RaH MT73 I Ke't'i'fcj TWW ff 5 i P-a-i'EEa-Ttr "v"" - - -TV SW - -j'"- V f . ' ? JTHE FXTTSBUKG- DISPATCH, 'WEDNESDAY, ATTGTTST 28, 18.89. I FEATURES OF TEADE. Fire Brick Booming Manufactarers Cannot Fill Orders. HEAYY DEMANDS FEOM BRADDOCK. An Alleghenian Furnishes Facia of Interest en Cereals a:d lite stock in the old woeld OFFICE OF RlTTSBtntO DISPATCH, I Tuesday. August 27. loS9. Tbe supply of fire brick of higher grades has not been up to demand. The new fur naces in process ot erection at the Edgar Thomson Steel "Works Trill require upward of 3,000,000 fire brick and orders are already ont for this amount. The Pittsburg firm with whom these orders were placed has within a tew days Riven notice ot their inability to meet orders. This firm has now on its books orders for 9.000.000 brick to be delivered in eight months and their capacity is only 1,000,000 pr month. It not a single order comes in tor a year to come this fire brick firm will hare about all it can do to meet orders already booked. Tbe wants of tbe Braddnck steel works will call for aboat all the fire bricks which our largest concern will be able to furnish fur the balance of this year. A representative of another firm said to-day: "We hare never had a more lively trade than we are having now. The demand lor fire brick is first class. Competition is sharp and margins ot profit are extremely closs. bat goods are moving out freely. We do a great deal ot bus iness lor a very little money, but such is tbe drift of trade in all lines these days." It appears tn be with tradesmen in all lines that only the fittest are to survive in this era of low prices and narrow margins. Woe unto the merchant or manufacturer these days who bas not a comfortable bank account to enable him to take advantage of the low prices which prevail in all departments ot industry. Cerenls and Live block In Europe. Mr. Latimer, an Allegheny merchant, who re turned yesterday from a tour through Great Britain, France and Germany, and gave special attention to Erin, from which he sprang, reports as follows concerning the cereal and live stock situation in the Old World: "Crops all through Ireland are unusually good this season. The yield of flax, hay and potatoes has been seldom better in quantity and quality. Tbe crop of oats, wnicn in ireiana is caiiea corn, is large and of the very best quality, better than any thine produced in this country. The oats of Scotland and Erin furnish material for bone, muscle ana brain building, which the Ameri can article, in its best forms, fails to reach. The cereal crops of Scotland show up unusually well this season, owing to seasonable rains. As yon go southward and eastward, in European lands, nature does not seem to have been as favorable to the agriculturist as in the North aud West. The earth's increase lessens as you travel eastward in Europe. Along tbe Western coast, and for a couple of hundred miles toward the rising sun, nature appears to have been verj bountiful this sea son, and cereal crops are above the average in tbat belt. Eastern Germany and Russia will tall far below the average in yield this season. In Ireland cattle dealers are having a harvest this year. England and France receive large supplies of beeves from Parnell's country. There has been no drop cf prices in the old country such as there bas been on this side. Stock raisers on the Western coast of Ireland have found their trade unusually profitable this season. I found, however, that the quality of sheep was mnch better in the midland coun ties of England than in Scotland or Ireland. The Soutbdowns in central and Southern Eng land excelled anything in this line I have ever seen. The Scotch and Irish sheep may have been all right for wool but England leads both countries in tbe quality ot its mutton." The interview with Mr. Latimer developed this fact concerning live stock operations in the mother country, that sales there a-e made by lump an (jfnot by weight. The buyerof a bunch of Irish cattle views the "prospect o'er" and then makes an offer of so much per head. It seems strange to an American that potatoes, peaches and apples should be sold by weight, and steers, sheep and calves by tbe head, but such is tbe custom In tbe Fatherland. Tbe cattle trade in England has experienced no such depression the past year as has been encountered on this side of tbe pond. Prime beeves are fully 2c per pound loner at Chicago than a year ago. In Liverpool tbe decline has been slight, and the result has been that cattle raisers in Ire land and exporters on this side have been reap- u uui uart cbi lur a jear past. fcfc Business Notes. OsSot the Braddock banks bas about t00, ttLn deposit. Business is brisk there. -Mb. C. JSemngek returned home yesterday "ifrom a trip to the northern summer resorts. Vf EW platforms are being put down by the Pennsylvania Railroad at Torrens and Wilk insburg. Checks were sent out yesterday for the Westlnghouse Electric quarterly dividend of 1)4 per cent. It was reported yesterday that the Braddock Wire Mill Company would reorganize and re sume business. A riECE of fine business property out Fifth avenue is about to change bands. Trade is moving tht way. The fact tbat there are more buyers than sellers of coal stocks is a good indication of a more active marker. Philadelphia Gas braced up yesterday. "It will be higher to-morrow," remarked a broker soon after Captain Barbour had dis solved the meeting Wilmerdiko is growing so fast that people leaving it in tbe morning and returning in the evening hardly recognize tho place. Jeannette is also blossoming like tbe rose. L1V STOCK MAKKETS. The Condition of nuslsess at tbe East Liberty Block Yards. Office ot-PrrrsBtnto Dispatch. i Tuesday. August 27, IS89. J Cattle Receipts, 2iu head; shipments, 810 head: market dull and a shade lower; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoos Receipts. 1,000 bead: shipments, 1,000 head: market fair; light Yorkers. U 5001 60: crasser, H Si&i 40; medium and llcbt Phila delphias, U 50i GO; heavy slow, H 304 40; four cars of hoes shipped to New York to-dav. farjEEP Receipts. 2,400 head; shipments, 2,200 bead; market and prices unchanged. By Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts. 600 head, all for exportation: no market for cattle: mar ket steady for dressed beef at 67Jic per pound for common to prime native sides, and at .W.'.Jc for Texas and Colorado do; exports of 1,600 quarters of beef; to-day's Liverpool cable advices quote American cattle about steady at ll13c per pound for the estimated dressed weight, and American refrigerator beef at 8fc per pound. Calves Receipt, 350 bead; mrket quiet at DgjJc per pound for veals, and 2lJ(c for grassere, buttermilks and mixed lots. Sbeep Receipts. 2.800 head, and 2,500 bead were carried over yesterday: a limited business was recorded at about vestrr. day's prices. Sbeep sold at ?4 005 00 per 100 pounds; lambs at J4 37ie6 30. Hog Receipts, 3,300 bead: market reported steady atS4 40 4 5 per 100 pounds for live hogs. Kansas Crnr The Ztre Stock IruHator re ports: Cattle Receipts. 4.5W head; shipments, 3,681 ncad: best native beef steers firm and 10c higher; common slow and weak: green unripe beef steers hard to sell; good to choice corn ted steers, 13 9j4 25; common to medium. $3 00 113 85; stockrrs and feeding steers. Jl 603 15; cows. SI 5002 60; grass range. II 6002 70. Hogs Receipts. 3,657 bead; shipments. 309 head; strong and about 5c bigber; good to choice "U;K1 27;-heavy and mixed. S3 75 64 l.Jf. bbeep Receipts, 406 bead: shipments, none; market steady: good to choice muttons, 3 ,504 00; common to medium, f260Q3 5a Chicago Cattle Receipts. 8.600 headtahlp, J2e2K:. 1;500 head! beeves, SI 4001 75; steers! 13 U0g4 60: stockers and feeders. Jl 9003 0U; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 2o3 00; Texas cattle, tl 2503 20; natives and half breeds, ii 0003 CO. Hogs Receipts, 10,600 head: shipments, 4,500: market weak; mixed. $3 80 04 35: heavy. S3 6004 15; light, $4 uOffil 65: skips. $3 5004 JO. Sheen Receintu 7im h.iri. shipments, Z000 head: market stcadv: natives." S3 5004 60; western feeders, S3 4003 80; mut- ionAJ5-801 10; TexaB- J3 S04 I'! ambs, 84 o05 7a. St. Louis-Cattle Receipts. 