townsman, Edmund A. Bigler,
as the candidate of the Democrats for State
Treasurer, and during the progress of por
tions of his eloquent speech. Humes kept
up his fight to capture the only office in the
gift of the convention until the roll of dele
gates had been called and the success of
Bigler had been established. He was as-
sisted by Patrick Foley and "William J.
Brennen, who did a good deal of missionary
work among the county delegates. The
formidable front presented against Bigler
by the Allegheny delegation gave them a
leverage that resulted in obtaining more
votes for Humes than any other argument
they could have used in favor of that candi
date. Homes' candidacy was also helped
by the record he made in the Senate in
drafting and pressing to passage the act
providing for the investment of the sinking
fund moneys in bonds, instead of having
them farmed out to favorite banks at no
profit to the State.
The convention's work was pretty thor
oughly mapped out last night, and the pro
ceedings were dispatched with unusual celer
ity. The Philadelphia and Allegheny del
egates were given front seats, not so much
because of their intellectual greatness as of
their great numerical strength.
Eepresentative Samuel M. "Wherry, the
Temporary Chairman, lost no time in show
ing the delegates that he knew a great deal
of the management of the State Treasury,
and that no mistake had been made in se
lecting him to expedite the early business
of the convention. The concessions made
by the friends of Bigler in abandoning the
proposed contests in Allegheny county,
caved the convention from any unseemly
scenes, and rendered its proceedings very
Nothing of note was developed until W
J. Brennen, of Pittsbnrg, in seconding the
nomination of ex-Senator Humes, said the
convention should not make the mistake of
nominating an objectionable candidate, but
should choose one who would clean out the
rats that had infested the Treasury formany
years. This speech meant that Bigler was
objectionable, but no one replied to the
mild insinuation.
Another little breeze was created when
the roll was about to be called from printed
lists of delegates, at- the head of which was
the Philadelphia delegation. Patrick Foley
had canvassed the delegation, and found
that his favorite, Humes, had very little
show in it. The effect of having the votes
of the large number of delegates recorded in
favor of Bigler in the early stages of the
ballot was feared, and Mr. Foley made a
fight to have the counties announced in
alphabetical order.
A Biglerite opposed a change from the
usual custom, aHd moved an adherence to
the old rule. Delegate "Walls, ot Pittsbnrg,
moved to lay the motion on the table, but
only a few persons came to his rescue, and
the names of the Philadelphia delegates
were first called. Still another difficulty
was encountered. "When it became evident
that Bigler was way ahead in the race, sev
eral delegates, who had voted for Humes.
proceeded to change their votes for Bigler,
and Brennen raised the objection that this
was against party usage. He was ruled
out, and sobn the convention was apprised
of Bigler's nomination, he having received
207 votes; Humes, 71; Clay, of Elk, 21, and
"Wilde, of Philadelphia, 4. Thiswas a very
small vote, some of the counties.not beine
represented at all, and others in part. The
tubstitutions numbered 85.
After the vote was announced Patrick
Foley, true to his promise, moved to make
the nomination unanimous, after be had
stated that nearly all his colleagues had op
posed Bigler, and that the Democrats of
Allegheny had been against him. The
motion was put by the permanent Chair
man, James B. Beilly, Congressmen-elect
from Schuylkill county, and it carried
without a dissenting vote.
"At this stage of the proceedings a veteran
Democrat, with grizzled hair, made a call
for "Wallace," who was getting on the
stage. The cry was taken up by others and
the ex-United States Senator stepped to the
front amid great applause and made a ring
ing speech, in which he showered many
compliments on Bigler and his distin
guished ancestry. Following are the' sali
ent features of Mr. "Wallace's address:
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Contention:
There is no apology necessarv for my pres
ence at a Democratic convention. I come to
thauk you ou behalf of the Democracy of my
county for the nomination of Edmund A. Big
ler. Applause. I am bat a private in the
ranks of the Democrats, yet I can say that this
nomination of a son of Clearfield county will
be received by our people with grateful thanks.
We thank you for the spontaneity with which
this nomination comes. It came to him unso
licited. He canvassed no county. He asked
for no man's vote. Not for this alone have I to
thank you, but I have to thank you that the De
mocracy are to-day united, active, earnest, ag
gressive and progressive. Applause.) Mr.
Uigle- comes from stock not unknown to Penn
sylvania Democrats. German on one side and
Scotch-Irish on the other.
Broken promises, rained Industries.depressed
business and suffering labor are the melan
choly results of six months of Republican rule.
Our people feel the oppression of Federal
power. Their industries are mined. They
seek a remedy. Can it be found under tho
present policy of our adversaries? Their prac
tice and their policy are alike destructive of
the best interests of the people. Tbey tax us
to exhaustion, and shut up our markets. Tbey
squander millions at the arbitrary will of an
incompetent business man, who, in the lan
guage of these enlightened days, is commonly
called a "crank" applause, and yet they fear
to check his headlong career.
sighing fob Cleveland.
"By their fruits shall ye know them." Mem
do not gather grapes from thorns nor figs of
thistles. Grover, Grover, how this people miss
thee with all thy fallings. Ob, for six short
months of Grover (cheers and applause with
his inflexible will, his determination to do
right under all circumstances, with his obedi
ence to the law as written in civil service, and
In his own proud declaration that public office Is
a public trust. Oh, for six months of this
arbitrary man to bring our people back to their
ancient line of thought, practice and policy.
