mm? W $a&&m:,H. s THE ETTTSBTJEa DISPATCH,' ' TUESDAY, T AUGUST 27," 1880. it? ' i'tm unn wmT.nes IHE cniLI) SPIES V J. JJ.XJ XI V A I Ai-IXJX J-iXtkt K I Six Hundred From the County Begin Their Annual Institute. PRETTY GIRLS IN THE MAJORITY. Able Lecturers Amuse and Instruct the lament Pedagogues. DIRECTORS TILL HATE THEIR TURN The County Teachers' Institute opened yesterday morning in the High School with COO bright teachers present. The majority of the number were ladies, and, like all lady school teachers, the majority were pretty indeed, quite handsome. Superintendent Hamilton stated that the daily sessions would commence at 9.30 o'clock, adjourn at noon, and recommence at 1:50 o'clock in the afternoon, closing at 4 o'clock. After enrollment the teachers adjourned for dinner and reassembled in the after noon. Prof. A. E. "Winship, editor of the Boston Journal of Education and of the American Teacher, delivered the first lecture. His subject was "Psychology." The lecture was profound and extremely interesting. The speaker said: "Psychology as we need it has to do simply with our ability to teach better. It will aid us in teaching four things to know, to think, to do and to be. In order to attain this power we need to know the child's mind; not what it is but how it acts: First, how it acts naturallv; second, what we may do for it; third, how we may best do it; fourth, when it can be best done. The first distinction regarding the mind's activity is that it grows by feeding and develops by exercising. This is illustrated by the way a child eats for growth until 16 or 18 years of age, and then when growth ceases he exercises for development because he eats. Feeding for growth and exercising for development are as essential in mental activity as in physical life. THE PERIODS OP OEOWTH. "There are three great periods of mental growth and development. First under 7 years of age, between 7 and 14 and over 14 years. In the first period sense, hunger and word hunger are the characteristics. The second period brings an intuitive de velopment and the third the natural and thinking development." Prof. Winship, gave numerous illustra tions d nring his remarks which added greatly to the interest of his subject. Miss Tillie Coffin, or Millersville, was next introduced. The subject of her lecture was "History." The subject was well handled and was greatly appreciated. Hiss Coffin reviewed the essentials of history, what makes history and how to teach it, cau tioning all teachers to awaken interest in the study by illustrations, and to morally as well as mentally educate the pupil by pointing out the great and good qualities predominant in historic characters. The speaker spoke very earnestly of the power of history as a moral educator and as a "series of living pictures" from which to profit by the good and fear the example of the bad Dr. Z. X. Snyder, principal of the Head ing schools, closed the proceedings of the day with a bright and witty lecture on the "Modern Teacher." He said: "The proceedings of this institute will give you plenty or the old subjects, but like bread, it is always palatable. The medical, theological and legal professions are all modern, so why not the teacher's profession. "We are modern; we have now the develop ment of the hand and body. JL HEAT.THY BODI XEEDED nanual training as weaving itself into the sdncation of the modern teacher. A healthy xdy makes a sweet disposition in the cacher. That isan indispensable feature to inpart and infuse into school work and into he child. "The teacher should analvzj herself, de velop her own mind, and adapt herself to her profession. Study the nature of the child, and do not inflict corporal punish ment. It is barbarous. The idea of a teacher bending over a little child with heavy rod in hand, about to strike, is a pic ture or cruelty. A child may die from the chock. Never shake a child, either; it is more dangerous than the use of a rod. I think that the modern teacher avoids pun ishing. Years ago little girls were given as hard a thrashing as the ruffianly boy. "The modern teacher should develop the faculty of grouping ideas by a chain of re lationship." Here the speaker took a round pebble from his pocket and asked some one to tell, him why it is round. A dead silence reigned for a minute, when a small voice from the audience said: "From rubbing against other pebbles." He closed bis address by some good max ims for the teachers to follow. To-day will occur the first institute of directors. There are 79 school boards in the county, and each will be represented. The meeting will be at the Pittsburg Female College. President A. E. Stewart will de liver an address, and will be followed by the County Superintendent. LECI1NER & SCHOEMlEUGEirS BAR GAIN LI&T3.0. 2. Special &ale of Second Hand Piano and O reran s. 3 Frederick Blum piano $20 00 IThoniasLoud 25 00 3 Light & Newton 50 00 1 Fischer 50 00 1 Chickpring 90 00 1 Bacon & Haven 100 00 1 Central Piano Co 150 00 1 Marshall & "Withauer 150 00 1 Stanley & Sons 1C5 00 1 Lynch & Gomien 175 00 1 MeIlor& Hoene 175 00 1 Chicfcering 185 00 1 Thompson & Co. Organ 20 00 1 Prince & Co 20 00 1 Peloubet, Pelton & Co 50 00 Jsiey. .......................... m to Uu i Aitey ..........,,.... oo 00 1 ShnniDger. 75 00 3 Mason & Hamlin 85 00 All instruments fully warranted stool and cover included easy payments. Don't forget the name and Amber. LfcCHNER & SCHOKXBEKGER, (i9 Filth avenue. General agents for Kranich & Bach Pianos. sum G. A. It. Excursion Rate to Milwaukee, 811 Via the I & W. R'r. The Pittsburg and Western Railway will fell round trip tickets toMilwaukee August SI to 27 for $11; to Chicago, on same dates, lor JU. Tickets good going on Chicago Ex press leaving Allegheny at 1:40 p. M., city time, daily. , Pullman sleeping cars and first-class day roaches run through to Chi cago without change. X Children's French Fnst Black Cotton felocklncs Only 23c A pair, in fine and coarse rib a bargain at 25c Jos. IlOKNE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B. fc B. At least 100,000 people will read, in the various papers, our "blanket story" (filth page, this paper). But there are only 2,000 pairs of blankets. Who gets them? Boggs & Buhl, The Exposition Oprnlnc The Exposition will open next week and your friends and relations from all over the country will be in to see you. Don't bother with the baking at such a time; get Marvin's read, crackers and cakes and be happy. TTSSn A.binet photos, 89c per dox. Iiics Pop Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth vt zxsu Tho Anil-Cruelty Society Will Iiook TJp the Latr In the Case. No meeting of the Anti-Cruelty Society was held yesterday to investigate the em ployment of little children by the Law and Order Society. Secretary Dorente said that it had been decided to submit the facts to Attorney Clarence Burleigh. Ifhedecided that there were good grounds for a prosecu tion, a meeting of the society would then be called, and Agent Dean would be author ized to institute proceedings. Attorney Burleigh was seen at his office. He returned from his vacation on Saturday and was not posted on the development of the fight against the Law and Order League. He said: "The Anti-Cruelty Society has not yet submitted the matter to me. If they do so, I can very soon give them an opinion, for the law is plain. From what I have seen, the best case is that brought out in Judge Stowe's court Saturday, where it was revealed that Clyde Taylor, only 11 years old, has been" employed by Captain Wis hart" Attorney Tost, who represents the Law and Order Society, said yesterday: "The Society is now done with Martin and Kaer cher, and is ready for a tussle with the Anti-Cruelty Society whenever it suits their pleasure to come'on. We know Mr. Dean, we know of the society, and we also know what we are about in the employment of boy detectives." A CHURCH AND HOTEL. How tho New Johnstown la Rapidly Be coming a Larsje Town Again. The people of Johnstown are rapidly getting on their feet again, judging from the building proposals which are being made already. Joseph Stillburg, the archi tect, is now making the plans for a new church and hotel. The German Lutheran congregation, who lost their house of worship and everything belonging to it except the key during the appalling flood, are already prepared to have their building rebuilt. The old church stood on the corner of Jackson and Locust streets, and the new one is to be a structure as nearly like the old one as pos sible. The new church will cost $20,000, and will be built of red hick. The dimen sions are 66x78 feet. On the ground floor will be three school rooms, and on the first floor the auditorium will find its place. Mr. Stillburg is also drawing the plans for a new building to be erected in the place of the old Merchants' Hotel on Main street The new structure will be a five-story build ing of brick and stone. It is to contain 100 bedrooms, as well as offices and storerooms on the basement floor. The new hotel will cost $60,000; it is the property of Mr. Ed ward Fronenhaeuser and will be ready by May 1, Assessing New Buildings. The Board of Assessors yesterday began to prepare tax assessments on new build ings and improvements completed since the last year's regular triennial assessment. The board will not only increase the assess ment on new buildings, but will reduce in cases where buildings have been torn down or destroyed by fire. It is a good thing, during the heat in summer to give your children a good anti acid and strengthening medicine, in order to prevent fermentation of food in the stomach, and the indigestion, fever, diar rhoea and other attendant evils, which are so apt to follow. For this purpose you will not be disappointed in the use of Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge an excellent anti-acid, a strengthener of the best de scription for either young or oldt pleasant to the taste, and withal not expensive. Its timely use may save anxiety, expense, and possibly the loss of a child. Sold by all druggists. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIM., - 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fonrtli Arenac. Capital, 5100,000. Surplus, 545,000. Deposits of SI and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. txs A Delicious Drink, And one that will prove wholesome and invigorating as well, is the famous "Pilsner" beer. This brand is made solely by Fran enheim & Yilsack, and is on draft at all first-class bars. Orders by mail or telephone receive prompt attention! Telephone 1186. Last Excursion to the Ocean. The B. & O. It. K. will sell excursion tickets to Atlantic City next Thursday, August 29. Bate $10 for the round trip, tickets good for ten days. Trains will leave depot at 8 a. M. and 920 p. m. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accommodations. Art Decorated Window Drapery New Pat terns. A close imitation of sash curtain silks, at 15 cents a yard. Jos. Hokke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. PART of that beautiful property known as the "Boss estate," adjoining Sharpsburg, at Aspinwall station, has been laid out into building lots. Plans can be had from W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth avenue. ITS LAST EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY Tia the B. it O. R. E., Thursday, August 29. Kate, $10 for the round trip, tickets good for 10 days, good to stop at "Washington City returning. Trains will leave depot at 8 A. jr. and 920 P. si. B. fcB. Don't miss a word of our "blanket story," fifth page, this paper. BOCCS & Buhl. A SPECIAL INVITATION -TO- Visit the Grandest Place About Pittsburg FOB A HOaEE. Visit the East End, Visit Allegheny City, Visit all the places about the city and then come to KXOXV1LI.E. We will engage to show yon a prettier place. Give you a better house for less money. Give you easier terras of payment. Give you better improvements. Giro you lower taxes. Give more comforts and pleasures, better health for less money than anywhere else. CAN YOU Birr ANYWHERE A splendid 7-room brlckbouse, with fine porches, slate roof, bathroom, range, hot and cold water, laundry, on beautiful lot, surrounded with fine shade trees, for M.OOO, on easy payments of a tew hundred dollars cash and monthly pay ments to suit TOUT You can do It In Knoxville. Yon can get a 5-rooni house in Knnxville for (100 cash payment and 17 to J20 per month. You can get a 3-room house In Knoxville for $50 to J100 cash and $13 to 16 per month. You can get a house, large or small, with as much ground as you want on terms that you cannot duplicate anywhere else. You ask: WUEEK IS Knoxville? It is only IK miles from the postofflce, to which you can walk in 20 minutes. Ihonew Pittsburg Incline Plane is being erected, and in less than six months you can take street car in city and ride Into .Knoxville in 15 minutes. Knoxville has all the Improvements of the city three lines natural gas, .artificial gas, city water, fine churches, paved streets, good school and low taxes. Hundreds of people are moving to Knoxville. and the choicest sites are being taken up. FOE BENT. A number of handsome new houses now ready for renting. You can do better here than anywhere else. KxoxvxixE Land Improvement Co., Knoxville Boroush. Take S. .8. cars to Twelfth and Ml Oliver in- cuae to Ji-ngxviue ijorongn. auZJ-vo-Tussu 1 1 - - - -mazj TWO KEW ENGINES TESTED. Trial of the Amoskeng Monsters on the River Front Officials Delighted With the Work Done. 2 The two new Amoskeag engines, built by the Manchester, N. H., Locomotive "Works, were tested at 6 o'clock last evening on the Monongahela river front at the foot of "Wood street 2Jo. 3 engine arrived here only last Friday, and was set up on Satur day in a tube warehouse on Second avenue. It will be put into No. 3 house on Seventh avenue. No. 2 engine has been here nearly four months. It was tested shortly alter its arrival, but the test was interrupted by an explosion of gas in a manhole over which the engine stood. A large crowd attended the test. Super intendent Evans and First Assistant Super intendent Steele were present to direct the operations. Superintendent "Wier, of the Police Bureau, was also a spectator, while Captain Dan Silvius was on hand with a squad of policemen to keep back the crowd. Upon the arrival of the engines on the ground, Superintendent Evans ordered the opening of the manholes over the gas mains, so thatny gas in the conduits might escape and be dissipated. Both engines were attached to the water plug at the corner of Water and Wood streets. Superintendent Evans said that at the last test the plug exerted a pressure of about 90 pounds. That much force was not given vesterday, the maximum being hardly more than 70 poundn. This prevented a full test of the strength of the enormous engines. Captain Hannigan, of No. 2, and Captain McFadden, of No. 3, were out with the full force of their companies. Engine No. 2 was run by Daniel Eccles, and No. 3 by George Brcnneman. The engines were fired up at 6 o'clock, and in three minutes there was a good pressure of steam. Two lines of new hose, each 100 feet long, were attached to each engine. On each line of hose a nozzle with inch apertui e was fixed. The hose was manned by all the available force, and the men had to brace themselves firmly and bold on tightly to con trol the nozzles with the immense pressure exerted. " Streams were thrown a little over 100 feet The water burst forth with a loud roar. The high wind blew the spray for down the wharf, and the setting sun caused a beauti ful and very distinct rainbow. The gigantic engines throbbed violently. Many specta tors were alarmed at the manner in which they pulsated, and moved back to a safe distance. It was found that the water pressure in the plug was not sufficient to supply the four hose lines to their capacity, and the engines were stopped. All lour hose were then attached to a compound nozzle, with and aperture of an inch and seven-eighth;.-On this both engineswereexerted. An enor mous stream of water was thrown far down the wharf. Manners of admiration and as tonishment were heard on every side. No. 3 engine wns soon slowed up. Its' bearings were somewhat rough and became very hot Engineer Brcnneman treated all the bear ings to a good dose of oil. Each engine theu compounded its two' lines into one nozzle, with an aperture of an inch and a half. Two streams were thrown to an estimated distance of 150 feet This is the longest stream ever thrown in this city, and will reach the top of the highest build ing easily. Chief Evans and all other officials ex pressed entire satisfaction with the tests. Captains Hannigan and McFadden were well pleased. No. 2 worke'd like a charm. Captain McFadden said that his new monster needed only a little work and agood supply of oil. Assistant Superintendent Steele said that, as a matter of tact, the en gines can exert more pressure than can properlv be liberated by the nozzles. It will never be necessary to run them to their maximum strength. Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in 1 the world, "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. MEETINGS. VTOTICE THERE WILL BE A MEETING: 11 of the Journeymen Horsesboers Union No. 9. at Hibernian Hall, Nos. 12 and UWylie ave., on Saturday, August 31. at 6.30 P. M. prompt. Business of importance will be trans acted. Come. BY THE COMMITTEE. au27-94 ritOPOSATJV TO IRON MANUFACTURERS OFFICE of TJ. S. Light House Engineer, Fifth and Sixth Districts, Baltimore, Md., August 21, 18S9. Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M on WEDNESDAY, the ltitli day of September, lESO.forf umishinc, the mater ials andlabofof all kinds necessary for the completion and delivery of the metal work of the Gull Shoal and Pamlico Light Houses, North Carolina. Plans, specifications, forms of proposal, and other information may be ob tained on application to this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any defects. J. CMALLERY, Captain of Engineers, U. S. A-, Light House Engineer. au22l-TT8 LEGAL NOTICES. JENNINGS & WILSON Bakewell Law Bldg. EbTATE OF MRS. ISABELLA W. C. Comingo, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the es tate of Mrs. Isabella W. U. Comingo, deceased, late of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay to ISAAC CRAIQ. JR., Admlnlstra tor. No. 91 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. an6-GI-Ta OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE-CEIVED-Up until TUESDAY, September 3, at 2 o'clock P. M., for printing and binding 1,000 copies of the descriptive list of all real property assessed for city taxation. Blanks for bidding and information furnished on ap plication to the office of the City Controller. Bonds with sureties to be approved by the Board of Awards, must accompany each bid. The right to accept or reject any or all bids re served. E. S. MORROW, au27-45-r Controller. "VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED 1M proposals will be received at the office of tho City Controller until the 27th day of Au gust. A. D. 1SS9, at 2 P. JL, for the following, viz.: GRADING. Kent alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty second street. GRADING, PAVING AND CURBING. Moultrie street, from Fifth avenue to Forbes avenue: Broad street, from Frankstown avenue to Collins avenue. Howe street, from Aiken avenue to Ivy street. Carnegie street, from Fifty-fourth street to Fifty-fifth street. Chestnut street, from Locust street to Bluff street. Cedar street, from Liberty avenue to Friend ship street. The paving of all the above named streets to be either of standard sheet asphalt with bitu minous base, vulcanite asphalt, block stone, irregular block stone or cobble stone, and bids will be received for each kind of pave ment. BOARD WALKS. Virginia avenue from Ulysses street to Oneida street. William street from Brownsville avenue to Bailey avenue. Joel's lane from Grandviewavenue to Omaha street. Kearsarge and Belonda streets from Grace street to Mason street. SEWERS. Conrad street from Penn avenneto Liberty avenae, 15 and 20-Inch pipe. Penn avenue from Pennsylvania Railroad bridge to the NegleY Run sewer, 15-inch pipe. South Twenty-fifth street from Josephine street to the Monongahela river, 2i-inch Gum street from a point 65 feet south of Cliff street to Webster avenue, 12-inch pipe. Hemans and Klrkpatrlck streets and Center avenue from Charles street to Reed street, 15 and lS-inch pipe Rebuilding the Forty-eighth street sewer, Seventeenth ward. Shaffer and Arch streets culvert. Plans and specifications cen Be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Each proposal must be accompanied bv a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the tight to reject any or all bids. . E.M.BIGELOW, -. .Chief of Department of Public Works. .& aul(Ut7 3j i ' m m titmumm , j iSjliMBU . w , i T sir a. "rtni Niifnartiii! .... ,.. iriiiV....k ... ..,iiifej Vi.-v-iii . ..yiirVi.rr. "".tffi ,-mi iaiifiiii 11 b K3-Dlrplay advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ment on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Zet, eta, ten cent per line for each inser tion, and none taken Sot less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BKANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Adve rtlsement ar to be prepaid except where advertiser! already have accounts with THE DIS PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOSIAS JICCAFFKKY, SS Butler street. EMIL O. STUCKEY, Stth street and Penn are. E. G. HTUCKEY 4-CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton H N. 2STOKKLY. Fifth Avenue Market Boose. XAST XKP, i. W. WALLACE, a 1'enn avenae. OAKLAND. MCALLISTElt&SIIEIBLER,5thav. AAlwoodst. SOUTUSIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson strest, ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBKIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. KGOE1W. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGOEKs bON, Ohio and Chestnut stl J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMA3 MCHENRY", Western and Irwin Te. U.W. HUGHES. Fennsvlvanla and Beaver ares. FEttRYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Mule Ucla. WANTED-A GOOD BAKBEH-APFLY AT once, 2288 8LCOND AVt,. an2T-49 ANTED-A GOOD BUGGY BLACKSJ1ITH immediately at Kittannlng. MCMASTEB M'OLU au-4S -TTTANTED-A UNION CARPENTER BYTHB V day. FLOUR MILL, Westrlew, Ferrrs- vllleroad. au2T-77 WANTED-S OR 6 GOOD TINNERS AT GEORGE W. STEVENSON i. BRO . 517 Liberty t. " anirr-53 -rrriSTj-n-i rainFTPNT TinnfrKREPER: W also 2 stenographers. 419 SMIIHUELD SU27-56 OA., A.W.FI1. . "VTTANTED FIRST-CLAbS CAKF. AND YV bread baker. Inquire of J. H. KESLAR, Greensburg. P. ang-33 WANTED-A MAN W HO UNDERSTANDS care of horses and cows. Apply at 613 t OOD ST.. city. ao27-53 WANTED A RESPECTABLE MAN TO drive laundry wagon. Apply 173 BKAVEK 4V , ., fUKUUJi au27-50 -TIJANTED-DRIVER FOR A PRIVATF. FAM VV ILYtmuttbeacompctentman. AddressJ. B., Dispatch office. au27-53 WANTED-BLACKSMITH AT WALKER'S MILLS1 QUAKKlta, Walker's Mills. Al legheny county, l'a. an27-54 WANTED-A GOOD COLORED BAKSEK; good wares and steady lob. GEORGE W. MILES! West Newton. Fa. au27-39 WANTED A iOUNG MAN EXPET.I ENCED shoe salesman for retail trade; reference. Address S. WEIL, Altoona, Fa. au27-Sl WANTED-MEN FOR EI.KCTRICAL WORK Apply to the ALLEGHENY COUNTY LIGHT COMPANY, Vlruln alley, below Woodst. au27-SS -rVrANTED A GOOD MAN IN EVERY VV town: salarrpald weekly. Address SHER 31AN, TANGENBEKG & CO., 1GU W. Lake St., Chicago. au23-4 WANTED-A GOOD BUGGY WASHER, harness cleaner and night watchman. Ap ply to JOHN DICKbON, 6330 Fenn ave.. Twen tieth ward. au27-36 -TTANTED EXPERIENCED CLOTHING TV salesmen: none but those who thoroughly understand the business need apply. P. O. ('. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts. auJ7-33 WANTED-F1FTY LABORERS TO WORK on sewer In McKetsport. Apply at office, 225 Rebecca St., Allegheny, or at work In Mc Iteesport. LAURENCE SLOAN. au27-79 WANTED-A DRUG CLERK. WHO IS REG lSlEREDln Pennsylvania, as manager to take charge of a drug store In a country town. Address FAUtCHILD, Dispatch office. au27-33 WANTED-S ALESMEN TO SELL A PATENT ledger, advertising cards, ran a, calendars rulers, novelties for advertising, etc.. to merl chants. MODEL LEDGER CO., South Bend, lnd au9-44-EOO -W ANTED AN ARCHITECTURAL draughtsman: one familiar with first-class work on public buildings. Address, giving z- perlence and salary expected. JLUilXLl.X.KJk. uis- paten omce. auO-lG T7-ANTED AGENTS FOR A HIGHLY HE VV 8PJ CTA1SLE, pleasant and lucrative busi ness: sales from fS to 15 to a single customer. Ad dress CUNNINGHAM i. TABU, Manorville, Armstrong co Pa. , auI7-88 W1 ANTED FIRST-CLASS, SOBER PRE SCRIPTION glass blowers: also a few good finishers: union wages: steady work; fare paid; write fallv; say who vou worked for. CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO.. Chicago. aul6-45-D WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERI ENCE to assist in the office of a large whole sale house: must be rapid, accurate aud a good penman. Address, stating age, salary expected and where last employed, BILL, Dispatch office. au27-69 WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND JJUbI NESS COLLEGE. 4 Sixth St.: penmanship, book keeDlng, arithmetic, shorthand, typewriting thor oughly taught forJJ cer month: private instruc tions for both sexes; open dally 9 a. at. to s p. m. aulO-TTSSU TTANTED-A FEW GOOD 12-INCH MILL VV ronghers at regular scale wages: no strike or trouble; mills running now abd always run steady, double turn; none but steady, sober men will i3 retained. THE SPRINGFIELD IRON COMPANY, Springfield. 111. au23-C4 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllram can makemoney In their spare time: special Inducements toper sons having established trade. YAMASUIUO TEA CO., S3 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-7S-TTS -TIT ANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF Y our safes: size 28xl8xlS Inches- weight 500 lbs.: retail price S35; other sizes in proportion: rare chance to create permanent business at home; these safes meet demand never berore supplied by othersafe companies, as we arc not governed by the Safe Fool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. Je20-4-D WANTED GENERAL AND LOCAL agents to handle the New Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil: greatest novelty ever pro duced: erases Ink in two seconds: no abrasion of paper: 2O0 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to S02u in six days: another S321nto hours; territory absolutely free; salary to good men: no ladies need answer: sample 35 els. For terms and full particulars address THE MON ROE ERASER CO., Manufacturers, La Crosse, Wis. au25-S5 Female Help. -T7ANTED-A GOOD DINING BOOM GIRL. VV Inquire at2213 PENN AVE. au27-90 -TITANTED-EXPERIENCED OPERATORSON VV steam-powersewlngmacblues. SAMPLIN ER & RICH, 519 Liberty street. au27-6S "fTT-ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER W Apply atRENWICK. ELLIS 4 CO'S., 628 and 630 Liberty St., Pittsburg. Pa. an27-52 ANTED A GOOD STRONG GIRL OR woman for laundry, at UOUMAN'S RES TAURANT, 638 bmlthfield street, city. an27-S7 -fTTANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO VV paint on bolting cloth and China silk. Ap ply to H. HOLTZMAN 4 SONS, 111 Market St. au7-74 Slale and Female JlelD. WANTED-IMMEDIATELY. 40 LABORERS; steadr work, good wages; 10 farmhands, man to work about hotel, cooks, chambermaids, house and nurseglrls, 3 dining-room girls, 1 dish washer, col. girls. MEEHAN'S, 5U Grant St. au27-D WANTED -K5 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every community: goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable samplo case free: we mean Jntl what we say. Address at once STANDARD SU.VERWARE CO... Boston. Mass. Jel4-70-P Ftnnnrial. WANTED MORTGAGES-REAL ESTATE bought, sold and exchanged. GEORGE bCHMIDT, 157 Fourth avenue. auZ7-41 fTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PEOF W ER1Y. over (4.000; H 'Per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WKAVLr&CO., 92 Fourth avenue, mh2-a22-D TT7-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV In sums to suit at 4,S, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 1M Fourth ave. Tel. 107. apiv-it-TTb&u WAN TED -MORTG AGES-SI. 000, COO TO LOAN in large and small amounts at 4k, Sand 6 per cent, free ofstate tax: no delay. HEED B. COYLE&CO.. 131 Fourth ave. m.y21-e0 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON 'MORT GAGES on Improved real estate In sums of S50O and upward at 4.4. 5 and G percent. L. O FRAZlEit, Forty-fifth and Butler sts au24-8l-TTSu -TT7-ANTED-TO LOAN 0X000. IS AMOUNTS Y V of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4X per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at Sands per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D WANTED MOKTG AG ES-SL 000, 000TO LOAN on city and snburban properties at 4K, Sand ( per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at (per cent. 1. M. PKNNOCK1& bON, 10a tourth avenue.. ap7-f41 -fTT-ANTED-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MOST- W GAGES: tlOO and upward at 6 per ceht; two, 000 at ftt per cent on residences or business ruperxy: also to adjoining, tuusues. D. ixs. eta, ia Fourth arenut. oos-tM-p , p Via, ua m ourui aycaut. ucsu-ces-v 1 u&-A-tf-9--u-v--j-av 1 u4ii-a wsf WANTED. Boarding. WANTED BOOM -WITH OR WITHOUT board by gentleman: Lawrencevllle pre ferred. Address K. O. P., Dispatch office. au27-70 TTTANTED-BOARDINO FOR GENTLEMAN VV and wife; would prefer to be within walk ing distance of the postofflce. Address R. A. X., Dispatch office."" au27-7 Partner. "TTTANTED A COMPETENT PARTY -TO VVV take half Interest in paying boarding house: party must take full charge. Address BOARDING, Dispatch office. an27-61 Bonrdcn and Lodgers. WANTED-AFTER SEPTEMBER X. OCCU PANTS for very desirable rooms, furnished and with board. No. 216 SHADY AVE., E. E. au27-34 Miscellaneous. TITANTED-TO BUf A LIGHT ONE-HORSE VV carriage or barouche in good condition. Address W. A., Dispatch office. ang-37 TTT ANTED YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV dozen (13) of btewart & Co. 's fine cabinet photos for U, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mySS-49-TTSu WANTED-EVERYBODY TO SEND THEIR furniture needing upholstering, repairing and reflnishlng to 1IAUUU A KLENAN, 33 and 31 Water st. 'Phone ISA. au!4 "TTT-ANTED--TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM VV BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the club at II 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy3-W TJTANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A VV wife or lively correspondent, to send ad dress aud 2-cent stamp to THE AMERICAN COR RESPONDING CLUB, Box 543, Clarksburg. W. Va. aut4-73 "TTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO W TOO RAPHEIt, DC tilth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 lederal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at il 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous Drocess. mhl3-C3 TTJANTED-ALL BARBERS TO READ THIS VV The undersigned tenders a cordial invita tion to the barber trade of Pittsburg and vicinity to call and inspect our new furniture salesrooms: our stock of combination cases, dressing cases, chairs, wa&hstands, mirrors, etc.. Is the finest ever exhibited in Western Pennsylvania; don't fall to call and see the new Vienna cylinder com bination case, the finest ever manufactured A. EDLIS & CO , 1 eadlng Manufacturers and Deal ers In Barbers' bupplies and Furniture, successors to s. Dclp. 502, 504, 506, 5C8 and 510 Liberty street, Pittsburg. Pa. an25-80 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FORSALE-CHEAP-MUSTbELL QUICK-ON Vine, near Fifth avenue, lot 5i ft. front, with dwelling. W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. au2S-2 FOR SXLE FOR C.2O0, ON EASY PAY MENTS. good brick house 8 rooms, on Syca more St., Thirty-fifth wnrd. Call or send for full Information W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. aul4-s7-14,l 19, 21. 