Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 14, Image 14

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How a Very Pretty Oarsgirl Manages
to Always Look Attractive.
Borne of the Funny Episodes Seen by Fair
Female Bargain Hunters.
2fEW Xoek, August 31.
HOKX'S, Boating
Belle. Let that be
the print for her real
name, which the
reader wouldn't rec
ognize, anyhow, ior
it is not that of a fa
mously rich or fash
ionable family. The
Bronx is called a
river, but it is only
a creek, just out of
town to the north
ward, and some of
its lazv stretches arc shaded into absolute
seclusion by bordering trees and shrubbery.
Our oarsgirl is a pretty creature, as gentle
as any Gwendolen, yet sinewy and fctrong;
and it is curious to see how she endeavors to
pet the advantages or outdoor exercise with
out losing her aspects of weak femininity.
She has brothers who row in knitted shirts,
so scant that their arms are bare to the tops
of tneir shoulders, and she follows their
fashion so far as to wear a sleeveless jersey
waist. It lits her figure nicely, and is a
clever adaptation, too, for it looks as though
it didn't girt her waist in the least.
2for does it But be it known that a corset
a very pliable one, yet still a corset is
underneath that outer envelope. Her hands
are protected from callousness and abrasions
by sot gloves, which reach to her elbows.
Therefore, when she drops the oars of her
summer outing, and takes up the fan of her
winter inning, it will be with
and palms as soft. Besides, she can don
elbow sleeves, these August evenings, and
show the most delicate of forearms. How
about the bare skin betwixt shoulders
and elbows, you ask? Ahl There is clever
ness. She is bound to row with her biceps
in view, as her brothers do, and she is proud
of the muscles that raise the smooth flesh at
each stroke; but she wouldn't like to ex
pose, at her first autumnal ballroom reap
pearance, arms as tanned as sunburn would
naturally leave them. So she has obtained
a recipe, in which the principal ingredients
are cocoa butter, bismuth and lemon juice,
for obliterating the tan in a single week.
Durinr the nights of that period she will
Bleep with upper arms smeared with the
unguent, in order to bleach away the brown
which is now one of the charms of her sight
liness in a boat.
But of all the sports known to women,
outdoors or indoors, city or country, none is
pursued with greater zest by its devotees
than that of bargain hunting. And ot all
the year round, now is the time for it, so far
as New Xork City is concerned. The retail
business is naturally dull in August, and,
in order to clear out old stock to nuke room
lor September's new goods, merchants seek
to enliven trade by loading their bargain
counters attractively. "Women come in
from the near watering places to
Tourists indulge in the sport, and others
to whom the saving ot money is really of
account 'throng the stores. These latter
frueal women are rather disdained by the
former pleasurable ones, just as pot hunters
are despised by true sportsmen, and. no
millionaire ever got more satisfaction from
hooking a 10-cent trout than a satin-bound
dowager can derive from the catching of a
dime bargain. She will spend a dollar in
car-fares, and almost soak her old head off
with perspiration, in hunting down her small
game. Well, it is all right. The bargains
are thus valuable to the poor, delightful to
the rich, and profitable to the dealer. There
is occasionally a mighty funny episode, too.
In the midst of the retail shopping district
is a luncheon restaurant for women. It is
jammed full during the middle hours of the
day. On a central counter this week are
piled bargains in cakes, tarts, crullers,
sandwiches and eclairs. They are "marked
down," not because they are shopworn or
out of fashion, but through the proprietor's
desire to whoop up his trade. It is a sight
to see the crowd of women around that
counter, peering close at the viands, sniff
ing at them, poking them with their fin
gers, and treating them as though they were
articles to wear rather than to swallow.
They don't propose to be fooled, you know.
"Are these doughnuts fresh?" an old lady
asked, denting one of them with her gloved
"They're this morning's bake," the pert
girl clerk replied.
'"Sure?" and the bargain hunter took
one up.
'Certain, ma'am," was the curt answer.
"It seems rather hard," and the lady cau
tiously bit it
"It's a perfectly fresh cruller."
"0, 1 thought 'twas a doughnut"
"ifo. It might be considered hard for
a doughnut, but it is soft enough for a
cruller." ,
'But I don't want a cruller," and the
shopper laid it down.
She turned away, and then the salesgirl
called after her: "Madam madam don't
you want your teeth?"
A full set of false teeth, with a gold plate
attached, were left stuck in the cruller.
The lady did want them, and in a tremend
ous hurry; but think of the bargain some
body else might otherwise Kave found in
that hunk of fried doughl As it was, I
presume the restaurant man had to mark it
don n still lower on account of the damage
that the bite had done to it
A dramatic critic showed to me one day's
heap of letters that had accumulated on his
desk. I had remarked to him that it was a
shame how the newspapers gave publicity
to the smallest doings ot actresses, and how
the ladies must be annoyed bv it There
fore he let me read the chance collection of
missives, and among them were not less
than a dozen cool requests by actresses
some of them renowned, and none quite un
known to lame that he should print para
graphs which thev inclosed. Among these
was one telling of the writer's grief at the
loss of a pet dog, another narrating an acci
dent by which an almost fatal dose of poison
was taken, a third disclosed the constructive
secrets of feminine apparel, a fourth was to
give currency to a matrimonial scandal in
Tolving the correspondent herself, and soon
through the lot It was a revelation to me
of the anxiety amounting almost to vo
racity of actresses to be exploited in
print Bight in the face of this knowl
edge, but with the excuse that Letty
Xiind and Sylvia Grey have gone
back to London, there to stay for
a year or two at least, I am going to tell a
storv which, if they were still performing
in this country, I should not write for fear
of serving an advertising purpose.
The London Burlesque Company, in
which these gyrators made us acquainted
with "skirt dancing," was at the Standard
Theater. The town's contingent of addle
pated mashers had deserted the comic operas
snd flocked to this new allurement That
degree of adulation was new to Sylvia and
Ietty, whoso London vogue had been com
paratively insignificant, but they did not
permit themselves to be dazed by it, and the
Johnnies that is the London nickname for
dudes who dangle after actresses were held
on from laminar approach. The tact was
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that both the dansucses were already con
jugally attached, and were, therefore, ineli
gible to American wooing. One irrepresbi
ble fellow, whose name it is best not to give,
persisted until he obtained an interview
with them. He was then and there in
formed that it wasn't any sort of use to
waste his time in seeking an acquintance,
because uositivelv they would not know
him. One evening, not long thereafter, the.
orchestra leader was ill and absent The
first violinist was to take his place in the
high seat and conduct the musical portions
of the burlesque. The "Johnny" had be
come friendly with Fred Leslie, the come
dian of the company, and it was through
him, along with the expenditure of some
money, that the skirt dancers were treated
When they came out to dance they found
in the temporary conductor none other than
the unconquerable "Johnny" himself. Of
course he may not have known anything
about leading an orchestra, but he could
make motions with the baton, while the
well-drilled musicians played as usual, and
he had the supreme satisfaction of bobbing
up serenely right in front of those two Lon
don charmers, where he could even talk to
them while they danced, and they couldn't
either sauce him back or fly from him.
