Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 24, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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:i88a . , -'-. v.
Tiapid and Eaay Transit
' Family Tickets, 5 Cts.
Thousands of persons feel sad because they
cannot afford the time and money necessary to
visit the big show at Paris, where the people,
customs, arts and industries of the world are
Gathered togther. That is where the
Steps in, and, by its mammoth Sunday edition,
brings all the nations of the earth to its readers.
They need not expose themselves to the dan
cers and inconveniences of an ocean voyage,
bat sitting quietly in their own homes may
view the world as depicted in the columns of
The Dispatch. If they are tired of this earth
they can read Nym Crinkle's vivid descrip
tion of
which may have the effect of contenting them
with their present lot The reader can wander
at will from country to country,, cross oceans
by turning over aleaf. become thoroughly con
versant with all the news of the earth, and cull
the fairest flowers in the garden of literature.
Don't fail to read.
-car the-
VoL. So. IBS. Entered at FMsburg Postofllee,
November 14, 1357, as second-class matter.
Business Offlce97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms andPuhllnMng House 76,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 43, Tribune
Building New York.
Average net emulation f the dally edition of
TILEDISIMTCH fersix months ending July ZX, 1589,
as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
Tax DISPATCH for three months ending JslySl.
Copies per Issue.
Daut Dispatch, One Year f too
DAiLTlnsrATCii, Par quarter 200
D-4.ILT DisrATCU, One Month 70
Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00
DAILT DlPATcn.lncludIncSunday,3m'ths. SS0
Daily DisrATCii,lneludlDg Bunday.l month 90
Sunday Dispatch, One Year.... 2 SO
Wixsxt Dispatch, One Year IS
Tux Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at
IScenUper week, or including Sunday edition, at
20 cents per week.
The expected trouble, predicted as the re
sult of the irregular manner in which Gov
ernor Beaver insisted on raising the
funds for the State's work at Johnstown,
opens oat into something decidedly like a
bitter fight over the refunding of the ad
vance which thePittsbnrg Relief Committee
made on that work before the State took
The understanding was plainly an
nounced at the time to be that this money
should be refunded out of the million dol
lars that the Governor was represented to
command. The money was advanced to
meet a pressing emergency, but its return to
the relief fund was insisted upon, not only
by the Pittsburg committee, bat by the con
tributors to that fond from, other cities.
The Pittsburg influence urged strongly that
the Legislature should be called together
in order that the mouey could be refunded
and the credit of the State pledged by com
petent authority. This was overruled by
Governor Beaver, and matters are drifting
into, a decidedly unpleasant muddle as the
The Governor was criticised for his inac
tion at first; bat he bids fair to earn more
severe criticism by his subsequent action.
He represented that he had $1,000,000 if
necessary to do the work; and in the end it
turns out that he had but 5300,000 and the
work is not completed. He agreed that the
Pittsburg fund should be reimbursed for the
advance that it had made to do the work
that belonged to the State; and the Pitts
burg fund must now wait on the uncertain
ties of a Legislature that is not to meet for a
year and a half. It almost seems as if the
Governor had tried to demonstrate that he
estimated himself more correctly than the
public did, and to prove that his early inac
tion would have been better for the Johns
town relief work than his later activity.
After this it is to be hoped that public
men will profit by the lesson that the way
to do necessary work by the State is to call
the appropriating and legislative power to
gether and to have the State pledge itself in
the constitutional and regular way.
Four men were hanged in the Tombs pris
on at New York yesterday. They were all
murderers of women and deserved their
fat if ever any criminals did. There does
not appear to have been a shadow of reason
why any one of them should have been al
lowed to pollute the earth with his presence
any longer. It was claimed for the man
Carolin, whose blasphemy upou the scaffold
was in peculiar contrast to thequiet resigna
tion of the other murderers, that he was in
sane, but it could only be proved that he
was a vicious, hard-drinking man. The
execution of these bloodthirsty wretches
shows that the law against murder isbeing en
forced in New York, even if some other
laws are-set at naught there.
While we thoroughly approve of the in
fliction of the death penalty in these cases,
and trust that the example may prove in
fectious in our over-merciful courts, we can
not indorse the mode of judicial killing
which has again been proven uncertain and
horribly cruel. The death of two of the
murderers by the hangman's noose was ren
dered slow and fall of torture by the cus
tomary miscalculation of 'the executioner.
Those who favor the new scheme of killing
murderers by electricity will not be slow to
point to the latest failure of the old process.
It is hard to believe that such distressing
add unnecessary horrors would attend an
execution by electricity. Certainly a more
reliable method than hanging with a rope
ought to be found, and electricity is most
likely to be the executioner of the future.
One of the agents of the recently ennobled
Edison, at the Paris Exposition, has got
into a complication which is thought to
present a pretty puzzle in.libel law. When
President Carnot visited the graphophone
Jm mxpm.
exhibit, the instrument informed him. that
certain Parisian newspaper worthies had de
manded money as the price of a favorable
notice of the President's visit The news
paper men referred to threaten suit for
datamation of character.
v .The legal puzzle is stated to be whether
the proceedings should be for slander or for
libel. If the person who made the assertion
to the instrument should be sued for libel,
he might plead that he did not write the
words but spoke them, and that he did not
speak them to any person. If charged with
slander he might answer that he did not
utter the words to President Carnot, but
that the instrument did. While possibly
the graphophone might be imprisoned for
slander, it would afford little satisfaction to
the person slandered.
These quiddities might present an ob
stacle to suits in Anglo-Saxon courts, where
hair-splitting is sometimes effective; but
supposing the slander to be conceded, the
French law has a habit o( going direct to
the point, and the defamation of character
would probably be punished, leaving the
question whotber a graphophone record it
written or spoken to be determined accord
ing to individual tastes.
