EB9 PSIsaasfSSSS "Srius-" 12 THE - "PITTSBUIIGV DISPATCH -S2fc.-S:SfiiTs. r ' TO -ir.FT TDBDMVATJ&tTST "1,T889. 'A DEFUNCT INDUSTRY Railroads Dave Killed Stock Driving, Tct Beef is High in Price. JOIS OP THE CATTLE DEALERS. indent Roadside Inns, TVitn Snake-Hoot and Tans Bitters. TJIE TRADE OF THE HOESE THIEF GONE A party of people were -seated In the office of S. M. Boyd, on Smithfield street, yester day in desultory discussion of matters past, present and to come generally, when some one called attention to the stories of old time taverns published In The Dispatch. As the generality of the company had reached that age when reminiscences are either paininl or pleasurable and at the same time persistent, the reference 'to old taverns called np groups of recollections connected with the days of tallow dips, goose-quill pens, stage coaches, etc, before machinery and rapid travel had made people in a measure indifferent to all out side their "set," when they were more de pendent on each other and consequently more disposed to sociability than at present; when in making a journeyof a few hundred miles in the slow conveyances of the past tbey found acquaintance with total strangers which frequently ripened into fast friend ship, lasting for life, and the talk drilte'd to the subject of live stock driving in the olden time. Previous to 1860 most of the cattle, boss, sheep, turkeys, etc., that supplied the Eastern cities were driven on foot from "Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and the stock drover was a man of consequence, of wide experience, a man of large views and frequently of pleasant, social powers. Mr. Boyd is a son of the head of the old cattle driving firm of 'W. S. & A. G. Boyd, of Butler, and himself when a kid assisted in driving stock to Philadel phia and Baltimore. A drover would establish himself in a neighborhood, and alter a few week's dick ering would accumulate 100 to 400 head of cattle, or 500 to 1,000 head -of sheep, and then, with a few assistants, and perhaps two or three trained shepherd dogs, would move his accumulation by easy stages 300 or 600 miles. It was a great treat to farmers' boys to be allowed to attach them selves to one of these caravansaries, thereby seeing life, as Pittsburg youths frequently did in the olden time by a trip to New Orleans on a brodhorn. WHO WEBE DBOVEBS. Frequently men of culture, who wished to see the country and study people and cus toms, drifted West and returned as stock drivers. The salary paid was 40 cents a day and, as the legend had it, "no dinner." But this was not always the case; in fact, dinner of some kind was generally had at a farmhouse or a country tavern. The woods of Pennsylvania in that time were gorgeous, and the flora so diversified between Illinois and the seashore that an observant man might on the journey ac quire a vast amount of botanical knowledge, and if he didn't store up a supply of health it was bscause his system had" no storage capacity. The owner oi the drove or his business man accompanied the caravan on horseback, assisting the attendafits to drive until it became time to look for a resting place, when he rode ahead and provided for it. Such hones were trained to follow the herd riderless or stand at command and graze for hours. Although a large herd of cattle might not cost more than $2,000 or 54,000, yet it was an imposing sight, and'its owner was a man of consequence along the line. When a herd of sufficient size was col lected, it was driven, if cattle. 12 to 15 miles a day until the summit of the Alleghenies was reached, about where Cresson now stands. The distance varied somewhat ac cording as water and pasture could be found. From Cresson to Philadelphia the pace was reduced to six or eight miles a day in order to get the stock in good condition for market They were moved each day just sufficiently to give tbem healthy exer cise, and when Philadelphia or Baltimore was reached were in prime condition for the butcher. A GESTLE STEEB FOB LEATJEB. The drove was handled very tenderly. A large, gentle steer would be chosen to lead the herd, and he was led by a man. On his back the steer carried a bundle containing the leader's Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes, for the Pennsylvania farmers in most sec tions would not countenance secular work on the first day of the week, and the drivers were generally yonng fellows who loved to flirt with the rustic maidens along the line. The advent of a drove was an event in the rural regions and was heralded by the coaxing cries of the leader, which could be heard in the country solitudes for a mile. "Come Boss, come Boss, sook-e-e, sook-e-e," to which every urchin would respond, "Forty cents a day and no dinner." After the herd bad become somewhat dis ciplined, it was put on strict regimen. Put into pasture about dusk,' the cattle would soon graze themselves and lie down to chew the cud and to sleep. Between 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning the drivers were astir, and they roused the cattle and forced them to feed awhile, and then, when the grass glistened with dew and the early birds were caroling their matutinal songs or looking for the early worms,and squirrels were getting their morning repast, the line ol march began, and was kept up at an easy pace until the