Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 23, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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1 v&lW
Week's Transactions at Liberty Stock
.. YardsHeaviest Run
Country Prodnce Outlook Peach Crop
Below the Ayerage.
Office ok Pittsburg Dispatch, 1
TlICBSDAY. August 22. 1SS9. f
It will be seen by reference to the accom
panying report of the week's transactions at
the East Liberty Stock Yards that there has
been a large Increase of receipts all along
the line Through shipments of cattle are
the largest of the season and almost double
the amount of last week. The run of sheep
exceeds that of last week by 5,500 head, and
bogs 8.SU0 bead. A very large proportion ot the
cattle received for the local trade was low
grade stock, and for this class markets were
depressed and lower. It would seem
as though tbo refuse ot Chicago's
yard bad been emptied Into East Liberty.
At last accounts commission men were
wrestling with the problem of bow to get rid
of the low grade cattle. Ore remarked that
there was an immense amount ot smothered
profanity at the j ards this week, not to speak
of that which managed to come to the surface.
It wait the common view among the drovers
that the ue ot emphatic adjectives of a sul
phurous nature was justifiable in the presence
ot 123 loads ot such scalawag cattle as were
dumped Into the Liberty yards this week.
For all desirable butchering grades prices of
la-t week were maintained. Good goods fall
not to win In this era ot low prices and cheap
I'ollowing la the report of tbe week's trans
actions at the East Liberty yards:
Tbro'. Local.
Thursday 3,600 ... 1.7 iM
Friday... 1.1 .... .1 ."
baturday 430 60 2.7U0 I.3I0
fcnnday.. 2,4V) 4.8(10 4.510
Monday - l' .'"5 i30
Tuesday 130 W I, IS 1.430
Wednesday SsO ... 3.UW 1,440
Total S.S40 2,770 20,700 17.600
Last week 3.S70 2.5S0 17,400 11,100
lTevlomweek.. 4.S40 2.300 15,440 16.730
TMirtday 942 2,126
Frldsv 931 1,114
S-aturday 9u9 1.10O
Jlondav 2,237 3,071 5,316
Tuesday 4IS 6u2 2,416
'Wednesday S3 1,450 H-3
Total J. 76! 7,871 12,265
Lastweec 2.S.9oi 7,613 8,1K
Prevlousweek 2,28s! 7,399 7,416
Country Produce.
Though peaches hare been in liberal supply
for tbe past week or two, a shortage is ex
pected later on. Throughout PittsDurg's ter
ritory tbe crop is practically a failure. Sup
plies are now coming In the main from South
ern Ohio, where tbe early crop is fair, but not
up to tbe average. The Delaware and Jersey
crop is also below tbe average, and the yield
there will not be above what Eastern markets
will readily absorb. Tbe strong probability is
that peaches are now at their lowest for this
season. When the absentees return
from tbe mountains and seashore
and the good housewives begin in
downright earnest to lay up fruit for winter
use, look out for steeper prices. Jersey sweet
potatoes never promised better as to quantity
and quality at tbis season of the year.
Tbe watermelon crop is scarcely up to the
average. In this region it will fall far below
average, and shippers at a distance have
learned from dear experience not to eonslgu
their goods to tbis city. The gluts of former
years have taught melon growers that tbe bet
ter way is to sell their goods and not consign.
Tbe Irish potato crop promises to be the largest
on record throngh this region.
Late reports, however, indicate that tbe po
Uo grown in clayey soil is rotting to a large
.tent, as a result of the wet season.
Sajd one of our leading produce commission
' -rchauts to-day: "1 only hope it is true that
' rot bas reached the potato crop, for we
.a something of this kind to prevent the
worst glut with which markets were ever
threatened. If there is not something of this
klpd to intervene It will be bard to give away
potatoes tbe coming fall."
Tbe Condition of Business at the Ens t Liberty
Stock Yards.
Thdksday. August 22, 1889. J
Cattle Receipts, L66u head; shipments.
2,010 head: market nothing doing, closed dull
and lower on common grades; no cattle shipped
to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 1.000 bead: shipments. 1,400
head; market firm; llcbt Yorkers, M 501 GO;
medium and heavy, H 25424. 40; 5 cars of hoes
shipped to New York tolay.
I Sheep Receipt. 2.200 bead; shipments. ISO
head; market very dull and prices unchanged.
By Telerraph.
New York Beeves Receipts, 700 bead, all
conMzned direct to exrortera and citv slanirh.
terers; none for tbe market; no trading in
ueeves; ami ana weaic ior dressed beef at
per pound for native sides, with a little extra
bcel sold at 7JS7jc; Texas and Colorado stock
appeared to be neglected, and 5S5Kc per
pound were the figures quoted; exports to-day,
450 head beeves. Calves Receipts, 500 bead;
market quoted steidv at 56c per pound for
veals and at 24Ae for crassers. buttermilk
and mixed lot. bbeep Receipts, 6,400 head.
f and 4,000 head were carried over yesterday;
slow trade at 3fc perpound for sheep and
at 46c for lambs. Hogs Receipts, 8,400
bead; dull for live hogs at $4 404 90.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 15,000head;shlp
racnts 3.000 head; market slow and 10c lower;
beeves. $4 504SO; steers, 82 804 45; stackers
and feeders, tl 75iT3 00: cows, bulls and mixed.
11 0063 Ou: Texas. $1 75ffi3 00: natives and half
breeds. S3 003 SO. Hogs Receipts, 12.000
head: shipments, 4,000; market slow and 510
lower: mixed. $3 04 40. heavy. $3 704 15;
light, M 304 6o: skips, S3 404 50. Sheep
Receipts. DUOO bead; sbipmeuts, 2.000 bead;
mirket 1015c lower; natives. S3 404 GO; west
erns, 3 504 15; Texans, S3 004 10; lambs.
