Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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OLD and cutting
the wintry blasts
blew from the
.North. It was in
midwinter and
peeping through
the windows one
could see a pleas
ant fire burning in
the grate. Bridget,
the servant, had
entered the room
with a load of wood
and she threw the
logs 'down in a corner. Then she went
The logs were now alone in the room ex
cept the kitten, who was making herself
comfortable in the front of the fire warming
herself and purring in great contentment.
The biggest logs in the wood pile were an
old oaken board and a stump of a pine tree.
"Ah!" suddenly said the oak rolling from
the top of the heap into the corner nearest
the fire, "I see now that my last moments
have arrived. My time in this weary world
will soon be at an end -and truly I am glad
of it."
"Why, what have you to complain about?"
said the pine.
"Complain about?" replied the oak.
"Nothing whatever now, but I have spent a
very exciting life, full of adventurous expe
riences, and I am tired of it, even if I have
to die in this fire. I will tell you the story
of my life and you can judge for, yourself."
Then the two wooden logs settled them
selves closelv together, the cat came over to
listen also, and the oak began to tell her
"i was born and raised in one of the larg
est of European forests a hundred years ago.
Ours was a very large family, but from the
very first dav on n hich I sprouted out of the
ground to see the light of oay I became
everybody's favorite in the woods. I grew
up as straight as a dart and strong as a
giant. A young man, who was a daily
visitor in our family, always took especial
interest in me by .giving me water in the
summer, and sheltering my youthful limbs'
from the frost in the winter by covering
them up with straw. So the time passed
away. Every year I became taller, and
more and more branches I spread around
me. In the summer I used to have great
fun with the birds and squirrels that came
to visit me. .Many a beautiful day the little
leathered songsters came to picnic in my
branches, because I had the shadiest foliage.
Oh, what g3mes we had! Often I would play
a game with them, by shaking myself m
every twig and leaf until lknocked them all
down. But at night we would have a con
cert. "While they were singing I would ac
company their music with a soft rustling
sound, that I produced by shaking my
leaves l.
Thus year after year rolled by until I had
Cutting Down the Forest Monarch.
grown to be the tallest, strongest and hand
somest oak in the forest. My crown over
looked the entire wood and the mountains
beyond. I had made up my mind that I
would keep on growiuguntil I reached with
my crown into heaven, a place that 1 had
often heard children speak of when they sat
under mv branches. My friends in the tree
world had already called me the "King of
the Forest" on account of my beauty, my
imposing height and my distinction gener
ally. But, alas! my glbry was soon to be
shattered; my royalty was soon to fade, and
I never knew it
One day a number of men came into the
wood around with axes and saws. Thev
looked armed from tree to tree until at last
they stopped at tne base of my trunk.
"There is the one we want! Look at it
the finest and straightest tree that ever grew
in thispart of the country." The other man
agreed with him, and my trouble began.
First they hit me with their sharp axes that
big chunks of my bark and wood flew out of
me. .It was awfully painful, and I crroaned
and moaned terribly. Of course it was no
use to resist these men, but I hoped to have
revenge, though. After they had used the
ax for some time they took the saw, and its
teeth soon made their way through the
innermost marrow of my bones. ThenI fell,
but in my tumble I fell on the top of one ot
the men, and I killed him on the spot. I
wanted to fall on all of tbem, but the others
were too quick for me, so they saved them
selves. Soon after all my branches, twigs and
leaves were torn away from me. I cried
many a tear over them, but it was no use. I
lay there flat on the ground. I had hidden
myself partlv in the sand because 1 was
ashamed to have anybody look at me in my
naked appearance. Oh, how the other trees
now laughed and jeered at me. They said
it served me right to be knocked down, be
cause I was so proud and haughty. I never
said anything, although I did not think
they were kind to speak to me when I was
down in the dust. A few days after that
the men came again with a large wagon and
horses, and after I had beeu put on the
wagon I was wheeled away from the
forest. I cried bitterly when I had
to leave my old associates, bntl could not
help itI was taken to a seaport and placed
in the hold of a large vesse.1. It was dark
there and I laid there for several days, when
I was hauled out and carried into a large
yard, where I found ever so many other
trees like myself, and I even met an old
friend of mine, who had grown up with me.
They called the place where I no w was Glas
gow, and from all I could understand, I
was to be made a mast on a ship.
I was glad to hear that, because I should
now see the grand blue sea, the beautiful
ocean and all the foreign countries. I had
often heard of these places, because the birds
used to tell us about them. Theyalwava
traveled South in the winter and that is ho'w
they knew all about these things.
Jly suppositious proved to be correct.
Soon I was placed on a ship and in a few
days I was floating on the sea. I do not
want to weary youwith telling all my ex
periences as & sailor, hut I will mention a
few. The ship I was in was a merchant
vessel and as fine a ship as ever you saw. I
went to China, Japan, Australia, the "West
Indies, the East Indies, and to ever so many
places. In fact I traveled around the world
very often.
However, one day we were coming home
from India with a rich cargo of silk, gold
and ivory, when we were bailed by another
shiD. Itwnsonthe west coa6t of Africa.
"It is a slaver," I heard the captain re
mark, who stood leaning against me and
looking through a long funnel-like thing.
And a slaver it was. In a few minutes she
bore down on us. "We had a few. guns
aboard, but the slaver was armed from the
stern to the bowsprit, and we were no match
for her, although ours was a larger vessel. In
a fevr hours the slaver captain
came aboard and he took pos
session. Our own captain was
locked up in his cabin. "Well, after that
our ship was taken to a small seaport in
South Africa. Everything was 'changed
aboard. New paint, new sails were put up,
and when wc were again ready to go to sea
I had a black flag wavinc on the top of my
crown. I knew now .that I had become the
mast on a slaving ship and the time I now
spent for the next five years was awful. I
never saw so much suffering in all my days.
The poor colored people, who were stolen
from their homes in Africa, were brought
on my ship and chained into the hold like
Now I understood what the cruelty of
mankind was. Now I comprehended how
they could treat me so shamefully when I
was hauled from my home in the forest. If
men can treat their own brethren so bad, I
must net be surprised at my fate.
In the future I made constant trips be
tween Africa and the port of Savannah, and
everv time we had another load of negroes
as our cargo.
One day, however, I heard that there was
a man living in "Washington whose name
was Lincoln, who objected to slave trading,
Bating a Life.
and we had to be very careful alter that.
