Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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H4jA Very Practical Use of the Phono
graph Bound lo he Made Soon.
jThe Electrical Transmission of AYater
O - Power Trials in Germany.
Keaders of THE DlSFATCn who desire
information on subjects relating to indus
trial development and progress in mechani
cal, civil and electrical engineering and the
sciences can bave their queries answered
through this column.
The question whether the practical every
day utflity ot the phonograph, is likely to
prove, after all, of much importance, has
been very freely discussed, and the result is
a decided difference ol opinion. There is
no doubt, however, that one of its latest ap
plications, though it may be confined to a
somewhat restricted field, is of great im
portance to the engineering world. It is
admitted that the life of an iron or steel
bridge cannot be indefinitely prolonged,
and jet engineers do not possess any com
pletely satis actory method of determining
the actual condition of these structures, on
the strength 01 which so much depends. So
long as no artual deformation has taken
place, the iron may here or there be as
suming a crystalline condition, or may be
seriously oxidized underneath the coating
of paint, and yet the extent of the evil can
easily remain undiscovered. It is
now proposed to employ the phonograph in
connection with a microphone and telephone
to register the nature of the vibrationsof
the bridge as a whole, or in sections under
a rolling load, and to preserve the record lor
comparison with subsequent tests carried on
at regular intervals. The direct comparison
of two phonographic records cannot be car
ried out with sufficient accuracy, and an
optical method is thereiore employed and a
beam of lieht is reflected Jrom the vibrating
plate aiter the manner of the well-known
Lissaieu's figures. It would, of course, be
necessary w secure a long series of such
records beiore the results would be capable
of complete interpretation, but there seems
good reaou to believe that by this meaus
reliable indie-...!. of a chance in ihe molec
ular structure of the material can be ob
tained. Subway Explosions.
The Wriing Journal, in discussing the
report recently presented to the Board of
Electrical Control, on the subway explo
sions, by Commissioners Gilroy and Gib
ben', makes some pertinent suggestions
which may possibly be of value to other
citizens besides those ot Xcw York. He
recommends that the gas mains be taken
out ot the manhole, and that the manholes
be covered with light fastenings and hinged
so as to blow open easily. He says: "Aban
don our silly system of house connections,
by which open pipes may at any moment,
through accident or carlessuess, connect a
citizen's cellar with the conduit air, or the
cellar air, or the sewer air ot a whole block.
"Whether this common air atmos
phere be inflammable or explosive,
or poisonous or malodorous merely
it is nnt wholesome. Haul oil 5 our blowers,
except lor local and temporary uses. Send
your sub-committee over to tne slow city ol
Brooklyn with instructions to inquire into
the obscure but pertinent tact that somehow
or other these Brooklyn subways are not
pinlosivelv conspicuous, although there is
jilenty of' gas in the Brooklyn soil." He
jurtner aavises a visu 10 me xeicpnone .dx-
rbange building, and an investigation into
tne nietbod by wniin exemption lrom es
caping gas in its basement is attained. This
Min.ki.il . o .Inmlu anil ...... AT?!..... t.t
is taken lrom a subway it is run up through
a box which acts as a chimney, and the
small amount ot cas which may leak into
the conduit leaks out again up the chimney
Ammonia as on Antiseptic.
Some years ago Dr. B. W. Richardson, in
a communication to the Medical Society,
called attention to the anti-putrescent prop
erties of ammonia, and showed that blood,
milk, and olber alternable liquids could be
preserved for a long time by adding to them
certain quantities of solution ot ammonia,
and solid substances, such as flesh, by keep
ing tbem in closed vessels filled with am
monia gas. Some doubts that were raised
as to the results reported, on the ground that
ammonia was itself a product ot decomposi
tion, induced Dr. Gottbrecbt, of the Uni
versity ol Greisswald, to repeat the experi
ments, with the resultof practically confirm
ing all Dr. Kichurdson's statements.
Dr. Gottbrecht showed that in an atmos
phere impregnated with ammonium car
bonate meat cciuld be kept for six months,
and at the end of that time would remain
nearly unaltered. He also discusses the
conditions under which products of putre
faction raav act prejudicially to the origina
tors of the putrefaction. This he believes
to be due to a toxic action dependent on the
degree ol concentration. He points out that
cadaverine, a product of decomposition of a
cadaver, in certain degrees ot concentration
acts as a direct poison upon the abscess
cocona. and he concludes that, similarly, all
products of tissue change in limg organ
isms can become noxious to their originators
as soon as their quantity exceeds a certain
Electrical Transmission of Water Fairer.
If the project relating to a new canal at
Bheinfelden, Germany, be carried out, an
enormous stimulus will be given to elec
trical engineering, since the power rendered
available through the construction of this
canal will amount to not less than 11,000
. horse power, and will have to be transmitted
electrically to Basel, Sackingen and other
distant places. The plans are ready, the
capital is available, but the concession has
not yet been obtained. If it is obtained in
time, wore will begin in the coming
autumn, and the whole undertaking will be
c .mpleted in 1S91. The length of the canal
is 1M miles, its width 165 leet, and there
v -will be erected a turbine house containing
S3 turbines, each of 750-borse power. Each
turbine will drive its own generator. The
pressure adopted will be sufficiently high to
enable the distribution ol power to be
effected economically within- a distance of
15 miles. The power of the turbines being
17,000-horse power, a total ot 11,000-borse
power will be available 10 the consumers.
The Merit or English Civil Bnclnecrlng.
One of the American engineers who took
the recent trip to Europe, in speaking of
the Mersey tunnel, which connects Liver
pool and' Birkenhead, says: "It it quite
admirable as a piece of engineering, and
very couvenient for the two cities. If En
gland had lour cities like 2ew York,
Brooklyn, Jersey City and Hoboken in such
close proximity as we have, she would have
had them connected by tunnels Jong ago.
In great works of civil engineering, especi
ally for municipal convenience, the En
glish are ahead of us not from superior
ability as engineers, for we can build just
as fine works as they can, but there the
civio authorities are more progressive Rnd
far-sighted than here; they have more money
possibly, or they are more willing to tax the
public for improvements for the public
benefit; but tbey do seem to give more em
ployment to the civil engineers than we do.
Erosions Dae to Wind Action.
M. Contejean describe!, before the Paris
Academy of Sciences, how, during a recent
visit to Corinth, he discovered a remarkable
instance of erosion caused by wiud action.
On a neighboring plateau was an old amphi
theater some 15 meters from the edge of the
escarpment, which communicated with the
beach through a cavern with wide openings
at both ends, and ubove which lhe limestone
rock formed a natural bridge, The walls of
this cavern, whica was formed in the sand
stone stratum at the toot of the cliff, were
extremely rugged and irregularly corroded,
and nowhere showed traces of human work
manship. The tunnel could not possibly
have been excavated either by the rains or
the running waters, and its existence can be
explained only by the action of the sands
placing on a point of least resistance under
the'influence ol the fierce Northern gales
prevalent in this region.
Revival oflnfercst In Gas Fields.
Interest in the gas fields of "West Bloom
field. Ontario county, N. Y., seems to be re
viving. Twenty years ago the first well was
struck, and burned away without being
utilized. Five or six years ago pipes were
laid to Niagara .Falls and West Bloomfield,
and the gas extensively used for heating.
Ttie supply, however, was insufficient and
the well was partially abandoued. A new
company is now taking up leases and drill
ing wells to the number ol 25. The gas
strikes are made at about 400. The well
is shot with nitro-glycerine and measured
by stove powerthe ordinary one supplying
fuel lor 30 stoves. The colfutry lrom Can
andaigua to Lima is also being prospected.
Rapid Sfaln-Londlnff Device.
Great progress has been made of late in
promoting dispatch in the loading of ships.
The great elevator built on the quay at
Lulea, by the Swedish-Norwegian Bailway
Company, for loading iron direct into ships
has just been finished and its operation is
reported a success, the elevator raising three
trucks simultaneously in two miuutes, the
same being moved along the rails to chutes
leaJing into the hold of the ship and
emptied. The whole arrangement is said to
be so perfect that a ship ot some 2,500 tons
may be loaded in a day. In the engine
room are two enginesof 60-horse power each,
steam being supplied by three boilers.
