Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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9 THE- PITTSBTJKGr DISPATCH. SUNDAT,.. SEPTEMBERS : 1889.r ;N ' " A ' - ; " v. J Y f ' "-"
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Chi Brown Will Not be Ready for
? 'lew Days to Kame the Firemen
' Dr. Mercnr Finds No Color Blindness
Among the Fire Fighters.
"Jly examinations show the employes of
the Fire Burea.. to be in excellent con
dition physically," Dr. Mercnr said yester
day atternoon. "Thev went onlv to the
bodily condition of the men, their height, J last dragged intb place.
weigni, general oeann, Keenness oi
sight, etc. As. a rnle, the men are up to the
average. Those who fail to come np to the
standard of physical soundness are gen
erally men who have been connected with
the department for many yeais and have
grown old or been disabled in the service.
I found one man who had been on the force
33 years. Another man was disabled while
on duty. He cannot do active work at fires,
bnt is kept at the engine house, where he is
useful. It is bnt justice that the city should
retain such men in its service. They are
worthy pensioners.
"The man who showed the best chest ex
pansion is Captain Robert HcConway, of
No. 6. Captain John Lennox, of "No. 5, has
also a spendidly developed chest. In the
entire bureau I, did oot find one case of
color blindness. I examined the men's eyes
only on the primary and secondary colors,
such as red, blue and green. It would be a
serious defect if a fireman could not dis
tinguish red. I could not tell a great deal
about the habits of the men. I did not in
quire into them. A man might be a hard
drinker, and if he were young it might not
have affected his heart or other organs yet,
although it would later.
'"It is impossible for me to say what com
pany ranks the highest. The men were ex
amined individually. I simply had blank
forms to fill out, and as rapidly as I did so'I
turned them over to Chief Brown's clerk. I
did not have time to look over them collect-
' ively.
"I do not believe there was any political
object in having the examinations made. I
think that Chief Brown simply desired, for
the good of the service, to know who the
best men are. I don't believe that he in
tends to discharge those old-timers who have
aone good work, but are now physically run
down. Under his instructions, I did my
work conscientiously, without favoritism.
Every case went down on its merits. I
made, i in my reports, no recommendations
or suggestions. I do not believe that there
was a man who failed to come up to the
standard who did not know it himself. From
the examinations made, I shall not expect
many changes.
"Firemen ought to take a good deal more
j exercise than they do. As a rnle they are
indolent. They eat too much and do not
exercise enough, ilen who are not naturally
athletic grow more indolent year after year.
I have known men to go into the service in
good physical condition who would soon run
down. Work as work does not develop a
man physically as well as proper exercise.
There ought to lie a rowing machine in every
engine house. I think that is the best thing
that can be used. Striking the bag is also
a good exercise. Both of these things have
some excitement about them, and the men
are more likely to use them than clubs or
"Some regular form of exercise onght to
be made obligatory. "While a few men love
aexercise, most of them do not. Such a
man as Captain Hannigan, ot No. 2, is an
excellent example to the lorce. He exer
cises regularly, is a fine specimen of man
hood, and knows how to take care of him
self. Very few ot the men, however, fol
low his example. I made no written recom
mendation to Chief Brown on the subject of
obligatory exercise, though I have spoken
to him about it. I think it is likely that
something in that line will be done soon."
Chief Brown has not yet looked over the
examination papers. "He said vesterdav
that no changes in the bureau would be
made inside of a weeE. Members of the
bureau, even the higher officials, claim to
be ignorant ot the exact place which will
be occupied by the proposed Fire Insoector.
It is generally thought that he will rank as
an assistant superintendent. In the gossip
about City Hall and in police and fire cir
cles, only one name is connected with the
position, that of Inspector McAleese. That
gentleman is now in Chicago, and is ex
pected to be at home to-morrow.
m Jjo. a engine house, on Smithfield
street, is an interesting relic of the man
whom the fire laddies regard as having been
the athletic chief ot the Pittsburg depart
ment. It is a cast, in iron, of the arm of
James Hammill. He was the champion
oarsman of America. From 18T2 until 1875,
a few-months before his death, he was a
boseman in Kb. 2 company. The arm is
not an unusually large one, but the devel
opment of the muscles it magnificent The
iron arm stands upon a small pedestal and
is to be seen in the gymnasium on the top
floor. The dumbbell's and clubs there were
nearly all Hammill's property. The biggest
bell, weighing 116 pounds, he used occa
sionally, but his practice was usually with
a24-pound bell. His brother, John Ham
mill, is at present the storekeeper for the
Pire Bureau.
Mr. Johns la Hanging Over l.OOOiOrlR
Inala at the Exposition Now for
the Grand Opening This Week.
The week just passed has brought about
some wonderful changes in the Exposition
buildings, and noneare more marked than
those about the great iron structure. Nat
ural gas was ignited in the great boilers
Inst evening in order to dry out the brick
walls surrounding them, and to test the
water connections. Both engines are now
in place though connections have not been
The first exhibit to be shown in the great
hall rolled buoyantly into the building
Saturday in the shape of a handsomely fin
ished engine from the works of Dilworth,
Porter & Co. The men gave a cheer of de
light when the stubborn "dinkey" was at
ASuit Involving$10,000,000 Against
the B. & 0. Road Knocked Out
Decides tlio Loan Was Eegular and
. Legitimately Applied.