H 5004 ML
Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts. 4.SG9 head;
shipments, none; market strong and a shade
steadier on natives and Texan steers; cows
weak to 5e lower; good to choice corn-fed
steers. S4 004 2."; common to medium. S3 001
3 75, stockers and feeders, II 603 10; cons,
tl 552 CO; grass range steers, SI t02 7U. Hogs
Receipts. 2,741 head; shipments, 1,123 head;
light and mixed strong to oc higher; all others
steady; good to choice light. 204 30, heavy
and mixed, S3 7004 10. Sheep Receipts, 65S
bead: shipments, 4D1 bead; good to choice mut
tons, S3 7501 00; common to medium. 12 503 60.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 3.200 head:
shipments, 1,900 head: market slow; choice
bearv native steers, $4 2064 50: fair to good do,
S3 M)g4 25; stockers and feeders. S2 203 15:
range steers, tl 303 40. Hoes Receipts. 2,600
head: shipments. 400 brad: market easier:
lair to choice heavy, S4 004 25: packing crades,
4 00 4 20; light grade, fair to best, S4SO4 50.
bheep Receipts, 4.S0U head: shipments, 1,100
bead; market steady; fair to choice, 2 354 60.
Ecffalo Cattle dull, irregular. Receipts.
M loads through; 7 loans for sale. Sheep and
lambs Receipts, 15 loads through; 13 sale;
dull; best grades sheep not quotable above 54 50;
best Western lambs. So 75; Canadas. $6. Hogi
slow, lower. Receipts. 15 loadf through; 39
sale; mediums 14 2004 60: mixed. J4 50; Yorkers
ami piss, Ss 204 60; roughs, S3 5083 70; stags,
Baltimore Beef cattle Market slow: val
ues off KKct top" of better quality: best
beeves. S4 00&4 25; generally rated first qual
ity. S3 754 to; medium. S3 003 62: ordi
nary, S2 fm3 75; most of tbe sales were from
S2 75 to S4 12H; receipts. 2.619 head; sales. 1,095
hcid. Sheep Receipt. 4.018 bead; sheep.
3 00S4 50; lambs. Si 005 76.
Cincinnati Hogs stronger; common and
llebt, S3 604 GO; packing and butchers, S4 15
4 30. Receipts, 800 bead; shipments, 300
Tbe Drjtoods Market.
Kkw York. August 22. The lobbing trade
in drygoods continues to show increasing ac
tivity, though buyers are not speculatively in
clined. Business at first hands continues only
fair, but both branches are apparently in a
healthy condition. Failures among the mills
are not affecting trade adversely, while tbe
market is in a strong position as to both cotton
and woolen goods. Average staple goods of
both clashes are well sold up, with an upward
look as to prices, borne are already selling un
der short and d'scounts, or at value. The mar
ket w as without special change or incident.
Metal Market.
Hew Yobk Copper firm; Lake. August,
f 12 10. Lead dull and steady; domestic, S3 90.
Tin quiet and stronger; Straits, 820 30,
Wfaent Weaker, bat No Marked Decline
Established Cora and Oats Move on a
Lower Level Hoc Products Ir
regular, With an Advance
In Septrmber and
October Fork.
Chicago From a purely speculative stand
point the market was again provokingly dull
and narrow to-day. though in this respect Chi
cago was no worse off than other domestic mar
kets. Weather conditions were so fine as to
create a decidedly bearish feeling in all of the
grain pits, still prices for wheat did not decline
appreciably. The disappointingly light deliv
eries from first hands held prices steady in the
face of the otherwise depressing surroundings.
Trading was of a light scalping sort all
through the session. Jc covering the fluctua
tions in the leading futures. The bulk of the
trade In December was at 7878ic and TSJc
w as tbe closing price. Leing tbe same as J ester
day's closing. The largest local buyer yes
terday of December at TJMtfc purchased freely
to-day at 78c. Outside orders continue light.
A lame business was transacted in corn, and
the feeling developed was weaker, lower prices
being established. Tbe easier tone was largely
due to tbe large receipts and warmer weather.
The volume of business was large and trading
was more general than for several days, not be
ing confined so much to local operators. There
was a good deal of liquidation, longs selling
and shorts covering. The country was also a
seller, there being an impression that tbe dan
ger from frost is over in some sections, and of
ferings ot May were quite heavy. The specu
lative market opened ii&Hc under yesterday's
closing prices, was easy and declined in all
He to Jic and closed Ko lower than yes
terday. More business was transacted in oats and a
slightly lower range of prices recorded. In
terest centered chiefly in May, and prices for
it showed the greatest fluctuations. Operators
were more disposed to sell, and an easier feel
ing prevailed. Offerings were heavier, and
prices declined Xc, and the market closed
easy. .
Considerable more interest was manifested
in hoe products, and trading was more active
both In speculative and shipping branches. In
a general wav tbe feeling was somewhat un
settled, with the different articles acting on an
Independent basis. Near deliveries of mess
pork and short ribs were steadier, while Janu
ary ruled easier.
Lard was rather reverse. Offerings of all
kinds wero moderately free and the demand
was fair; shorts purchased to some extent, and
the bulk of the outside orders apparently were
on the buying side. Trading was mainly in
contracts for beptcmher, October and January.
Prices ruled somevhat Irregular.
September and October pork advanced 54510c,
January declined 17K20c Near deliveries of
lard weakened 7J$il0c; longer deliveries were
2K5c lower.
The leading tuiures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2. Aucust. 77Ji7877Ji78c;
September. 77ti777777H;c: December.
78g7SJ;777ic: May ffiHftSic
Cokn No. 2, August, 3ii34Hc; Septem
ber. 35&34K&34c; December. 3434c;
May. 3b3tfg36ec
Oats No. 2, August, 20Kc;8eptember.20Vic:
December, 2O20Ji20ti20Jic; May, 23K6
Mess Pork, per bbk September. 19 62K0
9 7JW: October. S9 709 759 609 62 Jan
uary. S9 52Ke9 52He9 32H35.
Laud, per 100 Bs. September. S8 12$6 12K
6 02K6 02K: October. S5 02K66 02Ko 97
5 87H: Jannarv. So 855 80.
Shout Ribs, per 100 Bis. Aucust, 14 97J4;
September. $5 U2K5 02i4 9o4 97K; Octo
ber. S5 C55 00: Jauuarj. S4 754 72K.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 77K
77?ic: No. 3 spnnc wheat nominal: No. 2
red. 7Ik77ifc. No. 2 corn. 345c. No. 2 oats,
20c. o. 2 rye, 43c No. i barley. 64Kc
Nn. 1 flaxseed. SI 23X. Mess pork, per barrel.
$9 65ffi9 7a Lard, per 100 pounds. S6 02K
6 05. Short rib sides (loose), H 955 00. Dry
ted. 8Ki
8Vc Receipts Flour, 15,000 barrels; wheat.
