Transient Aflrertisements BeM , AX ttto Bran oil Offices of Tlio Ulspatcli For .to-morrow's issue Tip to 9 o'clock P. Jfc For list of branch offices in the various dis tricts gee THIRD PAGE. m Transient Advertisements, INCLUDING WANTS, TO LETS, FOR SALES.. ETC., FOB TO-MORROW'S ISSUE Should be banded in at the main advertising office of The Dispatch, Fifth avenue, np to midnight. FORTY-FOURTH TEAR. Pittsburg, Saturday, august" 24 1889 sixteen- pages. THREE CENTS c Jfk m KNOCKINGJTHEM OUT New England Iron Manufactur ers Petition for Free Coal and Iron Ore. CAN'T HOLD THEIR OWN And Compete With the Industries of Pennsylvania. HANI MILLS CLOSE DOWN FOE GOOD. Tie Only Eastern Concern Making Money Depends Solely on Scrap Iron for Ita Sup plyWhy Goremor Ames Signed the AntWTarlff Petition Aa Much of a Pro tectionist aa Erer No Politics In the Matter! It's All Business The Inter State Commerce Law Alio Blamed Representative Breckinridge Agrees With Senntor Hampton' Views on the Sonth and Ita Iron Industries. New England iron manufacturers, irre spective of politics, have signed a petition for the abolition of duties on iron ore and coal. Their reason is that Pennsylvania competition is shutting np factories all over the Eastern States, where the manufacturers are ever glad when fire destroys their mills and allows them to quit business. rsrrciAi. telegram to the dispa.tch.1 J3S oeth Easton, Mass., August 23. Comment has been made in several jiews papers because Governor Ames signed the petition of the iron manufacturers of New England for the abolition of the duties on iron ore and coal. Speaking of this fact to day, he said that he did not deserve any credit for it, because it was simply what he, as a shovel manufacturer, and what the other iron manufacturers have been forced to do for self preservation. More than this, as the Governor says, and as is learned from another reliable source, this whole movement is outside of politics. The Governor says that nearly every Repub lican manufacturer in this line with whom he is acquainted has signed the petition. They are MOVING FOR FREE E1W MATERIAL, because, if they do not secure this relief, they feel that their industries will be doomed for the sake of the prosperity of Pennsyl vania, or, at best, can but prolong a miser able existence, fed by scrap iron only. Governor Ames wished to be clearly understood as being as much of a protec tionist as ever, but said he: "There is reason in all things, and, when the system has been carried as far as it has in this case, so that many industries have been ruined, ,H U time for a change." He mentioned -nauy large iron establishments which have"" Wecome extinct because they were unable, Tith the high duty on iron and coal (which shuts out the raw material from the British provinces), to compete with the Pennsyl vania manufacturers. WORKS THAT ABE CLOSES. He cited the Old Colony "Work at Squawbetty (in Baynham, close by Taun ton), where there formerly were a shovel shop, a rolling mill and a nail factory, each doing a large and prosperous business, which had been forced to close altogether. At Fall Biver there was till recently an immense iron establishment making rails, rolled iron, sheet iron and like products. The business has been discontinued, the ma chinery torn out, and the buildings will be used for a cotton factory. A large iron es tablishment at Somerset has been driven out of existence. The large works at East "Wey mouth no longer exist. The same is true of manufactories at Dighton, Middleboro and Portland. Formerly they were prosperous and employed many men. To-day their business is annihilated and their workmen are scattered. A TIRE SAVES ONE FIRM, The great works of Bridgewater, which produced shafts for steamboats and gun boats, and which also did a large rail busi ness, have closed their doors. At East Bridgewater a fortunate fire destroyed the works, and the owners could not be induced to rebuild, because the fire gave them an easy escape from a losing business. At JlonmouthIe., was formerly a fac tory which produced a large nnmber of shovels. To-day the Ames manufactory, in this town, is the only shovel works in New England, and even here the business is not as large as formerly. The stove industry of New England is having a hard time. The .Kinsley Machine Company at Canton, oVned by the Ameses, is said to be probably the only iron estab lishment in the States which is MAKING ANT MONET, and its prosperity is due to the fact that it is engaged upon specialties. And even this prosperity is possible only because it does not use pig iron, but depends upon scrap. All these closed establishments, and many others, have been driven out of business by the impossibility of getting cheap raw ma terial, owing to the tariff. . Hence it is that the Governor says: "It is not a question of politics; it is a question of life or death." He believes that the present movement will be strong enough to obtain a modification of the duties on iron and coal. He charges to the inter-State commerce law a part of the low condition of the New England iron busi ness, and regards that law as a needless and UNWISE INTERFERENCE with the laws of trade. To quote his own words: "I don't believe in interfering with industry. I believe in free competition." The law, he says, "tells the railroads what they shall sell their transportation for. It is like the Government's stepping into a store and telling the storekeeper for what price he shall sell his goods. The railroads ought to be free to compete as they please, under the natural condition of trade, with out interference on the part of the Govern ment. As it is, the