Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 03, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of Trade at the
Herr's Island Yards.
Bheep and Lambs Active and Trices Better
Than Last Week.
Mors DAY. September 2. 1SS9. J
The run of cattle was lichter than last
week, hut supply was fully equal to de
mand. Buyers were disposed to be cautious,
but stock was well cleaned up 3t noon with
little variation from last week's rates.
The quality was better than last week,
and prices were 10 per cent better on desirable
batcher stock. Best hcaTy western beeves
weighing 1.500 to 1,600 pounds sold at $4 8505 10:
medium eights. 1.3o0 to 1,430 pounds, 1 70
4 SO; do 1,200 to 1.300 pounds, SI 304 60: prime
light weights, 900 to 1,100 pounds. S4 054 25.
Tliere were no fresh cows on the market.
Calves were scarce and Arm, 3S6c per pound.
Lulls, dry cows and stags, 3Cj4c per pound.
Receipts from Chicago L. Gcrson, 117 head;
I. Zeigler. 109; A. Fromm, Co; Rothschild & Co.,
Ill; E. Wolf. 19: S. Lonenstcin, 57. From
Pennsylvania Various owners. 12 head. Total.
4S4; last week, 5U); previous week", 726.
"Urcp nnd Lnmb.
Market was active for choice stock, and pens
were promptly cleaned up. Low grades moved
slonh. Best heavy Western wethers Bold at
S4 754 bO. which was a shade higher range
than last week. Medium to good brought St 15
J: common to fair, S3 GOO i 75: clioicp ewes,
3 75Q4 00: inferior grades, S3 003 25. Lambs
were quoted at iHQSo per pound. The best
in the uurket were 62 head, averaging So
pounds, from Lawrence county, held by Will
iam cralg. i hich sold at UJJc iteceipts irom
Chicago J. Zeigler. 177 head. From Pennsylvania-.
Wright, 109; William Gavin, 59: D.
O. Pisor. 209: J. Ackerman, 267: Willmn Mfr
Creary, 109; G. W ICeesy. b2 F.
Cruikshank, 123; II. Hunger. 35. Total,
1.152: last week. 1,351; previous week. 1,113.
Mr. Flinner. a Butler county drover, reported
sales of choice sheep and lambs at a shade
higber.pnces than those given above. There
seemeiPro be a conflict among drovers as to
prices of choice sheep and lambs. One
said, "The best price I could get for Xa
1 wethers, was 5c, and for the best lambs
6c. Anotherreported prices for very choice
stock a fraction higher. Taking a general
consensus of drovers' views as to markets this
week, we would say that sheep were fairly
steaa at last ti eek's rate, and choice lambs
were 50c per en t burlier. The quality on the
market was a decided impro ement on any
thing received for a few weeks past.
Markets were slow, and prices about as last
week. The range of prices was 54 50 to 54 75.
This range covered all that were on sale. Re
ceipts from Ohio Xeedv A Smith. 112 head.
From Pennsylvania P. Williamson, 13 bead;
William Gavin. 16 head; D. O. Pisor. IS head;
J. Ackerman. 7 head; William McCleary, S
bead; G. W. Keesy, 15 head; F. Cruikshank, 30
head; J. Lai.gdon, 4S bead. Total. 267 head:
last week, 436 head: previous week. 3iA head.
At East Liberty the lun of cattle for local
trade was far the largest of the season, the
total being upward of 175 cars. The bulk ol
receipt were low grade stock, which went a
beggingfor buers. Prime cattle, being very
scarce in proportion to the total, w ere firm at
last week's prices.
There was probably never a time in the
history of the live stock trade in our city
when the value of good goods was more ap
parent than now. Tne abundance of low grade
stock makes this class slow, and buyers have
the advantage all the time. Prime tock are
atapiemium. In these lughtr grades, supply
has not been up to demand for many months,
and for this reason holders are able to get out
sido prices, while those who handle inferior
grades go mourning all the time.
By Tclccrnpli.
New York Beeves Receipts, jesterdav
and to-day, 7,200, making 14,200 for
the week. The fresh arrivals included
197cailoads for exportation, 161 carloads for
home trade, slangliterersdirect, and 70 carloads
for the market. These 70 carloads, and 5 car
loads besides, that arrived Saturday had a slow
sale aud a shade easier figures for top grades,
and ata trifle firmer prices for nnddlingand
common qualities. Native steers ranged
J3504.S5: Texas do, $2.85'3.50: ranee
steers, 53.7004.00; bulls and drj cows, S1.505J2.70.
Exports to-day, 320 beeves- for the week, 3,900
"beeves, 145 sheep and 7,000 quarters of beef.
To day's Liverpool cable quotes American re
frigerator beet slow at TJc per pound.
Calves Receipts, 1,100; making 4,800 for the
week. Market firmer and ic per pound
higher for all sorts. Veals sold at S5 Zosofl
er 100 pounds; buttermilk calves at S2.(j2
bheep Receipts 10,600, making 34.400 for the
wek. Sheep were firmer and a fraction
higher: lambs about steady. Sheep sola at
5.25 per 100 pounds; lambs at S4.75S6 75.
Hogs Receipts, 12.000, making 29,930 for the
week. Live ho-M sold at S4.40g4.80 and closed
steady at the range.
Ka.sa Crrr Cattle Receipts, 3,457 head;
shipments, none; stronger feeIing;-good natives
scarce and lirm; best Texas strong to 10c higher;
common stead; offering-, of cows fair and
market stcadj; good to cho.ee corn-fed steers,
$3 734j4 10; common to medium. S2 903 00:
stockers and feeding steers, 51 G0J3: cows,
1 25g2 50; grass range steers, SI 50Q2 4a
Hogs Receipts, 1,079 head; shipments. 533
head; market weak and 10J20c lower;
good to choice light, $4 254 3-5: heavv and
mixed. S3 G04 15. Sheep Receipts. " 3.932
licid: shiumems. none: mutton 10c lower: stock
steady; good to choice muttons, S3 403 SO;
common to medium, S2 253 25.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 13,000 head;
shipments, 3,000 head; market steady to
stronger; oeeves, i 3jS$4 05; steers. S34 40;
stockers and leeders. J2g3: cows, bulls and
mixed. SI 2 90; Texas cattle, 1 202 70;
natives and half breeds. 2 751 Hogs Re
ceipts, 14,000 head: shipments, 5,000 head;
market weak; loc to 15c lower; mixed. S3 75
i 35; heaw, 3 Gog4 25; light, S3 95g4 75;
skips S3 404 50. hheep Receipts, 5,000
bead: shipments, 2.000: market steadv; natives,
f?. S5.4 60; western. S3 453 9i; Texans, $325
63 85: lambs, S4 5 60.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,200 head;
shipments, none: market stead; choice heavy
native steers, S4 0004 30. fair to good do
S3 0g4; stockers and feeders, S2 002 80: range
steers. S2OO?250t Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head:
shipments, none; maiketslow and lower; fair
to choice heavy, S3 804 10. packing grades,
S3 .5g4 00; lurhtgrades, fair to best, S4 104 50.
bheep-Receipts, 50o head: shipments, none:
market firm: fair to choice, S3 204 3a
Purchase or Bonds Wni Wise nnd on
Aid to Business.