Progress at the main building, however.
has been even more marked. Contractors
have done their part on the interior, and it
is now the exhibitor's turn to hustle, and,
judging from appearances, they are getting
an able-bodied move on. Bunting and flag
decorations are completed, and Mr. Lauten
slager is devoting his attention to fixing up
some of the prettiest French ideas in decora
tions on Groetzinger's stand. Monday morn
ing he, with other decorators, will turn
their .attention to floral decorations in
the large entrance which, when finished,
will be a marvel. The iron fences are
going up abominably slow, but contractors
are sanguine all will be finished.
Lovers of art will be delighted to hear that
Mr. Johns is once again in a good humor.
Electric lights will be finished for his rooms
Monday, and if the men had been at all in
clined to work overtime, they could have
been finished last night. Each room is to
be illuminated with from 50 to 120 electric
lights, and Mr. Johns has hung them in
places guaranteed by mathematical calcula
tion ana an artistic eye to cast their beams
at such an angle as to produce the most
pleasing and telling effects.
Probably one of the most unique exhibi
tions in an artistic line ever shown, will be
the room in which some 80 to 100 Century
originals will be shown. These pictures
are impressions by the best artists, from
which the cuts that have made Century
famous have been taken. They are valued
very highly in New York, especially some
of the originals of the noted "war articles,"
bnt New Yorkers showed their'armreciation
of Pittsburg's great show by gladly loaning
them. In all, there will be between 800 and
1.600 pictures on exhibition, not a -single one
of which is a copy, and it is claimed by
critics it is certainly the finest gallery ever
shown west of the mountains.
As regards, the buildings, ticket offices
have been put up, and doors are on the
main building, and everything seems to
justify the President's remark: "We are as
nearly finished now as is the average Ex
position." One thing, however, is certain, human
nature cannot stand .that gloomy cloud of
Point dust, and if the city doesn't turn in
and do the right thing by one of her great
est enterprises, then either her heart or her
head is in the wrong place.
Abont Smoky Island.
A storm in a teacup is now raging with
regard to the possession of "Smoky Island"
as the track of land lying along the
Allegheny river front, and running parallel
with School street, Allegheny, is called.
The Pittsburg and Western Railway whose
tracks run past the lovely "island" in
question, claim it; and the worthy burgesses
of Allegheny City say it belongs to them.
The Monday night streets committee will
take action on the matter.
It is Prized Highly, Became Stephen C
Foster Flayed on It.
W. B. Weisser, Esq., of Tarentum, has in
his possession a most valuable and valued
violin. The instrument was made about
200 years ago in Berlin, Germany, and it
has come down into Mr. Weisser's owner
ship through a long line of ancestry.
W hen a relative of Mr. Weisser's was
visiting Stephen C. Foster he told the latter
of the violin's great age. Mr. Foster asked
to see it When it was handed to him he
drew the bow across the strings, and a mel
low and enchanting sound was the result.
Upon this old instrument two songs dear
u me ukui " every American naa their
birth, namely, "Suwanee Eiver" and "The
Old Folks at Home." As long as Stephen
Foster lived he delighted to take the old
fiddle in his hand and fill the air with the
sweet creations of his brain.
N Specinl Excursion to Geltysbnrc.
On Monday, September 9, the B. & O. B.
E. will run a special train, leaving Pitts
burg at 8 A. M.. with dav coaches and Pull
man parlor cars attached, arriving at An-
tietam at 5:10 p. M., where stop will be made I
ingat Gettysburg at8P.-M. The fare for
the round trip will be 58 95 from Pittsburg.
Passengers will have the privilege of return
ing from Gettysburg via Baltimore, Wash
ington and Harper's Ferry. 1
In addition to this special excursion,
tickets will be on sale from September 7 to
12, inclusive, good to return until the 18th,
inclusive, via this route or via Washington
and Baltimore goiug, and returning via
same route, or via Harper's Ferry, Wever-
mu auu .nagersiown. xicKets via all routes
$8 95. '
Secure your tickets and parlor car seats
For further information address or apply
to E. D. Smith, Division Passenger Agent,
cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st. Pittsburg.
Trefoil Gipsy Rings,
A charming novelty for misses and chil
drenbright and sparkling all colors and
combinations. E. P. Eoberts & Sons have
so many new ideas in the ring line that ifis
a real pleasure to inspect their stock.
Early Buyers, Look Here.
Here is a chance lor bnvers of oorl- foil
clothing which won't present itself again
.u.j t.uu. vu ucn jjuuus, irean irom our
workshops, are arriving daily, and if we
had three times theamonnt of .space that we
have it would not be large enough to hold
all the goods that onr buyers have pur
chased. We have decided on holding a big
suit saleon Monday and Tuesday, and begin
by naming prices just about 5 per cent in
advance of what the goods cost. We have a
dandv suit marked $15 which can't be pro
duced anywhere for $25, and at 512 we show
12 distinct styles of men's fine cutawav and
sack suits that are really worth 520. " One
thing is certain, our 510 suits beat the
world. p. c. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., oppl Court
Despair not, whatever may vour afflic
tions be, only call on Dr. Griffith Drug Co.
for renewed health. Doubt not. Doubt
has killed its thousands, and prejudice has
lea tens of thousands to the slaughter.
Think lor a moment. Why should the
afflicted not give way to reason and afford a
fair trial to the world-known Ta-va-zon
remedies of Dr. Griffith, 301 to 307 Grant
street, Pittsburg, Bead "Herald of
Health." v ,
The BJetnodlst Church There Will be Eeno
rnted In Sstyle.
