Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 26, 1889, Image 1

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If yon want Board, Room, name r
Help, advertise la THE DISPATCH.
Purchaser can be found for everything
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH I. the belt advertising;
medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try lu
Carlos D. Graham Successfully
Shoots the Lower Rapids
of Niagara
He Comes Through Unscathed, and
Calls it a Terrible Trip.
HI Experience ns Told br Himself Sick
When He Went Into the Water Ho
Felt Worse Than the Four Condemned
New York Murderers on Their Last
Day Horror of the Spectntors as They
Watched the Bobbins Cask His Wife
Ilnd Ursed Him Not to Make the At
tempt Rapid Transit on the Water
HI Body Minicirlint Braised, bnt He's
Othcrwlso Unhnrt.
Carlos Graham, the Niagara hero, as he
will now be known, is positive that he can
shoot the falls in his barrel. He went
through the lower rapids yesterday, and.
though badly shaken up, was not badly
hurt. As he says, it was a terrible trip.
rsrzcui. teligilam to tids dispatch.
Niagaba Falls, August 25. Carlos
D. Graham this afternoon successfully per
formed the most daring feat which he has
yet attempted at Niagara, and the treacher
ous water made him go beyond his expecta
tions in showing what can be done in the
gorge. Graham's ambition has been to co
over Niagara, but to-day's adventure is
just as dangerous, and a craft which will
withstand the racking it receives over the
rocks under the tempestuous lower rapids is
sure to go over the falls all right That is
what Graham will do next.
The barrel used in this afternoon's trip
was a new one, built of locust wood which
came from China, and which was
It was like the barrel which Graham lost
in the whirlpool two years ago, but is
smaller. It is four and one-fcalf feet tall,
22 inches in diameter across the head and 15
at the bottom. The diameter at the bulge
near the top is 29 inches.
The barrel weighs 150 pounds, hut the
weight was increased fully 100 pounds by
Band ballast and a drag piece of railroad
iron. Besides this, the weight of the occu
pant would keep the barrel upright.
People here have refused to offer Graham
any financial encouragement in these trips,
and this was made principally as a prelimi
nary to golny over.tbc cataract- His inten
tion was known to-day, and the banks of
the gorge were lined with
while the railroad bridge and elevators were
crowded. Graham was made a hero by his
friends, and they kept him up pretty nearly
all last night. They crowded around him
in Andrew Horn's hostelry, and one man
offered to sign articles of agreement, with a
550 forfeit, that he would accompany Gra
ham if Constable Horn would not inter
fere. To-day he did not show up.
There was some talk of arresting Graham
Tinder the act making attempts at suicide a
lelony, bnt nobody took the initiative, and
all arrangements were made to avoid inter
ference. The barrel was secretly taken from
town last night, and bidden near the old
Maid of the Mist landing, just above the
Cantilever bridge, where its bright red
upper works were first seen in the water
shortly before the starting time. Steve
llrodie was understood to be in town, and
an effort was made to find him so he could
be invited to join in the launching party.
While Graham's friends were busy with
these preparations this znorcing, he laid
down for a nap. When he was awakened
he said: "I feel worse than those four mur
derers down in New York did on the day
they woke to be executed." Graham had
good cause for fear. He had arranged to go
through without any hammock or harness,
such as have been used in previous at
tempts. "It's too bad," said one of his
friends, "to see him go that way, for he will
break his neck sure. One tnrn of the barrel
will knock him out. Wc might as well get
his measure for a coffin."
The rest of the crowd looked gloomy. If
it was not for disappointing the people
Graham would not have made the trip. He
was quite sick beforehand, and had been
since yesterday. He refused to drink some
brandy offered him, and slid down through
the manhole into the barrel. Charles Wied
nian,Jobn Kepford and John Wiesenberger
towed the cask to the center of the river and
set it adrift at 4:40 o'clock. It drifted
slowly under the railroad bridges, giving
Graham a chance to fasten the manhole
cover nith an iron bar and brace himself
for the danger ahead.
The suspense was not long, for in a few
moments the barrel was buried in the first
breaker of the whirlpool rapids. As the
gorge slightly narrows and the cuirent
strikes the rocks it becomes a boiling, seeth
ing mass, through which hardly anything
can hope to safely pass. Graham's barrel
got the full benefit of the anger of the tor
rent, and the spectators shuddered as they
saw the barrel overturned, spun like a top,
or buried under a huge wave. When a
quiet bit of the angriest water in the world,
as Captain Webb called it, was reached, the
barrel recovered its buoyancy and
on into the whirlpool. The mile of rapids
had been shot in Z minutes, a 20-mile-an-hour
Graham had not time to open the manhole
cover in the whirlpool. His barrel rode
quickly to the center of the maelstrom, and
was carried toward the Canada shore, pass
ing by a crowd of rescuers on the point.
Constable Horn, with a rope attached to his
waist, stood on a rock ready to spring into
the water to aid the navigator, and William
Severe, the theatrical man who has backed
Graham in previous attempts, was there
with a crowd to help him.
A fountain of foam overswept Horn, and
Graham's barrel passed down the river into
the Devil's rapids, beyond reach. "That
settles him," remarked Mr. Horn. "He was
not well enough to go this far, and the
Devil's rapids will kill him." The party,
including The Dispatch reporter, drove
down to Xiewiston in a Carriage, but the
rapids carried the barrel
could go, and it was lost sight of after it
had been apparently drawn under by the
maelstrom at Devil's hole.
' These lower rapids are faster, madder and
more rocky than the ones above the whirl
lool, and the danger is greater than in the
upper rapids, through which ex-Policeman
Kendall, of Boston, swam in August, 1880,
iind in which Captain Webb lost his life.
Graham was found at Lewiston, where he
had been rescued, more dead than alive, by
John Lonsdale and Seymour Fleming. He
was in the barrel only 25 minutes alto
gether, and, allowing for the time he was
floating in smooth water, he made the four
miles of angry rapids in ten minutes, aver
aging 25 miles an hour.
