Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 26, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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jWT ' l 4
I- S Tnl.Tl ArrT.nno Witll TnnTVIQT.
After a Little Addition.
The Home Ball Players Keturn
in Great Shape.
Talk of an Hour's Eace Between Cartwriglit
and McClelland.
f John A. St. John has signed Turner's
articles in behalf of Gaudaur. The race is
to he rowed on smooth water and will be
straight-away. The local team has returned,
prepared to continue the good work of the
past two weeks.
John A. St. John, in behalf of Gaudaur.
lias signed the articles of agreement sent
by Teenier. The St. Louis centleman has
made one flight change or addition
relative to the condition of the water at the
time of the race. St. John insists that both
rowers be satisfied as to the condition of the
water. This demand, however, really does
not .mount to much on a course such as
that of McKeesport. It is a running stream,
awl lint tu susceptible to roughness as an ex
pansive lake
There is another interesting condition in the
a,rticles,aud one which will be read with exceed
in; interest. The race has to be straightaway.
This is a new feature here, and Teenier is sat
isfied with it. Authorities think that this con
dition is favorable to Gaudaur. however.
Tccmcris quite pleased with it. Its novelty
here will be very attractive. Teciner will sign
the articles to-day, and then everything will be
-all right,
St. John, in a letter, states that he will be at
the race, but ho adds that the boys need not
expect him to do any betting. He neve? bets.
He very pointedly sajs: "I stand all the stake
money for Gaudaur, and, if ho wins, 1,000 is
plenty for him to win, and tf he loses that
amount is enough for mo to lose."
Mr. St. John further states that be hopes the
proposed race will be rowed in the most honest
way, so that the old and disputed question of
the comparative merits of Teemcr and Gau
daur "ill be settled.
Following is a correct copy of tho articles of
" Artlclesofagrccmententcredlntotulsdiy, An
gut 21, 19, between John Teemcr, of IcKees
port, and.1. U. Gaudaur, of St Louis, to row a
stralght-away race or Tour niilcs In best and best
boats, on the McKeeport course, September
IS, 1883, for Jl, 000 j bide, the race to be rowed on
smooth water, and the condition of the water to
b decided by the oarsinca bv mutual agreement.
A forfeit of 92UUA side Is now deposited with
TThe 1'iTTSBrcn Dispatch. no fhall be final
stakeholders. The Anal deposit or So each to be
made pood with Tue I'ittseuiiq IJlfil'ATCU on
September v 1SS4.
J. (S. Gaudaur to receive $300 for expenses from
JohnTeemer one day before the final deposit.
The race toberoeil according to the rules of
the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen,
except here the.e articles may require a devia
tion. lrtho contestants cannot ayree on a rerereeon
the dav of the final deposit, the stakeholder shall
appoint one or act himself. 1 be referee's decision
shall be final.
The race to be rowed between the hours of 4 and
6 o'clock r. M. on the date above named.
The contestants to start from two anchored
boats, 3 yards apart.
The Local Team Kcturop Ilnnlon Flensed
With the Boys.
The local ball clnb returned home yesterday
from Chicago. Tho players were all looking
well and in good spirits. Manager Hanlon ex
pressed his great delight at the showing of the
club. He stated that only a ridiculous error
prevented tho team from winning all six games
during the week. He spoke highly of the way
in which all the players are working for him,
and lie is very hopeful of the club finishing
well up. Daring the trip Fields played ex
tremely well, and almost all the players were
In flue batting humor.
The Indianapolis' will bo hero to-day to
tackle the home players. Morris will likely
pitch for the home team, and probably Boyle
will be In the box for the visitors. There will
lie two games for one price of admission to
morrow afternoon.
A Correction.
r In tho first paragraph of Prinpic's review
yesterday, referring to Manager Hanlon, he,
, I'ringlc, was made to say that Hanlon's man
agement '"had not anything" to do with the
improved playing of the clnb. It ought to
have read, "had not everything," etc.
Saturday' League Games.
At Chicago
'Chlcasos 0 0100001 02
l'ittEburgS 1 020300000
ritchcrs Galvln and Tener.
At Boston
"jsostons 0 00S0001J
AVa.hlDEtons 0 000000123
S ritchers Clarkson and Keefe
' At Indianapolis
Indianapolis 1 000000045
Cleveland! 0 0032002 7
l'ltchcrs Gctzcln and O'lirien.
At New York First game
t New Yorks 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 1-10
l'hlladilphlas 2 01003.200-8
ritchers O'Day and Iiuflington and Anderson.
At New York Second game
Vhlladelphlas 0 00012000-3
New yorks 0 1 2 I 0 3 0 1 k
ritchers Vumnton and Gleason; Kcefc and
I.cncue Record.
Siyitir c i ris: c
exuns. - .- o'2.;o 55te r
wtoni .. .. 7 ' 71 7 12 1 CO .645
!W Yorks 5 9 10 10 7 I0 7' 5 .617
dladlluhlas 4 7- 915 0 10, 52 .112
Icarus 6 4 46 ,12 10 50 505
itlands 5 4 8 81 71 b S 4'1 .500
ttsuurps ll 6, 6 7 11 ' 7 44.444
lianapolis 7i 4i J SI 8 7- 7 41 .414
ishlngtons 5 4 5 3,2 C 81 .337
James lost 33.36,44 4i4555l58 61 4S5
nnlaTlIle Detents Colnmbna Decnnse the
Infant Conld Not Hit Ehrct The
Athletics Win a Good Gnmc From
the Covboyn ht. Louis Bents
Baltimore Brooklyn and
Cincinnati Fjaycra
StnsviLLE, Kr.. August 25. Louisville
the game to-day largely by Ehret's
nomenal work. Columbus was not able to
litn at all effectively and he hadapercentage
,000 in lino chances with the stick. The
of Louisville batted fairly well and gave
rage support in the field. Widner for
umbns pitched tamely, and in the seventh
.idwin took his place and did somewhat bet
r. Columbus li elded sharply and batted
Airly well. The weather was warm. Attend
ance, l.OUO. Score:
gtiannou, 2.. 113
Hwker, 1... 0 2 10
Wolt. r 0 2 1
Carl, m 0 0 3
Karmond. 3. 0 2 1
Vaughn, 1... 2 13
CKik. c 10 6
Toinnev, s... 3 3 0
hret, p ISO
o'McTam'y. m 0.0 2
1 Marr, 3 , 11 0
0 Dally. 1 .41 2
IiJohuston, r. 1
1 Orr, 1. ....J..-0
0 'Connor: c 2
lltSreenw?. 0
lJEstrrday. .. 0
0 0
0 10
1 3
0 5
2 4
0 0
0 1
widcer; n.
llaldwin, p .
i Totals B 16 27 II 61
Totals 5 S 27 15 1
Ji, 0120202 1 8
V'O 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 t
!. rBl nincT jinli.W.i J
TI'wn-bir hit Marr.