The M. E. Church at Johnstown, which
bravedjhe late flood, is to have a new pipe
organ" worth $3,000. It will be built by
Granville Wood & Son, of Michigan. The
church is also to be completely renovated.
Wherever any fear is entertained for the
safety of any portion of the building, it
will be .rebuilt. It will also be frescoed and
The Finance Committee Appropriates 83,500
for This Purpose.
The Finance Committee of Councils met
yesterday afternoon. A communication
from the Assessors Asking for an appropri
ation of $3,500 from the contingent fund for
, their running expeni-es for the remainder of
the fiscal rear was received, and the armro-
priation was tna(e:
yM v
ktM.'.G. Comer, diamond expert and jew
iler?C33Smithneld'strcet.. 1
- -
Ilntnpden Railroad Watches
And the celebrated Bavmond Elgin watches
are a leading feature with E. P. Eoberts &
Sons, cor. Filth ave. and Market st. They
carry a full stock in silver or gold cases.
All warranted to pass inspection.
Gallery Open Monday.
Pine cabinets $1 00 per doz. at Aufrecht's
Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg.
jui welcome, use elevator.
Marquis Rings,
The newest and most popular of ladies
rings, exquisite shape marvels of beautv
made in all diamonds and blended with
rubies, sapphires, emeralds and opals. A
superb assortment great variety of prices.
E. P Boberts & Sons make a leading spe
cialty of diamonds and precious stones.
Labor Day.
Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal street,
Allegheny, will have their gallery open
all day. Have your photograph taken.
Cabinets only $1 a dozen. Bring the little
. Axti the new styles and colors jn jackets
and long wraps for fall now opened.
Hcgds & Hacke.
B. B. Carnahan, Esq., examiner and
master in the case of John B. Gloninger,
administrator de bonis non cum testamento
annexo of -Sarah B. Fetterman, deceased,
and executor of the estate of Gilbert L. B.
Fetterman, deceased, and Ada K. Chain,
for herself, vs the Pittsburg and Connells
ville Bailway Company, Baltimore and
Ohio Bailway Company, Union Trus. Com
pany, of New YorR, and Robert Garrett
and the directors of Pittsburg and Connells
vjjle Bailway Company yesterday filed his
report in the Court of Common Pleas No.l.
The trouble grew out of a loan of 10,000,000
negotiated in 1885. and to which plaintiffs
objected. The report is very voluminous,
extending over some 300 pages of type
writer sheet. The attorneys for the plain
tiffs were D. T. Watson, W. S. Pier and T.
C. Lazear, Esqrs., and for the defense Johns
McCleave and J. S. Ferguson, Esqrs.
Mr Carnahan was appointed master and
examiner on June 5, 1886, to report facts,
found and a form of decree. "There was
taking of testimony at frequent intervals
during two years and six davs, and nearly
'all the notables in the companies mentioned-
from Itobert Garrett down, were examined
at one time or other.
Mr. Gloninger, as administrator ef the es
tate of Mrs. Sarah B. Fetterman, deceased,
held 110 shares of the capital stock of the
Pittsburg and Connellsville Bailway Com
pany, and ten shares as the executor of Gil
bert Fetterman, deceased, and Ida Chain
five shares. Subsequently the executors of
Daniel Cane, deceased; the administrator
of the estate of Peter Eist, deceased, and
James Hurst, for himself, were allowed to
intervene as plaintiffs. As stated by the
examiner, the gravamen of the plaintiffs'
complaints is contained in the following
That the Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad,
controlling the Pittsburg and Connellsville
Bailway Company, in 1884 and 1885 desired
to secure a loan of 510,000,000 for its own
purposes; that the money was needed for the
extension of certain of its lines in which the
Pittsburg and Connellsville Hallway Com
pany was not interested and with which it
could make no connections; that the Balti
more and Ohio Bailwav Comnanv nnnlri nnl
secure the desired loan merely on its own
bonds, and deemed the extra security neces
sary to get sufficient 'deptn of financial
"water" to float the bonds on the market;
that a scheme was devised by the officers in
charge of the Baltimore ond Ohio Bailway
Company, in which they were joined bv the
officers and directors ot the Pittsburg" and
Connellsville Bailway Company, bv which
the latter company was to issue" 510,000,000
of its bonds to the Baltimore and Ohio Bail
way Company, to be secured by mortgage
on all the property of the Pittsburg and
Connellsville Bailway Company, whether
then held or thereafter to be acauired. and
on the franchise of the latter company, to
enable the former company to float its $10,
000,000 without mortgaging any of its prop
erty or franchises; that the Baltimore and
Ohio Bailway Company was to issue its
own bonds for 510,000,000, bearing the same
aate, and a lite rate ol interest as those
of the bonds of the Pittsburg and Connells
ville Bailway Company, the bonds and
mortgage of the latter company to be secu
rity for the payment of the bonds of the
Baltimore and Ohio Bailway Company, and
all this to be done solely for the benefit of
the Baltimore and Ohio Bailway Company,
lor purposes in which the Pittsburg and
Connellsville Bailway Company had no
interest whatever.
