Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 30, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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xVn'son's Chicks Put Up a Hor-"-
riWeBall Game.
ight 'Out of Nine Buns Made by
Chicago's Mistakes.
lUrry Wright's Delegation Badly Drubbed
by the Senators.
The borne team won a very poorly played
came from the Chicagos yesterday. Almost
every run was made on errors. Boston beat
the New Yorks in a great contest and before
a large crowd. The Senators did some
heavy hitting against the Phillies.
There were two interesting features in yes
terday's game between the Chicks of Anson
and the home team at Recreation Park.
The former played so much like as many
worn out and exhausted pieces of humanity
that a horse attached to an ambulance
wagon appeared on the field evidently wish
ing to convey the poor fellows to some hos
pital. Miller, whether through kindness to
the horse or fiendish feelings toward the
visitors, however, led tbe sympathizing animal
to the rear of tbe bleaching boards again.
That horse, by Instinct or otherwise, knew
that the Cbicagos had no business at all in the
ball field yesterday. Probably never a team of
players put up a worse game than they did.
Even old man Anson's voice was never beard;
lie objected to nothing, but stood with his cap
half over his eyes like a disgruntled old sport
who had been backing the losing side in a dog
flcht. The old chieftain never appeared in
jFittsburg looking more disconsolate than he
.weary of life. Williamson's mistakes alone
were enough to make a man go on the bunt
lot Tascot. That unit of the famous Stone
wall infield was, indeed, a sorrowful sight.
Those who had seen him amid his past glories
couldn't believe that it was the same citizen
who used to nab everything that came within
gunshot of him.
Williamson was sorely another man yester-
i day. and baseball patrons who knew him only
'-watched his glaring and costly mistakes with
strong feelings of regret. Pfeffer, too, was
sadly out of form; Indeed, every man in tbe
' -team except Tener, Duffy and Anson took part
jin giving the local players eight of their nine
But nad the game been perfectly played on
both sides the home team would likely have
k shut the visitors ont and the former would have
X. bad one run. Tbe run obtained by tbe visitors
t ' in the ninth was an absolute gift and conse-
qnently tbe two stolen bases credited to Anson
were stolen simply because nobody offered to
put him out. Staley pitched a great game and
had the Chicago champions completely at bis
mercy. Tener also pitched a fine game, and
afforded considerable amusement to the 1,000
spectators by the effective way in which he
pitched in his slow balls. They did not seem
speedy enough to go through a window pane
which looked as big as icebergs looming up in
the mist. The long gentleman from the East
End undoubtedly fooled the home talent. Some
of them
Indeed, but it invariably went into tbe fielder's
hands. Miller was exceedingly unfortunate in
this respect, as be knocked out a long fly every
time he was at the bat, and he was five times
there. Once or twice, however, extraordinary
fielding spoiled what looked like a two or three
bagger for the midget. Van Haltren, in the
eighth inning, made a remarkable one-handed
catch while running at full speed. When the
ball was caught Miller almost fainted between
first and second base. However, Tener's style
of pitching was extremely puzzling to the local
players. He was apparently afraid of Carroll,
however, as the big slugger was given his base
on balls four times ont of five times at the bat.
Carroll made a bit when he did not get his base
on balls, so that bis batting average for tbe day
was as big4 as could be.
The game was very much devoid of exciting
features. Bun getting was prolific enough as
far the local team was concerned, but they
were secured by the most flagrant errors Dy the
visitors. This method of scoring when it be
gins to get to extremities fails to excite or even
interest the spectators. This was the case yes
terday, and nobody was sorry when the poorly
played game ended.
In the first Inning Hanlon reached first be
cause Ryan began
by muffing a fly. Eowe's fly. however, went to
Van Haltren, and the long Calif ornian held it.
Hanlon then stole second, aided by Mr. Far
rell'swild throw. BecLley sent out a long fly
to Duffy, and Hanlon got to third on the throw
in. Carroll then got his base on balls, and
Fields thumped out a grounder to Williamson,
which Edward fumbled so badly that Jocko
reached second on tbe error, and Hanlon
scored and Carroll stopped at third. Deacon
White then changed the state of things by
banging out tbe ball where no fielder
could catch it in left field, and Fields scored,
the Deacon going to second. Miller flew out,
endintr the inning. In the third inning, after
two men were out, Carroll again got his base
on balls, and reached seeond on a wild pitch.
Fields made a long single to left field and Car
roll scored.
In the fifth inning Hanlon led off with a sin
gle to center field, and reached third on sacri
fice hits by Rowe and Beckley. Carroll sent
him home by a single to left. In the next in
ning Fields got to first on a wild throw by
Bnrns to Anson, and White made a single.
Miller flew out to Van Haltren, and Dunlap's
sacrifice sent Fields to third and White to sec
ond. Pfeffer next fumbled Staley's grounder and
Fields scored. In the eighth inning Miller
again flew out to Van Haltren, and Dunlap
reached first on another ridiculous fumble by
Williamson. Staley hit safo to center
sending Dunlap to second. Staley was forced
out at second by Hanlon's grounder to ft eff er.
Hanlon started to steal second and Farrell
made a good throw to nab him, but Pfeffer
muffed the throw and DnnlaD scored. A good
single by Rowe rent Hanlon home. In the
ninth inning Van Haltren muffed Becklev's fly
and Jake reached second. Carroll and Fields
eacbgot their base on balls. White struck out
and Beckley scored on Miller's fly to Duffy.
After two men were ont in the first inning
Duffy reached first on a muffed fly by Dunlap.
He stole second and ultimately scored on a
wild throw by Staley. In the ninth inning An
ton led off with a single to right. Staley kept
bis catcher back, and the big captain lazily ran
round to third. Pfeffer fie w out to Miller, and
Williamson hit for a base and Anson walked
in. Farrell and Burns went out in order. Fol
lowing is tbe score :
Hanlon. m.. 3 14 0 1 Byan.m .... 0 2 1 1 1
Kowe. 0 1 1 4 I V'nH'l'n.l. 0 13 12
Beckley, L. 1 19 10 Duffy, r.... t 0 3 0 0
Carroll, c. 2 1 7 1 0 Anson. 1... 1 1 10 0 0
Fields, 1.... 2 10 0 OlTeBer. :. 0 0 7 4 2
White, 3... 0 Z 1 2 0 WlUl'm'n, 0 2 1 s 4
Miller, r.... 0 0 2 0 0 Farrell, c. 0 0 1 2 1
Dnnlap,2.... 10 3 3 1 Burns, 3.... 0 1 I O'l
btaley, p.... 0 10 0 1 Tcncr, p... 0 0 0 2 0
'Total 8 27 31 4 Total.... 2 7 2715 11
ritubnrg 3 0101102 1-0
Culeagos 1 C000000 1 2
limed runs -11 ttsbnrgs. 1: Chicago. 1.
Two-base hit White.
Total bases on lilts l'ittsburps, 9; Chicago, 7.
Sacrifice hits Bowe, Beckley, 2; Dunlap, Van
Kolen bases Haklon, ltyan, Duffy. 2;!Anson, 2.
1 Irst base on errors l'ltuhurgs, 8: Chicaros, 2.
First base on balls Carroll. 4: Fields.
Struck out White, Van Haltren, zTeffer, I;
Double play Pfeffer and Anson.
Passed ball Carroll, 1.
Wild pitch lener.
1-ert onJase llttsbnrg. 8: Chicago, 6.