purchaser names his price and the seller has nothing to say about it." The Governor renewed his statement of hit faith in the doctrine of protection, and illustrated his meaning. If the protection is such that the business is very profitable, then others will rush into it and the price of the product would be forced down. INTERNAL COMPETITION will regulate the price apart from the for eign production; and the rate of duty, as he sees it, lu no way determines the price of the article. The only exception he ould make to this general rule, that profitable manufacture will invite competitors and greatly diminish the profit, is in the case of articles protected by a patent. One reason why Governor Ames would have pig iron and coal admitted free is be cause but little labor, comparatively, is con cerned in their production. There is the "blowing out" of the iron ore, and the dig ging of the coal, but that work is of small value and is of a coarse grade compared with the work wiich is put upon the manu factured product. Hence, says he, "from the point of view of the interest of labor, it would be much better if pig iron and coal were admitted free from the provinces. AGBEES WITH WADE. Breckinridge, ibo SHrer-Tongucd, Thinks Senator Hampton's Views Correct The Sonth nnd Her Position on the Subject of Protec tion, rsr ecial TELioniM to tiie nisrATCB.1 Washington, August 23 Representa tive Breckinridge, of Kentucky, is in the city, and to anybody who will talk with him on the subject he is ready to explain why the South will not favor protection to an extent that will threaten the domination of the Democratic party. Mr. Breckin ridge takes similar ground with Senator Wade Hampton, who was quoted in The Dispatch a day or two ago. Both think that the South will see that it is to her in terest to favor so low a tariff that the North will cease to be a competitor in the matter of manufactures now springing- up with wonderful rapidity in the South. "The Northern iron and steel makers are maintained by the tariff," Mr. Breckinridge says, "and without the tariff all the iron and steel manufacturers in the United States would be produced in the South." He admits, however, that the chief reason why the South can outrival the North in a free field is because in that section labor is much cheaper. When asked how it is that with the high prices claimed to exist as a result of the tariff the South does not under sell the North and monopolize the market, Mr. Breckinridge goes into one of those brilliant orations which so often put the House and galleries asleep. . A friend of Mr. Breckinridge, a protec tion Democrat, declares that the interests of Southern and Northern manufacturers are identical and cannot be separated. An in ternational policy which would injure one would injure all. The advantage of cheaper labor which the Sonth now enjoys, he says, will soon be lost, with the more perfect organization of Southern workingmen, who, when they reach such organization, will not be content to accept a penny less wages than their Northern brethren. A BRAYE AND DARING DEED. The Life of a Man Saved by an Act of Great Heroism. I SPECIAL TELEQEAK TO THE DISPATCn.1 Boston, August 23. One of the most thrilling rescues of a person be killed by a fast express train was witnessed to-day at Forest Hills station, Providence division of the Old Colony Railroad. A laborer was standing in a hole, with his head and shoulders above the rails, uncon scious of the fact tharthe -providence ex jiress was bearing down upon him at the "rate of 50 miles xzr hour: A gravel train was passing on the next track, and this drowned the. noise of the approaching express. Switchman Frank iPugh was the only man who saw the laborer's peril, and he jumped to rescue him. In the face of almostcertain death, Pugh grabbed him by the shoulders and actually lifted him bodily, at the same time jumping back just in time to avoid be ing struck by the engine. It was one of the bravest and most daring rescues ever seen. Had Pugh hesitated one instant alter reaching the man, both would have been ground into fragments, and any attemDt to have warned him bv Khnntinv would have availed nothing, as the noise of tne passing gravel tram would have drowned the voice. 'THE OLD MAN WAS MURDEBED. A Former is Poisoned After Being Perse cuted byJSnemies. rSFECTAL, TELEOKAM TO TUB DISPATCH.1 " Frederick, Md., August 23. The death of Brish W. Burgess, the farmer who drank of poisoned whisky, is being investi gated by detectives, who say they will soon unravel the mystery. They suspect foul play, and intimate that relatives of the vic tim are implicated. The Coroner's jury, after hearing all the evidence in the case, came to the conclusion that the old man was poisoned by strychnine. Several months before his death a series of incidents occurred at the place that tended to worry him greatly, and this, in connection with the alleged betrayal of his daughter Annie,gave credence to the theory of .suicide. An attempt had been made to fire his property, followed by an attempt to steal the horses on the place, and $65 in money and a gold watch chain had been stolen from a room in the house. CARLIbLR IN TEXAS. He Is Being Shown the Sights in the Lone Star Stnte. El Paso, Tex., August 23. Speaker John G. Carlisle arrived here this forenoon as a guest of the citizens. He visited the Bio Grande river above the city, where it is proposed to build a 60-foot stone dam. This dam will be an international work, designed to store water for irrigation and control the Bio Grande during high water, so as to regulate the boundary between the United States and Mexico. Mr. Carlisle expressed himself as in favor of .this nlan as the best solution to the continual change in the Bio Grande boundary. He also favored a reciprocity treaty with Mexico. A large and enthusiastic mass meeting was held here last night to protest against a threatened change in the United States Tieasury rnling on the importation of Mexican silver lead ores. ESCAPED BI A WINDOW. A Kansas Murderer Una n CIoso Call From Ijyncblng. Wichita, Kan,, August 23. On Au gust 10 Robert Snyder, a saloon keeper at Eldorado, killed his wife and mother-in-law. Last evening a mob made an attack on the jail, and when the-officers saw that they could not hold out, Snyder was dropped out of a back window with two officers, and run across the country to Leon in a buggy, and from there brought to Wichita. The Eldo rado people threaten to send a committee ot 100 to this city to Jynch Snyder. Mrs. Maybrlck'a Frlenda Not Satisfied. London, August 23. The Maybrick committee has resolved to agitate for a par don on the ground that the decision of Home Secretary Matthews shows that there is a reasonable doubt whether Mr. May brick was poisoned. UNCLE SAM'S NAVY ZJE&&& morrouf Dispatcj by AZIt JX.r oniUuf- tTtii-CU Wly(rC FORMING INTO LINE. Messrs. Quay, Cameron, Clarksonand Andrews Coming to Pittsburg, TO HOLD A POLITICAL SOIREE. Minor Postoffices to be Distributed Before the Leaden Leave TO PEEPAEE FOE COMING ELECTIONS. State Politics to tie Attended to, Taen More Important Matters. Chairman Andrews is reported headed toward Pittsburg, where a conference is to be held at which Quay, Cameron, Clarkson and other leaders will be present, and at which the cross-roads postoffices will be dis tributed. Other State politics, leading up to national matters, will then be taken in hand. rBFXCUT. TXLXOKAU TO THE DISPATCH. I Philadelphia, August 23. William H. Andrews, Chairman of the Republican State Committee, left the city this morning on the 8:50 train, for the West. It was whispered about that he will jonrney through Pittsburg, where he will be joined by United States Senators Quay and Cam eron, State Senator Delamater and First Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson. The programme, as understood, is as fol lows: At Pittsburg, the Pennsylvanians and Mr. Clarkson will arrange the list of county cross-roads postoffices for distribu tion, and each Congressman will be re quested to name the persons whomhe desires to have appointed. In the Democratic dis tricts the distribution will be made by Chairman Andrews, on the recommendation of the County Committes. , other matters next. After affairs have been arranged for this State, Chairman Andrews will return to Philadelphia and place himself in commu nication with the county chairmen and members of (he State Committee. Senators Cameron and Delamater will return to their homes, while Senator Quay and Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson will leave for Wheeling, W. Va., where they will be joined by General Goff, and it is said Gen eral Mahone, who has been nominated for Governor of Virginia, will also be present. It is understood that every effort will be made to assist General Goff to perfect the machinery of the party in West Virginia, and that National Chairman Quay, who is a warm friend of Mahone, will leave nothing undone to shape affairs in Virginia to assist General Mahone's candidacy. THE COMING STATE STRUGGLE. It is further understood that Chairman Quay, after arranging matters in the States mentioned, will leave, for Washington, where the Executive Committee of the Na tional Committee will discuss the question of the election! in the four new States, and that every effort is to be made to try and secure supremacy in the States voting this fall. The officers of the Democratic societies of Pennsylvania, of which Chauncey F. Black is President, will meet'at York on Wednes day next, to fix a time and place for the holding of a convention ef the Democratic societies and clubs. Major John D. Wor man has issued notice to the clubs through out the State to send in their lists of dele gates. Candidate Henry K. Boyer will deliver an address at the Grangers' picnic at Will iams' Grove next week. Representative Krep, of Franklin, and Richmond, of this city, also Colonel A. Louden Snowden. were callers at the State Committee rooms to-day. Postmaster General Wanamaker, who is still in this city, declines to say anything regarding Governmental affairs, and is de voting his time strictly to mercantile busi ness. TEIED TO PAINT THE TOWN. A Texas Tough Starts Out With That Idea. Bat Cornea to Grief. Gainesville, Tex., August 23. Ed Hendrix, a negro, came to town last even ing from William Perry's ranch in the In dian Territory. He got drnnk and tied up his bronco. Then he took his Winchester and went out to paint the town. He charged through "Negro Town," and whenever he met a negro he threw his Winchester down on him and compelled him to dance a double shuffle for several minutes. He at last rode up to Jarrett's store, called out Lewis Grover, a lad 16 years old, and after coaxing the boy into the street, he ordered him to double-shuffle. This the boy refused to do, and at once the negro placed the muzzle of his Win chester against the lad's breast, cocked the gun and pulled the trigger, but Grover struck the gun and knocked it down just as it was discharged, the ball going between his legs, slightly grazing his thigh. Hen drix endeavored to get out of town but was soon overtaken by officers, arrested and jailed. Complaint was made against him shortly afterward by Grove, charging him with assault to murder. WIGGINS TO BE KNIGHTED. His Valuable Senrlces to Science