Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 01, 1889, Image 1

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- ' ' B jr-V".- v"ar-aiaw ""' Iji', i; 't-Tc''''r'i' ,L,0 TrT - .-.
i u
. . i Bim H. -r--i-mmr-nr I i r'-
rfivn I OinrO rinil hborcrs' fn -he Lodo wceiTed AlfeERT'S -'TIGER HUNT.
. I J 1 1 I U VIIILV LlUnn strong stimulus or the revelations before t
DUIll UIULU lllllfli
London Dockingers Will Accept
r( No Compromise .of
. Their Demands.
'It is the Day When All Other Trades
I Must Join the Strike.
Kevelatloas of the Sweating; Committee's
Investigation Confirmed Prists Albert's
Tiger Hnnt A Piece of Snobbery Mrs.
Maybrick's Ilealtb So Poor That Pardon
or Death Will Soon Come Joblleo
Plunger's Book Snows He V'a a. Great
Fool Lord aiandeville's shame London
Capital to be Invested la British Colnm
. bla HerbertSpencer'aHcalthlmprored
' American Securities la Demand
Damaged Crops.
To-m6rrow will be the time when, it is
expected, the crisis will be reached in -the
treat London strike. The men have now
been out for 17 days, and arei -firmer than
ever before. All suggestions "of a compro
mise are repelled. The strikers are receiv
ing much financial assistance. Prince Al
bert is going to India tiger hunting. Mrs.1
Maybrick's health is failing rapidly. En
glish capitalists are becoming interested in
British Columbia. Jubilee Plunger's book
is out.
LoxDOir, August 31. Copyright.
Monday will be a memorable day forXon
don. There is no doubt sow that the great
strike will be augmented on tha't day Jjy a
general strike of the trades unions of the
metropolis. Inquiries among the leaders of
the trades only result in non-committal
answers, but the general belief is that a
great majority of the workingmen ot Xon.
don will respond to the call of the Dock
Laborers' Union. It is said that one-half
of the trades union men will strike on
Monday, and that the other bait will sup
port the strikers; irnt Burns, the leader of
the entire movement, refuses- to give any
direct answer to the question of how many
of the trades have committed themselves.
Nevertheless, enough of the trades have
promised assistance to render the strike the
most formidable movement ever encountered.
All that standi between this tremendous
Upheaval and a settlement is the obstinacy
if Charles Morgan Norwood, Chairman of
the dock companies. Norwood simply has
tils back up and will not give in. He has
ihe opinion ot the entire press and people
against him, but he would see the commerce
of London ruined, the shipping companies
and dock owners forced into bankruptcy,
and the families of the strikers driven to
starvation rather than acknowledge himself
beaten. Norwood was formerly a well
v known member of Parliament. He has al
ways called himself a Liberal, buthas often
voted with the Tories, and naturally enough
went into the Liberal-Union camp. He was
defeated at the last election by Shaw Le
fevre, m spite of a full Conservative vote.
He is in appearance the embodiment of
well-fed and arrogant capitalism, and has al
ways treated and considered workingmen as
a lower order of beings; consequently it is
scarcely to be wondered at that he refuses
even at tremendous cost and in spite of
tremendous responsibility to give way to
the demands of the strikers. It was thought
to-day that a compromise would surely be
effected, since the dock companies had con
ceded the embodiment of the claims of the
strikers. "While Norwood still refused to
give way on the sixpence per hour clause,
he admitted everything else, but the near
ffest he would come to the great thorn of con
, Itentio-i was that pay for casual work was
jtjbe sixpence per hour for the first four
hours, if only working that time; 'if for
longer than that at the rate of i. shillings
for nine hours, and sixpence per hour from
, 9 to 12 hours, with allowance of half an
hour ior dinner.
It was believed that this compromise
would be accepted, but the strikers were too
much elated by the sympathy they have re-
ceived and the prospect of a general strike
1 .;on Monday to accede.
THE POUJfD or i4esh.
Burns again declared that the men would
accept nothing short of sixpence per hour,
and the abolition of the contract system.
He announced that he had this morning
received 100 from the Society of Compos
itors; 250 lrom the Seamen's, Firemen's
and Dock Laborers' Union, of Melbourne,
Australia; 200 from Samuel Plimsoll and
25 from Lady Ripon, besides a large num
ber of smaller contributions. The boxes
that the strikers carry through the streets
are also contributed to largely. Neverthe
less, the following notice was posted on the
door of the Central Committee headquarters
at noon to-day:
TUB Executive Committee n-irret that nn
further relief can be Kiven for the present.
A party of newspaper reporters were es
corted over the East and "West India docks
. this morning by a member of the dock com
panies' committee, in order to prove to the
public that strikers were returning to work.
The newspaper men reported, however, that
out of 100 vessels only eight were being un
loaded,,and the strikers claim that these
men only worked for a few moments. The
,, reporters were present in consideration of
' the"exorbitant pay.
The strikers will hoia two great mass
meetings to-morrow, one at 10 o'clock on the
Thames embankment and the other at 1
o'clock in Hyde Park. Theyare still under
otire control, and cases of intimidation and
riolence are few. Those who are fonnd
guilty of these offenses receive severe sen
dees at the hands of the magistrates, three
nths at hard labor being the minimum
nishment. Still London looks forward
Monday with no little anxiety.
ce long smouldering discontent of the
laborers' in' ihe London-decki received a
strong stimulus by the revelations before
the Lords' Committee, "on Sweating" last
year. The leaders of the labor movement,
seizing the-opportunity, prosecuted a cam
paign in the East-End and fanned the em
ber; of discontent until the .dockmen,
roused from the lethanry induced by their
sordid surroundings, submitted to the guid
ance of Burns,' their champion, and other
active spirits, their concerted action leading
to the present crisis. This was only1 done
slowly, the conditions under which labor is
employed especially the large overplus of
workers anxiously fighting at the dock!
gates each morning to obtain even a few
hours' employment rendering it impossible
to take decisive action until the workmen
wereihlly prepared. The continuance of
the strike for 17 days and the strikers' de
termined attitude now show that the leaders
carefully calculated the probable course of
the movement before notice of the strike was
formally given! r
Interviews had to-day with police officials,
Coroner's officers and other functionaries;
whose duties bring them into dally contact
with the dockmen and those of allied em
ployments, show that for years past the con
dition of the dockmen's families has been
as bad as any of the worst cases revealed
before the Sweating Committee. '
"Wades Arms, a typical East End tavern,
on Jeremiah street, a .narrow thoroughfare
abutting on the East India -dock road, is at
present the headquarters of the Strike Com
mittee, and is likely to become' the center of
a movement in behalf of labor, the rami-
.fications of which will touch every British
employer anot capitalist. ,
To-day the employes of Yarrow & Co.,
who are under a heavy contract to supply
the Government -with torpedo appliances,
struck, while 6,000 ironworkers at the Isle
ot Dogs have gone out for an advance of six
pence. The dock laborers on strike number
110,000. As an immediate sequence of their
cessation 20.000 stevedores, 6,000 lightermen,
2,000 clerks and nearly -50,000 grainweigh
ers and laborers are conyiulsorily idle.
