Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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IP-JrtlBrgJ t "TKJW
4rclibisliOT) Corrfcan De-
-' bounces the King of Italy.
Ifbee thought bampakt.
The Statue Erected to Bruno i Most
Sacrilegious Insult.
And Subjected to Outrageous Treatment by
the Government.
Archbishop Corripan will this morning
issue a. pastoral calling attention to the
present situation of the Vatican, and that it
is in danger of being deprived of spiritnal
as well as temporal power. Particular
attention is given to the statue of Bruno
and the progress of free .thought. Secret
societies are denounced as a dangerous institution.
' New York, August 3L In all the
Catholic churches of this archdiocese this
morning will be read a pastoral letter from
Archbishop Corrigan and the Papal allocu
tion of June 30, already published. The
letter reinforces the admonition of the allo
cution, which was based on the erection of
the statue of Giordaro Bruno in Borne. The
letter begins:
Michael Ausustlne, by the grace of God and
favor of the Apostolic See, Archbishop of New
York, to the clersy of the diocese and the
faithful of his charge, health and benediction
in the Lord:
Deablt Beloved Brethren: Nineteen
years ago Victor Emmanuel, "the gentleman
King," sent an agent to Pope Pius IX to invite
him to surrender the patrimony of St. Peter
and the temporal powers which secnrcd his
independence as the head of the Universal
Church. Without waiting for the letter of the
Sovereign Pontiff in reply to this insolent re
quest to reach him, Victor Emmanuel
and took forcible possession of Rome. To
preserve a show of decency, and to quiet in
some measure the outraged feelings of Catho
lics thronghout the world, a royal decree was
issued declaring tint "the Sovereign Pontiff
preserves his dignity, inviolability and all the
prerogatives of a sovereign." Is ext it added:
"A special law will sanction the conditions
proper to guarantee, even by territorial fran
chises, the independence of the Sovereign
Pontiff and the free exercise of the spiritual
authority of the Holy See."
A further farce, called the Lawof Guarantees,
was subsequently enacted a measure passed
by the so-called Italian Parliament, not per
manently, however, binding the country at
large, as, for instance, the Constitution of the
United States is binding on American citizens,
bnt a provision revocable at any moment on
' the mere vote of the majority of deputies.
Judged in the light of subsequent events these
promises of the King and his Parliament,
paltry as they were compared with the high
handed injustice already committed, were made
to be broken.
In fact ever since the ocennation of Rome,
slowly and stealtbilv, hut yet surely and
steadily, the chains have been wound closer
and closer around the successor of St. Peter.
The semblance of sovereignty enjojed by the
august prisoner of the Vatican has been en
croached upon, time and asain, in various ways
until at length the actural Government would
openly affirm, if it dared, that the Holy Father
I of the King of Italy. More than this, the
j avowal is now made, and apparently with high
, judicial sanction, that not only the temporal but
,jf also the spiritual power of the Pontiff must
f cease to exist. The Holj Father has more than
I once called attention to these machinations of
his enemies, and most pointedly in an allocu
tion pronounced in a special consistory held on
the 30th of June, a copy of which is herewith
But besides these grave and authoritative
declarations we have the confession of the
conspirators themselves. On occasion of the
unveiling of the statne of Giordano Bruno, on
Pentecost Snndav, Signor Bovio, a denuty in
Parliament and the orator of the da, affirmed:
'To-day Rome inaugurates the religion of
thought, the beginning of another era." The
press of Rome is even more outspoken: "On
September 20, 1870, the temporal dominion was
overthrown, but to-day it is the spiritual do
minion itself whose obsequies are celebrated.
It is the very soul of the church at whose death
we are assisting."
- In the same sense the latest apologist of
Giordano Brunn, in a pamphlet published in
Rome, July 8. in reply to the aforesaid allocu
tion of the Holy Father, adds. "During the
Middle Ages the Papacv, even in a political
' sense, was conceivable. Now that the State is
a uuion of free citizens of free men, who gov
em and are governed the supremacy of the
Pontiff is impossible under every respect."
On account, then, of
of the revolut on to antagonize the Christian
religion by attacking and if possible destroy
ing the See of Peter, it will be useful to no
tice the honors lavished on the spirit of re
bellion, in the person ot Giordano Bruno, and
to examine the principle on which his ad
mirers base his claims to distinction. The pro
ject of erecting a statue in Rome to the mem
ory of Bruno, and on the very place of his ex
ecution, originated in Turin, shortly after the
breach ol Porta Pia in 1870.
The idea was taken ud by the hot-beaded
youth attending the various universities noted
as seats of liberalism. In 1S76, under the inspi
ration of Signor Bovio, whose name has been
already mentioned, "the University Commit
tee" was formed to carry on the work which
has now culminated in the unveiling of the
statne. To make the opposition to Christian
ity more pronounced the most noted atheists
and free-thinkers of the world were named
members of an honorary international coin
Among the representatives so chosen was Vic
tor Hugo, who says: "Giordano Bruno is a
noble victim of thought: I salute his memory
with emotion." And Ernest Renan writes
"The thought of erecting an expiatory monu
ment to Giordano Bruno on the very soot of
his execution seems to me the personification
of justice. We owe a double homage to these
heroes of truth who at the price of their lives
have won the liberties we now enjoy. The first
duty is to honor their memory; the second to
pursue with redoubled ardor their scientific
' researches, to which we can now devote our
selves in peace-thanks to their tears, thanks to
their blood." The
are apparent It is needless to relate the life
of Bruno. As the Holy Father says there was
nothing in it worthy of the honor recently be
stowed on his memory. His most ardent ad
mirers have never claimed that he was a
patriot. His teaching, even according to his
warmest apologists, were merely a binding of
materialism and pantheim. His life was most
immoraL His claim to distinction was hatred
of Christ our .Lord, hatred of the religion which
he founded, and of His representatives on
In the delioerate attempt to cast a slur on
Christianity and on its chief exponent, the
monument io cruno was thought of. to be
erected as a threat at once and a trophy, in the
very center and heart of Catholicity. Hence,
in like manner, the selection of the day, of all
days in the yearlor the unveiling of the statue,
the Feast of Pentecost, on w hich the Christian
world commemorates the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the begin
ning of their glorious mission. Bruno's monu
ment is thus the deification ot unbelief.