But in spite of all that we were overtaken
one day by a big steamer that was full of
soldiers and guns. "We had a terrible fight.
During the battle a cannon ball hit me and
knocked me over clear into the sea. How
long I floated around I do not know, but
suddenly I saw a young man with a hand
some uniform in the water. I made one
dash for him and saved his life. He em
braced me very affectionately and we stayed
together for three days, when we luckily
drifted ashore. The yonng soldier was
"reefed bv a number of friends, who wanted
to take him away, but turning around to me
''That mast saved my life, and I am coing
to take it home and have a table made from
it." And so he did. I was carefully taken
from the water and shipped away in a big
car that was pulled up by a steam horse. I
learned since that it was an enjrine. "Well,
a earnenter in Chicago formed me into a
large table, and I remained that way until
there was a big fire in our house one day.
Everything was burned out, and I was the
only board that was left of the table. I
found my way into another lumber yard,
and have Been living a verv low life since.
From one ash heap to another have I been
pushed and knocked about until I got here
the other day. The servant found me, and,
picking me up, she said:
"It will make a nice piece of firewood.''
The cat went away when the oak had fin
ished the story. She evidently did not
think much of it
"You listen to my story," said the pine
stump. "1 have had a more exciting life
than you had."
But before the pine -could begin Bridget
camp in, and when she noticed the fire was
getting low, she took the oak board and the
pine stump and burned them up.
A Scientific Discover? That May be ofthe
Greatest Value.
Atlanta Constitution.
It was announced some time ago that a
South American physician had discovered
tbatinoculatlon would prevent yellow fever.
He claimed to have discovered the germ of
the disease, and announced that a solution
thereof, so to speak, would prevent the dis
ease. Nothing has been heard of this doc
tor or his experiments tor some time, but it
is too early to say that he is a humbug and
his methods fraudulent He may be en
gaged, even now, on experiments that will
be of incalculable benefit to humanity so
far as the yellow scourge is concerned.
Just now, however, another claimant
comes to the front with a specific for yellow
fever. This claimant is Dr. James Thor
incton. who is the physician and surireon to
the Panama Railroad Company. Dr. Thor
mgton has resided at Colon for seven years,
and has devoted special attention to yellow
fever, which prevails on the isthmus at all
seasons of the year.
One of the problems of medical science
has been to find such a remedy for the yel
low fever microbe as quinine is known to be
for the microbe of malaria that is to say, a
remedy that will destroy the microbe with
out injuring the patient Dr. Thorington,
after making various experiments, discov
ered that cocaine possesses the remedial
properties when administered before the
case has progressed too far.
He made this discovery in 188". and since
that time has had every opportunity to con
firm his impressions. Dr. Thorington says
that previous to the use of cocaine, black
vomit was a marked symptom in the cases
of yellow fever that came under his observa
tion, but now it never appears in any of the
cases where cocaine has been employed from
the start, and he declares that this drug
rarely fails to check the yomit and quiet
the stomach even when the patient has not
beep seen until the fifth or sixth day. No
toxic symptoms result from the use of co
caine in cases of yellow fever, and Dr.
Thorington says he has never seen any ottter
bad symptoms from its use.
All this is important enough to attract
attention. The whole thing may be a hoax.
On the other hand, it may be a discovery
worthy to rank with that of'Jenner.
The Noted Singer Gives an Old Acqnnlnt
mce an Effusive Greeting.
A writer in the Boston Advertiser tells
that a young friend in Maine has been
much embarrassed recently by the kind at
attention of Mrs. Annie Louise Cary Ray
mond. . "It was at the reception which fol
lowed the concert given by Mrs. Eaymond
a week or two ago in Portland. Our young
man, when a little 'shaver; had been
a neighbor and favorite' of the great
singer's. For seven or eight years they
had not met and now the once infant in
knee trousers had become a fine-looking
young man ot 24. 'Good evening, Annie,'
said the modest young man, quietly, as,
watching his opportunity, he approached
the prima donna.
"Mrs. Raymond's face glowed with pleas
ure as she caught sight of her old friend.
'Why! hullo, Steve!" exclaimed she, clasp
ing an arm about his neck, and kissing him
heartily. And that was not all. She -did
not remove her arm from where ithad lallen
in her impetuous embrace, but stood chat
ting with 'Steve' thus for some moments,
greatly to the astonishment of the assemblv
and the chagrin of the modest youth.' I
. t
The Danger of Eating Diseased Beef
and Pork Uncooked.and
True Economy Consists in Buying the Best
in tbe Market.
The vegetarian says meat is the source of
all human ills. Be this as it may, nothing
is more certain than that it is the great and
only source of tapeworms. The worm in an
infant condition gets into the stomach with
imperfectly cooked or raw, infested meat,
and in no other way. It has been thought
that the fact of the flesh of the hog being a
frequent source of human tapeworm was the
reason for the Mosaic law against pork.
Of the three varieties of tapeworm two
are common and the other '-quite rare
in this country. One of the two
common varieties we get from in
fested pork, the other from infested beef.
The disease of the hog called "measles,"
(which, however, has no relation with, or
similarity to, human measles,) is due to the
presence in the muscles of the hog of thous-
ands of what are called by the formidable
name, cysticerci cellulosu Now this term
miebt lead the uninitiated to believe that
the things were some sort of dragoons, or
perhaps devil fish. Not so, however. A
cysticercus cellulosus is a minute tape
worm just hatched beyond the egg stage of
its career. It is not allowed to sow any
wild oats until swallowed by something or
other, for it is imbedded in a cyst or nest
which closely confines it until the walls of
the inclosure are dissolved by digestive
Now the question arises here: How does
the animal get into the muscles of the hog,
the steer, etc? This is not difficult of ex
planation. The hog or other animal has
swallowed eggs of the tapeworm, and these
eggs have hatched out in his stomach; then
the newly-hatched evsticerei have migrated
like trichina; by boring through the walls
of the stomach and bowels, thence
through all the tissues of the body.
About this time the pig is very sick, but
the cysticercus is enjoying himself im
mensely havinc a circus, as it were. The
pig, however, does not generally die. "When
the cysticercus has ceased its meandering
and is ready to settle down it is surrounded
by a sae or cyst, hence its name. The par
asite remains indefinitely in this imma
ture condition, never reaching its lull
growth unless the meat containing it is eat
en bv man or other animal.