Is this policy to be continued T The answer
is for you now and in tbo future of this canvass
in the State of Pennsylvania. Tho answer
must come with uuerring certainty. Are we to
be satisfied with their promises, made to the
car and broken in the hope by our adversaries T
Are we satisfied in this grand old Common-
wealth with our 5,000,000 people and 1,000,000 of
voters, and biding our time fur progress and
reform at the behest of a single individual, oi
are we to be aggressive and progressive f Are
we the Democracy of years gone byT Are we
to become aggressive and progressive T We
can no longer be on the defensive, bnt let us
march forward conquering and to conquer.
Mr. Bigler followed Mr. Wallace in a few
remarks, promising to do the best he could
to achieve a victory in November, after
which the convention adjourned.
Republicans Accused of Hypocrisy Tariff
Reform Urged nnd Trusts Denounced.
Habbisbubg, September 4. The plat
form adopted by the Democratic State Con
vention is as follows:
First That all powers not expressly granted
to the General Government are withheld, and
a sacred observance of the rnlc of constrnction
contained in the tenth amendment to the Con
stitution itself is essential to the preservation
of the principles of home rule, and of pure,
honest and economical government, to the end
that labor may not be robbed of the bread it
has earned.
Second We applaud the action of President
Cleveland and onr Democratic Representatives
in Congress looking to tariff tax reform, and
we reaffirm the declaration of principles made
by the Democracy of the Union at St. Louis in
1SSS, especially tbat demanding a revision and
redaction of tariff taxes for the relief at once
of American labor, American industries and
American taxpayers, by the repeal of such
tariff taxes as now invite andprotectmonopoly,
a greed that lessens production, lessens em
ployment of labor, decreases wages, and in
creases cost to consumers, and by the admis
sion of raw material, free of duty in all cases
where it will enlarge our product, multiply oar
markets and increase demand for labor.
Third We regard trusts, in whatever form
organized, as the result of the existing mo
nopoly, tariff, and we demand the repeal of
such tariff taxes as enable them to control
domestic production, by unlawful combination,
and to extort from the people exorbitant prices
for their product.
Fourth We accept the decision of the people
of Pennsylvania, rendered by the ballot, on tho
prohibitory amendment as a declaration in
favor of a reasonable, just and effective regu
lation of the traffic in ardent spirits. We hold
that tho agreement of the Republican party
through its representatives In the Legislature
to the proposed prohibitory amendment to the
Constitution, andits defeatgat the polls In spite
of the Republican majority of 80,000 votes, are
facts that establish bevoud doubt the hypocrisy
of the Republican leaders in their treatment of,
the question of prohibition.
Fifth We bold tbo Republican party re
sponsible for the failure a failure wilfully
and corruptly incurred to enforce by "appro
priate legislation" the sixteenth and seven
teenth articles of the Constitution, designed to
Srotect the land and labor, the people and In
nstries of this Commonwealth.
Bixtb We hold the Republican party re
sponsible for the failure to pass any law for the
relief of the manual laborers of the State of
Pennsylvania, and we recommend tho enact
ment of such laws as will give equal protection
and equal opportunities in every branch of in
dustry to all citizens, irrespectivc.of race, re
ligion or nauviiy. weaisouuiu me x&epuDU
can party responsible for the failure of the
Legislature to consider favorably the petitions
of the workingmen and farmers of this State,
for the equalization of the burdens of taxation
and for relief from the exactions of monopoly.
Seventh We hold the Republican party re
sponsible for the notorious corruptions which
for many years have prevailed in the manage
ments the State Treasury, for the system of
depositing loans without interest, enriching
favorites or the ring by the use of the public
money, and for tho flagrant violation ot law by
the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund,' and
we pledgtj the faith of the Democratic party
tbat the candidate this day nominated will, it
elected, reform these wrongs.
Eighth We favor the Australian ballot sys
tem as adapted to meet the requirements of
our Constitution and the special wants of our
people in order to seenre the freedom and
purity of elections menaced by the combined
power of monopoly and the corruption of Re
publican rings and bosses.
Ninth That the sufferers by the recent
floods have our sincere sympathy, and that
while we deprecate and condemn the manage
ment on the part of the State authorities, by
which relief to our. sorely afflicted fellow citi
zens has been unnecessarily ileinvivi v tir
our representatives in the Legislature to, take
such constitutional action as will give substan
tial relief to the stricken communities.
Tenth While we favor a liberal Bystem of
Pensions to such Veterans of the late war as
ave been honorably discharged, and who from
wonnds or other physical infirmities have been
rendered unfit for manual or other labor, we
deem it unjust to that large class of those
faithful soldiers of the Union who take a just
pride in the heroic achievements of their com
rades in arms, that there should be added to
the "pension roll the names of any who are not
qualified therefor by reason of honorable and
faithful service in the line of duty.
Mr. Foran, of Philadelphia, presented a.
resolution which was unanimously adopted;
commending the course of Mr. Gladstone in
his attitude toward the Irish people. The
new rules as amended by the State Com
mittee yesterday were adopted.
He and Hla Father-in-Lntv Try to Get
Control of n Kailrond Proxlea Ob
tained From Blaine and Oth.
er Noted Politicians.
Baltimore, September 4. An old con
test between the Baltimore and Ohio and the
West Virginia Central Kailroads was decided
to-day by Judge Armstrong, at Keyscr, W.
Ya. The case attracted much attention be
cause of the prominent political lights in
terested." When the West Virginia was
firstorganized, ex-Senator Henry C. Davis
and Mr. John Shaw, of Shaw Bros., in this
city, held all the stock. Stephen B. Elkins
was not slow in finding out how profitable
the venture was and he importuned his
father-in-law for some of the stock, prom
ising that he would take an active interest
iu the road. The ex-Senator agreed to give
Steve a share and sold him stock at a nomi
nal price. Then Steve went to Shaw and
made a similar request, the coal man said
he had no objection bnt he would not think
of selling at the same price Davis had
asked. "You know," said Shaw, "he is your
father-in-law." Steve bought the stock but
always after that felt hurt and waited for an
opportunity to pay back Shaw, it came a
short time ago. Davis and Elkins formed
a combination for the purpose of disposing
their former ally, who, by the way, owns
three-sevenths of the stock.