My Lord Mandevllle "Allows a Street
Sinker T6 Pitytai'mlls-SUe Says'
;Sbo Does It far Ilia
Wlic'e Sake. i
Xondok, August 31. King, the cabman
who ran Lord Mandeville U) earth in Bessie
Bellwood's apartments, a few days ago, and
was -assaulted and battered by the gentle
singer for asking the noble to pay the debt,
obtained a measure of revenge on Monday.
He had Bessie in Bow street police court,
WithJIanevHleas a witness, and in tho
end the pngilistio young woman was fined
3 guineas and pnt under bonds to keep the
peace for six months, and her lordly pro
tege was branded to the world as a particu
larly disreputable member of a not
too reputable nobility. Mandeville
is an unusually callous scamp, but
the cabman had. the pleasure of seeing the
noble lord flush from his neck to his hair,
when the concert singer was asked if she
ever paid his debts, and replied: "Well, if
I do, it is for the sake of his wiie and lam
ily." Mandeville, it will be remembered,
married Miss l'znaga, an American girl.
They have three young children, but lie is
bankrupt and lives apart from his family.
supported bv the Bellwood womac. Anv
onecanhavathepleasure'pf seeing her pay
for his suppers in publiorestaurants after
the theater. It is pleaslnjr to reflect that so
inr nn unnnprn in Tiniiiin i-P'crniir'iTiTK niipr
soon as an invalid of 66 years pays the debt
of nature, Mandeville will be the Duke of
Manchester, patron of six livings, with a
seat in the House of Lords, several landed
estates and country seats and two or three
town residences.
Jubilee Plunger Tells the "World Abont His
Own Assininltr.
Losdok, August 3L The Jubilee
Plunger's book, "How I Lost 250,000 in
Two Years," was issued to-day. It is a
mere record of foolish extravagances, and
proves the author to have been one of the
most gullible asses ever on earth. From a
long time before he reached his majority he
had been the prey of money lenders, gamblers
and blacklegs of every description "While
still under age he gave a note of 10,000
for 1,500 in cash, and one lender who held
his notes for 30.000 had lent him less than
500. He. also owed one Sam Lewis, who
he calls his best friend, 33,600, which be
paid him the day he came of age. At his
firt horse race he lost 6,000, and during
his first vear his losses were as high as 32,
000 and 50,000 per week. At cards he
often lost as much as 16,000 and 17,000
per nicht at the Field Club, and he'once lost
10,000 playing "railroad" while waiting
for a train ten minutes.
They Are Largely in Demand In Iiondon
Damase to Crops.
LONDON, August 31. Copyright
Americans were in demaud all week, owing
to the reported restoration of rates and the
action of the Treasury in purchasing large
blocks of bonds. The chief feature has been
the buying of Northern, Pacific preferred,
in anticipation ot the closing of the books.
Milwaukecs were in demand and closed
firm at an advance of 1 to 3. Foreign stocks
are quiet. English railways dull, on ac
count of the strike. The weather has im
proved, but the crops in Entrland are
damaged to the extent of 42 per cent, and
considerably in .trance and Germany.
Prices are dull. The strike paralyzes
London Capitalists to be Told of British
Colombia's Resources.
London, August 31. The resources of
British Columbia are soon to be made
manifest to London capitalists. Frederic
Villiers, the war artist of tho Graphic,
sailed on the Sardinian for Quebec to-day
iu juiu me u-uveraur ueyerai ui vwunua oa
his tour through the British Possessions in
A.merica and to Vancouver.
.It Is So Much Improved That Ho Will Soon
Resume Work.
London, August 31. Herbert Spencer's
health is so mnch improved that he has
taken a house in St. John's Wood, and in
tends soon to resume work on his sympa
thetic philosophy. He is at present rural
izing in Wiltshire, occupied mainly with
an autobiography.
A Corsican Patriot's Remains Exhumed.
London, August (3L The remains xof
Pascal Di Paoli, the famous Corsican pa
triot, who died In exile near London in 1807,
have been exhumed from St. Pancras Church
burying ground and shipped to Corsica.
. An Anarchist Confesses.
Berne, August 31. Albert Nicolet, an.
engraver, has confessed to the authorship of
the Anarchist manifesto recently circulated
tbroughoL..Switzerland. He will be tried
for the offenst in this city.
TuoTtloce Golna "All Atoney" to BtlrTTp
thi Wrath of ihe King ertfae Jnnglo
( A Piece, of Snobbery.
LoHDOsr, August; 31. Prince Albert
Victor, known variously as "Collars and
Cuffs," and "Eddie" is going 16 'India on a
tiger hunting expedition. As It isLisfirsJ
outing alone, he is said' to be, very enthu-.
siastic and eager. He is also very keen to
try his hand on big v game, and to emulate
the example of his father, who proved him-,
self a nervy hunter and good shot in India
many years ago. Thus far in his ,young
career Albert Victor has never had an op-
portunityto bring down anything larger
than a stag. Preparations arer al
ready being made to secure- d
sufficient supply of big game, and
the best tiger preserves are to be'left aniniP
lested until the arrival of the royal hunter.
There isverv little danger, however", -that
England will be desolated by the loss of
Albert Victor, or that a prince of the blood
will fall'a prey to a king of the jungle. He
will be accompanied by an army of ele
phants and beaters, and when the game is
sprung the rifles of a score of expert marks
men will be kept fixed upon the beast until
the Princeling's gun goes off. As a general
thing, on these occasions the frightened
tiger bends all his enertrios to escaping, but
if he should turn uponthe royal party he
would be-filled so full of lead in a second
that it would take two elephants to lilt his
carcass. , 4 , w .
