Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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General Favorites Among llio Visitors at
Atlantic City A Hotel iterper Sounds
Tbelr rralses The ltusb. of Travel Over
Notes nod Gossip.
Atlantic Citt, August 3L The season
at the seasbore is rapidlydrawing io a close.
"It would have ended tbis week were it not
for the 300 excursionists who came jn over
the Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad this morn
ing. E. D. Smith, the passenger agent at
Phfcburg, hid charge of the party and all
were happy. From the moment they ar
rived they have been making things pleas
ant for all their iriends. When the Pitts
burgers leave for home Atlantic City's sea
son of pleasure and prosperity comes to an end.
It is to Pittsburg and Pittsburgers that At
lantic Citj's present position and prominence
as a summer resort is due
Te feeling of the people or Atlantic Citv
toward the people ot Pittsburg is embodied in
tbe amarks ot Charley JIcGlade, of the Man
sion House, at tbe big supper on Tuesday
evening. He said: "I have had 1,128 Pitts
burgers on tnv register since tbe 1st ot July,
and I sav unhesitatingly that I would rather
haveonePittsburginaninmy house any day
than any three Pbiladelphians you could name.
Tbey are not only lioeral and genial, but tbey
make everybody with whom they come in con
tact enioy themselves, and they are altogether
too most courteous and unassuming class of
people that ever visit the sea shore."
Dr. Jesup, of Kittanning, Is among the
prominent people from Western Pennsylvania
at the Mansion House.
D. T. Watson, Esq., has left his great law
practice to spend a few days by the sea shore.
Charles Jleyran. the banker, has been here
for two weeks. He is happy over his (rood for
tune in striking tbe Gladden gusher at Canons
burg. Pa., and congratulates himself on being
n officer of the Canonsburg Iron and Steel
Companv. which drilled the first well ever put
down in'8outhwestern Pennsylvania. He says
other wells will be put down on -the 1,000 acres
of land i ccently purchased by the Manufactur
ers' Jsatural Gas Company.
Twojoung Pittsburgers, Mr. Campbell and
Mr. Raucu. rescued a Philadelphia lady and
gentleman from drowning here on Wednesday
morning. They were cheered to the echo by
those on the beach, who watched the rescue in
breathless suspense.
lid G. O'Connor and Mr. Weixell are at the
Albion for a two weeks' stay.
Dr. Jennings and wife, of Pittsburg, are
down here lor a few weeks.
Krasmus Wilson, 'Q,uiet Observer," is a fa
miliar flcure about the Albion andat the differ
ent points ot interest in Atlantic City.
S. B. Loouiis is here. Ho has told some great
stories of tho great fish.
Mrs. R. V. Brj ce and daughter and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Davis and daughter, of Pittsburg,are at
tbe Albion.
Mr. Tom Cnrran and his sister, Miss Bose,
left lor home on Monday.
John J. Bnrke, stenographer to the police de
partment at Pittsburg, came down ou Monday
to take a well merited rest.
Paul C. Dunlevy, Mrs. Jeremiah Dunlevy,
Miss Mary J. Dunlevy, Miss King, Mrs. Alex
King, Master King, A. M. Imbne. Mr. James
Phelan. Duke Phelan, the Misses Valletta and
Mane Phelan, Mr. f. X. Birr and a number of
other Pituburgers arc at tbe Brighton.
J. A. Burns is at the Brighton.
George B. Hill, tbe Fourth avenue banker
and broker, is a familiar figure on the beach
and on tbe streets.
Among the Pittsburgers who arrived at the
Mansion this week are: John J. Davis and
wife, of tbe Controller's office: George B. Hill,
tbe broker; R. R. Brown and wife. J. CNelson.
Pier Donnals, William Haslett, H. M. Boyle,
W. C. Stillwagon and family, W. E. Perry.
John J. Burk, G. D. Turner, Si. Jenkins.
J. F. B.
The Clmntnuqnans Had a Programme That
Full Occupied Their Time.
ChatttaccjUA, August 3L People are stay
ing later than usual tbis year. Probably it is
mainly due to the perfect weather we are
having. Formerly Chautauqna has been al
most deserted at this time of the year. The
programme, too, held out unusually well. In
stead of having to exercise their ingenuity to
plan impromptu entertainments to fill up tbo
time, the management have scarcely been able
to find enough hours lor all they had on hand.
Tbe last day was as full as any. It seemed a
pity to come to a full stop w hen everything was
atitsbeigbt, Buiattbesame timeitlsarellef
to ba e tbe programme concluded, and to feel
that there is nothing one ought to attend.
While tbe grounds are being canvassed, after
the closing, to make sure that everyone has a
ticket before opening tbe gates, one is obliged
to show bis ticket at a moment's notice
wherever he may be. For instance you may be
accosted a half a dozen times on your way to
the postoffice with the .proverbial remark,
"Show your ticket, please." Argue as elo
cnentlv as you nill on tbe uselessness of such
a proceeding, you are invariably met with the
unanswerable argument, "Show jour ticket,
please." One is apt to be restive at first, but
he soon learns tbe futility of attempting to
cope with grim fate in the person of the ticket
The closing exercises were held Monday
'evening. They were very simple. Bishop Vin
cent made a touching farewell address, tbe
- doxology was sung, and the season of IiS9 was
pronounced at an end.
G. A. K. Day was a success. A large number
of veterans were in attendance. The celebra
tions really began the night before with a
camp-fire, consisting of addresses and patriotic
tones. Each speaker had some pathetic or
humorous reminiscence to relate. The next
day nas very lively. Tbe patriotism and en
thusiasm were contagious. Flags were flying,
bands playing and cannon firing. The princi
pal speakers were Dr. Paxton and Corporal
Tanner, the United States Commissioner of
Wo have recently had two hot debates on the
Subject of trusts.
The last arrivals from Pittsburg for tbis sea
son are Mifs S. J. Payne, H. 'Carter, wife and
child; G. "W. Prager, Clarence N. Heines,
Misses Mary, Irene and Minnie Heinz, Miss
Myra Boyd, Miss Edith Prager. Miss Belle
Wakefield, Misses Challie and Mattie Tavlor,
Miss Kato Blackburn, Miss Sadie Oiler, Fred
W. Keefer and wile, W. W. Elderkin. J. K.
Smith and wife. Misses Effie and Jane Smith,
Miss Jessie McClurg. Mrs. J. C. Ague wand
child, F. E. RaudalL James H. Aiken, A M.
Bailey, S. A. Dickie and wife, A M. Vance and
E. B. McCune, F. W. Crossfiold, Charles P.
Lang. T. H. Robinson and wife, T. H. Robin
eon, Jr., Miss Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Price, a C. Boyle and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mor
ton have recently arrived from Allegheny.
it la Over Now and Tinltors Are Taking
Their Departure
Bedford Springs, August SL The season
hero is drawing to a close. It has been one of
the most successful in the history of this old
resort The weather is sow delightful, and
why the visitors shenld depart at this time is
something that residents canndt understand, as
the coming month is always the most pleasant
of tbe year. The last bop of tbe season was
given at the Springs last night, and every per
son present took advantage of tbe fact, and
joined in tbe mazy waltz. Prof. Toerge leaves
with bis orchestra to-morrow, and after that
the season will quietly come to an end as far as
the Springs Hotel is concerned.
At the Arandale there still remains qnite a
crowd, and it is likely this house will be- open
until October L Among the regretted depart
ures to-day were the families of Mr. Ralph
Bagaley and Mr. B. B. Brown, both of whom
have been here for several months, and Dave
added much to life and society at the springs.
Mr. Bagaley, before leaving, gave a supper to a
party of friends at the -Willows" on Wednes
day evening.
. Governor Jackson, of Maryland, accompanied
by his wife and daughter, arrived at the springs
pn Wednesdi).
Ex-Secretary of the Navy Robeson, ot New
Jersey, is a great fisher, but his catches so far
cannot be called great. G. M. H.
Social Erects.
The Elite Terpslchorean Club held their
annual lawn lete at Castle Shannon, August 22
The pleasant time which all present enjoyed
was mainly duo to tbo efficient management ot
the members oC the club.
