f! i? AilPPiBniiaHpapiHnii , Jig-Display advertisements one (foliar j)ir square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, 3b Let, eft, ten cents per line for each imer tion, and none taken or lest thanfily centt. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will . be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have acconnu with Tnx Dls. rxTCu. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3V9 Butler street. KillL O. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn are. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle aTe. and Fulton It. X. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. XA8T EID. 3. Vf. WALLACE, einrenn avenue. OAXXiAXD. MCALLISTER & SHE1BLER, 6th ay. & Alwood lb EorrrnsiDi. JACOB SPOHN. No. JCarson street. H. A-. DONALDSON. 1707 Canon street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK. 59 Federal street. H. J. McllKIDE. Federal and Oblo streets. FRED H. EGOEKS. 172 Oblo street. F. H. EUGEUS A SON, Oblo and Cbestnnt its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aTes. G. TV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. FEKBY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aTes. WANTED. - Alois Beta. w ANTED-DBUG CLERK; QUALIFIED assistant. Address DOME. Dispatch omce. au!4-l WANTED-SS JOURNEYMEN PLASTERERS. M. McNALLY, 10 Brady St., Fourteenth ward. Pittsburg. SU24-58 WANTED A GOOD BLACKSMITH. APPLY at once to DUNN ft SHILLING, Par nassus, Penna., A. V.R. R. au24-20-D -TTTANTKD-SIX GOOD MACH1NISTS-BOR-V IltO mill and lathe hands preferred. Ad dress MILL, Dispatch office. au24-C3 -TTJANTED A GOOD BARBER TO HELP OUT VT this day; pav rood wares to right man. Apply a; once to 209 FEDERAL STREET. Alle gheny. au!4-4 T7"ANTED A GOOD MAN IN EVERY VV town: salsrvpald weekly. Address SHER MAN, TANGENBERG ft CO., IK) W. Lake St., Chicago. aun-4 -TTTANTED YOUNG MAN FOB SHORT LY HAND, typewriting and general office work; state salary expected, reference and age. Address V. B. II.. Dispatch office. au2-l WANTED-A GENTLESIAN TO ENGAGE with a mercantile agency; good position: steady employment: references required. Ad dress M. Dispatch office. au24-59 ANT ED-SALESMAN FOR CITY AND surrounding trade for trimmings and tailors1 trimmings; one that has had experience; state salary expected: reference required. Ad dress N. R., Dispatch office. au24-t w ANTED FIRST-CLASS. SOBER .PRE SCRIPTION class blowers: also a few rood unisners: union wages; steauy wore; isre paia; write fully: say who tou worked for. CHICAGO GLASS MFG. CO.. Chicago. auIC-45-D -VXT ANTED MOLDMAKERS FOUR (4) TT flrst-class Tise hands and one (1) first-class lathe hand: best wages and eteadr work to flrst class mechanics. Inquire of NEW BRIGHTON GLASS CO., New Brighton, Pa. au2-44 -TTJANTED-ENERGETIC MAN OF GOOD Y address to Interview businessmen; a rare opening: successful men are making 40 per week; preTlous experience not necessary; position per manent; call to-day. H. N. CRAWFORD. 64 Fourth are. au24-G0 WANTED-AG ENTS TO SOLICIT ORDERS for our celebrated oil portraits: the finest made; no experience required; beginners earn ISO a week: fl outfit free; send for full particulars; a rare -chance. SAFFORD ADAMS ft CO., 46 Bond St., New York. aulO-21-D WANTED FAKIRS aN'D OTHERS TO make money by handling our noTelties; we now hare the finest thing on earth for the fall fairs: goes like bot cakes; call at once and be out fitted. ANCHOR NOVELTY CO.. L1M No. IS Seventh St., Pittsbnrg. au22-21 -TTTANTED-A FEW GOOD 12-INCH MILL V roughers at regular scale wages: no strike or trouble: mills running now ai,J always run steady, double turnuione but steady, sober men will be retained. TTHE SPRINGFIELD IRON COMPANY. Springfield, 111. au23-C4 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmen can makemoney In their spare time: special inducements to per sons hsrlng established trade. YAMASH1BO riA CO.. s Jackson St.. Allegheny, Pa. a;o-70-TTS rVTANTED HAD WRITERS AT SMART'S V ECLECTIC SHORTHAND AND BUSI SESS COLLEGE. 4 Sixth St.: penmanship, book eenlng, arithmetic, shorthand. typewriting thor ghly taught lor Id per month: private instruc ts lor both sexes; open daily S a. it. to 9 P. M. aulO-rrssn yrrAHTZu man-to take agency of V our safes: size 28x18x18 inches: weight 500 lbs.: retail price S35: other sizes in proportion: rare chance to create permanent business at home:' these safes meet demand never berore supplied by other safe companies, as we are not boa erned by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. je20-4-D Fcmnle Help- -TtTANTED-COOK; GOOD WAGES. NO. 70S V N. HILAND AVE., second door from Hayes street. au23-S TXTANXED-LADY STENOGRAPHER AND TV typewriter: must be quick and accurate. Apply a LEWIS BLOCK. au24-l -VT7"A.NTED-A GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSE i v WOltK. Apply between 2 and 4 r. m. at 2127 SARAH bTRErrr, Southslcle. anZ4-10O -TTJANTED-YOUNG LADY WHO HAS HAD TT experience at snorthand and office work. Apply to L. C A.. Dispatch office. anjl-13 WANTED-LADY IN EVERY TOWN TO sell teas and spices (presents with goods); good wages; must be able to furnish satisfactory references. ASSAM TEA CO., 4505 Liberty are. au24-62 ! T7"ANTED-AS EXPERIENCED NURSE TO T v ie cuarge oi an lnvaiia iaay ana two children; good wages will be paid to competent party. Address, with references, INVALID, Dis patch office. auit-65 Mate and l'enmle flcln. XTJANTED HOUSEKEEPER. LAUNDRESS. V chambermaids, cooks, dining room girls, nurses, house .girls, German and colored girls, farm bands, gardeners. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 G rant st. au24-HTh WANTED-AT ONCE 50 LABORERS; 1.50 per day; steady work; 20 farm bands. 2 waiters, dlnlngroom girls and chambermaids, saleslady and sewing girl. 3 dl.h washers and pantrygirls. hotel cook, bouse girls. MEMiAN'S, Mi Grant street. au21-D WANTED -25 WEEKIY-REPRESENTA-TIVE, male or female, in every community; goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we meanluil what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. Jel4-70-D Tanner. TTJANTED-A LIVE MAN TO INVEST tl.000 TV In one of the greatest schemes for business during, the Exposition; can make a barrel of money. Apply at once, giving full name and ad dress, to EXPOSITION, Dispatch office. au24-21 WANTED-PHYSICIAN, AGED W. GRADU ATE or the Jefferson Medical College, withes to associate with busy or retiring physician, or will buy established practice of (2,000 or more in city or village. Address 1430 FOURTH AVE., Altoona, Pa. au23-100 WANTED-J3.5CO WILL PURCHA3E A HALF interest In one of the best paying Businesses In Allegheny; location the choicest, and the only place of its kind in Western Pennsylvania: no opposition, and ought to clear from $5,000 to $3,000 annually; to a Uve man who wants a bonanza and means business shall be pleased to give particu lars in detail. Address BONANZA, Dispatch office. an22-2S Hoarders and Lodrers. -rry-ANTED summer boarders the V bummervllle, at St. Clair, Is beautifully situated on the feu Clair river. For particulars , address C. F. SI ONE, St. Clair, Mich. au20-43 Bonrdinc XI7-A.NTED-A LADY AND THREE YOUNG V men (slsterand brothers) desire three rooms, with board, in the East End, from about Septem ber 20; private family preferred. Address, giving terms. M. A., P. O. lion 128. auil-lS Financial. TTrANTED-MOETGAGES-tl.000.000TOLOAN TT In large and small amounts at 4H,5and( per cent, free or Bute tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE ft CO.. m Fourth aye. mya-60 -TTJ-ANTED-TO LOAN (350,000 ON MOBT TT GAGES in amounts to suit. In city or coun try, at 4K to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyl4-16-MThg -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR W small amounts on improved city or Alle gheny county property. McCUNE ft COULTER. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 98 Fourth avenue. au24-91 -TTTANIED-TO LOAN 1500,000. 1 AMOUNTS VY of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 6 and (percent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 9i Fourth avenue. se2l-d2-p Tf7".ANTD MOKTG AGES-(1, 000, 000TO LOAN VY on city and snbnrban properUcs at 4K, (and C per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aqla cent counties at per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK ft SON, 105 r ourth avenue. ap7-f41 -rUTANTED TO LOAN (200.000 ON MORT W GAGES: (100 and npward at ( per cent; (600,000 at t'A per cent on residences or business property: also in adjoining counties. 8. H, FRENCH. 125 Fourth aTenne. ocll-eS4-D nnaoclal, -TTTANTED-MORTG AGES-MONEY TO LOAN YY In sums to snlt at 4f, ( and (percent. ALLES ft BAILEY, 1S4 Fourth are. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTSSU TTTANTED-MORTGAaES ON CITY PBOP W ERTY. over KOOO: 4! per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO.. KFourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-(500 TO (500,090 TO LOAN ON mortgages; X. Sand 6 per cent. JAMES W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsbnrg. anlS-76-15, 16, 17,19,21, WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY OR suburban Improved real estate. In large or small amounts, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER ft LEE. 318 Woodt. an24-88-MW8 Miscellaneous. WANTZD-EVERYBODYTO SEND THEIR furniture needing upholstering, repairing and rcfinlshlng to HAUGH ft KEENAN, 33 and. 34 Water st. 'Phone 1626. au!4 -TTT-aNTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM VV BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one in the club at (1 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 WANTED-GKNTLEMEN WHOESIREA . wire or lively correspondent, to send ad dress and 2-cent stamp to THE AMERICAN COR RESPONDING CLUB, Box. 643, Clarksburg. W. Va. auS4-73 WANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making line cabinets at (1 50 per dozen; pbotos delivered when promised: Instan taneous nrocess. mhl3-C3 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. aCitv Residences. FOR SALE-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING OF 6 rooms and an attic on Congress street: price only (3,500. C. BERINGER ft SON. 10S Fourth ave. au22-C7-Ths TjlOU SALE-BEDFORD AVE., ELEVENTH Jj ward, for (T.800, (LOW cash, a good brick house, 6 rooms, attic late Improvements. See W. A. HEBRON ft SOJ.S. 80 Fourth ave. auI6-33-16.17.2a22,24 FOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house, 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement; all late Improvements; lot 23 ft. in. by 133 ft.: terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Bluff st. aBl-87-TT88n FOR SALE-(000-TERM8 (1.000 CASH: BAL AN CE to suit: buys a nlro brick dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic etc; aldeattey, Mageest.. near Locust St.; big bargain. ALLES ft BAI LEY, 164 Fourth ave Telephone 167. v au22-88-Ths FOR SALE TO SETTLE THE ESTATE OF H. Mayerhofer. deceased, lot 60x114 feet, with 2 new brick houses of 7 rooms each In front and 1 In rear of 6 rooms, with room to build in front; all at a very moderate price if sold qulcs. W. A. UERROX ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. au23-17-D FOR SALE A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL NEW brick dwelling on Clark St.. near Crawrord, containing 7 rooms and finished attic ball, dry cellar, artificial gat and city water up and down stairs; Iot20xl33 feet to Ross st.: very reasonable price and terms are offered on this beautiful city home. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2-e-74. aulD-4 FORSALE-H700-NO LESS WILL BUY TWO nice brick dwclllnat of six rooms each, etc.: corner lot 75x91 feet. Colwell and Townsend streets, one- square from Fifth Avenue Bank: rental tsoo per year; room to build two more houses: property is cheap at (8,000; big bargain: ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth arenne. Tele phone 167. au22-90 Eaat End Reaiaesee. FOR SALE-ON FILBERT ST., E. E., TWO story frame house 6 rooms, hall, front and back porches; lot 30x110; price (3,000; terms to suit. TUOS. LIGGETT, JM Fourth ave. auli-71-TTSSU T710R SALE-ON LEMINGTON AVE.. NEAR X1 Lincoln ave.. 2(4 acres; good frame house of 6 rooms: elegant water: finest of fruit in abun dance: (7.000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. anl7-73-TTSSU FOR SALE-FOB (2.200, ON EASY PAY MENTS, good brick house 8 rooms, on Syca more St., Thirty-fifth ward. Call or send for fall Information W. A. HEBRON ft SONS. SO Fourth ave. aul4-97-14,16,19,2L24.27,30 FOR SALE-FINE BRICK AND FRAME houes on wide streets, handy to Hiland and Negley aves.. which we offer cheap and on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station st., . E. anlb-83-TTSSU FOR SALE-ON EUCLID AVE.. E. E., TWO story frame house of5 rooms, front and back norches. cemented cellar, laundrv on rear of lot: lot 40X53; price 2,450. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. anIS-7I-TTSSu FOR SALE-ON SOUTH niLAND AVE.-LOT 374x140 to 20-ft alley, brieg house or 8 rooms and bathroom: large front and side porches: ele- Esnt neighborhood and very desirable. THOS. IGGE1T. No. 144 Fourth ave. aal7-75-WESU FOR SALE-FOR (6,750 A NEW MODERN brick house desirably located In the East End, near steam and Fifth ave. cable line; 9 room,: late improvements: terms easy. W. A. UERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. aUl5-59-l 17,20,24,27.30 POK SALE A HOME IN OAKLAND FOR 83,700; a new, modern style frame dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range, slate mantels. Inside shutters and all .Improved con veniences. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2-d. auUM FOR SALE CALL OR SEND FOR PLANS and description of those fine new brick houses on Forbes st. and Coltart square Oakland: the most complete and desirable houses In the market for the money: 9 to 13 rooms each. W A. HERKON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. au6-29-wg FOR SALE-ON O'HARA ST.-NEAR WAL N UT St., lot 42x130, good frame bouse 8 rooms, bath room, basement laundry, elegant front and side porches: convenient to both steam and cable cars; very desirable; only (7,500. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. aul6-30-16. 17. 18, 22,24,25 irOR SALE-ON MEADOW ST.-NEAR LABI 1 31 ER ave.. lot 42x150, good 2-story frame cottage house or 5 rooms, front porch, good dry cellar, natural gas, hot and cold water, elegant drainage shade trees In front, etc. ; about 10 min utes' walk ft-om either lino of cable cars or East Liberty station: only (3,300. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 141 Fourth ave. aul7-75-wssu FOR SALE ON A PROMINENT PAVED ave. In the East End, lot 60x225;- new brick house: reception hall, 12 rooms, bathroom, base ment laundry; all the latest improvements: ele gant porches, plate glass, hard? wood mantels. etc., etc.; everything of the very best; elegant neighborhood, and convenient to both steam and cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 rourth ave. aui7-73-TTesu FOR SALE-ON COR. EDWIN AND ELWOOD sts., lot 53x13) to 20-foot alley; new frame house reception nail, parlor, dining room and kitchen, 3 good rooms and bath room on second floor, and finished attic or 2 rooms; basement, laundry, hardwood mantels, sliding doors, ele gant front and side porch; about 2 minutes from Fifth ave. cable line: (6.70: terms easv. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. aul5-72-TI6Eu FOR SALE-ON COR. PF.NN AND LINDEN ares., lot 46x179, elegant brick house, recep tion hall, parlor. library, dining room. Kitchen and largo pantry on first floor, Ave bedrooms and bath on second floor: large finished at tic with servants' room, cedar room and trunk room, electric bells, hard wood mantels, elegant front porch, sliding doors, etc., etc: all the latest improvements, and every thing of thovervbest: only (16,000. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. aulo-30-16,17,18,22,24,25 FOR SALE PARTIES LOOKING FOR houses cannot And a more desirable situation than Oakland square; the greater number or the dnrably built, handsomely finished new dwellings erected there have been sold within the past sixty days; asphalt pavements, natural and artificial gas. a beautiful park plantld with shade trees, and convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among the ad vantages. Prices. S,500and (6,700. on easy terms. Apply to C H. CHANCE, on the premises. Jy2S-66 FOR SALE A FINE LARGE RESIDENCE and grounds In the East End, Penn avenue: 10 spacious rooms, and replete throughout with all the comforts and conveniences essential to any first-class house, over an acre of ground, groups and rows of stately spreading shade trees and shrubbery; the sweet breath of bud and blossom and blush or orchard permeates the whole place; exhaustless flow or the purest water In the vlcln Itv; this is a most beautiful property In every par ticular, combining proximity to railroad station and cable cars, with frontage on Penn avenue; will be sold on 10 annualpay ments. Full particu lars from J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. an24-iO-llTT8 Allegheny Residence. FOB SALE NO. 144 JACKSON STREET (BIG bargain): see EWING ft BYEBS. No. 107 Fed eral street. au2I-3-'W6su FOR SALE-NO. I NIXON STREET-ONLY (3.300. Possession September 1. EWING ft BYERS. No. 107 Federal street. aua-SJ-wssu TTiOR SALE-ON BEECH 8T.-HOUSE9ROOMS, JC with all modern improvements; a nice home. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal st., Allegheny. . au24-75 F OR SALE ON REBECCA 'ST.. ALLLE-tJTTRNY- brtek bouse 6 rooms, ball. etc.. and brick house 4 rooms: lot 20x100 ft: rents (10 per month. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st.. Alle gheny. au24-75 FOR SALE ON LACOCK NEAR SANDUSKY St., Allegheny, at a reasonable price, 2 houses. 1 brick Jn front, t frame in rear; lot SO ft. front to Stoddard st. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, SO Fourth ave. au22-l-D FOR SALE-HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. SEC OND ward. Allegheny, verging on the parks and street car line: 8 rooms, sewing room, bath, lavatory, natural gas and other necessary con veniences; all In prime order throughout; fine large side lot. JAB. W. DBAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. au24-77-uws FOBSALE-ORTO LET A BE AUTIFUL NEW house or 7 rooms, bath room, pantry, finished attic etc, on Marshall ave., Allegheny: 2 min utes' wlk, on good boardwalk to electric cars, which will run to Pittsburg postoffice after Octo ber I; house -will be finished September 1; price (5.000: terms to suit THOS. M. MaBsHALLJb.. 117 Diamond St., Jflttsbnrg. Pa. au23-24 F0 OR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AND,2 VA- fA NT lots adlolnlnr. In Allerhnv m.im feet In all to an alley In the rear, only i square from the parks, close to street and electric cars; elegant discs for occupancy or for renttng pur poses: rare chance for Investment; no other such valuable propenyln the neighborhood JAB. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenue Plttsbnrr. au24-77-tvr A ME II A n to-morrouft dispatch de KAiHUHA scribe the lively tcenet and incident at Coney Island, JtJrG- I1 Hie - PlTTSI FOR BALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Haxelwood Residence. TTOR SALE AT HAZELTVOOD, A NICE JJ frame house of & rooms, finished attic nat ural gas, city water, etc.: lotJflxlOO ft. to an alley; price only (2,800. ALEXANDER ft LEE. UJ Wood St. ' " au24-85 Hkbnrban Residence. FOBBALE-BKLLEVUE PROPERTY: FRAME house 7 rooms, hall, porches, nat. gas. etc.; lot 50x230 feet; a nice home. A. D.WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. an2l-38-wra FOR 8ALE-AT WILKINSBURG. ON HILL St., new frame house of 8 rooms; lot 66x132 feet, near station P. R. B.; price and terms mod erate. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue an20-54-TTg TTIOR SALE-ONLY 83, 000 FOR LOT 180X100 J? feet, with 3 double 4-room frame houses, about 5 minutes from Swlssvale station: an ex cellent Investment. MCCUNE ft COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave an24-91 FOR SALE-A GREAT BARGAIN IN A NEW frame house or 6 rooms, front porch, good cellar, etc., at Homestead. P.. V. ft C. R. It. ; this property must be sold quick: price only (2. 500. C BER1N GEB ft SON, 103 Fourth ave auz2-97-ThS FOR SALE-A NICE LOT AND NEW HOUSE of6 rooms and finished attic, with natural gas, water In kitchen, etc.; only 2 minutes from Ingram station : will be sold at a bargain. Partic ulars from J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pltuburg. au24-78-D FOR 8ALE-A SUBURBAN PBOPEBTY OF 23 acres: only 7 miles from the city: close to railroad station; fine orchard; grape vines; large brick dwelling and complete set of outbuildings; abundance or water, etc., etc: a beautiful place. Particulars from JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. au24-73-D FOR SALE-ONLY (3.200-CENTER AVE.. Brushton station, P. R. R.. 4 minutes' walk from station, a pretty 2-story frame dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, natural gas, front and back porch, washbouse and all necessary outbuildings; lot 50x133 feet: this is a real bargain, and can be bought on very easy payments. BLACK ft BAIBD. 95 Fourth ave. a-a-233. nI9-4 FOR SALE LOTH. Cltr l.ota. 17' IOB BALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKROY sts., near college; terms to suit. num. CO WaED, 20 Bluff st. aui-ej-xisau FOB SALE CORNER LOT. 60x180 FT., NEAR the loop of the Center ave. cable line. Thir teenth wardfor (1,200. W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 90 Fourth ave au20-56-2U,22,24.23 FS it SALE-LEVEL AND DESIRABLE LOTS, 9VrU ft m,i It.tf1.1i1 .v n-.r lfnrtr-ftv- enth St.; If sold at once onl (600 each. Terms easy. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. 8U14-9S-14, 16, 20, 24 FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOTS AT MOBN INGSIliE, Eighteenth ward; can be bought for (50 to (WO; long payment: the owner will build houses for purchasers and give long time to pay for them; requiring an ojillayof very ilttlo more than a fair rent. Call upon the owner, CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant st, Pittsburg, or go upon the premises and see bis agent, fi. P. 8AWYER. , au219 Eaat End Lota. FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, 2 minutes from cable and 6 from Penn. R. R.; splendid view. Address E., Lock Box, 725. city. au24-71 F0RSALE-3UY A LOT IN VILLA PARK plan, Brushton station: selling tapldlr. Se cure new plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield st. aulS-51-wesa TTIOR SALE-HOMEWOOD LOTS-ON WIDE J; streets and pleasantly located; we will sell on long time and easy payments. MELLON HROTH EliS, 6349 Station St., K. E. aulS-89-TT8SU TJWR SALE-ON SOUTH HILAND AVE., LOT J: 40x120. to sewered alley: (3,800 cash or (4,000 on time; offered for a short time only. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. aul6-M-16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25 FOR SALE-ON ROUP ST., BETWEEN FIFTH ave and Walnut St.. beautiful lot 40x100 to 20ft. alley: elegant neighborhood, good sewer age and convenient to both steam and cable cars: only (2,400. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. aul6-31-16, 17, 19.22,24.25 FOR SALE-TWENTY FINE, LEVEL BUILD ING lots, situate on Howe and Arabella streets, shadrslde: price .only (31 per front foot: this is the cheapest pronerty In Sbadystde. Call at once on W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth are au24-87-D X7OR SALE ON WALNUT ST., NEAR JJ Hiland ave, beautiful lot 75x230 to a sort. st. ; elegant neighborhood: convenient to both steam and cable cars; special terms It purchaser will Improve at once THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. auI7-74-wrs6u TJWR SALE-ON BARTON ST., BETWEEN D Center and Ellsworth aves., beautiful lot 60x150: connections to sewer, natural and arti ficial gas and city water made to each lot: reason able price and on easy terms. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 fourth ave aul7-74-WFSSu FOB SALE-ON EDWIN ST., ONE SQUARE from Hiland ave. lots 13) ft. deep to a sewered alley: natural and artificial gas; city water on the street: good neighborhood and desirable loca tion; only HO per foot front: terras to suit pur chasers. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourtb ave auK-31-16, 17, 19,22.24.25 T7OR BALK BEAUTIFUL SHADYSIDE C lots, 50x100 feet. Atlantic ave. near Lib erty: these lots are perfectly level and In a good neighborhood, within a few minutes' walk of Bhadyslde station or cable cars: a reasonable firlce, with terms to suit, has been placed on hese .excellent lots: call or send to office for Utho. plan. BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. aul9-6-0 Allegheny Lota. FOR SALE-ON JUNIATA ST., COR ALLE GHENY ave.. lots 23x68 ft. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. au24-75 F OR SALE-THE CHEAPEST LOTS IN ALLE GHENY, located on Nunnery mil, easu; z reached; call or send for plans: terms easy. A. liuicitun & buab, au vourtn avenue. aul4-99-14, 15,17,20,22,24,27.29.31 FOR SALE LOTS OK MAPLE ANDLINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHEB, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-p FOR SALE-MARSHALL AVENUE. TENTH ward, Allegheny, elegant lot. 50x200: fine view: healthy. location; neareleMric and Pleas ant Valley cars: a bargain irsold at once SAML. W. BLACK ft CO., 98 Fourth ave au20-42-TTS FOR SALE-I0 ACRES IN THE ELEVENTH ward, Allegheny, on line or P., Ft. W. ftC. K. K.; convenient to streetcars proposed boule vard and electric road: good location for hotel or clubhouse: would divide nicely into lots, SAM UEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave aull-11 FORSALE ROBERT HENDERSON WASONE of the pioneer Scotchmen or Allegheny. For over 40 years he was engaged in stone work. Many or the substantial stone bridges and viaducts in Allegheny connty were or his construction. The same aspiration which led him to push his fortune In this Western country, led htm to select as a home that prominence, overlooking the city of Auesscaj &aowa & auuuitj niii a name oy the way, altogether out of harmony with the beauty of the place. Columbia Heights, or some other poetical name would more fitly Indicate Its character. Well, on these heights Mr. Henderson erected a magnificent stone dwelling, a wonder In those days, although not long ago. Surrounding this hoftse were beautiful grounds, in which the Inmates of the stone house rejoiced In nature's beauties and obtained a lovely pan oramic Tlew of the town, river and hills. The owner is gone but the everlasting stone house and the grounds remain. The surveyors' Instruments have altered the dimensions or these grounds, bnt have not changed their beanty. Fifty families can now enjoy what was orlglnallr meant for one. Aronndthe stately mansion are most lovely lots for the erection of homes for the people. We cannot Imagine a more desirable place for a modest, comfortable home. Even the vivid Imagination or the newspaper reporter would receive a healthy Impetus from the bracing air and delightful outlook of Henderson place We are now prepared to place them In the posses sion or buyers. Prices range from (500 to (1300 according to size and situation. We Invite special attention and a visit to our office where plans can be seen. A. LEGGATE ft SONS, Agents, 31 Fed eral st., Allegheny. au24-is Suburban Lota. FOR SALE-LOTS. LOTS. LOT8. AT BRUSH TON, "Wilklnsbnrg, Edgewood and Swiss vale; low prices and easy terms. MCCUNE ft COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. au24-91 TTIOR- SALE COPELAND LOTS-FINEST X? building sites In Braddock Field: you can buy these lots cheap. (20 cash and (10 monthly. MEL LON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. aul8-89-TTESU TTIOR SALE 38 ACRES Or THE CHOICEST .JJ land along the P. K. &.. eight miles from the city: two minutes from station; every root will lot out to good advantage: price reasonable; terms easy. BLACK ft BAXRD, 95 Fourth are. aulS-33-iS, 17,20. 12.24 TTIOR SALE AT ASPINWALL STATION IN JD the Ross estate the most desirable suburban building lots now In the market for sale: prices very low and terms easy: call or send for plans. W. A, HERRON ft SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave aul-61-5-S-l-17-2O-2-27-30 FOR SALE-OAK GROVE 5-ACRt LOTS: ON line of railroad: adjoins the borough or Par nassus; about 90 acres laid off in 3,5 and 8-aerelots : great flow or pure water; groups of forest trees; natural ras; convenlenttochurches. schools, stores, etc., etc Get plans from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pltuburg. au24-77-UW8 warms. FOR SALE A LARGE FARM; ABOUT 250 acres; only it miles from city, H mile from railroad, school, churches, postoffice etc: will be sold at a bargain to close up an estate. Particu lars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. tu24-79-D F IORBALE-A RICH FARM. 125 ACRES, finest situation on Allegheny river, short ride from city, frame dwelling, u rooms, French plate, walnnt doors, billiard nail adjoining, summer house fine shrubbery, large orchard, fruit best quality, barn, granary. Truit and Icehouse In perfect order. ED. WXTTISH, 410 Grant street, Pltuburg, Pa. , au2l-4-r F)B BALE-CHEAP, FARMS-70 ACRES, -room house bain, orchard, etc.; pleasant home four miles from Rochester, for (3,000; also, 11 acres, 6-room bouse, barn and fntt; half a mile from Rochester: (2.100, easy payments: 106 acres, 6-Toombouie barn, orchard, etc, three miles from Bearer, rori4.50tk.In yearly payments. Send for farm and exchange list. N. v. Hurst. Lock Hot 49. Rochester, Pa. an24-14-TTg NOTED COUNTERFEITERS. & odt 0 making and circulating the Imitation!, and teork 0 the secret service in detecting them are described i to-morrow' Dispatch by JS. W.L. DISPATCH, " SATURDAY, KOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnalneaa Caancea. FOB BALE-(500 WILL BUY ONE OF THE best restaurants on Smlthfield st.: owner mnst leave city at once; great chance to make money. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. eu 167- au24-82 F OB BALE A GOOD ESTABLISHED nlnmblnr business in McKeesport: reason for selling, falling health; a good chance for a live manT Apply to 1. CHliHOLM, 516 Walnut St., McKeesport. au20-84-r TTIOR BALE-BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY. U horse, wagon; largest trade In town of 10.000. long lease, low rent: good chape; for the right man; good reason for selling. Address BAKLK, Dispatch office. au24-10 FOR 8ALE-BESTAUBANT-(80l)-BESX A." TLE stand In the city, having a net annual profit of (3.000: splendid chance for a live, active man that understands the business. Call ejfy J. B. COOPER ft CO.. 107 Fourth ave. an23- TTIOB SALE-FINEST, COMPLETE OUTFIT JD lor drugstore in the city: all new; prescrip tion case 30-rt. counter, side cases, two show eases, etc; will sell for 8400: cost (1,500. Inquire at ALBEMARLE HOTEL, Sixth street. an24-4 F IOB SALE-FIRST-CLASS KESTAUBANT .i ...ruilnn.r, hiT.lne.L tin Sixth avenUC Homestead; best stand In the borough: immediate possession given; good reason for selling, cait on or address GEO? W. GILES, Seal Estate and Insurance Agent, Homestead, Pa. au22-29-Thssn TTOR SALE A SPLEN DID CO N FECTION ERY. JD news, stationery, tobacco and cigars and no tions stand: business runs handsome and sure, ana growing every day: situated before a public place: price very low. Including stock. Inquire at once at 4702 PENN AVE.,two doors rrom Pearl. au20-C9-Tussu F OR SALE-GOOD MILK ROUTE IN ALLE- flllirMV. w,nn hArs. hirn.ur IcebOXt chnrn for wagon; measures of all kinds; bell: churn for making butter: 2 dozen of cans of alt kinds and sizes and alt other fixtures belonging to milk business, too numerous to mention: owner wanting to sell out in case of sickness: sold cheap If sold soon. Address (one week) MILK DEALER, Dispatch office. " au22-12 TTlOR SALE-THE BEST FALL AND WINTtK JJ business season that Pittsburg has ever known will soon be here. Choice cheap grocery stores, drygoods and notion stores, bakeries, furnished house for roomers, very profitable large bakery and confectionery, cigar stores, feed store, rout depot, restaurants and dining rooms, printing office, shoe stores: rood city grocery stoie toex- cnange lor city nuuaing lots, r ree particm... SHEPARD ft CO.. 64 Fifth ave auH-M Bnalneaa Stands. FOR SALE CHEAP-DOWN TOWN PBOP EBTY. bringing In a good rent: situate cor. Boss st. and First avenue See W. A. HERKON ft SONS, to Fourth ave. , an.6-3Z-i6,l7.20,zv-'.- F)B SALE-8,500-TERMS TO SUIT. S-STOBI brick business property on Grant, between Second and Third avenues. ALLES ft 1IA1LE-. 164 Fourth avenue. Telephone 167. ana-89-ThSSu TTIOR SALE-(1. 000 PER FRONT FOOT, 40x86 JD feet, with two three-story brick business houses: Fourth avenue, near new postoffice; en hancement sure. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fonrth.avenne. Telephone 167. an22-83-ThB FOB SALE-THE NORTHSIDE GRAIN AND teed elevator and warehouse corner North and Irwin avenues, Allegheny, Pa., with all fur nlshments: a bargain to the right party. Address J. V. HUTCHINSON, New Brighton, Pa. ' anl5-62 FOB SALE-ADVANCE BOLLEB MILLS Newly refitted to Case system, steam power; doing No. 1 work: desirably located on B. B-: plenty of bard wheat at mllldoor; terms low. Call or address TAYLOR BROS, ft CO., Rogers. Col. Co., O. au22-7-D FOR SALE-BLACKSMl'lH SHOP, IN AN elegant location for doing a good business on a public road '2H miles from Freeport, with over 2 acres of level land; good frame bouse of 4 rooms, stable and good spring of water; price onlveS00irso.dat once. C. BERINGER ft SUN, 103 Fourth ave au2Z-97-ThP FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Lire Stock, tfcc, FOR SALE FAMILY BAROUCHE, IN GOOD condition; cheap. Apply 4447 PENN AVE. au20-71-TT8 FOB SALE-HOBSES AND CABBIAGES-IN order to settle an estate the following prop erty Is offered at private sale: Bay horse Groyer Clevelaud. 5 years old. It hands, sired by Hugo; this horse Is very stvllsh, good galted, and, with out training, gives premise or speed, prompt driver and a No. 1 roadster. Sorrel mare Caprice 4 years old. Wi hands, sired by Beaumont, ne by Belmont: this mare Is good looking, well bred, and should. If trained, I learn to go fast. Gray mare 8 years old, 15,S sands, sound, gentle and Srompt driver; has bees used for family purposes, ay horse 8 years old, kiii hands, sound, gentle a prompt driver; Is suitable for a barouche or light delivery wagon. Alxk 1 rockaway, 1 side-bar buggy, 1 doctor's buggy, 1 set double harness almost new, single ltirness, robes, etc. This property must be soldi For prices, etc. Inquire at THOMAS E. POLLARD'S, 1044 and 1046 Penn ave. and Eleventh st. I au24-67-Tu6Su Machinery and Metals. J7IOB SALE-ENGINtS AND BOILERS-NEW 1 and refitted: repaiilngpromptlv attended to. ORTER FOU ND R Y AND MACHINE CO.. LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. a u 10-23 FOR SALE NOW4-ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine 2 surface planers and 1 shaper.and new and sees nd-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks,)Slojnei valves, castings, etc YEULB ft McDOtf ALDf Thirty-second st. and Penn, ave. f f- 3y2l-il-rra Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-SMALL SAFE, NEW; PRICE only (20: combination lock. etc. C. H.LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. au23-25 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS I BOOKSI New and old, ancient and icouero. standard and rare, legal, medlcaLand scientific 30,000 vol umes to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. 900 Liberty st. au3-9S PERSONAL-WHY TKOUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or danchterstn repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be .done for a trifle by DICKSON, the (Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second fldorf Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: salts made to order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mh8 LOST. LOST-IN PITTSBURGH OB ALLEGHENY stamps for 8, HO clgirs: finder -will be re warded by returning to J. BERNSTEIN, 60 Wylle ave. I au24-S3 LOST-SATURDAY, THE I7TH INST., ONTHE 3:30 P. X. Washington accommodation train, a photographic lens, with duplex shutter. Finder will be rewarded by returning It to W. S. BELL ft 4X1.. Wood St., Pltuburg. au22-63 STRAYED. STBAYED-A SMALL MOOLEY COW WITH short tail; color red and gray mixed. All ex penses paid for her return to JOHN MCCAISE, Braddock, Pa. au22-84 BUSINESS CHANGES. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE IS HEREBY Civen that Jacob Qulentz and Charles Uulentr. residents of Pittsburcr, Pa., as part ners under the name of Jacob Oulentz, will on Angust L 18S9, commsnee the business ot a shoe store for a term ot five years. The gen eral partner Is Jacob Gulentz, the special part ner is Charles Qulentz, who has contributed tUCOO to the common stock of said partnership. JACOB GULENTZ, 1113 Penn ave aulO-50-S CHARLES GULENTZ. LEGAL NOTICES. CHARLES B. PAYNE, Attorney at Law, 173 Fourth avenue TJISTATE OF SARAH J. WICKS. DE Xll CEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Sarah J.Wlcks have been pranted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay at Gill Hall. Jefferson township, Allegheny county. Pa. JOHN a WICKS. JAS. A. WICKS. au24-13-S Administrators. JAMES F. GILDEA, Attorney at Law, 437 Grant st Pittsburr. ESTATE OF NICHLAU3 81TJPY, DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estato of Nich lans Stupy. deceased, have been cranted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the estate will make them known without delay to JOSEPH VOGEL, JR.. an!4-17-s No. 8703 Bntler 8U Pittsburg. Pa. AMUSEMENTS. HARRIS' THEATER-EVERY AFTER NOON and evening. Grand double bllL KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN -AHB- UNCLE JOSH. Week Aug. 28 "The World Against Her." au22 BIJOU THEATER Matineee to-day at 2. GEO. C. 8TALEY, ROYAL PASa August 28 Frank Daniels, In Little Puck. au21-WS GRAND OPERA HOUSE Matlneeat2p.M. To-night at 8:15 r. K. Dockstader's Minstrels. igustaj Mes layer's Tourists lnaPulii August uilman Palace Car. au24-23 TTARRY WILLIAMS' j ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Tri-wrratTT Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. JOS. J. SULLIVAN'S w an2Q SPECIALTY COMBINATION. WAXTXRj.OSBOtTBXE. KICHA&D BABBOWC B ARROWS fe OBBOURNE JOB PRINTERS. -, , ,. o,. SODiamond street. Telephone No. 8U es-ksiVrnsa ATJG-UST 24, 1889. TO LETT Cltr Residences; TO LET-AT (15 PER MONTH. NEAT BRICK house: rooms: N o. 201 Plymouth st. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth aye. an8-93-8.12.lt, 20, 24 TO LET-10-ROOM HOUSE ON ONE OF THE cross avenues near to Smlthfield St.: water on each floor. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue an23-25 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-SEE EWING ft BYERS FOR ALLE GHENY houses: office No. 107 Federal street. au24-93 TO LET-ON BOYLE ST., ALLEGHENY, brick house or 3 rooms, cellar, city water, etc., at (9 per month. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood stV an24-85 TO LET-ON PAGE ST., BBICK HOUSES 8 rooms, all the improvements, rront and back yaris; good locations. A.D. WILSON, 55 Federal ,st Allegheny. an21-38-WT8 O LET-ON SANDUSKY 8TBEET-TWO-STOBY brick house of 5 rooms and hallrgas and water: possession at once. See EWING ft BYEKS. 107 Federal st. an24-99 Apartments. TO LET-NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS TO gentlemen only; No. 45 Chatham st. C H. LOVE. 93 Fourth ave ao20-H-TTg Farms. TO LET-A GOOD FARM FOB DAIBY PUB POSES, of about 235 acres, mostly In grass, at Virginia Junction. B. ft O. B. B. . Washington county. Pa.; a good house, barn and other ne cessary buildings and excellent spring water, and railroad station on the place. Inquire or MRS. MARGARET MCLEAN. Thomas P. O.. Pa., or of W. NEASE& CO., 1023 Liberty St., Pittsburg. au22-78-TTB . Offices. Desk: Room. &c TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent, (200 and (300 per annum, including elec tric lights, janitor service and steam heating. Apply between 10 A. If. andlr. X., or between 2 and 4 P.M. " Jy23-g7 mo LET-STORE OR OFFICE ROOM, WITH JL large vault, suitable for insurance office or similar business. In Germanla Savings Bank building. No. 419 Wood street: room formerly oc cupied by George Relneman as saloon, and now temporarily occupied by the American Express Co.; It is two steps below grade, making a flrst class basement. Inquire at THE BANK. )e2-68-D Business Stands, mo LET-A STORE AND DWELLING ON JL Smlthfield st. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave nue. au23-25 O LET-LARGE STOREROOM AND DWELL ING. Nos. 27 and 29 Diamond st. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue an23-25 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. "VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED J.1 proposals will be received at the office of the City Controller until the 27th day of Au gust. A. D. 1889, at 2 P." M., for the following, viz.: ' GRADING. Kent alley, from Stanton avenua to Fifty second street. GRADING, PAVING AND CURBING. Moultrie street, from Fifth avenue to Forbes avenue. Broad street, from Frankstown avenue to Collins avenue. Howe street, from Aiken avenue to Ivy street. Carnegie street, from Fifty-fourth street to Fifty-fifth street. Chestnut street, from Locust street to Bin ft street. Cedar street, from Liberty avenue to Friend ship street. The paying of all the above named streets to be either of standard sheet asphalt with bitu minous base, vulcanite asphalt, block stone, irregular block stono or cobble stone, and bids will be received for each kind of pave ment. BOARD WALKS. Virginia avenue from Ulysses street to Oneida street. William street from Brownsville avenue to Bailey avenue. Joel's lane from GrandTiewarenue to Omaha street. Kearsarge and Belonda streets from Grace street to Mason street. SEWERS. Conrad street from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue, 15 and 20-inch pipe. Penn avenue from Pennsylvania Railroad bridge to the Negley Run sewer, 15-inch pipe. South Twenty-fifth street from Josephine street to the Monongahela river, 24-lnch pipe. Gum street from a point 65 feet south of Cliff street to Webster arenne, 12-inch pipe. Hemans and Kirkpatrick streets and Center avenue from Charles street to Reed street, 15 and lS-inch pipe. Rebuilding the Forty-eighth street sewer. Seventeenth ward. Shaffer and Arch streets cnlvert. Plans and specifications crn be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Each proposal must, be accompanied by a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief ot Department of Public Works. aul6-37 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS BIDS FOR PAVING MAR KET street with cobble stone from Sec ond to Third streets. Leechburg, Pa., will be received until SEPTEMBER 3, 1889. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Flans and specifications of proposed work can be seen by calling on or addressing JAMES D. BOAL, Burgess, au23-45-r Leechburg, Pa. -VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED Xi proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of Clarion Normal Schools for the erection of a manual training ball, etc etc Plans and specifications for same can be seen at the office of W. W. Greenland, Esq., Clarion, Clarion county, or J. P. Bailey, architect. Pitts burg, the proposals to be left with Mr. C. A. Rankin, Clarion, on or Before August 3L The committee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. C. A. RANKIN. au224!0 Secretary. TO IRON MANUFACTURERS OFFICE of U. a Light House Engineer. Fifth and Sixth Districts, Baltimore, Md August 21. 1SS9. Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M., on WEDNESDAY, the ISth day of September, 18S9,f or furnishing the mater ials and labor ot all kinds necessary for the completion and delivery of the metal work of the Gull Shoal and Pamlico Light Houses, North Carolina. Plans, specifications, forms of proposal, and other information may be ob tained on application to this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any defects. J. C. MALLERY, Captain of Engineers, U. a AT, Light House Engineer. au21-64-TTS OFFICE OF THE BOROUGH CLERK, ) McKeesport, Pa., August 24, 1ES9. J NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Borough Clerk until MONDAY. September 2, A. D. 1869, 12 o'clock noon, for the grading, cnrblng and paving with fire brick of Seventh avenue, from Market street to Water street. In the borough of McKeesport, Pa. Plans and specifications of the above work can be seen and blanks for bidding and all information can be bad at the engineer's office on and after August 26. Each proposal must be accom panied by a bond in donble the amount of the proposal and probated before a Notary Public, and said proposals must be banded in on or be fore the above specified time; unless said requirements are strictly carried out the bid win not be considered. The Committee on Streets reserve the right to reject any or all proposals. GEORGE B0S3ART. an24-81-24,2S.se2 Borough Clerk: Office of Bobouoh Engineer of "1 Bobough or Knoxvtxle, Allegheny I Co., Pa., No. 403 Grant Street. f Pittsburg, August 22, 1889.J "TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the above office until SEPTEMBER 3, 18S9, at 8 p. ST.. for the paving ot Orchard Place and parts of Charles St., Bausman st. and Zara St., situate in said borough. CURBING. For curbing parts of Zara st, Charles st and Bausman St. GRADING. For the sub-grading of Orchard Place and part of Zaia St. and tho grading of parts of Zara st, Bausman st. and Charles St. GUTTERING. For the guttering of Orchard Place and parts of Zara St., Bausman st. and Charles St. Probated bonds in one-balf the estimated cost of the work must accompany each pro posal. Plans, specifications and Information can be obtained at said office. All bids mnst be addressed to the Street Com mittee, said committee reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. C. E. OWENS, C. E.. au22-73-MTh3 Borough Engineer. PURE MILK. This Company is prepared to receive orders by mail or otherwise for Absolutely Pure Milk, delivered to customers in sealed glass Jars, packed in Ice at our creamery in Bewick, ley.. Price 8 cents per quart. THE SEWICKLEY DAIRY CO.. au20-73-D 110 Wood st, Pltuburg. Pa. ninnvDiv nm?i?rp i the theme 0 nvviuui uuiiiivii jtranx a. Carpen ter's interesting Utter in to-morroWg Dis 1 JFrank G. Car patch. AUCTION SALES. W.B. RODGER ATTORNEY. 