beat became oppressive, when the drove was halted at a creek or watering place and rested until the sun's rays came slantingly from the west, when the march was resumed and kept up until dark. Thus a panorama of EXQUISITE GBAXDEUB covering 600 miles was enjoyed by the drivers, and the cattle were gotten to mar ket in better shape than had they been sent by rail in upholstered cars such as used in the transportation of valuable horses, buch a trip was educating and pleasurable, and no wonder those who made it sigh for the good old days when it was not all of life to live and scratch for more of the food that perisheth than was needed. It must not be supposed, however, that all drovers were saints or philanthropists. They were, as a rule, sharp dealers, and were gen erally possessed of much of that dislike for corporations that many people of to-day evince. Their special dislike was the turn pike company, and some believed it merit orious to cheat the toll taker if possible. Accordingly before a gate was reached the attendants were instructed to agitate the herd, and make it difficult to count The owner or his agent would announce to the toll taker the number of head, generally 10 to CO less than the real number, according to the size of the herd. The toll man usual ly found it best to accept the statement as the herd would be found very difficult to count, and a wrangle would complicate the business of the company. Especially was this so in the case of sheep, which could be so worked up that a Babbage calculating machine could not keep track of them. Some drovers did not object to having strag gling cattle join the drove and sometimes it was considerably augmented that way. The fame of some wayside hostelries was spread by these drovers over the whole graz ing belt of the Union. One was kept for many years by a man named Ballston, five miles east of Indiana, on the Kittanning, Indiana and Ebensburg and Hollidaysbnrg pike, known as the dirt pike, to distinguish it from its more southerly neighbor. The tavern is within a mile or two of the crest of the Chestnut BIdge. NAME3 CUT OK THE BOCK. Near it on the roadside is a rock as large as a medium-sized bouse, and on that rock may be found inscriptions and names cut by boys whose grandchildren are now old men, and advertisements of cure-alls that, died out of the market before 1840, and whose proprietors have been forgotten. That rock is regarded by many continental pilgrims of the olden time with as much reverence as an Arabian pilgrim pays to the Caaba at Jlecca. Balston, from a habit of calling everyone "neighbor," became known as Neighbor Balston from Delaware and Chesapeake Bays to the Kaskaskia river. He was a genius in his way, and always advertised his bar as stocked with the wines of France and Spain and all the fancy drinks known in his day. However, he was invariably 'just out of any beverage that might be cuea lor except .mountain iiew. j.nai never failed, and as it was a good article his patrons could generally console themselves with it Lager beer was unknown in that section 10 years ago, bnt an ample snpplyof tansy and snake-root bitters could always be depended on at Neighbor Balston's. It was a common thing, however, for guests to com mence with foreign wines, and call for everything in the list until snake-root bit ters was reached, and then the old man came out strong, never catching on to the railery in the inquiries. IS THE LAUREL BELT. Some four miles east of Neighbor Bal ston's, at Fred Cameron's place, the tribula tions of stock d rivers began and never ended until tbey had passed the mountains and reached the beautiful blue Juniata, At Yellow creek the undergrowth bf the kal mia latifola, calico bush, or little laurel be gan,and extended clean across the mountains and the woodlands were not inclosed, in fact are not even now. The bush is as poisonous as it is beautiful. Stock raised in its vicinity avoid it by instinct, except early in the spring, wh'en ravenous for greens, and then they generally partake sparingly, only eating enough to give them the colic, but the unsophisticated herds from the West were devoid of that instinct, nature not deemintr it necessary to furnish it where the plaufdoes not grow, and out riders and runners were necessary for near ly 50 miles to prevent the destruction of the nrd, which would devour the laurel greedily. It may be news to many people in cities, and undoubtedly is, that intelligent farm ers in Western Pennsylvania found farm ing and stock raising in those days more profitable than it is at present XO MONEY MADE THESE SATS. In fact comparatively few farmers are making money in Allegheny county to-day, and a great many of them have, in late years, put mortgages on farms left them by their parents on farms on which those parents succeeded in living well and ac cumulating a surplus. Cattle and grain brought from the illimitable West, and garden truck from the South are laid down in Pittsburg for less money than was paid our own farmers for them 40 years ago, when $1 was equal to $2 now in purchasing land. Then $1,000 would buy enough land in Western Pennsylvania to make a respect able stock farm, affording extensive pastur age and meadow and grain land. A 2-year old bullock would bring $15 to $20 and that is all he will bring now when the expense of raising him has trebled in value. At the same time the cost of dressed'beef to the consumer is much higher than it was in pre-rallway times, and by the time three or four middle-men get their rake out of vegetable and fruit products, they cost the consumer as much, often more, than in days of yore. Some people say there is a remedy, for all this, but none have so far pointed it out WHEX DEOYI1TO ENDED. Live stock driving ceased about 1863, when railways finally reached every im portant agricultural section of the country, and inflation made the. services of drivers come so high that railway shipment became' cheaper, and now only fanoy animals can be raised with profit and these'to but a limited extent. Beef cattle raised in the Middle States were more easily handled on a drive than any other stock save mules. It might be supposed that mules would be hard to control in a herd, but they are not Put an old white mare in the lead, with a common cowbell around her neck to locate her, and a thousand mules, of all ages, sexes and conditions, if able, will follow her from the Bio Grande to the Hudson, and each will try to get as close to her as possible. Sheep drive welL- unless they are seized with a panic, when, if the foremost were to jnmp over Niagara Falls, the whole flock would unquestionably follow. Hogs are the most "difficult of all to han dle. If fat they make slow progress and soon break down; if lean, and they become demoralized, everyone takes his own course, but they are very sociable animals, and, after a dispersal, have been known to spend days banting each other and reforming their ranks. TUBKEXS ABE DAISIES. Among the most tractable stock to drive are turkeys, when their wiugs are clipped, and they are good travelers, but when roosting time comes, they must be allowed to dictate, foi no persuasion can induce them to go further that day, and the drivers must be up early in the morning if they wish to keep the flock together, unless the roosting place be near a corn field. Large flocks were driven in former times hundreds of miles without loss. They are still driven into this city sometimes from Greene county. Another old-time industry that has been destroyed is horse stealing. It was a lucra tive but rather exciting oue in Western and Middle Pennsylvania until down in the early fifties, when telegraph lines were ex tended into most of the back counties. Be fore this time a thief, if he got five or six hours of darkness to travel ere the owner missed his property, was comparatively safe. Only the best horses good travelers were taken, and they could bo speeded down the mountain valleys and rushed into Baltimore before the trail was definite ly ascertained. Many of fhe best horses in Pennsylvania went through Cumberland clandestinely before the "wonder-working wire" had formed a net work fatal to the thieves, who have finally lost their cunning or have emigrated to Texas or the Territo ries, where the trade still thrives, hampered only by Judge Lynch, who has more aver sion for a horsethief than he has for a mur derer. LAST EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY Via the B. it O. IT. H-. Thursday, August 29. Bate, $1C for the round tnp.tickets good for ten days; good to stop at Washington City returning. Trains will leave depot at 8 A. u. and 9:20 p. M. Pilsner Beer. This product of Franenheim & Yilsack's brewery merits and has attained as high a place as can be reached by the best grade of beer. This fact is attested by its popularity. Call for it at any first-rate bar, or order direc(. Telephone 1186. , If you want wall paper, call and exam ine the stock handled by John S. Roberts, 414 Wood street, before buying. Ths TJse "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Horning'a "Ivory," gein of all family flours. Pittsburg College of Shorthand, Corner Sixth and Liberty streets. Fully three-fourths of all who undertake the study of shorthand are not adapted to it, and fail to make any practical use of the art This school Is devoted exclusively to shorthand and typewriting, and no students are taken except those who are fitted for the study. Mr. Porter introduced shorthand into the courts of Pittsburg, and is the first official stenographer ever appointed in Pennsyl vania. Two-thirds of all the successful stenographers of Pittsbnrg were his pupils. For circulars and information call on or ad dress J. T. Porter, Principal. JIVS If sold quick, a desirable North avenue (Allegheny) residence, 10 rooms, cor. lot, at a very greatly reduced price. W. A. Hekbon & Sons, ws bO Fourth ave. REV. CHARLES 8PURGE0N, EnglithJJaplitt preacher, givet in to-morrouf Dispatch hit vttwt.qn America it ptopli and churchet, . QUIET ARSENAL LIFE. How Soldiers Put in the Time at the Lawrenceville Barracks. UNIQUE0EDER8FR0MWASHINGT0N The Hark of Honor Paid to Hon. Simon Cameron's Memory. EFFOETS TO MAINTAIN DISCIPLINE There are some curious orders received at the Allegheny Arsenal. Some of the more recent ones received by Major McKee, Com mander of the rscral, may be quoted; one of them is unique from the fact that it calls for a special mark of honor, to be paid by the army, to the memery of a private citizen. The Hon. Simon Ctraeion, nearly 30 years ago, was the head of the War Department The order runs as follows: General Orders, No. E8. Headquarters of the Akict, l ADJUTANT GENEEAI.'S OFFICE, i Washington, June 27, 1889. ) I. The Major General Commanding, with profound regret communicates to the army the following orders of the Secretary of War an nouncing the decease of the Hon. Simon Cam eron: WAB DEPARTMENT, J WASHIWQTON, D. C, June 27, 1889. ( Orders: The painful dnty devolves upon theSecretary of War of announcing the death of the Hon. Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania. Mr. Cam eron was the Secretary of War In the original Cabinet of President Lincoln, and rendered distinguished services to his country In the early period of the late war for the Union. Be fore that time and subsequently he represented his State in the Senate of the United States for many years. He had by reason of strength at tained the ripe age of 90 years, and died on the 26th inst near the place of his birth in the great Commonwealth he had so ions and faith fully served. As a mark of respect to his memory. It is or dered that the offices connected with the De partment of War be draped in mourning for the period of 30 days, and all business be sus pended, therein on the day of the funeral. Redfield Peoctor, Secretary of War. IL Upon the Jay after the receipt of this order at each military post 17 gnns will be nred at intervals of one-half hour, commencing at meridian. By command of Major General Schofield: J. C. Kelton, Adjutant General. TO KAINTAET DISCIPLINE. Another order may be given which re lates to discipline and punishment for vi cious indulgences. General Orders. No. 63. Headquarters of the Aemt, Adjutant General's Office. Washington, July 6, 189. By direction of the Secretary of War ths fol lowing is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Upon conviction of offenses punishable at the discretion of courts-martial, a soldier may be sentenced to have his monthly pay, or a stated portion thereof, retained from him for such periods as the court subject to the re strictions of the 83d Article of War, may di rect The amounts so retained will be paid only on the final statements furnished enlisted men on discbarge from the service. That the proper amount of pnnisbment is the least amount by which discipline can he efficiently maintained, is a principle of recog nized validity in the administration of military i'ustice. It is expected that the pnnisbment erein authorized, while of the least possible severity, will, if judiciously applied, diminish military offenses by compellirg for the time being sobriety and abstention from vicious in dulgences of every kind; and that It may thus be made a potent factor in ths promotion of discipline and of thewelfaro of the service at large. By command of Major General Schofield, J. C. Kelton, Adjutant General. LIFE AT THE ABSENAL. The detail of soldiers at the Allegheny garrison is only a Small one, composed of 1 commanding officer, 1 Colonel, 3 Sergeants, 5 Corporals and 19 men. The chief purpose that the arsenal is now kept up for is to serve as a storehouse or, in case of war, to manufacture ammunition for the army. The duties that are required of the men are to guard the post The privates bave to per form sentinel duty. Each man goes on for, 24 hours, and out of that he is engaged on dutv eight hours. The first relief is from 7 to9 A. M., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 9 p. if., 1 to 3 A. M.J second relief, 9 to 11 A. m., 3 to 6 p. m., 9 to 11 p. m., 3 to 5 a. ll.; third relief, 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., 5 to 7 P. M., U P. M. to 1 a. m., B to 7 A. m. Other men are used to keep the grounds in repair and attend to the barracks. The soldiers are drilled once a week to keep them in practice, or, to use the soldier phraseology, to give them a "military set up." It is not necessary to have them drill daily, because the men are old warriors and are thoroughly proficient in all the compli cated drill work. For many years a gun was fired at "re veille," or sunrise, when the flag was hoisted, and at "retreat," or sunset, when the flag was lowered. About six weeks ago the Major secured permission from the War De partment to stop the salute flag firing, be cause he thought the incessant noise was a public nuisance. This permit does not ap ply to saluting any of the great national fete days, or the arrival in the city of any dignitary. As commander, Major McKee can give himself a leave of absence seven days, but if he desires a more extended leave he must get it tnrough the war office. The Major can exercise this privilege with the men under his charge. PEACTIGALLI FINISHED NOW. The Work on the Main Bnlldlng- of the Exposition. Contractor Hamilton said yesterday that the work on the main Exposition building is practically finished. The painters are put ting on the finishing touches and the gas fitters are about through with their work. On Monday the work on the passage-way between the main building and machinery hall will be commenced. Then the work of clearing np the debris around the place will be done. This will require a good many men several days. Alter this is done the city will clean Duquesne way and the ad jacent streets. The wire fence along the river in the rear of the buildings is being pat up, and the iron fence in the frontwill be commenced on Monday. Precautions are being taken against any possibility of fires in the build ings. There will be several connections to the water pipes in the various parts of the buildings, which will be in charge of David Hall, an old fireman of the city. Mr. Hall will have all the police in and aronnd the buildings under him, and will have them drilled. N0T UNTIL '8EPTEMBEU 1. The Chief Will Then Announce the Beor sjranlzatlon of Fire Department. Dr. Mercer yesterday completed his ex amination of members of the fire department, ending with Engine company No. 13. The result of the examinations are in the hands of Chief J. O. Brown, who said yesterday that no changes would be announced until about September 1. At that time the plans for the general reorganization of the Bureau of Fire will be completed. It is said that First Assistant Chief Steele will be made Chief Inspector and Chief Evans made Superintendent of the Bureau. Many persons about City Hall still believe that Inspector McAleese will be made Inspector of the Fire Bureau. Their Vacation Noyr. The ladies of the Society for the Improve ment of the Pocr sent 49 children and nine adults to the summer home at Oakmont yes terday. Nine children have also heen sent to Sandy Creet, where they will be enter tained by some kind-hearted farmers' wives. Forty-three children returned on Thursday from a two weeks' stay at Oakmout EGYPTIAN HIAMIDS MttS! etting and xnttructive article by Axel Q,,jgalU beck in to-morrovf Dispatch. , THREE HAPPY GIRLS. An Obllentlon to Ttfnrry Removed From Them by the Conrt Old nary Court ney's Queer Will Knocked Oat A Contradictory Testament. Cincinnati, August 23. The Court this morning removed an incubus from three pretty, intelligent and amiable young ladies who reside on the north side of Barr street between Cutter and Linn. The young women are known as the Courtney sisters, Jane, Julia and Anna, daughters of good old Mrs. Mary Courtney, who died ' some time ago. The obligation imposed upon the girls by their mother was to get married if they would derive certain privileges on her estate. ' Evidently she believed it is not good to live alone, but as her daughters never man ifested any desire to' enter matrimony, she, , on her aeatn bed, devised this unique way of bringing about the wish of her heart She called a lawyer to her bedside and dictated to him a will he would never have allowed had he not beeu in his cups. The property, real and personal, she left in equal parts to the girls; but provided that neither or all jointly should be able to give a title to any part of the entirety unless all were married. In case of any marriage the remaining one or two could erijoy all the privileges of the home and remain in it Tbe will was contradictory and showed unsteady heads of the testator and the scrivener. The court constructed the will by giving a fee simpja title to the young ladies, and now they may pass a title whether unmarried or married. Father Quinn witnessed the will, but he did sot read it A queer fsct is that originally the prop erty belonged to the girls, and they deeded it to their mother, so in case their demise she would be provided for. Had the paper held good as the old lady intended, the queer fact would have been presented of young ladies being obliged to marry to gain their own estate. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Dny In Two Cities Coadensed for Beady Reading: THE public school buildings have all been put In repair for the opening on Monday week-, September 2. W. H. Hamilton, of Philllpsburg, was in jured In tbe late West Fenn accident He had two ribs broken. Mrs. Barixett Morree, of Wood's Ban, fell from a chair yesterday at her house and dislocated her shonlder. A new counterfeit 2-bill is being circulated throughout the West The vignette of Gen eral Hancock is very poor. The regular Sunday Gospel Temperance Union meetings will commence again to-morrow evening In Curry University. J. W, More land, Esq., will preside. The Board of Viewers yesterday held a meet ing for the purpose of assessing the cost of a sewer on Bebecca street between Friendship avenue and liberty street William Classet. a brakeman on the! Monongahela Connecting Railroad, had his hand smashed by a coupling yesterday. He was taken to the Homeopatbio Hospital, where two fingers were amputated. G. E. McCarthy entered a charge of larceny against George Warner, before Alderman Foley, yesterday, alleging that the defendant stole a set of silverware valued at S20 from him. Bail was furnished f oca hearing Monday. A poltgot set of prisoners was taken from Magistrate Gripp's court yesterday morning to tbe connty jail. There were eight of them, no two of the same nationality. There were Ameriaan, Irish, Negtx Swedish, Bohemian, uerman, Italian ana emnisn. John Wilkt, one o: the Philadelphia run- away boys who was 1-rested Thursday, was sent home by the Penni lvania Railroad at 8:10 o'ciock last evening, celved from the Daren ) news his yet been re- oi tne ower ooy, ana station. be Is held at the Centn The Bank of Pittsb g has started out in a new industry. Last spijng Patrick Cane, jan itor of the bank, piantsl some pumpkin seeds in the vacant lot on third avenue next the bank. Like Jack's libled bean-stalk, tbey have prospered, and t ere are now five good sized pumpkins on chorines. A brave act was dole yesterday by a brake man on the West