The Archbishop then discusses free
thought; On this subject he says:
The church maintains that as truth can never
contradict truth, true scientific research can
never conflict with divine revelation. But Iree
thought, as advocated by the admirers of
Bruno, denies the right of a hicher and divine
authority to command the mind's assent and
control its speculations and constitutes human
. nature the sole supreme jndge of all truth.
human and divine. It asserts the ,
of the mind of man from all responsibility
-even to the supremo iiuru ana .Master of all.
discards Mis reveaieu worn ana rejects His
authority. In a word it is the deification of
human reason. The doctrine is false in pnllos-
3ophy, false in tneoiogy, xaise in etnics.
"Tr1 MFirst, It is philosophically unsound because
'- truth sometimes so presents itself to the mind
as ito claim necessary assent leav
ing no room for doubt or relee-
KtionMP'Take certain axioms In mathema-
Instance, that a straight line Is the J
shortest distance between two points. In this
and similar statements, not only in science, bnt
in every department ot knowledge, the intel
lect has no freedom of choice. It assents at
once, and from its very nature cannot do other
wise. It le not free to dissent. Indeed, properly
speaking, freedom does not belong to the
mental faculty. ,
In this respect it is important to bear in mind
the difference between the Intellect and the
wilL In this life the will cannot be necessi
tated by any individual good or advantage
however great, because no created good can
fully satisfy the capacity of our nature. With
the mind, on the contrary, truth, whenever
clearly perceived, is irresistible. The acts of
our mind follow of necessity; just as on the
other hand those same acts of the mind are
necessarily withheld whenever intrinsic or ex
trinsic evidence does not place truth within
the horizon of our mental vision. If in the lat-
ter oase
it is because the will acts upon the mind and
makes it adhere with more or less foundation
to one statement rather than to another. By
analogy we are in the habit of calling this pro
cess or our minds liberty, by a certain deriva
tion from the liberty of the will. Now if we
admit this liberty with regard to everything, as
the system under consideration requires, we
must admit likewise that the mind never sim
ply perceives truth, or that truth is never so
perceived as necessarily to claim intellectual
assent. This once admitted, the foundation of
all kind of knowledge is undermined, and not
only religion, but science itself, falls to the
ground. Free thought, therefore, cannot stand
the test of philosophical scrutiny.
Second, as a system it rests untenable sup
positions. The moment we raise the oanijer of
free thought we must bold by the very fact
that the Christian creed rests on no solid
foundation; that all the reasons which affirm
it are at least doubtful; that all the miracles
by which it was promulgated were the work of
fraud and Imposture.
If free thought le accepted, either the Chris
tian religion contains no truth revealed by God,
or these truths thus revealed cannot claim the
assent of our intellect, In other words, a
reasonable being must either examine the cre
dentials of Christianity and refute them or, ad
mitting that it is
still refuse to adopt it. Neither conclusion is
tenable; the first, as involving a difficulty even
more Inexplicable than the one it repudiates;
the other as inconsistent with right reason.
Tbird.flnally.liberty of thouchtimplies liberty
of action, so that moral and physical liberty be
come distinct only in name. Man, therefore,
may deem morally right whatever be can
physically perform. It is needless to say how
pernicious in its consequences would be the
practical application of such doctrine. Now,
if it be lawful to think as wo please, why can
not wo think that virtue and vice are mere
namesT That property is robbery? That
modesty and decorum are but prejudices of
education; That treason, self-indulgence, in
justice are to be placed op the same level with
patriotism, temperance and righteousness
Since, therefore, our exterior actions are
prompted and guided by onr inward thoughts,
with principles like those suggested by free
thought, what will human life be in this
worldT What will become of the familyT
What of civil society itself? Mere material
force, illogically used in Similar contingencies,
will not suffice to avert threatening evils or
check their baleful progress Freedom of
thought is therefore a fountain of woe in its
practical application and its logical results.
And now.dear brethren, the grosser the results
offered to our blessed Lord, the more fervent
and devoted in proportion ought to be our love
for Him and our care not to offend Him our
selves. In our day and generation one of the
most fatal snares laid for the faithful is
affiliation with
that are based on mere naturalism in exclusion
of, and, by inference at least, in ooposition to
our Divine Redeemer. The barm that has come
to religion in the eternal city during the past
20 years is attributed mainly to the workings of
secret societies. In our land of freedom there
is no need of burrowing in the dark. Much
less ought Catholics patronize associations in
which the Christian faith and the divinity or
Christ, our Savior, are ignored.
Our sympathy also goes out to the vicar of our
Lord on earth. We grieve with him tor the
outrages inflicted on religion. We grieve that
Rome, sanctified bv the blood of myriad mar
tyrs, has seen the standard of .the Evil One
flaunted through her streets in memory of an
apostle whose sole merit was to repeat with
Lucifer of old. "I will not serve." In the pain
and insult offered to the bead all the mem
bers necessarily share. In the wrongs done to
the sovereign pontiff the faithful of the whole
world are assailed; and against snch indignities,
continued now for 19 ear?, all of us, as Cath
olics, litter our indignant protest.
finally let us reaouoio our supplications to
the Most High, that He may make the light of
His countenance to shine upon us and have
mercy on us; that He may pour His grace into
the hearts of the wayward 'and "the ignorant
that "they may know Him, the only true God
and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.".
He Called Ills Brother Out of Bed to Dis
cuss Slavery.
Lewlston Journal.!
Payson Tucker was in Tiis younger days a
companion of Artemus "Ward, and tells
many a good story about him. Here is one
that the railroad manager related to ex
Governor Plaisted at the Twin Mountain
Mouse the other day: Artemus was out
very late one night, and came home in a
driving snowstorm. The family had retired.