"And what did it lead to?" was asked of
Comedian Leslie, who gave the particulars
to a friend of mine,
"Nothing at all, I think," was the reply.
"I shouldn't have been surprised if the
ladies had abandoned their policy of repul
sion, in consequence of his unprecedented
exnloit. but he seemed to be satisfied with
that adventurous climax, and never tried to
go near them again."
Did it strike you that the four murderers
who were hanged in the Tombs last week
were all killers of women? And if so, did
you speculate upon the probability of their
punishment being a deterrent of brutal men
who maltreat their wives and sweethearts?
Cynthia Leonard is a bright and actiye
feminine thcorist,as you may already know,
and it occurred to her to question the four
condemned brutes as to whether they were
more ashamed of having slain women than
if their victims had been of their own sex.
She did not find them productive of theories
on the subject, and had to content herself
with obtaining the briefest replies. Still
they are well worth publishing.
Fackenham had cut his wife's throat
"I'm sorry I killed anybody," he said,
"but I guess I'd be sorrier it 'twas a man,
because men are of more use than women."
Carolin had chopped his ostensible wife to
death. "I killed nobody," he obdurately
maintained, "but would I be more ashamed
if I had killed a woman than a man? No,
I do not think so." Nolan had shot a mat
rimonial partner, and he said: "Every
man oughter be polite to women. But
they're exasperating.' They get killed be
cause they're tormentors." Lewis was a
negro. "He had jealously slain his sweet
heart "I dunno exactly what you mean,"
he said. When it was explained that his
idea of the extra atrocity of murdering a
woman was desired, he remarked: "Well, I
guess it's a compliment to a gal when a
jealous man kills her. I ain't jokin" boss,"
for the questioner was a man who under
took the errand; "a man don't shoot his
girl unless he loves her, ,does he?" There is
sentimental philosophy for you. We ought
to feel complimented when men murder us.
Claba Belle.
A Teasel's Crew Nearly frightened to Death
by an Ocean Monster.
Lcwlston Journal.
He was a sailor and talked of swordfish.
"Many years ago," said" he, "swordfish
were a rarity. To-day I read in the paper
of a vessel arriving at Portland with 20,000
pounds of swordfish. Ever had any experi
ence with them, Captain?"
"Yes, once. I'll give it to you," and he
continued: "Blue water got distasteful to
me, once on a time. A hard rub in a gale
on a long trip around the Cape and a lone
some welcome home made me sick. I got
out of it Couldn't keep out, though, so I
took one of these bobtail schooners for a
load of Pictoucoal in the early days when
those coal mines were first "extensively
opened up at Pictou. She was a despisable
craft after what I had been having, and I
didn't hold far off the coast, and we was a
running through Casco Bay. It was dark
but starlit, and I got tired o' the deck and
so I called up the mate and turned in be
low. I had been down about an hour when
I woke."
TJp on deckwas a thumpin', and a rappin'
ana a crasnin .
"Hollo, Cap'n!" came back the answer,
"some blanked kind of a craft has boarded
"Call the hands!" yelled I, as I slipped
into my clothes and bunted here and there.
After awhile I got on deck and so did a
light, and there right in the middle of the
deck lay a swordfish half as longas onr
craft, as it seemed to me. How his eyes
shone. They looked like two junk bottles
and stuck way out of his head. Everybody
stood back. "Gimme room," said X, and I
grabbed a caps 'an bar and moved along to
his side. His old eyes glared at me as I stood
at one side and drew back the bar. I was
strong in those days, but I didn't know my
prey. I let him have one right between the
eyes with a blow that would have killed an
ox. In an instant the air was full of sword
fish. In two seconds he had cleared that
deck of men who scrambled every way, as
that monster darted here and there, crash
ing and tearing and ripping. When he came
to a halt e attacked him again, and for ten
minutes there was the liveliest little fight
between fish and man that I ever saw or
heard of. He tore everything, but we laid
him out In the side of the house was a
huge hole where he had boarded us, the
sword having stuck through my cabin. He
had tried to jump over us in the night; pos
sibly taking us for a big whale.
"Wehad sword-fish boiled; baked; broiled;
fried; stewed; steamed, smothered until I
can't see a piece without it makes me
How a Hungry Dos Got His Dinner With
out Stealing It
Boston Conrier.j
One dog story always leads to another,
and he who has told one is as a matter of
course expected to follow it np with a sec
ond. Therefore to the story told last week
the editor is constrained by immemorial
custom to add the following:
A lady who has a superb tawny St. Ber
nard relates that at one period in his career
Bruno had a warm attachment for a black
cat. Puss was accustomed to sleep upon
the dog's great yellow head, and the pair
are described as looking very picturesque
On one occasion the cook was more than
usually busy, and haying boiled the dog's
dinner and set it to cool, she forgot to give
it to him. Poor hungry Bruno bore it in
silence for some time, and even went to 'the
unusual length of begging a little for his
delayed dinner, but all to no avail. At
length the cook went out of the kitchen,
leaving the pot ot meat on the stool. A ser
vant who was in the next room saw Bruno
go up to it, put his nose over the edge, and
whine hungrily, but without attempting to
take anything out He evidently struggled
with himself but he finally conquered the
temptation, and retired to the other side of
the room, where he lay down all alert to
watch for the coming again of the cook.
The black cat, who had seen all this, evi
dently thought that the time hud now come
for her to interfere. She jumped upon the
stool where the pot of meat was sitting,
fished out a big bone, and carrying it across
the kitchen, dropped it at Bruno's feet The
dog evidently felt that to hesitate any lon
ger would be flying in the lace of Provi
dence, and he leJl upon the bone ravenously,
while puss, with the most evident conscious
ness of haying done a clever thing, rubbed
herself purring against his great tawny
All this the servant saw. and in dne time
did report, to credit alike of the reputation
i I
oi me oog ana oi tne cab
A Description of the Touring Club
Rnn From Paris to Zurich.
The American Party Makes a Display of Its
Zubich, August 17. Our party of 27
reached this hospitable city in good order
yesterday afternoon, and we are comforta
bly quartered at the Hotel Bellevue, with
the Stars and Stripes floating above its roof.