Miss Gertie AJelsbeimer, of Western avenue,
Allegheny, celebrated her birthday, August 28,
by a gathering of her friends. Besides numer
ous presents an elegant basket of roses was tbe
gift of Mr. Abe 'and Miss Millie Strouse, of
Preeport, Pa. ,
One of the pleasant series of evening parties
given by the Alpilamegle Social was held in
honor of Miss Mollie Martin at her residence
on Hazel street. Among those present were
tbo Misses Dtffy, Buss, Grant, Messrs. Cannon,
Long and Adams.
Mr. John McDonald, of Woodlawn avenue,
AUegbeny.gave a select evening party on Tues
day evening, in honor of his friend, Mr. Albert
Christv. Alarge'number of guests were as
sembled. A delightful evening was spent in
music and dancing.
One ot the'most enjoyable basket picnics of
the season took place at Idleuild Park on Mon
day, 26th lnst given by the young people of
Latrobe. FrlendJtfrom Pittsburg. Greensburg,
Blairsville, Johnstown andLigonier werexpres
ent. Prof. Dnnspaugh's Orchestra, trom
Greensburg, furnished the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn F. Brown, of Beltzhoover
borough, gave an enjoyable progressive euchre
party last Thursday evening. Mr. Win. F.
Brown and Miss Alloc Terry succeeded in win
ning the first prizes. VMr. Alex. Lenison and
Mrs. Belinda Brounlgamed tbo booby prizes.
Sam Johnson added xkucb to the evening's en
joyment by his comic songs.
One of the enjoyable vents of the past week,
was the elegant reception given by Captain
and Mrs. John Moren on last Thursday evening
in honor of their friend. Miss Mannlng,or Ken
tucky. Their home, Moren place, Duquesne
Heights; presented a fairy-like tcene in honor
of tbe event. Music and dancing was a feature
of the evening's enjoyment. About 20 couples
partook of the pleasure.
On Thursday evening last the Misses Stcade-
ford entertained a few of their friends at their
residence on Washington avenue, Allegheny.
Among those present were Misses Minnie and
Cora Steadeford, Ada and Minnie Noah, Hat
tie Carev, Lottie Dalzell, Messrs. T. Blemlngj:
C. Snyder, E. Tajlor Young, F. B. Williams
and others. Dancing and refreshments were
the order of tbe evening.
The boys of the Protestant Home, Allegheny,
were kindly remembered last Thursday even
ing by Mrs. Watson, of Nunnery Hill, who had
them all invited to her beautiful homo for an
evening's entertainment. Theyenjojed them
selves from tbe moment they exchanged civili
ties with their kind llostcssuntil tbey left. Mrs.
Watson was assisted by the Misses McCreery
and Paterson.
An enjoyable gathering took place on Linden
avenue. Allegheny, Friday afternoon. It was
a surprise party tendered MissNissieMcIlvaine
on her birihday. The little folks were Miss
Anna Lindsay, Esther McKeever, Edna Johns
ton, Lillian Morlland, Louisa Lyon, Clara
Parks, Nlssie Mcllvaine; Masters Walter Johns
ton. Rubens Holden. Charlie Mcllvaine, Donald
Mcllvaine. Many nice little presents were re
ceived. Mr. Abner Stotler, of Chestnut street, cele
brated his SOth birthday on Tuesday. A sur
prise party was gotten up and he did not know
what all the confusion was about until he was
invited in for supper. There he found his
children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
seated around a well-filled table. After a
grand supper and very enjoyable evening Mr.
btetler and his danghter left on the early
morning train for tbe East to spend several
On Friday evening Miss Virginia Johnston,
of Linden avenue, Allegheny, gave fl water
melon party. All had a pleasant time. Those
present were Miss Maud Harmes, Jennie Wil
son, Gertrude Parks, Emma Lindsay, Laura
Cook, Ella Lyon, Effie Mcllvaine, Maggie
Elliott, Virginia Johnston. Mr. Roy Lindsay,
Thomas Crutbens, Thomas Lindsay, Charlie
Mcllvaine, Will Dickson, Will Todd, Edgar
Burgess, Mrs. Walter Johnston, Miss Helen
Johnston. Will Dickson took first prize, Char
lie Mcllvaine booby prize.
A select musicale was given on Monday even
ing by the friends of ur. W. M. Beach and
wife at their residence on Arch street, Alle
gheny. A very enjoyable programme was ren
dered from 8 to 12 o'clock. After partaking of
refreshments the party left regretfully for
their homes. Anong those present were:
Misses MittieL. Weeden, Mary MvKelvy, Liz
zie K. Niess, Julia B. Harper, Emma V.
Harper. Emma Blber, the Muses Boj d: Messrs.
R. S. Dalzell, G.F. Wiese, John McCready, Joe
Hilger, James McAfee, J. Uarroivay and
Thomas A. Johnston.
Avery novel entertainment was provided at
a reception given in honor of Misses Margaret
Sloan and Mary Duucan at the home of the
former on Pennavennelast'wcelc The feature
of the evening was a "cobweb party" played as
follows: Any number of various colored balls
of cord arc taken, and tbe end of each is
fastened to something central in the parlor
tbe chandelier for instance tbe cord is then
carried along and fastened to some other ob
ject in the room and from there all over the
halls and stairways, tbe object being to make
it as complicated as possible. Alter making a
circuit of two or three roams tbe ends are all
brought together in the parlor. Each gue-t is
given an end of a string, and at the word ''go"
they start to roll their string in abalL The
first one finishing is given first prize and tbe
last "booby" prize. Those present were:
Misses Maggie Hill. Dollie Musser. Jennie Mc
Nungber, Eda and Carrie Hice, Essie McAteer,'
Bessie McCaw, Sadie and Nannie Smiley, Mary
Duncan, Bella Henry, Margaret Slnane, Laura
and Lida Chestnut, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Sloan e,
Mrs. Simpson, of Chicago, and Messrs. Calvin
McAteer, David Metbeney, D. McAllister, Jr.,
John Duncan, Thomas Perkins, William Sloane
and T. S. Duncan.
Visitors and Absentees.
Miss Jennie Hnbley is spending her summer
vacation in the country.
Mr. M. Black, of Ohio street, Allegheny,
leaves to-night for New York.
Mr. J. P. Jones, of this city, has just returned
from a Dleasure trip in the West.
Mr. F. P. Smith and family, of the East End,
have returned from Atlantic City.
Miss Dolly Miller, of Fayette street, Alle
gheny, is visiting friends in Cil City.
Mr. Frank Hannan, of Smitbfleld street, left
on Saturday for Columbus to visi friends
Miss Minnie Brown, of Allegheny, is spend
ing tbe summer with friends in Fostoria, 0.
Mr. E. W. Carter, of LeadilUc, Col., is visit
ing his family at Oakland for a couple of n eeks.
Mr. and Mrs, John C. Swindell, of Boyle
street, Allegheny, have gone East on a' pleasure
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace VT. Bell, of the West
End, are at the Hotel Wellington, Atlantic
Messrs. 7. Dickson, P. C. Dean and John
Bums have returned from an extensive tour of
the lakes.
Miss Ida Earhart, of Clarksburg, Is the
cnest of Miss Ecca Elliott, of Thomas street,
Miss Kate Gemmell and Miss Eva Crooks
have returned from a two weeks' visit to the
Dr. Sadler went to Bristol, Conn., last night
in answer to a call for consultation in a diffi
cult eye case.
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. -Allinder, ofLawrence
t He, have cone to Chautauqua, Niagara Falls
Mr. Henry Daub and his daughter Mary, of
Conrad street. East End, have returned from
Bedford Springs.
Prof. Will H. Smith andMr. John A. Donald
Bon, of Bobbins, have returned from a pleasure
trip in tbe East.
Miss Maggie Hcltz, of Mr, Oliver, and Miss
Lou Gillespie, of Oakland, left Tuesday even
ing for Cincinnati.
