V If 3fc I A jv KP . - r - t - MAKINGITNATIONAL Congress "Will be Petitioned l)y American Workmen t POEAUAMUALIABOEDAT. Local Leaders Have Started a Move- ment for This Purpose. THE CARPENTERS ARE PREPARED For Their Large Demonstration on the State Day To-JTorrow. AGITATING THE IGHT-HOUE SYSTEM John M. Kelly, the well-known labor leader and publisher of this city, who is a delegate to the Central Trades Council, is the promoter of a scheme to make Labor Day a national as well as a State holiday. He will draw up an act and have Represen tative John Dalzell, of this city, present it to Congress as soon as that body convenes. At present Labor Day is observed in only about half a dozen States in the Union, and then upon different days. Mr. Kelly's idea is to have it celebrated all over the country in every State, city and town where there is a laboi organization, upon the same days. In speaking of the matter yesterday Mr. Kelly said: "The celebration to be held in this city on Monday, will be a poor showing of the laboring classes of Pittsburg. The carpen ters cannot be given too much praise for the way they have taken hold of the matter, and it is regretted that the other trades can not turn out with them. We would have a decent demonstration if the Trades Council lad not put in all of its time this summer passing resolutions submitted by persecutors about foreign glassworkers. "When the lody did awake to the necessity of making a .show of some kind, it was then too late to arrange for the demonstration. BLCWOCTS HT OTHE STATES. "The creation of Labor Day, is the only piece of legislation the wage workers of this State got from the present Legislature, In "Sew YorK, ifew Jersey, Ohio, and Illinois there will be great demonstrations held, but I would like to see a turnout all over the country. Every body has their national holiday, and why should not the laboring classes have theirs' My idea of Labor Day is a holiday in every sense of the word. I want it to be a dar, when a working man who spends nearly all of his time in a mill or workshop, can go out into the woods with his family and enjoy himse'f. Such a day would be an enjoyment to the employer as well as the employes. "When Congriss opens 1 will have the bill ready lor our representatives." As has been stated, the carpenters are the only representatives of labor that will ob serve the day. The details of their parade and route of procession was published in The Dispatch of yesterday. After the parade, which will be attended by about 2,000 knights oi the saw and plane, most of them will so to "Wildwood to attend the picnic of the Marble, Slate and Tile Xayers Union. FOE THE EIGHT-HOPE SYSTEM. This organization is attached to the Fed eration of Labor, and the picnic will be in the nature of an eight-hour demonstration. The following well-known gentlemen com pose the Committee of Arrangements: M. T. SLellv, John Beck, Thomas Burke, Fred V. bmitl Arthur B. Smyth, George Wil liams, H. L. Devan, J. SI. Huddell, C. M. O'Keefe, Oliver Butcher. Allen GoodfcIIott? John Hoffman, Jr., Thomas Cullens. E. B. Logan, Michael McElroy. Robert Marraurath, Blchard Margauratli, Howard Old, Thomas Lanacan and Inomas Williams. Painters Union, 2so. 72, of the South side, will hold a picnic at Hammel's Gar den, on Mount Oliver, at which nearly every painter in the cities will be present. The largest demonstration in 'Western Pennsylvania will be held at Greensburg. In addition to every labor organization in the town, the secret societies will be in the parade. The glassworkers at Jeannette will march over to Greensburg and take part in the parade. Secretary William Dillon of the American Flint Glassworkers' Associ ation, will make an address on the eight hour movement, and General Secretary John W. Hayes, of the K. of L., will also be present. The grangers of Westmore land county will help to make the demon stration a success, ana it is reported that there will be from 10,000 to 15 000 people in line. L. F. Armbruster will be chief mar shal, Georee Sidebottam, President of L. U. 76, A. F. G. W., will b" assistant marshal, and Charles Schultz will be captain of the glassworkers division. The Flints have been given the head of the parade. Another great demonstration will be held at Scottdale, at which John Flannery, of this city, has been invited to make an ad dress. He has also received an invitation ironi the miners of Punxsutawney to be present at their jollification. 1.0 VTOEK IN THE COKE EEGIOS'. There will be no work done in the coke region. The officials of the K. of L. sent circulars to the operators to the effect that they would exercise their privilege to cele brate the day. In addition to the demon stration at Scottdale there will be celebra tions at Mount Pleasant and other places. Secretary -Treasurer Robert Watchorn, of 2f. D. A. 135, passed through the city yes terday on his way to Houtzdale, where he will make an address. He was accom panied by John Costello, of the General Executive Board, who will attend a cele bration at Phillipsburg, Center county. General Master Workman Powderly will make an address at Newark, 2. J., where District Assembly 51 have a monstrous "demonstration. President Gompers, of the federation, will be at Buffalo. In New York City and Philadelphia there will be a general jollification. The parades in both cities will be attended by thousands. In Chicago there will be two demonstrations on account of some bad feeling. One of them will be under the auspices of the Knights of Labor and the other will be run by the trades unions. Columbus, O., has also ar ranged for a gala time, and on September 12 there will be a big demonstration. All the banks of this citv will be closed to-morrow. Thepostofficewill remain open. The school children of both cities will be given an opportunit) ot observing the day. The corrected route for the parade of the Brotherhood Carpente.i and Joiners to morrow is as follows: Prom Smitbfield street across the bridge to Carson- street, to South Tenth street, to Second avenue, to Boss street, to Fifth avenue, to Sixth street, to Federal street, to Ohio street, to East street, to Xorth avenne, to Ohio street, to the Diamond and dismiss. Before leaving for their picnic at Wild wood, the marble, slate and tile workers will be presented with a banner at Kauf manns'. It will be received by Organizer A. B. Smythe. A parade will preface their departure for the picnic grounds. Carpenters Union Ho. 211 will act as escort to the slaters. WILL THEI START WORK? It i. Reported Chamber fc McKee Will Help tbe Manafacourers. It was reported in the city yestorday that Chambers & McKee would not start their window house for two weeks yet, out of deference to the wishes of tbe Pittsburg manufacturers who will engage in the strike. This firm was to have started up to night, and the report was discredited by those interested. : i SMITHIES TO STRIKE. Horses May Have to goBarcfooted for Sev