The journey hither from Paris has been
made in a leisurely way and has proved one
of unmixed entertainment and enjoyment
throughout The landscape and scenery we
have encountered, both in Trance and Swit
zerland, have recalled many a fragment of
memories from forgotten pictnre galleries,
and wherever we have passed, both towns
people and peasantry have vied in showing
us invariable kindness and courtesy. To
quote the expression of one of our party,
"The trip from Paris to Zurich has been
one continuous picnic."
There was a great crowd gathered before
the Hotel de la Tamise, in the Rued' Alger,
to bid us good-bye, as we bade adieuto Paris
a short time ago. Baron Selly and Mr. and
Mrs. Wethinger, the latter two mounted on
a "tandem safety," had kindly offered us
their escort as lar as Fontainebleau, and
quite a number of the Paris wheelmen also
accompanied our calvacade to that point,
making a jolly party that wheeled up at
noon time at JN emours tor luncn. mount
ing again at 2 B. M., with fine weather and a
splendid road, we passed during the after
noon, the historic "King's Tables," entered
and traversed a section of the grand old
forest, and reached JE'ontainebleau about 5
p. M., where we remained over the following
day, Sunday, sight seeing and visiting the
famous chateau.
Fontainebleau was, for the time, full of
infantry summoned to rifle practice, and the
town was alive with concerts, carrousels,
hurdy-gurdys, and all manner of holiday
entertainments, so that we were not sorry to
leave. Finding tne main highway closed
on account of the military operations, we
made a detour on leaving next morning, and
afterward regaining the post-road, made a
straight pull for Sens, which was reached in
four hours' time. The remainder of the day
was passed in visiting the historic old
church and in general sight-seeing. It may
be mentioned. here that the President of the
Fontainebleau Bicycle Club accompanied
us as far as this point, having with him a
friend mounted on a tricycle. This latter
gentleman furnished us the only real laugh
we had had since leaving Paris, by sud
denly and unaccountably taking a "header"
over the roadside and landing in the ditch.
From Sens, via Joigny, to Tonnere, we
had a level country and fine roads, so that
some six of the party, Kirk, Brinsmade,
White, Shannon, Levy and Schneider, de
termined to go in for a "century" run, and,
in spite of a strong bead wind, they accom
plished it, running back from Joignv, after
lunch, to Sens, then forward again through
Joigny and on to Tonnere, making a run of
10b miles in a day often hours.
We passed a pleasant night and forenoon
at Tonnere, chatting with many of the
townspeople, who were very sociable and
kind, and, alter lunch, pushed on to Mont-
bard, which was reached about 6 P. m.
After visiting the ruins ot the chateau and
discussing an excellent dinner, our party,
all ot whom felt infused with
gathered in front of the hotel and sang
"Hail Columbia," "Star Spangled Banner,
and other national songs. In ten minutes'
time the street was so packed with people, a
swarming mass of good-natured and demon
strative listeners, that it was impossible fur
a vehicle to pass. Suddenly one of the
party happening to call for the "Marseil
laise," a citoyen mounted a cask, com
menced "Allons enfants de la patrie" in the
most approved style, and the immense
crowd enthusiastically joined in the chorus.
Then, in turn, some Frenchman in the
crowd who was posted cried "Chantez Yan
kee Doodle." whereupon our boys com
menced the good old lainiliar strain, and it
was applauded to the echo.
The next morning our cavalcade went
gaily out of Montbard, the bicycles pro
fusely decorated with red, white and blue
ribbons, and every small boy in town fol
lowing us as long as his legs would carry
him. We kept together, singing the na
tional airs in chorus as we whizzed across
the conntry,eand every one of us thinking
lovingly of home. At St. Seine, where we
lunched, we found the hotel dining-room
profusely decorated with the Stars and
Stripes and the tricolor in honor of our ar
rival. A pleasant incident was a little
speech by Mr. Esterbrook, who proposed
the health of the President of the United
States, and followed it up with some timely
remarks Just at this juncture one of our
party, Bosehoom, who had had a fall a few
miles np the road and been obliged to come
in apart, was carried in triumphantly pn
the. stalwart shoulders of Higgins, Brins
m'ade, Leavey and Cake, and received with
a vociferous chorus of "He's a jolly good
We reached the Burgundian capital,
Dijon, between 4 and 5 in the afternoon,
where arrangements had been made for a
banquet at the Hotel de la Cloche. The
room was handsomely decorated with our
own and French flags, the menu and wines
were excellent, and a genuine American
lemonade was provided for the prohibition
ist members of the party. The health of
the President was drunk standing, and ap
propriate speeches were made by Messrs.
Hicks, Beals and Wilson.
Next day we visited the museum, the
cathedral, the park and other beautiful
sights of the city, and in the afternoon
pushed on to Dole, where we were hand
somely entertained by a fellow bicyclist,
formerly of Dijon, who now owns a concert
hall at Dole. Next day we rode leisurely
in the afternoon to Pohgny where we had a
night ot horrors, with swarms of bedbugs.
some of them as large as a soft-shelled crab.
It is a wonder some ot them didn't try to
mount the machines and ride off with them!
As it was we all had to sleep on the floor
with onr clothes on, and we shook off the
dust of Poligny next day, vowing never to
We lunched at Champagnole, and as it
was Sunday, great crowds of sightseers" col
lected about us. That afternoon we reached
Norez, "coasting" down hill the entire dis
tance for the last five mile's, without touch
ing a foot to the pedal. Here we had our
first glimpse of the glorious scenery of the
Juras. Next morning we had an uphill
walk of eight miles to the Swiss frontier,
which we passed at Les'Bousses.
Who shall explain the mysteries of Cus
tom House duties? Some 4f our party were
required to deposit 20 francs duty each on
their bicycles, receiving therefor a receipt
on which the amount would be refunded to
them by the. customs office at their point of
exit from Switzerland; while others of the
party simply rode by the Custom House at
Les Bousses, unhailed or unmolested in any
way whatever. Curious people these Cus
tom House officials wherever you find
We found the Swiss roads equally good
with those in France. Just after passing
Fancille, a magnificent view, embracing the
city and lake of Geneva and the distant
Alps beyond, elicited general exclamations
of surprise and delight Passing on through
Gex, we reached Geneva about noon and
were soon duly installed in Our quarters at
the Hotel de la Foste, where we remained
as guests for two days. We were hospi
tably entertained at the Casino, on the
tably entertained at the CasinoL on the I
second evening of onr stay, by M. Brone I
. i 1l
chief Consul ot the Geneva bicycle fra
ternity. Then came a delightful trip by steameron
the placid and picturesque Lake Leman,
which brought us to the historic castle of
Chillon, where we spent a couple of hours
inspecting the interior of that venerable
pile, including the dark cellar in which
Bonivard passed so many weary years of
imprisonment Mr. Higgins, whose
"Kodiak" Js seldom idle, used this oppor
tunity to jump into a small boat and obtain
a capital photograph of the cattle from the
We wheeled that night, via Yilleneuve to
Aigle, where we lodged, moving on next
morning to Chateau d'Oex. At Gambullez,
where we halted for lunch, the aubergiste
gravely informed us -that his house was lo--cated
5,000 feet above the sea level, which,
when we came to see our bill, was evidently
intended as a. preliminary explanation of
the corresponding height attained by his
prices. At Chateau d'Oex, we had a beau
tiful view of the moon rising above the
mountains, and after a good night's rest ar
rived at Thun next day in time for lunch.