92.000 bushels; corn. 34iUU0 nusneis; oats,
261,000 bushels; rye. 8.000 bushels: barley,
1,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 19,000 bar
rels: wheat, 212.000 bushels: corn. 485,000 bush
els:: oats. 195,000 bushels; rye. 13,000 bushels;
barley, 1.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter
n-arket was quiet; choice grades scarce: cream
ery. ll18c: dairy, 915c Eges steady; fresh,
New York Flour weak and in moderate
demand. Corn meal quiet. Wheat Spot ir
regular and easier; exporters and millers buy
ing moderately; options slow, e lower and
weak. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot weaker,
with fair export business; options quiet and K
Kc lower. Oats Spot quiet and steady; options
slow and lower. Hay firm. Coffee Options
opened 5 points oft on November; oth
ers unchanged: market steady, and closed
steady at 1015 points advance;
sales, 27,250 bags, includlne September. 14.86
JilOc: October. 15.10c: November. 14.9515.10c;
December, 15.0015.15c: January, 15.0015.10c:
February. 15.10lM5c: March. B.05; May. 16.00
15.15c; June. 15.20c: July, 15.20c; spot Rio firm
and quiet: fair careoes, 16c Sugar Raw
quiet; refined firm and in good demand. Rice
in moderate demand and steady. Cottonseed
oil quiet; crude, 3135c; yellow. 47c Tallow
stronger. Rosin easy and quiet. Turpentine
less Arm and quieter at 4144kc Eggs less ac
tive and steady: western, 1718c; receipts. 5,664
packages. Pork steady and qnlet; mess in
spected, Sll 25I1 75: mess uninspected, Sll; ex
tra prime, S10 2510 75. Cutmeats slow; pickled
belries,6Tc; pickled hams,10llc; pickled
shoulders, 5c Middles steady; short clear, 5c
Lard lower and dull; sales western steam,
SO 47; sales September, SO 46, closing at S6 43
asked; October, J8 38; November, S6 25; Decem
ber, SO 2L closing at SS 20; January. S6 22, clos
ing at S6 21 asked; February, SO 20. Butter quiet
and easy for all but fancj; western dairy. 9
12c: do creamery, ll18c; do factory, 10614c.
Cheese unsettled; white easy and colored firm
and quiet; western, 67c; skims. 1&6c
Philadelphia Flour Demand very light
and market weak. Wheat Speculation quiet;
options declined i,c; carlots steady but very
quiet: rejected red, in grain depot, 60c; No. 2
red, in export elevator, S3c: No. 2 red. August,
82Ji83t: September. 82K83c; October. 8
S3-)ic; November. SlS4jc Corn Options a
shade weaker: carlots steady, but demand light;
No. 2 high mixed, on track, 44c; No. 2 mixed,
August, 4243c: September. 4343c; Octc
tober, 43K43Jc; November, 42i44$c Oats
bpot weak and unsettled; new No. 2 mixed, 25c:
new No. 3 white, choice, 26Tc; new No. 3
white, on track, 25X2Sc; old No. 2 white,
choice, 30Kc; old and new do, 29c; new No. 2
white, 29c: fntures weak and lower: No. 2 white,
August, 28W29c; September. 29ffi23Uc: Octo
ber, 2)xkc; November, 3053ika Batter
Fancy goods scarce and firm; faulty qualities
dull and unsettled; Pennsylvania creamery ex
tra, 18c; do prints extra, 2326c Kgrs scarce
and wanted; Pennsylvania firsts, 19c
St. Loins Flour firm, but quiet and un
changed. AVheat The market was perfectly
stagnant and In a regular rut, tbe price ranging
not much over Ytc from opening to close, and
trading was insignificant; at the close August
and September had sellers at yesterday's latest
rates, and December was c lower; No. 2 red,
cash, Hc: August closed at 74c asked, Sep
tember at 74c asked, and December at 7Gc
bid. Corn lower; No. 2 mixed, cash, 32?c;
Aucnst, 32K32J4c closing at 32c bid; Sep
tember. 32fi)32cclosing at32K32c asked;
October, 32J2c closing at 32c asked; Decem
ber, 3131Kc, closing at 31c: year, 3132c
closing at 31c asked. Oats lower, dull and
weak; No. 2 cash, 1&c; May, 23K23c asked;
August, 18c bid: September. ISJic bid; October.
19c bid. Rve No. 2 offered at S5c Flaxseed
firm; spot, SI 21; September, SI 19. Provisions
Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat in fair de
mand; No. 2 red, 74c; receipts, 11,000 bushels;
shipments, 8,000 bushels. Corn dull; No. 2
mixed. 37&. Oats dull; No. 2mixed, 2020c
Rve neglected; No. 2, 40c Pork Steady at
S10 62. Lard dull at $5 85. Bulk meats and
bacon quiet. Butter dull. Sugar quiet.. Eggs
barely steady. Cheese steady.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
tember, 00c Provisions firm. Pork. SO 72K.
Lard, SO 02. Cheeso unchanged; Cheddars, 8
Baltimore Provisions steady. Bntter firm;
western packed, 1012c; creamery. 1718c
Eggs Arm. Coffee steady: Rio. fair, 18c
Toledo Cloverreed dull and steady: cash,
S4 60; October, S4 374 40: November, $4 40.
' Whisky Marker.
There is an active demand for finished goods
at SI 02.
Wool Markets.
St. Lotns Receipts 8.801 pounds. Market
quiet and unchanged.
Donghty l Not Worried
Attorneys F. S. Parker and S. L. Sill are
confident that they can disprove any charge
for conspiracy which the Bander gang
brought against Alderman Doughty. The
only part he played in tbe ButtcrhotT case
was that of a friend, and no charge can be
made against him, and he will be discharged
by the Commonwealth for lack of corrobora
tion. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Cbildren.she gave them Castorla
Sale of an Oakland Homestead for
Twenty Thousand Dollars.
They Take Tery Little Stock in Kew Tork
Seports of a Stringency.
The most important deal in suburban
realty reported by any of ihe Fourth avenue
agencies for some time was effected by W.
A. Herron & Sons yesterday. For a month
or two negotiations bad been pending in re
gard to the sale of a part of the Smith estate
on Terrace street, Oikland, a small differ
ence in price preventing a close. Yesterday
this obstacle was removed, and the property
chanced owners.