ernl Days. The journeymen horseshoersof the county, whose business it is to strike, have decided to strike no longer. That is they will not continue to strike for the present wages they are receiving, but they will stfike for an ad vance? Unless they get what they want to morrow it is likely that horses will go "bare, looted" for several days. A large meeting of the members of Union Uo. 9 was held last evening after the men had quit work in Hibernian Hall on Wylie avenue. The Wage Committee reported that they had presented the scale to the bosses, but the latter had refused to sign it According to the scale, the men working on tbe floor demand $3 per day, and those at the fire want S3 50. They also want to quit work at 1 o'clock on Saturday. Themen are receiving at present about $2 75 per day. Some of them make as high as fJl per week, but the average is SIS 50. Three years ago they made a demand for a 10 per cent advance and it was granted. There are about 175 journeymen in the county, and last night they determined to strike on Monday it the scale was not signed by that time. Kearly every shop will be affected as the men are thoroughly organ ized. TO PROSECUTE THEM. Bogus picnic Ticket Seller Will Have to Keep Sliy in tbe Fntnre. A committee from Harmony Lodge So. 18, of the Amaleamated Asso ciation of Iron and Steel Workers, called at The Dispatch office last evening in relation to the bogus tickets that were sold for a supposed picnic alleged to be given by the lodge. They say the men have collected 60 from friends of the mem bers of the association, and they will prose cute them for obtaining money under false pretenses. The Harmony Lodge met last night, and determined to stop the business. One of the committee stated 'that a few people are in tbe habit of getting up faked balls, picnics, etc., in the alleged interest of labor, and then they divide the money among themselves. They propose to put a stop to such work in the future. SO ANSWER RECEIVED. The Men on tho Citizens' Line Anxious to Bear from tlio Company. 2fo answer has yet been received from the Citizens' Traction Company about the ad vance asked by "extras." The men are ex pecting it almost every hour, and unless they get it they will "tie up" the road. Their organization is perfect, and should a strike tjecur every crew will desert their cars. Frcleht Rates Advanced. The Pittsburg Freight Committee met yesterday in the office of the Lake Shore road and rdvanced the west-bound freight rates, to take effect on the 16th insf. The rates on muck bar, pig iron, etc, to the Mahoning and Shenango valleys will also be advanced. Strnckon the JMasons' Bnlldinc The elevator men employed on the new Masonic building struck yesterday morning on account of a non-union man being en gaced. The latter quit, and the men re turned to work. TWO SERIOUS ACCIDENTS. Cable Cars Lose, the Grip nt the Forks Vault and a Crash Follows People Scared and Same Injured. A serious accident happened on the Citi zen's Traction Company's lines yesterday morning, when two cars were badly wrecked and some of the passengers injured. About 630 A. M., when car 106 going East on the Butler street division "passed the Thirty-third street bridge, at full speed and it was nearing the signal for unloosing the grip, it ran into the vault and the grip was broken. No accident, however, occurred, beyond the passengers getting a little shaken up and the grip smashed. About 40 cars were stopped by the accident for upwards of an hour. A second accident took place 20 minutes afterward. Ho. 203 car coming into the city from East Libert; was1 rounding the curve at Thirty-ninth street, when the gripman, A. White, noticed the blockade at the power house. He immediately threw back his brake, but to find it broken. Bealizing the position he was in, he threw back the grip, but in an instant later, the grip crashed into the vault, and met with a worse fate than car 106. The coach was full of passengers, and when the grip ran into the vault with great force, it smashed every window, tossing the men to and fro. Letter Carrier M. J. Campbell, of station B, was thrown from the rear end to the front of the car, sustaining slight injuries. The gripman, Abe White, bad his jaw dislo cated, his nose broke, and he was hurt in ternally. It was amusing to see how the passengers scrambled out of the window of the cars, one tumbling over the other. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Pltubureers and Others of wide Acquaintance. Dr. F. J. Campbell, the blind teacher, and his son Guy, will return to Pittsburg this week. It was arranged at a meeting jesterday to have Dr. Campbell visit friends of the pro posed blind institution in this city and talk over the matter with them; also to consult them as to the location and conduct of the institution. It is probable that a public meet ing will be held during the week. General Manager H. M. Billesby, Au ditor McCullough and Eneineer Baldwin, of the Westmcbouse Electric company. left on No. 6 tor London, last night, to superintend the establishment of a large branch plant in London, particolars ot which have been given in The .Dispatch. S. B. Kennedy, of Coraopolis, formerly .in the auditor's office of the Pittsburg and ' Lake Erie Railway Company.and latterly oi the Allegheny Heating and Natural Gas Company, is now connected as Secretary and Treasurer with the New Brighton Glass Company. Miss Josie Beynolds, of Forty-first street, left yesterday for an extensive trip through the East. Before returning home she contemplates visiting Maine, Canada and the Bocky Mountain James S. McKean was a passenger to Philadelphia on the limited last evening, fie has recently injured one of the tendons of his arm and wore a sling in addition to his usual costume. Boss Poster, M. D., James Bedman, James Stevenson and Georco Perkins, of Crafton, leavo this rooming for tbe wilds of West Virginia on a week's hunting expedition. Mr. A. L. Livingstone, for eight years with Gnsky's, has resigned his position owing to ill health, and will leave to-morrow morning for Denver, CoL The Misvs Alice and Bose Curran, the accomplished daughters of James Curran, or Allegheny, leave to-day for St. Xavler's Acad emy, Latrobe. Bicbard Quay, son of the junior Senator of Pennsylvania, was in tho city yesterday and circulated quietly among the Republican politicians. Mrs. A. B. Kennedy, of 69 Cedar ave nue. Allegheny, has returned from a prolonged visit to friends and relatives in Butler county. O. A. Waggoner, Councilman from the Sixteenth ward, returned vesterday with his wife and family from Atlantic City. Alderman M. G. Clark, of the Pifth ward, Allegheny, returned yesterday from At lantic City. Fred Willett's wife and child, of Plul adelphia, are at the Anderson. David Kirk, an old oil man of Brad ford, is at the Monongabela. H. L. Brindle, of Sharon, is among the Anderson's guesis. John Bobb, of Philadelphia, it at the Seventh