5,500 head shipments. 300 head: market active; choice heavvnatlve steers, S4 1004 60; fair to good do S3 8004 15; stackers and feeders, $2 1003 00: range steers, $2 3003 10. Hoes Receipts, L700 head: shipment, 200 head: market shade higher: fair to choice beavy,S4 0004 20; packlnc. SJ OOgl 20; light fair to best, S4 20I CS. febeep Receipts, 2.40U head; shipments, 300 head market firm; fair to choice, S3 23t3 3a Buffalo Cattle dull and prices irregular; receipts, 27 loads through: for export no sales; 15 loads held over. Sheep and lambs dull and lower to tell; receipts, 10 loads through; nosale; 8 loads held over. Hogs scarce and in good de jnand: receipts, 1 load through; 8 sale. Cincinnati Hogs in good demand and stronger; common and llcbt. $3 5004 60; pack ing and butchers. U 1001 35; receipts, 1,400 bead; shipments, 00 head. markets by wibe. Continuation ef tbo Bnll Movement In tbe Wheat Pit A Buoynnt Feeling and Higher Price all Along tbe Line Corn and Oats Move Up. Chicago There was a continuation of yes terday's bull movement In wheat to-day, the highest price being attained during the last half of the session. For an hour or more after the opening the trend of market was downward. During that time tbe leading futures sold off QXc as compared with yesterday's closing and nearly 1 from curb price. Tho weakness was attributed to the indifferent earlv cables, fine weather both In this country and England, and the report of an increase in the quantity of wheat on ocean passage. The bulls were not aggressive, but wheat bad more friends than for some time past, and everybody was waiting for news from Vienna In addition to what was received yesterday. About noon, reports of liberal purchases of cash wheat by exporters at New York caused renewed buying and prices advanced sharply. September went to 78c and December to79J4c before there was any reaction to speak of. During tbe last hour of the session trading was heavy aud the market showed great buoyancy. There was increased speculative trading in May wheat and it was relatively the tsrongest future in the list closing nearly 1c higher. In September there was a net gain of Xcand December Jic No. 2 cash and seller the month scored a gain of KSKc A good business was transacted in corn, and tbe feeling developed was easy earlier, but later the market was steadier. The volume of bnsiness transacted was quite heavy, but to ward the close business was maimy local, x ne easy feeling was due to continued fine weather and heavy receipts. The market opened lc below yesterday's, was easy for a time, declini IngJwkc, reacted, advancing Jic, ruled steady, closing at i-idMc higher than yester day. Oats were fairly active, especially for May delivery, in whicb the bulk of the speculative trading centered. The near futures wcro rather quiet, but a steadier feeling prevailed, due to receipts being less than expected. Tbe feeling was unsettled, and prices fluctuated freely within a range of &&. Tbe market closed steady at almost outside prices, and at He advance over yesterday. Trading was fairly act)ve in pork, and the feeling was unsettled. Prices declined lO012c but rallied again 710c, and closed steady at outside figures. A light trade was reported In lard, and prices ruled 701Oc higher. Early sales avere made at medium prices, but a reduction of 205c was submitted to. Toward the close ruled stronger, and prices advanced to outside fig ures, closing firm. An active business was done in short ribs, but prices were Irregular. Prices ruled easy and declined 710c per 100 pounds, but rallied and closed steady at outside figures. ine leaning rutures ranged as follows' wheat no. z. September. 77J$c:December, 78079 Corn No. 2, Beptember. 8$3433K 33c; October, 33K34Ji33M34Jc; Decem ber. 33J4033Hc Oats No. 2. September. 19J20K195i20c; October, 202(2020c: May. 22s.3e Mess Pore, per bbl. September. S3 750 9 72W: October.SS 8009 8009 67Jf 9 80; January, S9 109 2009 10 30. Lard, per 100 Iks. September. 85 82M06 02K 5 92K6 02X; October, S5 97i6 0005 92K 6 00: January. $5 82X- Short Ribs, per 100 Bs. September, S4 85 4 85; October, 87X4 87X04 b04 85;Ian. uary, tl 62X04 65. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged. No. 3 spring wheat. 78Xc: No. 3 spring wheat 6907OXc; No. 2 red, 78Xc No. 2 com. 335c. No. 2, oats. 20c. No. 2 rye. 4iXc No. 2 barley. 65c No. 1 flaxseed. SI 26. Prime timothy seed, SI 3001 32. Mess pork, per bbk S9 75. Lard, per 100 pounds S6 02X66 05. Short rib sides (loose), $4 85. Receipts Flour, 16.000 barrels; wheat, 170000 bushels; corn. 594,000 bushels; oats, 379,000 bushels; rye, 23.000 bushes; barley. 7,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 18.000 barrels: wheat. 16L. 000 bushels: corn. 406,000 bushels: oats, 194,000 bushels; rye. 5.000bnshels; barley, 3.000. On the Produce Exchange to-day the buttter market was fairly active: fancy creamerv, 1801SXc: fine. 15016c; fine dairies. 1314c; fair to good. 910c. Egss in good demand at 14c New Yore Flour steady and in fair de mand. Cornmeal more active and steady; yellow Western, 2 4502 75. Wheat Spot firm and lXc bigber; limited export demand, good local demand, chiefly for storing; options opened 50Xc lower on longs realizing, reacted on foreign shorts covering llXc, closing firm. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot moderately active, with light offerings andstronger; options less active, XGc higher and steady. Oats Spot less active and X5ib lower: options quiet. Hay firm and in good demand. Coffee Options steady and unchanged to 5 points up. closed firm at 16020 points nn: gaiW 46.000 bags. Including August. 14.95015c; Septem ber, 1185015c: October. 14.9501a.15c; Novem ber, 15 lC15.15c; December. 15.05015.15c; Jan uary, 15.1oc; February,15.05; March. 15.05015.15c; April,15.1Oc:May,15.1O15.25c:June.l5.1501525c; spot Rio quiet: fair cargoes, lSXc Sugar Raw nominal: refined firm and in fair demand. Mo lassesForeign nominal; New Orleans quiet. Rice in fair demand and steady. Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow stronger; city, 4fi413-16c Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine quiet at440 44Xc Eggs firm and in good demand: western, sw?-,-c-ci'"s- ,-o packages, .roris steady. Cutmeats dull. Lard Early months stronger, covering of contracts; new crop quiet and steady; sales, 1.600 tierces western steam, chiefly export, at S3 3606 42X. closing at S6 42X; Sep tember, $6 40; October. S6 38; November, $6 37; December. S6 19: January, 6 19; February. S6 25. Butter dull and easier; western dairv.90 12c; creamery, IlQlSXc: do factory, SQLIc Cheese quiet; western, 607c Philadelphia Flour Demand slow and prices ruled in buyers' favor. Wheat advanced Xc under light offerings and higher western advices, but local speculation was quiet and export demand continued lieht; No. 2 red, August. 8383!c: September. 82X82Xc: Oc tober. S2Ji83Xc; November. 83X084C Corn Options dull and late months lAc lower: carlots quiet aud steady; sales No. 3 low mixed in Twentieth street elevator, 43c; No. 2 mixed. In Twentieth street elevator, 43Xc; No. 2 yel low, in grain depot, 44c; No. 2 mixed, Au Fa" .i'Sc; September, 41X042; Octo ber, 42y042Xc; November, 42Ji43iic Oats steadier: No. 3 white, 25X026c; old No. 2 white, 29Xc; new No. 2 white, 2Xi futures dull and lower: No. 2 white, August, 2790285ic; Sep tember. 27ie2Sc: October. 2X0;9c; No vember, 29029XC Provisions steady; demand moderate, llanif, smoked. UX013X- Butter weak and lower;rPennsylvania creamery extra, 1717Xc; do prints extra, 2025c Eggs scarce ana firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 19c St. Louis Flour firm and nnr.hAnt.Art Wheat Opened easy and declined slightly, but whpn ttiA rpnnrt nf tha Vl,nn ,'.mw-a.. ........ r - v.HVHuitwwuiD, prices shot up and closed lc above yesterday. No. 2 red cash. 75c; September, 7576Vc, closed at 76Jc; December, 767i78Jic closed at .78c; May. 82Q82Kc Corn weak, but toned later, and closed Jilo above yesterday: No. 2. cash. SVyic; September, 31$3IJic closed at 31Jic; October, 3131c; December, 3030c closed at 3uKc: May. 32e81Kc32c Oats firm; No. 2 cash. 18c bid; tjeptember, 1818Kc; May, 22c. Rje Quiet at 89$Sc. Barley No market. Flaxseed steady at tl 22. Bagging firm; ranging at 9Q10c Provisions firmer. Cincinnati Flour earler. Wheat stronger: No. 2red, 75c; receipts, 14.000 bushels;shipments. 