Artemus went around the house and threw
snowballs at his brother Cyrus' window,
shouting for him to come down quickly.
Cyrus appeared in haste and stood shivering
in his night clothes.
"Why don't you come in, Charles? The
door is open."
"Oh," replied Artemus, "I could have
gotten in all right. I called you down be
cause I wanted to ask you if you really
thought it wrong to keep slaves."
A Reading Widow's Fierce Antaconlam to
n Probable Son-In-Lnw.
Beading, August 31. Widow Sarah
Therry created an unusual excitement at
the Spring .City Paper Mill, by adminis
tering a cowhidinc to herl9-year-o!d daugh
ter, Louise, The daughter, a vivacious
blonde and quite pretty, enjoys the respect
of a large circle of warm friends. Some
time ago she and her mother had
a misunderstanding concerning the
young man who was paying attentions to
Louise. Be was one of the most respectable
young men in the village, but because he
did not belong to the same church as the
widow and her daughter did, the widow
sternly opposed the courtship.
The Crowning; Evrnt of the Season at Surn-
tog-n A Complete Success.
SABATOGA, August 3L The crowning
event of the Saratoga season was the
garden party given to-day by the Hon.
Henry Hilton and J. Id. Otter, at the Grand
Union Hotel. Last year and several previous
vears rain prevented the fullest success of
the garden parties, which always suffered
by postponement, bnt to-day the weather
and all the fates 'were propi
tious, and the whole gorgeous affair
was a perfect success. The programme of
the 'entertainment had a wide range. The
afternoon was more especially fortbe chil
dren, while the great full dress ball in the
evening was one of the most brilliant affairs
of the kind ever known in Saratoga.
A Midnight Cutting Affray.
Jennie Laurel and Emmie Hess, liv
ing on First avenue, got into a quarrel
last night near the small hours, and in the
course of the trouble the Hess woman
slashed Jennie Laurel in the arm and waist
with a case knife. The row raised the
police, and both women were taken to Cen
tral station. The police surgeon dressed
the wounds, which were of a serious nature.
Jumped From a Bridge. J
At 1:10 this morning an unknown.young
man jumped from the Tenth street bridge,
on the P. & Ii. E. tracks and received in
juries which will probably prove fatal. He
was taken to the Soutbside Hospital, where
such relief as was possible was afforded
him. No cause for the attempt at suicide
is assigned.
A Concession by Zanzibar.
Zanzibar, August 31. The Saltan .of
Zanzibar has signed a concession giving to
the British East Africa Company the Lamn
Island and the Benagir coast line, -from
Kipini northward, including Kistaavu.
3rawa Merka, ilagadish and wmii,i
Which Eeceives Attention From the
European Governments.
In Order to Keep Pace With the Efforts of
France and Russia.
Is Still Surrounded by a Mysterious, Cloud of flrest
Preparations for possible trouble continue
in Europe. The German military force will
be augmented, to keep in line with similar
action on the part of France and Russia.
There is still much doubt as to whether the
Czar will visit Berlin.
Beblin, August 31. The coming ses
sion of the Reichstag is not expected to be
either stormy or sensational. Among the
most important measures to be introduced
is a bill which the Government is preparing
for credits to augment and reorganize the
army, in view of the continual increase of
the French and Bussian armaments.
The members of the Beichstag an the
public are being prepared for this bill by
significant articles in all the official organs.
These papers are demanding an increase of
the German forces which is calculated on
the effective force that the new French mili
tary law will enable France to put into the
field. The Badical newspapers have begun
an agitation for a reduction of the period of
compulsory military service with the colors.
The term is three years, and the Radicals
want it reduced to two "years. The. War
Office will not entertain the suggestion.
The Bundesrath, which meets about the
end of Septemherj will begin its work by
examining the Socialist law and discussing
a project tor the reform of the Imperial
"Several petitions have been sent to the
Government from Alsace-Lorraine asking
that the authorities there be instructed to
mitigate the rigors of the passport regula
tions. The petitions Have thus far met
with no response from the Government.
Tbe Strasburg Landes-Zeitung even reports
that the permission hitherto accorded in
parishes adjoining the frontier to dispense
with the exhibition of passports where
there are frequent crossings for business
purposes is now withdrawn.
There is no cessation in the press polemic
on African affairs. The Vossisehe Zeitung,
commenting upon the appearance ot the
English Blue Book, says that the object
seems to be to demonstrate anew, in spite of
and revilings against England in regard to
the Em in relief expedition, the fact that
tbe Anglo-German understanding has not
undergone the slightest interruption. The
Fossiscfte Zeitung believes that this entente
precludes tbe possibility of Germany lend
ing the smallest countenance to any efforts
like that of Dr. Peters to) interfere with the
English plans in Central Africa.
Tbe JSoersen Zeitung declares that during
the negotiations for a joint blockade Ger
many gave formal assurance that Emin's
province, including "Wadelai, though
officially abandoned by Egypt, should still
be regarded, at least provisionally, as be
longing to Egypt. The assertion that a
formal agreement was made is perhaps exagg
erated, but the North German Gazette's at
tacks on the Cologne Gazette and National
liberal organs favorable to Dr. Peters, in
dicate Prince Bismarck's firm intention
not to give offense to England in colonial
The Hanover Courier, Herr Benigsen's
organ, deplores the misunderstanding's
created by the JforfA German Gazette, and
regrets that the friends of Prince Bismarck
and the Emperor in high position should be
attacked because they failed to foresees
year ago the rapprochement with Englaud.
The Frankfort Gazette similarly expresses
surprise considering the license Prince
Bismarck formerly allowed that it should
now be so dangerous to endeavor to ascer
tain, in a penectly passionless manner, what
are the German rights as compared with tbe
English private trausgressipn. The Gazette
asks in a tone of sarcasm1 "What is the
enormous price England must be paid for a
total suppression of even the most modest
expression of public opinion regarding Ger
man colonial subjects."