Yesterday was railroad accident day. On
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad a con
fusion of orders brought an accommodation
and 'special passenger train into collision
with the ordinary disastrous results. The
death list includes only three lives, and fif
teen or twenty people are all that are in
jured. Consequently the' affair will be
treated as rather commonplace, as such
ordinary occasions of slaughter always will
be, until the public gets aroused to the
necessity of demanding strict accountability
for every preventable destruction of life and
A more uncommon style of railway acci
dent was that consisting of the derailment
of one of the Barnum & Bailey menagerie
trains near the Canadian line. No human
lives were sacrificed on this occasion; but
the horses and menagerie animals suffered
to a considerable extent. The slaughter of
trick mules, trained horses, camels and
sacred cattle by the modern railway pro
cess is a curious jumble of the old and new;
and we can hardly blame the elephants who
were in the collision and are reported to
have been very angry over the shaking up
they received.
In fact the elephantine anger would
afford a very good example to. the human
race, if it were only more lasting. Mankind
ought to get angry enough over these re
peated casualties to insure their stoppage.
The birth of an infant on whose sex the
disposition of the already famous Hamersley
fortune in a great measure depends, was
one of the events of the week. If the baby
had been a boy it would have inherited
the millions which are now supporting. re
habilitated glories of Blenheim. As a male
infant may yet be born to inherit this
wealth, the charities which are to receive
the property after the Duchess of Marl
borough has passed away from earth, are
not absolutely assured of the wealth; bat
the reprieve given by the sex of this in
fant makes the charitable expectants more
It looks at first blush like rather hard
lines for the baby, that the mere accident of
its sex should deprive it of what would
have been its heritage if it had turned
out a boy. Why would it not have been
just as fair to let the girl have
the money and let this boy if
it was a boy hustle for a liv
ing? This is the form in which
the matter presents itself at the first aspect;
and yet when we look at it more carefully,
we can see that the defunct Hamersley
builded better than he knew. If he could
have foreseenthat the life income left to his
disconsolate widow would have gone to sup
port the last and most disreputable of the
disreputable Dukes of Marlborough, he
might have made his will differently; but
his spirit can console itself with the. thought
that the English aristocracy can only get
the use of his property for one life. If the
reversion had gone to the newly-born female
infant, the case would have been different
That devoted child wonld have been marked
from its cradle as the necessary prize of some
titled foreign fortune hunter.
So the Hamersley will is vindicated. It
saves both the fortune and the newly-born
girl baby from becoming the permanent
property of some dissipated and broken
scion of foreign nobility. Both the child
and the fortune are to be congratulated.
The discovery that the name "Carl Bax
ter, colored, watchman," which appears in
the recently issued Minneapolis directory
was the name of a very intelligent and
faithful watch dog in that city gives the
provocation for a larger number of sarcasms
at the expense of the enterprising directory
compiler who furnished the basis for the
large estimate of population- in the North
western Metropolis.
Of course, the addition of watch dogs to
the directory total will furnish material 'for
a very liberal showing of population; but,
on the whole, we are inclined to support the
probability that this resident of Minneapo
lis is as well entitled to .a place in the di
rectory as a large number of the bipeds
whose position in that publication is undis
puted. We have no doubt that Mr. Carl
Baxter is warmly attached to the interests
of that portion of Minneapolis from which
he draws his livelihood. That he will zeal
ously resist the encroachments of any of the
St Paul watch dogs may be taken for
granted, and should any of the canines of
the sister city assert the superiority of their
place of residence over Minneapolis we
have no doubt that Mr. Baxter will fight as
stoutly even as a Minneapolis editor.
Nevertheless, the new departure tarnishes
a precedent for very wide possibilities in the
construction of .directories and the claim of
large populations. For example, Kentucky
could e'stablish a very plausible claim both
for increase of population and improvement
in the general intelligence and education of
her citizens by inclnding her thoroughbred
horses in her census and directory reports.
By including hogs in-the directory, the old
rivalry between Chicago, Cincinnati and St
Louis might be continued. New York
might make an addition by adding the four
footed donkeys to her directories of the four
hundred; and almost any city might do a
stroke of business in that line except Bos
ton. So long as Boston makes the pugilists
her great representatives she must be de
barred from putting any of the animals in
her directories out of respect to the ani
The declaration of high officials of the
State of Kansas that female suffrage in that
State has proven to be a success. Is made
with the evident intention of securing the
extension of that system in other States. The
assertion is made that in Kansas the women
succeed in attending faithfully to their do-
mestic duties, and yet going to the poles
and voting scrupulously for honest men in
high positions with the result of abolishing
the practice of deals in polls and the pur
chase of votes. This is an evident recom
mendation to the Mngwumplan class; bat
does anybody suppose that the politicians
will permit such a violent .assault on all
their vested interests at to let an element
into politics which will thus ruthlessly
abolish all the methods by which politics of
the present day are characterized? This
exposure of the result of female suffrage
will secure its fexclnsion from the older
States so long as the political machine has
the power and instinct of self-preservation.
In" the remarkable address of Prof. J. P.
Mahaffey, of Trinity College, Dublin, de
livered at Chautauqua recently, the follow
ing declaration appears to support his be
lief that this country is all wrong and that
Tory ideas are the only correct ones:
In the preamble of your great Declaration of
Rights appears, I believe, the statement that
all men are equal in the sight of God. That
statement was borrowed, not from the Script
ures, but from the speculations of the French
revolutionists, whose opinions on the subject
were, to my mind, of very small value.
Inasmuch as the Declaration of Inde
pendence asserts not that all men are equal
in the sight of God, but that all men are
created equal; and, as that declaration was
made thirteen years before the States Gen
eral was summoned by Louis XIV., and
sixteen years before the French Eevolution
assumed its outspoken form, the historical,
as well as the social, ideas of Prof, Mahaffey
appear to be somewhat nebulous. Beyond
that, if there is anything which plainly ap
pears in the teachings of the New Testament,
it is the equality of all men in the sight of
the Master, who chose fishermen and pets
ants to be the apostles of the religion which
gave a new light to the world. The deduc
tion is rather plain, to adopt the style of ex
pression for which Prof. Mabaffey's country
men are notable, that while he knows noth
ing at all of the doctrines of popular govern
ment and their history, he knows still less
of the doctrines of the Christian religion.
Thebe is a good deal of force in the criti
cisms of the decision of the English Home
Secretary in the Maybrick case. It it an
executive replication of the compromise ver
dicts which have been rendered in this
country. Either Mrs. Maybrick poisoned
her husband and deserved hanging or she
did not and deserves to be set at liberty. To
imprison her for life for a crime which is
not certainly proved is rather illogical. Bat
we presume that she is much better pleased
with that nor, sequitur than she would be
with the strictly logical result of hanging
her for the crime of which she was con
victed. Petitions are circulating in New York
for the pardon of Buddenseik, the builder
of tumble-down tenement houses. The per
nicious practice of putting up houses that
stand firm for more than twelve months,
must be trenching upon the vested interests
of the New York builders.
We are pained to observe the denial of
that story that New York's committee of
twenty-six millionaires, whose united wealth
is stated at five hundred million dollars,
bad raised $2,600 at their first meeting with
regard to the Centennial. When it was per
mitted to suppose the statement true, there
was a hope that New York would be able to
raise the necessary funds to get ready for the
filth Columbian Centennial in 1993. But
now that hope is dashed to the ground by
the disoovery that, according' to the usual
precedent of the New York millionaires,
the committee didn't put up a cent
GejtbkaTi Boulangeb's new manifesto
addressed: "To the honest people," indi
cates that bis late political reverses have
convinced him of the necessity of cultivating
relations with the class to which he and his
supporters have been heretofore entire
strangers. ,
The Society of American Florists has
voted to petition Congress to establish a
floral school. We suppose that this will be
for the purpose of securing a degree of tech
nical education on the floral subject suf
ficient to enable the public to select the
daisy as the national flower. The American
florists themselves are daisies in the fresh
and innocent sense.
The blowing up of a large dynamite factory
in Michigan will probably retard the re
organization of society on the Anarchistic
plan. It will be necessary to reorganize the
dynamite factory before the social ref
ormation can go on.
With regard to that pension of Senator
Manderson's, it was claimed some time ago
that it was onlyjust to wait and let the Sen
ator declare himself concerning it The
Senator has declared himself to the effect
that "It is none of anybody's business."
This may be held to terminate farther dis
cussion of the subject In the Senator's im
mediate circle.
That patch on the exploded brewery
boiler comes to light 'in time to emphasize
the theory that explosions of that sort do not
generally happen without some negligence
or recklessness to produce them.
The suggestion that Manitoba will secede
from Canada and join the United States be
cause the French language is abolished as
the official language of that province, may
carry with it a question whether the United
States wishes to incorporate a foreign lan
guage and foreign customs for the sake of
an addition to its territory.
Thebe may be a little doubt as to the de
tails of the outcome of that Sullivan con
viction, but it seems to be settled that there
will be no more prize fights in the State of
Mb. Clabkson's correction of the re
port that he had chopped off thirteen thou
sand political heads since he went into
office, with the statement thai the totalis
fifteen thousand, shows that the executive
spoilsman of this administration does not
propose, to abate one jot or tittle from the
glory of his guillotine.
The buried and defunct sewer oat in the
Fifth avenue district affords a sufficient ex
planation of the typhoid fever in that lo
cality. The announcement that Mr. Steve
Brodie. of New York, is going to float over
Niagara Palls, is opposed to the general
sentiment of good sense as applied to such
deeds: but this one might be tolerated as an
exception in. view of the fact that it affords
a good prospect for getting rid of Stephen.
A Second Bairman Subdued.
From the Atlanta Constitution. J
A Pennsylvania woman has eloptd with a
second baseman. No umpire need fear that,
second baseman; ho will be meek M a. Iamb'
An Iastaaee of a Rich Man's Inability to
Purchase What lit peiired WhUIIIntl
and Telegraphy Tent-Life In the East
End. .
"A rich man can get anything he desires,"
said a young man some months ago In the
presence of a venerable divine, a leader in bis
"You speak foolishly," said the clergyman,
"and a few years' experience will show yon that
the rloh are subjected to as many disappoint
ments in life as the poor. I remember the case
of a very wealthy Fittsburger which may serve
somewhat to Illustrate my meaning. It was a
good many years ago and this wealthy member
of my congregation bad not been notable at all
for bis good works inside or outside the church.
In fact 1 doubt whether he did anything for the
church at all. Therefore when I beard of his
illness I did not hasten to call upon him as I
might hare done had I bad the least encourage
ment to do so. But he had not been long con
fined to his bed when be tent for me. I went
to him at once. He was sitting in
bis bed, propped up. with pillows, and
the moment I caught sight of bis faca I knew
mat i was in tne ante-chamber of death. I
sat down beside him and tried to lead the con
versation into devotional channels, but he im
patiently waved his thin white hand and said:
Doctor, 1 did not send for you to talk of any.
thing hut what I'd bad on my mind ever since I
fell tick. The doctors have told me I cannot
live beyond a measurable time; it may be a
few days or only a few hours. I've been think
ing over my past life and it gives me little
comfort My life has been successful as far as
the world goes, but I haven't a friend or a
relation who will regret my going. I've been a
very bad man. Nothing stopped my selfish
will. You are a minister of the Gospel. Can
you glre me any hope?
'He looked beseechingly at me and to the
best of my power I tried to bring peace to him
then and there. But I conld not conscientiously
tell him that he had not been a very great sin
ner. Suddenly he interrupted me again and
said: 'Doctor If I were tp leave half ray entire
fortune to your church, would you promise me
that I should recover from this illness and have
time to seek Ctod's forgiveness? I will draw up
a will at once to that effect It yon will promise
me that' "
"All l could tell him was that he might still
seek forgiveness as did the thief on the cross at
the last moment but that no legacy of his to
the church would induce me to promise him
lite or forgiveness. He was bitterly angry with
me and I left him soon afterward. He died
that same day. Whatever mercy he may
obtain at the judgment day will not have been
purchased with his money."