Train Toll-Tale.
The new train tell-tale, or self-recording
instrument for railway trains, of Prof.
Milne, has been working satisfactorily in
Japan and in tais country, and arrange
ments are being made for having it tried on
some of the English and Scotch lines. This
instrument shows when a train stops, tor
now lone, and whether at a station, signal
or siding. It indicates also the upward and
downward vibrations dueto the condition ol
the permanent way, and points out the de
fects in bridges, sleepers and ballast, as well
as vibrations due to the oscillation of the
Phonograph Boj
The patenting of a phonogram receiving
box is another step in the practical applica
tion of the phonograph to business pur
poses. This box is designed to receive wax
phonogram cylinders, and adapted for con
veniently storing and fitting the ohonogram
and preventing it ironi being injured on its
delicate periphery while being stored and
transported, the box having a cover and a
circular offset held concentric in the box in
which the cylinder is placed. The cover
locking the cylinder is placed on the offset.
Perverted Art.
A German merchant discovered, during
the recent fair at Nishni-Novgorod, Bussia,
that the turquoises offered lor sale by the
Persian traders in those stones were nearly
all false. These rogues have been imposing
paste upon their customers for the last six
or seven years, and it is estimated that out
of 100,000 turquoises which have been sold
duriug that period not more than 10,000
were genuine1 stones. The imitations are
described as marvelously clever.
New Uses for Cocoannt OH.
It is found that cocoanut oil is not only
an excellent lnbricant, ut it is, of great
value for lighting purposes. A Frenchman
in Cuba has just established a factory lor
the manufacture of this oil. .He has im
ported the most perfect machinery, in oraer
that the oil produced shall be as pure as
possible. The oil is very fluid, oxidizes
slowly, and is said to keep long without
turning rancid.
C. M. B. A. Notes.
A meeting will be held at Noblestown on
Sunday, beptember 8, to start a branch.
On Friday evening. No. 68, the new branch
of St. John the Baptist parish will meet to
elect officers.
Next Wednesday evening the new branch
(No. 67),or St. Andrew's parish, Allegheny, will
meet to elect officers.
A meeting will be held at Dunbar, Fayetto
county, tonlay at 12.30, to start a branch. It will
be addressed bv tle Grand Deputy of Pitts
burg, and the District Deputy ofConnellsville.
Last Monday evening Branch No. 65 was
instituted in St. .Mary's parish. First ward, by
Grand Deputy J. W. Sullivan, assisted by
Supreme Deputy August Bonnatt, of Louis
ville. O.. and others. The following were In
stalled: President, Thomas J. Donohoe; First
Vice President, Martin L. Howe; Second Vice
President, M. L. Clohertyf-recording Secre
tary, M. J. McMahon; Assistant Recording
Secretary, J. P. Jones; Financial Secretary,
Iaac Manranx; Treasurer, Henry Ersman;
Marshal, Thomas Foley; Guanl. P. Connelh:
Trustees, John King. M. J. McMahon, James
McEvoy. J. Boouey, Isaac Mamaux. Their
next meeting will be Friday, September 6.
The eleventh anniversary of the order was
fltlv observed by a banquet at John Dimling's
parlors, August 26. Abunt 60 members partici
pated. The Allegheny Connty Heptasoph Associa
tion beld an interesting meeting during the
week. Soveral members were elected. A
special meeting will be held on Thursday even
in:;, September i, to reorganize the degree
corps for the coming winter.
Charles E. Cornelius, Deputy of district
No, 2, has appointed Wednesday, September
13. to officially visit East End Conclave, No. 79.
He Mill be accompanied by the resident su
preme officers, deputies and other members of
the order. The Degree Corps will also accom
pany him and confer the degree on several ap
plicants for membership.
Scottisb Clnn.
Clan Macpherson No. 59. Allegheny, of the
Order of Scottish Clans of America, is rapidly
Crowing in numbers, having upward of 50 in
surance member-, beside a few local beneficial
clansmen. Initiations are held monthly, and on
beptember 23 a batch of apolicants will be ail.
nutted. The clan meets in Engineers' Hall, 19
Federal street, every two eekg, and is the ilrst
subordinate clan in this State. Arrangements
are pending for the institution of new clans 111
Larencevlll, Bontbside, Braddock and Sic
Keesport. The order Is on a basis similar to
the Royal Arcanum.
Knlcbts of Pythias.
The knights of Armory Lorena Division No.
85, U. R. K. of P., Allegheny, are directed by
special order No. 5 to assemble at their armory
on Thursday, September 5, at 12; JO r. M. sharp.
In lull dress uullorin. This being the occasion
of our joint reunion picnic with McCall Di
vision No. 32, it is expected that every bir
Knight will report for duty promptly.
Jr. O. U. A. .11.
Pride of the West Council No. 167 have
issued handsome Invitations lor their four
teenih anniversary reception, at Union Kink,
next Friday evening, September 6.
New chintzes; indigo bines and fancies.
Kn able & SirosTEB,
atwsu 35 Fifth avenue.
Bsx value ever shown in silk trimming
velvets; 50c a yard, 65 colorings.
Muops & Hacks.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
"When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children,she gave them Castoria
What Energetic Business Men Are
Thinkinfi; About and Doing.
A Large Manufacturing Plant and a line
Bummer Hotel Bobbing Up.
Two gentlemen were closeted with a
Fourth avenue real-estate dealer for several
hours yesterday. iLey were iron manufac
turers, and were negotiating for a site
whereon to erect a plant to cost 5400,000.
This is not rumor, but fact. Details cannot
be given, but it may be stated that the deal"!
has gone far enough to insure its completion
at an early day. The same agent has an
other transaction of a similar kind on hand,
in a neighboring town, but involving consider
ably less monoy. The principals are Pittsburg
The Building Inspectors were busy yesterday
issuing permits. The largest one was taken
out by James Dilworth, for a SSl.OOO residence
at Fifth avenue and Barton street. The next
largest issued during the ncek was to W. F.
Casey, for eight two-story and mansard brick
and stone dwellings on Fifth avenue. Four
teenth -ward, to cost S2S.O00. Doerfllncer &
Fisher are to build a block of eight bouses on
Cliff street, in the Eleventh ward, at a cost of
20,000. Sirs. M. Hays was authorized to
erect a brick two-story residence on
Hlland avenue. It will cost her 10,000. J. M.
McCance will build a brick dwelling on Dith
eridce street, in the Fourteenth ward, to cost
$10,000. Mrs. Annie Jack got permission to
erect a brick dwelling on Fifth avenue. In the
Twentieth ward, which will also cost $10,000.
Thomas Hackett was granted a permit lor a
brick four-story house on Fifth avenue. Sixth
ward, for which he will pay $9.b00. The Stand
ard Underground Cable Company will put up a
two-tory brick structure on Sixteenth street.
Tenth ward, at a cost of $6,000. The number of
permits issued during the week was ST, repre
senting an outlay approximating 239,251.
Pittsburg is growing.
There were no extraordinary developments
in the local business situation last week. There
was a small shrinkace 111 the volume of trans
actions, as compared witn previous weeks, but
coining at the dullest time of the year it should
occasion no alarm. Under the stimulus of
large crops and abundance of money, trade will
soon emerge from the rut. Locally, as well as
generally, the(couditions are favorable for an
early improvement. So long as there is a good
iron market, and the mills are kept busy, dull
ness can find no peg upon which to haug itself.
As Pittsburg is not a debtor, but a creditor,
the flow of money is steadily in this direction.
This is an advantage of which few other cities
can boast. Failures are few and collections
Two well known capitalists are figuring on
the purchase of the Hampton homestead, near
Wilkmsburg. at a price somewhat above 50,
000. If tbey go through with it, they will build
a fine hotel, to be used chiefly as a summer re
sort, though it would not lack patronage in the
winter. The grounds are large, well improved,
and admirably adapted to the purpose in view.
