Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 28, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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JBgp"" f.
PJ. J. Westi-of the Chicago Times, With
Private Secretary, Will
They Are Charged With Issuing Stock WHh
intent to Defraud.
BcIdc Placed Under Ball Eonfii.to (be Amonnt ef
$10,000 Eich.
J. J. 'West, until recently at the head of
the Chicago Times, was arrested yesterday
together with his ecretary,for issuing fraud
ulent stock. Both irere held for trial under
$10,000 bonds.
Chicago, August 27. A warrant was
issued tor the arrest of Editor J. J. "West
to-day. Shortly alter ward, when the Board
of Directors of the Times were in session in
the rimes building, Mr. West and "W. A.
Paton, a former director, appeared and pre
sen.d a writ of injunction issued to-day by
Judge Jamieson, restraining the present
Board of Directors from acting as such. At
about the same itime, Mr. "West's private
secretary appeared, and the constables with
the warrants for their arrest having also
put in an appearance, Messrs. West and
Graham wercjtaken into custody.
Mr. Joseph .It. Dunlop, editor of the
Timet, and a member of the Board of Direc
tors, when asked about the matter after Mr.
"West had left the building in company with
the constable, said: "The Board of Direc
tors were in session when Mr. Faton, a
former member of the board, appeared. Mr.
Paton had resigned and his resignation had
been accepted and he had no right there,
but as a matter of courtesy he was admitted.
Once inside the room be
issued by .Judge Jamieson. Mr. Graham,
tbe private secretary to Mr. West, then
tried to lorce his way in and was promptly
arrested on tbe charge of assisting in issue
of fraudulent stock. You can rest assured
that the Timet will remain in charge of its
present managers and that there will be no
change. This whole thing is a rank bluff
and wont work."
Previous to the issuance of the warrant
Mr. Dunlop said to a reporter: "Yes, we
have come to the conclusion that Mr. West
must be arrested. There are a dozen
charges of criminal misappropriation of
funds of the Times on which we can prase
cute West, but that of an over-issue of stock
will be the only one presented. Mr. West
has been trying to injure in every way the
standing of the Times, and because of this
we determined to do something radical.
Mr. West has not a cent's worth of inter
est in the Timet, and the only connection
he has with the paper is that his signature
is required to some papers before everything
is absolutely the property ot the Chicago
Times Company. Mr. West has refused to
sign these papers and has been holding off
lor an offer from us which he will not get."
"Did Mr. West get the money for the
over issued stocks which he sold?"
"He did, and more too. He sold about
everything he could lay his hands on and
mortgased his Kenwood residence twice
over. The money he borrowed on the sec
ond mortgage he secured from Mr. Irwin
and urged that the mortgage be not recorded
as it would injure his business standing.
We have proof that Mr. West's debts are
almost $250,000."
The text of tbe warrant for West's arrest
is as follows:
State of Illinois, Cook county, es.
The complaint and Information of H. B.
Boisksunp, of tbe city of Fort Madison, county
of Lee, State of Iowa, who is Prcllilent of the
Chicago Times Company, made before the
Hon. T.J. Lyon, of the Justices of the Peace
In and for said county, on tbe 27th day of An
Cost, ISS9, who, being duly sworn, upon his oath
ears that one James J. West did on to wit, on
tbe 1st day of June, 18SS.be. the said James J.
West, being tben and there, the President of
the Chicago Times Company, a corporation
ordained and existing under and by virtue of
tbe laws of the State of Illinois, knowing and
designedly, and with the
(he Chicago Times Company, issued, sold,
transferred and pledged, to-wit: one thousand
(1,000) false, fraudulent and simulated certifi
cates or shares of the capital stoct of the Chi
cago Times Corapany.a corporation as aforesaid,
and didVwilfnllr ana designedly sign as snch
President, with intent to issue and pledge the
Mine, to-wit: One thousand shares of the said
the Chicago Times Company, a corporation as
aforesaid, tbe game beingln excels of .the au
thorized capital stock of tbe said tbe Chicago
Times Company, a corporation as aforesaid.
That this is, lias just and reasonable grounds to
believe, and does believe that tbe said James J.
West committed said offense, and therefore
prays that he may be arrested and dealt with
according to law. H. J. Huiskajip.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th
day of August, 1889. T. J. Lyon.
'Justice of tbe Peace.
The affidavit upon which the warrant for
Secretary Graham's arrest was issued was
identical to the above. Justice Lyon held
Mr. West and Mr. Graham to await the
action of the grand jury, fixing bail for each
at $10,000. Mr. H. Hartt, of H. Hartt &
Co., and Mr. George H. Taylor signed the
bonds, and the prisoners were released.
ttcina; Formed In New York to Prevent
Rnlnoos Throat-Catling.
New York, August 27. The Chinese
laundrymen oi this city have just set on foot
a movement, the object of which is to or
ganize a Chinese laundry union. They find
that for some time past their business has
been steadily falling off, and they attribute
the cause of this depression to hard times in
general, and to cut-throat competition
among themselves. It is hard to sav just
how many Chinese laundries there are in
tbe city, but reliable authorities place the
number at about 1,000. The chief aim
of the union is to establish a uniform rate of
charges. Hitherto the opening of a new
laundry in the neighborhood of another has
caused no end of trouble, for a newcomer
generally tries to draw customers away from
his competitors by putting his charges
lower than theirs. Such disputes have
frequently resulted in open hostilities.