Plaintiffs averred in the tenth paragraph
of their bill that the property on which the
.Baltimore ana unio Bailway Company
based its security, stocks and bonds in vari
ous branch railways, counting the stock at
par ana oonasat tneir lace value, aggregat
ed 2,946,700, but that the real value of all
said stock and bonds in about a dozen roads
atthe time in question was not then nor at
present above $800,000. It was also charged
that the Baltimore and Ohio Bailway Com
pany controlled said companies and con
cealed facts in reference thereto, and it was
also averred by plaintiffs that many of these
stocks and bonds were illegally issued by
the different companies and illegally ac
quired by the Baltimore and Ohio Bailway
There are so many averments in the bill
and they have been so amplified by the ex
uberance of legal phraseologv, that the
reader's patience would fail if asked to
wade through one-tenth of the mass. Meet
ings were held to take testimony in this
city, Baltimore and New York, and the
pleadings embrace so manv averments of
fact and so many denials, qualifications, ex
planations and counter allegations of fact
in the three separate answers that the whole
cover over 60 pages of printed matter.
The master finished his report on the 28th
of last Jnne, and on the 8th of Julv plain
tiffs submitted 92 exceptions to the'master,
going to nearly every finding of law and
fact. Defendants' exceptions relate to mat
ters of law and fact, such as the alleged
laches of the plaintiffs, non-rejoinder of
necessary parties as defendants, alleged
necessity of an antecedent tender of restitu
tion of the property, etc. The master
states that he has on these averment
and suggestions of error reviewed
nis entire report and carefully con
sidered the findings, and has found no
reason to modify any of his conclusions as
respects either the law or the facts of the
case, and both plaintiffs' and defendants'
exceptions are overruled. He states, how
ever, that a few of the plaintiffs' exceptions
should be noticed for purposes of explana
nation. One of these is the seventh.
In receiving aud relying in the declaration
of the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railway
Company, as made in its annual reports after
It came under the control of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railway Company as evidence, except In
so far as they are made self-disservtae and
made against interest.
taming the reports from 1868 to 1S88. to which
reference has been made. Jtwas during this
period that the lease of the Pittsburg aud Con
nellsville Railroad was made to the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad Company, in
fact, the extension of the railroad
from Connellsville to Cumberland was built,
and put in operation, and operated for six
vears, while Mr. Fetterman was In the board.
The reports called the "Annual Reports" are
the reports of the president and directors.
There Is not a tittle ot evidence in the case
that Mr. Fetterman ever dissented from any
action of the Hoard of Directors during the
time of his service as a director, or after be
ceased to be a member of the board. The re
ports made are his reports, and the reports of
every director present, and not dissenting
when the reports were made up; and the evi
dence shows that Mr. Fetterman was quito
regular in his attendance at the meetings. He
also represented the stock of his mother's estate
when he was a director, and atter be retired
from the board. It mnst be that he was satis
fied. At all events there.! not the least evi
dence of dissatisfaction on Ms part. Mr. r e
terman'dled some jears ago, and the executor
at ii
ne d
non c. t. a. of Mrs. Sarah B. Fetterman's estate,
of nis will, as onfe
ana the same
he.nlalntiffg in this case.
STSOn.'as administrator de bonis
has charged in bis hill that what was done by
the President and directors during the period
of Mr. Fettermau's membership of the direc
tory of the company, was not honestly done
that the reports were made under the "influ
ence" of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com
panywere "inspired" by the officers andagents
of that company, etc.
These charges are not supported by any evi
dence in the case, and it is unnecessary to sair
The conclusion is that on the law and the
facts of the whole case -the master recom-'
mends that the plaintiffs' bill be dismissed
at their costs.
Arising From a Series of Drives Over
the Township Koads.
Effect of Mixing Socks and Clay Generally
in Eoad Making.
J. Heron Foster Protcat Aanlmt the Snlo
oraBnlldlnc Pending a Salt Is It Worth
More Tlinn $140,000?
J. Heron Foster yesterday filed exceptions
in the Orphans' Court to the confirmation
of the sale of the building heretofore occu
pied by The Dispatch, on Fifth avenue
and the Sheriffs deed issued for the same.
The building had been sold at Sheriffs
sale by permission of the Orphans' Court to
pay off legacies under the will of the late
J. Heron Foster. .The legacies were due
after the death of Mrs. Julia Foster, who
had a life interest in the estate. Mrs. Fos
ter.in her will,lef t her estate to her daughters,
Julia Foster and Bachel G. Foster, now
Avery, whom she appointed her execu
trices. They obtained permission for the
sale, and when it was- held .bought in the
property for $140,000.
Meanwhile J. H. Foster, the son of Mrs.
Foster, who received nothing bv her will.
commenced a contest in.Bhilade!phia,wherej
the will bad been probated. The contest is
still pending. '
In the exceptions filed in this court by J.
H. Foster he states tbt Julia F.and Bachel
6. Fosterks executrices under the con
tested will, have in- their possession all of
the property, real and personal, belonging
to the estate, their right to which is still
undetermined. Thev ought not, he holds,
be permitted to sell, or offer for sale, the
building or any other property belonging to
the estate of Julia Foster for the payment
to themselves of the legacies under the will
of the late J. Heron Foster, nor should
they be the purchasers except as trustees for
the heirs. The transaction, he claimed, was
opposed to the. letter and spirit of .their
mother's will.
Further, he said, the property sold was
worth far more than $140,000, which they
paid for it He asks that the sale and the
Sheriff's deed be set aside.