Time of game One hour and 45 minute.
Umpire Lynch.
Tbe Senators Became rtlaccen and
tbe Phillies.
Washington. August 29. The Senators
played In great form to-day and defeated
Philadelphia through heavy batting and clever
fielding at crirJcalstages of the game, Gleason
and Ineffective, while Haddock did
good work. In the third inning tbe borne
team settled the came by batting out seven
runs, after which there was net much Interest
taken in it. The features of the game was a
nhenomenal catch of a foul fly by Daily and
Hoy's work in the field. Score:
WAfclTTON. usri xj
fHILAD'A. n B T X z
Wise. i. 1
AVood. 1 0
Clements c 0
Myers, 2.... 0
Thompson, r t
Mulrey, 3... 2
Hallman,.. 0
Fcfrarty. m. 1
Karrar, 1.... 0
Gleason, p.. 0
Hoy. ui.
tVllinot, I...
Beecher. 1 ,
A. Irwin, t. ,
J. Irwin, .,
Dally, c... .
Haddock. x.
Mack, r X
ToUli ...1.13 1618 S I
Totals 4 ! 10 ST
Washington I 0 7 0 10 0 1 112
1'nlladelpbla 0 00002 02 0-4
JSarnedruns Washington. S; Philadelphia. 4.
SacrtBre hits Hoy. Wllmot, A. Irwin, Dally.
Three base hits-Wise. Hoy.
btolen bases Wllmot. Beecher, J. Irwin, Had
dock, Myers, Fogarty, 2. '
First base on balls-Off Haddock, 2: off O lea
son. 6.
Struck out-Uy Haddock, 3; by Gleason, 2.
I'assed balls !ally, 1; Clements. 1.
Time or game-One hour and S3 minutes.
Umpires Curry.
Boston Beat tbe Glnnta Amid Some Exciting
Scenes. New Yoke, August 29. Boston defeated
New York to-day. Welch pitched a remark
able game except in the first and eighth in
nings. when he lost the battle. Boston showed
better team work than in any other game here
this season. Both teams appeared to be ner
vous. There was somewhat of a panic in the crowd
in the first inning. Some rafters of the grand
stand settled and tbe noise thus made sent
men and women scurrying wildly in every di
rection. Nobody was hurt The police and
players helped calm tbe crowd. Hardie Rich
ardson smashed Ewing's mask with a bat.
Gore, m
Tlernan. r.
EMring, c....
Connor, 1...
Ward, s
O'Kourke, 1.
Whitney, 3..
Welch, p....
3 0
2 1
0 S
2 12
0 1
Pl.h,nn 1 t
Kelly.r 1
Nash. 3. 2
Uantel. I... 1
Johnst'n,jn. 0
Qalnn, 2.... 0
Smith, ...... 0
Bennett, c. 0
Clartson. p. 0
1 2
0 0
2 1
Total 1 6 27 11 4
Totals 4 9 24 18 7
ew York 1 0100010 14
Bostons 3 0000003' 6
Earned runs New Yorks, 2: Bostons. 3.
Two-base hits Tlernan. Kelly, Nash.
bicrince hits -Welch. H. lUcbardson. Kelly 2.
Uanzel. Johnston. Smith.
I'ouble plays-Whitney, Ward and Connor;
Whitney and Klchardson.
i'lrst bae on balls Off Welch 2.
btrnckout By Welch. 4: brClarkson. 6.
.First bate on errors-New York. 3: Bostons,,.
Time of game One honr and 53 minutes.
Umpires McQoaid and .Towers.
Braddock Administers a Severe Defeat to
tbe Men From Greenabnrc. -
Grexxsbubq, August 29. The Greensbnrgs
were overwhelmed by tbe Braddock Blues to
day. The Blues played one of their old-time
games, and the home club could do nothing
with O'Brien's delivery. The features of tbe
game were the battery work of the Blues and
the second base play of B. Bennett. The Blues
play the McKeesports on September 2 in the
morning ana tbe Oaklands two games in the
afternoon. Score:
S. DalielL r. 1
Ketzeb 3 I
B. Bennett, 2 2
W. Dalzell, 1
Anderson, 1. o
W.Bennett, 11
Klllen. c... 0
Lawrence, m 1
O'Brien, p.. 2
3 1
2 1
1 2
0 2
0 0
4 11
1 8
1 1
1 1
Marberger, 1 1
Jamison. .. 0
Denny, 1.... 0
Barclay, 2... 0
Lohr. r 1
McColly, 1.. 0
llaly.c 0
Mltinger, m 0
Hemphill, p 1
0 1
1 2
0 b
0 2
0 1
0 11
0 8
1 1
1 1
11 13 27 16 4j
Total.... 3 3 2717 S
Braddoeks 0 0 3 10 0 2 3 211
Ureensbnrgs 1 0001000 13
Earned runs Braddock. S; Greensbnrgs, 1.
Two-base hits W. J. Bennett, 2.
Three-base hits 8. Dalzell, Klllen.
Doable plays W. Dalzell. B. Bennett and W.J,
Bennett: Jamison, Barclay and .Mc Colly.
Htrnck out By O'Brien. S: by Hemphill, 8.
Time of game One hour and 50 minutes.
Umpire Walker.
He Puzzle tbe Hooiler and Getzeln Is
Knocked Oat.
Cleveland, August 29. G ruber's pitching
was the feature of to-day's game between tbe
Indianapolis and Cleveland clubs. Getzein re
tired at tbe end of the fifth inning. Score: .
ltadrord,r... 2
btrlcker.2 0
1 2
beery. 1 0 1
Andrew, mil
Glasscock, s 0 0
Denny, 2.... 0 0
Hlnes, 1 0 2
Buckley, 3.. 0 u
McGcachy, r 0 0
Dally, c 0" 0
(ietzeln, p.. 0 0
Basle, p 0 0
1 0
1 3
2 0
McKean. .. 1
Tebeau. 3 ... 1
Gilts, 1 0 2 4
McAleer, m. 1 1 1
butcllne. 1.. 0
0 10
Zlmmer, c... 0
G ruber, p... 0
1 7
1 0
Totals B 10 27 11 3
, 1 4 27 11 1
Cleveland 0 0031000 1 S
Indianapolis t 000000001
Earned runs Cleveland. 3
Three-base hit-Kadford, Seery.
Sacrifice hits Mcliean, Gllks, McAleer, Sntdlffe,
btolen bases McOeaebr.
First base on balls Cleveland, 4; Indianap
olis 3.
Struck out Cleveland, 3; Indianapolis, 8.
I'assed balls Zlmmer.
Time of game Two hours.
Umpire Knight.
League Record.
Terl Per
Won. -ot.Ct. Won. Lost.Ct.
Bostons G3 31 .6CleveIand...S0 S2 .490
New Yorks.. .01 31 .clGll'lttshurgs. ..47 17
tfilladelnhlasU 47 .530, Indianapolis 43 61
Chicago S3 SO .5151 Washington 33 61
Terry, of the Brooklyn, Fitches Great Ball
and 8hnti Oat Bnrnie'a Men The Co.
Iambus Babies Brace Up and Give the
Athletics a Drnbblng. ,
Balttmoke, Angust 29. The Brooklyn won
to-day in the seventh inning, when a wild
throw by Kilroy let in the first run. Terry
proved very effective, while Kilroy was freely
hit and only good fielding kept down the score.