"With the idea of ascertaining to what ex
tent meat of the market is infested with
tapeworm, tbe writer has from time to time,
during the last three years, made in the ag
gregate 91 microscopical examinations of
beef, in the forms of fresh, dried, corned
and potted beef; and of pork in
the form of ham,' sausage, bacon,
pigs' feet and fresh pork. The examin
ations resulted in finding living cysticerci,
or infant tapeworms, present in one sample
of fresh and one of potted beef; and in two
samples of fresh pork. One butcher con
sulted, told the writer that "measly" beef
and pork were not uncommon, as he bad to
occasionally reject meat thus affected. He
thought that butchers who bought poor,
scrawny cattle, often run across this condi
In addition to occasionally present tape
worms and trichina;, fresh meats are subject
to other conditions of unwholesomeness and
disease, such ns putridity and inherent
poisonous qualities. Mere putridity, due
to the growth of the bacteria of decompo
sition, possibly may not render meat dan
gerous to use. Indeed, it is claimed that
the breaking down of the muscular fiber
by decomposition may be a material
assistance to digestion. Such certainly is the
case with the digestion of the dog, in whom
it is certain that a full meal of rotten flesh
will coat over the ribs with a thin layer of
fat; and game is eaten and relished by epi
cures in a partially putrid condition
"high" as it is called. Nevertheless, con
sidering the tqct that if a minute quantity
of decomposing flesh be inserted under the
skin of man, or almost any animal, it will
cause blood poisoning, it is fair to conclude
that putrid meat cannot be otherwise than
unwholesome for man to eat "With
some animals, as the rat, lone
continued feeding upon putrescent material
has produced a condition of tolerance for
this kind of poisoning; by continued in
oculation they have arrived at a condition
in relation to tbe virus of putrid flesh, sim
ilar to the condition of the person who has
had smallpox and consequently does not get
it again. But with man, who is not
inured to the poison of decomposing ani
mal tissues, it is certain that eating such
material may, and sometimes does, produce
sickness. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
symptoms of a typhoid character have been
known to be the result of eating meat in the
early stages of decomposition.
Poisonous meat may result from various
conditions. The animal prior to killing
may have been in the earlier stages of
some disease to which its kind is subject; or
its flesh may have been rendered pmsonous
by something eaten which has not had an
injurious effect upon the animal, yet which
may render its flesh very deleterious to
man. The flesh of over-driven and tor
tured animal has been known to produce
serious symptoms when eaten, audit is certain
that meat prepared from stock slaughtered
immediately upon liberation from a
long trip in the cars cannot be al
together what it ought to be. Animals may
be affected with consumption, small-pox,
malignant pustule and other contagious
diseases, any of which may be communi
cated directly to the person who eats the
flesh of these animals. Indirectly, a poison
ous qnality of the animal's flesh may be
engendered by its having eaten poisonous
plants, or its having had inflammatory dis
eases, especially where the inflammation has
resulted in the formation of matter. Poison
ous effects have been imparted to meat by
the use of brine which had been used a
number ot times without any intervening
boiling. Sausage has been known to pro
duce poisonous effects. These are due to
the growth within the sausage of a certain
species of fungusor mold.
Pish, especially certain kinds, are
often poisonous. Some species common
ly used for food sometimes develop a
poisonous principle; but often fish poison
ing is due to eating of a poisonous kind of
fish, which, from its resemblance to a va
riety of food fish, has gotten into the
market among a lot of the latter. It is re
corded that death has followed so rapidly
on the eating of a species of sprat that the
persons partaking of it have died with the
fish still in their mouths.
Next comes the remedy. First, as to what
the butcher may do. The writer does not,
of course, pretend to teach the butcher his
business, being well aware that this trades
man usually knows diseased and poor cat
tle, and rejects them. But there are two
things often done that are wrong. One is
the killing ot-aninials too soon alter a long
journey, either on foot or, in the cars; and
the other is the use ot the meat of cattle and
hogs whose organs ,are diseased. It is a
common thing to market meat of animals
whose lungs are rotten with tuberculosis
(consumption), or whose liver and kidneys
are the seat of abcess or other disease. As
tbe meat of such animals is usually of very
Inferior quality it is to be found chiefly
among what may be classed as very cheap
meat, and is said to be very commonly used
for canned goods in tho meat line.
Second, as to what the consumers may do.
As will be seen from the foregoing, it is ad
visable to cet the best meat or do withont.
You must not expect a butcher or anyone else
to furnish anything for less than it is worth.
If you must economize, huy the less choice
cuts of the finest bullock. It is much better
from every point of view to buy a skirt,
flank, round, or shoulder steak from a fine
bullock than a tenderloin or sirloin from a
poor one. You are not only likely to
get a more wholesome meat, but
you will get an article that will
have a much finer taste and flavor. "Why
it is that some people, with limited income
will buy a hard, dry, flavorless tenderloin
from a scraggy ill-fed steer or oldcow.when
for less money they could get a more juicy,
and a highly "flavored steak from the shoul
der of a fine bullock, is one of the
But man is a queer animal, and there are'
many things that he doesn't know and will
not learn.
In good beef from a well-fed bullock,
there are to be seen threads of fat running
everywhere through the lean. Bad meat is
flabby, sweaty and sodden; its fat looks like
jelly and is spotted here and" there with
little points of hemorrhage. The fat should
be white; if yellow, it is an indication that
the animal was old. The color of the lean
should be, rich red, somewhat darker in an
old animal, and pale in, the young one.
Goldsmith said of a haunch of venison:
The hannch was a picture for painters to
Tbe rat was so White and the lean was so ruddy.
And the same thing is true of beef, it it
is of good quality. Paling of the color to a
greenish tinge indicates commencing de
comnosition before any bad odor is per
ceptible. A purple tint of beef indicates
that the animal has been imperfectly bled,
or not bled at all. and may have
died of disease. "When cut, good raw
meat will always yield in a 6hort
time a small quantity of a reddish
juice; if it does not do this, it indicates that
either the quality of the meat is poorer that
it has come in direct contact with ice. It
may be well in this connection to remark
that nothing will ruin a good juicy steakso
quickly or so thoroughly as contact with ice
or with salt Nothing is more common
than this way of making chips out of
About the trichina; and the embryonic
tapeworms, there is not much use trying to
avoid them, for without technical knowl
edge and skill you cannot detect the trich
ina, and you would have to give the matter
yonr close personal attention to be reason
ably certain of detecting "measly" pork,
beef, veal or mutton. But it is not necessary,'
for you may protect yourself by thoroughly
cooking all meat, never depending on
smoking or curing, as in dried beef, for pro
tection. Dried beef should not be eaten un
less cooked.
