Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 24, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 14, Image 14

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RaUion, Albert ...." :.... 5 65
lot 20x100 Flora street between
Shaffer and Kirkpatrick
J 8 Shaffer plan No 32
2-story frame house
Rafferty. James 8 70
lot 20x100 Wadsworth between
Wallace and Soho streets No 115
2-stoYy frame house
Reed. J L(w) 74 55
4 lots 23.6 averaging 90 each Center
avenue corner Devilliers street
J B Irwin plan Nos 1, 2, 3, 4
1-story frame skating rink
Bulllran. James 18 42
lot 20x105 Thirtr-thlrd street near
Porter plan No 5
2 2-story frame houses .
Sterling. James M 112 84
lot 75x140 Center avenue between
Solio and Channcey streets
lot 15x100 Mahon street
Mahon plan parts Nos 53 and 54
2-story frame house No 75
Sullivan. Lavinla 2 92
lot 20x91 8 Brec'tenridge avenue
C H Love plan No 17
Schwanzelbaclc, C 18 70
4 lots 22x80 each Ridge between
Harding and Fairmount streets
'ft D and Co plan Nos 162, 103,
Simon, Michael 4 94
lot 22x100 Ravine street near Fair
mount street
R D and Co plan No 7
Sutton, Benjamin 63 68
8 lots 20x100 Flora street between
Klrkpatrick and Shaffer streets
Shaffer plan Nos 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30. 31
Scott, Margaret E 18 59
lot 60x140 Craig street between
Center avenue and Allequippa
Thompson. James 6 72
lot 20x9U0 Somers street between
Webster and Wylle avenues
E P Jones plan No 7
Taylor, WH 23 88
lot 80xl&0 Craig street between
Allequippa and Center avenue
frame bouse
Tassff.M 6 07
2 lots 20x91 8 each Vera near Mor
gan street
C H Love plan Nos 57, 55
TiltoruM M 19 03
3 lots 20x91.8 each Bertnoud near
Morgan street
C H Love planNosS3, 84. 66
lot 20x918 Vera -near Morgan
C H Love plan No 45
2 2-story frame houses
Toome. DH, with notice to James
O'Hara 33 56
5 lots 20x100 each Flora corner
Shaffer street
John Shaffer plan Nos 60, 61,
Taylor, John N 10 55
2 lotB 59 2x40 7 feet rear Craig cor
ner Denver street Nos 121, 122
frame hone
Unknown owner 15 67
lot 20x92 Vera street Detween Mor
gan streetaudBreckenridgeave
nue C H. Love plan No 38
lot 24x98 Emmett between Wads
worth and bono streets No 35
'2 lots 65 averaging 40 in all Em
mett between Wadsworth and
Emmett streets Nos 29, 30
4 lots 20x100 each Ridge street cor
ner Wesley street
J S Shaffer plan Nos 20, 21.
22. 23
5 lots 20x100 Flora street corner
Wesley street
J S Shaffer plan Nos 65, 66, 67,
Wallace. Hugh 23 60
lot 2a 4x60 Thirty-third street near
Brereton plan part No 4
2-story frame house
Woods, Robert 21 95
2 lots 4 4x120 74 feet rear in all
MldH e street between Bedford
avenne and Ridge street
R Woods plan Nos 28, 29
Wallace. James 11 20
lot 24.10x60 rear of Thirty-third
near Ravine street
Denny plan K of No 4
frame house
Williams. Isaac IS 42
2 lots 20x120 Chauncey street be
tween Wylie and Webster ave
nues i
Reis & Bergerplan Nos 39, 40
Wblrts. Anna 6 07
lot averaging 40x91.8 Bertnoud cor
ner Morgan Mreet
C H Love plan No 64
Wadsworth. A 2 92
lot 20x100 Orleans near Byron
C A Colton plan No 88
Weldin.W 7 63
2 lots 24x60 each Soho between
Reed and Wadsworth streets
Wulf, Wilhelreina 17 73
lot 20x105 Ferry street
Porter plan No 146
frame bouse
Ward. John 25 06
lot 30x303 feet being one-half of
Ridge near Erin street
51 perches Ridge street north side
to center of Ridge corner Wes
ley street
Ward, William with notice to Henry
Mnrphy terre tenant 120 75
3 acres J4 perches land Bedford
avenne to Ridge street between
Shaffer and Middle streets
kilns and brick sheds
Wunderlich. Andrew (w) 7 85
lot 20.7x74 Ridge between Middle
and Ward streets
R Wood's plan No 21
frame house
Wallace. Wm (w) . 25 20
lot Wcb6ter avenue
house No 475
Zimmerman. M (w) I7... 12 60
lot 20x102 Rose between Klrkpat
rick and Charles streets
Irwin plan No 20
frame house
CItr and Snb-DUtrlct School Taxes and
Water Rents.