Elkins did all the manipulating. He se
cured proxies from ex-Secretary Bayard,
Secretary Blaine, Senator Gorman, and
others, and proceeded to knock Mr, Shaw
out of the directory. The latter soon got
wind of this, and on the day of the election
he, after consulting with Irving Cross, of
the Baltimore and Ohio, conceived the idea
of making the lawyer a director.
Cross, who is a good lawyer, at once put
up the claim that according to the Constitu
tion of West Virginia, Shaw had the right
to vote his stock cumulatively and pro
ceeded to carry out his purpose. Ex-Senator
Davis saw trouble ahead, and to avoid
the question of cumulative stock going into
the courts, he struck off the name of W. H.
Barnum, of Connecticut, who was tn have
taken Shaw's place and re-electing the latter
to the directory.
This didn't settle the matter, however,
and Shaw voted his stock cumulatively,
and contended Cross was elected. The case
was taken to court, and Judge Andrews de
cided tbat Shaw had a right to vote his
stock cumulatively, but Cross was not eligi
ble because the stock had not been trans
ferred. The decision is looked upon as a victory
for the Shaw people, who by cumulative
voting can always hold a place- in the di
Free Trade In Haw nintcrlnta Would Not
Salt Them at All. ,
Columbus, September 4. The wool
growers of the State held a meeting to-day
and were addressed by Hon. Columbus'
Delano, David Harpster and others. Mr.
Delano offered a set of resolutions embody
ing a communication from the Secretary
of the National Wool Manufacturers' Asso
ciation, in which the latter asks whether
the wool growers of the United States are
prepared to accept any changes from the
rates of duty upon second class and carpet
wools, which are fixed in the tariff bill that
passed the Senate at the last session, and
suggesting that a joint conference would be
found mutually advantageous before the
meeting of the manufacturers.
The resolutions express surprise that the
manufacturers have undertaken to deter
mine the rates of duty without reference to
the wishes of wool growers and regrets the
existence of the "widespread and thoroughly
organized movement in -New England for
free raw material, which seems to mean free
trade for the great industries of agriculture
and the West and protection for New En
gland manufacturers, but the danger of this
cannot coerce them to consent to a reduction
of the rates of duties on second class and
carpet wools as fixed in the Senate bill at
the last session."
Evidence Offered Concerning the Shooting;
Down of Judge Terry.
San Fbancisco, September 4. In the
hearing of Deputy Sheriff Nagle to-day M.
M. Estee-stated he had known Judge Terry
for over 30 years and that the fact that he
carried a weapon was known to all his ac
quaintances. P. D. Wigginton testified he
visited Judge Terry in jail and Terry1 aid
he would kill Judge Sawyer if it.beckne
A letter from Attorney General Miller to
Marshal Franks, directing the latter to pro
vide proper protection for Justice Field and
Jndge Sawyer was also submitted in evi
dence. Marshal Franks testified that, upon
the arrival of Justice Field in San Fran
cisco Jane 17 last he appointed David Na
gle and two other Deputy marshals to pro
tect Field from assault. - --.-
Further Startling DeYelbpmenls 'in
the Hamilton Case
Should Be Willed Everything', and Then Set
Eld of Hamilton. T-
Joshua Mann and Mrs. Swlnton Arraigned sua Tien
Eemanded Until Friday.
Farther developments in the remarkable
conspiracy against Robert Bay Hamilton
were made in New York yesterday. In
spector Byrnes has found that part of the
scheme was to have Hamilton will the child
everything and. then to' murder him. Mrs.
Hamilton also tried, but failed, to have
Joshua Mann placed in an insane asylum.
New York, September 4. Develop
ments in the case of Bobert Bay Hamilton
and the -gang of conspirators who preyed
upon him by means of a $10 baby, which
they alleged was his, were meager to-day;
but such as they were they ended to show
that the full depthjf villainy involved in
the plot was even beyond that indicated by
the story given out by Inspector Byrnes on
Tuesday night. It is now probable, to say
the least, that the plot was directed not only
against Mr. -Hamilton's happiness, but
against his life as well, and that the ulti
mate object of the harpies was to induce
him to make a will in favor of the child,
and then to get rid oi him. Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Jerome said this afternoon,
after the hearing in the case of Joshua Mann
and Mrs. Swinton had .been adjourned until
Friday: "If those people had been let
alone they would have made Hamilton make
will to suit them and then have killed
Inspector Byrnes and Mr. Clarke, coun
sel for Mr. Hamilton, refused to talk of this
aspect of the case, farther than to say that
it would be a difficult thing to prove snch a
fact in connection with the case unless it
should turn out that Mr. Hamilton had
really been induced by the gang tomake a
will. It was intimated that this was not
the case.
Another thing that came out to-day was
that Eva Parsons, Brill, Steel, Mann, or
whatever else her real name was.endeavored,
when she was about to marry Hamilton, to
get rid of Josh by having him put in an in
sane asylum. The eminent specialist whom
she employed to examine Josh and report
him insane, refused, however, to find any
thing wrong about the fellow's brains, and
this little plot within a plot fell through.
Mr. Hamilton said to-day that when the
time came he would go upon the stand and
testify under oath as to the facts of his con
nection with the woman and her gang.