Baltimore... 0 0O0000O0 0
Brooklyn 0 0000013 4
Base bits Baltimore. 3: Brooklyn, 11.
Errors Baltimore. 6: Brooklyn, 1.
Earned run Brooklyn, 2.
Two-base lilts O'Brien, Collins, foutz, Terry.
Umpire Oaffney.
Tbe Columbus Youngsters Do Some Heavy
Singeing and Win.
COLUMBUS. O., August 29. Columbus won
easily from the Athletics to-day. Widner
pitched a phenomenal game for the home
team and was well supported, the visitors only
making four hits. Seward,for the Athletics, was
hit heavily. Score:
Columbus 0 2 & 3 1 0 4 0 0-15
Athletics 0 000100001
Base lilts Columbus. 16: Athletics, 4.
Krrors Cotumbn. 0: Athletics, 3.
Fjtrned rnns Columbus, 7: Athletics, 1.
Two-base hits Fcnnelly.lWelch.
Three-base hits Wood, asterday, Orr, John
son. Home run McTammanv.
btruck out Easterday, Widner 2, Welch, Sew
ard. "
Passed balls O'Connor, 1; Robinson, I.
Association Record.
lcr rer
Won.Tost.Ct. Won.Lost.Ct.
St. Louis .71 34 .S7s'cinelnnitls...63 48 .547
Brooklyn.... 6s IS .t54IKansasClty..43 61 .414
Baltimore. ...61 43 .587Columbu 40 68 .370
Athletics 57 44 .56llLoultvlUe....22 63 .206
Spalding Reaching; Oat.
New Yoke, August 29. A. G. Spalding &
Co., of this city, hare bought out the large
factory and sporting goods house of A. J.
Reach & Co., of Philadelphia. Mr. Spalding
was not at his place of business to-day and his
representative could not say what his plans are.
41 e alreadv has big establishments at Chicaco
and San Francisco. Tbe Philadelphia estab
lishment turns out four-fifths of all the base
balls manufactured in tbe country.
Games To-Day.
Nation ax League Chicagos at Pittsburg,
two games: Indianapolis at Cleveland; Bostons
at New York; PhUadelphlas at Washington.
Amebican Association LoniSTilles at Bal
timore: St. Louis at Columbus; Kansas Cltys at
Brooklyn; Cincinnati at Philadelphia,
International' League Toronto at
Syracuse! Londnns at Hamilton; Detroit at
Buffalo; Toledos at Rochester.
Beat tbe Louisville.
Habbxsbubg, August 23. The HAxraburg
Baseball Club defeated the LoniSTilles easily
by a score of 10 to 3. The home team cade 15
hits off the Louisville, while tbeHarrisburg
pitcher held the visitors down to 6 hits.
At Dayton
Daytons 0 001 001204
Hamilton 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 00
Base hits Daytons 7: Hamilton, 4. -
Error Daytons, 2; Hamilton. 3.
At Springfield
Sprlnrnelds 2 2 110 12 3 0-12
Wheelings J 000000023
Earned runs Sprlnprnelds, S: Wheelings, 1.
Base hits SprlnKllelds. 12: Wbeelines, 8.
Errors-Springfield, 4; Wheeling, 1L.
At Mansfield ,
A postponed game was played this morning;
seven innings:
Mansllelds 0 0 0 0 2 0 24
Cantons 0 0 2 0 2 0 1-s
Batteries, Burcnard and Jltzsunons; England
and Berger.
Base hits Mansllelds, 6: Cantons, 8.
Error Mansfield. 3; Cantons, 4.
Afternoon game
Cantons 0 1102030 07
Mansllelds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 S
Base hits Cantons, IS; Mansllelds, 11.
Errors Cantons, 6: Mansllelds, 3.
International League Game.
At Buffalo (kick)
Buffalo , 0 12 10
Toledo ..2 0 0 09
At Syracuse
Syracnse 0 3 3 0 0 10 3 0-1 0
London 0 000011114
At Hamilton
Hamilton 1 10002200
Detroit! 0 00020100 t
At Rochester
Rochester 0 0 3 0 12 10 3-10
Toronto 0 01102000-4
Some Great Races nt the Club's Innuc ural
McKeesport, August 29. A more success
ful event than tbe opening bicycle tournament
of the Bicycle Club could not be desired than
that of to-day. There were 100 bicyclists pres
ent, and tbe. city was alive with excitement.
The attendance at the races was the largest
ever seen at the driving park.
The hill-climbing contest, in which there were
60 entries, was won by W. W. Taxis, of Phil
adelphia, in 220, being 30 seconds ahead of M.
Kilmer, of Reading. Prize, silver cup.
The one mile novice was won by A. L. Banker,
of Pittsburg, in 2 19; L Y. Caughey, McKees
port, second, and A. C. Smith third. Prize,
gold medal.
One mile open, prize cold medal W. W.
Taxis, Philadelphia, 2-j&i: W. D. Banker,
Pittsburg, second, ana M. Kilmer, Reading,
Half mile safety, prize opera glasses W. W.
Taxis, Philadelphia, 1:20; W. D. Banker, Pitts
burg, second.
One mile, 320 class, prize carving set George
Banker, Pittsburg, 222; M. Kilmer, Reading,
second; A C. Smith, McKeesport. third.
Half mile open, prize, gold medal W. W.
Taxis, J28; W.D. Banker, Pittsburg, 1283-6.
One mile, boys under 16 years, prize silver
watch Marley Hitzral first: Sara Teak second
and Herbert Vankirk third, all of McKees
port Half mile. 1:33 class, prize, stop watch J. Y.
Caughey, McKeesport, 122 1-5; J. H. Gloan
ineer, Pittsburg, 12 He won.
Two-mile handicap Geo. A. Banker, Pitts
burg, 5:41 4-5; A. C. Smith, McKeesport, 5:12 3-5:
prize, gold medal.
Half mile, club championship, cold medal.
uonn a. uaugney, jucneesport, i3iH;A. u,
Smith. McKeesport, 129 1-5.
In all of tbe above races there were many
entries, and the contests were close and ex
citing. Bicyclists who failed to be on hand
missed a treat. Pittsburg. New York, Phila
delphia and places in tbe Eastern portion of
the State were well represented.
Final Arrangements Mode for the Conley-
CardifT Battle.
New York. Aucust 29. The following was
received at the J'oliee Gazette office to-day:
HUKLJ5Y, WlS August 28.
All arrangements have been made in the
fistic encounter between Mlko C. Conley, the
Ithaca giant, of Ashland, and Patsv Cardiff, of
Minneapolis. The flstic gladiators are to fight
with small gloves in the Alcazar, on September
6, for f 1,000 and 75 per cent of tbe gate money.
The Police Gazette rules are to govern, and
there will be no limit to the number of rounds.
Both pugilists are in training and tbe meeting
between these well-known prize ring heroes is
creating no little excitement. Dannie Neebam
has been training Cardiff. Sporting men at
Ashland are backing Conley at 8100 to $75,i.nd
a delegation from Minneapolis are going tir in
vest their money on Cardiff.
James Breen, of Ashland, has been selected
final stakeholder and holds the battle money.
J. D. Hayes, Conley's backer, has wagered
SL00O to (TOO on his partner's (Conley) chances
of winning.
Schaefer Plays Billiards.
Chicago, August 29. In a match game of
billiards to-night between Schaefer and Ives
on Schaefer's new champion cushions, the
Wizard made the phenomenal run of 881 points.
Tbe game was 1,000 straight billiards, which
Schaefer hasn't played before in ten years. In
the opening inning he made 14 points, and in
tbe fifth he ran the game out by scoring 881
points, Ives making a total of 551 points.
Baseball Notes.
Ir Clarkson goes to pieces what will Boston
William L. It ought ordinarily to be an
Cabboll and Dunlap are playing great ball
at present.
Ed Williamson is about 25 pounds too
heavy to play ball.
The Homesteads and the Keystones will
play at Homestead to-morrow.
Van 'Haltben's one-handed catch yester
day was not as brilliant as either of Sunday's.
The McKeesports and the Scottdales will
play to-day and to-morrow on the grounds of
the former.
Nominate a Fall Ticket for the First Elec
tion In the State.
Faboo, N. D., August 29. Tne first
Democratic Convention of North Dakota
met in this city this morning at
10 o'clock, being called to order
by Chairman Ryan, of the State
Central Committee. A. F. Purcell was
made temporary chairman and J. D. Par
house secretary. Committees on credentials,
rules, organization and resolutions were ap-
nnintl rP.M, nli t a ca.aiAn 1.. ..,I1
f v.u.bu. .iruijjut a ewaivu aawiA UUL1X
nearly 12 o'clock.
The following nominations were made:
For member of Congress, Captain D. W.
JIaratta, the present United States Marshal;
Governor, W. N. Roach; Lieutenant Gov
ernor, S. K. McGinnis; Secretary of State,
A. C. Frostid; Treasurer, C. E.
Lord; Auditor, P. O. Degard; At
torney General, T. E. Bangs;
Superintendent of Public Instruction, C.
A. Kent: Supreme Court Judges, "W. P.
Miller and Gamon; Commissioner of Agri
culture, J. B. Fngbert; Commissioner of
Insurance, W. A. Friedley; Bailroad Com
missioners, F. P. "Wright, J. A. Faley and
Peter Cameron.
One Green Glass Factory to Start.
Hillttlle, N. J., August 29. 7hitoll,
Tatum & Co., and their green glass blowers
held a conference this afternoon, at the con
clusion" of which the firm agreed to pay the
wages demanded by the men, and to enforce
the apprenticeship regulations adopted at
tbe Atlantic City Convention. Fire has
been started under one furnace, which will
go into blast next week, and it will shortly
be followed, it is said, by two more factories.
A Children's Party.
x A delightful children's party was given
yesterday at the residence of Mr. Will
Simpson, on Rebecca street, near Center
avenue, East End. Gcrnert & Guenther's
orchestra furnished the music
Housekeepers' Bargains Linens
And eider down quilts these special low
prices will never be repeated buy in time.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Da You Know
That we have the finest line of school suits
for boys in the city; prices $1 CO, $2, $2 CO
and $3. P. C. O. C, cor. Grant and Dia
mond sis., opp. the Court House,
Handkerchiefs, Baching, 'Collara and Caff.
Lots of new and taking styles in these
goods to-day at low srices.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Peon Ayesue Store.
He Faces a Mile at Charter Oak
Track at 2:06 3-4.
The Backers of Badd Doble Lose Heavily on
the face.
Seme Exciting Emmlig Baees at Westchester The
Tennis Championship.
There were tome exciting races at Charter
Oak Park yesterday. Johnston, the pacer,
tried to beat his record of 2KM3 and went the
mile in 2K)61i'- Tbe pacing race was also a
remarkable contest Dempsey's New Xork
friends are mourning over his defeat. Kerr,
the Irish tennis champion, defeated Pettit,
the champion of America.
Habtfobd, Conn., August 29. To
day's stirring events among the trotters
served to keep up the interest in the grand
circuit week at Charter Oak Park, and
another large crowd watched the flyers this
afternoon. They saw one of the best con
tested and most exciting races of the season
for the pacing stake with three sensational
miles in the fast trotting class, and even
the small field In the slower trot were
able to make a close fight for the honors.
The weather was pleasanter than ever, and
the wonderful flight of Johnston is the best
evidence that the course has been Improving
each day. Early in tbe season Johnston gave
promise of pacing a mile faster than his record,
but from one cause or another he has been un
able to do so. He has made some great at
tempts. Such as his mile In2.-06 at Cleveland
and that in 2:07 at Poughkeepsie a week ago.
This afternoon he struck a gait between the
two by completing the circuit of this track in
At420 o'clock the gelding warmed up for the
trial. 'His old running companion Father
John was ready to urge him along, and at the
first attempt the champion was going steadily
and was sent on his journey. When
he passed the first quarter 32 sec
onds were gone and up the back
stretch he increased the clip making the half
in 1:03K. There was a possibility of him beat
ing the watch, but the next quarter was only in
32 seconds, so that the odds were now against
tbe horse. Doble, called on Johnston and lifted
htm at every step on the homestretch, at the
distance it looked as if he would succeed the
last quarter in 31 seconds, which was tbe geld
ing's limit A mile in 2:06 Is not an every day oo
currence, and Johnston was lou.1ly cheered.
This is the best time ever made at Charter Oak
Park, St. Jullen's mile In 2:11J4. August Z7.isu,
having stood unbeaten till to-day ana Is still
the fastest trotting here.
An attempt to beat the record for running
team in harness was not successful, the pair of
bang tails driven by Madame Marantette mak
ing the mile in 1:49
The third of the stakes opened by the Asso
ciation for the meeting came first on the pro
gramme. Tbe young Kentucky gelding Budd
Doble had been specially prepared for this, ar d
has been kept in reserve since his victory at
Detroit last month, when he made a record of
2:15 and defeated a good field. Among his
opponents to day were such fleet sidewheelers
as Lilian, 2J Hal Pointer, 2:land several
others that have done creditable things along
the line. When Lilian rushed away and took
the first heat, while Budd Doble made a break
and was driven an easy mile, confidence in him
wa' not lessened, and even when Minnie P
captured the next heat, he still sold as the
choice. Tbe third heat found the Kentuckian
in the lead from the start, and then bis stock
went up at once. After Minnie P had tried
conclusions with him In the fourth mile, and
he bad not only vanquished her, but repeated
his former record of 2.15 not even tbe short
end buyers cared to bet against him. Just as
victory seemed assured, the redoubtable Hal
Pointer made one of his tremendous finishes
and nailed tbe favorite in the last lew yards.
Hal Pointer won the next two heats easily.
2:2) class, pacers, purte i
Hal Pointer 7 8 9 8 111
Bndd Doble 6 7 1 1 2 3 5
BM Lilian. 1 5 7 4 6 4 6
Wicopee 4 2 3 3 7 2 3
Chase 8 6 6 8 5 2
WmSingerly 8 3 8 9 3 7 4
Alexander Bo 6 6 5 7 4 6dls
Minnie 2 12 2 5dls
Mambrino Haras 9 4 4 Sdr
Uvpsy Golddust .-: dls
Time, 2:16. 2:16M. 2:16. 2:15. 2:1SM. 2:16V.
2:18 class, trotting
SnsleS 1 1 1
Anblne ? 2 2
Newton B 2 3 S
J It Klchardson 7 6 3
JRShedd 6 S 6
Grandby 5 7 7
Lady Bullion 4 4 4
Seymour Belle 8dr
Time. 2:16m. 2:15, 2:16.
2:27 class, trotting
KatberlneS 1 13 3 1
Baxon 2 2 113
FrankT 3 3 2 2?