The union proposes an amicable settle
ment of all difficulties. It is also the object
of the union to furnish aid to needy mem
bers. A membership fee ot $30 is charged,
but the amount may be paid by installments.
The scheme has thus far met with general
approval. It originated with Chu Yang
Kow, the manager of the Chinese Club
house in Mott street.
Quite m. Close Usee Between Three Men for
n Desirable Office.
rsrXCIAI. TXLIOBiM TO Till DisrATcrt.J
Washington, August 27. Chief Plag
ter, of the refund and miscellaneous divi
sion of the customs bureau of the Treasury
Department, is one of the Democratic chiefs
who have been asked to step down and out.
He kindly acquiesced, and sent in his resig
nation, to take effect on the 15th of Septem
ber. There are several applicants for the
place, among them tbe former chief, re
moved under Cleveland's administration,
Mr. Sam McDonald, of Steubenville, O. It
is said, alto, that Senator Quay desires the
appointment of Colonel Cyrus K. Camp
bell, of Pittston, but it is probable the Sen
ator merely desires to place Colonel Camp
hell somewhere, and that another place will
do as well.
It is also reported that Secretary Blaine
)ias asked the appointment of Thomas S.
Cbappelle, or Baltimore, and if that be
.true Chappelle will probably get the office,
.which is one of tbe most desirable of the
idivuion chieftaincies.
The Case Against ibe Justice of tbe 5u.
preme Court Withdrawn Under
Order The Circuit Jadgc
Terms the Prosecntlon
a Slate Disgrace.
San Francisco, August 27. ThetTnited
States Circuit Court was officially informed
to-day that the charge of murder against
Justice Stephen J. Field had been dis
missed by the Stockton Court. Judge Saw
yer accordingly dismissed the habeas cor
pus proceedings in the case of Justice Field,
and said:
We are glad that tbe prosecution of Mr. Jus
tice Field has been dismissed, founded as It
was npon tbe sole reckless and, as to him,
manifestly false affidavit of one whose relation
to matters leading to tbe tragedy and whose
animosity toward the courts and judges, who
have found it their dnty to decide against
her, and especially toward Mr. Jus
tice Field, Is part of judicial and
notorious public history of tbe country. It was
under these circumstances and upon the sole
affidavit produced, especially after the coroner's
inquest, so far as Mr. Justice Field is concerned
tbat tbe shameless proceeding was brgnn. and,
as intimated by the Governor of tbe Common
wealth, if It had been further persevered in.
would have been a lasting disgrace to tne Bute,
While tbe Justice of tbe Supreme Court of
tne United States, like every citizen, is amen
able to tbe laws, he is not likely to commit so
grave an offense attnurder, and should he be
so unfortunate as to be unavoidably involved
in any way in homicide, he could not afford to
escape if It were in his power to do
so, and when the act is so publicly
performecLhy another, as in this instance,
and is observed by so many witnesses
the officers of the law should certainly have
taken some little pains to ascertain tbe facts
before proceeding to arrest so distinguished a
dignitary and to attempt to incarcerate him In
prison with felons or to put him in a position
to be further degraded, and perhaps assaulted
by one so violent as to be publicly reported
not only tben but on numerous prev.
ious occasions, to have threatened his
life. We aro extremely gratified to
find that through the action of the Chief
Magistrate and Attorney General, a higher
officer of tbe law, we shall be spared tbe neces
sity of further Inquiring as to tbe extent of
tberemedy afforded tbe distinguished petitioner
by tbe constitution and laws of the United
States of enforcing such remedies as exist,
and that tho stigma cast upon the State of
California by this hasty, and to call it by no
harsher term, ill-adrised arrest, will t,ot be
intensified by further prosecution. Slnco-tte
State proceeding has been dismissed, let tbe
petitioner be discharged and the writ of habeas
corpus be dismissed.
The case of Deputy Marshal Kagle was
also taken up in the Circuit Court, and
Judge Sawyer annoucced that a time would
be set for tbe taking of testimony and argu
ing tbe law points in regard. to the jurisdic
tion of tbe federal court. The counsel
could not agree upon the time for a hearing,
and the matter was postponed until tomorrow.
Not Likely That Separate Trials Will be
Granted the Cronln Suspects.
Chicago, August 27. Proceedings in
the Cronin case will be resumed before
Judge McConnell to-morrow, when argu
ments on the motions for separate trials for
Burke, Coughlin, O'Sullivan and Woodruff
will be heard.
"I shall argue the motions for the State,"
said State's Attorney Longenecker this
afternoon, in answer to a question, "and I
don't think the argument will last long. I
don't think there is much in the motions to
be argued." -
If Judge McConnell gives his decision at
the close of the argument and overrules the,
motion, the- trial will proceed Thursday
morning, unless the State's Attorney can
show cause for a continuance. That he will
try to do so mav be inferred from a remark
of his associate, Mr. Hynes, that he, thought
tbe State was entitled to a continuance, and
could get it for the asking. Mr. Hynes
added that every delay counts for lunning
down further details of the crime and
strengthens tbe case of the prosecution.
A Scare of Boys Awaiting; Trial, Several for
BlgbTray Robbery.
Providence, B. I., August 27. This
has been a great summer for juvenile rascal
ity in Providence. Out of the 60 persons
now in jail and awaiting trial next month,
20 are lads of less than 16 years. The latest
arrests have broken up a gang of juvenile
highway robbers. The arrest on Sunday of
three small boys who had been camping out
and thieving for a week was the cause of
two more arrests.