ITirct-Vajoiilf tlirfi. K'-trri'.r
Sacrifice hits Shannon, Ilcckcr, TVoir, Carl,
Cook. Johnston.
Stolen bases Ilcckcr. Johnston, llaldntn.
llonhle pliys Tosmcy, Minnnon, Becker; Es
tcrdav. Greenwood. Orr: Dally, Greenwood.
First base on balls Off Wldner, 2; off Baldwin,
1; off hhret. 1.
lilt by pitched ball Greenwood, Cook.
btruck out-llv Widner, 1; by Baldwin, 2; by
Ehrct. 4.
l'asscd ball O'Connor.
Time of game Two hours.
Umpire Gaflncv.
sr.cOND QA1IE.
, .
LoilfT, S
Hamilton, r
Iturns. m. .
1'lckctt, 1..
Stearns, 1..
Manning. 2.
Bivjrer, c.
A Ivor J. 3...
Uitc p....
Douohue, c
0 12 6 0. Welch, m.. 2
2 13 0 lLarkln, I... 2
0 0 4 0 ojl.vons, 3.... 3
10 0 0 0 btovcv, 1... 1
0 2 9 0 Ollilerb'er, 2. 1
0 0 2 2 01'urcell. r.. 2
0 13 4 0 Fcniiclly. a. 1
0 0 0 2 3)lcMahou,p 1
0 0 0 0 0 Cross, c... 1
ToUls .... 14 11 27 12 4
3 3 24 15 4
Kansas Citys 0 001 0200 0-3
Athletics 1 5 0 0 2 0 4 2 11
Earned runs Kansas Cltys. 1: Athletics, 8.
Two-base hits I. onir. Hamilton, Larkin, Stovcy.
Stolen bases Hamilton, 2; I'lckett, Welch,
Double plays UcMahou. Blerbauer, Larkln,
Iin, Stcirns.
First base on balls Off Bates. 5: McMahon, 3,
Mruck out llr Kates, 2: McMahon, 6.
FaHeI balls llooier, 1; Cross 1.
ild pitches Kates. 1: McMahon, l,
Time of game Tnohours.
Umpire GoldsmltU.
They Bent the Cowboys Twice In an
Kansas Citt, August 15. The Athletics
won from the Cowboys by heavy batting. In
the first gamo Sowders was hit for ten bases
and the home nine got only four hits off Wcyh
ing. who pitched unusually well. Tho errors of
tho Kansas Citys proved disastrous. Stovey's
home run was the feature. Bates, the new
pitcher recently signed by Kansas City, was put
.in tho box to make his debut. He was hit
hard, eight of tho Athletics runs being earned.
Lone, s ...11131
Welch, m... 0 1
Larkln. 1. ... 0 1
I.von. 3 1 1
1 1
0 0
3 2
Hamilton, r. 10 3 0 0
Burns, m 0 13 10
A llfc.ll. 1 ... U 4 W M ipiUTl-l, t..... A A
Stearns. 1... 0 0 7 2 0 B'rhiucr. 2.. 2 10 3
l'lcktt, 1 ... 0 2 0 0 1
Stovey, 1 1 1
1 0
Manning. 2. 0 0 5 2 1 l'urcell, r. . 1 4 0 0 0
Hooer. c... 0 0 4 2 0 Kennclly, s.. 0 10 2 0
Alvord.3.... 0 0 1 2 lIVTeyblug, p. 0 0 0 0 0
bonders, p. 0 1 0 0 0, Cross, c 0 0 12 0 0
Totals.....2"5 21 12 4 Totals 5 10 27 10 4
Kansas Citys , o 000000202
Athletics 0 0030101' 5
Karncd runs Athletics, 3.
Two-base hits Long and Burns.
Sacrifice hit Stovey.
Home run Stovey.
stolen base Cross
Double plays Manning, alone; Burns and
Stearns: Lyons and Larkln.
First base on balls Off Sowders, 2; Wcyhlng, 2.
Struck out By Sowders, 3; by Weyhlng, 8.
l'assed ball Hoover.
vt Ild pitches Weyhlng.
T Imc of game Two hoars and 10 minutes.
Umpire Goldsmith.
The Browns Let Looae nnd Slaughter the
ST. LOUIS, August 25. The Browns knocked
Foreman out of the lot in third inning of to
day's game, earning 7 out of 12 runs. The fol
low in is the score.
Latham. 3... 0
McCarthy, r. 4
O'Nelll.1.. .. 3
Comlskev. 1. 2
0 0
3 I
2 1
Grlffln.m.... 2
shlndle. 3... 3
Tucker. 1.... 0
Jiacc z -
Bornung 1.2
Sommers,r. 0
Holland, s.. 0
liobinson, 2. 2 1
Dutiee, m... 1 1
Fuller, s.... 2 3
Boyle, c 1 2
King, p 1 3
Mllllgan, c. 0 1
Qulun, c... 0
AWatUMtU, p, v
Totals 9 15 27 II 5
Totals 16 18 27 18 3
St.Iouis 2 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 1-16
Baltimore 3 0110202 0-9
iviriied runs bt- Louis, S: Bjltlmores, 7.
Two-bate hits O'Neill, 2: McCarthy, SMndle,
2; Sommcrs. Fuller Tucker,
Three-babe htlHoinang.
Home run ltobliison.
fcicrlficc hits Tucker. Qulnn.
Molen bases McCarthy. ComlsUcy.
Double plavs bhlndl and Tucker: Robinson,
Fuller, ComULey; Holland. Mack, Tucker.
Kirst bag-eon ball -Off King, 3; off Foreman, 3.
lilt by pitched ball Foreman. .
Struck out By Foreman, 4; bv King, 1.
Wild pitches -Foreman. Kins.
lime ol jrume Two hours and 30 minutes.
Umpire Holland.
Cincinnati's Attempt to Floy Ball at Ham
ilton Frustrated bj tho I.ocnl Law
nnd Order League Players
Each Fined 85 nnd Costs.
Cincinnati, August 25. Driven from home
by the stern guardians of the law, the Cincin
nati and Brooklyn Baseball Clubs traveled up
to Hamilton this morning, 25 miles out on the
Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad.
On the grounds of the Tri-Statc League club,
just outside the city limits, the teams played
this afternoon in the presence of 0,000 specta
tors. Three big excursions were run up from
the Queen City, and this crowd was swelled by
a conple of thousand Ilamiltonians.
Before the game. Managers Scbmelz and Mc
Gunnigleand the plajcrs of both teams wero
taken out and arraigned before a white
wbiskerea, red-noed country 'Saulre, who in
formed them that they were under arrest for
violating the State law that forbids the playing
of ball on Sunday. That was all of the legal
interference at that time.
Tho Reds did nothing with Caruthers in the
first, but the visitors fell upon "the cyclone"
with force. Collins got a base on balls and
Foutz a two-bagger. Then Burns made a tap
which resulted in Collins being put out at the
plate. On Plnkney's double into left both run
ners scored. Visner began the second with a
beautiful drive to right, but was doubled on
Caruthers' hot grounder to Jlcl'hee. Beard
mado the first safe drive for the Reds,
but Keenan forced him out. Foutz
muffed the throw and saved Jim's life, but
he was left. Corkhill once more repeating his
base-hit killing act at Nichol's expense. With
Foutz out at first. Burns lifted the ball over
the right field fence and ran home, but owing
to a ground rule itcnt down his magnificent
hit to two bases, whilo Foutz also had to walk
back to third. They did not linger there very
long, for 1'inkney smashed at the ball for two
pillows, and both of them tallied.
McPhco led off in the fourth inning with a
nice hit, and then Mullane drew a base on
balls. Reilly hit a long fly to left, which
O'Brien caught after a great run. Carpenter's
scratch hit filled the bases. Tebeau followed
with a high bounding ball, which Collins got
by a jump. Hub touched second and Carpen
ter was out, but a wild throw past Foutz
enabled the other two runners to score.
It was lu tho latter half of this inning, with
the score 4 to 2 in favor of Brooklyn, that a
'spectacle not on the bills occurred. Visner
began business with a hit too hot to handle,
and Caruthers was at the bat, when a commo
tion at the outer gate directed all eyes to that
spot. A battalion of police, 18 in number, com
manded by Chief Lindley, walked in. In a
moment the field was crowded and play was
suspended. The 18 players were marched out
to wagons and carriages and taken to the city
buildiinr, where they were arraigned before
Mayor Dirk. Not a word of testimony was
heard, and His Honor simply fined them S5
and costs, making the bill 3159.30, which the
Cincinnati club had to foot. Scveraf of the
Reds did not appear at all, they agoing out into
the woods, where the aforosiid whiskered
justice held court to emntjryiuches. The In
terrupted came will be played at Brooklyn
when the Reds reach therein September.
Tho Brooklyns returned to tho city and left
for Baltimore to-night; A warrant for Bob
Fergnson was not 2ervcd, for the old man lost
no time in changing his cap and mingling with
the throng. All the arrests were made upon
complaints ol the Law and Order League of
Association Record.
l'eri Per
V'on.I.ost.Ct.i Won.fAit.Ct.
8t. Lonls 70 33 .680 Clnclntntls. ..65 48 .531
HrooklriM,....67 34 an; Kansas Citys. .42 60 .412
!Saltllnfy3....S9 42 .-'M Columbni 39 IS .371
Athletics li .561,LouliVillea....S 32 .212
Cnrtvrrlcht nnd McClelland.
There is considerable talk about an hour's
eo-as-you-pleasfl race between George Cart
wright, tho Englishman, and E.C. McClelland,
of this city. The latter's hackers think he is as
cood as any in an hour's race, and if he defeats
.Nikirk in their mile race, it is likely he will bo
matched against Cartwnght for $1,000 a side.
Will How Him Aealn.
D. Gould, the McKcesport rower, called at
this office last evening and left the following
challenge: "Hearing that Charles Schell claims
that an injured wrist prevented him from de
feating me on Saturday, I am willing to row
him again at any time and for any amount of
money. An answer through The Dispatch
will receive attention."
Will Retire the Bnrd.
New Yokk, August 25. Dr. Sheppard, the
well-known veterinary, said to-day that Mr.
Casatt had definitely decided to send The
Itrd to tho nhod. "If Mr. Cassatt conld con
sent to havo him fired,"observed Dr. Sheppard.
"I am almost certain that ho could stand train
ing again, because his caso is not within 50 per
cent as bad as Troubadour's was, bnt Mr. Cas
satt does not caro to have his great horse sub
mitted to that operation."
Speaking of Eurus, tho doctor said that he
had every hone that he would stand training
again next year. Ho is suffering from a weak
ened sheath of tho flexipedes tendon of the
rear fore leg. There is nc rupture.
To-Day. Games.
National League Indianapolis at Pitts
burg: Chicagos at Cleveland; Bostons at Phila
delphia: Washingtons at New York.
Am erican Association Louisvillesat Cin
cinnati; Kansas CfysatSt. Louis.
International Leaoue Bochestcrs at
Buffalo; Hamilton at London; Detroits at
Syracuse; Toledos at Toronto.
TrI-Stnte Lcneue.
Wheeling, August 25. The last champion
ship game of the season was played hero this
alternoon with Canton.that team defeating the
home team by the score of 11 to 4.
Tho Society Received It. Charter A Warn
ing From the Spirit World Spiritualists
to Have a Picnic.
The hall of the Pittsburg Society of
Spiritualists, on Sixth street, was thronged
last nisht on account of the fact that Mr.
and Mrs. G. AV. Kates, the -well-known
spiritualists of Philadelphia, were an
nounced to speak to the audience.
The society has just obtained its charter
as a legal organization, nnd all the members
were very jubilant on that account, because
there has frequently been a very strong op
position to the Spiritualists, when they have
asked for a charter. The Pittsburg society
is the second legal body of a spiritualistic
organization in this State.
After Mr. Kates had given a lengthy dis
course upon the objects of the society, it
was announced that Mrs. Kates would make
a lew spiritual tests. The lady at once
walked over to a gentleman in the front row
of the seats and told him she was drawn to
him by a spirit named Mary. The gentle
man said that was his mother, who had died
some years ago. Then Mrs. Kates said:
"I now see the spirit of a lady, clad in
the garb worn by people 50 years ago. She
tells me her name is Sarah Jamison, some
times called Annie Sarah Jamison. She is
anxious to communicate with one "William
Jamison, who lives in Allegheny. That
man is in great trouble, and the spirit
wants to warn him of danger which is
ahead of him. I can see a board, and it
looks as if be were to tumble and fall. Does
anybody know this "William Jamison?"
A man in the rear of the hall got up, and
replied that he knew him well.
"Then please tell him of the warning of
the spirit, and let him be careful not to en
ter any new building iu the future, because
he may meet with an accident."
That closed the tests for the evening, and
the secretary announced that all the mem
bers who would like to go to the picnic with
the society next Thursday should not fail to
buy their tickets.
Cardinal Gibbons Will Attend St. Phllo
raena's Celebration.
The services at the coming semi-centenary
of St. Philomena's Church, on Fourteenth
street, next October, will be on a scale of
grandeur rarely witnessed in this section of
the country. The church has lately been
renovated and internally decorated, and
with the magnificent floral display that will
be made it will present an imposing spec
tacle. The first service will be on Thursday,
October 3, when a solemn Pontifical High
mass will be sung. It is expected that
Bishop Phelan will be the celebrant. Sun
day, however, will be the greatest of the
four feast days. Cardinal Gibbons,of Balti
more, and Archbishop Ryan, have signified
their intention ot participating in the jubi
lee; beside all the surviving former rectors
and all the college students, and men who
have been admitted to the priesthood from
the church. The mass that will bs sung on
the occasion is Staern's Mass in D, with his
Magnificat. This mass has never been
sung in the city before, and it will be the
chief attraction from a musical standpoint.
