V ROTABLE STABILITY. Gnstotn Bouse Business Never Better Than it is at Present DETGOODS A'D ClGAKS LEADIKG. A Short Apple Crop a Certainty Evap orated Fruit Firm. ETOLUTIOX IX STEEL PRODUCTION Office of FnrsBtny; dispatch, Tuesday. September 3, lkS9. J Secretary Keating, who is in charge "of Uncle Sam's warehouse on the corner of Penn avenue and Garrison alley, reports trade in imported goods as booming. The month of August showed the heaviest re ceipts in drygoods lines for this year, and much beyond the corresponding month of last year. The trade in imported iron and steel shows a decline from previous years. "Wines, too, are coming less freely from over the seas than in former seasons. The imported cigar trade is, however, steadily increasing, and during the month of August receipts ot clears through the Cus ,tom House were larger than for any one month in the past two j cars. The heaviest importa tions from abroad are in the line of drygoods and cigars. The outlook for a big trade in imported goods was never better. "Our fall trade," said Secretary Keating, "promises to go beyond anything in the past. An amount of goods is now on the way from foreign ports to make this a certainty. Tho drygoods merchants who receive their silks, hosiery, gloves, etc, through the Custom House, have, very evidently, a large faith in the fall and winter trade, if we are to judge from the amount of goods already received and on the way." The Apple Crop. Last season's yield of apples the country over was probably the largest on record. Advices received from sections where thiB staple fruit attains its greatest perfection show that we are to have a short crop this year. In this re gion the yield w ill be very light. Early apples drag because of the abundance of other fruit. Later on the old reliable will be at a premium, ana the outlook now is that prices will be higher. 'Western New York is the great apple region of the United States. Advices from that section show that the yield will not be 20 per cent of last year's crop in good fail fruit. In Canada and New England the situation is much the same. The Northwest promises bet ter; but the yield there will fall below the aver age. The decline in volume will be a great benefit to the farmer whose orchards yild a lair quantity of good keeping apples. Last year they were so abnndant as not to be worth bringing to market. Large quantities were consigned to our commission merchants last fall bich did not pay freight. There is no fear of such a glnt this season. Choice apples promise to be higher than for several years in the late fall. Evaporator to Lie Idle. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Times. Writing from Lockport, N. YM under date of August 31, thus puts the situation concerning an important industry that will be affected se riously by the short apple crop: "it is safe to predict that nearly two-thirds of the evapora tors in New York State, which is tilled with them in the apple-growing counties, will be idle this fall and winter. Last year the business done in dried apples in these evaporators was enormous, and very little of the stock found the market. The crop was large and the apples bad to De used in some way or other. In fact, the farmers who really made money were those who loaded their apples up in wagons loose and drove them to the canning factories and evap orators. "Where this immense stock in dried apples has gone to has been the great question among buyers and commission men. Although en deavors have been made to keep the matter quiet, nevertheless the fact is that a few men have secured a corner on the dried apples, and the outlook is that they have a dead sure thing on the deal. Those in the deal are H. P. Stan ley's Sons, of Chicago; Willis Van Hom. of Lockport, and Michael Doyle t Co.. of Roches ter. These men have stored in their monster storehouse the old Mnnteagle Hntel.at Suspen sion Bridge between 4, 500 and 5,000 tons of dried apples, which they bought at lrom 2 to 5 cents a pound. It is safe to estimate that they have nearly 73 per cent ot all the evaporated apples and will bold for a raise of 10 cents a pound. The failure of the crop this j ear has been the roost advantageous move that could have be fallen this combination, and it would not be surprising if dried fruit went up to 15 or 29 cents before the winter is past." Evolution In Steel. A gentleman who loves to delve into the be ginnings of Pittsburg's industries, and who is authority on these subjects, said recently: "McKelvy fc Blair were among the first in this city to develop the steel industry. As long ago aslS50 this firm was engaged in the manufac ture of hammered and rolled steel, which prod uct was converted into files that found ready sale in the Eastern markets during the canal and Conestoga wagon era. William Wood was also one of the old-time workers in steel, and, according to reliable testimony, superintended the first steel rolling done in Pittsburg. The first open hearth steel made in this city was made in 1S77. The great development of steel production here has been in the past decade, as the Bessemer and open hearth processes havo been grafted to this industrv here in that pe riod. The crucible steel produced in Pittsburg would cut a sorry figure now in meeting the demands ot the trade, and yet that was the only article manufactured here in this line ud to 1S77. UYE STOCK JIAEKETS. The Condition or Business nt the East Liberty Stock Yards, Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,! Tcesdav, September 3, 18S9. J Cattle Receipts, 140 head: shipment. 480 head: market shade lower than yesterday's prices. No cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. LSO0 head: shipments, 1,100 head; market slow; light Yorkers, S450 4 60; nothing doing in otbergrades; seven cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 2,400 head: shipments, 600 head; market slow, at jesterday's prices. By Telceraph. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 5,028 head; shipments. 1,978 head: the market is active; goodTexans, 10c higher; stackers and feeding steers, steady; good to choice corn-fed neers. S3 9584 10; common to medium. J2 9003 75 stackers and feeding steers, Jl C03 00; ror SI 352 40; grass range steers, SI 502 50 Hogs Receipts. 9,407 head; shipments, none; market opened weak and 10c lower, heavy showing the heaviest declines: good to choice Iiht, S4 2P4 30; heaw and mixed, S3 60 4 10. Sheep Receipts, 1.257 head; shipments, none: market steady; good to choice muttons, S3 503 SO; common to medium, S2 25g3 25. Chicago Cattle Kecelnts. 1LO00 head: shipments, 3,000 head; market steady and slow; beeves, S4 404 70: steers. S3 004 30; stackers and leeders. SI 902 90: cows, bulls and mixed, SI 0003 00; Texas cattle, SI 502 90: Western rangers. S3 004 00. Hogs-Re-ceipts, 19,000 head: shipments, 6,000 head; market slow; loc tn 15c lower; mixed. S3 65 4 25; heavy, S3 50 4 15; light, S3 904 70 skips S3 404 40. Sheep - RcceiptsT 8,000 head: shipments, 2.000: market steady; natives. S3 504 T5; western. S3 404 00; Texans, S3 50 64 10: lambs, H25565. . ST. LOUts-Cattle - Receipts. 700 head; shipments. 600 head: market steady: choice 5eaZ7P55'.TSx teei?' H m&i 40- fair to good do. S3 04 00; stackers and feeders. S2 00fE2 80: range steers. Sil9ffi260. Hogs-Receipts. 2.S00 head: shipments, 400 head: market slow- fair tnTboice heavy, S3 65410: packing "rades. S3 704 00; light, f air to b-.t, S4 104 40. Isheep Reccipts.3,100 bead; shipments. 2,700 head: market firm: fair to choice, S3 204 30. Buffalo Cattle Recemte m -.nrinj. through: 60 carloads left over; market dun low er and very slow. Sheep and lambs-Receipts. 7 carloads through; 4 carloads sale; mirket steady and unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 17 car loads through; 24 carloads sale; market dnll and 10loc lower on porkers; mediums and heaw. S4 20j4 4o; corn Yorkers, S4 70; grassers, S4 2o4 CO. ClKClNNATI-Hogs stcadv; common and light, S3 404 60; packing and butchers, $4 00 4 25. Receipts, 1,030 head: shipments, 940 head. Rrnln In Sight. CHICAGO. September i-The Board of Trade report of the visible supply of grain is as fol lows: Wheat, U,SS6.000 bushels; increase, 90,000 bushels. Corn, Il.7o6.000 JjushcU; increase. 