Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 26, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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"Will Hold a Convention and
Choose Candidates.
And Will Nominate a Strong Man to
Fight Boyer and Biler.
J. R. Johnston, of the Petroleum Exchange,
is Allegheny's Choice.
The Third Party Prohibitionists arc ap
parently but little aflected by the disastrous
termination of the recent Constitutional
amendment campaign, for with an elasticity
worthy of a Phccnix they are girding their
loins for a Jail campaign upon the 6ame
basis as previous contests, partaking of a
political rather than a moral flavor. The
State Convention will be held at Harris
bnrg next "Wednesday, and a full delega
tion ol 54 will leave to-night for the State
Mecca, constituting the Allegheny county
Among those who will represent Alle
gheny county are the following well-known
gentlemen: John A. McConnell, the as
bestos manufacturer; Contractor "William
T. ilunn; Architect J. M. Bailey; Rev. Dr.
Fulton, of Allegheny; Attorneys J. M.
Kevin, H. L. Castle and "William M. Price;
Rev. Messrs. Fulton, J. T. Eiley, M. M.
Sweeney, J. B. Turner and many others.
Mr. McConncll claims that many of the
above list are converts to the third party as
the res alt of the political maelstrom in
which the amendment ship went down.
Mr. McConncll, -who is the Allegheny
member of the Prohibitionist State Execu
tive Committee, was seen at his Allegheny
home yesterday. He talked interestedly of
the plans of the Third party as follows:
"I think the Constitutional amendment
will never be waged again in this State or
in any other. The people will never again
consent to the expense of a campaign only
to have the amendment knocked in the head
in the last dajs of the campaign by a mere
handful of politicians. The scheme is too
Utopian when we consider the practical side
of politics. Both old parties have perfected
machinery and organization, while that of
the new party in support of a moral issue
has to be crude of necessity. "What is
needed is a third party with well-oiled ma
chinery ready to cope with politicians,
using their own battleground and employ
ing the usual weapons. One-third of the
people in this country elected Abraham
Lincoln President, and when the Third
Party Prohibitionists get one-third of the
people we will be electing a President. Not
only so, but when we begin to really be the
controlling power in politics, we will re
ceive accessions from unexpected sources."
"The recent campaign demonstrated the
titter absurdity of a moral campaign unless
from its educational-aspect. The only nat
ural deductions any sensible man must be
that the third party must be depended upon
to achieve results. The amendment cam
paign has emphasized the need of the third
party, and in this State no grass is going to
grow beneath our feet. If we have to dam
age other parties, so much the worse for
them. The practical politicians have given
us a taste of their power, and it is only fair
to return the compliment to the best of our
"The State Convention will be called to
order by Hon. A. A. Stevens, acting State
Chairman. A. A. Barker is sick and will
not be present in any capacity. The Execu
tive Committee will meet in Ilarrisburg
Tuesday night and prepare the plan of tem
porary organization, which the convention
may make permanent it it so chooses. It is
most certainly the intention to place a can
didate for the State Treasurership in the
"Whom do you hear spoken of," Mr. Mc
Connell was asked
"The leading candidate is an Allegheny
county man, Mr. J R. Johnson, Treasurer
of the Petroleum Exchange. He was
elected Cnairman of the Allegheny County
Committee two weeks ago contributed $S00
to the amendment campaign, and we count
him as an earnest and effective worker. Al
legheny county will do its utmost to get him
nominated. Then I hear talk ot Editor
Tallie Morgan, of Scranton, who owns and
edits The People. He is young and bright.
The Philadelphia contingent have a candi
date in the person of Mr. II. B. Carson, a
Philadelphia banker, a man of means and
fine character. "We naturally consider Mr.
Johnson the roost available man and will
work energetically for him. But the candi
date is a matter of secondary importance.
Behind him we shall put a politician who
can make a lively and effective campaign."
"Such as A A. Stevens, of Tyrone," sug
gested the newspaper man.
"Yes. Mr. Stevens will be the man if he
will accept. But he has a large legal prac
tice, and has lately embarked in heavy
mining interests. He will be asked to en
gineer the campaign, and will be even
urged. If be does not accept, the Chairman
will be selected from the number of shrewd
Republicans who have come into our camp
on account of the widespread disaffection
engendered by the treatment of the amend
ment by the two old parties. It is a new
clement in our party and will be recognized
and encouraged.
"What figures arc you giving out in re
gard to the possible otc for your nomi
nees?" was asked.
'Charles E. "Wolff received 33,000 votes
in the Beaver fight. "We claim a Tote of
0,000 under present circumstances. But
another element enters into the fight A
fourth party is possible. Here is a circular
issued by the Union Prohibition League,
which, as you see, calls for a State Conven
tion on September 2G, also at Ilarrisburg:
Philadelphia. August lu. 1SS9.
To the Temperance Voters of Pennsylvania:
Earnestly protesting against the methods
and influences so audaciously used for the de
feat ot the prohibitory amendment on the 18th
of Jnne: and greatly deploring the recent de
cision of the buprerao Court, which proves the
insecurity of existing laws: and boldly resent
ing the general disposition of the public press
and political leaders to exult In the defeat of
prohibition, and to take full control of temper
ance legislation yet "only so far as it
serves party purposes," we call upon
the large and conservative temperanco
clement In Pennsylvania as represented
by the 296.C17 votes In favor of Con
stitutional Prohibition, to assert itself at once
acainst such unwarranted assumptions, cor
rupt methods and machine politics. Witn this
end in view, a State convention of the Union
Prohibition League is hereby called to meet in
Ilarrisburg, Thursday, September 2G, at 10
o'clock A. M. The representation as recom
mended by said committee Will consist of the
county chairman permanently elected or tem
porarily appointed, and three duly accredited
delegates from each county. Members of the
Leagne throughout the State are requested to
meet In their various organizations and elect
delegates, reporting their names and address
to the Secretary cot later than beptember 10.