Avenue. Db.1s?M. Hakha. Eye, ear, nose and, throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn , Etreet, xm&DUiz, Jra. ' , &&su. swff'fe7,!1 ? -as" J!' . . i ' -. jt. ' THE OFF FOE MT. fiEETNA. Four Teams of Sharpshooters De part for the State Contest. THE SECOND BRIGADE'S RIFLEMEN. Teterans of Three Regiments Arranging a Reunion at York. PREPARING FOR PENNSILYANIA DAI On the 8:10 train going East last evening over the Pennsylvania Bailroad, a body of sharpshooters, representing four regiments of the National Guard, left "Pittsburg for ML Gretna, with determination to secure the prize of 1889 for the Second Brigade. Annually rifle teams from the various Pennsylvania regiments meet at Mt Gretna and compete at long-range shooting. Teams from all the 18 regiments in the State are expected to be at the meet this week, and the contest will be highly interesting. Each regiment sends six sharpshooters. Dur ing the regimental practice on the first two days of the week four men are chosen to' form the regiment's team. The two others are held as team reserves. Monday and Tuesday will be devoted to this regimental practice, and on Wednesday the grand con test by the teams of the 18 regiments will take place. Brigade practice will be held on Thursday, by which three brigade teams will be selected. Tnese brigade teams will compete Friday forenoon". Last year the Third Brigade carried off the palm. The Tenth Begiment team reached Pitts burg yesterday afternoon by the Baltimore and Ohio road, and the Fifteenth Begiment delegation came in early in the evening over the Pittsburg and Western. The four teams which left here last night are constituted as follows: thk contestants. Tenth Regiment, Captain Palmer, Company D; Lieutenant Wakefield, Company Cj Cap tain Mowry, Company Hj Lieutenant Barnett. Company H; Sergeant Thompson, color bearer, Company E, and Sergeant Hobaugh, Company E. They are under the direction of Lieutenant E. E. Critcbneld, regimental inspector of rifle practice. Fourteenth R'eciment, Lieutenant William S. Brown, inspector of rifle practice; Captain Emery Thompson, Aujutant James F. Robb, Lieutenant R. C. Patterson, Joseph Huggins ana Moses B. Smith. Fifteenth Regiment, under charge of Lieu tenant Caldwell, Inspector of Rifle Practice; tbe team consisting ot jueutonant jucuoy, Company F; Lieutenant McJunkin. Company E; bergeant Apple, Company D; Corporal Mc Cleary, Company G; Sergeant Betts, Company K. and one man from Company C, who will join the team at Sit. Gretna. , Eighteenth Regiment. Lieutenant Richard T. Pearson, Inspector of Bifle Practice; Cap tain OUie C. Coon. Lieutenant Chris Laur, Sergeant P. J. Garvey and Corporal George Kingan, all of Company L, and W. L. Ingram, of Braddock. Captain Coon is very proud of his Mc Keesport team, and says that he intends to show the boys some sbarpshooting at the camp. The men will be at home on Saturday. They reach Mt. Gretna about 8 o'clock this morning. A team from Battery B will leave for the shoot this evening. On Saturday evening Company I, of Mc Keesport, will entertain Company D, of this city. The Pittsburg company will turn out in lull force, and the combined organiza tions will edify the people of McKeesport with a dresa parade. There will be a ban quet and a round of speeches. These two companies occupied adjoining lines of tents at the encampment at TTniontown, and ac quired a mutual admiration. FOK THE TOBK BEUNIOX. , A meeting of representatives of the Eigbty-seventh.One Hundred and Thirtieth and Two Hundredth Begiments Pennsyl vania "Veteran Volunteers was held last evening in the AlleghenvaCommon Council chamber, to forward arrangements for a joint reunion of those veteran organizations to be held at York, Pa., on Tuesdav, Sep tember 24. Those regiments were all in the Third division of the Sixth Corps, though not in the same brigade. "We are growing fewer year by year," said one of the mem bers of the Eighty-seventh, "and it is for that reason that our three regiment are meetine together. In a few years it will take half a dozen regiments to form a good j reunion. This will be the third annual reunion of the Eighty-seventh. Two companies ot that regiment, F and G, were organized in Al legheny county. Captain Joseph McCor mack, of Compauy F, lives in Allegheny City. Captain Trevillo, of Company G, is dead. , At the meeting last evening George I. Budolpb, of tbe Eighty-seventh, presided, and Jacob Wise, of the Eighty-seventh, was chosen Secretary. About 20 gentlemen were present, Mr. Wise reported- that the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company had offered a two-thirds rate for the reunion. The Committee on Transportation was di rected to call again upon the. Pennsylvania people and also to see the Baltimore and Ohio officials and endeavor to secure a lower rate. The meeting adjourned until the evening of September 14. DISORDERLY HOUSE RAIDED. Eight Peoplo Gathered In by the Police for Being Obstreperous. Lieutenant Teeters and Captain TJnter baum made a raid on the house keptbyx Jennie Huntzman, at 1153 Liberty street. They arrested eight inmates. They were locked up in the Central station, where they gave the names of Emma Williams, Viola Ward, KateBichardson, John Hutch inson, James Heinz, Jacob Brown, George Meersbaum and Alexander Sunday. There was an Italian assaulted in this house about a week ago. An information was made during the past week against Jennie Huntz man, charging her with keeping a disor derly house, and she was, naturally enough, not to be found. DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS HURT. Commissioner Giles and John Ennls Spilled .Oat of tt Baser. Jury Commissioner Giles and JohnEnnis, the well-known Democratic politicians, were injured in a runaway last evening. Both men had been to McKee's Bocks at tending a picnic given by the West End Gymnasium Club. They were driving home, and when near the long Panhandle trestle at Sawmill Bun, the horse took fright at a passing locomotive and ran off. He brushed tbe buggy against a telegraph pble aad spilled ont the occupants. The latter were thrown to the ground and i Commissioner Giles was badly bruised. Mr. Ennis es caped with slight scratches. SHE WAS WELL OFF ONCE, Hat Now the City Farm Will Support Sirs. Catherine SlcCorniack. Cartbenne McCormack, 7 years of age, was sent to the City Farm yesterday by the Department of Charities. She at one time was a very wealthy woman, her husband owning a large tract of, land on the side of the hill in the Thirtieth ward. He left her considerable of it when he died some 20 years ago, but by bad management she lost It all. She has been a charge on the de partment for the pasrtbur years. Bricklayers Smld Avar. A special meeting of the Bricklayers' Beneficial Association was advertised to take place at their hall, Jto. 41 Fifth ave nue, last evening, but at tbe hour at which the meeting was called so few members were present that an adjournment was takeji