There will be a very lavish display of fire
works during the celebration-
Abont GOO Members of tho G. A. R. Start
for Milwaukee.
Post 128, G. A. K., which has been as
signed for special escort duty at the Na
tional G. A. B. Encampment opening at
Milwaukee to-day, together with a number
of comrades from other posts, left the city
yesterday over the Port "Wayne road
at 8:15 A.M. On their arrival at" Milwau
kee they will act as escort to department
officers "and delegates from the different
trains to their hotels. They will camp at
Ninth and Grand streets. In all, Pittsburg
will be represented by about 600 members of
the G. A. E.
Delegates from Philadelphia, Jersey City
and other Eastern points passed through the
city yesterday.
A Fivo-Yenr-Old Child Knocked Down and
Yesterday a milk wagon, driven by Frank
Otto, drove over the 5-year-old son of J. "W.
Taylor, on "Warren street, Allegheny, near
the child's home.
Young Taylor tried to cross the street.and
the horse struck him on the head, stunning
him. He was carried to his father's resi
dence. It was found an abrasion of the scalp, but
no other wounds had been made. The
driver was arrested and taken to the Alle
gheny lockup, where his employer, a dairy
man named Linkley, shortly afterward ap
peared to bail him out.
A "ew Catholic Chnrch.
A new Catholic Church is to be erected at
Chartiers borough, on the ground lately
purchased by the Diocesan Trustees. The
church is to be called St. Catherine's, and
the cornerstone will be laid by Bishop Phe
lan on Sunday, September 8, when an im
pressive ceremony will take place. Bev.
Morgan Sheedy has been asked to preach
on the occasion. The new church will be
very extensive, as the grounds extend to
more than an acre.
Cheaper Thnn tho Feathers by the Pound
Onr Prices
For Booth & For, finest eider down quilts
and pillows French satine and royal satin
covers come and see them to-day.
Jos. Houne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Another Lot of Those Qaick Selling Black
Surah fiilhs
2G inches wide and only 75 cents a yard
headquarters here for bargains in black su
rah silks 50 cents a yard to finest.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Wo Want Yoa to Attend Our Blanket Sale
Commences to-day come in and see the
best and cheapest all wool country blankets.
Jos. Hokne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
SO Per Cent Lean Onr Elder Down Quilt
Than the usual retail prices, and these are
the best eider down goods made.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Booth Si Fox, Belfast, - Ireland, Elder
Down Qnilts
The best in- the world half prices on the
.entire stock of their New York branch
'house come and see them to-day.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
I'enn Avenue Stores.
Tho Brotherhood Kot Disposed to
Interfere With it.
Some Interesting Facts About the Clnb and
Admirers of the Giants Feel Blue Abont theEecent
The special baseball correspondents of
The DisrATdi send some interesting facts
from Boston, New York and "Washington.
The brotherhood is not inclined to take up
Conway's case, but it will fight for Sutcliffe.
Many people want Paul Hines back to
Boston, August 24, 1SS0. The poor
miszuided Giants! Not a game could they
get here in Boston, although they managed
to make the first game a draw. The New
York players are disheartened, but they
only speak in the highest praise of their
treatment here, where they played before
enormous crowds. Think of something li fco
33,000 turning out to see three games of ball.
Mutrie only received one-quarter of the re
ceipts, which amounted to over 4,000; but
if he sees fit he can come back hero again
and play off the postponed game, which was
interrupted by rain in the early spring.
But Mutrie will not come back; not unless
there is money in it and a fighting chance
for the championship. The New Yorks are
not out of the race by any means, but they
will be if Tim Keefe doesn't improve in his
work. He was batted very hard here, and hi
numerous friends and admirers in this vicinity
are at a loss to account for his sudden let
down. Ono of the New York players said to
the writer:
"Why, we would bo away in tho lead now
were it not for the taking away of the Polo
grounds. We played in fataten Island, and
nearly every man on the team was sick or lame,
and some of tho boys have not got over their
ailments yet. Why, in some of the games
there was a big London fog hanging over tbo
grounds, and a man cguld scarce! v see a ball
when it was hit high in the air. The outfield
was a wooden platform, and the fielders had to
wear lawn tennis shoes instead of our spiked
ball Bhoes."
"You have played many years in New York:
how docs it compare to Boston as a ball town?"
"Sho! New York is a great town, but Boston
as a ball town downs the world. They weaken
on a team quicker In New York than in
"As yon are a prominent brotherhood man,
would you bejeind enough to tell me if the or
ganization will figbt the Pittsburg club on
behalf of Pcta Conwayf "They say wo will,
bat you say for me that we will do nothing of
the kind. The Pittsburg club has met many
reverses this season; nevertheless. If they
were to blame in Conway's case we would
fight them just tho same. Peto has
been advised on the matter, and
be knows that we wouldn't care about having
his case ventilated in court. Wo went to the
front for Thompson, Richardson and Dnnlap
of the old Detroit team, and they got their sal
ary in full. "We will soon tackle the magnates
on the Sutcliffe case. Ho receives only 1,750
from Cleveland, but they have been Irvine to
bluff people that his salary is 2,000. Why, in
Detroit ho received $2,230."
"The New Yorks are the people I" cried Mutrlo
the ?rcat;'
Bat the boys down In Pittsburg soon settled his
Boston sends many congratulations to Pitts
burg for scooping in the Qiants in three
straight games. It Is really too bad that the
boys did not begin the good work earlier in the
season, for that is the time to scoop in the
money. The people are enthusiastic daring
the fore part of the season, and they can stand
a drop later on if tho team is well up in the
race. What luck Cleveland has had in the
race! Why they actually coined money during
the first three months of the season, and even
now the attendance Is excellent, for the Forest
City enthusiasts are hoping for their boys to
tako another spurt. Pittsburg is stronger than
Cleveland, but the latter team had their men
in fine condition during the first threo months
of the race, while the "Burgers" were com
pletely broken up.
Joe Quinn is covering second base for Boston
while the redonbtaDle Hardie Richardson
scoops in everything in left field. Brown has
been lamentably weak at the bat of late and
will play very few games during the remainder
of the season if Quinn tills the bill at second.
Broutbers is keeping tip bis great stick work,
but his first base record has fallen olf some of
late. "Pop" Smith is filling the bill at short
stop, but bis batting is away off at time.
Crane, of the New Yorks, had a picnic with
"Pop" in Wednesday's game, and ho fanned
the air nntil it was blue. The double umpire
svstem proved an immense success during the
New York series. Knight and JUcQuaid
officiated, and there was no kicking on cither
side. Even "Buck" Ewins failed to enliven
tho crowd with his usual guff.
Charles J. Foley.
Their Poor Showlnc BInUIns Their Patrons
Very Weary.
New Yokk, August 25l Tho champions
arrived home Thursday from Boston, but were
not received by a brass band at tho station.