Hamletta dl
Almont Eagle dr
Time, 2:21,K, 2:20K, 2:53f, 2:72. 2:22.
More Speedy Racing Joe Coartney Wins
With Ridiculous Ease.
M0Bnr3PABK,N.Y Angust 29 The weather
here to-day was superb and tbe track in prime
condition. Numerous scratches greatly re
duced the fields In some of the races; still the
even quality of those left made the contests of
unusual interest. This was especially the case
in the first race, when tbe finish was one of the
best teen in a long time. Tbe third race proved
an easv win for Joe Courtney, stable companion
ofElRioRey. He won the race with perfect
ease, in fact almost as easy as did the son of
Norfolk on Saturday last.
First race, seven furlonn Starters: Hanover,
Eolo, Defaulter. Little Mlnch, Bess and Climax.
Hanover won In 1:29, Defaulter second, Climax
Second race, five-eighth of a mile Starter:
Mlddlestone. Civil Service. Express. Swlrter.Sam
Morse. Spring Dance, Glen Itose, Klntr William,
Extravagance. Bessie K. Cornelia. Lady Agnes.
KaliThoo. Mamie B. Canteen. Fall Mall and .Inct
Koe. Ballyhos won In 1:C0X, Civil Service sec
ond. Tall Mall third.
Third race, one and one-sixteenth miles Start
ers: Joo Courtney, Lotion, Cvnosure. Burnslde.
Joe Courtney won In 1:S6X, Lotion second, Burn
slde third.
Fourth race, one mile Starters: Solo. Now or
Never. Glenmonnd. Blue Wlnpr, Lela May,
Brown Charlie. Flere. Castaway 1L Torchlight.
Dyer, Forest King, Letretla. Golden Beel, VII
l(re Maid. Heydey. Castaway II won In 1:41
i fastest mile yet made over this course), Forest
Ling second, Lela May third.
Fifth race, one and one-eighth miles starters:
J. F. Dee, Brother Ban. Barrister, Dunboyne,
Flyton. Syntax. Bronzomarta, Niagara. Cassias.
Gray Dawn. Brother Ban won in l;i Flyton
seeond, Casstn third.
blxtti race, one and one-sixteenth milesStart
ers: Trlnces Bowling. Hypocrite. Glencllfic.
l'rlnccs Bowling won in 1:48, Hypocrite second,
Glencllffc third.
Following are the entries for to-morrow's
races at Morris Park:
First race, one-half mile Jim B. Volunteer.
Some Day. Young Duke. Fordbam. Fltzroy. each
127 rjoum
Frejols 120, Geraldlne 122, Paradox
100, Daisy
luu. vniannic i& vivia 115, jiiay O
Second race, mile and a sixteenth Kin Crab
115 pounds, Bade 115, Maori 105. Emotion IDS.
Buddhist 104, J A B 104, Joe Lee 110. Bcllwood
Third race, five-eighths mile Little Ella, Lula
Blackburn, Fairy Queen Druldcss. each 100
pounds. Cecilia. Her HIrhnoss, Marths, l'hcebe.
each 103. Morse, J M, Jack Itose, Ralph Bayard,
Kenwood 111 each, Rosemary Murray colt 106,
rolemus, 100.
Fourth race, mile and one-elgbth-Seymour 117
pounds, Brandoletto 117. Daylight 105, Reward
110, Woodburn 110.
Fifth race, one mile My Fellow, Seymour
CracKsman, Sllleck each 111 pounds, Vlctrlx 102,
King Crab 122, Grey Dawn 122. Oregon 10S, Nlat
aral24. Sixth race, seven-eltrbth of a mile Sourtre 105
pounds. BellalrllO. Miracle 117. Young Duke 117.
Mary T 93, Willie M 76. Cornells 78. Spectator 100:
Burnslde 100, Saluda 9 Sam Morse 81.
A Pltubarg Horse Wins the Free-For-All
Wellsvtxle, Om August 29. The races at
the new fair grounds and driving park here to
day were a great success both financlallyand
otherwise. The races were- very exciting, the
track splendid and about 3,000 people were
unree-minnte trot won or Black Hawk,eb. g.
Free-for-all pace Jennie K. of FItUbnrr. lint
heat In 2:27)4. and G.1H'. Henry. b.r owned by
C. W. Fisher, Allegheny City, captured tbe race
In the next three h
aims, zsb, ia, zsBJf,
Jennie K. took seeom
The boat races are
o-morrow the last day.
New York Sport Monro About the Defeat
of tbe Nonpareil Opinions Regard
ing tbe Defeat Dempsey's
Fast Living Blamed.
Nkw York. August 29. Local fighters and
thousands who love to see agood boxing match
were dazed when they read yesterday morning
of the defeat of Japk Dempsey by La Blanche.
They did not want to believe it. They had felt
that Jack had such an easy walk-over there
must be some mistake. But there it was Jack
knocked out In the thirty-second round, and a
clean knock out at that.
Dempsey is so well-known in New York and
so well liked by all sporting men tbe result of
the fight seemed to be on everybody's tongue
where sporting men usually meet. Many ex
cuses were offered for .Jack's defeat, and,
doubtless, those who referred to the somewbat
easy life he has been living for a long time past
as the cause, hit the mark. They knew that
the "Marine" had once been whipped by
Dempsey, though it was with skin gloves.
under the London prize ring rules, and they
were positive that Dempsey, because of this
fact, must have been too confident. The re
port of the fight seems to bear out this opinion.
Excuses, though fully appreciated by the
friends of the loser, would not change the
result, and they began to cast about for reasons
why the "Marine" should be so much better
man ne usea to De. They admitted that tbe
Queensberrv rules suited La Blanche better
than those of old style, and they were of the
belief that his enforced confinement In a Buffa
lo Jail had done him great physical good. There
is not any doubt of the latter. It must have
made a new man of him and this Dempsey must
have forgotten.
Men who had seen Jack in all his principal
encounters and knew his feelings in the matter
of continuing the middle-weight championship
of America, were sure It would almost break
bis heart. Yet they also knew and were willing
to bet that he would not let the grass grow
under his fee: before La Blanche again hears
from him.
There were others who regretted that Demp
sey was ever led Into tbe fight. He had made
his reputation and was unbeaten. The number
ot bis victories rolled up so amazingly large
nothing else that he could do would Increase
his fame as a pugilist. Under these circum
stances it was foolish for him to again fight,
and particularly as he was not in need of
money, his lucrative position as teacher in San
Francisco being enough to support him in
handsome style.
"That's tho way with old fighters, however,"
said an old ringster. "They are never satisfied,
and believe that age and fast living can't hurt
them. It is a mistake, but a common one.
When will such fellows ever have any sensuT"
in me uznc oi uempseys aeieat people will
now think that Dempsey's challenges to Mit
chell were a mistake. Everybody knows of
Mitchell's cleverness, his gameness, his shrewd
ness and that he can fight 20 pounds heavier
than Dempsey,
Nearly 20,000 People Witness Some Ex
ceedingly Excellent Sport.
LEXINGTON, Kt., August 29. An attend
ance of 15,000 to 20.000 people witnessed the ex
cellent racing here to-day. and saw Bonnie Mc
Gregor lower his record to 2:13, which, ranks
as tbe best mile to the credit of any living
trotting stallion. The weather was fine and
the track fast.
First race, l'hcenlx Hotel stakes, for 4-year-olds
Thalia 3 12 11
MainbrlnoMald 12 12 2
Wawona 2 3 dls
Time, 2i26M, 2:a. 2:25, 2:28, 2:23.