New YoKK.September 2. Henry Clews A Co.
say to-day: The stock market has been strong
and more active, owing to the relief given tho
money market and the consequently temporary
removal of lears of stringency. That the relief
was artificial and does not yet promise
to be permanent bardlv needs affirming;
uuv it ii quue sumcient to remove
apprehension for the time being and
to enable the bull cliques who control the mar
ket to give prices a liberal Hit. During the past
two weeks the Government purchased over
$22,000,000 of bonds at its own price, much to
the credit of Secretary Windom, and somewhat
to the dissatisfaction of the bond clique which
had been holding for higher prices. As, how
ever a large portion of these purchases
vere made from the depository banks, the
actual increase in the amount of funds set
loose is not as large as at first appeared: the ad
ditional amounts avail-ible being mainly the
premiums paid by the Government. Some ad
ditional relief was obtained bj the offerings of
foreign money through free sales of foreign ex
change. This, however, was an artificial move
ment which ended in a reaction, until exchange
almost advanced again to the gold exporting
point. It is yet too carl to expect any
natural relief from the supply of commercial
or produce bills, and it should not be over
looked that if our exports are large our im
ports arc still more so, hence relier in this
direction is not at all certain. The easier rates
in money last week were due more to the
moral than the actual effect of Gocrnmcnt
disoursements, besides which the advance and
activity in stocks has probablj alreadyabsorbed
the new supply of runds.
Mr. Windom succeeded In gaining his price
for bonds, and now that the money market is
in an apparently easier condition he would be
quite justlbed in standing off for lower prices.
This would be an advantage in various w a s;
not the least that it would check excessive
speculation and prevent the absorption of
funds in that direction, which arc certain to
be wanted wben legitimate crop and trado re
quirements begin, as they shortly must, upon a
liberal scale. To husband the Treasury's re
sources in order to meet future emergences,
instead of expending them at a time when not
most needed, would certainly be good policv,
and Mr. Windom is not unlikely to see the ad
vantages ofsuch a course, especially should he
thus lieable to secure bonds on more favorable
terms without injury to financial interests.
THOSE who seek relief from pain and weak
ness should use Parker's Ginger Tonic
'Parker's Hair Balaam never fails to please. 7
No Visible Supply Smtement Because of
Labor Day A Bullish Circumstance
Not n Boom In the Advance of
Wlient Trading Lively.
CniCAGO The visible supply statement can
not be presented In complete form to-day. The
labor holiday interfered with the preparation
of statistics at several points. Indications,
however, point to a decrease of 1,000 to 200,000
bushels in stocks of wheat, a most extraor
dinary exhibit at this time of year, and which
of itself would be considered a very bullish
circumstance, aside from other features
of similar coloring. For instance:
Lake engagements for 345,000 bushels are re
ported here to-day, of which &O.O0O bushels in
one lot goes direct to the other side. Dunn,
Irwin. Baker and others were buing wheat for
the last three or four daysof last w eek, and the
bulk of to-day's engagements represent this
business. It is said that the purchases for
shipment aggregate at least 500,000 bushels, and
if these figures are correct, a considerable line
j et remains to be moved. A majority of cables
were rather better in tone, and a stronger feel
ing seems to prevail In most of the foreign
markets. This is showD less in advancing
quotations than in the eiident desire to
pick up cheap wheat wherever it can be found.
The local feature mostly discussed was the
heavy and continuous selling of wheat by
Hutchinson. Thei e was excellent general buy
ing all day, but toward the last pressure that
never ceased caused the market to yield, and
much of the daVs improvement was lost.
Trading was livelv, but not extraordinarily
large in volume. The buying certainly was not
concentrated. There was merely a rattling
fire w ith small arms that continued throughout
tho day, the big ones only taking occasional
interest. The enlarged trado in corn, pro
visions and oats kept the wheat pit from being
December wheat opened at 7SJe and did not
sell off any. The advance that followed was
not in the nature of a boom. The price crept
up ?ic in the course ot an hour or so, with the
frequent reaction and rallies that make a rapid
m!iri..t The rim was reached at 795c hut the
price did not get a great ways from 79J(;79c
foralong time. Shortly before 1 o'clock it
fora long
hrnLe to 7
broke to 79c rallied and closed at 7979l.
September w heat opened at 77c reached
hii-h. and 7S'-'e low. closini? at the inside. May
started in at 83c sold un to fs&ic down to 83iic
up to 83Kc, aown to 83c. and closed at S3Kc A
liberal speculative business was transacted and
the local temper of the market was 'bullish."
In addition to the free purchases by local par
ties there was said to b? good buying for ac
count of New York parties and for tho north
west. Early cables, both public and private,
were favorable for holders. The reports on
stocks showed a decrease for the week at most
points. Minneapolis leading with a decrease of
400,009 bushels. Chicago elevator stocks are
now L94i,905 bushels against 3,610.329 a year
ago, there having been an increase during past
week of 41,000 bushels. With New York and
the lakes and canal to hear from the crowd
here were figuring on a decrease in the visible
supply of from 200,000 to 300,000. This was the
leading "bull" card to-day, as "the memory of
man runneth not back" to a time wheu visible
supplies have shown a decrease at tbis season
of the year The next important feature in
favor of holders was the very excellent demand
for round lots of wheat here for shipment.
Sales aggregated ever 200,000. Futures, after a
strong opening, sold up to a point &(& abjve
Saturdays closing range. May showing rela
tively the greatest strength During the last
hour of the session market gradually weakened
under the general and free realizing by
"longs," and all the early improvement in Sep
tember and October was lost- There was a net
fain of y. in December. Ji in year and about
i in May.
Corn A fair degree ol speculative activity
was manifested in this market early in the day,
and the feeling developed was firmer, after
which the feeling became more quiet and
easier. The better tone was attributed largely
to lower temperature in the West, indications
being for rain fallowed by colder weather.
The market opened a shade above the closing
prices of Saturday, and was firm and gradually
advanced Jc, ruled easy and closed a shade
higher than Saturday. Oats were steadier: the
near futures were the strongest, and. prices
were bid upjcby shorts covering: the other
futures sympathized to a limited extent, as of
ferings w ere not large.
Quite an active trade was reported in the
market for mess pork, and the feeling was con
siderably unsettled; prices fluctuated wiuely;
the market opened rather weak and quickly
declined 20.!con near and 5c on deferred
deliveries, with considerable realizing by par
ties who had the propertv delivered to them.
Later shorts purchased rather freely and prices
rallied 4050c During the latter part of the
se-sionthe leclingwas easier, and the market
closed steady at medium figures.
Onlv a moderate trade was reported in the
lard market. At the opening the feeling was
easier and prices ruled lower. Later the de
mand was stronger and prices advanced 5c and
the market closed steady.
Trading was moderately active in the market
for short rib sides. Earl v the market was weak
and prices declined o10c Later the feeling
was steadier, and the greater portion of the de
cline was recovered.
The leading tuturcs ranged as follows-
Wheai-Ko. 2. October. 7SVj7877
77'Cc: December. 7879J7879c: ear,
77?i7SKff;77K77Kc: Mav, s3(vJ83S3Kc
Cork No. 2, October. 33jiiJ3&33K
633$c; November. 3353WiJ333c; De
cember. 3S33Ji33;sd3Xc.
OATS NoT 2, October. 11919K19Kc;
December. 26200; May, 2322X
Mess Pons, per bbk October. S10 2010 50
9 97K10 32J; ear, 59 009 008 909 00; Jan
nary, S9 259 J59 159 lo.
Lard, per 100 lbs. October, 6 056 07K
6 056 07: November. S5 855 S7iJ5 eotfl?
5 87i; Januar. S3 S7Jg5 S75 S2U5 85.
SHORT RIBS, per luO lis. October, 5 05
5 0765 02'5 07K; January, S4 67K 67k
4 65g4 65,
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
quiet and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 775c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 7071c; No. 2 red, 77,c
No. 2 corn. 33c No. 2 oats, 19ifc No.
2 rye, 42c No. 2 barley. b6c No. 1 flaxseed.
SI 26. Prime tiniothv seed, $1 301 32. Mess
pork, per bbk S10 2010 25. Lard, per 100
pounds, S6 1236 15. fahort nb sides (loose),
j 00&5 75. Dry salted shoulders (boxed).