The ground comprises about 3J acres and
a large mansion house. The consideration
was 520,000, which is considered very rea
sonable for that locality. The new owner,
wbo requests bis namo to be omitted, will make
extensive improvements to the grounds and
remodel tbe house, whichbe proposes to occupy
as a suburban home.
Pittsburg bankers take very little stock in
New York reports cf a squeeze in money.
They can see no good reason for it, and think
the talk is intended to influence the stock
market, which Is easily aflccted by such in
fluences. A member of the firm of Kobinson Brothers'
said: "There may be some pressure, but it will
be temporary. The West Is well supplied with
funds, particularly Chicago, which is a second
New York, and will need less help than usual
to move the crops. Very little money Is going
abroad. Prosperity is the rule in all parts of
the country, and I think It is able to withstand
a much severer squeeze than It is likely to be
subjectsd to this season. Pittsburg will
scarcely feel it."
A Fourth avenue cashier remarked: "Money
is evidently scarce in New York, or there
wonld not have been such a sharp advance in
the Interest rate. The squeeze may be a little
severe in the East, but I do not believe It will
affect the West to an appreciable extent It
is a good thing for the Pittsburg banks, be
cause the advance on loans will keep paper at
home. Money is cheaper in Pittsburg than in
New York."
At tbe Central Bank the opinion was ex
pressed that reports of a squeeze were more
talk than anything else, and would soon sub
side. Pittsburg has a very large surplus, and
has nothing to fear.
Tbe Cashier ot a leading bank on Fifth ave
nue, who does not like to see his name in
print, had this to say: There may be somei
thing of a stringency in New York, but it
won't amount to anything serious. Bates on
call have hardened a little, but on commercial
paper there is no difference worth mentioning.
There is no particular reason for a stringency
in the East, where money is unusually abund
ant. Pittsburg has a surplus ot between $15,
000,000 and 20.000,000. Tbis will carry her
through without scorching a hair."
Tbo iron market holds all of the recent ad
vances and exhibits a tendency toward a still
further enhancement. A sale was reported here
yesterday of 15,000 tons of Bessemer pig at a
shade better than S17. Small lots rule at S17 50
toS1775. Manufactured iron has undergone no
material change in tbe past few days, but is
very firm. Tbe mills are all full of work, and
refuse orders for deliveries running longer than
CO days. Sheet and pipe mills are running at
their full capacity.
A broker remarked: "I think the present
boom will last through the fall and winter, but
1 do not look for prices to go much higher."
A Pittsburg merchant, who formerly dabbled
in stocks in New York, and was very successful,
told me yesterday how he managed to come
out ahead. Said he: "I wasn't what is called a
general operator. I didn't take hold of every
thing, but selected three low-priced securities
which seemed to have an outcome. I held on
to them for two or three years, paying no at
tention to the minor fluctuations, for I had
bought more for Investment than a
quick turn. My Judgment turned out
to be correct. At tbe end of tbe time men
tioned two ot the properties had been so well
managed that they were worth dollars where
they had cost me cents, and the third had risen
to almost par. I sold out, not wishine to run
any unnecessary risk, making enough money
by the transaction to bny a handsome home,
and start In my present business."
He added: "Altbouch I have quit the business
I watch the Fittsbnrg market with consider
able interest. All of the local stocks are good,
and have a permanent v&lue.Jand 1 think there
is money in most of them. If I were operat
ing in them I would buy La Noria, Switch and
Signal and Pittsburg and Western all low
priced stocks with a future before them, in my
opinion and salt them down. Whoever will
do tbis will. In my judgment, awake some
morning and find himself rich. There are
other promising stocks, but those mentioned
seem to me to be full of splendid possibili
ties." Talking on the subject of mortgages yester
day.a Woodstreetbrokersald:"Business in tbis
class of securities has been very large this sea
son, but the demand is by no means exhausted.
I have $300,000 for Investment in them, but
can't find tbe property. People are very cau
tious about borrowing, lookine on both sides
before taking a step. It this conservatism is
general, and I believe it is, there is no danger
of a financial crisis."
La Noria Lead tbe DIarket In Point of
La Noria was the active feature of the stock
market yesterday, bnt at the expense of value,
625 shares selling at . It was wanted in un
limited quantities at 1, but nothing less than
the figure first named cculd touch it, Tbe
slight drop in this stock. In view of its peculiar
environments, possesses no significance. Two
or three men have it in their power to Inflate or
depress it almost any hour in the day. 'Tbo
boom in La Noria is over," remarked a gentle
man wbo is supposed to know a good deal
about lr, "but there will be another before
Natural Gas of West Virginia, on rumors of
good field developments, was bid up to SO In the
afternoon, with 81 asked. Keystone Bank
seems to have crossed the par line for good. 'It
sold In a small way at 6U Central Traction
about held its own, bnt the others were frac
tionally weaker. Union bridge was slightly
firmer at &, asked. The rest of the list
showed no particular change. Several of the
favorites were as severely neglected as an an
cient maiden at a party. There was no urgency
on either side of the market, those having buy
ing orders still baiting and hoping for a break.
bald a broker: "I think these men are mak
ing a mistake. In tbe ordinary course of
things, prices are about as low as they will be,
or can well be, and. therefore, any change
must be upward. If I had orders to bny 'at
lowest' I would not let tbis opportunity pass."
Bids, offers and sales follow:
Bid. Aiked. Bid. Asked.
Pitts S. A M. Ex
Allegheny Nat. Bank.
Bank or 1'ittsbnrK
Citizens' Nat. Bank...
Jler. Allan. Nat. B'k.
Allegheny lni..Co
Chanters Val. Gas Uo.
Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va.
1'eople'sNat Gas
People's N. U. ft P. Co
fhlladelphla Co
Wheellnr Uas Uo
KorrstOII Ou
Central Traction. .......
Citizens' Traction
mtttbur Traction....
Pleasant Valley V. By.
Pitts.. AUc. ft Man....
Allegheny V. It. B....
ntt..Y. ft Ash. B. B.
fttu. June K. B. Co..
P., C ftfet.L.K.K.Co.
flits. 4 Western B. It.
P. ft t . K. B. Co. pref
Monoorahela Bridge..
Point Bridge.....
Union Bridge
La Noria Mining Uo...
Westingboasr Electric
U.S. Sir. Co.
Pitts. Uyclorama Co...
"i -
In tbe morning 80 shares of Keystone Bank
sold at OH. 5 electric at 61 8 at 6 and 600
La Noria at 1. In tbe afternoon there was a
ale of 25 La Noria at 1.