Until then he believed the best policy was
for him to say nothing more than was abso
lutely necessary. He may yet change his
mind, however, and make a public state
ment before the trial of the conspirators, but
it is not probable.
The Hamilton jewels and plate are safe.
Inspector Byrnes said to-day that the woman
had not had time, before her too-ready knife,
npned open her plot, to secure and make"
-away with the -gems and silverware lor
whiensnenaa rissea so mucn. oeweiry
worth 52,000 was said to have been lost at
the time tbat Mrs. Hamilton was arrested
jn Atlantic 'City, but this.it is supposed,
was some that had been given to her by
Hamilton, and not a part of the family
She bought a ruby and diamond bracelet
for S250 out of the $500 that. Hamilton gave
her to shop with when she made her last
visit to this city just before the affair in
Atlantic City.
Whether because he wished more time in
which to work up the feature of the case
which involved the possibility of a conspir
acy to murder, or because th ere were still some
chinks to fill up in the main story, Inspector
Byrnes was not ready to-day to present in
court his case against Josh and his reputed
mother. The pair were brought down
from police headquarter", however, and ar
raigned before Justice Hogan, and a crowd
of reporters in the private hearing
room of the Tombs. It was the
first time Josh and the woman have been on
view in any public way since they achieved
fame, and there was much curiosity to see
them, which was gratified as little as possi
ble by the detectives having them in charge.
Immediately upon their arrival at the
Tombs they were hustled into the Justice's
private room and kept there until ready to
be arraigned.
When the prisoners were before the bar
Lawyer Jerome stepped forward and said:
"Your Honor, I have to ask that this case
.be adjourned till Friday. It seems that
there is important evidence that we should
have and tbat Inspector Byrnes will have
by that time. I therefore ask the Court
that the prisoners be remanded in care of
inspector isyrnes until mat time, mat mis
evidence may be produced."
"Madam, have you anything to say as to
this?" asked Justice Hogan, addressing Mrs.
"No sir," she replied, so feebly that she
could scarcely be heard.
"Have you anything to sayt" asked the
Justice turning to Mann.
"Nothing further to say," murmured
Josh, in the depths of bis mustache.
Mrs. Swinton nudged him and whispered:
"Except that you are innocent." "Except
that X am innocent," he murmured duti
fully, and Mrs. Swinton wagged her head
and said, "Yes."
"Well," said Justice Hogan, "on Friday
you will be brought here again and you may
be represented by counsel if you want one.
If yon have any witnesses you want here
tell the officers and they will send for them.
You must 'have them here at 2 o'clock on
Friday afternoon."
The midwife Taken to Noll Cottage Mrs.
Hamilton's Excitement.
Atlantic City, N. J., September 4.
Two New York detectives visited the Noll
cottage to-day, accompanied by the German
midwife who attended the alleged Mrs.
Hamilton during the alleged confinement.
They interrogated the wounded 'nurse at
length as to her knowledge of Baby Beatrice's
parentage. The German midwife identified
the baby as the foundling which Hamilton
was led to belieye was his own.
The detectives also visited ' Mays
Landing, accompanied by the midwife.
Counsellor Perry called on Eva this morn
ing, and told her of the arrest of Mrs.
Swinton' and Joshua Mann and told of
Hamilton's renunciation of her. The worn
and haggard woman staggeted back with
her hand clasped to her forehead.
"What," she gasped, "does Bay mean to
desert me? Oh, he won't do it; he won't
leave me in this lonely place. I'll die if he
doesn't come to me soon. Wriie; telegraph
to Bay;" and before she. finished the fervent
sentence she sank on' her couch in. a parox
ysm of grief. -' -
r- -'-mm.
SEPTEMBER 5, 1889:
Offlcera of (he United StatesFuneral Direct
Ins; Company In Trouble Civil and Crim
inal Suit Brought Against Them.
A Disgusted President.
Philadelphia September 4., Affida
vits vere to-day prepared by Lawyer John
W. Wartman, of Camden, which are in
tended to put some of the most prominent
organizers and officers of the United States
Funeral Directing Company behind
the bars. The affidavits are sworn
to by Henry I. Budd, Jr., one of
the directors, and the man who bought the
Pittsburg agency, Thomas G. Heston, the
Camden contractor and builder, and Henry
F. Quint, superintendent of the company's
factories. The affidavits allege all manner
.of crookedness against certain officials, being
especially strong upon the point of obtain
ing money and geods. upon false pretenses.
It is said ' that capiases were
issued for the arrest .of Alfred
L. Black, Jr., former President of the com
pany, and William Bouldiu, "manager for
the sale of territory." It wasn't denied, by
Mr. Wartman or any of the gentlemen who
are sifting the company's transactions to the
bottom that such action had been taken, but
they said that for good and sufficient rea
sons the apprehension of the parties wouldn't
take place during the day.
One of the reasons assigned for the delay
in the serving of the writs of arrest was the
arrival upon the scene of a fresh victim,
who, it is claimed, has a strong criminal
case against President Black. This gentle
man is Buesell Williams, ot Meriden,
Conn., manufacturer of casket hardware, and
various funeral paraphernelia. Mr. Wil
liams waspreparing his legal statement iu
lawyer Wartman's office to-day. J. W.
Southmayd, of Brooklyn, the President of
the concern, elected to tbat office a week or
so ago in order to keep him quiet, has been
in the city for several, days, hoping
that something could be done where
by he might recover at least s. portion of
the large amount for which he was bled. He
went home yesterday, having abandoned the
company and all his ideas of securing him
self. The meeting of the directors of the com
pany announced, to take place yesterday,
was not held.
A Special Cabinet. Meeting to be Held Sat
urday to Consider Them.