Allen, Frank 8 81
lot 25x100 Oazzam street between
Soho and Antoinette streets
Gazzain plan No 561
frame bouse
Balrd. Andrew 41 00
one acre land Ward between Fra
iler and WBmot streets
2-story frame house
Berger, Geo or Geo Burbct 3 78
lot 3L50 averaging 113 Antoinette
street between Emma and Oaz
zam streets
Gazzam plan No 608
small shanty
Bently. William 4 96
lot 25x100 Antoinette street be
tween Emma and Gazzam
Gazzam plan No 605
Bell. Thomas 6 66
lot averaging 50x60 Antoinette
street between Emma and Gaz
zam streets
Gazzam plan Nos 603. 604
Banks, James 4 90
lot 25 averaging 144 Andiey street
Gazzam plan No 611
frame house
Bindley, Edwin No 2 with notice to E
Glrty 7 33
lot 25x100 Ward street between
Wllmot and 25-foot street
Girty plan No 4
Bailey, Iaa G 24 18
lot 38.58x142 85.23 rear Craig corner
Bayard street No 1
Becket. Mary ' 16 80
lot 24x36 Gist street between Tustin
and Locust streets
2 frame bouses Nos 15, 17
Burchfleld, Sarah with notice to M E
Schenley. 16 80
lot 24x120 Fifth avenue
frame house
Bronson, Mary A (w) 8 40
lot Neville near Winthrop street
2-story frame house
Connellv. Peter 6 83
lot 20x20 Second avenue corner
Brady street
frame building
Comlngo, Mrs Isabella Nol 824 67
11 acres 27 35.100 perches land Craig
street between Center avenue
and Bayard street
2-story frame house
frame stable
Campbell, Louis 7 33
lot averaging 70x40 Soho street be
tween Wyandotte and Fifth ave
nue Gazzam plan N o 691
Cody. Patrick 4 44
lof37KxllO Hobo between Gaz
zam and Wyandotte streets
Carroll. Martha J 1187
lot 50x195 Boundary between Jon-
-caire and Semple streets No 46
7 lots 24x100 each Boundary street'
between Semple street and Rome
alley Nos 84, 85, 86, 87, 88. 89, 90
iotC7.25 averaging 74 Halket be
tween Frazicrand Wtlmotstreeu
No 308
lot 90.86x64.44 to a point Halket
street between Frazler and Wll
mot streets No 809
Oaasldar, Peter. 2 90
1 iot24ForbesstreettoBfcORR
Church, St Agues (w)...i. E3 60
large lot of ground Fifth-avenue
buildings r
Davis, Nelson (w) 12 60
lot 25.73x70 Gazzam between Soho
and Antoinette streets -framo
Devins, James 7 98
lot 24x60 Forbes street between
Brady and Maurice streets
Davis, William ....a 4 44
lot 25x110 Soho between" Gazzam
. and Wyandotte streets
Davis. Henry T. 6 18
lot 30x100 Gazzam between Soho
and Antoinette streets
small frame house
Dade, Marv E 2 02
lot 26x72 average 142.5 Gazzam
Gazzam plan No 610
Donavan, John with notice to W G
White 89 Bl
lot 181.94x34 to a point Soho street
between Wyandotte and Fifth
Gazzam plan No 592
frame bouse
Dravo, William McC 85 17
lot47.46xl27 Forbes corner Meyran
Meyran plan Nos 183, 1S9
Downing, Mary J.. 1 48 87
lot 19x60 Forbes between Moultrie
and Brady streets
2 story frame house No 51S
Davis, Catherine 7 88
lot 2Sf97K Maurice street be
tween Fifth avenue and Forbes
2-story frame house
Donahue, Miss Rose ......... 74 76
lot 24x166.96 Fifth avenne be
tween school bouse and Boston
2-story brick house No 776 frame
Evans Margaret R 150 66
lot 58KH7 Fifth avenue between
Seneca and Moultrie streets
2-story brick house
Evans David 7 9S
lot 20x60 Forbes street between
Maurice and Brady streets
Frazler John H 710
lot averaging 30 averaging 127.5
Andiey street below Emma
Gazzam plan No 641
small frame house
Fawcett & Son with notice to Keystone
Rolling Mill Companv on lot
assessed to Keystone Rolling Mill
Companv. 161 88
lot lzl 90 Second avenue to River
between Maurice and Brady
car station and stable Second "
blacksmith shop
Friend, Kennedy T 18 70
lot 35 averaging 102.05 Andiey
street below Emma street
Gazzam plan No 610
l)-tory frame house ,
Fleeson. MrRC (w) 9 45
lot 28x127 Fifth avenue andBoquet
small frame house
Griffith. Elizabeth Jf 45
lot 25x95 Fifth avenue between
Boston and Maurice streets No
Griffith. D 7 83
lot 25 averaging 156 Juliet street
between Cato and Frazler streets
No 18
Gallagher, Catherine, with notice to
M McSwiggen 2 90
lot 25 averaging 77.5 Soho between
Allequippa and Gazzam streets
Gazzam plan No 4S3
Gray. William E .-. 9 33
lot 25x165 Ward street Detween
Cato and Frazler streets No 14
Garland. James (w) 4 73
lot Stobo street above Fifth ave
nne small frame house
Gazzam. Joseph M , 197 68
lot 24 averaging 60 Beelen corner
A street between Fifth avenue
and Boston street .
lot 25 averaging 118 Fifth avenne
bet v tn Boston and Soho streets
Gazzam plan No 279
lot l averaging 103.05 Beelen be
tween Boston and Soho streets
Gazzam plan No 466
2 lots 5L92averagingJ09 in all Beel
en between Boston and Soho
streeu Nos 314, 315
lot 20 averaging 117 84 Beelen be
tween Soho and Boston streets
Gazzam'plan No 460
2 loU50averagingl42.7in all Beelen
head of Boston street Nos 147, 148
lot 25 averaging 84 Beelen near
Boston street No 406
lot 25 averaging 78 Mohawk street
between Pueblo and Miami lane
No 411
2 lots 68.62 averaging 120 Beelen
street between Boston and Fifth
avenue Nos 387, 3SS
lot 25 averaging 84 Mohawk be
tween Pueblo and Miami lane
lot 25 averaging 98 Beelen street
between Boston and Fifth ave
nue No 401
lot 32x95 Fifth avenue between
Boston and Maurice streets No
8 lots 25x90 each Fifth avenue be
tween Boston and Soho streets
Nos 286. 290. 291
lot 26.73x90 Allequippa between
Soho and Wallace streets No 529
3 lots 76.75x92 Emma aireet be
tween Andiey and Boundary
streets Nos 644, 645, 649
2 lots b0x88.63 in all Wyandotte
street between Antoinette and
Wallace streets Nos 673, 674
6 lots 25x87 each Emma street be
tween Antoinette and Wallace
MreetsNos 659, 660, 66L 662, 663,
lot 42.63 averaging 90 Wyandotte
between Soho and Antoinette
streets No 578
3 lots 77 averaging 150 Antoinette
streets between Wyandotte and
Gazzam streets Nos. 570, 671, 672
lot 22 averaging'O 8 Antoinette be
tween Emma and Gazzam streets
No 599
2 lots 60 averaging 76 in all Antoin
ette between Emma and Gazzam
streets Nos 601, 602
lot 31.18 averaging 132.30 Antoin
ette corner Gazzam street No
lot 85 averaging 2o Gazzam corner
Antoinette street No 564
2 lots 50x110 in all Soho street be
tween Wyandotte and Gazzam
streeu Nos 512, 543
lot 25x110 Soho between Gazzam
and Wyandotte streets No 539
lot 79K averaging 20 Soho between
Allequippa and Gazzam streeu
No 491
4 loU 90.07 averaging 75 In all Fifth
avenue between Boston and
Maurice streets Nos 352, 353, 354,
lot 33x99.83 Mohawk street below
Miami lane
G plan No 422
2 lots 50 averaging 128.78 Beelen
street between Soho and Boston
streets Nos. 454, 455
lot 25.71 averaging 110 Antoinette
between Gazzam andWyandotte
streeu No 573
2 lots 43.54 averaging 135 each Bee
len street below Boston street
Nos 378, 379 .