2.279,000 bushels. Oats, 6.130,000 bushels: in crease, 518.000 bushels. Rye. 915.OO0 bushels; In crease, 53.000 bushels. Barley, 292,000 bushels; decreace, 37,000 bushels. Metal Mnrkct. New YoBKPig iron firm. Copper nominal and neglected. Lead firm and rather brisker. Tin unsettled and easier; Straits, 20 40. MABKETSJ 1 WIRE. Wheat Open Strong-, bat Weaken Tinder Untnvornblo Advices From Liverpool Corn nnd Oat Depressed Pork Active and Steadynt Medium licm-ri. Chicago The wheat market opened strong and active to-day for futures at an advance of K?c over yesterday's closing range, the gen eral impression being that the visible supply would show a decrease of 100,000 to 200,000 bushels. This expectation, coupled with the firm early cables, gave the market a decidedly bullish complexion for a time. December sold up twice to TOJic When the visible figures finally came out a weaker feeling was developed and a gradual but steady decline followed, which was not checked till December struck 79c or a shade under the business last evening. After the first hour the business passing was of light local character, orders being scarce both ways. According to a Nightingale cable, dated at noon, the strike among the dockmen at London was cxtendingto Liverpool and the market there was depressed in consequence. Closing cables were firm for spot grain. The close here for all futures this side of May was a small fraction under yesterday's latest bids and at or near bottom. A fair business was transacted in corn with in a comparatively narrow range. The feeling developed was, on the whole, easier, and slightly lower prices were established. The weaker tone was attributed largely to the favorable weather, liberal receipts and large increase in the visible supply. The market opened at about yesterday's closing prices, was steady for a time, then sold off Jc, ruled quiet and closed 6Jc lower than jesterday. Oats w ere quiet with a fair business In Sep tember and Slav, but only a limited trade in other months. "The feeling in the near futures was easier and prices receded $Lic, and the marEct closed at about the inside. Trading was moderately active in pork and the fluctuations in prices were frequent, though trading centered in October. Prices for that month fluctuated within a range of 50c, while other deliveries mere confined to lOgloc The market closed steady at medium figures. A light trade was reported in lard and the feeling was steady. The liberal reduction in the stock on hand of short ribs with a moderate inquiry from shorts tended to more steadiness, and the feeling was stronger early. Prices were advanced 2&5c Later the offerings were Increased considerably and prices declined 1215c, closing easy. The leading luturcs rangea as follows- Wheat No. 2, October. 7S-S7877K 78g;7877S77c: May. 83&8383;'feKe! Coiin No. 2, October. 33k033J!33j E33Vc: November. SSVSSP'.&X&Z&xikc: De- 633c; November, 336333; Kc; cemuer. aajseaiMc Oats No. 2. October. 19y,mS(Wm9ici December. 2oy8Wyac May, HJi2m22.pi 22c. 5ess Pork, per bbl. October, $10 2S10 75 10 2510 J ear, $8 95; January, S9 12KS9 20 9 109 12. Lard, per 100 as. October. $6 05S6 00: No vember. So 905 805 S55 85; January, $5 85. U O0O ounvo ou. Shobt Ribs, per 100 Its. October. $5 05f? 5 12K4 97Hm 97K; January, $4 654 67K 4 62$64 G2&. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 77c: No. 3 spring wheat, G970c; No. 2 red, 77Jgc. No. 2 corn. 33c. .No. 2 oats, 19c No. 2 rye. 42c. No. 2 barley, b5c No. 1 flax seed. SI 25. Prime timothy seed, SI 311 32. Mess pork, per bbl. 510 4510 50. Lard, per 100 pounds, $6 12K615. Short nb sides (loose), $5 00. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). S4 50 4 62K. Short clear sides (boxed), $5 255 37K Receipts Flour, J8.O00 barrels; wheat, 145.000 bushels; corn. 491,000 bushels; oats, 245,000 bushels;rye, 20,000 bushels;barley,19,000bushels. Shipments Flour, 26.UO0 barrels: wheat, 145. 000 bnshels: corn. 179,000 bushels: oats, 127,000 bushels; barley, 4,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was unchanged. Eggs at 1414c New York Wheat Spot opened higher and closed weak and tairly active; options quiet early and J6Jc higher, closing weak with the advance lost. Barley quiet. Corn Spot fairly active and firm; options moder ately active, Jc lower and weak. Oats Spot steady and moderately active; options quiet and easier. Hay easy.' Hops dull. Coffee Op tions opened steady; September advanced 30 points, other months 25; market closed steady 20 points up: sales. 43,750 bags, includ ing September, 15.5015.80c: October, 15.G0 15.70c; November. 15 6015.70c; December, 15.60 615.75c; May, 15.7515.ti0c: spot Rio strong and lair; cargoes, 19Jic Sugar inactive and nom inal; refined steady and fair demand. Molasses Foreign inactive; New Orleans in fair de mand. Rice steady. Cottonseed oil dull. Tal low strong. Rosin quiet. Tnrpentine quiet at 4444c. Egcs quiet and easy; Western, 17 19c; receipts, 9.333 packages. Pork strong and moderately active; mess, inspected. J12 50 13 00: do, uninspected, $12 35J12 50. Cat-. meats quiet: nicKiea bellies. bc; pickled shoulders. 4K4Jn: -do hams, 10Kllc Lard weak and dull; western steam quoted at S6 52; options, sales, 750 tierces; September, S6 50; October. S6 406 42: November, 58 27; December, 6 20. Butter Choice steady; others easy; Western, SJc: creamery, ll12c; Amer ican, $15 5018 00. Cheese dull, but firm. 'Philadelphia flour dull and prices weak: Western winter clear, new, S4 004 30; do do. straight, new, S4 304 50; winter patent new, S4 635 00; Minnesota clear,S3 504 00: do straights. $4 3)5 00; do patent, S5 O05 65. Wheat dull and lower; ungraded in grain depot, 84c: No. 3 red in export elevator. "i&Aci steamer No. 2 red in an. 79c; No. 2 red in do, at SIKc: No. 2 red. September. SlSliiQ: October. KS2Kc; November. 83S4c; dV cember. S4gS5c Corn Car lots firmer but quiet: futures dull and a shade easier; No. 3 icllow, in grain depot, 43c; No. 2 mixed. In Twentieth street elevator. 43c; No. 2 high mixed, in grain depot, 43c; No. 2 yellow, in grain depot 43Kc; No. 2 mixed, September. 4141c; October, 415.'42Uc: November. l!GH?rc! rhnloD nln tlX.'4 """"Si ':; mtures unsettled and K?c lower; Jo. 2 white, September. 26 2oJic: October. 2727c: November, 27Ji28c: December. 2S28Jc Provisions move slowly ?,nAjK;SeS, barely steady. Pork. mess. new. S12 501S 00: do, prime mess, new, S12 00- do family, S13 5a Hams, smoked, HV13Kcl Lard Western steam. S6 70. Rut iter t Irt . . fine cooas; Pennsylvania creamery extra. 17J18c; do, prints, 2225c St. Louis Flour quiet and inactive, but un changed. Wheat The large decrease in amount on ocean passage, together with firm and higher cables, the expectation of a good de crease in visible disappointing receipts and ad vances at all points, put prices up jkJc early in the session. The visible turned out to be an increase, all outside markets weakened, caus ing a slight decline here, the market finally closing iic above yestcrdav's; No. 2 red. cash. 76ic; toeptember, 76J676Kc closing at 7G76c bid; October, closing at 77c; Decem ber. 78Ji78KcclosIng at 78c: May. 7SJfc asked. Corn lower: No. 2 mixed, cash. 2!c September. 2930e, closing at 29Jj29Kc' October, 30KSc. closing at3030$: asked; December, 30d0c, closine at 30Kc asked May. 32JJC, closing 5at 32c asked. Oats steady: No. 2 cash. lSKc; September, 18c; Octo ber, lbjc; May, 22Jc Rye loner; No. 2,38c Flaxseed easier at SI 22. Provisions strong er, but quite irregular. Philadelphia Wool market dull and prices nominal; Ohio. Pennsvlvania and West Vnginia XX andabove.S3335c;XS233lc:nie dium,373!c;coarec3637c;New York, Mich igan. Indiana and Western fine or X and XX, 3032c; medium, 3637c: coarse. 3536c. Fine washed delaine X and XX. 3337c; medium wasuca comoing ana aeiaine, K?41c: coarse washed combing and delaine, 3S39c; Canada washed combing, 3333c: tub washed, 3543c; medium unwashed comblbg and delaine, 29; 32c; coarse unwashed combing and delaine, 2S 30c; Montana, 2026c;,Territory, 1623c. CiNcrxs'ATi Flour In moderate demand. Wheat strong and higher; No. 2 red, 77c; re ceipts, 6.000 bushels; shipments. 