Miss lillian Rucb, of Bellefield, has returned
borne alter a acngnuui sojourn at uuipnur
Springs ind Bedford.
Miss Maude Perry, of Clark street) has re
turned from Limeton, where she, has been for
the past three weeks.
Mr. B.Ii. II. Dabbs and wife returned yes
terday from a four weeks' trip through the
New England States.
Mr. William J. Josenhans and family and
Mr. Alonzo Henricks and family have returned
from tbeii visit in Ohio.
Mrs. Maggie Hanlin, ot the Southside. has
returned home after having a pleasant visit In
Chicago and Kewanee, Ilk
MissB. M. Lane, of the Riverside School,
who has been spending her summer vacation
atCresson, has returned home,
Mr. and Mrs., William S. Brown and their
daughter, Joie, of Robinson street, Allegheny,
left on Thursday ru Leigh, neb.
Among the guests at the Thompson House,
Kane, Pa., are tbe Misses Jennie and Agnes
Kcaue, of Isabella street, Allegheny.
Mrs. William J. Josenhans and her danghter
Laura, of Rebecca street, are visiting at Wash
ington, Pa., and Wheeling this week.
Miss Katie Manning, one of Kentucky's fafr
daughters, is tbe guest of tbe Misses Fitzslm
mons, of Pennsylvania avenue, Allegheny.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Second avenue.
Boho, have returned after snending a month at
Atlantic City and other places in tbe East.
Miss .Gertrude Cargo, of ML Washington,
left last Thursday for Oxford, O., where she
ill enter the ladies' seminary of that place.
Miss Lucy H. Wall and Miss Maggie For
sytlie, of Thirtieth street, Twelfth ward, are
visiting Mrs. John McGovern, at Washington.
Mrs. George D. Clowes, Jr., and Masters
Willie and Eddie Clowes, of Carnegie avenne,
are spending tbelr Bummer vacation in Mercer.
Misses Rose and Minnie Kaylor, of Alle
gheny, have arriveS home after a month's visit
to friends in Charleston. Vi. Va., and vicinity.
Mn. M. McFadden and danghter. and Mr. O.
B. Thompson and wife, of Brainard. Minn., are
visiting their parents on Carroll street, 'Alle
gheny. Mr. and Mrs. Van J. Aboil have just returned
from a trip up the St. Lawrence river. Tbey
stopped at Niagara Falls and Point Chautauqua
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Bcbuetx and family of Watson
street, returned home on the 28th after two
months' pleasant sojourn at the Windsor Ho
tel, WhitehalL
Mrs. Harry Taylor and danghter. Miss May.
of Fifth avenue, and Mr. George O'Brien, of
Marlon street, are visiting Mrs. W. P. Clarke,
of Brilliant. O.
Miss Mattlo McCombs, a recent graduate of
tbe High School, has been elected teacher in
tbe Birmingham school to take the place of
Miss Alma Krugb,
Mr. Jay Johnson Morrow, of Slippery Rock,
Pa., and Mr. Lutz Wall, of Milwaukee, left last
week for West Point, where they are attending
the military school.
Miss M. A. Holt, a teacher in the Fourth
ward, arrived home this evening from New
Riobinond, Wis wnere she has been visiting
an aunt during bcr vacation.
After a delightful visit of two months in the
rural retreats ot Trumbull county, O., Mrs,
James S. Cuddy and children, of Isabella street,
Allegheny, have just returned home,
Mrs. J. L. Jones and her two daughters.
Misses Gretta and Edna, arrived home yester
day, after a pleasant two weeks' visit with her
sister, Mrs. fc. T. Morns, atTJniontown, Pa.
After a six weeks' visit- to Chicago, Miss
Stella Evans, of Negley avenue, East End, has
returned borne, accompanied by Miss Sill
Simpson. The latter will spend two months
Among the guests of the Keller Hotel at
Atlantic City are Mr, Lincoln Forrester and
Miss May Forrester, of Bellevne, accompanied
by Mr. Bert Cook and Miss Hattie Cook, of
Cooksburg, Pa.
Miss Lizzie G. Cruikshank, of Sampson
street," Allegheny, who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. George Girdwood, oCEngiewood,
Chicago, has returned home very much Im
proved in health.
Mr. btepben Little, General Auditor of the
Pullman Palace Car Company, was in the city
last week in company with other officials of the
Pennsylvania Railroad to attend Mr Thaw's
funeral. While hero ho was he guest ot his
.brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas O. Jenkins,
Bawlckley Society.
Mr. Robert Oaburn is home from Cape May,
Miss Mamie Cochrane is home from Chau
tauqua. Mr. O. S. Richardson is home, after an ex
tended trip to Alaska: x
Miss Violet Cass, of New York City, Is visit
Ing her sister. Mrs. H. C. Hutchinson.
Miss Mattie French, of Fort Wayne. Ind., is
the guest of ber sister, Mrs. John N. White.
Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Philadelphia, is here
on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 0.
Mr. T. W. Nevin and Mr. Frank Osburn are
home from their bicycle trip through New
York State.
Miss Gilmore gave one of her enjoyable
regressive euchre parties to a few friends last
onday evening.
A most enjovable day was spent at Rock
Point last Thursday by the members of St,
Stephen's Episcopal parish with their many
Fancy work parties were quite popular here
last week. One very pleasant one was given
Monday afternoon by Mrs. D. S. Wolcottin
honor of ber niece. Miss Mason, of Orange
Court House, Va., and another enjoyablo one
was given Wednesday afternoon by Miss
Dravo. .
Braddock Personals.
Captain W. R. Jones is home after visit to
Miss Lily Corey is visiting her cousin, Maud
Corey, of Dravosburg.
Miss Lizzie Stamatz has returned from a
visit to friends at Verona.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. R. King departed Thurs
day for a short visit to friends in Indiana, Pa.
Mrs. n. H. Blair returned home Thursday,
after spending two weeks among relatives at
Squire Lew F, Holtzman has returned from
tbe mountains with bis family, where tbe latter
has been spending several weeks among
Mrs. W. B. Busby has returned, after spend
ing four months in Northern Michigan. Her
mother, Mrs. Willard Sbattock. who is on her
way to tho eastern cities, accompanied her.
A very enjoyable select picnic was held at
Kinney Grove Thursday, by some of our young
society people. Tbe fun lasted until dark
when the Lotus Eaters sought their homes.
There were about ten couples present.
Tbe Young Men's Sporting CInb composed
of Messrs. W. H. Rankin, William Wilson. H.
Stewart, H. McMastrr, S. A, Beckley, A. Jelly,
M. Jennings, A Fredericks and H. Stevens,
depart to-morrow fur several weeks' fishing up
tbe Yougbiogbeny river.
In Honor of Labor Day and the Hardy
Sons of Toll.
Yesterday afternoon an order was issued
from the Central Board rooms to the various
school principals to call school at 9 o'clock
to-morrow and dismiss immediately alter
completing arrangements for the next day's
It isLabor Day and a holiday, but as no
provision was made for its observance in
the arrangement of the school calendar, and
to have no break in tbe schedule ot school
days prepared for the coming year, the
schools will be iormally opened to-morrow
Nearly every school building in the city
has been brightened by paint and kalso
mine; the teachers are in high spirits alter
a two-month' vacation, and tbe prospects
for a successful school year were never so
School Notes.
Miss Minnie Beettel, of the Forbes
School, will be married next Thursday to Mr.
George Marshal. The Forbes School Board
will fill tbe vacancy next Tuesday evening.
Tbe Forbes school building has been painted
and kalsomined, and tbe library carpeted. The
school directors spent fkSOO for improvements,
and tbe handsome building was never so at
tractive. The Lincoln School Board will meet to-morrow
evening to try to settle the difficulty over
the election of Miss Gardner and Miss McCor
mick. Tbe latter was offered a position In the
Grant school, but declined it.
Tbe work of revising the membership roll of
the Teachers' Academy was not completed at
the Juno meeting held for this purpose. The
supervisors of the academy will be at tbe Cen
tral Board rooms next Saturday at 2 o'clock, to
hear the excuses of the delinquent members
fur non-attendance and non-payment of insti
tute dues.