Whis the clergyman bad concluded his
story I asked him if the experience related
therein was unique during his ministry.
"Yes, it it," said be; "no other millionaire
has ever offered money to my church or to me
for forgiveness or a new lease on life. The man
I tpeak of was the worst rich man I have ever
If you do not wish to be the mark for every
one in the room to hurl movables at be careful
not to enter the operating room of a telegraph
office whistling. It Is the one thing that a tele
graph operator.at work will not tolerate. The
shrill sound from pursed lips mingles with the
dot and dash signals of the sounder and is
nearly certain to throw the operator out
It is very amusing to see a fiery, untamed
messenger boy stroll Into tbe Western Union
operating room whistling like a mocking bird.
Every operator In the room stops work to burl
some verbal rock at tbe whistler. The re
ception hat been known to abash a messenger
boy on more than one occasion, marvelous to
At the mature age oi7X years, Willie, tbe
light and joy of an Eat End household, re
solved recently to acquire some camping expe
rience. In the ample grounds about the house
accordingly he erected f tent, and after em
bellishing its walls with all the kitchen imple
ments that bore any rese&blance to the toma
hawks and bowls knivek of the beloved vild
West, he spent the beat of tbe day in and
about It This did not (satisfy William, how
ever. At supper one evening he announced
bis intention to spend the night in the tent
"AH right" said his father, "but if you go" out
there you must stay out" So a bed was rigged
up in the tent and after sunset the X-year-old
hero bade a fos-adieu to his- parents
and repaired 'to his couch in tne back
yard prairie. Nothing was heard of him
until about 0 o'clock when one of tbe domestics,
passing by the tent beard .a small voice ex
claim within it: "Take me to my grandma's
I don't like this tent" The girl took the
young desperado to his grandmother's house,
which was not tar distant. William wonld not
I go into his own home that night He confessed,
nowever, at Dreajuast that he had not spent the
nlgbt under canvas. f
' I
Nothing daunted, a few days afterward,
William again announced his intention to brave
tbe perils of tbe back yard. The bed was made
up again and William affaln took a tender fare
well of his father andriother. They bad per
fidiously planned to make a descent upon the
tent in the semblace of wildanimals or Indians.
and as soon as William had retired they set
about to carry ont tbe plot This programme
was spoilt however, by tbe appearance of a
gang of young hopefup from the neighboring
bouses. There was a bucket of water with this
party, and the discharge of this over tbe tent
effectually dampened I the ardor of William,
who .retired in light marching order to the
Tbere is a vacant tent still in that East End
backyard. .
Thomas Bhaweb Peacock, the poet of the
West is a young man full of enthusiasm. He
bas large dark eyes, which seem to bo looking
Into the future as far as possible.
John H. Inmait, the cotton king of New
York, came but of the Cot federate army a
ragged, penniless boy, and reached New York
1S65, with a few dollars In bis pocket, and no
friends. He is now worth $10,000,000.
Eenkst Renan, the author of the "Life of
Jesus," is a small man, thick set and clumsy,
and he looks as If he liked tbe good things of
this eartn. ills face is round, and would be
coarse were it not for the noble brow and fine
MASS TWAlsr asks from $500 to 1,000 for a
story or sketch and be gets what he asks.
Frank Stockton's price for 3,000 words is $250.
T. B. Aldnch charges $300 for a few verses.
Richard M. Johnston received $500 for a story
recently published in Harper1 Magazine.
Miss Kate Field, so tar from regretting
her want of personal beauty, has a sublime
contempt for a woman whose only recommenda
tion is a pretty face. Certainly, the most
brilliant women have not been the most beauti
ful: Madame De Stael, Lady Morgan, George
Eliot, for instance.
Mbs. Harriet Beecher Btowe once vis
ited Edinburgh, where she was invited to din
ner by William Chambers, the dull but pompons
publisher of Chambert' Journal, of which he
was excessively vain. Airs. Stows accidentally
mentioned that she believed he published a
journal of some kind, but she really forgot its
same. Mr. Chambers was speechless with
William M. Evaets Is described as till,
slender, lantern-jawed, lean and somewhat
awkward. He dresses slovenly, with a collar
rolled, not turned, over his neckcloth. But, lu
spite of all these personal disadvantages, no
Senator is listened to with more attention. In
fact he 'is one of the few speakers whose elo
quence recalls tbe palmy days of the Senate,
when Clay, Webster, Calhoun, Benton were
the leaders of their parties.
Edward L. Bvrmhoame, the. editor of
Scribner'e Magazine, Is unknown in literature.
He Is tbe son of Anson Burllngame, who, after
acting as United States Minister to China, re
turned to this country as Chinese Minister to
the United (States. Tbe son is a man about 45
years old.. He wears a long beard, and bas
soft, insinuating manners. His voice and lan
guage are' carefully studied. He was the liter
ary adviser of the Scribner Publishing House
before the magazine was started.
An Exchange of Editorial Courtesies.
jrrom the Chicago Tribune.1
Under the head of "Slightly Personal" the
editor of the Hutchinson (Kau.) JVeuu speaks
of "a miserable, lying wbelp by the name of
Icman, who represents a jlmcrow two-by-four
plate sheet called the' Kansas City Jfewi."
When. the Hutchinson editor becomes fully'
aroused and breaks out in a vein more decidedly
personal; some 'Strong language may be expected.
A Toachlna; Story of lb" Daya of Slavery la
tbe Sonth How Block George Proved
the Beit Friend of ill Former; Owner.
The records of tbe old church aBatb, N. C
show that "George Hampden was born the
80th of March. 1823. only child of Dr. George
Hampden and Mary Frances, hlslwife." The
old doctor at that time was one of the wealthy
slave owners of the South, possessing several
plantations, droves of horses and mules, and
other property, real aud personal, that went
along to make him Independent and rich.
