-" THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER' -1 .- op -,- - -- 1889. ' V ' "t THE MUSIC WOBLD. ssts. & 'K A General Survey of Choral Concerts Throughout the Country. CHARMING CRITICAL REMARKS. Xew Anecdote of Karl Formes and finperor TTilliam I. GOSSIP ABOUT OUE LOCAL 1IUSICIAKS Few more pleasant moments Lave lately been had by the writer than those spent in looking through Mr H. E. Krehbiel's "Kevie w of the Xe w York Musical Season, 1SSS-89," which the publishers, Messrs. Novello, Ewer & Co., have courteously sent to The Dispatch for review. The back tone of the work is a chronologi al record of all public concerts given in Hew York, maintaining a high musical standard; the record including place, date, hour, performers and composi tions, noting novelties especially. In this particular, as in the appendix (a new feat ure of the "Ke views") containing a general survey of choral concerts throughout the country, the scope of Mr. Krehbiel's volume is, as far as it goes, quite the same as that of Mr. Wilson's Musical Year Book of the United States." And such records kept by such accurate, reliable and observant men are important and interesting to all who care for the progress of the art in this conn try. The peculiar charm of Mr. Krehbiel's volume lies in what he modestly terms the "critical remarks" (in several instances these attain the dicnitvof profound essays), upon the novelties brought out during the season, and which are largely extracts from the eminent critic's articles in the New York Tribune. The author's breadth of view and "many-sidedness" is strikingly illustrated from page to page. In the elaborate "Rheingold" review appears the earnest student of the Northern myths conjointly with the enthusiastic yet clear-sighted and unbigoted disciple of the Titan of the modern music drama. Apropos of a flute concerto by Quantz, Frederick the Great's instructor.he becomes the charming raconteur of musico-royal anecdotes, fresh and bright The Washing ton Centennial and a festival of the Trinity parish choirs lead him back into the history of the phases of opera and church music re spectively that have transpired in the American metropolis from its earliest days essays showing in defatigable research. The splendid glowing study of Von Buelow's piano re citals is remarkable alike for keen, subtle analysis, lor poetic description and for en; thused encomium.; The brilliant essay upon "Symphonic Headings" develops the scholarly critic, whose fondness for the modern has not abated his reverence lor the classical, and who can bring to his aid original authority and logical argument sufficient to make out at least a prima lacie cae aeainst even a Yon Buelow, a Siedl and a Thomas. In short, this collection of critiques is a worthy addition to those previous publica tions which have already won for Mr. Kreh biel the foremost place among American critics. V An entertaining page of the "Review" for warm weather reading is the following anecdote, related by Niemann, the great agnerian tenor, apropos or Carl Formes, the herculean basso. "Several years ago," said Niemann, in eflect, "I received a call from Formes in my lodgings in Berlin. T han nave mat ttim ViafnsA -m. uu UVIM 1UVH uttU UblUlC. KL my career began after he had left Germany, H A but of course I knew him by reDUtation. and offered myself for any setvice that he might want performed in Berlin. He said x that he would like to sing at a Court Concert, and I succeeded through In tendant von Huelsen in having him invited. I escorted him to the Palace and remained at his side until he was summoned to sing. He chose'Schubert's song, "Der "Wanderer, and bellowed it so that I was terror-stricken and great drops of persniration rolled off my forebead. It was a dreadful performance. I can't describe it to you, but to my amazement the old Em peror led in the applause which followed it. Formes came over to me entirely contented with himself, and before I had got through wondering why he had pleased the Emperor, & summons came for him to sing again. This time he waved the accompanist aside, and, seating himself at the piano, sang 'In einen Kuehlen Grunde.' Not long after I had asked Lucca, who was then with us at the Berlin opera, what she tboueht of the affair. She said she had been ite much amazed as land had asked Prince Bismarck, beside whom sue was shttng at the time, lor an ex planation. Bismarck replied: "Can't you guess? Look at Formes, see