Kecog . nlzed by Queen Victoria. ' rSFZCIAL, TELZOB.AM TO THE DISFATCB.1 Ottawa, Ont., August 23. Prof. Ezekiel Stone Wiggins, weather prophet and Chief Clerk of the Finance Depart ment, says he is to be knighted by Queen Victoria. "I have every reason for believ ing that the value of the services I have rendered in the interests of science during the past few years is at last to be recognized by Her Majesty, whom I understand is about conferring an imperial title upon me. My greatest discovery is the earth's recession from the sun, which has been corroborated by nearly every scientist of note in the world, ijueen v ictoria has taken a great personal interest in my work, more particularly on account of the warn ing I gave to Princess Louise, who was about embarking from Canada for England, not to venture upon the ocean until one of the great storms I had predicted had passed over." BOYCOTTING CHINESE LAUNDEIES. The Amalgamated Association of St. Louis Declarea War on the Celestials. f SFXCtAI, TXXXGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 St. Louis, August 23. The labor unions of the city have taken up the fight of the laundry girls against the Chinese, and at the meeting to-night of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, all members of the union were requested to boycott Chinese laundries. It was also de cided to form the laundry girls into a union, so that they will receive fair wages from the laundry proprietors. A member of the Trades and Labor As sembly said that the organization of the laundry girls into a union would be begun as soon as the committee on organization reported its plan for doing tbat work. It would take some time to make this union perfect, and to arrive at an under- sianaingwim tne American Mnndrvmen the Chinese laundries wonia be begun I MEN AND BEASTS DYING. The Terrible Effects of n Wet Summer Diphtheria and Typhoid Fever Rav aging the Eastern End of the State Cattle Dy ing Rapidly. SPECIAL TEtEOEAMTO TBI DISPATCH. 1 Beading. Aueuit 23. The peculiar epidemic th at has visited the people living I in and around the village of Newmanstown and in general throughout the northern part of Berks county, has abated and most of the sufferers are recovering,, although some of them are still severely ill. As many as 45 persons at one time were in a critical condition, being attacked with unexplain able vomiting, dysentery and kindred dis orders. Careful investigation by physicians from this city has 'ascertained the cause to be attributable to the unnsual and continu ous rains which, with but-short intermission, have fallen throughout the summer. Simi lar but even more serious epidemic diseases, arising from, presumably like causes, have broken out in other places in the east ern part of this State. At Chester the citizens residing on the lower flats nave been afflicted with diphtheria, typhoid and intermittent fevers, and-in a few instances by scarlet fever. One undertaker in the af flicted neighborhood has buried ten persons who have died of diphtheria and fevers within a week, and a single physician now has 60 cases. In Carbondale and elsewhere in neighboring counties, many cases of diph theria and fever have been reported. In the town of Carbondale 15 cases of malignant diphtheria were reported in one day from different parts of the place. In nearly every case the disease was pronounced -to be of a virulent type, and" half a dozen cases have already proven fataL Accompanying the epidemic of diseases among men and women in the State arising from the prolonged wet weather, a variety of strange and dangerous maladies has broken out among the.' cattle in Berks county, in Chester county, in the lower end of Luzerne, and also in Westmoreland county. Hundreds of valuable cows have been destroyed, and the alarming diseases are reported to be rapidly spreading. .A still more deadly disease has made its ap pearance among" iho cattle in the south ern end of Chester county. The cows were suddenly smitten with total blindness. Another sort of distemper has seized the Luzerne county bo vines. The illness lasts onlv a few hours and results almost Invariably in death. The cattle are taken with sudden cramps and suffer untold agony until death relieves them, of the tor ment. The matter has been reported to the State Board of Agriculture. Throughout Westmoreland county the cattle are dying to an equally alarming extent The disease with, which they are afflicted is known to veterinary surgeons as splenic or Texas fever. BRAYE TO'THEJAST BREATH. A Coachman Wouadrd to Death Dresses His Own Injuries. mpiaAi. TixxoBjut to th dispatch.! Bedbank, N. J.i August 23. A coach man employed by Bichard J. Dob bins, a summer resident of Long Branch, died ti-day of injuries re ceived . while i king his employer's horses on a train from Long Branch to Philadelphia. H was sitting on the floor of the car in wl ich the horses were, with his lees hanging oi t of the door at the side. As the train w s crossing the Ocean Port bridge his legs struck the draw. They were nearly torn off- Bell drew himself into the caVand tried to reach the bellrope to summon some of the train hands to his assistance,, but failed. He called loudly! for help. His cries were heard finally or the trainmen- When Bedbank was reachCtha$'.arrie'dtni into the freight house," Doctors did all they conId,"but he died about three hours after" the accident. He leaves a wife and two children, living in Jenkintown, Pa. While Bell lay alone on the car floor he bandaged his legs to prevent the flow of blood. He had 'two handkerchiefs. He knew where the arteries were. He knotted each handkerchief and then bound