Patrick Fallon, one of the trio, confessed
to the perpetration of highway robbery, and
Charles Stewart, aged 10 years, and Frank
Gray, aged 12, were scooped in as accom
plices. They surrounded an Italian woman
named Caroline Deparquala, on Washing
ton street, July 27, ana forcibly robbed her
of a pocketbook containing J21. The boys
have all been held to await the action of the
grand jury.
Ex-Conrederate Officers Have n Lively Dis
pute at a Missouri Reunion.
Higoinsvuxe, Mo., August 27. The
ex-Confederate soldiers of Missouri, met in
their Seventh annual reunion here to-day.
Senator Vest was present and addressed his
old comrades. Colonel J. T. Crisp also
spoke. During his remarks he eulogized
Lincoln and Grant, when some in the crowd
asked, "What's the matter with Jeff Davis."
Colonel Crisp answered that be had no
admiration for the ex-Confederate Presi
dent, when General Joseph Shelby, who
was Colonel Crises superior officer during
the war, interrupted and rebuked him for
speaking lightly of Mr. Davis. An ani
mated dialogue followed, and the two
former comrades were only kept from re
sorting to blows by their friends.
The Baler Deposed, But Any Intention of
Annexation Dlsnrovred.
London, August 27. In the House of
Lords to-day Viscount Cross, Secretary of
State for India, announced that the Viceroy
of India bad been compelled to accept the
resignation of the ruler of Cashmere and
place that conntry under a native conncil.
He said that the Government had not the
slightest intention of annexing Cashmere.
Death of a Southern Wonder.
Durham, S. C, August 27. The Globe
learns of the death of Granny Boston, at
Murphy, K. C. She was 121 years old, a
pensioner and remembered .the battle at
King's Mountain. Her corpse weighed
only 60 pounds.
An Earthquake In Greece.
Athens, August 27. The 'earthquake
that was felt throughout Greece originated
in the Gulf of Corinth. TheVable is broken.
A number of houses at Acarnania and
Etolicon were wrecked. No loss of life is
stupid Frauds on
Is tho Best of All Known Gingers.
. HAKE ft
foffi lfORIO
The Groat English Strike Spreading
rrlt.'-rrs, Coal Mho aid Others Quit
Work Out of Sympathy far the
Dock Laborers.
London, August 27. The great strike is
spreading rapidly throughout the kingdom.
The printers employed by the firms of Eyre
& Spottiswoode, Cassell & Co., and
Waterlow & Son have struck. One hundred
thousand striking dock laborers marched in
procession to-day. They were orderly.
Coal men in thousands have joined the
strikers and the situation shows no signs of
improvement. ' ,
Meetings of employers and workmen
continue to be held, but without result The
directors of the Commercial Dock Com
pany have declined an offer of tbe services
of 3,000 Belgian laborers at 4)d per hour.
The company has also declined tbe pro
posals of delegates from the leading bouses
of 12 different trades to submit to arbitra
tion the grievances of the workmen.
To-day the drivers of the Government
mail carts demanded an advance of wages;
which the postoffice authorities granted.
The London Chamber of Commerce urges
tbe dock managers to agree to arbitration.
Seven memhers of the House of Commons,
iu an interview with the dock directors to
day, appealed to tbem to concede the men's
demands. The directors promised to con
sider tbe matter.
There are a few vessels unloading in the
Medway, to which tbe strike has not yet ex
tended. The Salvation Army, the London
Cottage Mission and similar bodies are ma
terially assisting the strikers with cheap or
gratuitous meals and lodgings. The coal
porters have rejected an offer from the Lon
don Dock Company of a shilling an hour,
dinner and beer, and protection, from the
A keynote showing the importance of the
movement was struck by Mr. Burns at a
meeting to-night He pronounced thestrike
the stepping-stone to a greater and nobler
movement of workingmen throughout the
country. The present struggle would teach
a lesson of Union. ,
The People Stick to Boulonger.
Pabis, August 27. A huge Boulaugist
meeting'was held this evening to protest
against the Government's action against
General Boulaner. The crowd consisted
chiefly of workingmen. The proceedings
were carefully watched by troops and police.
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies. A marvel of pnr
lty, strength and wbolesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate now
ders. Sold only in cant. ROYAL BAKING
POWDER CO, 108 Wall St, N. Y.
20 Doctors Said Site Must Die
Miss Morgan, of this city, speaks:
"The catarrh in my system caused me to be
continually hawking and spitting. I bad a
short, backing dough, tightness in tbe chest,
short breatb, and I felt weak and tired all the
time. As I grew weaker and suffered with
those terriblo night sweats, my father took me
to 20 physicians who said 1 could not be cured.
Some of my friends thought I bad consump
tion. I doctored with many physicians, but got
no better. In fact I was gradually getting
worse. After 11 years of snfferiner I bezan
I treatment with tbe physicians of the Catarrh
whom I owe my recovery. My cough is gone.
1 have no dizziness, ringing in tbe ears, head
aches or night sweats any more The pain and
soreness in my stomach have lett me. My food
digests well, so that now no gas forms In my
stomach. My throat used to be so sore I could
hardly swallow. Tbat Is cured. I feel well
and strong, and why should I not praise these
doctors for thus saving mo from such an un
timely death. MISS LVDIA MORGAN."