A hotel there would snpply a long felt want,
and no doubt be profitable tj the promoters.
Mr. John Howley, the real estate dealer, in
speaking yesterday of the recent purchase by
the H. C Frick Coke Company ot the large
coke plants of Scboonmaker and Moore, said
that he noticed a statement made by some of
the papers that all the available coking coal
had been bought by the H. C. Frick Company,
which is not the case, as bo is In a position to
offer several tracts of the best coking coal,
equal to any In the Connellsville region, on
very favorable terms. The recent move of the
H. C. Frick Company has already awakened
considerable interest and Inquiry on the part
of furnacemen, who are large consumers of
The Pennsylvania Railroad has done an
enoimous business this summer, and is still
crowded to its utmost capacity. Passenger
traffic bas been enormous. An employe of the
road remarked yesterday: "I have been on
the road for a number of years, and have
never known traffic to be so heavy as it is this
summer. Indeed, the extra passenger business
alone has almost wiped out the heavy losses
caused by the Jnhustown disaster. Stockhold
ers need have no fear for their dividend."
There is a lively demand for boxes in the big
vault of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company,
and another thousand or so will be put in soon
to supply the want. Speaking of business, an
official of the company remarked: "We are
dome splendidjy much better than we ex
pected. We have completed several important
transactions and bave otbeis on hand, but
tbey are not quite ready for publication. The
prospect for a heavy fall trade is excellent. I
think the flurry about tight money is over for
the season, and tbat the financial wheels will
run smoothly the rest of the year."
The drygoods trade of Pittsburg is very
heavy this season. This citv bas within a few
years become an important center of this busi
ness, and more territory is being covered this
year than ever before. Country orders for fall
fabrics are coming in quite freely, and the
work of distribution is being pushed with the
utmost vigor. A leading wholesaler remarked
yesterday that be would not be surprised If the
sales this year reached the large aggregate of
Edgewood is growing at a rate which will
soon place It in the first rank of towns on the
Pennsylvania Railroad. Nearly all of the
vacant lots have been bought up, and will be
built on this season or next. It is one of the
finest residence sections In the East End. Con
cerning the borough scheme, a citizen of the
place said yesterday: "We propose to let It
rest for awhile. There Is some opposition to
tbe project now, and if pushed it might be de
feated. The town is growing so fast tbat a
borough will soon be necessary. When the
time comes we will push the scheme through."
w m
Mills may stop and firms may fail, but our
foreign trade continues to show a marked and
gratifying improvement. The report for July
Is more favorable at all points than the country
has seen in any July of recent years The im
ports of merchandise amount to 170,778,606, a
level which bas not been touched in any pre
vious month since April, l&sO, when merchan
dise to the value of f71.oCC.155 came in. Last
year tbe imports of merchandise in July stood
S39,'JS0,613, and the average for the month in the
previous five years, 1S83 to 1887, was but Jat
633,722. Thus, this year the imports in July are
11,397,961 larger than in July, 1S83, and 16,054..
kU larger than tbe average tor the month in
the previous five years. August will make
n early as good a record as J uly. This is an im
provement that the country can afford to lean
Iia Norla Holds tbe Fort Other Stocks Doll
nnd Blend jr.
La Norla was the only active stock yesterday.
The decree has gone forth, remarked a broker,
tbat it shall not go below 1, nor much above
1 at present, and tbe manner in which it Is
bandied about seems to justify the remark.
While tbe rest of the list was dull, there was a
marked increase in the feeling of confidence in
an early improvement, which lias been a con
splcuous feiture of the market throughout the
There was the usual Saturday demand for
bank and insurance stocks, and tbo trend was
toward a higher level of values. The market
closed firm. Bids, offers and sales are ap
.Bid. Asked.
Pitts. Pet, 8. andil. Exchange ta acq
&1XK stocks.
Bid. Asked.
Arsenal 65 ....
Allegheny-National Bank C2H
BankofPltUtrare 74
Commercial National Bank. 100
Citizens' Natlonxl Bank 62
Diamond National Bank ion ....
Duqucsne ..National uank. iss
Exchange National Bank siv
Farmers' llepotlt National Bank 403
flrit National Bank, PltuborjC 170
fonrth National Bank 1 .-.uo
Ktftn Avenue................. .... ..,, 4Z
JTaehold ask............t MX
Fidelity Title and Trust Co , .... .1
Iron Cltv National Bsnfc M "
Iron and muss DolUr Savings ;
Keystone Bankori'ittsbnric..
JHsonlc UinK 5
McrchntsManufactarers'Ha.Bnk. 6
Metropolitan .National llanlt j
Mononjrahela National Hank Kg
Odd Fellows' Ssvintrs Bank W
Pittsburg Nat. Bank of Commerce 230 ....
People's savings Bank of PltUburg....l05 ....
Third National Bank. 16J
Tradesmen's Nations! Bank.i S3 ....
Union National Bank 3tS
erman National, Allegheny. lw -
Ke.il Estate I.oau and trust Co SO
Second National Bank. Allegheny 180
Third National, Allegheny. 1&
Worklngmja't Savings. 1
Bid. Asked.
Allegheny Insurance Co si
. 3X
.... 28
.... 40
.... Mtf 37
.... 51
....45 48 i
.... St
.. 43 ....
.... SO
German American
Union "
W estern Insurance Co.
Bid. Asked.
Allegheny Gas Co. (lllnm.i .,...-. 33
Consolidated Uas Co. (lllnra.),, 33
East End UaOo. (Iltum.) S3
l'ltuburtr uaa Co. (Ilium.) 63 ....
bouthslde Gas Co. (Ilium.) ; SS
Bid. Asked.
Chartlers Valley Gas Oo 49 WA
Natural Uas Co. of V. Va 79 85
People's Nat. Gasand Plpeage Co I7JJ ....
Pennsylvania Gas Co IS .
flillauelphla to til S7
Wheeling Uas Co SOJJ t...
Bid. Asked.
Forest Oil Co 103 ....
Tuna Oil Co 3
'Washington Oil Co 85
incline rums,
Bid. Asked.
Monongahela Incline 65 ....
Bid. Asked.
Central Traction SIM 33
Citizens' Traction 69 70U
Pittsburg Traction SO
Pleasant Valley SJ
Pittsburg, AUeg-heny and Manchester. .... "
hailroad stocks.
Bid. Asked.
Allegheny Valley 1
Chartlers Rillwjy 42
Pins., Younnstown & Ashtabula K. K... .... HH
Pitts., Cln. ASt. Louis R. K 2a
Pitts., Va. 4 Charleston B. R. Co S3
JMtU. & Western K. R. Co lltf 12fi
Pitts. Jt Western R. R. Co. pref. 19 SO
Bid. Asked.
New York and Cleveland Coal Co 30
Bid. Asked.
Mononitabela Bridge. 9) ....
Pittsburg A Blrmlusbam Bridge. 72 ....
Point Bridge 3tf ....
Point Bridge, pre 18 ....
UnlonBrldge 15
Bid. Asked.
Charlotte Mining Co .". ii
Hidalgo Mining Oo ... ZH
l.a Norla Mining Co IK 1H
Bllverton Mining Co 1
Yankee Ulrl Mining Co VA ..
Bid. Asked.
Allegheny County Electric ICO
Westlnghonse Electric 51K iVi
Bid. Asked.
New Castle Water Co 3
Union Switch and bignal Co SIX
Westtnghouse Air Brake Co 113
Westlnghouse Brake Co., 1.1m 60 64
Tue s ties were 100 shares of JLa Nona at 1,
400 at IK aud 6 or Central Traction at 32. F. 1)
Morris . CCsnId 200 shares of La Koria at ,
and a small lot of Union Switch at 22. H. JM.