An Administrator Appointed to Collect some
Begister Connor yesterday, on order of
Court, issued letters of administration on
the estate of P. A. Farrelly to Mrs. Joseph
N. Dale. It was stated by Mrs. Dale in
her petition to court that Farrelly, who was
her nephew, was a lieutenant in the United
States army. He died in the service on Au
gust 4, 1851, unmarried. It has since been)
discovered that there is an arrearage due His
estate, to collect which an administrator
must be appointed. As she is the next 'of
kin she asked for the appointment.
A Tonne Girl Flies a Petition for no Aunt to
be Her Guardian.
Mary E. B. McCommiskey yesterdayfiled
a petition in the Orphans' Court, asking for
the appointment of her aunt, Mary Byrne,
as her guardian. It was stated that her
father was sent to Dixmont. While he was
there she was born. In 1880 he was re
leased, but he is a drunkard and considered
insane, and unsafe to have the custody of a
child. For three years she has lived with
her aunt, and wants her for a guardian. A
citation was issued returnable September 14.
The Defendants Accused of Turning
Conrse of Sawmill Rnn.
Kirk Q. Bigham, executor and trustee of
Maria D. Bigham, yesterday entered suit
against James "Whetsell and William J.
Evans, for damages. It was alleged that
the defendants entered the land belonging
to the estate of Maria D. Bigham and built
a wall and embankments, turning the course
of the Sawmill run, causing it to do consid
erable injury to the property.
Conrt Notes.
The Mount Carmel Cemetery Company yes
terday filed in the Recorder's office articles of
Andrew B. Mlllec, Eso,, yesterday was
appointed receiver of the Chartiers Creamery
Company, which failed a short time ago.
Peter Mueller yesterday filed a suit
against Caroline Mueller and Christian Kirst,
to oDiara possession oi a lot in tne Twenty
ninth ward.
58c, 38a.,38c New side-band dress
goods, 38 inches wide.
Kkable & Shusteb,
arwsu 35 Fifth avenue.
Gallery Open Monday.
Fine cabinets 81 00 per doz. at Aufrecht'
Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, "Pittsburg.
jiii welcome, use elevator.
BAEQArNS,in summer suitings and trons-
rings at'riicairn f, 434 wood st. - irsti
Exception 19 In adopting as his finding
of fact and history of the Pittsburg and
Connellsville Bailway Company, the
printed reports of said company, which were
formulated and inspired by the Baltimore
and Ohio Company's agents, who controlled
the Pittsburg and Connellsville Company.
In reference to the annual reports referred
to in these exceptions, the master has to
First That the objectionable reports were
offered in evidence by the plaintiffs. On pace
Z14 of the "Pittsburg testimony" will be found
the plaintiffs' offer in these words.
"Counsel for the plaintiffs offer In evidence a
compilation of the Pittsburg and Connells
ville Railroad Company, which Mr. Washing.
ton, when he was on the stand, promised to
furnish, containing reports of the Pittsburc
anil Connellsville Railroad Company from 18G8
to 1888, all excepting one year, 1S71, the book
belug marked. 'Office Copy,' and marked for
identification, "Ex. Vol. Reports of the Pitts
burg and Connellsville Railroad.' "
No objection being made, the offered evi
dence was admitted. Tta volume is No. 2 of
the reports, and there is not a report in tue vol
ume which was not made after the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company became the ma
jority stockholder. Both volumes were after
ward offered by the defendants and admitted,
no objection being made.
Second G. L. B. Fetterman, as averred in
tho,anawer and clcatly proved by the evidence,
was a director of the Pittsburc and Connells
ville Company from 1SC3 to 1877, both years in
clusive, belnc a continuous service of 14 years.
He was consequently a director for nine years
of the period unbraced in the volumes ton-
The exceptions to the decree upholding t$e
will of Harriet K. Knox, which was contested
by her husband on the grounds of the signature
to the will being signed simply Harriet," were
An application was filed yesterday for a
charter for the Congregation of Choye Adam,
of Pittsburg. The directors of the church are
David Marklwitz. Jacob Hepner, Solomon
jGoIdberg, Isaac Sehwartz and Samuel Lewis.
Dawson B. Adams yesterday entered suit
against the Pittsburg Female College for $10,
O00. He states that be fell through a cellar
hole in the sidewalk on Eighth street, which
was not properly covered, receiving severe in
juries. Davtd Richmond yesterday entered suit
against the Citizens Traction Company for 810,
COO damages for the death of his son Frank.
He had been killed by one of the cable cars
running Into a wagon on which lie was em
ployed. J. H. Miller, Esq., yesterday was appointed
by the Court, commissioner to report a ached.
ule of distribution of the funds In the hands of
Hon. J. H. Bailey, assignee of Graff, Bennett
it Co , and to pass on the exceptions filed to
the account of the assignee.
Isaac Ckaiq, commissioner of the late Mrs.
Isabella C. Comingo. yesterday filed Lis first
and final accouut of ber estate. He charged
himself with having received 137,556 35. The
money paid out and his commission and 5 per
cent leaves a balance in'his hands of 31,443 77.
B. F. Ci owe yesterday entered smt against
James L. Orr, the real estate agent, for $10,000
damages. The suit is the result of the prose
cution of Crowe by Orr for forgery, for which
Crowe was tried and acquitted. Crowe alleges
that the prosecutioa was malicious and with.
out cause, and that his character and reputa
tion have heen injured.
Maryland Exposition. '
The B. & O. E. B, will sell excursion
tickets at rate of ?9 for the round trip, from
September 7 to 14, inclusive, good to return
until the 21st, inc!usive,.to the Maryland
Exposition, at Baltimore. Trains leave
depot at e A. M. and 920 P. M.