the size of him, and hear that terrific voice! Can't yon imagine our venerable Kaiser measur ing him with his eye and saying to himself: ( 'What a iellow he'd be at the head of a regiment! I must hear him sing again!' " Crotcbcti and Quavers. The "Mikado" has been performed In Ger man at toe Frederick William Street Theater. Berlin. The Toerge Brothers' Orchestra has re tained to the city after a successful engage ment at Bedford Springs. , Ma Mobris Stephens, leading tenor at St. Peter's P. E. Church, has resigned to take charge of the choir of the fcecond M. P. Church. JI. Lecocq is reported to he engaged at present composing the music for a new three act comic opera byNarrey and Carre, entitled "Don Japhet of Armenia." The last public performance of .Eugene D' Albert before his departure for the United States in October will be on the Hth of that month at the Berlin Philharmonic concert un der on Eulow's direction. The tenons illness of Mrs. Sam M. Brown (nee Miss Gay Snyder) has taken a turnforthe better, and ilr. Brown will to-day again be found in his wonted place at tho organ or the becond Presbyterian Chnrch. ABOSTOS lawyer, Mr. Edcar O. Achorn. Is receiving congratulations and thanks anent his Srospect or bringing to America, as his wife. IIsZela,a youncand lovely Swedish so,irano said to be of the finest caliber. " Mbs. Helen Ha&tiieiter, the American contralto, meant business but not, as was thought. In an advertising sense when she ;.. t., hu.ui; 10 gei married ajain. hulban'J Cassilla, Italy, is the hippy A Loxdos paper says: "Miss Zelie de Lus aan, the American soprano, who sang last season at Her Majesty's and the season before at f " VvV11". "'""J "roed -"by the Carl Kosa Company to play 'Carmen' In the provinces, commencinc the middle of Octo- Makt musical friends sympathize deeply with Mr. and Mrs. J. J Bebout over the loss of their bright, womanly little dauchter "Essie." who died last Thursday in the 12th year of her ce.JMr.Bebout's post as bass OI the Becond b ' MrEdSiSer Mm be mti t0-dl The Hazlewood Presbyterian Chnrch re joices in the possession of a new organ just completed by Wm. King Co., of Elinira, N. Y., containing five speaking stops each for the Great and. bwell manuals and one tor the Pedal, -with the couplers and raechanlcaLacces eorics usual in an inurnment of its BizeT xA vzbt successful concert was that which j on Friday evening served to inaugurate the 4new $3,600 .Roosevelt organ In the Southslde t 'Presbyterian Church. The instrument, which was quite inlly describes in Wednesday's Dis patch, was In the competent hands of Mr Charles CL Mellor, who was assisted by Mrs. Ejima Bingler Wolfe, Miss EdithdXarris. Dr. AV. T. English and Mr. E. H. Dennlit. .Noedica (Lillian Norton) has filmed a eon. atract with Mr. Henry Abbey and Mr. Gran for Itheir eceuing opera season. She will divide with Adelina PatUand Albani the nrlrniflnnn. Roles, and wii alBftith Tosaagoo la Verdi's "Otello" and "Alda," and also as Slsa to his "Lohenerin." Mile. Clementina deVere.who was spoken of as engaged for the same shining troupe, has now decided, it seems, to remain with Campamni's Concert Company, in which she appeared in Pittsburg last season. TnE musical . portion of the services held over tho remains of "William Thaw, in the Third Presbyterian Church last Friday after noon, was in thorough keeping with the per vading sentiment or the occaion simple and full or feeling. Mrs. Jean Wallace Webster sang. "I, Know that My Redeemer Liveth:" the quartet, composed of Mrs. Webster. Mrs. Mary bcott, Mr.,F. J. Bussman and Mr. Wm. B. Ed wards, contributed two familiar hymns, and Mr. Joseph H. Gittlngs played funeral marches ujr ioopin ana Dy iiatiste. Felix Mottl, the gifted Carlsrnhe con ductor, proposes o continue his already re markable list of important revivals and first productions by giving next season Berlioz's Ls Troyens," which has never yet Deen given complete, onl v the third act having been played at the Paris Theater Lyrique. By the way, Al vary, the star tenor of the K ew York Metropol itan last season.has been engaged to sing Wag ner roles at Carlsrnhe in October, and there is said to be some prospect of bis appearing next summer at Bayreuth, where ilottl is one of the regular conductors. Mat be the dying out of the so-called sum mer evening "coscerts," wherein social exclu slveness is attempted and dancing is the true ration if etre, will help'to cpen the field for genuine summer