S4 62J4 75. Short cleir n'es (boxed), $5 25
5 72. Receipts Flour, 15,000 barrels; wheat. 95.
000 bushels; corn. 4S0.000 bUBhels; oats, 279,000
bushels; rye, 23.000 bushels; harley.14,000 bushels.
Shipments Flour, 12,000 barrels: wheat, 142.
000 bushels: corn. 878,000 bushels: oats, 292,000
Dusneis; rye, i,uw Dusneis; Dariey.4,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market wastunchangea. Eggs at 1415&
St. LOOTS Flour quiet but steady. Wheat
Cash higher aud firm: options in the early market
was easy with Kc decline on rains in winter
wheal section and liberal receipts but firm
cables and estimates placing the visible supply
at a decrease, turned prices upward, and with
reactions at all points, there was an advance of
?i&c- Afterward the tone became weaker
and prices settled down, closing c above
Saturday, No. 2 red, cash, 76c; September,
75J76?ic closing at 76J4c; December. 77
78c closing at 78jc: May, 82JS3Jc closing
at 82c Corn irremilar and unsettled; No.
2 mixed, cash. 29J30Kc; September, 29
SWi- flnslni at. aftlr nL-ort' Optnlipr 303 2
SOc closing at SO-c asked; December, 30;
.Hi--ir. riminr 31 .t-n? vpir jw,t
JOJc closineat30jSc; year. 29c Closing atdOc
Dia: juav. oi;;HSi;ic, closing at szc uats
better; lo. 2 cash, 18c; September, 18&c; May,
22c Rje Improved inquiry and better
market with sales: No. 2 at dSc Hay market
at mercy of buyers; prairie, $6 507 50:
timothy, S10 50012 00. Bran dull. Flaxseed
lower at SI 24. Butter unchanged; creamery,
15. 17c; dairy, 1214c Eggs steady at 13c
Cornmcal at SI b5l 70. Provisions Unsettled.
Pork. S10 62011 12 Lard nominally lower
at 5 62 Dry salt meats, shoulders, S4 62;
longs and ribs. So 25; short clear, S5 45. Bacon,
boxed shoulders. 5 10; longs and ribs, S6 05
6 10: short clear. SO 20G 25. Receipts Flour.
9.000 barrels; wheat, 17a000 bushels corn. 103,-
iuj uusncis: oats, w.uuu ousneis: rye, o.mw.
Shipments Flour. 13,000 barrels; wheat, 21.000
bushels; corn. 11.000 bushels; oats, 22,VO0 bush
els; rye LOOO bushels.
Cixcisxatt Flour In moderate demand;
family. 3 103 30; fancy, S3703 90. Wheat
firm: No. 2 red, 76c; receipts, 6,500 bushels; ship
ments, 7,300 bushels. Corn steady and in fair
demand: No. 2 mixed, 34c Oats dull and
easier; No. 2 mixed, 21c Rjeneglected: No.2.
42c Pork quiet at $10 75. "Lard firm at 6 12
625. Bulkmeatsfirm: short ribs, 5 25. Bacon
firmer; short clear, S6 25. Butter quiet; lancy
creamery. 2021c; choice dairy, ll12c Lin
seed oil steady at Rj60c Sugar firm at S
Milwaukee Wheat firm; cash. 74Jc; De
cember. 76c Corn dnll; No. 3. 3333)ctOats
dull: No. 2 white. 21K22c Rye quiet: No. L
.:5c caney unsettled: i o. z, eepiemDer.&sffi
5bc Provisions firm. Pork Cash. $10 25;
September. 10 35. Lard Cash, 6 12K: Sep
cmber.6 07. Butter unchanged; dairy, 1314c
Cheeso unchanged: Cheddars. SJifgSJic Eggs
easy; fresh. 1313c
Toledo Wheat steady: cash. 80c; Sentem
ber, 79Jc: December. Slc Corn active and
steady: cash. 35c; September, 35Jc Oats
quiet; cash, 20-Kc Cloverseed dull aud firm;
November, $i 32.
Baltimore Provisions unchanged. Butter
firm; western packed, 17lSc: creamery. 1013c
Eggs firm at 1819c Coffee firmer; Ilio car
goes fair at lSc
Wool lUnrket.
St. Loots Wool receipts, 3,709 pounds;
market quiet and easy but unchanged.
Venom Inbnled With the Air,
And imbibed with the water of a malarious
locality, hai still a certain antidote Expert
ence sanctions confidence in Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters as a preventive of tbis scourge. All
over this continent and in the tropics it has
proved itself a certain means of defense, and
an eradicant of intermittent and remittent
fevers and other forms of mlasma-boru disease.
Nor is it less effective for kidney troubles, con
stipation, rheumatism and nervousness.'
The Bnsiness Grind Resumed After a
Brief Interruption.
He Suffers the Loss of His Eyes Kather Than
Desert His Post of Duty.
Yesterday was an off day for the bulls and
bears on Fourth avenue, the Exchange be
ing closed in accordance with a State law,
and also out of respect to the toilers, with
whom it was a holiday. To-day, however,
Captain Barbour will call the opposing ele
ments together, and the thread of trade will
be taken up where it left off. "How much
am I bid for La Koria?" "What is offered
for Philadelphia Gas?" "Who wants Switch
and Signal?" "I would like to get a bid on
the tractions," "How much for Electric?"
"Come, wake up, gentlemen," aud other fa
miliar phrases will resound through the
great building to-day, which only a few
hours previously was like a banquet hall de
serted. The banks, too, will throw open
their doors and invite the moneyless to enter
and be supplied from the great store that is
almost bursting the vaults.
One day of idleness makes but little dif
ference in the conditions and volume of
trade. Plans will be carried out, combina
tions perfected, causes produce effects, stocks
bulled or beared and petroleum manipulated
by the Standard as if there had been no Inter
regnum In the business calendar.
There are heroes in businessas there are
heroes in war. The man who leads a forlorn
hope, or grasps the flag under which he fights
from the hand of a fellow comrade and waves
it In the fate of the foe, is no ,more worthv of
sculptured martble or poet's praise than he
who penis his life in the discharge of private
duty. Indeed, the latter is a higher type of
heroism than the former. The one Is done
either under the pressure of intense excite
ment or with a view of association with the
"few, the immortal names that were not born
to die" The military hero is urged forward
by ambition. Tho hero in private life the
moral hero has his only reward in the con
sciousness of duty well performed.
There is a hero of this type in Wilkinshurg.
He is a physician, with a large practice. For
several years he has been a victim of hay fever
in its most aggravated form. A short time ago
he felt the symptoms of the malady coming on.
His inclination was to go North for relief, but
he had ten dangerous cases of typhoid fever on
hand, and could not reconcile it with his con
science to desert them at so critical a time. He
hoped, too, that the attack would be mild; but
in this he was disappointed. The disease de
veloped rapidly. His eyes became inflamed,
and the pain reached such a degree of intensity
that he was compelled to come to the city for
treatment. But he obtained only temporary
relief. Finally one eye was veiled in darkness,
the sight, perhaps, permanently lost, and the
other was very little better. The pain increased
as blindness came on, and again he meditated
going away, riis ten patients, hovering be
tween life and death, appealed to him tore
main. "If vou go we will die," they said.
This touched the doctor's heart. "With
God's help, I will stand by ou," he replied.
And although suffering inexpressible torture,
with bandages dipped in ice water constantly
over his eyes, unable tosleep or eat, and guided
by friendly hands, he kept up his visits to his
patients, and is in a fair way ot pulling tnem
through. Mercenary motives had nothing to
do with this tragedy in real life. He was
actuated solely by a sense of duty. It is
the wish and hope of his hundreds of friends
that his vision may be restored, but it is foaicd
that one eye is irretrievably eclipsed. The
name of this moral hero this exemplification
of the highest typo of manhood is F. S. Persh
ing. - ..