24, 27, 30 FOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house, 8 rooms, halL bathroom, finished basement; alt late improvements; lot 23 ft. 9 in. bV 133 ft.: terms to suit. KO BT. COW ARD, No. 20 Bmfi St. aKl-87-Trssu FOR SALE-7 ROOMED BRICK DWELLING; bath, range, sliding doors between parlor aud dining room, slate mantels, slate roof: lot 22t 124. all nicely fenced up- easy terms. GEORGE bCHMIDT. 157 Fourth avenue. au27-4l -TTHIR SAI.E-TO SETTLE 1HEKSTA1E OF H. A? Mayerhofer. deceased, lot 60X114 feet, with 2 new brick houses of 7 rooms each in front and 1 In rear of 6 rooms, with room to build in front; all at a very moderate price If sold qulcc. W. A. HERRON Jt SONS, 80 Fourth ave. au23-17-D FOR 8ALE-SD.200-A GOOD 8 PER CENT NET Investment: three new well built brick dwell ings, each contains S rooms,, 2 finished attic rooms: bath, inside shutters, hot and cold water, slate mantels, etc: lot .40x100 feet to 20 loot paved and sewered alley: one-half square from traction line; total annual rent SS64; splendid permanent investment. L. O. FKAZIER, Fortj-flfth and Butler sts. au24-84-TTSU FORSALE-S CHOICE HOUSES ON SIDNEY St.. above 23d; best location on Southslde; bouses have pressed brick fronts and contains rooms, with bath and laundry. If wanted city water, both gases and first-class plumbing: one square from Carson st. cars: terms, 1,000 cash, balance payable to suit the purchaser. Apply, as noted on houses, or to B. PHILLIPS, Dispatch office. Fifth are., city. au23-30-TuFsa East End Residences. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 6 AND 8-ROOMED bouses at Homewood, from S2.20O upward, on easv payments. MELLON Penna. R. R. depot. East Liberty. au25-US-TTS3a TTIOR SALE-FOR 86,750 A NEW MODERN 27 brick house deslrablv located In the East End, near steam and tilth ave. cable lLne; 9 rooms; late Improvements: terms easy. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. aul5-59 15,17,20,24,27,30 FOR SALE HANDSOME BRICK AN D FRAME houses In close proximity to both Hlland and Negley aves., on paved streets, and all modern conveniences, at low prices and easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, at Peuna. R. R. Depot. East Liberty. an25-U3-TTsu FOR SALE-A FINE 8-ROOMED HOUSE ON a triangular lot, with 115 feet front on a 50 foot street: this bargain Is handy to Mith avenue cable and P. R. R., and we offer at S2,G00oneasy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, at Penna. It. it. depot. East Liberty. au24-lis-rrssu FOR SALE-t2.700-ON VERY EASY PAY MENTS, frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attl ball, vestibule. Inside shutters, porches, etc., located on Gross St., Twentieth ward; three minutes' walk to station; lot 21x100. L. O. FKAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. r au24-84-TTSn FOR SALE IN COLTART SQUARE, OAK LAND, desirable new bouses of latest style of architecture, 9 rooms, elegantly furnished' complste in all its appointments; near cable line; complete sewerage, street Improvements made. For plans and Information see W. A. HERRON & SONS, or U. K. BEAM, on the premises. au2-S9-Tur FOR SALE-SHADYSIDE RESIDENCE-NEW Queen Annebnck dwelling, 8 rooms, recep tion hall, bath, laundry, hot and cold water, tile hearths, sliding doors, plate glass windows, front and rear porches, pantry, flag walks, etc. : conve nient to steam and cable cars, arid surrounded bv new and fine residences; lot 37)4x190 feet to alley; Srlcet7,500; terms easy. L. O. FKAZIER, Forty fth and Butler sts. auH-84-rrsu OR SALE A FINE LARGE RESIDENCE and grounds In the East End. Pen a avenue: 10 spacious rooms, and replete throughout with all thecomrorts and conveniences essential to any first-class bouse, over au acre of ground, groups aid rows of stately spreading shade trees and shrubbery; the sweet breath of bud and blossom and blush of orchard permeates the whole place; exhaustless flow of the purest water In the vicin ity; this Is a most beautiful property In every par ticular, combining proximity to railroad station and cable cars, with frontage on Penn avenue; will be sold on 10 annnalpayments. Full psrtlcn lars from J AS. Wf DRAPE ft CO., 1J9 Fourth ave nue. Pittsburg. auM-80-urrs Alleshcny Residences. FOR SALEON LACOCK NEAR SANDUSKY St., Allegheny, at a reasonable price, 2 bouses, 1 brick Jn front. 1 frame in rear; lot 20 ft. front to Stoddard st. W. A. HEREON ft bONS, 80 Fourth ave. auE-l-D FOR SALE-P.600-TEHMS. $250 CASH. AND balance S40 per month, buys No. 222 Irwin ave., Secoud ward, Allegheny; fine brick dwell ing, 8 rooms, vestibule, hall and all Improve ments: lot 25x118 feet: big bargain; property nust be sold before Sept. 1, 1S89. ALLES ft BAILE, 1C4 Fourth ave. Tel., 187. au27-42 FOR SALE -ALLEGHENY HOME AT A great sacrifice: elegant dwelling of 9 rooms, bath, private sewer connection, both gases, nice lot. and situated on aTOOd street. This bouse is nearly new and has been occnpled by owner only, and Is worth investigation: full .particulars at office. BLACK ft BAIRD, 85 Fourth ave., 2B. 112. au27-6!S FOR SALE- ORTO LET A BEAUTIFUL NEW house of 7 rooms, bath room, pantry, finished attic, etc, on Marshall ave., Allegheny: 2 min utes' walk, on good boardwalk to electric cars, which will run to 'Pittsburg postofflce after Octo ber 1; bouse will be finished September 1: price S3, 000; terms to suit THOS. M. MARSHALL. JR., 117 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. au23-2 FOR8ALE-IN THE SECOND WARD, AL LEGHENY, a line brick residence of eight rooms, hall and vestibule, bath. Inside shutters, both gases, range h. ft e. water, plenty of closets, stationary, w. stands. Inside w. c, cemented cellar, laundry, state roof, papered throughout; house sets back 10 feet rrom street; stone coping In front; lot 20x100: easv terms; only 80,500. HEED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fourth ave. au27-e2-TTSu .Suburban Residences. FOR SALE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE IN borough, 12 acres'! 870 feet front on principal arenne; on good macadamized road: never falling spring and well of purest water; large, beautiful brick dwelling, with slate rdof, marble mantels, inside w, c, bath, laundry, pantry, natural and illuminating gases;- best fruited placo In the country: a bargain. W. H. HEELUAKTH. Real Estate Agent, 121 Wabash St., West End, city. au23-3-TTsa ,FOB SALE LOTS. Cltv 1-ois. FOR SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKROY sts., near college; terms to suit. ROBT. COWARD, 20 Bluff St. aul-87-TTSSu FOR SALE-UN WEBSTER AVE.. COR. Wooster St., Eleventh ward, 1 square from cable line lot 57)xll0 ft. W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave an20-57-TUF 17OR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOTS AT MORN- 1NGSIPE, Eighteenth ward; can be bought for50 to 8K; long payment: the owner will build houses for purchasers and give long time to pay for them; requiring an outlay of very little more than a fair rent. Call npon the owner, CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 408 Grant St., Pittsburg, or go upon the premises and see his agent, N. P. SAWYLK. au22-19 Suburban Lota. FOR BALE-tLCOO FOR ALL-ONE ACRE OF ground, at Ldgewortb. T. K. K.: five minutes from station; must be- sold this week. F. H. BUCKING, cor. Sixth and Liberty. an27-40 UWRiSALE-AT ASPINWALL STATION IN JD the Ross estate tho most desirable suburban tmlldlnsMottnow in the market for sale: prices very low and terms easy: call or send for plans. W, A. HEKKON &BONS. No. 80 Fourth arc aul-U-ft-S-U-l7-20-24-Z7- . Ni '. t . , - ..