Lastly, as a great safeguard against un
knowingly eating diseased meat, patronize
an honest butcher and pay him the price he
asks for his wares.
Chetaliee Q. Jackson, M. D.
Something About Jock Lawson, Who Was
an Engineer In 1831.
St Louis Globe-Democrat.
There walked into the office yesterday aft
ernoon a man whose name is associated with
one of the greatest landmarks of civiliza
tion. He is known as Captain Jack Law
son, and when George Stephenson's Socket
won the prize in the great loco
motive competition on the Liv
erpool and Manchester Railway,
beating the "Sanspariel," and the late Mr.
Ericsson's "Novelty," he stood on the win
ning engine's footboard. Not only that,
but when tbe first locomotive brought from
England came oyer tor the Baltimore and
Susquehanna road, in 1831, Mr. Lawson
came over with her and ran heron the 12
miles which were all tbe completed portion
of that road. Prom Baltimore to Green
Springs was the run and Mr. "Winchester
was President of the roaa.
A year later Mr. Lawson ran a new en
gine on the road built from Tuscumbia to
Decatur, Ala., in order to get ronnd the
Mussel Shoals of the Tennessee river. This
engine, like the ''Harold" used on the Bal
timore road, was built by the Stephensons,
and had four wheels, the drivers being con
nected outside. The cow-catcher and
trucks were put on after she got to Ameri
ca, and Mr. -Lawson claims that
the first pair of trucks ever put un
der any locomotive were those
he put under the old "Harold."
As for the road, it had strap rails on
stringers and was a decidedly primitive af
fair. After some time in Alabama Mr,
Lawson took to the river. He has been en
gineer on nearly every well-known floating
palace of the West, his career as steamboat
engiueer beginning with the old Brighton
and extending over 50 years.
He is now 81 years old, and his wife is 74..
They have been "married 57 years. Captain
Lawson lives in Padncah, Ky., and was up
on an excursion to see his old friend, Capt
ain H. C. "West, among other things. He
left for home last night
A Diagnosis That Placed Him In an Embar
rassing Position.
Chicago Hernia.:
Dr. Potter, who lives out at the Oakland
Hotel, located in the South when he first
began the practice of medicine. He made
the great mistake, however, of locating in a
remarkably healthy neighborhood, and he
had more patience than patients, as is wit
nessed by his unproductive sojourn of four
months there, during which time he did not
have a single call. But one summer after
noon as he sat in front of his home and
brooded o'ver his ill-luck, there came over
the mountains a backwoodsman, with foot
swathed in bandages, mounted on the back
ot a sturdy pony. He pulled up his steed
at the doctor's gate and inquired: "Be you
a doctor?" Dr. Potter replied that he was,
and, to make it stronger, ventured the opin
ion that he was a good one, too. The back
woodsman slowly dismounted, presented his
bandaged foot to the doctor and asked:
"What's that?"
The doctor carefully removed the primi
tive wrappings, rlosely inspected the
afflicted member, and said: "That's erysip
elas." The backwoodsman looked at him a
moment and then exclaimed: "Ery be 1
A bee stung mel" Then he remounted his
pony and rode away. Before he had disap
peared over the brow of the hill Dr. Potter
had packed his trunk and decided to come
North. He decided that" if he could not
tell the difference between a bee sting and
erysipelas he bad better change his base of
An International Episode. ,
Piebald-Horse (chief of the Piutes) No
give Injun cigarette, Injun takee toi-knot
Ling Lung (the laundryman) Velly big
-x-jnxy nrecjacr cugaiettei uagc,,
1 'sl&k Ifeas3
The Seasons and Places for Hasting
Game in the United States.
Baffled Grouse Bhooting in Pennsylvania
and Also Some Beer.
It is said that the modern Briton regards
it as the whole duty of man to go somewhere
and kill something. The modern American
seems to be built on much the same plan.
Though he does not take his sport quite so
sadly as his cousin oyer the sea, he spends
no end of time and money going to and fro,
and roaming up and down seeking what he
may devour after killing it in the most ap
proved modern fashion. In May he whips
the mountain brook for trout; in June hies
him to a salmon river, and if he can land a
30-pounder lives happy ever after. In July
and August he goes "a-gunning for wood
cock, snipe and such small deer. In -September
there are doves and wild turkeys to
be done to death, with much, fine angling in
salt water and fresh. October opens up the
whole hunter's heaven. Then he may choose
betwixt wood, field, shore, marsh or mount
ain. Newfoundland, Maine, Canada, allure
with moose and caribou; the prairie States
are a-swarm with "chicken;" the Appala
chian highlands of the Middle States offer
grouse, partridges, deer and bear; Maryland
all manner of wild fowl; Virginia and the
Carolin&s quail called there partridge
squirrels, rabbits, coons and possum.
Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas,
pretty well everything wearing fur and
feathers, and the far "Western Territories
big game in quantity.
Truly, it is an embarrassment of riches.
The keenest sportsman may get anywhere
his fill. If he is very English in his feel
ings he will likely choose Newfoundland,
where, alone upon this continent, the
blackcock or moor fowl of Scotland can be
shot He may see a caribou or moose, hut
the chances are against it Big game is not
plenty, but the streams are full of trout and
other fine fish. The recion is wild and
desolate, much of it still unexplored. It is
known, though that away from the coast it
is mainly a lichen-covered "barren,"
where nothing but the heathcock thrives.
The bird has
of turning from brown and yellow to pure
white upon the approach of winter, which
must rank with the African leaf lizards and
stick insects, among nature's efforts at imi
tative protection. Newfoundland in winter
is a land of snow. A white bird will pass
unnoticed in where a dark one would fall a
prey to predatory beasts.