For how could they expect this after having
the life knocked out of them by the Bean
Eaters. When they started away on their last
Western trip every one expected them to take
8 out of the 12 games to be played. When they
left Cleveland for Pittsburg they had won
eight out of nino games (a very fine record), so
all expected them to take two, if not all of tho
games at the Smoky City, but when day after
day the defeats were pouring Id the people
began to think that the champions bad lost
their grip. Well, any way, tho Bostons were
losing, so it did not give the latter team such a
Different stories were told of theNew Yorks'
defeats, most of which was that this or that
player was injured. One was said to have a
lame leg, another a split finger, and so on. But
why didn't the club hit the ball? Why didn't
Keefe and Welch keep tho hits scattered.
Well, the only answer is they couldn't. What
the trouble Is no ono seems to know, bnt it
seems they have for the present lost their grip.
An way, the team started for Boston, where
they were expected to take two games, but not
to win any is hard for us New Yorkers to swal
low. The first game ought to have belonged to
the visitors, but Ewing got "rajzle dazzled"
and threw so wild that the Bean Eaters got
enough runs to'make the contest a tie.
The last two games Mutrie's men were clearly
overmatched. The visitors were nowhere.
The home team lit on to onr pitchers with ease
and pounded them all over the ground;, while
onr heavy sluggers were pigmies in tho hands
of Clarkson and Radbourne. This has been
the saddest week for the cranks in New York
City of tho season.
In Brooklyn they also have the horrors,
while the Browns were making monkeys of the
Brooklyns, Right on even terms with Von der
Ahe's men and then to take that tnmble seems
odd, but then they can't do better than to get
on even terms with the champions. So it goes;
they drop and then go right on chasing the
leader until thoy are right on their heels when
somethings breaks and down they go. At the
present time the Brooklyns have lifted them
selves again to almost hailing distance of the
leader, but it would not' be a suprise if they fall
by the way again. It both our teams would
only braco up and play tho ball that is in them
there would be no doubt as to what two clubs
will play for the world's championship next
October. J.H.M.,t
More Changes in Their Clnb Required Tho
Double Umpire System.
Washington, August 25. Tho Senators
will be home next Thursday, and tho indica
tions are that they will receive a cordial greeting.-
While away they have not bettered their
staading in tbo pennaut race, but they have
bettered themselves in the estimation of home
patrons. Although they have not played
winning hall, they have encouraged their
friends to hope they will make a better show
ing next season if the present team is kept
intact. It is too late in the year to experiment
with young pitchers, and Keefe, Ferson and
Haddock shonla be able to do the twirling
nntil the middle of October.
John Irwin appears to be almost as uncertain
as "Pete" Sweney. The farmer goes in and
plays two or three games In most brilliant
style, and then he turns aronnd and goes to
Elects when bis services are most needed. The
ome cranks are calling upon the management
to secure new first and third basemen. A
strong prejudice seems to bare set In against
Carney, and the opinion Is freely expressed
that he is out-ckused in League company. It
would be well for the home management
to stop and consider before releasing this
promising youngster. The records chow that
during the past week he has been getting in bis
base hits and sacrifices in almost every game.
There is an outcry for the borne manage
ment to purchase Paul Hines' release from In
dianapolis. There is no question about Paul
being a good "stidfcer," but there are some who
believe that tho old man has played bis limit,
and will be forced by age to go to the rear. The
veterans, in baseball, as in all tbo other walks
of life, cannot realize tho ravages timo makes
upan them. There are but few men in the hall
business who can look back over their record
on the diamond with moro pride than Paul
Hines. He made bi3 debut as an amateur in
this city over 20 years ago, and has played pro
fessionally with the Nationals, of this city. At
the instance of Nick Young Paul was given a
tr'il in Chicago, and he soon went to the front
as one of the leading batsmen of tho League.
He has maintained a prominent position among
the sluggers ever since, and oven now he Is
pretty well up among tho "star hitters."
The demand for the double umpire system is
growing louder and more general daily, so that
President Young will sooneror later he obliged
to submit the proposition to his brother mag
nates. The system worked so admirably dur
ing the recent New York-Boston series that
there is but little room for argument on the
other side. On the occasions mentioned tho
most exciting struggle of the season took place,
and not a murmur has been heard about the
umpiring of Messrs McQuaid and Knight.
President Y'oung admits that the system Is
a satisfactory one. but looking at the matter
from a purely business standpoint, he does not
caro to recommend the employment of four ad
ditional umpires without full consent from all
the League clubs, who are assessed equally
to provide the umpires' fund. It costs a large
sum of money to keep the League staff in the
field, and the question is whether the weaker
clubs, some of which are not making expenses
now, will be willing to stand an additional as
sessment to maintain the extra umpires.
Mr. Young holds that tho emergency cannot
he met by appointing local talent to assist the
regular members of the staff, neither is he in
favor of allowing two players from opposing
teams to ofiiciate. In such cases the work is
invariably unsatisfactory, and If the double
system is agreed upon the regular staff should
be increased to eight umpires.
There arc no new developments concerning
the new home of the Senators. Tho Van Ness
Park site is generally accepted as the most de
sirable, all things considered, but the present
occupants hold a leaso, which has several years
to run, and they are not disposed to concede it
except npon the payment of an unreasonable
premium. Negotiations are pending, and Mr.
Hewitt expects to reacli a satisfactory conclu
sion with tho owners bef oro next season opens.
R. M. Labneb.
President Brash Willi the Hoonlers Sev
eral Chnoges Needed.
lNDiANAPOL,ls,August 24. The Indianapolis
ball team will leave for Pittsburg to-morrow
afternoon in charge of Manager Glasscock.
President Brush may possibly accompany the
clnb on its last Eastern trip simply to get away
from business, but will in no way Interfere
with the management of the team. I suspect
that Mr. Brush is laying plans for next season
and wants to feel the pulse of some of the
Eastern moguls in regard to certain matters of
importance to the whole League. There Is no
longer any doubt about Indianapolis being in
the field next season, and the management is
already looking for a man or two. As the team
stands now no changes are needed outside of
the box and first base. Since Andrews joined
the Hoosicrs Martin Sullivan has been playing
the initial bag most of the time, but he
Is not up to the standard, and as
Hines is in the same boat the team
will certainly have a new man at first in 1890.
It is likely that either Hines or Sullivan will be
sold or released some time soon, bnt the man
agement has not yet decided which one to keep,
Sullivan has done fairly good work on the base,
bnt taking into consideration the habits of the
two men and Hines' superiority as a batter.
Manager Glasscock is inclined to favor the re
tention of the old man.
Andrews has shown up in great form, and
adds much strength to the team. During the
past week he has done brilliant work in the
field, and is holding his own at the bat. Mc
Geacby, Andrews and Seery constitute an out
field that cannot be improved npon. Mc
Ueachy's work during the Dast threo weeks has
been something remarkable. He gets every
thing that coincs in sight, and his throwing to
the bases and plate is little less phenomenal.
