sssaB HPfJMWH frrfzrrri;? rv A,TW -. - -' --- V'-' y . , THE PITTSBURG-' ' DISPATCH, FRTDAT, AUGUST 30, 1889. .WILL BE ALL READY. The Exposition Will Open on the Day f Originally Set for It. v t'HANY EXHIBITS KOW IN PLACE. n ActiTe Work in Progress Throughout the Entire Building. - EAILEOADS WAKT TO BDI POWER HALL ' There has been ranch uncertainty and tome uneasiness among the business men of Pittsburg as to whether the Exposition will be opened in good condition next 'Wednes day evening. Interviews with prominent officials of the Exposition Society and a gen eral inspection by a representative ot The Dispatoh, indicate that the Exposition will be in as good shape for the grand open ing as any aflair of the kind that has been presented to the American public in many years. Four weeks ago the manager and the Board of Directors were somewhat uneasy over the prospects. It did not at that time seem possibleto get the buildings ready by September Everyman interested put his shoulder to the wheel with superhuman energy, and the result has been simply a striking demonstration of the possibilities ot American enterprise and activity. The Exposition managers have done their best. The general opinion among the actual workers is that whatever remissness there may be in the completeness of the display next "Wednesday evening, will be blamable not to the society, but to some of the ex hibitors. The society has labored under great difficulties. Just at the time when the raising of funds was well under way, the Johnstown flood paralyzed Pittsburg business affairs. Immense sums of money were ungrudgingly diverted in that direc tion, and many of the men most actively in terested in the Exposition bent all their en ergies, for a time, to the work of relieving the distress of the flood sufferers. It will be remembered that just before the opening of the May Festival, numerous doubts' were expressed as to whether the contractors, Murphy & Hamilton, wonld have toe building reaiy for that event. It did not look possible to an uninitiated per son. The contractors quietly said that they wonld be ready, and they were. The last three or four days worked wonders, and' beautiful order nas rapidly wrought out of homely chaos. EXACT STATE OF AFFAIBS. Murphy & Hamilton have very little work to do now. What is incomplete per tains to stairways, doorways and incidental matters which do not interfere with the ex hibits.' For nearly four weeks the main building has teen ready for exhibitors, and the leading mercantile houses of Pittsburg have not been behind time in their prepara tions. On the lower floor all the platforms have been erected, and several of the prin cipal booths are almost completed. The ap pearance of this hall indicates that on next Wednesday evening it will be in good con dition. As much cannot be said of the immense galleries, which run along -the sides and end of the great hall and furnish a large amount of room. Some large houses have space in the galleries, and are in well advanced condi tion. In njdeh of the space, however, the ten-inclAigh platforms have not been com- 2ienced.B Ma-nar Johnston, who is just now the buitoan in Pittsburg, said yesterday afternooa.' in a moment's breathing time: "You can assure the pnblic that this main building will e in excellent shape by "Wednesday, when the opening occurs. About Power Hall I am not so well in formed. I believe that every inch of avail able space has been occupied by reliable exhibitors. Many persons are after me even now whom I cannot accommodate. You can see that most of the booth are up or in course of construction. An immense amount of hard work has been done, but .we will be prepared to(give the public a splendid dis play." Mr. D. C. Herbst, the Chairman of the Committee on Iron Work, has charge of the construction of Power Hall. The structural work on that bnilding is almost completed, and over one-third ot the glass has been put in. The building is being put up by the Marshall Construction Company. Yesterday afternoon the gigantic iron smokestack was erected. It was put together inside or the building. The enginrwhich will run the line ot shafting on the north side of the building 'war built by James Keese. It is in place, and has not only been used while (the building has been in process ot con struction, but will continue as an exhibit. iTbe south line of shafting will be run by a f neivy westingbouse engine, which will be pnt in to-day. AX IBON AND GLASS PALACE. Mr. Herbst said yesterday: "Power Hall will be closed in "by Monday night. At that time the contractors will have finished their work and will leave the building. The putting in of the exhibits may begin to morrow, but most of them will come in on Monday. The floor, you see, is completed, and very little remains to be done abontthe building. A few pieces of iron are to be inserted in the roofs and the ends, and much of the glass is still to be inserted. "I consider this building the most marvelous piece of work ever done in this city. The contract was let only two months ago, and all the iron used in the building has been manufactured since that time. As an example of the rapidity with which work has been done, I may cite one example. IJast Friday structural iron was rolled in the mill of Jones &Laughlins,on the South side, which was put up in the building on the day following. In the same manner the work has been rushed all the way through. "The other day Superintendent Pitcairn, of the Pittsburg division of the Pennsylva nia Kailroad, sent word that be desired to have a nnmber of civil engineers and archi tects in the employ of that road view the Power Hall.and I had the pleasure of meet ing the party and showing the building to them. They expressed to me their admira tion of the structure, declaring that it was the best piece of iron and glass work that they had ever seen. The building is so made that it can be taken down and moved. Some of the officials of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company sent word to me that if the Exposition Company ever contemplated the sale of the bnilding they would like to be informed of the intention. It is con structed on a new system, and is the admira tion of all architects and engineers" who see it. "As an example: You have noticed that the tall inner supports of the roof are of oak. It will strike one who has not studied the subject as odd to say that the use of those oak columns makes the structure more fire proof than if they were of iron. Iron would warp with heat, if a fire should occur in the building, and would cause the breaking of the roof. It will take those isolated oak columns three-quarters ot an hour to burn through, and before that time any fire possi ble in such a building will have been extin guished. THAT F. B. B. COBBLE STOEY. "The dynamo for the electric lighting of the building will be put in Saturday. In the main building telephones have already been inserted. The Western Union Tele graph tympany will have its wires in to morrow, and the Exposition Company will (O-porrow open its offices in the large north-) Mr. S. S. Marvin, President of the Ex position Society, expressed the opinion yes erday that Power Hall will be in shape next Wednesday. He said: "That is the best and quickest job ever done in this city. The building is a splendid one. No, I have not heard that the Pennsylvania Eailroad Company desired to buy it for a depot. They might like to have it, just as I would like to have it for a cracker factory. The Exposition Society, however, has no more idea of ever disposing of this property for any other than exposition purposes than TnE Dispatch has of dropping its daily edition and running only a weekly. The work of putting in the exhibits will begin this week. They are all from Pittsburg manufacturers, and are only waiting ior permission to enter." Postal cards were sent out by the City Clerk yesterday calling a special meeting of Select Councillor this afternoon to act upon ,a petition from the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for permission to lay tracks from the Duquesnff freight depot, along Third street to the Exposition bnilding. This, Pennsylvania Kailroad officials say, is to permit the hauling of freight directly to the building. The calling of this meeting re vived the rather stale talk that the Penn sylvania Eailroad Company hoped to secure the Exposition buildings eventually for depot purposes. President Marvin said: "The site is unsuitable for a depot. Our charter does not permit us to make any profit out of the affair. We dare .not sell. Our lease of the ground from the city pro vides that an exposition shall be held at least once in every two years. There is no possibility of such an event," The story was that the Pennsylvania Kailroad expecting that the Exposition might not succeed financially, would lead to its abandonment in a tew years. Then if the property and buildings revert to the city the great corporation would try to buy it from the city if not from the Exposition Society. The visit of inspection ot Superin tendent Pitcairn and the railroad engineers to the building alluded to above, gave color to such a report, especially as Mr. Herbst admits that after this inspection railroad officials asked to be notified if a sale was ever contemplated. A high official of the Baltimore and Ohio Kailroad said yesterday evening that the application of the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company meant an attempt on the part of that company to monopolize the approaches to the Exposition. He was satisfied that the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company would not devote its line exclusively to the trans portation ot freight, but intended to use its line for the conveyance of passengers to the Exposition. He thought that if Councils granted such a privilege, it would prevent other railroad lines from competing with the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company and would tend to iujure the Exposition, rnnnto exhibits in ordeb. Immediately opposite the main entrance to Exposition Hall, and about the center of the floor is the splendid large structure of Joseph Home & Co It is nearly finished. Near it are the large booths of Kanfmanns' and Gusky 's,both costly and uniq ue in design. Fine exhinits will be ready by Kleber & Bros., S. Hamilton, Joseph Eichbaum & Co., Hopper Bros., Collins Cigar Company, Hugus & Hacke, Boggs & Buhl, Danziger & Shoenberg, Kosenbaum & Co., Graff, Hugus &' Co., E. Groetzinger, Mellor & Hoene, Beiles & Co., Wattles, Sheafer & Co., W. W. Wattles, W. G. Johnston, Singer Sewing Machine Company, White Sewing Machine Company, De Haven & Co., P. C. Schoeneck, Meyer, Arnold & Co., W. H. Keech, Mile End Cotton Spool Co., Western Pennsylvania Phonograph Co., William H. Allen, E. West & Sons, L. Glrsenkamp, Taylor & Dean, Charles Keizenstem, O. McClintock& Co.,Bovard, Kose & Co., Thomas Pickering, S. S. Mar vin & Co., Dauler, Close & Johns, Koanigk Bros., J. C. Grogan, Fleishman & Co., and others. One of the most attractive displays will be that of Heinz, the pickle man. He oc cupies the entire east gallery. The eastern wall is covered by an immense oil painting of Heinz's farm, up the Allegheny river. opposite the waterworks. The painting has been well executed by Mr. John Johnson, the well-known scenic artist. Another unique exhibit is that of the Collins Cigar Company. Their booth in the gallery has been built of cigar boxes in Moorish style. Tobacco plants, big and little, will be shown growing in soil. In the art department about 700 pictures will be displayed, in oil, water and etching. A number have been sent from Europe. Nearly all have been already hung and will form the finest art display ever presented in Pittsburg. Superintendent Johns says that he will be ready by Wednesday evening if the electric lights are inserted by that time. Sheriff McCandless yesterday delegated one of his deputies to swear in a number of special officers about the Exposition. Some thing must be done by either the Exposi tion managers or the city authorities to re move the accumulation of duston Duquesne way. It is at least three inches thick, and is a great nuisance. Some of the exhibitors express reluctance to tut in their fine poods. fearing that they may be injured by the oust oeiore tne snow lairiy opens. j.1 tne dust is wet down by sprinklers it will be come mud. There is still considerable growling among some of the merchants of this city because they have been unable to obtain space. Manager Johnston says: "We have only half enough room. If we had twice as much we could fill it Those who ap plied in time were assigned space. Some were necessarily left, and I am very sorry for it," FINE HEW RESIDENCES. Permits for Severn! Issued by lbs Building Inspectors Yesterday. A large number of permits were issued from the Building Inspector's office yester day. Among them was one to Mrs. Miriam Hays for a two and a half-story brick store and dwelling house, 23x89 feet, to be erected at the corner ot.Hiland avenue and Broad street, Nineteenth ward, at a cost of $10,000. Another was to A. F. Brown for a two-story and mansard brick dwelling on Butler street, Seventeenth ward, to cost $7,200. George It. West took out one for two stone and frame dwellings on Koup street, Twen tieth ward, to cost $6,000. Kobiuson & Eenney took out one lor a $4,600 brick dwelling at the corner of Evaline and Har riet streets, Twentieth ward. Tnnk Glass All Right. H. Sellers McKee said yesterday that the third tank at Jeannette will be ready for use as soon as it is possible to complete the work on it. He said they had no trouble in selling tank glass, and that they were well enough satisfied whether outsiders were or not. S3. Cleveland nod Return. 83. Excursion tickets will be sold "by the Pennsylvania Company. Monday, Septem ber 2, for trains leaving Pittsburg at 6:10 a. JL, 7:25 A. pL, 12:45 p. M. and 11:05 p. M., central time. Tickets can be procured at Union station and 110 Fifth avenue, Pitts burg, and Federal street station, Allegheny, good returning until Saturday, September 7, inclusive. wtsu TnE MONSTER FAIR AND RACES, Yoangstown. September 2. 3, 4, S and 0, Excursions each day, by all railroads, from Pittsburg and intermediate stations. Tick ets good entire week. Don't fail to attend. Tickets and all information at city ticket offices and depots. A Rivnf RTanT J lr t ftnrvfifn Fm-T1w Medium weight cloth jackets in black and colors, and tne aii-wooi stocsinette jackets that can't be equaled at onr prices. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Do Von Know That we have the finest line of school suits for boys in the city; prices $1 60, $2, $2 50 and $3. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia mond ats., opp. the Court House. Tbe Best Biarritz Suede Glove at 85 Cents, Usual "bargain" price $1 00 tans, browns, slates and black only 65 cents a pair. Jos. Hoene & Co.'a , Penn Avenue Store. MEETING IN A GROTE. Spiritualists Hold a Picnic and Dance at Windsor Park. A GOLD MEDAL PRESENTATION. Dancing and Fan Making the Onlj Other Exercises of the Day. THE ONEROUS DDT1ES OF A MEDIUM The congregation of the First Spiritual istic Church of Pittsburg, held its first annual picnio yesterday, at Windsor Park, Bellvue. The members assembled at the FortWayne depot, and took the 9:30 A. M. train. The committee who had ip charge the festivities of the day, was composed of I. H. Lohmeyer, W. L. Hughes, and G. W. Kates, and by their united efforts, everything passed off well. The morning was passed, by the male members in play ing ball, throwing quoits, and the girls by getting the young men to swing them high into the lofty branches of the trees. At 12 o'clock a bell was rung, which called the hungry pleasure seekers to dinner. In the afternoon an impromptu meeting was held. No one understood what sort of exercises were to be held. A mystery shrouded the whole proceedings. Between 300 and 400 people gathered around the dancing platform and it was thought that a seance was about tc take place. But this thought was soon dispelled, by Mrs. Flem. ing calling upon Mrs. Yates to perform a very pleasing duty. Mrs. Yates stepped into the middle ot the floor and said: "It affords me great happiness to stand here and, in the name ot this straggling and ostracised society, to present to our sister, Mrs. Stevens, who has done so much for our beloved cause, a small memento of our deepest gratitude." Here Mrs. Yates called Mrs. Stevens to come forward, and she then presented her with a magnificent gold medal. The front side was laid in enamel, with a very pretty monogram. On the adverse side was the inscription: "Presented to Mrs. Ella Stevens by the First Spiritualistic Church, Sixth street, Pittsburg, Pa.. August 9, 1889." Mrs. Stevens, in a voice tremulous with emotion, replied. She said: "Friends,it is with difficulty that I can return to you my profoundest thanks for this beautiful medal. Its intrinsic value is insignificant in my eyes compared to the priceless value of friends, who, to show their love to me and the appreciation of any little effort in behalf of the cause that I may have made, have taken this means of showing it. If I am spared it' is my intention to still labor in the capacity of a medium between the spiritual and the ma terial worlds. Let me emphasize this fact before you all: The underlying principle of spiritualism is nurity. Our cardinal principles do not conflict with the most ad vanced theories of science. Though we have in the past been living under a black cloud we can now see the sun shed its light through, and it will soon burst in upon us in oriental splendor and our cause will then triumphantly march forward. It is to see the shackles of sin fall from every enslaved man so that he may move and live con stantly in an atmosphere of right." After the addresses were concluded a string band struck up a lively waltz. In a minute the platform was filled with a whirling, happy mass of men and maidens. Mrs. Stevens stated to a Dispatch re porter tbat the duties devolving upon a me dium were very onerous. She had many interviews with the spirits from the other world. When questioned what their theory was concerning this and the next world, she said: "We don't believe everything we do not absolutely know. Such a thing as a hell we are certain does not exist, but we are certain that there is a heaven, because we are in communication with it so often. In everything you see around of a living nature God is there." A SUICIDE'S WILL A Poor Woman Writes to The Dispatch She Will Drown Herself. The following letter was received yester day at the office of this paper through the mail: Editor Dispatch: I write this to you this day. I will give np all hoping for a place of rest, I am very lonely, tired, without borne, friends or health. When my body is found have It hurled. I want it in terred in Homewood Cemetery, and the Rev. C. K. Locke to preach. I know it is a sin to take one's life, but when misery overcomes and takes a stronghold, what Is sweeter than death. The body won't, be found tor some time, and there will be someone to identify It, as I am known In East End, Pittsburg and Allegheny City. A Poor Miserable Woman. My age 40. Good bye. To judge Dy the handwriting and spelling the writer was evidently an illiterate per son. A call was made at the home of Key. Charles E. Locke, on Wylie avenue, but he could not throw anv light upon the affair. "Our church, the Smithfield Street M. E. Church," he said, "is so old and well known that it is probable that the woman did not think of any other for the moment. How ever, as soon as yon have found a clew to the woman, let me know, and if she is not dead already, I will see what I can do to help her. But if her body is found I will certainly grant her request and bury her." A NEW MECHANICS' ORDER. An Association of Present nnd Past Officers I Formed. 4 The Jr. O. U. A. M. of this city have formed a new organization, which will in a certain sense be an auxilliary to the older society. It will be known as the Past Coun cilors' Association, and only officers and those who have "filled the chairs" are eligible to membership. The object of the association is to bring together the workers of the" organization and discuss questions that would not properly come before the different councils. The new association cannot legislate for the national organiza tion, but can make recommendations for action. There are 87 councils of the order in Allegheny county, and the membership of the new association will run up into the thousands. Tbe first meeting of the new association was held last evening at No. 506 Smithfield street. Forty-nine members were initiated. The meeting was called to order by State Vice Councilor, Stephen Collins, and the following officers were elected: President, W. T. Kerr; Vice President, Joseph E. Morris; Secretary, H. B. Peck; Treasurer, D. G. Evans; Executive Committee, Major B. C. Bryner, W. J. Fix and James S. Whited. The next meeting will beheld Saturday, September 7. A Horse Commits Suleld. A horse belonging to Patrick L. Connolly, of Elizabeth, committed suicide on Wednes day last. He walked to tbe river bank, stood for a moment as though in profound thought, then raising his head and glancing around him for the last time, walked into the water and dived under a barge. He rose no more alive; and the usual number of reliable witnesses state tbat they never heard of a cooler or more deliberate suicide. Always use Piatt's Chlorides for house hold disinfection. You will like it. Do Yon Know That we have the finest line of school suits forboysln the city; prices $1 C0r2, $2 tk) aad 53. P. O. C. 0., cor. Grant and Dia mond sts., opp, tbe Court House. Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal ax a pastry flour. Horning'! "Ivory," gem of all family flours. CIjERZ LONG ASTONISHED. A Man Wnnted to Know If He Had Been Convicted Suits for Damage. Writs of Habeas Corpus. A man walked into the Clerk of Court's office yesterday afternoon and gave his name as Andrew McCune. He said that he had been tried last February for aggravated assault and battery and he-wanted to find out what the verdict had beep. Clerk Long, after a struggle with his amazement at the amount of interest Mr. McCune must have taken in the trial, hunted up the record,. McCune had been convicted of simple as sault and battery and fined 85 and costs. McCune said that he had paid the money, but did not know what it'was for, and de sired to know if he had ever beentconvicted. He departed satisfied. A. Albert Shaul and his wife Margaret Shaul, yesterday entered suit against James L. Gardner, a grocer in Millvale borough, for S5.-000 damages. Mrs. Shaul on April 3, fell through an open hatchway In Gard ner's store. J. G. Walter, a director and stockholder in the Monongahela Water Company, yes terday filed his separate answer to the quit of H." Sellers McKee and others against the company, in which conspiracy and fraud were alleged in the purchase of the Manu facturers' Water Company. Mr. Walter denies all knowledge of fraud, if there was any. Dennis Ward yesterday filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus to secure his re lease from tbe workhouse. He had been committed for 30 days by 'Squire McMillen, of Mansfield, on a charge of disorderly con duct. As Ward's father is dying Judge Slagle ordered his release for a'hearing on Saturday. Blair & Jamison, of Homestead, yester day filed a statement in their suit against the borough of Homestead for 499 50 dam ages caused to goods in their cellar by in sufficient drainage of the borough. Mrs. Mary Daley yesterday applied for a writ of habeas corpus for the release of her husband, John Daley, from the workhonse. Daley had been committed 30 days by Mag istrate Gripp for disorderly conduct. The oflense was beating his wife. A hearing in the case will be had to-morrow. Phillopena Hammerly, yesterday entered suit against John Kuorrffor $5,000 damages lor slander. Johm Boyle yesterday entered suit against Booth & Flinn for damages for injury caused to his property by the defendants. A LAW POINT RAISED. Alderman Brokaw Will Consult the Dis trict Attorney. The members of the Committee of Ar rangements ot the Bavarian Beneficial As sociation; who were charged with selling liquor without license and to minors at a picnic In Hammel's 'grove last Monday week, had a hearing before Magistrate Brokaw Wednesday. Major Montooth acted as the attorney for the defendants. At the hearing the Major raised the point that the men could not be held, because there was no money taken oyer the bar. The Magistrate postponed his decision in order to consult the District Attorney on the subject Joseph Kabenstein, William Wagner, John Schering.and Paul Bernhardt are the names of the defendants. Blanks For Gettysburg Transportation. H. T. Kowlpy, the Secretary of the One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania Volun teers, has a supply of blanks for the trans portation of veterans to Gettysburg. They can be secured from him at the County Commissioners' office. A meeting of the regiment to complete all arrangements will be held at the Washington Infantry armory to-morrow evening. An Invigorating Beverage. A glass of pure beer is both beneficial and delightful to a warm and tired mortal. The well-known brand of "Iron City Beer," brewed exclusively by Messrs. Frauenheim & Vilsack is suctfa beverage. It is made carefully, from the purest materials, and is wholesome and nutritious. Ask for it. Telephone 1186. We Are Now Showing; Fall Shapes In Indies' Hats ' In our millinery department always in the lead here and the greatest variety. Jos. Hoeke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. School Supplies. L. Breuninger & Co., 535 Smithfield st, Pittsburg, Fa., is the place to buy them. They have the largest assortment of slates, school bags, pencil boxes, etc, in the market. Wholesale and retail. Call and Examine The men's suits we are selling at f 8 and 510. They are of the newest patterns. P. C. Cv C, -cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the Court House. MEETINGS. NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF tbe stockholders of the Frohsinn Society to elect Directors takes place at their office, 305 Penn ave.. TUESDAY, September 10, 1889.from 1 o'clock p. M, till 9 o'clock p. jr. au2S-4-p C. W.'KRAUS, Secretary. qlTIZENS OF ALLEGHENY V'ho are opposed to- the rebuilding of the "illller Oil Refinery," will meet in the Sixth ward pnblic school hall,corner of Chartiers and Juniata streets, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 30th Inst., at 8 o'clock promptly. au3Q-12 NOTICES. THE WESTERN PENN'A. EXPOSITION Society 8 per cent ten year coupon bonds can now be had on application at the office of tbe society. Interestpayable semi-annually at office of the Fidelity Title and Trust Co. JA& W. BATCHELOR, Secretary. 11U30-51-MWF . DIVIDENDS. THOEN OIL COMPANY, 1 125 Fourth avb.. (Second floor,) J PlTTSBtma, August 29, 18S9 i DIVIDEND-ELEVENTH DIVIDEND The Board of Directors of tbe company have this day declared a dividend of TWO PER CENT, payable at tbe office of Wo. Guckert, President, No. 125 Fourth avenue, on and after Angnst 29, 188a. JOS. FUHRER, JR. Treasurer. an29-70 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED up until TUESDAY, September 8, at 2 o'clockP. St., for printing and binding 1,000 copies of the descriptive list of all real property assessed for city taxation. Blanks for Didaing and information furnished on ap Sllcatlon to the office of the City Controller, onds with sureties to be approved by the Board of Awards, mnst accompany each bid. Tbe right to accept or reject any or all bids re served. E. S. MORROW, au27-45-D Controller. ADCTIOX SAI.ES. A T AUCTION-FI NE8EWINGMA . CHINE, furniture, carpets, etc, FRI DAY MORNING, August 30, at 10 o'clock, at tbe tooms. No. 311 Market st. Parlor salts in rues, plushes, silks, reps and haircloth, fine clocks, piano lamp, brio-a-brac, rugs, curtains, body brussels, moqnet, velvet and Ingrain carpets, linoleum, china, glass and silverware, chamber suits, lounges, conches, wardrobes, dressers, bedsteads, wish stands, desks, secretaries, chiffoniers, cbeval glass, folding beds, stoves, refrigerators, mat tresses, springs, bedding, lambrequins, kitchen goods, laundry furnishments, etc, etc Goods flow on exhibition. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM., an29-84 Auctioneers. UEOUTs. HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J.. Henry WAX.TXB,Prop'r., Jno. B. Bchlosseb, Manager, late of Hotel Duquesne, Pittsburg. 177-69 A. WH1TELEY. 126K THIRD AVF, UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes soled and heeled in 15 minutes for 75 cents.. - Fiflest work in the city. srrX-ll.wT &-IHtplav advertisements one dollar psr $quart for one insertion. Claulfled advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inter Hon, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBfJRG DISPATCH BRANCb OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, TbLet, and other transient advertisements will be.receivtfoup to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already bare accounts with THE DIS PATCH rrrrsBUEo. TH03IA8 MCCAFVKKY. 3U Butler street. E.MIL O. STUCKET. 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylie ave. and Tulton SL M. STOKE!, Y, Fifth Avenne Market House. XABT'XXD. t. VI. WALLACE. 6121 Penn avenue. OUO.AND. ' MCALLISTER SnElBLER,5thST. AAtwoodiV EOUTnsxns. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carton street ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEK, S9 Federal street. B. J. McBRIDE. Federsl and Ohio streets. 1'REOH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEK3 ft SON, 'Ohio snd Chsstnnt U. 1. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS UCHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EKKY M. GLEIM. Bebeeca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Mule Hcln. "VTJANTED-AN EtfPEKlENCED TINNEB. VVApply H NINTH ST. n30-J5 "TVTANTED FOUK GOOD AXLE MAKERS V and heaters at Annlston, Ala. S.H. CHAD DOCK. an28-30 TtTANTED-l GOOD TIN EOOFEK: CALL V Immediately. McCAULEYBBOS., Home stead. Pa. au30-33 TTJ-ANTED-OFFICE BOY. ADDKESS IN V own handwriting, gtvlnj- age, BOX 211, Pittsburg postofflcc. an30-M "TTTANTED-BARBEKS AT THE ORIGINAL V and old reliable barbers' supply hoffse, 80 DIAMOND ST., Pittsburg. au2i-17-MWP T7-ANTED-FOKEMAN FOB BOILER SHOP; TV accustomed to refinery work. Address P. O. BOX 1VK, Philadelphia. Pa. au29-32 TVTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COA1MAKER tv to po to a country town. Inquire at P. J. LOUGHNEY'S. 932 Liberty st. auW-17 -fTr-ANTED BUTCHEB-A STEADY ,1V young man (single) that understands the business. Apply to J. it., 416 Larimer ave.,E.. au30-S3 TTTANTE1) PACKEK-GOOD MAN ACCUS T TOMEDto lamps and glassware. Apply PITTSBURG BRASS CO., 69 Isabella st., Alle xheny. ac30-35 WANTED A GOOD MAN IN EVERY town : calarvcaid weekly. Address SHER MAN, TANGENBEBG Jt CO., 16u W. Lake St., tChlcago. an23-4 TTTANTED-AN ENERGETIC MAN OF EX TV PERIENCE In grocery Business to canvass; salary or commission. W. FEYLEB, 811 Main St., Braddock, Pa. au23-7S WANTED SALESMAN AN ENERGETIC and experienced salesman for city trade in the general grocery and canned goods trade. Ad dress YES. Dispatch office. au29-81 WANTED-S1EN SELLING MILL8UPPLIES , or machinery to handle babbit metal as side Issue: metal sells rapidly; good commission. Address METAL, Detroit, Mich. au30-41 TTJANTED-F1FTY LABORERS TO WORK V on sewer In McKeesport. Apply at office, 225 Rebecca st., Allegheny, or at work In Mc Keesport. LAURENCE SLOAN. au27-79 TTTANTED-lOO LABORERS ON PIPE LINE, T T between Courtney and Gastoavtlle, P. V. & C. R. R. ; wages tl SO. Apply on work. MC CORMICK & MOHAN. 150 First ave. au30-H -TJANTE1-A CATHOLIC MAN OF ABILITY TV for a position of trust: salary. 13 weekly: reference or security; applr alters. TANNING A GURBEN, room i, McCance Block. au3b-29 WANTED SALESMAN IN CITY AND country wanting a qnlck selling side line that will pay all expenses snd from 110 top a week beside, to call on or address J. J. MORRIS. SJ Fourth ave., city. au30-57 WANTED FIRST-CLASS. SOBER PRE SCRIPTION glass blowers; also a few good finishers: union wages: steady work; fare paid; write fully: say who von worked for. CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO.. Chicago. aul6-45-D WANTED-AN ENERGETIC MAN WITH large acquaintance among architects and builders, to take the sgency for our Grille work. Address, with references. JENKINS & JOHN BON, Room 65, Builders' Exchange, Chicago, 111. auSMI Female Helpw w ANTED-FIRST-CLASS MILLINERS. AP- ri.1 at J. ii. uu:nd& co.'s, 815 Liberty au30-IS TjrjANTED COOK FOB A COMPETENT TV person a permanent place in small family. Address H, Dl. patch office. au29-75 WANTED A GIRL FOB DOWNSTAIRS work In a small family: reference required. Apply 122 LOCUST bT., Allegheny. au30-oS WANTEO-NEAT LOOKING, gESPECTA BLEyoung woman for light general house work: family of three: to the right person this will be a good home with fair wages. Apply to MRS. W. M. GBANGEB, Forbes St., 3d house from Craig St. an 30-34 Stale and Female Help. -VTJANTED-A MAN OR WOMAN THOB TV OUGHLY competent to manage ironing department tn steam laundry: rerereuces re quired. CTCLOBAMA LAUNDBY CO.. LIM., Allegheny. au3O-50 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCEDSALESMAN, or saleswoman, to take charge of our dress trimming department; liberal salary to right party; none need apply unless thoroughly compe tent. FLEISHMAN & CO. au29-50 WANTED-MAN TO ATTEND TO HORSES and Cbws, 10 farm hands, 4 coal miners. 50 laborers, boy for hotel kitchen, woman cook, 3 dining room girls, dl'-hwasher, 10O house girls, col. chambermaid. MEEHAN'B, 545 Grant St. au30-D WANTED - PS WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, malcor female, in every community ; goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Fnll particulars and valuable sample case free; we mean Jut t what we say. Address at once BTANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. JeH-70-D Situations. WANTED-POSTTION BY A COMPETENT lady stenographer and typewriter. Address IDA, Dispatch office. . au30-19 WANTED A SITUATION BT A GOOD blacksmith: good maker or dresser. Ad dress S. J. M., Dlipatch office. au30-33 WANTED-W ASHING TO DO AT HOME washing, rough dried, 20c to 25c per doz., by MRS. CHARLES S'.DIER, No. 9 Vermont St., Allegheny, Pa. - au3u-57 rtoardine. WANTED-NICELY FURNISHED LARGE front room for man and wife atld child, with good board, ia Allegheny. Address, stating terms, J. N., Dispatch office. au30-63 Partners. WANTED A PARTNER, ACTIVE OR" silent, with (2,000 for journalistic enter prise; good chance for right party. Address for Interview X. Y . Z Dispatch office. SU30-21 Rooms. Hoores. Etc WANTED-TO PURCHASE A HOUSE IN Allegheny within two squares of North ave. Address with full particulars, price, location and terms, S. M. H., P. O. Box 588. Pittsburg P. O. au30-28 Financial. XTTANTED MOWGAGES-MEAL ESTATE VV bought, sold and exchanged! GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth avenue. au27-41 -rcANTED-f5o To 50tt000 TO LOAN ON TV mortgages: 4f. 5 audi 6 per cent. JAMES W. DBAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pltts'.mrg. aul5-76-15,16,17,!9,21,23,24,2uV28, 30 WANTED-MOBTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over 14,000; AX per cent; no tax. BENP.Y A. WEAVER A CO.. 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D TTA N T E D-MOBTGAGES-LABGE AND VV sraaliamounts on Improved city property at 5 per cent. W. A. HEBRON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. aul-80-l,3,5,7,9,12.14,16,19,21.23.2S,23,30 -T7-ANTED-MORTG A GES-SL 000, 000 TO LOAN TV In large and small amounts at 4)4. 5 and 6 per ceoi, jrce oi siate xax: no aeiay. iusci1 a. COYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. m Til -00 TTT-ANTED TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS TV of 3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)4. per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and a per cent. BLACK & BA1BD, 85 Fourth avenue. se2l-d2S-n TfTTANTED MOKTGAOES-tl, 000, 000TO LOAN V T on city and suburban properties at AK, 6and t per cent, and on larms In Allegheny ana aala. cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK & ap7-ra "TTTANTED-TO LOAN (200,000 ON MOBT V V GAGES; S100 and upward at per cent; fu.-w,wva. -mm yc. U1, VU . EUUCUVH M UU1IUCM ny; aiso in adjoining counties. B. tu. CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-r STJscenaneona. WANTED-BABBEBS TO KNOW THAT THE secret or our success Is that we have the most substantial and best upholstered chairs at astonishingly low prices; the fact thatourchalrs and other goods are found In ninety-nine out of every hundred shops In this city and adjacent towns Is sufficient evidence of our claim. ROSS W. BLACK, so Diamond st., Pittsburg; tbe origi nal Barbers' Supply House.' U21-17-XWI' WANTED. miscellaneous. TTTANTEU-HIGHEST J5POT CASH PRICES T T psld for second-hand furniture, carpets and hoiisn old goods of all kinds. 1211, PEN N A VK- NUE. au28-25-HWr WANTED-EVERYBODY TO SEND THE1IS furniture needing upholstering, repairing and reflnlshlng to HAUGU St. KEENAN, 33 and 34 Water it. 'Phone 1626. aul4 WANTED-FERSOSiSTO JOIN AN ELGIN Watch Club and to nsr 21 per week on fine gold watches drawn each week; call at once. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal St., Allegheny. smo-awrsn -TTANTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM TV BEBS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the club at tl 00 per wlek. Address P. O. BOX SOL and I will call and snow you the watch. JyJ-40 WANTED-MEN GOING TO LIVERPOOL, Glasgow and London, who can have a chance working tnelr passage on cattle steamers at a small expense by applying toJOIIN OAKES & BRO., 800 8. Second St., Philadelphia. au.O-27-r WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 9C Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street) Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at 11 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-63 WANTED-ALL B ABBEBS TO BEAD THIS The undersigned tenders a cordial Invita tion to tbe barber trade of Pittsburg and vicinity to call and inspect our new, furniture salesrooms: our stock of combination eases, dressing cases, chairs, washstands, mirrors, etc. Is the finest ever exhibited in Western Pennsylvania; don't fall to call and see the new Vienna cylinder com bination esse, the finest ever manufactured. A. EDL1S&CO., Leading Manufacturers and Deal ers in Barbers' Supplies and Furniture, successors to S. Delp. 502, 504, 606, 508 and 510 Liberty street, Pittsburg. Pa. an2S-80 FOH SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOB SALE-A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING In First ward, with Immediate posses sion; terms easy. C H..LOVE, S3 fourth ave. ao29-76 FORSALE-CHEAF-MUSTSELLQU1CK-ON Vine, near Fifth avenue, lot So ft. front, with dwelling. W. A. HERKON bONS, 80 Fourth avenue. au26-2 TTfOR SALE-FOB t2,200, ON EASY PAY J MENTS, good brick house 8 rooms, on Syca more St.. Thirty-fifth ward. Call or send for full information W. A. HERHON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. SU14-97-14, 16, 19,21.24,27, 30 FOR SALE-7 B0031ED BRICK DWELLING: bath, range, sliding doors between parlor and dining room, slate mantels, slate roof: lot 22x 124. all nicely fenced up: easy terms. GEORGE SCHMIDT. 157 Fourth avenue. au27-U FOR SALE-CENTER AVE., NEAR CABLE road, a complete city resldencee, 8 large rooms, hall, cemented cellar, laundry: lot large and paved with brick: excellent neighborhood; only 16,500. REED B. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. an30-48 FORSALE TOSETTLETHEEbTATE OF H. Mayerhofer, deceased. lot 60X114 feet, with 2 pew brick houses of 7 rooms each in front and 1 In rear of 6 rooms, with room to build In front; all at a very moderate prlcelf sold qulcc. W. A. HERRON A SON 8, 80 Fourth ave. au23-17-D FOR SALE-SOUTHSIDE PHOPERTY-A 2 bTORY frame house of 5 rooms and storeroom, corner S. Twenty-first snd Jane sts, :2-stor frame house 6 rooms and storeroom on Plane are., near Mount Oliver Incline Plane; 2 two-story frame honses,4 rooms and attic each, on S.Twentleth st-. cor. Fox alley: 2 two-story brick bouses, 4 rooms each. on Fox alley, near 8. Twentieth St. :also oth er property for sale. O.B.TOUDY, 1721 Carson st. au2S-23 East End Residences. T7IOR SALE-FOR S6.750 A NEW MODERN JP brick house desirably located in the East End, pear steam and Fifth ave. cable line; 9 rooms; late improvements;' terms easy. W. A HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. au 15-69-15, 17, 20, 24, 27, 30 FOR SALE-S3.700-OAKLAN D. CON VEN IENT to Fifth avenue cable line, new 2-story and mansard. 7-room .frame dwelling, batb, water, pas. Inside shutters, slate mantels, etc.; gralnsd throughout: desirable location: directly on line ornew cable loop: easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. auSO-38 FORSALE-S5.500-NEAR NORTH HILAND and Stanton avenues, new 2-story, modern style frsme dwelling, 8 rooms, batb. Inside shut ters and w. c, slate mantels, etc.: lot 75x268 to a street; must be sold at once; owner leaning city on account of ill health: easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. au30-38 FOB SALE-ELEGANT OAKLAND HOMES 2 nice new two-story and mansard brick dwell ings of 8 roods, hall and vestibule: bath. Inside w. c, wasbstands. plafe glass, elegant chande liers and gss fixtures, both gases, electric bells: with all modern Improved conveniences, and will invite closest inspection; t minutes' walk from cable road: fine lot; price unequaledln this part of the city: call at office for full particulars. BLACK & BA1RD.95 Fourth ave. au29-79 Suburban Residences. FOB SALE-LACBEL STATION. P. Ft. W. & C Ry..New Brighton road: 11 acres of ground and two elegant large houses of 8 and 12 rooms re spectively: all modern conveniences: beautllul drives, etc. ; this besutlful place offered at a very reasonable price and on easy terms; will sell all. or a part If desired. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2H.69 au29-79 TTTWR SALE-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE IN X? borough, 12 acres; 870 feet front on principal avenue; on good macadamized road; never falling spring and well of purest water; large, beautiful brick dwelling, with -slate roof, marble mantels, inside w. c, batb. laundry, pantry, natural and Illuminating 'gases; best fruited place in the country; a bargain. W. H. HEHEL1IAKTH, Real Estate Agent, 121 Wabash St., West End, city. au23-3-TTFSu FOR SALE LOTS. Enst En Lots. FOR SALE-CHEAP-AT SHADYSIDE-LOT 43x160 feet.-lrontlng Potter street in the Aiken lan; location good. W. A. HEREON SONS, Fourth ave. au28-2 FOR SALE LARGE LOTS, FINELY LO CATED, close to station and easy terms, are to be bad In Villa Park: new plan now ready. JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent, 512 Smithfield at. ,auZ5-53-Tur TTKJB SALE LABGE LOT. SUITABLE FOB X? bustnesss stand, on Penna. R. R.. between Ben Venue and Bhadyslde stations. MELLON BROS., at Penna. R. K. depot, East Liberty. - au26-4-XWT EOR SALE FINE CORNER LOTS ON RIP PKY St. (paved), between HUand and Negley aves.. 60-root front, at 170 a foot front. MELLON BROTHERS, at Penna. K. B. depot, East Liberty. au28-4-MWT FOB SALE-TWENTY FINE.-LEVEL BUILD ING lots, situate on Howe and Arabella streets, Sbadvslde: price only 131 per front foot: this Is the cheapest property In Shadyside. Call at once on W. A. HEBRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. au24-87-D T710ESALE-1V-ACRE3LOTBETWEEN FIFTH JD ave. and Forbes street: the, most desirable bnlldlnr site in the East End (Shady avenue); within 3 minutes' walk of the electric road: can be bougbt right. Inquire of GEORGESCHMIirr, 157 Fourth ave. ' au27-41 FOR SALE-PROPERTY ON UNIMPROVED street, being advertised at 80 a foot front: I can offer you choice lots on wide streets, curbed, sewered and wide flagstone sidewalks, from 40 to fbO a foot front: Investigate this. JOHN F. BAX TER, Agent, 512 Smithfield st. au25-6l-Tur FOR SALE-IN COLTABT SQUABE, OAK LAND, desirable new houses or latest style of architecture, 9 rooms, elegantly furnished complete In all Its appointments: near cable line; complete sewerage, street Improvements made. For plans and Information seeW. A. HEBRON & SONS, or U. K. BEAM, on the premises. au2-69-TuF Allezucnv Lota. FOB SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues snd Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPHMCN AUGHEB. 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D TJIOR BALE-WHEN ADAM AND EVE SUB V VEYED the Garden of Eden their choice or lots was unlimited. Competition for eligible sites wss unknown In those days. Although the snper flclsl area has not diminished, the struggle for choice spots of earth has very much Increased. There are more people nowadays, and the people nowadays have more wants to gratify, and they want them gratified In better ways. They are more concerned sbout posterity than about, an cestry. They want pleasant homes in pleasant places among pleasant people. Then howe'er crowns and coronets be rent, a virtuous populace may rise the while. Thl. Is the safeguard of the nation. Then let us scan the horizon for the choice lots.' the lots, worthy of selection. As tne mag netic needle vibrates to the pole, so our longing eyes rest with blissful repose on the calm retreats ui luu r cizj BTiiic nnu, bu ricu lu uiurai oeauiy that Alpine grandeur sinks Into insignificance. On Saturday or this week at 3 o'clock an excep tionally rare opportunity will be afforded Tor the selection and purchase of a few choice lots in the Klllot Nursery, on tho Perrysvllle road at Charles street. The electric car will whirl yon from the Alleghenypostofflceto the ground In no time, by the Carnegie Library Block. A. LEG U ATE i. SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. auSO-23 Miscellaneous. FOR 8 ALE-TDOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 BUT LER street: 7,250 Cor. Fortieth st. and Liberty ave.. lot 44x100; splendid new brick dwelling of hall, vesti bule, bath, 9 large rooms, both gases, porches front and rear, beauttfut. lawn, shade cVees, etc.; No. I stable on rear of lot; possession at once; ,S cab. 7,600-Below Butler St.. Seventeenth ward, 3 new brlek bouses, 5 rooms each and No. 1 frame house of 5 rooms; plenty of room to build another house: large lot; street and alley paved; handy to all works: rent for S3: bouses never empty: X cash, balance to suit: houses in first-class repair. 8,200 Nos. 23 and nil Penn ave., 5 brick dwellings: rent for 63 50; easy payments; bouses In good repair. 1,650-On Boss St., WHklnsburg. adjoining Snowden property, near station: lot.SlKxiSsxMS: new frame house of A rooms, stone cellar, etc.; l.ccocish.bal.tosnlt.- ' (TOO-On Bldge, near Thirty-third St., Hot 23x82, No. 5. sec 18. Denny plant terms to suit. 1,625-On Thirty-third St.. Thirteenth ward, lot 25x110; splendid frame house of 4 rooms, porches, etc. : terms to suit. x . 5.800 On Willow st.. between Forty-first and Forty-second sts. slot 26x100; No. 1 brick dwelling of 7 rooms andMInlshed attic and2brlek dwellings of rooms and finished attics, the whole in No. -1 repair and rents for (60: easy payments. All the above and hundreds ofother homes and lots, for sale by THtfS. McCAFFBEY. 3609 Butler t, office open evenings, ..Telephone 5,514. J .aulM8 FOR. SALE I.OTS. City Lota. FOB SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOTS AT MOBN INGSII'S Eighteenth ward; canoe bought forfoO to 00; long payment: tbe owner will build bouses for purchasers and give long time to pay for them : req airing an outlay of very II ttlo more than a fair rent. Call upon the owner, CHAS. E. CORNELIUS. 406 Grant St.. Pittsburg, or go upon the premises and see Lis agent. N. P. SAWYER. au2S-19 Suburban Let. T7IOR J5ALE-AT ASFINWALL STATION IN JO thftlioss estate tho most desirable suburban building lots now In tbe market for sale: prices very nw and terms easy: call or send for plans. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth are. aul-6t-5-S-lS-17-20-24-27-3 17'OR SALE NICELY LOCATED LOTS. 25X115 J? ft. at Copeland s ta. : this Is the finest location In Braddock Field, and is convenient to' all the large Iron works; price 375. MELLON BROTHERS, at Penna. B. B. depot, East Liberty. au26-4-MWP Forma. FOR SALE-FARM. 100 ACRES. RICH SOIL: well adapted for stock, grain, fruit and garden, house 5 rooms, bank barn, horses, cattle: all farming Implements, with present crops: 3,000 cash. ED. W1TTISH, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg. au27-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. " FOB SALE-AT A BABGAIN-ONE OF THE best established light manufacturing busi nesses in the city. For further particulars inquire ofGEO. JOHNSTON. 62 Fourth avenue, auis-6 FOR SALE A WELL AND LONG-ESTABLISHED carpet weaving business: seven looms: everything complete; a good trade; so much other business, will sell at a bargain. J. S. AbHBRlDGE, Johnstown. Pa. au30-20 f7OB SALE BARGAIN IN A GENERAL JJ store tn country town In one of the best farm ing communities In Eastern Ohio: stock all new and doing a good cash trade: reason for selling, other business. Address BOX 72, New Garden. O. au30-53 FOR 8ALE-GBOCERY STORE A FIRST CLASS chance for tbe right man. with about 3,000 capital: store doing a line business: locality one or the best In the city: ill-health the only rea son for selling. Address F. G. S., Dispatch of fice. an30-24 FOR SALE SADDLFHY AND HARNESS business, well established in the best town within ten miles of Pittsburg; will sell either with leasehold and building. orwUl sell stock. gnoawui. etc.. ana rent ouuaing at moderate rent. Apply to or address B. M. HOLLAND. 81 Diamcna st.. nttsburg. au30-16-MThSSU 1JWB SALE-FIRST-CLASS BESTAUBANTS, 2 boarding houses, choice cheap grocery stores, confectioneries, drygoods and notion stores, furnished house for roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery, cigar stores, bakeries, feed store, milk depot, shoe stores, drag stotes, printing office good country newspaper office, butcher shop, and many other business ehances. Free particulars. SUEPABD & CO.. 54 Filth ave au29 Business Stands. FOR SALE-WOOD ST. WABEHOUSE-LOT 20x90. for less than value, to close up an es tate C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. au27-65 FOR SALE-HOTEL-35 ROOMS. ALL MOD ERNJmprovements: In successful operation: on prominent railroad near Pittsburg. Further particulars from ALLES '& BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel.. 167. au27-43 F IOR SALE-ADVANCE ROLLER MILLS N ewlv refitted to Case STStem. steam power: -T-. - . - : ;..- .- . -.. . - aoing no. i wors: aesiraoiy zocaiea onjun.; pleutvof bard wheat at mill door; terms low. Call or address TAYLOR BBOS. & CO., Sogers, Col. Co.. O. au22-67-D FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. nones. Vehicles. Lite Stock, dbe. FOB SALE-A VEBY FINE KENTUCKY combination horse, has all tbe gaits, trots square In harness, sound and gentle and will be sold Tor less than bis value. Call at KEL TON'S LIVERY, Third ave., city. au29-2-Thrsu machinery ana metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILEBS-NKW and refitted: repalrlngpromptlv attended to. POSTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..LLM.. below Suspension bridge Allegheny, Pa. aulo-29 ITIOR SALE-20-HORSE POWER WESTING . HOUSE engine and 80-horse power tubular boiler, with front and stack complete; about new. Apply to SCUUETTE & CO., South Eighteenth St., Pittsburg. Pa. au25-10 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p.; all refitted: good ss new, at lowest prices: mounted portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. B-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWT FOR SALE- HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second hand; wire and raanllla rope der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and care clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and sandnsky sts.. Allegheny. an5-17-Mwr PEU&ONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! New and old, ancient and laooern.ttandard and rare, legal, medical and scientific saooo vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. an3-9S PERSONAL-SAY, HARBY, THAT NEW suit Is immense, but yonr shoulders look as though you had gone through a snowstormrfrom that dandruff falling from your head. Why don't you get your barber to give a shampoo with ROSS W. BLACK'S Keystone Snow Flake Egg Shampoo Cream, and I'll guarantee you will never be tronbled with dandruff any more auzi-n-Miv.r PEKSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY BE TUBNED; recently they bad not been on the best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing appareL and which, of course was done in a bungling manner; in order to prevent tbe trouble tney agreed to send all their work herearter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 65 Fifth ave.. corner Wood St.. second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1558. au30 STOLEN. STOLEN-125 REWARD BRIGHT BAY MAKE, 4 years old, white hind feet, black mane and tall, white stsr snd small white -spot on nose: taken from the pasture of tbe undersigned on Angnst 7, and supposed to have been driven off In a top buggy (too off and left shaft broken), stolen from a neighbor on tbe same night: 825 reward will be paid for information leading to the recov ery or the mare. D. W. McELHANY, Box 606, Franklin. Pa. s " anjQ-53 REWARDS. BEWARD-A LIBKRAL REWARD WILL BE paid lor any Information leading to the re covery or child 4 montns old. supposed to be hid den in LIgonler Valley, between Latrobe and New Florence. Address CHAS. A. WALLACE, Pittsburg. an-to.39 I.EGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE FAULKNER, deceased Notice is hereby given that let ters testamentary on the estate of Charlotte Faulkner, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those baying claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay. OLIVE GEYER PATTERSON, Executrix, 66 East Diamond street, Allegheny City, Pa., or S. H. GEYER, Atfy at Law, 118 Qlamondst, Pittsburg, Fa. jy26-90-F JOHN H. KERR, 89 Diamond street. QTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. COUNTY O of Allegheny, ss. In tbe Conrt of Common Picas No. 2. No. 31 April term, 1887. JobnMc Keag vs. tbe Ironworkers & Mechanics' Build ing and Loan Association. And now, Jnly31, 1889.on motion the Conrt appoints John H. Kerr, Esq.,Auditor,to report distribution of the f nnd in hands of Receiver. By tbe Court. From the Record. JOHN BRADLEY, seal. Prothonotary. The Andltor will meet all parties Interested for the.purpose of bis appointment at his office. No. 89 Diamond street, Pittsburg, Pa, on THURSDAY, September 2t3, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. JL, when and where, all claims mnst be pre sented and proved. JOHN H. KERR, au30-13-F Andltor. AMUSEMENTS. pRAND OPERA HOUSE. Week commencing Monday, September 2. Engagement of the distinguished tragedian,Mr. FREDERICK WARDE, Supported by an excellent company. In the following repertoire: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday Matinee. THE MOUNTEBANK.". Thursday evening. "DAMON AND PYTHIAS." Friday ovenlng-"VlRGINIUS." Saturday night "RICHARD 1IX" Seats now on sale. au29-7 pRAND OPERA HOUSE To-night, In a THE PULLMAN -TOURISTS CAR. Week Sept.2 Fred Ward. au2G-8 T3IJOU THEATER JJ To-night, FRANK DANIELS IN LITTLE PUCK. Sept. 2. Llzale Evans In Fine Feathers. au?3 HARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. The distinguished artiste. AGNES VILLA, In tbe great London and New York success, THE WORLD AGAINST HER. Week September 2 Pete Baker. au26-27 TTARRY TVILL1AMS l ARRY TVILL1AMS ACADEMY To-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. MACK'S GREAT AMERICAN 8PECIALTY COMPANT-20 STARS. au25-2 BASEBALL Two Games To-Day, ALLEGHENY Verses CHICAGO. Games called at 245 and sSOr.K,' an3Q-10 TO .LET. Apartments. f.flj ITIO LET LABGE FURNISHED BOOMVnj jl xronxing psrgs: nttea wun satura uu u-i ficlal gas: bath room adjoining. Address COM-f j uai. liispatca omce. u Business Stands. rpO LET-BRICK STOREBOOM AND DWELL- , UlUUUMAill b JldUSUCIU, JVW4 iwwmwis. for & drygcMxls and notion noose. C II. LOVE. 93 Fonrtn are. u29-7 - -. T 10 LET-D WELLING, WITH SALOON AND ties must be responsible; possession given Sept. k. Address JOSEPH T. HAINS, Martin's Ferry, O. . au29-54 UlET-STOREROOMS AND WAREHOUSES, with dwellings, close to pew Exposition ;beit stands in city; 6 and 8-room dwellings; some un furnished rooms. Inquire of S. MUSGRAVE. 44. Fourth street. au28-24-Kwrsu TTVi LET-STORE OR OFFICE ROOM, WITH I largevsult, suitable for insurance office or similar business, in Germanla Savings Bank building, No. 419 wood street: room formerly oc cupied by George Beineman as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co.: it is two steps below grade, making a first class basement, inquire at THE BANK. Je3-63-D Offices. Deilt Room. fcc TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent. 200and 300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 x. X. and 1 P.M., or between 2 and 4 P. M. )yB-67 LOST. T OST-A JUDGMENT NOTE. PAYABLE TO Jul Miss Lizzie Merker: is of no value to finder, as payment has been stopped. Party finding same can have what money was in pocketbook by re turning to MISS LIZZIE MEBKKB. 2221 Pena ave.. cltv. au30-22 EDUCATIONAL. ST. GEORGE'S HALL. FOR BOYS AND joudr men, St. George's. Md., near Balti more Prof. J. C. Kinear, A. SI, Principal. Col lege or business. Unsurpassed m advantages, comfort and situation. $200 to J275 a year. an!7-92 TyfOUNTSTE.URSULE.OAKXAIJD-THB Jyl Ursnllno Academy reopens on 8EP TKilBER. 2; boarders and day scbolars re ceived. For farther particulars apply to S. STE. GERTRUDE, anlS-25 Superintendent. HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY. SEPTEMBER 4;new students examined., Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. JOHN T. MURPHY, C. S. Sp.. President. an2!W4 TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, for girls and yonne ladies. 8HORTLIDOE MEDIA ACADEMY; for boys and younc men. SWITHIN C SHORTLLDGE, A. M. (Harvard graduate). Media, Pa near Philadelphia. anI-8 T ONG VIEW, BROOKVILLE, PA., A Chnrch School for Girls, will reopen SEP TEMBER 11. 18S9. For cataldene apply to Rev. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. LL.P-, au2-7S-TnF - Principal. M: ISS MARY MAC DONALD. FORMER principal ot miss .tuners scnooi, wiu open A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in Allegheny OCTOBER L ISSDL au2-S6-rar MOUNTAIN SEMINARY. BIRMING HAM, Pa. A thoronsh school for young is. Situation noted lor health. Homer comforts. 33d year. Grounds, 10Q acres. Three courses of study. Prepares for college. Send for illustrated catalogue A. R. GRIER, Busi ness Mn'g'r. MISS N. J. DAVIS, PrlncipaL au8.53-D NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY. CornwalI-on-Hudon. Courses of study la civil engineering. English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds, location. COL. C J. WRIGHT, B. li, A. M.. Sunt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jelO-11 EOCK HILL COLLEGE, ELLICOTT CITY, Md.; conducted by the brothers of tbe Christian Schools; scientific, classical and com mercial courses: the modern languages and drawing are taught without extra cbarg; studies will be resumed on the first Monday ot September. For particulars address anlS-23 BROTHER DENIS. President. T. MARY'S ACADEMY FOR YOUNG J LADIES, Chatham street. Also ST. MARY'8 8ELECT SCHOOL FOR SMALL BOYS, Webster avenue, Sisters of Mercy, Re-opens Sept. 2. For further particulars apply to Directress. au30-62 KEBLE SCHOOL. SYRACUSE.N. 1. Boarding School for Girls. . Under tbe su pervision of tbe Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, S. T. D. Tbe nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 1L 18S9. References Rt. Rev. H.C. Potter. D.DN.Y. Rev. Wm. R. Huntington. D. D..,Grace Church, N. Y. City. Ptcs. E. N. Potter, D. D Geneva. N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. jel4-72-TnF WILLARD SCHOOL, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. A select school for tbe careful and tborongh, preparation of boys and yonng men for college, scientific school or business. The course of stndy Is such as to afford an excellent prepara tion for Princeton. Yale or Harvard College. The next session begins Monday. September X. ISAAC W. KOONTZ, A. M., (Princeton), an27-59 PrlncipaL DO NOT HESITATE to buy lots in Allegheny City if yon can find choice property, desirably located, at a mod erate price BENTON PLACE is right on the line of rapid improvement, near new California avenue and proposed Bellevne electric road. Lots are large, well drained, beautifully sitnated and are tha cheapest home sites now offering in Allegheny. At 200 to (oOO each. Call on me for plans and conveyance to the ground. CHARLES SOMERS, 313 Wood St. Telephone 1042. WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS AND WAINSCOTTING, IHTERIOR DECORATORS,' Manufacturers and Importers of FIno Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT fc CO.. 1219 and 1221 Market St jraTIVruJ" Philadelphia, Pa. mo LET OFFICES TO RENT Apply to SUPERINTENDENT OF THE BU1LDUNU. " j3sssssH WESTINGHOUSE BUILDINO. JBtt 1 ' .fnesHi aiuia-Mwr aHLMB PURE MILK. i This Company is prepared to receive orders , , s&fi by mall or otherwise for Absolutelt Pure i fflltrl Mile; delivered to customers in sealed glass .puHNfj Jabs, packed in Ice at our creamery lnSewick IwU ley. Price 8 cents per quart. 'HJasssH THE SEWICKLEY DAIRY CO.. . jH an20-73-D 1 10 Wood st Pittsburg. Pa. 3eHi SEE ' llisBPl ALLES 4 BAILEY'S "&&& RED LINE SisH REAL ESTATE TRADE MARK. - '9H au27-44-D . -WJJJQ XANOS. ' "" -JXfl ORGANS. - r JflBal 8. HAMILTON, . J&KBk SI AND SB FIFTH AVENUE. i .t&SfM Pittsburg. Pa. ap3Q.7.p -aKgg E UNKENHEIMER, "" jN&MI ARCHITECT, -? 'iJH 543 Smithfield street. Pitta bart, Pa--.Freftellar MaSW FremndBuil(ilns:,seoadSoor. atHt-N-iCn? "iy9H8 ' ,ji i I Ao.HjWSMsSA.ii sisHSSssssH I X . ' l3slsssssi UaissE sflsssssH FlnSSsH tttnsssssssssW wt,SHH " TbsssssB " jJsssB JissB I