Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 27, 1889, Image 1

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ADVERTISE yonr bnalnesaln THE DJ3-
PATCH. Prompt returns nsanrnd.
WANTS are nlwnya promptly responded
to when advertised la THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATC1T Is the best ndvcrtlaine
medium in Western Pennsylvania. Try It.
Kenl Estate can be Hold through adrer-
miwm jail,
Astonishing Developments in
the Speak-Easy Conspiracy
Case Hearing.
Cautious Go-Betweens in
Privacy of Back Booms.
The Depanment of Public Safety Shorn n
FIsiroIl of Trumps in the Conspiracy
Cases Alderman Doushty Secures SI,
500 Bail Aldermen Callen nnd fllanerse
In Dnrnnee Tile Bender's Story Retold
Willi Additions Tilts Between Coonsel
TtntterUolTand Currnn Describe the Wny
They Wcro Bamboozled Graphic
Stories oT Oiber Witnesses Ex-Mnjor
Wyman, of Allrsbcny, mysteriously
Lueced Into the Case ACnla.no Chap
ter From the Inner Paces of Local Al
dermnnlc Lore Teatlmony Fall ofluuen
does and CoTert Allusions.
Magistrate Hyndman presided at the
hearing in the conspiracy cases yesterday.
He deemed the evidence against Aldermen
Callen, Doughty end Maneese, and one
"Beddy" McCall. strong enough to bind
the quartet oyer to the next term of court.
Louis Bates and Frank McCall were dis
charged. Two of the aldermen were jailed
and one bailed. Remarkable aldermanic
practices were shown up by the testimony.
The names of some rather prominent
people were mixed up with some remarkably
racy testimony in the course of the prelimi
nary hearing by Magistrate Hyndman yes
terday of the conspiracy charges brought by
the Department of Public Safety against
three Aldermen Doughty, Maneese and
Callen Constable Bates, and the two
brothers McCall.
Oral bombshells burst upon the eager ears
of the crowd, and some ttuly wonderful in
stances of brotherly conduct among a num
ber of city Aldermen were developed.
Quite an array of legal talent in behalf of
the various prisoners made war upon.Mr.
John Marron, who appeared for the De
partment of Public Safety, but that gentle
man seemed to have entrenched himself be
hind such a formidable amount of specific
and brand new information as to make the
witnesses stammer nnd perspire under the
pitiless rain of interrogations. In was a
red-hot hearing from the beginning to the
end of five mortal hours, but the crowd lin
gered valiantly and listened, for all it was
wor J(.
The Legal Talent Employed.
The hearing was held in the Nineteenth
ward station. At 3 o'clock 'Squire Hynd
man and James Bryer, his constable, took
Beats at the Sergeant's desk, but the 'Squire
quitted his seat to arrange for the comfort
of the newspaper men. All was in readiness
when the lawyers who were to appear for
the defendants arrived. Mr. Duncan Bam
say appeared for Frank McCall; Mr. Wil
liam Beardon couched his lance for Alder
man Maneese; T J. Keenan, Jr., polished
his glasses to throw more light on Alderman
Calleti's chances; Sill and Parker did busi
ness for Alderman Doughty, and Mr. Sill
also prepared to look after Louis Betz.
charged with common barratry. "Keddy"
(James) McCall alone had no coun
sel. The charmed circle inside the
big brass rails was occupied by
various police officials, Detective
"Dick" Brophy, Captain Mercer, Sergeant
Leech, and Special Officer McLaughlin,
while Inspector "Whitehouse flitted in an
out among the crowd. The Department of
Public Safety stenographic young lady was
gallantly accorded a seat beside the magis
trate. William Beardon pulled np his
coat-sleeves until his big cufls were exhibited
in entirety, and glanced defiantly toward
rlim Mr. Marron, who was nonchalantly
twisting an anction clock around. Then
those of the prisoners not under bail were
brought in and the hearing commenced.
Bender' Evidence Reiterated.
"Call J. Lowery Bender," said Mr. Mar
ron, and the shifty-eyed ex-constable of the
Twentieth Ward was brought looking at the
men he was about to "reach" upon. Ben
der was sworn and began to tell his twice
told tale. In response to Mr. Marron's ques
tions, he testified as follows:
I was a detective ol tho Bander Detective
Acency since the 15th of last May until about
four weeks previous to my arrest. Among the
men I met in tbe Excelsior building office of
the agency were J. D. Bauder, J. Doyle, Mr.
Naylor, 'Jim' Nagle, 'Reddy1 McCall, George
llrockert and I". Ii. Stoner. None of us bad a
license trom tbe Court except Bauder, who
had a license. The furniture of the room was
a safe, a desk, some chairs and the detect!, o
commlsinn. I commenced work for Bander
on May 15, be giving me a commission as a
emporary detective, with power to act.
Question What sort of an understanding
bad you with Bauderr A. Well, I was to buy
drinks in speak-easles and furnish evidence,
and when a settlement was effected It was to
be a deal all around. Wbcn money was gotten
from anybody every one concerned was to have
a piece. All of tbe above detectives were to
Cel namca ot speak-easy people and report de
tails to Bauder. In the cse of Mrs. Davis, of
I'enu avenue, lor instance, Naylor made tbe
report and Doyle subpcenTed me as a witness.
I had never been in her bouse. Bauder niado
.ut the Information and I signed it after
'rinulre Cassidy read it to me. Doyle served
the aubKr naa.
The pro-edition here identified several
specimens of Jlaudcr's handwriting.
i4cMlii lou maue Information acaloit
J'otcr iluttrtlwiir in Juno? A. Yea.
Itrtuilaa .Hade a 1'ieieat.
(jMratinn Who tus'ls the arrests? A. I
llVfl'l knsw.
Jtoudtr then re-related the events In the
llutteibnir riie, In which HutterliolT paid
JM li have a nu settled before Alderman
taMy liuw the (alter fot i fur oeata lu
hauling nut lirlil, ami hew 'Moults Dough.
If au.t lilinsrlf whksLixt up lli remaliiliiK
(, Itam.lrr tftlllilf anil l'ulity Jfl,
14 mf wliUh Is familiar to llis pulilie. An
alluiVn la Alderman Man) bruutlit Mr
Utts'iUll U his lest Mllli a lirnletl again!
MM Itlal at unfair to file clitul. Mr,
KsWrt for Mulie lau(liiir. hIhuI In a
tMsfcr 1'ilfs. smJ 0i Ulklhf was
litwily ialiM. I'lnallr Mr Marina
i lb sake ttl tetlwllllai htiiura. I atk fat
fi umt. to u tiur hh m
ataM .llaaagjaea. aKtjttjA jfiiiiUI
many concerned and implicated that the facts
cannot be brought out In individual bearings."