The march of improvement has struck nearly
every part of the city except Water street,
where there aro a great many tumble-downs
which ought to be demolished and replaced
with houses of modern style and adaptability
to business. Twenty-five or 30 years ago the
Monongahela water front was the busiest part
of Pittsburg. The steamboat interest which
made it so has disappeared, but the location
has lost none of its intrinsic value for business
on that account. With a scircity of business
sites in the heart of the city, it is a mistake to
allow so valuable a thoroughfare as Water
street to be occupied so largely as it is by un
important industries and small traders, who
could do as well, or better, on back streets,
where ground is less valuable
The improvement of this highway would af
ford an outlet to many of the crowded streets
and at the same time add greatly to the ap
pearance of the city. It wonld also help along
the revival of the river interest, which present
and contemplated improvements by means of
dams and dredging are placing among the prob
abilities. At the beginning of the present season there
was some anxiety among business men gener
ally, from the fact that in many parts of the
country during the late spring months, the
weather was exceedingly unfavorable. Late
frosts, in some localities, necessitated the sec
ond planting of many leading agricultural
products; besides, the destructive floods, in
other localities swept much of it away and de
stroyed it. This condition of things for a time
created considerable anxiety, and the fear that
these conditions might be more general natur
ally had, for the time being, a depressing in
fluence upon almost all kinds of business.
Dealers in almost every class of staple articles
complained of dull sales and slow collections.
Yet, as the season advanced, and the reports
from the more prominent agricultural portions
of the country were received, indicating that
the crops were not as generally injured by late
frosts or otherwise, more confidence began to
be felt.
Within a few weeks this feeling has ex
panded and taken possession of the public
mind to such a degree as to leave no doubt of
a season of extraordinary activity extending
through tne lau ana winter months. There is
already a noticeable improvement in many
branches of business and the impetus thus
given will soon be felt and seen all along the
A lady made a suggestion yesterday which
may or may not be new. but in eith'cr caso it Is
of some importance to the Pennsylvania Kail
road. Said she: "It I had the management of
the road, instead ot discharging passengers at
the Union depot and compelling them to walk
a mile to reach the business narts of the city, I
would utilize tne uoerty street tracks for an
electric road and transfer the passengers to
down-town points. Thjs wonld save them time
and labor, and add immensely to the popularity
of the road. The long walk has driven mapy to
the cable roads. The scheme I suggest wonld
bring them back." This suggestion is respect
fully referred to Superintendent Pitcairn.
A curious railway car is bnilding in Chicago,
and it will be exhibited in Pittsburg during the
trial trip. The distinctive feature of the car.is
the fact that it is all iron or steel. No wood
will be used in its construction. The rcof,
sides, and ends of the car are made of steel
boiler plates riveted together, and it is nothing
more nor less than a big boiler. It is not quite
round, however, being somewhat the shapo of
a horseshoe the round part being tho top. In
the bottom are several steel girders packed in
cement much the same as in the Pullman cars.
Along the sides is an array of, windows precise
ly similar to those of an ordinary passenger
coach. The top of the car is destitute of the
heavy roof and ventilating arrangement that
is seen on ordinary cars. Ventilation is to be
secured by pumping air into the car through
pipes. These pipes in winterwill furnish warm
air. There is also a system of ventilators
around the windows.
When completed the car will not look a great
deal unlike an ordinary asseiger coach. The
unfinished car is now-mounted on wheels and
trucks; ready to start out as soon as finished.
Railroad men are very much Interested in the
car. and are enrious to see it completed. It is
understood that itsoriginator is a gentleman
named Ford, who is backed by a party of capi
talists from St. Lopis,
The Kepulso of the Bond Clique a Good
Thins for tho Country.
Although the banks wore closed yesterday
there was considerable office gossip among
financiers. Naturally enough tho recent flurry
on Wall street camo in for a share of the com
ment It was the general opinion that it had
been engineered in the interest ot the bond
clique to induce Secretary Windom to pay bet
ter prices, and his refusal left the plotters
nothing to do but to keep the bonds or to ac
cept tho Secretary's figures. "It was all in the
interest of Wall street," remarked a broker,
and he added: "There is an abundance of
money in the country for legitimate purposes.
This Secretary Windom very well knows,
and his refusal to help the stock speculators
shows wisdom and appreciation ot the situation.
Should the actnal requirements of business de
mand relief, of which there is no Indication at
present, he would bo quick to respond."
"We are neculiarly situated," remarked an
other financier. "I have traveled considerably
this season, and found, as a general thing, that
the flow of money was outward instead of in
ward. This is true especially of Cincinnati
and St. Louis. They are debtor cities, and aro
being constantly drained of their resources.
Pittsburg is a creditor city. The flow of money
is always inward. This accounts, partly, for
the busy times we have with millions of idle
money. It remains here to be invested in in
dustrial concerns, merchandise, lands and
buildings and is always available in case of a
pincb. Under these conditions we are almost
proof against panics."
"This is the most trying weather we have
had," said another, "and there will not be much
done while it lasts. It keeps a great many cap
italists out of the city. They would rather be
at the seaside or on the mountains than in their
offices. But there will be a change before long.
The opening of the Exposition will give busi
ness a start, and the first symptom of frost will
start it into full swing. I think this fall and
winter will outstrip all former records, If the
half of what I hear should be realized there
will be a great expansion of business within the
next six or eight months."
The Wall Street iVetc says: "Business, par
ticularly in the South and Southwest, is said to
be rushing. Currency has gone forth to these
centers in very large amounts. The cotton
crop bids fair to move freely, and in Texas
alone it is estimated that between 20,000,000
and 30,000,000 will be required tbis fall. Be
tween date and the 15th of September, unless
the policy on the part of the Washington offi
cials continues as liberal as during the past
few days, funds may again become active
around o and 6 per cent. The advance in the
foreign rates 01 exchange, and which led to tho
marking up of one-half per cent in time loans,
indicated that holders of funds are not par
ticularly anxious about.tho immediate future,
and between tbis and the 12th proximo they
anticipate supplying belated customers at fair
Realty Holds Its Own In Point of Interest
Latest Sales.
Black Baird. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to 3.
M. Milligan lot No. 7 in the plan of the J. S.
Willock estate, on Hazelwood avenue, Hazel
wood, 25x100 feet, for 800, adjoining the lot
recently purchased by Mr. Milligan, the sale of
which has already been reported.
L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-flfth and Butler
streets, sold for Henry C. Leese Nos. 157, 159,
159 and 161 Thirty-eighth street. Fifteenth
ward, four five-room brick dwellings, etc, on
rear of lot small frame dwelling, lots 6-5x110
feet to an alley, to Mrs. Kate Louis fof 9,500.
Ewmg & Jljers placed a mortgage of 3.500 on
Tenty-first ward property. Pittsburg, free of
State tax. for three years ut 6 per cent.
Reed B. Coylo & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to Peter F. Glackln, lot No. 74 in the Marion
Place plan for 300.
Nenrlv Seven million Dollnra Added to It In
the Itximt Month.