Washington, September 4. It was an
nounced to-day, with apparent" authority,
that the questions whether the appoint
ments of Naval Officer and Surveyor for
the port of New York' shall be made
this season or not, and whether they
shall be made together, if they are made,
will be decided at the Cabinet meeting on
Friday. There will be solace, too, for Theo
dore B. Willis, of Brooklyn, and George
W. Lyon, of New York City, whose com
missions as Naval Officer and Surveyor have
been locked in the President's safe
for a month, both signed with the
names of the Executive and the
Acting Secretary of the Treasury, that
Secretary Tracy, Secretary Windo'ra and
Assistant Batcheller, to say nothing of Vice
President Morton, who has done' as much
for the Republican applicants as all the
mails and telegraph wires from "Rhinebeck
to Washington and peer Park will permit,
are in favor of a ohange.
Mr. Harrison has been much embarrassed
to know what to do. Finally he is obliged
,to give it up. Against the pressure of
these, and other Bepublicans quite as influ
ential, has been a Mugwump' pressure in
behalf of Naval "Officer' Burt and' Sur
veyor Beattie, which has been unaccount
able. It has represented thousands of dol
lars subscribed far theBepublican campaign
funds, and the opinion of the Mugwump pa
pers. The President has not been able to
resist these importunities. Theodore
Boosevelt is known to be one of
the leaders most interested in
the retention of Burt and Beattie. He has
seen' the President and written letters to
him. But this is the only name among the
backers of the present incumbents which
can be learned.
The President is further influenced against
a change by the fact that Mr. Burt himself
begs to stay in till he can execute some re
forms in the service, and can complete an
elaborate report, which he is preparing, to
set forth the benefits resulting from his ad
A Number of Resolutions -Adopted by the
Cleveland Convention.
Cleveland, September 4. The German
Boman Catholic Central Association of
America, finished its business to-day. A
resolution was adopted, advising the estab
lishment of labor bureaus iu all the largo
cities to assist worthy Catholics to get em
ployment. The delegates adopted unani
mously a resolution declaring that a man
can be both a Catholic and a loyal citizen.
It was called out by newspaper's criticism
of Catholics.
A few days ago the delegates sent 5200 to
the Pope by cable and they were rewarded
yesterday by receiying in return a, tele
graphic benediction. They acknowledged
the compliment by giving three cheers for
the Pope. Twenty-two new societies were
admitted to membership.
Maddened by Reverses, a ftlnn Uses Razor,
Poison and Pistol.
Seville, Fla., September-4. William
Kemble Lente, a prominent railroad and
real estate man, committed suicide here to
day. He first slashed his forearm with a
razor, then took a large dose of morphine,
and ended by discharging a bullet into his
brain. Lente was 30 years old and the son
of the late Dr. Frederick D. Lente, of New
York, from whom he had inherited a
princely fortune.
It is said that nearly all of his inheri
tance has been either lost or tied up in such
a manner that it was unremunerative, and
that a fear that he had involved others in
his reverses drove him to desperation and
An Accomplished Young Lady Adopts a
Strange Method of Salctde.
Evansville, Ind., September 4.
Louisa Graff, a handsome and accomplished
young lady, the 16-year-old daughter of
Peter Graff, a prosperous farmer three miles
from this city, committed Buicide some time
Monday night by jumping into an old
abandoned well on the faru. She was
missed when the family arose this morning,
and as she had of late been melancholy, and
threatened suicide, a search was instituted
and her body fonnd.
A Strange Disease That Causes the Animals
to Starve to Death.
Marshall, III., September 4. A
strange and fatal disease among hogs pre
vails in the central part of the county, and
is carrying off large numbers. The symptoms
resemblethoseof typhoid fever in the human
race, and the animals sometimes linger for
many days, finally perishing of starvation,
as much ' as anything else, for they frill eat
nothing. No.remedy can be found to act on
the plague, and farmers are in despair.
?-V H 1
The Eeason No Jury Caa, be Mil
the Croniiv Case is That All , -
This Feature is a Paralyzing 0n far tfee
Unhappy Prisoaers. v
The Attorneys fir the Defease' Draw Fnta the lre:cf
the Ctart.
Another day's straggle hat ended, and the
Cronin jury is as far in the future as ever.
Practically all of the talesmen have formed
an opinion as to the prisoners' guilt, and are
therefore' ineligible. The prospects for. se
curing 12 men are very gloomy;
Chicago, September 4. When.the court
met this morning in the Cronin ease there
were four men in the' jrfry box. They were
Freeman Grass, T." P. Kellogg, B. J. Van
cott and William P. Turner. The first
thing the State did was to use its fourth
peremptory challenge 4n getting rid of
Kellogg. The lawyers for the. State used
up two more peremptory challenges before
they, got a man to take Kellogg's place.
The new jurors were Charles Hershman, an
Englewood school teacher, and Charles A.
Baker, an Oak Park grocer.
Then Mr. Longenecker turned over to the,
defense the suburban quartet Grass had
now been passed by both sides. It did not
take the fiery-headed Foster long to. upset
the sepulcher-raaking Turner. The jury
man had passed the ordeal with flying colors
until he was closely questioned as to his
membership in secret societies,
Then he had to admit that he belonged to
the American League,. an organization an
tagonistic to the Boman Catholio chnrch.
He was quickly dropped for cause. Baker-
and Hershman were peremptorily chal
lenged. The rapid slaughter of the State's
jurors left Grass the only survivor. It is
probable that he, too, will be peremptorily
callenged by the defense before the end of
the week. x .
It took Attorney Foster four hours to fill
the gaps made by his onslaught on Turner,
Hershman and Baker. . The suburban ve
nire against which Mr. Forrest had directed
all his sarcasm for the past two days, was
exhausted at 3:15 p. ii. Then the seats
were filled up with the talesmen of the third
venire. Mr. Forrest could find no fault with
these jurors. They were the kind of men he
has been recommending for jurors;
Tbey were all business men or heavy
manufacturers. Borne oi them are immensely
rich. It' was probably the finest-looking
body of talesmen that ever tramped into
the dingy court room. On Monday Mr.
Forrest declared that if 60 business men of
independent means and of American parent
age were summoned it would not take the
defense a halt day to pick 12 men.
But it looks as though there are not 12
American business men of independent
means in Chicago who have .not already
formed an opinion as to the guilt of the
prisoners. One by one these men were
dropped for cause nntil the venue was
nearly exhausted. Only two men of the 16
examined were held for the night, and they
are almost certain to be- dropped to-morrow.
During the examination of these men Mr.
Forrestsat next to the prisoners,enjoying the
rapid dismissals for cause. The de--fendants,
however, were more gloomy
than at any time since the trial began.
Big Dan Cougblin's face was almost
fhastly as juror after- juror declared their
elief that the prisoners were guilty. It
gave the detective his first substantial proof
of the terrible prejudice existing in the citv
against him and his colleagues. O'Snill
van was also visibly affected.
Mr.. Foster was very quick to seize upon a
point that might operate in the dis
qualification of the juror. He was
materially assisted in his work of
decapitation by a ruling by Judge
McConnell early in the day to the effect
that a juror who had expressed an opinion
as to the guilt or innocence oi the prisoners,
was not competent to serve in the case.
Nearly all the business men had expressed
this opinion.
Jndge McConnell was soon aroused by
the rapidity with which Mr. Foster was
cutting off the heads of the substantial
looking men before him, and in a voice
which show his impatience, said it was the
evident desire of the defense to exhaust its
100 peremptory challenge before selecting a
single juror, and thus throw the responsi
bility of choosing a jury upon the court and
Mr. Forrest' was on his feet in an instant.
He was greatly injured. With a long
sweep of his arm and a voice keyed high
with indignation, he disputed any intention
on the part of his associates to prolong .the
trialor to take anfvunfair advantage. The
lawyer was still roaring when Judge Mc
Connell brought him up with a sharp, turn.
Then Mr. Forrest sat down.
A Quack DoctorKesponslble for IhoThrent
encd Unco War In Alabama.
Birmingham, Ala., September 4. The
trouble between the whites and blacks in
Bibb county, which threatens to develop
into a serious race war, seems to have been
caused by a long-haired quack doctor call
ing himself "Comanche Jim." At first he
met with indifferent success, but he hit upon
a scheme which made his medicine sell.
"You are afraid of the white people," ho
said; "afraid they will shoot you, but be afraid
no longer. I havo here a medicine, the war
medicine of the great chiefs and medi
cine men of the Comanches, which will make
your bodies bullet-proof. Take my medicine
and tbe bullets from the white men's
guns will fall harmless at your feet. Take
tbis medicine, then arm yourselves and
the great day of your freedom,
from cruelty and oppression is at band. You
shall no longer be hanged and shot like dogs. I
will save you with my great remedy, made by
the wise medicine men of the Comanches."
The man succeeded in working the negroes
into a perfect frenzy. Every one of them
who had tbe money bought a bottle and
then began to buy arms and prepare for the
uprising which he promised to lead.
Sevr Yorli'a National Guard Team Defeat
tbe Jersey Sharpshooters. ,
Sea Gibt, N. J., September 4. The
inter-State rifle match between teams from
the National Guard of New Jersey, New
York, and Delaware, was shot here to-day
upon the rifle range of Camp Green,, the
New Jersey State camp ground. The New
York team won the match and to-night the
men took to New York the massive silver
punchbowl, and the handsome gold badges.
The punch bowl is of solid silver and lined
with gold. It cost the State of New Jersey
9500. The three, teams contained 12 men
each, ten. shots reie allowed to each man at
the 200-yard target and the same number at
the 600-yard target.
Hk8iatNi ritam-i
"; KrOTw "WaiTe wr ! .
ttaaere EreMrt
' .New YoEiEf SepiMsW4-'-?HTN
ma'ay close shaves, sad i$mi iw1l tstnl
knocks; in the' fog tbt a ti-r touts M
eeho with the bb&W aottaAoTMlbsMtl
deep-toned, whittle, tikis "rnottim.
The States . Islasd . ferryfe,:
field,, oaae wttUa,. tut?
catting' herself in two's th riaSJprajrV
the heavily .ladc. -ffeifsit' yrapelkr JiV "W.
Brune, of, the cBttJea TnMwpoHatfesi..
Line. A strong ebb tide added to Hki synd
of the ferryboat, wfi'iei wa ruHaliif -'.tlouslv
under one bell. She 'was wiiWm
less than' 60 feet of- the Brsoe wha
she materialized, frOsa the TaUi,'aa4
down, on the freight boat nearly broadtWe..
She struck the propeller's ftea, whleh eejt:
through her guard, just forward of thi port
wheel, clear to her bull. -The' iapaet. seat
thoseofthclOO passengers who. weresUad
ing sprawling on the deck.
Everybody, including teif aeroaalBci
women, rushed forward to see what" was ttve
matter. 'The Southfield .fteoaei slowly to
Staten Island and landed her passengw. .
She then wont to Clifton and was laid p
for repairs. The' 'Brune anchored and
waited nntQ .the fog cleared. She had
a three-foot hole punched in her' starboard
bow by a part oi. the Soathfield's. saatbed
' If the Brune had not been in the way tfee
Southfield wonld have drifted down on the
iron, prow of a big' transatlantic cattle
steamship ana been sent to" the bottom.