All the world knows of the salmon waters
of Maine and Canada. The most of them
are leased by rich men, or clubs of rich men,
and religiously preserved. It is estimated
that $7,000 will just about pay for one
salmon rod throughout the season. A new
trout region has just been discovered
among the "waste-lands of the Crown,"
lying 50 miles north of Quebec, and run
ning pretty well up to Hudson Bay. Its
waters fairly teem with fine fish and are
being rapidly mapped and leased by fishjng
clubs made up largely of Americans. From
tbe Adirondack region on to Nova Scotia,
the big forest hold a reasonable number of
moose, deer, caribou and feathered game.
The close of the season varies somewhat ac
cording to locality, but in a general way it
may be said to run from the 1st of January
to the 1st of October. Hunting with dogs
is forbidden, but goes on all the same, and
no hunter may kill in one season more than
1 moose, 2 caribou and 5 deer, if he pays
heed to the law of the land. Market hunt
ing is forbidden, so is fire hunting, "yard
ing" and "crusting." The game must be
tracked over the light first snows, and be
killed by a combination of pluck, luck and
skillful woodcraft. Back in the golden
ages, when game laws were not, fire hunting
was high in favor with sportsmen who ven
tured up the Rangely chain of lakes after
fin and fur. Summer was the season, for it
and two persons were needed one either to
"carry the jack," a big lamp with a flaring
reflector behind it, or else to paddle the boat
upon whose prow it was fixed. The hunter
walked or sat behind, and as the outfit stole
noiselessly through the lily pads or the
marshes where deerwere feeding, the ani
mals flung up their heads, caught the rays in
their eyeballs and flashed them back in
steady phosphorescence. The next minute
the creature's life paid the forfeit for its
curiosity. Like death, the gunner
and rarely missed it Upon the approach of
winter the game especially moose herd
together in some spot where their favorite
food is plentilul and make themselves a yard,
by tramping paths and runways through
the snow. Alter each fall they tread them
down anew, and by mid-winter have made
of them a labyrinth of hard channels, from
which they feed upon the buds and twigs
either side, without floundering in the deep
untrodden drifts. Trappers and Indians
sought out all such spots and for a consider
ation took the hunters to them. Then be
gan a carnival of slaughter. The yard was
surrounded the woodsmen ran along the
ways, or sent in big deer hounds to frighten
the game out upon the waiting guns. In
tno days the most populous yard was
cleared, for flight was out of the question,
and though the big bulls fought gamely
and often gave their pursuers serious hurts,
in the end lead and steel were too much for
"Crusting" was practiced in early spring,
when here and there a bare sunny hillside
tempted the caribou to feed upon its succu
lent lichen. All about are spread ten-foot
drifts, glassy hard at dawn, but softening
erilouslv when the sun got high. Here the
hunter crept or crawled upon him often with
no weapoir but a big knife, cautiously gave
him his wind, and when the beast was fast
in the drift upon which he had sprung for
flight, he was snot or hamstrung and butch
ered at leisure.
A summer method was to imitate upon a
birch-back trumpet the call of .the cow
moose, and when the male of her species
came crashing through the woods, to send a
two-ounce bullet crashing through his chest
The animal had a tough hido and so won
derful a vitality that a bullct-tuust strike
bin full" and fair or it will glance, and go
through heart or brain to make an end of
him. He is the largest game quadrupedal
North America, and to have hunted him
success "ully is a liberal education in wood
The mountainous country running from
southwestern New York through Pennsyl
vania to "West Virginia and Kentucky is a
treasure of wild things. In it there are
townships, nay counties, almost untouched
of man. In places deer run' riot, hears are
too thick for good neighborhood, pigeons
darken the air and partridges drum on every
hill top. Even where civilization has a
lusty foothold, the game hangs oh. "Wild
turkeys are beautifully plenty within 15
miles'of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania's capital
city. Pike county, home ot the bark peeler,
is known all over the country as the pic
turesque background of the bear stories that
a big Kevr York paper serves up to its read
ers Sundays, some of which are doubtless
true, but more, due' to the fertile mind of tbe
"bear editor," now a recognized feature of
each staff. Sportsmen flock there from
all the big sea-board cities, and many
ot the inland ones as well. Many
gun club have houses there or rendezvous
lor lamp-hunting. So many railroads rtin
by and through the region, it'is wonder
fully accessible. Yet nature has so en-
"tucneii nerscii in tock ana mountain joss-
.. ... Jtnn .. f i,n,in ,ni not .t.
terminate thn r.nm thorp, tfnvrhera ln il
there such ruffled irronie shootinc. .The
bird is polygamous. Etch cock has half a
dozen wives whom he calls to him at mating
time by standing upon, a log and drumming
wun his wines. He cives himself no sort
oi concern about his children, of whom eacftjit was too mrlu for anything. juage,
. m -".. -. - .
wife brings up a dee or Bore, iffc&y
natcnea in groaaa neat, oan ran a
dry and listen days are able to &y. Wfcea'
grown the birds are shy and exeeediag
wary. They feed mostly in the wood and
are partial to "laurel, spruce'and hem Jck.
upon whose bud j'they largely subsist They
are strong flyers, get up and go away liken
inewina. xne snot that toiiowg must go
quick.' and true. ' Hardly any other ae
requires so much of eye and hand. "When
treed it lies so elose as often to eseape
discovery. Even the shooting of
another bird "upon the same limb will not
make it stir. The same is true of the blue
grouse or "fool-hen" of the Far "West; of
whom hunters tell that 50 may be shot out
of the same tree, if only yon take the lowest
first If one is shot from the top its flut
tering earthward sends all the rest off on the
instant. Hunters who care'more for success
than sport often hide near a drumming log,
and from ambush
as they come. Drumming is practiced in
fall, not as an amatory exercise, but a sort
of prize exhibition. "While the cocks strsd
vaingloriously pruning and ruffling them
selves the hens' scratch and wallow in the
light loose1 earth, pecking and picking about
in the most contested fashion, neyer dream
ing of the danger close at hand, Another
unsportsmanlike fashion of bagging them
is to lie hidden near some grapevine or
thornberry bush and pick off the birds one
after the other, as an hour or so before
nightfall they come in for supper. The
trrouse is found from Newfoundland to New
Mexico, but nowhere else does he afford
such royal sport as in tbe wilds and steeps
ofPennsylvania and "West Virginia.
True paradisejbr lovers of "the noble art
of venerie" are "the. Sea Islands stretching
from Beaufort, S. C, down to the Florida
coast Abandoned during the war, many
of them have never been reclaimed. The
big plantation houses are rotting away, tbe
fields become jungles, and the woods thickly
peopled with deer, squirrels, rabbits, wild
hogs, quail, cranes and many another bird.