6000 busnelr. Corn dull: No. 2 mixed, 35c Oats easy; No. 2 mixed, 20Hc Rye dull; No. 2, 41c. Pork easier at SIO (S2. Lard quiet at &S7K. Bulk meats steady; short ribs, $5 10 5 15. Bacon' in moderate demand; short clear, J6 25. Butter steady. Sugar Arm. Eggs in lair demand at llc. Cheese firm ana unchanged. llBALTiMOitE Provisions weak; mess pork, 512 50: bulkmeats, loose shoulders, 6c; long clear rib sides and sugar pickled sboulders,6c; sugar cured smoked shoulders, TJic; bams, l&l 13c. Lard Kenned, 7iic Butter firm; western packea. 1013c: creamery, 1718c Eggs firm ut 17Jiel8c. Coffee brm; Kio fair. 18KC "Tolkdo Cloverseed dull; vember, S4 35. October and No- Wool Mnrket. Philadelphia Wool dull and nominaL St. Louis Wool dull and unchanged. New Yobk Wool is in fair demand and firm: domestic fleece, 3239c; pulledj 2341c: Texas, 14gS8c ' Boston There bas been no increase in tbe demand for wool and sales are confined prin cipally to small lots. Prices remain the same and are steady, but large lines can only be placed at concessions. Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces were offered at 3233c for X, 3435c for XX and above. Michigan fleeces are moving slowly at 31c lor X buyers offering 30c No. L wools will command 3738c for Michigan and Ohio. No 1 combing wools are dull at 3810c Small sales are noticed of Ohio fine delaine at 35c and Michigan at 34c Unwashed combine wools remain dull at 2730c In Territory wool there have been sales on a scoured basis of otAdooc joruneana nne meaium. Texas, Cali fornia and Oregon wools are dull and un changed in price Pulled wools are offered at quite low prices and are meeting with some de mand. Foreign wools are quiet and firm. When baby was sick, we gave ber Caatorla, When sbe was a Child, she cried for Cutoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she bad Chlldren,ihe gave them Castorla ap9-77-xwTsn THE! GOT THE BLUM. Tbe Black Property in Allegheny City Purchased by Two Ladies. FACTS CONCERNING REAL ESTATE. Fancy Price Paid for Land bj One of Pitts bnrg's Merchant Princes. THE CRI OF HARD TIMES OUT OF PLACE It was learned incidentir yesterday that tbe purchasers of the Black property, on "Western avenue, Allegheny City, sold a few days ago by Henry A. Weaver & Co., for 90,000, were Airs. Dr. Hostetter and Mrs. ru Puy, their object being two-fold as an investment, and to keep it from fall ing into the hands of persons who would subdivide it for several buildings. All the houses in the vicinity are surrounded by extensive grounds, and It is desired to main tain the character of the locality in this respect. Real estate, while quiet on the surface, is considerably agitated below which means there is more going on than meets the eye of the pnblic For instance. Black & Baird have made 12 sales since tbe 21st, and are closing up 62 more. The largest of the completed trans actions was for $3,000. The largest of those pending Involves $100,000. Mr. Glomnger, of the above firm, said: "Bnsiness is splendid for August. There is a good inquiry for every thing except business property, which has quieted down. Tbe prospect for brisk times, beginninc about the middle of next month, is the best I have ever known." There is no good reason why there should be a constant cry of bard times. It is conceded on every hand that there will be considerably more than an average crop of nearly all kinds of agri cultural products throughout the country. The wheat'and corn crops of tbe West are thought to be so far advanced as to secure their safety, while the cotton crop in the South, promises a large yield. Under these conditions, says the Age of Steel, there is no reason to doubt tbat the fall trade will be entirely satisfactory. Some"complalnt, however, is made ot low' prices, but it must be remembered that the pur chasing power ot tl at the present time is much greater than it was a few years ago, and If the agriculturist is obliged to sell his products at a less figure than formerly, bis supplies may be purchased for enough less in most cases to make up tbe difference. These things must and will regulate themselves according to the laws of snpply and demand, and in time must equal ize all things. The highest price ever realized for Pittsburg suburban real estate, so far as known, was a short time ago paid by Mr. T. C. Jenkins for a lot on Ellsworth avenue, Sbadyslde. Tbe size of tbe lot is abont 1 acres, and the considera tion was $55,000. The old Aiken mansion, which dates back some 75 years, stands on the ground, but it will be torn down to give place to a fine modern residence, whicb Mr. Jenkin e proposes to erect. Immediately to tbe east of this property are the elegant residences of H. C. Frlck and Robert Pitcaim. On the other side of the avenue, a little east, is the Shady side Academy. An electric motor has been invented by Da vid O. Weens, of Baltimore, Md., which ob tained the rate of two miles per minute on a curved track. This is equal to three miles per minute on a straight track. It is a three-ton motor made by the Electro-Automatic Transit Company, of Baltimore, and the experiment was conducted at the company's grounds, at Laurel. Aid. This is called the automatic sys tem, and is intended only for light 'express packages, mail matter and newspapers. A five mile circular track will be constructed imme diately to demonstrate the practicability of the system for passenger service, During the year 1845 there were only 502 pat ents issued from the United States Patent Of fice, and the total issue from the establishment of the Patent Office up to the end ot tbat year numbered only 4,847. Up to this year there have been granted 406,413, showing that since 1815 there have been Issued from the United States Patent Office 402,166 patents, and about one-third more applications have been made than have been granted, demonstrating tbe ingenuity of our people t be phenomenal, and mnch greater thar. even the enormous number of patents issued indicates. ' STOCKS WELL S DETAINED. Some Htrons and No Particularly Weak Spots Philadelphia Gaa Moves Up. There was a good feeling displayed at the Stock Exchange yesterday, and, although the sales were moderate 225 shares some of the favorites scored fractional advances, and near ly all the rest were firm to steady. Philadel phia Gas entered upon what may be a little boom, selling at 37 and 3 the latter in the afternoon. It closed firm at tbe top price. Pittsburg Traction was weaker, the others being steady. There, was also a concession In People's Natural Gas. La Nora, Electric and Switch and Signal showed no particular change either way, all of them being firmly held, with no disposition to press them on the market. There were more buyers than sellers. Bids, of fers and sales were: MOBiriXG. AFTEBNOOir. Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. 450 SCO 130 18 ..M .... '.'.'.'. "'.'. "I-. MX w 35 50 .... 49 I?:::: :::: :::: H II g !i . im ' 69H 70 69,i TO .... t 49 .... X 210 30 1! 