Kearsarge St., near Virginia, Alt. Washington.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley, ladies' consulting physician
at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323
Fenn are. Consultation free.
Office hours, 10 A. K. to 4 1 M., and to 8 p.
M. Sundays, 12 to i P. M. au23-MWP
Beware of cheap, worthless and often dan
gerous "gingers," which are persistently urged,
even forced, upon would be purchasers of
Sanvord's as "our own make," or "good as
Sanford's," or "cheaper than Sanford's" or
"same as Sanford's," etc. by mercenary deal
ers, not in the interest of health, hut for a few
cents' extra profit.
No respectable druggist or grocer Is ever
guilty of such practices.
Avoid all others.
Composed of Imported ginger, choice are-,
matics and medicinal French brandy, Sak
Tobd's GnraiB, based on Intrinsic worth. Is
the cheapest ginger in the world, costing two
to five times that ot any other and selling but
a few cents higher than the cheapest peddler's
Sold everywhere. Ask for
Vita Owl Trade Mark m He Wrapper.
I1 ' M
ifTthe worlo. jOrty
,0F HOKuURl Xc
f&'JW acraiiBiLMo,
jr yyj,oum'rER'.ort
rrATrs, nirto!t8ijuii3Aa3j.KAEr.ifra er.
Humors, BlotcHes, Sores, Scales, Crusts,
and Loss of Halt Oared.
Terrible Blood Poison, Suffered All a Mm
Could Suffer and Live. Fsee and Body
Covered With Awful Sores. Used the
Cuticura Remedies Ten Weeks and is
Practically Cured. A Remarkable Case.
I contracted a terrible blood-poisoning a year
ago. I doctored with two good physicians,
neither of whom did me any good. I suffered
all a man can suffer and live. Hearing of your
Cuticuba Remedies I concluded to try tbem,
knowing if they did me no good they could
maki me no worse. I have been using them
about ten weeks, and am most happy to say
tbat I am almost rid of tbe awful sores tbat
covered my face and body. My face was as
baa, if not worse, than that of Miss Uoynton,
spoken of in yonr book, and I would say to
anyone in the same condition,to use Cuticuba.
and tbey will surely be cured. You may use
this letter In the interests of suffering hu
manity. E. W. REYNOLDS, Ashland. O.
Covered With Running Sores 17 Yesrs.
I have been troubled with a skin and scalp
disease for 17 years. My head at times warone
running sore, and my body was covered with
them as large as a half dollar. I tried a great
many remedies without effect until 1 used tbe
Cuticuba Remedies, and am thankful to
state tbat after two months of their use I am
entirely cured. I feel It my duty to you and
the public to state tbe above case.
L. R. McDO WELL, Jameaburg, N. J.
Dug and Scratched 38 Yesrs.
I go Mr. Dennis Downing ten years better. I
have dug and scratched for 38 years. I bad
what is termed prurltls, and have suffered
everything, and tried a number of doctors, but
fat no relief. Anybody could have potSoOO
ad tbey cured me. The Cuticura Reme
dies cured me. God bless the man who In
vented Cuticuba! CHENEY GREEN,
Cambridge, Mass.
Cuticura Remedies
Are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticuba,G0 cents;
SOAP, 25 cents; RESOLVENT, SL Prepared by
the Potter Dsuq and Chemical Corpora
tion. Boston.
,JS-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases,"
64 pages. GO illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
DIMPLES, black-beads, chapped and oily
rim skin prevented by Cuticuba Medi
cated Soap.
Aching Sides and Back,
Hip, kidney, and uterine pains and
-1 by tbe Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster,
lev the first and only Instantaneous
pain-killing, strengthening plaster. au26-ws
How impor
tant that chil
dren grow up
healtny, and
have every de
formity removed
before it is too
late. Dr. Orr
has bad eminent
success for over
19 years treatincr
diseases ot women, ayspepsia, catarrn, tumors,
cancers, etc His two associate doctors have
also made chronic 'diseases a special study.
Persons desiring medical or surgical treatment
by doctors of medicine can call at 720 Penn
avenue duringoffice hours, viz., 10 to 11:30 A. M.,
t a ti(1 7 tn R t nr Cnndtiltatinn taa
Terms moderate. aull-D
yi j,
The Biggest Remnant Bargains Ever Offered.
Will clear out FRIDAY, August SO. all accumulations of Remnants, all Odd Lots, all Odds
and Ends in every department, at regular pick-me-up, take-me-away prices, as witness following
Remnants of yard wide fancy figured Batistes, 6c a yard.
Remnants of our lovely Chillis at the nomlual price of 2c a yard.
Remnants of Apron Ginghams at hitherto unheard of price, 4c a yard.
Remnants of Dress Ginghams will go lively at 6c a yard.
Remnants of Sumner Silks are all to go at 19c a yard.
Remnants of Bilk Plnsbes and Velvets for only 23c a yard.
Remnants of 6-4 Ladies' Clotus-Just Think of It 28c a yard.
Remnants of Double Width Dress Goods will be marked at the rate of 5c, 10c, 15c and23o
a yard, a rare chance for school outfits.
Odd Lots Ladies' All-Wool Stockinette Jackets have been marked down from SI and H 50
to 2 eacn. Who'd be without a jacket.
Odd Lots Ladies' All-Wool Cloth Jackets, for this sale they are marked SI 15 each. A word
to the wise, etc
Odd Lots Ladles' Beaded Wraps that were $4 50 and 85 now for S2 87.