IT. W. Shafer, Esq., has been drivingex
tensively lately over the liner regulators
which County Supervisors icalL roads, and
which swallow yearly more filling without
effect than' the famous Slough of Despond
which came so near miring John Bunyan's
hero, and Mr. Shafer" s disgust is several
times skin deep. It is enough to stir a fever
in the blood of either saint or sinner of any
age to drive out ten miles from the city on
almost any road, and at the same time stir
up his breakfast and give him a sensation of
seasickness, aud on some of these ground
troughs he will be charged! and when he
reflects that over $75,000,000 have been spent
in these alleged highways, spent within this
county and outside ot cities and boroughs,
he is able to appreciate any honest effort made
to give us a State law that will remedy the
matter, 'it might pay a township .to send its
supervisors to travel over theyounger sister,
Ohio, and study her system of road-making,
as cities "send junketing commissions to
study municipal work in other cities.
Mr. Shafer being asked for his opinion,
indited the following:
"My recent trip through the neighDoricg
populous townships of this county invites
more than a passing remark upon the condi
tion of the 'king's highways.' The sum
mer has been more showery than former sea
sons, and the result is that7 the roads are
guttered and cut into ridges and so rough
ened by exposed rocks and stones as to be
passable only with great difficulty and no
Sleasure. The condition in which these
ighways are nearly always found is any
thing but complimentary to the officers who
have the roads in charge. There seems to
be no system in regard to laying out of
urains, nor any regard paid to the natural
laws ot surfage drainage, a matter so im
portant in a cduntry where the highways
run at an elevation of 13 and even more de
grees. By a judicious system of turning
accumulated surface drainage off the high
way at frequent intervals the injury from
washouts can be wholly avoided, and until
this is taken in hand by skilled road makers
the country districts will suffer irom the
want of good, smooth roads.
r"There is no excuse for the roads of the
county to be guttered 'and uneven, and
covered with great stones against which a
light vehicle fairly shivers in its course.
Boad-making must be studied and the
sooner onr supervisors make it a study, the
Bounce win mev invite toe tourist ana
stianger to take a drive over them and note
the prosperous farms and villages that
would everywhere spring up as incident to
and consequent upon the improvement of
highways. The ancients were far in ad
vance of us in the art of road-making, we
are informed that the Appian Way was so
well made that for hundreds of years it was
known as the
QUEEIT op highways.'
"Its history is closely associated with
that of Borne, and in the classic writers of
the time frequent reference was made to the
Appian Way. .Modern travelers tell of the
remains of this way. It was only from 18
to 22 feet wide and while at first was only
125 miles long, it was subsequently carried
from Capna to Brundusium, a distance of
over'300 miles from Borne. It was built of
stone by Appius (whose name it commemo
rates) brought from a long distance. The
stones were cut smooth and squared and
fitted together closely without any iron or
other substance and it is said they adhered
so firmly to each other that thev armear to
have been thus formed by nature and not
cemented by art.
, 'This great and ancient way ought to
serve as an example to our local road build
ers everywhere. One mile of good road en
duringly constructed is better than a hun
dred miles worked over only to be washed
away by the next shower. The country
abounds in the choicest road-making ma
terial in cheap and inexpensive form. A
very good road observed by the writer be
fore the war, and which yet exists, is the
Louisville and Nashville pike, constructed
of black limestone laid on the smoothed
and leveled surface about 12 feet wide. This
way was
and was always easily kept up. Its lati
tude, however, exempted it from the severe
tests of frost which it would have to en
counter in a higher latitude. There is no
necessity of a country road being kept in
good condition over 15 feet in width. This
would enable the Supervisors to concen
trate their efforts to have a drive of suffi
cient width and sufficiently hard and
smooth to enable teams and carriages to pass
over without the snap and jars to which they
are now subjected.
"It will not do to leave this matter Of
road making in the hands of men who are
full of other business. It must be in the
hands of men who are charged solely with
the duty of making the highways of the
Commonwealth from the Ohio to the Dela
ware as smooth and passable by degrees as
the Appian Way.
"But it will never come to pass that we
have such highways in the rural districts so
long as the owners of the soil remain in
different to their interests. It must be
taken in hand as the one thing needluL As
the country develops and
x A HiaHlir.jFWQML .
Salt Entered Before A.Itrstan Grip AhM
KaraJ CobhcIwbsb A- Breze w Ike
Bellevaes Seme Law on ths Imports
Snbjeot. af 1 x
The borough of West BellevuS has lately,
refused to keep its"highway to Belle vue
station in repair Tjcau'se it was largely
traveled by the-citizens of Bellerue, and in
tolemn Council meetlng'on the first Tuesday
in August, with1 their hats .off- and heads
bowed" under the weight ofjrreat bfficial. re
sponsibility, enacted: ,
Whereas, The road leading to Bf Uevue sta
tion alongthe line now separating the borough
of West Beltevuels within the boundaries of
.saldborougbiAnd whereas, same has become
borough of West? BellevUe by opening of Home
avenue to said station, and under such circum
stances it is questionable )t the funds of the
borough can bs used to keep said road In" re
pain and ,j"-' town,1
Whereas, Bajd,' road. Is used or will be in the,
future almost exclusively bv citizens of the
borough of4 Bellevue'and is useful and nece-'
sary to tnem ana. snouid no maintained by tne
said borough of Hellenic aud -would do If
within the limits ol said. borough. , ,
And thereaoon thejsaid Council, by its
I Street Committee, set out to fence Tup the
owed. &u utb jit. coii uacciy ue (Jewell ujr a
single team,, They have placed 40 olr more
locust posts-right m the highway and 'nailed
planks to them to avoid the repair the law
casts on the municipality. By thin step
thev have laid themselves as Councilmen
amenable to the law for obstructing a high'
Accordingly; an information has been
made against them on. the charge of nuis
ance, before' Alderman Gripp, and they will
be arrested to answer the charge. The idea
prevails in many' municipal corporations
that they are only bodnd to keep in per
petual good repair the streets and highways
that their own. citizens travel, but this, law
yers say, is n6t and never was the law, and
is right in (he face of the meaning of the
word "highway."- The "King's highway"
is for all his subjects to pass over, and the
more people that pass over one the more
valuable the fronting property becomes.