then around his legs, above the injured parts. The thick knots were properly placed on the arteries, but he was too weak to tie the handkerchiefs sufficiently tight. Nevertheless, he probably saved several hours of life. Just before he died he Baid: "I amoving, and know it. Won't some one prayfor me?" A stranger in the depot stepped forward and made a prayer, a,nd soon afterward Bell breathed his last THET WANT G001 INDIANS. Washlngton Territory Citizens Do Not Ob- Ject to a Pew Mnrder. Washington, August 23. The Indian Bureau has received through Indian Agent Cole at the Colville, Washington Territory, Agency, a reply from Special Agent Wei ton to' a letter of inquiry relative to the ar rest of certain Indian murderers on the Col ville reservation. The special agent in his letter to the agent says that after learning that only the'Territorial Courts have juris diction in such cases, he made a complaint to District Attorney W. C. Jones, who re fused to prosecute on the grounds that "He did not think, if arrested and held to appear, that any -grand jury could De found that would report a true bill against one Indian for killing another, as such act was not par ticularly objectionable or unpopular with the white people of Stevens or the adjacent counties. Hence, it would be incurring much legal expense without any beneficial result- in fact, he (Jones) could not see that it was a matter of any concern to the tax-paying citizens so long as no white per sons were killed." The Indian Bureau officials will take such action as may be necessary to enforce the laws for the protection of Ind'ians within the jurisdiction of the Colville agency. DUEL ON THE STREETS.- Two Old Enemies Settle Their Grndse With Blazing BerolTera. rsriciAL txlxobah to mi dispatch l Charleston, W. Va., August 23. Trigg Penn, colored, of this. city, and George Young, white, of Coal Valley, met on the streets of that town this morning. The two men have had several quarrels re cently, and on catching sight of each other, to-day, they each pulled a revolver and opened tire. Five shots were fired by each of the im promptu duellists. Perns received two balls in the breast and will die. Young was un hurt A DESERTED PDNISHMEST. Three Society Girls Effectually Thrash a Male Scandalmonger. Wichita, Kan., August 23. Three society girls of this place. Misses Mary Gore, Addie Gowan iind May Klantz, caught a man named William Prince, who had been traducing their characters, and berated him with a rawhide until be cried for mercy, and retracted all the statements previously made by him. Overtaken by Justico at Inmu Kansas Citt, Mo., August 23. In formation was received here to-day of the arrest at Bentonyille, Art, of J. B. Cun ningham, the postmaster at Coffeysburg, Mo., who absconded with $3,000 on June 1 last, since which time th? detectives have pursued him as far west as San Francisco, east to Illinois and north to Manitoba. REY.CHABLESSPUfiGEON, the great od eAurcAej. w BEATER IS DUNNED. Wm, McCreery Politely Bequests the Beturn of Thai $125,000 TO TBEASDBEE THOMPSON'S HANDS Chairman McCreery Mailed a Formal Bill to Gen. Beaver Yesterday. SOME OFFICIAL INTEEE0GATIONS Tie Exhaustion of State Funds Was an Unpleasant Surprise locally. Governor .Beaver will receive a bill of $125,000 from the Pittsburg Belief Commit tee as a reminder of a promise madeat Johns town. Chairman McCreery wants the money, and doesn't care to wait legislative action. William McCreery, Chairman of the Pittsburg Belief Commission, sent by mail last night an official bill to Governor James A. Beaver for $125,000, the amount ex pended by the Pittsburg Belief Committee during the first days of the flood at Johns town, which Governor Beaver, on Monday, June 3, promised to refnnd. The promise still remains unfulfilled, no allusions have been made to the matter by Governor Beaver, and the Pittsburg Belief Commit tee wants the money. A Dispatch reporter sprung a mine of information on the above feature of the re lief work at Johnstown by visiting Mr. McCreery's home on Lincoln avenue, and addressing to the Chairman of the Pitts burg Belief Committee the following query: "Mr. McCreery, Governor Beaver having stated that the State funds are exhausted at Johnstown, what becomes of the money which was to be refunded to the Pittsburg committee?" Mr. McCreery laid aside his newspaper, offered a chair to the reporter, and said: "That is just what is bothering the Pitts burg Belief Committee. We have become tired of hoping for that money, and I sent Governor Beaver a bill to-day for the amount $125,000 requesting that he im mediately forward to Treasurer Thompson his check for it I also reminded the Gov ernor of the length ot time we have waited patiently for that money, and stated that the Pittsburg Belief Committee needed the re ceipt of his check to close up its accounts." CAUSE POR WONDER. "The committee must have been surprised to hear that Governor Beaver had raised only $300,000 instead of $1,000,000," said the reporter. "Surprised!" echoed Mr. McCreeryv "We were astounded. In the first place we have been wondering why that $125,000 was not returned long ago, for with a supposed mil lion dollars at his back Governor Beayer has been in a position to refund the money. In the second place we must have the money immediately, and we cannot wait for Legis lative action." " 'Special' Legislative action," asked the reporter. "Special, regular, or any other kind of action. We want the money now. This is the situation exactly: Here are a handful of comparatively unknown men entrusted by the public with the custody of nearly $1,000,000. Do you suppose we are going to