Already a rather -amusing instance of
saobberyjhas arisen out of Albert Victor's
proposed expedition. .Lady Beay, wife of
the Governor of one ot the.most important
Indian provinces being ' in -Lorid6n" and
hearing- of his -youthful highnessn-p'ro"s-pecfive
visit to her home; took -time by the1
forelock and ordered a dot' of cards at a
fashionable stationer's, engraved, "Tqhave
the honor qf meeting; S.,li. H., Erince Al
bert Victor." The . stationer was careless
enough, or foolish enough, to put one bf
these cards In his window. The' newspapers
published the circumstance, and now everv
body is laughing at the unfortunate Lad v
lteay and wondering what she will do with
the cards if the Prince should give iip his
visit or decline heir invitations.
Her Health So Poor That a Pardon or
Death Must Soon Come.
London, August 31. The Maybrics: ex
citement has subsided entirely. The un
happy woman was removed lrom jail at
Liverpool to-day, and taken to Woking
prison, where she was at once admitted to
the hospital. Her physicians say she can-not-Iive-
longhand her friends believe that
her invalid condition will soon insure her
His mother's Demise Breaks Him Tip Her
last Words Were Prayers for Ills
Welfare Trying , to Quit
LIqnor Once More,
Boston-, August SL-rJohnX. Sullivan's
love for his mother has done more to uuman
him, now that she is dead, than all the
battles ho. has fought- He'makes no attempt
to hide his grief, nor is he ashamed
of the tears that course' freely down his
cheeks. Sullivan was at the beach while
his mother was dying, and he did not re-
(!vf! tllf tAlpcrrrtm nnnnnnninn tlij ciif?
Hhangef for the worse r until- it
. j . -.
was too late to reach 'the bedside
in time to receive ' the mother's
blessinir. The shock completely unnerved
him. AVhen he heard that the last words
were of him, he bitterly reproached himself
for being absent. With all his fail
ings he loved his mother, and her
death is a terrible blow to him.
Friends gathered at the house and
remained with the champion until far into
the morning, offering such consolation as
their sympathetic hearts knew would be ac
ceptable. They-were as deeply affected
by the champion's lamentations as
by grief. When he was told
that his -mother's last praver was that her
son would forsake his dissipated habits
Sullivan determined to make another effort
to vanquish his worst enemy. He knows
his weakness as well as did the mother, and
there is no doubt as to his sincerity in
his desire to leave liquor alone. Several
persons last night and to-day tried to induce
the big fellow to take a little something to
drown his sorrow, but he sturdily refused.
Mrs. Sullivan will be buried Monday, and
John says that no expense will be spared in
the arrangements.
New York Unions Trying to Freczo Ont
Foreign Workmen.
New York, August 31. Some of the
labor unions in this country have had until
quite recently an arrangement whereby a
member of a union in the old country be
comes a member of the union in this coun
try by simply depositing his card of mem
bership in the foreign union and $1 as t-ans-fer
fee. The unions here are kicking over
this arrangement sajing it affords an op
portunity to many workingmen to work on
the two continents, to the disadvantage of
the permanent residents. Hence a great
number of unions are considering a change
which will prevent any foreigner from
working at his trade here. The Goldbeat
ers' Union has already raised its transfer lee
to $100, and not u goldbeater has come here
Charles E. McLeod, Secretary of the New
Yorfe Goldbeaters' Protective Union said
Onr union, which is composed of 300 men,
feels Itself capable of beating all the gold that
this country needs. In the past goldbeaters
have come from England and Germany and
trained employment here, displacing our own
workingmen and tending to reduce Mages. As
anyone can see, the coming of 15 or 20 gold
beaters would nearly upset our union. Notifl.
cation of oar action raising the transfer fee
was sent all over Europe. We don't want tho
money of tbe foreigners. Wo want them to
stay away from here. We are trying now to
hare tbe tariff on gold leaf raised to 7 cents a
Irish Americans Ask tbe French President
for a Historic Flag.
New York, August 31. A petition is
being circulated for signatures throughout
the city by the officers and men here of the
Irish American Military Union. It is to be
sent to President Carnot, of France, and it
asks him to grant or loan the union one of
the Irish flags now in the possession of
France and carried by the Irish Brigade in
the army of .France at th"e battle of Fontenoy
on May 11, 1741. If the flag can be secured
an escort of officers will be sent to France to
escort the relic to this country.
The Total Amount In tbe Past Tear Reaches
the Sum of 8226.8S2.S75.
Washington, August 3L Since Au
gust 3, 1887, to and Including to-day, the
Treasury Department has purchased $77,
305,350 4 per cent bonds and 5118,185,350 4f
per cent bonds, or total of 5193,490,700.
Their cost was 5220,852,875 and they would
have cost at maturity $269,724,322, so that
the Government has saved 542,871,446.
Id the last ten days the purchases aggre
gate $17,978,800, at a cost ot 122,515,359.
The largest purchase was August 27, when
fo,fi,ow waipaia onnort-i.iwe.vw.-
Bigler VJill bo tho Democratic Nom
ineo for Stale Treasnren
t .t .W i '
TO-fllll IS
JHiafiiporer?HHlfu Has, a Fighting
-Ofstaee of Election.
7 ucf uuiitaira aiv
n ..llt..u-'
Quits Confident
f Bojtr.
"Therenovrieems'tobe noroomfof dolibt
that ex-Collector Bigler will bo nominated
for State Treasurer 5y the Democrat ihiss
week. - The leader of 'that-party claim tie
has a cha'nie oFwinnirig because of trie-Prohibition
vote and of disaffection in the Be
publican ranks. Republicans, however,
are sure hat "Boyer will ba elected by a
large majority. l ' v
rsrtciAt. TxutosAJt to Tfrt DiarATCn.i
PHHADEtitHTA, AdguSt 31. E. A.
Bigler', of Clearfield county, will in all
probability be nominated for State Treas
urer bythe Democrats on "Wednesday next.
So far as learrted'-thare-has been no opposi
tion shown to what is Regarded ns the real
wish of the party .leaders in this respect,
with tlie exception of the fight in Allegheny
county, where the leaders in, control of that
county's organization made a fight against
Bigler's nomination. But it is charged that
ihe -fight made in Allegheny was; because of
the desire, ot -certain Democratic leaders
there to punish Bigler for refusing to ap
point their particular friends to office dur
ing his administration of the duties of the
office of Collector of Internal Bevenue at
Pittsburg. ' k
The friends, of Bigler argue
that no
tention should be paid to the opposition to
Bigler's nomination, from Allegheny county,
as they say it is pot of a. nature calculated
to injure him -at tho: polls with thinking
citizens. They.claitn that when the true
cause of tho opposition to .Bigler is shown
at the convention that- the leaders of the
movement will be. ashamed to father it. It
is asserted that Wallace, Harrity, Hensel,
Scott, and the leaders of the party generally,
favor Bigler's nomination and that even
those who are unfriendly to it will acquiesce
in the hope that the unanimous, or nearly
so, nomination of their candidate will
greatly promote the strength. of the Demo
cratic party.