98 Diamond street. M ASTER'8 SALE- Bv virtue of an order of the Court of Com. nun Pleas No. 1, of Allegheny county, at No. 255 September term, 1889. in re Robert Wood side et aL, Trustees, vs Robert Woodslde. partition in equity. The undersigned will expose at public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, ZSSt, At 2 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, situated on HERR'S ISLAND, in Eighth ward, CITY OF ALLEGHENY, Pennsylvania, beginning at a point on north side of Heir's Island, on divi sion line of lots 2 and 3. in plan made by OS. H. Hastings. September 11, 1848, duly recorded; thence along said division line s. 69 e. en tirely across said island to low-water mark on the Alleghenyriver; thence eastwardly up said river to middle of lot No. 3 in said plan, being westerly line ot lot conveved to James B. D. Meeds; thence by said Meeds line 59K w. across said island to low-water mark on the northwardly branch of the Allegheny river; thence down said, river westerly to the dividing line aforesaid at the place of begin ning, being the westerly half of lot No 3 in Hastings' plan aforesaid, containing 4 acres, more or less, except so much thereof as was sold by Alex. Jaynes in his life time, and sub ject to the rights and privileges held and en joyed or to be held ana enjoyed, under deeds, leases and conveyances, heretofore made to Stephen R. Morrison by Benjamin Herr, senior. TERMS OF SALE. 1500 in hand it time ot sale and the balance in cash on delivery of deed, or $500 in band at time of sale and S9.500 upon delivery of deed, the balance to be secured by bond, accom panied by mortgage on the premises (with sci fa clause and attorney's commission of 5 per cent for collection) payable in five years with Interest thereon at 5 per cent, pavabl e semi annually. J. M. 8WEARtNGEN., .W.W. MCNEILL &BRO Master. Auctioneers, 105 Fourth ave. au2I 96-3 AUCTION SALE! AUCTION SALE OF NICE x BUILDING LOTS! In the Eleventh Ward, Allegheny City, Pa. I will expose at auction sale. SATURDAY. August 24. 1S89. at 2 o'clock P.M., a number of fine building lots in Peter Stackhouse plan of lots, located on the New Brighton road, or West End avenue, where the proposed electric or cable road is to pass through to Bellevue, and is now only about 5 minutes' walk to the Union Line Railway station and about 10 min utes' walk to Wood's Run station on the P., Ft. W. 4 C. K. R, and about 15 minutes' walk to or from Pleasant Valley. This property is close to the Eleventh ward public school. There are also churches, both German and English, of different religions rites. In the immediate neighborhood. TERMS OF SALE will be as follows: $10 down on each lot on the day of sale, then J10 per month nntil 100 are paid, when the deed will be given and good bond or mortgage taken to secure the balance of the unpaid purchase money, for 5 to 8 years, said purchase money to be paid annually pro rata, and interest at 8 per cent on the unpaid purchase money from the time of purchase, said interest payable semi annually. For further information call on or addressL. BLATTNER. Agentand Auctioneer, 223 Franklin St., Allegheny, Pa. aa22-79 UCTION SALE DESIRABLE RESI DENCE property. Eleventh ward, Alle gheny City, on Asnton and Fleming aves., near McClureave. Sale September 7,1889. on the premises at 3 p. M. Fiame dwelling of 7 rooms, etc; abundance of very fine' fruits and grapes; about an acre and a quarter of ground; excel lent spring water, never fails: also city water; both gases: 13S-ft. frontage on Ashton ave. and 135-ft. frontage on Fleming ave.; within one square of Union Line street cars and one square from California ave. extension and new electric railway, and 3 minutes' walk from Woods Run station. Ft. Wayne R. R. Terms made known at sale, or further particulars from ALLES A BAILEY, Real Estate Auc tioneers. 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. aul8-7-19.2L24.28,28.3Lse5.6.7 DO NOT HESITATE to buy lots in Allegheny City if you can find choice property, desirably located, at a mod erate price. BENTON PLACE li right on the line of rapid improvement, near new California avenue and proposed Bellevue electric road. Lots are large, well drained, beautifully situated and are the cheapest home sites now offering in Allegheny. At $200 to $500 each. Call on me for plans and conveyance to the ground. charleITsomers, 313 Wood St. Telephone 1012. au23 F OR SALE BUILDING. LOTS AT ASPINWALL STATION, West Penn Railroad, only 7 miles from Alle gheny depot, adjoining SHARPSBURG. The "Aspinwall Land Company" have subdi vided a part of the beautiful suburban property known as the ROSS ESTATE, Into lots ot 25 feet, 50 feet and 100 feet frontage, or by the acre, and are offering them for sale at prices that will suit the most conservative. Terms very easy, title guaranteed by the "Fidel ity Title and Trust Company," of Pittsbure. Special inducements to early purchasers. There is a representative always on the premises who will show the property. Take a train to Aspin wall station, which is directly on the premises, or call on the agents, T. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave.. city. Who will give you plans of the lots, with f nil information and prices. aul-60-2,8I10,13,1724,27,a SOHETEIHS CHOICE. REAL ESTATE. To close up estate of Alexander Negley, de ceased, I offer about 11 acres land situate be tween Neeley and Hiland aves adjoining resi dences of Colonel Anderson, Alex Dempster and others. Nineteenth ward. Pittsburg, and adjoining recent purchase of Messrs. Magee, Flinn and Stewart. This land all fronts on streets already laid out, and is in a flrst-class neighborhood, which is bnilding up rapidly. Will be sold as a whole or in blocks to suit purchasers. Also, lot corner Penn and Negley aves., 105z 200 feet. HENRY H. NEGLEY, CORNER SANDUSKY AND LACOCK STS., " ALLEGHENY, Or residence. NEGLEY AVE., Pittsburg. au22-94-TTS X ADIES -Ho on can buv the cutest little stick-Dins voti ever saw for 25c. 60c and 75c apiece, at WILSON'S JEWELRY STORE. aul3-TT3 61 FOURTH AVENUE. J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT, 98 Fourth avenue. aul3-57.rrs Pittsburg. Pa. P IANOS, 'ORGANa 8. HAMILTON, SI AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-s G A. RALPH, BUILDmG CONTRACTOR, u seventh avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TTS WOOD MANTELS CEILINGS AJtr , WAIN8COTTING, H1TERI0R DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete House Furnishings. &mLi jv9-7S-tui Philadelphia, Pa. 8 EDUCATIONAL. WESTERN RESERVE SEMINARY AND Normal College, West Farmlngton, O. Sixty vears. Collegiate, Normal. Music, Busi ness, Stenogranhy. Board and Tuition. $100 per year. REV. E. B. WEBSTER, A, M, Pres't, aulO-SO-s ST. GEORGE'S HALL FOR BOYS AND young men, St. George's, Md., near Balti more, Prof. J. C. Klnear, A. M, Principal. Col lege or business. Unsurpassed in advantages, comfon and situation. 1200 to $275 a year. au!7-92 HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBERS; new students examined Monday, September 2. Apply to Rer. Joiut T. MURPHT, C 8. 