12 MX 2o :: 3 15 16 ; 51 SiX SlS 52 7 :::: :::: a Pitts, feus, ft 31. Kx.. fourth National Bank Keystone Bank, fltts. f eople'slt. Bank Safe Deposit Co. Chanters Val. Uas Co. Kat. Oas Co. or W. Va. Ohio Valley Gas People's JMat Oas People's N. O. ft P. Co Pennsylvania Oas fhlladelphia Co Wheellnr UasCo forest Oil Co Tuna Oil Co Central Traction. . Citizens' Traction ritttbnre Traction.... Pleasant Valley f. Ey. fltts. June H. K. Co.. Pitts, ft Western ft. It f . ft V. K. K. Co. prof rolnt i)rld-e Union Brldfre La .Norla Minlnc Co... Westins-honse Klectric IT X-Vlw r. fltts. Cyclorama'coi!! At the forenoon call 90 shares of Central Traction sold at 81. In the afternoon tbe sales were 100 shares of Chartiers Gas at 50k. 25 Philadelphia Gas at 37 and 10 af37V4. John T. Patterson sold 7 shares Western In surance at 52. Robinson Bros, report the sale of 15,000 Equitable Mortgage Companvdebent ure bonds at par and interest. W. F. Maxon sold 5 shares Central Traction at SliC The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 215,787 shares, including: Atchison, 27.815: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western 16,314; Lake Shore, 3,057; Louisville and Nasn vUIe, 4,500; Missouri Pacific 6.890; Nohwest ern. 6,646; Northern Paciflc, 15,030: Northern Pacific preferred, 21,253; Reading, 13.500: St. Paul, 24,110; Union Pacltlc, 6.257. NOTHIilG TO FEAE. Whatever Happens to the Money Market t Will be for the Better. There was no rush in local banking circles yesterday, bnt a good average business was transacted. Checking showed a falling off, but depositing was fair. Money was plenty and rates unchanged. There was a great scarcity of to and S10 notes, notwithstanding the fact tbat a large amount of them was received from tbe East a short time ago. A cashier being asked where they went, said he did not know, but supposed they bad found their way back to New York. "We use more ot these denominations than any others." he added. "In making np pay rolls there is nearly always a large number of $5's, 110's and $20' s, and when they are scarce considerable Incon venience is felt. We have more tl's and J2's than we need." The Clearing House report, as made up by Manager Chaplin, was a little less favorable than usual, showing a slight falling off in the volume of business. "This should cause no alarm," remarked the financier. "What we are doing Is strictly legitimate, tbe speculative interest being an insignificant factor. We have crossed tbe Rubicon without disaster, aud have nothing to fear the remainder of tbe year. Whatever happens will be for the bet ter." The clearings were 11,875,779 P9 and tbe balances 1467.968 0 Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 3SSK Per cent, last loans 1 closed offered at & Prime mercantile paper, OK07K. Starling exchange Irregular at f4 88f f or 60-day bills and Si 86 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U.S. 4s,reg 123 11. S. 4m. fiiun 123 M.K. AT. Gen.6 . K7K Hutaal Union s..,.10Bt U.S.4Xs,rejr 105H O. S. 4H conn.... lj.T N.J. fl. Int. Oert, 112 Northern I'll- lstS..118 riciaccaofM us fjoalftlanastamncd4s SO Northern Pac.2ds..IlH Northw't'n consols. H9 Missouri 0s 10041 Northw'n deben..I15JS Oregon A Trans. M.10SK St. L. ALM. Oen. Ss 88 " St. UiS.r. Uen.Al.116 Su Paul consols ....12s . 'lenn. new set. es....u Tcnn. new set. M....10Z Tenn. newset.34.... TlTi Canada So. 2ds 99 Oen. 1'aeiae.lsts 114)4 Den. AK.O., lsU102 Den. IK, U. 4s 79 D.ftR.O.West,lsts. 109 Krle.2d 1WK M.K.AT. Qen.6s.. 83)4 St.ll, Chi & rc.lsts.117H Tx., PcL. U.Tr Ks. S0 Tx.U'clCQ.aT.Kcts S7j union rac. uu "' West Shore -U The bond offerings yesterday aggregated $1, 465,000. as follows: Pour per cents, registered. $100,000, $200,000, $200,000, $65,000 and $600,000 at 128. t New York Clearings, $108,102,767; balances, $4,917,149. Boston a earlngs, $10,921,450; balances, $1,646,095. Money at 2KS3 per cent. Philadelphia Clearings, 110,491,168: bal ances. $1,463,526. - Ualtihobe Clearings. 11,576,863: balances, $322,559. Lohdok Tbe amount of bullion gone into the Banc of England on balance to-day is 10,000. Bar silver, 42 7-16d per onnce. Pabis Three per cent rentes, 85f 72c for the account. Behlw The statement of tbe Imperial Bank of Germany shows a decrease in specie oi ts,2UU.DUU mares. CHi&aoo Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $10,913,000. GOOD FOE TflE BDLLS. Oil Wells In tbe Jefferson Ceuter Territory Losing Their Grip.. News tbat the production of the Butler county wells was rapidly falling off caused a firm feeling at the opening of tbo oil market yesterday and ran the price np from SS to 98. After this little spurt the market fell back into the rut, and closed rather weak at 97K-a cent below the highest point. "What caused the slump?" a broker was asked. "Oh, nothing, except lack of business," was the reply. A broker on the bull side said: "The situation is becoming bullish every day, and I look for a decided improvement by the end of this month or beginning of next." Trading was about up to tbe average of tbe past few weeks. Monday's clearings were 724,000 barrels. , Features of the Market. Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of tbe Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange Opened S3 (Lowest 97 Highest . seKlClosed., 97X Barrels. Average runs 49,217 Average shipments 77,715 Average charters. 41,160 Bedned, New Yorx, 7.S0c lflne. London, 5d. Kenned, Antwerp, 17HT. Kenned, Uverpool, sXd. A. B. McQrew & Co. quote: Pnts, 96Jo; calls, 93Jc Other Oil Markets. Trrrsvnxx, August 27. National transit certificates opened at 98c; highest, 8Sc; lowest, 7Jc; closed, 87c Bradford, August 27. National transit certificates opened at 98c; closed at 97c: highest, 98Kc; lowest, 97c On. CITT. August 27. National transit certifi cates opened at 98c: highest, 0Sc: lowest, 97ic; cloed. 97c; clearances, 638,000 barrels; charters, 96,627 barrels. New Yobk. August 27. Petroleum opened strong at 98Jic but after gaining Je the mar ket became weak and declined to 97c Tbe trading then became light and the market closed steady at 97c; sales, 625,000 barrels. ' NEITHER DEAD-N0R SLEEPING. Interest In Real Eatate Kept Up A Num ber of Important Deals. Alles & Bailey sold at auction a brick dwell log of fire rooms and attic, frontage of 48 feet on Grove street by 94K feet to an alley, Thir teenth ward, sold for $2,125. Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for Mr. John Schuster to Dr. G. W. Hlett bonse and lot on Tannehill street, city, for 2,100. They also sold to Patrick McCaugbey lots Nos. 180 and 181 in Marlon place plan, at Marion station, Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad. fortSSO. Spencer & Glosser sold lots Nos. 43 and 44, on Paul street, in 8. L. Boggs city plan of lots, to R. J. Buchanan, for 400 each; also sold five acres, with buildings, on 8. L. Boggs' farm. In West Liberty borough, to Samuel Nevergold for 2,G0Q; also sold house with lot 50x100 feet to Mrs. Livingston, at Crafton station, for 83,600 cash; also sold for David Borland's heirs lot No. 292, corneiuAnn and Thirteenth streets,' Homestead borough, to Matthew Cook for 650. Black 4 Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to W. A. Wbltaker, for the estate of Henry Lloyd and John JJaldridge. Jr the tract of Und in Braddock township, fronting on the Pennsyl vania Railroad containing about 35 acres, and known as tbe old Cory & Company property, for W. A. Herron & bons sold lot No. 96 in the Blssell plan. 20x100. for S300: also lot No. 12 in the Aim. G. Adams plan, 20x100, for S200; also two lots on Mt Washington, Second ward, for $300. John F. Baxter, 512 Smlthfleld street, snjd to Charles J. Spears two lots In tbe Villa Park plan. Brash ton Station, Nos. 490 aud 4B1, front age ot 80 feet on Blackadore avenue by 150 to a 20-foot alley, for 1500. The Pittsburg Company, limited, sold lot No. 4 in the E. Jones plan of lots, at Etna Station, Pittsburg and Western Railway, fronting 20 feet on Township road and running back 10O feet to a 15 foot alley, to A. McElwee, of Sbarpsburg. for 210 in monthly instalments. Samnel W. Black & Co.. 99 Fourth aveuue, sold for the Blair estate, Glenwood, Twenty third ward, city; lot 24x100 feet to a 20 foot alley, for 100. EASIEE MONEY Cause a Rally In Stocks A Few Weak Spots Revealed during tbo Dnv, but the Active List Closes Higher Bonds Brace Up. New York, AuguBt 27. The stock market was more active to-day and a generally strong tone prevailed which caused a small and healthy appreciation in values and in some of me specialties material gains. There was a general expectation that the rise of yesterday was to be continued to-day, and the opening was made at prices generally from to per cent better than last evening's figures, but the advances of the past two days were sufficient to cause some realizing by the trading element and the western operators were sellers to a limited extent which checked the upward movement and even bronght about a slightly lower range of values. There was no news