By order oftbe Committee.
A. J. Ktnett, President
"Wellington k. Loucks, Sec'ty.
Headquarters Union Prohibition League, 1028
Arch street ,
"This convention may nominate a sepa
rate ticket, in which case the divided vote
may aggregate 100,000, or it may indorse
our ticket, Which is what we hope for. The
call was issued by the League because of the
utterance in the Republican convention in
dorsing high license. This move certainly
complicates the political situation. It will
have an effect upon the present campaign
and will also effect the Governorship'fight
next year. Mr. Charles B. Wolff has been
elected a delegate and will be in attendance
upon the convention. He may be a Govern
mental candidate, but I myself think that
the nominee against Senator Quay next year
will be a man not et out formally in the
third party ranks."
"Senator Quay?" echoed the reporter.
"Is it believed generally that he will be a
candidate for Governor?"
"Is it not settled?" asked Mr. McCon
nell. "I have heard that Mr. Delamater
would be induced to retire just before next
year's convention, and that Senator Quay
would place himself in training for 1892 by
entering the list as a candidate for Gover
nor. It is like the man very like the man.
And if Senator Quay becomes a candidate
for Governor of theState and is elected in
1891, he will infallibly be nominated for the
Presidency. Delamater is a young man and
could afford to step aside and be taken care
of, say in the Cabinet.. I have heard enough
in the East to make me believe that there
are some elements of possibility in the
rumors. Mr. Quay has the whole machine
in his hands, is heartily disgusted with
President Harrison, and may be meditating
a unique means of reprisal upon his
A Porter Shot While Blackins Boots Con
flicting Stories About tbe Cause The
Itravo Action of a Brakcman.
The passengers on the Pacific express,
which arrived at the Union depot from the
East at 12:45 r. M. yesterday, had a thrill
ing experience which reminded several of
them of the stories about train robbers in
tbe "West A young man shot a col
ored porter as tbe train was speeding
along at a high rate of speed just west of
Lancaster. The officials of tbe Pullman
Company in this city stated that the man
wanted to steal a ride while some ot the pas
sengers say the porter had a row about
blacking the shooter's boots. The colored
man who was shot is lying in a hospital at
Harrisburg in a low condition, and the man
who shot him is lying in the Harrisburg
The porter's same was J. Stark, and he
resided in Jersey City. His car was the first
sleeper on the train, and Stark was in the
smoking compartment blacking boots. The
train arrived at Lancaster at 1:30 o'clock,
and while standing at the station a young
man who gave his name as Chester D.
Chambers slipped unnoticed into the car.
Atfcr the train had pulled out of tbe station
Stark caught him in the act ot robbing pas
sengers in the car. "When Chambers saw
that he bad been discovered he
quickly drew a 38-caliber revol
ver and fired three shots in rapid
succession at the porter. . The first passed
through his leg near the thigh, the second
struck him close to the abdomen, and tbe
third went through the car window. Cham
bers then tried to escape, and when the
train was near Dillerville, a mile west of
Lancaster, he walked to a forward coach
and pulled the signal rope from the plat
form. Brakeman James Thatcher caught
him in the act, and quickly signalling the
train to go on, he shoved Chambers into the
car. He then learned what had happened,
as most of the passengers on the train had
been aroused.
Chambers is a young man scarcely 20
years of age, and is not known at Lancas
ter. It is said that he boarded the train in
Philadelphia Saturday evening, and was
put off by tbe conductor at Lancaster.
The above was telegraphed from Lancas
ter, and does not exactly tally with the
story the passengers told. The train had a
large number of Pittsburg excursionists on
board returning from Atlantic City.
The Regular Staff" of Butler Street 31. E
Church Was Ignored.
The evening of the reopening of the But
ler Street M. E. Church and the dedication
of the new organ, the committee who had in
charge the festal services appointed a corps
of special ushers, to see that the audience
were properly seated. There was a regular
staff of ushers forthe Sunday services, who
allege they were capable of discharging the
duties devolving upon them at this special
service, but the committee completely ig
nored them and gave their places to green
On the Sunday following the opening
night a meeting was held, when the ushers
decided to go out on strike, and from that
time to the present the Butler street M. E.
Church has been without them. The com
mittee say that they were justified in taking
the course they did. Such services only trans
pire once witMn the life of a church, and it
was their desire to give the reopening as
much prestige as they could. Ever since
the occurrence great bitterness has been
lelt by the ushers, but it is expected that a
satisfactory settlement may be come to be
fore the real season for church life opens.
movements of Plttabnrgera and Others of
Wide Acaanlntance.
Prank P. O'Brien, President of the
Age-Herald, Birmingham, Ala., and S. T.
Brittle, of the Ilenery Ellen Coal and Iron
Company of the same place. Were passengers
on the limited last night en route home from
tbe East. Mr. O'Brien said thatthe coal mines
of Alabama were being rapidly developed, the
only trouble is tbe State contract system of
working some of the mines by convict labor.
This will be made a State issue in politics and
Mr. O'Brien sanl is sure to be done away with
Rev. Father Grace, pastor of the En
glish church at Sharpsburg, left last evening
for Philadelphia. Father Grace is one of the
best known priests in the State, having been
rector in St Paul's Cathedral for a number of
years He is as stout as ever, and is going to
the Quaker City to consult with Dr. DaCosta,
the eminent specialist and professor of Jeffer
son College. For over five years Father Grace
has had heart trouble, and none of the Pitts
burg physicians could give him relief.