Long bousht 5(1 shares of Westlnghouse Klec
trie at 1K. and sold 60 shares or Switch and
signal at . oonn v. isaiiey sold lou snares
Philadelphia Company at 37, and 200 shares
La Nona at SI 60. W. H. W att sold 150 shares
Philadelphia Company at S7
The total sales of stocks at Sevr York yester
day were 113.515 shares, Including: Atchison,
12,1)00; Hocking Val'ey, 4,900; Louisville and
Nasuville, 4,100; Northwest, 3.600; Northern Pa
cific preferred, 9,487; Oregon Transi ontinental,
2.200; Reading, 4,600; St. Paul, 25,100; Western
Union, 2,200.
Gains Over Last Tear stiotr a Healthy Con
dition of Trnde.
Clearing House figures continue to show
gains over the corresponding period ot last
year. Although the week's record falls a few
thousands below that of the same time io 1888,
the month shows an increase of over 2.000,000.
This does very well, when it is considered that
it represents legitimate business, tbe specula
tive element being too small to merit attention.
While the gain is smaller than tbat of previous
months, it Is In tbe right direction, and shows
tbat tbe great financial, manufacturing and
commercial interests of tbo city are in a
healthy and vigorous condition. The report
for tbe day, week, month and year to date is as
Exchanges 1 L69C550 99
Balances 33i277 53
Exchange! for the 'week 11,215,686 26
Balances for tbe week. 2,830,999 8!
Exchanges week or 183s 11,5.T0,MS 73
Balances week or 1S53 z.953,644 SI
Exchanges last week 11.277,777 43
Balances last week ii3i606b.,
Total exchanges. 1839 423,410.67 91
Uotalexchances. 1813 , 28I,M9,.8l ffi
bain, 183901 er 1888. 4L7S1,3jS22
Exchanges for August SQ.33 ,s79 31
Balances for August. 10.U17.EH 47
Exihangea for August, 1883 43.ISI.672S
Balances for Anguat, 1883 10,496,15 31
Money on call at .New tork yesterday was easy
at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 67.
Sterling exchange quiet but steady at t4 83K
for 60-day bills and 4 87 for demand.
The weekly statement of the New York
banks, issued yesterday, shows tbe following
changes: Reserve, -increase, 52,438.875; loans de
crease, 56247,000; Bpecie, Increase, SI,6S7,500;
legal tenders, decrease, S97,200; deposits de
crease, S3.394.700; circulation, increase, $5,530.
The banks now hold 4,601,975 in excess of the 25
per cent rule.
Closing Bond Qnotntlona.
U. 8. 4s,reg 127
U. is 4s. coud 123
U.K. AT. Gen. Si . S7M
Mutual Union 6s... .101
N. J. C. Int. Cen. .112!
Northern Pae. l3U..lloJ
Northern Pac. 2ds..H5
Northir't'n consols. HS
Nnrthw'n debens..lla
Oregon & Trans. 6S.105
bt. I,. &I.M. Uen. 5s 8CM
at. I..b.r.tien.M.llS
si. Paul consols ....128
St.PI. Chl4Pc.lsta.ll84
IX., Pe.UU.Tr Rs. 90
lx.,Pclt.U.Tr.Kcts 3SX
Union Pac. leu.. ... 114
West bhore 106
U. 8.44s, reg. IOjV
u. a. 4S, coup.... Ufi
Paci.ct)Sor'95 118
Loulslanastampcd4s 89
Missouri 6s 10OH
lenn. new8et. 6s....l06
lenn. new set. SS....101
Tenn. new8et.3s.... 73
Canada So. Sils 68 S
Cen. Pacificists 114
Den. & It. O., lata. ..121
Den. K. G. 4s 78
D. A R. G. West, lsu . 105
Erie, 2d 103ft
U.K.. AT. Gen. 6s.. 63
Government and -State bonds dull and fea
tureless. New Toek Bank clearings to-day, $131,
485,880; balances. $6,010,957. For the week
Clearings, $626,889,163; balances, $37,199,152.
Boston Bank clearings to-day, $15,091,634;
balances. $1,978,633. For the week Clearings.
572,124,227; balances. $9.5ia,170. For corres
ponding week la-t year Clearings. $67,643,662;
balances. $9,853,789. For month Clearings,
$336,111,862: balances, $40,461,114. For corres
ponding: ninutb last vear Clearings, $334,792,
363; balances, $43,828,423.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, 511,824,487;
balances, $1,656,824. For week Cleanncs, $62.
030,391; balances. fO.OSO.OlL
Baltimore Bank clearings $1,730,297: bal
ances. $224,820. '
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Banc of England on balance to-day is
50.000. Bar silver, 42id per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, b5f S2Kc for the
CniCAao Money unchanged. Bank clear-
."ft", VVjW,WU.
bT. Lonis Clearings. $2,728,698; bilancei,
$569 880. For this week Clearings, '$17,703,298:
balances. $4,070,923. For last week Clearings,
$18,467,914: balances. $3,992,950. For last year-r
Clearings, $10,371,473: balances. $1379,303. For
this ranntb Clearings, $81.869.8i7; balances,
$14,945,215. For Angust. 1888 Clearings. $75.
230.074; balances, $10,887,847.
Petrolcnm Wind Up the Week Without a
Redeenilns Feature.
The petroleum market was without a single
redeeming feature yesterdiyj trading being
light, fluctuations narrow and prices weak.
There was no field or other news of import
ance. The market opened at 9 the top
figure of tbe day, from which it declined to 93.
the lowest and closing quotation. Theanathy
of the traders was attributed to the fact tbat
It was the last day of the month and tbat a
holiday would ensue before the next meeting.
Aside from this, however, the trade showed
that it was hopelessly handicapped. A new
deal Is necessary to save it from total collapse.
A New York expert says: "One of tbe fea
tures of the petroleum situation is tbe absence
of speculation in certificates among tbe pro
ducers in tbe West. Those who in the past
have been heavy dealers In a speculative way
in the crude market, now decline, as tbe result
no doubt, of some costly experience, to specu
late as tbey have in tbe past, and It is the part
of wisdom for producers to confine their ener
gies to what may be regarded as their legiti
mate sphere, production, and truit to legiti
mate demand to advance prices rather than to
push them up by speculation in their own
product. As refined petroleum is the product
into which practically all the crude enters.lt
would seem that prosperity in tbe refined trade
should bring a relative Drosnerltr In tha crude.
Xftbiewinso there can be little doabt bat
that tha noTement ot prices of crude in the
last half of JS89 would surpass the best figures
of 1888 and 1887. Tne refined trade is In a most
satisfactory condition. There is a good be'ltby
export demand.wbicb has nnt beon in tbe least
restrained by the advance of 80 points within
tbe last four weeks.
"The terrorof Russian competition was virtu
ally destroyed in 1BSS. The European market
bas bought freely of American oil during the
present jear, simply tor tha reason that con.
suuiers who purchased Russian refined in 18S7
were not satisfied with the product. Tbo ex
port movement from tbe Uuited fitatesto va
rious countries shows that America has re
clined tbe markets of Europe outside of Great
Britain and Ireland, and tbat excluding China
and the Britain possessions in Australia, there
had been no important losses to our export
trade in tbo countries most contiguous to tbe
source of Busslan supply, tha British East In
dies actually showing a decided increase. Tank
steamers formerly employed in tbe Russian
trade have been pressed Into the America ser
vice, and tbe Russian pipe line project has re
ceived treshMiscouragement from the Govern
ment, whose interests are centered in the
Transcaucasian Railroad. Tbe Russian wJls
are constantly requiring deeper drilling; aud
the Baku deposit have been showing tbe same
c laracteristioa of decline tbat always attend
'gusher' pools."
Features of the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oa-iey St Co., O
Sixth street, members of tbe Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened., fSWILoweit ... M
Highest SSkl Closed 98
Average runs.. 51, sap
Average shipments 79.606
Average charters 47,843
Refined, New York. 7.c
Kefine. London. SJSd.
Refined, Antwerp, 17T.
Refined, Liverpool, 6d.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, SCJcj
calls, 09c.
Other OH Markets.