The Votsiche Zeitung supports the atti
tude of the North German Gazette, in the
belief that England's scheme to connect her
scattered coast possessions by way of the in
terior will not affect the German colonial
Telegrams from Copenhagen represent the
King of Denmark as surprised that his son-in-law
should have so long delayed return
ing Emperor William's visit, and as most
anxious that this act of courtesy should no
longer be deferred. Still, after so many
disappointments, the statement that the
Czar has decided to come next week meets
with a deal of skepticism even in official
Application at the Bussian embassy fails
either to confirm or to deny the report.
Court officials do not expect the Czar to
arrive before September 15, but they say his
plans may be changed. After that date the
Kaiser's programme, including a visit to
Greece, has been definitely mapped out
without reference to the imp'enal meeting.
It is rumored that the difficulty has arisen
from a desire of the Czarina to accompany
her husband.
The bitter articles of the Berlin Post and
other papers may be attributed to the an
noyance caused by these repeated delays.
The Pott declares that the only way to turn
the attention of Bussia from war is for the
European Powers to agree to give a free
handful in Asia or the Balkans. i
The marriage festivities at Copenhagen
will bring a large gathering. It is esti
mated that 40 members of the imperial and
royal lamilies win oe present, tbe assem
bling of whom gives rise to numerous be
trothal rumors. The Bochum Congress was
well attended. There was some disarmnint-
ment over the lack of original and practical
ideas for the amelioration of the condition
of workingmen.
Count Galen delivered the best discourse
on this question. Six thousand people as
sembled to hear Herr Winthorst tell of the
efforts of the Centerists in behalf of the
miners. The Congress adopted an address
in favor of the restoration of the temporal
power of the Pope.
The National Gazette, apparently on the
authority of the Chinese Ambassador,denies
the storv that Count von Waldersee elabor
ated the plan of campaign for China during
the Tonquin war.
The Post issnes an official denial that
Germany has any designs in Crete.
Persons Found Murdered, and No
Clew to the Criminal.
Beownsville, Tex., August 31. Last
night Ebben Garcia, a woodseller
who live at the Tomales ranch,
and Lareta Saldivir, the corporator
manager for Mr, Collingham, were killed
at the Norias ranch by some unknown party.
They were found in the house of Vargas
lying one in front of the other, both shot
through the head. Gareia's pistol laid bv
his side.
Evidently a terrible, and mysterious
crime has been committed. Sheriff Britto,
Countv Attorney Calava and Dr.sMaov
jicut vut w iaiujsw me uimc, , x
-L... .... ..!. a.L"..1- Z.
John Grass, Celebrated In Both War and
Peace, is Hearing His" End Tbe
Greatest Bed Man of His
Time An Eloquent
Fobx Yates, IT. D., August 31. John
Grass, the greatchief of the Blackfeet Sioux,
is seriously ill and is not expected to live.
He has telegraphed to the Cheyenne Agency
for White Swan, his mother-in-law, to come
to his bedside.
The chief, whose death is now momentari
ly expected, was one of the greatest men of
the Sioux nation. He was a good fighter,
but was more renowned in council. He
was a shrewd and intelligent observer of
events, and devoted his whole life to the
best interests of -his tribe. John Grass is
chief of the Blackfeet Sioux, and Supreme
Judge of the "nation. He is about 47 years
old, is nearly six feet tall, and a perfectly
formed specimen of the Indian race. In
personal appearance he is a man of n singu
larly pleasing face, with large, dark and
brilliant eyes and fine white teeth.
His manners are most suave and courtly,
and he displays great tact and shrewdness.
He is a Christian, and dresses in white
men's clothes, and takes, a great pride in his
appearance. His photographs are displayed
all over the Northwest, but he has steadily
refused to be photographed in Indian cos
tume. He generally wears a large overcoat
and a fur cap. He still wears moccasins
and keeps his hair plaited. There are no
Indians to-day like those so graphically de
scribed in Cooper's novels or the Indian
tales that used to delight tbe'average Ameri
can schoolboy of 30 years ago, but John
Grass comes as near to the ideal Indian of
the novel, the good Indian, the noble red
man, as anyone ot his race now living.
Among the whites with whom he hascome
in contact he has made many firm friends.
General Custer knew him and liked him.
very well, and General Crook was also one
of his admirers ""
John Grass possessed the entire confidence
of his tribe, and although he was a terrible
fighter in his day, his people paid equal
respect to hiB judgment in time of peace.
In the death ot John Grass the Sioux Na
tion will lose its most gifted statesman and
a truly eloquent orator.
The Postmaster General of tbe Bahama
Island Placed In Prison.
Nassau, N. P., August 16. Postmaster
General T. N. G. Clare is locked up here
in jail charged with embezzling 200 of
public money. The Government did
some very clever work in his capture.
He Bailed from here very unexpectedly on
August 8 on board the schooner Kosedale.
The. fact that none of his associates were no
tified of his intention to go away
caused suspicion, and his accounts
were placed in the hands of F.
C. Smith, an expert bookkeeper, for
examination. The accounts were found to
be 200 short Warrants for his arrest
were immediately issued. The Government
chartered the steam tug Nassau from tbe
Ward Steamship Company, and officers
were sent after the fugitive. He
was found at Long Cay, a port where
steamers of the Atlas line touch on their
way to and from New York. He. was
brought back here to-day, arraigned at the
police office, and placed in jail without
bail. Counsel had him produced before.
Chief Justice Austin, on) a writ of
habeas corpus, and made a motion to
have him released under bonds. The.Court
refused to make the order and the accused
official will have to stay in jail about two
months, until his case can be tried. Mr.
Clare is well known by hundreds of people
in the United States, as he was always a
liberal entertainer of tourists.
The Admiral li Waiting for the Arrival of
on American Crnlser.