Outside tbe Exchange H, It. Long sold 30
SO ....
"i "iH
H Iri
"a a
shares Pittsburg Traction at 48K. Bproql 4
and Signal at ajfi.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 222,172 shares. Including: Atchison,
7,890: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
9.620; Lake Shore, i850s Missouri Pacific, 10,io0;
Northwestern, 7,730; Northern Pacific, 5.815;
Northern Pacific preferred, 1S.175; Reading,
26,100: 8t Paul, 39.080; Union Pacific, 7,150;
Western Union, 8,621.
No Evidence of a Tlabt Money Market In
The conditions of the local money market
showed no change in any essential particnlar
yesterday. Bald a cashier: 'There may bo a
squeeze in New York, but we don't feel It here.
I think a little of it would do good. It would
compel people to borrow." There was a sufil
clent supply of both currency and exchange.
The clearings were $1,793,017 96 and the bal
ances 3286,312 63.
The Daily SnvetUgator, a Wall sireot organ,
sap: "The drain of currency to the West and
South for crop moving purposes Is already ac
tive, the Sub-Treasury having sent away S75V
000 last week under the new rule of receiving
deposits here and paying it out in new green
backs or silver certificates at any designated
city, charging contract express rates for the
service of forwarding. Tbe araln South bas
begun earlier than usual, as one of tbe remit
tances through the Sub-Treasury was to Mem
phis. "Hicher rates in the loan market are, as
SradttrteCt remarks, natural during the
autumn months. Tbe movement of tbe crops
and tbe accompanying activity of business
throughout the West naturally create a drain
of funds in that direction. In the past few
years tbe West has developed an increased
ability to carry through the financial opera
tions involved in the crop movement without
recourse to the banking reserves in the East.
Tbe constitution ot St. Louis and Chicago as
central reserve cities bas no small effect in this
connection. But the magnitude of the present
crop leads to the conclusion that there will be
considerable pressure on the money market
of the whole country during the coming
"The fact that the New York Bank reserves
have been reduced to a low ebb, and that tbe
Boston money market shows sensitive indica
tions, have an Important bearing. At the same
time there is every prospect of an active specu
lation in railroad shares, so money will be in
all the more active demand on that account,
but there is not likely to be any stringency
unless it is manipulated, and In that event it
will be very transitory."
Money on call at New York yesterday was easy
at 26 per cent, last loan 2, closed offered
at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 47. Ster
ling exchange quiet bnt steady at H OQi for 60
day bills and t-i 87Ji for demand.
Closing Bond Qoafntlon.
TJ. S. 4s,reg 128
. K. IT. flen.to . M
U. 8. 48. coup US
U. S.4X,reg 10S
D. S. 44J. coup.... lOoH
PaclftcfisofH. 118
Loulilansitampedts 8
Missouri s 10OM
Tenn. new set, 6S....106
Tenn. new set, &S....1M
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 72V
Canada So. Ids 99
Cen. 1'aclflc.lsU 1I4H
Den. ft U. G., lsts.I2M
Den. ft B. G. 4s. 79
l).ftB.G.West,Ists. 105
.Erie, Ml KMH
M. K. ft T. Gen. s 6H
Mutual Union 61....10IK
V. J. C. Int. Cert.. .102)4
Northern Pac. law. .117
Northern Pae.2ds..llS
Northw't'n coqsoIs.145
Northw'n deben's..lll)t
Oregon ft Trans. 6s 105 H
St. 1. ftl.M. Oen. Ss 834
St. Ij.ft8.ir. Gen.M.117
Si. Paul consols ....128
St, PL Chi ft fc.lstl.113
Tx., PcL. G.Tr Bi. SO
Tx.,Pe.K.G.XT.Kcti 86X
Union Pac. 1U...1H
West Shore 105J
Yesterdays bond offerings aggregated $39,
850, as follows: Registered 4s, $2,000, $2,630 and
$1,500 at 128; coupon 4s, SL10O at 128: registered
H. W0 at 120 flat
Government bonds dull and steady. Stato
bonds are entirely neglected.
New Yobs Clearings, $107,475,621; balances,
Boston Clearings, $11,631,882; balances,
$1347,851. Money3nercsnt
pHn.ADEi.paiA Clearings, $10,280,335; bal
ances. $1,613,709.
Baltimore Clearings. $2,084,136; balances,
Lokdox The amount of bullion gone
into the BanK of England on balance to-day is
5,000. The bullion in the Bank of England
Increased 196,000 during the past week. The
firoportion of the Bank of England's reserve to
lability Is now 41.71 per cent.
Pabis Three per cent rentes. 851 82Kc for the
account. The weekly statement ot the Bank
of France shows an increase of 8,650,000 francs
gold and 3,250.000 francs silver.
CHICA.OO Bank clearings, $9,620,000. Rates
on time money, 67 per cent; on call, 5 per
St. Louis Bank clearings, $2,963,332; bal
ances, $702,232.
Petroleum Close Enough to tbe Dollar Line
to Look Over. .
Petroleum made a brave effort to reach the
dollar line yesterday, but did not quite suc
ceed. The opening was quiet but steady. New
York buying ana Pittsburg selling in a small
way There was nothing to disturb the equa
nimity of the "boys" until well along in the
afternoon, when weakness in New YorK stocks
and a drop in refined at Antwerp depressed
prices to the lowest point of the day.
This was followed by a slight rally, and the
market closed cent better than the opening
figure. Cash was dull and abont K lower than
September. Wednesday's clearings were 331,
000 barrels. There was no special field news.
Features of the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaciey & Co, 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 98X1 Lowest...
Highest 99Closed...,
... 98K
Average runs. ... .,
Average shipments ,
Average charters. ,
Kenned, New York, 7.20c
Ktnneo, inaon, mn.
Itenned, Antwerp, 17Xf.
Kellned, Liverpool, eil.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts. 8756
98Jic; calls, $100.
Other Oil Markets.
On, CtTT. August 22. National transit certifi
cates opened at 98c; highest, 99c; lowest,
SSic; closed, 98c.
Bradford, August 22. National transit
certificates opened at 88Vc; closed at OSKc:1
highest, 99c; lowest, 98XC
Trrusvn,l.E, August 22. National transit
certificates opened at 98c; highest. 99Kc:
lowest, 98Jc; closed. 98Kc.