From an ordinary batter he has developed into
one of the best hitters in the team. His aver
age during the series of games just completed
is over 400, and as a run-setter he has but few
Rnsie has returned from Burlington, la., to
which club he was loaned three weeks since,
and will tako his regular turn with Getzeln
and Boyle during the remainder of the season.
He has been pitching good ball and will no
doubt make a fine record for a youngster. The
Hooslers have been putting up a stiff game
recently, and hope to hold their own during the
trip. Pittsburg has gained a good lead, bnt tho
season is not over yet and Captain Glasscock
and his men will be heard from later on. It is
no snre thing that the local clnb will not
beat Cleveland out even if Pittsburg can not be
headed off. The League Infants are on a very
slippery "slide" just now. and there is no tell
ing where they will end. The chief weakness
of tho Cleveland men Is a lack of batting
The Hooslers took two out of the series, and
but for an unfortunate error in to-day's gajne
would have mado it three straights. Manager
Ljftus complains bitterly of the treatment his
club has received at the hands of the umpires,
but it seems to me that Faatz does a great deal
of unnecessary kicking, and it is probable that
the Cleveland captain wants the earth and is,
mad when he fails to get it, and Loftus natur
ally falls into line. I simply base this opinion
of what I taw in the series just closed.
President Brush is trying to arrange a series
of games between the Indianapolis, Cleveland,
Cincinnati and Columbus, to be played imme
diately after the championship season is over.
Cleveland and Cincinnati are both in favor of
it, and Columbus will likely be willing to take
a hand. The idea is to arrange a schedule of 12
games. A. G. Ovens.
Grand Army Veterans Leave for the Na
tional Encampment.
About 30 members of Post- 41, G. A. B.,
and 20 members of Post 83, all uniformed,
departed for Milwaukee, by the Pittsburg
and "Western Baihvay, at 1:40 P. M. yester
day. They occupied a special car, which
was decorated on the outside with a streamer
bearing the title of Post 41. That organiza
tion went as a body, while the members of
Post 88 went as individuals. A number of
other veterans left on the same train, in the
Chicago through car. The party will reach
Milwaukee at 10:15 a. m. today.
Ono Accident on Forbe Street and Another
in Allecheny.
Frank Mesmer was injured by being
thrown from his buggy on "Washington ave
nue, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon. His
horse became unmanageable and made a
sudden turn, throwing Mesmer to the street.
He was badly bruised about the head, but
sustained no serious injuries. He was re
moved to his home in the Eleventh ward in
patrol wagon No. 2.
Alexander Hardy, who lives on Atwood
street, Oakland, was driving on Forbes
street last night when the singletree broke
and fell on the horse's heels, frightening
him. He ran against a stone pile, throw
ing Mr. Hardy out on the street, giving
him a number of ugly bruises about the
body and head. The horse was caught
near by.
Notes on tho Comlns Term of the Western
On September 5 the winter term of the
"Western University opens in the new
buildings, and the prospects of this
sterling old institution were never so
bright in its long career. The
faculty is a strong one in classics, the most
successful professors of the languages
having been obtained. The sciences will
be given special attention, the course in
civil and mechanical engineering be
ing as thorough as that obtainable
anywhere. The inducements now offered
young men by the "Western TJniversitv were
never equaled by that institution, and cer
tainly nqt surpassed by any other in the
Hotel Keepers and Housekeepers,
Attend our blanket sale and get the best all
wool blankets for the least monev.
JOs. HORNE-& Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
SO Per Cent Less Onr Elder Down Qallt
Than the usual retail prices, and these are
the best eider down goods made.
,' Jos. Hokne & Co.'s
, Penn Avenue Stores.
Her Strong Ann Quickly Brings a
Stalwart Man to His Knees.
Administered to a Scoundrel 'Who Acted a3
a Bogus Lover.
Tho Indignant Amazon UnDasts Her Persecutors in
Open Court.
The husband of a young married woman,
with the aid of a friend and a gipsy fortune
teller, arranged a plot to entrap her. The
scheme was unsuccessful, and one of the
parties received a severe cowhiding at the
hands of the indignant woman.
Swataea Gap, Pa., August 25. Possi
bly one of the most exciting cowhidings that
ever took place in Eastern Pennsylvania
was witnessed at the Sandstone Spring
school the other evening. Three persons
were eye-witnesses of the affair. The young
woman who did the lashing with a black-
snake whip carried it under her waterproof
circular. Her maiden name was Allie
Zuber. She was married to Harry Marstel
ler a year ago. He owned a tract of wood
land on the Blue Mountain, and was char
coaling it with a gang of coalers.
The young married couple did not get
along well together, and Marsteller disap
peared and went "West, telling his wife
nothing of his intentions or destination.
Allie Zuber continued living with her
parents, and she has the respect of the
entire community, and when the people
learned of the terrific lashing that she had
given to Ben Hade, a charcoal burner, they
said it served him perfectly right.
Hade came down from the hill where the
men had a shanty built, and was going to
town for provisions, for which he carried a
basket. It had been raining, but he car
ried no umbrella. Allie Zuber stood in the
doorway of the scboolhouse, which faced
away from the road. She knew Hade
would pass that way at that hour, because
such was his daily custom.
It was about 7 o'clock in the evening that
two gunners and one woman berry picker
approached the schoolhouse. Ahead of
them was Ben Hade with "his basket. Sud
denly they saw a young woman rapidly rua
from the schoolhouse toward Hade. He
saw her coming, and also started to run.
Hade is about 30 years of age, of medium
height, and of considerable strength. The
woman easily overtook him, and, pulling
out an immense blacksnake whip from
under her waterproof, she delivered a
stinging blow with the lash across Hade's
face that threw him back completely
stunned. He reeled and staggered, and the
woman then delivered another swinging
cutting blow across his face, over his nose,
just below her first cut. Hade fell to his
knees blinded, whereupon the woman, full
of fury, her black eyes flashing and her lips
firmly set, delivered blow after blow across
Hade's shoulders, head and body, until he
roared out in agony:
"For God's sake, Allie, don't kill me."
"Don't kill you?" she replied, hotly and
in an excited tone. "Don't kill you?
"Why, you deserve to die, you wretch, you
brute 1" and down came the whip a number
of times more, until Hade rolled upon the
grass, his head protected by his arms and
By this time one of the gunners, Constable
Henry Stroll, had ran to the spot, and seiz
ing the woman's arm he quickly disarmed
her. She was terribly excited, and when
commanded to stop her assault she became
white, and appeared to be ready to drop to
the ground in a dead faint. Old Mary
Luce, the berry picker, then came up and
assisted the young woman to her home.
ConstableStroll swore out a warrant, and
the case was heard before 'Squire Armand
Kline. The Constable had no desire to see
pretty Allie Zuber punished, but desired it
to be" fully exposed .why Hade had been so
unmercifully whipped. Hade was present
at the hearing, his face bound up with ban
dages to hide the livid red marks made by
the lash of the young woman's whip across
his face. The witnesses described the
whipping, and the Justice appeared to be
about binding the accused ovet to appear at
court, when she arose and said:
" 'Squire Kline, I should like to make a
statement, in order to show to my friends in
church and Sunday school why I did this.