S. A. "Will, Supreme Archon of the
Improved Order Heptasophs, arrived home
vesterday from a three weeks trip to Atlantic
City and other Eastern watering places. While
on his trip he organized five conclaves of
Heps." The order at present has about 10.060
Rev. Father lCelty, assistant at St
Patrick's Church, left-ist evening for New
Jersey to spend a twoweeks' vacation with his
relatives. Father Kelty is not yet very well
well known, but 13 ono of tbe most gifted
orators In the diocese.
Mrs. Mary Johnston, one of the Johns
town sufferers, who has been confined at Mrs.
"W. B. Johnston's house, on Forty-third street
from Sickness, will leave to-day for Johnstown
once more. She is qnite recovered.
Prof. "William H. Bodds and the mem
bers of the faculty of the Allegheny High
School, who made a vacation trip to Europe,
are expected to arrive home about Septem
ber 4.
"William Martin, Secretary of the
Amalgamated Association, returned yesterday
from his two weeks vacation with bis family,
in Washington county, Ohio. .
John J. McCaffrey, Recording Secre
tary of tbe Randall Club, and James H. Wal
lace, of this city, returned home yesterday
from Atlantic City.
Supt. John Morrow, of the Allegheny
schools, will return to the city next Friday
from his summer vacation with his brother, at
Mrs. Thomas Tindill, of 66 Third ave
nue, will leave this evening for New York, for
a visit with her mother.
James A. "Wakefield, Esq., has returned"
from a vacation among the hills ol Fayette
county. ,
Spencer H. Gale, of Chicago, is at the
Monongahcla House.
H. Kimball and wife, of Clevevand,
are at the Anderson.
Hon. A. D. Glen, of Harrisburg, is at
the Anderson.
"W. C. Reilly, of Chicago, is in the
city. , oy cutting a Diooa vessel in nis arm. ligious services at the county Jail yesterday. I tnaitpiace 10-morrow. xno oujeci is 10 coa- j nuonu., j auWorw I r aaSJ
October 3 Will be Selected for a
National Annual Celebration
The Local Organizations of Turners and
Singers Favor It.
the establishment of
are contemplating
a national holiday
which is to be celebrated on October 3.
The population of German origin in Phila
delphia have started the idea, and they have
been sending circulars all over the Union
to every society of Germans for the purpose
of awakening their interest in and getting
them to indorse the plan. At the next
meetings of most of the Turners and singing
societies of Pittsburg and Allegheny the
subject is to receive full discussion.
A reporter of this paper, who made some
inquiries among the most prominent local
Germans yesterday, heard that the idea will
find general favor he-e. On that account it
is highly probable that a celebration will
take place here on October 3 next.
A gentleman, whose heart and soul is in
the scheme, explained the objects of the
festivity yesterday in this manner: The
Philadelphia Germans celebrated six years
ago the two-hundredth anniversary of the
first arrival of a large number of Germans
in this country. Those pioneers were the
founders of Germantown. In all the larger
and even in some small cities, a similar
celebration was held on the same
dav. In Philadelphia the festival lasted
for three days, including a splendid parade
and other entertainments. After that the
Philadelphians proposed to make the cele
bration an annual affair. A special organi
zation called the German-American Society
was started. It was composed of delegates
from a number of German associations from
all over the land. This society was in
trusted with making the arrangements for
the affair every year, and the day was to be
known as the "pioneer day of German emi
gration. But for three years only the celebration
took place regularly all over the country,
then the German-American Association
broke up. However, the movement has
now been started afresh and with new vigor,
and from the information obtained about it,
it may be judged that the 3d of October
will, in the future, become a fixed holiday
for all the Germans in America.
""Why should we not have a national
holiday as well as representatives of other
nations," said one of the Germans yester
day. "The Irishmen have their St Pat
rick's day, the Orangemen have a holiday,
the Englishmen St George's day, the French
their 14th of July, and why shouldn't we
.have a day of celebration? There could
not be anything more appropriate than the
3d of October, the commemoration of the
day when our ancestors first arrived in this
The President of the rrohsmn tsinging
Society, Mr. F. "W. Neubert? when spoken
to on the subject, said: "It is a very good
idea, and our society will certainly take a
part in snch a celebration. It would afford
the greatest opportunity of bringing all the
Germans together, at least once a yeart I
have not received any official commuriica
tian in regard to the matter, but it is possi
ble that somebody in our society may have
heard of the fact"
Mr. O. H. Hess, one of tbe oldest mem
bers of tbe Central Tnrn Verein, was also
entirely in harmony with tbe idea, but he
had not been at the last meeting of the so
ciety, and did not know whether it had been
brought up.
Another gentleman, who is an officer of
the Pittsburg district of the National
Turnerbund, however, said: "The move
ment for the celebration of the 3d of October
as a national holiday for German Americans
is now very strongly agitated in the
"West, and it will also come up at our next
meeting. I have not the least doubt that a
committee will at once be appointed for the
purpose of making the arrangements lor the
celebration here, because a number of us
have already quietly talked the matter
over, and alf ot us are thoroughly in har
mony with the spirit of the plan."
"Do you think that you will observe the
day every year for the future?"
"Yes, that is the idea. The Turners will
invite all the other German organizations
from Pittsburg and vicinity to form a com
mittee which will be charged with the duty
of arranging for the kind of entertainments
that will be held. That committee is to be
permanently organized, and it will again be
known as the German-American Society for
the Pioneer Day of German Immigration
Into America. The meeting will be held
next Sunday."
A Possible Cloe to a Cans: of Thieves Old
Man Assaulted.