On, Cttt. August 3L National transit certifi
cates opened at DSWc; highest, 98c; lowest,
7c; closed, 97c ,
Bradford, August SI. National transit
certificates opened at 97c; closed at 97c;
highest. 98c; lowest, 97c
TrrttsviLLK. August 3L National transit
certidcatPt opened at 93c; highest, 88c;
lowest, 97c; closed, 97c
DoeaTbia Look Like ilieRenl Estate BuaN
ncs la Dead?
W. W. McNeill &Bro., 105 Fourth avenue,
sold for Abraham Wakefield tbe property at
the corner of Anderson street and River ave
nue, Allegheny, tbe lot being irregular in size,
fronting 60 feet 3 lnchC3 on Anderson Effect by
29 feet on River avenue, on which is erecteo a
three-story brick business block, for $10,000.
The purchaser, John Bracken, will immediately
make extensive improvements on tbe property.
Uhe above firm also placed a mortgage ot $5,000
on Allegheny City property for six years at 6
per cent.
Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Mrs.
Francis Biblman a new two-story and mansard
brick dwelling on Marlon avenue, Qakland,
with lot 22x142 feet, for $6,250.
W. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenue, sold for H.
W. Smith two lots, each 25x133 feet, located on
Bnquet street, Oakland, to Peter Goottman for
$1,900 cash.
John F. Baxter, 612 Smlthfield street, sold
two lots, Vdla Park plan, Brushton station,
Nos. 483 and 489, frontage of 80 feet on Blacka
dore avenne bv 150 feet to a 20-foot alley, to
Georen C. Tavlor for $550.
Alles & BaUey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold lor
Johnllenry a brick dwelling of eight rooms,
vestibule, hall, etc., lot 2axll8 feet, more or
less. No. 222 Irwin avenue, Allegheny City, to
S. S. Robertson for $3,600.
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fonrtb avenue, sold
for William Bigge One of those elegant new
modern brick dwellings on Meyran avenue,
Oakland, for $7 600 cash. "I
James E. Creigbtnn & Co., 12 Federal street,
Allegheny, placed and settled a mortgage for
$1,000 for three years at 6 per cent on pronerty
in tbe Sixth ward; also a morgage lor $250 on
property in the same ward for two years at 6
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenne,
sold lot No. 8. S. L. Boggs' plan, Allentown sta
tion. West Liberty borough, ruunioz from
Washington avenue to Liudo street, 25x175
feet, for 230.
Mellon Bros, sold to James S. Dougan bouse
and lot 60x100 feot,on Mellon street, in Mellon '3
Orchard plan, for $4,200; also, to Ed J. McCar
thy, lot 60x115 leet, on Enfield street, Ben
Venue, tor $600.
A Good Week Io the Building Trade List
of Permits.
The building trado beld its own last week,
which was as much as expected. Permits were
taken out for 51 structures some of them large
and costly tbe estimated expense of which is
$1S9,251. Tbe hit is as given below:
Mary B. McCamish. frame two-story, 10x16
feet, on Webster avenue, Eleventh ward.
Mrs. McCollongb, frame two-story, 17x32 feet,
on Bowley avenue, between 'Main and Forty
fifth streets. Sixteenth ward.
Henry Metaker, frame two-story, 17x32 feet,
on Penn avenue, opposite Forty-fourth street.
Sixteenth ward.
Thomas Marshall, frame two-story, 20x23 feet,
on Butler street, near Fifty-third street, Eight
eenth ward.
Robert Ellis, frame two-story, 20x43 feet, on
Stanton avenue, near McCandless, Eighteenth
John Blair, frame two-story, 17x46 leer,
on Cypress street. Twentieth ward.
Edward Milton, frame two-story and man
sard. 21x30 feet, oh Sylvan avenue. Twenty
third ward.
Richard Lewis, frame two-story, 20xS2feet,
on Arlington avenue. Twenty-fourth ward.
Richard Brooks, frame two-story, 18x16 leet,
on Preble street, Tblriecn'h ward.
Henry Jefferson, frame two-storv, 16x16 feet,
on Wardsworth avenne. Thirteenth ward.
P. R. Conelly, frame two story, 18x2U feet, on
Bates street. Fourteenth ward.
St. Joseph R. C Churcb, brick two-story. 15x
3i feet, on Liberty avenue. Sixteenth ward.
Charles E. Cornelm", frame two-story, 18x32
feet, on Jancuf street. Eighteenth ward.
Charles 11 Cornelia', frame two-story, 18x33
feet, on Butler street. Eigh eenth ward.
Frank Howell, frame one-story, 20x28 feet,on
North Rebecca street. Nineteenth ward.
Hugh 8urw, frame two-story. 16x33 feet, on
McCord's allev, Twenty-fourth ward.
C. Donaldson, frame two-story, 16x30 feet, on
Hallman street. Twentieth ward.
William Hamuett, brick two story, 17x52
feet, on Twenty-second street, between Jane
and Mary, Twenty-fifth ward.
William Klrtham, frame one-story, 12x13
feet, on rear af 151 Twenty-sixth street,! wenty
fiftb ward.
Thomai Hackett, brick four-story, 24x61
feet, 'on Fifth avenue, Sixth ward.
.Thomas Hackett, two brick three-story, 24x
36 feet, on Ann street. Sixth ward. '
M. Egan. brick two story, 42x83 feet, on
Maria street. Sixtb ward.
Standard Underground Cable Company.brick
two storv. 47xll6K feet, on Sixteenth street, be
tween Pike and Penn avenue, Tenth ward.
B. Scanlon, frame two-story, 20x 32 feet, on
Hancock street, near Dickson, Thirteenth
J. F. Kennedy, frame two-story, 16x24 feet, on
Craig sireet, Thirteenth ward.
John Robson & Son, frame one-story, 80x60
feet, on Second avenue, Fourteenth ward.
W. F. Casey, eight tno-story and mansard
brick and stone dwelling', 20x59 feet each, on
Fifth avenue. Fourteenth ward.
Edward B. Flister, frame two-story. 24x32
feet, on Grazier street, Twent-flrst ward.
J. F. Steel, two f tame two-story, 18x46 feet, on
Homewood avenue. Twentj-flrst ward.
Mrs. Dora (joob, frame two-story, 19x32 feet,
on Harcums alley, between Twenty-ninth and
Thirtieth streets, Twenty-fourth ward.
W. N. Martin, frame one story, 16x26 feet, on
Wylie avenue. Thirteenth ward.
K. Weber, frame two-story, 20x23 feet, on
Conkling street, Thlrteentb ward.
Andrew Hill, frame one story, 10x12 feet, on
rear of No. 3831 Liberty avenue, Sixteenth
N. Bock, frame two story, 16x30 feet, on
Wickllff street. Eighteenth ward.
Miss Bhortall, frame two-story, 20x46 feet, on
Evaline street. Nineteenth ward.
Fourth Presbyterian Churcb, brick two
storv, 35x37 feet, on Atlantic street,. Twentieth
J. W.Burns, frame one-story addition, 12x20
feet, on 4816 Penn avenue. Twentieth ward.
Evan Oner, frame two-storv. 24x30 feet, on
in wood street, 1 wenty-nrst warn.
A. Wilmas, frame two-story, 21x34 feet, on
Walter avenue. Thirty-first ward.
P. bchmltt, brick three-story, 24x63 feet, on
2919 Penn avenne. Twelfth ward.
William H. Mackmson, frame two-story, 20x
SO feet, on Woolslayer alley. Fifteenth nard.
H. A. Flslicr. frame two-storv addition.
15x15 feet, on 317 River avenue, Nineteenth
James Jlles, brick two-story and mansard,
25x51 feet, on Penn avenue. Twentieth ward,
Mrs. Katie Renz. frame two-story, 16x18 feet,
on Lytbe avenue, Twenty-third ward.
James F. Steen, six briCK two-story, 17x45
feet, each on Plymouth street, Thirty-fifth
Andrew Flack, frame one story addition. 12
x!4 feet; on Ninth street. Twenty-ninth ward.
, brick two-story, 83x42 feet, on cor
ner Harriett and Evaline streets. Twentieth
George R. West, two frame two-story, 25x43
feet, on Roup street, Twentieth ward.