Second race, 2:40 class
Norral 1 1
Limestone 2 3 dls
Minnie s 2 dls
Prohibition 3 4 dls
Ilambrlno Wilkes 4 5 dls
Time. 2:29. iti&M. 2:17Ji.
Third race, match
Granny Colfax 1 i
Ida Clay 2 2
Time. ZiSS'A, 2:37.
Cup to beat 2:30
Gussle. i
Time 3
Time. ZtXi.
Cap to beat 2:20
Four Corner. 2 1
Time i 2
Time, 222, 230M. i
Cup to beat 2:16-
Bonnie McOregor i
Time 2
First qnarter. 30)4; half, lrt; three-quarters,
1:39X; mde, 2:13)4.
The Irish Champion Defeats Fcttlt,
American Champion.
. Newport. R. L August 29. The professional
tennis; match between the champion of Ire
land, George Karr, and Tom Pettit, the Ameri
can professional, came off this morning before
a large number of spectators and was won by
Kerr, 6-3; 6-1; 6-L
Kerr's play at all times was the hardest hit
ting ever seen in America and his Judgment
was unerring. He smashed and drove hard
down the side lines and at other times would
make a short play just over the net impossible.
In serving be used mostly a forehanded cut
service with terrific force from over hand.
Pettit did not seem to play in his usual form.
El Rio Rey In Demand.
New York, August 29. If Mr. Theodore
Winters, the owner of tbe great 2-year-old, El
Rio Rey, does not change bis mind, the phe
nomenal youngster will remain his property
and will succeed his great sire, Norfolk, now
well up In years. In the stud in California.
Since the colt won the great Eclipse Stakes at
Westchester on Saturday last,half a dozen rac
ing men have been negotiating to purchase
him. Mr. Johnston, of the Chicago stable, on
Monday asked how much money and Terra
Cotta. their great 3-year-old, would be accepted
for EI Rio Rey. Mr. Withers' reply was. "$50,
000 cash." but since then he has answered oth
ers inquiring tbe price of the colt that he is not
for sale at any figure, and there ends the
Snratogn Winners.
SARATOGA, August 29.
First race, three-quarters of a mile Hopeful
won. Happiness second and Little Bill third.
Time, l:16M.
Second race, one and one-sixteenth miles Belle
d' Or won, Cartoon second, Bertha third. Time,
Third race, the- Relief Stakes, one mile and 500
yards Brown Princes won by a neck after a
driving finish, Retrieve was second. Hub S third.
Time, ?:11M.
Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile Cbeenv
won. Lakevlew second and Mirth third. Time,
rum race, wree-qnarters or a mite Deer Lodge
won, Hsramboure second, Carrie G third. Time,
blxth race, tbe Farewell Handicap Sweepstake,
one and three-sixteenths miles Bonlta won.
Vosburg second and Vermont third. Time,
This ends tbe racing season here.
To Flsut Yonng Mitchell.
NBW York, August 29. Johnny Reagan left
for San Francisco to fight young Mitchell be
fore the California Athletic Club, at 11:30 to
day, over tbe Pennsylvania Railroad. He was
to have left last evening, but a larco number of
friends gathered at his house and would not
hear of bis leaving until to-day. Johnny is big
and strong, and Is confident that he can win If
he receives fair play. He will be accompanied
by Alf Powers, who will train and second him
for his fight. The outcome of the Dempsey
Le Blanche fight wasa surprise to Reagan. lie
will go for the Marine's scalp if be is success
ful with young Mitchell.
Trotting at Meadvllle.
MEADytlXE, August 29. A big crowd,
perfect weather, splendid track and exciting
races were the features at the driving park
this afternoon.
In the 2:15 trot, purse $100, Essie D won,
Casique second, Jim Broocker third, Tocsin
fourth. Best time, 2:32.
2:29 class, mixed, purse f400. Arctic first.
Loyalty second, Sam N third. Knap McCarthy
fourth. Best time, 22&K. warwhoop won
tbe first beat in half-mile run In 5 the
balance of the race being postponed on ac
countof darkness.
Brnasfiold Back Again.
Lexington, Ktm August 29. President
Johnston, of the National Trotting Association,
has issued an order reinstating temporarily W.
R. Brassfield, who was expelled by the Paris
Trotting Association for insubordination. All
his rights and privileges are restored.
Tbe highbred and valuable mare. Donna, 4
years old, by Mambrino Patcben, dam by Rich
lieu, owned by the Cheseman Bros., of Jessa
mine county, died yesterday from tbe effects of
an accident which she met with last Saturday
while running In a lot. She was valued at
English Racing.
London, August 29. At tbe York August
meeting to-day tbe chief event was the race
for the great Yorkshire stakes (forty-seventh
year), 8-yiar-olds. one and three-quarter miles.
It was won bv C Perkin'a Chltabob. Lord Zet
land's Pihzon waa second and F. Lascelle'sM
Nnnthorpe a bad third.
The race for the1 Glmcrack stakes, 2-year-olds.
three-quarterT'of a mile, was won byW.
L Anson'a Xockhart, W. Gardner's Bert was
second, Fenwlck's chestnut Golden Vale third.
There were U starters. '""
Woodruff Was tho Only .Cronin Sus
pect Who Was Successful in
His flnmerous Confessions Were Bather
too Damaging to
Judge JlcConnell's Decision Was a Great Surprise to
the Attorneys.
It was decided yesterday that all the per
sons charged with the murder of Dr. Cronin
should be tried together with the exception
of 'Woodruff. His confessions would pre
clude a fair trial to the others if he was
tried with them.
Chicago, August 29. Judge McCon
nell this morning decided that all the de
fendants in the Cronin trial must be tried
together with the exception of Frank
"Woodruff. He said that in view of 'Wood
ruff's confession it would be manifestly un
fair to allow him to go on trial with the
All the defendants then took exception to
the ruling of the Court refusing them sep
arate trials, and the Judge granted 20 days
in which to file bills of exception. The
attorneys for the 'various defendants then
expressed themselves as ready to proceed
with the trial. The following is Judge Mc
Connell's decision:
Gentlemen, in disnosln? of this motion I
shall not attempt to go Into any argument
whatever; that Is, into any extended argument
as to the grounds of my decision, but shall sim
ply content myself with making tbe decision
and stato in a general way why I do it. The
is substantially this: Daniel Coughlin, Martin
Burke. Frank J. Woodruff, alias Black. John
F. Beggs, Patrick O'Sulliran, johri Kunze and
Patrick Cooney are jointly Indicted for the
murder of Patrick H. Cronin. All of them,
except Cooney, are in court and have entered
pleas of not guilty. Daniel Coueblin moves for
a separate trial, asking that his case may be sev
ered from all other defendants, Martin Burke
and Frank F. Woodruff each make a similar
motion. Patrick O'Sullivan enters two mo
tions, one that he be accorded a trial separate
from the defendants Burke and Coughlin. and
tho other that his trial may be severed from
that of Woodruff.
These several motions are supported by affi
davits substantially containing, as conceded by
the State's Attorney, the evidence which was
tendered the grand jury, and upon which that
body bases tbe indictments. The form of the
indictment and particularly the character of
tbe evidence relied upon by the State indicate
that several of tbe defendants can bo con
victed only upon the successful establishment
of a conspiracy to murder Dr. Cronin and also
of the further fact that they were members of
that conspiracy. These defendants therefore
can in no respect be injured or prejudiced by
evidence tending to show the complicity of
others In the alleged murder, unless it shall be
established, first that there was a conspiracy
and second, that they and the others were
united in that conspiracy.
The Judge now presiding cannot presume
that improper evidence will be admitted at the
trial, nor can he presume that the trial 1udge
will not take every precuatlon wheu the case is
finally submitted to tbe jury.that no defendant
shall be unduly prejudiced by any evidence
which-during the trial shall be admitted as
against.some of the defendants which may not
be competent as to all the others. I must also
presume that the trial Judge will not even per
mit the jury to speculate upon the truth or
innocence of a defendant, unless he believes
that there is sufficient competent evidence
against mm lo sustain a conviction.
These considerations are satisfactory to me
in denying a severance of trial so far as any
grounds for separate trials are based upon the
evidence of facts prior to the time of the mur
der and to all .matters subsequent thereto, ex
cept only the alleged confessions of Woodruff.
I am unable to see now the other defendants
can be tried with him without tbe greatest em
barrassment. In his series of confessions he
has in one way and another implicated nearly
all the defendants. His confessions are com
petent evidence against him. and almost neces
sarily when he Is sitting in the dock with them
would be fatally injurious to tbe others. The
prisoners are entitled to a fair trial associated
witn wooarun iney cannot nave n.
I am persuaded that authority, reason and
simple justice require that tbe other defendants
should be tried separately from Woodruff.
The motion, therefore, wbicb I shall sustain,
will be the motion of O'Sullivan for a trial
separate from that of Woodruff. Necessarily
that will lead to the sustaining of the motion of
Woodruff for a separate trial, although it does
not deserve the consideration tbe other appli
cations do. The other motions stand denied.
The decision was a surprise and for a few
seconds after its gjelivery a peculiar quiet
pervaded the courtroom and people in
stinctively looked around to see who would
first break the silence and what was to
,Mr. ForrestTventually rose and asked for
an exception to the decision, which was
Jiromptly granted, and the order was formu
ated. The court then adjourned until to
A Fowl Starves Herself to Death Because
Her Mate Was Killed.
Brooklyn Cltlien.l
"It's a story," said Tom, as he blew the
tobacco smoke from his pipe, "about a
duck thatdied of a broken heart. My wife
will vouch for its truthfulness. "We had a
hen once that we got to sit on some duck
eggs, and she managed to hatch but one
duck. "We raised that duck, and it got so
tame that it used to follow .my wife and I
wherever we went. Finally, one day, I
thought I would get her a mate, and so I
bought a drake and took it home with me.
It didn't take long for the duck and the
drake to get acquainted, and before many
days they were fast friends. They were
constantly together, and it was really quite
touching to see their affectionate devotion
to one another. Well, one day in Novem
ber r missed the drake. "We searched high
and low for him, but he was nowhere to be
"From the day of his disappearance the
duck began to act strangely. She no longer
followed us around, but seated herselfon tbe
doorstep at the back of the house and never
stirred from the spot. "We gave her corn
and water, hut she refused to eat or drink.
You may not believe it, but I saw bit scald
ing tears trickle from her eyes. This is an
actual'fact, and my wife will tell you the
same thing. This continued for four days
and nights, when one morning my wife on
going out into theard found the dead body
of the duck lying on the doorstep."
"And what became of the drake?" asked
one of the interested listeners.
"We found him lying dead under the
railroad platlorm," said Mr. Hawkins.
"My idea is that the duck must have
known of the fate which had befallen her
He Goes ThroogU Olnnr Hardships and Is
Yet Alive, nt 140 Years.
.from the London Globe. 1
'There is a man living at Sarataff,
Bussia, who is 140 yjears old. He acted as
Adjutant to Field Marshal Pngatcheff and
took part in the storming of Kasan and
Simbrist and in the bombardment of Sam
ara. He was arrested with Pugatcheff and
brought back to Simbrisk, where he was
subjected to ISO blows with the knout and
condemned to hard labor for life in the Si
berian mines.
After 38 years' banishment and hard labor
Samoiloff was permitted to return to his
native city. Despite the hardships of his
exile he is described as still retaining all his
NWKAKStomach,Beec1iam'sPilla actllkemigio
Pkabs' sap secure a Deauuiul complexion.
The American Kevqnne Cotter Is Doing a
Kashlng'BnsInes) In the Bearing Sea
Any Quantity of Seal Skins
Confiscated The Black
Diamond Owners.
"VICTORIA, TB. C., August 29. The seal
ing schooner Juaniia, arrived to-day from
Behring Sea. The Juanita was boarded by
the officers of the United States steamer
Richard Bush and 600 seal skins
seized. The schooner was ordered
to Sitka, hut no prize crew placed
aboard. The schooner Lilly, seized August
6 by the Bush, Is the property of the Black
Diamond. xnejBiacK Diamond lelt here
yesterday ostensibly on a trip up the coast
to xefit, but it is said that she is really off on
a sealing cruise into Behring Sea, where the
owners believe they have a legal right to
hunt seal. This action shows what the
popular feeling is .here in regard to the
United States jurisdiction in Behring Sea,
and her power of her policy to enforce it.
"The report (I) that the Vice Consul
Marvin, of Victoria, is interested in the
seized sealing schooners is not tbe case. E.
E. Marvin, shipchandler and part owner
of the Sapphire, and Vice Consul Marvin
are different persons. Frank, who has fig
ured as the owner of the schooner Black
Diamond, was' a citizen of the United
States, but was also a partner with J. Gutt
man, her former owner, who was a British
subject and who was lost with all
on board another schooner in the
spring ot 1888. After Guttman's death
Morris Moss purchased the schooner and
is now her registered owner. He is a Brit
ish subject. Allthesealingschooners which
have cleared at Custom House for Behring
Sea this year are registered by British sub
jects. The sealing schooner owners formed
an association Tuesday night
A dispatch from Washington says: The
Treasury Department has received a tele
gram from Captain Shephard, of the reve
nue cutter Rush, dated Alaska, August 9,
via San Francisco, in which the Captain
reports the seizure of the schooners Minnie,
Pathfinder, Jnniataand Lilly, of Victoria,
B. C, and the James G. Swan, of Port
Townsend, for violation of the laws in re
gard to sealing in Behring Sea.
A Dock and a Big Ballding oa
Island Swept Away.
rsrxciAi. TxxiOBAis to tux disp ATCir.j
New Yobk, August 29. Forty-five feet
of solid masonry, a dock and a portion of
a building 100x150. feet, situated on the ex
treme easterly end of Barren Island,
the property of tbe Barren Island
Oil and Guano Company were washed away
by the high tide on Tuesday morning. The
wrecked building contained 40 carboys of
acid, some hydraulic presses and an
engine, which now lie buried in
about 45 feet of water. A portion of the de
molished structure still overhangs the water.
On Monday there was a space the width of a
city block between the boiler house and high
tide mark. Now the water sweeps over this
with ample depth to float an ocean steamer.
The water began its encroachments with
the first high tide on Monday. When
the tide was on the ebb the portion
of the island washed away surged up and
down as if a thousand boiling springs had
suddenly burst up beneath it. The
water spurted out of every crack
and crevice. At 5 A. m. Tuesday,
when the tide had again reached its height,
there was a crash, and 15 minutes after the
water rolled over the place where the
building and dock had stood. The
guano company's loss will amount to $10,
000. The total loss cansed bv the
washout will exceed $20,00Q. Profiting
by previous experiences, the guano com
pany had everything movable taken to a
place of safety. The washout was looked
for, and no work had been done in the build
ing for some time. .