Washington, September 2. The following
is a recapitulation of the debt statement, issued
Bonds at 4 per cent S 131, 635, COO 00
Bonds at 4 percent 603,141,000 00
Itefundlnj; 1 ertlncates at 4 per cent. IIS, 100 00
Javv pension lund at 3 per cent.... 14,000,000 00
Pacific Kallroad bonds at 6 per cent. 64, as, Si: 00
Principal 673,578, 302 00
Interest 8,021,756 19
Total f SS1,600,053 19
Principal ...1 1,900,505 00
Interest 153,305 18
lotal S 2,053,610 44
Old demand and legal tender notes. 346.737, 458 SO
Certificates of deposit 16,945,000 00
Gold certificates 123,393,519 00
fcllrercertincates...... 268, 550, CM 00
Fractional currency, less 13,375,934
estimated as lostor destroyed 6, 915, WO 47
Principal 762,172,293 97
Principal 51,637,651,10123
Interest 8,175,061 37
Total 51, 645,826. 162 60
Less cash items avail
able for reduction of
the debt 418,595,627 75
Less reserve held for re
demption or United
States notes 100,000,000 00
518,595,627 75
Total debt lessavallable cash ltems.Sl, 127,23a 534
Aet cash in the Treasury 43,489,909 64
Debt,!oss cash in Treasury Septem
ber 1. 1889 1,033,740,625 21
Debt less cash in Treasury, August
1, 1889 :-. SI, 077, 663, 932 96
Increase of debt during the month, t 6.076,692 25
Incrcaseof debtslnce Jnne30,18S9 . 7,094,003 76
Gold held for gold certificates ac
tually ontstandlnz J 123,393,519 00
Silver held lor sll er certificates ac
tually outstanding 268,580,626 00
U. b. notes held for -certificates of
deposit actually outstanding 16,545,000 00
Cash held for matured debt and in
terest unpaid 10,075,566 63
Fractional currency 916 12
Total available for reduction of debt 118,595, 627 75
Held for redemption of United
States notes, acts of June 14, 1875,
and July 12. 1882 $100,000,000 00
Una aflame for the reduction of the
Fractional silver coin. ..pi, 766,455
Minor coin 264.420 13
1 .23,030,875 49
Certificates held as cash S 46,153,803 00
Net cash balance on hand 44, 489,909 64
Total cash In the Treasury as
shown by Treasurer's general
account S 633,275,215 85
A Father In His Detpnlr Throws His Child
From nn Upper Floor.
Chicago, September 2. Fire was dis
covered about 1 o'clock this morning in
John Blank's saloon and boarding house,
on Cottage Grove avenue. Fifteen boarders
were asleep at the time in rooms on the sec
ond floor, as were Blank and his wife and
2-year-old daughter aud Jlrs. Blank's
mother, aged 80. "When the firemen ar
rived they found the boarders shout
ing for help, and some of them
were about to drop from the windows
of their rooms. Blank, just as the firemen
arrived, grabbed his child nnd, not knowing
what he was doing, hurled the little one
through the window to the crowd below.
The child struck on the sidewalk and was
picked up unconscious and with broken
bones and terrible bruises. It was taken to
a physician's house.
A police ofiicer safely rescued Mrs.
Blank's mother. Some of the boarders were
already partially overcome bv smoke, and.
as the fire was making swift progress, they
had to be dragged from their beds. Thev
m ere all safely landed. The pecuniary loss
is about ?8,000.
Southern TJtes Trespassing and Killing Deer
for Their Hides Only."
JIontbose, Col., September 2. Stock
men cac? in from the La Sal and Paradox
ranges to-day, and gave positive assurance
that the Southern TJtes are not only
off their reservation, bnt are killing
deer by the hundreds, for their
hides. They have even trespassed
so lar as to ply their destructive work in
Mesa and Montrose counties. Carcasses of
deer have been found in many parts of
the TJnaweep country, minus the heads,
which have been taken lor the brains,
with which to tan the hides. In that part
of Montrose county contiguous to the TJna
weep, nnd as far eastward as the head of the
Esealanti, scores of deer carcasses have been
found by range riders.
If the military authorities are hunting
evidence to prove that these greasy TJtes aro
off their reservation and killing "deer lor
hides only, they need only come over this
way to find unimpeachable evidence cor
roborative of these facts.
Scarce and Higher -
Weather Stiffens Cheese.
and Oats Weaker Farmers Realize
Little for Labor.
Office op the Pittsbbbo dispatch,
Monday, September 2, 18S& 5
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Good eggs are scarce and higher. It is not
easy to meet demand for a choice article of hen
fruit Dry weather has curtailed the output
of cheese, and higher prices are looked for at
an early day. Good grades ot butter show an
upward tendency. Delaware peaches are near
their end for this season. As the nearby crop
is practically a failure, the peach supply is not
likely to be up to the average from now on.
Very flnellartlett pears are coming to market
from New York State, and find ready sale at $5
,per barrel. Sweet potatoes are in active de
mand at a shade higher prices than last week.
Blackberries and huckleberries are in large
supply, and nrices are a shade lower. Canta
loups are plenty and dull. Watermelons are
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2:c; Ohio do,
2021c; fresh dairy packed, 1617c; country
rolls, 1416c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 402 60;
medium, $2 3002 40.
Beeswax 2830c ? ft for choice; low grade,
cider Sand refined, 6 507 60; common,
$3 50Q4 00: crab elder, 8 00t! 60 $ barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c 93 gallon.
Cheese Ohio, SQSkc; New York. 10c; Lim
burger, 89c; domestic Sweitzer, 9X12c;
imported Sweitzer, 22c
California Fruits Bartlett pears, 3 00
3 50 VI box; 'plums. 1 762 00 a 4-basketcase.
Egos 1717Jc p dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, 81 602 00 V barrel; pine
apples. SI 001 25 -jf) dozen; whortleber
ries, 75 80c $f pail; watermelons, 20 0025 00
fl hundred: peaches, 1 602 25 ft bushel box.
Feathers Extra live geese. 5060c; No. 1,
do, 4045c; mixed lots, S035c V ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045c
pair; old, 6570c $ pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel. So 60
V bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, 6 00;
clover, Alslke, 8 60; clover, white, 9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 0.3, 1 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 11 lbs, 1 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs, SI 65; red top, 14 lbs, 81 25;
millet, 50 lbs, 1 00; German millet, 50 lbs,
1 60; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs. 1 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 J3 bushel of
14 lbs.
Tallow Country, 4Jic; city rendered, 4
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, $4 60
5 00; fancy. 6 Oo6 60; rodi oranges. So 00
5 60; bananas. SI 75 first", 1 25 good seconds,
V bunch; cocuanuts.f4 004 50 hundred; figs,
8K9c V ft; dates. 50c 4 ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, 1 2501 40 W bairel;
tomatoes, home-grown, 1 251 50 $) bushel;
wax beans, SI f bushel; green bean", 6075c il
bushel; cucumbers, home raised, SI 50 bushel;
radishes, 2540c 9 dozen; home-grown, cab
bages, 50c bushel;'new celery, home-grown,
40c $ dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, 3 00
3 25, Jerseys, 4 004 60.
Coffee options are very firm in Eastern mar
kets, and packages are stroncly held by our
Lome dealers. Sugar is steady at old rates.
General groceries are moving along in the old
ruts, with prices unchanged.
Green Coffee Fancy Bio, 21K22Kc;
choice Rio. 1920Kc; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio,
18Ji19J4c: old Government Java, 26c: Mara
caibo, 2223c; Mocha. 27Q28c: Santos, 1922c;
Caracas. 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2224c; La
Guayra, 2122c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
:3c; high grades, 25J6c; old Government
Java, bulk, 3131c; Maracaibo, 2627c;
Santos, 2022c: peaberry, 25c: peaberry,
choice Rio, 23c: prime Rio, 21c; good Rio,
21c; ordinarj , ifuKo.