Early yesterday morning, as Lieutenant
Teeters was passing along Pena avenue,
near Eleventh street, he heard a cry coming
apparently from Stevenson alley. Going to
the alley he found an old man named Mey
ers struggling with three othor men who
were attempting to rifle his pockets. Upon
the approach of the officer the as
sailants took flight. Lieutenant Teet
ers pursued them but did not cap
ture them. One or the fleeing men
dropped a card which bore the words,
"Adds' Touch-Me Club" printed on it. The
Lieutenant thinks that the club is composed
of thieves, and will endeavor to find the
On returning to the alley Meyers had left,
but was subsequently found, and gave a
description of tbe three men. He said they
did not get any money from him.
The Daughters of Liberty to Meet In National
Convention Here.
The first State Council of the Daughters
of Liberty, the ladies' auxiliary to the Jr.
O. TJ. A. M., will convene in Moorhead's
Hall, this city, to-day and continue three
days. National Counsellor "W. N. Simons,
of Mendon, Conn.,Miss Alice Love and sev
eral others of the officers will arrive this
morning and make the Monongahela House
their headquarters. The greater number
will arrive to-morrow. The Monongahela
House has been notified ot the coming of 75
on Tuesday.
This is the first convention of the order,
and the local delegates are putting forth
every effort to make it a great success. One
feature of the entertainment provided for
visiting delegates is a trip on the May
flower to Brownsville on Thursday.
A Man Subject to Fits Has to be lacked
Up for Safe Keeping:.
Thomas Smith, 30 years old, who lives on
California avenue, near Sedgewick street,
Allegheny, was arrested and locked up last
night at the request of his wife. Smith,
who is subject to periodical fits of insanity,
was walking in the Parks with his wife
when suddenly he became insane, and it
was with much difficulty that Mrs. Smith
got her husband home. He kept up his
frantic actions at home, dancing and run
ning around through the house, creating a
disturbance, until Mrs. Smith called the
police. During one of his fits about two
months ago, Smith tried to commit suicide
by cutting a blood vessel in his arm.
Her. Charles E. Locke Talks Aboat tho
Public School System Ho Pays Ills Re
spects to the Parochial School Also.
"The Heart as Well as the Head in the
Public Schools," was the subject of Rev.
Charles E. Locke's sermon at the Smithfield
Street M. E. Church last night
Introducing his subject by the remarks
that the schools were soon to be opened for
12,000,000 children he dwelled upon the
history of school education; how it had
emanated from the clergymen. Then he
spoke of its importance, inasmuch as the
characters of men and women are formed in
the school. He spoke of the teacher, who
ought to be a person of high moral character,
capable, conscientious, kind. Christian and
infused with the feeling of the greatness of
hisjposition. Then he spoke of the poorpay
teachers receive for their work.
There was a very large attendance and a
number of local school teachers were pres
ent At the conclusion the reverend gen
tleman paid his respects to the parochial
school svstem in the following manner:
"Mv subject is not a new one. It has
agitated the minds of educators for many
years, and tbe solution has been sought in
some quarters in the establishment of the
parochial school. I am not here to-night to
inveif h aeainst anv branch of the Christian
church, or to indulge in any acrimony
against the plans of men; but as a loyal cit
izen it is my right and duty to declare that
the parochial school is non-American. Fol
lowed to its logical conclusion it will
menace and finally destroy the most iplen
did system ot public education that the world
has seen. If one department of the church
is granted the privilege of denominational
schools, why does it not belong as well
to Presbyterians. Episcopalians. Baptists
and the Methodists. And If so an enerva
tion and diminution of power would be the
inevitable result In some quarters already
vociferous demands are being made for a
division of the school funds'. Faint echoes
of it may even have been heard among us.
Parochial schools will encourage partisan
influences, which will seek the overthrow of
an institution which contains within itself
the power to perpetuate this nation for a
thousand centuries.
"There is an Indian legend, in which a
dwari is said to have stood before a king
and asked for as much land as he could
cover with three strides. The king laugh
ingly consented. In a moment the dwarf
had become a mighty giant In one step he
covered the land, with another the sea, with
tha third he knocked the king down and
took his throne. OhI busy men, you who
have delegated your responsibility as the
custodians of the public school to a few,
awake to the eminent danger. Influences
which to-day may seem small and contempt
ible, may" develop gigantic power
which shall not only result in the
disorganization of the school system, but
shall not cease its ravages until it has
trailed the banners of liberty in the dust
and crushed our principles of freedom out
of existence. In this country where every
citizen is a sovereign, where the Govern
ment is of the people, for the people by the
people, if the rank and file of the business
men and professional men fail to stand up
to the emergency, we shall find ourselves in
the inextricable folds of a deadly serpent
Keep an eye of vigilance on the public
lie Claims the Law Was Violated by Hir
ing a 11-Year-Old Boy as a Detective
A New Wrinkle on the Slat Machine.
"Milkshake" Martin's place was open as
usual yesterday, but nothing was sold. He
gave away 130 gallons of milk. At 7
o'clock last night the supply of milk was
gone, and still the place was crowded. "Put
the Soda tanks on, boys; don't let themjgo
away dry," said Martin, and three tanks of
"phiz" were served over the counter in
quick succession.
Martin promises hot times for the Law
and Order League about some of their meth
ods. Clyde Taylor, the boy who testified
last week that be was hired by the League's
agents to buy candy, peanuts, etc., is only
11 years old. The law prohibits boys under
12 being employed, and Martin intimated
that there might be some fun in the future
about it. He also has another countermove
on hand which he has in the hands of a law
yer, but it has not reached a climax yet
The drugstore of Albert J. Kaercher, on
Federal street, was open yesterday for the
transaction of such business only as drug
gists are permitted to do on the Sabbath
day: the filling of medical prescriptions.
One clerk was in attendance, but Mr.
Kaercher was not visible. It was said that
be was out of the city. On the counter by
the soda fountain leaned a placard, with
the words "Closed To-Day." Many thirsty
men and women entered the door, read the
placard and went away mutely.
At one place on Federal street a nickel-in-the-slot
cigar machine was fastened to
the outside ot a closed door. Above the
machine was a sign reading, "Drop in a
nickel and you will be sure to get
a good 5-cent cigar." As tar
as the certainty of getting
some sort of a cigar was concerned, the sign
was correct Every man who dropped in a
nickel -'ured a smoke. Smart young men
tried t - :k the machine with buttons
and pin of tin, but they neither brought
forth a cigar nor stopped the machine's
operations. It responded only to a genuine
current coin of the realm of the value of 5
cents, and one man, who happened to have
in his pocket nothing less than a dime, was
pleasantly surprised when the machine
emitted two cigars for his silver piece. It
was the opinion of many who watched the
machine that there was an intelligence be
hind it, that a man or a boy behind the
door was passing the cigars out through the
dummy front of the machine. Guessing is
not proof.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Rendy Reading.
R. C. WrsKLEY, who was arrested Saturday
night by Detective Fitzgerald on a telegram
from Oil City, stating that the prisoner had
skipped a board bill of $40 there, and had taken
with him another man's valise, is still a pris
oner. An Oil City officer will come for him to
day. JonN Bowen, aged 21, employed on the
steamboat Elaine on the Monongahela river,
had his arm broken yesterday while engaged in
repairing the engine, by a large shaft falling on
it. .tie was remuveu to iuergy jiospitai.
A temperance meeting was held in Curry
Hall last night, John W. Moreland. A. M.
Brown, C. F- Shallenberger and Charles Rob
inson made speeches. This was the first meet
ing held since the campaign.
There was a large attendance at the colored
campmeeting, held yesterday at Bellevue.
Aboct 300 persons went out from Pittsburg.
Rev. E. F. Flemon preached a powerful ser
mon during the afternoon.
Bud Puet was arrested by Officer Johnston,
of Allegheny, yesterday on a charge of assault
and battery. It Is alleged that he attacked a
Hebrew some days ago and attempted to take
a package from him.
Oeoroe Matchett, aged 20, fell from the
wall of the Thirty-third street bridge vester
day. His skull was slightly fractured. He was
carried to his home on Butler street extension.
Mrs. Kate Wildemetee, a lady 79 year!'
old, fell down a night of stairs at her borne on
Strawberry lane. Allegbenv, yesterdav morn
ing, and sustained a fracture of the thigh.
AN empty freight car jumped the tracks on
the Junction bridze, on the Pittsburg and
Western Railroad yesterday, and fell 32 feet.
It was completely wrecked.
Thomas Kestner and Andrew Locust were
sent to the jail from the Southside for a hear
ing on a charge of trying to steal a watch from
George Smith.
A SMALL fire in the wholesale liquor store of
Pallett Co., No. 1036 Penn avenue, at 6.30
o'clock last evening, was put out after causing
a loss of J200.
The Allegheny schools will not open unti
Tuesday, Beptember 3, on account of Monday
being Labor Day.
Moses Michaels died suddenly, at the age
ot 63, at No. 2309 Penn avenue, probably from
heart disease.
captain Sam Fullwood conducted tbe re
ligious services at the county jail yesterday.
Tho Recommendation of the Treasury
Department is Revealed.
Carbon Setters Will Ask for Federation
Aid In Their Strike. "
At last it has been ascertained what the
Treasury Department really asked for in the
letter which was supposed to have been
written by Assistant Secretary Batchellcr
to District Attorney Lyon, concerning the
Campbell case, and in which it was reported
that the department had made light of the
report and asked for further information.
These statements had been sent out from
Washington, and it was generally hinted at
by his prosecutors that President Campbell
was responsible for them. They denied this
emphatically, and the District Attorney
stated time and again that no letter had
been received asking for evidence.
As published vesterday. a meeting of
those who are prosecuting the case was held
in the office of Attorney "William Brennen
for the purpose of further considering the
matter. At the meeting it was stated that
District Attorney Lyon had received a let
ter from the department, in which he was
asked to say who, in his opinion, was guilty
of violating the law by bringing over the
English glassblowers. Mr. Lyon has not
yet answered the question, but will do so
to-day or to-morrow. "Whether suits will be
entered or not when the department receives
the information, is not yet known, but the
supposition is that the authorities in "Wash
ington will make a move within the next
week or ten days. It is expected to result
in proceedings being instituted- against
either Chambers & McKee or James Camp
bell and other officers of L. A. 300, Knights
of Labor. One of the gentlemen interested
in the case, but who does not desire that his
name be used, said:
"I think it a strange proceeding for the
department to ask who is the guilty party.
In his recommendation Mr. Lyon gave the
names of all the parties who were charged
with bringing the men over. He gave all
the evidence he could get without putting
himself in the light of prosecutor, or saying
who he thought was guilty. It was his
place to make a fair and impartial state
ment of the facts, and the department was
expected to pass judgment on the case.
"It was the duty of the Assistant Secre
tary, as be bad already taken up the case,
to decide from the evidence, who brought
the men to this country. Instead of doing
that, he turns around and asks the District
Attorney for an opinion. The latter will
give it within a few days, and something
may then be developed. You may rest as
sured that somebody will be prosecuted, but
who it is will depend upon what Mr. Lyon
reports. We are working on the case every
day, and are securing a great amount of
new evidence." .