evening concerts next season sly at the Exposition building wherein geod mnsic of the Iirhter order will be the real ob ject and social amenities the pleasant accps ory. The new orchestra ot the AC. M. U., after a season's rehearsal, should be in good shape for such an enterprise, which would af ford it probably the very best field ror winning its spurs. A French critic, M. Brnment-Collevllle, In writing in a recent issue of Le Monde Musical of the .Norwegian concert which was given at tho Trocadero Palace in Paris, places Svend- sen and Grieg very high in the pantheon or living composers, and particularly praises the latter composer's piano concerto. The same critic gives the first prize to the Russian con cert, the second to the Norwegian, the third to the Italian, the fourth to the American con cert and the last to the Spanish, remarking sagely that American mnsic "qui exlste pen," but Spanish mnsic "n'existe pas." Well, we will try to survive this withering criticism, and go on writing music just tne same. Muncal uuwncr. Tot new organ contracted for by the Sixth U. P. Church, of the East End, is not a Roose velt, as stated, but a Wirsching Instrument It will have two manuals and pedal, with 22 speaking stops, will cost $3,500, and is to be completed by December L Little by little the barriers of ancient prejudice fall away. A "Vocalion" in the Third U. P. Chnrch, Alle gheny, last year; now a good-sized pipe-organ in another U. P. Church at the other side or the cities we mav yet live to see the U. P.'s vie in instrumental resources with the regular Presbyterians, who have always kept along lead as having the bestorgaus in this vicinity. A peesonai. letter from Mr. Ethelbert Nevin gives some hint ot the activity of the gifted young composer that Pittsburg has loaned to Boston. Besides the set of five songs, Op. 5, recently published, Mr. Kevin has com pleted the following works: Op, 6, some qualre main dances for pianoforte, already in the publisher's hands; Op 7, Melody and Mazurka for violin, dedicated to and to be played by Adamowskl: Op. 8, Romance and In termezzo for pianoforte; Op. 9, "Wedding Mnsic," for strlne quartet, and Op. 10, "Paul's Lullaby," a setting for mixed chorus, with so prano solo and four-hand accompaniment, or Eugene Field's bewitching verses all about "Wynken and BIynken and Nod." One or the possibilities or the early local season is a con cert or Mr. Nevin's own compositions, given by himself with the aid or a chorus, a string quar tet and several solo singers. If this possibility should materialize the occasion would doubt less be highly interesting and attractive. The Normal Music School at Klttanmng wound up last week what seems, from all ac counts, to have been a prosperous and artistic ally beneficial session. On Thursday evening Gaul's cantata, "lhe Holy City." was given by the chpral class, led by Mr. S. G. Smith, with Miss Inez Mecusker, Mr. R. T. Knox and Mr. G. R. Broadberry as soloists. Mr. Broadberry also appeared as composer and accompanist in the miscellany pre ceding the cantata. In the Normal School concerto, Mr. Adolf De Qninze, of Tarentum, has attracted much attention as a violinist, who though quite voung, possesses exceptional skill and talent. He should be heard in Pltts bunr this winter. Mr. Emmanuel Schmauk's piano recitals, with instructive talks unon the composers, the selections, eta, have been a prominent feature or the session. Mr. Schmauk's two last programmes Included a Bach Prelude and Figue in C minor, Beetho ven's Sonata "Appassionate," Schubert's Im Sromptu, Op 142. No. 3, Chopin's Nocturne Op No.l.and Fantasie Impromptu. On 6S, Ru binstein's "fataccato Etudl," Liszt's "Rigolet to" Fantasie, and Moszkowski'sC major Etude. j A vw . " l-' .'atsTlft A QUESTION OP BOODLE. na to An Investment Company to Decide South Dakota's Capital. Pieeee, S. D., August 3L The official announcement that "Woonsocket Capital In vestment Company had decided in favor of Pierre for capital was received here to-day amid the wildest kind of excitement The decision had been anticipated by the people, and as the company is thought to control from 5,000 to 10,000 votes this decision is considered as almost final in the capital contest. However, there are others who rather ig nore the power of the company in the mat ter, and it is asserted that some of the other towns in the race will now turn to and com bine against the decision of the Woonsocket company. The decision