San Fkancisco, August 31. Among
the passengers who arrived on the steamer
Zealandia to-day from Australia, via
Samoa, was Lieutenant W. D. Bose, of the
United States storeship Monougahela,
now stationed at Pago Pago. He
reports the United States steamer
Adams had not arrived at Samoa when tbe
Zealandia left there, the 17th instant, but
she was expected every day. It was on this
account that Admiral Kimberly did not
leave for San Francisco on the Zealandia.
He expects to return next month.
King Malietoa and several chiefs who
were deported with him by the Germans
two years ago, arrived at Apia from Mar
shall Island on the German gunboat Wolff
a few days 'before 'the Zealandia ar
rived at 'Samoa.' Malietoa's return was
made the occasion of general rejoicing by
the natives. His health is reported to be
broken down, owing to his long exile, and
for this reason he will not attempt to resume
control of affairs for tbe present. Mataafa
will still continue in office.
The political situation on tbe islands re
mains quiet The natives are also recover
ing from the famine. The Monongahela
some time ago distributed among them 15,
000 pounds of bread and large quantities of
rice and other provisions, c
Homestead Workmen Will Attend
FonernU In a. Body.
At a meeting of the employes of Carnegie,
Phipps & Co., yesterday afternoon, the fol
lowing arrangements were made for attend
ance upon the funerals of their late fellow
workmen who have died from injuries re
ceived by the terrible accident Friday last.
Tne members of the Munhall, Washing
ton, John Kane, Thomas "Harlow, Armour
and Acme Lodges will meet at their re
spective halls at 8 o'clock this morning.
All other employes ot the steel works are
invited to meet with the Acme Lodge, at
Schuchman's Hall, at the same hour.
The Excelsior and Carnegie Cornet Bands
and the Cadet Drum Corps are cordially in
vited to attend tne lunerals, and such other
musical organizations as desire to be
Tbe remains of Andrew Kebler and Will
iam Facran will be buried at Brad dock.
Service in St. Mary Magdalen Church at 9
The remains of Nicholas Bauer will be
buried in Laferty Hill Cemetery, near Six
Mile. Service in the chapel at the ceme
tery. "
The remains of John Lewis will be bnried
at Franklin. Services at his late residence
Fourteenth avenne, at 2 o'clock P. ai.
An Accident In the City ot Mexico Causes
Five Death.
CiTTOF Mexico, August 31. The roof
of a house onJnado street caved in yester
day morning about 1 o'clock and in its
downward course earned away two rooms in
the second story, and tbe heavy mass
fell to the grodnd floor, burying
beneath it Marcella , Miesta, his
wife, four children and a woman
named Juara Kamincz and her children.
By the efforts of the officers Simon Gutierez,
Marcella Miesta, his wife and Juara, were
extricated from tbe mass, before a detach
ment of 50 soldiers, 30 firemen and 10 men
employed at the public works arrived at the
scene of the collapsed building. When the
debris was removed the dead bodies of five
children were found. The building was
undergoing repairs, as it was considered
dangerous. The bodies of the dead children
have been buried,
Election Blot In Mexico.
isrxcuti TiLinrLrtf to tub dispatch. 1
City or Mexico, August 31. Election
riots have ocenrred in the town of Mogda
lena. State of Sonora...The distnrbsneas
were wppreftw py.orai treoasy v
An Old Lake Captain Has an Idea He
is Indestructible.
i r
Can Eetnrn to Eartt After His Body Eos
Been Cremated.
Beanie He Predicted I That the War of tie Bebellion
Would Come.
William Brown, an old lake steamer cap
tain, wants to be chloroformed and cremated
at Buffalo, N. Y. He thinks he can return
to earth again in the same form and in the
same body. He claims to be the son(ot a
goddess. He was in a lunatio asylum once.
rericux tzlxobjlx to nrsDisrATciM
Buffalo, August 31. Secretary Rem
ington to-day received a rather startling
letter from a religious crank who wants to
hum himself up In the Buffalo crematory
on Delaware avenue. This letter was
signed by William Brown, a retired lake
captain, of Myrtle avenne, and was as
I desire to be cremated In tbe Buffalo crema
tory, in order to demonstrate that I can assume
a spirit form and appear as a mortal man with
power of speech after my earthly body has
been burned away. I should expect; after I
had made the necessary preliminary arrange
ments, to be chloroformed and then incinerated
in tbe regular manner. What would you
charge for your services in this matter?
Brown was found at his home
by The Dispatch correspondent He is
74 years old, of medium height, and would
be easily taken for a religious enthusiast
He quoted the Bible by the yard to the
visitor, and said that he was the son of a
spirit mother, who was a goddess. There
was no devil, but there was a spirit of light,
which spoke through him, transferring him
into the devil's attorney, with a great power
for good.
Mr. Brown said that SO years ago he com
manded the Pacific and some others of the
famous sidewheel passenger steamers on
Lake Erie and Lake Michigan. He has
wealthy relatives in Canada, but he has
little to do with them, because they don't
agree with him as to the existence of various
spirit facts, which he himself knows to
"In 1858," said Mr. Brown, "I was sent to a
lunatic asylum because I predicted the Re
bellion. They may send me to asylum
again, but they cannot prevent me from pro
claiming certain truths, and I amXcommanded
by the spirit mother and spirit father to use
this means of demonstrating these fixed facts.
On Monday, January 3, 1870. 1 was born to
earth as the only begotten son ot the goddess,
who is the spirit mother. On July 4, 1S83. 1 was
at tbe spirit age of 6 years, 6 months and 1 day,
nrnplafmori nrinna nt b!i.a that.' TtAfne. th an.
niversary ofAmencan independence.'"
"l)o you
really wish to be cremated?'' was
couldn't kill himself.
'"I am certainly .perfectly sincere," replied
Mr. Brown, "in my request and I hope it will
becranted. I do not see any reason why they
should not burn my body if I want them to. On
no fewer than 17 different occasions I have at
tempted to commit suicide, but the spirits
have saved me in every case. Poison, rope,
razor and pistol alilce have proved of no avail.