Mrs. M. Hays, brick two-story, 23x89 feet, on
Hlland avenue. Nineteenth ward.
A. R Brown, brick two-atorv nnd mansard.
24x67 feot, on -"ortutta 4tto5 BeresUeatB
teet. each, on PtAil street. Sixteeatfe
J. G. Elman, brick two-story, 18sJ7feeton
j) utn avenue, esixm wars.
' ( Business Notes. -
To-xoKSOw". Labor Day, being a,lMl holi
day, tbe banks and Exchange will be closed.
Ciiaeles L. McCutcheon was on 'Change
yesterday, having returned from bis summer
jaunt. """
Samuel W, Black has returned from a trip
to CanaBa, the lakes and tbe Hudioa river,
aud was at his Desk yesterday- . " y
"With a business of over $2,000,000 greater
than for tbe corresponding week of 1SS8, thero
is a very small opening for grumbling. Pitts
burg is doing well.
Stocks closed strong, which is abont all that
can be said for them. -A broker remarked yes
terday evening: "The hullSrill be turned'
loose in a short time."
La No&ca led tbe stock' market last week is
point of activity, the sales being 8.750L Phila
delphia Gas was next, with sales of 90S shares.
The total sales, so far as. reported, were 6,281
shares, ' 3
It b estimated that the national debt state.
ment to bo published to-morrow will show an
increase of $1,600,000. This increase is attrib
uted to tbe fact that during tbe montb $18,000,
000 have been paid oat on account of pensions.
Transactions in real estate last week,
showed some diminution in volume, as com
pared with former periods ot this year, but
were in excess of those of tbe sama time in
1SSS, or any former year since tbe organization
of the business. -Two hundred and sixty trans
fers and 155 mortgages were recorded, repre
senting 844,858.
The Pittsburg and Mexican Tin Mining
Company continue to receive satisfactory re
ports from their property in tbe State of Du
rango, where tbey bave three mines. Under
date of Au-ust 20 Mr. J, W. Trlmbath, the
manager, writes to Mr. George H. Thurston,
secretary of the company, tbat he has uncov
ered a ledge in one of the mines for a distance
of 100 feet tbat exposes ore enough 0 last
scores of years, perhaps hundreds, and that he
will need reduction machinery by November.
Farther Fractional Advances Scored on the
Kevr York Slack Market Tbe .Ex
ports of Specie for (ho
Past Week.
New York, August 3L The stock market
again gave evidence of the growth of tbe bul
lish feeling to-day, and on a very moderate
volume of business scored further fractional
advances, the close being generally at about
the highest price of tbe week. London prices
were again higher this morning, and the open
ing here was made at an advance over last
evening's figures of from H to Jf per cent gen
erally.V The only really active stocks, however,
in tbe early dealings were St. Paul, Atchison
and Northern Pacific preferred, and tbe first
names soon developed marked strength and
once more touched tbe highest, price of the
week 76. There was some reaction from tbe
best figure, and this was sympathized in to a
limited extent by the restot tbe list, but the
upward movement was soon repulsed, and
other Villarda, the Grangers, Gould stocks and
trusts were all prominent for both activity and
Tbe feature among tbe Grangers was Bur.
llngton and Qulncy, and it reached higher fig
ures than It bas seen in months. The great
featnre of the dav. however. ws the sudden
rise and activity id the Hocking Valley securi
ties. It became known tbat at tbe meeting of
tbe directors tbe resignation of President Shaw
was accepted, and Mr. C. L. C. Walte elected in
his place, and arrangements were made to pay
the interest coming due on September J, while
tbe utmost harmony was restored to the board.
Tbe stock in this shot up from 15 12 to 18.
though It reacted to 18 at the close. Tbe bonds
were even more buoyant, Tbe strong tone con
tinued np to tbe close despite the realizations,
and the market closed fairly active and strong
generally at about tbe best figures. Tbe list is
almost invariably bigber, and Hocking Valley
is np 3 and Burlington 1.
The railroad bond market showed the usual
quiet business of the general list, but tbe sud
den activity in tbe Hocking Valley issues raised
tbe amount of business done to SsS7,U00, of
which Hocking Valley fives contributed $157,
000. Tbe tone of the market was steady as
usnal. and the final changes Insignificant,
though St. Paul South Minnesota Cs rose 2K.
Hocking Valley 6's rose 6 and tbe sixes 6.
Tbe sales of bonds for the week aggregated
$5,612,000 against $4,036,000 for last week.
Petroleum opened steady at 93c, and after
moving up slightly became dull and feature
less, and remained so until tbe close, wbicb was
dull at 984c. Stuck Exchange, opening, 98c;
highest, 9SJ3lC; lowest, 98c; closing. KPe. Con
solidated Exchange, opening, '88c: highest,
9SMc; lowest, 97c; closing, 97&C. Total safes,
210.0U0 barrels.
The exports of specie from tbe port of New
York last week amounted to $746,797, of which
$2,05DwaJln gold and $744,747 silver. Of tbe
total exports $1,650 In gold and $740,867 in silver
went to Europe, and $400 gold and $3,880 silver
to South America. The imports ot specie for
the week amounted to $131,432, of which $99,582
was In gold and 331,900 silver.
Tbe rollowing table snows tne prices or act It
stockson the .New York Stock .Exchange yester
day. Corrected daily for Thk Dispatcu by
WiitTNET AaTEPHENSOX. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New Xoit Stock xohange, o7 i'onrth are.
ing. JIM.
71 3i
Am. Cotton On 522S
Atcn.. lop. & s. F.... six
Canadian Pacific MM
Canada Southern Wit
Central of New Jersey. 116
Central l"aclHi.
Chesapeake Uhto ... ....
C Bur. Ouli.sv. ... .10654
C, Mil. St. Paul.... W4.
C, Mil A bt. P., pr....H5if
a, RoctL AP 100)4
C, at. L. & Pltu
C, tit. L. & Pitts. vC. .. .
C. St. P.. M. A t WH
C, St. P., it. & O.. pf. 993
C A .Northwestern.. ..HZ
C.4 Northwestern, pr.144
a, c, cvs 1 7sh
a, c. a l. pr ....mix
Col. Coal iron H'-i
Col. & Hocking Val .. 13
Lei.. L. Jt W 147
Del. & Hudson Mii
E.T.. Va. Ua ....
E. T.. Va. 4 Ua. 1st pr. T.
K. 1.. Va. AGa. Mpr. ...
Illinois 1 'entral
Lake Eria A Western
est. US
Lake Krte A West. or.. MH
lb. ui,. m
3 !M!4
hvllle. 7i3
.1 WH
Lake snore A M. 3
Louisville A Mashvllle.
illc hliran Central,
aioDiies unio n
Mo., Kan. A Texas.... UH
Missouri Pacific 74
New York Central
N. .. L. E. A W 2SX
N.Y..L.E. AW.pref.
a. .. a a st. l.
iN.l.,UtSt.L. nr.
N.V.. C. ASt.L.2d pf ....
N. 1 AN. E K
&..!".. O. A W J73
.Norfolk, s Western.... 17
Norfolk Western. pf. !AX
Northern Pacific MX
Nortnern pacific oref. 73t
Ohio A Mississippi..... S
Oregon Improvement
Oregon Transcon MX
Pacific Mall atk
Peo. Dec. A Evans KM
Phlladel. A Kcadlnir.. i
Iullman Palace Car.. .ISO
Klcnmona A W. P. r.. 23)4
Klchmond A W.P.T.nJ ....
St. P., Minn. A Man..K8K
SUU A San Fran 2S3g
bt. h. A San fran pf.. 6uH
st.L. A San F.lst pf.
Texas Paolfia 2IK
Union I'acino - 63H
Wabasn 1734
Wabash preferred KH
Western Union W
Wheeling A L. . 71Jf
Sugar Trust 109
National Lead Trust.. 244
Chicago Gas Xrust 6-S
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closlne Quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue.