Use Horsford's,AcId Phosphate.
Dr. C R, Date. Belleville. III., says: "I have
found it. and it alone, to be canable of Drodnc
tag a sweet and natural sleep in cases or in
somnia from overwork of the brain, which so
often occurs in active professional and business'
men." ' ' " ' ,
Early- Bayers. Look Ilcre.
Here is a chance for buyers or early fall
clothing which won't present itself again
this season. Our sew goods,Tesh from our
workshops, are. arriving daily, and if we
had three times the amount of space that we
have it would not be large enough to hold
all the goods that our buyers have pur
chased. We have decided on holding a big
suit sale on Monday and Tuesday, and begin
by naming prices jnst about 5 per cent in
advance ot what the goods cost. We have a
dandy suit marked,$15 which can't be pro
duced anywhere for $25, and at $12 we show
Li distinct styles ot men s line cutaway and
sack suits that are really worth $20. One
ihing is certain, our $10 suits beat the
world. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. Court
House. ,
J H"-AX- ' '
ii --
The product of the, widest experience,. the.'-greaWt amovs.of
tVio amr1n,m.... .. .. t li-iV-. V! 1 11. .
uw biujjiujuuit ui jk'ut aiuuuui ui MdjjiiAif wnuincu wras .
A.uunicuuc ui wua.1 me people in ibis vast oasiBsg oewmr tw
(mention even, one small ' portion of" the thousands apon tkc
I rrnA 4.t.;- lt 1 !-m. 1! 1 ! . .
gvuw uiiugs iui uu aiiu winter wear now uispiayeu id, out note "
De a matter or utter impossibility. The whole store vs crowded 1
TJie Besfc dothing for Meiii Boys aixLChadrfc-k
The Grandest Stock of Hats and
The-Finesfr Assortment of Fiimwhing Goode.
The Greatest Variety of Elegant Fc
Choice from a stock. All the styles, ia all
grades from plain to hnest Three simsMvm
every breast measure, with extra sizes for the big, good tured
A perfect fit guaranteed every' buyer.
FALL SUITS. Pr?ces and qualities which will creafe a seartk;ad
uniig every ininicinr person 10 our store, ui
honably the finest and best ReaJy-made Clothing in this city.
any size and shape (except actual deformity) fitted. The key wokI
the immense business we shall do is "GENUINE BARGAINS."
Labor bar.
Jlendricks & Co., 68 Federal street,
Allegheny, wTII have their gallery open
ail day. Have your photograph taken.
Cabinets only'$l a dozen. Bring the little
Fob a finely cut, -neat-fitting snit leave
your order with Walter Anderson, 700
Smithfield street, whose stock of English
suitings and Scotch tweeds is the 'finest in
the market; imported exclusively for his
trade. sa
Gallerr Open Monday.
Fine cabinets $1 00 per doz. at Aufrecht's
Elite Gallery, 516 Market st., Pittsburg.
All welcome. Use elevator.
Among the very many extraordinary bargains obtainable raay,be j
Knee Pant Suits at $1 -50, $2, $2 50 and $3,
Long Pant Suits at $3 50, $5, $6 and $8.
We are also offering Boys' Shirt Waists ia Cheviot and Cretonne!
unlaundried, 13c, 24c, 49c up. Boys' Percale Waists, "Star
The A. It E.. Church, S. S Pittsburg.
Pa., will hold another series of meetings at
Maple's Grove, known as Butchers' Grove,
on September i. Services three times a day;
10:30, 1:30 and 6:30. All are invited. Dr.
"W. H. Palmeb, Pastor in charge.
' Labor Day.
Hendricks. & Co., 68 Federal s"treet,
Allegheny, will have their gallery open
all day. Have your photograph taken.
Cabinets only $1 a dozen. Bring the little
mace.t ,
... , - . ' - . ... .- ... . - . - . '
standing collars, 50c only. JBoys' bnirt Waists m flannel, all grades,-r63c,J
74c, 98c up. Boys' "Star" PercaTe Waists, 75c and $x. Boys' Whitef
omits, lauiiuneu or uinaunurieu, ait prices irom 44c up- uoys trercalej
Shirts, loose cuffs and z collars, 49c, 74c, 98c, eta, eta, with " Ap
300 to 400
U I A -X-A .1.
mantel sireei.
See our 60c underwear; greatest bargain
ever shown. See our red underwear at $1.
Enable & Shustek,
mwsu 35 Fifth avenue.
are enlarged, the necessity of every citizen
interesting himself becomes more apparent.