Lace Curtain Ends that sell at 40c, 50o and 75c now 15c, 20c and 25c,
Odd Pairs Lace Curtains at half price.
Most Particularly and Very Specially Interesting.
With above will be placed on sale 500 Fairs Heavy Genuine White Country Blankets, clean
and fresh, at the truly phenomenal price of S2 75 a' pair. Come early for these, for they'll go
very fast.
Odds and Ends, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, Buttons, Trimmings, Embroideries,
etc., etc, all at almost Inconceivable prices.
SIXTH ST. being the only colleea in Pennsylvania that belongs to or can be admitted to the
"Inter-State Business Practice Association of America" offers aavantsges for securing a
practical business education, possessed by no other college in tbe State. Rapid writing, rapid
calculations and practical bookkeeping are specialties.. Tbe Shorthand and Typewriting
Department provides the best training possible in these branches. Send for catalogues.
au28.ws JAMES C. WHJJAM3, A. M Pres't.
We have juBt received and have now ready for inspection,
beautiful China Dinner Sets, Fish Sets and a full line of nice
China, odd pieces, to whioh we invite the attention of the ladies.
211 Wood s-b-
Have you
;' l sP sm
THE- P'irrtniTi
made oniybKin the yy U HLIJ
School will commence soon, so'
come and get your
You buy for Boys or Girls
x Corner of Sandusky street. au21-snv
Optical, Mathematical and Engineering In
struments and Materials. Profile, cross-section,
tracing and blue-process papers, tracing
linen, etc largest and best stock of Specta
cles and Eye Glassos.
KOBNBLTJM, Theoretioal and
Practical Optician.
No. SO Fifth avenue. Telephone No. 1688.
X. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents,
131 Fifth avenue, above Bmithfleld, next Leader
office. (No delay. Established 20 years,
Repairing a specialty.
103 THIRD AVE., near Wood St.
Telephone 85L PITTSBURG, PA,
- - -
Takes pleasure In presenting to the stylish
dressers of Pittsburg the
This latest "Ruben" Derby.lllustrated above,
is certainly a most striking and unusually
stylish hat. As will be seen it is a trifle full In
the crown: the curl is heavy and close; the brim
has considerable vol, giving the bat a solid and
-substantial appearance without ' detracting
from its natty and graceful outlines. It will
be readily acknowledged as a handsome hat,
and one that will gain thousands ot new con
verts to the Ruben styles.
We are running this block in three different
dimensions, namely 5rlK for young gents.
5Kxl for gents and Sjjxlji for stout or
elderly men.
Tbe famous Factory Prices, which have
made ours tho most popular Hat btore in the
State, will prevail as heretofore. They are
Jl 613, 90, $2 20. J3 40, S3 90. $3 40,
The Hatter and Furnisher,
421 and 423 Smithneld St
P. a Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
As to where you should buy
if "economy is the object you
have in view.
Cash' and Credit House.
923 and 925 Penn Ave.,
is the house for you to pat
ronize, if- you want to save
money, and get dependable
and stylish merchandise.
Practicdliy Taught at
Duff's" College,
-EVENING SE8SI0NS. aul4-25."W
MAinrrACTnnEES or
blocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hemp Packing
Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc.
WORKS East street, Allegheny City, Pa,
ttsburg. Telephone No. 1370,
A fine, large crayon portrait Ti 0; see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and
(2 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY.
Trains (Ut'lbtan'd time)! Leave. I Arrive.
Day Ex., Akron, Toledo, Kane S:0 a m 7:37 p m
Untler Accommodation &:00a m IdOpm
Chlcaio Express (dally) 12:40 p m 11:30 a ni
New Castle Accommodation. 4:33 p m 7:00 D m
Butler and Foxburg Ac 5:30 pm 5:30 a m
First class fare to Chicago. 110 50. Second class,
SO 50. I'ullmaa Uuflet sleeping car to Chicago
Hammer Time Table.' On and after May I,
1889, until farther notice, trains will rnnasfolloirs
on eTery day, except Sunday. Eastern standard
time: Leaving I'lttiburg-ea) a. m., 7:10 a.m.,
SU) a.m.. 9 :3o a. m.. 11:30a. m.. 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p.
m., 5:10 p. m., 5:50 p.'m., e:30p. m.. 9:30 p. m.,
11:30 p. m. Arllueton-: a. m., 6:3) a. m 7:10
. ra 8:00a. tn., 10:20 a. m 10 p.m., 2:40p.m..
4:3)p. m.. 8:10p. m.. 5:50 p. m .. 7:10 p. m.. 10:3a
p. nv, Sunday trains, leaving ntlsburg-lO a.nu,
K:5U p. m.. 1:.V p. m.. 6:10 p. m., 7:lCp. m, :30
p. m Arlington 0:10 a. m., 12 m., 1:50 p. ra, 9
p.m. 6:30 p. m., 8:00 p.m.
COMPANY-SebedUIe In effect June 2, 1889,
Central time Dkpabt for Cleveland, 5:00, 3:00
a. m '1:35, 4:10. : p. m. For Cincinnati. Chi
cago and St. Louis, S:C0a. m ldS, 9:30p. m.