-- ..-... i.- .lJfc.J .i.yntiaL -.v . ... 1,.3... 'i-srUi ,,, .id.Oii.lE4JE-ja.-ii.ti. .L,.- SJisB FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL 'ESTATE. East End Lota. F OK SALE-WELL LOCATED BUILDING Kites nn ftrazfpr at. At low nrlrf"! and on easv payments. MELLON BROTHERS, at renna.-R. It. depot. East Liberty. au25-114-TuSsn FOR SALE-.LOTS IN VILLA PARK PLAN: adjoins city line and no city taxes; over 40 trains daily each way: secure plan from JNO. F. BAXTER, Agt,, 212 bmlthfield st. au20-43-Tnr FOR SALE LARGE LOTS. FINELY LO CATED, close to station and easy terms, are to be had in Villa Park: new plan now ready. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smltbfield St. au25-5S-TuP FOR SALE TWENTY FINE, LEVEL BUILD ING lots, situate on Howe and Arabella streets, Shadvslde: price only (31 per front foot: this Is the cheapest prooerty In Stiadyside. Call at once on W. A. HERRON ft bONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. au24-87-D TTIORSALE-ltC-ACRESLoTBEaWEEN FIFTH J ave. and Forbes street: the most desirable building site In the East End (Shady avenue); within 3 minutes' walk of the electric road;can be bought right. Inquire of GEORGESCHMIIxr, 157 Fourth ave. au27-4l FOR SALE-PROPERTY ON UNIMPROVED street, being advertised at SCO a foot front: I can offer you choice lots on wide streets, curbed, sewered and wide flagstone sidewalks. Iron, ftoto M a foot front: Investigate this. JOHN F. BAX 1ER, Agent, 512 bmlthfield St. au25-l-Tnr TTiOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BHADYSIDE A? lots, 50x100 feet, Atlantic arc. near Lib erty: these lots are perfectly level and In a good neighborhood, within a few minutes' walk ot Shadyslde station or cable cars; a reasonable frlee, with terms to suit, has been placed on hese excellent lots: call or send to office for lltho. plan. BLACK ft BA1BD, 95 Fourth ave. aul9-8-E Allegheny Lota. FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avennes and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the lenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McN AUG11ER, 43 N. Diamonds!. mh7-98-r JW RSALE-THE CHEAPEST LOTS1NALLE- GHEN Y, located on Nunnery HUI, easily reached: call or send for clans: terms easy. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. aul4-99-14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29. 31 Forma. FOR SALE-FARM. 100 ACRES. RICH SOIL: well adapted for stock, grain, fruit and garden, house 5 rooms, bank barn, horses, cattle: all farmlug Implements, with present crops: S3.0CO cash. ED, W1TT1SU, 410 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa. au27-D FOR SALE A LARGE FARM: ABOUT 250 acres; only IS miles from city, H mile from railroad, school, churches, postofflce etc.: will be sold at a bargain to close up an estate. Particu lars from J AS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. au21-79-D FOR SALU-CHEAP, FARMS-70 ACRES, 8 room bouse bain, orchard, etc.; pleasant home, four miles from Rochester, for 8.1,000; also, 11 acres, 6-room house, barn and fruit; half a mile from Rochester; 82, 100, easy payments: 105 acres, 6-room house barn, orchard, etc., three miles from Beaver, for (4,500, In yearly payments. Send for farm and exchange list. N. F. HUKbT, Lock Box 49. Rochester, Pa. au24-14-TTS FOlt SALE BUSINESS. Bnaineaa CTtanrea. FOR SA-LE BATRBER SHOP-GOOD LOCA TION; 3 chairs: has a good run ot customers: here Is a chanee for the right party. Aoply 87 LOCUST ST.. Allegheny. aui7-93 FOR SALE-S5O0 WILL BUY ONE OF THE best restaurants on Siulthfleld St.: owner must leave once: great chance to make money. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. au24-82 FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP In the central part of Allegheny: good trade and good reasons for selling. Inquire at BLACK'S BARBER SUPPLY HOUSE. 80 Dia mond street, Pittsburg. au27-46 FOR SALE-FINEST, COMPLETE OUTFIT tor drugstore In the city: all new; prescrip tion case, 30-ft. counter, side cases, two show cases, etc. : will sell for (400: cost (1,500. Inquire at ALBLMARLE HOTEL, Sixth street. au24-74 TTiOR SALE-THE BEST FALL AND WINTER Ju business season that Pittsburg has ever known will sooh be here. Choice cheap grocery stores, dry goods and notion stores, bakeries, furnished bouse for roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery, cigar stores, feed store, milk depot, restaurants and dining rooms, printing office shoe stores; good city grocery stoie to ex change for city building lots. Free particulars. bHEPARD ft Cp., 64 Fifth ave ao21-51 Business (Stands. FOR SALE-W60D ST. WAREHOUSE-LOT 20x90, for less .than value, to close np an es tate. C. H.LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. au27-C5 FOR SALE CHEAP-DOWN TOWN PROP ERTY, bringing in a good rent; situate cor. Ross st. and First avenue See W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 50 Fourth ave. aul6-32-16,17,20,24.27.29 FOR SALE-HOTEL-35 BOOMS, ALL MOD ERN Improvements: in successful operation: on prominent railroad near Pittsburg. Further particulars from ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. a el.. 167. au27-U FOR b ALE-AD VANCE. ROLLER MILLS Newly refitted to Case system, steam pdwer; doing No. 1 work: desirably located on R. It.: plenty of hard wheat at mllldoor: terras low. Call or address TAYLOR BROS, ft CO., Rogers, Col. Co.. O. au22-67-D FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Tlorses. Vehicles. Live Stock, tfcc FOR SALE A SPLENDID DK1VLNG BAY mare and buggy and harness. In flrsi-class condition. Can be seen at JACKMAN 'S LIVERY STABLE, Penn avenue. au27-89 FOR SALE-SPEED-ONE BAY TROTTING horse: can trot in 2:33: is 7 years old and sound; any person that wants a horse to trot at county fairs, or for gentleman's driver, should not fall to 6ee blm; any person that comes can be shown the speed. Inquire at 525 PENN AVE , Pittsburg, au27-47 FOR SALE HORSES AND CARRIAGES-IN order to settle an estate the following prop erty is offered at private sale: Bay horse Grover Cleveland. 5 years old, 16 hands sired by lingo; this horse Is very stylish, good gatted, and, with out training, gives promise of speed, prompt drlverandaNo. lroadster. Sorrel mare Caprice 4 years old, 15 hands, sired by Beaumont, ne by Belmont: this mare Isxood looking, well bred, and should. If trained; learn to go fast. Gray mare 8 years old, 1SH hands, sound, gentle and rompt driver; has been nsed for family purposes, ay horse 8 years old. W hands, sound, gentle a prompt driver; is suitable for a barouche or light delivery wagon. Alio 1 rockaway, 1 side-bar buggy, 1 doctor's buggy, 1 set double harness almost new, single harness, robes, etc. This property must be sold. For prices, etc. Inquire at THOMAS E. POLLARD'S. 1044 and IMS Penn ave. and Eleventh st. auM-67-Tu68u Machinery and Metals. JTIOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW : and refitted: repalrlngpromptly attended to. ORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..L1M.. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Fa. aulO-29 FOR S VLE-20-HORSE POWER WESTING HOUSE engine and 80-horse power tubnlar holler, with frontand stack complete; about new. Apply to SCUUETTE ft CO., South Eighteenth St.. Pittsburg, Pa. .. au25-10 FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine 2 surface planers and 1 shaper, and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bli'men valves, castings, etc. VELTE 4 MCDONALD. Thirty-second st. and Peuu ave. " Iy21-9I-TT8 miscellaneons. F IOR SALE-A STEINWAY PIANO-INQUIRE rear ox si v uijXuh si., z-wsDurg. siui FOR SALE-TARTY GOING TO EUROPE wish to dUpose of their furniture. Inquire No. 4516 DAVIDSON STREET.elty. an25-33-TUSa AMUSEJ1EXTS. BIJOU THEATER To-night, FRANK DANIELS IN JLTTTLE PUCK. Sept. 2. Llzzio Evans in Fine Feathers. au25-54 ptRAND OPERA HOUSE To-night, In a THE. PULLMAN TOURISTS CAR. Week Sept. 2-Fred Ward. - au2&8 HARRIS' THEATER EVERY AFTER NOON and evening;. The distinguished artiste. AGNES VILLA. In the great London and New York success, THE WORLD AGAINST HER. Week September 2 Pete Baker. au2G-27 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and aaturaay. MACK'S GREAT AMERICAN SPECIALTY COMPANY 20 STARS. au25-2 B ASE BALL- TWO GAMES TO-DAY. ALLEGHENY VS. INDIANAPOLIS. Games called at 2J5 and 4. au2C-18 SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & CO., STEAM DYER8 AND SCOURERS And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. - jell-TTS 66 SIXTH AVE:, Pittsburg, Pa. s EE Alles & Baie.y's REDLINE REAL ESTATE TRADE MARK. auZT-il-D TO LET. Cltv Residences. T IO LET-NEW 7-KOOM HOUSE; (16. J. W. LUVVKX, Ridge St., near xnircy-iniro. si. au2S-43-TTSSa Allegheny Residences. TK) LET-39 TAGGAKT ST.-TWO-STORY X brick dwelling of 7 rooms and finished attic bathroom, natural and artificial gas, water, etc.: (30. BLaCK ft BA1KD, 95 Fourth ave. au27-3 Farms. TO LET-A GOOD FARM FOR DAIBY PUR POSES, of about 235 acres, mostly In grass, at Virginia Junction, B. ft O. R. K. . Washington connty. Pa.; a good house, barn and other ne cessary buildings and excellent spring water, and railroad station on the place. Inquire of MRS. MARGARET MCLEAN. Thomas P. O.. Pa., or of W. N EASE ft CO., 1023 Liberty St., Plttabnrg. au22-73-TI8 Bnslnesa Stands. TTV LET-STORE OR OFFICE ROOM, WITH JL large vault, suitable for insurance office or similar business, in Germanla Savings Bank building. No. 419 Wood street: roomrormerly oc cupied by George Relneman as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co.; it Is two steps below grade, making a first class basement. Inquire at THE BAN K. )e2J-6S-D Offices. Drik Room, etc TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 73, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offlcesto be found in the city; rent. (200and (300 per annum, including elec tric lights, janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. X. and 1 r. M or between 2 and IF. II. y23-67 PERGONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Newandold, ancient and ii-ouern. standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30.000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. au3-9S PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In renalrlng and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by OICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second fluorr Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits madetoorder: spring styles now ready. '1 elephoee 1558. roha STRAYED. STRAYED-A SMALL MOOLEY COW WITH short tall; color red and gray mixed. All ex penses paid for her return to JOHN McCABE, Ilraddock, Pa. au22-84 AUCTION SALES. ZFTXIRIESri TTTIR IE AT AUCTION. Fine carpets, curtains and general household eoods, on the premises at No. 219 Wylle ave.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. August 23, at 10 A.M. Fine plushparlor suit, mahogany center table, ornaments. French clock, nne marble, vases, rose jars, lace curtains, rugs, mats, fenders, coal vases, velvet body Brussels and ingrain carpets, fine chamber suits in walnut, wardrobes,' bed lounges in hair cloth, bedding, mattresses, springsSinger sewing machlne.tlne silverware, glassware and dishes, dining chairs, extension table, cooking utensils: laundry fumishment, etc, etc Hnnse open after 8 o'clock morning of the sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM- au25-101-Tuwsu Auctioneers. ATTRACTIVE SALE AT AUCTION Of fine furniture and carpets TUESDAY MORNING. Angust 27, 1S89, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms, No. 311 Market street. .Fine parlor suits in plU3b, silks, reps and haircloth, lounges, couches, fancy rockers, easy chairs, etc; fine chamber suits, wardrobes, folding beds, dressing cases, washstands, desks, hall racks,ttables,cbairs, door and window curtains, linoleum, rugs, pillows,bedding. sorings,clocks. lamps, toiletware, willow rockers, cabinets, mirrors, dishes and glassware refrigerator, stoves, wringers, notions, office furniture, chiffoniers, bookcases, bedsteads, extension tables, sideboards, etc. etc HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM., au25-10O Auctioneers. AUOTION SALE. BUSINESS PROPERTY .100 AND 101 WATER ST., NEAR WOOD, PITTSBURG. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 18S9, AT 3 P. M On the premises. A valuable piece of ground, with two old 3-story brick buildings erected thereon. Lot 30x80 feet. BLACK & BAIRD. aj27-71-27,2),se2,4,6 95 Fourth ave. AUCTION SALE ALLEGHENY LOTS. California ave. Seigel and Somerset streets. THURSDAY. SEPT. 5. 1889. at 3 F. M. on the premises, two fine lots 23x108 each, facing on above three streets. Terms: One-half cash, balance on 'easy pay ments. BLACK & BAIRD, au27.72-TT 05 Fourth ave SOMETHISG CHOICE. REAL ESTATE. To close up estate of Alexander Negley, de ceased; I offer about 11 acres land situate be tween Negley and Hiland aves., adjoiningjesi tlences ef Colonel Anderson, Alex Demp'ster and others. 'Nineteenth ward. Pittsburg, and adjoining recent purchase of Messrs. Magee. Flinn and Stewart. This land all fronts on streets already laid out, and is in a first-class neighborhood, which is building up rapidly. Will be sold as a whole or In blocks to suit purchasers. Also, lot corner Fens and Negley aves., 105r 200 feet. HENRY H. NEGLEY, CORNER SANDUSKY AND LACOCK ST&, ' ALLEGHENY, Or residence. NEGLEY AVE., Pittsburg. au22-W-TTS WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS AND WAINSCOTTING, ihterior Decorators, Manufacturers and Importers of Flno Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT 4 CO.. 1219 and 1221 Market SL. y9-T5-TnF Philadelphia, Pa. 150 BUILDING LOTS. We offer for sale at low prices and on terms to suit purchasers, 150 lots In the Vllsack heirs property, situated at the junction of the Butler Turnpike and Township Road, cIoto to Spang, Chalfant x Co'a. mills at Etna station, Pitts burg and Western railroad. These lots lay well, are convenient to station, mills, etc, and will rapidly Increase in value. Call early and get first choice. STRAUB A MORRIS, 106 Third avenue, corner Wood st, ao27-6I-TT3u PURE MILK. This Company is prepared to receive orders by mail or otherwise for Absolutely Puke Mile, delivered to customers In sealed glass Jabs, picked in Ice at our creamery in Sewick ley. Price 8 cents per quart. THE SEWICKLEY DIRY CO.. au20-73-D 110 Wood st, Plttabnrg. Pa. S FECIAL SALE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, jewelry and silverware till Oct. I, to make room for tall stock; solid gold stickpins 50c up, etc, all other goods marked down equally as chean: 25 per cent off on all silverware (hollow), at WILSON'S. 61 Fourth ave, Fitubnrg. Watch, clock and jewelry repairing a specialty. au27-TTS plANOb, ORGANS. a HAMILTON, SI AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg, Pa. ap30-74-D J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT. 96 Fourth avenue. O lU7Ti-ra Tlttolitiw T4 0 A.BALPB, f . "Si BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue Pittsburg, pa. TolspHoae 13U, sea-aSO-rrs TO LET-. FORTY-FIFTH ST. BRICK DWELL ING. 6 rooms, attic ball, natural gas, SC5 per mo.: Harrison st. brick, 8 rooms, hall, attic, etc., (23 per mo. : Thirty-seventh st. frame 6 rooms, halt, attic bath, natural gas. (20 per mo.; Butler st , 8 rooms, hall, bath, natural gas. etc., (35 per mo. L. O. FKAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. an24-84-TTSU .EDUCATIONAL. rnnrs. 1 lege or business. Unsurpassed in advantages! comiort ana situation, wiwunajeai. au!7-92 HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial anl Collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY. SEPTEMBER; new students examined. Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. JOHX T. MURPHY, C. 8. Hp., President. Jyl7-2S MOUNT 8TE. URSULE. OAKLANIJ-TH B Uruline Academy reopens on SEP j.jIBER 2: boarders and day scholars ro4 ceived. For further particulars apply to S. STE. GERTRUDE, anlG-25 Superintendent. T ONG VIEW, BROOKVTLLE, PA., A Church School for Girls, will reopen SEP TEMBER II. 1889. For catalogue apply to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. LKD.. au2-78-Tu7 Principal. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, for girls and yonnt ladles. 8HOKTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY; for boys and young men. SWITH1N C." SHORTL1DGE. A. M. (Harvard graduate), Media, Pa., near Philadelphia.- anI-8 MISS MARY MAC DONALD. FORMER principal of Miss Fuller's school, wiU. open A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in Allegheny OCTOBER 1, 1SS9. au2-36Vrur WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY for young ladies; 23d year: Is provided, for giving a superior education in collegiate eclectic and preparatory departments; also In music and art. MRS. HENRIETTA KUTZ, 2045 Walnut sr, Pmla. au4-90-rrs Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladies and pre paratory school for little girls. EMBLA P. O., three miles from Baltimore, Md.. conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. jyS0-C9-TTS SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 915 and 917 N. Charles street. Baltimore ' MRS.W.M.CARY. I Established 1842. French MISS CARY. ( the language of the school. jyl8-84-TT3 MOUNTAIN SEMINARY. BIRMING HAM, Pa. A for youns ladies. Situation noted for health. Home comforts. 33dvear. Grounds, 100 acres. Three courses of study. Prepares for college. Sebd for illustrated catalogue. A. R. GRILR, Busi ness Mn'gr. MISS N. J. DAVIS, Principal. auo.53-D NEW YORK MILITARY" ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hndson. Course of study iu civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful huildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. S A. M, Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Conid't of Cadets. jelO-11 ROCK HILL COLLEGE, ELLICOTT CITY, Md.; conducted by the brothers of the Christian Schools; scientific, classical and com mercial courses: the modern languages and drawing are taught without extra cbarg; studies will be resumed on the first Monday of September. Forparticularsaddress aulO-23 BROTHER DENIS. Presid ent PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal. Academic. Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes In the best col feces, for teaching, for business. Young La dies' Seminary Department. Fall term opens September 9. 1889. Hon. Tbos. M. .Marshall, President Board ot Trustees. Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal. No. 7 Fourth avenue. JylS-Sl-TTS PARK INSTITUTE FORMERLY PRE PARATORY aud commercial depart ments of Western University. Three courses: Classical, English and Business.includingshort hand and typewriting. Business and shorthand classes open to both sexes. Fail term opens Sep tember 2 at No. 204 North avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Office hours 9 to 11 a. m. Call or send for prospectus. LEVI LUDDEN, A. M.. PrincipaL au3-46-TTS KEBLE SCHOOL. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Boarding School for Girls. Under the su pervision of the Rt, Rev. F. D. Huntington. S. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 1889. .References Rt. Rev. H.C. Potter, D.D..N.Y. Rev. Wm. R. Huntington. D. D Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potter, D. D.. Geneva. N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. jel4-72-TUK CURRY 'UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET. PITTSBURG. 1,477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical, Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business Collese and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better edncation respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. IL. Pres't, jylS-S2.rrs. WILLARD SCHOOL, 41 FIFTH AVENUE. A select school for the caret nl and thorough preparation or boys and young men for college, scientific school or business. The course of study is snch as to afford an excellent prepara tion for Princeton, Yale or Harvard Colleges. The next session begins Monday, September 2. ISAAC W. KOONTZ, A. M. (Princeton), au26-59 PrincipaL PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL. ESTAB LISHED 1884, offers advantages of a tnorougn Academic cnoot 01 Art, combined with private in struction; each pu p 1 1 under joint direction of George Het zel (Dusseldorf Academy), John W. Beatty (Munich Academy). Students who cannot attend dally mav enter for limited number of days a week, r or prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal. au3G8-Tus 413 Wood street, Plttsburc Pennsylvania Female College. Situated 'in a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau, in the suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dust. Unsurpassed ror beauty and healthfulness. Excellent facilities for study of Natural Sciences, Classics and Mathematics In short, every department well equipped. The completion of Dllwortb Hall, comnrislng new chape, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories has increased capacity and furnishes faculties for thorough educational work of the PELLETKEAU, President, Pittsburg (Hast End), la. jy6-4-TUS THE PMSYLVAMA STATE COLLEGE. Fall session opens September 11. Examinations for admission September 10. New buildings and equipment greatly Increase the facilities for In struction In all departments. Courses In Agri culture, Chemistry. Botany and Horticulture, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and In General Science and Modern Languages. Special courses for Ladles. Tuition rrec iilty Scholarsnlps entitle theiolders to free room rent. 'orcatalogue or other Information address THE PKESIDENT. State College, Center Co., Pa. President Atherton may be personally con sulted at the Monongahela House, Pittsburg. Tuesday and Wednesday, August Zt and 28. from 9 A. M. to 4 F. Jt. au-9I-TTS DO NOT HESITATE to buy lots in Allegheny City if you can find choice property, desirably located, at a mod erate price. BENTON PLACE is right on the line of rapid Improvement, near new California avenue and proposed Bellevue electric road. Lots are large, well drained, beautifully situated and are the cheapest borne sites now offering In Allegheny. At 3200 to 500 each. Call on me for plans and conveyance to the ground. CHARLES SOMERS, 313 Wood St. Telephone 1042. au23 TJOR SALE BUILDING LOTS AT ASPINWALL STATION, West Fenn Railroad, only 7 miles from Alle gheny depot, adjoining SHARPSBURG. The "Aspinwall Land Company" have subdi vided a part of the beautiful suburban property known as the ROSS ESTATE. Into lots of 23 feet. 50 feet and 100 feet frontage, or by tho acre, and are offering them for sale at f rices that will suit the most conservative erms very easv. title guaranteed by the "Fidel y Title and Trust Company," of Pittsburg. Special inducements to early purchasers. There is a representative always on the premises who will show the property. Take a train to Aspla wall station, which is directly on the premises, or call on the agents, W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth ave cltv. Who will give you plans of the lots, with faE Information and prices. aai-ow-s,o,w,tj,iv,i1-.H,-'ai p3" xlmamtMSmm mLijjgtaammMgaMgmgaifff MMBHBiflHSs3sHSs.SSM '