2 loU 50 averaging 105 in all Emma
street between Audley. and
Boundary streeU Nos 638. 637
lot 35 averaging 79 Aualev street
below Emma
G plan No 639
Harris, Margaret E 1575
lot 164.30x66 102 feet rear Forbes
street corner Maurice street
Hagan, James with notice 10 Mary JE
Dale 7 00
lot 35 averaging 75 Audley between
Emma and Gazzam streets
Gazzam plan No 624
frame shanty (
Hahn, Valentine heirs (w). 13 65
lot GO feet front Second avenue "by
157 to a point at rear
2-story frame hoase
Harper, Jane .' 3 78
2 loU 60 averaging 50 Emma cor
ner Audley street
Gazzam plan Nos 634, 635
Hawelser. Mrs Cath IS 45
lot 22x100 Atwood street between
Forbes and Louisa streets
2-story frame house
Hitchcock, Sarah L 73 13
2 loU 22x141 each Meyran corner
Louisa street Nos 159, 160
2-story frame house
Hanua, J P with notice to Brennlng
(w) 27 SO
lot 22x100 Fifth avenue between
Jumonville and Seneca streeU
2-story brick house No 638
Herr. rienry (w) 8 40
lot 63x200 Oakland avenue to At
wood street between Forbes and
Bates streeu
M & K plan
brick building Atwood street '
Jarrett, Lydia 2 92
lot 25x20 Second avenue near
Seneca street
Tustin plan
Jones, Daniel D .".... 16 85
lot 24x70 Forbes street to Cornet
near Maurice street
frame bouse
Jenkins, Isaac 9 42
lot 25 averaging 87.4 Soho between
Allequlpna and Gazzam streett
No 481
frame house
1 1-
8 40
2 01
87 68
82 60
43 89
29 43
15 52
85 45
Lewis, Wm estate (w)
lot 40x80 Mlltenberger between
xustin and Brady streeu
2 2-story brick houses Nos 32, 34
Laraan. Patrick (w) with notice to
Schenley estate
2-story frame house
On ground leased from Schen
ley estate
Morgan. Evan
tot 40x15 to a point Brady street
between Forbes street and Sec
ond avenue
Irregular lot 31x52 to a point Brady
corner r orDes street
lot 20 average 93 Commerce be
tween Canton and Seneca streeu
2-story frame house
Meyer, Jacob 7 83
lot 25x100 Ward street between
Wllmot and 25-fcot street
Girty plan No 3
Murphy, Michael, heirs 3 96
lot 48x60 Forbes street between
Brady and Maurice streeu
2-story frame house No 723
Marshall, R H No 1 15 71
lot 26.73 Allequippa to Gazzam
street between Soho and Wallace
No 527 Gazzam plan
lot 8x100 Allequippa between Boho
' and Wallace streeu
Gazzam plan No 525
frame honse
Morrow. Mrs H H 43 49
lot 23x141 Ward street between
Louisa and Bates streeU
2-story brick house
Morgan. B W u 91
lot 40x120 Boquet street between
Boquet and Joncaire streeu Nos
lot 33x120 35 feet rear Boundary
street between Semple and Jon
calre streeu No 62
lot 21.25x100 Boundary street be
tween Semple and Joncaire
StreeU No 63
lot 40.48x136 93.26 rear Bates corner
Wilmot street No 285
Moore. H W.
4 loU 25x165 each Juliet street be
tween Frazier and Cato streeu
Hardie plan Nos 23, 24, 25, 26
Merker, Charles (w)
lot 60x120 Fifth avenue corner Gist
3-story brick house
8-story malt house
Meyran, Charles (w)
lot 22x141 Ward street to Meyran
between Louisa and Bates
2-story brick dwelling
McTieman, Edward
69 perches land Four Mile Run
McGrady, Patrick
lot 30x7198 Mohawk street between '
Soho and Alva streeu
McNulty, Mrs Margt E
Jot 25.9x120 Fifth avenue between
Gist and Jumonville streeu
2-story brick house
2-story frame house
McFarland, J W.
lot 25 averaging 148 Allequippa
street between Soho and Wallace
Gazzam plan No 604
McKnight. E (w)
lot Tustin street between Mllten
berger and Gist streeu
McKeating. James
lot 21x60 Forbes street between
Brady and Maurice streeu
small house
McDononch, M.