or a character to have any positive effect upon the market and after tne selling movement was over the usual extreme dullnesi ensued. The Northern Pacifies and especially the preferred were well held, however, on the prospects un der tbe new mortgage and the good statement of earnings for July, and Atchison was bought for Boston account being more active and stronger than for some time back. About noon it was announced that over a million more bonds nad been offered at the Bccret price which stimulated the bnyin" again and monev which had ruled Arm 6 to oX per cent eased off. The market responded imme diately, and the noon prices were generally the lo est of the day. and 8t. Paul, Northern Pa- "V"1 """"'"i q nreierrea. Rock Island and Tennessee Coal, all became prominent for activity and strength. Rock Island approached to within He of par on the receipt of the large traffic enioi ed by that road. The bulls showed no disposition to force matters much, which were allowed to take their nmr ,i i n, general list there was a slew and gradual ap preciation in values, lasting until tbe last hour, when again a disposition was shown to realize upon'tbe early gains, when the announcement was made tbat the Secretary or the Treasury bad accepted the large amount of $1390.020 bonds and this stopped tLe selling, and the market again became active and strong. Tbe close was generally at about the best prices ot the day. There wero a few final losses, but they were for insignificant fractions only aud almost tbe entire active list is higher this even ing, though the advances over last night's fig ures are for tho most part confined to small fractions. Chesapeake and Ohio 2 preferred rose 1; Cotton Oil. 1J4. and Rock Lsjand, 1. The bond market was also somewhat active the sales of all issues being 901,000; of which tbe Rock Island 5s furnished Si two Th .,.. of tbe dealings was firm to stroug throughout the entire day, and most of the final chances are in the direction of higher figures, though the number of issues traded in was small and the trading was devoid of feature of special interest. Houston and Texas lsts lost 25 at 120. The following table snows the prices oractlve stocks on the .New York Stock Kxchanre yester day. Corrected dally for Tub Dispatcu by Wfl.Tumr ft STBPnirssON. oldest Pitubure mem bers of .New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: , CIos- HlKh- Low- inr. ;u cat. Bid. g 1H KX JJX i S7H ;i iS 6i2 115X J1& . U5jJ 34 545( HX 21H 71? 7lS 11 lU 1 ion Open- II1.S. Am. Cotton on. 61K Atca.. lop. ft o.V..., 261? Canadian PaclUe ! Canada southern U Central at Haw Jeraey.Uf Central facmc. Chesapeake ft Ohio uu C Bar. ft OuUr..,..l(HS C Mil. ft St. Paul.... 71K C, JUl.ft Bt. f .. pr..113 C, EockLP. iSH Wi 9X C..St.L.&Fltt .. ." C St. KNtt-ltts. pf. C St. F..M. AO S3H c. at. rM. o pr. 9sh C. .Northwestern. ...ill U.4 .Northwestern, pf. .... 6,0, c. &i 7sj; o., c. a 4L, pr ioi Col. Coal Iron 17 Col. ft Uocklog Vai Dei., L. Jt W 146 Del- & Hudson U1U E.T., Va. Ua ... ;.T.,Va. AOa.lst pr. .... ti T.. Vs. A On. 2rt T,r 9. 33 J, 111 wii 101 27 14S& 152 76" 101 27 145X 131 nA ii'i an 1M 22 19K 102K 70X 69 71 H 27 67 Illinois central. fake Grin A Western.. 9f fake trie Jt West. pr.. u fateSnore&M. s 103 Louisville ft Nashville. TO Ailcnijran central...... t9k MdblleA Ohio . Alo., Kan. ft Texas.,.. 12H Missouri Fsclflc 72 New York Central . t.. L. E.A W a J.Y.I L.E. ft W.prer.. 67 . .. C. ft St. li. -N.J., C 8LL. or. 2j.i..'a st...2dpf .... N. YN. Xi If.. O. A W 17X Jjorrols, Western Aorrolkft Western, pf. 53X Northern Tactile 30 Jfortnern faclflc nref. 04 Ohio ft Mississippi..... 22 Oregon improvement Orwon Transcon 84 gacmcilaU StfJ feo. Dec A Kvans Fhlladel. ft Keadlnc. UK ltlcnmona ft V. V. .. 22M ttichmond ft W.P.T.pf so St. p., Minn, ft Man.. 1025 12 S 72H ax 67 sou 17K siii 31H 7o 22J si" 34H k 23 80 103 60M ii'i 3uh . 23," 3Vi X'h an so 102i uhu,gsa j-rau. .... .... St. L. a San jrran pr.. 69! S9)i W bt.L.. A Hun -. ii Sr. Texas Faclflc fflf aJ Unlonfaclnc KH a Wabasn MH VX Wabash preferred tii 32 western Union 84(i 84 JVhrtlinjr ft L. . 7SK TIM Surarffrust 10S54 HO National Lead Trust.. MS IXi Chicago Gas Trust S91t WA 3)H tau i-M 32X 84H 70H 109X 23K 69& Boatnn Stocks. Atch. ftTonr.lst7s. 110).' A.ftT. LanclUr't7s.lOS Atch. ft lop. K. K... 37j Rntland, com Kutland preferred, Wis. Central, com., Wis. Central pf.., . 4 43 25 . 69 wwn & .3iame.....2UU C., B. A tt. 101X Clnn. San. A Cleve. 22K Eastern R. K 95 Eastern K. B. OS ....128 Flints fere 51 23 runt A fere M. nfd.91 K.CSt. J.ft C.B. 7S.122H Mexican Cen. com:. IS Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 67M A. r. Aew.nar... son 014 Colour I7 AlloaezMaCotnew). H Calumet ft Heda....225 Franklin 9M Huron Usceola. 11 fewable tnew) 2 llell Telepnone tSZii Boston Land s ramarack J03! San Diego 27 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members Hew York stock Ex change. BM. Asked. PennsvlvanlaSallroad .- 6JX 53K Keadrnar i 22 9-13 22H Lehlxh Valley MX uu Northern faclflc 31 31( northern faclflc preferred WX Wh Minlnc Stocks. Nrw York. Aueozt 27. Caledonia B. H., 300; Colorado Central. 100; Commonwealth. 200; Deadwood Ter., 140; Eureka Consolidated, 175; El Crlato, 100; Homestake. 900; Horn Silver, 115; Iron Silver, 200; Mutual, 140; Ontario. 3400; Ophir. 480; Occidental, 180; Plvmouth, 250: Sav age, 205; Sierra Nevada, 260: Standard. 100; Small Hopes. 110: Ward Consolidated, 155. A CHILD ON THE AXLE. A Brakeman'a Heroism Saves the Life of a 4-Yenr-Old Bay. Beidoeton, N. J., August 27. Leslie Ireland, a 4-year-old son of John Ireland, of Bridgeton, while playing upon the cars near the New Jeney Southern depot, got under a gravel train standing on a siding aqd climbed upon the axle of the wheels. The train soon backed oat and the little fellow held on for a while and was seen by the yard hands, who frantically gesticnlated to the engineer, who reversed tbe engine, but could not stop his train before the child let go his hold and fell to the ground. He was rolled along under the cars. A brakeman ran along the train, and at the peril of his life reached under and dragged the boy ont, but the little fellow was terribly cnt and brnised and it was found that his right leg had been run over. It was amputated as soon as he was taken home. The brave little fellow suffered in tensely, but did not complain. The brake man and rough trainmen cried like children at tbe boy's pitiable condition and heroism. It is thought he cannot survive. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The President vesterdav appointed thn fnl. lowing postmasters: Joseph H. Hirst, at Angola, Ind.. vice Harmon Freygang removed, and John R Bonnell. at Crawfordsville, Ind., vice J. B. Booe removed. The Czar and Czarina have started for Copenhagen. It is reported that the Czare vitch will make an official visit to Paris if the interview which is to take place between the Czar and the Kaiser is not harmonious. General Boulanger. In a manifesto, calls upon the electors of the Department of the Seine to remain united and preserve discipline in order to insure respect for their sovereign will. Accompanying the manifesto is a list of 41 candidates who will contest in "his interest for seats in the Chamber of Deputies from the Department of the Seine Quong Lung Hong; bead of the importing firm of the same name, is the head of the syn dicate ot four "who have leased tbe Oriental Theater, of New York, at a rental of 10,000 a year, xney nave aiso signed a contract for a year with the Swentlan Lok Company of Chinese actors, and get control of the 200 Chinese plays which they represent. W. HMathewson, of Cambridge, Mass., a driver of an electric street car for tbe West End Railway Company, is one of tbe eight rela tives in line of heirship of tbe late Hiram Pearsons, son of tbe 'late Colonel Hiram Pearsons, of Chicago. Young Hiram was 29 Sears old, end was drowned in Mackinaw traits. Lake Michigan, last July. Mathew son's share of the estate, it is said, will be about 300,000. The annual meeting of tbe National Bar Association will open at Chicago to-day. It is expected that more than l.fXX) delegates will at tend this year's session. The proceedings will becin at 9 o'clock, when Judire Trumbull, on behalf of the Chicago and Illinois Bar Associa tion, will introduce the National Association as a body to its Illinois representatives, and will deliver an address of welcome to tbe visit ing lawyers. Paenger Agent Williams, of the Memphis and Charleston road bas contracted for 400 white families to be brought from the Caro lina to Woodruff county. Ark., where they win go to work October 1. as day laborers. Next season they will be renters or croppers on shares, as they may choose The same agent bas also made arrangements to bring 8,000 negroes from the Carollnas and Georgia to various points in the Yazoo delta. They will reacu ineir uesunauon in time to assist in gathering the cotton crop. Williams has already brought out over 3,0u0 negroes. Gnstav Flelschbein, of Belleville. Mich., who was shot twice by a highwayman yester day afternoon near Lake Gogebic is not ex pected to lire. The wounds ot tbe two others who were shot are very slight There Is no trace of the robber. Tbe description of tbe biehwayman Is the same as tbat of tbe train robber who held up the Milwaukee and North ern train at Ellis junction on May 28 and the Wisconsin Central train on August 7. The name of the man is Relmund Holzhay, resi dence at Shawnee, Shawnee county. Wis. He is wanted by the Government, two railroad companies and others for murder and highway robbery. Th rewards offered for his -capture aggregate 2.500L ' Just three weeks ago tbe Rio Grande West ern train was "held up" near Thompson's Springs, Utah, and tbe passengers relieved of many valuables. Tbe outlaws, after robblne tbe train, started for tbe Blue Mountains in a southern direction. Two of them one of the supposed robbers and a noted horse thief- went tn Bluff, in Ban Juan county. When about 60 miles southwest of Bluff, on the Navajo Reservation, tho fugitives were cap tured. The prisoners were put in irons and started tor Salt, Lake City. One mile below Moid tho thieves got away by lamping from the wagon into the brush. It was dark and the brash was thick, and it was bard to get on their track. Twenty men hunted that night, and tbe next day their tracks were fonnd heading for the Blue Mountains. Deputy Bush and some Indians are still in pursuit. There has been made public a recent letter from General Low Wallace to President Diaz of Mexico, suggesting that General Hermann Sturm, of Indiana, be recompensed by Mexico for certain expenses incurred about 1864. Tbe expenses were in connection with a loan raised by Mexico in thi3 'country by the aid of the Lincoln. General Wallace and others. General Sturm being tbe confidential agent between tbearties. General Wallace savs that when General Grant saw tbat. the Confederacy was doomed, he feared large numbers of the Con federate soldiers would, after the war closed, go to Mexico and join Maximilian's army. He persuaded President Lincoln to secretly ask the Juarez government to expel Maximilian. Wallace was sent to Mexico to open the nego tiations, and was instructed not to let Secre tary Seward krtow his action, as- the latter was opposed to such paction. The result of the movement was the -strengthening of the Mar ine overtnrow ox Maximilian. DOMESTIC MABIEIS. EJgia Creamery Easier, East and West Peaches Abundant. MARKETS SLOW IN PE0DDCE LISES. General Cereal Drift PownwardfefouT Jobbers Cutting. HAT ABD MILLPEED SCAECB, STEADY Office or tiie PnrsBTjKO Dispatch, ) Tuesday, August 27, 18S9L J Country Produce Jobbing: Prices. Peaches are over-abundant, and prices are drooping. Watermelons are scarce and firm. Sweet potatoes are in large supply and quiet. Tbe price of Elgin creamery at headquarters is 19C and a few sales were made yesterday at 18Kc The tone of butter markets in .New York is easier, with range of prices unchanged. Eggs are steady at old rates. Produce com mission merchants report quietness all along tbe line. Monday was bine, and Tuesday falls to come up to expectations. The abundance of all garden and farm products is seen In the ex cess of stuff and slowness of trade. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 22c; Ohio do, 2021c; fresh dairy packed, 1617c; country rolls, 1416c Beans Navy hand-picked beans, (3 102 60; medium, E2 3002 40. Beeswax 2830c fl a for choice; low grade, lS20c. ClDKlt Sand refined. 6 50457 0; common, 3 504 00: crab cider, tS 008 SO barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c Jt gallon. Cheese Ohio, 8Q8Kc; New York, 10cj Lim burger, 8&0c: domestic Sweitzer, 9;12c; imported Sweitzer, 22c California Fruits Bartlett pears, S3 00 3 50 fl box; plums. 1 752 00 a 4-baaket case E(3GS 1617c fTdozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples. $1 502 00 t barrel; pine apples. SI 001 25 fl dozen: whortleber ries, 75cl 00 $4 pall; watermelons, 20 002500 fl bundred: peaches, SI 5b2 25 f) bushel box. Feathers Extra lire geese. 5060c; No. 1, do, 4045c: mixed lots, 3035c fl lb. Poultry Live spring chickens, 4045cft pair; old, 657Qc fl pair. Seeds Clover, choice 62 &s to bushel, to 60 fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 Jks, $3 00; clover, Alslke, S3 50; clover, white, 9 00; timo thy, choice 45 B9, 1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 s, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Ks, 1 00; orchard grass, 14 &s, tl 65; red top, 14 lbs, Jl 25; millet. 50 fts. 1 00: German millet. 60 E9. SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 Its, 1 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, 2 50 fl bushel of 14 lbs. Taixow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4Ji 5c TropicaIi Fruits Lemons, fancy, 4 50 5 00; rodl oranges, 5 005 50; bananas, 2 00 firsts. $1 25 good seconds, fl buncb cocoanuts, SI 004 60 fl hundred; figs, 89c fl 2; dates, 56Kcfttt. Vegetables Potatoes, 1 25Q1 40 ft barrel; tomatoes, home-crown, 1 251 50 ft bushel; wax beans, 1 fl bushel; green beans, 6075c fl bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, 1 60 fl bushel; radishes, 2540d ft dozen; home-grown, cab bages, 60c fl bushel; new celery, bome-erown, 40c fl dozen: Southern sweet potatoes, 2 75 3 00, Jersey;. 4 OOtffil 6a Groceries. Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, HX22Mc; choice Rio. 1920c; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio, ISKQlSJic; old Government Java, 26c: Mara caibo, 2223c; Mocha. 272Sc; Santos, 1922Xc; Caracas. 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2221c; La Guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c; high grades, 2426c; old Government Java, bulk, 3131c; Maracalbo, 2627c; Santos, 2022c: peaberry. 25c: peaberry, choice Rio, 23Kc: prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 2uXc Spices (whole) Cloves, 21025c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test. 7c: Ohio. 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8c; water white. 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadlne, llc;royaIine, 14c bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice snear syrups, 336380; prime sugar syrup, 30S3c; strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup. 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me dium. 43c; mixed, 4042c SODA Bi-carb in ketra. 3U04c: bi-carb in V 5JJc; bi-carb. assorted packages, SJJg&c; sal Boda in kegs, lc;do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl set, 8Ke; parafflne, ll12c Rice Head, Carolina, 77Xc: choice, 6M0 7c; prime, 63iS6Jic: Louisiana, 66Kc. Starch PearL3cj cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, &7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S3 65: Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, 2 50: Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels, 1 85: Valencia, 7)4c; Ondara Valencia,9Ji10c; sultana. 