Pennsylvania Kallroad S3)4
Keadlug 22
Hutlalo. Pittsburg and Western V
Lehlch Valley MX
Lehlirh Navigation l&'4
Northern Pacific 31
Northern Pacific preferred 74
Boston Stocks.
Atch. AToc..lst7s. III.SI
N". r. ANewEng... SM
Old Colon r 177,
Wis.Centnu.com... itii
Wis. Central pr.... Si
.UouesMgCo(new). S
franklin DM
Huron V
AiSl. Liana ur'w.jv&
Atch.Aroo.lt. li... 40
Boston A Albany.. .218,
.Boston A Maine. ....200
I'.. U. AU. 103)4
uaD, Ban. a neve, zi
Eastern It. It. ts ....l.T
Flint A PereM 23
Flint APereM. prd. 91
Alcxican Cen. com.. ltM
Mex. Cist mtg-. Ijds. 67)4
Osceola. 10).
1'ewablo (new) 2
Bell Tclepnone 25 IS
Boston Land ft
Water Power tx
The Condition of Business at thaEast Liberty
Stock Yards. (
Oti-ick ofPittsbtibo Dispatch.!
SATURDAY, August 81, 1889.
CATTLE Receipts, 640 head; shipments, 700
bead; market steady on good, slow on common;
He oft from last week's prices; 12 cars of cattle
shipped to New York to-day.
Hoas Receipts. 2,00(1 head: shipments, 2,000
head; market slow; light Yorkers, $4 7B4 75;
grassers, $4 604 60; medium and light Phlla
delpblas, $4 6004 60; heavy bogs. $4 S0Q4 fiOl
8 cars of hogs shipped to Nsw York to-day,
BBKXr Keoslota. 200 headi shinraanta. 9BD
Robert Kintmn. two ta-tek twc-i
17 H ll4
17 17 1SS
Wi W 3!4
75)4 1i 1H
23 22K 22
J3S V4 2
34 ZiH 34
ZJS 22U 22
4SJS 453,
180S ISO 17"4
23 23)4 Z3
lieu loss imh
27 2 2t
CO'i 6034 ta4
2134 2134 21H
KSK C3!i 63)4
1734 1734 17
X3) 3234 S3
&) tt KS
71 71K 70V
K9S WSH 108'
24 2434 2434
y M4 mn
lheaditaarkst fair and prieeannohangeii.
Fsal7a4 la the Wfcssst JW 0MI fcr
f .,- -"-- iiBsti ssT SBSSt !
taa'YIsU lnWsi t.
9reM' (Mm Bsllir o
y TS.LU- m V l faM J
. a raww . - jf
CKICA90, Aug ft-OW a jsnr
msBflat of miiimiliif in bsssisfesW was)
In wheat to-dav. and hwaa Unutr'ot s ImI
scal'p4sg character. Hk afk MttM oWWhj
to either boy or aell wera i eesJfrs t M?
effect upon prices. The weatbaraan! msmn
clal cables were bearish. rset4rsrwsret
i with soaae bear figures' to' the etfeet that s
porting countries will bave 206sVBH mm
more wheat this jear than she taspardskf; oM
tries will require. AU of these weakening in
fluences, however, we e t nllr ' fcy -Ior-buxjoh's
report 'oa tha Sasataa crop. wWeh
places tnsTyleld for. tbat country at 36 pr tt
against 106 per cent in IS JBaport ciMraae,
at tha Atlantic seaboard were agala. fair. At.
U principal points' total receipt to-dar wew
619,000 against sulpmeats frata tbe mum petqtt
of 366.000 bushels. It is now figured "that the
forthcoming 'vislWo supply report wttl straw
little If any Increase-i-poisiWy a Ueereeee.
Outside domestic markets were snmair
and tba London cables showed, as aavaaee 1
the average price for the week i &
country market of 9d. This J probably doe
la part to the labor trouble over there. Fluc
tuations in prices, for futures at tab potei were
within moderate limits and cleaiafc quotations
were H9e above yesterday's latest: bid.
Hay wheat 1 gradually comma into asore
favor with speculators, and considerable cbaog.
ing over of Aogust and September to Hay was
don to-day at tbe current difference. The
cash trade was not very brisk oa the regalar
market and prices averaged easier for the o4f
grades, No. 2 red closed & bigber at 773fe.
Corn was quite active at times with leeinig
weaker on near futures, while May was rela
tively tirm. The lnfluences'on th market were
much thersame ax noted for several day past,
the weakening' factors being heavy receiwa
and also the hoe weather. A feature to-day
was liberal purchases uf year corn by a promi
nent local trader. The market opened at
about yesterday's closing prices, ws steady
for a time, then declined c, reacted some and
closed with near future a shade lower aud
more distant months abont K higher. Cash
property was In good demaqd'at lio lower
than yesterday.
There was a good trade and a weaker feeling
in oats, particularly in .September, Which was
offered with increased freedom by loess ana
prices receded Ha -Fair buying: at the decline
caused a reaction to almost previous outside
pneevbut tbe market again weakened and
closed quiet and ea-ier;
Activity and Irregularity in prices were the
prominent features In the market for mess
pork. The market opened strong at 36c ad
vance and a fun her advance of 8o37Jc fol
lowed. Later tbe offerings exceeded tne re
quirements and prices receded again. A rally
of25&30o was again obtained, but near tbe
dose the market broke suddenly 90a with con
siderable "excitement and rallied. JOgloo and
closed quiet. Trading was almost exclusively
In September and October deliveries within
abont tbe same range of prices.
Only a moderate trade was reported in tbo
lard market, and tbe feeliug was steadier.
Prices were advanced 2j5c, and the market
closed steady. t
Quite a good business was transacted in the
market for short rib sides. Tbe feeling was
stronger early and prices were advanced VfC
Sc, but settled back again to about inside fig
ures and closed steady.
The leading tutures ranged as follows-
WHEAT No. 2- September. 77077g77
77ct December. 78He79Kr77Kc; year,
7g777t077a'c; May. b&iMa 82Ca
Cobs No. 2, September. ZiV4,i.1A
Q33Kc; October, &XJXQ33&gJiy De
cember, 33K33KJ3tBj3Ji-t ay, SoKt3SK
Oats No. 2, September. 19Vgl&19g
llc: October, 19i0)&XWAWL&:; -1ay.
ess Porjc ner bbL--Septereber. $11 053
11310 25016 40; Oi tober. $11 10011 37XQ
10 25010 40; J anuary. 5 Z7J4S9 27JB 17XSD 2a,
Laud, per 100 Bs. September. 0 USfe 1-';
October, $8 logs 07Jf; January, $5 87j S7
5 83o 85.
Short Ribs, per 100 fts. September. $5 07f
5 Uyi&a 02d USr October. $5 125 17K&
5 10o 10: May, $4 704 &.
Casb quotations were as follows: Tlnnr
dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 773
77c; No. 8 spring wheat 7172c; No, 2 red,
77c No, 2 corn. 33c No. 2 oats, 19Jc.
No.2rye.42c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1
flaxseed. $1 29. Prime timothy seed, $1 30.
Mess pork, per bbl, $10 37X10 SO. Lard, pen 100
pounds, $6 15. Sbort nl sides (looe, to OOft
6 US. Receipts Flour, 9.000 barrels; wheat, 113,
000 bushels; corn. 443 000 bushels; oats, 245,000
bushels; rye, 2U.fl0Obubels;barley.l0,00O bushels.
Shipments Flour, 18,000 barrels: wheat, 103.
000 bushels: com. 485,000 bushels: oats, 249,000
bushels; rye. 20,000 bushels; b.irley.3,0C0 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter
market was active for finest grades; fancy
creamery, 1819c: best gathered creameries. 15
flflc; finest dairies. 13llc; fair to good, S10c
ggs in fair demand at 14c. '
A BS'S$ t0 Housewives.
tba farceur aad woriipg man vho have been out la
tbe zmzd all day can wash their boots clean before
enterirethohoase. Tbejnfllbo Soft, Polished
and Dry, if dressed with
Tinfcpa bonne freeplng erwiVr.