The tame day and hour that hit ton George
was born, one of his slave women gave birth to
a boy child, and the doctor and his good wife,
struck with the singular coincidence of the two
births, decided to name the little negro George
also, and especially decree him, should both
live, to the service of his baby master. The
two boys grew and waxed strong; and from the
time they were large enough to run about,
until "Mane George" was old enough to send
to college, were almost inseparable compan
ions. They played together in tbe fields and
groves, swam and boated together in tbe river.
Black George was allowed one of bis young
masters fowling pieces and together they
hunted wild turkeys, squirrel and quail.
Together they "broke in" the young steers and
colts, and each bad a swift nagwben following
the hounds.
A Good and Fallbial Servant.
It was black George's duty to wait in his
young master's room, bring -water, brush his
clothes and polish his boots. And these ser
vices were rendered faithfully and willingly,
for the boys were friends. White George
taught black George to read and write, shared
his sweetmeats with him, and fought for him
when in any difficulty with other boys. When
tha time came for the young master to start for
college tbere was genuine sorrow expressed at
the separation. During the four years at col
lege many letters were exchanged between
them, and after the young doctor returned
home and settled down to his profession,
black George was again his faithful body ser
vant Along In the fifties the old doctor and his
good wire died, leaving the young doctor sole
heir to their large estate. Their grand old man
sion was now occupied only by the young doc-
wt auu ub lerTaaut; out everyone tupposea ne
would toorf marry from sheer loneliness. In
this, however, they were mistaken, for when
the war broke out between the States Dr.
Hampden was still a bachelor. Tbe services
of black George In the meantime bad betn
transferred to .the plantations, where be was
chief overseer. Again he proved as trnsty and
faithful as in his former duties; and under his
supervision the number of bales of cotton In
creased year by year, while new barns bad to
be built to hold the grain.
A Soldier's Misfortunes.
When the war broke out Dr. Hampden cast
hit fortunes with the Confederacy, not only
volunteering himself, but contributing largely
of his means to the cause, Black George was
left In charge of the property with instructions
to forward all surplus supplies to the army as
fast as accumulated. This duty he performed
faithfully until the Federal forces came in
possession of that section of the country. Every
thing belonging to tbe rebel doctor fell Into
their bands, and of course was appropriated by
tbem. The darkeys left tbe plantation and
sought freedom with the Union soldiers. Black
Georee alone remained and nnrtAB.vnrfl tn ra.
claim the wasted property, but war's; devasta
tion was too complete. He did well to subsist
The four years' service in the army com
pletely undermined Dr. Hampden's consiltu
tioh, and be returned home a physical as well
as a financial wreck. A few years before the
war be bad stood security In a large amount
for a wealthy neighbor, now this money bad to
be paid, and it took every foot of real estate
belonging to Dr. Hampden to 'settle it
Black George's Devotion.
Black George was no longer a slave, but it
was now be proved himself still a friend to his
former owner and companion of his youth. Ho
was strong and able to work, while bis former
young master was very feeble, and could live
but a short while. Ho rented a comfortable
cottage, to which he moved tbe Invalid physi
clan and hired a competent nnrte for him
tolling in tbo fields for tbelr support Ten
derly he watched the patient day by day, and
often spent whole nights at his bedside. When
tbe end came, be personally superintended tbe
interment and defrayed the expenses out of his
own pocket A few years afterward he bad a
suitable monument erected to hit memory. To
the inseriptlon it bore tbould have been added
the words, "Erected by Black George."
Mexicans Commemorate tho Anniversary of
tbe Torlaro of tho Emperor.
Mexico, August 23. At tbe statue of
Cuauhtemoc, in the Paso de la'Retorma this
morning one of the strangest celebrations tha
it Is possible to sea in this city, took place un
der the direction of the Municipal Council. It
was the 36Sth anniversary of tha tortnre of
Cuauhtemoc by tbe Spanish conquerors, who
hoped to make tbe last Aztec Emperor divulgo
tbe hiding place of the treasure of tbe Empire.
On the north and south sides of tbe statue
two perfect Aztec temples bad been erected,
and at B o'clock, before one of tbo largest con
courses of peasle ever gathered In the paso.
President Diaz Vnd four members ot his Cabi
net arranged to enter the southern edifice to
tbe music of tbe national anthem. For fully a
quarter of a mile along the route the President
traversed before entering tbe temple the broad
avenue was lined with soldiers two deep.
Tbera were 12 bands present and civic societies
and deputations without numberfrom suburban
towns. The exercises consisted of addresses,
music and reading of poems. One of the
orators was Governor Prospero Casavantes, of
Tlaxcala, who delivered a speech in the nasual
or Aztec language.
At the conclusion of the municipal pro
gramme President Diaz placed a wreath of
roses npon the statue. This was the signal for
others to do so, and the base was within ten
minutes buried under garlands representing
the varied flowers of the valley and a value in
the United States ot thousands of dollars.
Natives dressed in tbe attire of Aztecs danced
about the monument and the Indians, who
were present in thousands, played upon strange
instruments and kept up the festivals of three
centuries ago, reminding one of tbe "feast of
flowers," so beautifully described by Prescott.
How n Parisian Cotemporary Speaks
tbe Great Inventor.
JFrom the New York Tribune.1
"La 'Majeste' Edison." It is In this fashion.
and with large, black capitals, that the Paris
Figaro announces the arrival of Edison at the
Exposition. Figaro is right The young
American is a king in the world of invention,
and his doings are vastly better worth three
columns of description than tbe comings and
goings of some well-descended stupidity, who
was kind enough to give himself the trouble to
be bom. 3 the other Figaro says In tbe play.
Edison has won his empire by force of bis
genius, and without the aid of a scientific edu
cation or any of tbe advantages so often en
joyed by even poor lads in this age. The ex
tralnboy and telegraph operator deserves all
the honors Paris can give him. All hail to His
Majesty Edison!