lot 36x36.84 Boundary street near
Sylvan avenue
McClintock, O R
lot 166x30 Second avenne to rail
road near Brady street
McMasters, John S with notice to E S
frame building Fifth avenue near
29 49
120 75
124 07
22 89
12 21
93 83
Jacobs, John
lot 25x120 Boquet street between
Forbes and Joncaire streets
Jayson, Robert
lot 25x90 Gazzam between Antoin
ette and Soho streeU No 557
small honse
Jordan. Michael
lot 107.62x60 to a point Bates street
between Frazler and Romeo
streeu No 249
lot 40 averaging 75 Bates between
Frazler and Romeo streeu No
Jones, Morgan heirs (w)
lot Commerce street
2-story frame house
Kirk, Margaret
lot 25 averaging 87 Beelen street1
head of Boston street
Gazzam plan No 405
1-story frame house
Keenan, Patrick
lot 25x120 B fc O R R between
Bates street and Sylvan avenue
Kelly, James D
2 lots 25x100 each on 25 foot street
between Boquet and Ward
Glrty plan Nos 5, 6
1-story frame house
Kfnney, James C (w)
lot Stobo street above Fifth ave
nue frame house
Leeck, Dennis
lot 100 averaging 62 Winthrop
street corner Pittsburg Junction
2-story frame honse
Logue, Patrick
lot 25x95 Fifth avenue between
Boston and ManriceftreeU
frame house No 827
Leslie. W O
lot 200x200 Boundary street corner
Troy alley
Larklns, John and Ellen
lot 25x86 in all Fifth avenue be
tween Boston and Maurice
Gazzam plan No 351
2-story frame house
Lanyon. F H
lot 25 averaging 92 Mohawk street
Gazzam plan No 430
Bono street on ground leased
from E S Morrow
McDonough. D WorTMwith notice
to George J Wragg. 176 93
lot 75 averaging 133 Fifth avenue
to Beelen street between Boston
and Soho streets
4 2-story frame houses
2 2-story brick houses
lot 25x90 Fifth avenue between
Boston and Soho streeU No 283
2-story frame house
McMahon, Owen 455
lot 22x100 Atwood street between
Louisa and Bates streeu No 116
McNally. Henry 1 45
lot 21x120 40-foot street between 40
Joot street and Frazier street
Thompson plan No 23
Norton. John 8 78
lot 25x120 Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road M G Arthur's plan No 92
Oakland Toboggan Slide Company,
Lim , with notice to Schenley estate. 32 66
Frame toboggan slide on property
leased from Schenley estate
Powell, E f r 10 65
2 lots. 24x112 each. Second avenne,
between Maurice and Hodges
Pittsburg Gas Company No. 3 12,860 99
lot 4 acres 80 perches land
Second avenue to river between
Maurice and Hodge streeu
gas meter and well
blacksmith shop
lime house
Surifying bouse
ouble brick retort house and
brick office
meterbonse and engine house ,
Pryor. Rev John H 8 47
lot 20.73x45,' Gazzam street be
tween Soho and Wallace streeu
part of No. 528
frame house
Parkin, John with notice to H. W.
Armstrong (w) 17 55
lot 22x100 Atwood street
R 4)1 pl.ee No 7G
2-story brick house
Reilly. Charles 955
lot 21x136 Boundary street, near
Sylvan avenue
Bice, James 6 88
lot 21x60 Forbes between Brady
and Maurice streeu
1-story frame house
Rlcketts. Jas J 83 63
lot 22x120 Fifth avenue between
De Soto ana St Pierre streeu
2-story brick house
Reagan, John T 7 10
lot 24x100 Bates street bet Oakland
avenue and Boquet street No
Reagan. J T with notice to Schenley
estate... . 15 83
1 story frame shop Fifth near
Oakland avenue
on property leased from
Schenley estate
Rose, J ames M with notice to Schenley
estate 2 23
1 story frame shed Forbes street
between Boquet and St Pierre
on 'property leased from
Schenley estate
Roberts, David 1182
lotl2Kxl25 Beleen between Boston
street and Fifth avenue part of
2 story frame 'honse
Stevenson, Mrs J. 21 99'
lot 14.65x60 Oakland avenne bet
' Fifth avenue sad Forbes street
frame house'N aia. "f
Shalkopt, Christ .".".....'4
lot 20x120 Forbes street to Tustin
between Seneca and Moultrie
streeu .r
2-story frame house
Sloan, Charles W.
lot 25x92 Emma street below Aud
ley street
Gazzam plan No 648
Swyers, A M, with notice to Patrick
Tomey ,
lot 24x112 Second avenue between
Maurice and Hodge streeUNoll
2-story frame house
Sptllman, Jacob, with notice to D Mo-
t Caffrey's heirs
1-story frame house Fifth avenue
near Soho street
on ground leased-Irom D McCaf
frey's heirs
Schanner. Mrs M M
lot 20x120 Fifth avenue between
Seneca and Moultrie streeu '
2-story brick house v
Shaw, J and W with notice to Bchen
lev estate ,
1 story frame shop. Fifth near
Oakland avenue on property
leasedfromSchenley estate
Speer. John Zand H W Patterson....
lot 25 averaging 148.22 Boundary
street between Joncaire and
Semple streets No 39
8 low 24x100 each Boundary street
between Troy and Rome alleys
Nos 91, 92, 93
Smith, R F ,
2 loU 22x141 Ward street between
Louia and Bates streeu
MAR plan Nos 137. 138
Stewart. John (w) ,
lot Meyran street corner Louisa
2-story honse
Thompson. Samuel
lot 24x120 40-foot street between 40
foot street and Frazler street
Thompson heirs plan No 21
Topping, S J .
Tot 20 averaging 152 Short avenue
to Maurice street
3-story frame house
Turner. Alfred (w)....r
lot 30x100 Fifth avenue near Bo
quet street
2-story brick bouse No 8904
Topping. Margaret J
2 lots 80x70 to a point In all Brook
street corner Zulema street Nos
2-story frame house
Thomas, John H i
lot 40x130 40-foot street between
Frazierstreetand Secona avenue
R A plan No 10
Turney. Michael
lot 24 averaging 60 Forbes street
between Brady and Maurice
streeu ' .
The Allegheny County Homestead
Loan and Trust Company
lot 24x100 42.50 feet in rear Boquet
corner Pier street No 36
buildings .
Uhlman. Albert
lot 20x120 Fifth avenue between
Gist and Mlltenberger streeu
2 story brick house
TJrsnline Young Ladles' Academy....