6,000 bushels. Corn easy: No. 2 mixed. 35c Oats qniet: No. 2 mixed, 20JJ21c Rye nominal: No. 2. 42c Pork quiet and higher at Sll 12. Lard strong at S6 15. Bulkmeats quiet: short ribs, $5 15. Bacon steady; short clear. $625. Butter easy. Sugar steady. Eggs steady at 14c Cheese firm and higher; prime to choice Ohio flat, S8c Milwaukee Flonr unchanged. Wheat easy; cash. 73c: October, 74Jc Corn dull; No. 3, 3333c Oats dull: No. 2 white. 21 22c Rye firmer; No. 1, 43c Barley fairly act ive; No. 2. September, in store, 5Sc Provi sions firm. Pork Cash. 110 55; September S10 CO. Lard Cash, S6 10: Sepember. S6 05. Cheese "unchanged: Cheddars, 8Ji8JJc Baltimore Provisions weak. Mess pork. $12 50. Butter firm; western packed, 10l3c creamery, 1718c Eggs firm at 19c Coffee firmer: Kio cargoes fair at 19c Toledo Cloverseed flnri and steady; Octo- uer, ci oo;i.iovemoer, 9 m Wool Blnrhet. Loms Wool auietand easv; nnocii ST. Drigut medium, intake; coarse D raided, UB 22c; low sandy, lie; fine light, 1622c; flue heaw, ll19c; tub washed, 35c; lor choice in ferior, 3033c Boston The demand for wool is confined mostly to small lots. Buyers and sellers are apart in views and large lines car. only be moved at some concessions. Sales of Ohio X have been made at 33c; XX and XX and above at 846350. nnd JSo. 1 at 38c. Jlichigan X fleeces are offered at S0Slc Combing and delaine fleeces are in moderate demand and are steady. Territory and other unwashed wools are in fair request; sales ot tine and flue medium have nc.-n made on a scoured basis of 6063c. Cali fornia and Oregon wools are dull. In pulled ools sales of super have been made at 3339c and extra at 25Si9c. Foreign wools are firm and In good demand. . . -.-. ;. ..... .- -:"-""' '-3dr"v4-i cwiuuu, iyw-t.-K. uai Uar lOtS we.ik and prices declined JiSKc; No. 3 mixed 2122c; No. 2 mixed, trad,, 24c; No. 3 white! iWBK ISO. Z White. THE PITTSBURG TOO HOT FOR WOEK. Old Sol a Little Too Much for the Local Business Community. A CHANGE ANXIOUSLY AWAITED. Important Decisions of the State Supreme Court Affecting Realty, GOOD NEWS FE01T THE TOBACCO STATES Gentlemen who do business on Fourth avenue the "Wall street of Pittsburg evinced a very slight disposition to push things yesterday. In running a tilt with the sun they were sure to be knocked out. Old Sol was monarch of all he. sur veyed. The sunas of Paetolns was more in viting than was the dust, which lay inches deep everywhere ready to rise up in clouds upon the least provocation. The atmqspheric conditions favored nothing so much as repose in "some vast wilderness, some boundless con tiguity of shade." Nevertheless, the day was not given over altogether to idleness. The banks did the usnal amount of business. Real estate men were flitting here and there, as they could stand it, In pursuit of "snaps." The stock market was opened and closed by Captain Bar bour. A lew traders in petroleum assembled wbere lambs were wont to be shorn and went through the usual programme. But all this was done in a perfunctory sort of way, which showed as plainly as if expressed in words that, though the brokers, agents and others were present in the body, in spirits they were buffet ing the waves at Long Branch or Cape May, looking with rapt attention upon the scenery of the Hudson or luxuriating in a free-and-easy sort? of way amid the wild scenery of the Alle ghenics or the Adirondacks. Hope is said to spring eternal in the human breast. The business men of Pittsburg are full of it, as they have good reason to be. Though they cannot compass impossibilities, though they cannot maintain their cerebral rigidity in the fiery furnace of the sun, they are prepared to make things hum as soon as the weather shall become more propitious. lhey have the money. They have the ambi tion, and they have the grit to do it and do it they will. A few weeks at most will bring about a change iS business in this great city which will more than make up for the depres sion of the present and the past. This change is sure to come; there is no doubt about it. Let everybody prepare to make the most of it. According to the decision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in Howe's appeal, a will devising the proceeds of "all my property, consisting of bonds, mortgages, ground rents, stocks and personal effects in the State of Pennsylvania," does not pass the testator's real estate. Tho Court said: "It is argued with great earnestness for the appellees that the words 'all my property' must be construed as evincing an intention to dispose of all the tes tator's property in Pennsylvania, both real and personal. If there were no other words of de scription, of course this conclusion would be .indisputable, but the mere fact that there are other words, which being literally read, do re strain the eenorality of those words, and limit them to certain individuated species of prop-' erty, is itself proof that they were not intended to have this general meaning. Else why insert the additional words?" Here is another decision of the same court, which is of general interest: The Pennsylva nia act of March 26, 1S27, makes judgments entered in courts of record liens on the real es tate of defendants for the term of five years from the day of the entry or revival thereof, and provides that no "judgment shall con tinue a lien on such real estate for a longer period than five years from the day on which such judgment may be entered or revived, un less revived in that period by agreement of the parties, or a writ of scire facias to revive the same be sued out within said period." The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania held, in Lutz's appeal, that where a judgment was entered on April 17, 1876, and April 17, 1881, fell on a Sun day, a scire facias issued on the following Mon- 'day (April 18), to revive the judgment, was in time to save the lien. Special reports to the Aew England Home stead from all the seed-leaf tobacco-growing sections of the United States indicate a fair yield of good average quality. Farmers have generally sold out their old crops, and the pros pect for reasonably good prices is excellent. The Pennsylvania crop occupies fully as many acres as last year, including 15,000 acres in the single county of Lancaster. There is a ten dency on the part of growers to set large patches of tobacco yearly, but comparatively few farmers new to the business embark in it. The crop is about equally divided between seed-leaf and Havana seed. The yield as well as the quality will be fully up to the standard, not less than 45,000 cases in Lancaster county, wbere it averages 1,450 pounds of seed-leaf and 110 pounds of Havana seed per acre. The crop will be mostly honsedby the end of the present week. Twenty cents has been offered in one case for the first and second grades with the fillers thrown In. Press dispatches from Kansas City, Mo., i few days ago. stated that many of the large herds of cattle in that State and Indian Terri tory were afflicted with Texas -fever "or some thing worse" The suspicion that it was some thing even worse than the infectious and deadly Texas lever was founded on the fact that the disease attacks "through Texans," as the cattle driven up from that State are called, they being usually exempt from the better known disease. In answer to telegraphic in quiry. Bradilreet't correspondent at Kansas City wireli as follows, on Friday: "Reports of Texas cattle fever ravages are unfounded. They have been less than for several years past. No cases are noted here, or by our agents in the Southwest, for three weeks past" It is found on investigation that the causes assigned by debtors lor their insolvency are often unrtuly stated. In about a thira of the cases failure is attributed to illness, either of the debtor or of some member of his family, but in few of these cases is it found that ill! ness has played anyparttn the failure. Among otner