Spices (whole) Cloves,'2125e: allspice, 8c;
cas-ia. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 70080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c:
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, bc; water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
llc;ro valine, 14c
syrups Corn syrups. 2629c: choice sugar
i syrups, 33g3Sc; prime sugar syrup, SWJ33c;
strictly prime, ta&iiac: new maple syrup. Wo.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi carb In Uegs, 3Klc; bi-carh in $,
5c; bi carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
Eocla in kegs lc;do granulated, 2c
Candles fetar, lull weight, 9c; stearine,
sot. 8K ; PArafflne. ll12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6&
7c; prime, 5?i6Jic; Louisiana, 8g6Va
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5a6c; gloss
starch, 57c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon
don layers, 3 10; California London layers,
2 50; Muscatel3.'S2 25; California Muscatels,
1 85: Valencia, 7Kc; Ondara Valencia,910c;
sultana, bKc: currants, 45c: Turkey prunes,
4Ji5c; French prunes, 8I3c: Saloniea
prunes, in 2 ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, fl 100,
6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c: do Ivica, 19c;
do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. 12J15c; Sicily
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12I6c: new dates,
5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron,
per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, $1 ft, 1314c: orange
peel, 12Kc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c
apples, evaporated, 6j46c: apricots, Califor
ma, evaporated, 12ioc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California evaporated,
unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpiited, 56c: raspberries, evapor
ated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 7KSc; huckle
berries. lu12c
Jqars Cubes, 8c; powdered, Sc: granu
lated, 8Jc; confectioners' A, 8c; standard
A. Syic; soft whites. 88Jc: yellow, choice,
TJc; jellow, good, 77Sc; yellow, fair, 7c;
jellow. dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), $2 75.
Salt-No. 1. $ bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. ft bbl, SI 05,
dairy, ft bbl. Si 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, 1 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu at,ks, 2 80, Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, 3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches 2 00
2 25: 2ds $1 50081 bo; extra peaches. 2 40Q2 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, Srl 50; Hid. Co.
corn, 7090c: fed ch'erries, 90cl; Lima beans.
i iu: so.iketi uo, roc: string uo uo. 7oj$ooc; mar
rowfat peas. 1 1031 15: snaked peas. 7075c;
pineapples, 1 40SS1 50,'Bahama do, 2 75, dam
sonplums, 95c: greengages, 1 25; egg plums,
2; California pears, 260; do greengage', 2; do.
egg plums, 2; extra white cherries, 2 90: red
cherries, ' 2 lbs. Wo; raspberries, SI 401 50;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries. $1 S01 40;
tomatoes, 2U92c; salmon. 1-lb, S 752 10:
blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-& cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 fts, 1 251 50; corn beef. 2 ft
cans. 2 05; 14-ft cans, 14 00; baked beans. 1 45
1 50; lobster. 1-ft. $1 761 80; mackerel, 1-B
cans broiled. SI 50: sardines, domestic, V
U 504 60; sardines, domestic H :S8 258 50;
sardines, imported, 's, Sll 5012 50, sardines,
imported, s. 18; sardines, mustard, 54 50; sar
dines, spiced. Si 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 36 ft
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, 40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
SSd: No. 2 shore mackerel, 24. Codfish Whole
Sollock, 4Jc ft ft: do medium, George's cod,
c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 7iCc Herring
Round shore, 5 00 ft bbl; split, S7 00; lake.
S2 00 ft 100-ft half bbl. Wlntr- fish. 57 00 ft 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout. Sj 50 ft halt bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c ft lb. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft lb. Pickerel, K barrel, 2 00; M barrel, 1 10;
Potomac herring, 5 00 ft barrel. 2 50 ft U
Oatmeal S6 306 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c
ft gallon. LaroIl,75c.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
32 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chi
cago, 3 cars of hay, 1 of oats, 2 of wheat, 2 of
middlings. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St
Louis, 4 cars of oats, 1 of hay, 1 of wheat. By
Baltimore and Ohio, 6 cars of oats. 1 of com, 5
of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of
bian, 4 of wheat, 1 of hay, 1 of rye. Sales on
call, 1 car light mixed oats 21c spot delivery;
2 cars extra 3 white oats, 24c, 1 car fine mixed
corn, 40c Oats and corn are both weaker. A
leading grain operator said to-day: "Trade has
not been more unsatisfactory for years. Farm
ers are unable to realize a reasonable profit for
their time and trouble, and commission men
have hard work to give them satisfaction for
the prices they are forced to take in this time
oi oig crops ana close margins."
Wheat New No. 2 red, 82c: No. 3. 7779c
Corn No. 2yellow, ear, 4546c; high mixed
ear, 4344c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4041c;
high mixed, shelled, 4040c; mixed, swelled,
Oats-No. 2 white. 26K27c; extra No. 3,
242jc; mixed. 2122c.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 49050c;
No. 1 Western, 484Jc; new rye No. 2 Ohio,
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, S5 60fl CO; winter straight,
S4 755 00; clear winter. 4 60475; straight
XXXX bakers', S4 00i 25; Re flour, 3 60
Millfeed Middlings, flue white, 13 50
15 00 ft ton; brown middlings, $11 50 12 00; win
ter wheat bran, 111 00U 25; chop feed, Slo 60
HAJT-Baled timothy, choice, $13 00013 60;
No.ldo, $126001300; No. 3 do, J1100Q1300;
loose from .wagon, 10 ,09012 00, according to'
, quality; No. 1 upland prairie. 18 6006 00; No. 2,
$7 007 60; packing do, S6 7507 00.
Strait Oats, S3 50; wheat and rye straw
S5 606 00. - '
Sugar-cured hams, large, Uc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c, sugar-cured, hams, Small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10e; sugar-
cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams.
Sc: sugar-cured dried beef fiats, 10c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders, 6Kc; bacon'
clear sides. Tc; bacon clear bellies, 7&c; dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt' clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy, $12 60: mess pork, family,
S13 00. Lard-Reflned in tierces, 6c;half.
barrels, 6Jc; 60-lb tubs, 6c; 20-ft pails, 7c: 60-lk
tin cans, OKc; 3-ft tin palls: 7Kc; 5-ft tin pails,
7c; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails. 7c; 10-ft
tin pails, 7c 'Smoked sansage, long, 6c; large,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 60; quarter barrel,
2 00.
Dressed Blent.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650
fts, 5KC-560 to 650 fts, Oc: 650 to 750 lbs, 6
7c Sheep, 8c $ lb. Lambs, 9c $ lb. Hogs, 6c
Fresh pork loins, 8c
A Slntemcnt Showloa the Government's As
sets nnd Liabilities.
"Washington, September 2. The follow
ing statement shows the assets and liabili-
Lties of the Treasury from the latest returns
r" .',, .. - . ....
received irom ine several assistant treasurers,
mint and assay offices of the United States
and national bank depositories:
Gold coin 239, 99S, 043 33
Bollion 84,052.143 85
Total 304,043,189 33
Sliver dollars .231,883,864 00
Bullion 5,299,602 SO
Total 387. 843, 463 SO
United States notes 48,80,935 08
Trade dollars, bullion 8,033 337 70
National bank notes 153,836.00
Deposits in national bank deposito
ries V.. 48,342,006 47
Fractional currency redeemed 916 12
United States bonds and Interest.... 862.3S3 62
Cbecks and coupons paid 102,387 37
National bank notes In process of re
demption 4,434,834 60
Interest on District of Columbia bonds
paid 35,678 00
Minor coin In mint for recoinage. .... 284,431 13
Fractional silver coin , .-. 27.765,455 S3
k Total 725,810,S76 IS
Gold certificates 162,930.752
Less amount on hand 39,537,233
123,333,519 00
Silver certificates f274;722.196
i,ess amount on nana d,ji,ov
288,580,636 CO
Certificates of dcnoslt 1 17.005.000
Less amount on hand 460,000
13,545,000 00
Interest due and unpaid $ 1,384,515 68
Accrued Interest . 5,973,303 43
Matured debt 1.900,505 28
Interest on matured debt 153,305 18
Debt bearing no Interest 916 1Z
Interest on Pacific Kallroad bonds
dueand unpaid 17,639 96
Accrued interest on Pacific Kallroad
bonds 64fi;235 12
Reserve for redemption of United
States notes. Acts 1875 and 1832 100,030,000 00
Fond held for redemption of notes of
national banks "failed," In liqui
dation and reducing circulation.... 73,178,103 25
Five per icnt fund for redemption of
national bank notes 6,102.483 53
Postofflce Department account 2,827,908 73
Disbursing officers balances 50,552,166 14
Undistributed assets or failed na
tional banks 1,176,314 58
Currency and minor coin redemption
acconnt 200 00
Fractional silver coin redemption ac- ,
count 1,160 00
Redemption and exchange account.. 58,818 41
Treasurer's transfer cbecks and
drafts outstanding 4,240,779 29
Treasurer United States agent for
paying Interest on District (Jolum-
Dia i
108,624 39
Total 1657,290,191 02
Met gold 180.654,670 30
Met silver 19,212.840 20
Net United States notes 32,325,9:15 03
Trade dollars, bullion 6,083,537 70
National bank notes 153,836 00
Deposits In national bank deposit
ories 48,342.006 47
Total .'. 366,842,823 75
Asset 5725,810.976 IS
Liabilities t 637,290,191 02
Balance t 68,620,785 13
Threo thousand looms have been stopped
in Blackburn, England, owing to depression in
T,he cruiser Yorktown did not have ber trials
yesterday. They will probably take place
Wednesday or Thursday.
