Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 25, 1889, Image 1

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40,000 MH STRIKE,
The Greatest Attempt of the
Generation to Secure
Fair Wages.
And Receiving Financial Assistance
From Capitalists.
Thr Value of a Title In English Courts of
Justice Russell Harrison Not Too
Hlgb-Toncd to Dine With Untitled
Americana InXondou Snra Bernhardt'
Grief nt Her Onsband'a Death Amer
ican Gat Compnnlea the Next Object of
Attnclc br British Syndicates A Rival
to tho Eiffel Tower to be Built on the
Hank of the Thames A Young Girl
Riral to Josef Hoffmann Makes Her
At least 40,000 men are on strike in Lon
don, with prospects of many more coming
out. The underpaid dock laborers hare
public sympathy with them and capital to
back them. A title is a handy thing to
Have in England. Mrs. Maybrick is fairly
dazed. Josef Hoffmann has a precocious
young girl rival.
London, August 24. London is threat
ened with the greatest strike of the present
generation. It commenced with the dock
laborers, 2,000 of whom turned out in one
week. Thousands a day joined them, until
now there are at least 40,000 men on strike.
It has not stopped, however, with dock
laborers. It has spread into many other
branches where unskilled labor is employed.
Car men delivering goods for railways,
drivers of goods wagons generally, men in
riverside factories, have all turned out to
join the dock laborers, and many other
branches of trade are threatened with stop
page, owing to the men's action.
Public sympathy is with the laborers.
They are a miserably paid lot, and especial
ly at the docks, where the companies or
their nominees act as middlemen. The ship
pers pay good prices, and the poor laborer is
sweated; he has to wait at the dock gate
hour after hour on the chance of being em
ployed; then when they are taken on they
are paid at the rate of fivepence.per hour,
and if they earn S5 in the course of one
week they consider themselves lucky. But
the men engaged are supposed to work half
an hour gratuitously each day for the bene
fit of the contractor, and this is the most in
iquitous task.
, - It looks as though the men have a chance
iof winning. The dock companies have of
fered to pay sixpence an hour, instead of
fivepence. They have also agreed to other
concessions, but they do not comply with
the men's demands in full, and accordingly
the men still stick out for their rights.
Each day they march from the aocks to the
city, eight deep, with bands and banners,
and a great show they make. The enthu
siasm ot the strikers is unbounded, their
self-restraint and good humor are marvel
ous. It is a striking feature of the strug
gle that the shippers sympathize entirely
with the men, simply on the ground that
they are also victimized by the dock com
panies, who retain in their own hands the
monopoly of loading and unloading ships.
The laborers have recognized this, and in
passing each of the large shipping houses,
when marching into the city, the.; have
cheered long and loudly.
In this one instance capital and labor
have really joined hands, for the shippers
are contributing liberally to the men, to
help them keep up the struggle. So far all
has been perfectly orderly. Burns, the well
known Socialist, is at the head of :'.fftirs,
and uses all his influence to keep the strik
ers on their best behavior, but when the
pinch of hunger comes it may take more
than soft words to keep these downtrodden
creatures in order. It is a point which the
authorities are recognizing, and the police
and soldiers have already been told off, to
meet any possible outbreak. The situation
is likely to become serious, but the proba
bilities are that the docK company will make
the further concessions demanded, and thus
aert dancer.
How the bbab Amused Himself at the Ex
pense of His Favorite.
London. August 24. Tales of Nasir-El-Din
continue to add to the total of human
gaiety, although the king of kings is now
well on his way back to Persia. The latest
comes from the Cave of Neptune, at Beil
brnnn. Observing a hose pipe connected
with a fountain, the Shah gleefully plaved
it upon the girl in boy's clothes, who is his
inseparable companion, whereupon the
favorite, not daring to retaliate upon the
(acred person of her sovereign, took it out
by drenching the whole ot the Imperial
suite, to the great delight of the merry
monarch, who laughed until he was forced
to sit down and rest.
Gladatone Writes Her a Characteristic fit
ter of Sympathy.
London, August 24. Mr. Gladstone has
written to express his sympathy with Sara
Bernhardt upon the death ol Damala. Pri
vate letters received in London state that
she feels his death most acutely, having
grown passionately fond of him after their
quarrel and his flight to Tnnis, where she
masqueraded as a soldier of France.
br Edwin Arnold Carries His Patriotism
to an Extreme
London, August 24. Sir Edwin Ar
nold, author of the "Light of Asia," and
editor of the Telegraph, sailed with his
daughter for America, Thursday, en route
to China and Japan.
'They land In Montreal, as Arnold thinks
it proper and becoming that Englishmen
should disembark in the Queen's dominion.
Bow It Protects Its Owner In an English
Conrt of Justice Lord M andefille's
Adventures While Dodging an
Indignant Livery Man.
IBT cablz to the psfatcu.I
London, August 24. A title is often a
convenience in London, as the hereditary
aristocracy generally ascertains when its
membership is brought up in a police court,
and as has been illustrated this week in the
case of George Victor Drogo Montagu, Vis
count Mandeville, Lord Montagu of Kim
bolton, son ot (he Duke of Manchester.