Why the Arizona Editor is Determined to
Boycott John Wanamaker.
Detroit Free lTess.l "
We take the following item from the last
issue of the Arizona Kicker:
It has fallen. Mr! Wanamaker has re
cused to appoint us to the postmastership of
this town. The blow has at length fallen.
Honesty, lntregrity, merit, intelligence and
enthusiasm have gone for naught. A wall
eyed, humpbacked ignoramus, who can't
spell gum, and can scarcely add 2 and 2, is
retained in preference
' Do we turn the other cheek?
Not muchl The first thing we did after
receiving the news last night was to burn
up a vest which was purchased at wana
maker's ten years ago. We shall never,never
buy another dud from his establishment.
We' ask our friends to make the same re
solve. Tbe Nero must be brought to terms.
His haughty form must be rubbed in the
dust. He must bejriven to understand that
the bulwarks of American liberty still tower
aloft, and that no free-born American can
be trampled on with impunity.
Sic semper tyraunisl Which means that
we have camped on his trail.
A Frnlt That Is Entirely Different From Any
Other That Grows.
Kern County (Cal.) Calirornlan.i
While musing upon the many wonderful
products oi nature, how many stop to con
sider the peculiarities of the fig? It is ut
terly unlike any other fruit, in that it has no
blossom. Every other fruit heralds its
coming and gives its promise with a flower.
And then most certainly the fig must have
lungs or breathing places, for from the little
button at the end there are minute ducts or
air spaces which run right through the frnit
and clear into the stem. If, in drying, the
fig is not placed as it grew on the tree, the
frnit sours and molds.
It would seem that these air vessels must
be placed so as to exhale while the fig is
drying, even as they inhale while it is
growing. The fruit does not hang from the
tree, bnt inclines upward, held by the stem,
and this bntton or mouth opens toward the
sun. If not so placed when being dried the.
bntton is shaded and the fruit then spoils.
Altogether the fig is one of the most re
markable of all nature's products.
All of the Establishments at Saratoga Palled
by the Police.
Israel!, texioram to the dispatch, l
Saratooa, August 29. Last midnight
raids were made on Albert Spencer's club
house and on the places kept by C. W.
Mitchell and John Frost. All three of these
men were arrested and taken to police
headquarters and before Justice Pierson.
They waived examioation, and gave bail in
the sum of $900 each, Hon. Edward Kear
ney becoming surety for Spencer. Edward
Bawson for Mitchell and W.W.Worden for
Search warrants were also issued, but in
neither place complained against were any
gambling implements found. The warrants
of arrest ana search were issued on com
plaint of one Ernest B. Bevins, of Philadel
phia, under employment of Spencer, Trask.
Men Willi Defective Vision Not Expert a
the Great National Game.
William Patterson in Globe Democrat.
Cross-eyed men and one-eyed men can often
see quits' as well as people in whose eyes there
is no defect, and they get along In most kinds of
business qultoii well as tbe sound-eyed
men, but there is.no chance for them on the
ball field. I 'never yet saw a cross-eyed man
play good ball, and 1 never saw a one-eyed man
even attempt to do It.
Another thing I've often noticed about ball
players is this: -Though tbere are many more
brunettes than blondes, the majority of ball
players are blondes ;of a pronounced type. I
haven't the least kltsv why It U.
For Wettern Fenru
in northern, f.
tionary temperqturt
in southern portion;
southeasterly winds.
For West Virginia
and Indiana, fair,
stationary tempera
ture; southeasterly winds. ;
For Ohio, fair, stationary temperature in"
southwest warmer in northeast portion;
southerly winds.
Pittsburg, August 29, 1SS9.
The United States Signal Service omcerta
this city lurnunes the following:
Time. Tner.
SMX.il 61
12:00 x 78
1:00 r. x
1.-00 r. K S3
S:00r. X -
80 r. X .77
IMeantemp 70
juaxunam innpM c
Minimum temp.... 56
Kanjte ..- .. 27 .
Precipitation. ...... .00
Klrer at 4 r. x.. 0.7 feet.
Itlver Telegram.
Moboantown Klver 3 feet 6 inches" and
stationary. Weather fair. Thermometer 82 at
Wabbzn Blver 1-10 of one foot and sta
tionary. Weather clear and warm.
BEOWUSV1LI.E River 3 feet 9 Inches and
stationary.. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 77"
at 6 p.m.
The Fonntnln Will Soon Flew.
The committee having in charge the erec
tion of a public drinking fountain in the
Fifteenth ward met last night. It was set
tied that tbe pipes will be connected with
the Arsenal reservoir. A sub-committee of
five was appointed to secure funds, and to
arrange for the immediate erection of the
Hooting a Law About Child Detectives.
Attorneys W. D. Moore and ClarJnca
Burleigh have been employed by the Anti
Cruelty Society to search the statutes for a
law which would justify a suit against the
Law and Order folks for paying children to
act as detectives. Up to the present no snch
law has been found.
Died In tho Penitentiary.
Coroner McDowell's inquest on the body
of Sylvester Shingledecker, 23 years old,
who died in the Western Penitentiary on
Wednesday night, showed that the prisoner's
death was caused by consumption. Shin
gledecker was committed from Bradford
county for larceny.
by proof our claim that
Acme Blacking
Woxrri BAsnoxra.
To make an f nteHigrai tert of this, try li a f bllow
ins method: Ban; a strip of leather In a bottle of
Acme Blacking, and leave it there for - dar or
month. Take it oat and hang it op to dry vUi ex
amine its condition carefully. We recommend ladiee
to make a similar test with French Dressin J. and
y VTtn any liquid eolation of .Taste IJjacJt-.,
; that cornea
sin arc
tenjufs I
jjjlkbb any mm q lemoBr
Its beantifnl. rich, GLOSSY POLISH is m
equaled. Savtt labor and amnoyanet.
A Polish Lnata n. Month for Women, sad
A WeekforHIen.andon II nrneaa Leather
even Four .Months without renovating.
Bold by Shoe Stores, Grooera, and dealers reneraHj,
In order to close out "
present stock of Men's
and Boys' calf and kip
Boots we have reduced
prices from $1 to $2 on.
each pair. $3 Boots go
now at $2. $4 50 Bdots.'
go now at $.3, and $5
Boots for $3 50. This'
is a positive Clearance
Sale and a rare chance ,
for extra bargains. No '
shoddy goods, but all
warranted solid leather. ,&
Don't miss this opportu- 4
"nity. Open Saturdays V
to 11 p. m. " )C
Cor. Fourth avenue, Pittsburgr.
R. f. Dun & Co.,
Germanla Bank Building. '123 Wood street, cor.
ner of Diamond, Pittsburg. Pa.
This establishment supplies all necessary
Information as to the standing, responsibility,
etc of business men throughout North Amer
ica. It is the oldest and by far the most com
?nete ana extensive system ever organized tor
he accommodation of Banking and Mercantile -Interests
and the General Promotion and Pro
tectlon of Trade.
Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended
to throughout the North American Continent.
Established 1802.
Broom Manufacturers Supplies
Telephone 163. an23-31-MWrV,
W.sfl DruwUtj. but beware of taHaa&1
v P vsl
t( III'0 Jk ill ir