Mr. Keenan "My client, Callen, cannot be
classed with this case. I object."
Magistrate Hyndman said he couldn't
see how any other plan than a joint hearing
would bring out the facts, and he thought
all the defendants would get a fair show
under that method. So Bender proceeded
with his story. He said that ButterhofTs
money was all he got out of the Bauder
business, and that outof his $35 he whacked
up $5 to Daugherty, a fellow detective. He
then referred to three warrants he had for
Mrs. Lahiey, of Forbes street; a Mrs. Lane
and a man up on Wylie avenue, three war
rants issued ij Alderman Callen, upon
Bauder's instigation.
Attorney Parker What did you consider the
business of Bauder's Detective Agency to be?
A The returning ot speakeasies.
Question Did a caso ever go to court from
the Bauder Agency? A. Yes, I know of one.
We had a Mrs. Burns up, and she refused to
settle and said she would go to court on the
evidence we had. Dick Johnston was her at
torney. Some Pertinent Questions,
Q. How much money did . you get out
of Baudorr A. Tbe Eutterhoff 30 net and a
few meals.
Q. You did not once say you went
with 'Squire Doughty to Cassidy's officer A.
No. sir. In the 'Squire's buggy.
Mr. Parker called for James Boss, who
stepped forward.
Q. Do you know this man? A Yes,
he was in Dougbty's back office on tbe day I
was there.
Q. What money did you pay Alderman Cas
sidy? A. A 510 and a 55 bill.
The cross-examioation brought ont Ben
der's account of his movements after Alder
man Cassidy had been paid tbe $15.
Q. Now, are you. sure 'Squire Doughty
paid you tbo money in the envelope at a sa
loon? A. I am positive.
Mr. Marron Bender, did you bear anything
about Maneese having an information against
aminnamedUoo.se? A. I know that Stoner
told me that Bob Liddell had sent
the money to square the House informa
tion up to Alderman Maneese, who refused to
take it. I also beard Bauder say that be bad a
case against John Knorr.
Mr. Marron here offered some notebooks
in evidence, and called Inspector White
house, who swore that the notebooks had
been taken from tbe person of J. D. Bauder
by him on Bauder's arrest, and that the
notebooks had since been in his possession.
Peter Butterhoff was called and sworn.
He was a German with a stolid and shining
face. His tale of woe was as follows:
I live at Bloomfield, and was arrested on an
information made before Alderman Cassidy by
Bender. I went down to 'Squire Dongbty'e to
give ball. He told me he was a friend of min j,
and could get tbe case settled. I cave him $75,
and be gave me a receipt. iProduced and
identified. Then when we went to Cassidy's
office to settle be went in and talked to some
one, came out, and told me it would cost 75 to
settle I gave him tbe money. I did not see
Cassidy, but my wife was with me when I paid
Dlnrron Stopped to Laugh.
Mr. Parker Did 'Squire Doughty advise you
to stand trial if you bad any defense? A Yes,
Mrs. Butterhoff was called and sworn and
corroborated her husband's testimony in a
disjointed manner.
Mr. Marron What did you suppose would
become of tbe money after yon gave it to
Sqnir Doughty. A. Ho told me it was to be
paid into a company.
Q. What company? A. His company.
Mr. Marron Ah!
David Surran was called and sworn. He
is of French extraction, and his copious hair
was drenched with pomatum. But no flies
settled on his testimonv. Mr. Marron
steered Surran into his flowing narrative.
He said:
I live on Troy Hill. Bender prosecuted me
before Aldorman Maneese for illegal liquor
selling. I paid 67, but I have only a receipt
for 155 40, which Major Wyman cave my wile.
Mr. Reardon-Who?
Surran Mayor Wyman. Ex-Mayor Wyman.
He cave my wife tbo receipt on the 26th day of
June. He wouldn't let us see the 'Squire.
When we went to the 'Squire's office. Lawyer
Frcedman said ho didn't believe vto bad sold a
drop. He said that to Bauder, who said per
haps that was so. Then Bauder offered to let
up on me if I would turn informer
upon some other people in the
same house I lived in. I had three
talks with Maneese, who told me I could settle
for 35, $40 or 45. I swore I wouldn't pay a
cent. They hart mo up acainln five days, and
had Frank McCall, there as a witness. Frank
came to me and my wife, and said we musn't
feel hard at him; that if he didn't testify to
what tbey wanted him to they'd blow his
brains out. Sensation.
A Case of $G7 Willi Illm.
Mr. Marron Who told yon it would cost $67
to settle?
A. Mayor Wyman. My wife settled with
Mr. Reardon There wcro two suits against
you? A. YeS.
Q. Was one of the informations returned to
court? A. Wyman told me t
Q. Never mind Wyman. Didn't you give
bail for your appearance at court? A. Oh, yes.
Mr. Flack was my bondsman, but Mayor
Wyman told me tbe 67 settled tbe whole busi
ness. Q. Did you not have a civil suit? A. Yes.
Mr. Marron Were both settled together' A.
Mayor Wj man told roe be dare not.
Q. Can't you tell us what happened?
A. Yes. Maneese gave me papers showing
that the SG7 covered both caes. It was by Mr.
Freedman's advice I settled. Mv wile went to
Mayor Wyman and gave him 67, and he gave
her a receipt for 55 40, but wouldn't let me or
my bondsmen see the 'Squire. ,There's S1I CO of
my money that I have nothing to show for.
Mr. Rearoon You don't keep a speak-easy?
Ufa Ii-mm TWiri't mcnrai ttintl
Mrs. Surran was then sworn, and said in
answer to .air. .Marron:
When we were in Manepse's office McCall
came up to me and said not to blame him. for
if he did not swear to buying beer in our house
Bauder would blow his brains out.
She Kicked Up a Row.
Mr. Parker How do you account for your
67 settling both cases against you? A. A
young man in Ma) or Wynian'a office told me
so. When Major Wyman gave me a receipt
for S55 40 when I bad paid 67 I made a fuss.
He said to say nothing; that it would be all
right. Then I went to Alderman Maneese and
protested, and he told me to go to Guinea.
Edward Washington, a colored man with
Dundreary whiskers, was sworn, and, Washington-like,
started out by saying he would
tell the truth. He said lie went to Surran's
with McCall who said Surran was his uncle.
Tbey had good beer, good dinner and a good
time in general, bnt he saw no money paid.
Mrs. Coyle was called and sworn. She
J. D. Bander made an information against
me for selling without a license. I was twice
at Aldennan Callcn's office. Bauder said he
bad five witnesses. He advised a settlement,
and 'Squire Callen told me he would take
58 30. I afterward went to him and gave him
Mr. Keenan You admitted your guilt before
tbe hearing. A Yes.
Mrs. Davis, of Penn avenue, was called
and deposed upon oath that she had been
sued br J. D. Bander before Alderm.in
Callen. 8he settled for 820, $25 of which
she gave to Ilnudcr and (1 in small change
went to the 'Squire's sofa. In pursuance of
that functionary's gentle hint about
"growlers" and a little beer uionev. She
said that she at first tiled to settle'for $10,
and Callcu refuted. Mr. Keenan crou
questioned her at some length upon the
aofa episode, but she stuck to her story.
Ilo rtrtilfil Tar S30.
He nrr Wirta, of 3525 Duller 1 1 reef, was
called and sworu a witness against Ma
ntes. Ilotald!
I was arrrstsn liy Dominie (lallarhtr. Tbe
priweculnr was l'ue.hf Mr.
Mr. Mtrrnn-iihl you hyr a irltlr A.
Nona al at. I Mlilnl. I asked 'Hquira Man
Mho I enulcl Mills with, ami lis t,t mt i Hen-
Kiilb arvnua. Mre aiked t fur Mu aim 1
RTSA! "" ,H rrc-oipi. This was mi
I" ,' 1 ".'."" I Utu am H Mshm.
ami rjil heal? fiHi.
ffvd rliMl hhi calls.), but M "
thisrtr. John Kntrr mm rkN swat, tit
said that he was sued by- Louis Betz before
Alderman Mclnerny. Betz said he was a
deputised constable. He had heard no more
of the case.
Mrs. Hammerley.ot Penn avenue and Thirty
second street, sworn I was sued by Louis Betz
for selling liquor without license. My friend
Mr. Cole looked up the case and told me Betz
would settle for 20, which I paid Mr. Cole.
Mr. Cole swore to tell the truth, and said:
1 went to 'Squire Doughty, who said he know
Mclnerny ana he went to Mclnerny and se
cured a settlement for 20, which I gave him
for that purpose. This was because Mrs.
Hammerley had been recently bereaved.
Defendants In Their Behalf.
Duncan Bamsey called Frank McCall,
charged with barratry.
Q. Did yon belong to tbe Bauder gang? A
No, I don't belong to that kettle of fish at all.
Q. Did you give Bauder's people any
in formation about theSurrans', of Troy Hill?
A. No. Maneese's constaDle subpeenosd me as a
witness. On the day of the bearing I was in a
saloon with my brother and George Crockert,
and they wanted me to go to tbe hearing. 1
objected, and a man showed me a pair of hand
cuffs and a star, and I thought it about time to
go. He said he'd put me in jaiL So I went to
the Excelsior building, where Bauder asked
me if I nrould appear. I said I guessed I'd have
to. I was the only witness examined in the
Surran case.
Mr. Marron Had you been to Surran's? A
Ycs,l went there with Brockert and my brother
one Saturday. .
Mr. Ramsey Did your brother talk to you
about tbeBauder detective business? A. Yes.
He said it was a scheme for legal fUhing.
Mr. Marron Legal fishing, eh? A. Well,
yes. He said he could pull 'em in on his au
thority. Mr. Beardon said blandly: "Call Alder
man Maneese."
Maneese, then, under Mr. Beardon's
guidance, explained that in the Surran
matter there were two suits, and that he
fined Surran $50 and costs in one case and
that in the other they entered bail for court
by their attornev, Major Moreland.
'Q. Did you send the witness Wirts to George
E. Cole or Bender to settle. A No, sir.
The Lawyers At It.
Mr. Marron Was there a hearing in the
Wirt case? A. I am not certain; but to the.
best of my recollection I did not get any costs. ;
Mr. Marron Did you not have a case against
Mills, of Sewickley, a druggist ? A. I
Mr. Reardon Stop; I object.
Mr. Marron This is a conspiracy case, and I
propose to show a long chain of cases.
Mr. Reardon I don't care a rap what yon
propose to show. Mr client shall not answer.'
Mr. Marron If he was Innocent he would
Mr. Reardon That's all you know about it.
1 order him not to talk.
Mr. Marron Did you have a case against
Phlllrp Lauerman, of the East End?
Mr. Itcardon (shouting) Don't talk!
Mr. Marron John Arnold?
Mr. Reardon Don't answer.
Mr. Marron Max Rocthlein?
Mr. Reardon Don't answer.
Mr. Marron (reading quickly from alist in
bis band) Michael Spence? Fred Shawl?
Theodore Languurst? Mr. Beck, or Thirty-fifth
and Smallman streets? Ignatius Blum? Mrs.
Howard, of Soho? Mr. Schuster?
At every name Mr. Beardon said "Don't
answer," and Maneese, with perspiration
pouring off his face, looked at one and then
at the other.
Mr. Marron Very well; I would just as soon
have your silence as your explanation.
Donehty'a Ueicaso Asked For.
Mr. Parker here arose and moved for
Alderman Doughty's release on the grounds
that "no evidence hcie given connects him
withainformations, prosecutions or business
transactions of the Bauder gang. I leave it
to Mr. Marron.
Mr. Marron I can't agree with you.
Mr. Parker called Alderman Doughty's
clerk, John Ecrsa, to invalidate Bender's
testimony. In the course of his examina
tion he was shown a receipt given to But
terhoff, which admitted writing".
Mr. Parker Was there any money passed be
tween Doughty and Bender in your office?
A. No, sir.
Mr. Morrow Are you sure? A. Well I won't
say no money was paid on tbe passage of the
Mr. Parker What did you think of it, anv
way? A. I knew that Bender wanted 75, and
that 'Squire Donghty was to see Cassidy.
Mr. Morrow Were you green enough to im
agine that Butterhoff was getting that receipt
fornothine? A lam not green, and I don't
imagine. I don't know.
Q. You drew the paper of settlement? A.
Q, Didn't yon know what it contained? A.
I tnongbt it was a protection to Butterhoff.
Mr. Geschwiuder, who went bail for But
terhoff, was sworn and said:
Butterhoff was mv friend. When ho sent for
me to go his bail we went to Alderman
Doughty. I says "How is this? Can't wo set
tle? Do you know Bender?" and he said be
knew Bender very well, indeed.
Alderman Doughty Sworn.
The rest of Geschwinder's testimony was
corroborative of ButterhofTs. Constable
Hauten, attached to 'Squire Doughty's of
fice, who said that Bender and the 'Squire
were not chnmmy. Mr. Marron recalled
John Ross, asking him, how came you to
write "Laura" for a man's name in this re
ceipt? A. I don't know. I wrote it just as it
Mr. Parker, with a stately flourish of his
white hand, waved Alderman Doughty to
the stand. He was duly sworn.