John L. West, of;New Orleans, who was ar
rested at Toronto in March last for embezzle
ment, has returned to New Orleans to stand
The Miami Company's elevator, at Dayton,
O.. burned Sunday night, with contents of
baled hay and 35,000 bushels of oats. Loss
$25,000 on building and machinery; insurance
D. Doughty, an attorney of Oakland City,
Ind,, was killed Sunday by Kara JIcKenny.
llie wife of McKenny had left him and em
ployed Doughty to secure a divorce. McKenny
is under arrest.
The United States steamer Dolphin, which
arrived at Plymouth, from the Mediterranean
last week, and which was undpr orders to join
the Enterprise on a cruise, in Irish waters, has
been obliged to go on dry dock to repair.
John Grass, the famous Sioux Chief, who
was prostrated by the heat a few days ago, at
Bismarck. Dak., is still alive and resting well.
and there is a prospect of his ultimate re
covery, tbouch the old chief has given up hope.
The steamer Zealandla. from Australia,
has brought news to San Francisco of the loss
of the schooner Jennie Walker, which went
ashore on one of the Gilbert Inlands, last April.
The crew escaped in boats to Jakuit Island.
The vessel and cargo are a total loss.
Another apprentice boy on the United
States steamship New Hampshire, tho third in
less than a week, died yesterday of typhoid
fever. The ship authorities have ordered tents
and blankets, to enable the boys to camp out
in the sanu wnne tne snip is ueing aisiniectea.
The law officers of the Crown, Sir Richard
Webster and Sir Edward Clarke, have re
ported that tho Governor General nf Canada
was right to interfere with the operation of
the Jesuits' estates act; that the act was clearly
within the powers of the provincial legislature,
and that tliere is no case to send to the judi
cial committee of the privy council.
Aludce Blodgett, of the United States Dis
trict Court, at Chicago, jesterday granted an
older restraining the National Cash Register
Company from proceeding with any suits, in
Chicago or elsewhere, against agents or users
of the Bensinger .self-adding cash register,
from bringing any more such suits and from
intimidating them by threats of suits forin
fringment. The town of Gardiner, on tne edge of Na
tional Park, Montana, was entirely destroyed
by fire Saturday. Only one house was saved
out of SO in all. All the troops and other Gov
ernment employes in the Yellowstone Na
tional Park had been engaged all last week in
fighting the fires in the park. The officer in
command blames the camper, who are care
less about extinguishing camp fires. Fires are
reported in the neighborhood of Empire, en
dangering the mills of the Empire Mining
Samuel Holmes, a well-to-do farmer, living
near Farmington, Minn., was .murdered Sun
day. His wife, who is now in jail here, is
charged with the deed. Charles iaine, a
neighbor, was passing the Holmes homstead,
when he saw Mrs. Holmes standing on the
porch, screaming. She said her husband bad
been murdered. Haines found the body of
Holmes lying on the floor in a pool of blood. It
is said Mrs. Holmes bad quarreled with her
husband and frequently threatened his life.
Holmes was 65 years of age, and bis wife 20
years his junior.
Dr. F. W. Ferrie, an1 Indianapolis physi
cian ot prominence, was found dead In bis
office Snnday. He was seen alive at 4 o'clock in
the morning, when he was taken from the city
dispensary to his office in a hack. Four hours
later he was found dead. Some of his profes
sional f riendr think be died from heart disease,
others believe be was murdered, and many are
of the opinion, that is shared by Coroner,
that ho killed himself. Bruises on his face
any some of the circumstances of his death
cause tne netiei mat ne may nave oeen louny
dealt with.
News has been received from Black Pine,
in Deer Lodge county, Mont., that the town
bad been destroyed by fire. Black Pine is
situated in the midst of a heavy growth of
timber. The firo started in timber in that
section, a week ago, and tho men had been
lighting it continuously. Friday it was thought
to be under control, but Saturday it was again
as bad as before. The flames were going right
for the town at a fearful speed. The wind was
Increasing nnd the roar could be heard for iwo
miles. The Black Pino mill and mine were
shut down and all the men turned out to fight
the fires. The flames made it Impossible to get
nearer than SOOyards. About 20 men had their
bands blistered and were badly used np.
WEAKstomach,Beecham'sPilIs act like mage.
Psabs' Soap secures a Beautiful complexion
up PQWEr w
ap i
KV njf HW vNinH nWBC kJjBsJWPByPw
not Csawel lis VttmVmm llWII
to Thtir Afrtemtmu tftssse -Beef
(he" "sHKsfccr ',
Trade. .
Chicago, September 2. The TJaiteVl
States Senate Committee to Bke as Inves
tigation into the workings of the Inter-Stata
commerce law as applied'to the carrying of
live stock and dressed meats, began Jto
work here to-day. Senator Test, oOfitv
souri, Senator Coke, of Texas, aad Senator
Farwell, of Illinois, were present.
General Manager E. T. Jeffrey, of
Illinois Central Railroad, was called as a"
witness. Mr. Jeffrey said. the Illinois Cen
tral was not interested in .stock
yards, and had no .agreement witk
that company as ia transportation rates for
stocic- ills road in common with others delivered-stock
to that corporation, la reply to a
question as to comparative rates oa lire cattle
and.dressed beet Mr. Jeffrey replied that the
road had rates on so many articles that he was
.unable to answer. It was true, he said, that he
Jiadbeen examined by the Inter-State com
merce Commission, and that he bad then test!
fled that he wasunablo to say why the rate on
dressed beef from Sioux City: Lv, to Chicago
was higher than that on lire stock, except
that it had been so for a lone time. This, bow
ever, applied, be said, only to Sioux City.
There were no throucn rates from other points,
such as Omaha and Be Louis, so it was difficult
to say whether or not there was a difference
from other points. Mr. Jeffrey added that lie
had subsequently prepared some figures on the
subject, ana bad sent them to Commissioner
Morrison in a letter. As far as he knew that
letter had never been published, and be wonld
be clad to submit a copy or it to the committee.
Mr. Jeffrey was asked about the Central
Traffic Association. "It is a voluntary associa
tion," he said, "to make rates on competitive
traffic There is such a network of lines within
its limits that all traffic is competitive. For
this, reason that there shall be fair atfd equita
ble rates the association is maintained. The
General conduct of bnsiness is in the bands of
a chairman with no executive power. Except
in small localities tho whole United States ia
now covered by these associations. Without
them it is impossible to make a fair schedule."
"It Is then an association to prevent competi
tion?" "In one sense it is," bnt there is no redress if
a road does not live up to the contract."