Mr. Bigler' has been In this city twice
during the past -week, rand has consulted
with State Chairman Kisner and other party
leaders,. and while he ha declined to admit
ior publication that lie, is a candidate for
the nomination, yet by those with whom he
has been in consultation it is well under
stood that he is willing to accept the nomi
nation and make the fight.
TheHepublicansand Prohibitionists hav
ing nominated their candidates and the
Democzaticcandidaie " "being virtually
named, tho party leaders will now start iii
to make tho fight 4md get their voteri
thoroughly-aroused'. SV
One ot the Quay lieutenants to-day said?
"Bover will be elected, and his maioritv fr1
an,off year will surprise you. r "WAjtiave. ijkj
3ar,ol"jiny.ofih Eapoilica'n leaders secre&j
ty inning mm. oyer is personally popu
lar, and instead of helping them in the j ext
year's fight for tbe nomination of State offi
cers, the Republican leader who would at
tempt to defeat Boyer because of personal
feeling against Senator Quay would be
found out and hissed out ot the convention
should be present himself."
"But will not the Prohibition vote injure
Boyer?" was asked.
"I cannot see that it will harm him to any
great extent. Of course no one can tell how
many votes they -will poll, but I believe
that a good per cent of their vote will be
will await developments.
Inquiry among the Republicans in this
city showed that the present dynasty will
await further developments before taking
any action, in the hope that there will be
some settlement of the difficulties now exist
ing regarding the distribution ot patronage.
The party workers, as a rule, follow the ad
vice of the more experienced leaders, and
soma of the wiser ones say that Filler's
declaration for Hastings will force Quay to
make an alliance with McManes.
This, they claim, will enable the
McMane workers to secure some
of the places, and make Boyer's majority
tu Philadelphia something tobe proud
'of, and his election by a large majority a
dead certainty. The"-Prohibition leaders
say they have no hope of electing their
candidate, but they claim that they will
poll a vote which will surprise the leaders
of the old parties. They are of the opinion
that their vote will not be less than 60,000,
which, they hold, will be more than enough
to defeat the Republican candidate.
Democratio hope is caused by what the
Prohibitionists say, ttnd the Democratic
leaders are inclined tobelieve that the third
party vote will reach fully 60,000. They
claim that if they are not disappointed in
their expectations from that direction, that
with the assistance which they think will
be given them by disappointed Republicans,
they will be able twwrest the treasurer's
office from Republican hands.
count on disaffection.
The Democratic party leaders of this city
do not hesitate to say that they expect to
make their candidate a winner. They will
tell that there are thousands of Republicans
who will .vote for the Democratic candidate
this year who wonld not do so but that it is
an off year and they are anxious to have a
change made in thq office of State Treasurer,
in order that a complete overhauling of the
State finances may be had. It will take a
few weeks for the arrangement of the pre
liminaries, and a six weeks' campaien at
the outside, it is said, will be the limit of
time in the coming November fight.
The Democratio State Committee will
meet Monday afternoon at Harrisburg. A
number of plans for the betterment of the
Democratio party organization will be pre
sented, and tbe leaders will recommend
their adoption by the State Convention.
Chairman Kisner, will preside, and his
friends claim that notwithstanding his ill
ness they will persict upon his remaining in
chanre of the party organization. Ihe Ex
ecutive Committee of the Democratic socie
ties will also meet at Harritburg Monday
afternoon, and among other things will con
sider the resolution adopted by the Demo
cratio Battalion of this city.requesting them
to call the General Assembly of the Demo
cratic societies of the State to meet at Phil
adelphia. The most-prominent -members of
the battalion believe that this city will be
A DInrderer and a Robber to bo Tried for
Their Crimes.
Net Yobe August 31. A murderer
and robber left this port to-day for Europe
to stand trial ior their crimes. Paul Haim
ant, the Frenchmen who is charged with
complicity In the robbery of 163,
000 francs from a Parisian banker,
sailed in the cabin of the
La Gascogne for Havre. Peter Lynch, the
murderer, will be tried in England for the
killing of Alexander PLutz, mate of the
Charles Morand. He sailed on the Urabria.
There were also a number ot witnesses
-J l" x. . ."
.auuaiu. , -r 'a
SEPTEMBER 1, 1880.
It Is Now Claimed That'she Is n Bigamist
Joshua Mann Berljejrnl Husband"
Hli Drains ou'IIer Farse.
Atlantic City, ST. J., August 81. Tho
expected statement 'from Hamilton hat
not materialized. It is promised in a day
or two. Hamilton left here on the 7:3Q'A.
M. train to hold & confeMaca with his New
York lawyers. The grand Wy will' meet a
week from next Tuesday:? A indictment
will be found against Mrs. Hamilton shortly
afterward, and she will probably be ar
raigned ior trial before the close of the
week. The trial will take place in the little
red brick court house at May's Laddfng,
18 miles from here. It is believed
that Mrs. Hamilton is a bigamist, that Mr.
Hamilton recently discovered this, and that
he is determined to prosecute the -woman
who passed for his wife. Mrs. Hamilton, so
the story goes, 4s really the wife of Joshua"
Mann, who is not the son, but only the ac
complice oi Mrs. Swinton. The child,
which was recently christened "Beatrice
Ray," lsaid to be the chijd of Mann. The
latter is supposed to have used this, know
ledge in forcing money from Mrs. Hamilton,
and that the demands made upon her by
Mann and Mrs. Swinton were so frequent
that she was compelled to dispose of her
It -was generally believed this morning
that bail in the sum of 3,000 would be en
tered to-day- for Mrs. Hamilton. She will,
however, remain1 a prisoner at May's Land
ing over Sunday, anyway. Mr. Hamilton?
whp left Atlantic City this morning, reH
burneu mis evening x16 win spcuu iue
night with his child at the Noll cottage.
Dr. Crosby, the physician attending Nurse
Donnelly, when "seen this evening, declared
that the patient was constantly improving,
and out of danger.