Now and then a bear is seen, the shores are
lined with wild fowl the winter through
while the wastes are alive with mullet, red
snapper and other delicate fish. Yachtmen
cruising in South Atlantic waters go there
for sport 'and rest Men come from up
country from north, east and west Jeckyl
Island, several thousand acres in extent, has
been bought by a club of rich New Yorkers,
a magnificent clubhouse and hotel erected
and the whole place made a sportsman's de
light. English pheasants, which have been
imported and turned loose there, are in
creasing and multiplying at a gratifying
rate. All native game is carefully pro
tected, and though the island is being
brought to park-like beauty, care is taken
to leave space and silence for the wild
things that cannot live without it A well
known millionaire who is greatly interested!
in the scheme sails down there in his yacht
and takes along a floating stable of his own
Revising, in which 20 horses with equipage
and provisions can be carried along with
the hunters to any part of the coast After
all Aladdin's lamp was not pure fable. He
must have been tbe first man to capitalize a
trust. '
In many of the older Western States, the
prairie chicken has been so nearly extermi
nated by pot and market hunters that its
shooting has been quite -forbidden for a term
of years. In all ot them there is a long
close season. In Iowa, Kansas, Missouri
and Minnesota big bags are still made. The
birds are shot over dogs, preferably point
ers, as they can
than the thick-coated setters. Hunters ride
or drive, and think "nothing" of beating
above 30 miles a day. Upland or grass
plover are generally met with along with
the chicken. They go about in flocks, and
it is quite possible to drive within range,
fire both bairels of your gun, and maybe a
spare one before they think of flying. "Wild
fowl going southward often stop to feed in
the same fields, so a fairly varied bag may
be made, to say nothing of the woodcock or
snipe that abound in some of the rich river
bottoms of Indiana and tbe further "West
There is a fair contingent of Eastern hunt
ers, but not so many as wheu game was
plentier and the great, wild Northwest
within a week from New York.
After all it is there a man must go for
heroio hunting. Though the buffalo is
practically extinct, the elk is yet with us all
over Montana and "Washington Territory,
the fleet antelope, the black-tailed deer,
bears, the cinamon, the grizzly, the "silver
tip," black and brown, the fierce puma or
mountain lion, the big gaunt gray wolf, the
jaguar, the ocelot, the mountain sheep and
goat, xne rivers running west swarm with
salmon at spawning time and in fall the in
land waters are tenanted with wild low.
Game birds, too, abound, if we may trust
travelers' tales. In short, there is nothing
on the earth, that may be shot, caught,
hooked or netted for sport, but is there
abundantly represented. No wonder then
that the hunters are from pretty well all
over the world. "We have many histories,
but only one human nature." Good men
and true love the shine of a trout's back,
the ping of the bullet, the stir and flutter of
glancing wings, the wild, warm thrill that
follows the successful shot, be they heathen,
Gretk, Hebrew or Christian. So it has been,,
so it will be. Who can say what social and
international complications are escaped by
this outlet for humanity's murderous in
stinct. M'. C. Williams.
The Actions That DiatlngnUu Him at Homo
nnd Abroad.
Cincinnati Tlmes-Star.1
While traveling did you ever notice the
advent into the train ofthe village big man?
Every town has its big man; not generally
more th an one. Tbat is, there is no other
man who approaches near in importance
the certain big man. He is most always a
a lawyer; occasionally a doctor. But about
his entering the car: The big man has
several modes of communicating the fact of
his presence. Generally it is with his nose.
Sometimes a resounding "hawk." stamp
of cane, or the tremendously loud and
solemn tones of his voice in making the
simplest, most threadbare expression.
Mostly, however, his nose it is which gives
no uncertain sound, and by which all are
made aware ofthe presence of an individual
of note.
He is as immovable and silent, save an oc
casional blast, as a wayside tree. He poses in
the whole seat with a graceful majesty,
tbat comes of long years of constant, dili
gent practice. By and by the city is reached.
Big man unconsciously reveals an almost
inperceptible interest and even anxiety.
Begins half to realize that he is out of his
depths in this great massing of hnge build
ings and with no familiarly awed country
neighbor's countenance in sight Lo, his
stupendous air of importance is at swift ebb
And as he alights from tbe car and walks
off in the crowd, his is all the appearance of
mingled curiosity, mistrust and general
wide-eyed verdancy of the veriest jay. Ver
ily, how we apples do swim at home.
Dome From Abroad.
m:i..- v..i. T-1. (tio-.nrllnnlT,
Oliphant You left Paris rather suddenly,
didn't yOU?
Miss West Yes. You see papa had his
exhihit at the exposition put up in cans and
labeled "Larde d'Cincinnate. ' and those
stupid Frenchmen thought it was a new
Roman pomade and rubbed it on their hair.
.- ... .. -
Tto"IMrkVif m Idnr
CftlMtKxiri a fe
WJuAre CrerfV &rtrr tit Mm
'TilaTWc.Uwr- i
, -
On as OeleWeveniae iil8&-. tbe.TJsrftsd
StAtM fttMwfcln 'tf-1- J ' !!! Mt
a southwesterly coarse, having teft Pa mV
about a week before, and beiag boand foci
the Island of Tahiti, In the 8eiety rap-:
The ship, though a steasaer, wapreeiiBgi
under sail, as. sae 'bad a exteaded orsise;
among the Pacific Wands before her, awt it
would probably' be difiealtjto obtaia ooaL
The crew were scattered aboathe deeks ia
groups, thev.center of which, in most eases,
was some old, bearded shell-hack, who was
retailing his experiences oa previous cruises.
The officers, who had just finished their
evening meal, were! 'clattered ia the lea
gangway, sending up' curling- wreaths of
light bine smoke front cigars and pipes,
which the faint breeze' that just filled the"
sails carried lazily'astern. The navigator
an old and griuled sea dog, remarked that
"if the wind freshens during the night we
will cross the line during the morning
watch." .
"Yes, and from what I hear, we may ex
pect to receive a visit from Father Nep
tune, and soma of our youngsters will have
a chance to make the acquaintance of that
amiable monarch," says the old surgeon,
glancing quizzically at a couple of mid
shipmen who have just joined the group.