8Kc: currants, 4Jf5c: Turkey prunes, 4J5c; French prunes, 8K13c: Salonlca prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100, 6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft. 20c: do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12$015c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 124216c: new dates, 6K6c: Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, fl ft, 13$Hc: orange peel, 12Kc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c apples, evaporated, 6Viig6Xc: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 12X15c; peaches,;evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated, unpared, lu12Jc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpittcd, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Wc; blackberries, 7KSc; huckle berries, l(j12c bUOARS Cubes, Be; powdered. 9c: granu lated, 8Jc; confectioners' A, 8c; standard A. 8c; soft whites. 88Jic: yellow, choice, TKc; yellow, good, 76Sc; yellow, fair, 7Hc: yellow, dark. 7c Pickles Medium, bbls (L2C0), 4 60; medi um, half bbls (600). 2 75. SALT No: 1. bbL 95c: No. 1 ex. 3D hhl. t ta dairy, ft bbl. 1 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, 1 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 2 60, Higgins' Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00L Canned Goods Standard peaches SI 50a 1 90: 2dsl 301 35; extra peaches. SI 90Q2 00; pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, 11 50: Hid. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cIl; Lima beans, 1 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c; mar rowfat peas, 1 1001 15: soaked peas. 7075c; pineapples, 1 40S1 60; Bahama do, 2 75, dam son plums, 95c; greengages, 1 25; egg plums, 2; California pears, (260; do gruengages, f2: do, egg plums, 82; extra white cherries, 2 90; red cherries, 2 fts. 90c; raspberries, SI 401 50: strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, SI SOgl 40; tomatoes, 82:92c; salmon, 1-B, 752 10; blackberries, oOc: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c; do ereen, 2 fts, 1 2ol 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans, 12 05; 14-ft cans, S14 00; baked beans. (1 45 1 50; lobster. 1-ft. (1 75gl 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled. SI 60: sardines, domestic M (4 &04 60; sardines, domestic K. :8 258 60; sardines, imported. Jis, 11 5012 50, sardines. Imported, K. S18; sardines, mustard, 4 60; sar dines, spiced. $1 60. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, 40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore. 32: extra No. I rin mpnpil (36: No. 2 shore mackerel, 24. Codfish Whole pollock. 4Kc fl ft; do medium, George's cod. 32 00 f 100-fi half bbl. "White fish. $7 00 ft 100- ju utui. uul uaK. brum, flu cm f nan Dm. Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c 93 to- Pickerel. H barrel, S2 00; i barrel, II 10; Potomac herring, $3 00 barrel, J2 60 W ii barrel. OATMEALS6 3008 60 31 bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c P gallon. Lard oil. 75c.' Grain, Floor and Feed. Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 40 cars. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 13 cars of oats, 6 of bay, 1 of feed. 6 of corn, 2 of wheat, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 4 cars of oats, 5 of rye. By Pittsburg ana Lake Eric 1 car of corn. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of rye, I of flour. There was but one sale on call, viz.: a car of extra 3 white oats, 25c, 5 days. P. R. R. All cereals incline downward, and our quota tions on corn and oats are rednced in accord ance with stubborn facts. Old wheat is practi cally a tl.inc of tbe past, and is, therefore, omitted from our list. Flour jobbers report an active movement, with prices nncbanged. The cash buyer will find some jobbers ready to shade prices, if reports are correct. Markets are easy enough to find a lower level at an early day. Millfecd and hay are scarce and firm. but an else in cereal lines drags, and sales are only made at concession?. Prices below are for carload lots. Wheat Ko. 2 red, 82c: No. 8. 7779c Coen No. 2 yellow, ear, 45K18c; high mixed ear. 43c; No2 yellow, suelled, 40V41c; high mixed, shelled, 4u40Kc: mixed, shelled, Oats No. 2 white, 27K2Sc; extra No. 8, 25c; mixed. 2122c Rtk No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5051c; No. 1 Western, 4950c; new rye No. 2 Ohio, 4647c FiOtm Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, to Soots 00 winter straight, M755 00; clear winter. S4 6u75; straight XXXX bakers. H OOffl SS; Rye nuur,f3oO0 MtLLTEEO Middlings, fine white, $13 609 IS 00 ton; brown middlings, $11 60 12 00; win ter wheat bran, $11 0OQ11 25; chop feed, $lo 60S 1000. HAT-Baled timothy, choice. $14 6014 75; No. ldo, $125001300; No. 2 do, til Q0 1200; loose from warori" J15 00017 00: new hav crop. $10 OOgH 00, according to 'quality; No. 1 np-j land prairie. SO 009 60rNo. 2, V 608 00; pack, lngilo, 6 757 00. Straw Oats, t6 60; wheat and rye straw 5 506 CO. Pro visions. Sugar-cured bams, large, Uc; sugar-cured hams, medium. 12c sugar-cured hams, small, 12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, lOJc; sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams. 8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 10c; sugar cured dried beef sets. He; susar-cured dried beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders, 6c; bacon clear sides, 7c; bacon clear bellies, i?ic; dry salt shoulders. 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy. S12 60; mess pork, family, $13 00. Lard Refined in tierces, 6Kc; half barrels. &5c; 60-Sk tubs, Gc: 20-B palls, 7c: 50-B tin cans, bjc: 3-S tin pails: 7c; 5-ft tin pails. 7c; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-B tin pails. 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 SO; quarter barrel, 200. Dressed Menr. Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 Bs,5Kc;650to650 &s,Gc: 650 to 750 Us, GA 7c Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6c. Fresh pork loins. &c The Drycoods Market. New York, August 27. There was no change In tbe drygoods market at first hands. Busi ness and prices were steady as regards goods adapted to the jobbing trade. Clothing woolens were more quiet on tbe spot, the light weichrdemand having been largely satis fied. The jobbing trade continued the center of Interest, and business in tbat section of tbe market showed increased activity. Cotton and woolen dress goods, prints, domestics, flannels, blankets, hosiery and underwear alike re ceived liberal attention from buyers. The King- of Slam's Generosity. Washington-, Angust 27. The Depart ment of State has been informed of the gen erous gift by His Majesty, the King of Siam, for the use of the American Presby terian Mission, of one of the royal palaces, together with extensive grounds and build ings. Metal Market. New York Pig iron is in better demand. Copper, unchanged; Lake, 12 00. Lead, quiet; domestic 3 85. Tin, stronger; straits. An Army of Renters Seeking Homes and Business Houses at Wilmerding. l The East Pittsburg Improvement Company has Invested large sums of money in laying out the town of WTT.MTjIRDINq- And in furnishing it with the most complete and extensive system of publio improvements in Allegheny county, outside the citiesInclud ing sidewalks, sewers, water, natural gas and electric lights, and it now takes pleasure in calling the attention of wide-awake builders and investors to the opportunity afforded them by the great and growing demand for resi dences and business houses at Wilmerding. This demand comes especially from young and enterprising men and firms who hare not suffi cient capital to both build and stock, large stores, but who are able and willing to pay a handsome rent for adequate facilities, or pur chase buildings outright on long time. Many houses are now In course of construction, but not enough to fill 10 per cent of the require ments. Information as to tbe kind and size of houses in greatest demand cheerfully furnished by the company, and special prices given on lots sold for immediate improvement. For further particulars call on or address East Pittsburg Improvement Co. Westinghouse Building, au21-wsu PITTSBURG. PA. WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekia STTiTCB, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSTJOEIER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, x aud OfcLhiViOTa For largest assortment and lowest pnees call and see us. f WH0LESALEEXCLUS1VELY fe22-r&t.i ANCHOR REMEDY C0MPNY, 329 LIBERTY STREET.. Why do you pay Jl 00 per bottle for Sarsaoarilla and Beef. Wine and Iron when you can buy either pre paration from us at 75c per bottle. six bottles ti 00. and quality guar anteed to be tbe best in tbe mar ket. We have numerous testimo nials from Physicians and others indorsing our Liver Fills as a mild and effective cathartic They are unsurpassed. After giv ing them a trial you will use V10 others. Price 25c For sprain., bruises and all rheumatic pains, use the Anchor Liniment. It bas no eauak Come and see ns if you are In any way afflicted. mrr STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. -TTTH1TE STAB LINK- OK QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Koyalasd United States Mall Steamers. Germanic, Aug. 37am Germanic. Bept.2S,2pm Britannic, bept. 4. 