Prosecutor Thompson takes exceptions to
the term used by Dr. Crosby when te says:
"I now consider her out of all danger."
Mr. Thompson says he must have an un-
qualified certificate that the patient is en
tirely out of dangefirom Dr. Crosby, and
also an examination and certificate by one
other physician whohL he shall JeUctfbe-
al-JvwvIt '."-" L' ? "Sr "'J u"5
I fnA llA wll1 XAVtOAM 4ak YaM1tM tUlk lflAt4f
WUUKI JL Cll OpCUfc IUC U4JT ikUjUi.&9.
Hamilton at May's Landing. He main
tained most decided reticence asr to the
nature of the long interyiew.
Two Yankees Take ft Trip to Europe and
Back Without n Cent of Money Ono
JBeats tbe Other Homo
for a Wnrfbr.
Lawrence, Mass, August 81. John
McDonald has arrived home from a novel
trip to Europe. He is about 24 years oi
age, and came home last June from the
United States steamship Nipsic, which went
down in the storm at Samoa. "Since then he
has been at work about town. Toward the
last of July he was relating his experiences
to a coterie of friends, and the talk turning
upon the cost of traveling, McDonald
entered into a wager with., a friend named
Thomas Kennedy. The wager was that
McDonald could go to Europe and back as
quickly as Kennedy, neither men to pay n
cent of fare from the moment he left Law
rence until he returned.
Kennedy left here ior Boston July 22. and
McDonald left two days later, going down
on a freight train. Alter hanging around
the wharves awhile he stowed himself away
upon a cattle boat, the Borderer, bound to
I-indoc After two days he. showed himself
en deck, arid, although tbe captain was
angry at first, he allowed him to work his
passage over. The vessel touched at Dept
ford, and from there McDonald rode on a
tram car to London.
In the "Whitecbapel district, after wan
dering around London two days, McDonald
met Kennedy and the two went to Liver
pool. Returning to London McDonald
stowed himself away on the Milanese of
the Furness line, and Kennedy employed
tlje same tactics on another boat of the same
line. After two days McDonald again ap
peared, and was allowed to work his pass
age. In 18 days .he arrived in Boston,
Thursday afternoon. That evening at 730
o'clock he stole into a freight carton the
Boston and Maine Railroad, and thus
reached home. .
Kennedy has not yet arrived, so that Mc
Donald wins his-wager.
The Lenders of the Recent Rebellion Aro
Confined In Prison.
San Francisco, August 31. The
steamer Zealaudia arrived lrom Australia,
New Zealand and Honolulu this afternoon.
It was considered probable here that Ad
mirable Kimberly would arrive from
Samoa, but the steamer brought no Samoan
passengers. Advices from Honolulu state
that affairs have been quiet there since the
revolution, July 30. Robert "Wilcox,
leader of the insurgents, ind others who
were arrested, were given a preliminary ex
amination in the police court on charge of
treason, conspiracy, riot and unlawful as
sembly, and will be committed for trial at
the next term of the Supreme Court.
The United States man-of-war Nipsic,
which arrived at Honolulu irom Samoa,,an,d
Fanning Island last month is now on ma
rine railway at Honolulu undergoing re
pairs rendered necessary in consequence of
the damase sustained in the Samoa hurri
cane. The officers and men are living
aboard the vessel and repairs are progress
ing rapidly.
The Lmt Day of August Astonishes Minne
sota and Dakota. "
St. Paul, August -Si. The last day of
August has not been by any means the cool
est of the summer. With the single excep
tion of Dulutb, where it seems never to get
unduly hot, the day has been uniformly a
scorcher all over the Northwest. Even last
night was not cool, but tbe mercury sizzled
at 80 and thereabouts during (he night.
This morning it went up to 90 in this city,
while the same temperature is reported from
Huron, S. Dak., and Moorehead, Minn.
Fort Bnfort, Dak., Helena, Mont, and
Bismarek.N. D,,thermometers registered 04,
while at Forts Scully and Custer the mer
cury perspired at 98. These were the figures
of the Signal Service, the local thermometers
generally recording ironvfive to ten degrees
higher. To-night there was little change.
The Burden of a Complaint Made to the
Inter-Siato Commission.
Washington, August 31. Messrs.
Hoah and Tichenor have filed a complaint
with the Iuter-State Commerce Commission
against the New YorkrLake Erie and West
ern Railroad Company, alleging that tho
company has charged $31 86 for hauling a
carload of empty nail kegs, weighing 8,820
pounds, from Youngstown, O., to Biagham
ton, N. Y., while at the same time it offers
to transport a carload of nails, v eighing
24,000" pounds, between the same points and
in the same direction for a lesser sum. This,
complainants contend, is a manift-st and
gross injustice, and ask for r'edreas.
Be Was ItatberToo Inquisitive.
Boston, August 31. John F. Gilfolls a
letter carrier attached 'to the Cambridge
postoffice, .was; held in $1,000 to-day charged
with oneninir letters addressed to a voim&r
led jr for the purpose, it is alleged, of Ietrn-
icg Bosaetainjr oi-me cnaracwr oi ineiaay.
A Foreignerlas Uo JJKaace f Get
ting Upon theAonin Jury. v -
A' 1 ri t t i3V
While the Defense KmVTrrm WkI
in Ordtr for Another, Sfecfaf Ten'iw of Fifty Ttfti
men Issati , . ' l
The work of. getting it jury tot the Cronld
murder trial is proceeding under . great
diffi cultieey and the counsel .for both sides
'are fighting"everyistepof the way. Not-a
single person has yet been, finally accepted,
although two or three are held condition
ally. ,
Chicago, August 3ll It k evident that ,
the task oi securing competent juror to try'
the five men. indicted for the murder of Dr
P. H, Cronin, will consume the greater .part
of the next fortnight. The grei.t force of
lawyers engaged in toe case has sow spent
nearly two days in examining talesmen,
and when court adjourned this evening not
a juror had been accepted. Young Lilli
bridge, who was held over the night before,
and W. S. Lathrop, who will remain in the
Sheriff's care over Sunday, may be accepted
by both sides, but even thjsjs doubtful.
It is 'evident that neither Irishmen nor
Germans will be allowed in the jury box
when the work of taking testimony begins.
Both'sides are afraid of Irish jurors, and the
defense is unalterably opposed to Get-mans.
It is safe to say that a majority of, the jurors
will be Americans. The temperature in the
court room to-day was far more agreeable
than yesterday. There was a breeze trom
the lake which came into the open windows
and tossed scraps of paper over the tables.