8 acres land Fifth avenue near
Robinson street
Unknown Owner Nol
lot 271x85 215 feet back Semple
corner Adrian street between
Boundary and Boquet streeu
lot 25.27 averaging 126.66 Beelen
street between Boston street and
Fifth avenue
Gazzam plan No 376
lot 22.24 averaging 130 Beelen
street between Boston street and
Fifth avenue
Gazzam plan No 377
Unknown Owner No 2.
lot 20 about 30 Catheral street be
tween Rock and Maurice streeu
No 19
Unknown Owner No 3..,
2 lots 25x90 each Alleguippa street
between Soho and Wallace
streets I
Gazzam plan Nos,512 and 613
Unknown Owner No4...1
lot 24x48 Mlltenberger street be
tween Locust and Bluff streeU
Unknown Owner No 6. .A..
lot 30x30 Fifth avenue between
Spring and Soho strteU
Wunderlich, John 1.,
lot 20x45 rear of Gilt street be
tween Tustin and Ft :bes streeu
Wagner, Adam.
lot 24.6x170 Fifth aveme botween
schoolhouse and Bos n street
2-story brick, house
Wormser, B
60 88
60 96
14 83
19 61
25 20
25 73
22 33
60 94
602 66
110 73
12 88
99 67
257 00
'69 77
6.16 acres land sec nd avenue
between Sylvan an
2-storv brick and f ra
frame stable and Iran
ie outhouse
2-story frame house
Weber. Christ..
lot 14.65x60 Oaaland s
tonne corner
Forbes street
frame bouse
Iot70xl63.80 to a point Juno street
corner nyivan avenne 1
li iiuo pian jn 0117
2-story frame house
lot 20x100 Second avenue between
xwemy-mira wnra
Laughlin property '
2-story frame bouse
Wood. William H
Ine Jand
125 86
lot 25x143 Forbes street between
Oakland avenne aid Boquet
street - - I
2-story frame livery staple
Wolff. Matt..
12 00
lot 2970 averaging 71 p feet rear
roroes street oetwetn juaunce
and Brady streets
Evans plan No 8
z-story irame nouse
Wormser fc Co.
110 78
large frame glasshouse and pack
ing room 1
warehouse and blacklmlth shop
Woodward G..
lot 4L69 averaging! 95 Audley
street 1
Gazzam plan No I
White. Eliza.,
lot 25.52 averaging 1232.5 Beelen
Street I
Gazzam plan Noi 331, 332, 333,
Waters. Joseph ,
lot 26x113.74 above Second avenue
between Sylvan avenue and
Bates street
RAplanNo22 -
Wierman. TT Jr ,.,
lot 50x142 Craig street between
Bayard street and Center avenue
No 12 . '
Williams, Howell (w)..
lot 22.80 averaging 72 Forbes street
to Cornet near Maurice street
frame house
25 94
10 50
City and Sob-DIitrlct School Taxes and
Water Rents.
Bauer. Wm (w) 15 75
lot 22x100 Butler street between
Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth
2-story brick honse No S541
Clark, WmACo.(w).:..: 887 50
2 acres 102 perches land Thirty- .
firth street corner Allegheny
Valley Railroad
mill building and machinery
lot 80x95 Charlotte street corner
Tbirty-nfth street
office property
Consolidated Gas Company 1,617 14
lot 222.8K420 more or lets Pine
alley corner Thirty-third street
brick office
gas apparatus
coke ovens
Febr, Elizabeth (w) 28 85
lot 22x100 Butler street north side
between Thirty-fifth and Thirty
sixth streeu
2-story brick house No S543
Gould. John H. . 615 48
Iot80x94.1 Penn avenue comer
lhirty-fltth street
32-story brick bonses
lot 96.7x90 78 feet rear Butler street
comer Thirty-fifth street
1-story frame bouse
2 story brick house
3 2-story frame bouses '
1 2-story frame bouse
22-story brick bouses
3-story frame house , A
Kunz, Mary. 115 90
lot 24x100 Butler street between
Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh
2-story brick house. .
lot 12 averaging 96 Butler street
between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth
of 2-story brick and frame house
Liddell, Robert 60 85
lot 22x107.7 Thirty-ninth street be
tween Penn avenue and Butler
2-story brick honse
Morrison, Thomas heirs...: 14 10
lot 24x117.28 Thirty-ninth street be
tween Penn avenna and Butler
2-story frame house
Mehl, Jacob .'. 40 68
lot 22x107.7 Thirty-eighth street
between Butler street and Penn
2-story frame houses
Merley, Eberle or Agatha with notice
toAMetchen (wr..',....'. 4 78
lot 20x46 SardU or Sprue alley at
& - -
Intersection with Cable alley
2.fttnrvfram hn... 1
I MeCabe, James (w) A 29 40
- v4 .iiui-uiun strew
2 2-story brick houses Xos 164, 163
1 2-story frame house No 39 Fos
ter alley '
Pittsburg Gas Company. 797 77
lot 110x95 Charlotta street between
Thirty-fonrth and Thirty-fifth
improvements and buildings
tank and machtnarv
Tann, William (w)
lot 60x60 Thirty-ninth street cor-
ner South street
frame houso
City and Snb.DUtrlct School Taxes and
Water Rents.