An Appeal to be DIndo to tbe Federation of
Labor tor tho Carbon Setters.
A largely attended meeting of Electrical
Union No. 1, of the Federation of Labor,
was held yesterday afternoon in K. of L.
Hall, No. 101 Fifth avenue. The strike of
the outside employes of the Allegheny
County Light Company was discussed. A
committee was appointed to hold a confer
ence this evening with the National Vice
President of the Federation, Mr. "William
Martin, wbo is also the Secretary of the
Amalgamated Association. At this confer
ence the possibility of making the strike
more effective by bringing in the aid of the
entire Federation will "be discussed.
As the case now stands, the strikers cer
tainly have the woist of it The company
has been able to fill their places and carry
on its work, though, of course, with more
or less inconvenience. If the entire strength
of the Federation of Labor should be thrown
against the Light company; the affair would
become decidedly serious. All firms which
use the lights of that company would be
affected. Officers of the Federation of
Labor claim that it has a membership of
900,000 in the United States, three times
that of the Knights of Labor. Pittsburg is
one of its strongholds. It includes those
three powerful organizations, tho Amal
gamated Association, the Flint Glass
Workers' Union and the Carpenters' Union,
besides numerous other strong organizations.
Carpenters and Joiners BInke Arrantc
ments for the Parade.
The delegates from the different unions of
the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners met yesterday to make arrangements
for a Labor Day parade, J. W. Gallagher,
President of the District Council, occupied
the chair, and George H. Burtou acted as
It was decided that the parade should be
held on Monday, September 2, at 10 o'clock
in the morning. All the locals in the dis
trict are invited to participate. If all re
spond Butler, Greensbnrg, Jeannette,
Tarentum, Mansfield, Bellevue, Sharpsburg,
Wilkinsburg and other surrounding towns
Will be represented.
J. W. Gallagher was elected Chief Mar
shal, and A. M. Swartz, assistant There
will be one aid appointed from each local
union. Tbe Chief Marshal will wear a red,
white and blue sash; the assistant a red and
white sasb; the aides white, the officeri of
local unions red badges and the members
blue. It was decided that any member
found in line intoxicated, shall be fined.
The following route was adopted:
The column win form on Water street right
resting on Smithfield, and will move over tbe
Smithfield street bridge to Carson street to
South Tenth street, to bridge, to Second ave
nue, to Ross, to Fifth avenue, to Sixteenth
street, to Federal, to Ohio, to East to North
avenue, to Arch street to Ohio, to the Dia
mond market and dismiss.
The A. C. 91. U. Embody Some Good Rules
In Their Constitution.
The members of the Allegheny County
Musicians' Union had a meeting yesterday
afternoon in the rooms of the Mozart Club,
at the corner of Seventh avenue and Smith
field street, for the purpose of reorganizing
that body, and also to form a new constitu
tion and by-laws. One of the members pres
ent stated after the. meeting that the society
is anxious to infuse its members with a
higher aim than the mere maintenance of
a certain price for their services. The
union will nave the elements of a musical
training school, and weekly rehearsals will
be one of the features in the newly-organized
body. One of tbe largest orchestras in
the connty is to be formed from the mem
bers of the association.
An examining board was appointed yes
terday alternoon. The object of this board
is to subject any applicant for membership
to a rigid examination of his abilities. Only
men who have exceeded the ordinary stand
ard of orchestral experience and who are
thoroughly conversant with music will be
Another meeting for the puipose of per
fecting the new organization will be held
next Friday. '
Bar Iron Will Go Up 2 1-2 Cents Per 100
Pounds In Carloada.
C. S. Wight, General Freight Agent of
the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, went to
New York last night to attend a meeting or
the Trunk Line Association, to be -held at,
that place to-morrow. The object is to con
sider the rates which have been recently ad
vanced. Mr. Wight stated that the Cen
tral Traffic Association would hold another
meeting in Chicago Wednesday to again
consider the matter of advancing west
bound iron rates from Pittsbnrg. He stated
that in all probability the advance would
be about on the basts of bar iron being
raised from 124 to 15 cents per 100 pounds
in carloads to Chicago.
The PItlsbare Tube Works Will Resume'
Making 17-Inch Pipe.
This morning the Pittsburg Tube Works,
above Soho, will begin work on a large order
for 17-inch pipe. This Is the first pipe of
this size that has been turned out of the mill
for 24 years. The works are running full
turn, and this shows that the pipe market
is in good condition. Nearly all the tube
works in this vicinity have large orders on
their books.
Rev. Mr. Harnett Preaches on Some of the
Advantages of Congxesatlonal Church
Bev. J. H. Barnett, of the Union Park
Chape, the minister who is now in the pro
cess of transition with bis church from the
Cumberland Presbyterian to the Congre
gational denomination, preached yesterday
morning on "Ecclesiastical Domineering."
It will be remembered that the cause of
the secession of this church is said to be
its desire for congregational independence
of higher authority.
The text was from the First Epistle of
St Peter, where the apostle advises elders
on their duty, saying: "Feed the flock of
God which is among you, taking the over
sight thereof, not by constraint, but will
ingly; neither as being lords over God's
heritage, but being ensamples to the flock."
Bev. Mr. Barnett elucidated the polity of
tbe early church, wherein the elders and
disciples met with the laity in common
council, deciding all matters of discipline.
He cited instances, such as the election of the
successor of Judas, where the laity voted;
and the great Council of Jerusalem, where
the question of circumcision was raised.
Congregationalism, he said, was simply a
return to the early system. The rise of
ecclesiasticism was traced from the third
century, when the church at Borne, seeing
its city the political mistress of tbe world,
began to arrogate spiritual power to itself.