causes wuicu are assigned for failures are competition, insufficiency of capital, de pression of trade and bad debts. In a consid erable majority of these cases the official re ceiver Is inclined to believe that incompetence personal extravagance and the reckless giving of credit are the real 'causes. Embarking in business of which they have no special knowl edge is a fruitful source of failure among re tail traders. There is no better evidence of the financial solidity of the South than the confidence with which the farmers are willing to hold on to their cotton. Usually the crop' has been mort gaged much ahead, but now the farmers them selves are able to hold on to their product and prevent breaking the market. There is noth ing speculative in the movement at all, but it is a very good sign when the producer is able to hold on to the crop and not be compelled to accept the terms of the buyer. STOCKS IN THE DUMPS. Brokers Show No Disposition to Fnsh Tlilnns Phllndelphla Gas Weaker. The only stocks in which there was any ac tivity yesterday were La Noria and Philadel phia Gas, and these retired from observation with very small scores. The former showed no change in the estimation in which it is held. Tho latter was weaker. The rest of tbe list was about steady. News and gossip were as scarce, as business. Bids, offers and sales Pitts. Vet. S. ft SI. Ex.. Koaiman's Insurance. Citizens' Insurance.... Pennsylvania Ins Brldgewater tias Charllcrs Val. O&s Co. Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va. People's Nat Gas People's N. G. 4 P. Co Pennsylvania Gas Philadelphia Co w ncciing um iw. forest tilt Co 102J Central Traction. Citizens' Traction Pittsburg Traction.... Pleasant Valley P. Ky. Pitts. June K. K. Co.. P., CAbUL.lt. It. Co. Pitts, ft Western K. B. P. ft W. B. it. Co. pref .0B?fG. AFTHWOOS. Hid. Asked. Hid. AsWed. 0 500 .... a 35 .... "" 32 25 .... 50 .... n 7s .::. "HH "H. "l7 44l "SB '88 '1H J 12)4 102)4 .... :: ::: ..5 30 " g - ' .... .... 20 .... .... " Point Bridge ' IH ..? LaNorialllnlnicCo.,. Vi IK 1? Ut bllverton Mining Co V.nlr(M, i:l-l Mln-fJl lU AllezhenvCo. Electric .... .'. 1M Westinehonse Klcctnc SIh 62 U.8.&SIK. Co 22K .... At the morning call 100 shares of La Noria sold at 1J4 In the afternoon 65 shares of Philadelphia Gas went at 3. John D. Bailey sold 800 shares of La Noria at 1.6a . The total sales of stocks at New Yorfcyester day wero 376,094 shares, including: Atchison, 2i,100; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 6,800; Erie. 4.200: Hocking, Valley, 5,200; Lake Shore. 7,500; Louisville and Nashville, 10,881; Missouri Pacific, 11,000; Northwestern, 9,600; Northern Pacific, 17,668; do preferred, 44,600; Oregon Transcontinental, 24,700; Reading, 7,100; Rt pii as 4m- Union pkeiH. ' 7K.V Western Union 6.'l7a ALL QUIET AT THE BASKS. Nothing New in the Situation Secretary Winriom'a Great Victory. Money in the local market was very quiet yesterday, and rates showed no variation from former reports. Checking was of good propor tion, depositing light and discounting below zero. There was no lack of currency or ex change Th4 clearings were $2,492,'719 29 and the balances $347,496 14. The Financial and Commercial Chronicle re marks: "It Is not often that the money mar ket, in any few days, experiences such abso lute reUef as it has this week. The cause ot the reaction was two-fold, but the real source of deliverance was Treasury disbursements. Secretary Windom is certainly to bo congratu lated on his success: he evidently had sources of information not open to the public Obtain ing and purchasing at his own price, $16,057,150 of bonds dnring 'the week ending last night, added to; S2.118.250 the previous week, in the face of difficulties which seemed insurmounta ble, is from the Government point of view a complete triumph. "Mr. Windom's duty, as vrell as his purpose, was no doubt to secure what he wished at the lowest cost, and to have yielded to the demand for an advance in his price at this early stage of the fall requirements even a half cent, would have put him at a decided disadvantage in making the future purchases which will be needed. His victory also Is proving apparently of even wider influence than was at first mani fest, for be has not only captured the bond combination, but in doing so has as it were put to rout the idea that a bondholder can in an emergency secure whatever price he asks." Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2K6 per cent: last loan, 3; closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper. 57. Sterling exchange quiet but steady at $4 84Ji for 60-day bills and $4 87 for demand. Closing Bond Quotation!. U. S. 4s,reg 157 U. S. 4s. coup 12S M. K. AT. Gen. 5s . 87 Mutual Union 6s... .101 N. J. C. Int. Cert...ll2Ji Northern Fac HU..U8 Northern JPac. 2ds..H5 Northw't'n consols. I4S Northw'n deben's. .115)4 U. S. 4Hs,rejr 105V u. s. iiis. conn.... va Paciactoof'85. US Loulslanastamnedls am Missouri 6s 1004 ienn. new get. 6s....iub Tenn. new set. 5s. ...101 Tenn. newsct.3s.... 73,V Canada So. 2cls. ..'... Ccn. l'aciaclsts ink, Orceon & Trans. 6s.I05 , 8UL. &I.M. Gen. 5s 87 ' St. L.AS.F. Gen.Jl.llS BU ful consols ....127 St. PL Chi Fc. lsts. 1 ISK Den. & K. G., lst...122lf i Den. &R.G. is 79J Tx., Pc.L. U.TrKs.M Tx.,l'c,K.G.Tr.Kcts 33M u.s.ti.u. wesr,ists. ii Erie, 2ds 103 Union I'ac. lsts iui West Shore 106 a. n.sr. uen. 63 Government and State bonds were dull and steady. New York Bank clearings. 870,310, 16S; bal ances, $3,740,941. Boston Bank dentines. $16,438,874. London Bar silver, 42d per ounce. Paris Three per cent rentes, 851 75cforthe account. Berlin The statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows a decrease in specie of 18,480.000 marks. St. Louis Clearings, 83.369,783; balances, $748,891. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings. $11,997,000. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $10,723,269; balances. SI. 596.174. Baltimore Bank clearings. $2,008,059; bal ances, $240,142. PETROLEUM UNCHANGED. A Dull nnd Narrow market Evening Up September Business. Very little was done in 'oil yesterday. Brad ford sold and Oil City Dought. Here it was a pykcrs' market throughout, although the fluctuations were too narrow for profitable trading of any kind. The first, last and lowest quotations were the same 9SKc The highest was 9Sc October option. Very little atten tion was given to cash oil. The weakening of refined in Europe continues to be one of the principal bearish influences. The work of evening up September business is proceeding gradually. Settlements are not quite so piompt as last montn, out tneyare not enough in arrears to cause apprehension, Sat urday's clearings were 554,000 barrels. Features of the Marker. Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 88iiLowest 98K Highest 98JUosed gsjj Barrels. Averajternns Average shipments Average charters Refined, New York, 7.50c. Iteflnert, London, 5 13-16d. Refined, Antwerp, 17C Refined. Liverpool, CKd. A. a McGrew fc Co. calls, 98c 62, Kt 79,321 49,459 quote: Puts, 97c; New Oil Development. Late news says the Kanawha Company, of recent organization by Jennings, Rotb, Grace, Stephenson and others, have just com pleted their first well, two and one-bait miles northeast of Evans City. It is doing 75 to 100 barrels, with excellent sand. This gives tbe company some good territory. Since their formation they have secured a large amount of good oil lands, extending as far south as into West Virginia, with prospects of being one of tho most prosperous oil companies. Other Oil Markets. , On. Crrr. September 3. National transit cer tificates opened at 98c; highest, 9SJc: lowest. 97c: closed. 9Sc Bradford, September 3 National transit certincates openea at vsc; closed at SSMc: highest. 9Se: lowest, 97o. Tttusyxlle, September a National transit certificates opened at 97Jc; highest. 9S3c: lowest, mc: closed, 98c. New YoRK,September a Petroleum opened steady at 98c, and moved up slightly on small transactions in the first hour. The market then became dull and remained so until the close, which was dull at 9$l4c Total sales. 