Bnehm, Louis 7 53
2 loU 2L7Ji averaging 97 each
Neville street between Short
and Elm streeu
Bank, Smithfleld Savings 7 08
2 lots 20x116 each Juniper street
Nos 1 and 2
Bennett, Geo (w) 16 80
2 lots 20x100 each Mary street be
tween Thirty-ninth and Fortieth
4 small houses rear on Cabinet
Coll, Charles 69 04
lot 20x100 Penn avenue between
Winebiddle and Pearl streets
VandergrlftplanNo 9
2-story brick honse
Clemens, John W 85 28
3 lou 68.17x137 in all Pearl street
comer Isabella
Oxford plan Nos 12, 13, 14
2 2-story frame houses
Coyle, James B 84 19
3 loU 60x123 in aU Edmond
street between Laurel and Lib
erty avenues
Patterson plan Nos 43, 44, 45
2-story frame house
frame stable
Church, First Congregational 17 64
lot 40x70 Liberty avenue between
Thirty-fourth street and Penn
Dietrich. Steve and Frank 45 22
1 acre 130 perches land Neville
street between Sixth and Cayuga
Woolslayer plan
frame house
Dietrich, Frank trustee 94 81
J lots 40x100 In all Penn avenue
between Thirty-third and Thirty-
fourth streets
istory frame stable
seed in rear
Evanl. Jane 2611
lot 20x137 Taylor street
Oxford plan No 7
2-aory irame nouse
EUsesler, J A. 114 66
2 ms 42x130 in all Mary between
hlrtv-ninth and Fortieth streeu
3 Sitory frame honses
Ferguiin. Mrs Martha W. 9 45
lotl8.50x4025 feet rear Cypress
near Matilda street
2-story brick house
Gerst, O.L H 69 85
lot 2(xl00 Penn avenne
Bager plan No 3
2-stoty frame house
Gould, John H 168 00
lot 6txl00 Llgonier street between
Thrty-fourth street and Penn
2 brick houses
3 frame houses
. 2-story frame house
' 1-story frame house
Giles, Mary, with notice to Augusta
Brusch 45 21
lot 60x260 Cabinet street between
Canoe alley and Main street
1-story frame honse
lot 20x130 Woolslayer alley corner
Canoe alley
Gross, J M 75 01
lot 24x100 Penn avenue S S be
tween Thirty-second and Thirty
third streeu No 8
2-story frame shop
Hoehn, Mary Ann 18 63
lot 21x180 Mary street between
Thirtv-ninth and Fortieth streeu
No 193
Home of the Friendless 116 89
8.81 acres land Liberty avenne
between Fortieth and Main
Hall, John 65 70
lot 20x100 Penn avenne
Hinds' plan No 4
frame stable ,
Hoerr. John, guardian of H L Kirk- '
wood 8 60
lot 22x100 Liberty avenue between
Ella and Cayuga streeu No 11
Jones, George 6 SO
lot 20 averaging 103x27.7 feet rear
Neville street between Laurel
avenue and Cayuga street
Woolslayer plan No 4
Johnston, George - 4 41
2 lots 20 averaging 69 Oak street
between Ewing and Home of the
Friendless Nos 47, 48
1-story frame house
Johnston, James. 123 18
2 lou 24x100 Penn avenue comer
Thirty-second street Nos 19, 20
frame office
King, Alexander 6 76
lot 4x49 Penn avenue corner
1 Denny street '
Krauss. Martin 19 85
lot 20x100 Mary between Main and
Winebiddle streeu No 6
2-story frame house
Keely, John M 6 62
lot 20x100 Mary street between
Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets
Stoy plan No 70
Koch, Charles (w) 17 83
lot Ella near Gangwlsch street
Loeffler, Harriet A. S3 62
lot 20x100 Mary street between
Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streeu
No 66
2-story frame house
Muhlstein, Charles 9 71
2 lots 20x60 each Juniper between
Edmond and Short streeU Nos
2 lott 20x60 each Neville street be
tween Short and railroad
lot 20x120 Neville street between
Short street and railroad
Maclntyre, Mathew 2 S3
lot 20x80 27 feet rear Neville street
Woolslayer plan No 3
Madeira, P A. heirs 63 13
2 lou 20x100 each Second street be
tween Elm and Matilda streeU
W & H plan Nos 53 and 54
3-story brick house
frame stable
Macktnson. William 21 91
lot20xS0 Conrad street
Janoy plan No 9
2-story frame bouse
Mattulah, Berg and Herron 260 82
13 lots 235x130 in all Penn avenue
comer Thirty-eighth street
2-story brick house
Madden. Thomas 12 70
lot 20x137 Taylor street
Williams plan No 7i
2-story frame house
Mackenson. William H 31 42
lot 20x100 Penn avenue between
Main and Winebiddle streeu
house No 4320
Minnick, Jos F with notice to J H
Gonld 81 19
lot 32x100 Llgonier street between
Thirty-fourth street and Penn
2-story frame honse
1 story frame house
Matthews, James (w) 29 40
lot 20x125 Cedar street
Seibert plan No 51
2-story frame and brick house No .
JIcClure.W G 85 52
lot Z8.2XK44B liua oetween .Main
and Winebiddle streets No 17
2-story frame bouse
McKnight, Mrs (w) '. 2 63
lot Edmond street
honse No 380
Orglll, Thomas.. 3 63
lotZOxlOONevllle near Ewing street
Pnder, William 13 23
lot 20x180 Cedar street between
Laurel and Liberty avenues
Patterson plan No 47
1-story frame house
Prescote, F. 19 41
lot 28x100 Liberty avenue comer
Fortieth street
Stoy plan No 183
Porter, Mrs Amelia (pp) 83 10
lot 30x80 Main street between Mary
and Ella streeU
2-story frame house
Qulnn, James P 6 64
lot 20x100 Mary street between
Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streeU
Btoy plan No 64
Raithel.Jonn 83 98
lot 80x112 in all Laurel avenue be
tween Cayuga and Juniper
2-story frame house
slaughter bouse
Baitbel, George 18 28
2 lou 10x60 each Neville between
Short street and Railroad
8-story frame house
Reynolds, Joseph 17 M
2-story frame house Liberty street
Rebman, Mrs Margaret. 13 28
lot 20x137 Taylor street between
Minerva and Isabella streeu No
18 '
1-story irame house ,.
Bchilke, Frank .... 40
lot 20 average 109 Laurel avenne
between Short and Edmond
streeu No 14
one-sixth Interest In lot 4x58
thence 17x40 Pearl street
Patterson plan No 13
Smith. Mary A, No 2 106
lot 38 average 65 61 feet rear Ne
ville street between Laurel ave
nne and Caynga street
Woolslayer clan No 2 and part
of No i '
Staehel, Albert.... 10 69
2 lou 16.87x100 each Laurel avenue
betweenCayuga and Short streeU
lot 20x100 12 feet rear on Neville
street Laurel avenne between
Cayuga and Short streeU
Sanfortb, Eliza J 23 82
lot 14x70 Llgonier street between
Thirty-fourth street and Penn
2-story brick house
Stanard. J 18 97
lot 32x64 Laurel avenue between
Cayuga and Juniper streets
2-story frame honse and shop
Stewart, John with notice to G E
Nleroan (w) 10 60
lot Llgonier fttreet
house No 3424
Thomas. N M 208 39
lot 90x174 Liberty street south side
near Thirty-second street
Volk,Anton (w) 13 65
lot Llgonier street
honse 3159
Wagner. F 2 65
21oU20x60 each Jnniper between
Short and Edward streeU
Williams H 6 61
lot 27x29 to a point xJberty avenue
intersection Thirty-eighth street
Welse, A in trust 18 01
lot 20x130 Winebiddle between
Wray and Ella streeU No 14
lot 20.6x130 20.10 rear 45-foot street
between Wray and Ella streets
No 28
City and Sab-Dlstrlct School Taxes and
Water Rent!.