'rw .o .11 .;h (... ..nit...
"we've fixed things with tbe old boy, and
VU !. AS KA .JKItfc MlbJ AW.U.
win De allowed to pay a lorieit ot nair a
dozen bottles of beer apiece, and. will get
across the equator without riding the
spanker boom or any other monkey busi
"Well, VelUthe navy is going'to the
dogs," says the .navigator. "Whin, 1 waa
a youngster old Nep wasn't so accommodat
ing as . to accept forfeits, and we took our
gruel without any salt."
Seven bells strikes and the lookouts pass
the hail: "Starboard cathead, bright light,"
comes from ahead, and meets -with its, re
sponse from tbe lookout on the port bow.
"How's her head?" sings out the officer-
of-the-deck, from the bridge, turning to the
man at tbe wheel.
"On her course, sir. West sou'west."
growls the quartermaster, and everything-
lapses into silence, oroicen only Dy tne
splashing of the water under the bow.
"Ship ahoy I" comes the sharp cry from
directly ahead, and everyone starts into an
attitude of alertness to learn the cause of
this unexpected hail.
"Aye, aye," answers the officer-of-the-deck.
"What ship is that?" comes back.
"The U. S. 8. Eichmond, Captain ,
from Panama, bonnd for the Society Islands,
who are you?"
"I come from his worthy majesty Nep
tune, monarch of the seas, who, hearing
tbat you were in these waters, will visit the
ship to-morrow morning to receive the hom
age of his royal subjects. Goodby," and a
splash in the water causes all hands to rush
to the side to see wnat this means. A light
is drifting slowly astern, and is quickly
swallowed up in the darkness. The more
credulous claim that they can distinguish
the outline of a boat, but one of the men,
who was first at tbe side, says it was noth
ing bnt a lighted candle in a bucket
Tbe excitement gradually subsides, and
many are the inquiries which the younger
men put to tbe old sailors concerning tbe
ceremonies observed when Neptune pays his
visits to ships as they cross the equator. "Oh,
it ain't nothln' now to what it used to be," says
old Chips, the carpenter's mate. "The cap
tains won't allow nothln' but baby play
nowadays. May be you'll get a chance to
have your beard taken off," turning to a
smooth faced apprentice boy, "and I guess
you'll all set more or less salt water it the
old man don't interfere."
At eight bells the lookouts are relieved,
and the watch below seek their hammocfes,
and the ship settles down to the quietness
of a tropical night, with a steady breeze re
quiring no changes in the trim of the sails.
The next morning, the usual rontine work
of scrubbing decks and cleaning bright
work is gone through with, and after
breakfast has been served, the men are
mustered at quarters. The reports of of
ficers of divisions have been made, and ev
eryone wears an air of expectancy. A noise
forward attracts the attention of all, ana
over the bows comes Neptune and his court.
He is dressed in what resembles a Cape Ann
fisherman s suit, from which and from his
amber-hued beard, tangled with seaweed,
the water is dripping. On his head is an
old sou'wester, surmounted by a tin crown,
and in his right hand he grasps the tradi
tional trident Clinging to his left is his
blushing bride. Amphitrite, who remarka
bly resembles one of the younger appren
tices, and in tbe seamed face of Neptnne, a
likeness can be traced to old Billy Bowlegs,
tbe bosn's mate, who singularly enough is
not at his gun.
A motley crew follows this royal couple.
First comes'the court barber, a ferocious
looking personage, armed with a gigantic
tin razor, and from whose belt dangles a
formidable pair of forceps. A number of
policemen, dressed in old marines' uniforms
and armed with stuffed clubs, bring up the
An improvised chariot has been rigsed
up from a howitzer carriage. On this His
Majesty is drawn aft to the quarterdeck,
where he is met by the captain. After a
satisfactory interview with the commanding
officer, in which Neptune agrees to treat
everyone with mildness, and that the forfeit
which those officers who have not crossed
the equator are willing to pay shall be ac
cepted, the ship is turned over to him for
the forenoon, and the crew dismissed from
A throne has been arranged on an ele
vated platform amidships, in front of which
a large tarpaulin has been stretched, with
tbe four corners triced up, and the basin
thus formed
Dismounting from his chariot, Neptune
takes his seat, and borrowing a chew of
navy plug from his barber, proceeds to
business. A nnmber of the old salts press
lorwaru, auu ure curuiaiiy greeted Dy his
briny nibs. One he recognizes as having
met in these same waters, in '8, in the good
ship Lydee Adlee, three decks, one gun and
no bottom. Another first made his ac
quaintance on the brig Pollv, and all these
old friends are invited to assist in disposing
ofthe forfeits paid by the younger officers.
In tbe meantime the royal police force has
not been idle, and a young apprentice boy
is brought before the Kins. He meets with
no smile of recognition, but with a frown
the worthy potentate demands to know for
what reason this yonth is allowed to ap
proach the throne withont having been
shaved. Two of the "finest" seat the
youngster on a camp stool, ancl the barber
proceeds to perform his functions. Lather
ing his face well with a villainous-looking
compound of molasses and flour, he flour
ishes the large razor and draws it down one
side of tbe victim's face, regardless of his
futile efforts to escape. A few minutes suf
fice to complete this part of the performance,
and his teeth are next examined, the de
cision being made that one of them must
be pulled. Grasping bis forceps, the barber
takes a firm hold on the tooth, and with a
vicions jerk holds up a large wooden tooth
that would have been competent to perform
duty as an elephant's molar. Amid shrieks
of laughter on the part of tbe spectators, the
poor boy is tumbled heels over head into the
water in the tarpaulin in front of him, where
he is thoroughly soused by the bvstanders.