297. 000 barrels. Nickleville, PA., September a Oil has been struck in paying quantities in the Red Valley sand at this place. This is a stray sand only 600 feet deep, first discovered about six miles southwest of this strike, at Rockland, near the Allegheny river. The wells in. this sand are noted for their durability. It is thought that this is a continuation of tbe same pool. Great excitement prevails. Seven new rigs are going up in Nickleville. The farms that are not leased between this and Rockland can command high bonus. The cost of drill ing is comparatively very light, and It only requires about two weeks to complete a well. A FEW MORE GONE. Trading in Lands and Honscs Keeps Up Despite ibo Weather. Black & Baird, i)5 Fourth avenue, sold to William M. ilalonev for E. O. Wickersham property in the Eleventh ward, Allegheny City, on the northeast, corner of Howe and Bartlett streets, lot 60x100 feet, with a two story frame house erected thereon, for $2,500 cash. Graebing & Lyon, 135 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of $1,000 for three years on proper ty in the Twenty-second ward, city; one ot $1,200 for three years on property in the Thir tieth ward, city; one for $1,000 for two years on property in Bellevue borough, and one for $500 for three years on property In the Thirteenth ward, city all at 6 per cent. Reed B. Coyle fc Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for John F. Steel, two lots on Homewood ave nue. Homewood station, Pennsylvania Ball road, size 22x120 each, for $1,300 cash. L. O. Frazier, corner of Forty-fifth and But ler streets, sold for John Davis and James W. Campbell lot 24x112.50 feet to a 20-foot alley, situated on the west side of Fisk street, near Davison street. Seventeenth ward, to Ben jamin F. Wilson for $1,500. or $62 50 per foot front. Samuel W. Black fc Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold for the Blair estate, Glenwood, Twenty third ward, citv. a lot on Xytle street, 25x120 to an alley for $150. James, w. Drape & Co. soldalot in Mansfield, in the Doolittle plan. 20x100 feet, for $275; also placed a mortgage of $1,200 on a property near Homewood. East End, at 6 per cent; also a mortgage of $1,200 on a house and lot in Mc Keesport, at 6 per cent Philadelphia Mocks. Closlnp nnotatlons of Philadelphia stocks, mr- rtlshcd by Wbltne; nuuney iS'Stcpncnson. OroReri. No. 57 Fourth avenue, chan re. Members New York Stock Ex- Bin. Asked. 22 54 78 Uanntvlwint. Iflt..jt I rat Heading ,. (,., 22 y-lS LehlKh Valley ,... afi Lehleb Navigation MX Northern Paclflo - -v.. s?. Northern Pacino preferred..,..,,!,. 77 .. TseptembertP ! r stocks stronger; - v Wnlr Street Makes n Ppnrt Good Trading All Along the Line Honors Affect ing Both Bides Strong and Weak Spoti, nnd a Good Wind-Up. New" York, September 3. The stock market to-day was more active than any day during the past three months, and. the strength in the leading stocks was very pronounced, approach ing buoyancy at times, though the general list " more quiet anu mo.vea over a compara tively narrow range. Thft timrirM. nftneol&llv I th ,. . - ',,Ju . hti, . "tne forenoon, was very marked for botn I Wes of the account. The Chicago party was. very prominent, making the Grangers, and of course the Northern Pacifies, the leading strong features. The Northern Pacifies were again the leading features, and in the early trading made most marked advances. Oregon Transcontinental was carried np in sympathy and on an official statement of the plans of the company. A rumor that Chicago, Burlington and Northern would be finally absorbed by the Burlington and Qnincy this week caused a smart upward movement in tho last named stock, and while. there was no confirmation of the. story in any way the greater portion of the improvement was retained at the close. . Rock Island was also a favorite, and jumped 2 per cent, while St. Paul and Northwestern were comparatively sluggish, the former being even weak on the disappointment over the face that gains in net earnings tor July were smaller than expected. The Gould stocks were in good request, and Missouri Pacific became active and strong, followed by Wabasb. Atchison was the one weak feature of the day, but the weakness seemed to have little or no effect upon tbe remainder of the list, and it is the only stock showing any material loss as a result of the day's business. The news was not of a character to have much effect upon prices, though it was rather of an unfavorable tenor. The attendance at the board was larger than usual of late and the feeling decidedly bullish. At the opening there was great eagerness to buy, and first prices were materially higher than Saturday's closing figures, the advances extending to 1 per cent. The most marked upward movement was started immediately In tbe Northern Pacifies, Burlington and Quincy and Hocking Valley, with Oregon Transcontinental. Missouri PacISc, Rock Island and specialities following. Wis consin Central and Michigan Central also be came prominent toward noon, when the move ment among the stronger stocks became less pronounced. A reaction was had in the after noon, though in nothing but Atchison and St. Paul was there any real weakness. A move ment in Union Pacific, accompanied by a de-. elded Increase in amount of business done, was the special feature. Several specialities were strong and scored material advances. Tho ex citement in the market died away completely in last hour and the close was quiet but firm. The entire active list, with a few unimportant exceptions, is higher to-night. Northern Pacific preferred is up Z. the common 1, Manitoba and Burlington and Quincy ljf, Ore gon Transcontinental 1, Rock Island and nociung valley 1J4, Union Pacific 1. Atchi son is VA Der cent lower. The railroad bond market was quiet, tbe sales reaching $1,057,000, of which the Hocking Valleyos contributed $100,000. The tone of the dealings was in close sympathy with that of stocks andTemained strong throughout. The Hocking Valley issues were the only marked feature, and the sixes scored another hand some cain. risings percent, to 87. The following table snows tne prices oractlve stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected daily Jor The Dispatch by Whitney & Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem bers orNew York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nne: Clos ,lng. Did. H 64X 54)4 116)4 3X 24)4 -lOSjJ 73 113)4 102)4 15 33)4 35S 100)4 113 75?f 101X 29 18)4 Hbjf 150)4 17 47)4 10X It 22Jf 116)4 19 64 104 71 H Open in r. . HH . 404 . 64 High est. 53 40H 64 543 116X iiH 109i 74 116 103 15)4 33 36 ioo 1134 76) 102 29)4 19)i inn 150H Low est. & 54 11SJ4 24)4 lo;v 73g 11514 101 15 36 V 35)4 100)4 113 76 10IK 2Sj IS 146)4 149 Am. Cotton Oil. .. A ten., lop. & a. F Canadian l"acl8c. Canada Southern... 54 Central or .New Jersey.llOX icniraiiraciJil Chesapeake A Ohio.... 11 C. Bur. ft Outlier. ....107)4 C Mil. St. i-aul.... Hit C, Mil. 4 St. f.. pr....U6 C, KocKl. &! 101 C, St. L. & Wtts IS C, at. L. & Pitts, of.. 36 C St. F..M. &0 35M C. bt. F..H. & O.. DMOOH C. Northwestern.. ..lt3i V., C, C. & 1 76 c, c, c. ft I., pr io2H Cob Coal ft Iron 29)4 Col. ft Hocking Vat .. 18 Del.. L. iW H7)f Del. ft Hudson ISO Denver 4 lUo a Denver ft Klo O., pt E.T., Va. ftOa 10 E.T.,Va, &Oa. 1st pr. .... K. T.. Va. ftOa. zdpr. 23 Illinois Central 116M Lake Erie, ft Western Lake Krle ft West. pr.. 64H Lake Snore ft M. S 104K Lonlsvllle ft Nashville. 71H Michigan central 90 Mobile; Ohio 13 Mo.. Kan. ft Texas.... 12 Missouri faclSc 14 New Iforlc Central 107 N. V.. L. E. A W 25K N.r.,L.E. ftW.pref. N. i.. C. ft St. L, 17 N. x C ft St. L. of.. 67 N.Y.. C. ftBt.li.2anf .... N. YftN. E 51 i N. I".. O. ft W 173 Norrolkft Western, or. 54 Northern PacWc 34 Nortnern Pacific nrer. 75)4 Ohio ft Mississippi 23 Oregon improvement. 54 Oregon Transcon 3-i Pacific Mall 35 l'eo. Dee. ft Evans 10X 23' 116X 105 72! 91 5 "S 12S 754 107 H 28H iff" 67 m 54 36X im 23 a 66 37 35J4 m ia 103)4 60V 1H 109(4 241, MX 116J4 )4 104)4 71)4 90 U'i 12 74)4 107 23 ii" 67 MX MX 53)4 34H 75 23 54 35)4 35 x an 106 60)4 ziU 63, 1754 33)4 S5 7IM 108)4 24X 60 B05 13)4 12. 