let any consideration or risk of offending the Executive of the State or his friends deter us from having that money in such shape, those expenditures so accounted for, that we can say to the contributors, be they in Maine, Texas or California, 'Here is the record of your money all straight and square?' No, sir! That money mnst be re funded to the Pittsburg committee by Gov ernor Beaver, according to his agreement. I do not wish to reflect npon any man un justly, but the unaccountable delay in re paying a large sum like $125,000, when we expected its retnrn within as many weeks as months have elapsed, does not look encour aging." "Then the Pittsburg committee only waits for the return of that money to complete its accounts?" was asked. "That is all we ate waiting for, and we think we have waited too long already." HCW THE CONTRACT -WAS MADE. "I am anxious," said Mr. McCre'erv, "to place this matter in a proper light before the public. When we went to Johnstown human beings were caged in the debris, being drowned, burned or starved to death. and there was no greater relief than that which consisted in saving life. We spent money for tools to work with and workmen to handle them, and the work of clearincr up debris alone cost $20,000 a dav under the organization made by Booth & Flinn with its honest, effective and energetic re sults. When Mr. Beuben Miller finally got the Governor to the scene we had a meet ing of everybody interested. Before that meeting I told Governor Beaver that the Chicago, Cleveland and other large con tributors insisted that the State must take hold, and that a protest had been made against contributions going to anything but actual relief. I told him that our con duct of the work would end Sunday night, June 9. He insisted that we main tain the work until Tuesday night He then in the committee meeting volunteered to assume the whole expense of our work in clearing np the debris if we would continue the work until Tuesday night This offer was witnessed by all the Pittsburg gentle men present, and was considered by all a contract The objections made by the con tributors were not, understand me, in any sense of the word, a censure upon what we had done, but were recommendations to place the matter of clearing Johnstown of debris where it properly, belonged in the hands of the State. We felt that it had been our duty to afford that relief, but when it reached a point where no more lives could be saved, it became our duty to consult the wishes of those who placed money in our hands." , MISGIVINGS WERE PELT. ".When Governor Beaver unfolded to ns his auixotie plan for obtaining the loan of $1,000,000 from State Treasurer Hart, the Pittsburg committeemen were thunder struck. But subsequently whe'n Governor Beaver announced over his own signature that he had obtained $1,000,000, our appre hensions were allayed. We had confidence in his integrity of purpose, and did not even address any questions to him as to the re payment of the money, although having frequent opportunities to do so. But now when he makes the statement that he has raised that $1,000,000 all but $700,000, and that what he did get has been expended, we are really concerned. The Governor ought, at least, to have notified us that he had only $300,000 to go'upon, and that our amount was not in sight But no word has come to us until we are astonished by the printed statement as to the actual state of affairs. We have nothing more to say until an answer is returned by the Governor. Nor have we anything to unsay even if he for wards us his check in payment of our bill sent to him to-day." S. SI Marvin was seen in regard .to the amount due from Governor Beaver'to the Pittsburg committee. His talk given in in tervals while striding around Power Hall and giving directions, was rather enigmati cal. He said: "When Governor Beaver assumed that responsibility we gave the subject no further thought We do riot -imaging that the great State of Pennsyl- vania and its great Legislature will allc its uovernor to fall short a aoiiar IorsyVl guarantee. We believe the sum willT"t juriucoming. Treasurer W. B. Thompson said: "That money ought to figure in tne Pittsburg com mittee's report If we had it we could turn tbat much more into the general relief fund, and we ought to have it. The Governor is on record all the way through this matter, and I believe he intends to do what is right Messrs. Binehardt and Farrar. Treasurer Thompson's personal representatives at Johnstown have returned to Pittsburg after disbursing over $100,000, concluding the first payment Contingent funds will be maintained in both Pittsburg and Harris burg to provide for applicants who are backward in coming forward. Messrs. Bine hardt and Farrar have roughed it, sleeping in a tent and enduring many privations and their carefnl and accurate performance of their duties entitles them to high commen dation. The Johnstown local board and the Gov ernor's Commission are holding daily meet ings to fix np details for the final distribu tion of over a million dollars. The claims of class 6 are also being attended to. This class consists of those who suffered losses, but who had other resources, ana whose necessities were not, therefore, paramount The First National Bank is finishing pay ments under the first allotment The citizens of Mlllvale boroueh came to the front with an additional contribntioa of $236 85, through John C, Beed, treasurer. GERHANI'S NOBLE WORK. Another Contribution of 85,000 Sent From Berlin for Johnstown. rSPECIAL TH.EQKAM TO TBS DISPATCH.1 Harkisburg, August 23. Governor Beaver received another contribution of $5,000 to-day from the citizens