The road thence along the lake shore, plen
tifully interspersed with tunnels, was novel
and extremely picturesque, and we reached
the Jungfrau Hotel, at Interlaken, with ap
petites that made mine host open his eyes
wide with surprise.
Thence we went into Lauterbrunnen, vis
ited the two cascaded, and ascended the
mountains by a walk of 2 hours to Mur
ren, remaining there over" Sunday. The
day was rainy the first unpleasant weather
we had encountered since leaving Oxford
six weeks before and the party gladly
availed themselves of the opportunity to re
main indoors, reading, entering up their
notebooks, and writing letters to their friends
at home.
To. morrow night we shall pass at the Falls
of the Bhine, and thence go on through the
Black Forest, to Strasburg, Baden-Baden,
Heidelberg, Wiesbaden, Coblenz, Cologne
and Rotterdam, at which latter point our
party will break up, some taking ship for
home, and others proceeding to different
destinations on the Continent or in the Brit
ish Islands. F. A. Elwell,
Manager of the Cyclists' Touring Club.
A Story That Proves That a Doc Can Ben
pon and Remember.
Tooths' Companion.
Mrs. E. Picton had a Skye terrier, which
manifested a strong aversion to being
washed. In time this aversion increased to
such a degree that the servants refused to
perform the ablutions, being afraid to do so
on acconnt of the ferocity evinced by the
dog on such occasions. Mrs. Picton herself
was unwilling to undertake the office, for
though the animal was passionately at
tached to his mistress, such was his hor
ror of the bath that even she was not safe.
Threats, beating and starving were
of no avail. He was determined; he would
not take a bath.
At last I hit upon a new device. With
out curtailing his liberty in anyway, I gave
him to understand, by taking no notice of
him, that he had offended me. He was
usually the companion of my walks, but
now I refused to let him accompany me. On
returning home, I took no notice of his de
monstrative welcome, and if he came look
ing up at me for caresses when I was en
gaeed either in reading or needlework, I
deliberately turned mv head aside. This
state of things continued for a week or ten
j j .1 r 1 1...1 3 .t.j
days, and the poor animal looked wretched
and forlorn. There was evidently a conflict
going on within him, which told visibly on
his outward appearance.
Then one morning he crept quietly up to
me, and gave me a look which said as
plainly as words could have done, "I can
stand it no longer; I submit" And submit
he did, quietly and patiently, to one ot the
roughest ablutions it had ever been his lot
to experience. After the washing was over,
he bounded to me with a joyous bark and
wag of his tail, saying unmistakably, "I
know all is right now." He too'k, as of
right, his place by my side when I went out
to walk, and retained from that time his
usual joyous demeanor.
When the time for the next bath came
round, the old spirit of obstinacy revived,
but a single look at my averted countenance
was sufficient for him, and he again sub
mitted without a murmur. Why should we
hesitate to ascribe a reasoning faculty to an
animal in which a struggle between op
posing desires could thus be carried on for
days together?
A Child's Simple Question Causes a
Drunkard to Reform.
Toledo Blade.
One of the best and most effective temper
ance lectures I ever heard of was delivered
down in South Washington last week. A
bookkeeper for one of the largest hardware
firms in the city has been drinking very
heavily ot late, and his spree culminated on
Friday night, when he turned his wife and
child out ot doors, xney remained at a
neighbor's house all night, and of course
the entire region round abont was discussing
the matter with the volubility which is cus
tomary on such occasions. The next morn
ing as the now sober husband was leaving
his house to go to work, he was met at the gate
by the 4-year-old offspring of his next-door
neighbor. Looking right up into the red
face of the sot, the younger said: "Mr.
, did you get drunk last night, and
push Mrs., and Charlie into the street?"
For a moment there was silence, and the
two or three bystanders who heard the
childish query, expected the man to swear
at the little one. Then the great big, ill
smelling, but penitent drunkard, stooped
down, picked np the child and kissed him
on the forehead. "Yes," he said, and his
voice was broken, his eyes filled to over
flowing with tears, "I was drnnk, and I was
a brute, but, God helping me, I never will
be again." He sought his wife and child,
secured forgiveness, signed a total ab
stinence pledge, and now bids fair to be a
good citizen. On the mantel in his parlor
He yesterday placed an elaborately execu
ted and beautifully framed copy of that
well known passage of scriptnre: "And a
little child shall lead them."
His Wife Overheard It and His Pride Had a
Great Fall.
Scottish American.)
A Scotch minister was sorely kept under
by his "better half," who placed him and
his friends on very short allowance. On one
occasion he had a visit from an old acquaint
ance and after patiently waiting ior his wife's
departure she at length, as he thought, re
tired for the night She had no sooner left
than the hen-pecked husband exultingly ex
claimed, "I am -determined to be Cassar in
my own house!" and at the same time rang
the bell and ordered refreshments.
Just as be and his friend were beginning
to enjoy themselves "my lady" (who h id
overheard her unfortunate lord's boastful
ejaculation) popped her head in at the door
and said firmly, "Cxsar, come to bed!"
Livingston De Peyster's Death Knelt
Man-iAfraid-of-His-Shadow Big heap
poor smoke! No hole no draw. Plonk
nim, Wanital Ju4gtt ,
Shirley Dare Treats- of a Topic In
teresting to the Fair Sex.
Decayed Gentlewomen Who Make Money
by Preparing Face Lotions.
With nearly 200 letters to answer, I
packed them sacredly and fled to the
wilderness. Life is short, letters are long.
If "man is Immortal till his work is done,"
as the school mottoes used to tell us, life
insnrance may be dispensed with for some
time to come in the present case. Whether
all the homely women travel in summer
and the good looking stay at home, or not,
I think some thousands of the former, all
freckles, eye teeth and deep leathery
wrinkles have gone on the same railroads.