8p President. jy 17-28 TVrOUNTSTE.URSULE,OAKLAND-THB 1VJL Ursuline Academy reopens 'on SEP TEMBER 2; boarders and day scholars re ceived. For further particulars apply to 8. STE. GERTRUDE, aul8-25 ' Superintendent. TTT-EST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY VV for young ladies; 23d year: is provided for giving a superior education in collegiate, eclectic and preparatory departments; also in music and art. MRS. HENRIETTA KUTZ, 2045 Walnut st Phila. au-90-TTS BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE A COL LEGIATE school for young ladies, cor. ner Penn ave. and Fourth street. Pittsburg. The next session begins Wed., Sept. U. Send for register giving full information. Address the rector, REV. R. J. COSTER, A. M. jyl4-o3-ws TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, forjrlrls and young ladles. 8HORTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY; for boys and young men. ' SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE, A, M. (Harvard graduate). Media, Pa., near Philadelphia. aul-8 -TJ1LOCUTION MUSIC LITERATURE. ly Mrs. Lizzie Pershing Anderson's School, 64 Union avenue, Allegheny. French and Ger man, Drawing and Painting, English studies. Fall term opens September 10, 1889. Send for prospectus. jyl6-48-wa FEW 8MALL CHILDREN WANTED TO care for ana teach by a lady of expenenca ana ability: she offers a pleasant home in a con venient suburban town, kind training and care ful instruction: best 01 references given and re quired. Address E. L. M., Dispatch office. au22-72-TTS NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in civil engineering, English and classics. Labors atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT. B. B A. M, Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jelO-U Notre Dame of Maryland. Collegiate Institute for young ladies and pre paratory school for little girls, EMBLA P.O., three miles from Baltimore, Md.. conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Send for catalogue. jyS0-69-TT3 SOIMERN HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 915 and 917 N. Charles street, Baltimore. ' MRS.W.M.CARY. I Established 1812. French MISS CARY. (the language of the school. jyl8l-TTS ROCK HILL COLLEGE, ELLICOTT CITY, Md.; conducted by the brothers of the Christian Schools; scientific, classical and com mercial courses: the modern languages and drawing are taught without extra cbarg: studies will be resumed on the first Monday of September. For particulars address aulS-23 BROTHER DENIS. President, MOUNTAIN SEMINARY. BIRMING HAM. Pa. A thorough school for young 3. Situation noted for health. Homo comforts. 33d year. Grounds, 100 acres. Three courses of study. Prepares for college. Send for illustrated catalogue. A. R. GRIhR, Busi ness Mi't'r. MISS N. J. DAVIS, Principal. autL53-D PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY. Chester, Pa. Twenty-eighth year opens September 18. A MILITARY COL LEGE. Civil Engineering, Chemistry, Archi tecture, Arts. Thoroughly organized, prepara tory courses. Circulars of Mr. F. G. PAUL SON. 411 Wood St., city. CoL CHAa E. HYATT. President. jyl052-TTS ALLEGHENY COLLEGIATE INSTITUE Primary, acadercio and collegiate depart ments for both sexes. Special advantages in modern languages, shorthand, tvps writing; telegraphy, music, art, history and literature. Prepares for the Western University of Pa., scientific schools, college or business. Fall term begins SEPTEMBER 18. For particulars ad dress C. L. BOECELE.A.M., Hannal Hall, Principal, Allegheny. ac24-72-s PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal. Academic Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in the best col leges, for teaching, tor business. Young La dies' Seminary Department. Fall term opens September 9. 1889. Hon. Tbos. M. Marshall. President Board of Trustees, Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal. No. 7 Fourth avenue. jylSl-TTS - PARK INSTITUTE-FORMERLY PRE PARATORY and commercial depart ments of Western University. Three courses: Classical, English and Business,lncludingshort hand and typewriting. Business and shorthand classes open to both sexes. Fall term opens Sep tember 2 at No. 204 North avenue, Allegheny, Pa. Office hours 9 to 11 a. M. Call or send for prospectus. LEVI LUDDEN, A. M Principal. au3-4S-TTS St. Xavier's Academy. Academic year commences on the first Monday In September. Prompt attendance of pupils is requested. From September 2 to 11 inclusive a conveyance will meet all trams from Pittsburg stopping at Beatty station. After this date the conveyance will meet the noon train on Wednesday and Saturday. For further information apply to the DI RECTORS of the Academy. anlS-99 Eugewortli Boarding and Day Scnool For girls, 122 West Franklin street, Baltimore. Md..Mrs.H. P. LEFEBVRE, principal. This school will reopen on Thursday, the 19th of September. The course of Instruction em braces all the studies included in a thorough English education, and the French and Ger man languages are practically taught. jyKMB-ws EiITTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE FULL and special courses of study in Literature, nguage. Natural Science, Music, Art and Elocution. Unsurpassed home comforts and care. Buildings large: facilities ample. Health ratio not surpassed anywhere. Location cen tral; Eighth street, near Penn avenue. Tuition and boarding very reasonable. Next season opens September 10. For catalogue and full information send to PRESIDENT A. H. NORCROSS, D. D jylO-23-ws Pittsburg. Pa. CURRY UNIVERSITY, 8IXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. L477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical, Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. Mi. Pres't jyl8-82-TTS. PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL, E8TAB LISHED 1SS4, offers advantages ot a toorougn Acauemio school oz Art, combiaed with private in struction; each pupil nnder joint direction of George Het zel (Dusseldorf Academy), John W. Beatty (Munich Academy). Students who cannot attend daily may enter lor limited number 01 days a week, r or prospectus address JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal. au368-Tus 413 Wood street. Pittsburg. Pennsylvania Female College, Situated in a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau, in the suburbs oR Pittsburir, away from, city noise and dust. Unsurpassed for beauty and' healtbfulness. Excellent facilities for stndy of Natural Sciences. Classics and Mathematlcs-ln short, every department well equipped. The completion of Dllworth Ball, comnrlslnr new chapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, has increased capacity and furnlsbes faculties for thorousrh educational work of the highest order. Season opens September 11, ISS9. Early application lsdeslrable. For catalogues and fnrtherlnformatlon apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETBEAU, President, Pittsburr (East End), Pa. Jr-4-Tus TaffiPMuTLVANIASTAlD COLLEGE Fall session opens September 11. Examinations for admission September 10. New buildings and equipment greatly Increase the facilities for in struction in all department. Courses In Agri culture, Cbemlstry. Botany and Horticulture, Civil. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering-, and In Ueneral Science and Modern Languages. Special courses for- Ladles. Tuition free Flits; Scholarships entitle the holders to free room rent. For catalogue or other Information address THE PRESIDENT. State College, Center Co., Pa. Presldeat Atherton may be personally con sulted at the Mononrahela House, Pittsburg. Tuesday and Wednesday, August 27 and 28, from 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. au22-8 SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY -SONS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's toiled ox faded garment neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtain of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. jeU-rrs K SIXTH AVE.. Pittsburg. P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers