Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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: 6
leading Features of the Pres
ent Base Ball Season.
.Reasons Why the Double Umpire
System May be Adopted.
Opinions Ee?arding the Unexpected Defeat
of the Nonpareil.
The fact that the local ball club will start
on its last trip East to-day reminds us that
the baseball season of 1889 is fast nearing
its close. It just seems a few days since
Anson and his team opened up the season
here, and yet many very important events
have happened In the baseball world since
then. Of coarse there is yet plenty of time
. for even more important things to happen
before the season closes. However, so far
the season will be remembered for one or
two features that have made it prominent.
None of us will forget the very wonderful
fight that a young club like Cleveland has
made from the first day that the season
commenced; none of us will forget the very
close and exciting struggles there have up
to now been going on for positions
right from sixth place to the top
of the list. These are two features
tbat will undoubtedly attract national atten
tion, bat what is of more interest to the citi
zens of this locality is tbe part Pittsburg's club
has played. There is yet hope for that club to
take a very creditable place, but qertalnly
chances are against it However, it may be safe
to say that this has been the most eventful sea
son in the history of the local club. When
everything is considered one cannot bntfeel
surprised at the club's standing so well to-day
as it does, l'robably no team of a leadinz kind
has had more difficulties to contend with than
the Pittsburg team has had this season. Some
of these difficulties may to some extent have
been self imposed, and this would suggest to us
that they ought to teach a lesson as to prevent
ing a repetition next season. There is no deny
ing the fact that many of the players were far
from being in good condition when the season
opened. Circumstances have proven tbat
one of the most important things in aball team
is to have its members in good form. l'robably
one of tbe best illustrations of the truth of
this statement Is the present condition and
work of Ed Williamson. An extraordinary
transformation has tahen place in the work of
that once brilliant performer since last season.
The cause is easily found. He is considerably
too big and no more fit to play ball than to run
a 20-mile race. True his leg is yet weak to
some extent, but when a ball comes in front of
him be cannot stoon to get it. Williamson's
case then shows conclusively that every man
ager and omcial of a team should by all means
see to the condition of the players before the
season starts. There are numerous methods of
conditioning men and also of testing whether
or not they are in good condition. Perhaps it
would not be a bad idea to keep every player,
who does not report in condition, suspended
until he is all right
Some General Features.
The season so far has taught us some general
lessons. One is that the donble umpire system
must sooner or later be uniformly adopted.
Probably one of the best reasons for this is the
fact that in all tbe most vital contests Presi
dent Young details two umpires to them. Bos
ton and New York, and even Boston and Phila
delphia, have had this system to guide them.
Surely this means that in tbe opinion of the
League President two umpires are more relia
ble than one. If this is so, why should there
cot be two at every League game. Every
game Is of importance to the teams directly in
terested. A team fighting for sixth, fifth or
fourth place has jut as much right to receive
all the protection that is afforded to a club
righting for first place. I am inclined to think
that the League will adopt the donble
umpire system next season. So far one of tbe
strongest arguments urged against itsadoption
has been its expense. I submit that this is
hardly worth tbe name of an argument The
expense is almost infinitesimal when :t is scat
tered among all the eight clubs of the League.
Another impottant feature that has been made
prominent during the season has been the
classification rule. That rule has met with
vcrv powerful and very intelligent opposition,
audi venture to say tbat there will be some
modification of it next season.
The Great Struggle.
People who like to see neck and neck races
and every muscle and device used by contest
ants to get into first place, certainly have had
their hearts' fill in the League pennant race.
Nobody could reasonably wish for a better
struggle than Boston and New York are making
for first place. Each club is straining itself to the
greatest possible limitand all America seems to
be brimful of excitement over the keen contest
Boston still holds command, but tbe Giants are
pressing so closely that we may set it down as a
case of wbo cracks first" Although New
York is slightly behind I am still inclined to
favor her chances, providing she makes no
more bad breaks. Bostons' chances almost en
tirely depend on Clarkson, and if he can hold
out at tbe present gait until tbe end of the sea
son he will be cine of the most wonderful
pitchers the profession has seen. The chance;
are against turn, however, because the club will
be away from home during tbe last two weeks
of the season, and the Western teams are all
in verv good condition. On tbe other hand
New York has two good pitchers who are first
class, and for a third Crane is a very formid
able man. Badbourne has not shown himself
-as reliable as either Crane or Welch and
this increases t n e chances of New York. Of late
however. New York's defeats have almost been
as much the result of poor fielding and batting
as ineffective pitching. Considering the abili
ties of the New York's players some of the late
games have been ridiculous.- If they could
once get into their excellent line of playing
and keep there, I really don't see how Boston
or any other team can beattbem. Another in
teresting question is: Will Chicago iinish ahead
of Philadelphia? It looks as if the answer
would be in the affirmative, because Philadel
phia, like other Eastern clubs, will finish tbe
season away from home. However, the East
ern trip of tbe Western clubs will almost settle
the question. It also seems as if Pittsburg
was destined to overhaul Cleveland. The lat
ter, although losing, is fighting like a game ter
rier. No team has a picnic with the Babies,
and if Pittsburg gets ahead of them it will
have to be by good playing.
Tbe Dempsey-Mnrine Bntllp.
The great sporting event of the week has
been tbe fight between Jack Dempsey and
George Le Blanche, tbe Marine. I venture to
say that almost everybody Interested in sport
ing matters at all took an interest in that con
test Probably no pugilist of modern tunes
is better known and has a larger following than
Dempsey. His engagements with variety shows
have taken him into almost evoy city in
America, and his remarkable career as a pugi-
list as far as victories were concerned, all
tended to make him a lion of tbe age.
This great popularity caused many thousands
to be interested in the battle. However, while
so many were interested in the affair becanse
of Dempsey's popularity the result was looked
upon as a foregone conclusion. Few people
could even dream of Dempsey being beaten,
and so this tended to tame all excitement rela
tive to the fight Tbe hero of SO fights, how
ever, was vanquished, and then everybody be
came astounded. The surprise was a great one
and I dare say that the majority of people have
not gotten over it yet Among many thousands
more I was surprised, and I am frank enough
to say tbat I thought Dempsey was able to de
feat a man like -the Marine." However, read
ers of The Dispatch have for a longtime
been well aware of my opinion nf Dempsey as
an effective pugilist When he was in this city
and when he had his affair with McCaffrey I at
come length contended tbat Dempsey was an
overrated man. I don't think that anybody
who knows anything about time fighting will
run Le Blanche first class, lie is a plucky fel
low and can take wbat the sporting fraternity
calls "bis gruel" as good as anybody, but when
in the presence of. a clever man who can hit
hard Le Blanche would soon get gruel enough
to drown film.
Feature of tbe Fight.
Numerous theories have been advanced re
garding how Le Blanche managed to defeat
Dempeey. Tbe prevailing notion seems to be
that a chance blow did it Dempsey is emphat
ically of this opinion, and, therefore, every
member of his large following may be expected
to repeat the same opinion. Dempsey states
that he was making a waiting fight of it, and
that 'he had the Marine almost settled. We
shall see that this is scarcely correct He fur
ther states tbat he saw the fatal blow coming,
and couldn't escape it On the other hand, Le
Blanche claims that it was no chance blow at
all. He states that he knew bow he had
Dempey. and that he, Le Blanche, was as
strong as ever, and was only waiting an oppor
tunity to get home a blow such as he delivered.
Here are the two statements in brief, and
whicn one are wo to believer Ihavealwajs
been exceedingly cautious in coming to a
"chance-blow" conclusion. Of course 1 am
aware that chance blows have turned tbe tide
in tbe most unexpected manner. One of tbe
most notable was tbat of Tom King when he
knocked Mace out But that was a
real chance blow, because Mace's acci
dentally slipping down aided King's
terrific swing to get home more than
anything else; in fact if Mace hadnot slipped the
blow would not have hit him at all. The facts
of the Dempsey-Marine affair are not so plain.
I am firmly convlncedthat taking Le Blanche's
rushing tactics into consideration, he was on
the look but forsuch a blow from start to finish.
I am further of opinion that Dempsey's momen
tary carelessness gave Le Blanche that oppor
tunity, vhjch he speedily availed himself or.
That was almost the only effective blow struck
during the entire battle, and if Dempsey could
have commanded tbe hitting power possessed
by Le Blanche, it is sale to say tbat the latter
wonld have been floored long ere the thirty
second round was reached. Dempsey's great
defect is. nis weak bitting. This, in my esti
mation, will keep him flora ranking among tbe
best men of his weight who have been cham
pions. His modern style of boxing may have
something to do with this, bnt there is not
space to argue that at present That he is one
of the weakest hitters who have been cham
pions there seems to be no doubt The accounts
ot tne battle ten us aDout nis -rawing uions
on Le Blanche's neck, face and body.
Tbe showers of blows evidently
had little effect because Le
Blanche bad evidently as much strength in
the thirty-second round as he had at any time
of the fight Undoubtedly had the fight been
for points Dempsey would have been the
easiest of winners. He at least gave the Ma
rine 100 per cent interest for every blow re
ceived, but tbe Marine was playing a game,and
that was one of rushing. Had Dempsey been
an effective pugilist this very game of rushing
ought to have helped him to soon knock the
wind ont of the rnsber. Dozens of middle
weights have lived who would have finished Le
Blanche in short order, and yet time and time
again we have been told that Dempsey was the
'greatest pugilist of his weight tnat ever
lived." Nonsensel His record cannot in any
way compare with that of Tom Belcher, who
lived in even snch a remote time as the early
part of this century. But when Dempsey
conld not finish Le Blanche in 32 three-minute
rounds, what in tbe name of common sense
would he have done had Mitchell been in front
of him? He aspired to fight Mitchell, and it
would ha e been better for him and his reputa
tion to hare been beaten by the Englishman
than by a man liEe Le Blanche. Certainly the
rules favored the latter, and had tbe latter
been under prize ring rules the result would
probablj have been different Dempsey is not
a Sullivan, and, therefore, ought on all pos
sible occasions to fight under prize ring rules.
Will They Fight Again
I am thoroughly of opinion that Demp
sey would undergo any ordeal to fight Le
Blanche again. Nobody knows the great loss
that defeat has entailed upon him better than
Dempsey himself. Before the fight he had
everything to lose: now he has everything to
gain. If Le Blanche is willing there certainly
will be another battle, and if there is and both
men are in good condition I think I shall again
stand pat on Dempsey. I am anxious to be
lieve that he is a superior man to Le Blanche;
if he is not he has been sailing under false
colors for a long time. But it is a question as
to whether or not Le Blanche will be in a hurry
to fight again. He is now what may be termed
"the boss," and he probably will take
his own time in arranging another
contest He is now in a position to do
the show the business jnst as profitably as did
Dempsey. During the fall and winter Le
Blanche can be the "lion of the day" and haul
'in the shekels. If be is a shrewd business man
he'll do this. Dempsey probably never made a
greater mistake in his life than meeting Le
Blanche the second time. He, Dempsey, had
won all tbe glory possible in his class, and
conld reasonabl) have retired from the arena.
He is now a defeated man, and he will discover
that his loss will be much more than the few
thousand dollars offered bv the California
club. But defeat may teach Dempsey a lesson.
It may prompt him to take more care of him
self m future, that is, if he intends to fight
O'Connor and Senile.
Before two Sundays pais away we shall know
whetberjor not the Australians.orthe Canadians
have the champion sculler of the world. On
the 6th O'Connor and Searle will row their
race on tbe Thames, England. The event is
creating the greatest possible interest in this
country, Australia, Canada and England. So
far, when writing about this race, I have with
held any definite opinion as to the result Now
tbat the race is so close at hand the winner
seems as difficult to pick as ever. During the
last few days advices from England state that
O'Connor bad rowed a trial over tbe champion
ship course, beating all previous recorus. Now.
while it may be true that he has rowed the
four miles and three fnrlongs in 22 minutes,
16 seconds, it does not prove that he is tbe
best man who ever rowed over the course.
The time test on the Thames Is one of the most
misleading guides tbat any man can follow, I
can easily prove tills. For a time the "best on
record" on the Thames nu held by George
Tarryer, but he was easily beaten Sn a match by
llliam Elliott when the latter was not at Ills
best Americans know what Klliott was at his
best lie was a third rate man here. Charles
Brljthtwell took the record mark from Tarry ei,
and covered the conrse two or three seconds
slower than O'Connor is reported to have
done. But Brlghtwell was at best only a
second rate sculler compared with a man like Bu
bcar. Itlsafact thcrelore, that two Of the best
records made on the Thames course were made by
scullers who were away behind Ten Eyck, Hos
mer, Bubear, Elliott and men of that class. So
much for the time test It must be remembered
that the Thames ebbs and flows and that the races
are rowed when the tide is flowing, bomctlmei
the current is exceedingly strong, and at otber
times it is comparatively slow. This accounts
for inferior men making good records. However,
there is no doubt In my mind bat what O'Connor
Is rowlog In great form. Ills -record at any rate
shows that he has speed, and I wilt be disappointed
lrbe does not out-stay hearle. The latter Is, un
doubtedly, a speedy rower, but O'Connor's mile
and a half at ashlngton last year proves that he
also has speed of a nrst-class kind. Beside I am
fully convinced that the party who has O'Connor
know tbat thev have a better sculler than ever
Hanlan was, and Hanlan. when at his best was a
wonder. With these facts in view, I am forced to
the conclusion that O'Connor will defeat bearle
on the 6th. The betting will be heavy and the
odds lively on Searle because of the large amount
of money there is behind htm.
flanlan to the Front.
Banian is again eater to get into harness before
the snow flies. Hchas declared his willingness
to row the winner of the Teemer-Gaudanr race,
and doubtless the Canadian will be accommodat
ed. Certainly, whether Teemer defeats Gaudaur
or not. he will row Banian, and It Is safe to say
tbat Gaudaur will be just as ready to tackle the
veteran. I don't see how Hanlan could manage
to defeat 1 eemer, and if Gaudaur Is the lattcr's
superior he can certainly beat Hanlan. However,
the result of the Tecmcr-Gaudaur race will give
ns to understand more definitely about the mat
ter. Gaudaur, accompanied by Hainm, will be
seen on the JMcliecsport course this week, and
presume cpeculatlon will at once com
mence on tbe race. It promises to be
an exciting affair and both rowers
will llkely.be in excellent condition. The course
will be new to Gaudaur, but eight or ten days'
rowing over It ought to give him a clear Idea
about it Next week I shall have something
d-finite to say about It. At present the prospects
are for a ver large crowd. There will be every
accommodation for those who want to seethe
race from start to finish, as plenty of steamers
have been chartered.
Increase of Runners.
I don't think there Is anything more surprising
In the sporting world than the way in which the
number of running horses and running races
have Increased during the last four or five years.
The development or this wealthy and exciting
sport has been wonderful. No better proof of this
statement Is needed than a glance at the"Monthly
Turf Guide" of Goodwin Bros. The last num
ber was just as Urge as tbat firm's
Annual In 16S4 I may mention at tbls Juncture
that the Monthly Guide has heretofore been sold
at So cents per copy, and any man with common
sense, looking at the last number, with its 500
pages, must know that it cannot he published at
that figure. Goodwin Bros, write me tbat they
have been compelled to increase the price of their
monthly because of its g.'jwlng size. Nobody
will wonder at this, because where there was only
one horse and one race to tell about a few years
ago, now tberr are dozens. The Guide must keep
pace with the aeveloplng sport. All tbis proves
that running races are fast becoming as popular
in America as in any other country.
Fixed tbe Date.
Loxoosr, August 3L Copyright Septem
ber Ik about 2 o'clock, has been fixed for the
race between Scullers O'Connor and Searle.
But very little interest is shown at present out
side of the circle of rowing men. who are al
ways on the towing path when a good race is in
preparation. Both men are well, and both are
doing good practice, but odds are in favor of
Searle, probably from tbe fact that be bas
beaten Beach, the late champion. All amateur
critics, however, are loud in their praise of
O'Connor's magnificent style, and his victory
would bo popular.
Toronto Won.
BraGETTSTOWS. August 8L The Toronto
club defeated the Burgettstown club today on
ine latter a grounds, ncore, .u. lo.u,
The Home Team Fails to Win One of
the Two.
Stalej Eapped Hard and'Galrin EelieTea
Sowders With Bad .Results.
General Baseball Sews of the Day Besnlts of Associa
tion Garnet
There were two games between the home
team and the Chicagos yesterday. The vis
itors won one, and the other, which lasted
13 innings, was a tie. New York and Bos
ton also played a tie. Columbus again beat
St Louis, which puts Brooklyn almost even
with the Association champions.
The 3,500 people who went to Becreation
Park yesterday afternoon certainly had
their money's worth as far as a good supply
of ball playing. Had the twilight 'not in
terfered the argument between old man
Anson's delegation and the home talent
might have been going on yet. About five
hours of solid playing is without doubt
sufficient return for even the high prices of
the League. No cranks of any degree can
well kick at that "Well, that's whaPHhere
was yesterday afternoon, and one of the en
counters had to be declared a draw at that
Beside the quantity there was lots of fun,
but the latter was somewhat marred by the
fact that the first game was easily won by
the visitors, and they tied the second when
the odds were at least S or 6 to 1 against them.