"William King, a livery stable keeper, has
been trying all week, at one police court
and another, to get Lord Mandeville pun
ished for assaulting him. and also to obtain
redress for wrongs done him by Bessie Bel
wood, who sings comic sougs at the Pavilion
Mandeville owed King over $1,000 for cab
hire, but the nobleman took the precaution
of going through the bankruptcy court, a
short time ago, and the liverv man has been
unable to collect his bill. Last Saturday,
however, King determined to have an ex
planation, and he went to Bessie Belwood's
house, where Mandeville, who has deserted
his wife, formerly Miss Consuelo Yznapa,
is known to live. King called at noon, and
ascertaining that the nobleman was in the
house, he sat down to wait for him to come
When King got hungry he sent for some
sandwiches and a bottle of beer, with which
he regaled himself on'the steps, and then he
comfortably smoked his pirje until 9 o'clock
in the evening. At this time Bessie's
brougham drove around to take her to the
theater, for this young person has expensive
tastes, and does not depend entirely upon
her salary of 15 per week for all the lux
uries she enjoys. Soon after Bessie and
Mandeville came out of the house and pre
pared to enter theliouse, when King spoke
to them. Mandeville shoved his creditor
out of the way, and fell under the horse, but
before the carriage could drive away the en
raged liveryman dragged the Lord out of it
and proceeded to confer a thrashing upon
Bessie Belwood is a big young person of
the brawny barmaid type. When she struck
King she got first blood, and when she got
through with him there was no fight in him.
The lord and lady drove away and the
liveryman went to a police court. He went
in vain. The magistrate only lectured him
for annoving Bessie and her patron, and
that is all the satisfaction he has yeb been
able to get. He is persevering, however,
and hopes yet to bring the two into court.
Commutation Brought About
After a Severe Struggle.
London, August 24. The commutation
of Mrs. Maybrick's sentence was only
brought about after a severe struggle and a
row in the British Cabinet. The Lord Chan
cellor, who had been called in to give Mr.
Matthews the benefit of his advice, strongly
urged that the woman should be hanged.
Mr. Matthews resented some of the Chan
cellor's conclusions, a heated argument fol
lowed, then a decided coolness, snd now
thev don't speak. A Cabinet council was
calfed before the commutation was decided
upon, and here Mr. Matthews gave the
grounds which he intended putting forth for
no: carrying out the lull penalty ol inn law.
Though the reasons have met with general
approval, there is still a noisy minority who
assert that if the evidence is not sufficient to
hang her, that she ought to be acquitted, so
that the agitation cannot be said to have
entirely subsided.
The woman herself is in a fairly dazed
condition, and a short spell of penal servi
tude will probably be sufficient to end her
career on earth. Brierly, the partner of
her illegal love, will arrive in Boston next
week, and will no doubt tell Americans his
own story. He seems terribly distressed at
the horrors which have resulted from his ac
tions, and the news of the reprieve, which
he received at Queenslown, was, after all,
but a slight relief to him. Brierly's busi
ness in Liverpool was practically ruined.
The Next Step to be Taken br English Cnpl.
London, August 24. The British capi
talist having secured control of the manu
facture of American beer, is now turning
his attention to our gas supply. To-day
an eminent London engineer, whose name
is carefully withheld, sailed for New York,
with much secrecy, upon a commission to
inquire and report upon the value of certain
gas plants in Boston and elsewhere, which
are said to have been offered to a wealthy
London syndicate, which numbers in its
ranks several members of the House of
Should the report be favorable, a contract
will be signed and American gas shares
will begin to figure in the stock exchange
Infant King of Spain Ducked In the
Surf at ban Krbaatlnn.
London, August 24. King Alphonso,
of Spain, has just taken his first sea bath at
San Sebastian. His eldest sister, who does
not herself exceed 9 years, carried this royal
infant to the ocean and deposited him in
the water. .
He chuckled and crowed with enthusi
asm, much in the same way as other infants,
and yelled defiance when at length fetched
out by his nurse and dressed. He has not
yet signed a decree for the beheading of the
Alice Iilebmann.O Years Old, a Clever Ut
ile Violinist.
London, August 24. Josef Hoffmann
has a rival in an infant phenomenon of 9
years, Alice Liebmann, who plays the vio
lin. She made her first appearance'at Her
Majesty's Theater last evening, and the
critics commend her to-day.
She played Beriot's "Andante Varie"
very cleverly, and responded to an encore
with a popular air that she performed re
markably well. She is a bright-looking
little girl, in a short frock, and does not
look liki
ie a genius.
A Big Tower to be Erected by the Thames
for Revenue
London, August 24. The 20 per cent
dividend earned by the proprietors of the
Eiffel tower iu Paris, has induced capital
ists in London to try their hand at similar
A company has been registered this week,
ol which Sir" Edward Walker is the moving
spirit, so that within a short time another of
these enormous structures will probably be
seen, this time on the banks of the Thames.
James "Berry Anxious to Come to America
as Executloner-tn.Chlef.
LONDON, August 24. An offer has been
made-pnblic on the part of James Berry,
who holds a monopoly in the execution
business of England, to' go to America and
hang every condemned murderer in the
United States for 500 down.
Berry is much disturbed over-the repeal
of Mrs. Maybnck's sentence, as he has a
weakness for hanging pretty women.
He Is Not Yet 'Above Dining With a Rich
but Untitled American.
London, August 24. Escaping the im
portunate clamor of the British nobility
that was anxious to give him dinners and
invite him to its country places, Russell
Harrison' sailed for New York by the City
of Paris, last Wednesday, having permitted
himself to sit down with Americans at a
dinner given by Frank, McLanghliu, of the
Philadelphia Times, on Monday.
The Dispatch correspondent has been
requested by Mr. Harrison to deny the re
ports that have been published in American
newspapers, that he is suffering from cere
bral tumefaction. He declares that the
adulation and flattery of the aristocracy
have not at all enhanced his opinion of him
self, which was vigorous to start with, and
that he has realized all the time that the
honors that have been heaped on him were
due to tne circumstance that he represented
the American people.
The Charleston Makes a Iong Bun at IS
Knots an Hour Only a Tech
nical Deficiency A Ves
sel to be Proud of.