New Yobk, August 22. Petroleum opened
weak at 93c, but quickly became strong and
moved up steadily to 99Jic Tbe market then
became dull and closed steady at OOkfc. Sales,
1,114,000 barrels. '
Part ot tbo Smith Estate, Onkland, Sold for
Big flloney.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold the homestead
known as part of the W. II. Smith estate lo
cated on Terrace street, Oakland, and con
taining about three and three-fourths acres
and a large mansion house for $20,000. The
purchaser will improve the property and oc
cupy it as a borne.
V. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenue, sold lot
Xo. 29 on Home wood avenue. In theMcCombs
Grove plan, to G. S. Bowen for $1,500.
Ewlng 4 Byers, No. 107 Federal street, placed
a mortgage of $1,650 for five years at 6 per cent
on Madison avenue property.
Black s Baird,96 ourth avenue.sold for MJ.
Carroll a lot, 00x195 feet, on Boundary street,
Fourteenth ward, to Anthony Zender for $300.
The Pittsburg Company, Limited, sold lot
No. 2 in the Jones plan. Etna Station, fronting
20 feet on the township road and running back
100 leet to a 15-foot alley, to Leonard Prager for
$210 on monthly payments.
L. O.Frazicr yesterday placed a $1,000 mort
gage on Tenth ward, Allegheny Cltv, property
for three years at 6 per cen t.
Bnslnesa Notes.
Locaz. stocks are good stayers. So are
the broken.
The Directors ot the Pine Run Natural Gas
Company have declared tbe regular 1 per cent
monthly dividend.
Samuel W. Black, the real estate bustler,
Is recuperating in Canada, He didn't go there
to stay, as he took only expense money with
Within three months death has called three
ot the trustees of the Dollar Savings Bank
Geter C. Shidle, W. McCandless .and George
Work on the four bank buildings in course
of construction is progressing as fast as the
heavy work will allow. All of them are to bo
finished by April 1 next.
Avditob General McCamaut states that
the foreign mortgage companies doing busi
ness In Pennsylvania will be reqtllrea to pay
regular corporation taxes.
RraoBS are current that negotiations for tbe
absorption of the Linseed Oil Trust of St. Louis
by the National Lead Trust are progressing
favorably, and that tbe announcement of tbe
completion of the deal will be made in a few
days. '
A OKSTX.EMAK remarked yesterday evening.
"The cable cart In Pittsburg are much larger
and finer and are easier to ride in than those In
Philadelphia. They make better time, too.
Our street car system will soon be equal to any
in the country." i
PXBxrrs were Issued by the) Building la.
spector yesterday for two brick residences in
the East End. One is being built on Sheridan
avenue by Mary E. Ellis, and to cost $6,200, and
the other on the corner of Wineblddle and
Liberty. byMrs.U. B. Morris, and will cost
Stocks Improve In Business, bnt at n Loss
of Tnlaea Weakness Affects the Entire
List Heavy FalluresnndRate-Cut-
tlnsr the Dlsturblnr Elements.
New Yobk, August 22. The stock market
was more active to-day than at any time for
weeks, and at thd same time displayed a de
cided weakness in tone, which resulted in ma
teria! losses all over the list, scarcely any ot the
active stocks being less than 1 per cent lower
than last evening. Tbe influences which had
a bearing upon tbe market tbis morning were
all of an unfavorable nature, such as the recent
heavy failures, further cutting of rates in the
West and Northwest, tbe utterances of Chair
man Walker and Judge Cooley, the former ex
pressing the situation as deplorable in the
Northwest, and general fear of tight money.
The traders made the most of the oppor
tunity, and with tbe first sales inaugurated a
vigorous attack upon the list, the Grangers and
Coal stocks being the principal sufferers, and
the opening prices lrorato percent lower
than last night's figures. The market, under
the pressure to sell, which included, without a
doubt considerable long stock, yielded rapidly
in the early trading, and Jersey Central and
Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St. Louis
led the decline, whicb. however, died away
toward tbe end of tbe first hour, when dullness
followed and slight recoveries were made.
After noon the pressure was resumed with
force, and all the Grangers, Missouri Pacific,
Union Pacific. Cotton Oil and Sugar became
prominent for tbe weakness displayed, but
later they were all surpassed by the Chicago
and Eau Illinois preferred and Chesapeake and
Ohio first preferred, which lost about 3 per
cent each. Lake Erie and Western preferred.
Lackawanna and Sugar Trust, and afterward
St. Paul and Missouri Pacific led the decline,
which reached Its limits in the last hour only
when money had been run up to 6 per cent.
Thore was a sharp reaction in the rates for
money, however, and they ran off to 2 per cent
at the close. Which induced some buying prin
cipally for tbe short account.
The outstanding short Interest was largely in
creased to day, though there was heavy liqui
dation of long accounts. The trading, however,
did not lose its professional character. The
close was fairly active and weak generally at
the lowest prices of the day. The earnings of
the Northwestern for last month served to re
strict the decline in that stock but bad no ap
preciable effect upon the remainder of the list.
Tbeentire'listU lower to-night. Chlcaco and
East Illinois preferred first lost 3K;Chesapeake
and Ohio 1st preferred, 3; Lake Erie and West
ern preferred, and Missouri Pacific, 2; Chicago
and East Illinois. Rock Island and Chicago Gas,
1Y, Sugar, 2; St. Paul and Cleveland, Columbus,
Cincinnati and St Louis, IK: New England, 1;
Burlington, Jersey Central, Northwestern, Ore
gon Transcontinental, 1; Wheeling and Lake
Erie preferred. 1: Chesapeake and Ohio, Nor
folk and Western preferred. Northern Pacific
preferred, and WaDssh preferred, li Lake
Shore, and Louisville and Nashville, IK, and
Canada Southern, Lackawanna,Northern Pacif
ic and Union Pacific, 1 percent.
Bonds responded to the flurry in stocks by a
little more animation, tbe sales reacbinc $812,
000, but tbe weakness in stocks was not sympa
thized in to any extent, though the firm tone
shown of late was missed and the Important
final changes were smaller in number. Burling
ton, Cedar Rapids lstslist 2 at 98; Kentucky
Central 4's 2 at 85.
The following table snows tne prices oraetlve
stocks on tbe New York Stook Exchange yester
day. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by
WurnrETftSTXFHEXSOX. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stock Exchange, 87 fourth ave
nue: Clos-
Open- High- Low- Ing
iDv. ml est. Bids.