Miss Mast Hooan. one of the pretty and
most popular teachers of the Frebles schools,
was married yesterday morning to Mr. Gerald
Flanlgan, bookkeeper for the firm of Aiken &
Co. The marriage ceremony ws performed bv
tbo Rev. Father Molyneaux at the Episcopal
residence. The wedding tour includes Cresson
and a number of other resorts.
The largest and most, complete stock of
diamonds, watches, jewelry, silverware,
clocks, bronzes, etc., tit prices below com
petition, ot M, 6. Cohen's, 533 Suuthfield
Many Pittsburgers are visiting Europe
this summer, and Mr. Dabbs, our well
known photographer, is in receipt of several
letters from persons ordering duplicate pho
tographs, and say tbey Lave bad pictures
made in Paris' and Berlin, but they have
not been nearly so satisfactory as the ones
made at home by Dabbs. One person writes
he had eight sittings by tbe best photo
grapher in Berlin, and although more than
double tbe price they were not half as good.
Oar Display nt Exposition
Is in the northwest end of main building.
Visitors to tbe city should call to see our
complete stock. Oartxhibit at Exposition
is but a small sample ot what is carried at
our wareroems, 711 Liberty are.
Coat room bargains; extra large stock.
Enable & Shuster,
UWSu 85 Filth avenue.
51 10 AND $1 25 a yard for2Wnch black
gros grain silks tbis week that tell usually
at $1 50 and $1 75. HUGUS & HACEE.
Cabinet photos, $l-per doz. Lies' Pop
ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. TT3U
Call for Frauenheim & Vilsack's cele
brated Pilsner beer, on draught at all first
class bars.
' ' -fusAtaiiJui i rJSjA --&- -'--, 431&iBv4 ,-u- & vti'; - . -I '- -"e1. - x., r-.i - -V tt r ViAt ' ' ?'
wmw wH! ft
Lizzie Evans
Gbakd OrsnA House ..
Vtcit. Warde
i"ete liaker
Acadeut of Music..
Darene's Allied Co.
Curiosities, ete.
The above are the theatrical attractions for
this week.
The Proft-rnmme.
For a number'of years Miss Lizzie Evans has
been very popular in Pittsburg and shae does
not come to the Bijou Theater this week as a
stranger. She will appear here in two new
pieces, "The Buckeye" and "Fine Feathers,'
in which she scored a decided success at tbe
Globe Theater io Boston week before last
This play is in fVrar acts, the scene being laid in
England; tbe action- of tbe first three acts
taking place in a rural district and that of the
last act in a London den. Tbe plotyturns npon
tbe attempt of a rascally lawyer to palm off the
daughter of a sturdy farmer, as the heiress of
a large estate. Incidental to the play are a
number of new sonas, dances, melodies, etc.,
introduced by Miss Evans and her comedian,
which are quite a feature. "Fine Feathers"
will beierformed up to and including Thurs
day night. On Friday and for the balance of
the week "The Buckeye," a comedy purchased
by Miss Evans from Denman Thompson last
summer, will be presented for tbe first time in
Pittsburg. It was quite a success on tbe road
last season.
The Boston Herald said of "Fine Feathers"
last week: "Miss Lizzie Evans scored another
success at the Globe Theater, last evening, in a
bright and entertaining play appropriately
named "Fine Feathers." Like 'The BucKeye,"
which Miss Evans produced during the early
part of her present engagement here, "Fine
Feathers'! was builded expressly for her, and
with a view to providing opportunities for the
introduction of a certain kind of comedv work
which this actress has presented with good re
sults." Frederick Warde's versatility may be expect
ed to sbow Itself in a remarkable degree during
his engagement that opens to-morrow at tbe
Grand Opera House. In addition to "Virgin
ius," "Richard 1IL" and other plays familiar in
Mr. Warde's repertoire he will appear In tbe
old drama, "The Mountebank," for tho first
time here. The leading character In this power
ful play demands from its impersonator power
In comedy as well as tragedy, and Mr. Warde is
equal to the demand, no doubt. Mr. Warde
plays '-The Modntebank" for the first three
"Pete" Baker will open his fourth annual
season at Harris' Theater to-morrow with bis
popular comedy. '"The Emigrant." for the first
three nights and the old-time favorite, "Chris
and Lena," reconstructed with new songs, for
balance of the week. Pete Baker's specialties
and tbe character of bis productions are too
well known to need description here. The Cin
cinnati Enquirer says: The crowd at the
popular theater last night completely packed it
from pit to dome, the occasion being the ap
pearance of the popular German comedian,
"Pete" Baker, in bis new version of The Emi
grant," a moral modern comedy-drama, full of
emotional incidents.
Mrs.Jenness Miller, the leader in tbe dress
reform movement, will deliver one of her re
markable addresses at the Grand Opera House
on tbe afternoon of September 5. Tbe papers
of the country agree that Mr. Miller possesses
wonderful charms of personality, and is an en
tertaining speaker upon the subject of which
she has made a life study. This is the first
time that she has favored Pittsburg with a
chance to learn the latest theories of dress re
form and to view in her dress the practical re
sults thereof.
Tbe Academy of Music, pursuing its pros
perous way, oilers a rich entertainment to its
patrons tbis week. Tbo company is Davene's
Allied Attractions, and Includes such expert
specialty people as the Davene familv. Mile.
Lotto. Conlnu and Daugherty, George' Nash,
tbe Winstanley brothers, the Lees, Ward and
Lynch, and others. The programme has an
inviting look, and surely promises lots of fun.
Tho Museums.
During the first week of Its existence the
World's Museum on Federal street, Allegheny,
has attracted a large number of patrons. The
museum appears to have achieved success.
This week the attractions are more numerous,
and include Cbe Mah, the wonderful Chinese
dwarf; Crawford, tbe musical phenomenon,
and Professor Angelo with his performing
birds, and German Rose, tbe midget vocalist.
A comic opera company will give the Mikado
and Pinafore.
The Casino Museum, with a brighter pro
gramme than ever, including a variety of daz
zling freaks and a stupendous theatrical enter
tainment, will be open as usual this week.
Binge Whispers, ,
Wtllabd Spenser, the author of the "Lit
tle Tycoon,"is at work on a new Mexican opera.
Lizzie Evans is a dashing equestrienne and
takes daily rides on horseback, an exercise of
which she is particularly fond.
Mb. William Stuakt, well known in this
city, is still a member of Mr. Warde's company.
Ho Is well cast in all Mr. Warde's plaa.
Aqnes Huntington, ono of tbe most prom
ising American prima donne, has become quite
afavorite in London, since she was engaged by
tbe late Carl Rosa to sing the title role of tbe
comic opera "Paul Junes" at tho Prince of
Wales Theater.
Booth and Barrett inaugurate the dramatic
festival at tbe opening of the new Amphi
theater Auditorium, in New York, commenc
ing September 3, on a certainty of J20.WX) lor
the week. They will play at the Grand Opera
Houtejiero for a little less.
Edward S. Bailey, a native of Pittsburg,
has at last consented to appear at tbe Casino
Museum week of Beptember 2. Mr. Bailey
claims to bean unrivaled living skeleton. Mr.
Bailey's emaciation is tbe result ol an injury
received while working in a rolling mill some
years since.
It came out in tbe opening speech of Miss
Florence St, John's attorney in a suit for libel
that is in progress in London that that popular
comic opera singer is now engaged at the
Gaiety Theater on a salary at the rate of
S17.50U a year, which with other engagements
she made up to about &&000 a year.
Lizzie Evans has had an exceptionally
fortunate career as a star. She is the only
soubrctto who has kept tbe road season after
season, paying salaries promptly, never closing
prematurely, and each season coming In with
profit. Miss Evans has been out six seasons
and is becoming constantly stronger.
Nth Cbinkle happily phrases a great truth
in the DramaMc Mirror thus: The everlasting
leaven of the theater is tbat It shows us an
Ideal world, a little brighter, a little better, a
little more romantic and animated, a good deal
more worth love than the actual world. The
instant you let In a pessimist who declares tbat
there is no sunrise because his cellar Is dark,
you end the charm of the theater.
Now that Helen Dauvray has given up her
intention of acting next season, cays
Le Chat iVofr, the question arises, what are we
to do with tbe handsome Mr. Robert Hilliard,
who was to be her leading man. I have beard
It whispered that he will star on his own ac
count. Well, Mr. Hilliard certainly has a win
ning way with him, and the handsomest mus
tache In the profession, Kelcey's not excepted.
Adonis Ddcey says: "I begin my work in my
new play, "The Seven Seasons,' in a psrambu
lator. Then I play a ooy at school, at recess
time. Next the lover and soldier, then tbe
judge. In the latter character I try several
cases and quite a little fun is evolved. I will
not Introduce my own specialties or anyone
else's all in one scene. They will be scattered
all through the piece, and they will come in
connectedly. After tbe judge-1 become a very
old man, and the last scene; is oblivion do
tage." Mb. Rudolph Aeonson requests it to'be
stated that the version of '"The Brigands,"
which has proven such a great success at the
Casino, New York, is bis exclusive property.
While in Europe three years ago Mr. Aronson
f purchased the entire rights of this opera for
rna unitea nisies zma uauatiH iroci ins AieRftrfl.
Boosey, of London,, and Colombier, of Paris,-!
anu irom inem reucucu mo cauiuuto ncoti.
Had "Xae Brlgandi" proved ft failure ana not
& snecess, Mr. Aronson "feels sure that the con
templated productions .of "The Brifsands" by
other parties would never have bees made.
Mr. Aronson has Instructed his attorney to pro
ceed against all parties attempting to produce
this opera without his authority. "Tb Bri
gands" will ba given In Pituburg at tbe Grand
Opera House on Monday, October It.
The New York Herald the other day pub
lished a statement that Denman Thompson bad
lost f 150,000 at faro -in a notorious gambling
bouse, knowa as the "Central Club,1' at 818
Broadway, and In a poker game at tbe West
minster Hotel. Tbe report was sent to Mr.
Thompson, who is at bis country place, at
Swanzey. N. H. He thought it all orer and
then made the following statement for publica
tion: "I have not been to 818 Broadway for
three years. I never lost (150,000, or f 15,600 or
$o,000 there. Tbe last time I ever played a faro
bank was three years ago, when I won tl.750. I
have not put down a bet since, I never played
a game of poker in the Westminster Hotel, and
never saw one played there. I have not played
poker for 15 years. "I won 85.000 on tbe election,
ami bare won and lost on races alternately at
different times, losing more than winning."
Hebe is what the honest critio of Le Chat
JVoirfbas to say of tbo latest comlo opera,
"Paola," produced by Mr, Duffs company at
the Fifth Avenue Theater, New York: "Paola"
settles the truth that this composer is evidently
a most commonplace musician. His orchestra
tion is that of an amateur. He steals his melo
dies in a brazen way tbat would make Edward
E. Rice blush with mortification. We have
dozens ot men here who are his superiors at
all points. Mr. Rice would not be guilty of bis
steady flow of dull tunes, and Mr. Eerker, of
tbe Casino, couldn't get an engagement if be
possessed such a wretched technique as his
concerted numbers betray continually. Mr.
Faultou's fun is of an uncertain sort, utterly
Cockney in all regards, but occasionally suc
cessful, while never subtle. He has copied the
intricate absurdities of paradox in situation
and dialogue that W.S. Gilbert has made all
his'owo, and while it is laughable In spots as he
handles it, tbe profound wit of bis master is
never visible. The bumorof "Paola" Is planned
on burlesque lines. Tbe dialogue is devoid of
keen and sparkling repartee, but it has obnnks.
of farcial quips and quirks plugged through it
tbat send a protesting laugh over even tbe sen
sitive people in an audience. If Mr. Paulton
intended makiug only a mirth-provoking out
rage out of -his story, then be has come quite
near to realizing his intention.- -
Colonel Willis J. Hulings, of the Six
teenth Regiment, paid a flying visit to the city
during tbe week.
Major Hazxett, of the brigade staff, re
turned from Europe last Wednesday, after a
pleasant six weeks' absence.
Tiie Washington Iniantry will hold its an
nual field day for target practice on September
26. The contest for the company medal will be
held tbat day.
Company G, Eighteenth Regiment, will be
Inspected by Captain Penny next Thursday
evening, and every member of the command is
expected to be present
Lieutenant W. H. Bean, of the regular
service, who has been inspecting the guard in
Pennsylvania for tbe past nine months, was in
the city during the week on private business.
TnE Twelfth Regiment has been ordered to
go Into camp at Gettysburg from September 10
to 13. During the encampment Adjutant Gen
eral Hastings will bold the annual inspection.
Lieutenant Nexdatju, of the Washington
Infantry, left for the West yesterday, to be
gone for several weeks. He was injured In the
West Penn wreck recently, but is now rapidly
Company D, Eighteenth Regiment, and the
drum corps ol the same organization, will give
a ball at tbe armory of Company I, McKees
port, next Saturday evening. The affair will
be exclusively for the members of the regiment
and lady friends.
Adjutant Genebal HASTINGS and Briga
dier General Wiley were In the city during tbe
week on business connected with the Johns
town affairs. Major W. W. Greenland, of the
Second Brigade staff, has also been stopping at
tbe Seventh Avenue Hotel for several days.
The camp pay of the Eighteenth Regiment
for the tour of duty at Union town was received
by Colonel Smith last Thursday, and was issued
to tbe different company commanders last'
night at the meeting of the Board of Officers.
The enlisted men will receive their pay at the
next meeting of the companies this week.
A new Independent military company U to
be organized in Allegheny. Frank S. Morgan,
of Company E, Fourteenth Regiment, is at the
head of the enterprise, and has a list of 20names
of young men who have signified their inten
tion of joining. It is expectedthe number will
be doubled In a short time, and then a meeting
will be held In ono of tbe Council chambers in
Allegbony, when a permanent organization will
be effected.
The vacancy caused by tbe expiration of the
commission of Colonel William A. Ereps, of
the Fifteenth Regiment, was filled lastTuesday
by the re-election nf Colonel Kreps. The elec
tion was conducted bv Colonel Hawkins, of tho
Tenth, at tbe headquarters of the regiment at
Greenville. Quite a number of visiting officers
of other regiments were present, and after the
election Colonel Ereps tendered tbe gentle
men a banquet.
Lieutenant Walkehyeb, of the Gov
ernor's troop, Harrlsburg, is to be tried by
court-martial for disobeying orders In attend
ing the camp at Mt. Gretna after General
Gobin bad ordered Mm to remain at homo.
He was reported to the General for not attend
ing drills for several months, hence the order
to which Lieutenant Walkemyer paid no atten
tion. The court-martial will probably cause
quite a row in tbe command, and it is predicted
tbat the Governor's troop will be a thing of the
past when tbe terms of the enlisted men ex
pire. '
Two applications have been sent to Colonel
Smith during tho past week for permission to
recruit companies to be added to tbo Eight
eenth Regiment, one from Connellsville and
one from Scottdale. Both letters state that 60
men are ready and anxious to enlist, but, as the
matter goes through the bands of tbe Governor,
and as there are already a dozen other appli
cations that have beon ignored by His Excel
lency, it it extremely probable tbat the Eight
eenth will remain a nine-company regiment, at
least until some grounds are apparently found
to knock out another company.
During tbe recent encampment of the Seventy-fourth
Regiment, of Buffalo, a peculiar
incident occurred whlctf cast a gloom over tbe
entire camp. Private 'Rotman, a favorite In
his company, during a fit of Insanity, commit
ted suicide by drowning himself in the lake
near bv, and tbe news of tbe affair so preved
upon th mind of Colonel Johnson, tbe com
mandant nf the regiment, that his mind be
came deranged, and he was fonnd. after a long
hunt, wandering aimlessly through tbo moun
tains.' He was brought back to camp and sent
to bis home in Buffalo in charge of several of
tbe officers of tbe regiment.
THE crack shots of the Second Brigade left
Pittsburg last night on tbe 8-10 train to take
part in the annual contests to be held at ML
Gretna all this week. The teams were in
chargo of the different Inspectors of Rifle
Practice, and numbered about 40 In all from
this end of tbe State. The Fourteenth Regi
ment team consisted of Lieutenants Brown,
Patterson, Rnbb, Privates Huggins and Smith,
and Captain Thompson. The Eighteenth team
consisted of Captain Coon, Lieutenants Pear
son and Lowrer, Sergeants Garvey, Duigan
and Ross. Battery B was also represented by
a team in charge of Sergeant J. B. Johnson.
The Fifth, Tenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth
Regimental teams were also present, and tbo
entire crowd was in excellent spirits. Major
Hazlctt, the Brigade Inspector of Rifle Practice,
venturing tbe assertion that the Second Bri
gade would open the eyes of Its competitors
tbis week on tbe subject of shooting, the Third
Brigade Jeain last year having won the prizes.
Tbis trip of tbe riflemen is probably the most
Eleasant of any Indulged in by members of the
luard in this State: Quarters and food are
provided, in addition to an allowance of six
days' pay according to rank, and no work of
any kind is expected of the men other than the
shooting in the contests even tbe care of the
Suarteis being provided for. After the regular
tate matches are shot Colonel Watres, Divi
sion Inspector of Rifle Practice, will select a
team for Creedmoor, and enter it for contests
to take place there the week follow ing.
Ladles' Free Swimming School.
Captain Jordan's bathing boat, below the
Sixth street bridge, has become vastly popu
lar among the ladies. Ladies' days ure now
Wednesday and Saturday, and Capt.sJor
dan's married sister is always present to
teach the ladies and girls toswim. None of
the masculine gender are admitted on ladies'
davs, and Capt. Jordan takes pride in mak
ing his swimming school an exclusive resort
for ladies of the best position. No charge
is made for tbe ladies, and neat suits are
always in readiness without charge for
those who have come without their own
bathing dress. Capt. Jordan will gladly
arrange to give the use of the swimming
school to a select party of ladies any day
that tbey choose to arrange to come, and
will make no charge for it. Over200 ladies
enjoyed themselves and took shimming
lessons last week.
DEESS goods 1 Dreisgoodsl New fall and
winter goods now readyl Now readyl All
pricesl All qualities.
Kkablb Ss Bircsntft,
llWItt MElituftTtnM'
Proceedings Marked by Moderation- and
Good fienso A .Tribute to Mnjor Warner
Pennsylvania Solid for Alger New
From tbo- Posts,
The encampment of the representatives of
the Grand Army at Milwaukee last week
was a notable one. Tbe proceedings were
marked throughout with moderation and
good sense. The reports of the various de
partments show tbe organization to be in a
highly prosperous condition. The deep in
terest manifested by the publio at large ia
these annual meetings is an indication that
the veterans of the country still hold a place
in the hearts oi the people. Tbe high
standing of the organization may be judged
from the character of the men selected as
officers. The term oT Major William
Warner as Commander-io-Chief just closed
was exceptionally successful. The wise and
conscientious manner in which all bis duties
were discharged extended to every department.
His considerate and conservative course carried
tbe organization through a heated Presidental
campaign without ajar, that demonstrated to
tbe country that tbe G. A. R. is In reality a
non-partisan body. Everything like buncombe
was banished from bis admlnutration. Major
Warner's successors will do well to follow the
same line of conservatism by recognizing the
fact tbat no political party can claim as its own
all those who wore tbe blue in the battles for
the Union.
Tbe officers elected are General Russell A.
Alger, Michigan, Commander-in-Chief; Colonel
A. G. Weiasert, Wisconsin. Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief,
and John F. Lovett, New
Jersey, Junior Vice Commander-ln-Cbief; Dr.
Horace P. Porter, Kansas, Surgeon General,
and Rev. W. H. Cbilder, ot Kentucky, Chap-laiii-in-Cbtef.
Captain William McClelland, of
Pittsburg, is agalu tbe Pennsylvania member
of the .National Council ot Administration.
As predicted in tbis column Pennsylvania
held a conspicuous place in Milwaukee. At
the conference of delegates on Tuesday even
ing General Alger became the unanimous
choice of tbe delegation for Commander-in-Chief,
and this action virtually settled where
tbe honor would fall, as the larger delegations
at once followed tbe course of Pennsylvania.
In the parade on Tuesday the complete uni
form, fine military bearing and soldier-like ap
pearance of tbe State delegation was greeted
everywhere with applause. Lysle Post No.
123, of Allegheny, acting as escort to Depart
ment Commander Stewart, headed by tbe
Grand Army Band and the gun squad of Post
41, received a continued ovation, and were tbe
recipients of marked attention by prominent
citizens and social clubs of the town. On
leaving Milwaukee yesterday morning the
Post was escorted to the train by 250 members
of tbe Calimet Club, composed of prominent
citizens. Commander Sample may well feel
proud of tbe honors showered upon Post 123 by
the people of Milwaukee.
Logan aiemorlnl Hall.
The Logan Memorial Hall, adjoining the resi
dence of Mrs. General Logan, on Columbia
Heights, Washington, D. C, is completed. The
ball is 15x40 feet with a lofty ceiling, erected to
preserve tbe memorials tendered Mrs. Logan
by tbe comrades of tbe General. Tbe ceiling
is of stained glass, representlnga blue sky with
stars; the border is of an amber shade nn
omamented. On the north and south sides of
the deep historic frieze are represented eagles
with tbe streamers extending from their beaks
bearing the names or the battle In which Gen
eral Logan participated. The features of the
west and east sides of the frieze are the coat of
arms of tbe United States and or Illinois. In
tbe corners are conventional representations of
Ivy, laurel and shamrock and thistle. A mar
ble bust ot tbe General is conspicuous, while
photographs, battleflags and other objects of
interest are hung against tbe walls or rest upon
easels. A low bookcase extends round the
room. Comrades visiting Washington have a
cordial invitation from Mrs. Logan to call and
view tbe hall and its contents.
Proirrnranie of the Slxly-Bccond.-
The Sixty-second Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, will observe the following order of
exercises at the dedication of its monument in
the Wheatfield, on the 11th inst.:
Meeting called to order at 1 o'clock P. jr. by the
l'rcsldent. Captain William Kennedy.
Prayer Key. Daniel Surgart, Co. D
Music "Star Spanned Banner" Band
Unveiling Monument.
nistoryoftheMonunient..(iiptainWm. Kennedy
Heading letters or regret Secretary B. Cull
Music Band
Memojlal Address-Tbe Sixty-second at Get
tysburg Captain W. J. Patterson
Moslc Band
Address-Historical Beview of the Keiment
II. II. Snyder
Beading or Orders Adjutant) harles beibert
Singing "America" by Audience.
This programme will be followed by a camp
fire, , i
Army of West Virginia.
The Society of the Array ot West Virginia
will hold its thirteenth annual reunion at Co
lumbus, O.. on Wednesday and Thursday next.
Wednesday forenoon will be devoted to the
reception of comrades, and on Thursday morn
ing will occur the parade and business meeting
of the society, while the evenings of bo:h days
will ibe devoted to oratory and music, over
which Major General George Crook. President
of tho society, is expected to preside.
Grand Army Notes.
Pennsylvania Is still the banner depart
ment. Missoubi shows the largest increase In
Boston Is the next place for the National
The Department of Pennsylvania did Itself
proud at the parade.
Post 3 meets Monday evening. Matters of
Importance will be considered.
The veterans are delighted with the royal re
ception they received at Milwaukee.
The meetings of Post 157 have been well at
tended thus far this summer through the heated
The Pennsylvania Reserve Association will
meet at the Pavilion on Little Round Top,
Gettysburg, at 2 P. M. on the 11th.
The summer encampment of the Depart
ment of Pennsylvania will openut Gettysburg
on tbo 7tb inst and close on the 13th.
Comrade X.S. Rees, chief mustering officer
of the Department of Pennsylvania, urges re
newed efforts in the way of recruiting.
The naval engagement on the lake at Mil
waukee last Thursday night was a magnificent
spectacle, and was witnessed by 230,000 people.
The two "Toms," Stewart and Sample, were
notable figures the one at tho head of the
delegation and the other at the head df Post
Genebal Oapeu abt, of Fargo, N. Dak.,
(owns the chair upon which General Grant sat
when he wrote tho terms of General Lee's sur
render. Company D. of the Sixty-third Pennsylvania
Volunteers, held a pleasant reunion last Thurs
day at the residence ot William Carrick, near
Munhall station.
William Thaw, the soldiers' friend, was
consigned to his last resting place Friday after
noon. His grave will not be forgotten on
Memorial Day each year.
Combade H. H. BENdOTjOH, of PostlS7,has
just returned from the encampment. He
thinks Milwaukee fmmensc. The hospitality
of her people Could not be excelled.
Secbxtabt B. Coll, of the Sixty-second
Pennsylvania Volunteers, is as busy as a beaver
communicating with tbe members of tbe regi
ment in the preparation for Gettysburg.
The Grand Army Day Committee will meet
next Saturday afternoon In Common Council
chamber at 8:30 o'clock. Tbe principal business
will be the election of a Commander of the Day
and division marshals.
ComiUdeO.S. MclLWArre returned from
his trip and occupied Ills' old place at the Adju
tant's desk of Post 157 last Thursday night.
The boys missed his genial countenance at the
two previous meetings.
Mbs. E. Llzaax Okohuxdbo, widow -of the
late Comrade Bldae? Omormndro, U Tislttug
filsndsatKrte, Siwla Omohunaro U ftlio at.
jt . i
'Paw Lt wl , Mac C i
eWMBM Maori, )m4 r n wr Dtp
tent, tamo being dlstrtbMssT-aftM
oiisiiHow m Mm SoatbwsM arts Htf
MM at VMcsfg,Ntst. ivil i,
Umi arawda M Psa rtvU vstsrsas aril
be M Orttybarg a'sit w fc ifsataa; Sfca daaV
atioa.of thrtr reaariaoaaBaia tba
battle fild. It it sxMtdtkt 7t Peanaal
vamMriiesUwUlkasiTiMamth Its.
' Mjc'Savst, the risk fcrewar, ,wwa tha aaaiH
of ttoBsysarfctaatiaeair gwrsiitf. 'Hat
feMfatsJaaapWMNiarXMa M4r
' a4 MMr wlv u view Mn IwalMfc
lManeef PAifk)cHbrlity s xsaat
mtwi; ;v x " ; -'
ThkeIs some Jim ttbateWxtfiajrafaf;
erence to old solders ta appointments to pbUe
offices is not yet wholly a dead letter, Tbe Civil
Service CommliU ralsctantlr.decidt that
veterans sbeold have tt preference, all tbtsajs
ketsft eqaaVim eMMBTaspeiiitBMatav j
Thx feeHac tafarer of removing tbe reaaUM
of UeseralU.-8.8rMt, from Riverside, X,y:,'
to a suitable .pisse in Washington City, sr'ta
tbo National Cemetery at Arlington Heights.
Va is beeaariBg-. ialonsitHgV NewJorfchas
failed to keep ber tH to fittisey estomb
these precious remain. , ,
Coir bade C. w'Ostw,"!11 Commander of'
the Ninth PenrjeylvaalaJ' Reserves at Gyttys
Durg, has- fcsaed the fallowing- orderr The
drum corps ot the 2ftota Segment, P. Rr V. C,
will report at Gettysbsrg Btetember 11, with
their instruments, to ".furnish their old Use
music for the oeeas-ioB. Train leaves Pittsburg
September 19, at 8 o'otoek.
DEFUTTMAaeHAL HAaLX.who killed Jnase
Ttrry wbil be was assaulting Judge Field,
comes of a fightingstoek. Upon tbe breakiBg
out of ttia war tbe father aad his three sons, the
deputy marshal' being th youngest, enlisted ia
different New xbrk regime!, and all served
faltnfnlly. (He was evidently the very mas to
select to guar tbe Justice.. v
lT-was a heartless proceeding " the Penn
sylvania Legislature' to exeiade veteran who
were knocked out in previous battles, frost the
beneflt'of transportation to Gettysburg: Tbey
bad the right to be present and partielpate ia
the honors ot tbelr organizations. PatriWa
and justice 'should have prompted our law
makers to provide for these maimed soldier.
General Halleck's report of tbe battle
of Gettysburg contains the .following tribute
to General George G. Meade: ' "The opposing
forces in this sanguinary contest were nearly
equal In numbers, and both fought with the
most desperate courage. The commander
were also brave, skilliurand experienced, and
handled their troops on tbe field with distin
guished ability: but to General Meade belongs
the honor of a well earned victory in one of the
greatest and bet fought battles of the war.1'
Much Indignation has been stirred np among
the comrades ot. the eastern part of the State
owing to tbe actions of tbe officials of the Mont
gomery Cemetery, at Korrlstown, in relusingto
permit Post 11 to bury a dead colored comrade,
named Henry Johnston, in that cemetery. The
refusal to permit the burial of the body on ac
count of tbe color of tbe man is bad enough,
but, just think, tha pet dog of a family named
Stelnmetz was burled in tbe cemetery with
great pomp. Johnston's body was finally in
terred in the Baptist bnrial ground.
The Exposition Gallery Contributions by
Famous Painters Hovr tbe Local Artists
Are Represented The Most Interesting
Exhibit West of the Mountains.
Of the complete success of the art exhibit
at tbe hew Exposition there bas not been tbe
slightest doubt for some time past. We
have Irequently been assured that the dis
play would be one of the most interesting
ever held tbis side ol tbe mountains, and
tbat this is now an established fact is fully
evidenced by tbe pictures already upon the
walls of the gallery. In the rooms devoted to
oil paintings by artists located elsewhere than
in this city a picture which attracts imme
diate attention on account of its size and the
ipromlnent position it occupies upon tbe wall of
the gallery is "The Puritan Bridal Procession,"
by C. Y. Turner. This picture is too well
known through reproductions to require com
ment, but the interest tbat attaches to tbe work
is greatly enhanced by its clever coloring, which
can only be seen in tbe original painting.
"Christopher Sly," by Chester Loomls, Is a
well-composed and well-handled wnrk, and
very clearly expresses tbe character of tbe be
wildered tmker. A magnificent work by Fred
erick W. Freer is entitled "Love's Token."
The subject isa young girl with a remarkably
beantlful face; examining a rose. Tho pose of
tbe figure is exceedingly graceful, the coloring
Is very fine and the work is well executed In
every respect. One can scarcely ask more of
Mr. J. H. Witt than he has given us in his pic
ture. "The Pick or the Orchard."
showing an excellently drawn figure
of a young woman sitting npon a fence
holding a basket of apples which shebasjnst
gathered. "It Might Have Been," a fine paint
ing of a young lady with a sadly pensive ex
pression seated upon a stone bench in a garden,
is tbe work of H. N. Hyheman, and a clever
work It Is. Mr. H. B, Poose, of Philadelphia,
is represented by his picture, "Pioneers," a
scene of frontier life with its covered wagon,
campflre burning anil horses grazing close by.
An otherwise beautiful stlll-llf d by M. Ronisey,
consisting of curi"s. roses. t(Von the corner
of a table would be vastly improved if Its yel
low background was made to retire a trifle
further back. A pleasant , work by DolphM
shows a fine loosing cog guarding a crauie
containing a sleeping child. "Tbe Dominie's
Daughter." by Hamilton Hamilton is a master
piece in its way; beautiful in conception and
execution. There is also another fine work by'
this artist, showing tbe figure of a young girl
on a hill overlooking tbe sea. There is a
longing, pensive look npon the face of the
girl, and a dog seated near by
stretches his bead toward her in' an endeavor
to express sympathy with a sorrow he can feel
but not understand. -Overdue" i3 the title of
a work by James G. Tyler. Tbe subject Is a
marine with a vessel that, from its appearance,
bas evidently bad a hard passage. A work by
Charles Stanley Reinbart, painted In Paris last
year, is better in conception than execution.
There are some magnificent landscapes, not
the least notable ol which is a work by Thomas
Moran. beautiful and rich in color, and with a
splendid effect of skyandclond. Tbe "Marshes
of tho Shiawassee," by Harry Eaton, is a noble
and original work; honest and straightforward
in style of execution and truthlul in color. Chaa.
Linford, formerly of Pittsburg, is represented
by a fine landscape, and J. B. Sword by a strong
marine wiib a very fine effect of storm-cloud
clearing off the sky. A. H. Munsell has a large
upright marine, one-half of which Is taken
up with tbe prow of a vessel drawn upon
avervlarge scale, the whole constituting a
very strong picture. Tbe above list is not
given as comprising all tbe best works exbi'i
ited, and in all probability it does not include
some of tbe finest and most important paint
ings. Those which have been mentioned
above were only such as conld be seen In a
somewhat burned visit to tbe gallery while
everytbing was in a state of confusion and dis
order incident to tbe opening and arranging of
COO or 700 pictures. Mr. E. A. Poole, an artist
whose work is well known In this city, sends
three pictures with titles as follows: 'Cum
berland Is., Georgia, a scene near where An
drew Carnegie has recently built an elegant
residence, "3" bridge. National Pike, west of
Washington, Pa., and the Potomac River near
In tbe room devoted to water color paintings
there area large number of pictures, Including
a few of surpassing excellence. Among the
first on the list must be mentioned Mr. Hrmil
ton Hamilton's "Noonday Rest," a scene in a
harvest field, with a brilliant effect of color
and bright sunlight. "A Summer Morning In
the North Woods," by F. Hopkinson Smith; a
picture of a young girl gathering wild flowers,
by N. S. J. Sra'lUie. and a landscape with cattle
by James 8millie, aro all fine pictures. "The
Scarlet Letter," by Rboda Holmes NicholU, is
a strong and broadly bandied work, and the
marine by E. K. M. Itehn is also very clever.
An interesting feature of the exhibition con
sists of about 80 original drawings for illustra
tions in the CeiUury. These are mostly pen
and lnkdrawmgs and paintings in water mono
chrome, and are by some of the foremost artists
In the country in this line of work, as will ap
pear upon tho mention of snch names as E. A.
AbhevT J. W. Woodward, Walter Sbirlaw, A.
C. Redwood. J. R. Wiles. Wyatt Eaton,W. L.
Shepard and a host of others, among whom
are Frank H. Schell in battle pictures, Joseph
System of. Dress Cutting.
Next month you will be busy and cannot spare the time. Stop
n and make arrangements to learn Newton's system and be prepared
or a big fall trade.' ' V"
f 3
I I I 'fit.eo 1
Cut to measure and guaranteed to fit in every particular. System
taught aud patterns cat at-the
- .-.
wm ta
was la SI
sataraad t law
TB taMMf
Xr.aaorga Haes s
baric MMraaar. teatiM'
oroarea or aajt
bar a retained
f a saaajrts
t OmQmi
Som tpiaaslid wavka la ha
are saowas Boyd's this
U. Xarasar, arts" tfea
vail," ft JaJaa ftetoa, is aaa (
kMavarbaea in tbis i
laflajwa afcown in taa PartaJ
wrvsajaaa. aaa maaaoapa a '
attar JttkaaJUx, la alaastaai
callaat awalnil rebinn asw
Twdtckt,'ur Mtaohen Pamat
warJirWJllbJajJJ. Cry; a f
vary JMJt aM and. pait&tar '
ai . mr . t. rraaaa. tm saw
JtwUlhorississsifiiitftalT. r
looms, wkasa atetwaa mh
tMscotujM,' tie work la
composes PietM. Ra4rr. i
roughly exMuiad, aod a
searealv ba amtUd aimn1n
vessels eoasutaia tk intarsat 4
afawefl altoac aatfaf alsasaat .
iJWBMHg of the watar taara
laek of DereanUoa AT tin. mIm mdtmM
j"" aaefsae saaM eater
WHn. Mr.Bryaa Wall
tbe large landscaaa with
brMne In tbe foregrsasd taa
sometime ago ba frwueatlv fuaW
tee sold far ceatiitaoa waste a
laea Uaee be iatareaud k
KQdv Of t&e Interior st s.
leeated. a short distance Iromifca
Mson. ,aad ibe resort, of ats inas tB Msay
daeeaiiup may sow ba seen at Odsssyta's.
pivsara w a naan ana ac aa wsassjasassaaj ..
character, bat it certainly look year ajaji
like the Interior of a cobbler' Mm sA Us
Htter of rabMsky toata an4 appllasee; sasfSBa
two saea are etldsntly at. work, as Mta aasa at
their ggarsa elearir.tlsaoisa aenoa. --
Mb. A F. Kins appears to have tHseewW
tbat an unleekee tat deaiaisl fr aaacttas minM
on the part of tbe gaaeeaJ aaMte that is
peaches' pamtea on eaava. aad at btfes wti).
ing tbat so eh a demand saoaM teaar romain un
satisfied, be Is esdeavoriaa ta k; Ms sare
toward sspplyisr It. The MMrac e r-
turned pan of peaches wMah be
time ago waa purchased alajaet ;
niQiteo. ana several inquiries
works of a' similar character? A
ba has just completed is tbe saae M
tbe one abova referred to, and a
tbe came finalities, vis: truthful
clever handlings This work wilt be exi
in tha Exposition gallery. A Date vie bsr Mm
same artist, shows atBuyd'a. is a geoi ansa '
spotted by a badly executed bouquet of iuwers.
Tbe flowers would spoil tbe picture, bswevar
excellently painted they might be ia Hioav
selves, placed as they are, in a tall jar, wfeie
lifts them toward one corner or the plenraf
and destroys tbe effect of relation (feat onaat
to exist between tbem and tbe otter ubjoototte-
ficted. The balanoe of tbe work, anas "sting of
be jar referred to, some grapes, a stiver wf,
drapIog,vete, to excellently painted, gwed
drawing and of truthful color. -
JTEAB8- aoap tne purest ana Dew ever;
to have your share of this the greatest ,
on record, as weekly we open ap tbe different
lots or FALL and WlNfER Wooles Goods,
which have been packed away In eamobor. for
protection all summer, purchased from tbe
Sheriff 's hand for spot cash and now being put
on sale.
1,000 pair Blankets,,
(500 pair Lace CurtaffwJ
850 yards Linoleum.-
9,684 yards Ingrain,
24,864: yards Tapestry,
9,896 yards Body Brusselst
968 yards Velvet,
1,764 yards Moquette, "
857 yards Axminster, X
364 yards WUton,
Carpet Bargains;
All to be sold without reserve,
138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa.
An Army of Renters Seeking Homes y
and Business Houses' at
The East Pittsburg Improvement Company
bas invested large sums of money in laying out
the town of
And in furnishing it with tbe most complete
and extensive system of public improvements
in Allegheny connty. outside the cities, includ
ing sioewalks, sewers, water, natural gas and
electrio lights, and it now takes pleasure, in
calling tbe attention of wide-awake builders
and Investors to tbe opportunity afforded them
by tbe great and growing demand for resi
dences and business houses at Wilmerding.
Tbis demand comes especially from" young and
enterprising men and firms who have not suffi
cient capital to both build and stock large
stores, but who are able and willing to pay a
handsome rent for adequate facilities, or pur
chase buildings outright on long time. Many
houses aro now in course of construction, but
not enough to fill 10 per cent of the require
ments. Information as to the kind and s,lzo of houses
in greatest demand cheerfully furnished by
the company, and special prices given on lota
sold for immediate improvement.
For further particulars call on or address
East Pittsburg ImprovemBnt Co.
Westinghousu Building,
. t....-
r'asa ejHbF
zizizrz lS S- r