Sew Up the Hip Pocket.
from the Mobile Brglster.I
That a man Is a man of honor Is shown by his
life, by his actions, Oy the evidence he gives of
character and principle not by his willingness
to make an animated target ot himself on any
and every occasion. Of course, there are a
number of really honorable men In the Booth
and West wbo are ready to use tbe pistol If
they thine they are insulted, but this class will
grow less as tbe years roll on. As tbe South
and West grow older the influence of tbe modes
of thought and habits of those who first set
tled them will greatly decrease.
Fostering Egotltm.
From the Pnnxsutawney Splrlt.1
Young men keep up tbelr self-esteem by
thinking about tha great things they will do
when they grow old. Old men keep tbelrsup
by lying about wbat they did do when they
were young. Thus mankind are always full of
m Invariable Practice.
From the Boston Herald.
The statement that Jay Gould churns bis own
butter deserves to be supplemented with the
Information that he usually puts it on his side
ot the bread.
Jfrom the New York World.3
Jnst a little confidence,
Just a little gall;
Just a little stick work
On tbe little ball;
Just a few more hitlets ."
Just Inside tha flag;
And by next October
We'll have the silken rag. -
Lost HIcEatlre Stock In Trade.
tKxwTorur, atrasuu srr.ciALS.1
New York. August 21 When John Mc
Dermott, a Harlem milkman, went to bis
stables early this morning, be found the roof
of the cowsheds ail ablaze. After turning on
tbe fire alarm be. tried to drive his three horses
and 13 cows outside. All but two were so
scared that they would not- budge an inch and
were burned to death in their stalls. The two
cows which were driven from the sheds' were
so badly burned that they had to be shot
Too Mncb for tha Jsattlee.
Tha caso of Annie Brown against John G.
Johnson, a physician 60 years of age. with an
income of $30,000 a year, was opened to-day in a
Brooklyn police court Miss Brown, a slender,
blonde young woman with classical features,
claimed through her counsel that Dr. Johnson
became too intimate with her while she was bis
amannenss, some months ago. When called to
the bar sbe cried so hard that she could not
answer the Justice's questions. Sbe recovered
quickly, however, when Dr. 'Johnson excitedly
called her a blackmailer and liar, and hysteri
cally denounced him as a brute. Sbe bad
hardly been quieted before her lawyer and Dr.
Johnson turned tbe courtroom topsy-turvy by
shouting names at each other and threatening
to fight Eventually the Justice adjourned tbe
case to prevent bloodshed, after advising Dr.
Johnson to engage a lawyer with some self-control.
"""" "" -
Lost Her Money nnd Lover.
Three montbs ago Bessie Rubensteln, a
young servant girl, agreed to pay Charles Fold
man $100 for getting her a husband. Feldman
introduced to her David Rubensteln. Sbe
asked Rubensteln to marry her, be promised
to do so, and sbe paid Feldman the $100. The
day after getting tbamoney tbe two men went
to Europe in tbe steerage. To-day Feldman
returned without money and without Ruben
steln, who bad decided to remain in the old
country. To-day Bessie had Feldman arrested
for obtaining bar money by falsa pretenses,
Canada to Remain Canada.
Sir Alexander Gait of Montreal, formerly a
member of tha Canadian Government and'stlll
active In Canadian politics, was at tbo Gilsey
House to-day. He thinks the Behring Sea
question comparatively unimportant and
likely to cut only a small figure In American
international negotiations. He believes that
Uncle Sam should not meddle with matters of
international transportation, but should let
the shortest and cheapest rentes grab all. tbe
business. Ha regards commercial union as
only another name for annexation, and Is con
fident that Canada will remain Canada till
tbe end of tbe world.
Nearly Crazed by Desertion.
Mrs. Emma Riviere, with her four little girls,
deserted Mr. Rlrlero three years ago to live
with tha Rev. T. Edward Falconer, a street
preacher here. Rev, Falconer, three days ago,
threatened to desert her if sbe wonld not re
lieve him of supporting her three children by
sending tbem to an orphans' borne. She re
fused and he left her penniless. She begged
enough money to get drunk with, went to the
oorner on which he was preaching and tried to
hit him. She was sent to tbe Island this morn
ing, and her children were given into the care
of a charitable society.
Singular Ucauost Blade by a Brooklyn
Woman at a Police Station.
BBOOKLTir, August 23. On Wednesday Mrs.
Gustavo Engle, of S33 Maujer street rushed
wildly Into tha Sixth precinct nation house and
told Sergeant Kitzer that aba wanted an officer
sent around to her house to arrest the ghost of
her husband, Tbe sergeant finally got her
calmed down sufficiently to relate the follow
ing story: "I was engaged in my household
duties, when a man entered and spake to me. I
turned and screamed. The man was my hus
band, who committed suicide last June." The
ex-corpse took acbairand looked admiringly
around the room.. "Why are you here f" Mrs.
Engle cried. "I buried you two montbs ago.
For heaven's sake, get out. of here." Engle
smilingly declined toieavc, and bis wife rushed
out for assistance. She was told at tho police
station that tbe police could do nothing for her,
thatthey eould not arrest her husband for bis
apparent resurrection.
, It appears' thstftho ghost" disappeared from
bis home on June 27, leaving his wife and four
children behind. Previous to his. disappear
ance ha had been out of work for sometime,
and had been feeling despondent. On June 30
the body ot a drowned man was found-la New
town creek, Tbe remains were removed to the
morgue, and Mrs. ngla sent for to identify
the corpse. 'She was sure it was the body of
her husband. An inquest was held and a ver
dict of suicide rendered. The bereaved
"widow" bad the remains properly burled.
At the time Engle disappeared his Ufa was in
sured in the Prudential Life Insurance Com
pany tor $250, which was promptly paid to tbe
widow, Mrs, Engle is still undecided whetber
to receive her husband back with open arms or
Novel Plan of Bettiagon Winning Candidates
In Examination.