You all know I am not a woman ever sup
posed capable of doing such a thing, but I
was driven to it."
'Squire Kline made no interruption, and
the young woman continued:
"You know this man Hade at one time
worked for my husband in the mountain.
This was before my husband disappeared
from home. Well, some time ago, yon all
remember, there was a gipsy camp up at
the spring. They were trading horses there.
One of their women came to our house and
wanted to tell fortunes. She was after me
for three days. Each day she wonld say a
little to me in bints about my old love af
fairs, which excited my curiosity. At last
I said she might tell my fortune. It was
on our back porch. Our folks had gone to
a funeral. The old gipsy woman had a red
face, red shawl, black hair and
big earrings. She said that a man
had good news for me. That
my husband was off. That a man was near
me who loved' me, but for my husband's
sake was keeping quiet; that the man was
either willing to get my husband back or
marry me. The gipsy woman went on in
that way lor some time, and she described
the man. By the description it was Ben
Hade there. Ben at one time did go home
with me from church, and I thought much
of him. That was beiore I was married to
my husband. I was foolish enough to
listen to the gipsy woman. I paid her SO
cents, hard earned money, too, and she
went off. The next day she came again
and told me of her dream. She ad
vied me to go to the little wooden
bridce at 9 o'clock at night and see the
man; that he dared not come to the house
because I was not divorced. I then said I'd
go, because I thought my husband had gone
away from me on some false report, and I
was willing to do my share to get him back.
I went to the bridge, and sure enough there
was Ben Hade near a tree. It was
and I was not afraid. Ben told me right off
how he had always loved me, said he'd get
a divorce, and we'd get married and be
hapDV. He said my husband was cruel, and
before I knew it he had his arm right around
my waist, and attempted to kiss me as
he drew me to him, when suddenly my
husband jumped out from behind a
tree where he had been hid and exclaimed:'
'Now, woman, your caught. I've got it
dead on you now.' Ben Hade ran away as
though he was scared to death. I saw at
once that I had been trapped. My hu-band
said no more, but I exclaimed: 'Harry,
come here; come to me and go home with
me. Let us have an understanding;' but he
disappeared up the road. The next morn
ing I went straight up to that gipsy camp.
My father went with me. we saw the
gipsy woman and got her secret. She is
here to tell it, if vou will please to hear it."
At this , a tall, angular, dark-skinned
woman in the corner arose and came for
ward. 'Squire Kline said she could go
ahead. Behind the woman stood Allie Za
ber's stalwart father, determined that the
gipsy should tell the truth.
"What's your name?" asked 'Squire
"Grace Tuthro, yer Honor," said the
woman. "I buried my Bomany husband a
vear azo. I am with -the Asblevs now, sir.
I read the future for them that wishes it.
Some time ago the hurt man at the window
there came to the camp and chatted with
mc. He said he loved a woman; he told me
where her borne was, and gave me a list of
her experiences in life. He wanted rue to
help him woo her for a wife, he said. I
took him for honest.
"It was a pleasant work and a common
thing for us to do to start two lovers on the
way to marriage. I found this young
woman, persuaded her thrice, I think, to
have her future read, and at last she al
lowed. I told her everything that man
said. I took him honest. When I was told
all the truth. I said J. would come here and
spread the news."
The gipsy woman then glared at Ben
Hade and retired to her .corner, evidently
glad at having exposed him.
Hade then got up and said: "That's all
true, 'Squire. It was dirty work I. did for
Marsteller, so as be could get ground for a
divorce. She's an honest young woman,
and the cuts I got was about what I de
served." That ended thehearing: the young woman
was discharged, the people cheered her, and
she walked home with her father. Hade
has disappeared, and nothing has been
learned ot the whereabouts of Marsteller.
The gypsy woman was allowed to depart,
saying it was the last lover's job she'd take
part in of that kind.
For Western Penn
sylvania, fair; slight
ly warmer; southeast
erly winds.
For West Virginia,
fair; warmer; east
erly winds.
PrrTSBuno, August 25, 1SSJ.
The United States Signal Service officer la
this city furnishes the following:
Time. Tiier.
I "J her.
Mean temp 71
Maximum temp.... S3
Minimum temp..... 59
Itancre "i
enui. v .........65
1:00 r. x
2.-00 r. ii.
6:00 P. v..
Precipitation. 00
8:00 P.M.
Klver at 5 p. v.. 1. rem r.n r n rA- i..l
River Dispatches.
Wakbew River 2-10 of ono loot and sta
tionary. Weather clear and warm.
Browitsvtilk River 4 leet and rising.
Weather clear. Thermometer 84 at 4 P. M.
Moboantowu River 3 feet 6 inches and
stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer K at
4P. H.
Baltimore Maintains a Slight tend Over (be
Iron City.
Boston, August 25. The following
table shows the gross exchanges ot the
Clearing House in the cities named, for the
week ended August 24, with rates per cent
of increase or decrease, as compared with
the similar amounts lor the corresponding
week in 1888:
Inc. IJee.
HewYork Sffi3,78S,7l S.5 ....
Boton A 71.C9S.&S 2.5 ....
fhlladelpbla C3I7.G05 12.0 ....
Chicago 62.301.000 6.8
Bt. Louis 18,467,914 8.2
San Francisco 18,933,908 M.7 ....
Baltimore 12,9:M,a 11.7
nttsbnrir 11.37,777 14.9 ....
Cincinnati SJSiM) 11.2 ....
Kansas CUT. 7.(178,692 .... 6.8
Louisville 5,708.419 30.3
MewUrlean 4.93,951 44.3
Providence i:vs,(0 21.8 ....
Milwaukee ,5HC00 ;j.s
MlnneaDolU. 3,621,372 11.8 ....
St. l'aul 3,614,171 21.3
OmaOS 3,764.812 24.2 ....
Detroit. 4.973.437 19.1 ....
Denver 3,b63,CS S4.8 ....
Cleveland 3,4S3,2t 10.9
Columbus 2.2&3C0 25.8
Hartford 1.410.8S7 11.8
Richmond. . 1.154.094 11.8
Memphu 947.008 14.8 ....
Indianapolis 1,773,032 9.7 ....
l'eorla. 1,438,929 43.7
St. Joseph 1,121,543 .... 21.4
Portland; Me. 997,728 11.2 ....
Fort Worth 953,812 123.S
Dallas 1,281,918 33.2 ....
Duluth 1,004,373 .... 64.3
New Haven 992,8o4 7.3 ....
BpnnEfleld 992,991 0.6
Worcester 875,629 ... 1.7
Halveston 938,02s 33.9
Horrolt 433,538 .... 6.7
Wichita 8M.874 37.5
Syracu-e 637.912 5.8
HrandKaplds 561.79J 6.2
Lowell 723.047 11.9
Los Angeles 429,0 1 59.2
lies Moines. 54i,168 21.6 ....
Topclta 339,973 1.9 ....
Buffalo 2,917,:S6
l'ortland. Ore L55G.0SS
"lilrmlDsrham C69;HB
Sioux City 400,503
Tacoma 553,521 .... ....
Montreal 8,900,711
Halifax 1,037,975
Total 959,537,448 17.9- ....
Outside Hew YorK 335,751,662 8.9
Not Included In totals; no Clearing House at
this time last vear.
Both Coyle In One Cell.
John Coyle, brother of "William Coyle.
went to the police headquarters in Alle
gheny City Hall last night, and cursed the
officers for arresting his brother. . It was
"William who fought three officers Saturday
night. John drew a stone froai his pocket
and tried to strike Officer Johnston. He
was put into the cell with his brother.
1 any one who wfll contradict
oj prooz oar chum that
Acme Blacking
To make an hiteHteent tort of this, try the foncw
fxiff method: Hong s strip of leather in a bottle of
Acme Blacking, and leaTO it there for a day or
month. Take it oat and hang it up to dry and ex
amine its condition carcf nllj. We recommend ladies
to make a similar feet with French Dressmir. and
rentlemen with any liquid rotation of Paste Black
ing, or with liquid blacking that comes in stone joe,
Mikes any kind of leather f
Its beuuifnl, rich, GLOSSY POLISH is m
equaled. Savet labor and annoyanee.
A PoIIhIi Lastii a Month for Women, and
AWeekfornten. ndon Harness Leather
even Four Months without renovating.
Sold bj Shoe Stores, Grocers, and dealers generally.
DeslriDc to
enr a FIrt
Cln Tin
Kor, voicfe
cd pon to lrt for maar rear.
d POT! to lait for nun Tuari. v.rl at Urn ism
time protect thenuetrca ac&Init the ate of Inferior
natnial, can obtain fall partimlan by Trrttlni ttf
for a oopy of onr new book, entitled
Toil book tbovt bov to MlMl 1 mA nrniat m. tla ffi
iw, aw "u""u uhn mm ox 00 u
Phllada., New York, Chicago, London.
..J 1 V- .. l-a.... ' .
O 1Y T.KVIR. Riltottnv ah..
131 Fifth avinuo, above Smithfleld, next Leader
oBlce. (No delay.) EUollhed 20 jearj.
g.1 -.3
riVV Mto
I U-J5&L
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Save Tour Hair
BY a timely nse of Ayer's Hair Vigor.
This preparation has no equal as
dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cooi,
and healthy, and preserves tho color,
fullness, and beauty of the hair.
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray; but after using two or three)
Dottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my; hair
grew thick and glossy and the original
color was restored." ilelvln Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N. H.
" Some time ago I lost all my hair in
consequence of measles. After due
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently come to stay. Tie
Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature."
J. B. Williams, Floresville, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or five years and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
It is all I could desire, being harmless,
causing the hair to retain Its natural
color; and requiring but a small quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange."
lira. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street,
Haverhill, Mass.
" I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor
for several years, and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color." Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer in
Dry Goods, &c, Bishopville, Md.
Avers Hair Vigor,
Dr. J. C. Ayer Ic Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by DroggieU and Pert amen.
I Of all Druggists, but beteare of Imitations.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one of the consulting
physicians at the Catarrh and Dys
pepsia Institute, 323 Penn ave.
To wives, mothers and daughters:
I wish to have a little talk with yon tbrongn
the medium of this paper on a snbjcct that
nearly every family in the commnntty is inter
ested in. viz: diseases peculiar to women.
Fathers and mothers will look npon their
daughters and say: "She is not well. I don't
see what the trouble is." At a very early aire
tho color begins to fado from her cheeks. She
has a haggard, despondent look, is very easily
fattened, nervous and irritable. A f ow years
pass by and she is married. The fond hus
band observes his wife is not well.
She keeps np an incessant complaining
of her ills and pains. The following;
are some of her symptoms: iiurn
infr pain on top of her head, pain In back of
neck, extending dnwn the spine, severe pain
across the small of her back, dragging weight,
heat and pain across the abdomen, any jar of
the body causing sharp and severe pain. She
cannot stand on tier feet but a few moments
at a time. She feels languid and tired, cannot . '
sleep, has cold hands and feet, flatulence of '
stomach and palpitation of the heart. Sho
becomes melancholy, and feels that she
had rather die than live on In such misery.
Her husband hears these complaints with
sympathy, bnt cannot understand why
these things exist. As she is unable to
attend to her household duties, he becomes
disheartened, and In his despair he takes
his wife to a physician. Sho tells him her
symptoms, and he Informs her that it will
bo necessary for her to come to the office to
be treated. Her womanly modesty canses
her to think for a moment, and she decides to
suffer on, rather than undergo such humiliat
ing treatment. So many ladies ask me: "Why
is it that physicians cannot diagnose the dis
eases of women without an examination, as in
other chronic diseases they havo to depend
upon the symptoms to locate the disease?"
Having for years mado a special study of the
diseases of women, associated with a personal
experience, you need not tell me your symp
tomsfor without an examination I can locate
your aches ana pains, and tell yon just how
you feel and what your disease is. I chargo
nothing for consultation or advice. The medi
cines nsed by the phvsicians of the Catarrh
and Dyspepsia Institute to cure these diseases
are made to suit the peculiarities of each indi
vidual case, and so prepared as to allow the pa.
tient to use the treatment herself. We have
hundreds of testimonials on file received from
patients who have been enred to which we
would gladly refer. Office hours. 10 A. H. to 4
F. K., and 6 to 8 P. jr. Snndays, 12 to 4 p. M.
How impor
tant that chil
dren grow np
healthy, and
have every de
formityremoved before it is too
late. Dr. Orr
has bad eminent
success for over
19 vears treating
diseases ot women, dyspepsia, catarrh, tumors,
cancers, etc His two associate doctors have
also made chronic diseases a special study.
Persons desiring medical or surgical treatment
by doctors of medicine can call at 720 Penn
avenue during office hours, viz., 10 to 1130 A. Jt,
2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Consultation free.
Terms moderate. auU-D
Why do you pay SI 00 per bottle
Iron when you can buy either pre
Daration from us at 75c per bottle.
six bottles H 00. and quality guar
anteed to be the best in the mar
ket. We havo numerous testimo
nials from nhvsicians and others
indorsing onr Liver Pills as a mild and effective
cathartic. They are unsurpassed. After giv
ing them a trial yon will nse no others. Price
25c For sprains, bruises and all rheumatic
pains, use the Anchor Liniment. It has no
eanal. Come and see us if yoa are in any way
afflicted? hot
Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hemp Packing,
Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide
Hope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc
WORKS East street. Allegheny City, Pa,
ttsburg. Telephone No. 1370. my3-xws
A fine, large crayon portrait 50; see them ,
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets. S3 and
U 60 per dozen. PaOMPT fiEUYESfc