Am. Cotton Oil. ...... S0H SOH SOX 49K
AtcB.. Top. ft S.F.... WH 3SH 32 35ft
Canada Southern. S3 S3 62 52
Central orNew Jertey.112 113X 112 Hit
Central faelllc Wi
Cbesaoeakeft Ohio.... 24K 24X 23H !S
C MIL ft St. Paul.... 71K 71H 71K 7i)t
C. BockL&P S8H MX 90), 9W
C St. P.: M. ft O J3S 23K 33 32
C ft .Northwestern.. ..110$ HOH 1C9K 109H
Dei.. L. AW. 148 I46H H'H UVt
Del. ft Hudson 148 149 lflH 149
llllnoli Central. lit
Lake Snore ft il. S 103V 103V 1024 102K
Michigan central 88-V SBV 88H BSX
Mobile A Ohio Wi I3) US 13K
Mo., Kan. ft Texas Wi
Missouri faelllc 71K 72 63 estj
New fork Central 106V 106V 103 108M
N. YftN. E MX Ui tfi 49
Norfolk Veitern.nf. SI S3 S2 h
Northern Pacific 29K 30S 29X H
Nortnern Paelfle oror. ssw esk 8" 7W
Oregon Transcon 34j 3IH 34! 32V
Peo. Dee. ft Evans 22 22 22 21 H
Phtladel. ft Beading.. ' 4H 41K
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 22 22 22 22
St. L. ft San Fran 151,
St. L. ft San Jrran pf. S5H
Texas faeine 29 20 19V 19K
Union factsc 61V "ft tig eiU
Wabasn 17 17 17 161i
Wabash preferred SIK 32V 3m 31 f
un- as.... inQlz ira vn?Lc ?1J
uu. a.u...... .... .....v. ,,' WI, -v.
National Lead Trust.. 23 22K
Chicago Oas Trust SOJa eo S7M 63
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers, No. 67,
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Kx-
. .. 52H
.... Ill,
.... 9
.... UK
.... S2X
.... 29H
.... S7)J
Pennsylvania Kallroad
Buflalo. Pittsburg and Western.
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
Nortnern Pacific
Northern Pacific preferred
Boston Stocks.
Atch.LandUrant, 7S107W
Uld Colony. 1
Rutland, com
Rutland preferred..
Calumet A Hecla....:
rewable (new)
Bell Telepnone... ..:
Boston Land
Water Power
Aten. xiop. it. ... kh
nosioDdc Aioauy...z!7ft
Boston ft iUlne.....r00S
C. 13. ftU. 1021J
Unn. Ban. ft 01 eve. 23
Eastern B. K 93
Eastern K. K. Ss ....US
Flint l'eraM 29U
K.C8t..l.ft C.B. 7S.122H
Mexican Cen. com.. IS'4
Mcx.C.lstmtg. bds. S7V
N. X. ftNewEng... UH
Tamarack 1
San Diego
Mining Stocks.
Hsw Yobk. Aucust 22. Belcher, 26S; Cale
donia B. H., 300; Chollar, ISO; Crown Point, 270;
Colorado Central. 125; Consolidated California
and Virginia, 750; Commonwealth, 240;
Eureka Consolidated, 180; Gould & Curry,
185: Hale Sc Norcross. 280: Homesteak, 900;
Horn Silver, 120; Iron Silver. 200; Mexican.
325; Ontario, 3400: Ophir. 470; Occidental,
180: Plymouth, 390; Savage. 190; Sierra Ne
vada, 235; Btandard. 100; Union Consolidated.
300; Ward Consolidated, 160; Yellow Jacket,
Royal and United States Mall Steamers.
Germanic, Aug. 237am
Germanic, BepL25,2pm
Britannic Oct. 2. 11 a m
Adriatic, Oct. 9, 5.30 p m
Teutonic, Oc.16, 10:30a ra
Hniannic, sept. 4, lp m
Adriatic, Sept. 11. 7 a m
Teutonic BeDt.18. noon
Krom White Star dock.
root or west Teeth st.
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
$30 and upward, becond cabin. 135 and upward,
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage $20.
White Star drafts payable on demand in all the
principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap
ply to JOHN J. MCCORMICK, 401 Smlthfleld su,
Pittsburg, or J.BBUCEiSUAi, General Agent,
41 Broadway, New York. au21-42
Anranla. Aug. 24. 3 p it
Bothnia, Aug. 28,6:30 AM
Umbrla, Aug.31.8i30 am
Gallia, Sept. 11. :30A X
.biruria, sept, n vaa
Aurania. Sent "I.2i30 FM
Dervia, oept. 7, a r m
Bothnia. Sept. 25, 8.10 A M
Cabin nassaire. tGOL SSO and f 100: intermediate
135. steerage tickets to and from all parts of
torope at very low rates.
VERNON H. BROW N ft CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Green, New York.
1. i. MCCORMICK. Agent.
. Kourthave. and Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg;
Atlantic Express Service;
Steamship "C11Y OK HOME," from .New York,
WEDNESDAY. Sept. is, Oct. 18.
Saloon passage tso and upward: second-class, $30.
Steamers every Saturday from New York to
Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver
pool, 90 and $60. Second-class. (30.
Steerage passage either service 320.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers1 circular letters of credit and drafts
for any amount limed at lowest current rates.
For books of tours, tickets or Information,
J. I. MCCORMICK. Fourth and Smlthfleld: A. D.
SCORER ft SON, 415 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg: W,
SEMPLE, Jr., US Federal St., Allegheny.
State Line
to Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage fas to tea, according to locatloa
of stateroom. Excursion tea to 190.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO.. General Agenta,
S3 Broadway, NewYorfc.
J.J. MoCORMICK, Aflsnt. Pittsburg. Pi.
1 - . Bhl3-B
Eggs Higher East and West and
Firmer Here Butter Quiet.
Downward Movement of Oats Arrested
'Good Grades Stead j.
Office of the Pittsbuho Dispatch,
THUBSDAY. August 22, 1889. )
Country Produce Jobbing; Prices.
Eggs are reported higher at all other trade
centers, but only firm here. At New York
markets are firm at 18c for choice hen fruit.