to the next regular meeting, to be held on Friday of next week. c TBPlir E:!fflB&TiK7P i vv - . - r . T' "w: f ; i k .. . -w ttyistji' r r t-r ., -. v y ( J1 , .3"VT O. ' It- PITTSBUKG - DISPATCH, " J t ' j . - SPEAK-EASY BEARINGS. Many of the Witnesses In the McKeesport Cases Fail to Appear Some of the Pro prietors Held far Coart. Hearings in the cases against the Mc Keesport people who were charged by B. S. P. McCall with selling liquor without a li cense, were held before Alderman Gripp yesterday. John Hanlon and Frank Terrigan were called first. Witnesses were not present. Detective Murphy, who caused the informa tions to be made, then swore to notifying the witnesses to appear, and the Alderman continued their cases untilthursday, when attachments will be issned for the absent witnesses. Mrs. Flaherty was the next defendant, Frank Smith, testified to buying whisky at her house. She was held for court in $500. W. F. Hunter was the next. The only witness to answer to his name was Fred Miller, and he declared he had never seen any liquor in the house since the defendant was refused a license. Tbe case was con tinned until Thursday. The same witness testified in tbe cases against Edward Fretchie and Conrad Houseman, out he had not been in either man's place for a year. These were also put over for Thurs- Joseph Both was then called. The only witness against him was an Italian named John Thomas, who could speak no English. His testimony was interpreted. He said Both had given him an order for beer once upon a' time, and he had secured the bever age at a brewery. He paid the brewer for it. He got a keg for himself and friends. Both was discharged. Mrs. M. Breidinger, of 126 Fourth ave nue, McKeesport, was held for court, Frank Smith exhibited a bottle of whisky he had bought of her for 25 cents on July 31. Louis WinkelmanXwas the next defend ant. He had been. In Europe for the past three months, and left his house, on Walnut street, in care of John Jackal. This gentle man was called as a witness. He said he never got any liquor from the defendant ex cept what was given him for nothing. He never saw Mr. Winkelman sell any. Once while the defendant was abroad a constable of Alderman Cassidy's came to him,and no tified htm that Mr. Winkelman had been sued for selling liquor. A friend told him to settle' the case, and he paid the Alderman $50 and costs. Alderman Gripp, without further ado, held the defendant for court, saying the money would surely not have been paid if tbe defendant was not guilty. George Baird and William Wilson were witnesses against Frank Logan. Both tes tified to knowing nothing of the sale of liquor there. Baird had been there three weeks ago, and Wilson not since two years ago. The defendant was discharged. Daniel Butler was told to come back on Thursday, witnesses against him failing to appear. Peter Spillman was discharged, a boarder at bis house named Florian Hessler stating he did not sell any liquor, as the boarders, about a dozen, bought their own beer from a brewery. Sarah Reese was held for court. She has a house at 303 Hughey street, where Frank Smith testified to buying a bottle of whisky. A number of other cases were not called on account of the absence of witnesses. SOW FOR HIGH COOKERY. Charlotte Ballon, of Boston, Arrives to Teach In the Schools. Miss Charlotte Ballon, of Boston, the new cooking teacher engaged to take charge of that department in the city schools, arrived late yesterday afternoon, and early in the evening took rooms at the Duquesne. Super intendent Luckey, Hiss Graham and others of the teachers in the schools called on her at the hotel. She is greatly pleased with the interest manifested in Pittsburg in cooking and the prospects of a pleasant time in her new field of labor. She is a brilliant conversationalist, and can hardly help but interest her pupils when talking on her favorite theme aDd initiating them into the mysteries of food preparation. She thinks cooking a very necessary adjunct of the public schools, and says it is sure to be adopted in all of the schools throughout the country ere long. DISSATISFIED COMRADES. The G. A. K. Men Think That Milwaukee Did Mot Treat Them Well. Yesterday the G. A. B. men came troop ing back from Milwaukee. Among the ar rivals was Major C. S. McGrath, Assistant Adjutant General. He is very much -dissatisfied with Milwaukee's treatment of the G. A. E. visitors, who were, he says, charged double price for everything. He says that.this year's Encampment was much smaller than that of 1888, the parade includ ing hardly 15,000 men, while that at Colum bus last year numbered 60,000. General Alger's selection as Commander in Chief was not received with much en thusiasm among the rank and file. Alto gether the Encampment seems to have not been the pleasant affair it was of late years. FODND UNCOIiSCIOUS. t Arthur Gorman Suspected of Trying to Commit Suicide. Arthnr Gorman, 45 years of age, was found in an unconscious condition on Ste venson alley, Ninth ward, last evening, by Officer "Peoples. In one of the man's pock ets was a bottle half filled with a queer medicine. No label was on the bottle. Gor man was sent to the Twelfth ward station, where he regained consciousness, but would give no particulars concerning his condi tion or his home. It was evident to the police that the man had no liquor, and it is suspected that he took the medicine with snicidal intent. He will have a hearing to morrow. TRINITY CHDRCH REOPENED. The Interior Has Been Renovated Regn '"" Iar Services Resumed. Trinity P. E. Church will throw open its doors to-day for morning and evening ser vices and also Sunday school at the usual hours. The church has been closed for the month of August, during which time the carpets have been taken up and relaid and the entire interior of the church has under gone renovation. The vested choir will appear in a complete choral service. The closing of the' church for any period has not been usual, the last time it was closed dur ing the summer haying been eight years since, when the carpets were renewed. FIREMEN CHANGING PLACES. Chief Stewart Outlines the Probnblo Effect of Reorganization. It has been expected that some changes would take place on the Southside fire de partment to-day as a result of the recent order of Chief Brown, ot the Department of Public Safety. Last night Assistant Chief Stewart -stated that the only changes, he knew of was the removal of John Keenan as driver of the fuel wagon, who goes to No. 3 engine com pany, and J. Lindsey, of the Thirty-first ward, takes his place. This change, how ever, is not caused by Chief Brown's re organization scheme. FELL 07ER THE BANK. Two Men Drop 20 Feet and OnoWas Hart l Internally. Last night as Samuel Smith and Mark O'Connell were walking on the board walk, along Jones avenue, below Twenty-eighth street, they fell over the embankment a distance of 20 feet O'Connell was ininred internally, but f not