For Buffalo, 8:00 a. m 4:10, 9:30p. m. For Sala
manca, '8:00 a. m.. 4:10 p. m. For Younsstown
and New Castle. 5:00, 80, 10:15 a. m., Mas, 4:10,
: p. m. t'or Beaver Falls, 5:00. "OO, 8:30,
10:15 a. m.. '1:35. 3:30, 4:ia 5:15. "Sp. n. For
Chartlers. 5:Cfc 11:30 a. m., 4:35, 6:20. S.55. 7:15,
8:05, 8:30, S.-25. 10:15 a. a.. 15:05, '12115,
1:4a 3:10. 14:30. 4150. tax, 5:15. SrtS, '10:30 p.m.
AimiVE-Krom Cleveland. t-JH a. m., K:S0,
5:13. "7:55, 9:40 p. m. From Cincinnati. Chlcano
and St. I.oul. 12:30. 7:M p. m, From Buffalo,
6:30 a. m., 12:30, 9:40 p. m. From Salaman
ca. 12:30. 7:55 p. m. From Youngstown and
New Castle. SO. 9.-20 a. m '12:30. 5:35, "7:55
9:lp. m. From Beaver Falls. 5:25. t JO, 7:20, 9:20
a. m., Il-Jtoj i:io, 5:35, 7:S5, -9:40 p. m. P.,
C. Y. trains from Manstleld. 8:30 a. m.. 3:30,
4:50 p. m. For Essen and Berehmont. 8:30 a.
m., i:30 p. m. P.. CAY. trains from Mans
field, Eaten and Beechmont, 7:08 a. in., 11:59 a. m.
P. McK. A Y. H. K. -DXPABT-For New Baren,
13:30 a. m., 1:3 ) p. ra. For West Newton, 1'5:30,
10:05a.m.. 3:30,6:15p.m. ARRIVX-From New
Haven. t7:Kia. m 5:00p. ro. From West New
ton, 6:15, t"7:50 a. m.. 1:25, '5:00 p. m. For Ate
Keesport, Elizabeth and Monongabela City, '5130.
10:05 a. m., 3:30, 5:15 p. m. From Monongahela
City, Elizabeth and McKeeiport. 7:50 a. m., 1:25,
5: p. a.
Dally. T Sundays 'only, t Will ran one hour
late oa Sunday. J will ma two boars late on
Bandar, . C uaet oee, M Smithneld street.
PausitiE3a- J
There is a balance of summer stock in this department that mus'
go and go quickly. We mean it We fhean it sincerely. We intend to
do what we said we'd do when we startefH our great Building and En
larging Sale three weeks ago clean outvery article and garment at
away below the regular price. Shoes are no exception. We w on't do
as the trade in 'general does pack them away and offer them next sea
son for new goods and maVe a profit on them. We wjan't be mean
Thank goodness the house of Kaufmanns' is above that We take this
stock this morning and offer it at auction prices. We pledge you our
word the goods can't be manufactured for such money. Look at the
list Consider the quality, the style, the value. We give you the regu
lar prices at which the goods have been sold. Compare them with the
prices at which they are now offered. It looks a shame to sacrifice
good, honest leather in this manner, but we are compelled to do so.
Circumstances drive us to it Our extensive building operations are but
one of the reasons that force us to clean out our shelves. And, if wp I
are forced, we must make prices the moving power.
Men's Low Shoes.
Men's genuine Kangaroo hand
made Southern Ties, medium wide
toes, without a tip; all widths and
sizes; our regular price is $6
Building and Enlarging Sale Price
Men's fine hand-made genuine
Kangaroo Oxfords, Strap Ties,
Prince Alberts and Low Button; all
widths anft sizes; never sold for
less than $5 Building and Enlarg
ing Sale Price $3.
Men's fine Kangaroo Oxfords
and Prince Alberts, fine machine-
sewed, plain and tipped toes; all.
widths and sizes; regular prices 4
Building and Enlarging Sale
Price $2 50.
Men's Calf Low Button and
Prince Alberts, plain and tipped
toes, machine-sewed; broken sizes;
always sold for $2 50 and $2
Building and Enlarging Sale Price
$1 50.
Children's Low Shoes.
Children's extra grade Lace Ox
jforcjs, spring heels, hand-sewed';
sizes 84 to ioj; regular price
$1 75 Building and Enlarging
Sale Price 98c.
Children's fine Dongola Slippers,
spring heels, hand-turned; sizes 8
to ioj; usual price $z Building
and Enlarging Sale Price 69c.
Children's fine Dongola hand
turned Lace Oxfords and Low But
ton, spring heels; sizes 8j to ioj;
regular price $1 Building and En
larging Sale Price 50c
It cannot be otherwise. Offering such goods at such prices is like
offering gold at 50 per cent below par. If we wanted to replace the
stock to-morrow it would take almost twice the money "to do it But
our sole object is to Displace it It is dear to us at any price. We want
to get it out of the way as soon as possible. Come and take advantage
of the opportunity. Accept it while you have it It's here to-dayl it
may be gone to-morrow or a week hence. We assure you that th't is
THE sule of the season the biggest ib. proportions, the biggest ia
values and such another is not likely to occur again in many moons. -
for the re-opening of schools next Monday,
is now in full blast and all parents are invited to call and see the
matchless bargains.
0 0 0 0 O O '
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
after August M, 1889. trains lesre Union
Station, l'ltutjure. as follows. Eastern Standard
New Tork and Chicago limited orrnUman Ves
tibule dallr at Tits a. ra.
Atlantic Expraasdallr for the ast, 30a.m.
Man train, dallr. except bandar, SUJUa. m. Bun.
day, mall. StM a. m.
IJar express dallr at 3:00 a. m.
Mall express dallr at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dallr at 4:30 p. m,
Eastern express dallr at 7: 15 p. m.
Fast Line dallr at 8:10 p. m.
Kxpreas for Bedford 1:00 p. m.. week days
Express for Cresson and EnensburgSioJp. U,
jSatnrdars only. . .
Greenitmrjr express :10 p. m. week days.
Derry express 11:03 a. m. week days.
All through trains connect at Jersey City wUS,
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, K. Y.,
sToldlngdonbleferriag e and Journey turouicb. H.
i-ralns arrtre at UnlonBtatlon as follows:
Mall Train, dally. SilOp. m.
Western Express, daily .I!tt- "
Padnc Express, dally L.:p. m.
Chicago Limited Express. daUy S:30p. m.
VastLlne. dallr .11 p. in.
For Unlontown,- 5:30 ana list. m. and43p
m without change of ears: 12.50 p. m.. connect
ing at Oreensburir. Trains arrtre from Union
town at : a. m.. liau. 5S5andS:10p. m.
From FEDEBAL OT. STATION. Allegheny City.
Mail train, connecting for Blalrsrllle... :i5 a. m.
Expreia, for Blalrsrllle, connecting for
Butler .......... 3:13p.m.
BntlerAccsm 8:20a- m., 25and 8:13 p. m
dprlDKdale Accom9:00,liaoa.m.3:30and 8:3) p.m.
Freeport Accom 4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m.
On Bandar 12:50 and :30p. m.
North Apollo Accom 110 a.m. and 1KB p. in.
Alleghenr Junction Accommodation
connecting; for Butler 1:20 a.m.
Blalrsrllle Accommodation 10:40p.m.
Tralnsarrtre at FEOEKAL STllEET STATION:
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. ra.
Mall Train ,........lip. m.
Bntler Accom :a. m.. 4:40 and 7:20 p. m.
Blslrsrllla AeeoinmoJatton.t.....;u......:52p. m.
Freiort Aecom.7:40a.m.. IdS, 7:20andllrt0p. m.
On Sunday ,...10 JO a. m. and 7:00 p.m.
Sprlnifdale Accom. ...6:37,11:43 a. m., 3:23. 6:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5:40 p. In.
Trains leare Union station. Husourg, as follows.
For Monongshela CltT. Wes Brownsrllle and
Unlontown. 10:40a.m. For Monongahett City and
West Brownsrllle, 7:03 and 10:40 s.m.and 4:40 p.m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monong&hela City, 5:43
p. m.. week days.
Urarosbarg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. ra.
West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:20a. a, 2:00,
6uandll:X3p. m. Sunday. 8:40 p. m.
Ticket office Corner Fourth arenas and Try
street and Union station.
Clf AS. E. 1'UUH. J. 1C. WO01.
Ueneral Manager. Gen'll'ass'r Agent.
station. Central Standard Tins. Leare for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d M and
d 11:15 p. ra. Dennlion, 2:45 p. m. Chicago,
12:05, dfltli pm. WheaUnfc 7:30 a. m.. B:05,
6:10 p.m. Stenbennlte. 5:55 a. m. Washington.
1:55, 8:35a. m l:5E,t30.4:IS.4:55 p. m. Bulger,10:M
a. m. Bnrgottstown. a 11 :35 a.m.. 5:25 p. ra. Manj.
field, 7:15. 0:30, 11:00 a. m., H0IV, d 8 J5;M-J5
p.m. McDonalds, d 4:15, d 0:45 p. m.
From tho West, t 1:10. d6:00 a. ra.. S.-05, did
p.ro. Oennlaon. J0.m. Steubenrllle, :05p. m.
Wheeling, 7 10, 8:45 a.m.. 3:05. 6:35 p.m. Bnrgetta
town. 7:15a. m 8 9:06 a.m. Washington. 6:i5,7:sg,
8:40. 10:25 a. ra- 2:35, 6:45 p. m. Mansneld, 5:36,
8:30. 11140 a. nw 12:46. 3:35, 10:00 snd S 6:20 p. m.
Bulger, 1:40p.m. McDonald d6J6 a. ta d 8:00
p. m.
d dally; 8 Buaday only; otbes trains, except
Ladies' Low Shoes.
Ladies' Dongola hand-made Lace
Oxfords, patent leather tip and lace
piece; always sold for $1 75 to $2;
sizes 2 to 6 Building and En
larging Sale Pi ice $1 25.
Ladies' fine Dongola Oxfords,
patent leather tip, French heel,
genuine hand-sewed and hand
turned; widths C, D and E; broken
sizes; regular price $2 50 Build
ing and Enlarging Sale Price $1 50.
500 pairs of Ladies' Curacoa
Kid Opera Slippers, hand-turned,
worth $ 1 Building and Enlarging
Sale Price 65c
Ladies' fine Dongola hand-turned
Lace Oxfords, opera last, with
patent leather tipped toes; regular
widths and all sizes from 2j to 6;
they are worth $1 75 Building
and Enlarging Sale Price 1 19.
Misses' Low Shoes, Slippers
Misses' fine hand-sewed Dongola
Oxfords, with Heels, opera last;
sizes 1, i and 2 only; sold for
$1 50 Building and Enlarging
Sale Price 98c
Misses' fine spring heel Dongola
Oxfords and Low Button; all
widths; sizes 12 to 2; sold all sea
son for $x 50 and $1 75 Building
and Enlarging Sale Price $1 25.