I do not consider that this would be an
attempt to commit sulclde,f or I have heretofore
demonstrated my power to materialize my
spirit outside of my body. After buying suit
able clothing, arranging my affairs so that they
will be all right in case of a mishap, I could lay
down on the funeral car, permit two reputable
physicians to chloroform me. and then have
them slide my insensible body into the retort,
treating it jnst as they would a corpse. lam
sure that I would come back to earth In the
spirit form, and appear to mortals in all re
spects as s mortal man, talking and moving as
they do."
A Company to Commence Its Manufacture
In South Carolina.
Chableston, August 31. It is an
nounced positively to-day that a company
has been organized and will at once enter
upon the manufacture of cotton bagging
from the fiber of the pine straw. The
factory will be built at Sumnierville, 22
miles from here, the iand, having been given
for the purpose. The site is in the thickest
pine forest in the State. The privilege has
also been offered the company of gathering
pine straw from a tract of territory
covering thousands of acres, so that the
material forthe manufacture of bagging will
cost nothing but the collecting and hauling
it. It is understood that the S. C.
Bailway has offered the new concern
the free gift of gathering pine cones over
all tbe lands owned by that company. Sev
eral bales of cotton, covered with pine straw
baggingwere received here last year and
subjected to the severest test of screw,
hook, fire and water, and stood it
even better than common jute bagging.
The new factory is said to be an oBshoot of
the Acme Factory, at Wilmington, N. C,
and is expected to begin work as soon as the
building and machinery are erected.
Mexican Paper Think It Cannot Help
That Country Mocli.
City of Mexico, August 31. The
Pabalm National, a liberal journal, and a
supporter ot the present administration, as
well as a warm friend of the United States,
after copying an article from an American
newspaper concerning the congress of
American powers to meet in Washington,
makes a few remarks which are full of sig
nificance. It says:
With a tariff excessively protective, with
measures like those adopted by Mr. Windom,
Secretary of the Treasury, rejrardine onr lead
ores, witn tne uinerenuai amies leviea on
goods transported in Mexican vessels in Amer
ican Dorts. with the foreeroine obstacles and
the systematic heedlessness of American man
ufacturers and merchants as regards important
details of orders sent from this country, it ap
pears to ns very evident that notwithstanding
the assemblage of the delegation of Govern
ments of America, the commercial relations of
the Republic of the north with the Republic
of Mexico will not be materially improved. .
A Tourist Slips and HI Revolver la Dis
charged, Making: a Fatal Wonnd.
Denteb, August 31. The saddest death
by accident recorded in the mountains this
summer, occurred on Long's Peak, 60 miles
west of Denver, on Tuesday. Three brothers
named Stryker, accompanied by Guide
Lamb, who lives at the foot of the peak, un
dertook to climb to Long's summit. They
started on Monday night and traveled late.
At 10 o'clock next morning they had
reached the summit, which has an
altitude of 14,000 feet above sea level. .Two
of the Stryker brothels were froki Tipton,
Iowa. Frank, who was employed on a
ranch near the base of the peak,
was climbing over rocks and
cliffs and fell. In falling his revolver
was dislodged and exploded, the ball taking
effect in his groin producing a fatal wound.
Sirs. Ttlchardson Ioe 810,000 In Din.
mood and "81,000 In BUI.
Cincinnati, August 31. Early in Au
gust Mrs. John B. Richardson, of Chatta
nooga, started to Eastern watering plaoet,
via New York. Before leaving home she
placed 510,000 worth of diamonds and $1,000
in bank bills in one trunk. When it reached
New, York the jewels were gone. It is
believed the thieves are here, and that the
trunk was ODened bra dnnlieate kev. The, I
Term' Moat Haadta a
TJiosaoI Array. of Crtmlnah-It 9to
PrevloB Keeeraa of the Jail. ' ?
The September term of court will deal
with no less than 919 cases, the largest num
ber within' the recollection of ttw Jail
ofScials. Dennty Warden Gangstatw tfcat
the largest previous number at any tem of
court was .179. Bnt even witi ;thk
unusual number the murder oases are less
than has been usual in the past The .usual
crimes are diversified bythe Bander con
spiracy cases, which have attracted sovnaek
interest within the last few weeks.
There are fonr prisoners held for aurder:
Andrew Heiser;J Jot. Dimmel. John Brent
and William E. Lee, the latter being the
most prominent casd as well as the most re
cent Thereare seven prisoners charged
with felonious assault and latteryt one for
felonious shooting, one for felonious cat-'
ting, one for felonious assault, and one let
shooting with intent to kill.
Aggravated assault and battery number its
votariesjitl.0;common assault, and battery,
was practiced by no less than 18; crimes
against the person are' represented by 3
prisoners; robbery may have been practiced
by a number of people, but only 4 got
caught, to which number may, be added J.
chap who committed highway robbery;
burglars are more numerous, their number
reaching 7; tbe crime of larceny bobs np
with no less than 45 representatives. Other
forms of larceny have 6 exponents.
The conspiracy cases are represented by
John D. Bander, John Dougherty, William.
Nagle, Lowry J. Bender, all of whom have
seven charges against them, and William
McCleodj'Isaao C. Brown, "Beddy" Mc
Call, and Alderman D. B. Callen. For
selling liquor withont license five persons
are in custody and two prisoners are charged
with selling liquor on Sundays. There is a
long list of minor crimes and criminals.
A Ramble Among Art Hanot Develop Some
Expert Opinions.
A few moments devoted to a peregrination
among dealers in art materials and works
yesterday 'were 'repaid by some novel ex
pressions of opinion. Several of the promi
nent art salesrooms in town were visited,
and, talks with the proprietors obtained.