seriously. Smith es caped injury. Both ,live,. on. Bedford avenue. w;- - ' I " '. " f r- V' - w .f 's?m t .i? -"i - .1 . SUNDAY, . fgBETjSMBBR A SPICY ISTEBYIEW. Tbe American Consul in Belgium Chals About the Little Place THAT DOTS THE MAP OP EUROPE. Her Workmen Are Easily Satisfied and a Contented Set of Hen, A BIG SEA WALL TO KEEP BACK THE SEA Colonel John Stewart, United States Con sul at Antwerp, is visiting in this city. The Colonel has come to American, on business and pleasure. He is payingsWV K. Wood well, of Dallas, a visit before'h'e reports at Washington. In an interview a Dispatch reporter had with him last night he said: "Antwerp, where I am stationed since 1880, is a very wonderful port and a very grand city. The port is the largest in Europe. The shipping tonnage for last year was in' excess of 3,000,000. The situation of Antwerp is favorable as a transit port for Southern Germany, Switzerland, Northern France and Austria. From all these conntries there is an immense carrying trade with the outside world, both in imports and exports. The maritimeauthorities a few years ago made vast improvements on the irregular condition of the docks, which made ship ping extremely difficult. The uneven places were filled and a solid wall of masonry was bcylt, a mile in length, at a cost of 520,000,000, which hacked the sea an. At present the largest vessel afloat can sail down the Antwerpen river to be loaded or discharged'at the quay. A SUPEfilOE POET. "The natural advantages of this port make it superior to any other in the world. Many English, German, and, I am sorry to say, few American vessels enter the port. Antwerp is a favorite stopping place for passenger Bteamers. There is a very exten sive commerce between this country and Belgium, and it is growing daily. I have an enormous amount of miscellaneous cor respondence from America. People gener ally seek information and recommenda tions to some reliable Belgian firm, where a direct trade can be opened np without the intervention of a middle man. Belgium does its largest trade with the Argentine Bepublic, South America; pos sibly the wool trade which is carried on be tween the two conntries is the largest in Europe. The Antwerp Bourse is one of the most prominent on the continent for pro ducts such as grain, wheat, barley, corn, lard, petroleum and wool. Very large sales are completed daily. It may be noted "that there is very little emigration from Belgium to this country. The people like living at home. They are contented and prosperous. Occasionally there are large strikes, bnt these happen in the best regulated countries. The wages a skilled or an ordinary laborer receives is not to be compared in money Rvalue to what a man gets in America. THE BELGIANS NEED LITTLE. It must, however, be taken into consider ation that a Belgian can buy all the actual necessities of life much cheaper than we can over here. They do not live like the average American. He does not want three meals a day, and at each of them meat. Often he is contented to take a glass of beer and a crust and cheese. The workman here would not do that The education in Antwerp is very good. There is tbe public school system and the Boman Catholic. The pnblio school is based upon similar principles to our own. the education the. children receive is very excellent. Every parent is obliged to send his child to school until he reaches 13 years of age. They are .taught three languages, German, French and Flemish. "The struggle between the Liberal party and the Catholics is very bitter. At pres ent the Catholic party is in the ascendancy, The majority of the country is Catholic, be cause they like following the King, who, I may say, is a thinking man, with progress ive ideas as to commerce." A PE0FISS0R OF BIOLOGY. The High School Committee Select Tencher Guttenberg. The High School Committee of the Cen tral Board elected Prof. G. Gnttenberg to the chair of biology yesterday. This is the position make vacant by the resignation of Prof. Jackman, who goes to Chicago. Prof. Guttenberg at present is Professor of Natural Seience of the Erie High School. The election will no doubt be ratified by the Central Board at its meeting on Tues day night. Miss Charlotte Ballon, of the Boston Normal School of Cookery, was elected yes terday to fill the vacancy in the cooking school here, caused by the resignation of Miss Torfey. - Pupils from the St Clair and Minersville schools will constitute the first class. F0KG0I HER NAME. Slio Had Been Married Only a Week ncd Was Mixed. After the services at William Thaw's funeral were over Friday afternoon, Cap tain Dan Silvia found a pocketbook con taining money and a lady's card. It was only a tew minntes later when a lady asked the Captain if he had fonnd a purse. She described it accurately. He then showed her the card and asked if that was her name. . "Yes, sir; it is," she replied promptly. Then she blushed deeply and stammered, "No, it isn't, either. The fact is, yon see, I was married only last week, and I haven't got the hang of my new name." The Cap tain gave up the pocketbook, saying, with a laugh, "You are doing very well, to be married only a week and lose your hus band's pocketbook." THEBABBIINJAIL. Judge McKenna Sends Rev. Jacob Orwltz Back for Perjary. Eev. Jacob Orwitz, Polish-Hebrew Babbi, appeared before Jndge McKenna in the Twelfth ward court yesterday to answer a charge of adultery. Orwitz was in a fair way to be set at lib erty, when Caspar Lepp, a Hebrew lawyer, came forward and swore out an information against him for perjury. The charge is 8 wearing himself to be unmarried in order to obtain a license to marry the girl. He was sent to jail for a bearing. Not Applying for Work. The 'Amalgamated men deny that any of the strikers are applying for work at the Solar Iron Works. Aifew bovs have gone back, and all union men are requested to keep away. Are Yon Going West? Big reduction in rates via Union Pacific Bailroad. Bound trip tickets good six months, and good to stop off any place west of Missouri river going or returning are sold to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma and Spokane Falls at a reduction of over $17 in price charged heretofore. First and second-class tickets to above-named points, also to Seattle and all points in Washington Territory. On September 10, 21 and October 8, one fare for round trip will be charged for tickets good 30 days to all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana, Tickets sold by all coupon agents. Fonr flaily trains to Denver. For rates of fare, maps and lull information call on or ad "dress H. E. Passavant or Thomas S. Spear. lT. F. &-P. AgentVQO Wood street, -Pitts- r."jj. " iift. sto jia-t .PUXg, - ,jsuk &.' '!;, -1889 " - . ' r - r t m. RULES TERSD8 FATEl6TI8M.