"Washington, August 24. Acting Sec
retary Walker this afternoon received by
telegraph the following official report upon
the performance of the new cruiser Charles
ton, upon trial near San Francisco. The
report is from Commodore Benham, resi
dent of the trial board, dated Augufc 24,
and reads thus: ( ,
Official trial of Charleston's engine? and
boilers finished yesterday afternoon. Prrbable
average total horse power 6.7U0. Mapmum
revolutions for one hour 116 6-10; averagt revo
lutions for four hours, 115; vacuum nejer be
low 26. Snip's draft, at starting trial, ltjieet U
inches forward. 19 feet aft. A continuous
speed by log of IS knots maintained.' Ship
actually under forced draft for 8 hours. Per
formance of machinery and boilers adoirable:
during entire period not found necefary to
slow nor was there any beating. ;
Commodore Walker expresses himself as
highly gratified with tho result of the trial.
He says that the smooth running ofjhe ma
chinery under the trying conditions of
forced draft for so long a time, and the con
tinuous high speed maintained, stzmp the
Charleston as a vessel without a superior.
It will be noticed that the vessel showed
6,700 horse power, while the contract re
quirement is 7,000.
The design contemplates a speed of 18
knots. This appears to have been obtained,
although there is a discrepancy in horse
power which, if this trial should be accepted
as final, would subject the contractors to a
penalty. Consequently the engineer officers
believe that another trial will be had, and
with machinery made smooth and the ex
perience gained in the preceding trials, the
vessel, which has already so successfully
met expectations in other respects, will real-
ize the technical conditions of 7,000-horsf
A Henry Georgo Cnndidate Sues a
paper for $'25,000 Damages.
Bochester, N. Y., August 21 Desnis
C. Feely, the George party's candidate for
Attorney General in 1887, .has filed a suit in
the Supreme Court of Monroe cornty
against George Jones, Treasurer of the Sew
York Times, for 525,000 libel, for an article
published in the Times on October 20, 1887,
headed: "A Specimen George Man; In
gaged in Eating Up a Widow's Estate; a
Leaf From the Professional Becord of tie
George Party's Candidate for Attorney Gen
eral." ,
The suit has occasioned great interes
here, where Mr. Feely is verv widely
known. It will be remembered that Mr,
Feely's name was widely mentioned at the
time of Alexander Sullivan's arrest, Mr.'
Feely being of the alleged "triangle" that
conducts the affairs of the Clan-na-Gael. I
The Fatal Amusement of Two I.lttle Tots In
Nashville, August 24. This morning
Bessie Wood and Mamie Parker, aged eight
and three years respectively, while playing
at the residence of Mr. B. O. Wood, the
iron founder, S14 South College street, got
hold of two boxes of pills, which had been
prescribed previously for older members of
the family. One box contained protoiodide
of mercury j the other tonic phosphorus and
small quantities of strychnine and arsenic.
The children were "playiDg doctor." and
administered the pills to each other. In the
afternoon both lost all power to move, and
were put to bed. Little Mamie Parker was
taken with convulsions and died before
medical help could arrive. Mamie Wood
was successfully treated, and she soon re
pvt red entirely.
The Governor of California Says That
Field's Arreat Is a Disgrace.
Sacramento,' CAL.,August 24. Gov
ernor Waterman has written the following
letter to the AttorneyGeneral of this State:
Hon. C A. Johnson. Attorney General t
Dear sib The arrest 'of Hon. Stephen J.
Field, Jnstice of the Supreme Court of the
United States, on the unsupported oath of a
woman, who, on the very day the oath was
taken, and often before threatened his life,
will be a burning disgrace to our
State unless disavowed. L. therefore, urse
upon you the propriety ot at once
Instructing tho District Attorney of San
Joaquin county to dismiss the unwarranted
proceedings azainst him. Tbe Question of
jurisdiction of tne State courts in the case of
Deputy United States Marshal Kagle Is not
one for argument. The unprecedented Indig
nity on Justice Field does not admit ot an argu-
John Robinson's Show Meets With a Disas
ter nt Toledo.
Toledo, August 24. This afternoon
while John Kobinson's circus was in full
blast, a heavy storm of wind, rain and hail
passed over the city. It struck tbe tent,
lifting the canvas and throwing tbe tent
over on one side, crashing down the seats.
A wild scene of terror resulted. In the
panic womer fainted, children screamed,
and it is a miracle that there were so few
The most serious was the breaking of the
leg of a young girl by a falling seat, hut
over 100 people suffered bruises and con
tusions. , The circus was unable to give a
night performance, and the performers
wardrobes were ruined by the rain. The
total loss is pnt at $2,000 by the managers.
He Frequently Sold 81.000,000 Worth of
Drygoods In a Year.
Chicago, August 24. Samuel Rosen
baum, one ol the best-known drygoods sales
men in the West, committed suicide at his
residence this morning by shooting himself
in the head. Bosenbanm was a phenomenal
salesman, .his sales frequently aggregating
51,000,000 a year. Grief at the deathof his
wi e and daughter unbalanced his mttd and
lnipeueu wiu to wie rau ueeu.
If tlie Ex-Collector Chooses But to
Accept tbe Nomination.
Declaration of Friendship for
Fellow-Townsman Called
The Allegheny Opposition Practically Beaches an
Abrupt Had.
Ex-Senator Wallace's expressed friendli
ness for ex-Collector Bigler is thought to
have almost insured the latter's nomination
for State Treasurer. The Allegheny opposi-
ftnn TTsa TIiisIaw rrt AAninf nl nlS ATW
jpointments, is not considered sufficient to
prevent the State Convention from naming
Vim as their leader this year. The Demo
crats rely for a good showing this fall on
we stay-ai-uoiae vote, Aepuunwu -affection
and prohibition strength.
Philadelphia, August 24. The de
claration of ex-Senator William A. Wal
lace that he will support the candidacy of
E. A. Bigler, of Clearfield county, for the
nomination for State Treasurer, provided
he will accept, has stirred the Democratic
politicians into the belief that Bigler will
be the Democratic candidate without op
position. Some weeks since it was feared
by manyof the local leaders that Wallace,
who is a resident of the same county as
Bigler, would oppose the latter's nomina
tion, for the reason that it would injure his
chances for the Gubernatorial nomination
next year, but Wallace's support of Bigler
has successfully dispelled that idea.
At the tune of the interview in which the
ex-Senator declared in favor of his fellow-
townsman's nomination tor State Treasurer,
he said in reference to next year's fight:
This is 1889. We want to nominate a
candidate lor State Treasurer who will
make a clean and acceptable candidate.
Next year is 1890; it can take care of itself."
It is said that Mr. Bitrler's candidaev
will be supported by President of the State.
Leagueof Clubs ChauncevF.Black, ex-Dem
ocratic state Chairman William U.ttensel.
ex-State Senator Simon P. Wolverton, of
Northumberland county; Postmaster Lar
kin, of Pittsburg; Postmaster Harrity, of
this city, and the Philadelphia leaders gener
ally. It-is understood that he will also re
ceive the support or the delegates
.from the old "Tenth Legion" dis
trict, which would have favored
the nomination of Robert E. Wright, of
Allentown, but who has positively declined
to allow the use of bis name. In short, it
looks as if all those whose names were
mentioned in connection with the nomina
tion have quietly drppped out, since it be
came known that tbe party leaders of the
state generally desited Mr. isigler s nomi
nation, or would not oppose it
The only opposition which at all mani
fested itself in opp sition to Mr. Bigler's
nomination started at Pittsburg, where
Patrick Foley, who ras disappointed by
Bigler refusing to iecognize him,- by ap
pointments to office, dtring his incumbency
of the Collector's office at Pittsburg, tried
to start a fight against him, but Mr. Foley,
who came on from Sittsburg with his friend,
Mr. Jiles', to stir up) his friends here in op
position to Biglens candidacy, left for
home a week ago, perfectly satisfied, accord
ing to his own Declaration, that Bigler
would be the Democratic candidate.
The primary elections for the nomination
of candidates for clunty offices, and the
election of delegates to the State convention
were held at Pittsburg to-night, but as the
Allegheny county convention doesn't meet
until the 27th instant it cannot he told yet
who will be the elected delegates. It re
mains to be seen whelher the influence of
Mr. Foley and his friinds will be sufficient
to corral the delegation to the State conven
tion and make any practical fight against
Bigler's nomination, l
It was given out to-night, by a friend of
Mr. Foley's in this citrtwho is on intimate
terms with ex-Senator Wallace, that if the
opposition to Bigler did succeed in winning
the delegation from Allegheny county they
would accept the will of the party leaders
Vnd acquiesce in the nomination of the
Clearfield county candidate, contenting
themselves by showing their power to elect
tie delegation and continue in control oi
tie county organization.
Srrfar as his intimate friends know, Mr.
ligler has given no evidence of his inten
tion to accept the nomination, beyond al
lcwing his triends to choose delegates from
tleir respective countiesin his favor, but it
is argued by those who 'desire to see him
nominated that he will accept. They say
thlt Mr. Bigler, who is a business man ot
wile experience and thoroughly acquainted
with politics, wouldn't have 'allowed his
friends to have gone so far as they have
unless it was his intention to accept and
make the fight.
One of Mr. Bigler's most enthusiastic sup
porters said this evening: "Mr. Bigler will
certainly accept the nomination if tendered
to him. 2Jo doubt he feels that his friends
ctn secure the nomination for him, and he
his no wish to proclaim his candidacy in
advance of the meeting of the delegates. Be
sides, Mr. Bigler and ex-Senator" Wallace
have always been warm personal friends,
and I have no doubt but that they thor
oughly understand each other, and that Mr.
Wallace's declaration in favor of his
friend's nomination was made to show that
he had no tear of its injuring his claims in
next year's fight."
The Democratic State Committee, will
meet at Harrisburg on September 2 at 4 P.
m., two days preceding the holding of the
State Convention. Chairman Kisner, who
has been ill for some time past, and who was
expected to resign, will preside. Mr. Kis
ner's health has improved very much of
late, and his friends say that with Secretary
Head's assistance the preliminary campaign
work can be put well under way without
impairing his health.
The, State Committee will consider the
question of revising the rules of tbe party
so as to have all contests for State delegate
seats settled in the counties wherein they
arise. There has been so much trouble in
the past at meetings of the State Conven
tion, on account of contested seats, that the
Democratic leaders are anxious to have it
stopped, and it is their intention to have
the State Committee draft such rules, which
are to be submitted to the State Convention
for approval, as will effectually prevent any
recurrence of the former trouble.
As the Executive Committee of the State
Committee is composed of the leading mem
bers of the party, namely, William Scott,
ot Erie; J2ckley B. Coxe, of Luzerne; Mor
timer F. Elliott, of Tyrone; Charles H.
Krumbhaar, of Philadelphia, Benjamin F.
Meyers, of Ham'sbnrgr Marshall Wright, of
Lehigh, and James P. Kerr, of Clearfield
county, it is intimated that they will, after
the State Cammittee has held its meeting,
draft a platform which is to be submitted to
the Committee on Besolutipns of the State
Convention for approval.
The platform will, according to reliable
authority, follow the declaration of that of
last year's convention on the subject of
tariff reform; the present State administra
tion is to be condemned for mismanage
ment of the finances of the Sinking Fund
Commission, and a call will be made to the
people for the election of the Democratic
candidate on the ground that there should
be a political change in the office of State
Treasurer in order to secure a thorough ex
amination of the business of the Treasurer's
office for years past.
The reason given for the preparation of a
platform in advance of the convention is
that It will expedite the business of the con
vention, and that with but one candidate to
nominate, the work can be finished and the
convention adjourn with hut one day's ses
sion. This, it is claimed will be of service
to the delegates who live at some distance
from Harrisburg, enabling them to return to
their homes much earlier.
The Democratic State Convention will be
held at Harrisburg on Wednesday, Septem
ber 4. ,
The Stay-at-Homo Vote nnd Prohibition
Strength Strongly Relied On Republi
can Disaffection Also a Factor Tbe
Kick Agnlnst Quay In It. Too. -
Philadelphia', Augnst 24. The Pro
hibition State Convention will be held on
next Wednesday, the 28th, at Harrisburg.
From present indications Bobert B. Corson,
of Philadelphia, will be their candidate for
State Treasurer. There are two sets of Pro
hibitionists in this State, the third party
and the Union Prohibitory League. The
convention which meets at Harris
burg on the 28th instant will
be composed of third party men.
The Union Prohibitory League Convention
will be held at Harrisburg on September
26. The third party Prohibitionists declare
their purpose to 'be the support only of can
didates for office who have been nominated
by conventions composed only of Prohibi
tionists, while' the Union Prohibitory
League will support a Prohibitionist who
has been nominated by either of the two
great political parties or the prohipition
party. Where none of the parties name
men who favor prohibition, then the league
The third oartv leaders have exDressed
themselves in favor of making an earnest
fight for thei? candidate for State Treasurer,
contending that it will be of material bene
fit to tbem to perfect their organization for
the grext fight of next year, and that if their
vote shows that they can hold tbe balance
of powtr in tbe State for next year's fight,
the leaiers of the two regular parties wili
be forctd to nominate men with conserva
tive views on the liquor question, which
action, f hey claim, will be an indirect vic
tory for them.
The prohibition leaders claim tbe credit
for' the enactment of the Brooks' high
license law, and say that they will continue
their fifht until they secure either consti
tutional or statutory prohibition.
The Democratic leaders profess to believe
that they have a chance cf winning this
fall, it being an off year, they reason that
with a fair prohibition vote andBepublican
dissatisfaction, coupled
wich the stav-at-home vote,
they will be able to overcome the large nat
ural riajority of tbe opposition. Their
greatest hope lies in the seciet enmity to
Quay's leadership, which, they say. is grad
ually trowing, and that It will be felt
throughout the State on election day. They
pointto the treatment which Magee and
..tcaianea have received from Quay, and
argue that their best way1 to get even will be
to down Boyer as a blow to Quay's machine
aid Delamater's desires.
One of the disappointed Republican p3rty
workers said to-day: ''Our division has
bten a Republican division for some years,
but I am satisfied tbe Democrats will carry
il this next election. There doesn't seem to
bf any room for party workers in the Gov
ernment service any more, and I guess
we'll quit and let the Democrats have the
It is talk of the above sort which makes
tbe Democratic leaders believe they can
win, and so they say they will make the
Ejc-Senator Wallace Closeted With
gerly, Pattlson and Casaidr-
Philadelphia. August 24. Ex-Senator
William M. Wallace left-tbe Continen
tal Hotel, entered the Record building and
was ushered into the private of
fice of William A. Singerly, this
altemoon. In the private office of
Mr. Singerly, beside Mr. Singerly himself
aad Mr. Wallace, were ex-Attorney Gen
eral Casidy and ex-Governor Bobert E.
Pattison. It is believed that the conference
tc-day had for its object the concentration
o the forces who are tired of the black wing
oi the party on a common candidate.
Ih some quarters it is not thought that
ex-Governor Pattison is intensely filled
wits the desire to run again, while Mr.
Wallace has an overwhelming wish to be
andidate. Friends close to blm say he
thoroughly satisned tnai ne can ce
elected Governor
To I lie State Convention Selected by ibe
Crawford County System.
H lrrisbtjeg, August 24. The Demo
crats oi this city and county, for tbe first
time this evening selected, delegates to the
Stat convention and county officers by the
Crat ford county sy-tem. The delegates
from the city are Dr. Charles T. George,
Bobert E. Spayd and William J. Conway.
Te county'ticket selected is as follows:
District Attorney. Lewis M. Neiffcr; Di
rector of the Poor, George W. Honser; Sur
veyor, James Hoffman.
Ex-Senator Wallace lias His Own Opinion
of Next Tear's Campaign.
Harrisburg, August 24. Senator Wal
lace passed through this city to-day on his
way to his Clearfield county home. He
talked as if the Democrats would put a
great deal of snap in the next gubernatorial
He did not say he was a candidate for
Governor, but left the impression that if he
were made tbe Democratic standard-bearer
the Republican fur would fly.
Eighty Case In tbe Village of Moscow and
a Qonrantlne Instituted.
Columbus, August 24. There were two
new cases of malignant diphtheria de
veloped in the terribly scourged little vil
lage of Moscow, O., to-day, making 80 cases
in all. Mrs. Charles Cushard and Miss
Lyttle, both adults, are the two last
A rigid quarantine and syjtem of isola
tion' is now in force. AVherever a case is
known the house is quarantined and none
of the family are allowed to leave the yard
until the patient gets well or dies, and all
who come in contact with the sufferer are
fumigated. No one is now allowed to enter
or leave the town -without a permit. Of
course this will stop tbe exodus of seared
citizens which at one time threatened to de
populate the village.
The Youthful Hero of a Determined
Attack on a Sheriff's Posse
A loung Outlaw's Brave Attempt to Rescue
His Father From the Lair
The Body of One of the Guards Completely Riddled
With Ballets.