An Alleged Bister of Charity Prove to be mm
rsFzcxix, TZLxasAic to'thb DISTATCH.!
1 ett Yobk, September 4 A woman In
the habit of a Sister of Charity has for sev
eral years past got from well-to-do persons
money and 'provisions. To. inquiries the
woman said she was Sister Be
atrice May, 'and that she came from
St. Stephen's Guild, 9 Livingston Place..
In the city directory jn the list .of asylums
and homes Miss Stephana is said to be
president and Mrs. Price Fnshean secretary
of the Guild, Through the charity organ
ization, society which has investl-,
gated Sister May, it is learned that
she is an impostor, and that
she sold what provisions she got, and put
the money in her pocket.. She has been
sued by her landlord for (1,000 arrears of
rent, and dispossession proceedings have
been begnn against herin the Sixth Dis
trict Court The writ is returnable to-morrow
before Jndge Lachman,
The so-called Gnild nas occupied the"
house since May, 1886, and has, a ten yean'
lease. According to the officers' of
the Charity Organization Society,
Sister May is Mary. E,. Oliver,
originally of.New Orleans, who brought suit
against the late Simon Cameron, in Wash
ington, In 1879,. for .breach of promise, and
was proved by General Benjamin F. Butler,
Senator Cameron'sconnsel,- to Jbe an adven
Platform of the Now York State Llqaor
Dealers' Association
rerEctAL teleooam to the dispatch.!
Bochesteb, September 4. Tho repre
sentatives of the 15,000 liquor dealers,. who
are members'of the State. Wine, Liquor and
Bee? Dealers' Association, held an order ly
and creditable State convention hero
to-day. Moreover, they indicated
frankly by their speeches and reports
in their convention thaf they believe they
take some political power, and have confi
dence that the mass of New York's popula
tion do not wish for oppressive sumptuary
legislation. , At the evening session the
platform was read by Secretary Sidebotham.
It was as follows:
' The Wine, Liquors and Beer Dealers' Associ
ation of the State of New York, in convention
assembled-in Rochester. September i. 1SS9. in
dorses the policy of regulation, and condemns
the policy of prohibition, general and local.
We indorse such regulations as are
not intended to accomplish prohibition in
directly, bnt to eliminate as much of the evils
resulting from the abuse of liquor as is possi
ble to be done by law. We are opposed to that
attempt to regulate, which seeks by high
license to discriminate between the rich and
poor or against one locality.
The platform was adopted unanimously;
The London Strike Committee Accept Port
of tho Sew Acreement.
tirr cable to the d'isfatch.1
London, September 5. Copyright.
The strike committee sat nntil 1:30 Thurs
day morning considering the agree
ment form issued, Wednesday even
ing by Lafore the wharfinger, which
had the snpport of several granary
keepers, wharfingers, etc. This agreement
provides that contract work shall be aban
doned and piece work established, that
the men shall receive the gross receipts
from companies direct, drawing in the
meantime a minimum of 6 pence
an hour and 8 pence overtime.
The agreement really conceded all the de
mands of the men. The Strike Committee
this morning accepted tbe agreement except
the clause allowing the lighter men to re
turn to work immediately and submit, their
grievances to arbitration.
All this means that the emptv barses in
the river may be filled and the full ones
alongside the wharves discharged. It does
not offer, as yet, any satisfactory solution
of the difficulty, bnt will doubtless
strengthen the strikers against the dock
companies, in having so mnch more work
done without the companies' interference.
a - s
Aro Making Arrangement for the First
CampalgOtin tbe State.
Htjbon, S. Dak., September 4. Tbe first
Democratic Convention of South Dakota
met in the Grand Opera House this after
noon, being called to order at 2:45 o'clock
by J. F. Cappenter, Chairman oi the State
Central Committee. After some little
wrangling, Colonel William L. Steele, of
Deadwood, was chosen temporary Chairman,
and F. M. O'Brien and W. W. Goddard
were made Secretaries.
Committees on organization and cre
dentials were appointed and the convention
adjourned until 7o'clock, at which time the
committee on resolutions was appointed and
the convention took a recess.
Tho Illinois Miners In Need of Food, Cloth
ing aad Modiclne.
Chicago, BeDtember 4. An appeal to
the pnblio through the press is made by
Henry D. Lloyd, formerly on the editorial
staff of one of the Chicago morning papers.
"Mr. Lloyd has made a personal investigation
on his own account of the condition of the
Illinois miners. He says:
There is a greater need than ever of helping
the starving men, women and children of
Spring Valley, in this State. Thero are thou
sands of sufferers there from want of food,
clothing, medicine and sympathy. Most of
these, sufferers are children, and most of the
children are little one's.
" l"J
Rim uHwhir &Mttdife
rr 3
-' -"g -Ju.clJJ .4i&ii 4'-
Alleatlea A Wamtur at
Admire- tw Art Ma4r,t :
JPlWswwMsVBf-. lBffV WsMsa IK,
WtWaWhssI VWmB ajab - -.it
nimirn. ArsrvJsrsV Msrsi
Jr IVV BrtsrVtsi VvWVVa 17 alfW VsPsrBvvrBsnSFVVsV
rfS"n'JsPtsr4v01ll 1 TBaMaV ARsMltsWJWM)
WMt-.ta Begtartngt-lUw.par
Bar-BajM. l . ,
Te:feaeiWwfciiy ewattaW
inigbt. -B was deae qajeHy, a Jisj' .
orowu peopie wen pisHH.,
Marvin started tbe. i&e..ad'Dv
land delivered aa oratfoa rail et hiitarit'
interest. The maagwg sei the htimf
to grow. .' "" .