When Graham had sufficiently recovered
from the shock he told his story of the ad
Tenture in a modest manner. "This is the
roughest experience," he said to The Dis
patch reporter, "that I ever want to have.
I made the trip in 25 minutes, but
it seemed an age,
and I did no: know any minute but I would
be dashed to death on the hidden rocks
which abound in the gorge. When they let
go of the barrel, above the Cantilever bridge,
I fastened the manhole over so tightly that
I was in pitch darkness and couldn't see
the other side of the barrel. I braced
myself in a crouching position, and
waited for the battle with the water.
I heard a train rumbling over the
bridge just then; visions of home and my
family were buried in the darkness. I had
not told my wife in Buffalo when I cams
down that I would make the attempt She
had urged me not to. My little girl fol
lowed me to the cars, and said pathetically:
"Come home soon, won't you napa?'
"Just then I struck the rapids, and was
nearly thrown on my head, my arms and
legs having become cramped, but the barrel
in a minute. The blood, which had rushed
to my head, returned to my body, and I
took a fresh brace, crouching as low down
as I could on the cask. I felt seasick,
though I have crossed the ocean many times.
I nearly fainted from the heat until the
water began to drip in through the
tightly-closed manhole, forced in by
the pressure when the barrel was
sucked down by the undercurrent This
was a new danger, for the barrel was so
heavily weighted that if too much water en
tered it would sink. I grazed a rock occa
sionally, and my body is badly bruised from
being overturned so often. It was a terri
ble trip."
The Death or Ilenry bbavr, the Venerable
Philanthropist, of St. Louis His
Cancer From Poverty to Wealth
The Famous llotanl-
cal Garden.
St. Louis, August 25. Henry Shaw, the
venerable philanthropist and the bestjfriend
St Louis ever had, died at 325 this morn
ing. He died without showing evidence of
physical pain or mental, suffering. At hir
bedside were Mrs. Julius Morriss, Mr.
Shaw's sister, and a number of his most in
timate friends.
Henry shaw was an Englishman by birth.
At the age of 19 he came to America and
located in St Louis, arriving here on May
4, 1819. He first embarked in the
Yiarflpnfa Kn.inoce .. 1
and for a time was proprietor, clerk and
porter. He also gave some attention to
Indian supplies. He prospered, and after
20 years of commercial life had amassed a
sufficient fortune to enable him to retire
from business, which he did at the age of
40. He went abroad and visited nearly
every quarter ot the globe, being away from
this country about, ten years. It was upon
his return that he commenced the studr and
cultivation of plants and flowers, and it was
in the prosecution of these studies that the
now world-famous botanical gardens had
their origin. He made his gardens and
beautiful estate free to the public
With the death of Henry Shaw the fa
mous botanical gardens become the proper
ty of the State of Missouri. Another and
perhaps more valuable munificence was the
gift to the city of Tower Grove Park, a
resort of peculiar beauty. Mr. Shaw's
residence, where he died, was at Tower
Grove Park, and he passed but little time
at bis down town home. Mr. Shaw's estate
is valued at $2,500,000, and it is thought
the greater part will'be left to the city of
St Louis in various bequests. Mr. Shaw
was by leaning an Episcopalian, and the
charitable institutions of that church, it is
understood, will be particularly favored in
Ills will. The only relatives of deceased in
this countrv are "his sister, Mrs. Julius
Morriss, and a cousin, Mr. Frank Bradbury.
A large number of distant relatives reside
in Manchester, England.
Two River Steamers Meet In Collision Nenr
Cincinnati, and Another Is Totally De
stroyed by Fire Narrow Escape
of tbo Kngineer.
Cincinnati, August 25. At 10 o'clock
to-night the Coney Island steamer Common
wealth, coming down the11 river, came into
diiect collision with the little harbor steam
er Lame Dnck, going up the river, just a
quarter of a mile above the Newport and
Cincinnati Itailway bridge, and utterly
annihilated the Lame Duck. There was a
crew of five on the Lame Duck and four of
them were picked up uninjured by men in a
Mr. George B. Alexander, the engineer,
and the fifth man on the little cralt, went
under the revolving paddle wheels of the
big steamer Commonwealth, which was back
ing, and came to the surface near the guard
of the boat, where a plucky passenger
caught the exhausted engineer by
the hair and held him up until others
could draw him on the boat, where he was
found to be uninjured. The Lame Duck
was valued at ?2,000. The Commonwealth
immediately alter the collision discharged
her big load of Coney Island passengers and
returned to her landing.
At 11:15, less than an hour and a half af
ter the collision, the fine passenp er steamer
Commonweath was on fire. A double fire
alarm sounded, but it was of no use. The
big steamer burned to the water's edge in
less than three-quarters of an hour. She is
a total loss. Nobody knows how the fire
started. The loss -is about 530,000, pretty
well insured.
A Kansas Mob Making Preparations for a
Lynching Bee.
Wichita, Kan., August 25. A dis
patch is just received by Sheriff Hays from
Eldorado, stating that a train load of
men had just left there lor Wichita
to take from jail wife murderer
Snyder and his mother and lynch
them. Hays is making ready lor a guard
of 50 men, and has notified the oity police
to respond promptly at any call. Some
days ago Snyder was rescued from a mob at
Eldorado, and brought here for safe keeping.
ffo $ffl$fattg
A Flacky Young Baltlmoreau's Almost Mi
raculous Escape Attacked by a Bar
glar With a Kazor His Note
Book saves nis Life.