A young desperado of Washington Terri
tory has caused a great sensation by sur
rendering. He hid for a long time in the
mountains, and gave himself up volun
tarily. He figured in a desperate battle
with officers who had arrested his father.
Spokane Falls, Wash. T., August
24. A great sensation was produced in
Waterville and throughout the Big Bend
country a few days ago by the surrender of
Manfred Paine, alias Engel. For three
years he has been an outlaw and the terror
of the officers and citizens. He made his
home in the mountains and coules, only ap
pearing at intervals to procure provisions
and ammunition. When pursued by officers
he iled into the fastnesses of an almost im
penetrable wilderness, frequently leaving
notices nailed to trees, warning his pur
surers to halt or suffer the consequences.
He came to Washington from Missouri
with his father, whose name was Campbell
Engel. A reward of 51,000 was offered in
Missouri for the apprehension of the old
man, who was charged with murder. Con
stable Jack Hnbbard, of this city, located
him in the mountains southwest of the
Grand Coule, 130 miles from here, and in
duced Frank Aiken to assist in the capture.
the old man caught.
Armed 'with a requisition they started to
the residence of Sheriff Bobinson, oi Doug
lass county, who joined them. Stealthily
approaching the Paine cabin by way of a
canyon, they secured the old man without
difficulty. SheriffBobinsou returned home,
and the others started for Spokane Falls
with their prisoner. When 25 miles from
the cabin, and near the Grand Coule, they
observed a horseman following them at lull
gailop. Paine was asked if he knew the
man, and replied that he could not make
out at that distance. The men stopped to
allow him to come nearer. The prisoner
was again asked if he knew him. "Yes,"
he replied, "that is my boy."
At the distance of 125 yards the pursuing
horseman dismounted and opened fire with
a Winchester rifle. The prisoner was the
one hit first, and fell partly out of the
wagon. Hubbard and Aiken turned the
team across the trail for a barricade, and re
turned the fire.
The battle grew desperate, and 15 or 20
shots were fired by each side. One of the
horses was hard hit, and a bullet struck
Hubbard in the leg. He said nothing, but
kept on shooting until another bullet struck
him in the face, and he fell. Presuming
him to be dead, Aiken sprang into the
wagon, pushing the dead body of the pris
oner out, and dashed away.
In a few minutes the wounded horse fell
dead. Aiken cut the harness from the
other, and started on. horseback. The horse
soon gave out and was abandoned. Aiken
proceeded on foot to a ranche, where he told
his story, and a posse was gathered up to
investigate. Paige's body was found where
Aiken had left it, but Hubbard's was some
distance away, and completely riddled with
bullet?. The indications were that he had
regained his feet and tried to escape, but
young Paine dashed upon him and finished
his bloody work.
Since pis surrender it transpires that
young Paine had previously taken legal ad
vice, and will endeavor to prove his inno
cence, and that another character figured in
the terrible tragedy. Aiken, the only liv
ing witness, is still here, and adheres to his
original statement.
A Nephew Snes Ills Uncle's Estate nnd Re
covers 83,000 for Being Temperate.
Middletown, August 24. At the late
special term of the Madison County Circuit
Court, Justice G. A. Forbes filed a decision
in tbe novel and much-litigated suit of
William F. Story, Jr., of Canastota, against
tbe estate of his late uncle, William E.
Story, Sr., of Erie connty.
The plaintiff's complaint set forth that
when he was 15 years of age his uncle, after
whom he was named, promised him that if
he would abstain from card play
ing and from the use of intoxicating
drinks and tobacco until he was 21 years
old he would give the nephew $5,000 when
he had attained his majority. The plain
tiff alleges that he complied with the
conditions exacted until he became of
age in 1875, but the uncle failed to fulfil his
agreement, and on his death in 1887 the
monev was still unpaid. Action was there
fore begun against the estate of the de
ceased man to inforce the payment
of the 15,000 and interest.
The defense maintained that the
claim was void by reason of the ambiguity
and insufficiency of the alleged considera
tion, and by reason of its being barred out
unuer tne statute oi limitation.
The Court ruled for the plaintiff on all
points and ordered that the nephew shonld
have judgment for the full amount claimed
and costs.
No Remedy for tbe Condition of Mining Af
fairs in Northern Illinois.
Chicago, August 24. Judge Gould and
Dr. Fred H. Wines, appointed by Governor
Fifer as a commission to investigate and re
port upon the ' Northern Illinois miners'
troubles, have presented a voluminous re
port to the Governor.
The gentlemen find that it is impossible for
tbe miners to subsist upon the wages offered
by the operators, but decline to state any
conviction that the present market and
controlling conditions will justify the
operators in offering a higher rate of wages.
They state that the facility with which
coal can he work in Southern Illinois places
the Northern Illinois mines under a decided
disadvantage in the matter of output and
wages. In a report of 12,000 words the com
mission fails to reco.nmend any panacea for
existing troubles, and concludes with the
reflection that the situation is as hopeless as
it is distressing.
A HIHwaukce Firm Does tbe Generous Act
to tbe Veterans.
Milwaukee, August 24. A vast amphi
theater of 35,000 seats has been erected on
the bluff ot Juneau .f ark, overlooking the
bay. It was intended to sell these to cover
the expenses of the sham naval battle gotten
up to entertain the Grand Army of the Re
public To-night the Pabst Brewing Company as
sumed' tbe entire expense on condition that
seats be given free to the veterans, and the
offer was officially accepted.
That is the Coroner's Velvet In the Case
of the Railroad Wreck at Snrrer'a
Station The Ties Were Rotten
and Unlit for Use.