Jfrom the London Times,
The most famous of the many lotteries in
China at the present time is that known as tbe
Weislng. It is of recent origin, is most popu
lar fn. Southern China and among the Can
tonese, and is briefly described by tbe Consnl
at Canton in his last report on tbe trade of that
place. After describing the great college es
tablishment by tbe Viceroy for the encourage
ment ot tbe study of native literature, with its
100 acres of ground in tbe city, surrounded by
hign walls and a moat Us lecture rooms, resi
dences and endowments, Mr. Alabaster ob
serves that although Canton Is not a literary
city.there is no want of opportunities of educa
tion. Colleges abound, and any boy who shows
ability has no difficulty In obtaining teaching
and support as long as there is hope of success
in tbe examinations, which in China take the
place of the race course elsewhere.
Gambling, in tbe shape ot lotteries on tbe suc
cessful candidates. Is licensed, and in place of
putting money on the Derby the Cantonese
satisfy their taste for speculation by backing
favorite students. The lists of those entering
are published, and the man wbo can prick on
tba list ot entries tbe greatest number of suc
cessful scholars wins tba lottery. Men ruin
themselves buying lottery tickets; tickets are
forged or stolen: promising students are
hocussed or bribed not to put out their powers;
examiners areit is hinted, exposed to serious
temptations; but as racing encourages tbe breed
of horses, so the Weislng lottery encourages
tbe pursuit of learning and furnishes the local
government with a considerable revenue in tbo
amount given for the monopoly of carrying it
Ox the farm of Charles Jones, In German
township, Fayette connty, is an apple tree
which measures 6 inches above tbe ground, 11
feet 11 Inches in circumference; 3 feet from
the ground, the smallest place in tne tree, it
measured 10 feet 3 inches in circumference.
The first limb on the tree measured. 6 feet 5
Inches In circumference. The land upon
which tbe tree stands was patented to Michael
Franks in 1781, and the treo was probably plant
ed by him. It is vigorous still, and yearly bears
apples, which are not however, of a desirable
MeterSDALE Commercial: 70.000 trout were
put into Laurel Hill creek last week by James
Long, of Pittsburg. About one-fifth of
tbem are Loch Leven, Bcotland, trout, tba
first of tbe species ever put in a Pennsylvania
AuoitKxratthe Philadelphia Zoo tore the
blue tulle off a lady's bat wrapped in around
Its stomach as a sasb, and tnen sat posing
languidly upon Its perch, unconscious of the
ridiculous figure.
A PAMENQEE on a palace car running out
of Columbus was getting off at a station on
crutches,-forgetting his wooden leg. when a
thoughtful porter chased him with the limb,
and earned a piece of silver.
Isaac Gabxax, ot Greble, Lebanon coun
ty, while cutting an old stump, found among
the rotten wood aud earth $33 In gold and sil
ver coin.
A LEADWQ physician of Columbia, while
hunting plover near Mount J oy a couple of days
since, put down his gun to pick bis teeth, and
In the act It was accldently discharged, blow
ing tbe rim off bis hat and tinting bis brow
with powder. .
An Ohio man snakes his living by causing the
arrest of peddlers who can 'show no license.
When be is arrested in turn, la the hope of
compelling him.to refund, ha takes the benefit
of tha insolvency law.
Thomas B. Mots has just resigned tho
Princlpalshlp of the Meson, Ga., Academy,
position he has held for 41 years.
At a picnic at Ht Gretna a baseball
nine composed of clergymen played two garnet
against tbe Germanla club. Each club won a
Jules Verne's celebrated traveler who
was supposed to go around tha world in 80 days
a few years ago. is now beaten ont of sight A
letter makes the trip, via Vancouver, in 68
days, everything favorable.
A physician of Philadelphia has
learned that It is prudent to baed a warning
givn him by his coachman. This physician,
Dr. J. C. Guernsey, insisted npon driving a
fractious horse and thus disregarded the sug
gestions of his coachman. Tbe horse ran away
and the coachman was thrown out ot the car
riage, and bis skull was fractured and one of
bis legs was twice broken. Now the coachman
sues tbe doctor, putting bis damages at $10,000.
Ancient Pemaquld, the objective point
of the Maine Historical Society's excursion
tbe other day, is acknowledged to be the most
interesting locality connected with the early
history of this continent its paved streets and
other relics ante-dating tbe discovery of Colum
bus by hundreds of years. Gosnold visited It
also in 1601 and De Ments in 11105. and settle
ments are spoken of as existing at that time la
tbe vicinity. In 1664 Charles IL granted tha
territory to tbe Duke ot York; a government
was established and a fort built.
Mr. A. J. Holland, of Jackson county,
and Miss Ida Young, of Hall connty, both
deaf mutes and graduates of the State acad
emy for tba deaf and dumb, eloped and wera
married In Gainesville. Ga. Parental objec
tions necessitated this step. Tba magistrate
submitted tba questions in writing and received
tha responses in the same way. after which be
handed them a piece of paper upou which was
written: "Whereas, each of yon bas agreed to
live together in tha holy state of matrimony. I
pronounce you man and wife." This same wag
repeated orally to tha witnesses.
A beggar was sitting in a New York
street holding out a battered bat The follow
ing placard was hung about bis neck: Please,
good people, help a poor blind man, who was
onea rich, but wbo bas been reduced from
affluence to poverty. You will never regret It
Presently along came a pleasant-faced man
with a sharp, shrewd eye. . He looked at thn
poor old beggar curiously for a moment and
then suddenly drew back his arm as though to
strike blm a blow In tha face. Tha movement
was only a feint but it served tbe purpose.
The beggar lumped backward abont a yard and
started on a run up tha arenne. winding his way
In and ont among the passing vehicles with
wuuuorim skiu ior a Diina man.