Engines and boilers and heavy timbers and
heavy pipes are! to be hanled in all direc
tions, and in the spring season a two-horse
load on good roads requires from four to six
norses, ana even tnen the strain and break
age render travel of any kind impractic
able. It will not do to say that
railways supply roads, for the rail
way does not supply the want
of the good, well kept county road; it never
can and never will. To give point to these
remarks on the road question, let me sug
gest to you to go out into the country
some of these bright mornings and drive
over any township road and see the rough
stones that obstruct the wheels; the deep
gutters that strain your springs and the
unguarded precipices which endanger life.
Then join with me in my effort to get the
county folks one and all to unite in a for
mal declaration that we must have a road
system that will beget better permanently
better roads thronghout not only our
county but every county in this Commonwealth."
M. G. Cohen, diamond expert and jew
eler, 533 Smithfield street.
. Is a striking example of what an untiring- energy and strict -integrity
are able to accomplish... Other merchants might with .
profit study the course pursued in his treatment of the public
by this most successful merchant Beginning not many years
ago at the. very bottom of the commercial ladder he now
stands at the top rung, enjoying the unmeasured confidences
and trade of the people of Pittsburg and surrounding townsS
"Why, it is a combination of pleasure and profit," a lady re -
centlv remarked, "to oatronize Keech'?;. hpransp tripir crar
That heretofore appeared On lishment is so brieht, clean and roomv: thev have all -the latest'
thiS Dape Of THE DISPATCH tvles pnrl ht rnnfc anrl their nrlrec arP mnr th,n ,- J
w w.y.w M-.- Vww wwwj ,... ...w. .v-ww wu-v, U4WU fcAAU4A lOJUir)
able." Truly, this tribute paid to Keech by one of his pat-
rons is worth ten page advertisements in the newspapers.
And, yet, if Keech's excellent preparations to please his large
army of patrons during the coming season may be considered'
an indication, his future bids fair to even outshine his illustri
ous career of the past.
will be found on the Eleventh
Page, in the Second Part of
tnis issue.
The Wants, Fop Sales, To
Lets, Business Chances, Auc
tion Sales, eta, are placed
under their usual headings on
the Eleventh Page. Adver
tisements handed in too late
for Classification will be
found on the Sixth Page.
the leading lines, secure bertbs and pass
ports, Issue drafts, letters of credit and money
orders, and sell foreign com at N. Y. rates.
MAX 8CHAMBKRG & CO., 527 Smithfield st,
Pittsburg; . aual-wsu
FALLjacketBl Fall jackets! Fall wraps!
Fall wraps! at prices to surprise you.
Knable & Shusteb,
Mwsu 35 Fifth avenue.
IVflB. jfev
CJJ m.iStn)
in the city.
We also manufacture this
wonderful combination
Easy Olinlr.
No. 3 SIXTH ST.,
bff SraMWI till HKnir
M ce&F""" " 'tt
now to be seen at this model House Furnishing Bazaar cer
tainly is the most gigantic and beautiful ever exhibited west
of the Allegheny mountains. It comprises anything and3
everything irom tne cneapest Bedroom buite to the hnest.
Parlor or Drawing Room Suite, while the prices will invaria
bly meet with the'approval of the closest buyers. The same j
may be truthfully said about Keech's new . '
Knlurnl Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per Cent.
See our new gas fires, gas ranges, gas
stoves, etc j registeryour orders for fall deliv
ery. The largest, finest and most complete as
sortment of any firm in theworld.'O'KEEJVK
UAS APPLIANCE IJO.. 34 Kith ave. -f
FDft ... . 6 . -. - Afcr rf AtW - i.f..- 0M.2 f 'I . .BL- ?f - l ..--. '. , ' :-, 1,1
Half Fare to Beaver Falls.
On Sunday, September 1, the P. & L. E.
K. E. will sell tickets to Beaver Falls and
return at one fare for the round trip, on ac
count of the corner-stone paying of the new
German Evangelical Church. Trains leave
Pittsburg at 8 A. ir. and 1:35 p. m., arriving
at Beaver Falls at 8:55 A. si. and 2:42 p. m.
Rfitf1Pn1nfF lootra RaaAr1li m AtKK -, -
arriving in Pittsburg at 7:55 p. jr., central
railroad time. The new ohurch is onlv two
squares from the. P. & L. E. station at Bea
ver Falhv
Highest prices paid for ladies' or
genu' cast-off clothing at De .Haan's Big
6, "Wylleave. Call or send by mail. aa
Hert WAiTEB,Fropr., 3n o. B. Schlosseb,
Manager, late of Hotel Duquesoe, Pittsburg.
The handsomest designs and best qualities produced by the 4
two hemispheres are laid before a critical public, and no '
housekeeper should fail to see the grand collection of choice.,
floor covering and draperies. .L
a --
bemus point,
The Lenhart Cottage is situated a minute's
walk from boat landing and postoffice. It has
a nicely-shaded beach and lawn, which are
always cool and refreshing. t?e have a beau
tiful viewof the lake from all the roomsln the
house. The rates for rooms and board are rea
sonable. ,For)artlculars address the proprie
tor. I. L Id-NHART.BemraPoint Chant. Co.
Cash and Credit House,
and 925 Penn
JSTeax .EsTi -n -Kht. S-bx-ee-b.
v lr Open Saturday Nights tOI 10 o'oloofc,
. ?'
Z&nggr .. f J V w-r .