,, Other victims are brought up ia rapid
&iiitffH&i.. isiift
awMk MrMmlr !
mwm wmmr w-mmm -,:
--W m mm
? .!
tl-B; aad
would do m
laweetor Byraea.
n i ri niri I niiisl if is
tlMfoaghlr dMikad fey tb
kaowiag that h wtU aafthsW
ks-MrM H brawn hasas
baa lookad MMlf lot a- araaBi
-M stooea tiM sastataM f 1
SoaM. of tbe nan wh bam
aW aad think H aahr Ma
beald tatta hie, gat baefcata ft m
aad BMka thir way Beiaatesafp fcr
aw e storecoaas. uaa or taja i
BMTas tbe oavar. aaattha .balasiai
water dawa an tbe mariae balairi
lorward, whera tfcey ,ai se
taeetewd. It takea tbasarMHstp
Mfattfeeto aataa deek, wbiab. be 1
Gripping wit water aaU liytsv
Baaaa ot Mm an graft him aal an
battle him before His Ttfajatft
oCser-attfae-daak iateftataa sas
to farther Boeeedia-
The soort fiaallvrffas oa'
raw material to work oa, tmi. a
bes'a'sBMte viae ..l.w
cleared, awl Neptune's yMtbr a I
wepaat. jarJ
. i MS
Ha Woa a Good Astm!. awl leeeJ
YoMWat frieaaa. h
HartferdCoaraati j5-
I met pon a Mlkide highway a &
m iBaerai prooosaion. n.im
straaee -faneral, too,, and the aarsM
quite as strange aa tcta.fsBetaitaaaitl
drew tie 'improvised hearse. SixftttebaM
and three girls drew theheane, aad'oba i
corpse in the vehicle was that of a defame'
billy goat t asked the largest bey, aba '
leaner, u he was the feremaa of the fee-
company, and ho aaswered. "So. air. '
A funeral." The strange SHswer iadaeed tf ;
revealed to my light the first dead swat tbat
I had ever seen. The littl nniiartfttw vlu in'
Siaii nwnftrT T411Tv nltt.ijhnJ & -!.-. 1.-V
.-... "'"Ji uuiiiiaica ore nilL.j
saia "iJiuy was a good goat aad meant
jjiuj uaeu to nave ioisoi inn in era times." f
A goat's funeral waa so novel a martaary.,'
hMMMint .li.t T a..ab...aJ x. 1 4; a. fete
become onent the mourners and follow the,,
little wazon drawn bv the children nn tW
hillside, through the winding laae over the i
common to tne erave anpointed fer th lui
retting place of ail that was mortal of peer
1 have seldom seen a more decoreas ob
servance by grown people at the graveside
when the clods hid from sight all that waa
material than was observed by these chil
dren in the burial of their dead friend, who
doubtless had often drawn them all in jolly
good fellowship around and abourthe high
ways and hillsides of Winsted in the same
wagon which had carried Billy- to his last
resting place. His grave was not long nor
was it deep, bnt it was deep enough to cover
him well, and in it he was gently- placed
and a few spadesful of dirt carefully de
posited upon Billy's inanimate form. Then"
the little leader took from his pocket a
bottle filled with water, and each child
present sprinkled a few dropo into tha '
grave. A little more ceremony and tha
grave waa covered, each child as tbe pro
cession moved away turning to say "Good,
by, Billy." I stooped and picked a daisy
from among its kith and kin which whitened
the field all around and about, and laid.it
on the grave as my offering not to a dead,
goat but to the good friend of a- little boy
who loved him well enough to give him a
decent burial, and bore testimony io Jus
good traits in the simple tribute, "Billy waa
a good goat,"
As I walked away a little song sparrow,
or perhaps it was a wren, which had been
nervously hopping about on the bush tops a '
few yards away, flew down upon the new
made grave and burst out with a rapturous
song, and flooded the air with melody. Ah,
well ! I thought, as I wandered down the
hillside, there isn't any use for goat heaven
when the grave of a gray old Billy is
watered by the tears of children, and tha
funeral ceremony ends with the anthem of
such a chorister.
A Mluoarl Congressman Who Impersonate!
His Majesty Kalakana.1
St. Louis Bepabllc.
The late Congressman Jim Burne, of Bt.v
Joe, combined with his talents as a lawyer
and a legislator a never-ending desire to
play a practical joke upon someone. When
King Kalakaua was making his tour "of
America he was entertained at Jefferson
City, and, following out a royal prerogative
and one much exercised by crowned heads,
he got ia Western vernacular, a full-sized
"load" on. He was stretched out on a set
tee in one of the cars of the special train
L bearing him and a party of friends to St
Louis, and was soon snoring asonlya Sand
wich Islander can do. The fact that King
Kalakaua was on board the train was tele
graphed ahead, and at every station larger
or smaller crowds congregated to catch a
glimpse of the visiting monarch.
At one place a stop was made, and loud
cries lor the King were heard, the people
expecting that he would come out and maka
a speech about the glorious country, as is
done by the ruler of this enlightened nation.
The King was snoring placidly inside tha
car, but Jim Burnea thought it wonld ba
too bad to disappoint the crowd, and step
ping out on the rear platform in the semi
darkness he made his most profound bow
amid shonts of "long live the King." The
people began to clamor for a speech, and
although this was an unexpected turn to
affairs. Congressman Jim made the best of
it, and be talked to them about the beauties
of Honolulu and the climate of the Pacific
Islands, meanwhile wishing with all his
heart tbat the train would start and take
him out of reach of the loyal crowd. But
the train stood stark still and the perspira
tion began to roll down the face of the
pseudo king. One man stepped from the
ground upon the platform and said:
"King, Ihave a brother, John , a
missionary in the Sandwich Islands; do
yon know him?"
"My most particular friend," replied tha
King, with a hearty hand shake, and here
the train pulled out amid the huzzas of the
assemblage and to the great relief of his
royal nibs.
How.IIo Contrives to illakeHImseinnvlilbIa
to Flnco Seeker.
If ew Tort Commercial Advertiser.
Senator Ingalls could give a pointer to
many of his brethren in Congress. He came
to the city yesterday in behalt of some of his
constituents, but, queer to say, couldn't be
found by a nnmber of others who sought
him as soon as his presence was known. Tha
matter seemed to be shrouded in mystery ,
until tbe Senator was questioned about it
"Ob," he said,. laughing, "you don't
see that, do you? Well, a Senator or Rep
resentative in Washington during the
summer months stands about as much
chance as a goose in January. You see,
they are very scarce, and everybody who
wants something is bound to buttonhole
them. But what is tbe matter with having
two rooms?" he continued. "If you have
headquarters at two places and know the
ropes the devil himself couldn't reach
The Senator's ruse hat so far worked
perfectly, and he lives in Washington aa
secluded as if he were rusticating at his
country home.
Tbe largest and most complete stock of
diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware,
clocks, bronzes, etc, at prices below com.
petition, at M. G, Cohta's, 633 Salthfieli