74!4 107 28)4 67 17 66 35 5I H 53)4 35 S4 Tin 22 55)4 tH 35)4 22)4 4i'4 ISO 21S 80 106)4 26 60)4 109 21)4 64)4 1-54 33 S5X 71) 10S14 21)4 60 Phlladel. ft Heading.. 45) Pullman Palace Car Klchmona ft W. V. .. 23 Klchmond ft W.l'.T.pr .... St. P., Minn, ft Man..lCGX St.L.ftSan Fran St. L. ft San Fran pr.. 60 St.L. ft San f. 1st pr. Texas Pacific 2H Union Pacinc S3H Wabasn 17)4 Wabash preferred 83?5 Western Union 66 Whrelmg A L. 2. 7V4 Sngar Trust 100! National Lead Trust., 243 Chicago Gas Trust WlA Business Notes. It's almost time to let the Exchange bull loose. What a fine field forblm tobrouseinl Mb. Thaw's bequest of $100,000 to the West ern University was a surprise to the officiate of that institution. Mr. John D. Bailey unloaded 800 shares of La Nona yesterday all he had at 1.G0. He L was an actiTe bidder at Philadelphia Gas sold at a concession yesterday, notwithstanding the talk of advanc ing tbe price on the strength of tbe approach ing dividend. According to reports submitted at the meeting of the Westinghouse Airbrake Com pany yesterday, the earnings for the past year were $1,100,000. Boainn Stocks. Atcb. ftTop.E. 1!.. lloston ft Albany... Boston ft Maine..... C. B. ftU C'lun. San. ft Cleve. Wis. Central pf.... 62 AllouezMgCo(new). Calumet ft Hecla....220 Catalna 15 tranuin 974 Huron V 215)4 201 108)4 runt ft fere .31. 28 ITIlntftPereM. pro. 93 Little K. ft Ft. B. 7s. 101 Osceola, lojf Pewablc (new) 2 Oulncy 54 Bell Telepnonc.. ..239 Boston Land 6)4 Mexican Cen. com.. VH Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. C3 N. y. ftNewEng... 52)4 a. i. ft jn. t-. is... .ra Old colony 177 Rutland Drererred.. 45 Water Power 534 Tamarack..' 103 San Diego 26 Wis. central, com. .. 27Xl Tbe Drygoods Market. SNew York, September 3 The drygoods market tone was strong. Bleached goods were active, and farmers' choice 44 shirtings were advanced to 7c with orders taken "at value only.'' Prints are more active. To-morrow's auction sale of blankets is made to clean up preparatory to a contemplated changed of product. IS MiJOK DENS1ST0N THE MAN, Who Will be Next Department Commander to Sacceed Stewart? For the last few days the Pennsylvania Grand Army men, returning from the Na tional Encampment at Milwaukee, have been discussing not alone tbe proceedings of the supreme body, but making presages as to the next meeting of the State Encamp ment. Of course, the leading subject is, who is to be the successor of Tom Stewart, the present Department Commander? Only three have been mentioned so far, of whom Major Joseph F. Deneiston is regarded as the most available, to alternate a long-term man with a short term one. Captain Patterson and A. P. Burchfield are also spoken of in connection dth the office. The Eastern delegates spoken to favor Major Denniston. Jones His Arbitrator. James McKnight, contractor, has selected Evan Jones as his arbitrator in 'the JoIids t6Vn matter. There is a dispute between Mr. McKnight and the State for 531,000. The State arbitrator is not yet appointed. Cnllen Relenufd. The brother of Alderman D. B. Callen was yesterday accepted as bail in the Callen case in the sum of $500. The Alderman was then released from .jail. DOMESTIC '"MAEUrs:" Better Tone 'to Produce--Fetfclws Firm Lemons.AdTanced. EGGS AHD CHEESE TEND OPWAID. Cereals Down 'to "Bed Bock A JHtght Im provement to Trade. FLOUR ACT1JE JOBBERS CUTTlfifc Office of the Pittsbubg Pispatch, TUESDAY, September 3, 1889. J Coontry Produce Jobbing Prlcoa. "' Eggs are still climbing up, as an Inspection of our quotations will disclose. Continued dry weather has curtailed the output of cheese, and dealers look lor an adyance in a few days. Peacbesare in short supply and higher. An over-supply of ripe bananas has weakenedmar kets. Lemons and oranges are firm at a slight advance. The general prodnce trade shows some improvement over yesterday. Stuff Is not coming in as freely as last week. Sealers report a better tone to trade, and the feeling is general that tbe worst is past. Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 22c; Ohio do, 202Ic; fresh dairy packed, 1617c; country rolls. 1418e. . Beans Navy band-picked beans, $3 40g2 60; medium, $2 S02 40. Beeswax 2830c a ft for choice; low grade, 1820c T Cidkr Sand refined, $6 507 60; common, $3 504 00: crab cider? $8 008 SO f? barrel; cider vinegar. 1012o gallon. Cheese Ohio, 86Sfe New York, 10c; Lim burger,. 89c: domestic Sweitzer. 8Jilc; Imported Sweitzer, 22c EGGS 17K 18c dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, 1 502 00 V barrel; pine apples. $1 001 25 $ dozen: whortleber ries. 7580c W nail: watermelons. $20 00025 00 1 hundred; peaches, $2 C02 50 ft bushel box;- iianiett pears, Jo 1 oarrei. Feathers Extra live geese. E060c; No. 1, do, J015c; mixed lots. 3035c ft ft. Podltby Live spring chickens, 4045cl pair; old, 6570c pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $5 60 ty bushel; clover, large- English, 62 fts, $6 00; clover, Alslke. $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 11 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy,' 14 fts, $1 00; orchard grass, 14 fts, $1 65;'redop, 14 fts. $1 25; millet, 50 fts, $1 00; German millet, 60 fts, $1 50-. Hungarian grass, 60 fts, $1 00; lawn pass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 H) bushel of Tailow Country,4c; city rendered, 4J 5c. Tropical FEurrs Lemons, common, $5 50 06 00; fancy, $6 006 60; oranges, $5 00 5 50; bananas, $1 75 firsts. $1 25 good seconds, tnmnfnaQ hnma-wrntvn CI QAfAl Kil QQ hn.h.1 wax beans, $1 f bushel; green beans, 6075c ft bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, SI 50 1 bushel ; radishes, 2540c jl dozen; home-grown, cab bages, 50c $1 bnshel; new celery, home-grown, 40c Q dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, $3 00 3 25, Jerseys, $4 004 5a Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 21K22Xc; choice Rio. 1920c; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 26c: Mara caibo, 2223c; Mocha. 272Sc; Santos, 1922c; Caracas. 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2224c; La Guayra, 2122c Roasted' (in papers) Standard brands, :3c; high grades, 2526c; old Government Java, bulk, 3131c; Maracaibo, 2627c; Santos, 2022Kc: peaberry. 25c: peaberry, choice Rio, 23Uc; prime Rio, 21jc; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 2oKc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2123c: allspice, 8c; cas-ia. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c: Ohio. 120. 8Jic; headlight, 150. tiftc; water white. 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine, HTu; ruvaiiue, iv bVBUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar syrups, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 30i33c; strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup. 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c SODA Bicarb in kegs, 3J4c; bi-carb in Js, 5c; bi-carb. assorted: packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, 1 set, 8r; paraffine, ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6 7c; prime, 5?46c; Louisiana, tg6c. Starch Pearl. 3c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 57c. FortEIQN Fbutts Layer raisins. S2 65: Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 50; Muscatels. $2 25: California Muscatels, $1 85; Valencia, 7JJc; Ondara Valencia,9310c; sultana, 8Kc: currants, 4J45c: Turkey prunes, 4K5c; French prunes. 8J413c: Salonica prunes, in 2-2 packages, 8c; cocoanuts, W 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c; do shelled. 40c; walnuts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1216c: new dates, 6K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, fl ft, I314c; orange peel, 12&c Dried Fbutts Apples, sliced, per ft 6c apples, evaporated, 6l6Kc: apricots, Califor ma, evaporated, 12J4Sl5c: peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peacues, California evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpiitcd. 56c: raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Vc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, lofillzc. SjUOARS Cubes. 