Mr. Parker What do you know of tbe In
formation aud proceedings acainst Mr. Butter-
boll? A. Wben Messrs. Gescbwinder and
Butterhoff came to my office was the first I
heard of tho matter. Butterhoff asked mo if
I knew this Mr. no, I won't sav Mr. this
fellow Bender. 1 replied that I had him ar
retted once. 1 had not seen Bender for over a
year. (Mr. Marron sneered.) No, nor I hadn't
seen Bauder or his great detective agency lor
over ayear and a half. We came out to the
East End and saw Bender. He said he didn't
know Butterhoff was a friend of mine, or he
wuuiuo i nave iruuuieumm. xuere were otn
ers in it, too, he raid. I said to Bender that
Butterhoff was a friend of mine and I want to
get him out of trouble. Bender said. 'You
want to get me into trouble.' Well, we had a
drink and agreed to meet the next day. When
we met again I asked him what he'd take.
lie Thonsht Bender Greedy.
He said three others compelled him to push
it. I told Mrs. Butterhoff that If she could
fight she would be a fool to settle. So I took
Bender down to Cassidy's in my buggy. I felt
very delicate about broaching the subject to
Cassidy. It was a peculiar case. I thought
Bender creedy. I asked Cassidy w hat the costs
were. He said he couldn't tell. Finally he
said 15 would cover them, and Bender gave it
to him. Then we went and had a drink, x
gave Benderthe envelope with 60 in it, and he
counted it, I wish to God I had taken the
money back to Butterhoff Instead of giving
it to Bender."
Then ensued a wrangle between Mr. Mar
ron and the Alderman.
Mr. Marron Who put the meney in the en
velope? A. I suppose I did.
Q. Didn't you know it was extortion? A.
No, I didn't. Yes, I did. I thought at the timb
it was a gouge game, ana I think so yet.
Q. And you saw S15 of your friend's money
go to a brother Alderman when you knew that
the fee bill was being violated? A. Yes. Costs
Q. It depends upon tho kind of Alderman,eh?
Mr. Reardon Don't answer.
Q. Did jou qualify Bender to this paper?
(Showing the receipt.) A. Ires. Let mo see it.
Mr. Marron uanus on.
Alderman Doughty tried to eet the re
ceipt into his hands, but Mr. Marron
wrenched It from him, saying: "No you
don't" It looked like an uppeil to blows
lor Doughty was very much excited.
Mr. Marron Why did you draw up that
agreement? A I drew it up to keep tbe Ban
der gang from gouging the neighborhood. I
wanted to urotfet Butterhoff from hino-l,l,l
Tbey were scooping tLcin in every two weeks
Q. Have you returned all your cases to
court? A I decline to auswer.
Wladlac Up Ike Cases.
Mr. Parker Your Honor, all this testimony
hows tnat'HquIrt Doughty acted limply as a
good friend to Uulterhotf, to keep a neighbor
outof trouble. I submit tbat"ho should be re
iMsed. Mr. Marron Yonr Honor, the tactic have
rbaHfsd. These people ar only opening their
mtHiHn a far. Wander's oath baj been streacir
kwatlsd if ikle leallmouy. r
AWwwan Ualltm wee mora and ailmllttd
CVnffrMrfal cm mtS iMtf t, "
Dr. Gladden and Mr. Gnnton Debate
About Them for One'Hour
The Former Gentleman Jumps Onto the
Standard Oil Company
Mr. Gnnton Mikes as Brare a Defense at One in His
Place Could.
Dr. Gladden, of Columbus, O., and Mr.
George Gunton, of New York, the latter
representing the Standard Oil Company,
had a debate on trusts, at Chantauqua, yes
terday. Despite a warning that Chautauqua
is not a beer garden, there came near being
another pretty lively time.
CHAUTAtrQirA, August 1C There was a
buzz of delight along the crpwded- benches'
in the great amphitheater Saturday night
when Bishop Vincent announced that a
joint debate on trusts had been arranged
between Dr. Washington Gladden, of Co
lumbus, O., and Mr. George Gunton, of New
York. During the evening of Saturday
the lecture of Mr. Gunton in the morning
in the Hall of Philosophy, the assault upon
him made by Dr. Gladden afterward, and
the following scene of turmoil aud angry
wrangling which burst upon the quiet hall,
formed the one topic. Everybody was in
terested, and no one cared to leave Chautau
qua if there was any prospect of the two
men meeting in joint debate.
The topic of trusts suddenly became one
of absorbing interest People discussed It
everywhere, and men grew violent arguing
the question on piazzas of cottages and on
the wide porch of the hotel. Chancellor
and Bishop Vincent is
but he is a fair-minded man. He was away
at Canton, O., attending the funeral of
Jacob Miller, when Mr. Gunton delivered
his address. When he came back and
learned what had occurred, he at once rati
fied the arrangements which had been made
for the joint debate. ' .-.
Vice President James McGee, of -the
Standard Oil Company, is ivgreat friend of
Bishop Vincent, and isi a great Sunday
school worker. It was Mr. McGee who sug
gested the idea of Mr. Gnnton's coming to
Chautauqua to speak in reply to Dr. Glad
den. Mr. McGee conducted the Bible class
here this afternoon.
Dr. Gladden came over from Mayville to
day, and it was fixed that each man should
speak for 20 minutes at a time, aud then for
10 minutes, between 11 and 12 o'clock this
morning. The big amphitheater was filled
with people at 11 o'clock. They do things
at unautauqua in a very informal and busi.
wuuubwuvjuis a 44 I tJ JUlUllUtll illsli UU3I
slike way. Prof. Flagler stopped play
; at 10:57 o'clock precisely. There was
nesslike way
down the aisles and into the seats of the big
amphitheater, and then George Vincent,son
of Bishop Vincent,marched upon the speak
ers' platform, followed by tbe debaters.
Two mcn,-in the meantime, bad elevated
into position on the rear of tbe platlorni,
and high np wheri all Could, see it, a square
blackboard. Thetlackbord was evidently
for figures, and the andience applauded
when they saw it. The debaters carried
pamphlets under their arms, which were
stuSed with loose papers. Both debaters
looked cool and collected. They sat down
and bowed stiffly at each other. George
Vincent came to the railing of the platform
and announced the debate, stating the argu
ments and time under which the debaters
would speak. Then he said:
I hope there will be no discussion and display
of feeling after the debate, snch as there was
on baturday. Chautauqua is not a beer garden
or a place for a ficbt between Kilkenny cats.
Tho gentlemen who are to speak to you are
men of reputation and ability as economists,
and I trust you will listen to them cautiously
and patiently.
The andience applauded this and then the
debate began. Dr. Gladden spoke first, as
he was the assailant. The debate was ex
tremely interesting. Dr. Gladden spoke
slowly, but with great heat. He denounced
the Standard Oil Company as a concern that
has as many aliases as a horse thief. He
said that trusts, as corporations, did some
good, but declared that their aim was to
suppress competition, and that they were
run by grasping and soulless men. He de
clared that their purpose was to rob men,
and that they had robbed men, and that the
Standard Oil Company in particular was
built on the colossal crime ot railroad re
bates. He said that the price of refined oil,
has not lallcn in the same proportion as
crnde oil. He said that crude oil had been
reduced in cost 83 per cent, and the cost of
rebned oil, it likewise reduced, should be
4.01 cents per gallon, instead of 0.72 cents a
gallon, as it now is.
Mr. Gunton declared that trusts were un
doubtedly formed to make money, and that
was what all men were after. But men
were to be judged by their deeds, and cot by
what they would like to do. The trusts
could not and did not advance ririces to an
unreasonable extent, because if they did the
capital of the world would flow into compe
tition with them in the first place, and pub
lic sentiment would enact laws which would
run their business in the second place. The
facts were that since the formation of the
big trusts the prices of their commodities
had steadily, decreased, and in a much
greaterratio. Then Mr. Gunton grew very
excited as he denounced what he proved a
vulgar arithmetical error on this point on
the part of Dr. Gladden, in which was the
pith of the entire discussion. Mr. Gunton
said that fir. Gladden simply
of proportion, and that proportions were
unlike.' Twenty-five per cent of 20, for in
stance, is S, and 25 per cent of i is 1, but 1 is
not 25 per cent of 5, as in his figures on tbe
percentage of the cost, comparing the de
creasing price ot tbe crude and the refined
Dr. Gladden claimed that his arithmetic
was all right Mr.,Guuton declared that it
was simply immoral lor Dr. Gladden to go
around as he did, denouncing trusts when
he whs so wrong in his arithmetic and facts.
Mr. Gunton jumped uround the platform,
furiously waving his arms aud elevating his
voice to a perfect shriek. His black hair
became more tumbled than ever. Tbe
strength of his language aroused consider
able opposition nmoug the Chautauquans,
and a good many of them did not like it
Dr. Gladden made a plea for a tribunal
in each State to limit trusts, and &ir. Gun
ton told the Chautauquans to beware how
tbey created a new court to tell people what
they should eat and what they should wear,
bated on the ministerial arithmetic that
two equaled zero and that zero equaled
two. lie declared that Dr. Gladden! tri
bunal would bo a monstrous evil.
A Bold Diamond Thief Arrested.
Kansas City, August 20. tlurry Dis
ney, a gambler, was arrested to-day charged
with tho theft of $1,000 worth of diamonds
front the Jewelry store of P. Allman
ceatly. Abe thsfl will be remembered ak a
bold one, having occurred lu bread jlay
llfht, en ttte amt erewdtd street ofitM
Almost Positive Information That An Extra
Session Will Begin on the 31st of
That Month The Tariff to
be Taken Up Before
rarxciAi. txlxqbaiito thz dispatch.
"Washington, August 26. "Whether
Representative Owen, of Indiana, was com
missioned by President Harrison to convey
to the public the information that an extra
session of Congress will be called in October
is not known, but it looks very much that
way, as Mr. Owen came direct from Deer
Park to-day, and gave this news to the pub
lic. It is probably anthentic. Mr. Owen is
a clergyman, and has a good reputation for
veracity. He is a warm friend of the Presi
dent, and was doubtless given the news with
the purpose of having it go out to the public
and set at rest the queries in regard to the
called session. It i, however, nearly con
firmatory of what has been generally looked
upon as true. ,
The extra session will, under the present
arrangement, be called for the 21st of Octo
ber. The President has learned that before
that date all of tbe returns of the elections
iu the new States will be in, and the new
Representatives and Senators have time to
re.acK.ths capital. , .At the extra session the
first move will, of course, be to elect a
Speaker. Then two or three weeks will be
spent in the formation of committees, and it
is probable that little else will be accom
plished than to organize the House previous
to the beginning ot the regular session on
the first Monday of December.
The extra session will have to be called
for a specific purpose, which will probably
be the question of the tariff, but until the
committees are appointed not a step can be
taken to prepare a bill, and to prepare a
tariff bill will require weeks, if not months.
The tariff bill passed by tbe Senate at the
last session was not acceptable to many of
the Republicans ot the House, and while it
will be ot great assistance in the prepara
tion of a new bill, much time will be required
to perfect it It is, therefore, improbable
that anything will be done with the tariff
at the called session, or that more will be
accomplished than an organization. This
will involve a report of new rules trom the
Committee on Rules, and discussion of these
will probably occupy all of November after
the announcement of the committees.
This semi official announcement of the
extra session 'will have the effect to hasten
the calling to the capital of many members
of Congress, especially the candidates for
Speaker. McKmley is expected next week,
and Reed and Cannon and the others will
speedily follow.
Editor O'Brien and Ills Colleacne Acaln
Sentenced to Confinement.
Dublin, August 26. The trial at Clona
kilty of Mr. "Win. O'Brien and Mr. James
Gilhooly, members of Parliament for Connty
Cork, who were charged with heading a
Nationalist meeting which had been pro
claimed by the Government, was concluded
to-day, resulting in the conviction of the de
fendants. Mr. O'Brien was sentenced to two
months' imprisonment and Mr. Gilhooly to
six weeks' imprisonment, withonthard labor.
Upon the expiration of their sentences they
will be asked to give bonds to keep the
peace for six months. In the event of their
refusing to give tbe required bonds they will
be sentenced to two months' additional im
prisonmnent. ,
After sentence had been pronounced they
were taken under a military escort to Cork
jail. Upon leaving the court room they
were cheered enthusiastically by the crowd
that was waiting outside, and at the jail
thev were given a similar greeting. Mr.
O'Brien declined to appeal. Mr. Gilhooly
appealed, and was subsequently released on
A Department Messenger With a Gall to
be Admired.
"Washington, August 20. Mr. Brown
is the messenger of the Secretary of the
Treasury. He is an old employe, and has
learned so many of the ways of the office
that he is allowed to open telegrams and
letters himself, and distribute them to the
various 'persons who have charge of the sub
jects to which they refer. This morning he
opened a considerable portion of the mail
addressed to Secretary "Windom, and also a
number of telegrams. One of the latter was
an offer of bonds at 51 28 which was
lower than recent offers, that conld not be
accepted on account of the heavy premium
Mr. Brown carried this telegram to Assist
ant Secretary Batcheller, laid it on the desk
before him, and remarked, seriously and
with great dignity: "At last there is an offer
of bonds which we can accept" As Mr.