Bums, William 83 98
lot 25x130 Forty-third street be
tween Butler and North streeU
2-story frame- house -
Banersmith. Geo F. 77 49
lot 24xl27.5V Forty-fourth street
between Butler and Center
2-story brick house
2-story frame bouse
Berg, Fredk P , 297 SO
lot 89x131 North street comer
Forty-second street
3 2-story brick houses
lot 180x25 Harrison street between
Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth
lot 21x100 Forty-fifth street be
tween Butler and Center
2 2-story frame houses
Bray, Robert 19 61
lot 2L42 averaging 82 Butler street
between Forty-eighth and Forty
ninth streets
Bray. Henrv M 12 98
lot 21.40x79.93 Blackberry alley between-Forty-eighth
and Forty-
ninth streets
Barrett, John 6 69
lot 16x70 Forty-second corner
Grant street
K of 2-story frame house
Cblsletr, Arthur. 87 28
lot 24x127.5V Forty-fourth street
between North and Willow
2-story brick house
Cox, Mary A 88 12
lot 20x100 32,75 feet rear Summit
between Forty third and Forty
fourth streeU
2-story brick bouse
Cox, S J ; , 63 23
lot 18AJxl00 43 feet rear Forty-
fourth comer Summit street
1-story frame carpenter shop
Congregation, Swedish 38 73
lot 40x100 Center street south side
corner Forty-sixth street and
Cedar alley Nos 136, 157
Dolan, James., 1 24
small triangular lot 15 averaging
10 Calvin street south side above
Forty-fifth street
Dougherty, Daniel.. 12 15
lot 24x110 Cemetery street south
side between Forty-sixth and
Forty-seventh streeU
Dale, Michael 22 68
lot 42x82 Hatfield street corner
Forty-eighth street
3-story brick bouse
Ellenberger. Susannah 74 39
lot 50x122 Forty second street be
tween North and Willow streeu
2-story frame honse
Fitzsimraons John... 68 77
lot 68.5x100 60 feet rear comer Har
rison and Forty-eighth streeU
2 2-story frame houses
lot 66.6x100 Hatfield comer Forty
eighth street
2 2-story frame houses
small frame house
Flynn. Michael or Ellen West Spenca 12 18
lot 20x100 Harrison street between
Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streeu
Grimes, Bernard (w).... 32 65
lot 20x43 Butler street and Center
3-story brick; bouse No 4753
Green, G W fc"B F (w) 184 80
large lot of ground Forty-first
street and A VRR
Hughes, Mary a 60
lot 21x110 Forty-fifth street be
tween Davison and Sherman
2-story frame house
Johns. Herbert A 75 00
3 lots 75 averaging 120 in all Forty
second street between Grant and
Davison streeU
2-story frame house
frame stable
Johns, Blanche 77 01
lot 50x100 in all Main between
Davison and Grant streets
lot 25 averaging 129.19 Forty-second
between Grant and Davison
lot 25x103.9 Forty-second street be
tween Davison and Grant streets
lot 25x86.29 Forty-second between
Davison and Grant streeu
Johns, Clarence , 65 73
lot 25 averagingl24.69 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
lot 25 averagingl07.89 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
lot 25 averaging 91.9 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
lot 20 averaging 75.11 Forty-second
botween Davison and Grant
Johns, Imogen e 43 18
lot 25 averaging 115.C5 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
lot 25 averaging 98.29 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
lot 25 avenging 83.89 Forty-second
between Davison, and Grant
Johns, Estella 89 17
3 lou 75x100 in all Main between
Davison and Grant streeu
lot 25 averaging 110.29 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
lot 25 averaging 95.89 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
streets -
lot 25 averaging 8L49 Forty-second
between Davison and Grant
John's plan Nos 10, 11, 12, 25, 31,
Johns, Mrs M L (w 35 18
lot 89 6 averaging 142 31 feet rear
Butler street comer Bates ave
nue 2 2- story brick houses Nos 4115;
James, Jane V. 95 01
lot 22x100 Center street, comer
Forty-sixth street No 152
2-story brick house
Kirby, William 68 03
lot 32Hx50 Bates Alley north side
between North street and Locust
2 2-story brick bouses
Lynch, Mary A E 86 21
lot 22x102 Forty-third street be
' tween Willow and Valley streeU
2-story brick house
Liddell, Robert 32 61
lot 25x100 Harrison comer Forty
ninth street
lot 25x100 Harrison street be
tween Forty-eighth and Forty
ninth streeU "
Marshall. James est.. 20 27
lot 20x137 Forty-seventh street
between Hatfield and Valley
streeu 100 feet from Hatfield
street No 66, "
Manning. LawrericoJ ( w) 11 03
lot Forty sixth and a half street
buildings '
Marshall. ThiSmas TJ . 6 80
lot Butler street near Forty-fifth .
Marshall 4 Eattrson.(w) 4 73
lot Forty-fifth street
i -.J-.J31
..-..- . .-.. j7a
lot 48x110 Forty-fifth east side be-k. $t spi
tween Davidson and Hhermaa, tkt ,
streets ..V2f
MeClure. Jas D ....
lot 20x100 Harrison street between . , -j
Forty-seventh, and yorty-eighth
streeu of ,
frame stable i.",.'V:?
McCandless, J Guy (w) 10
lot Forty-fourth street " u ,
house No 147
Pershing.JCandJHNesbIt , ,
lot 43x110 Cemetery street comer
Forty-sixth street :
Price, William, with notice to Mary - '
lot Fortieth street vj
building --
Qulnn,Terrence(w) 9 3-
lot 50 averaging 66K Fortieth. .
street comer North street . " v&qr"i
2-story brick house .
Soenchln. Catherine with notice to
Hugh Ferguson u,ra.te
lot 60x100 Hatfield street between '
Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth" v - ,
streets r
2 2-story frame bonses j
1 story frame house v -v
2-story brick honse . .'..