of the company is surely strongly in this city's favor, what ever may be the combinations maae against it J. G. BENNETT fc CO. Corner Wood Street and Fifth Avenue. Bennett Ss Co. sell Youman's hats. Bennett & Co. sell B-unlap's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Silverman's hats. Bennett & Co. sell Boston hats. Bennett & Co. sell Christy's English hats. Bennett & Co: sell Lincoln, Bennett & Co.'s English hats. .Bennett & Co. sell Heath's English hats. The above makes are known to he the fin est in the world, and can be purchased at a slight cost over the ordinary make of hats at J. G. Bennett & Cos, corner "Wood street and Fifth avenue. EirriBE new effects for fall season in all wool dress stuffs at 50c a yard. Huotts& Hacks. HARRIED. LUCOCK-WINTON-August20, at the resi dence of the bride's sister, Mrs, James Hender son, Ashland, O., .by Rev. H. C. Halthcox, pas tor or Trinity Lutheran Church, Mr. Jons a Lucock and Miss Minnie 8, WintoWi both or Allegheny, Pa. No cards. Early Buyers, Look Here. Here is a chance for buyers of early fall clothing which won't present itself again this season. Onr new goods, fresh Irom our workshops, are arriving daily, and if we had three times the 'amount of space that we have it would not be large enough to hold all the goods that our buyers have pur chased. We have decided on holding a hig suit sale on Monday and Tuesdav, and begin by naming prices just about 5 per cent in advance ot what the goods cost. We have a dandy suit marked $15 which can't be pro duced anywhere for $25, and at (12 we show 12 distinct styles of men's fine cutaway and sack suits that are really worth $20. One thing is certain, our $10 suits beat the world. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. Court House. The Lending Styles in Jewelry For fall are now being opened at E. P. Roberts & Sons'. Some startling novelties and chaste patterns in gold, enamel and set with stones have been received. So many new designs in brooches, pini, bracelets, hair pins, buttons, etc. Suits to order, $25; pants, $5 and upward at Pitcairn's, 431 Wood st vrsu. Ladles' Chatelaine Bass And sterling silver mounted pocket books. A great varietv in seal and ooze calf in all shades, at E. P. Roberts & Sons', cor. Fifth ave. and Market st Mnrrlneo Licenses Granted Yesterday. Hams. Beildanea. M. F. Kstep , Robinaon township Jessie E Hewitt Hoblnson township I Walter Greassner Pittsburg tl'aullue Krebs l'ittsburg (Theodores. Blair McKecsport ( Lizzie Foster McKeesport I Charles Cunningham I'lttsburjr J Catharine Morning Pittsburg t Andrew I.utacz l'ittsburg (Anna faocbaz ; Pittsburg Joseph Eddy Pittsburg I Elizabeth Lalbach PitUbnrjr KobertD. Morrison Jefferson county Minnie Stewart Sharpsburg t Lawrence Davidson .....McKetsport Elizabeth Kusiell West Elizabeth I James Miller Pittsburg 1 Barbara, U. Knox rittsbnrg i Lee Lavender Pittsburg (Mary Ulateley Pittsburg snssBasasnnssnsnsmsBBsssBBasmBSBn AUTISTIC SINGING. The llownrd-Melhod. So great is the demand for the services of Mr. John Howard, the well-known voice teacher of New York City, that he will probably be unable to holdopen the hour for calling at his studio, 502 Penn ave. (from 2:30 to 3:30), beyond this week. Perhaps no other singing teacher in this country has so wide a reputation. The Philadelphia Inquirer writes: "Among the most successful exponents of the value of scientific training is Mr. John Howard, of New York, whose remarkable achievements in restoring injured vocal powers, extending the compass and volume of tone, and giving command of the organs of utterance, have won him the highest encomiums from orators, singers and the professional public. Mr. Howard has been induced to establish classes in this city, and has already produced some remarkable results here." The New York Independent writes: "The name of Mr. John Howard is too strongly guaranteed by both prominent artists and influential citizens to raise a doubt in our minds of his ability to carry out bis plans ot vocal culture success fully." The London ( Eas."i Musical Times snenTrn of him as "the head ot the physiological school of voice culture." Mr. Howard has decided to remain six weeks longer. The past two weeks have proved his claims to produce surprising re sults, for nearly every pupil has realized remarkable improvement; many a complete transformation from feeble, husky sounds to the full, resonant tones of true artistic delivery. LABOR DAY T& DIED. BEECHEY-At her residence, 58 Lacoclc street, Allegheny, on Thursday, August 29. 