of Berlin, Germany, for the destitute people of John Btown. This makes the total contribution from Berlin about $24,000, and the grand total from Germany $31,000. Governor Beaver has received from all sources nearly $1,500,000. HE SHOT TO KILL. A Lawyer Almost Assassinated for Fore closing a Mortgage Narrow Escape , of State Senator Owen, of Khode Island. fSPECIAL TELEOEAM TO TOE DISPATCH.1 Providence, B. L, August 23. State Senator Franklin P. Owen, one of the best known Bhode Island Democrats, came within an ace of being murdered in Central Falls this afternoon. He was attending a mortgagee's sale, and was upon the premises of James Chute, an old man, when Chute attempted the assassination. The Senator barely escaped instant death, a bullet whizzing by his head and burying itself in the ground a short distance away. Among Owen's clients is William H. Draper, a well-known broker and real estate agent of this city. Draper held a mortgage on the estate of James Chute, and as no in terest had been paid for a long time the broker proceeded to sell it out For this purpose Owen and Draper drove out to the house of Chute. They found the old man sitting upon the steps of the house. Chute examined the mortgage accounts somewhat critically, and made some remark about the lawyer and the broker having to get off of his property. He said they had no right to sell him out Theu he lett them and went into the house, which is a cottage. Chute's movements were noted, but nothing serious suspected. Lawyer Owen went on with the sale, reading the papers and published announcements of the sale, according to law. from the gable window of the cottage Senator Owen saw ..Chute's head appear. He shouted: "I order you off of these premises." Chute then fired, and the bullet, well directed toward Senator Owen's body, went flying by in close prox imity, but failed of its mark. The Senator ran from the yard before another shot could be fired, and was safety out on the highway. Chute was captured by the police, under cover of their revolvers, and the property then sold, Draper being the purchaser. The penalty for Chute's attempted assassination is a State's prison sentence. A SOUTH CAROLINA EACE WAR. Caused by a. Whits Boy Accidentally Shooting a Colored Woman. Charleston, S. C, August 23. To-day has been one of intense excitement in Charleston. At 11 A. M. a telephone message was received from Mt. Pleas ant asking for assistance. The negroes outnumbered the whites in the proportion of about 30 to 1. A negro woman, Molsie Holmes, entered a grocery store. Fred Shaefer, about 17 years of age, had been cleaning a. gun which went off and mortally wounded her. As soon as the news got abroad the negro women started out on a crazy crusade. They aroused tne men ana in a moment the whole negro population was in a ferment 4 The boy gave himself np and was locked up in jail. The women surrounded the jail and demanded bis blood. The men sent out to the surrounding plantation for arms and ammunition and threatened to take the prisoner, sheriff and jailer and hang all of them unless the boy was given up. The Sheriff 'bad half a dozen deputies sworn in, and stood the siege, in the meantime sending to Charleston for help. By order of the Governor two companies of white militia, the German Fusileers and Sumpter Guards were dispatched to the scene of the disturbance. The woman died at about 2 P; 11. , having made an ante mor tem statement to the effect that the shooting was accidental. GETTING BACK TO BUSINESS. President Harrison on His Way From Indiana to the Capital. Cincinnati, August 23. President Harrison left Indianapolis on the special car Baltimore, which was attached to the regular train. An impromptu reception was held at the depot, in which many of the General's old friends took part He was the recipient of many enthusiastic greet ings The tram arrived at, Cincinnati at 7:20, and supper was immediately served in the private car, and after a delay of an hour the journey eastward was resumed. CALIFORNIA ON THE GROUND. The First Complete Delegation to the G. A. R. Encampment Arrives, Milwaukee, August 23. The first Grand Army delegation to arrive in a body came in to-night from Southern California, 44 strong. Notice has been received of the arrival to-morrow of posts aggregating 10,000 veterans. The city is handsomely decorated, the business sections being an almost continuous mass of bunting and garlands of flowers. A County Offlelnl $36,000 Short, St. Joseph, Mo., Augnst 23. A com mittee appointed some months ago to inves tigate an alleged shortage in the accounts of ex-Collector Landy H. Trice, of this county, returned its report to-day. It shows Trice's accounts to be $36,000 short He claims credit of $34,000, which the commit tee would not allow. lHVlff rDHVITTI? As written for to a IJa IfBUI saJUlj morrouft Dispatch a weird and ttrtking novel entitled MJ7i End of the World." FLICT OF OEDEKS. ms ?Alot'iniaiviv f rt-nctnft Twa Till fckai -k jioiauwuB uauaco xnu vu and Ohio Trains &"$&-- T0 MEEQSwf w E SAME TEACK With Disastrous Results to the Passengers and Employes. THREE KILLED AND HANI INJURED. J Knmber of Sailroad Ofttdilj Wrecked Trains. on One of toe A special train and an accommodation collided near Petroleum, W. Va., yester day. Three persons were killed and others wounded, apme fatally. The disaster was due to contradictory telegraphic orders. Parkersburg, W. Va., August 23. A terrible collision occurred this morning on the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad between Petroleum and Silver Bun Tunnel, east of this city about 23 miles, about 11 o'clock, in which three men were instantly