The-4th oi September k part, wad Pitts
burg's Exposition has net only ajtawt-lrw'
its ashes, bnt has started in witfciuniois ot,
life that augurs sneeess above aX preview,
efforts, though it was not seen last sight at;.''
'its best, and will not be for sosse iky Bat,,., j
though the exhitlW.were ooHipwaily htrW
and far between last Bight compared 'wtiu
what they will be ere long, the oroard that, '
attended the opening probably eajeyei" tbe
exhibition' as well as it will at ay subse
quent time, as it was exhilarstiay tsTwateh--the
workmen deftly putting exhiWts is
shape. i ' .
Bnt to go from the Main Bnildfeete,
Power Hall made one feel as thesgh walk
ing irr some vast wilderness, iktr contrast1
was painful, between bright lights, paint
ings. flowers', music, tasteful exhibitions &
highly finished goods, and a large s-paee,
where only was sees here and ' there ma
chinery, piled up in chaotic shape, with bnt
one or two powerful engines running and a
half-made-up appearance generally.
Most people stopped to look at an -antiquated
band fire engine, and, while some
of the younger portion viewed it with a' half
contemptuous expression, silver-haired hoys
and girls remembered fondly the day whea
the former regarded it as aa honor to ma'
with the machine, and the old girl? rsaeea
bered when these grJasled veterans .were '
curled-haired darlings whom it was their
delight to honor. In those days
in being a fireman,-as glory and net ctsh
was his reward! '.
Though the lighting had net been com
pleted in the art gallery, and the exhibit,
did .not show at its best under the glow
from arc lights, yet the gallery was more
densely crowded than any other part of the
building, and the remarks heard testified to
the pretty general appreciation of the
Notwithstanding mneh had been done ia
the last 24 hours preceding the opening,
much remained to be done, and it is being
done as rapidly as possible. Preparations -have
progressed sufficiently far to demon- 4
straw nnu is 10 luuow iu ou its jeugta arrv 1
At 8 o'clock last evening Mrs. 8. S. Mar
vin, wife of the President of the society,
touched the lever that set the big.Beese
engine in Power Hall in motion, starting
the main line of shafting. The Great West
ern Band struck up. and, after playing a
selection, the opening exercises were begun-
The opening exercises were held in the
east gallery of the main hall. A majority
of the Board of Directors were present '
After the overture by the orchestra, Presi
dent S. S. Marvin introdnced Bev. Dr. Hol
land, who made the opening address. Dr.
Holland said:
Fellow Citizens My mind instinctively
reverts at this moment to a dark and dreary
afternoon several years ago when a party of
gentlemen met In the rooms of the Chamber of
Commerce to discuss the project of reviving an
industrial exposition In the city of Pittsburg,
and to devise measures for awakening a public
interest in the great undertaking. That was
the day of small things, and tbe feelings of
some of the little company were quite in har
mony with the cheerless aspect ot tbe skies.
I turn from the memory of that day of feeble
beginnings to tbe scenes which greet my eyes
to-night. Standing beneath the great roof of
tbis magnificent temple of industry, aglow
with flashing lights, its rafters and column
gay with the flags oi many lands, emblematic
of the world wide grasp of commerce, and ot
the world wide power of this great and busy
metropolis, I feel stirring within me emotions
of honorable pride and satisfaction. My. pride
and my satisfaction are not so mueb in tbe ma
terial results of the efforts which have been
nut forth, creat. even splendid, as these remits
are. bat rather in the evidence, which they af
ford, of the existence to so large a degree In
this community of the spirit which seeks, not
merely selfish aggrandizement, but the pnblio
This enterprise represents the goodwill and
public spirit of a multitude of men. I am in
formed that over 1.000 individuals bave 'eacn
contributed the sum of (100 toward this under
taking, while a vast sum represents the still
larger individual gifts of a multitude of the
living and of some of the great hearted dead.
Tbe entire amount expended upon these nobis
buildings, which most ever be an ornament to
our city, rises already into the hundreds of
thousands of dollars, and the end of the great
task will not be achieved until the sum of half
a million of dollars has been spent.
I congratulate you, fellow-citizens, upon the
fact that, laying aside all differences of. senti
ment and opinion, you have been able to unite
in the prosecution of this great undertaking,
and have in the spirit of a generous enthusiasm
brought it thus toward a successful issue. 1
am sure also that I voice your sentiments when
I express the pride and satisfatlon which wo
must specially feel when we consider
the manner in which the able
President and directors of this association have
fulfilled tho arduous duties imposed upon them.
We are proud of the generalship which tbey
have thus far displayed, and of the determina
tion and energy with which, in spite of count
ies difficulties and discouragements, tbey have
gone forward. While, on their behalf, welcora- "
ing you here to-night, lam sure that I am only
feebly voicing your sentiments when I express,
on your behalf, to the officers of this associa-".
tion y inr heartfelt appreciation of their labors.
Fellow Citizens The spot uDon which wa'
stand is historic ground. As my mind runs hack
toward tbe past I recall that tbe great man In
whose honor the capital of this nation C
named, then a young backwoods surveyor,
recognized the fitness of this spot to be chosen
as the site of a military outpost, commanding
the approaches to the great valley of the Mis- -sibsippi.
Itereaforce of SO men, under Capt
ain Trent, was encased in cairryine; out the
thought of Washington, and were .erect
ing a fortification when they were sur
prised by a "vastly superior force ot.
Frenchmen and Indians under Captain: r
Trecoenr, and compelled to withdraw, while
Continued on Sixth Page.