Butler, August 24. Quite a sensation
was caused here by the verdicfof the Coro
ner's jury in the cause of the disaster on
the West Penn Bailroad at Sarver's station
on August 16, in which W. J. Powers, of
4737 Butler street, Pittsburg, and a daugh
ter of Mrs. Farrell, of this place, were
killed outright, and a large number of
others, including many prominent people
of Pittsburg, badly injured.
The investigation conducted by ihe Coro
ner had a wide scope, and every particle
of evidence pertaining to the subject
was received. A portion of the testi
mony was to the effect that the
timbers on which the rails were laid were
so rotten that the spikes had been forced
out the side by the weight of the train pass
ing over them. Other allegations of the
same general nature were made by various
After due deliberation the Coroner's
jury returned a verdict that the wreck of
the train was due to gross carelesness. It
was also found that the ties were rotten and
unfit to hold the spikes in place. This ver
dict was the subject of much discussion here
to-night, particularly among the -legal
died wrrn their boots on.
Fatal Aflrny Between Political Partisans
at a Primary Election.
Jackson, Miss., August 24. A bloody
affray took place to-day at Newman's
Grove, a voting precinct in the adjacent
county of Warren, where a primary election
was being held to determine who should be
the Democratic candidate for Sheriff. There
being three candidates in the field, Messrs.
Pat Henry, Dan Hebron and J. M. A.
Brennan, and each candidate having a
stronz following, it was thought that trouble
would result, as already before the voting
occurred considerable bitter feeling had de
veloped between the contestants and their
partisans. To-day's encounter, as far as can
be learned, resulted in the. death of W. H.
Brabston and the wounding of W.
F. Brabston, James Lanier, Messrs.
Hoskins and Todd. The Brabstons are con
nections of the Methodist Bishop. Charles
B. Galloway, of this city, and are otherwise
well connected and prominent men, as, in
deed, are all the parties interested in the
fatal fight.
The report of the assassination of Samuel
H. Whitworth, at Bising Sun, yesterday by
unknown parties, is confirmed. Whit
worth has recently been acquitted of the
charge of murder, and it is supposed that
the killing arose from the fact that he was
not convicted.
Horrible Case of Parentnl Drntnlity
ported From West Virginia.
Point Pleasant, W. "Va., August 24.
A horrible case of parental brutality is re
ported from Mason City, this county.
Miss Minnie Offenheimer was a
beautiful young lady of -18, and
the daughter of a prominent
and "wealthy church member. , A few
months ago she met Edward Shoemaker, a
well-knawn'rKerTOerator; at a picnic, and
the- two loved at once. Shoemaker
pressed his suit and was accepted.
The parents of the young woman
were furious when they learned of
her engagement to Shoemaker, who was not
of their religious belief. Miss Offenheimer
refused to give him up, and was subjected
to horrible cruelty. Neighbors declare that
she was locked in her room, half starved,
and beaten for weeks.
Finally the neighbors interfered. The
young woman was released, but only in
time to find that reason had been dethroned.
She was brought here to-day, and is now
confined in the prison for safety. The case
has excited great indignation throughout
this county.
An Osculatory Tonus; Teacher Driven Away
by Indignant Parents.
Onacock, Va., August 24. It has just
leaked out here that a young and handsome
publio school teacher named Winder, who
came from Philadelphia and taught school
in the upper part ot Axcomac county, last
winter, was driven away from tbe neighbor
hood on account of his fondness for kissing
his girl pupils. Winder was about 19 or 20
years of age. He would chuck the girls
under the chin during school hours, and it
seems, would chase them all over the cam
pus, often tearing their dresses in efforts to
catch and kiss them. Large or small, it
'mattered not to him. He would take the
girls, when caught, in his arms, and laying
their heads on shoulders passionately kiss
He came to the Eastern shore well recom
mended, and was a good teacher, but the
girls were indignant at his conduct and
told their pareuts, who informed him he
must leave or take the consequences, which
he, thinking it might be worse for him,
quickly did.
Petty OOcinls in Central America Cause
Any Amount ot Trouble.
Panama, August 24. Importers along
the west coast have been treated to an ex
pose in the Star and Herald of the causes of
delays in delivery of mails and cargo from
the United States. From a letter on this
subject the following extract is taken:
''It cannot fail to be observed by frequent
travelers along tbe coast that the majority
of the delays incurred by the steamers are
directly caused bv the consequence assumed
bv some petty officials, who, after the Cap
tain has'lost considerable time in waiting
for his dispatches, comes leisurely off to
the ship in such a manner as to be noticed
by everyone and feels imbued with a sense
of the authority vested in such a personage.
All of these characters ought to be made to
understand that they are only public ser
vants and that the steamship companies
represent in a most important degree a pub
lic service."
Repeated Telegrams Fall to GctDr.Brnnner
to go to TJurrlabnrg.
Harrisburg, Augnst 24. The owners
of horses in this city afflicted with glanders
have been unable to get Dr. Brunner, of
Allegheny, who in a letter to Governor
Beaver declared that he -could cure the dis
ease and prevent its spread, to Harrisburg.
State Printer Meyers, who shot a horse sup
posed to have had the disease, has sent four
telegrams to Brunner to come to Harrisburg,
but has received no reply. Meyers wants
the dead horse examined for the purpose of
ascertaining whether he had the glanders.
Bugler Buss, of the Governor's troocs.has
also repeatedly wired Brunner to come here
and save the life of his valuable horse if
possible, with the same unsatisfactory re
The American Ecyenne Cutter Eush
Seems to be Having Quite a
Several ITore Seizures Are Jlade by tha
Government Craft.
Bat Kot Without a Hot Ciase Which Lasted for a
number of Hoars.