It even picked up the long gray hair of
Senator Kennedy and rolled it' about his
The prisoners looked rnorecoinlortablc
and so did the lawyers and spectators. It'
was still torrid enough, however, to warrant
ihe vigorous use of fans. Burke fanned
himseli almost continually. O'Sullivan,
the sullen ice man, was still morose and in
different to the heat or anything else. Little
Kunze, with his hair plastered to one side,
rolled around in hia chair and talked with
the reporters. .Then bo would lall asleep.
At one time during the day he amused him
self making pinwheels of paper and bkfwing J
tucui aruuuu iug cut vi ujb luau pencil.
Ooughlin and Beggs were in good humor
during the early hour of the session, but the
responses of talesman after talesman, show
ing the intensity ofpopular feeling against
the prisoners, soon orove away the levity.
A Scotland Yard detective sat. somewhere
among the 100 spectators, but nobody seemed
to know where he was or what he looked
The examination of the talesmen was ex
haustive and wearisome, and in some in
stances it took an hour to dispose of one
candidate. Judere Wing, who conducted the
examination for thex defense,: spea.kswfrith'J
freai ueuoeraiion, ana mints a long- time
efore he speaks.
When he first began to propound his in
geniously worded interrogatories he sought
to draw out from the witness the informa
tion the latter possessed abont facts which
more properly belonged in evidence. The
attorneys for the State, led by Luther
Laflin Mills, made a furious objection to
tbismethod of questioning and were sus
tained by the Court. All the talesmen bad
I-read about the crime in the newspapers.
Some of them had formed opinions which
they swore could not be shaken by any
amount of evidence, while others had
formed opinions whioh could be changed if
the State did not present a very strong case.
Judge Wing was suspicions of the latter
class of talesmen. He questioned them
closely, and used up four oi his 100 peremp
tory challenges in getting rid of a quartet
of sturdy looking men, who sworeMhat
while they might be slightly prejudiced at
the outset, they would be governed solely by
the evidence in the case. W. L. Bigby and
young Roth, who were held over from Fri
day, were excused for cause.
" .Then the State used up one of its peremp
tory challenges, in disposing of J. W.
Bridges. The restof the talesmen who were
excused for cause were A. B. Riohardson,
William H. Cribben, E. J. Hurlbut, A. B.
Hall, J, M. Chase, F. A. Wheeler, Charles
Goodspeed, J. N. Cooper, Edward Schoppe,
H. M. Stoddard, Thomas C. Gabel, H.
Wichert, H. Boss, J-E. Farrell, J. L. Per
kins and George Repp.
It was about noon when Mr. Mills ac
cepted Lillibridge, Lathrop, Louis B. Shaw
and Elmer Dick. The detense, after a vig
orous questioning of the candidates, were
lucky enough to secure tbe removal for
cause of both Shaw and Dick. They could
not escape losing peremptory challenges on
John F. Karnstrus, Charles J. Hiles and
William Thorns. Judge Wing was ques
tioning Karnstrus about his prejudice
against the Clau-na-Gael Society, when the
talesman very solemnly declared while "he
had no use for them he wouldn't hang
them for that reason alone." This provoked
loud laughter, which,the bailiffs stifled by
the vigorous rapping of their gavels.
O'Sullivan was so amused at the response
of the frank German that he rolled in his
chair with laughter and hid his face behind
a lau. It was tbe only time the ice man had
laughed since he was brought into court.
Just before court adjourned E. W. Bagley,
a young Irishman, seemed tomake a satis
factory impression on Judge Wing, but he
will undoubtedly be excused ior cause when
the State's Attorney gets after him on Mon
day. A special venire of CO jurors was is
sued to-night. 'Among the prominent spec
tators to-day were Judge Lambert Tree, ex
Minister to Belgium; Judge Fort, of New
Jersey, and Judge Hamilton, of New York.
Appointments by the President A Dlstln
snlshcd Denver Party.
Deee Pabk, Mb., August 31. The fol
lowing appointments were issued to-day
from the summer executive quarters: John
O. Watson, of Nebraska, Attorney for
Alaska; Edward ' Mitchell, of New York,
Attorney Southern District of New York;
Willis Vandeventer, of Wyoming, Chief
Justice; Wheelock G. Veasey, of Vermont,
Inter-State Commerce Commissioner.
Ex-Senator Davis gave a dinner to-night
at his cottage. Among those present were
President and Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. McKee,
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins, Mr. Sam
uel Spencer and wife; Mr. James E. Camp
bell. Democratic candidate" for Governor
of Ohio, and wife, anuTex-Benator and Mrs.
Camden, of West Virginia.
Wrongfully Using; tbe Halls.
Washington, August 31. Chief In
spector Rathbone, of the Poatoffiee Depart
ment, has received a telegram announcing
the arrest' of Algernon Granville, editor of
the People's Safeguard, on a charge of
using the mails for fraudulent purposes.
The arrest is regarded, as an important one.
Aiiiinti&ii6 Kvr4tftf-M
':iaslm.M Vwttw 'Ik OkMsf
JAiftScAPiAW, Maw.-, Ak' '
A most peM&rUeW,dMsgi itjtfiiw;
bMJuteeW ie ligki'We., Itif wjm
-rounded in mystery JsMtM police M aWy
pleMy'befled, dthMghAer'eMH ftt
they 'knor-wko-is tfee 'pcipetiisWr'gf
the 'act. . The singular faets are ':!