1 p m Uritannlc Jct- 2. 11 a m Adriatic. Sept. 1 1. 7 a m 'Adriatic, Oct.9, 6:30 p m "Teutonic -Sept.18, noon TeQtoulc,Oc.l(t,10:30it m From White Star dock, foot or West Teeth st. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, 30 and upward. Second cabin. f35 and upward, accordlnjeto steamerand location of berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. ta. White Star dratta parable on demand in all the principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap ply to JOUM J. MCCUKMICK, -Ml Smlthfleld St., Plttsburfr. or J.BKliCEtSHAx, General Acent, 41 Broadway, Mew Yort. atl-42-D itUNAKl UNK. ' ilEW YOKK TO MVEltPOOIi VIA QTJEEUS TOWN, YBOM PIElt NUBTll B1VEB. FAST EXPRESS MAIL SEKY1CE. Bothnia, Aug. 28,6:30 A M Umbrla, Aug.31.Si30 am Servla, Sept. 7, 3 r M Gallia, Sept. 11, 6:30 A M Etrurla, Sept. U 9 AM Auranla,Sept.:i.2i30ru ioiunia,ccp(.so-Aj a Jl Umbrla. 8ept.28.7d0 a m Cabin nassaee. 160. S9 and 1100: intermediate. 35. ySteerafte tickets to and from all parts oi Europe at very low rates. VEKitON H. llKOW .N & CO., General Agents, 4 Bowline; Green, Mew York. J. J. MCCOUMIC'K- Agent. fourth are, and Smlthfleld st, Pittsburg. auTS-D . State Line To Glasgow, Belfast Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 3S to $50. according; to location of stateroom. Excursion t&5 to 190. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Ritev AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.. General Agents, U Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. mhI2-D ANCHOR LINE. Atlsnlie Express Service; LIVERPOOL vis QUEENSTOWN. Steamship CITY OX KOilE," from New York, WEDNESDAY. Sept. 18, Oct IS. Saloon passage. tSO and upward: second-class, (30. GLASGOW SERVICE. . Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver pool, (60 and SS0. Second-class, t0. Steerage passage, either service, fSO. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. TraTrfers' circular letters of credit and drafts for any amount Issued at lowest current rates. If or books of tours, tickets or Information, Apply to HEN DKHSON BBUTHEKS, N. Y., or 3. JT. MCCOKMICK. Fourth and Smlthfleld: A-J). SUOREK A SON, 41S BmlthCeld St.. Pittsburg; W. BE11PLE, Jr., USjrtdenlat., Allegheny. NEW ADTEKTISEarEOTS. Ttoo Great Exterminator Blood Poison. I AM of the opinion S. 8. S. should stand at the bead of the list of blood remedies. I ar rived at this conclusion from tbe testimony of scores of persons who have told me of the good results from its use. I have been selling S. S.U. for years, and it has won a large sale. C. A. GRimTH, Mayflower, Ark. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. anlS-co-srwr ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best In tbe market, witnessed bv the fact that we have lint secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Expqsition, now be ing held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY. And with tho bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER, .alr:m:ott:rs. jy5-19-MWF 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTSBURG, Pa. Transact a General BanMi JBnsiness, Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, Available in all paits of the world. Also Issue) Credits IN DOLLARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South aud Central America. ao7-Sl-JlWT TO EUROPE WJI SELL TICKETS FOR tbe leading lines, secure berths and pass ports, issue drafts, letters of credit and money orders, and sell foreign coin at N. Y. rates. MAX SCHAMBERG fc CO., 627 Smlthfleld st, Pittsburg: au21-41-wan UROKERS FINANCIAL. TTTH1TNEY & STEPHENSON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. s. J. PECK, 52 Broadwav. New York. Member of the Consolidated Exchange. Stocks bought for cash or on moderate mar. gin. Options. 10 shares upwards, 30 to 60 days. These cost only $3 to 3100 and often give large profits. List of options sent free. Correspond ence invited. au25S3-D M OAKLEY & CO,, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 4.5 SIXTH ST. Private wire to New York Stock Exchange, New York Petroleum Exchange, New York Coffee Ex change, Chicago Board of Trade. aulS-65-wrsa $225,000. F IOR SALE $225,000 GENERAL MORT GAGE BONDS OF THE FEDERAL ST. AND PLEASANT VALLET PASSENGER RAILWAY CO. The entire issue being 300,000 on the prop, erty and franchises nf the company, Including all Its consolidated lines, $75,000 being retained by the Fidelity Tile and Trust Company, of Pittsburg, trustee, with which to pay S7C0OO of a prior issue at maturity. Bonds are for 11,000 each, payable in 30 years, free of all taxes. Interest at 5 per cent, payable semi-annually, beginning July 1, 18S9, Proposals for all or any part of these bonds will be received by the Treasurer of tbe company up to and including; the ,31st day of August, and allotments made thereunder accrued interest must be added to the price of bonds. At from $113 63 to f 105 these bonds will yield from 4 to 4 6-10 per cent. The company reserves the right to reject any' and all bids. For further information address tho Treas urer. R. F. RAMSEY. 95 Fifth Ave, Pittsburg, Pa. anll-37-lUUa. MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA As old residents know ana back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. Sh?emS0nnsNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDni IO and mental diseases, phvslcal IM L. n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for bnsiness.soclety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINSsrVnSWg blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month.throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons tnorougmy erauicatea irom tne system. 1 1 DIM A RV kidney and bladder aerange Unilinn I raents, weak back, gravel. ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Br. Whitticrfs life-long, extensive experi ence. Insures scientific anil reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here Office hours 9 A. St. to 8 p. sr. Sun day, 10 A. St. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, SMPenn avenue Pittsburg, Pa. auS-l&K-DSnwk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. roll particulars In pamphlet sent free. The genuine Gray's Specific sold by druggists onlj la yeilcw wrapper. Price, ft per package or six for S3, or bv mall rwv'' ' on receipt of price bv address- ng THE GKAT MEDICINE CO, Buffalo. Jl. Y Sold In Pittsburg by S. 3. UOLLAN I), corner Smlthfleld and Liberty sts. apl2-Ss DOCTORS LAKE -SPECIALISTS in all cases ra- S airing scientific and confides al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake M. R. C. P. 8... is the oldest and most experienced specialist la the city. Consultation free and strictly confidentiaL Offica . - Hours w to 4 ana 7 to r.x.; Bunaais. a to 4 p. st. Consult them personally, or write Doctobs " Lake, 906 Penn aye, Pittsburg, Pa. jelS-15-DWk i; oil's Ootrtoxx 33oot - COMPOUND posed of Cotton Boot. Tasar aad ' Pennvroval a recent discovery brr an 'old physician. It tueeemtvOu uir fRontAlyoare jsnecroai. rooe -p. oy ream, . sealed. Ladies, ask vour drurzist tor Cask's Cotton Root Compound and take bo rabstMote, ' v or inoiose a stamp lur oeaitxi parsteoian. pnvii r.VT.ir r!r.MTA'N-v r. wi Hock. 131 Woodward aye, Detroit, Meitf of T. MELLON & SONS'. BANK, 'w3 jm t I u