Pend Railroad. The market Sassenger train was between Bouquet and prlngneld stations,- wteu the rear brakeman discovered that another train was following at too high a speed to avtld a collision. The brakeman jumped from Ms train, and he broke bis wrist bat he was ablet to stop the train. Victor Kleoqs, a screw cutter at the Ft Wayne shops, was arrested yesterday on the Information of his wifej Amelia Kleges, who alleges that she has Men married only ten months, but her husbana In this space of time threatened to shoot her ind do her other bodily Injury. Her husband is 65 years of age and she is only 22. She think le is jealous. He dis owns his child, thoughhe cannot prove her uniaitmui. SHE'S TIE! 1KF0RTUNAT& Mrs. Gels Meets WltV Her Second Accident In nfYear. Yesterday afternoon Catherine Gels, an aged woman, was kjocked down by a Citi zens' Line cable caj at the corner of Penn avenue and Seventblstreet- She was badly bruised, but uo hopes were broken. She was removed to the ziomeopatmo Hos- uital. Just one rear ago yesterday the same woman fell from ths bluff on Mt Washing ton into a deep lime kiln on tbe hillside and broke her thigh. A furious storm was rag ing at tbe time, and she laid where she had fallen through two nights and one day be fore she was discovered. She was then taken to the Homeopathic Hospital, where she was healed. That Boiler Explosion. The Coroner's jury yesterday rendered a verdict in tbe case of the boiler explosion at Gangwish's brewery, Allegheny. They found that the, explosion was due to two causes. First That the crown head bad been re paired by Andrew Schneider, the aeceased,and not replaced strong enough to stand tbe pres sure. Second That tbe brewing company was neg ligent In having repairs made in this manner without calling upon the Boiler Inspector. The jury recommended legislation requir ing all boiler repairing to be done nnder the supervision of the Boiler Inspector. Token to Reading;. Deteotive Kramer, of Beading, arrived in the city yesterday, and last evening took back with him L. J. Simmonds, who is wanted in that city for a $300 forgery. THE EKCnANTEDCAVERiUf gallant Prince and beautiful Prinuu and the trouble cawed them bi an ugly titter' e witch craLU told in to-morroufi DISPATCH by JEr neC B. Btinricht. ,4:S rvy 'KNy.sstt a -s- jr 'if iic5sa "svx oc i-mim nv& ra. WTST 1 NfcVX Pearline and water for a month, with safety. JDelightful in soft. Perhaps you have been using some of the imitations and have soreT hands and find your clothing going to pieces. Moral use theOriginal and best . Sold ererywlexe. ' PearliBksBanufcteredoary by JAMES PYLE, NewYonc y.-r'f. - au A HAMEBfET BABY Whose Birth Brings Great Joy to Quite a Number of People. AN IMMENSE FORTUNE INVOLVED. The Peculiar Provisions of a Tery Import ant Testament. OHABITABLE SOCIETIES INTERESTED New York, August 22. A girl baby was born Tuesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. J. Hooker Hamersley, at their summer cot tage at College Point, L. I. a girl baby who will be famous as the baby who brought joy to numerous charities in the State of New York and whose advent had been anticipated with an interest that extended beyond the usual small circle of immediate relatives and friends. She little knows what changes a change in her sex would have brought in the disposition of a great estate, or how, far across the sea, a lord and lady in one of England's most famous ancestral homes awaited the cable announce ment of her arrival. Although no courtiers filled tha halls of the house in which she was born, although no armed guards kept watch without, al though no nation awaited her coming and no cannon were fired nor flags flung to the breeze to signalize her earthly debut, rarely has a priceess or a queen been born with all these accompaniments whose birth has in volved larger properties than that of Miss Hamersley, infant daughter of J. Hooker Hamersley of the good city of New York, and cousin by marriage once removed of Blenheim's mistress, the American Duchecs of Marlborough. 1 FATHEE AND SOX. There died in New York in 1883 Louis C. Hamersley, Sr., for many years a promi nent member of the New York business and social worlds. A quaint old man, of courtly beiring and pleasant manners, he was well knlwn to all the older residents ot the city. He! had one inseparable companion his son! Louis C. Hamersley, Jr. The two met dressed alike, talked alike, and, save for wide difference in age which naturally shoved itself, were a counterpart in form andteature. They were called the "Ham ersIeV twins," and rarely a day went by in winttr that they were not seen walking on Fifthavenue together, engaged in close and earnest conversation. They became almost landmarks, and when the elder man died New York society felt it had lost one of its founders. A man of large wealth, there was little discussion as to who would be his bentf ficiarv, and in a few days it was announced that he had left his vast estate entirely to his son. Notwithstanding his devotion to his father, the younger man had not been entirely insensible to the charms of the fair sex. He had become engaged a few years earlier to Miss Emily Iselin, a niece of the well-known banker, Adrian Iselin, but the engagement was broken. Soon afterward New York society was called upon to wel come as the new fiancee of the rich Mr. Hamersley Miss Lily Price, a leading belle of the good city of Troy, N. Y., and daugh ter of Commander Price, one of the Union's wartimo defenders. Their marriage soon followed, and the elder Hamersley with conscious pride introduced his son's wife to society. The father's death, however, was too great a blow to be borne by so devoted a son, and a few months after his demise the yonnger Hamersley followed his father to the grave. hameesley's -will. Society's eyes were now turned on the young widow, who, it was supposed, would inherit the whole estate. But wills oft bring surprises, and the will of Louis C. Hamersley, Jr., was the veriest bombshell that has ever been thrown into New York society. It was found that the estate was put in the hands of trustees, who were di rected to pay the whole income ot the prop erty to Mrs. Hamersley during her life. Then followed this remarkable clause: "In the event that no issue ot mine shall sur vive my said wife, then on her decease I give my said estate, real and personal, to the male issue of my cousin, J. Hooker Ham ersley, and to the male issue of such of them as shall have previously died leaving issue. In the event however, that my said cousin jihall die without leaving male issue surviv ing him or surviving my wife, then, on the (decease of my wife, I give the whole of"my said estate to such charitable and benevo lent corporations located in the State of New York and in such shapes and proportion as my dear wife shall by her last will and tes tement, etc., etc., designate." The three trustees were George S. Will iams, Jacob Lockman and Mrs, Hamersley. It was known that J. Hooker Hamersley, although a bachelor of uncertain age, was much addicted to the writing of poetry and the driving of maidens fair in his handsome "I" cart. Then, too, if the will should not be admitted to probate Mrs. Hamersley would receive her widow's dower, amount ing to something like $1,350,000 in fee sim ple instead of the mere income. A contest Soapona HANDS ' UNINJURED. CLOTHES PURE AND SWEET. DISHES WASHED CLEAN. THE GREAT WASHING POWDER. BELL'S BUFFALO SPOJEf. HVTYFil ST mWWUUUI Li III I III it. c3gmm&vmmm mm? mfftxm wash is largest, and a saving of time and toil is best appreciated. I hihk of doing a large wash with little or i no rubbing. Consider how much longer your delicate 'summer clothing will last if not rubbed to pieces on a washboard. A saving is a i and pleased with the cleanliness, satisfaction and com fort which Comes ot Simpk any servant less you can soak your finest linen and laces in was soon- instituted, headed bv John W. HtmersleyJ paternal uncle of tne testator, by Mrs. Mary Mason Jones, a great aunt, pad by all the little Joneses and Masons, cousins of the testator and grandchildren of Mr. Hamersley. The decision was finally handed down by Surrogate Kollins. It sus tained the will. AKOTnEE CHAPTER IK THE STOBT. Mrs. Hamersl'ey's friends congratulated her. Mrs. Hamersley threw off her weeds, took an opera box, and becanje one of the leading figures of the winter social season. Then came the owner of Blenheim, the noted and notorious Duke, ot Marlborough, to these shores. He gazed upon the widow's beauty, he learned of her estate, and re turned home, only to come back and carry her off in triumph to his English home. The will case was passing into history, and the charitable institutions had settled down into a hope of future benefits upon the decease of the duchess, when once more a bombshell was thrown into society by the announcement of the engagement ot J. Hooker Hamersley to Miss Margaret Chisholm. The wedding soon followed, and society has closely watched the social register which duly records all births, mar riages and deaths since that time. A month ago a report was current that a son and heir had been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hamersley, but to a reporter who journeyed to their villa, at College Point, Mr. Hamers ley said: "The announcement is prema ture." Tuesday, however, an infant Hamersley say the light, but, as the Irish man remarked, "the first boy was a girl." Once more tbe charitable institutions breathe more freely and once more the Buchess of Marlborough mav in uleaslng fancy contemplate the list of charities in New York State to which she still has a chance of becoming, at her death, a Lady Bountiful. Meanwhile the Infant girl will kick and crow as lustily as if she had not put anyone's nose out of joint The proud father will tell of her charms to admiring friends, and another chapter in the famous Hamersley will case comes to an end. A CONGREGATIONAL DISPUTE. Exceptions Taken to the Policy of the Board of Foreisn Missions. ISriICIAI. TELEGHJLM TO TUX DISrATCR-l Bostok, August 23. There is much speculation among the orthodox Congre gationallsts in and around Boston in regard to the course to be pursued by the Ameri can Board of Missions at its annual meet ing in New York next October. The churches are deeply stirred by the pre scriptive policy of the board, and if it is to be continued the churches want to know it, and they will act accordingly. There are very clear indications thatmissionaries will be sent out independent of the board, unless its polioy shall be changed. When tbe prudential committee refused to send out Messrs. Torry and Noyes, and it was learned that the last named, with his wife, were anxious to go to Japan, tbe money for their support for five years was raised in one week, and thev were sent out by the Berkley Temple Church. They were, immediately upon their arrival, wel comed by tbe missionaries, and were at once set to work -with them. It was claimed they wonld find it difficult to labor with the mis sionaries of the board, but the result has shown precisely the contrary. Perfect har mony prevails, and the old missionaries are in full sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Noyes. This shows that the churches can success fully act without the board, and send out those whom the latter reject. Br. Bhafer, one ot the physicians of tbe Polypatblc Medical Institute, at 43) Penn ave. The number of people who annually die from Brictit's disease is simply astonishing. As the disease progresses, there Is an in creased pain in the small of tbe back and in tba region of the groins, high colored urine with' brick dust sediment, scanty or copious flow, with pain in voiding it Not only do the kidneys themselves become organically dis eased, terminating in gravel or stone iu tho bladder, diabetes or Brigbt's disease, but is one of the most potent causes of rheumatism and dropsy. The Polypathlc Medical Institute Is perma nently located in Pittsburg for the treatment of rheumatism, kidney and urinary diseases. Analysis of specimens of unne free. Consul tation also free. r, Office honrs, 10 to 1130 A. St., 1 to i and 8 to 8 p. M. Bandars, 1 to 4 p. jr. aul7-D JONES'A MAGIC BOCH POW Diilt Koaches banished bv con tract Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. 35 SEVENTH AVE., Pittsburg. Pa Price f 1 SO per ponna, a-ao-s SOAP BEST SOAP MAXE ftTiTi GHOOBHS. Hot Weather is the very best time to try Pyle's Pearl ine. Then the gain. You'll be surprised the use of JPEARLIJN.il. can use it. Perfectly harm the bathmakes the water m MSW ABTgKTI8BaiEXTfvJBliaa A FINE PIECE OF Ghfewing f v To"baceo IS INDEED A LTJXUBY. FINZER'S Old Honesty Comes as near being a fine piece of PLUG TOBACCO as it is possible to make it and Is known as a STANDARD BRAND AMONG DEALERS. We are sure that ONE TRIAL will convince you of Its merits. -WLook for the red H tin tap; on each plcj. JNO. FTNZER & BROS., LOUISVILLE, KY. mb25sa PEARS' lathe PUREST, BEST and Cleanest 1 SOAP rZL Of all Druggists, but beware of Imitations. "After a careful and impartial test of BLOOKER'S DUTCH COCOA, I am convinced thatit is the CHOICEST, PUREST and BESTCocoa In tho market. I can conscientiously recommend it to all Physicians In preference to any other." MRS. 8. T. RORER, Principal Pnlla. Cooking School. .MADE INSTANTLY with bollingr "water or milk, NO COOKING REQUIRED. Sold by George K. Stevenson & Co. and all leading grocers and druggists at f 1 per lb. tins 55c per K lb. tin. U. S. DEPOT, 35 MERCER ST., NEW YORK. my6-80-W3 . f? DENVER RANGE Bold by all stovo dealers. Manufactured by GBAJPP. aTJGJJS fc CO., , 632 and 6M LIBERTY STREET. aue-ev-TTS DRUNKEN NESif Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured M by Administering Dr. Hamas' Golden Specific. It can tie siren in a cup or cofiee or tea wlt&ont th. VnnwUrira nf the nerson t&ktnir It; la&taao. lately harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards hare heen made temperate men who haye taken Golden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge and to-day belleye tbey qutt drinking- from their own free will. 1THEVEB KAILS. The system once Impregnated with the specinc, 11 oecomes llnnor aDDetlte to ex les an utter Impossibility ror the exist. JforsalebyA.J.Bankin, .TCl'lttiBarg; E. Holden k Co.. HlTth and Penn STcFlttsDarz: 1 63 . Federal St., Allegheny, trade supplied by lieo. A. Kelly A Co.. l'ltwbnrjr. fa. aei7-33-TTS JOHNFLOCKER & CO., StAITDTACTUEIES OF Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp PacHnjr. Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc WORKS East street, Allegheny City, Pa. OFFICE AND 8ALE8R0011-8a Water -ttsburg. Telephone No. 1370. myS-jrws SOMETHING NEW FOR FENCES. STRONG NEAT.CHEAP e:x::f.a.:n":d:e:d imiiet.a.x., MADE FROM STEEL PLATES FOR LAWN OR FARM FENCES, WINDOW GUARDS, TRELLISES, LATHINJS FOR BUILDINGS, Etc. It can be made a substitute for nearly every purpose for which wire is used, and Is far more durable and cheaper. . It is much superior to wire work la everyway. It is solid at all points ot Intersection. Send tor Illustrated Circulars and Prices. Central Expanded Metal Co., (CHESS, COOK & CO.) , 116 Water street, Pittsburgr, Pa. my25-rrs THE CAUSE CONSUMPTION is now admitted by the medical authorities to be a deficiency or undue waste of Ozidtzable Phosphors normally existing In tba human economy. The remedy consists In tba admin, istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being at once assimilable and oxidlzable. WINCHES. TER'SHYPOPHOSPHITESistbe only prep aration of Phosphorus which combines these characteristics in tbe highest decree. For Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Night Swtati, and Nervous Diseases, it is unequaled. Recommended by Physicians. Sold by. Drue fists. 91 per bottle. Head for circular. ' WINCHESTER 4 COChesabrts. . S9T31-24-nswk 1G2 William St, fOT. Jfp?JajsBBBBBBBBBBSBBSnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