Michael ,Crenin,;,wio 'is ' rubiiisJe.
for, Mr, Allef hastwo-eaitdreB, agtrTWrr
years of age aad a bey'three yeta vAMr
TheM ehlidren'ave, on , several ..A. uedBulf
of lateVacted 3ar-ery'siwMiiii
their .singular aetloris bersg nofleesffe
later than twd days ago "They 'CrtHpwpedj
of dizzinea alter being. put to bed, aatom
two occasions they .became delirious;-. When
questioned as '"to what was the Batter, tfce
little bov replied' '"Onrrm"aaviag a geoT
time, a'ntdrlvii jj herset.? "" .- fl - -M
Upon inveetigfiioB Jt -was SuBd that tie
children had.been taking a drug, the effects
of which' would last an hour or two;" The,
mother of tbe' children notified'the police,
and they began an tiavestlgatioB Sergeaat
FottIerrla.v conversing! ?witii the ohllde,
ascertained that they had been, eating pills,
about the ie of. Bsll, marbles, given.
them by a boy named Connelly
One of tbe meet peeuhw features of tie
case is that the children refuted to show the,
drug to their parents' whea they oarae iatOv
.possession of it. It seems that they got
several of the pills,, and' each acknowledged
having eaten two of 'thern.-hiding the, re
mainder, but they would -not tell where they
hid them. The children, appear to hanker
after the strange drug,v-,which gives them
suoh a queer sensation., - j.j t-
The parents of the children have beeoaae
so alarmed qverithe affair that they, have
kept their children in doors and under
strict surveillance for the past1 few daysr
Connelly denies that he has given the chiT-
dren any pill; ox-drug of any ind,
Akin- for an Increase, bat Protest
Against Cutting; Down Woaes
Philadelphia, August 31. The fight
between the glassblowers and jhe Manu
facturers' Associations is li&ely to "be a
lengthy one, as both sides express confidence
in their ability to- hold ouU -The blowers
feel confident ofa victory, and they claim
that the action of Wbitall, Tatem &Co.,of
Millville, N. J., in accepting their terms,
will start a general movement- in that line.
Master Workman John Coffee, of District
Assembly No. 149, K. of L., said this after
noon: We have not asked for an advance In wages,
as we are perfectly wining to continue the
scale of last year.,, but the Manufacturers'
Association insist onoir a. redaction. We are
'justified in askinz for a continuance of the old
scaie, as tne condition or tne maricet does not
warrant a .change. We are perfectly aware
that tbe price ot glass at tbe present time Is
more favorable to the trade than it was it tbe
close of the "blowing" season, which ended on
June 30. There is also a greatly increased de
mand for bottles, and this, coupled with the
fact that there are now 14 firms who have
agreed to our terms (both as regards; wages
and apprentice regulations), furnishes still
stronger proof that there Is no reason for a
Mr. Coffee further denied that there was
any disposition on the part of tbe union -to
prevent American boys from learning the
glassblower'e trade; neither does' the union
encourage the importation of foreign,
i owners. , , - - i
piGeneral Secretary-tfoh rf W"jJfIayes t aad '
A. ju. Wright, amemoeror the executive
Board of the Knights, left the city to-day
on important business. They will return
on Tuesday, iu the meantime visiting New
York and Boston. x
Thinks the Government Telesrnpb
Scheme is Feaslblo and Profitable.
Hew Yobk, August 31. Dr. Norvin
Green's visit to Washington and his nego
tiations there with Postmaster General
Wanamaker for a compromise in' the matter
of Government telegraph rates, along with
the establishment of a system of
postal delivery for telegrams, made many
eyes bulge in New York. The fact that the
scheme is indorsed by Jay- Gould as an
entirely feasible one, and one that
would be beneficial to both the public
and the telegraph companies with the impli
cation, which such an endorsement must
give that Mr. Gould is cognizant of, and in
accordance with the negotiations of Dr.
Green and the Postmaster General, is not
calculated to diminish general interest
in the matter. Mr. Gould was enjoying a
cool breeze and a 20-mile landscape, from
tbe piazza of his home at Irvington, and
looking very well and hearty when he re
ceived a Dispatch reporter, he said:
"This matter of the postal delivery
of telegrams is not a new one, by
any means. It has been under
consideration for two or three years nast.
has been carefully discussed, and It is be
lieved to be practicable and advisable. I
think that I can also say that the Postmas
ter General favors such a scheme." The
scheme had been under consideration, Mr.
Gould says, for two or three years or for a
long lime before Mr. Wanamaker had any
thing to do with the Postoffice Department.
Charles Tonne Passes tho Final Examina
tion Roab Down tbe Hudson.
Pouohkeepsie, August 31. Charles
Young, a colored cadet of the first class,
which graduated irom West Point in
June last, failed to pass. He was
given until August 23 to make
up the deficiency. He completed
his work satisfactorily, and was graduated
to-day, and has gone on a leave of absence.
This is the second colored "cadet who has
graduated since Cadet Flipper was given a
diploma. Tbe latter, it will be remembered,
was appointed commissary of subsistence and
later on got into trouble about his accounts
and resigned. It is now stated that he is ad
officer in the Mexican army. Forty-eight
September plebes were examined at the post
to-day, but only lb passed examination.
The rnsh down the river to-day has been
immense. Thirty carloads of people came
down the CaUkill on the Ulster and Dela
ware road, and as many more on the Catskill
Mountain Railroad. The day boat
Albany, going south, has 2,000
pissengers and 600 pieces of bag
gage. The Mary Powell carried hundreds
south this morning and orer l,COO came
uplon her to-night. All tbe cars ot both the
Hudson River and West Shore roads have
been packed with people all day. Steam
boat and railroad men say it is the heaviest
travel on the last day of August they have
seen in years.
A Number of Appointments Announced In
the, District of Columbia.
Washington, August 31. The Hon.
D. M. Ransdell, recently appointed United
States Marshal for this District, to-day
made a numberof appointments to positions
in his office, including Major L. P. Will
iams, chief deputy; James B. McCaffrey,
djputy at the Police Court, and John R.
Leonard, deputy, beside half a dozen others
to subordinate positions.
Major Williams formerly occupied the
position to which he has been reappointed.
He hails from Indiana. Mr. McCaffrey-is
a native of South tWashington, but for the
last ten years has resided at Indianapolis.
Mr. 'Leonard alsohails from Indirua. - .
Li-ik - ytrn cm
'ssssjBto. . , TTr . u
l PJsssssHs.i . m- - " - ks-Ajsl
nisssssHSes iv TBivir wmmm
t . litor'
eiLT m;wmyMm,i
v .. ..? t.t a ,
Mate !ist e Vh INrM it"
! T
i .Howastl arssrwiig, a.
ijir. P-, wh ctkj yw
yonag wem na, we 6it to
hie faee- He ma at hsjt, tat
wae Wty esmi Hosnsif-haei
ottkLbfct the woB lisaAi fe j
her alee, at All Kiireft3it IM
a lemarkaWe om 1b stMtai i
iwiam ratoM n
vSSAAUxe,. AnrMin. la the
skblee, MkU eHy, "stead a syleai
horse, With may boles bursed ia
wik vitriol by, a beautiful bat m
woman- Tbe yoang man, Howe,
mig who drove thi aaiwal at Ha "
jumped from the carriage seal jaai fh f
to eeeape the volley of vitrM Jafeaeteiiir
him," bat he also was oarae. TfcMftsjsa,
claims to be young Heesmfe's wWa. 'Aht
.arTwed ia Reading sow tisae ago frees. ML
-n -u- i -t i i.j-k4 ..ujrrf
mAntx Rkji fcCrw? a loam ami dem-ve flasar
titn am 4Ka main aAvaA nf 4Su nffv flStaa'
I 'managed to get ahead of aim sad tarasdi.!;
i ! -a . t-- i-i1
rael liUK. xouag,EUHnttiig it
ing. She leaped, "from the carriage
stood in bis way. The horse
and then the ififuriated woasaa
out a bettlei uncorked H
threw Its contents toward, hi, stiM
ing hold of thebottfe. He jasapedevtto
the other side of bis wages. Tbe wo welt
then spurted some of the vMriel Oyer tfee
bone, and a row of drops seMteef oa the aaK
mat's body, which cawed tbe barsecjsr
plunge and rear. Then tbe wottaa ra
around the carriage and continued tbferwiag'
the vitriol at Hemmig, aiming athie feee.
The horse started to ran, Mr. Hemmig hold
ing nimas best no coaia, out ia aui ,
being in pain plunged ahead. Tae woman, tj
overcome wKb the excitement, laiatea; aaa
Mr. Hemmig drove his injured bone tetbe
stables. A policeman came along aad took
the woman into custody. She gave bail -to
answer at court, and later Mr. Hernial;?
was also reauired togivebail forwife'de-
The story of the .love of the wemaa fee
young Hemmig is a remarkable one, If bk
version Is correct. He says: - , .-j
it is known all over the city that 1 am a
rli min. .Thl vounff woman, whea she
mn tn Rfladlm' told me her name was Mary ?
Rubens. I mether at Miller's City Parky where- ,a.
1 was introduced to her.- She learned I was a Tj
married man. 1 can prove by witnesses ibas ,
she begged my wife for a divorce. She had ,
1UUUGJT. SfcUU At W.J ywM. ... j...rt "-' "
nm Ti-hethnr I had 19 wires, she would be the
twentieth, inter the woman -at other social,
gatherings. andiwBetfiji
whftttiTI Inst mv headV.
in Tinw York city and found myself with thU'
woman. 1 bad left home without much nKwer.
but this wopian Insisted on payintr art' ex
penses. We journeyed throngs the-New Ed
gland States, aad then I returned ta Reading
alone. Judge of my surprise when Miss Rubens
her in Fall River. Mass., In spite of the fact J
recollection of any marriage ceremony, and I
rinn't believe anv ever took nlace. I learned
that she had a husband, ahd she now claimsU
that I should support her child. v '5
The manner in which she threw tne-vitroi
shows that her threat to either burn or shoot
me to death was going to be carried out.
The woman is tall and handsome, with'
blue eyes and light brown hair. Whea
asked about the vitriol throwing, she said:
"Had I kept my wits about me I should
have been more successful with the chem
ical. I pity the poor suffering horse.p
meant the vitriol for Ho ward's ey' s
and not the horse's body." '
She wasaskedhowwomenbuy n
she replied:
1 went to a drugstore and picked
and Inexperienced clerk. I had a
bottle with me. and told him I wa
with vitriol. In surprise, he ask
wished to do with it. I told him I
a dye to dye a dress with. "You m ' '
Inland not bnrn yourself." said t.i
replied: "Rest assured 1'11-ba cai
burn myself." Tbe clerk then g: :
vitrloL I acted as coolly as I cuu
young clerk never suspected wba "
with it. It is an infamous false ' '
knew Mr. Hemmig was a marrie .
wanted to marry me. I thought he m-kil
He Is a handsome, manly, cow J ; -k
skinned young man, with cfear da . e , v
black hair, and did not look Ilk. 'i
man. We were married in Fall I I ,
and then he deserted me. I was r 'i
learn later on that he was a man. .. it
fllAUra.1 Mrn i T?Arllff !ini1 Svh V (tt
an interview and was refused I if f . '
maddened under my bitter disappooK ,-. .i .. T
chagrin. I resolved he should not -d
celre another woman. 1 took the
and followed after him. But at the '
I lost my wits, became nervous un
nuie straining excitement, ana my
me, else I should bare splashed a
right in his face. I was a. par
woman in Fall River, when -die, .
only to desert and disgrace-ma
The scene of the vitriolflfeiwi rV
of the most exciting eveY'ititsfai, ci
city. . ' ".&
A Gang That Has Been Opera! m '
York Comes to CrlcC
Rojtdout, N. Y., August 3" -&
past two months a gang of desps-l'e-h
thieves has been operating in p .-Us
ance. Dutchess, and other Hcf r t"
counties. Many valuable hr i
been stolen and rewards oflere r . j
recovery and the aDorehensic.1 ti
thieves. The Farmers' Protecth j?-ar ,&
tions and detectives have been brt l'
reauisition. but without avalL ' t Y
they concentrated their operation: u s.
lerior of Dutchess county, li.- J 4
the stolen property oyer into C? - tt
and Massachusetts, where it wa (P
nf. "Within thBtvist lew davshf If I
ol the gang, including the le 1 1 J"
been run down at Waterbury, C K l U& " v
men drove a handsome brown v A-s
village cart into the city, rV . ftf
tried to effect a trade. U.H
them was recognized as Willii WJf-1-:
of Dover Plains, Dntchess count to i
the most noted men in the busi t
has been wanted for some time- v -
aged to elude the officers. He wr! &
and jailed. The other was Geo! .
kins, known as "Sweat" Tomp , aua
has operated in Kew York State and Eastern
rv,nr,,.t;,-i!f Toinokins escaped, and
the" police are on his track. Frederick LeS'4'
auotner noieu memuci v. ,.....,., .. -. ..
rested in Massachusetts, but escaped. Ha
was rearrested by Oflieer Buckley afterja
'desperate resistance. Arthur Somen, an
other noted horse thief, has also been ar
rested. .
Tim Rovernment Was Very Kind. SKtj
St. Peteksboko, August 3LInQnrJ
circles here it is said that the RssSw Gov- tf
ernment has discharged, the, debtrowedjby'
the Prince of Monteaeero to varlousKas.
trinn baBkin?i6nH3. Ihe debts 'amounted!
to over i;ew,oef wjab-ies. ijL,?r
smJEimhiHU .? ? al;
jtr .. r Ci :MuiM!-s,.5r i
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