1889, at 11 p. m. StJSAN 0., widow or the late Thomas Beecheyj in her 62d year. ' Funeral services at St Peter's Cathedral, Allegheny, on Sunday aptbenoon at 2 o'clock. Interment private. 2 COLEMAN On Friday morning, August 88, 1889, at 8.30 a. JC, Kekh A CoLEMAN.husband of Anpie Rogers Coleman. (Funeral on Sunday, September 1, at2P. k., from his late residence. No. 222 Fifth avenue. Services at St Paul's Cathedral at 2.30 P. H. Friends of the family are Invited to attend. 2 EMGE On Thursday evening. August 29, 1889, at 8 o'clock, CpARI.ES T. EMGE, in the 22d year or his age, at the residence or his mother, Lithgow avenue, Allegheny. Funeral Sunday aftkenoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 HART-On Friday, August 80, 1889, atOO p. if., Joseph W., eldest son of Leopold and Margaret Hart, aged 21 years and 6 months. Funeral from residence of his parents, Thirty fifth and Penn avenue, on Sunday, September 1, 1889, at 4 o'clock p. M, Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. JONES-On Thursday. August 29. 1889, 4 P. m., Henky Jones, aged 33 years. Funeral from his late residence at Fifty second street and Keystone avenue, on Sun day, September 1, at p. it Friends or the family are respectfully invited to attend. 3 LOWEN On Friday, August 30, at 10 A. 3d-.. Sophia W. Vick, wife ol John Lowen, in the 63d year or her age. funeral rrom tho family residence, in West Liberty borough, on Suxday, September 1, at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment private. 2 MILLER-On Saturday. August SI, 1889, at 9.45 p. m.. Fbedebick M. Miller, in the 53th year or his age. at his residence, 261 Market street, Allegheny. Notice or funeral hereafter. 3 MESSICK At the residence or her son, R. 8. Messick, In Chartiers township, on Friday,. August 80. 1889, at 10 o'clock P. M, Mrs. MARY A. Messick, widow of the late P. C. Messick, ot Pittsburg. Funeral services on Sunday, September 1, at 1 o'clock p. sr. Interment private at a later hour. ROBINSON-On Saturday, August 81, at i p. it, Abchibald Robinson, in bis 63th year. Funeral from his late resldence.'Mifnin town ship, on Monday, September 2, at 1 o'clock. SWINT On Saturday, August 31, Obie Hamilton, youngest daughter or J. E. and Lizzie Farkhlll Swint Funeral from the residence of her parents, 181 Washington avenue, Allegheny, on Sun day, at 4 o'clock. SMITH At the family residence. No. 155 jteuer street, iMineieenin wara, on saturaay, August 31, 18S9. at 5 A. 3L, Joseph Smith, in the 19th j ear or his age. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services on Monday, September 2, at 2 p. if. Interment private later. Philadelphia and Allentown, Pa,, papers please copy, 2 SHEPARD Fridav, August 3a at 11.15 P.M. Chakles E., son ot William H. and Susan U. Shepard, in his 14th year. Funeral from tho residence or his parents. Twenty-seventh ward, on Sunday, September 1, at 2 P. x. Friends or the family are respect fully invited to attend. WELSHMAN On Saturday. August SL 1889, at 11:30 a. m., James Welshman, in the 4bu jear oi jus age. Funeral from the residence or Archie Ham ilton, 2135 Liberty street, on Monday, Septem ber 2, 1889, at 2 o'clock P. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IT STILUEADS. Portiere Bed at $12 00, This bed' is giving all the1 advantages of" higher priced fnlrtincr rinrlo and when handsomely draped,N is a richer piece of furniture than most heavy wood front beds. - T Ml 3 i . -, -r . .. - MEW AwrkKTiswsmwC', ;&. ' sf : H M ?3 '.'afVf Ifir -M- '.- ,. v a Opiin'Sghool IS AT HAND P. & Sclioeneck. 711 LIBERTY ST. PITTSBURG, N.B. Iron and Brass Beds, TrTiolesale prices given on large quantities. sel-WBa BOYS who have been awayeia. joying: their vacation, return with their olothiner too seedy for sohool wear. They'll need new Pants, new Waists and perhaps a whole Suit and Hat No matter which, parents will have' no diffloultyin supplying thorn from our new Fall Stock, which contains a complete assortment of both medium and heavyweight goods. Prices the lowest in the two oities. We make it a special point to have our SOHOOL SUITS extra strongly madre, which faot mothers will no doubt appreciate. Fall Styles in HATS now complete and open for your inspection. 4 mtaefrcw-1 h iff " "' - - i itin in i i 1 1 1 wmtmm0iiimmimffMM lift i TWs .iRILEfKim. -T- U-MdUtB .GBCdSM i Jt "rxn-q-, oxnr - RXETO- JN. 'iJbUB &&&f . Price nt the New York Grocery. 1 sack choice amber flour $1 20 12 lbs coffee sugar. l 00 11 Ji lbs granulated sugar 1 00 Dessicated cocoanut, per lb 15 Columbia river salmon, per can 13 Slbs. Carolina rice ' 25 5 pegs, corn starch 25 7 lbs rolled oats 25 8 lbs Schumacher's oat meal 25 8 lbs large lump starch 25 12 boxes bag bine .-;.......... 25 ivory soap, per bar 4 2 dozen parlor matches (200's) 25 2 lb cauisteiS Thompson's pure bak- ingpowder, 25 4 bottles home made ketchup 25 100 mold tobies , '75 lib pipe smoking tobacco 25 6 lbs of 20c tea fall kinds) 1 00 3 packages fruit puddine. 25 Goods delivered free to all parts of both cities. To those living out of the city trill prepay freight on all orders ot 510 and up ward. jSend for caiMogne. M. E. Thompson, 301 Market st, corner Third ave. Summer Waakness is quickly overcome by the toning, reviving and blood purifying quali ties of Hood's Sarsaparllla. This popular medicine drives off that tired feeling and cures sick headache, dyspepsia, scrofula and all humors. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. ANTHONY MEYEK, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold fc Co., Lira.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenue. Tele phone connection. mylO-ia-jrwrsu JAMES M. FULLERTOK, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. ap27-82-WFSu Tjrr H. DEVOBE 4SOK, x Undertakers ana Embalmers anij rjvery Stables. No. SIS Grant treet, near i irtu avenue. At the old stand fine carriages fnr ihnnninM parties or opera at the most reasonable prices. j cicpuuue, .o. THEMLLIE HHfMELRim Children's department Is one of the busy spots of the great house A line of goods greets both visitors and buyers that attracts more than ordinary observations, from the faot that our Shoes conform to the feet as nature.requires it For absolute comfort a shoe that has every reason to be come well known .in every family is our Ldllie. The qual ity and general appearance of this very excellent Child's shoe stamps it as a masterpiece of workmanship and the very low prices we are selling them, $125, is a point to reflect to those who study economy. "" All widths, from AA to D. Sizes 8 to 10. -- STRASSBURGER & JOSEPH, MoraKotliiers aid Hatters, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. Gratis with eaoh Boy's Suit a Vacuum Tipped Arrow Pistol and Target. m$ mi -' ! iviiVi v & Mi c d mm wm wzmm ?-,. ,w . x& , ''A ." 3 sel-tvrsu -- mh 13-1)8-wsu Tutt's Pill J. H. Athey, a prominent druccist or Holly Springs, Miss., smys: "Your pills are doine wonders in tbls state. The sale of Tutt's Pills exceed those of all others combined. They are peculiarly adapted to malarial diseases. Our physicians all prescribe them." Sold Evcryiohere. Office, U Mtjkbay steeet, New York. TTSSU ALL SUMMER GOODS Marked at such low prices as to make them ALL go this week. All departments this sale: included in TTR. L S. WAUGAMAN, DENTIST, 311 Smlthfield street. Gold fillincs $. 00 and up White alloyfllilngs 1 00 Silver fillings 75 Amalgam ftlllnRS 60 Extractinc teeth 25 Administering gas 60 Teeth, ?5 and 83. Best teeth only J10. Fine cold filling and gold crown work a spe cialty. sel-81 HIMMELRId'S, Market St., Entrance 430-436, Braddock House, 916 Braddock Ave. BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood Street. Grand Opening of New Goods, REAP OUR PRICE LIST. 10 piece decorated toilet set, worth $3 60, onlyfcl lOpteco decorated toilet set, worth Si, only 12 piece decorated toilet set, with jar. cheap ;only6. ' ' sel-su P ATEHTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor or Patents. 131 Fifth avenue, abOTe Smithfield, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se29-hiu at U piece decorated toibn set, with Jar, worth 12.only3. 103 piece decorated toilet set, worth 112 50, only $8 60. 68 piece decorated tea set, cheap at $6, only t 60. 66 piece decorated tea set, worth ti 60, only B89. ' 79 wash bowls and pitchers, only 75c Handle tea cups and saucers 16 in set) only 60c set Gilt-baud cup and saucers, only 10c; white granite steak plates, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c: white granite square and oral disbes, oc, 10c, 15c, 25c; yuiiu granue mates, ah sizes, oniy oc eacn; yel low pudding dishes, 5c, 8c, 10c. 12o to 40c: brown earthen teapots, 15c, 20c. 25c. 30c, S5c; glass sets, butter dish, sugar bowl, creamer and spoon bolder. 