In the fourth century the Pope, calling him
self the successor of St. Peter, assumed con
trol of ail churches, thus lording it over
Christians in direct opposition to the
precepts of St. Peter. Alter that the whole
business of the church was controlled by
the ecclesiastics. Any person differing from
them was silenced by the stake or the dun
geon. No congregational powers were
allowed either in matters of discipline or
doctrine. When the great Council of Con
stance was held Pope John XXIII entered the
city of Constance with a train of 16,000
horses, a remarkable contrast from the
entrance into Jerusalem of Jesus, seated
upon the foal of an ass.
Bev. Barnett held that since tbe Reform
ation there has been, in many of the Evan
gelical churches, much ecclesiastical dom
ineering. The laity have been given no
voice, being under the control of the clergy.
The Congregational Church was cited as a
praiseworthy exception. All matters of
discipline and doctrine, in fact, everything
with which a church has to do, is decided
by the congregation within itself, without
allegiance to any body of ecclesiastics at a
Labor Day to be Observed and the High
School Dedicated.
Monday, September 2, being Labor. Day,
Superintendent Morrow has decided that
the public schools of Allegheny will not be
gin'Until Tuesday morning, September 3.
The handsome new High School of Alle
gheny will be dedicated Friday afternoon,
September 6. Addresses will be delivered
by President Moffat, of Washington and
Jefferson College, and Assistant State Su
perintendent Houck. Secretary B. B.Scan
drett will read a history of the Allegheny
High School. The music teachers of the
schools are preparing a fine programme of
singing. Senator Blair, of New Hamp
shire, a noted advocate of popular educa
tion, was invited to speak on the occasion,
but he has replied that it will be impossible
for him to attend at that time.
The seats are now being placed in the
High School building. The lower floor is
practically finished. Superintendent Mor
row and Secretary Scandrett will have ele
gant quarters on the second floor. The city
architect has drawn plans for the furnishing
of the quarters of the Board of Controllers.
The High School Committee of Allegheny
will meet this evening.
Work on the Birmingham Traction Held
Back oa This Account.
Mr. H. Sellers McKee said yesterday that
work on the Birmingham bridge was being
delayed because of the impossibility ot" se
curing a quorum in Councils. Such work
as can be done while the ordinances were
not forthcoming is being pushed mean
while. The piece of land secured as the site of
the power house combines many admirable
advantages. Engines and cables can be
unloaded from cars directly into the power
house, and should coal become necessary as
a means of steam generation, a mine is
within a few feet of the boilers. The power
house will cost $30,000 according to present
plans. It will be a handsome and spacious
structure, and will be an ornament to the
lower Southside.
The Dion Are Known.
Three men attacked and knocked down
Mrs. Spence on the hill above Twenty
eighth street last evening. Her companion,
a Mrs. Bobinson, finding protest vain, ran
down the hill and gave the alarm to the
Eolice. Lieutenant Teeters went up the
ill and found Mrs. Spence lying in a
stupor. She was conveyed to the Twelfth
ward station house, where she still re
mains. She gave the names of the men to
Lieutenant Teeters. They are well-known
to the police, and will very likely be ar
rested before to-morrow.
Result of a Fight.
Michael Higgins was arrested on Satur
day night for fighting with his brother-in-law,
C. McFadden, at the lattcr's
house on Marion street Afterward it was
found that McFadden had been slightly cut
in the side with a knife. He refused to
enter an information against Higgins.
When the case came before Magistrate
Gripp yesterday morning he remanded
Higgins and ordered McFadden's arrest for
the hearing this morning.
Highway Robbery.
Martin McTighe, aged 55, was knocked
down and robbed in front of 535 Fifth ave
nue, about 8 o'clock last night The thief,
whom McTighe cannot identify, got away
with all the old man's possessions, nearly
J5 25.
Pittsburg Beer.
In using this most excellent beer you are
encouraging a home industry. By drink
ing it you can obtain pleasure for vourself
and at the same time benefit a Pittsburg
manufacturing business which are points
worth considering. It can be taken freely
without danger of discomfort, for it is per
fectly pure. Telephone 1186.
81. Until October. 81,
Mothers, bring children' to Aufrechfs
Elite gallery, 610 Market street 'Pittsburg.
Use elevator. Cabinets 1 1 per down, jjroof
Father Corcoran Says They Must Get
a Bishop's Dispensation
He Will Not Give Absolution to Those Who
Tiolate This Enle.
Bey. Father Corcoran, pastor of St.
Agnes Church, Soho, preached a very
learned and forcible sermon to his people
yesterday on the advisability of sending
their children to the parochial school in-'
stead of the Fourteenth and other ward
public schools. The good pastor laid it down
very plain to the people that they must
not send their children to the ward schools,
and if they persisted in so doing he would
reinse the parents absolntion. He said that
any parents sending their children to other
than the Catholic schools must have very
grave reasons for so doing, and said reasons
must be approved by the Bishop. Unless
the Bishop gave them a special dispensation
to ;end their children to the schools they
could not continue to be good Catholics. In
his sermon the reverend gentleman said:
"The end and object of man's existence is
first of all to know God, then to love and
serve Him. This obligation rests with every
individual. There are some among us who
have an additional obligation, namely, they
have to impart this knowledge to others;
teach them how to know and serve God.
Particularly is this the case with parents
concerning their oflspring. God has given
children to people not for the rich things
and pleasures ol this world, but for Him
self. Therefore, you must teach them to
know and serve God.
"While Sunday schools, Sundaysermons
and a certain amount of instruction at
home, such as is usually given, are good
enough in their way, still they are not
sufficient to bring up a child in the love,
knowledge and service of God. Experience
shows us this.