If one-were a cosinetio Consuelo, it would
be a temptation to take a van, like the
qnack venders, and travel from town to
town, applying freckle washes, face
bleaches and wrinkle 'pastes. What hosts
for a whimsical genius, and. what a mis
sionary work in general? To our corres
pondents at once.
It is out of the question to answer all let
ters which desire private reply, were time
and strength given up to them. Still those
wishing personal letters should at least risk
stamps on the chance, for if ihe answer to
their inquiries is not worth postage to them,
it can't be worth taking the time for. A
letter was. lately received from Ireland, im
ploring directions for removing personal
bjemishes, in heart-burning terms, but the
evidently well educated writer quite over
looked ocean postage.
If people, Jimagine that authors write be
cause they are good for nothing else, it will
do to remind them that this may be true of
a good many writing folk, but those who
mate the truest success of writing are usu
ally capable of making more money in com
mon business. Mr. Isaac Bromley wrote
the wittiest articles, political and otherwise,
for the Tri&une years ago, at $5,000 a year.
Times changed and the salary was reduced,
a year or two, when that was thought too
much. Mr. Bromley left newspaper work
and tooK a railroad otnee at a salary of $10,
000, where he is considered well worth the
sum. So a newspaper man told me. I know
a newspaper woman, very bright and cute,
whom the jealousy of unscrupulous women
writers without half her talent at anything
but lying, edged off the Boston press into
other business, where she is able' to clear $60
a week.which is thrice more than any of her
rivals are doing. Two or three women I de
clined to help forward in the crowded field
of newspaper work your thanks, if you
please, Messieurs editors were wroth with
me until they found themselves substan
tially placed in other work, with three times
the salary they could possibly hope for in
I journalism.
f . . .
bo please inquire within your-
selves if $10 a day is a very moderate price
ior an author s time, who could make nve
times as much outside of newspapers, and if
a letter of advice often takes hours of study
and writing, isn't that reply worth postage?
Another rule which writers soon find
themselves forced to observe, is never to
notice letters without the writer's real name
and address. It is not remarkable that
women do not wish to sign some of the silly
effusions they send. Bear in mind, it is an
affront to yourself to write a letter you are
unwilling to sign, and nearly as mnch to re
ceive it, and all sudh are quickly dropped
into the waste basket.
sWomenare queer about their own inter
est often. For instance, one writer pathet
ically deplores a disfigurement of face and
person, which she fears will render her an
object of dislike to the husband whom she is
soon to marry. She has been minded to
break off the engagement oh this acconnt,
but to do so, she says, will be to break her
own heart. She has found a proprietary
remedy which entirely removes the defect
in a most satisfactory way, but she erudges
the price, and comes to me to tell her how to
reach the same effect for nothing.. Now,
here is a defect which is likely to cost her
future happiness, and a safe remedy whose
virtue she knows. Does she ever balance
the two things and ask herself whether she
would rather let her life's hopes and af
fections go, or pay even f 100 to be withont
blemish, and happy? If 'good looks and
contentment with one's self and the gain of
a husband are not worth a dozen bottles of
depilatory, even at $3 a bottle, the price of
a silk cown, they can't be worth troubling
about, and I decline to spoil other-people's
The papers have had a good deal to say
about the price of certain cosmetics in pro
portion to the cost of material. To be con
sistent, they should attack all articles sold
by druggists, for it has long been one of the
proverbs of trade that no business was more
profitable than the sale of drugs. The story
lias gone from Maine to California about the
Korwood druggist near Boston who put up
a lotion for a friend, charging 25 cents.
"See here," says the buyer, "you needn't
Epoil trade like that, if you are friends with
me. The last time I had that lotion put np
in town, they charged me $1.25." "I guess
I won't suffer," said the druggist, dryly.
"I only made 24 cents on the bottle."
They say the drug trade has gone down
since then and doesn't make so much money,
but it is pertinent to say that the cost of
bare material is usually the least item in
cosmetics or medicines. People leave out
the rent of buildings to manufacture and
sell them in, the cost of the mere putting
up, clerk hire and advertising, which often
costs more than all other expenses pnt to
gether. Put these things together, and a
medicine or a cosmetic at $1 a bottle will be
no more expensive than a sewing machine,
or a hay cutter, or a pound of fine cheese.
It is odd how people weekly pay charges
in a dozen directions lor necessaries of life,
which they
for the essentials of refinement, which no
body compels them to buy at all. The law
of trade is that necessaries of food and com
fort are to be sold as near cost as possible.
aud profits made from luxuries which peo
ple can buy or go without, as seems good,
yet we are every one of us paying 8 cents a
pound for the hundred weights of sugar
used yearly, when the Scientific American
tells us sugar can be raised at a profit in
Kansas for cents a pound. Borax had
been sold contentedly lor years at 8 cents
per pound, when it suddenly took a jump to
20 cents, a year or two "ago. and I suppose
because it is as plenty and cheap as sand in
the Western tates. Copperas, the best
disinfectant for family use, costs a few mills
a pound, but we pay at least 8 cents. The
bar soap women use ior the laundry cost more
than their cosmetics in proportion to the
expense to manufacture and putting on the
market. Curiosity led me to look into these
things lately.
It is quite the thing lately for women of
fashion to get their cosmetics from private
hands, from some clever gentlewoman who
prepares her own special recipes. Her
preparations go by worth, not show. The
bottles are not manufactured for her, or put,
up in charming boxes. They are as likely
to come in old sarsaparilla or Balad bottles,
tied on the corks. But the generous bottles
aud tumblers, with directions in delicate
handwriting, are more prized by the pos
sessors than all the llmoge and engraved
glass of the wholesale mixtures. You can
put them into the limoge bottles and Carls
bad jewel glass, you know, for yourself. A
cosmetic has to be good to) sell in such a
way. Butbytho time thai maker sees her.
.r -
w -w -v- w - -t -r - i
bottles into? the express oee tie? mm&v
It is hardly one of the genteeremploymesU
to recommend to distressed gentlewomen
this making cosmetics' , I know one lady
who makes themand very- good ones, too,
in the intervals of household work, 'and'
ekes out a slender income, bat she prefers
jelly-making for profits. Like newspapers,
the cosmetic business is only profitable in a
large way.
J. L. E. "What IsUae benefit or massage
treatment and how is It givent Is it good for
the complexion?" Massage is not rubbing the
body merely, as people think, but kneading
and working the muscles by another person.
The limbs and muscles of the trunk are grasped,
pressed and moved with the same motion as
Kneading bread. The effect is to stir and
equalize the circulation, relieve congestion and
stimulate functions. In .short, it is exerrda
taken second hand, andmuch in favor with"
persons wno oojeet to any personal exertion.
It brightens the skin, just as rubbing does, but
Its benefits are nor to be' compared with those
of bodily effort where one Is not In an invalid
state, and is capable of exercise. The contrac
tion of our muscles by the force of one's own
will and nerves is the only way to gain strength
and sound circulation. Passive exercise by
massage will never develop sound muscles, or
prove more than a temporary stimulus. It aids
the system like a crutch, and like It, is to be
dispensed with whenever possible.
J. V., Camden The lotion yon mention Is
safe and excellent It softens the skin and.
keeps off sunburn ana pimples. I don't know
any Philadelphia cosmetic artists, but suppose
they advertise.
N P. "I like to Innlr vawnalA tlit.AVi.iivi.
I got to taker I do not like powder." Eat
slate pencils, chalk, clay and arsenic wafers
u juu wui ue paie enough before the lool
killer comes rotmdto you. To turn jour blonde
hair white, try javelle water, and recent it the
rest of your life.
inquirer The French recipe for preventlne
wrinkles is harmless. Boil the white of four
eggs in half pint of jrose water, add half an
ounce powdered alum and the same of sweet
almond oil. beating all to a paste. It is better
than benzoin recipes. To soften the skin, after
using it try cacao- butter: Scents worth trom
the druggist's will last a long time. To darken
gray hair burn peach stones to charcoal, powder
fine with twoTarts of bruiBed gall nuts, and
boil in white wine. Or bruise one ounce of
Call nUtS. and DUt in O. nlnt nf Btrnnio wMta
wine vinegar with two ounces of Iron filings.
Boil half away, strain and bottle. Use either
liquid by dipping a comb In It and combing the
hair till quite wet sitting in the sun bare
headed half an honr after. Don't cut your
hair. Read Naphey's "Physical Life ot wo
man." Carrie B. Champagne will sometimes bleach
the hair. To change commonplace brown bair
"to a warmer tinge" infnse fresh saffron in
rosemary tincture and steep the hair in it by
wetting well and covering at night within oiled
silk cap to prevent evaporation. Put one small
handful of saffron in a pint of tincture. This
is entirely safe.
Daisy Deane. Don't pull out superfluous
hair. Nothing is worse, as they grow again
coarser. Try touching each hair with a wooden
toothpick dipped in the strongest lye. taking
vaie UUb til bUUUU UIB BlUU. OllliUiJSX UA2US.
Talk With a Tragedian Who font oa
Stage la 1814.
Philadelphia Inquirer.!
"I was on the stage in 1814."
Thus spoke Edwin S. Connor, the aged
As the great, deep, stage Toice rolled
slowly forth those words the reporter felt
like a young sapling in the presence of an
overtowering oak of humanity. It was hot
alone the voice that rolled. A grand old
head rolled on its axis above a splendid
form, erect and tall. The eyes rolled slowly,
and had that fixity of expression acquired
by gazing at far distant wonders in the
field of thought. Heavy brows knitted
a great cloud of countenance, giving shade
to mental sight of things far off. The
capacious, square forehead bulged with wis
dom at the temples. Many clear-cut lines
marked ont the features of the face, chiseled
there, it seemed, by sculptors, those great
dramatists whose noblest characters, acted
by the famed tragedian, had left their im
press on this face before the reader's eye. It
was a face that sparkled with the light of
humor. The corners of the month curving
upward, told of virtuous living and think
ing. In planetary volume this charac
ter seemed to roll on around the orbit of its
80 years, the age of Edwin S. Connor. Such
would have been the impression of anyone
as the venerable tragedian fixed his vision
on his childhood days in Philadelphia, and
said: "I was on the stage in 1814."
Sitting in a comfortable chair at the St.
Elmo Hotel yesterday Mr. Connor went on
with interesting reminiscences, fresh humor,
and now and then an anecdote, as bright as
the thousands he used to relate from the
fund that made him famous for bis story
telling. "It was down at the theater at Fourth
and South streets, now turned into a dis
tillery. It was in 'The Desolate Island.'
There was a monkey in the play. The
monkey had a great deal to do with a child.
I was that child."
This was the beginning of the actor's stage
life. He afterward acted the greatest as
well as the least of nearly all 'the characters
in the classic dramas of his ceniury, and was
noted for a versatility that could portray
Richelieu and minstrel song and dance parts
with equal ease.
They Seem Able to Foretell the Coming; of
an Earthquake.
Youths' Companion, l
The lower animals are said to be greatly
terrified by earthquakes, and their excite
ment beforehand is sometimes sufficient to
foretell the event. No doubt they know
well enough that something terrible is tak
ing place. Prof. Milne, a student of vol
canic phenomena, has recently given vari
ous instances of their behavior at such
times. During the Tokio earthquake of
1880 cats ran about the houses trying to es
cape; foxes barked, and horses attempted to
kick down the boards confining them in
their stables. In the Lisbon earthquake of
1749 roach and other fish in a canal showed
signs of confusion and fright, and fish have
been known, after an earthquake, to riseto
the suriace dead and dying.
Most interesting ot all are the observa
tions showing that animals are disturbed
jnst before a shock. So well-known is this
fact that, lor a while after the great Cala
brian earthquake, the neighing of a horse
or the cackle of a goose was sufficient to
send the terrified inhabitants flying from
their houses, in expectation ot another
shock. Ponies have been known to prance
about their stalls, pheasants to scream, and
frogs to cease croaking, a short time before
the earth trembled. The Japanese say that
moles show their agitation by burrowing.
Birds hide their heads beneath their wings,
and behave in an unusual manner. Some
times immense flocks of sea-birds fly inland,
as If alarmed by an oceanic disturbance.
Before the shock of 1885, in Chili, all the
dogs are said to have escaped from the city
of Talcahuano.
The most probable explanation of this ap
parent foreknowledge is that animals are
sensitive to the slight tremors which pre
cede nearly all earthquakes. Moreover, in
volcanic districts poisonous gases sometimes
emanate from the ground, and.animals are
presumed to be unpleasantly affected by
A Disappointed Listener Refuses to Pay the
Bloaiclan a Cent.
Detroit Free Press.1
'The Italian who rnns the peanut stand at
the corner of Woodward avenue and Con
gress street was turning his peanut roaster
the other afternoon with slow and measured
hand when an old woman came to a halt and
carefully observed the operation. After
scrutinizing the roaster from every side she
finally gave it up and remarked:
"No, sir: you don't get a cent out of me
for no such muaio as that! Why, I can't,
catch half of any of the tuues; and it smells
as if something was burning inside!"
The largest and most complete stock of
diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware,
clocks, bronzes, etc.. at prices below com
petition, &t M. Q, Cohen's, (33 Smithfield
ifrmnwK jo thx nmn.l
A bad weWn can easily give poisis t
Satan. "; The sisehief whieh 'wet aoo
caa sdo is bo wa by Safah Altbea HUL fefcs
is the real eosseof the tragedy oa tie Pait
slope. TTwWewf-JudgeTwfyaBdt
pistol-sfcdt brpepnty Marshal ITagleT wew
thelegitimatVostesmeof-her uncoatrelive!
passions. . ctaa sne ue? a, a gooou
there would have beeajto fatality that dvT
The trots is, that we laiiaenoe of wosaan,
whether fer'good-or evil, k supreme. She
is the graad"s arbiter of human destiny?
When she is worthy, Ae inspires the holiest,
aspirations? iWbea she is unworthy, she
fires the most boieteriw passions that lame
below. It must be a mistake to imagine that
Satan U a maa.: He.woald be much more f or
mldbje as a wonJaa. Perhaps he Is both. Asr
God embodies in rtWnnlt,hathfthe masculine
and tne f enaiaiee nitare ("so God created man
in His own image; to the image of God created
He him; male and fetaale created. He them"),
so Satau. as the negation of God. may embody
the worst traita'of both sexes. Anyhow, the'
fact remains .that In all social respects the
woman is domisast Of the good we may say
with Addison:. t -" "
Xovellest of wbaieat heaven is In thy soul, .
Beauty and virtue shlBe forever ronnd thee, "
Brlxbt'nlng each other! thou art all divine.
Of thebadWsiBcwithMesander: '
Of all the beasts on earih'or ies, i&e greatest to a
woman, in- i-r
r Wooian'sr Greatest Charm. ,
It 6 sometimes, said that women are laoting
In individuality. Certain thinkers, Coleridge
among the rest, have stoutly maintained that
this Is their CTowninrxharm, ' as tastelessaesa
proves the parity of water, or as transparency
shows the quality of glass. The difficulty with
this statement is that it is not true. For there"
are all kinds and degrees of feminine. Just as
there is of mascullnacharacter. What an exam
ple of variety of individuality In, and all the way
between the extremes marked by Miriam beat
ing her timbrels, and Cleopatra applying the
wasp: Cornelia showing her jewels, and Jezebel
in her rage; . ..Madame Gnyon rapt
in God, and',. Lucretia Borgia raging
with bowl and, dagger: Semiramis on
the throne -nd Florence Nightingale
sweetening tne) Crimean, war witn philanthro
pic deeds. Dr. Alger has well asked what
group of men pan be brought together more
sharply contrasted In diversity of traits and
destiny than' such 'women as Eve in Eden.
Mary at the Cross, Rebecca beside the well
curb, Ruth amongthe corn. Joan of Arc in bat
tle, Perpctnajrsmllinc on the lions in the
amphl-theater. Pocahontas nnder tha shadow
of the primeval woods, St Theresa in the con
vent, Madame Roland on the scaffold, De 8tael
sceptered with a pen, and Mrs. Fry, lavishing
her existence upon outcasts? Yet these dis
similar women were ornaments of their set
and time. Their diversity is beyond calcula
tion. The difference between men and women
does not lie along tha line of individuality. We
cannot say that individuality is a-plus quality
in the one and minus in the other. The dif
ference is to be sought, rather, in intellectual
and moral directions. Men and women are
two parts of one whole. It takes both to make
either. He is strongest In reason and she in
sentiment She t&lnks best thronghhis head,
and he feels best through her heart
One of the Fine Arts.
Condolence Is a fine art The best school in
which to study it is sympathy. Its golden rule
Is, pnt yourself in his place. Often, silence is
the most expressive and comforting form of
condolence. After the battle of Leipzig, which
decided the overthrow of Bonaparte's power,
he was sitting at a window in Freiburg, his head
resting on bis arm, in utter despair. Berthier,
Marshal and Vice Constable of France, sat op
posite to him in a similar state. Neither spoke;
and officers who entered were silently ordered,
by a wave of the hand, to leave the room.
There are griefs which are too deep for utter
ance. Speech is felt to be as Impertinent as
would be the chatter of a magpie over a coffin.
And so as Whittler sings:
"With silence only as their benediction,
God's angels come.
Where, in the shsfiow of a great affliction,
The soul sits dumb.
Ever Continuing: to Conquer.
The Rev. Dr. R. S. Storrs. in a recent notable
utterance on "The Power of the Gospel in our
National History," shows that despite the
manifold and formidable opposition, Christi
anity has gone on conquering and to conquer.
He says: "It Is remarkable, memorable, that
(he Gospel of Christ has larger and wider hold
in this country now, proportionately to the
population, than It had 10O years ago; in spite
of the fact that we began with a distinctly
skeptical tone In our most'dlstinguished public
men, that we have been engaged in wide and
eager political discussion, from the first honr
to the present that we have had an enormous
material work to do. that there has been this
immense accumulation of wealth and of
all means of pleasure In the country, that we
have had the civil war to carry through to its
conclusion, that we have been receiving
multitudinous populations from all the earth,
heathen and Christian, piling themselves upon
us until they have seemed to overshadow
and practically overwhelm the original
germ of the English. Dutch. German, and
Swedish population here. It is. indeed, a re
markable result It shows that the Gospel of
Christ is the mightiest moral force on the face
of the earth. Men may not accept It They
may say. "Oh, it is the religion of the man in
the pulpit He believes it, perhaps: at anr
rate be teaches it: but It is nothing tons."
Fugitive paragraphs may rage or rattle with
skeptical sneers at it Men of the world mav
say, "I don't believe It at all, and therefore I
don't go to cburcb, or care anything about it"
But no man can read the philosophy of the
history of this country in the last hundred
years without admitting that here, in the Gos
pel as here proclaimed, is the mightiest moral
force which exists m the earth. You may call
It a fancy, or a fiction, or a fable, if you choose;
no matter. It Is the grandest force that has
ever yet appealed to an aspiring, intelligent,
energetic and courageous people; and the
demonstration of it is in the history of this
hundred years, r
Not an Excuse for Neglect.
Smallness of endowment is no excuse for
neglect Everyone is born with a certain
amount of latent capacity. The purpose of
the discipline of life is to develop and school
this capacity and direct it to wise uses. No
matter whether our natural powers be greater
or less, we are to make the most and best of
what we have. In the parable of the talents
Jesus represents the man who, having received
but one talent went and buried it, as being
condemned by his Lord. Why? Not because
of the slenderness of bis bestowment,, but
because he did not as the others did, trade
with it and improve H. 'Tis a suggestive
lesson, applicable always and everywhere. Our
capital is health, time, opportunity, culture
whatever gift wo possess. These gifts are not
to be neglected. Tbey are a sacred trust
Upon our use or abuse of tbem depends our
character the essential and immortal part of
us. When we waste or even fail to use our
capital we lay up a loss. When wp dedicate it
to God and to the help of man we assure for
ourselves honor here and happiness forever.
Good old Herbert was right when he sang:
A servant with this clause
Hakes drudgery divine;
Who sweeps a room as for God's laws,
Makes that and. th action flue.
Some Interentlus Statistics.
The Year Bookof the Congregational Church
will probably be published this month. The
returns being all in, the following summary of
the statistics is made public: Number of
churches, J.5C9: number of new churches, 251:
gam in number; 165; number of members, 475,
(08; added on ponfession, 23.991; added by let
ter, 19,012; added, total, 43,036; removed by
death, 7,206; removed, total, 27,417; Increase,
18.024: baptisms, admt, 12.039; baptisms, infant,
8,328; families. 303.932: Sunday schools, mem
bers, 5S0,672; bunday schools, gain. 23,931; Sun
day schools, average attendance. 351,-42; Hun
day schools, members joined church, 14,074;
Bunday schools, benevolent contributions.
5135,294; benevolent contributions of the
churches, $2,205,563; benevolent gain. $110,078,
of which for foreign missions. 340,426; for
education, 140,R33; for church building, S113,
072; for home missions. S446.975; for A. M. A.,
S157.666; for Sunday schools. 552,479: for new
West, $45,817; for ministerial aid, $112,705: for
other objects, $795,890; charitable legacies,
paid, $561,910; home expenditures decrease,
1100,091. '
Pntilns: Honey Into a Good Work.
The Sock Mountain Christian Advocate
gives a full account of the contribution, by Sirs.
Bishop Warren of 1100,000 to found a school of
theology In connection with the Denver Uni
versity, aud of a further gift of $50,000 from her
son. W. 8.I111T, for the erection of a suitable'
building for the school. Such giving is worthy
of all praise, and, besides founding a school of
theology for the Central West, the examnle
ought to be a stimulus for other loyal and
I wealthy Methodiata to do as these have done. J.
others, to i
ianntts muIvm of
CoirvxBSXOK to ao
Iiirsu slva yon the
satau nhaaHia .. First Tha
wA hsavsjs. Bscood Tin
wrxsasfotieara. Ttr Thasssf
perdfttoB. Tatt history rtyrshsw
Jt SB,-"1 'JnNMDftfc
Ton, tothtafc, tot, to
ommc a tames wMca
The worlds srssainty or
J1r the Ohwsfcwuhl hawker 1
most go a iato the meaataa!
God. IfstMWMldhavebergatwf
encharistte rusts tha awst ap j
seenus&awiyrnBsMioac tea
ana heal rc-msssi: tainus i
Gos's laws m xwrec digs4'te
cobwebs, wbieefeaSs the Itttte i
tne large oaes' to mk
..'.,., '.a
Tl""' ssWiWs
TH its first stages, can be ,
1 checked, by the prompt use of A
Cherry Pectoral. Even -In. ttM
periods ot that disease, tha
wonderfully relieved by this
' have used AVer's Cherry
' vsitii the best effect in mv
This wonderful preparation oae saved
my life. I had a constant coaofe, aigbt
sweats, was greatly redaeed te fteefa,
and gives hb fcjray physician. m
bottle and a half or-the Pectocaleweel
MA If A T TC4ftUl Itf T) lflJ3I.i...M
Tennessee. jCty ,
" Several years ago I was severely M.' -J4 s
Tha doctors said I was is cofisompioB, ' 3$
and that theycooM do sorting for me,, ' ILj
but advised me, as a hut roe, to try "
Ayert CherryTectoral. After tn Hag
this medicine two or three smths I
was cured, aud ray health ress
to the present day." Jaaee '.
Darien, Conn.
" Several years ago, oaaponaagol
trom uamornia, Dy water, .lcobi
so severe a cold that for sooe
was confined to my state-room, aaeVaj
physician on board ceasldered asy Ma 3
in danger. Happening to have a botMo
of AVer's Cherry Pectoral. X used, it '
freely, and my lungs were soon restored.
to a healthy condition. Since thea I .
have invariably recommended this prep , ;
arauon. j.u.unanaier, uu&cuoa, vai
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowetf, .Mass.
Sold by all Druggists. Price $l;strbote,SjtV
A. purely VeeetaMa
I Compound that expels
all bad humors from the)
f system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rioh blood.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitt!,
burg -papers prove, is the oldest established'
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to an chronio diseases.
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ory, disordered sight self distrusbashfnlnesa,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
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I I DIM ARy kidney and bladder derange
Unlllrtn I j raents, weak back; gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
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prompt relief and real cures. ,
Dr. Whittier's life-lope, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as If here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. sf. Sun
day, 10 A. at to 1 P. M. only. DR. WH1TT1ER,
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w 1 1 s-i u gin 1,'m rnn oi
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
theirroraol xontn, iTematurejjeenne,rervona
and Physical Debility, impurities or tne Blood,
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cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages, royal Svo.
eautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only $1 by mail postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, if you
apply now. The distinguished autbor. Win. H.
Parker. M. D.. received the GOLD AND JEW
ELEO MEDAL from the National Medicsl As
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAYon NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corp3 of Assistant Physicians may ba, con
salted, confidentially, by mail or in person, at
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston, Mass., to
whom all orders' for books or letters for advice
should be directed as above. aulSj(T7-TnFSuWk
Knll particular? In pamphlet
sent free. The eennlne Gray's
HpecIUc sold by drufflsts only in
yellow wrapper. Price, si per
package, or six for SS, or by mall
On rerplnt nt nvinf h nrtrlrpsa-
s,?.'l?,?JPm?ar!f by S. 3. HOLLAND, comer
SmlthfleM and Liberty sU. pl-'-ii
io3s's Cotrtoaa. 3300
'Composed of Cotton Hoot, Tansy and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by aa
old Dhvslcian. U trarrtsufvUU tiled
tnonwiliA-Safe, EffectuaL Price U by mail,
sealed. Ladles, ask your- druggist for Cook's;
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute,'
or Inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad-,
dresa POND ux COMPANT, No. 3 Usae?"
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, Mich,
For nient Checks the worrt cases In three
days, and cure in five days. Price II 00. at
t TPT.vvrrKrija nnrmftTnK'R
j5-28-TTSBa, HZSIuketitreeb
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