30c; glass celery glasses, lOe and 15c; plain glass tumblers, only 2c; glass bread elates, only 10c: class 4-in. nan ii(hoi nniv 25c dozen; gUss fruit bowls, only 10c; extra heavy pressed retlnned sauce pans, 5c to 40c; Acme fry pans, worth 15c only 5c;Nos.7, 8, 9 iron pots, worth 60c, only 25c; iron spiders. No. 7, 20c, No. 8. 25c, No. 9.31c: enameled kettles, 25c, 31c 3ic 41C 4o; washtnbs, 10c, 15c, 25c 35c, 45c 55c. 75c; wood water pails, full size, only 10c; cedar water pail, 3 brass hoops, only 25c; washboards. 10c 15e. 25c; flat Irons, wood han dle (8 In set;, only Jl; flat irons, 6 lb, 7 lb, 8 lb, only 25c each; iron roasting pans, 10c 15c 20c 25c; wash boilers, 60c 65c 75c, 81; tin washba sin, only 5c; 2 at covered pails, only 6c; 1-qt coffee pot, only 6c; tin cuspadores, best colors, only 5c; all kinds tin cake and pudding pans, only 6c; also a large stock of dolls, vases, al bums, toys of all kinds, etc, etc., at very low prices. H. G. HAYDEN & CO. sel-wsu TojMtorro-WTTe inaugurate tteTil d new goods is yry dspartaMBt, W pint zrosa WW yott sua. se immk a wtqe v$m 1. Men's tmd Boys' JmrnirMng God. . Men's and Boya' AWrHto 944. 3, Mays' Shirt Waists. ' 4, SmU Boys' 8uU. 5, Infants'-CsfHpiste 0W. eruadies' tmd CMtdrsn's MH Undfsmth 7- Aprons! Colored Shirts, sts. 8, Ladies' Cloaks, Wrap and Jersey. , " 9.y Misses' and ChUdren's Cloaks ana JeremfH IQ, Millinery Qeods. 4J v ll,JlibboHs, . ' . ' 12. Bilks, Satins, Tetve and fhiskee 13, Trimmod Blots and Bennois. " 14, Untrimmed Mais and Bonnets. 15. Artificial Flowers and JFeathorsi m. Gloves. ''' 17. Hosiery, . , ' " 18. Merino Underwear. 1Q. flnriteta. Hustles, etc. - a-a 20. Dress Trimmings and Buttons. ''" 1, Dressmakers' Supplies. j-- 22, Dace and Dace (foods,' .. 23. Embroideries. 24. White Goods. 25, Nets and VeWngs, , jiff. Linens, Towels and Napkins, 27. Linen Handkerchiefs. 28. SUfi Handkerchiefs and Mufilers 29. Ladies' and Children's Neckwear. 30. Art Embroidery and Materials J 'or Faney WrJtty oa -a.l trtt. 7j-ahui' (iacula. ff 4t.- tr .uJIJVa. J 34. Rubber Goods. , T 35, Umbrellas and Farasots. 36, Soaps and Ferfumery. i 39. Toilet Goods, n X..1..JJ.m B4a mmIm. fF11A BmAm Vmhamm 0.'' ifO. Xrmonuiivn omf wi .vnw uct) jawnnwi , JVVyVj ' Boxes, wove ana uianacercnter Jjomesj etc," ' - SO Wrtn. " j j.n. Fancv Goods and Bric-a-Brac. - x " 41. Trunks, Baas and Travelers' Outfits, 42. Focket Books and Fancy Leather Goods. 43. Books.. 44. Stationery and School Supplies. 45. Flcture Frames and Mirrors. 46. Fancy China Ware. . , 6t7 WtWCW lMa Ojw y wwvvw 3T .? &8. 4J0US anu uqw WWS. , A . Ir$r; 4. says' - jfjnr Kn Ttrtfvi, WtiTiii. VeTnr.irtpAes ana Tllcvcleit. . ' 51. House Furnishing Goods and Kitchen Utensils , "52. Clocks and Bronzes. 53. Silverware, Solid and Flated. 64. "Jewelry, Beal and Imitation. 55. Baskets and Willow Ware. 66. Table and Focket Cutlery ' 57. Household Hardware, ' &8. Crockery, Glass and China Ware. f9. Lamps, Lamp Shades, etc. O. Specialties for Wedding Fresents and Souvenirs. 61. Christmas Specialties. 62. Flags. 63. Fatent Medicines. On Saturday, September 7, vrp shall celebrate the first anniversary of the onenincr of our new stores by a grand display that will eclipse. anything of the kind ever seen in the two oities. we expect 20,000 fl Trtattsvra int. ri B.-0- Rnrl fixa nroriarinu for an extraordinarv rush. All ' weak lonor carloads of merchandise will be pouring in upon us, and we' "ii promise thousands ot novelties no? to do iounaatoxner eaxaouanmeacs, FOR VISITORS TO THE EXPOSITION we have provided "Waitingr and Toilet Eooms, where all will be mads welcome, whether purchasers or not. Our waiting rooms will be pro vided with the daily papers and the latest magazines, so that waithig will be made a pleasure instead of a bore. Parcels will be checked free of oharge and visitors from the country can leave their parcels with us and be free to see the sights, without lugging with them burdensome paokagea We deliver goods free of charge in Pittsburgrand Allegheny. Ezpressage prepaid on purchases of 85 and upward to any transporta tion point within 60 miles of Pittsburg. House Furnishing Goods, Toys, China; Glassware, Trunks, Baby Carriages, Befrigerators, Lamps,. Bronzes, etc., excepteu. FLEISHIAI & COMffiS - -ire -&' ? VJ &: W sel-sn Double Barrel Breech Loader, Top actlori, Bebonnding Bar Locks, all Improvements, same as cut. $20 00. Double Barrel Muzzle Loaders, $4 and np Double Barrel Breech Loaders,$7 and np Flobert Rifles, $2 and np. 100 Loaded Shells, S2. Trillins- Tools. 35c 75c. SI 25. Paper Shells, 60c per 100. OUR EXPOSITION of New Fall Novelties surpasses all our former ones in variety and cheapness. "We opened during this week high novelties in IMPORTED NEWMARKETS. IMPORTED JACKETS. PINE PLUSH JACKETS. PINE PLUSH SACQUES. IMPORTED LONG WRAPS. KL SlsIIT'S, 934 Liberty St, Cor. Smlthfield. Send name and address for onr Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, mailed tree of charge. seOrwrsui lETIEiW 0-003DS. Jlany of these have been Imnorled direct bv n nnd mnnnt bi nrnixinil nioon.T,o- tu cn.i-n.. . t .i- i n . are really worth $20, and if you wish to save money you had better select one this week. We also opened this week 240 cartons con taining 4,130 pieces Colored Silk Velvet Kibbons, choice shades, which we offer to our patrons at exceedingly Jowprices. These eoo'ds will be very scarce shortly, as there is an enormous demand for them in Europe and America. - Special Exenrslon to Gettysburg. On Monday, September 9, the B. & O. E. E. will run a special train, leaving Pitts burg at 8 A. M., with day coaches and Pull man parlor cars attached, arriving at An tietam at 5:10 p. M., where stop willbe made to visit the battle field, and proceed, arriv ing at Gettysbnnr at 8 p. si. The lare lor tbe round trip will bef8 95 from Pittsburg. Passengers will bavetheTrivilege of return ing from Gettysburg via Baltimore, Wash- In addition to this special excursion, tickets will be on sale from September 7 to 12. inclusive, good to return until the 18th, inclusive, via this route or via "Washing ton .and Baltimore going, and returning via same route, or via Harper's Perry, Wever ton hud Hagcrstown. Tickets via all .routes. $8 93. Secure your tickets aud parlor car seats early. Por further'information address or apply toJS. D. Smith, Division Passenger Agent, cor. Pifth ave. aadHVood st.'PittsbHwrAA: Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Star Waists and Blouses. Men's Fancy Cheviot and Flannel SJiirts. Muslin Underwear, WTiite Goods and Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, Trimmings, Notions, Umbrellas, Farasols, Corsets. Men's Striped Cotton Half Hose, Special Lots. A. splendid opportunity to buy hieh-claw goods at less than tho price of inferior ones. New Fall Goods Arriving daily. - G, CAMPBELL & SONS, OUR GLOVES OWN IMPORTATION OF' KID During the last two seasons has proved GRAND SUCCESS .'. We still have a full line of those Genuine Poster Hook French' Real Kid. A A "710 Ponn avenue, 710. PENN BUILDDm Between Seventh and Eighth sts. f Xiv if 6 Hooks, 81: OO. 7 Hooks, $1 60. Wo have just received and have now ready for inspection, beautiful China Dinner SetsFish Sets and a full line of nice China, odd pieces, to which we invite the attention of the ladies. X R. P. WALLACE & Op., 211 Wood. s-b. OPPOSITE ST. CHARLES. au4--wrsa- 7 Hooks, 92 25. auZ7-TUTSU TEETH,, $5, $8, $10. Amalgari, 0cj Gold fillincs from $1 up. Silver. 75c: Mliito nllov. il. Gold Crowns a special tj. " fDR. 3. M. JfcCLABEN, ! 7 uniw pnitnneia ana Fourth avenue, , jeuu-. 5 Hooks, 81 50. ' 7 Hooks, 81 76. Also onr GUAKAfcTEED Foster Hook Kid Gloves-S hooks, 89c; 7 hooks, 81. No such values offered bv any other house. , T,,,Jl J,I,ssesa 4 ?Jd Glo"s thls 48c. 120 doz. Ladies' 4 b. Embroidered Kid Gloves this week; 48c. 40 doz. 4 b. flue fi7K?ray.UedeGloveJs,.c;jr,:??1- m d0Z-4 b'Eeal French Embroidered Tan Kid Gloves, warranted, 89o a pair: a pT5 'Z. ft Thesa,are undoubtedly the greatest bargains ever offered in Kid Gloves, and cannot fail to boom this department. It is our aim to give you reliable gloves at as low prices as the so-called job lots 6r seconds offered by many dealers as real Kid Gloves. Mil I IN FRY I to -1 the m$7 E fJL No vSl",es can be ha in hls Department in a muoh larger variety than anywhere else. New 111 I LLI 11 L II I I Wings, Tips. Eibbons, Velvets, Plushes, etc., in endless variety, and at prices which cannot be undersold. ROSEN BAUM & CO., DO US THE FAVOR TO SEE ODE EXHIBIT AT THE EXEOITIOU. Then be kind enough to call at the Store, 307 Wood street 'and we will show you the handsomest line of New Fall Styles of Furniture, Carpetings, Etc., it pleasure to witness. should you desire a little time, we will make very casyi has ever been your Our prices are very low and the terms; KONEEES OP LOW PRICES. nnpp ER BROS. & SO,7-"W"OOZD f ST-30.7 clsugn 1 1 , - ' w " l f feSoIe Agentsfor the DaviSiSiwing Machine. w? t?tiiisaisMg.raTii",w"''- ' -- -fry hdkX). r.l,iiflt i,'-ii WkWSk