(, Trouble la Allegheny Orer a PoMci derlng a Flag Lowered. Quite a commotion was raised la Alle gheny yesterday among the city officials and the Jr. O. tT. A. M.'over a' little incident that happened in the Parks on Friday after noon. General J. B. Sweitier Counsil, Jr. O. TJA. M. vas, returning from a funeral and attempted' to march through the park from Irwin avenne to Ohio .street Parle Of ficer Flannigan heard the drum and saw a flag flying and ordered them to stop the drum and lower the flag, as it was against a park role to parade on the grounds. They desisted for tbe time, bnt soon word was passed along and the flag was flung to the breeze and the drums started 'a tattoo. No attention was paid to the policeman, and the conncil passed through -with a huzza. Yesterday morning Flannigan called at the Allegheny Mayor's office to make an information against the council, bnt tbe Jr. O. V. A. M. boys had also been there and given their side of the case. They pro tested that they had a right to fling the American flag to the breeze when and where they wanted to, and were very indig nant in "reporting" the officer. Mayor Pearson said he had nothing to do with the park policei and referred Flannigan to 'Squire McKelvy. The Alderman, how ever, preferred not to make the information until he consulted City Solicitor Elphin-stone.- Superintendent Hamilton, of the parks, said that he had told the officer that if he "didn't complain of the council he would mention his dereliction to tbe board. He said that it was not an insult to the flag, bnt a compliance with a park rule that prohibits the flying of banners or transparencies or beating of drums, and he had even stopped his own commandery of Knights Templar from marching through the parks. S. & 0. EXCURSIONS. The Bond Is Making a Strong Bid for Tet erans to Gettysburg. The Pittsburg veterans are making great preparations for Pennsylvania Day at Gettysburg. The railroads have the 'city placarded with big posters announcing cheap excursion rates. A special train will leave for Gettysburg over the B. & O. road at 8 A. si. on, the 9th of September, passing through a number of old battlefields and historical places. A new line recently built by the West Mary land road gives the 3. &0. the shortest route to Gettysburg. The tickets are good also by way of Baltimore and Washington. The Baltimore and Ohio will run a ten day excursion to Norfolk, Fortress Monroe and Virginia Beach, by way ' of the Poto mac river and Chesapeake Bay, on Septem ber 19. The road formerly ran excursions to these places every summer, but they were discontinued four years ago, when Atlantic City became the raee. A cheaD rate will will also be offered for the Maryland Expo sition on the 9th. In the theatrical line 'for this week the Little Puck Company and the World Mu seum people will go over the road to Colum bus and Lizzie Evans will come in from New York. IT WAS A MISTAKE. The German Volunteers will be Famished Tickets to Gettysburg. Secretary Henry Hirsrich, of the Seventy fourth German Volunteers, has received a satisfactory letter from General Hastings, and there will be no trouble about the transportation of the members to Gettys burg. The secretary stated last evening that transportation had never been refused. Be cause the regiment is not registered at Harrisbnrg, the Adjutant General requested the veterans to send on their memorials, and a misunderstanding was the result J I0CAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day ia Two Cities Condensed far Ready Reading. The Fruit and Flower Mission distributed to the various hospitals' in August 4a gallons ice cream, 1,600 bouquets, 52 dozen lemons. 2 bushels pears, 9 bushels peaches, 3 bushels tomatoes, 1 case apricots,'2 baskets crapes. 2 bushels apples, 1 bushel citron melons, 6 water melons, 1 dozen glasses jelly and 2 dozen eggs. The committee for August were Miss Mary Montootb, Miss VanKirk, Miss BnthBenney, Miss Paul and Miss Grace S. Williams. , Mrs. Mabt Lynch, who lives on Second avenue, had a partial heannc last evening be fore Alderman Jones,, before whom she is ch arged with selling Honor without license by Constable Jones. Tho nearing was postponed until Monday on acconnt of two important wit nesses, who were out of the city. ' Loots Keefer sues Philip Beedenaur he fore Alderman Flacb, of the Sonthside, for as sault and battery, the suit being the outgrowth of a fight in a Southside mill. Keefer claims that he was knocked down and beaten, and that bis wife's silk parasol, an importation from England, was ruined. AiiDEBMAN Bbinxek turned over S75 to the Department of Charities yesterday as their share of fines collected by him for an infrac tion of one of the old blue laws, covering the sale of liquor and sale of goods on Sunday. Borne two months ago he turned over $30 for the same offenses. Bridget Kelly entered a charge of ma licious mischief against Mary Beese and Mary O'TooIe yesterday before Alderman Bnpp, of Allegheny. The prosecutrix alleges that the defendants purposely tore down a part of her fence, allowing thereby considerable poultry to escape. The E. S. Morrow Band of Hope, a temper an co organization over which City Controller Morrow keeps a watchf al eye, had a picni: at Rock Point yesterday. Daring tbe (lav the band presented a gold-headed cane to William Hnghes, their assistant superintendent Ax alarm of fire from station No. 65, at 7 o'clock last night, was caused by a small blaze in Bill's lumber yard, on Thirty-first street The damage will amount to 125. The fire is supposed to have onelnated from a spark from an engine on the Junction Bailroad. The One Hnndred and Thirty-ninth Penn sylvania Volunteers (Colonel Colliers) will hold a meeting in the Select Council chamber next Thursday to complete arrangements tor their Gettysburg reunion. David McAmjeews, a driver for J. Fainter t Sons, was thrown from his wagon on West Carson street yesterday and suffered a fractnro of his right thigh. He was removed to his home on Wabash avenue. Fbank Kern, the 11-year-old boy who was arrested on suspicion ot having stolen some tobies from Stevens' tobacco store, on Wylie avenue, was discharged last night by Magis trate Gtipp. BELorusi Gordon was discharged by Alder man Nolan last evening on a charge of keeping a disorderly bouse on Old avenue. The prose cutrix, Mrs. Delia Gibson, did not appear. Patrick Hayes, who lives atTerealta, Md., was brought to the Mercy Hospital yesterday, suffering from a severe injury which he re ceived while lifting a heavy steel rail. John Burns, employed at Singer. Nimick & Co.'s mill. West End, bad bis foot crushed yes terday morning by a wagon running over it. He lives on Steuben street. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennan, of Commerce street Fourteenth ward, gave ?500 bail yester day to Alderman Jones on a charge of selling liquor withont a license. JonN Sullivan, a brakeman on the Pan handle Railroad, hadiis hand crushed while coupling cars. He was taken to the West Penn Hospital. Mes. Maby Carson, of No. 6 Second ave nue, was badly burned abont the face and arms yesterday by lampexplodlng while in her bands. Yesterday was tho warmest day in the month of August. At 2 r. M. the mercury rec istered8S, and it subsequently went up higher. Permits were issned yesterday for 580,000 worth of new buildines in Pitt3burg. They will be principally dwelling houses. The Band of Hope, of the Welsh Presbyte rian Church, Soho, gave a plcuic at Bock Point yesterday. , Maggie Reiner, a child 2 years old. Is lost from her home at No. 27 Thud, street Alle gheny. The charter for the Pennsylvania and Laxe Ene Dock Company was issned yesterday. ALDEBitAN Hyndman handled 183 cues In August brineinc in 1723 recelptsv V T& t i, - V'WSfcS'J THElDSTAmAi WwUiglrfrigOflir U,m ftlMr x1r.tk8.0tier ' IT THITZGlTMrATjacilIT Mt. S A Star Mk&Xt!t of xU Sk-9m Cwa-sstttww jrigit. fit - THE BIBS N0W M'BF0KB ' t1 f - - ceraoiLa The sabiiitUe of tfee( Allegheny Om CkmmItteV appointed: to tabulate the bid or electric ligtttiwC Mm oity. mat last evea- ? ing and ooasjaletsd 4eir work. Tfaerefre-; Bentativw of ; thVdisVriiBt light companies -were present,' and the CevseUmea, thinking there was more light tfca was wanted at tke meeting, decided to'iornwiid themselves ia gloom, and exelgdtd. everybody bnt t&esa selves from tke eUng. Why they sbonld da this probably jwbody knows, as there should be no seeWcy abont such a'matter. After seenreJy fstesnng both doors, they proceededin 'a stage whisper to look. over the bids. For, the sale of. a plant, it was found that the WestiBghosse Electric Light Company,,, of thisJeUy, wanted $141,156. This bid was for a Detroit tower, and with an Indianapolis Jenney tower the company wanted $136,lS6for a first-clas plant. The Fort Wayne and Indianapolis Jsaney Electric Light Company pat in a bid, or. tneworK. at i40,iyo. xiy lnciaqett-we single pedestal elevator tower. The Drash Electric Light, Company's bid was $160, 90183. This wasfor a Detroit tower, aad a Phoenix power plant. With a Westine- honse power, plant, the company agreed to do the work for $159,966 83; with a Back eye powerplant. $156,101 83; a Mcintosh & Seymour plant, $166,856 83; the Ball En gine Company, $159,966 83. Tiiere were 'special bids on additioal ma terial, extra supplies, etc. The Westing house Company was $4,000 lower than .any of the others on the Indianapolis-Jenney tower. Theyt were nearly $1,000 higher than any other company on the, Detroit tower. It is not at all likely that the Gas Committee will recommend the bid with the IndianapoliWenney tower, as the courts have ruled- that it is an infringement. The members of the committee do not care to enter into any litigation and for that reason, they claim they will not touch it. Onaeconntof the Westing house company being a home concern, it is likely that, they will receive great con sideration -when the time comes to award the contract. The bids were put in proper shape and will be presented to-the meetine of the Gas committee next Thursday. It will then go to Common Conncil the Thursday following and a special meeting of Select Council will be held on the 19th to consider tbe matter, J tne lias committee having the authority to call a special meeting. OYER $60,000 CQHTBIBUTED. This Is the Amount Mrsom Gave Their JohnstOTrn Brethren. Colonel T. J. Hudson, Treasurer of the Masonic Belief Committee of Pittsburg for the Johnstown Flood Sufferers, is preparing his report of moneys recceived and dis bursed, and. will present it to the committee within a week or ten days. In cash con tributions the committee raised nearly $6,500, which was outside of various gifts of clothing and provisions. After the first few weeks at Johnstown the disbursement of money was confided to a committer of Johnstown Masons, which has since had ex clusive control of Masonic donations. ,A check Of $2,300 was sent to the Johns town committee 3ast Tuesday, clearing np the amount of money still remaining in the Pittsburg committee's hands, with the ex ception of $500, which will be used in aid ing several women who are now in this city under maintenance. In speaking yesterday ot the contributions of the Grand Lodge of the State, Mr. James S. McKean said that the Treasurer of the Grand Lodge would make his report next Wednesday-at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge in Philadelphia. The amount g-jven to Johnstown, Masons by the State Grand Lodge will aggregate over $60,000, which, considering the limited membership otthe fraternity in the ill-fated city, shows that the aid extended has been adequate to relieve distress. DAUGHTERS OP ST. GEORGE. They Wind Up- the.Annnnl Session to Sleet Again Next Tear In Chicago. The annual session of the Grand Lodge or Daughters of St. George concluded its busi ness yesterday. The session opened at 9 A. H. and continued until7 in the evening without any adjournment. Some amend ments on the constitution were held over until next year. The .Committees on Besnlntions, Laws and Finances handed in their reports, which were approved and passed. , The following are the trustees selected for the coming year: Mrs. Miriam Boulton, of Cleveland, President; Mrs. Fannie Collier, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Eosetta Walters, of Bridgeport, Conn.; Mrs. Bobert Fox, of Chicago; Mri. Lydia Clegg, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Dickers'on, of Pittsburg. Worthy Past Grand President, Mrs. E. George, then installed the officers elected on Friday. Upon motion of Mrs. George Morris, of Cleveland, a vote of thanks was tendered to the Pittsburg and Allegheny lodges for their hospitality. Mrs. S. Frazier proposed a vote of thanks to the press of Pittsburg for its courteous treatment of the session. The session then adjourned, to meet in Chicago on the fourth Tuesday in August, 1890. ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH OP TAB. A Sinn Coolly Walks Off With the Bucket and is Arrested. Yesterday afternoon a man named Charles Hofimaier, who lives on Spring Garden ave nne, Allegheny, was soaking his fence posts with tar to keep them from rotting, when an individual named James Oliphant came along and walked off with the bucket con taining the tar. Hpffmsier secured the assistance of Officer Snyder, and Oliphant was arrested. He was locked up in the Allegheny station, and later Hoffmaier made an information against him before Deputy Mayor McKelvey lor larceny, ne will, De given a ueanuK iu-y morrow. The owner valued his tar at $1. TOO RAPID FOR THEM. A Dlerry-Go.Ronnd Man Gets Even with rBavs Who Refused to Par A crowd of young men attempted to run the merry-go-round in Soho last night. They got on the machine and refused to pay for their1 ride. Th manager started the merry-go-round,which is operated by steam, at a lively rate, and kept it up so long that when some of the boys got off they conld not walk. Accused of Infant Beating. Harriet Smith, a colored woman who lives on Second avenne, was committed to jail by Alderman Porter last night for a hearing