For miles southeast of Villanow, Ga.,
on the west slopa of John's Mountain, on land
owned by William Roper, occurred a strange
disturbance of nature. It- was confined to a
strip of land running east and west, and being
250 yards In length and between 30 and 50 yards
In width. On that limited area the ground
shows tha mark of soma mighty convulsion.
Stumps were forced asunder, rocks wera snllt
and huge roots torn in twain. Fissures run In
every direction. Accompanying tbe disturb
ance was an evident upheaval. As it passed at
the east end tha ground settled back below tbe
original level, while at tbe west end It was left
M. JJohrieber, of Sanford, Fla., is un
fortunate in having snakes around his house.
Recently he killed one In his bedroom, ana a
few nights ago, just before day, he awoke and
felt something cold and clammy lying across
his feet Not knowing what tbe objectionable
article or creatqre was, he brushed It off and
went back to sleep, but on rising a little later,
he discovered under tbe sewing machine a
chicken snake abont 4 feet long, possibly a
companion to tha one he bad before Killed.
Tbls snake, like tbe other one. was evidently
after Mr, Schrieber's canary bird, but failed to
get a breakfast either in that or any other way.
Lord Brassey's London house is
described as a dream of loveliness from floor
to celling. But the chief admiration of guests
is reserved for the recently completed museum,
or Indian Room, wblcb is probably unique.
Here are displayed all tho treasures accumu
lated during the crultes ot tbe Sunbeam arms
from Java, spears from tbe South Sea Islands,
pottery from all tbe world over, are neatly
ticketed with a record ot their origin and tneir
history. Tbe electric lights are everywhere
inclosed In sea shells of the utmost beauty,
whose transparency sheds aglnwlogrefulgenae
over tbe whole apartment Tbe effect is per
fectly novel, and suitably crowns a glorious
A remarkable tcene was witnessed at
tho Cat Creek Primitive Baptist Churcb, in
Lowndes county, Ga on Sundayilast and
large concourse of people gathered to witacs!
ine nDQioai evenc jar uinaeyAiouosaja,
acedSl jrears, widow ot tha late Ben McDonald,
wbo bas been dead 35 or 40 years, was baptized
into tba Primitive Baptist Church by Elde
Ansel Parrlsb. Mrs. McDonald bas not waller
a step In seven years, and tbe good old preachei ,
wbo performed the baptismal riti is aged him
self, and has been on crutches tor many years.
Tbe candidate .for bantltm bad to be carried
into tba water In a chair. Mrs. McDonald said
she had had a desire to join the church for 40
years, but she bad hesitated on account ot a
feeling of unworthlness.
A most curious paper has been found in
the archives of the NumDurg-Further Railway,
the first railway constructed in Germany. It is
the official opinion of the Bavarian High Medi
cal Collegium concerning tbe probable effect of
tbe general introduction of railway! travel upon
tbe health of Bavarian subjects. Tbe rapidity
of the new transit would, according to the
learned Idoctors, "certainly causa a brain dis
ease which would eventually develon'lnto de
lirium f uriosum." Of course every one wbo
wished to expose himself to this consequence of
tbe new mode ot travel might be allowed to do
so undisturbed by tba State. Other persons,
however, should be protected from the perils
attendant upon the rapid locomotion. Specta
tors by tba wayside were liable to brain trouble
after merely watching the passing steam cars.
Therefore, the railway and cars thonld be con
cealed from view by close board fences at least
five yards high. All things considered, a better
way of protecting the subjects o( the Bavarian
Crown would be to forbid altogether the con
struction of the railway. Tbls onlnion was
given in 1837 in response to a Government in
Hens are kept busy finding the means for
moving their crops Texat Stflinge.
Not every bridge contractor would like to
be tried by a Jury of bis piers. Tucat Sifting:
A Live Link. Tramp Can I get a bite
of unsafe or lathln'r
Lady of the House You can; here Towser.
The New West Usher (at reception in
Chicago, as Mr. JToot and danghtars enter) Mr.
Foot and tbe Misses Feet!
And yet they say Chlcajco has no culture,
Visits of Ceremony. A gentleman, with
his card case In band, rlnzs the bell.
"Are Mr. and Mrs. B. at home?"
"Yes. sir."
"Very well; then I'll call again." Judge.
"Speaking of cowards," said Cally to
Dally, "I never yet taw a man wholly without
'I have."
"Who was he?"
The bnsband of tbe landlady of my boarding
house." Botton Courier.
A Smart Answer Turneth Away Cab.
Customer How do you sell ssgar this mornlnr,
Mr. Scales
Grocer By the ponnd. sir, same as always.
Customer Well, as I want two pounds this
morning, I guess I'll go across the way to Mr.
-Mudge Now, I enjoy a joke just as well
when It Is at my own expense as when It's on soma
other fellow.
Yabsley It's different, though, with a drink,
Isn't It Mudge?
Then Madge got mad, and wonldn't.speak for
overs) minutes. Tern llauti Exprttt.
Her Idea of a Chautauqua. Mr. McSwat
(unpacking baggage at summer campmeetlng
grounds) Lobelia, my dear, Idon'tsee anything
of the fishing ontflt
Mrs. McSwat-I bad to leave it out at tbe last
moment Billiger, to make room for the hymn
Mr. McSwat goes out behind the tent aud com
munes vehemently with himself after the manner
of a depraved worldling. Chicago Tribune. '
At morn when fleecy vapors rise.
The hillsides brown ascending.
And flowers flash't with richest dyes -
Are to the breeset bending;
Before the matutinal meal, '
When we In bed are lying.
How nlea it is tbe soent to feel
Of toothsome fritters frylngl
Botton Courier.
The Colonel of the First Dragoons, - '
The pride of Hohenzollem's house, -t '
Would fall In balfadoxen swoons -v
tfshe but saw a liny mouse.
Imagine, thin, the Colonel's fear , j'--
IX foemen. whirling high tbelr bats, .. -
Bhould charge so near that she conld hear.
She amatol battle-cry of "Kattivv .
WajMngte PoH.
kilaBfe&?ST i