Misses' Curacoa Kid Oxfords,
hand-turned, opera last, with heels;
sizes 11 to 2; worth $1 Building
and 'Enlarging Sale Price 75c.
MarM. l9. Central Standard Time.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 731
a. m., d 12:20. d 1:00, d7:45, except Saturday, llda
g.m.: Toledo. 7:25 a. m. d 12:20. dlrOO and except
atnrday. 11:20 p. m.; Crestline. 8:43 a. m.: Clere.
land, 6:10 a. m., 12:45 and d 11:05 p. m. and 7:25
a. m.. rla P., F. W. & C. Ky.: New Cutis
and Youngstown. 7:03 a. ra.. 12:20, 3:43 p. m.;
Youngstown and Nile, d 12:3) p. m.; MeadrlUe,
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05a. m.. 12:20 p. m.: Niles
and Jamestown, J:ti p. m.t Masslllon. 4:10 p. m.;
Wheeling snd Bellalre. 6:10a. m.. 12:45, 1:30 p. m.:
Bearer Falls. 4-0 t-OSp. m Eock Point, 86:24
a. m.: Leeudale. 5:30 a. m.
ALLEGRENY-Koenester. 6 JO a. m.; Bearer
Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m. : Enon, s.-oo p. m.j Leeu
dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m.. 2.-C0, 4tm, 4:45, 1:30, 70. :00
p. m.; Conway, 10:30 p. m.: Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
ra.: Leetsdale, H8:30n. ra.
TRAIN S AKK1VE Union station from Chicago,
except Monday 1:50, d6:0O. d6ds a. m., d 6:50 p.
m.; Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 6:9 a. m., 6 JO
S. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and
ew Castle, 9:10a.m., 1:23, 6:50, 10:15 p. m.;NUe
and Youngstown. d60p. m.tClereland, d 6:50 a.
ra.. 2:25, 7:(0 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9M
a. m 2:25, 7 Mi p. m.: Erie and Ashtabula, Ira.
10:15 p. m.: MastUlon, 0M a. ni.s NUes and
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. ; Bearer Falls. 7 JO a. m
1:10p.m.. Kock Point, S 835 p. m.s Leetsdale,
AKKIVE ALLEGHENT-From Enon, 8:00 a.
m.: Conway. 6:30; Kochester, 9:40 a. m.: Bearer
Falls, 7:a.ro, 5:45 p. m.: Leetidale, itSO, 6:13,
7:45 a. m.. 12.-00, 1:45, iM, 6:30. 3M p. m.; Fair
Oaks. S 8:55 a. m. ; Leetsdale, S IA p. m.t Bock
Point. S 3:13 p. ra.
S, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except
Sunday, ' 5
X Schedule In effect May 12, 1889. For Washing,
ton. D. C, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New
York, "8:00 a. m.. and "3 .-20 p. m. For Cum
berland, '8.-00 a. m., tlrtO. gOO p. m. For Con.
nellrrllle, tS:40 and 'iX a. m.. tl:0r," M
and90p. in. For Unlontown, 26:40, 8Ka.m
tlOandi:COp. m. ForMountPleaant,tS:40and
2SA0 a. m., and tlO and t4:00 p. ra. For
Washington. Pa., S:4. 28:40 a. m., "3J5, UJ0
and'saop. m. For Wheeling. 6:45, 29:40 a. m.,
3J3, "8:30 p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis.
6:15a.m., "3:30p.m. ForColumboa. 6:45and9:40
a. m.. "3:30 p. m. For Newark. 6:4S, t9:40 a. m
3:35, 8:30 p.m. For Chicago, 6:4S. 29:40 a. m
3:15 and 8:30 p. ra. Trains arnre from New
York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington,
3:20 a. m. and 80 p.m. From Columbus, Cin
cinnati and Chicago, V:ti a. m. and 9:0O p. m.
From Wheeling, f:15, lOOa. m 250,SKnp.
ra. Through tleeplng cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington and Cincinnati.
Whedlng accommodation. 8:10 a. ra., Snnday
only. Connellsrllla accommodation at $8:35 a. ra.
liallr. tDally except r.unday. SSanday onlr.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotel and residences
npon orders left at B. ft O. Ticket Office, eojaer
Fifth arenue and Wood street. CHAd. O.
SCULL, Gen. Pass. Agt, J.T.ODELL, QeiuHgr.
Trains leareanlon station (Eastern Standard
time): KJttannlng Ae 6:55 a. m.; Niagara Ex.,
dally. 8:45 a. m-. Hnlton Ac. 10:11 a. m.; Valley
Camp Ac, 22:05 p. m.; Oil City and DuBola Ex.
rres,2rt p.m. Hultcn Ac.trtJOp.m. : KJttannlng
Ac, 4:00 p.m.; Braebum Ex., 5:00 p.m.: Klttnan
lng Ac, 6.30 p.m.; Braeburn Ae.,a)p.m.i Hul.
uju ad., iuu p. m.; flBuuo xt BUf,
SiKJ p. m.; Hullon Ac 9:45 n.m. t Braebum Ac,
n& p. ra. Church trains Braeburn, lx:40p. m.
and fat
Sut n. ra. Pullman Parlor Bullet, and
Bleeping Cars betwaea Pittsburg and BaSaio.
mitatl tlma Man r.
.i-flFk? -. .