"Every observant person can see fall well
the lamentable spread of skepticism and in
fidelity. Outside the chnrch, comparatively
few of the Catholic youth attend any place
of worship, particularly the male portion.
In the face of this fact, we have any number
of churches, eloquent sermons published in
the daily papers. How can thislamentable
defection from the practice of His religion
be accounted for. It must be attributed
principally to our Godless system of educa
tion a system from which thaname of God
and all pertaining to eternitv are excluded.
"Now the church of God is here to stem
the tide of infidelity and skepticism. She
is here having the divine commission to
teach all nations ('Go iorth ye and teach all
"You cannot thoroughly teach a child
without imparting to him a religous as well
as a secular knowledge. They must go
hand in hand, one as well as the other. If
you, my dear people, attempt to do other
wise, you will merely add an impetus to
the tide of infidelity and skepticism that is
rushing over the land. Far from doing this
you should co-operate with our holy mother
the church, left here by Christ to he the salt
of the earth, the city on the mountain tops.
enlightening the nations, bringing them the
knowledge, fear, love and service of their
Creator and Bedeemer.
"This is your mission here, both for your
selves and children. If you fail in it, you
have a terrible account to render when you
shall appear before the Judgment seat of
Jesus Christ. You ought, therefore, to be
obedient children of that chnrch which
Christ left here to bring all men to heaven.
"There js hardly anything in which you
should be more obedient than having your
children brought up under its benign influ
ence. Society has nothing to fear from this.
History shows us that through the influence
of the church all the barbarous nations of
the earth have been civilized. Even Amer
ica's short history cannot boast of greater he
roes than the children brought up under the
care ot the much maligned spouse of
In closing his discourse Father Corcoran
read the ruling of the Council of Baltimore
in regard to tbe matter, and said the parents
of the parish who had contemplated sending
their children to the public school must
give up the idea, and send them to tbe
Catholic schools. He especially exhorted
the poor peonle to do this. He said the
When the Liver is crowded or clotted
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When you have these symptoms, try a
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Kid Glo ves, very stylish.
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UMBRELLAS. See our stock, natural, gold
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schools are for the poor, and nobody would be
debarred because they could not contribute
their share toward the support of the church
and schools. If people most send their
children to the other schools they must see
the Bishop add give him their reasqns. -
"No parent will get absolution," he said,
"who allows his children to be brought up
in an unchristian school."
The parochial school will open to-day
under the charge of the Sisters of Charity.
Last year the average enrollment was 600
air. Brennen Claim a Big Victory far His)
Faction of the Part?.
Mr. Wm. Brennen was seen yesterday
and asked how the Democratic primaries
had gone. He proceeded to give some fig
ures that look rather discouraging to tho
"Old Guard." Mr. Brennen said:
"In the Third district we carried 19)
delegates out of 32. In the Fifth district
we made a sweep. We have CO delegates
and the others have only 33. In the Sixth,
Seventh and Eighth districts we have can
ricd the entire eight delegates by the con
fession of the "Old Guard," who admit that
they did no work in those three districts.
Yes, I know the names, but I am not giving
them out. On the entire Southside, .Mr
O'Leary's special bailiwick, we carried 35
out of 40 delegates, with one in doubt. So
they say that we have got to carry the fight
to Harrisburg. Well, we shall be right
there. They have been beaten here, and
they needn't think that they can carry a
losing fight to Harrisburg and help them
selves any."
One of Mr. O'Leary's adherents remarked
sententiously that brag was a good dog, hut
holdfast would triumph in the end.
The Vole la Even.
The deadlock at the Lincoln School still
continues with not much chance of a settle
ment. The fight arose over Miss Gardner,
the former writing teacher, who wants her
old place, 'and Miss McCormick, teacher in
room 12 last year, who is applying for the
same position." The people of the Twenty
first ward hope the school laws will be
changed to provide for an odd number oa
school boards.
For this week Two special sales at
much less than regular season prices.
Booth & Fox's celebrated Eider Down,
finest quality. Quilts and Pillows.
These Eider Down Quilts are covered
with best quality French Satine, in ele
gant patterns and in fine quality of
Satin the sizes areS by 6 feet, 6 by 6
feet and 6 by 7 feet. We have bought
the entire New York stock from the
manufacturer, and bought them 40 to 50
percent below the lowest usual cost,
which enables mi to give our customers
the best value ever known In these best
Eider Down Bed Coverings that are
These goods are A No. lin every re
spect, and we will guarantee If you will
seem them you will be glad to buy and
buy largely.
JOS-A very few crib size Eider Down
Cradle Blankets in 2 sizes.
Crib Blankets in 3 sizes.
Single Bed Blankets.
Three quarter size Bed Blankets.
Full size Double Bed Blankets.
Extra size Double Bed Blankets.
Our all pure wool Country-made
Blankets are absolutely the best made
and best finished all-wool (no shoddy, no
cotton) Country Blankets offered for
sale anywhere. We take the entire pro
duction of the mill, which Is always
See our $3 75 a pair All-wool Blankets.
See our special Blanket at it 50 a pair.
Bee our extra choice and fine and bis
Blankets at $5, $6, S3 a pair.
Our celebrated "North Star" fine All
wool Blankets, $7 50 to $12 a pair.
Our 210 a pair Blankets are the best
and finest at this price are simply uo
equaled. Bay your Blankets from us now and
avoid the rush that takes place later in
the season. Our stock Is complete,
prices tbe lowest, quality the best
think of these reaons and buy right
now right away to-day.
As to Silks and Dress Goods, the Btoro
was never so attractive in the way of
fine and desirable dress fabrics of best
qualities at very low prices. Come and
see. '
JD5.-. HDRNE i CD. rS