Baltimore, August 25. A murder very
nearly like the Luca homicide in Brooklyn
was only prevented this morning by a morocco-covered
notebook which Mr.Fredenck
Bates, son of the senior member of the jew
elry house of Hennigan, Bates & Co., car
ried in his breast pocket. Mr. Bates,who is
21 years of age, sleeps at his father's house
in Park avenue during the absence of the
family at the seashore. Beside him there
are two servants, who occupy the upper
About 1 o'clock this morning he was
awakened by a noise like the rattling of
silver. He remained quiet until the sound
was repeated. Then, throwing on his coat
and arming himself with a revolver, he
started down stairs and silently groped his
way to the dining room. As he entered he
could just make out near the window
facing the back yard, the figure of a man in
a stooping position, in the act of -filling a
bag. Without a word he leveled his revolver
and fired at the thief. Before he had time
to determine whether the bullet bad taken
effect, he heard a noise in his rear. He
wheeled around just in time to receive a
slashing cut over his right shoulder, which
was intended for his hack. At the same mo
ment the burglar grasped the hand holding
the revolver and dealt the young man two
more blows, both in a line with the first The
weapon used he made out to be a razor and,
but for a morocco case which he carried in
his breast pocket the keen weapon would
have gone far into his body. As it was, the
book was cut half way through and his
shoulder very much lacerated.
Bates, who still had hold of his revolver,
though unable to use it on his assailant,
fired in hopes cf summoning assistance.
It was then that the burglar suddenly
broke away and dashed out of the house,
pursued by the plucky young man, but in
the darkness he disappeared. His accom
plices had prcvicusly made good their es
cape. Mr. Bates is pretty badly cut up,
bnt not dangerously wounded. From the
fact that razors were used it is thought the
thieves were negroes. It was too dark to
distinguish the color of their faces.
His Recall as Minister to Hay tl Not ot AH
Washington, August 25. The reporta
that the President would probably withdraw
the appointment of Hon. Fred Douglass as
Minister to Hayti are manufactured out of
whole cloth. No such movement has at any
time been canvassed between the President
and the State Department during the ap-
Jiarent ascendency of Legitime, and ccrtain
y would not be now when Hippolyte is at
the head of affairs: Legitime was the repre
sentative of the white or yellow element in
Haytian politics, and Hippolyte of the
blacks, and it is not to be presumed that
the latter would look upon the appointment
of Douglass in any other light than as a
compliment It was Legitime who criti
cised the appointment of Douglass, and who
excited bad feeling against the present
When Admiral Gherardi telegraphed that
the new Minister should come on at once it
was assumed that he would be entirely ac
ceptable to 'the new order of things Jn
Havti. It is hinted, however, by an official
of the State Department that notwithstand
ing the request of the Admiral, the depart
ment would be injEO-JastP akonlotdcring
"Mri "Douglass to Hayti until.affatrVwere
somewhat settled and the feeling in regard
to Hippolyte more definitely known. It is
not desirci to recognize anyone as head of
the Government unless his tenure is con
sidered secure.
A Soldier's Life Is Not What It Is Cracked
Up to Be.
St. Louis, August 25. The Post Sis
patch prints a page article giving the exper
ience of a reporter who enlisted as a soldier
and investigated the causes of so many
desertions. The reporter is Frank Wood
ward, formerly of Minneapolis, served three
months as a recruit at Jefferson Barracks,
near this city, and then secured his dis
charge. The revelations are interesting,
owing to the fact that during the year end
ing about June 1, out of an army ot about
22,000 men there were 2.842 desertions, an
increase over the previous year of 372. The
story shows that enlisted men in the United
States army are treated worse than slaves,
many of them worse even than dogs.
So terrible is this treatment that notwith
standing five years' imprisonment in a mil
itary prison, desertions are increasing at an
alarming rate. Woodward claims that offi
cers, and especially non-commissioned offi
cers, arc needlessly cruel and offensively
tyrannical; that the food furnished is unfit
to eat; that vermin make the soldier's couch
unfit to sleep npon; that the recruit's money
is absorbed by the sutler, and charges that
private soldiers have been murdered by non
commissioned officers without even an in
vestigation. Further interesting details of
the expose are promised.
The Flint Glass Workers Refuse to Co
Operate With Them.
Philadelphia, August 25. It has
just been made known that the recent con
ference held in this city between the execu
tive boards of the American Flint Glass
Workers' Union and Green Glass Blowers'
Assembly No. 199, Knights of Labor, re
sulted in the refusal of the flint glass work
ers to co-operate with the green glass blowers
in their efforts to resist a reduction in wages
announced by the varions manufacturing
concerns. The flint glass men have arranged
a schedule of wages which will go into
operation when the factories start up next
month, while the green glass manufacturers
insist that a reduction shall be made before
they will commence work for the fall. The
blowers were confident of receiving the sup
port of the flint glass men, and that confi
dence led Master Workman John Coffey to
predict an early and satisfactory settlement
of the existing difficulties.
The refusal is a severe blow to the hopes
of the blowers, and their course of proce
dure has not yet been determined upon.
Causes a Fire at Columbus Which Does
8100.000 Worth oi Damage.
Columbus, August 25. Fire broke out
in the Sterne Chittenden building at High
and Gay streets at an early hour this morn
ing. Owing to the fact that it was in the
heart ot the city exaggerated rumors as to
the extent were soon afloat and the excite
ment ran high. The princinal industry in
the Chittenden building is a mammoth
restaurant that occupies the entire first
floor and basement In the rear end of the
restaurant the fire started, the result of a
deficient gas range, and it had gained con
siderable headway before the department
The department was still fighting the
flames at 5 o'clock, but the fire was well
under control at that time. The loss will
figure abont $100,000, several stocks ot goods
being flooded with water and badly damaged.
This is perhaps an exaggerated estimate, as
the damaged stock can part of it be utilized
and a thorough examination has not as yet
been made. Nearly everything is covered
by insurance.
v . i
Was the Stream That First Came
Through a Rhode Island Dam.
Three Persons Drowned Ij the Bursting
of a Reservoir.
lie Slakes a Heroic Eescne or.a Bovine That Was In
Imminent Danger.
A reservoir near Fiskville, B. L, burst
yesterday.flooding the surrounding country.
Three persons were1 drowned. The giving
way of the dam is minutely described by an
eye witness.
Peovidence, It I., August 25. The
Spring Lake reservoir, near Fiskville, in
the southwest corner of Cranston, about
15 miles from the city, which supplies a
whole row of mill villages, burst this aftei
noon. Three persons jjseje drowned and
some damage done to property.
A man named Yeaw, who was about a
quarter of a mile off, noticed the water com
ing through the masonry of the dam, as ha
described it, in a stream about as big as a
barrel. The hole was apparently growing
very rapidly. The only living object in
sight was a cow, a few hundred feet across
the fields, and Yeaw, as he started to run,
made up his mind to rescue the cow. When
he reached the animal the field was a lake,
and the water was up to his neck.
He got out of it, however, and so did the
cow. Meanwhile, down the valley were
Mrs. Greene Tew, aged CO; a Mrs. Hawkins,
aged 90, and Mrs. Tew's son, 7 years old.
They were walking through a strip of wood
and were overtaken by the flood and drown
ed. Their bodies were found in the wood,
through which the water quickly ran, until
it emptied into the Pawtucket river.
The river rose rapidly and caused con
siderable alarm among people along its
banks, who thought that the Poncgansett
reservoir, the biggest in the State, had gone.
Many of them left their houses and
fled, but the flood subsided as rapidly
as it had come. The path of
the water from the reservoir was
through a thinly-settled country, and the
only damage to property was the wrecking
of a stable belonging to Bussell Matthew
son, the capsizing of a carriage shop belong
ing to Dr. E. K. Clarke, and the demolish
ing of three road bridges.
The dam was built in 1887 for the service
of the Pawtucket "Valley Company redeem
ing a small swampy pond, locally known
as Spring Lake. Tlie reservoir covered J8
acres, contained 35,000,000 gallons of water.
The dam U 925 feet long, 17 feet 9 inches
high and 8 feet wide on top and 35 feet
wide at the bottom. The embankment is
composed or clay and gravel in layers and
puddled. The lower slope is retained by a
stone wall and the upper slope is paved
with stone.
H. B. Barton, a civil engineer, living in
the vicinity, built the dam. The gap left
K thf. irntpr i hpturftun fin anA 7ft f..t lAn-
It is jn& above, the waste pipe.' The man"'
Yeaw is the only witness to any part of the
casualty. Nothing was known of the
three people drowned In the woods until the,
excited villagers, learning the dam had'
given away, hurried up the valley and
found the bodies on the way. The reser
voir was practically emptied.
The cause of the bursting of the dam is
believed to be a spring that existed under
the middle of the dam. The builders did
not take sufficient precaution to choke this
spring and it undermined the dam. Earl
Dodge, 9 years old, was with the party that
was overtaken and drowned. He escaped
with braises by clinging to a tree.
A Young Conplo Dentins Their Way From
California to New York.
Deuvek, August 25. Several months
ago Charles Fish, of San Francisco, a clerk,
while attempting to board a ferryboat fell
over some ropes into the arms of Miss Mary
Bathbnrne, daughter of a retired mer
chant of San Francisco. A few nights
afterward they met at a social party, and
from that time on a friendship sprung up
and finally they were engaged. Finding
that the girl's parents were opposed
to the match, the pair eloped
and were married at Sacramento.
The young man bavins only $33 told bis
wife if they could manage to reach New
York they would be all right, as he had
wealthy relatives there. This proved satis
factory. The wile adorned herself in men's
attire and they started for the East
From Sacramento they beat their way
over the Central Pacific Bailroad by riding
on freight trains and on the trucks'of pas
seneer coaches. A week ago they arrived
at Ogden, and desiring to see some Colorado
scenery they started for the Bio Grande.
After having been put off a half dozen
trains the couple reached Ben ver this morn
ing. As it happened, the Union Pacific
ran a Grand Army excursion train ont last
night, and the couple managed to go on the
train as porters. To-night they will reach
Omahj, and probably the pair will get
through to Chicago, reaching New York
next month. The girl is very pretty,
scarcely 19, while her husband is 22.
Philip Helnlcklc Gets Ont of Bed and Cre
mates nimself in HH Barn.
Pine Gbove, Pa., August 25. Philip
Heinickle, a German farmer of Pine Grove
township, aged 67 years, and living about
two miles northeast of the borough, delib
erately set fire to his barn early this morn
ing and was himself burned up with it.
Just before midnight Mrs. Heinickle
noticed her husband was restless. He put
on extra heavy clothing, and bidding two of
his children, Eleanor and Emma (who slept
In another room),good-by, he went downstairs
and taking a handlul ot matches went to
the stable, where he loosened the cattle,
drove them in the street and fired the barn.
It is the supposition that he threw himself
into the flames, and when the ruins fell to
gether his body rolled, outside the wall,
where it was found this morning.
The Executive of West Virainla Fignres In i
Chableston, W. Va., August 25.
Governor E. W. Wilson and his aged
father-in-law, Dr. J. T. Cotton, met with a
very serious accident last evening while out
driving. The horse, a fiery animal, took
fright at a point where the road ran along
the edge of a 35-foot bank and finally fell
over the edge, carrying Dr. Cotton with
Governor Wilson was thrown out falling
on the edge of the bank, where he made a
desperate.effort to save the horse from going
over, but was unsuccessful. Dr. Cotton
had his left-shoulder broken, and the
Governor was painfully hurt about the legs
and is .confined to hit bed.
AUGUST 26, 1889.
Bona Raymond, the Notorious, Tarns Up In
England At His Old Tllcks The
Name Under Which lie Is
Nonr Saltlnff.
New Yobk, August 25. Inspector
Byrnes received on Saturday a letter and
photograph from John C. Derebaur, Chief
Constable of Blackpool, England. The
Bicture was labeled "Ernest Neville Kolfe,"
but the inspector recognized it as Boss Ray
mond's. The letter asEedif the New York
police knew Kolfe, who was recently com
mitted at the Manchester Assizes for pass
ing a forged bill of exchange for 21 upon
John Harhng. director of the Blackpool
Winter Garden. The bill purported to be
signed by George Augustus Sala.
The Inspector sent word to the Blackpool
authorities that Itavmond, alias Captain
Rexford. alias Frank" Neville, alias Frank
Kolfe, alias Ernest Norton, became known
here in 1871, when he arrived from Chicaco
and got work on the Herald. In 1873 he
was sentenced by Recorder Hackett to two
years in State's prison for stealing an over
coat from the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Ori
July 28, 1886, he was arrested for passing a
forged check on Proprietor Edmund Koop,
of the Belvidere Hotel. Juge Cowing gave
him two yearsand after serving his sen
tence he -went to" Philadelphia, where he
passed more bogus checks aad skipped to
Boston. He swindled there right and left
and fled to Paris. From Paris he went to
London, and afterward turned up at Alex
andria, Egypt, as "Bennett Burleigh, war
correspondent of the London Post."
Baymond swindled awhile upon this pre
tense and then returned to Paris, and repre
sented to the proprietor of the Splendide
Hotel that he was the private secretary of the
Khedive, who was soon to follow him. The
hotelkeepcr perfamed rooms for the Khedive
and treated Baymond like a prince. Bay
mond borrowed" 3,000 francs from him and
cleared out on the day the Khedive was to
have arrived.
He Trlod Just Once Too Otten to Work His
Little Racket.
New Yobe, August 25. A man whojgave
his name as Martin F. Gilmorc, and his
residence as the Union Hotel, Bowery, was
remanded in the Yorkville police court, to
day, to give Inspector Byrnes a look at him.
The prisoner went into the cigar factory of
David Hirsch, Friday, and ordered $350
worth of cigars, saying that they were for
Martin F. Gilmore, who keeps a saloon, "and
that he would come in on Saturday morning
and pay for .them. Mr. Hirsch, knowing
Gilmore the saloonkeeper, sent a man down
there to tell Mr. Gilmore that he would ship
the goods the next morning, whether pay
ment was made or not. Mnch to the sur
prise of Mr. Hirsch, word was sent back
that Mr. Gilmore had ordered no goods and
authorized no one to do so, for him.
A few minutes after 12 o'clock on Satur
day the man who ordered the cigars came in
and told Mr. Hirsch that he could not get
down to the bank before it closed to get the
money, and that he would have to give a
check. He thereupon produced a check
signed "Martin F. Gilmore," and handed it
to Mr. Hirsch, who told the man it would
take some time to pack the cigars, and that
he could in the meantime go alter an ex
pressman. When he returned he was ar
rested. After the arrest it was learned
that the prisoner has bought (roods under
similar circumstances ot Morris, Jacoby &
A Western Carriage Company Gets
Financial Dlfllcnltlcs.
St. Paul, Augut 25. The J. H.
Mahler Company, of this city, one of the
largest carriage and wagon houses in the
West, made a voluntary assignment yester
day to cx-Congressmau John L. McDonald.
The ttatement ot assets and liabilities has
not yst been filed, but from the magnitude
of the company's operations the liabilities
will probably not fall short of ?500,000.
The failure caused a sensation in commer
cial circles, as the- company has been doing
a business throughout the West second only
to one other in importance.
It is learned that the company has been
in financial straits for several months, but
the officers mortgaged their property and
expected to weather the storm until yester
day, when a large amount of paper fell due
and was allowed to go to protest. The offi
cers of the company are J. H. Mahler, Prcsi
nent and Treasurer; L. B. Clark, Vice Presi
dent, and H. M. Miller, Secretary. The
company has been in business 20 years.
Grancers WhoAre Not Satisfied With Either
of Two Candidates.
Yodngstowit, August 25. A quiet
meeting of Bepnblican farmers of
Trumbull end Mahoning counties was
held here yesterday afternoon, the
conference being called to discuss the
Senatorial situation. Every effort was
made to keep the meeting secret, and those
who attended were notified by letter. John
M. Sears, of Goshen, this county, was
elected Chairman. The sentiment expressed
was that,while they were dissatisfied with the
renomination of Senator Stull by reason of
his record, which seemed inimical to their
interests, they did not want to vote for the
Democratic nominee.
It was finally decided' to select three from
each township to interview the farmers as to
what they believed was the best course to
pursue and report at another meeting to be
called by the President.
Tbo Concern Which Is Now Cnltinc a FIsure
In South Dakota.
Pieiike, S. Dak., August 25. The coa
test that was waged over the location of the
capital of North Dakota is as nothing to
the battle now being fought for the same
prize in this State. An organization which
will probably decide the location of the
capital is the Woonsocket Capital Invest
ment Company, whose stockholders are
scattered all over the new State. This com
pany was organized for the purpose of spec
ulation in lands at some point to be decided
on by the stockholders as tho place where
the capital should be.
In response to invitation of the directors
of the company six of the seven capital
contestants have sent in bids for the support
of the company, and the company will
decide oh the matter about the middle of
the present week. Great interest attaches
to the decision.
Tiro Boys Meet With a Similar Accident
at the frame Time.
Altoona, August 25. Homer Foutz
and Howard Harris, aged 14 and 1C respect
ively, while playing with a dynamite cart
ridge this afternoon, both met with a serious
accident. In some manner the caps ex
ploded, tearing the fingers from each of
iheit, hands. The boys claim that the cart
ridges were given to them by an Italian in
exchange for a smoking pipe.
This accident is a coincidence. Both boys
were at their homes in different parts of the
city, and the accidents took place at the
tame time and in the same manner.
-"BB "S v ' W ADTERTTvE yonr business In THE D1S-
lL.M.'frvfc'. . 'ssT -A A EJTCH. Prompt returns assnrod. TM
Am M Ml M M 1 I M 1 vtsPk5TS aT" "'" promptly responded jfl
2Lw 123 JL3CL'JLk, mm raard....raEnMFATcn. - a
f ' lW -w " &' W J&54&S,e cnn h throueU adver- WK
The Monarch of Italy Has Been Ex
communicated by tho Pope.
Which Beached the Extreme Limit of the
Papal Patience. r
Many Persons Are Djlc; of Etarratloa In the Interior
of Effjpt.
It is stated on good authority that King
Humbert and Queen Marghcrita, of Italy,
have been excommunicated by the church.
The facts seem to bear out the statement.
All relations between the royal family and
the Vatican have been terminated.
Eome, August 25. At last the Pope has
commenced to .strike back at the Italian
Government, as at present constituted.
King Humbert and Queen Margherita have
been placed under the ban of the Church.
The sentence ot excommunication is staled
by the "Venice Gazette, one of the best in
formed and most widely circulated papers
of the kingdom, to have been pronounced
by the Pontiff in person on the occasion of
the secret Consistory held a few days after
the dedication of the statue of Bruno, the
infidel, which was sanctioned by the Gov
ernment. The assertion of the Gazette is
universally believed, and there is much to
corroborate the authenticity thereof. In
the first place, all the ordinary courtesies
which have been customary until recently
between the Vatican and the Quirinal have
been entirely stopped.
Queen Margherita, who, like her brother-in-law,
tbe Duke of Aosta, is sincerely and
unaffectedly religions, has for the past 12 or
or 15 years been in the habit of spending
the hottest weeks of each summer at Venice
for the purpose of enjoying the sea baths
there. Hitherto the Patriarch Archbishop,
Cardinal Agostino, has never tailed to call
at the palace shortly after her arrival in
order to welcome the fair sovereign to the
city and to his diocese. This summer, for
the first tlmo, the Cardinal failed to pay his
customary visit, and took no notice of the
Queen's arrival. He, however, caused it to
be privately intimated to Her Majesty that
his discourtesy was due to strict commands
received from the Pontiff in person.
Another circumstance which tends to con
firm the truth of the assertion that the sen
tence of excommunication has been pro
nounced is the fact that King Humbert's
recent contribution of 50,000 lire toward the
restoration of an old church at Naples has
just been returned to the Treasurer of the
F.oyal Household, with the curt remark
that no gifts could be accepted from such a
source. The studied insult of this pro
ceeding was all the more marked inasmuch
as thegift had been accepted in due form
by the Chapter of the Diocese, a member of
which had been delegated to call npon the
monarch in order personally to convey to
him the thanks of the diocese for tbe gift
Moreover, a notification was issued in the
official gazette of the Vatican stating that
the chapter at Naples had been severely
censured for their action in the matter, and
that the member thereof who had been re
ceived in audience by the- King had been
subjected to'dfscipllnary'meatures.
The correspondent of the London Chron
icle here writes his paper that preparations
are being made for the Pope's departure
from Borne.
They Are Unable to Atrree Upon Candidates
for the Elections.
Paeis, August 25. The Boulangists held
a stoimy meeting to-day to discuss the selec
tion of candidates for the coming general
election. M. Laguerre declared that al
though be was a personal friend of General
Boulanger, he was not prepared to follow
Boulanger blindly. His paramount desire
was to witness the triumph of the ideas
which Boulanger represented. The meet
ing dispersed in disorder. No candidates
were chosen.
Celebrations In Hnnenry la Honor of the
National Patriot.
London, August 25. To-day, which was
the named day of Louis Kossuth, the Hun
garian patriot, was celebrated in Pesth by
the performance of special theatrical pieces..
Several societies, in observance of the day,
held meetings, and thousands of people
marched in procession through the streets.
There were similar demonstrations in other
Magyar towns.
An Enelish Comment on tbo Premier's Ac
tions in the Bebrins; feea Trouble.
LoNDONAugust 25. Commenting upon
the seizure of Canadian vescels in Behring
Sea the Daily Nevis says: "Secretory Blaine
is in a manner committed to a policy of un
friendliness toward England. There are many
signs, however, that in the present dispute
he has to reckon with his own countrymen
as well as with ours."
Scarvlnff People LAvlns on Dead Corpses In
Lower Esypt.
London, August 25. Dispatches from
Egypt say that a famine prevails at Khar
toum, Kassala, Tokar and other river towns.
The survivors are said to be feeding upon
the bodies of the dead. Abont 20 deaths
from starvation daily reported at Tokar.
Tiie-Strlkinc Dock Laborers.
London, August 25. The striking dock
laborers marched to-day from the East End
to Hyde Park, where they held a meeting.
Speeches were made from several platforms.
Besolutions in favor of continuing the strike
were adopted.
Boulnncer Will Stand Trial.
Paeis, August 25. It is reported that, at
the urgent request ot friends. General Boul
anger'will come to Paris to stand trial be
fore the elections.
A Hnrrlsbers; Horse Dealer Gets Nothing
for 81,050 Worth or Horseflesh.
Haerisburg, August25. Last June a
man who registered his name at a Harrls
burg hotel as V. Bessay, of Hamilton, Out.,
called on Gabriel Heister, son of Judge
Heister, of this county, and introduced him
self as the agent of George H. Pngsiey, for
tbe purchase of a number of blooded colts
which Heister had to sell. The negotiations
resulted in the purchase of eight, at,an ag
gregate price of $1,050. Tne agent gave in
payment a sight dralt. for $100 and a note
tor tbe balance. The colts were shipped to
Canada, but the draft and note were 'found
to be worthless.
Suit has beenlnstitnted against Pugsley,
Bessay and M. W. Griffin, the manager of,
the Western Union Telegraph Company at
Lockport, N. Y., to recover the cost of the
colts. Pugley is alleged to have swindled a
large number of people in New York State
by the game played on Heister, and Bessay
and Griffin are said to be his confederates
ABIa-Flre In the Swift Packing Establish
ment at KansasClty TheWIndAlone
Prevented Its Totnl Destruc-
tion Loss. 8150,000.
Kansas CiTY.August 25. The immense
packing house of Swift & Co., at the corner
of Berger avenue and First street, in Kan
sas City, Ka., was saved from total de
struction by ire to-day by a fortunate shift
of the wind. As it was, the smokehouse, a
structure of corrugated iron, 40x40 feet, was
wholly destroyed and the rendering house,
128x40 feet, was consumed. The fire started
at 9:30 this morning in tho smokehouse from
some cause unknown. Fire has broken out
several times recently in nearly the same
place, and it is supposed that it originated
trom some defect in the flues.
The fire departments of both cities re
sponded to the alarm, and they were on the
grounds in sufficient time to have checked
tbe blaze in its incipiency. When the hose
connections were made and the water
turned on it was found that the pressure
was wholly insufficient the water barely
ran out of the nozzles. Handicapped as
thev were, the firemen could do practically
nothing to subdue the flames, wnich by
that time had almost consumed the smoke
house and had communicated through a
viaduct to the rendering establishment.
Nothing could be done bnt let the water
fall in streams from the nozzles of the hose
upon the fire, and the flames had their own
way for about an hour. By this time the
fire had got full headway in the rendering
works, and fed with the inflammable contents
oil and lard gave promise of spreading
to tbe main packing works not more than 40
feet distant.
Just at this time the wind, which had
been blowing in the early morning from the
sohth, shifted to the northwest and carried
the flames away from the adjoining build
ings. Shortly afterward the water pressure
became sufficient to force the water from the
lines of hose, and in an hour from then the
firemen had the flames under control. Tbe
smokehouse was totally destroyed. The
south end of the refining house was saved
by a fire wall. During the fire Master
Mechanic Tate fell from the roof of the
smokehouse while attempting to descend bv
a rope, and was instantly killed. The total
loss on buildings, machinery and stock is
placed by Superintendent Young at $150,
000, with $120,000 insurance, placed with 42
Colonel IngersoM Delivers a Characteristic
Oration ia Ueraory of Horace
Beaver He Is Often Inter
rupted by Applause.
Boston, August 25. Horace Seaver, the
free thinker, was buried at Forest Cemetery
this afternoon, and only a few friends saw
the sod placed over the coffin. Colonel
Robert G. Ingersoll, the lifelong friend and
associate of the infidel, said "Goodby" as
the last sod was placed in position. This
was all the ceremony seen at the grave. At
Paine Memorial Hall, however, there was
a great crush of the deceased leader's
friends, who heard in Mr. Ingersoll's
eulogy an oratorical effort of the greatest
eloquence and power. Alluding to Mr.
'Seaver as a pioneer and toiler, who had
fallen asleep at tbe end of bis tas, ait.
Ingersoll said:
Horace. Seaver followed tbe light of bis
brain, the impulse ot his heart: tbo reHrion of
his day niled his heart with horror, as ho was
kind, compassionate and tender1. He attacked
the creed of New England, a religion that had a
monster for a God: a religion whose dogmas
would have .shocked cannibals feasting upon
babes. This man had that superb thing which
wo call moral courage, com age in itsbizbest
form. He knew that his thoughts were not the
thoughts of others; that he was with tho few,
and. where one would take his side, thousands
would bo his eager foes. He believed In
the religion of free thought and good
deed, in a religion for every day. He lived for
this world; if there be another, he will lire for
that. Ho did what he could for the destruc
tion of fear, tbe destruction of the imaginary
monster who rewards the few in heaven, the
monster who tortures the many in perdition.
How little, after all, we know of what is ill or
well. How little of this wondrous stream of
cataracts and pools, this stream of life that ries
in a world unknown and flows to that mysteri
ous sea who-e shore tho foot of one who comes
hath never pressed. How little of this life we
know, this struegling ray of light twixt gloom
and gloom, this strip ot land by vcrdnre clad
between the unknown wastes, this" throbbing
moment filled with love and pain, this dream
that lies between tho shadowy shores ot sleep
and death. We'stand npon tbisycrge of cram
blinc time and we love, we hope? we disappear.
Again we mingle with tbe dust, and the knot
intrinslcate forever falls apart.
Several times Mr. Ingersoll was inter
rupted by the applause ot his hearers.
Jealousy the Cause of a Homlcldo and an
Attempted Suicide.
Indianapolis, August 2G. At a late
hour last night, jnst north of the city, on
North Illinois street, Edward Azmann. of
Cincinnati, cut the throat of Bertha Elff, a
young woman living in this city, and then,
walking a few steps away, he attempted
to take his own life in the
same way. The scene of the mur
der is just beyond the city limits and
some distance fiom any dwelling. The
body of the woman was not discovered un
til after midnight by an old man living in
the neighborhood. Azmann was found
lying unconscious 'about 200 yards from
where the woman lay. He was taken to the
city hospital and to-day the physicians an
nounced that he will probably recover. The
woman was dead when found, her head
being nearly severed from her body. The
two had been to Kissel's beer garden north
of the city, and had been drinking.
Azmann is of the firm of H. F. Azmann
& Co., proprietors of a small drygood3
store at 305 Central avenue, Cincinnati.
He is 40 years old, and has a wife and two
children, from whom be is separated. They
are now at Kotcomo, Ind.
The Hindoo Comes Into Port at Boston
With n Bis; Fire Aboard.
Boston, August 25. The freight steamer
Hindoo, of the Wilson line, arrived here
this morning with her cargo afire. The fire
started in mid-ocean, but baffled all efforts
to fight it out. It continued to bnrn in the
third compartment, and when the hatches
were opened, on reaching the dock, the fire
blazed fiercely. Among the other contents
of that part of the ship were a great number
of wooden covered cans of oil. The wooden
sides of these were all burned off to the tin.
A fpw mnrt hntirv nf mntftnr wrti,!l nwnK
ably have resulted in disaster. The steamer
is one of the largest of the line, carrying
5,000 or 6,000 tons ot cargo.
It Is Scarcely Believed That It Will belm.
mediately Tried.
CniCAGO, August 25. The Cronin case
will be called to-morrow morning in Judge
McConnell's court. Arguments on the mo
tions of Coughlin, O'Snllivan and Burke
tor separate trials could easily occupy an
entire day. but there is little prospect that
such arguments will be heard to-morrow.
The result may be that without either side
asking for or being charged with a continu
ance, the case will go over until next month
or the September term.
Annngemeuts have been made to keep a
large crowd out of the courtroom to-morrow.
The courtroom is a small one, and no more
spectators will be allowed to enter than the
seats will accommodate.
HSMV "y. rnTT-DTmn -rEivrmcj . 'mi
3tg&. 1
Yfil&vfW TTTT? n"RniT If
.rHTsV-l-' -LiX-Li iU.rLA.UJLl.
TBBdArmyYeterans Are Stream fff
? Toward Milwaukee. M
Alger and Dalzcll-Are Already STarshaUlng
Their Forces.
His Wealth and Railroad Influence Gives Bha a
Tery Strong fall.
Everything is now ready for the annual
G. A. B. Encampment at Milwaukee. The
veterans are coming in from all directions,
and the candidates for Commander are al
ready on the field. Major Warner is on the
way with a guard of honor.
Milwaukee, August 25. Most of tho
State departments of the Grand Army and
the large bulk qf .the posts will arrive to
morrow. There have arrived the depart
ments of Michigan, Georgia, Oregon, Cali
fornia, Maine, New Hampshire and part of
Bhode Island. Hassendenbel' Post, ot St.
Louis, 400 strong, came in this morning
with a flag to be presented to the first post
of Indian veterans ever organized, who are
coming from the northern part of Wiscon
sin. Part of the Dakota and Minnesota
contingent arrived to-night. They num
bered 500.
Commander in Chief Warner and staff,
escorted by Blair Post, of St. Louis, will get
here to-morrow morning by special train.
General Alger, of Michigan, accompanied
by John A. Logan and Judge Veazey, of
the Vermont Supreme Court, leading candi
dates for Commander in Chief, are expected
to-morrow. Private Dalzell, another candi
date, arrived to-night from Ohio.
A dispatch from Chicago says: The
outgoing boats and trains were crowded
this evening with delegations on their way
to Milwaukee to attend the G. A. B.
National Encampment. The travelers
were mainly from the Western States.
Kansas sent a large contingent, and squads
from different sections of Iowa and Illinois
were among the passeneers. National
Commander Warner will be at the Grand
Pacific to-morrow morning, where, accom
panied by his staff, he will be serenaded by
a glee clnb from his post General William
Tecumseh Sherman is expected at the same
time, as well as General Alger 'and other
prominent Michiean and Grand Army
officers. They will breakfast at the Grand
Pacific and receive Chicago comrades in
formally, and proceed to Milwaukee at an
early hour.
The late trains to-night brought in a num
ber of delegates and marching bodies from
the East, from which direction the larger
Sroportion of the attendance is expected.
'ew England has a good representation in
the hone of giving the office of National
Commander to Major Veasey, of Vermont,
but there is strong talk also of General
Alger for the place. It is urged that Gen
prjFAlger is a railroad
and may be strongly in strata en tal in deter
mining the question of railroad rates for
next year; that his wealth will permit him
to be liberal in making preparations for the
next encampment; that he will take prida
in iostering an uranu Army interests ana
that he was the devoted friend of General
Logan. It is believed the support of the
Illinois delegates will be unanimously in
his favor.
A dispatch from Kansas City says: From
the appearance of the streets to-day, one
might easily have imagined it was in" Kan
sas Citv that the reunion of the members of
the G. A. B. was about to occur. The army
hat with its baud of gofd, the blue coat with
its simple bntton badge and the flag of the
United States were conspicnous everywhere.
Fully COO veteran comrades from Kansas
and Missouri had come to escort Commander-in-Chief
Warner to the train that was to
carry him to Milwaukee, and to bid him
An equal number of resident veterans as
sembled at the Third Regiment Armory at
2 o'clock, when they were also drawn up,
the Hale Zouaves, in their gaudy regiment
als, contrasting strangely with the unassum
ing uniforms of the veteran soldiers. At
the head of the G. A. B. posts and the other
organizations were placed bands and standard-bearers
and when the line of march was
taken up there were about 1,500 men in line.
Commander-in-Chief Warner, as he ap-
Iieared escorted by the commanders of the
ocal and visiting posts as aids-de-camp,
was cheered to the echo. The march to the
depot was then begun. The streets on the
line of march were lined with thousands of
sightseers, who cheered lustily the bowing
Major. At the depot the noted veteran was
escorted to his car on the Alton track by
the Post Commanders, who will accompany
him to Milwaukee. About it the bands as
sembled and serenaded him until the calls
for his appearance became so mandatory
that he was forced to step out on the plat
form and address a few words to hi3 com
rades. It was time for the train to start, the
band playing the "Commander-in-Chief
March," composed for the occasion, and the
veterans shouted goodby and waving a
farewell with their hajts and flags. . About
250 old army men went by the same train,
mostly from this city.
The escort was composed of J. B. John
son, Judge Advocate General E. G. Gran
ville, Assistant Adjutant General Alfred
Brant, E. F. Rogers, L. B. Evland, O. P.
Smith, T. A. Axtcll, J. W. Kidwell, J. C.
Greenman, W. H. Yeaton, George Gaston,
J. H. Jenks, aid-de-camp to Commander-in-Chief,
and A. J. McCoy. Past Com
mander of the Department of Wisconsin,
Adjntant General Weigel, started for Mil
waukee Friday to convey the records of the
G. A. B. and establish headquarters for the
Tbo Loss of Life Occasioned by the Floods
in China.
SAN Fbanqisco, August 25. The steam
er Oceanic arrived to-day from Hong Kong
and fokahoma, bringing advices to August
10 of further details of the bursting of the
Yellow river embankment in the Province
of Shantung July 22, which state that the
destruction is widespread. The breach
is over 2,C00 feet in length, and a swift cur
rent swept through, flooding to a depth of
12 feet a large extent of the country lying
adjacent. Many houses were washed away,
and a dispatch from Chefoo states that the
number of persons drowned is too great to
be counted. Ten districts are already sub
merged, and it is feared many more in the
low-lying country south will suffer a similar
The latest advices concerning the earth
quake at Mumamota, July 23, place the
number of killed at 18 and the wounded at
19. Fifty-two dwellings were demolished.
A telegram on the 30th ot July states that 53
shocks had been experienced, and that they
continued to be felt. The inhabitants were
sleeping in the open air. The same earth
quake was felt in the province of Clukujo.
Considerable loss of Hie is reported-, but no
particulars have been received.
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