8Jc: powdered. 8c: irrann- lated, 8c; confectioners' A, 8c; standard A, 8Kc: soft whites. 88Jc: yellow, choice, TJic: yellow, good, 77c; yellow, fair, 7V?c; 5 cllow clsrlCa 7c Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 50; medi um, half bbls (BOO), $2 75. Salt-No. 1. fl bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. 9 bbl, $1 05, dairy. 9 bbl. $1 20; coarse crystal, 9 bbl. $1 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80, HIggins' Eureka. 10-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches S2 00 2 25; 2ds$l 501 Bo; extra peaches. $2 4002 W; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, $11 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c$l; Lima beans, $1 10: soaked do, 83c; string do do. 75S5c; mar rowfat peas. $1 lOepl 15: soaked peas. 7075c; pineapples, $1 40$1 60: Bahama do, $275, dam sonplums, 95c: greengages, $125; egg plums. $2; California pears, $2 50; do gruengages, $2; do, egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90: red cherries. 2 fts. 90V.; raspberries, $1 4001 50: strawberries. $1 10; gooseberries. $1 SOgl 40; tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon. 1-ft, $ 752 10; blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c; do green, 2 fts, $1 25S1 50; corn beef. Z-ft cans. $2 05; 11-ft cans, $14 00; baked beans. $1 45 150; lobster. I-ft. $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled. $1 50: sardines, domestic, V.i, $4 E04 60; sardines, domestic Hf, :$3 258 50; sardines, imported, s, $11 5012 50, sardines, imported, s. $18; sardines, mustard, $4 50; sar dines, spiced, $4 50. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $35 9 bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, $10; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore. $32: extra No. 1 do. messed. $36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $21: Codfish Whole pollock, 4c 9 B: do medium, George's cod, 6c; do larjre, 7c; boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6C7Kc Herring Round shore, 5-5 00 W bbl; solit, $7 00; lake, $2 00 100-ft half bbl. White" fish. 37 00 ? 100 ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 9 hall bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c H ft. Pickerel, j barrel, $2 00; i barrel, $1 10; Potomac herring, $5 00 fl barrel. $2 50 9 barrel. Oatmeal $6 306 60 W bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5557c 9 gallon. Lard oil, 75c. . Grain, Flour and Feed. Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange, 40 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chi cago, 2 cars of oats, 1 of rye, 4 of wheat, 5 of flour, 2 of hay. ByBittsbnrg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 9 cars of oats. 5 of corn, 3 of bay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of oats, 1 of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 2 cars of bay, 3 of rye. By Pittsburg and Western. 1 car of hay. Sales on call, 1 car of 2 y. e. corn. 45c, 5 days, P. B. K.; 2 cars of winter bran, $11 50, 10 days, P. R. R. Cereal markets have apparently reached bed rock, and the tone shows a slight improvement over yesterday. The abundance of stuff, however, precludes any prospector a bull movement in grain and bay this season. Flour is moving freely, but tbere are no signs of an advance. Tbe drift is in the other di rection, and there is some cutting of rates on the part of jobbers eager to sell. Wheat New No. 2 red. 82c: No. 3. 7779c CORN No.2yellow, ear, 45 J4Gc; high mixed ear, 4344c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4041c; high mixed, shelled, lu 10c: mixed, swelled. 39K40o. Oats No. 2 white, 2627c; extra No. 3. 21025c; mixed. 2I22c. Uye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 49ffi50c; No. 1 Western. 4849c; new rye No. 2 Ohio, 4546c Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, $5 oCB 00; winter straight, $4 735 00; clear winter, $4 601 75; straight XXXX bakers', $4 001 35: Bye nuur,$3o0 4 00. MILLFEED Middlings, fine white. $13 50 15 00 ton; brown middlings, $11 50 12 00; win ter wheat bran, $11 0011 25; chop feed, Slo G0 1600. HAT-Baled timothy, choice, $13 00013 60; NtUdo, $125001300; No. 2 do. $UOO1200; loose from wagon, $10 00012 00, according to qualitv: No. 1 upland prairie. $850900; No. 2. $7 007 50; lMicklnjr do, $8 757 00. Straw Oats, $0 60; wheat and rye straw $5 5o8 oa Provision Sugar-cured bams, large, llc; sugar-cured hams, medinm, 12c, sugar-cured hams, small, 12Kc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 6c: sugar-cured boneless g-fSfS iisnildiii" ! 3TTS$eSU SfMltlM'kMf BMCroaa,le; salt shoulders. W.e: drr salt ataar Met pork, heavy, $U H; bmm fHbJ $t 99.' Lard-RHhMd la tfaroN. Mb barrels, eVe; 80-ft tabs. Re: JB-ft p8a7o! tin can, f&at S- its naitei TUai S-ft tin 1 7c;-fttHi pall. Ae: Mk attK tf, sails. 7c " --J lose, aet lar. 5c Fresh pork link. . BsaeHM teuas,Ml, barni, MM; faattar featftt. $8 Oft. Orewael Meat. Armour 4 Co. furnished Ifca on dressed meat: Beef fts.6Kc:S9 to 860 fts. 94e: M U 7c. Sheep, 8ef) ft. LaBta,e?. rraa pars iou, bc, LATE MWS IN BEISP. Laurie, the alleged 'Ana aBrdarer, bw been captured near Glasgow. About 30 superintendent of toe. Bail war Mail Service met atthe Postofiee DesortaMBt yesterday lor the puipose of adiasMsg S schedules and disposing of other bafltnesa con nected with their departments. Fifteen thrasher hands were poisoned sear Tiffin, 0 by eating cbeese. All were takes violently ill. ana it is feared some of then wiH die. Particulars are not at hand, bat it ap pears the men worked at Betuville, on, Mm farm of Joseph SchwartsmHler. Cheese was freely partaken of by tbe laborers at dinner. Soon after eating 15 of the men were takes TiolentlyilL The Secretary of the 3favy has approved" theflndings and sentence t in the case of Lieu tenant Jnhn C. Irvine, who was tried by a naval conrt martial, ot. which Captain Thomas O., SeKndge was President, 'convened at Newport, August 14. The officer was charged with scandalous conduct: drunkenness on duty, neglect of duty and absence without leave." The court found him guilty and sentenced him to suspension from rank and duty, on furlough pay for three years and to retain his present number in his grade dnring that period. Wells. Fargo &Co. have received informa tion that two of their stages were robbed, one at Bodle and the other at Forest Hill, CaL The stage running from Bodie to Hawthore, Nev.. was stopped early in the morning by a, masked man, who demanded the treasure box, from' which he secured about $600. The three pas sengers were not molested. The early morn' ing stage from Forest Hill was also stopped, five miles from Auburn by a masked man. He secured a few hundred dollars from tbe treas ure box. Officers are in pursuit of both rob bers, but so far without success. The observance of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Old Yarmouth, Mass., has evoked a wonderful de gree, of enthusiasm, and has drawn together from all parts ot the country many natives of tbe old town who long since left for other scenes. The observances of this anniversary really commenced with the exercises under the auspices of tbe First Congregational Church, ounoay. j.nis ,oiu cnurcu nas survived ail tne mutations of time, and still has the largest membership of any church or society in town. All the ten churches participated in the ser vices. -The whole town is robed ina,festive costume of bunting, flowers and evergreen. It is not probable that the. War Depart-, ment will take any steps in the matter of re moving the band of Apaches from the Mount Vernon JJarracks, Alabama. Secretory Proc tor says there is a mandatory statute providing for the confinement of these Indians at some Government barracks and there is no better place than where they now are. The Indian Rights Association has mads a proposition to purchase a large tract of land in Nortn Caro lina, to which tbe Indians could be removed, and where they could live in partial freedom, headed by tbat old warrior. Geronlnio, bnt Secretary Proctor Is not disposed to act