One of these gentlemen, whose store
is situated on Wood street, gave
quite a comprehensive account of our city's
aft proclivities. He said: "The big Pitts
burg milliohaireis no longer a mere ignorant
'nonvean riche.' He is a man of shrewd
ness, and quite capable of sustaining the posi
tion which his dollars brought him. He
sees that buying oil paintings is very dan
gerous, as, he is liable to be taken in over
them. Consequently he fights shy of oils,
and takes to water colors, or col
lects rare old prints and valuable
etchings. Onr business tells us that
etchings are the sort of pictures which
Pittsburg people like best Mr. Phipps
has a fine collection of etchings and also
some very valuable 'first proofs' of old
prints. There are some really vriceless
'first proofs' from Landseer's pictures in
East End private houses."
In another salesroom the disagreeable in
formation was obtained that oil painting is
on the decline, in Pttsburg. "We have
scarely any rising young artists," said the
gentleman who gave this opinion. "I sup
pose the reason is that we have no market
for oils. Your rich people have been too
often taken in by apochryphal Bubens and
Grenze's, which the London market turns
out at so much a gross, that they have
grown wary. It was formerly a paying bus
iness to copy old masters and sell tbem to
credulous Americans as the 'real thing'.
"Nojv, however, the Americans are no
longer credulous, and the trade is going
down. Water colors are holding their own
here. A promising artist in that line is
Mr. Miller, whose picture, 'High and Dry,"
is, in its way, quite a remarkable study."
Asked concerning- Millet's "L'Angelus "
about which such a pother was made in the
papers, a well-known picture dealer said:
"L'Angelus has been a distinct failure as an
engraving. It has no sale worth talking
All the dealers agree in saying that the
taste of tbe Pittsburg lady artists lies in
crayon sketches. Some very pleasing crayon
effects have been produced, and studies in
sepia are also fashionable.. But as for oil
paintings the dealers maintain that there is
no sale for themjiere. If this be true Pitts
burg wielders of the brush and pallet should
send their works farther afield.
Regimental Asaoclatlons Conclude Arrange,
menta for the Trip.
The survivors of the One Hundred and
Second Pennsylvania Volunteers met in the
Washington Infantry armory, Old City
Hall,last night, to complete arrangements for
the proposed journey to Gettysburg, Captain
Duval took the chair. It was decided that
the reeiment should leave by the Baltimore
and Ohio Bailroadat 8 a. h., Monuay, Sep
tember 9. The members will assemble at 9
o'clock at the Baltimore and Ohio depot,
corner ui ouiituueiu anu tv ater streets.
Colonel James Patchell will be in com
mand of tbe regiment, and Captain J.
Bishop has been selected' to represent it on
the Brigadier General's staff. Every mem
ber desirous of attending should notify
Secretary Bowley at the County Commis
sioners' office.
The One Hundred and Fifty-filth Penn
sylvania Begiinent of Zouaves met in Com
mon Council chamber last night, Colonel J.
H. Ewing in the chair. City Clerk George
Booth reported that the monument at Get
tysburg had been set up as designed. It
was agreed that the regiment should assem-
Mo T.lHl TPnnnr! Tnn nn a mnninM
of September 11. Colonel E. J. Allen is
to be the poet of the occasion.
General A. L. 1'earson will act as orator
and historian. Colonel J. A. Cain is to be
marshal of the regiment, with Major George
F. Morgan, of Chicago, as assistant
The Sixty-second Regimental Association
met in City Hall last night, and agreed to
go in a body to Gettysburg on Thursday
morning next, at 10 o'clock by the Pennsyl
vania Bailroad. Any member going by
the Baltimore and Ohio can meet
the regiment at the Court House,
Gettysburg, and proceed thence to the
monument in the "wheat field." All who
desire quarters should apply to Captain W.
J. Patterson or Lieutenant" Seibert before
September 5.
The Sixty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers
held a meeting in Select Council chamber
last night, and settled their plans for the
Gettysburg trip.
Funeral of Fonr of the Victims Will
Held To-Day.
John Lewis' and William Fagan, two Of
the men injured by the accident in the
Homestead Steel Works on Friday, died
yesterdaymaking four dead in all.
The dead men will be buried to-morrow.
It is expected that Homestead will turn out
en masse, andvot only show the sympathy
it has with the victims, but with the rela
tives and friends who have been so suddenly
Three of the men injured in the explosion
at Carnegie, Phipps & Co.'s mill, at Home
stead, were brought to the Mercy Hospital
yesterday. One of them, Joseph Durkes,
aeed about 25 years, is badly burned about
tbe back, arms, face, neck, abdomen and
chest. His chances for recovering are not
of the best. Another named 'Michael D.
Zerke, aged 32, a Hungarian, whose back,
chest and legs were burned, may recover.
Stephen Christ is burned on the arms and
legsbut will recover.
Police Gourd for the Casta.
Captain Mercer and several officers were
called into service yesterday afternoon to
fuard 52,000 which accompanied Booth &
'lynn's paymaster, when he paid off the
A'lJUU B f... J U.i.a.V., "1 .. ..W 1SM. 1.4
worker emnloved on the pradfne and lav. I
?atw fh wBawt tw!l,iM5!
: : , .& P-J -a .... 7 ., im
r''. -.mm mmimmmm . j... JM
J - -
; i " " , - 1 .j?
1 Kr Wl . WM
Being" a Weif-'Eariied jribFlr PIm
txm6 on tb Fart of
Medieval and Besr Styta:
There ha lost bees received bv 3(r.
furniture store. Pean avenne ad Itmjk street,
tnre wmen ne nas naa speewuiy ussifiiea w graee in asitn in hm tmu
These sets, for novelty, originality awl, exquisite deatgavlMV; act feat
anything in the' line of art fsraitvae sees is. PiMabarg. ' r -
Worthy ot fintraentlen. acaosetfcem are the newler tmd bdjo sal
bod v- the verv.hfoheit ideal ln'saedera
many marked excellences of, desigB,eraomantoMon'aad rMt Material nspleyesti
deserving of critical notlee and study, The parlor samioisishi of serstu fisrgk
various designs, sola ana aivaa, all rieniy
! T 1 t J ! 1 1 At
iicneu oy uecp innse almost sweeting toe
seat and back of a distinct orieiaal desica
in this set are the chimney pieee,tablejcabinet
And is illustrative of the French sehool of
nent features or which are novelty; elegance, grace, deKeaey or ftaey ac SMgalarS.