Shaffer. Theo A 103 87'
lot 20x130 Forty-third street corner " fL,
Willow street .1
2-story brick house '
Sipple. Leonard , 81 99 '
lot 24.18x100 Center street comer Jk.,,
Forty-seventh street No 137 -
2-story frame bouse
1-story frame house j
lot 22.5x100 Center between Forty- '?
seventh and Home streeu No v-c
Vanvoorhls, Isaac S WW
lot 25 averaging 100.69 Forty-sec-,
ond between Davison and Grant 'L
Johns plan No 33
lot 22x77 Forty-second between
Grant and Davison StreeU '--vv
Johns plan No s
lot 25x112,65 Forty-second between .,
Davison and Grant streeU T.,
Johns plan No 38
lot 25 averaging 93K Forty-second
between Davison and Grant y"
Johns plan No SO
lot 25 averaging 79x32,19 In rear
Forty-second street between ,-i
Davison and Grant streeU
Johns plan No 21
Wagner. John (w) 10 60
lot 20x100 Penn avenue ,
house No 4105
Wightman. S J (w) 4 20
lot Forty-fifth and Butler streeU
Young. MrsF (w) 4 73
lot 20x100 Main street between Da
vison and Grant streeU
1-story frame house
Young. Jas B (w) 63 65
lot 408x100 Forty-sixth street cor
ner Butler street
brick cottage
2 story frame house
frame stable
carriage shed
Zweidinger. John 13 18
lot 20 averaging 67 Forty-fifth
street east side between Cedar . 'icv '
and Grant streeU ' '. -
City and Sub-District School Taxes
Water Rents.
Arnold, Lawrence
8 lots 21x100 each Jancey avenne
Garrison plan Nos 116. 147, 143
Allen, Thomas
lot 20x100 Wickliff street between
McCandless and Fifty-second
streeU No 218
Brunt, John
lot 20x100 Camelia street between
Fitty-fonrth . and Fifty-fifth
StreeU No 233
Bumbaugh. Charles
lot 20x100 Wickliff street between
McCandless and Fifty-second
streeu No
Curry & Co with notice to Thos B Pol
lard 2 lou 20x100 each Bntler street
Gallagher plan Nos 10, 15
Chislett, Arthur
lot 78.3 averaging 385 Stanton
Chislett est purpart No 8
4 589-1000 acres land Momlngslds
Chislett est purpart No 3
frame stable
lot 313 averaging 166x227 feet rear
Halghts avenue
Chislett est purpart No U
2-story frame house
Canfleld, James
1-story frame building Butler
street on grounds leased from
Lockhart & Frew
Dengle. Geonre
lot 14x100 18 feet rear Holmes
corner Fifty-second street
Donald, James....'. ;..
2 IoU 25x150 each Syracuse street .
McMasters plan Nos 56, 57 ' j
frame honse and store
Duff, Annie G
3 loU 21x100 each Jancy avenue
Garrison plan Nos 135. 136. 137
3 lots 21x100 each Jancv avenne
Garrison plan Nos 138, 139, 110
9 lou 21x100 each Moralngside
Garrison plan Nos. 108. 109, 110,
111. 112. 113, 114. 115, U6
2 lots 24x168 each An tietam street
Garrison plan Nos 387. 388
2 loU 48x100 each Baker street
Garrison plan Nos. 72, 73
4 loU 24x168 each Halghts avenue
Garrison plan Nos 434, 435. 433,
lot 141.48 fronting A V R R back
to low water line
Garrison plan No E
1-story frame house
Dunn. John
lot 20x100 Carnegie avenue
Duncan plan No 23
FlUhenry, Miles
lot 20x100 Keystone avenue
Breed plan No 84
Fleming, John (w)
lot Kent alley near Fifty-third
4 88
IT 81
75 71
8 67i
Garrison, G
3 lou 24x100 each Jancy avenue
Garrison plan Nos 111. 142. 143
4 loU 24x100 each Manhattan street
Garrison plan Nos 332333, 334,
lot 21x100 Antletam street
Garrison plan No 353
2 lots 21 average 93 each Manhat
tan street
Garrison plan Nos 847, 343
2 lots 141.40 feet each fronting A V
R R running back to low water
Garrison plan Nos D and Q
Gottschalk. George and William......
lot 20x100 Duncan street
Mowrey plan No 227
Gal way. Mrs Norah
lot 20x100 Keystone avenne
Mowrey plan No 158
2-story frame house
Gallagher. S C
lot 20x80.87 Stanton avenne be
tween Duncan street and alley
Freeman sub-division No 8
Gram. Mrs. L(w)
lot 20x100 Holmes between Stan
ton avenue and Fifty-second
Mowrey plan No 190
2 story frame houso
Hoffman. A
let 6x100 Butler street between
Standard OH Company property
and Sharpsburg bridge
Gallagher plan parts Nos 18
and 19
Howard, Thomas.
lot 48x100 Baker street between
Gallatin and HaighU avenues
Garrison plan No 60
43 00
17 75
i s6
Hatz. Mary............ 28 Uj
2 lots ZUX11A) vavu .jc& a.ouuo
Duncan plan Nos 67 and 58
2-story frame house
Holdsbip, Fred
Young American Oil Works
1 still and condenser
1 tank and fixtures
4 small tanks
1 still
Hughes, David or Bridget (w)
Tot 20x100 Keystone avenue be
tween Fifty-fourth and Fifty-
I- K)
nrtn streeu - .
Breed plan No 73 ,
2-story frame house v t .
Jancy, William ., 11 63
lot 21x100 Jancy avenue " ww
Garrison plan No 177 trtf J?
3 loU 21x168 HaighU avenne
Garrison plan Nos 455, 453, 457 .rWi
lot 48x100 in All "fink
Baker Garrison plan ' "
K of No 45 and K of No 46
Kraft. Peter 117 71.A
lot 20x110 63 feet rear Bntler street , i
corner Stanton avenue
Mowry plan No 1
2-story double frame house
2-story frame house
Kembf. Anton
lot 20x85.6 Wickliff street between
McCandless .and Fifty-second
streeu No 221
1-story f.-ame house
Klein, John
lot 20x106 Carnegie avenne be
tween Stanton and Fifty-second
streets jxow .
Keally.AD 'KB
lot 48x100 Bntler street between - -
8 4
5 4lW