Several more seizures of illegal sealing;
vessels, both British and American, have
been made in Behring Sea. One schooner
escaped with a large number of skins.
The Bush is still on the watch for mora
Victoria, B. C, August 24. Tha
schooner Sapphire has just arrived from
Behring Sea, having on board 2,520 skins.
Captain W. Cox, the master, gives the fol
lowing particulars of the cruise. On tha
Fourth of July the Sapphire entered tha
closed ocean and five days afterward
took the first catch of seals. On the 24th
tbe Pathfinder came up to the Sapphire,
spoke to her and reported all well, with a
catch of C4 seals.
Four days after the Ann ie C. Moore was
spoken to, with 600 skins aboard and all
well. On the29tn, with a fair wind, the
Sapphire came in sight of the Maggie Mac,
and Captain Dodd told him that on the 29th
he had been boarded by Lieutenant Tuttle,
of the cutter Bush, who informed him of tlja
captnre of the Black Diamond and the Min
nie. Captain Dodd stated that the Minnie
had been towed by tbe Bush into Ouna
laska on the 24 th of July and laid up there.
He also said, when asked by Tuttle whera
he had come from, he stated he had caught
his seals at Copper Island on tbe other side.
When he heard this, Tuttle seemed satis
fied, and, remarking that he had "other fish
to catch," he was leaving the gangway whea
Captain Dodd asked him what he meant.
He pointed to two specks and said they were
the schooners Mollie Adams and Mary
Ellen, which he was going to nip in the act.
As soon as he had left her, the Magpie
Mac got as far away as possible with her 600
skins, having seen the Bush standing down
on seemingly unsuspecting schooners. On,
July 30 tbe cutter Bear was seen standing;
about three miles cff. Captain Cox put up
every yard of canvas the little vessel could
carrv, and, aided by a splendid southerly
wind, fled before the steamer. The latter
gained for half an hour, and then the fleet
Sapphire slowly but surely left the chaser
The Union Jack was run up to the main
mast, and with hearty cheers the schooner
walked away, and in another hour was losf
to sight and nothing more was seen of the
Bear. On the 20th of May the Sapphire
proceeded to Kyuquact. Here several In
dians showed symptoms ot sickening, and
tbe captain discovered the disease to be sim
ilar to that of yellow feve,3(nd he at once
put to sea. On 'the way north, the whole
of tbe crew, himself included, was attacked
by the fever, but fortuns.b)' no deaths re
sulted. One of the 'Indian hunters, bow
ever, jose from the sick" "bed "blind, while
two others had their eyesight seriously af
fected. The Sappbueas'lr days coming
down from sea with variable winds.
A dispatch from Port Townsend says:
The Government Revenue- Cutter Bichard
Bush seized the British Schooner Ennetta
with 600 skins, July 31. The seizures ot
the Pathfinder and the Minnie are con-"
firmed. The Pathfinder was the only vessel
placed in charge of an American officer,
excepting the Black Diamond. The Ameri
can sailing schooner James G. Swan was
seized in Behring Sea on July 30, with 233
head of seals aboard.
The vessel's documents, firearms and
skins were taken aboard the Bush, and she'
was ordered to Sitka to be turned over to
the American authorities. The captain,
being witbont charts and unacquainted with'
the Alaskan coast, proceeded to this point
and surrendered his vessel to the Collector
of Customs. There are between 40 and SO
vessels now in Behring Sea.
A dispatch from Washington says: Act
ing Secretary of State to-day said "that no
communications from Minister Lincoln,
upon the subject of ihe Behring's Sea
seizures have been received at the depart
ment. He had heard nothing beyond what,
he had seen in the newspapers from the
British Government of an intention on its
part to request arbitration, and, in tact, the
department has had no communication trout
the British Government upon the subject
since Secretary Bayard quitted office.
Tbe Late White Hoose French Servants la
Great Demand. vtj
Washington, August 24. Madame
Marcel Pelonard, the White House cook
who has attained such w idespread notoriety
on account of her dismissal from the White
House on the departure of the President
and his family for the summer, and which ,
the Madame alleges was a breach of contract,
is receiving no end of letters offering her
lucrative positions as cook. Many v
come from private individuals, ladies
ot wealth, who seem to think it would ba
very nice to have their kitchens managed
by the cook of the British legation, and sub
sequently of the White House. One lady
of this class writes all the way from Texas,
and couches her letter in terms almost affec
tionate. A majority of the letters, how
ever, are from proprietors of French restau
rants, who desire her presence more as an
advertising card than for her services as
Monsieur Pelonard is also the victim of
numerous correspondents, one of whom is a
proprietor of a school, and offers Monsieur a
position aj French professor. Monsieur and
Madame enjoy the amusement they-get
from these letters very much, but answer
none of them, as they will soon open their
"pension" and cafe on G street, a short dis
tance from the White House.
A Proposition" to Purcbaso the Thomas Iron
Compnny's Plant.
Easton, Pa,. August 24. Considerable
interest has been aroused in iron circles in
the Lehigh Valley to-night by the official
notice that at the annual meeting of the
Thomas Iron Company on September 10
next the stockholders wonld be called on to
vote on a resolution to sell the entire plant.
It is reported that a number of Englishmen
have made a proposition to buy, and that,
they are willing to pay a good figure., They -will,
if the stockholders agree to sell and
fix a price acceptable, ask for subscriptions
to a company in England, secure the money
and ouy. ,
The plant is located principally atHo
kendanqua. The company has valuable?
property in several counties in Pennsyl
vania and New Jersey, and, though costing
about (4,000,000, it would be held at a.
higher figure by the stockholders. The par
value of the stock is $50. The last sale, was
at (63. The dividends of late have been at
I the rate of 10 per cent.
" n,r- irggfe-'' -Ttirt-