"Is there no penalty?'
''There can be none, and that is the trouble.
I have an opinion that much of the present
difficulty would be remedied if two things were
done. If every agreement was submitted to
and ratified by tbelnter-State Commerce Com
mission it could thensee that they were main
tained. It is hard to do anything now because
we cannot punish an agreement breaker In any
way. It would work to the advantage of all
the commercial interests of the country,"
Judge Wilcox and Mr.Larkin. dairymen of
Ellin, testified that the develonment of thn
dressed beef business had revolutionized the
cattle trade in Elgin, Local butcbets no longer
bought cattle on the hoof, but brought beef
already dressed from Chicago. The price of
cattle had fallen heavily, but there bad been
no drop in the price of meat.
Mr. Larkin te-titled that the prices of live
cattle in the years named were as follows: In
1880, S34 75 per 100 pounds; in 188L S30 51 per
100 pounds; in 1882, $35 05 per 1C0 pounds; in
1883, J3S 66 per 100 pounds; in 1S84, f00 25 per 100
pounds: in 1585, $28 40 per 100 pounds: in 1887,
$23 per 100 pounds; in 1888, $1988 per 100 ponnds;
in 1889. $18 04 per 100 pounds.
After reading his figures, which, Mr. Larkin
explained, were more eloquent than words, be
took a slap at the railroads. He complained
that dealers throughout the country were re
fusing to buy the live stock, preferring to order
the dresed beef from Chicago. The Idea
brought out was that the freight tariff on live
stock was higher than that on dressed beef.
Thus the smaller dealers considered it to their
advantage to buy in Chicago. This left Chi
cago the control of the live stock market, or at
least caused a tendency in that direction, ac
cording to the philosophy Of Mr. Tarlrln,
A Cblcng;oan Who Can Learn Nothing: of His
Brother's Whereabouts.
Chicago, September 2. Mr. C. L.
Dougherty, of this city, tells a story to the
press, of which the following in an ab
stract: On August 16 he received a letter
irom his brother, Edward C. Dougherty,
dated at Zarnma, Ecuador, stating that he
had been held a close prisoner there since
Tune 15. Mr. Doty went to Ecuador 17
years ago, and was for a time
with Mr. Meigs, in his enterprises.
He married a niece of the President of
Ecuador in 1878, and has been recently en
gaged in gold mining enterprises. The
letter gave no reason for Mr. Dougherty's
imprisonment, but referred to inclosed cor
respondence between the writer and Consul
General ot the United States Owen McGarr,
at Zaruma, as iully explaining the sitna
tion. This correspondence was not in the
Mr. Dougherty, of Chicago, believes that
the letter was tampered with and the cor
respondence extracted. He has telegraphed
his brother for particulars, and, as he has
received no reply, he fears that his telegram
has been stopped by the Government of
Ecuador. He has written to the State De
partment at "Washington, setting forth the
lacts and complaining of the inactivity oi
the United States Consul General in the
Dr Shafer, one of the physicians of the
Polypathic Medical Institute, at 420 Penn ave.
Mr. C. V. Pulpress, of No. iS Liberty street,
Allegheny, had for a long time suffered from a
weak, tired feeling, no ambition, pain across
the small of bis back and palpitation of the
heart. His complexion was very sallow, and as
the diseased condition of his kidneys from
which ho suffered further progressed, his stom
ach became involved. He had bloating, belch
ing of gas and distress after eating. He lost
flesh, his memory became poor and his mind
becameso affected that he could neither read or
think, and was in constant fear of becoming in
sane. He often felt dizzy; so that everything
seemed to be in a whirl, and he became so
nervous a j to entirely unfit hiin for any busi
ness. Having read in the papers that the
physicians of the Polvpathic Medical Institute
make a specialty of kidney and urinary diseases
he began treatment with them. His own words
state the result: "This is to certify that I" have
been cured bv the physicians of the Polypathic
Medical Institute at 420 Penn avenue.
Office hours, 10a. m. to 4 p. Jf.. and 6 to 8 p. jr.
Sundays, 1 to 4 p. M. Consultation free.
JA& D. CALLERY President
crrr savings bank,
Capital and surplus. 8125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
U Purifier.
A purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, aud
makes pure, rich blood.
Eczema. Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
1M ilnple apnlictUon or "Swat Otsmsn witfioot
tnv Internil mtildne. win ei BJ mm ' Tttttr, Slt
Rheum. Rlniwonn. FilM. Ilea. Sort.. Flmplw, EmtpH". U
.Hi lZi ...,4... OnktlnnifrillL
nmulwwolwUMtlrajiuiiliii!!. SoUlbT4rajl.
r lest r miU tor 40 . BOM, I1JS. WljeOj-
' I JL"
tfPA VMR Wwi
A mm ifrv Sms la wdsfsd form.' TW
falwr saver asd osick chanter, wrtsast kf V
!( er fabric Ecusmlcal, im'isJ fsssV 3
Bests fte werM fcr ctstsisr s. 4ssM J
lissset, cifekw, sriflcpaU miflc case, mint, m,
Keess metaW ot f canst, bsmsfc 4. CM
that yos gt BELL'S SMPONA-M fvktmu ?
Cor. WeodaftdLibwtySt,
f laperteaaad Job toe at
Special offerings tUs week ta
Bjxjumm. i
- A ! I I T
ffFrFrRHrffiK-prp., - i
' aad OHHVKWSL-,
For largest aasoTteeai and lowest; prises osj
and seen.
fe22-r83-D - 3i '
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexelt
Morgan t Co., New York. Passports procured.
ap2S-l- -, TTTT ,
Members Chicago Board of Trade aad
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. '
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
As old residents know ana back flies of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MrQiH iQand mental diseases, physical
l Ln V UUO Uecay.nervons debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, diiordered sight, self distrnst.basbf nlness.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
pdisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder aerange
Unlltnn I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's llfe-Iopg, extensive experl.
ence, insures scientific ana reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. m. to 8 p. m. Sun
day, 10 A. H. td 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER,
KUPenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
A8cientlfleandStandard Popular Medical Treatise oa
tee errors ot I oatn.iTemarareuecune, nervous
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorznce, Ex.
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8ro.
Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only SI by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if yoa
apoly now. The distinguished author. Wm. H.
Parker. M.D., received the GOLD AND JEW
ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As
sociation, foi this PRIZE ESSAYon NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physicians may be con
sulted, confidentially, bv mail or in person, at
the office -of THE'PEABODY MEDICAL IN.
STITUTE, No. t Bulfinch SL, Boston. Mass., to
whom all orders for hooks or letters for advice
should be directed as above. aulS-67-Tursnwk:
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
,M. R. C. P. S.. is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
at.-ictlv confidentiaL Oflica
hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. II.; Sundas. 2 to 4 P.
Jl.Consalt them personally, or write. DOCTOBS
Lake. 900 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
look's Cotton. BOOB ,
Composed of Cotton Root, Tansyand
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by art
'old physician. Is nucasfuUu used
monthly-Safe. Effectual. Price 81. by mau.
sealed. Ladies, ask your druzgist for Cooks
Cotton Boot Compound and take no substitute,
or inolose 3 stamps for sealed particulars. A. .
dress POND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Flsnec
Block, 131 Woodward ave-Detroit. Mico.
For men! Check the worst cases In three)
days, and cure in Ave days. Price $1 00. at
ja5-Z9-rrs3n, 112 Market street.
For LOS!1 or Falling
M AN HOOl). Jlervom- .
nesi. WeAknts4 oC.
.Body & Mind. Lack of Strenirth, Vigor and De-
velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, te. Uoot
Mode cf SELr-TBEArMiTrr. and Proofs malledX
luTalo.N.Y. dett--TTSirtrk. -
j. wl