Batcheller is yet new In his office, this was
a stunner, coming from a messenger, bnt he
soon recovered, and now tells the story with
A Train T.oadcd With Grand Army Veterans
Meets With Disaster.
Stbeatob, Iivl , Augnst 26. The vesti
bule train on the Santa Fe route running
between Kansas City and Chicago met with
a serions accidont at' Kinsman, a small
station about 15 miles north of
here, at 8 o'clock this morning.
The train was heavily loaded with
Grand Army veterans and their friends,
bound for the Milwaukee encampment, and
consisted of several extra coaches. By the
spreading of life rails three coaches, two
Pullman sleepers and the dining car were
thrown from the track and down a steep
embankment a distance of probably 40 feet.
In all about 50 persons were hurt, and it
is reported that three of them have since
died, although the railroad authorities are
endeavoring to suppress the news. One of
those reported to be dead is Mrs. George
Peters, of Emporia, Ivans.
All Iiondon Alarmed br the Spread of the
Dock Strike.
Xondon. August 26. The strike of Jhe
dock laborers is gaining new adherents
hourly. Eight thousand sailors and firemen
and 2,500 dockmen at Isle of Dogs, where
several large docks are located, have gone
out The authorities have become appre
hensive of atroublc and are holding the
military in readiness to suppress an out
break should it occur.
A conlerence took place to-day between
the dock managers and delegates from tbe
striking laborers, but it was without resnlt.
In consequence of the strike thousands of
tons of mutton are rotting, it being im
possible to find men to handle the stock.
The State Fair lias to Decide Between
York nadliehlsh Counties.
Habbisburo, August 20. The York and
Lehigh Agricultural Societies both want tbe
State Fair to be held iu connection with
their exhibitions, and the State Agricultur
al Society It undecided whether to go to
York or Allentown.
Several members of the society went to
Allentown to-div and to-morrow they will
visit York. On Wednesday tbey will meet
at William' Grove and determine whlofa of
the two plwectHty will nisei.
The Wife of a Well-Known New York
Lawyer Fatally Stabs Her Nurse'
Mrs. Eobert Hamilton Attacks Her Hus
band With a Mexican Dagger. .
Terribly Ingle End or a Host Thrilling Eomance In
Seal Life.
A poor nurse who tried to act as peace
maker between a quarreling man and wife,
at Atlantic City, yesterday noon, became
the object of the wife's rage and was proba
bly fatally stabbed by , her. The story is
the tragic end of a romance in real life.
Atlantic Citt, N. J., August 26. As
the guests were gathering about the dining
tables at the fashionable Noll Cottage, on
Tennessee avenne, at noon to-day, the cries
of a woman and the Smashing of l'urnituie
on the second floor terrorized the neighbor
hood and attracted a large and excited
crowd of .men and women. One of the
waiters who had the courage to run in the
direction of the noise rushed to the second
floor and kicked in the door leading to the
private apartments of Mk'and Mrs. Robert
Bay Hamiltonof New York City.
The picture was a tragic one. A hand
some man with clean-cut features and eagle
eye was standing in the middle of the ele
gantly tnrnished room, with his wife, a
wicked looking blonde, desperately strug
gling in his arms for release. She held
in her right hand. A good-looking Irish
woman lay stretched npon the floor in a
pool of blood, and a 6-months-old baby was
seated on a bed. These were the only wit
nesses of what had happened. The man
was Robert Rav Hamilton; tbe desperate
looking woman was his wife; the infant was
their only child, and the victim who lay
npon the floor with an ugly gosh in her
abdomen, was Mary Donnelly, the wet
nurse, who has been with the couple for
over a year. The latter was still alive, but
the doctors have little hopes of her re
covery. The story of the affray and the people con
nected with it is a sensational one. Robert
Ray Hamilton, who was for eight years a
member of tbe New York Legislature from
the Murray Hilljdistrict, New York City, is
a son of General Schuyler Hamilton, one of
the leaders of New Yo'rk's "four hundred,"
a grandson of John C. Hamilton and a
great grandson of Alexander Hamilton, who
was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr.
He is also the author of the "Life of
Alexander Hamilton," one of the standard
works of 1865. He is a leader of the New
York bar, andhas an endowment of. $18,000
a year, which he spends lavishly upon him
self and friends.
The story of his courtship and marriage
is as romantic as the story of to-day's trage
dy. Hamilton was for many years a lion in
New York social circles", but, like many of
his associates, he,be,came addicted to a fast
life, and was soon infatuated with a woman
traveling the same roud as himself, and who
will doubtless in a few hours be a mur
deress. She was for many years one Of the
queens among her class in New York City,
and it is said many a young blood squan
dered a tortune on ner oetore she captured
Hamilton, whom she married for his love
and his fortune.
mabbied and disowned.
Hamilton is about 37 years of age. and
his wife is abont ten years his junior, and a
hopeless victim of the morphine habit
About two years ago they were clandestinely
married in New York, and when this be
came known be was ostracized by tbe
"Four Hundred," as well as his own
parents. After his marriage he lived with
his wife, at 117 "West Fifteenth streetnear
Although an outcast he had an immense
fortune, and after standing it as long as
possible in New York, six months ago he
took his wife and 2-months-olu child and
Mary Donnelly, tbe nurse, to Southern Cali
fornia, with the intention of locating perma
nently in the West He returned disgusted,
and temporarily located in Atlantic City,
two weeks ago.
Mrs. Hamilton's display of diamoncfc and
gorgeousness of attire at this shore has
created a sensation for several days past.
To-night the officers of Atlantic City are
searching for the tbier .who stole $2,000
worth ot diamonds from the room in which
the tragedy occurred, during the excitement
this afternoon. The authorities and pawn
brokers throughout the country have also
been notified of the robbery.
The story of the tragedy of to-day, which
will probably end in a trial for murder, is
as follows: Joshua Mann, of No. Ill West
Fifteeenth street. New York, is an old lover
of Mrs. Hamilton's. He followed the
couple to California and back. A lew days
ago the irate husband, who did not know
Mann, saw mm in Atlantic City, and re
membering having seen him in New York,
ahn at nearly ever; point in his six months'
sojourn throughout the "West, kept a close
watch on him. Last night Mann met Mrs.
Hamilton atone of the beer gardens here.
Hamilton had them watched, but said noth
ing until to-day, when she said she was
going to New York City, but would return
in a lew days.
It was then that Hamilton's terrible
temper overcame him, and, grasping her by
the neck he said: "You are my wife, and
yon remain here. Let Josh Mann'take care
of himself."
The name of her lover astounded her.
She became desperate, ran to the bureau,
picked up a Mexican dagger, and made a
lunge at her husband. He grappled with
her and pushed her over a chair. The nurse,
Mary Donnelly, hearing the noise, and hav
ing h:id to separate them several times be
fore to prevent bloodshed, rushed into the
room. The wife no sooner saw her than she
dashed at her with the dagger raised, and
hissing the words between her teeth: "You
she devil, you are the cause of this. Yon'lt
never lie about me again," plunged the
weapon into the poor woman and felled her
to the floor.
Hamilton and his wife are both :n custody
and the excitement in this city to-night over
tbe affair is intense.
A Youdh Irftdr. Tabes a Philosophic View
or Parachute Jamping.
Habtfobd, Conn., Augnst 26. Miss
Alice G. Burnham was the pretty girl of
East Hartford who married Edwin J.
Northup, of Keokuk, 111., the cowboy
aeronaut, at New Haven, on Wednesday
last. At Savin Bock, on the Sound, on
July 25, Northup made his first jump. Miss
Burnham, who saw tbe jump, sought au
introduction to him and expressed her ad
miration of his daring. Northup proposed
a week afterward, and was accepted. .On
the day before the second jump at the rock
they were engaged. rjy
Mrs. Northup looks at the profession of
parachute jumping lu a business light She
Is 30 yean old and the daughter of wall
known farmer ia Saet Hartford.
Tho Convention That Assembles Therefe
Dny the largest Ever Held In tboP
State A Terr Mvely Fisht V
for the Chief Nomina
tion Campbell
rsrzcTAi, txlxgkah to Tni dispatch l
Dayton, August 26. The Ohio Demo
crats are ponring'into this city and all indi
cations point to the largest convention ever
held in Buckeyedom. The great fight in
the convention will be on the tariff issue.
The Democrats "who have not gone datt on
tariff reform will all support the Hon.
James E. Campbell, of Butler county, for
Governor, while the rabid free traders favor
the Hon. Lawrence T. Neal, of Boss, or
Virgil P. Kl'ne, of Cuyahoga. The candi
dates are on the ground and are working
hard fcr the nomination.
Hon. M. D. Harter, the man selected for
temporary chairman, threatens to deliver a
free trade oration and some of the Demo
crats are Indignant over this fact, as the
Chairman of the convention is expected to
sound the keynote of the campaign. He
will be deposed to-morrow, and so will not
have a chance to inflict his free trade rot on
a long-suffering community. There are
seven State officers to bn elected on Novem
ber 5. as follows: Governor, Lieutenant
Governor, Supreme Judge, Attorney Gen
eral, Clerk of Supreme Court, School Com
missioner and Member of the Board of
Public Works.
Ex-Congressman James E. Campbell still
leads for Governor, and it looks now as
though he would be nominated on the first
ballot 'A careful poll of the counties show
that he has 473 votes; Neal, 218, and Kline,
97. There are 787 votes iu the convention;
necessary to a choice 394. Of course these
figures may be materially changed before
the balloting begins on Wednesday after
noon, as "politics am mighty onsartin," but
the outlook is now that Campbell will win.
The city is illuminated to-night by natural
gas much to the delight of visitors who have
never seen this illumination before.
Ita Preliminaries to Brain at Harrlabnrx
To-IVIorrotv Afternoon.
rsrzciAi. telxobak to the dispatcit.1
Habbisbubg, August 26. The third
party Prohibitionists will begin tbe pre
liminaries of their State Convention
Wedneeday afternoon, when the Executive
Committee will meet in the rooms of the
Y. M. C. A. In the evening the State Com
mittee will convene at the same place.
Simultaneously with this meeting, a demon
stration will be held in the Court House or
outside of it, which will be addressed by
several prominent prohibition speakers.
After the convention on Wednesday, a mas3
meeting will be held in the Opera House, to
be addressed by Prof. Samuel Dickie,
Chairman of the Prohibition National Com
mittee, and J. W. Nichols, ot Illinois, and
The State Convention will meet at9 o'clock
for devotional exercises, aud an hour after
ward Acting Chairman Stevens will call it
to order for business in the absence of Chair
man Barker, who is ill. The Chairman has
engaged rooms at the Bolton Honse, at
which place credentials will be received to
morrow evening. Indications do not favor
a very large convention.
To Assist Counsel In tho Washington Elec
tric IJcht Company's Fiaht.
Washington, Angust 26. Mr. James
Humbert and Mr. Caleb H. Jackson, of
Pittsburg, were here to-day to confer with
the local members of the Electric Power
and Heat Company, relative to the prepar
ations for introducing the Westinghouse
system of incandescent lighting into the
northeastern section of the city, in accord
ance with the contract recently made with
the District Commissioners. A meeting was
held at Willard's Hotel and the ground
quite thoroughly gone over.
C. C. Lancaster, Representative Randall's
son-in-law, and the local counsel of the com
pany, made a statement in regard to the in
junction asked for by the gas company. It
is possible it may be decided to employ
other counsel to assise Air. .Lancaster in
fighting tbe injunction, and in case it be de
cided to do so, Hon. John Dalzellwill prob
ably be called upon.
DrncBiarBnckholtz Takes Ether and Stabs
Hbnsajf With a Penknife.
rsrxciAi. txlxgbax to the DisrATcn.1
Elizabeth, N J., Angust 26. Charles
Buckholtz, a well-known druggist of this
city, where he has been in business 20 years,
deliberately killed himself this afternoon at
his father's house, 333 Elizabeth avenne, by
first dosing himself with ether so as to dead
en any pain and then drove his penknife to
the hilt in his right temple. He was discov
ered by his mother, sitting in an armchair
in bis room, his feet elevated on the edge
of a dressing case, on which stood a loos
ing glass. The knife, besmeared with
blood, was laying beside bim on the chair.
He had been dead some time. Mrs. Buck
holtz fainted at tbe startling sight.
Druggist Buckholtz has long been a great
sufferer from gastritis, and, it is believed,
took hisMifc while laboring under a tempo
rary aberration of mind, caused by his
disease. He was a widower and leaves' one
child, a girl aged 10.
Discovery ot a Bnttleflaa- Captured at
Hanover Coart House.
Boston, Angust 26. A flag captured by
the Ninth Massachusetts regiment on the
battlefield of Hanover Court House, May
27, 1862, from a Tennessee regiment, and
sent to the late ex-Mayor Wightman, then
mayor of Boston, was tound in an old vault
in the city hall, to-day. It is of beantitul
silk, with white and crimson bars, with a
large white star op a blue field. It is in
scribed "Cleveland Guards," in magenta
wmught text letters across the bars.
The flag, since its 27 years' sojourn in the
strong room in the basement of City Hall,
has had fitting company in the presence of
sister flags captured from the men of the
Confederacy. One of these latter is a large
Confederate flag captured by General But
ler in bis New Orleans campaign, on tbe
Mississippi, and sent to Boston. Another
is a Confederate pennant, captured with a
blockade runner off North Carolina.
They Will Not be Operated Until They Can
be Made to Vaj.
Spring Valley, III., August 26. Mr.
Scott, of Pennsylvania, telegraphed Man
ager Devlin to-day to discharge all employes
of Spring Valley Coal Company who were not
absolutely needed to run the mine, and to
prepare for a general shut-down of six
months or a year. He says they will never I
on a paying basis.
This means practically the depopulation
of the town. Many of tbe miners have al
ready left The Chicago and Northwestern
lUllroad has closed down its Spring Valley
branch and discharged all men at this end
of the lis.
viTi .
pbix Imprisonerl Suspects
Arraigned for the
Each Individual Makes a Demand
for a Separate Trial.
He Was Never Even Aware of the Irish Doc
tor's Existence.
The six men charged with the murder of
Dr. Cronin were placed on trial yesterday.
A plea was entered for a separate hearing in
each case. Arguments on this point will be
heard Wednesday, but the decision will be
in the negative. The prisoners are defended
by the best legal talent obtainable.
rsrxciAi. txliobak to thx dispatch.!
Chicago. Augnst 26. The trial o f the six
men indicted for the murder of Dr. Patrick
H. Cronin began in the Criminal Court
building to-day. The first session of the
court lasted just two hours and a half. Then ,
an adjournment was taken until Wednesday
morning, when arguments for a separate
trial for each of tbe defendants will be made.
It is not thought that Judge McCounell will
grant the request of the prisoners.
The preliminary motions and arguments
may last until Friday. The work of impan
eling a jury will begin Monday. Then the
trial, which will in all probability be one of
the most sensational in the criminal history
of the city, will begin in earnest The post
ponement which the State prayed for to-day
was a surprise to the detense. It had been
thought that the public prosecutor was
ready and anxious to proceed with the trial.
After the affidavits ot the prisoners and
their lawyers had been read in which they
set forth their reasons why separate trials
shonld be granted State's Attorney Long
enecker arose and declared that the docu
ments were a surprise to him. aud in view of
this fact asked the Court for a week in
which to examine them. Judge McConnclI
smiled increduously. The effort to soar for
time amused him. Attorney Forrest was
npon his feet in an instant
"I object," he roared, as he pushed his
way among the lawyers and stood before the
desk of the Court "We stand here ready
for trial," he exclaimed, "and we ask for no
Then Mr. Forrest sailed into the public
prosecutor in vehement manner. He
charged the public prosecutor w;th pretty
nearly everything from a subtle evasion of
the law to nnprolessional conduct He de
clared among other things that the names of
scores of witnesses before the grand jury
bad been withheld from the hacks of the in
dictments in violation of the law on this ,
subject, and that the State's Attorney had
advised Burke to discharge his attorney
from Wisconsin. Mr. Longenecker smiled
and stroked his beard.
The Court was evidently on the point of
ruling against the prosecutor when the lat
ter again arose and admitted that the con
tinuance he. had asked for was not solely for
the purpose of studying the points in the
affidavits. Jle was a sick man, he said, and
physically unfit to go on with the case. It
was the first time he had asked for a con
tinuance. Attorney David thought that
perhaps Mr. Longenecker,being so serionsly
indisposed, might be sick for three weeks or
more. The public prosecutor thought not.
Then Mr. Forrest became facetious;
While he recognized the great worth of Mr.
Longenecker, he thought the State's case
would be well taken care of during the
temporary trouble through which the prose
cutor was passing, by such lawyers as Mills,
Hynes and Ingham. Everybody knew the
force of these men, and with the whole pub
lic and detective forces ot the city and tbe
Cheltenham beach lund behind them, the
State could not get much the worst of it for
a few days at least.
The prosecutor here had a violent par
oxysm of coughing and bowed bis head,
upon the table. Meantime Judge McCon
nell had made np his mind. and when Slate's
Attorney Longeneckergot through coughing
he said he would listen to arguments on the
affidavits to-morrow morning. He felt very
sorry for Mr. Longenecker.'but thought it
useless to waste another week when it was
evident that the preliminary work could be
'done without active assistance of the States
Attorney. This seemed satisfactory all
around and the lawyers and spectators put
on their coats and walked out in to the
blistering sunshine.
Judge McConnells declaration that he de
sired to clean up all the preliminary work
this week is looked up as an indication
that he will rule against the prisoners and
that they will all be tried together. The'
stuffy little court room was filled with
spectators before the doors had been opened
halfanhonr. Only three women were in
the perspiring crowd.
At 9:50 o'clock a woman dressed in a
deep black traveling coat and wearing a
blue veil over her face walked within the
railing and sat down where she conld see
the prisoners when they marched in. She
was accompanied by a slender, bearded man
who seemed intensely nervous. The woman
was Mrs. Black, the mother of Woodruff,
the confessor. Her escort was her husband,
and the prisoner's stepfather. Five minu
tes later the six prisoners tramped in single
file into the room from tbe east entrance.
Burke was the first to appear. Then came
Woodruff, Coughlin, Beggs, O'Sullivan,
and Kuuze in the order named.
Burke was awkward and ill at ease. His
face was flushed, and he fumbled an old
straw hat in his lap like a bashful boy.
Woodruff looked pale and sickly, his long
confinement having bleached his face un
pleasantly. His personaTppearance, how
ever, has greatly improved since the day he
was tound tramping around the' Twelfth
street district with a horse which, it was
thought, he had stolen. His hair was neatly
brushed, and he wasMressed in a new black
suit ot clothes.
Big Dan Coughlin, who seems to be so
deep in the conspiracy, was pale, too, but
he was far merrier than the confessor.
He never looked at Burke, but chatted
abont almost constantly with Beggs, .who
sat at his left The two men laughed and
nodded to acquaintances in the crowd.
Beggs is the best-looking man among the
prisoners. To.dav he wore a neat-fitting;
suit of clothes with a white lawn tie. His
face is ruddy and full. He thinks that he
will not be convicted, bnt there is good'
reason for believing that the evidence
against him is more terrible than that
against any of his companions.
Sallow-faced Patrick O'Sullivan did not
look any more radiant because he wore a
yellow tie. The ice man seems to appreci
ate his peril: He scarcely spoke a word,
during the time conrt was in session. Hisr
eyes were almost constantly riveted on fata
lawyers. Little John Kunze, who, it la
Continued on Sixth Ibge.