All the forms and outlines are lieht and eracefal without fee sense of gjesifimmj w
cunty, and the faithful copying of nature ia the exquisite Serai, carvings sad isthgwaaa '
altogether charming. The materials employed are white mabo&Mj from. BnMiTkmi Wilt j
inula satlnwooa, which, irom their nne texture, exquisitely aeueate color aa mimical-,
The bedstead is of medium height, the
room without sacrificing symmetry.ornarmony. xfie dominant features are taeiarae,
nan-cycle panels, enncnea Dy graeemi forms or newers aaa loliage la beoi wark,
auisite inlay formed of brass.coiroer. mother-of-pearl and Brecjoas woods, of mesttf
workmanship. Above the panels is a frieze
ana ioiibes in most aeiicaie sua intricate carymsr. j.us pcraie, urac.e w, nan aan man
are also delicatelv carved and inlaid. The inside of the lower head and feet aaaels
side rails are upholstered in pale rose-colored
lUHueutaDU luxury.
The dresser and commode, also of fine
the front bein? cnrverL and ton'of satinwood.
glass-standard is very rich in carving and
a large ovai, oevpiea-piate mirror. - .' '
The mantel and its cabinet is a marvel of beauty and rich wprkmaaship, ia perfcef
harmony with the furniture here described, and is fitted with facings of taoali. or Menfcaa
onyx, and hearth of the same precious material of pale sapphire tint.
These exquisite suites may be seen in Mr. Pickering's great store, Benn avesae aad.Tewk
street, after which date they will be removed to his stand in the Exposition baildiae, Tkf
stand is in the gallery of the main Exposition building, next to the Art Gallery, oa fcW
side of the building nearest to Duqnesne way. Taken with the remainder of his exhibit, H
is safe to sav that Mr. Pickering's enterprise in procuring these matchless suites will easily
place his display far in advance of anv other. He will show a complete ine of faraiwre.
in all grades, from the simplest and leasj expensive to tne most pretentious and costly, m.
a manner creditable to his business enterprise and calculated to form one of fee meet at
tractive features of Pittsburg's Exposition.
Hit!!!! lllllfftllSremBIHOmtFOL S!US'
Corner Tenth Street and Penn Avenuer
u WS
GUN WA, An Educated Chinese Physioian,
who cannot under the American laws practice medicine, has a line of prepared'
Chinese herb and vegetable specifics for the cure of various diseases, which he sells -for
a small sum. They are quick to act, perfectly harmless, pleasant to take and .
never fail to cure. Among the diseases which these remedies quickly cure are. Can
cer, Tumors, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Female Weakness, Paralysis, Bron?
chitis and Lung- Troubles and all Blood and Chronic Diseases.
not practice medicine. A friendly talk costs nothing. If you cannot call write to
Gun Wa, Inclosing 4c stamps, for a history of his life or a circular on Cancer,
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Tapeworm, or his book (for men
only) on private and nervous diseases.
or tell you In all kindness that he cannot, but all of the above mentioned trouble
which Gun Wa calls "AMERICAN DISEASES" (they having been mastered
and eliminated in his country) quickly and permanently yield to these Nature's
Cures, which are the result of thousands of years of research and study- In the home
of Confucius and are considered positive specifics among th,e upper and educated
classes iu the Celestial Empire.
THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS are sent daily to Gun Wa, whose cel
ebrated Chinese Vegetable Medicines are recognized the world over by their healing
and life-giving qualities. They are mads of rare medicinal herbs, imported from
China for this sole puroose, and are not in use nor known to any physician fn the
United States. Gun Wa is not allowed to practice his profession nor to visit the .
sick, as his limited knowledge of the English language prevents his graduating in ,
any of the American colleges of medicine. He has, however, a merchant's privilege .
to sell his remedies. Call in and see his handsome oriental parlors at 940 Penn ave
nue, and have a pleasant Interview with the famous doctor. The consultation wilt
be FREE, and the medicines are sold very low.
OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 12 A. M., I to 5 P, M., 7 to 9P.M.
The doctor has several parlors yon will sea him privately. arca-li-wsu (
A fine, Urge crayon portrait IB 60s see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinet. 18 and
1 fg 60 per dosea. , PKQMPT DXLIYJEB&
I " i. ' ,ysr .M S
One of Oar Mftixhaaiiv
Iforttrated In Carving and taftjg, .
Mmcms Fiefcerla. MmMh C ttt
the wouderfWHy btMrttMl Mis t
art of hoaM fbumiAfawr oWararl
upaoisea tsttBe mom iummm
& J- 1 JS . M
qarpet,SBU rovvrou. wim vrasvua
and a real work f art. Otfaer b
asd mtgsttseeBtf pedertafJa teas imimfh
Ig YALpEB AT f2,IX ,
design of-the eighteenth eaatarr. W
footboard low enough to allow a view el" i
hung with festoons sad garlands of iawtm
satin thickly tufted, imparting aa air of re-
nroTJOrtions. are elaberatelv oarred aa --"
inlaid with brass aad smther-af-Baa!? 'Vka
inlay, between the nprigh posts M wniek n in liif"!
A "V
We want an agent In every town and city to f
sell a popular and low-priced book that goss
like '"hot calces" and sells at sight. Sample book
with special price list and terms to azeats sent
for 10c stamps or stiver. Territory aubtned to'
previous training needed. Laolesardboiseaa '
IT. A. QILEERT A. CO.. Pablif hers
-r a a
W !
anlS4i-sa y Bags gam. V V
-TC .JOr.
&- &&&&mmm&mx2m&mii!bfa2tBisSu .'-:isi2tfft-:m;i