until he sees tbe purchase consummated, in fact it would seem tbat be is inclined to think the tribe is pretty well cared for now. SCHOOL D00ES OPEN. Father Corcoran' Sermon Failed to Lessen tbe Attendance. Yesterday morning the public schools opened once more. Superintendent Lucker thinks that the aggregate enrollment will number 26,000. The Roman Catholics are making a strong effort to remove children of their persuasion to the Catholic parochial schools. Miss Gertie Jones was elected a perma" nent teacher attbe Lincoln school last night,' At McKeesport tbe schools had a large attendance. Several of the parochial schools also opened. Principal H. "W". Pisher, of the Seventeenth ward public school, says that father Corcoran's sermon refusing absolution to Catholic children at tending pnblic schools has had no effect upon the Catholic pupils in his ward. Eev. Mauritius Greek, of St. Angnstinns' parochial schoql, disclaimed all knowledge of Father Corcoran's views. He declares that Father Cocoran had no right to set himself np as an oracle on such a subject, and that he lor one will counsel his floek not to heed his talk. Tbe principals at all the' schools unite in saying that Father Cor coran's sermon hns had no appreciable effect on the attendance of Catholics at their places of education. EIGHTEEN LITTLE CHILDREN Who Were Said to Have Been Crnellr Treated or Neglected. The regnlar meeting of the Humane So ciety was held yesterday. Agent O'Brien reported he bad investigated complaints of cruelty to 18 children, besides .cases of cruelty and neglect to abused wives and animals. Bernard Shaw for abusing his children, wife and old mother, was held lor conrt, as was also Daniel Ward for abusing his wife. Kicholas Know, of -Braddock, was arrested for abusing two step children, and Mrs. Mary Moule lor cruelty to her three children. Thomas Bolton, of Brad dock, abandoned an old mule, and will have a hearing before Sqnire Holtzman on Sat urday. KEW LETTER BOXES. Tbe City Adopts a Patent One to Hold Newspapers. The new street letter box has been adopted in this city. It is the invention of "W. D. Doremns. The new box has a pivoted plate at one side near the top, and the slot is opened by means of a handle. Bobbery will be impossible with the pew boxes, ami newspapers can be inserted into tbem, a fact which makes them far superior to the old ones. Jumped Into tbe JJaj. John B. Haines, an insane inmate of the Butler Hospital, committed suicide yester day by jumping into Narragansett Bay, from the steamer Day War, in which he was being conveyed to Newport, B. I. He was struck by the wheel and killed. He was originally a Pittsburg man. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she ciied for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children,she gave them Castoria ap9-77-jtwTSu 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTSBURG. IA. Transact a General Banting Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, Available In all pails of the world. Also Issue Credits , IN DOLLARS For nse in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. au7-91-MwT For a DISORDERED LIVER Try BEECHM'S PILLS. 26cts. a Box. OX AT1T1 333R.T7CK1XWIW- " fHS?' feikAn 1 asr ilr IB! feHBwtocriaMi raaam. )) T.114KMSI Brfg. ?.W lAacf tfceesMia ttV tV,& MkAkeaCttMMSt at Mtud lire MMoi seorec efoM wfea fcv taU jsediwxHfr Its. 1 8.8. fctM-TMM. Mh wMlJ)MJk H 7vtbtfttAtMK free. Tm Swnrc Braaifw Go,, G. wstalMkM treat mmttmmmmh. 4 iw fctsmtMMsjf B isu8BaLv h?"-ji 'InBBBK I .BBBkki.'"' Dr. Shafer, one of the pbyeWM.ot Mml. Polypatbic Medical Institute, at 4Pestt are;- - Mr. C. V. Pulpress, of No. 46 Liberty street?- Allegheny; had for a long time wHered frea a weak, tired feeling, no ambrtioB. pais, aeross, the small of his back and palpi tatioa of tfce heart. His Complexion was very sallow, asd as the diseased condition or his ktfteeys fres'. which he suffered further progressed, ate 1 ach became involved. He had UoattatheJe ing of gas and distress after eatluc , He lee flesh, his 'memory became poor and his sated'. became so affected tbat be could neither read or think, and was in constant fear of beee-mlBg la sane. He often felt dizzy, so tbat everytMac? seemed to be in a whirl, and- he beeaee , nervous as to entirely unfit him for any bwi-; ness. Having read in the papers that tbe physicians of tbe Polypathia Medical ImUtwia. -make a specialty of kidney and urinary tttoeossa he began treatment with them. Hie own words state the result: "This is to certify tbat I havo been cured by the phvsiclans of the Polypathia Medical Institute at 420 Penn avenue. C V. PTJLPRB8S." Office hours, 10 a. 3f. to 4 p. ac. and 8 to8r. X. Sundays, lto 4 P.M. Consultation free. se2-D ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTTJBEBS. This Is now conceded to be tbe best In the market, u witnessed bv tbe fact tbat we have just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pnre Food Exposition, now be In? held in Philadelnhio. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE; SUPERIOR IN QUALITY. And with the bright appetizing flavor ot fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER. jy5-13-MTVT 1 1 ii m 1 ... I. r WHOLESALE H0USL JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sta, Importers and Jobbers of : Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLTJSHES, c DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, ' SEERSUCKER, . GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call, and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D UEOKEKS-FINANCIAL. -TXTHITNEY & STEPHENSON, 9 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Ca, New York. Passports procured. ap28-l . MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG, PA ' As old residents know ana back files of Pitts burg capers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. fiffSSSNOFEEUNTILCURED MCPUni ICan(1 mental diseases, pbvsical IM L II V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrustbasbf nlness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im- poverisbed blood, falling powers,organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, UD- . fitting the person for business, -ociety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?& blotches, falling hair; bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month.throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV kidney and bladder derange U II 1 1 1 A II I , meats, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive'searching treatment; prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittler's life-lore; extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. m. to 8 p. it. Sun- - , day, 10 A. M. to I P. jr. only. DE. WHITTIER, 811 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. au8-15Ji-ESuwk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases re qulrina scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. il. k. v. r. a., is tne oldest ana most experienced specialist in tbe city. Consultation free and stvictlv confidential Office iinnr ii tn 4 and 7 to 8 P. if.: Sundays. 2 to 4 P. M.Consult them personally, or write. Doctors Lake. 906 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. jel245-DWk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE', CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Fall particulars In p-imphlet sent free. The genuine Uray's. Specific sold by druggists only la yellow wrapper. Price. 11 per packace, or six for ss. or br mall on recelot of price, bv address- ng THE GRAY MEDICINE CO, Buffalo. N. t Sold tn Pittsburg by S. S. HOLLAND, corner Emlthfleld and Liberty stt. ipl3-M olc's Oottoaa. Hoot ' COMPOUND .Composed of Cotton Boot, Tansy and Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an 'old nhvsiclan. Ii tuuetxfuHu rl moniMir-Safe, Effectual. Price JL by sail, scaled. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's CoUon Root Compound and take no substitute, or' inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND ULX COMPANY, No. 3 FUtuc Block, 13L Woodward ave., Detroit, Mleh. . N W3 W i-ij jH .- ' m i ra ra