The majority of the people present went to
the game fully convinced that the home play
ers would take both games, and it sounded like
treason to venture the opinion that they would
get none. However, not a game was won.
Many people came away from the grounds
thinking it lucky that both hid not been lost
There maybe a little in the fact that the re
sults were not as bad as they might have been.
But really the home team should have won
one game. Of course there was no show
at all to get the first, as Staley was just the
kind of gentleman tbe Chicagos were looking
for. The second game, however, was like one
of those thines that one thinks he has safely
locked in his bureau and it gets through tbe
keyhole. The game certainly looked as safe as
wheat in the mill even at the last inningLbut,
alas! the unexpected turned up and cheers
were suddenly transformed into moans. The
causes of not winning the second game will be
recorded later on.
. The first contest was almost entirely devoid
of interest Not a cbcer was heard, and
laughter seemed to be at a preminm. The vis
itors took such a big lead at tbe offset that tbe
balance of the game was too one-sided to be
worth looking at Staley was thumped all
over the lot, while little Dwyer proved quite a
tough customer for the home players. They
could do little or nothing with him. The rec
ords show that Hanlon made a three-bagger off
his delivery, but it was a very seedy three
bagger indeed. The sun was sending its rayB
strongly into right field, and any files that
were knocked there were almost as good as
safe hits. Anson, In the first inning, made a
vo-bagger because of this condition of
things. Miller couldn't see the ball, and
Hanlon's fly was one of tbe easiest to
catch that anybody could wish. But Duffy
couldn't see tbe ball, and it dropped in front of
him. Dwyer pitched a strong and effective
fime, and be was one cause of defeat and
taley's ineffective pitching the other.
In the first inning, after Ryan was out. Van
Haltren got his base bn balls but was forced
out at second by Duffy's short grounder.
Duffy stole second aided by Carroll's wild
throw. Anson's two-bagger then sent Duffy
borne. After two men were Out in the second
inning Burns made a single and stole second
on a passed balk Dwyer then made a scratch
hit and Ryan's single sent Burns home. Three
singles in rapid succession by Van Haltren,
Duffy and Anson in the third, a sacrifice by
Pf effer, and a passed ball and Burns' sacrifice
sent in three more runs in the third.
In the fourth Staley was battered hard. Ryan
led off with a two-bagger to left and scored on
Van Haltren's single. Tbe latter stole second
and scored on Duffy's triple. Anson's sacrifice
sent Duffy across the plate. Stalsy now settled
down and pitched in his best form until the
eighth inning, when Ryan hit him for three
bases afier two men were out Van Haltren
made a single and Ryan scored.
Tbe only run of the home players was earned
in the second inning Carroll led off with a
single to center and scored on tbe Deacon's
long two-bagger over Ryan's head.
The second game was one of the singular
Kind, and doubtless hundreds of spectators are
of opinion that a change of pitchers was the
cause of the home team not winning it It is
true that Sowderp was taken out of the box at
a time when nobody had expected it He
pitchedto tbe close of the sixth inning, and tbe
score then was 8 to 5 in favor of the home team.
Only six hits had been made off his delivery.
But in the sixth inning he gave the two first
men at bat their bases on balls and made a
wild pitch. Both men scored, and this may
have led Manager Hanlon to believe that ho
was becoming unsteady. At any rate, Qalvin
was put in, and the change resulted In the vis
itors scoring twice in the seventh inning and
fonr times in the ninth. Thus six runs were
made off Galvin in three innings, while only
five were made off Sowders in six. The general
opinion seemed to be tbat Sowders ought to
have remained in the box.
The game, however, was a lively one, and old
man Anson once or twice got down to some real
earnest kicking. At timeStbere was some
merry slugging, which kept up the spirits of
the lovers of old time ball playing. Miller was
also fined S3 during tbe game for the perform
ance of a trick that fooled Mr. Ffeffer. Galvin
was on third and Hanlon on first Miller was
coaching Galvin. and when Hanlon started to
steal second. Miller started to run toward the
plate. Ffeffer thought it was Galvin and let
Hanlon gi. Pfeffer, however, discovered tbe
trick before be tbrew the ball, bnt Hanlon was
safe. 'Til fine j ou $5," j elled Umpire Lynch.
'Til pay that fine," shouted a gentleman from
a private box.
The first inning was a stunner for the home
players. They started out as if they were going
to knock long John Tener completely out of
the park. The ball was kept flying in all direc
tions. Hanlon started off with a double down
the left foal line. Rowe made a single to cen
ter, Beckley and Carroll each another to right,
and Fields banged another to center. All this
hitting combined with a f nmble by Duffy and a
passed ball sent in four runs. A sacrifice bit
each bv White and Miller sent Fields home.
Then Kuehne knocked tbe ball into deep cen
ter for two bases. Willie tried to make three
on it bnt was nabbed. This was cheering, and
everybody rubbvd their hands and laughed.
In the third inning the visitors scored two
runs, a base on balls. a,two-base hit, a sacrifice
and a single. In tbe next inning Miller's two
bagger and two sacrifices earned a run for the
home team.
The visitors made anbther in the fifth on two
parsed balls, a single and a wild throw.
The home players again found tbe ball in the
sixth. Fields led off with a single to left and
White made a donble to right A wild throw
by Farrell sent Fields home andWhite reached
third. The latter scored on Kuehne's long fly
to Ryan. For the visitors Ffeffer and William
son each got their base on balls, and a wild
nitch advanced them to third and second. The
next two men flew out to Hanlon, and then
John Tener banged ont a long single to left,
and both runners crossed the plate.
Sowders was then retired, and Old Sport Gal
vin went in to pitch. Van Haltren at once
touched him up for a good single to left and
Duffy's sacrifice sent Van to second. Anson
got his base on balls, and a sacrifice by Ffeffer
advanced each man a base, and Anson stole
second. Williamson then made a single to
left and both men scored.
The score was 8 to 7 in favor of the home
players when tbe ninth inning opened. Galvin
led off and made a two-bagger amid cheers.
Hanlon then got first on a fumble by Anson.and
stole second. Rowe struck out and Beckley
thumped the ball to the right field fence for
three oases. A sacrifice by Carroll sent Beckley
home with the third rnn. This made tbe home
team four runs ahead of the visitors and vic
tory looked certain. However the first four
men at bat for the visitors banged the ball
away tor long singles each, two of the men
scoring. A sacrifice bit rent the otber two to
third and second. Farrell's single sent in the
two runs, which tied tbe score, amid a painful
For fonr innings more the game continued.
neither team coming near
scoring, isoin
Jpitcbers did well and.a.Ib.eend lof the tUr -
teenth inning the game was called on account
of darkness. Following are the scores:
Hanlon, m.. p
Rowe, s 0
Beckley, 1.. 0
Carroll, c... 1
fields, 1. ... 0
White, 8... 0
Miller. r,.,.. 0
Kuehne, 2... 0
Galvin, p.... 0
1 2
0 1
2 10
3 2
0 1
1 3
0 1
0 a
1 l
VinHlltB I
Duffy, r....
Anson, j..
Pfeffer. 2.
uarunir, c.
Burns, i
Dwyer, p...
Total 1 8 24 II 1
9 IS 27 10 2
Plttshnrgs 0 100000001
Chicagos. A I 1310001'- 9
Earned runs -Pittsburg, l: Chicago; 6.
Two-base bits Anson, White. Bran, Carroll.
Three-base hits-Duffy, Hanlon, Bran.
Total bases onbits Pittsburg, 12; Chicago, XL
Sacrifice hits Anson. Pfeffer. Burns.
Stolen bases Van Haltren, Duffy. Burns.
Double plays Kyan and Pfeffer; Williamson
and Anson. ,
First base on errors-PIttsburgs.1 ; Chicagos, p.
First base on balls Fields, Miller, VanBat
tren, Williamson.
btruck out-Pfeffer. Darling.
Passed balls Carrolk 2; Darling, 1.
Left on bases-PItfburgs, 4: Chicagos. .
Time of game One hour and 45 minutes.
Umpire Lynch.
Ryan.m 2 2 2 1 c
VanH'tn.1.. 2 2 S 0 0
Duffy, r 13 3 0 1
Anson, 1.... 2 2 14 2 2
Pfefler. 2.... 2 1 S 0
WllU'm'n, s 1 0 1 0
Farrell, c... 0 2 3 0 1
Burns: 3.. .. 0 0 5 3 0
Hanlon, m.. 2
Rowe.6 1
Uecklev, 1... 2
Carroll, c... 1
Hclds, !..... 2
White, 3..... 1
Miller, r..... 1
Kuehne, 2... 0
Sowders. p.. 0
Galvin, p.... 1
t 7
1 1
2 19
1 4
Tener, p 1 1 1 S 0
Totals ...il 13 5 23 1
.11 13 39 21 1
Plttsburgs. ....5
Chicagos 0
0 0
0 2 0 0
0 0 0 0-11
12 2 0
0 0 0 0-lt
rgpnort ran, PlttshnrcsfL Chlcaros 6.
Two-base hlts-Hanlon, White, Miller, Kuehne,
Galvin, Kyan.
Three-base hlt-Bcckley.
Total bases on hits-Plttsburgs2H Chicagos 14.
Sacrifice hits Carroll, White 2, Milcr, Kuehne
2, Sowders, Van HaltrenDuffy, Pfefler, M.llllam
sou. '
Stolen bases Hanlon, Duffy, Anson.
First base on errors Plttsburgs 2. Chicagos 1.
First base on balls Off Tener: Carroll, Miller:
of Sowders: Pfeffer, Williamson, Burns; off
Galviu: Anson.
Struck out By Tener: Bowe, Carroll, Fields:
by Sowders: Byan. Pfeffer, Van Haltren, Will
iamson; by Galvin: Byan, Duffy. Williamson,
Tener. -
Wild pitch Sowders.
Passed balls Farrell 1, Carroll 2.
Left on bases Plttsburgs 5, Cblcagos S.
Time of game Two hours and 30 minutes.
Umpire Lynch.
The Cape May VontbVery Erratic nt Wnk
Washin gt6n, August 31. Yonng Day, the
Cape May pitcher, recently signed by the Phil
adelphia club, was c;iven another trial to-day,
and his wildness in tbe first and fourth innings
contributed largely to tbe visitors' defeat In
tbe first inning he gave five bases on balls,
which with a base bit and Hallman's error,
gave tbe Senators six runs. In the third Inning
two bases on Sails, two singles, a -very stupid
error by Day, who mistaking Beecber for a
.Philadelphia player, tbrew the ball to the lat
ter, who promptly let it pass him, and three
runs were scored before the ball had been re
covered. Day retired in this inning in favor
of Sanders, who was qnlte effective, but he
also left tbe box in the seventh inning in favor
of Fogarty, who finished the game. Score:
Wise, 2..
Wood, 1 2
Sbrlver, e... 1
Myers. 2.... 1
Deleh'ty.r.. 0
Mulvey, 3... 0
Day, p 0
Fcgarty.mp 2
Farrar, 1.... 3
Hallman. s.. 1
1 2
3 2
1 2
2 1
2 2
0 0
3 1
2 14
1 2
0 0
0 0
Wiimot. 1... 1
Beechcr,. r . 0
A.lrwln,s. . 3
J. Irwin, 3.. 4
Mack, c 2
Dally. l..i . 0
Haddock, p. 2
banders; pm 0
Totals 15112713 0
Totals 10 15 27 14 8
60420021 015
Philadelphlas. 1 3 0 2 2 0 11 0-10
Earned runs Washlngtons, 2; Philadelphlas, 3.
Two-base blt-J. Irwin.
Three base hit-Wood.
Sacrifice hlts-Hallman. Hoy.
Stolen bases Wise, Delehanty, Farrar.
Double plays Mulvey, Farrar and Hallman.
First base on balls -Off Haddock, 4; off Day, 7.
Struck out-By Haddock, 1; by Day,l,Sjinders, 1.
Tine or game Two hours.
Umpire Curry.
Nearly 15,000 Witness tbe Bostons and
Neiv York Flay a Tie.
New York, August 31. rhe most exciting
game of baseball ever played in New York was
that of to day. The Now York and Boston
teams met for their last game together this
season. Better games have been played from a
scientific standpoint but a similar degree of
excitement and interest has never been wit
nessed here before. Darcness stopped the
game at the end of the eighth inning, making
the battle a draw. At 3.15 the gates of the
grand stand were closed, and the overflow was
turned into tbe outfield. The attendance was
11366. Crane retired in tbe sixth inning and
Welch took bis place, doing fair work. Score:
Rich 'son, 1..
Nash. 3.
Brouthers 1.
;ulnn, 2....
Bennett c.
Clarkson, p.
3 0 0
2 0 1
3 10
5 0 0
0 0 0
3 3 1
Gore, m 2
Tiernan, r. 1
Ewlng, c... 1
Connor, 1... 1
Ward, s 1
4 10
0 3 3
0 14 1
3 2 6
Klch'dson.2. 1 0
3 4
0 0
0 5
0 0
0 0
4 3 0
O'Kourkt, 1. 1 3
Whitney, 3.. 1 1
Crane, p 0 1
Welch, p.. ..0 0
4 1
0 1
Totals 9 10 24 9 2
Totals 9 13 24 19 1
Bostons 0 00100209
ew Yorks . 0 0502200-9
Earned runsBostons, ; New Yorks, 4.
Two-base hits W hitnev. Crane, Kelly, Nash, 2.
Sacrifice hits Brouthers, Quinn, Clarkson, 2;
Ewing, Connor. bltney.
StDlen bases Whitney, Quinn.
Double plays Richardson and Connor; Quinn,
Smith and Brouthers.
t First base on balls Off Clarkson, 3: off Crane, 3;
off Welch, 2.
nit by pitched hall-Brouthers,
Struck out By Clarkson, 2; Crane, 2; Welch. L
Wild pitch-Clarkson.
Time of game Two hours and 20 minutes.
Umpires McQuaid and Powers.
The Hoosler Defeat the Babies In a Good
Cleveland, August SL The game between
tbe Clevelands and Indianapolis to-day was
really a pitchers' contest As usual the Cleve
lauds were beaten by one run. Score:
Kadford.r... 1
Stricker.2... 1
McKean. s.. 0
Tebeau, 3 ... 0
McAlcer. m. 0
Twltchell.l.. 0
butcliffc. 1.. 0
Zlminer, c... 0
G ruber, p.. 0
beery, 1 1
0 3 C
12 0
2 6 5
0 4 3
110 0
0 10
0 00
0 14
0 0 0
0 0 0
Anarewi. m u
Glasscock, s 1
Denny, 3.... 0
Hines, 1 1
Buckley, c. 0
McGeachy, r 0
Bassett 2... 0
Boyle, p 0
Busle. p 0
, 2 4 24 9 2
Totals. .
,3 4 27 12 2
Clevelands 2 000000002
Indlanapoll 3 0000000 3
Earned runs Clevelands, 1; Indianapolis, 1.
Two-base hitB McKean, Hines
bacrlfice hits Tebeau, McAleer, Twltcbell, Buck
ley. Stolen bases Strieker, McAleer. Glasscock,
Double plays Tebeau to btrlcker; Glasscock,
Bassett and Hines.
First base on balls Clevelands, 2: Indlanau-
-olls. 3.
struck: out uicveianus, i; inaianapous, s,
"tt lid pltch-Kusle.
Time of gam One hour and 25 minutes.
Umpire Knight
How They Stand.
The following table shows bow the League
clubs stand in the race for the pennant, and
also how each club has fared against any other.
It will be seen tbat Chicago is making a strong
bid for third place, with a fair show of getting
it Boston and New York are still battling
away tooth and nail. Boston still maintains its
lead. Cleveland is steadily dropping down, and
Pittsburg and Indianapolis are gaining on the
Babies little by little. Following is the table:
tc sz : r t -li c
Sjg s s g e-s- I
: S w ." c. 5 5 t
!:.-!! !.f? :
8 11 7 71261263
6 - 9 10 10 7 10 10 62
57-958 10 9 53
4 4 9 10 12 10 55
1669 11 -87 43
7436 10 9-7 45
5573266 31
35 88 43 5154 59 61 64 414
New Yorks
Plttsburgs ,
Games lost
International League Game.
At Buffalo (10 innings)
Buffaios o 1 l
Detrolts 2-1 1
At Syracuse
Syracuses ,.S 2
Tomutos 1 0
At Hamilton
Hamlltons .'. t.O
Londons. 2
At Rochester
D 3 4
0 0 2
Rochester!.... .1
8 1.
0 0
. ..&
DIcMnhon Frovea -a Great Fazxle to the
Cincinnati'' Keda at Philadelphia
Barnle'e Boy Have a Picnic With
' the Colonel Colombo Again
Knocke Oatifae Champion
Browns and Brook
lyn Win.
Philadelphia, August 3L McMahon had
the Cincinnati batsmen completely at his
mercy to-day, for six innings not a hit was made
off his delivery, and in the first seven innings
only 22 men were at bat In the eighth inning
the Reds made two runs on hits- by Carpenter,
Tebeau and NIchol andJa' missed strike by
Robinson. Five of tbe seyen runs made by the
Athletics were the fruits of bases on balls,
Mullane being very wild in his delivery. Stovey
led tbe bitting with two donbles and a single
and the other two times he was sent to first on
balls. Bierbauer, Purcell ami Bajd made fine
running caicues. score: ,.tfl
Atbietics o l rf r'6' o o
Clnclnnatls 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0
Base hits-Athletics. 10; Clnclnnatls, 3.
Krrors-Athletics, 2: Clnclnnatls, 4.
Earned runs Athletics, 1.
Two-base hlU-Stovey 2, Carpenter.
Struck out-McMahon, 10; Mullane, 2.
Umpire Gattney. - -
The Brooklyn Win Tiro Game and Tie tbe
NewYokk, August 3k The Brooklyns de
feated the Kansas City team, twice this after
noon, thus tieing the Browns for first place.
The first game played was tbat which was to
be played to-morrow, bnt the -officials would
not allow a Sunday game. Hughes, who had
been resting most of the time this season,
pitched a good game, while Burns- for the vis
itors, made some pretty catches. Score:
Brooklyns .....0
KansasCltys 0
0 0 0 2 1 2 0-11
1 3 0 0 0 0 0-4
Base hits Brooklyns, 11; KansasCltys, 9.
Errors uroosiyns, i; uansas Ultys, z.
Earned runs Brooklyns, 2; Kansas Cttys, 3.
Tnn-hiie hits Tcrrv. 1: Hwartzel. 1.
Struct out By Terry, 8; bJ-Swartzel, 2.
Wild pitches Terry, 1; Swartzel, 1.
Umnire Bu6bong.
2 1
0 0 0
Kansas Cltya
0 0
0 1 0
Hase hits Brooklyns. 11: Kansas CItvs. 4.
Errors Brooklyns, 2; Kansas Cltya, 1.
Earned runs Brooklyns, 8.
Two-base bits Collins, CorkhiU, Smith.
Three-base bits Stearns.
Home run Collins.
Struck out By Hughes, l;by Sowders, 2.
Passed ball Donohne.
Wild pitches-Hughes, 1; Sowders, 3.
Umpire Bushong. , ,
Tbe Colombo Youngster Once Wore Dovn
the Brown.
Columbus, August 31. The game with St
Louis to-day was a superb exhibition on the
part of the Colnmbns team. Widner was an
enigma to the Browns and Stivctts was batted
almost at will. The fielding of Esterday and
Man was of the phenomenal order, while
double plays by McTamany and Duffee, from
deep right field, brought down tbe stand.
Columbus 0 0 12 0 0 0 1
St. Louis i.L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Base hits Columbus. It: St Louis, 7.
Frrors Columbus. 3: St. Louis, 4.
Earned runs Columbus, 3.
Two-base hits O'Neill.
Three-base hits Marr, Fsterday.
btruck out By Stlvetts, 6; by Widner, 3.
Umpire Ferguson .
The Baltimore Defeat Ibo Louisville
Without Much Trooble.
Baltimore. August 3L Baltimore easily
won to-day's game, fielding well and batting
freely. Kilroy proved a puzzle to the Louis
vilie batters and but five hits were made off his
delivery. Tucker's was the batting feature.
Baltlmorcs 1 4 0 0 2 2 0 1 212
Loulsvllles 0 000012003
Base hits Baltlmores, 12; Losssvllles. 5.
Errors Baltlmorcs, 3; Loulsvllles, 7.
Earned runs-Baltlmores, 3; Loulsvllles, 2.
Two-base hit Hecker.
Three-base hlts-Grlflin, Tucker.
Struck out By Kilroy, 4; by Hecker, 2,
Wild pltches-Hecker,
Umpires Kerins and Goldsmltn.
Asaoclntlon Record.
i- ' P
Won. Lost. Ct,
St. LOUli 71 36 .6K
Clnclnnatls. . 68 60 .537
Brooklyns 71 36 .663
Baltlmorcs. ...62 44 .585
Athletics 59 44 .5731
Kansas Cltvs..43 64
Columbus. ....42 68
Loulsvllles... .23 6
The Now Oakland Completely Outplay the
Etna Aggregation.
Tbe New Oaklands defeated the Etna Stars
at East Liberty Baseball Park in a well-contested
game yesterday. Tbe Stars could do
very little with Anderson, he holding them
down to five hits. He received very good sup
port Butler and Peoples put up a very good
game at short and third base. The Oakland
andBraddock Blues play two games on Mon
day at Braddock. Anderson and Peoples both
received an offer from the Johnstown club.
Anderson will probably sign with them the
coming week. Score:
Howley, 1. .
Mathews, 2.,
Peoples, ss .
Butler, 3,...
Becicer, 1...
Oulnn. m...
1 0
2 1
1 1
1 0
1 0
0 0
3 8
2 0
McCoy, ss..
Cargo, 2...
Brady. 1....
Fltzsl'ns, 1.
Keys. r. ....
2 1
0 0
2 2
0 3
0 14
1 0
0 0
0 0
Doucberty.r 1
Morgan, c. 1
Anderson, p. 1
Totals 912 2714 3
Totals .
5 5 24 17 4
Etna Stars ,
New Oaklands.,
2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 3
Larned runs Oaklands, 4; Etna Stars, L
Two-base hit Howley.
Three-base hit Mathews.
Struck out By Anderson, 8: Lamfield, 5.
Base on balls-Oaklands, 1; Etnabtars, 4.
Hit by pitched ball-Dougherty.
Passed balls Morgan. 1; Mlmm, 5; McSteen, 1.
Umpires-Davis and Elbcll
A Pittsburg Nine Show the Stranger How
to Play. '
Fbeeport, PA., August 31. The Times nine
defeated the home club to-day in a game in
which tho visitors outplayed the home team at
every point Up to the eighth inning Pitcher
Faas had the Freeports completely at his
mercy, while Lavclle supported him in fine
style. The shortstop work of Rosser was su
perb, tbe most striking of his plays being a
wonderful one-handed stop of a hard hit
ground ball, throwing the man out at first
B B P A- B
Stack. 1....,
Lavelle, c...
Faas, p
Kosser, s...
McKee, 2...
Adler, 3.....
McGaw, 1..,
Shaffer, r...
Burnley, ra.
19 0
Osterman, 1. 1
Fullcrton. 2. 0
1 8
1 1
2 fi
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 2
1 0
0 16 0
0 14
1 8
0 3
1 A
0 0
0 0
Taylor, 1.... 1
jr.tiiii'pie, r l
Dougherty, s 0
Haas 3 1
Kattlgan.m. 2
Heck, c 2
0 0
14 13 2729 4
Totals .....10 8 27 23 11
Earned runs Times, 7: Freeports. 2.
Two-base blts-Faas. Burnley, bteck.
Three-base hit Faas.
Home run Adler.
Total bases on hits Times, 20: Freeports, 9,
Stolen bases Times, 6; Freeports, 4.
gtrucK out By Faas, 14: by Gillespie, 5.
Time of game One hour and 55 minutes.
At Canton
Cantons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
MansUelds 0 0 D 2 0 0 0
Base bits Cantons, 3;Mansflelds, 7.
Errors Cantons, 3: Mansfields,0 .
At Springfield 1ST
Sprlncfields 0 7,-0 0 0 0 0 t
Wheeling 0 l'l 0 1 1 0 I
Base hits Sprlngflelds, 13- Wheelings, 5.
Errors Sprfngflelds, ;"W heelings, 4.
Sowdero Arm Gave Ont.
Manager Hanlon stated last evening that the
reason Sowders retired from the game yester
day was because his arm gave out and he
couldn't get the ball over tbe plate. The man
ager was very reluctant to take him out, but
Sowders insisted,
Game To-Dny.
American association Clnclnnatls at
Philadelphia; St Louis at Columbus; Kansas
Cltys at Brooklyn.
One for Shadjslde.
At Brushton the Sliadyilde Baseball Club
defeated the Central Young Men's Christian
Association team in an interesting game. Tbe
batting of Dalzell, of Shadyslde, and Steele, nf
Young Men's Christian Association, were the
leading features. Following is the score by
Bhadyilde S.O 0 2 0 2 0 2 4-13
Y.M.C.A..!..W.;rrtli).0 0. 01-8 0-7
1 188
Earned, ruas-ahadysldes, 6; Y. M. C. A., 2. .. ..
Errors-SbadysMes, 8: Y. M. C. A.! 1. 5
Hlts-Shadysldes, M; Y. M. C. A., 19.
Home run Dalzelt
Three-base hit Dalzell.
Vtro-basehlU Keed, Steele.
Batteries -Dalzell and EeedjMorton and Steele.
Umpire McCance. , .
Win a Game for the Scottdalo Axcrecatlea
at MeKeespert.
rsrxcUL txlxobam' to' thx dufatck.
McKeespoet, August SLVScottdale .aid
McKeesports played a great game here to-day,
and McKeesports lost through bad errors.
Youngman's bad fhrow hit a spectator and
bounded, clear over out of,the ground, and al
lowed three menta cross the plate and tie the
score. Phillips pitched a great game for the
home club, and allowed, the visitors only six
hits, four of them being made after chances to
retire the side had, been given. Quinn, Weir
and Liston had costly errors. R. Smith played
great in right field,th rowing two men out at first
on seeminglysafe hits. Miller and Yonngman
batted well, the former's three-base hit being
the longest Jilt ever seen on the home ground.
Lemon imade some great catches in center.
Moor and Cargo batted well. Weir was great
on ground balls, but his throwing was away off.
On Monday our club goes to Braddock in the
morning and plays the Blues, and returns and
plays tbe champion East End Athletics In tbe
afternoon at 3 o'clock, and as the clubs are al
most tie for the championship there will to
doubt be a great game. Phillips and Liston
will be the battery in this game, and Newel
and Liston will be the battery at Braddock in
the morning; If the home club wins both
these games they will most likely win.-the
championship of the County League, as that
will give them such a lead that they will be
hard to overtake. Score to-day:
M'KEESr'RT Birill
P.Miller, s.. 1
Y'ngman, m 1
Weir. S.7.... 0
B, Smith, r.. 0
Hartman, 1.. 0
Nlght'gale,2 0
Quinn, 1 0
Liston, c... 1
Phillips, p.. 2
UttiAh.pt 1 A C
iHucuatt) w
y.rx, I. ... j A u
uiuoe, a.... i
0 0
1 2
2 0
Lemon, m.. 2
Moore. I O
0 0
Boyd, c 1
0 6 2 1
0 2 10
fl i a n
0 13
0 3
1 I
jiagen, .... u
Maulfee, p.. 0
V-ilier, l.
1 111 0 I
ToUls 5 7 24 J8 .9
Totals 7 6 2719 6
Earned runs McKeesports, 1; Scottdales, 1
Two-base bit Moore.
Three base hit F. Miller.
Double plays Nightengale and Quinn; Weir
and Quinn; Lemon and Miller.
Base on balls-By Phillips, 3; Manlfee, 1.
Hit by pitcher-Phillips, 1.
Passed balls Liston, 1.
Wild pitches-Phillips. 3.
Struck out By Phillips. 2; by Manlfee, &.
Time or game Two hours and 10 minutes.
Stolen bases Yonngman, is It Smith, 1; Hart
man, 1: Quinn, 1; Cargo, 1; Lemon, 2: Boyd, 1.
No Sunday Ball Playing Put the Clab Into
CutcirtNATr, August 3L Sunday ban is dead
in this city, and the attempts to play outside
have proved disastrous, while other announce,
ments of fnture action are really building up a
sentiment that it is best to obey the law. It is
a sentiment that If defied will surely crush
baseball here just as it bas crushed the Sunday
saloon. Jnst what Cincinnati will do next year
is problematical. Even from Ohio several of
the concert saloonists have opened up Sunday
joints in Covington, across the river, and the
call club was talking of emigrating there; but
a halt has been called on f ret and easy Sunday
bnsiness even in Kentucky, and tbe criminal
grand jury has called upon the authorities to
enforce the law there. That closes another
avenue which seemed open to Snnday ball.
There is a weU defined story ont to-day that
Brooklyn is after Lee Vian and that his release
may be sold to the Grooms. Cincinnati has five
pitchers on the pay roll, and that is two too.
many. Somebody will have to go. Earl is the
only red leg who did not go East with the team.
He is still here, and has about recovered from
his malarial attack.
A Victory for Toronto.
Toronto, O.. August 3L Toronto defeated
Burgettstown at Burgettstown to-day by a score
of 11 to 6. Young struck out 15 men and Only 7
hits were made off his delivery. Sanford
caught Young'ln splendid style. Score by
Rurgtttstowns 2 010210006
Torontos 5 10 4 0 0 10 0-11
Base bits Torontos, 13; Bnrgettstowns, 7.
Earned runs Torontos, 6: Burgeltstowns, I.
Errors Torontos. 6: Burgettstowns, 5.
Two-base bits Wlckllne. Binford.
Three-base hits Young. J. Daniels. '
Bases on balls Torontos, 1; Burgettstown; 2.
Passed balls banford, 3: Yance, 5. .
Struck out Young, 15; Lane, 3; Elder, 5.
Umpires Cole and Linn.
Two Game for BrldgevIIIe.
BBnJOEVTLLE, August 3L The CL P. Mayers
defeated the Maroons of Washington in a well
contested game at Washington, Fa. Score as
follows: '
Slayers 9
Maroons 2
Eurned runs Mayers, 4: Maroons. 2.
Two-base hits Mayers, 3: Maroons, 1.
Three-bast hits Mayers, 1.
Home runs Mayers. 1.
Bases on called balls Mayers, 4; Maroons, 3.
Struck out By Smith, 9: by Gibson, 11.
Passed balls Maroons, 2. ,
Umpire Schulte.
Tbe C. i'. Mayers also defeated the Max Mayers
by 16 to 2.
Baseball Note.
Kueiine did very well at second.
That ninth inning was tough on the Old
The Association race is now as exciting as
that of the League.
The St Pauls defeated the A J. Mauls yes
terday by a score of 16 to 13.
Two nines selected from the Carroll clnb will
play a game to-morrow at East End Park.
The Joseph Eichbaum club defeated the St
Charles Literary Society nine yesterday by 20
to 5.
The bank clerks and the insurance clerks
wtll play a game to-morrow at Recreation
Duitlaf was nnable to play yesterday on ac
count of the injury he received by Pfeffer's
dirty playing on Friday.
The Wellsburg Greys and tho Clay Cltjs,
of New Cumberland, will play for S50 a side at
Steuben ville on Tuesday.
She Holds a Burly Burglar Until Assistance
Beverly, N. J., August 31. Mrs. J. B.
Levis, of this place, upon awakening yes
terday morning discovered a burly negro
on the stairs of hy dwelling, in the act of
making off with an armful ot plunder- She
immediately grabbed vthe thief and held him
until the appearance of her husband, who
grappled with and finally succeeded in
throwing him to the floor. Then both Mr.
and Mrs. Levis sat upon him until a neigh
bor arrived and they took him to the lockup.
Illnrdercd Him for HI Money.
San Fbancisco, August 31. August
P. Collins and Thomas Courty. two charac
ters well known to the police, have been
arrested, charged with the murder of
Andreas Aangard, a Norwegian sailor, who
was stabbSd to death one night last week.
Bobbery discovered to have been tbe motive
of the crime.
For Western Penn
sylvania, fair, cooler
in southern, station
ary temperature in
northern portion ;
easterly winds.
'For West Virginia,
rair, slightly cooler;
xasterly winds.
For Ohio, fair, coolerltn southern, station
ary temperature in northeast portion; east
erly winds,..
POTSBTAl, August 31, ISS3,
The United BtattJ Btzmv
this city furnishes the follow.
Bervlce officer In
Time. Thar.
S:00A. V... SS j
Sleaittemp 74
MlxlViu'n leniD.... Sv
1..1U M 8.J
i:oo p. x .";.
2.-0Or. it. 88
5-00F. M.. -
Minimum temp M
Kangel i. .... 90
Precipitation. 00
Elver at s r. v.. 0,1
feet, a fill of 0.1 feet in 24 1
- -
4nJJ ml'
8L. RIO m.
rt.rt, -"'4..s
r 4'
,$ku ' r ""
Art Mm&wiW&qmiW :llit
?t j4Uwl,ji.AA. 4
jkGKsmrtiimin sum matt.
A Ktieh BetiMW L)l TWUM fleaml SttHtag
The great aM Ee4eu 1 Bio Bey woo
the White PkiaVhB4iap" yesterday at
Momi'Parayai"tlie three-quarter
mile rMord e'ifaekseH wants vto fight
Jem SmithwihirekBucklef. Two loeal
pugilists aareiteSghi within four weeks.
-ft .-"- - - " ' j
,Moeei3 Pabv August 31. Saturday is
always ablg'-dajr1- Metropolitan, rsce
Crack-, and toyJ.jMS: so exception; to the
rale. ,I'uliyjk)l9e0 'peeple.wero present to
witness thef cfoSof the , most ''successful
meeting eveiVheJdf.fl,"'Amerloa. .The. crowd
filled the mammoth stand from' end to end and
covered the ktwn," " v
The ring was., filled with aa eager, pushing
crowd of racegoerswho were compelled to -almost
fight their way 'to reach, the bookmakers'
boxes. All interest'of course, was centered ia
the great WbitoPIains handicap for 2-year-olds.
ElRloReywas lorthe second time to
battle with crack youngsters. In the betting
his price was I to-2, at which hundreds and
hundreds went into tho bookmakers' boxes. As
tne bugle sounded eallipg them to the -post the
crowd began to flnd'seats from which the
struggle could best -be-seen. By the time the
first horse appearedTevery point of. vantago was
taken. i V '
The first to appear was Qunwad, followed by
Prince Fonso, Jose Day and the Eccola colt
Then came tbe others in a bunch with 1 Rio
Rey the last one to come from'the paddock. A
great cheer went np as he passed, and he wa
eagerly watched- until be was at the post Mr.
Caldwell droppedhis flag on one of the prettiest
starts imaginable Every .horse was in motion.
W. O. Morris had a slight advantage. Rnperta
was 1600110, ot. uaxio miro. ana tne otners were
so closely bunchedf,that it was impossible to
pick them out t
When they cams 15 eight at the bead of the
hUl they were stretched across the track like a
troop of cavalry. Rnperta was the leader, fol
lowed by Cayuhaga, June Day and FJ Rio Rey.
The latter appeared to be badly pocketed. The
leaders bore over until it looked as if he would
be shut oft With a shake WincheU had him
clear, and in a couple-ot jumps he was in front
Then he began, to take things easy. Suddenly
Rnperta came from the ruck with a rush that
made tbe backers of -the favorite quiver. She
was gaining every stride. In fact for a mo
ment she was ahead, but WincheU was equal
to the occasion, and with one cut of the whip
tbe gallant chestnut was again in front and
had added another to his unbroken list of vic
tories. Rnperta was but a head behind, f bur
lengtns irom at uario. xne time was 10, one
second better than -the record. Lelghtonwas
First race, five furlongs-Starters: Britannic.
Fordham. Jim B. Tom Hood, Bradford, Jay F
Dee, Glory. Britannic won in S9 seconds, 1
B,eco5yetSi511 mt record, rordham second,
Jay y Bee thlitf .
Second race, one and one-sixteenth miles
Starters: Wilfred. Kingston, Pleve. Kingston
won In 1:50, Fleve second.
Third race. White Plains handicap. $5,000, three
quarters of a mile-Starters and betting: El Klo
Key, Wlnchell, lto2; Caynhaga. Little field. 23 to
1; St Carlo. Garrison, 10 to I: Banquet, Murphy,
20 to 1; Lelghton. Hamilton, 30 to 1: Prince Fonso,
Storal, lOtol: liupertv Allen. IS tol: Magnete,
Anderson. 20 tq 1; Eccola colt, Taylor, 50 to 1;
Gramercy, Bergen. 30 to 1; W. G. Morrls.Taral,
60 to U Iago, Weber. '750 to 1: June Dav. Bay. 20 to
1; Masterlode. Barnes. 12 to 1; Snnwad, Steven
son. 20 tol. 1 Klo iter won. Knpeita finished
second, with St Carlo third. Time, 1:11.
Fourth race, one and one-quarter miles-Starters:
Spokane. Tennyr TavfsUn, Castaway II..
Casslus, Cracksman. She. Cynosure. Tennywon
ln2:CVi Castaway second, Spokane third.
Klfth race, ode and one-half mlles-Startersi
Barrister. Flyton, Tomboy, Slllek. Fly ton won
In 2:39, Barrister second. Tomboy third.
i Sixth race, one- mils startersi Lotion, Golden
Bed, Letrltla. Burnifde-, Mala, Sourlre. speeta
forrVendette, fannieH. Pall Man. Golden Beet
won in 1:42, lannteH second, Spectator third.
A Prize Fight la Sooth Africa With 822,
500 for the Victor.
New Yobk, August. 3L A special cable to
the Police Gazette says: The prize fight be
tween Jack Conper," of South Africa, and
Woolf Ben doff, of England, for 4,500, was
fought at Fort Elizabeth, South Africa, on
July 29. The stakes were the largest ever
f onght for in the annals of tbe prize ring. The
fight originated in this way. Woolf Bendoff,
on arriving in the colony four mouths ago, ad
vertised as follows:. "Woolf Bendoff, who has
lust arrived from England, hearing of the box
ing ability of J. H. Couper. champion of South
Africa, would like to box him in any style he
likes for 1,000 up to 5,000 a side." Couper
ultimately accepted the challenge, and found
friends to back, him for 2,0C0 against 2,500,
planked down by Bendoff s backer. Tbe battle
was fought on tbe Eagle Qold Mining Com
pany's ground, six miles from Johannesburg
(Transvaal Republic), and Police QazeUe rules
Twenty-seven rounds were fought in 1 bonr
27 minutes, when Couper knocked Bendoff
senseless, and Couper was declared the win
ner. Bendoff weighed 175 pounds, Couper 155
pounds. Barmata, the Diamond King, backed
Bendoff, and bet 1,000 outside the stakes on
bis man. Over 2,300 spectators were present
and 600 were in the enclosure, all of whom paid
5 each for tickets. The gate money was
divided, and Couper received 3,000.
Heart Disease Carrie Off a Valuable Trot
ter at the Ofeadvlllo Knees.
Meadvtlle, August 31. The death of Bay
Prince on the track at tbe driving park yester
day afternoon- is regretted by all who were
present. Prince was started in the 2.40 class
and was working at about a 229 gait He was
all right, apparently, until the finish or tho
heat, when be, just opposite tbe distance flag,
reared up and fell. It was undoubtedly heart
disease and In a moment more the horse was
Prince was a bay. gelding. 8 years old, and
owned by P. BradIey,-of Itew Freeport. He
was brought here Dy Moore Floyd, of Alle
gheny City, who .held the lines when he
fell. Very recently Mr; Bradley refused $1,000
for Prince, holding him at $1,500.
Sherpsbcnd Bar on illondnv.
New Yobk, August SI. Following are the
eutries for the Coney Island Jockey Club races
at Sheepshead Bay on Monday:
First race, five and a half furlongs Dilemma
S3pounds, LeoHllS, Prince Edward US, Tipstaff
118. Uinover, Young-Duke, Britannic and Volun
teer 122.each. .
Second race,flve and ahalffurlontrs Kobesplere.
June Day. Ternwood. Dr. nelmutb. Tournament,
Ladv Jane colt, Abdlel III pounds each. Eberlee
108, KosetteW trallty 101 Alarm Bell 10S. Elkton.
Magnate, Xord Dalrocny, Lord Peyton. Prodigal
Son, Oramercy US each, Plvonia L2, Cyclone colt
111. Miss Belle 115.
Third race, mile and an eljthth Once Again 122
pounds, Buddhist 114, Tavlston 114. Unrnslde,
Kern, Cartoon. Dnke of Highlands 104 each. Phil
ander 104, Brown Princess in, 8-flvator 123, Holi
day 107, Cotillion 107, Braudolette 107. Princess
Bowllnrll?, Callentc 110. Coots 101
Fourth race, mile and en eighth-Endurer 97
pounds. Oarsman 82, Swift 109, Tbeodoslus 107,
Brnnzoraarte IW. Panama 102.
Fifth race, two mlles-Perlcles, Camargo. Ques
tion. Prose. Maori. 95 pounds each, Fraotiou 09,
Speedwell 119, Wary 122. Tavlston- 122, Gardner
1C2. strldeaway 1201 Bohemian 132, Niagara VO,
and Cotillion 09. .
Sixth race, one and tbree-sxteenths miles Lit
tle Mlnch 111 pounds, Kingston 111. Ganymede
102, Brother Ban 102, Huntress. Lavlnla Belle,
Proze Swift 99 each, r Irenzl 112, Orlflamme 115.
Seventh race, one mile on the turf Egmont 111
Sounds. Macbeth III, Burnside 1M. Lotion 120,
Lern 120, Cambyses KO. St. John 12a Prose 117,
Marebma 117, Pet Morris 117, Big Brown Ju?.
Eolo, Ban Cloche; "St. Luke,BrotberBaaeachlS,
Irene 130.
Tiotllpc at Lexington.
Lexington, .Kx, August 31 Good weather,
a crowd of 8,000, and two fairly well contested
races, closed axoost' successful trotting meet
ing here to-day. Tbe 'performance of Moon
stone, a yearling, trotted, was the feature of
the day's racing.
First race Westc stake, for yearlings, mile,
Moonstone...,. ......... .".., 1
Light Hall,..,.,,. 2
Circe 3
Time, 2!474;, '
Second race-2:29 class.
Diamond..,, T. 1 1 1
Vantaisel. ....-.-;..... r.2 2 2
Uodella. 8 8 S
lxlngtbn Boy j., A 4dr
Beady Boy.... ......: , 8 5dr
Time, l:UX-ttiZ'A:l:2)i.
, Riley to Har
Ed EJley, thejwrestler, called at this office
isKevema sen ma-following caauenge
ct . j .1mXT
-u,t t r. rii-rsBBafc)s J
oftswboe WJBHrtsti
ssssTTH t)IW It imuisI
te to aw ism. ami
namod hoOlM ssvs refer' boat,esj
ptaeewtn M reserved for those wk
the 'potato, saeli m
Jadces, ete. TMre wot
a nisee ff imeiaihn of
Aaeeeittetl Prase seen.- Hi
SMaOoeed win be allowed te
It was also diieiry setaM,i
win e rowee m sSMece aaYSM
eearse will be at Market tt I
the start beiBfr a OH Ferry,
oaroBeB nt stars nmm a
diately la froaKef the refeiWS
win ratio tuern cieswy ever ae
mciveespoCT is pocsjssiok
over the contest" aad i
1b sen estimate to pay
briBg 36,000 stranger late the
representing parties from all
.-.. nan wwuao UI.J. JHTO W
f or quarters at hotels sad beantkss
aeeoEBmodationx. an nf th mUmh
rail roe to i
into the dty have concluded to n
trains and th onttnnlr ha itM i -rnhMl
teg appearance. It promt to nm
m uruiE oevoiy toe nrgeet
vwjn? w -nuAVtwport ns. Hie
To-night word receive from
j. eemer aa vises nun tnat Mr. exes
will coeae over the Feins lvasda
the Baltimore and Ohio Reilre&a
detpfala, Boston, Washington, New
xiuttara. ArraogoBiBaie will oe
servauos traies to run slowly down ae4 as,
three railroads at the time the race to S i
grese, aad ia eoostectlon, with other boats i
erai packets wui. oe Misaung ezcursieci
irom points op ana asso ow tne JHoaei
river to see the greet raee. There win
a Dig excursion party rrem wneeong.
Hosmer. Plaissed. Tea. Svekr aad MeHar i
pect to be preseat. aad. the geeial Caerifei
Cbunney promises aJsota he oaaet, Teesaer
u training quieuy oa tee xostgss
goes ont morning' aad afteroooa i
rows irom i to 14 auies at a 1
down to the best otrowted
to acooranUsb. wonders. It le
confidentially that tbe three-seJle
be lowered to a great degree, aasl 1
four-mile record will be made. Ten
word from Ruddock at 5 o'clock I
stating that he coaM not sals
before Wednesday. Hatnm aad 1
due here to-morrow morotog. Their 1
nave oeen prepares ior mem.
A Successful Gntherlnc, With Suae 43eod ,
Time Made.
Albany. August SL Bright weather;'! a
attractive field ot entries, and aa
programme of events, made the Aleaay w
men's meeting, held at tbe BIdeeaetd .
Club's track, this afternoon, tbe meet
f ul in the club's history. Over 1,080 people
present and highly enjoyed the long pregra
2f bicycle and safety races, a brass Dead
ic to their enthusiasm- The most, saeaa
men of the dav were the Berkelv Aeteeelal
Club's representative, who scooped aeefhMaiti
the important events. W. 8. Cassafcel, -eta
niagara r aus. aiso snoweu ipienoaa rena.iHB-
fnne m 11a tn1) mlnnfsa anil d jsnsW lla 4tvtB.
Mm W. Urn m lift
Mem. SUHMMS -i
- - - --F - - 1
MSr aH &
mQ.Il PIT HssaaBBBaW
est time of the day, though the-Bailey pro Shots.
of Boston, rode a mile In 2.522-5 on a wndom ,
Tho TmnT WaUrlair Mafnku ' W .
All arrangements have been 'made fori tie
four-day female pedestrian contest, wbleb' .
starts at Youngstown on Tuesday. The entries
include all the prominent female pedestrians
in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio
The entries are: Bertie Lawrence, Clara Bell,
Aggie Harvey, Jennie Ranson, Mollis Cleve
land. Bonnie Leonard. Bell Watson. LflHe Ran-
f kins, Maud Atkinson and Alice Brooks. The
contest is under the management of Mr. Hactr
AJavis ana promises to oe a mgaaair.
Rrno and BUseH.
John Byan and William Sisseil met last
evening and agreed to fight to a finish, with.
gloves, queensberry rules, for a purse of
The fight will take place within four weeks and'l
at some point within SO miles of Pittsburg.
The men are heavy-weights, and a good con
test Is expected. . "
Bheehan and Dlartla Matched. J.
Davy Sbeehan, of tbls dty, and. Martin, of & .
Brownsville, have been matched to runiaSSt
yards at Brownsville for $300 a side.. 'Itilsa
ciaimea tnaiaiarunis a ringer newy arrived w
from JSnglano.
From any of the following well-known aad
tried standard brands of Pure Wines aad
Whiskies. j.
Any selection from list here quoted will not
disappoint either tbe prescriber.or anyone
who wishes to use a pure stimulant. We have
never found It necessary to explain or excuse
any deficiency whatever for the Whiskies, J
Brandies, Gins or Wines we are now selling; at $
prices that astound the most observant. ""
Of the the following Whiskies and Wines: 3&
Pnre 8-year-old export GnckenheimecEf
Whisky, full quarts, $1, or $10 per dozen. i.
Overholt Pure Rye, 6 years old, full quarts,
tU or $10 per dozen. "
Finch's Golden Wedding, 10 years old, full
quarts, $1 25, or $12 per dozen.
Dnnvllle's Old Irish Whisky, quarts. $1 60, or
8io per uozen.
Pure Old Port, i years old. very nae.itnll
quarts, 60 cents. " -jk,
Pore Old Sherry, 4 years old, nous be'.ter.fullf
quarts, ou cents. a SI
Sweet Muscatel, line In point of delicacy and
flavor, f nil Quarts. 50 cents. . .TBT
Angelica, a rich, clear, fragrant wine, fnUli
quarts, 60 cents. 'ysjj
Relsllng. excellent, tart and high flavor, fulls
Quarts. 50 cents. "r
Sweet Catawbajight,palatable,a great desld- ?
eratum. full quarts. 50 cents. "
Claret, light ruby, and a general favorite,fuU'
quarts, 75 cents. .!
Claret at SS. iw-i
All mail orders receive immediate and care?!
ful attention, Please remit by money order,;
arait, or register your letter. Address,
Job. Ftemii.5 1 Bnn,j
- , ,
prrrsBUBG, pa. J
881-TTSSU S&,
Commence at once and save your money ia .
your aress. and in no better way can you sue-
ceea man ny naving mi; KHUN, tbe xatior. oi
00 ruin ave., cor. wood St., second floor, cieau.
repair and put your last winter's clothes In
good shape at a trifle.
Telephone 1S5&. Give him a trlaL set.
irood condition wtii h jm cbean. Ad-
dress BICYCLE, Dispatch office. jel-141
W to the eormtnr.
KEY'S, S92 Liberty it.
inquire at Jr. . wraon.
etlSatnrdar mornlnr. Under laav
JU Market,
keepS5 and return the remainder to MO. ISO
TVESTERN AVE., Allegheny.
TV- IS years of age: oue who can make bbaselfc
useful In. business: a nenaaaeBt nlacerto the rlzatl
itamsay s uia ocoicn w niszy, aisuiiery as . i
Islay. Jl 50 per bottle, full quart. re -. v
Wise's Old Irish Whisky, distillery at Nortlk.,.-
Mall. Cork. SI 60 per bottle, full quart. '
party. Apply- Moa4y from S to IS A. M.-t, jr,
KIABA0HXjaSJ9B.WWeod,'. set. PM
aa9 W
rftMLK '"t
Nil XI
ns '
m r
SB! t
jjHHI t
jsia2.'i ..Av'A.
VAfe- 3AJl.tj4'g:3 '& "Jf,
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