Monday, on a charge of crnelty to her children, jpreferred bv Superintendent Dean, ot the. Anti-Crnelty Society. The crnelty is said to have been inflicted on a child.l yearoJd. The mother, it is alleged, beats the Infant, pinches it and starves it. . Gnllcr Open Monday. Fine cabinets $1 00 per dot at Anfrecht's Elite ,r Gallery, 516 Market it., Pittsburg. AUwelooaae. TJieeleTator. '' ii Xawll krmji ES53 it Nil tamtwitmS NmkwlM vm us thraagk MSTM-tt of dfM will sfcair sTOMty store is ' Ow tun additiem tomb, said laataad of a' wuiMr y a d w0-U(dr4 mat WW nsMTittshnn! sm are to wkh a least Mt bmmn ia n!Mnr Mater&atlhav aar them hM foe so far m t "MartMU. ue ub Gi store, ThM oosapelg me .ts branch stare ia FiUsfconr , and art wtinrina agtttts are prifaoisME wn, An a4efl erased k hap one-horse at net r sec th hist although a aiaw fntn ia being aimeid ttr tlBaf for hatter, k ia stair iautati Tsntage of tk xpatatlon of flour, lie h tryinr to pals eT HIMplHKlMMrM SMM Baekeye flew bean aVaat fa to "Marshall's Bashaw", a 1 rine doe to good eountry hatter. Bnt esoagh abeat iaritaten. I la business lsa than three 3 had to enlarge aty store fcar we largest ttaae aa the ia this nart of the Sutc cessf nl in my efforts to please the past, aad thev sar rt reiax none 01 my enorto ia waeo yen eoate to the aad see me; or sead for a and order by awiL. Orders $10 OS, withoateouaUag soger, Hipped tree ox oaarge to aay 200 miles. 1 Mabsh: 79 and 81 Ohio st, ear. Baadssky, M8WEY WflBK -mt . AttheHamtkea Hntrf aaisfjusjsVasfc4;' ayGaste .4 , TJnder-the aWe aad aeiive i Messrs.,BrowH Sfc,Tay loathe 1 Hotel is completely chanted s proved in its arrangements, aad as handsome a hostelry as aae ' Handsome woodwork, new tiKasr, 1 rorsandnew wail paper have metamorphosed the oaee dingy house into a t bright, fresh aad hotel. The dining room is beiae to nearlr double its 'Dresent-sise.'Bll 1 M9 csssHtF7 hwA wJiiiiiiiiHri MfcfltMsSSKJZ th sissK mm lev IHsBsS ttflssslsssK'r I "w JLssHLssssssViJ w5v?M3fe3E I lHSSSSI SIJB2, BSMKBBBB aus'rfSsW '.IK-SSSSK aaaaaaaaaatar !SsflRa? isamnavK bsTbSsbbv' hotel's bar has been greatly edhwsdaad tip now tne nest sioccea in tne city, it: H t tbM only place in town where geaaia eWUfch-gJlJ, son whisky can be bought , Mr, TayW haa refused an offer of $8 a gallon fera partveV; itf Any standard beer can he ha4.-f.TwfS kinds os draught, and three ftreiga aad aW domestic brands of bottled beer a ha stwfc'fa , Connoisseurs come from all parts of ta ta- i to secure the choice liquors whieh ateae Jajllyj kept.- '''emOti j Both electric lights and the WekhaehTiS? candescent burners for natural MsTar nsed, making this the most hriWaattyj lighted bar in, the .city. Ia- faetaheJpreAi prietors are not sparing expesse tatawkaj tbe Hamilton one of tbe best hotels city. IN TEMPORARY QUARTERS. ueraoTBi 01 J. ji. iaaeoer nana aaaMMnf,. Mr. J. F. Maeder, the popular Fifth ave nue tailor, while erecting a' large-five-story building at his old stand, has removed tem porarily to No. 142 Fifth aveaaefeppesite the Cathedral and nearly opposite, the old place. He has made ample preparation at his present location to supply the wants of his customers and the nublic in a manner that will be as gratifying as in the past. iMltbee xt&m ? His fall and winter stock has bees epeaedt. and shows a snperb line of both foreiga and, domestic goods of the most varied and Bevel' patterns. The stockfbf snitings-tennserinas' and fall and winter overcoatings has jsevts; ' been surpassed, while the fact thatheibuyav direct from the mills of both this conn try 2"' I and Europe, for cash, enables him to- give the lowest prices. The best workmen are employed, and Mr.. Maeder nersonallv superintends the cattiac " guaranteeing perfectly fitting and styli&V- garments. ,, -t HFL Early Buyers. Look Here. Here is a chance for buyers of early fall clothing which won't present itself jagain this season. Our new goods, fresh from our workshops, are arriving daily; and' if wo had three times themount of space that we' have it wonld not be large enough to hold all the goods that our buyers have pur chased. We have decided on holding a big suit sale on Monday andTnesday,and begin by naming prices just about 5 per cent in advance ot what the goods cost. We have a dandv snit marked $15 which can't be pro duced anywhere for $25, and at $12 we'show 12 distinct styles of men's fine cutaway, and sack suits that are really worth $20. "One thing is certain, our $10 suits beat the jrorld. P. C. C. O., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. Court House. Maryland Exposition. ' The B. & O. B. K. will sell excursion tickets at rate of $9 for the round trip, from"" September 7 to 14, inclusive; good to return until me -xsi, inclusive,. 10 tne juaryiacrd Exposition, at Baltimore. Trains1- leerre denot at 8 A. M. and 920 P. jl " ' Natural Gas Bills Reduced 75 Per CJnti$ See our new gas fires, gas rangeagaa stoves, etc. ; register your orders for fall deUr ery. The largest, finest and most coaplete as sortment of any firm in the world. OELeefe UAO orrijuuibli uu,, trt J!UUI aic. r 9 t-t. Gallerr Open Qlonday. Fine cabinets $1 00. per doz. at Anfrecht's, Elite Gallery. 516 Market st. Pittsburz. All welcome. Use elevator. s Labor Day. Hendricks & Co.. 68 Federal street Allegheny, will have their gallery, open all day. Hae your photograph ,taken. Cabinets only $1 a dozen. Bring the little folks. White Diamonds Blue. A substantial stock of fine blue and white goods, monnted and loose, and a large col lection of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls and opals, at E. P. .Roberts & Sons', DiaA , mond Merchants, cor. Fifth ave. and Mar-j ket street. , ASTONISHmf-25o for ladies' jerseys -chemise 17c, ruffled skirts 25c, wrappers. 50c, jersey vests 10c, calico dresses 7c up, -' boys' waists 15c. corsets at cut prices. Busy Bee Hive, cor., Sixth and Liberty. Gallery Open Monday., Fine cabinets $1 00 per doz. at Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. , All welcome. Use elevator. Scholarships in the Pittsburg Female Collese can be rented by applying fo Mr Jos. Shallenberger, Duquesoe. Bank,Tne;t day and Friday from 11 to 12 o'clock. xnsa tf. Silk barerain: ereatest value ever shown; Fancy silts, $1.50 quality, to go at wc. member, only 69c Kkable & Shtjstek, siwsu 35 Fifth avenue. Wokdeeftjl How mothers save money, buying infants' cloaks, slips and caps at 1 Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and HbtttyviS"! Angosttjea Bitters, the celebrated; ap petizer, of exquisite flavor, is used all over the world. V ' , i" Yot; save money buying DlankeisTeei lorts and underwear now at uusy xieenq cor. oiiia ana x.ioeriy. For a zood. fitting mit leaveiyowlord 1-M JHtMUXK'f, 4H YYOe K,, jldmws m , J -7 r 1 ff i I . , T i . -..- Wi'ir-L 5, J 'til k. .. .' t JAMh. brj iirf.as &B..8flB .V &,i. '-. t i ?a 1 , t , : r . 'J-;. . .. -:M mmmmmmmmmmmo - v T . , ' T t.t. kILs - - .. .. t Z. r : -rf,