killed and many wounded. The accommodation train coming west due here at 12 o'clock, crashed into a special train occupied by railroad magnates on a tour of inspection near Petroleum. The cause of the wreck is said to have been conflicting telegrams. The one re ceived by Conductor Flannlgan and James Layman of the accommodation ordered them to pass the special at Petroleum, while the special train, engineered by Captain Cephus Bowland, is said have had tele graphic orders to pass the accommodation at Silver Bun. A FEARFUL CRASH. The trains came together with a crash at the curve east of Petroleum, and between that point and Silver Bun. Both trains were running at a rapid speed, and when they collided with a crash ltowland's engine and the tender and baggage car of the accommo dation went over the cliff with a crash in one inconceivable mass. James Layman, en gineer of the accommodation, was crushed to death. Alex Bailey, fireman for Layman on the accommodation, was also crushed in the wreck of the engines. Cephus Bowland, also one of the older engineers, was caught under the wreck and had. one leg broken and received internal injuries from which he cannot recover. John Fletcher, fireman on the special, was also killed. Fletcher stuck to his. engine, and with hishelpmate preferred death to desertion of his post and went over the bank in the wreck. He was cut and crushed to death. The special car occupied by officials on an inspecting tour was smashed into smither eens. Boad Master. J. A. Hunter was badly injured, together with several others. George Douglass, in the same car, was also badly injured. On the accommodation train were many passengers, all of whom received a terrible shaking up and 20 or 25 were more or less injured. B. J. Malley, track mas-, ter, of this city, member of the City Coun cil, was badlv injured. Jefferson Bose. baggage master of the accommodation, was badly injured. A SAD HOME COMING. The bodies of Layman Bailey and Fletcher were taken to Parkersburg on the evening train, where they were encased in coffins and sent to their homes. Layman was sent to .his home on Depot street Bowland was taken to Grafton. When the train, bearing the bodies arrived in the city, it was sur rounded by thousands of people, .many of whom were friends of the dead, while others had friends who they believed have been on the wrecked trains. The following is the list of casualties as far as could be obtained. A large number of the injured were removed to their homes and no record of their names or injuries kept The killed are: JAMES LAYMAN, engineer, Parkersburg. W. Va. HALLO CK BAILEY, fireman, of Grafton, W. Va. W. A FLETCHER, of Grafton, W. Va. The injured are: JOSEPHUS ROWLAND, engineer, of Graf ton, W. Va.: injuries believed to be fataL MICHAEL FLANNAGAN, conductor. J.A. HUNTER, Division Superintendent ot the road. R. J. MALLEY. destination not known. JEFFERSON ROSls, baggage master of the accommodation: very serious. MICHAEL QaHAN, conductor ot special; collar-bone and three ribs broken. ' R. G. HEFFLIN, Superintendent of Bridges; cut in the face and neck. COLONEL H. T. DOUGLAS. Chief Engineer; cut on the head and face and badly burned. COLORED PORTER, of special; thrown through the carldoor and badly hurt. Sent to Baltimore. JOSEPH FIELDING, of St Sonls; badly cut in back and side. HENRY FLEMING; leg broken. FRANK HARRIS: hurt in back. ANOTHER FIGHT ON HAND. Tbo Washington Gaa Company Enjoins the Pittsburg Electric Enterprises. rsrzciAi. teleghau to the dispatch.1 Washington, August 23. The Elec tric Heat and Power Company, composed of well Known citizens of Pittsburg, which re cently secured a contract for lighting all the most fashionable part of the northwest sec tion with incandescent light including the privilege of laying underground wires, have now to fight the granting of an injunction demanded by the gas company, which has been imposing on the people of the city for years in a way that amounted to a scandal. The gas company, in its petition, holds that none of the money appropriated for lighting is available for other use than in pursuance of the contract already entered into. The petitioners claim that the Commissioners have no power without an act of Congress to grant to this company the privilege of tearing up the streets to lay wires, and in conclusion an elaborate showing is made of the inability of the electric com pany to furnish the light promised, and the entire failure of the lignt where it is has been introduced. Judge Bradley made the order usual in such suits. The struggle is looked upon with a great deal of interest here, as the gas company is so odions that there is a very general hope for something not quite so mean. CONFLICT OF AUTHORITT. X Tillage Conncll Attempts to Anna! a State Law. 1 SPECIAL tzxxobax to THX DISPATCH.1 Alliance, O., August 23. There is much excitement and no little indignation felt at Louisville, ten miles west of here, over a proceeding by the village Council. Next Sunday a new Catholio cemetery is to be consecrated in the village and delega tions are expected from the surrounding towns. In viewof the.fact that the village will be crowded with strangers and that an abundant supply of good fresh water might not prove sufficient to supply the thirsty the village Council by a unanimous vote granted the saloon keepers the privilege of open ing their back doors from 4 to 7 o clock in the evening and supply liquid refreshments to those who wish it contrary to the Owen Sun day law. Leading citizens are indignant over the action of the Council, and it i proposed to , test the Council's right to thus set the laws, of the State at defiance.