Saves Sweeping and Scrubbing.
XnobootawSI wear a great deal longer, w&l not get
stiff and bard in enow water or rain, and win be
WATERPROOF. Ladies, try it and insist
that your huat and and sons uso it Oacoatrcek
for Gents' Slow and once a month for Ladies'.
TJnoqualed ua Harness DresalngsndFnsemr
Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Druggists, Ac
WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
ap23-l .
Rftilroad I Mining I fII I i
Stocks. Stocks. J - 1 Q
San Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex
changes. Loans made at low rates of interest.
Established 1876. S3-Weekly Circular FREE.
A. 0. CHISHOLM & CO.. 61 Broadway, N. Y.
Telephone Call,
Washington Force,
Stocks, Grain. Provisions and Oil on margins
of 1 per cetat or more.
Orders by mall, messenger or express
promptly attended to. Daily market reports
mailed free to any address.
Fifth are. and Wood st, rooms 54, 55. 6ft.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST Pittsburg.
tjaw-lmu. J
ffrA5Di DO
if WMBS9 Wm Wl
(Vasssf fisMbysC
i - j
this aoBsnarr ike
Viratm, HiMlBlti
over' lsot t essHW m
aasisisn.. saMlssMlaisMi .saittMM
wrtfcellaaa,! wi jsmyin
fBM fa SfMNst m.lsM I
iti i. astt nm tUJUfrp i
su. -atf ..J J.1W 7iks Mssa
sleal asasie BT I
r'uK.w Ttiiv uni st'l
Aa'aooa a a arivate idivi)lV
good aVtwiac weQ b hiomssW
erit,aad tboafh nV may baUi
m a i aJ . 2 m . 41 ha asssBl
snort tiajw ressjim wwra
tbe coeipsMs. T writer
or meeting H rvJ. rnmt M
Aaxtisb P.. na thPittt)BIS I
Railroad a Jew davtias, wW ia
ia brickwork, and had ativli
tarvsi nlm ol 'wnHt "for tit 8
panjr. Hia See ami plaee of 1
Bhsrpsiwr;? ' unnait a
MeDooaid, gave, i
MAifnt ataf la far asskn!lssst-
"It e,Mi about two' jg
IX- V.iVsiali) V.riaAMifM Wl
cold. Alter a 'while it aeeoefi MjMsf.MJ
D. l...Ul W.J wr ill nit lssVaiJ
or ether expoaaw VrtfnsiM hum mm, m
do not knew. At any wtW ir hasisl aajgjsaaj
stoppe up, amy wroat yaw asm iismiubj
able, as4 I had a eontiaisntL ka4l
coughA ' , -r . . '
"The trenMe at Irst see4 e Weaa
l,n if mijLiW imv -urtuHui: T h snail SB i
it... U. .aa MmkLu. A aBAiftW WSahyl
ray nasal organs aad breKBal !), "lrj2
nostrils woaia mug up, " "" TvrM
ICICII9U ,T.T...O& .WW.--. j ..-- YTM
very sore, and mj tongue war SaMMsatf a3
tneroov -f js
Mr J. Frank McDonald, Sharpsburp.
"Iconld feel tbe mucus dropping back
BssssssssssV ssssssssssssssssssaL BllllllllW A. JB
f i KB VsssssssaP H
into my throat nnd was constantly hawking1 ;
aUU Spi.linjJ IU USClcas tt..cuaJK w fctro w.w
passage. My head pained me slightly at
first, directlv over mv eves, which srradaallr
crew worse nnti! they exlended clear around 1
1UC UtttJt, U iiJ. UC. ... w.. j -.-w , - .
wouia De tasen wi.u a spun ui ucviiujv .
c-prv nften. At snch times it seemed asia
thoush my head would burst, so terrible J3
was the pain. Jny eyes became sore aaa a. a
watery substance was constantly nowing
from them. I could not see to read. I am
very fond 'of sineiog, but the throat trouble
oblized me to stop even that
"My aleep did not refresh me. Night
sweats made me terribly weak. I would
ret nn in the mornins tired and nnrested.
I could eat nothing. What I-dU cat I had '
to force down, and I always had a -nauseating
feeling afterward. I aoon realized
that I was in a serious condition. X was'
growing thinner and weaker every day, and -
was totallv unfit for work. "When I would
stoop down to pick up anything I would ,J
Decome bo aizzy mat x couiu uo. iuuu vu
my feet. My joints failed me, and I could
scarcely wait. Sharp pains, cutting like a
kniie, would take me in the small of say
back, making me feel faint and weak.
. "Ibis is the condition I was in when: I
noticed in the newspapers a case similar to
my own that hail been treated and cured ift
by Doctors Copeland and Blair. I, called &
on mem. ana xouna weir vuaf tea icij ica-
"T Imnrnnil irradnallvnnder their treatment.
The headaches passed away. My eye became ;
clear, and I could read once more. y turoas
was no longer choked np, and I coojd enjoy
myself singing. I now bare a good appetite,
sleep well and have no more dizzy spells. My
joints are no lonper affected. The pain In my
back has disappeared. In fact I am a perfectly
well man to-uay, and owe my recovery to
Doctors copeianu ana Jtsiair.
Mr. McDonald Iive. as stated, at Under
cllffe. on the P. & W. Riilrnad. and bis office
is at Sbarpsburg: His statement can be easily
Additional Evidence by Mail.
About the middle of last May Miss Lottie
J. Forker, of 209 Arch street, Meadville,
Pa., placed herself under treatment by mail
with Drs. Copeland & Blair. Her trouble
bad so completely involved her whole sys
tem as to almost entirely deprive her of tha
ability to perform ber duties at boms. la
Stating her case by letter just previous to
the date above mentioned she complained
oi terrible headaches, lollowed by spells of
.vomitintr, which would compel her to lie in
bed for 24 hours, alter which she would be.
completely worn out. Sharp pain in tha
breast, extending through to tbe shoulder
blades, and lollowed by others in her stom
ach and side.
On June 9 she wrote: "Tour medicine is
doing me good, I do not feel so tired, and
my head Jbas only ached twice, and that was
caused bv a fresh cold I caught."
Jnne 16 she wrote: "I am still improving.
Tour treatment is doing me a great deal of
good." On June 23: "I am able to zee .
still inrther improvement." On July 2 her
letter stated that she was feeling very well.
August 5sbe wrote: "I have had butnne head
ache since I last wrote ou and am improving
In every way." August 2tf she wrote: "I feel
quite like a different woman from the one X
was when I commenced your treatment. Al
though I have always said tbat 1 would not
bave mv name In print, am quite willing tbat
you should make a sbort statement of what
your treatment bas done for me. Shalt be
pleased to answer any inquiries that may be
made regarding it."
Some time ago Mr. M. C. Wilson, of Canons,
burs. Pa., placed himself under treatmentby
mail, with Drs. Cnpeland fc Blair. His
catarrhal trouble bad-.extended until it had
involvedhlawnole system. In stating bis case
by letter early in July be complained of a full,
havy feeling in bis head over the eyes, a bad
taste in the mouth, coughing and raising
phlesm. dimness of sight, sharp pains in the
chest with a tight pinched feeling ana soreness
in the lungs, and a weak and shaky condition
of the limbs.
July 15, ho wrote: "lam Improving steadllyi
feel ever so much better than I have in years."
August 8 be wrote: "Aly neaa ana tnroat iee
clear. I sleep ell and eat well, and feel better
in every way." August 16 be wrote: "1 feel Iikrf
a different being from the one I was wbenl
commenced your treatment, and. I am quite
willing that a short statement of what your
treatment bas done for me should be made inV
the papers,"
Are located permanently at
Whero they treatwith success all curable cases.
Ofllco hours 0 to 11 A. il:2 to 5 P. K.; 7 to 9
P.M. (Snnday included).
Knocliltfes CATARRH, and ALL DTH.
LUriuB. , j, s.
Consultation, H. Addrtsa all mall to WK
' as sua ts., nttjfrvtx fu
1 , Mtt-