Here the best price obtained so far is 10c, but
a rise cannot be far away. Creamery butter
has come to a stand in its upward movement,
and 1s a shade easier. In general prodnce lines
stuff is plenty and markets are in buyers' favor.
Peaches are particularly abundant and weaker.
Watermelons are firmer. Tbe abundance of
peaches bas a depressing effect on apples. Re
cent drought In cheese sections has bad effect
of curtailing the milk product. Jobbers Of
Sweitzer are looking for an advance In conse
quence and firmer markets are reported.
Buttbh Creamery, Elgin, 22023c; Ohio do,
2021c; fresh dairy packed, 1617c; country
rolls, 1416c
BEANS-rNavy hand-picked beans, J2 402 60;
medium. $2 302 40.
Beeswax 2bS0c $ & for choice; low grade,
CIDFH Sand refined. SO 50487 SO; common,
3 &04 00: crab elder, fa 00o 60 ) barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c ft gallon.
Cheese Ohio, 8c; New York, 10c; Lira
burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 8t12Kc;
imported Sweitzer, 22c
California Fruits Bartlett pears, $3 00
3 60 p box: plums. 1 752 00 a 4-baskat case.
Egos 16c dozen for stnctlv fresh.
Fbutts Apples, $1 602 00 ft barrel; pine
apples, tl 001 25 $ dozen; whortleber
ries, 75cSl 00 fl pail; watermelons, $20 0023 00
1 hundred: peaches, $1 02 25 f bushel box.
FEATnEBS Extra live geese. 6060c; No. I,
do, 404oc: mixed lots, 3035c V ft.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 40l5cft
pair; old, 6570c V pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Its to bushel, (5 60
yl bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $8 00;
clover. Alslke. f8 60; clover, white, J9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, 1 65; bine grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy. 14 As, tl CO;
orchard grass, 14 fts, tl 63; red top, 11 fts, tl 25;
millet, 50 Ss, tl 00; German millet, 60 fts,
tl 60: Hungarian grass, 60 fts, tl 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, t2 60 fl bushel of
14 fts.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4?
Tboficaz, Fruits Lemors. fancy, tl 60
5 00; rodi oranges, f5 005 60: bananas, $2 CO
firsts, tl 25 good seconds, H bnncb; cocoannts.
Si 004 60 V hundred; figs, 8K9c V &; dates,
6K8Ke V B-
Veoetables Potatoes, tl 2501 40 f) barrel;
tomatoes, home-grown, fl 251 60 y5 bushel;
wax beans, tl fl bushel; green beans, 6075c If)
bushel; encumbers, home-raised, tl 60 ft bushel;
radishes, 2540c f) dozen; home-grown, cab
bages 60c f? bnshel; new celery, home-grown,
40c f) dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, 13 75
4 00, Jerseys, H 75Q5 00.
Coffee options advanced ia yesterday in New
York, and spot coffee was held very firmly at
close of market. Higher prices for packages
cannot be stared off much longer, from present
indications. Sugars are firm. Tbe volume of
trade in general grocery lines Is reported large
and an Improvement on last summer.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 21X22Xc;
choice Rio. 1920c; prime Rio, 19c: fair Rio,
lcUc; old Government Java, 26c: Mara
caibo, 2223c; Mocha, 272Sc; Santos, 1922c;
Caracas. 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2224c; La
Gnayra, 2122c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,
2Xc; high grades, 2426c; old Government
Java, bulk. 3131jc; Maracalbo, 2627c;
Santos, 2022ic: peaberry, 25c; peaberry,
choice Rio, 23Kc; prime Rio, 21Hc; good Rio,
21c; ordinary, 2oKc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia. 8c: pepper, 18c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7c:
Ohio. 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150'. 8fc; water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 16c; carnadlne,
llc; royallne; 14c
&TRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar
syrups, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup. SCV5S3c;
strictly prime, S33Sc; new maple zyrnp, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, SK4c; bl-carb in K'.
&c; bl-carb, assorted packages. 66c; sal
soda in kegs, l'ic;do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, f nil weight, 9c; stearlne, fl
Sft, 8 V; paraffine. ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kcj choice, 6
7c; prime, &6Vc: Louisiana, 66Kc
Starch Pearl, 8c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 67c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon
don layers, t8 10; California London layers,
$2 60; Muscatels, J2 25: California Muscatels,
tl 85: Valencia, 7Ke; Ondara Valencla,910c;
Bultana, 8Kc: currants, 45c: Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes. 8K13c: Salonica
prunes. In 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoannts, fl 100.
36 CO; almonds, Lau., per ft. 20c: do Ivlca, 19c;
do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily
filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, I216c: new dates,
6S6e; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan, ll15c; citron,
per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, fl ft, 1314c; orange
peel, 12Kc i
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per & 6c
apples, evaporated, Gj46Xc: apricots, Calif or
nia, evaporated, 1215c; peacbes,;e?aporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California evaporated.
unpareu, ,iu$izKc;cnernes, pined, .utjic;
cherries, unplited, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Uc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries, lo12c
sugars Cubes, 9c; powdered, 9c: granu
lated, 8c; confectioners' A, Bjic; standard
A. 8jc; soft whites. 88c: yellow, choice,
7c; yellow, good, 7KSe; yellow, fair, 7Jic;
yellow, dark. 7c.
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 60; medi
um, half bbls (600), SJ 76.
Salt No. l. fl bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. V bbl,tl 05,
dairy, ft bbl, tl 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, tl 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, t2 SO, Higgins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches tl GO
1 90; 2dstl 301 35; extra peaches, fl 902 00;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn. tll 60; Hid. Co.
corn, "0000c: red cherries, 90ctl; Lima beans,
tl 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do. 7o85c; mar
rowfat peas, tl 10I 15: soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, tl 40Si 60; Bahama do, t2 75, dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, tl 25; egg plums,
$2; California pears, tZ 60; do gruengages, $2; do,
egg plums, S2: extra white cherries, S2 90; red
cherries, 2 ft 90c; raspberries, tl 401 60:
strawberries, tl 10; gooseberries, tl S0f 1 40;
tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon. 1-ft, t 752 10;
blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
99c; do green. 2 ftJ, tl 251 50; corn beef. 3-ft
cans, 2 05; 14 ft cans, tl4 00; baked beans, tl 46
1 60; lobster. 1-ft, tl 7601 80; mackerel, 1-16
cans. Drolled, tl 50: sardines, domestic, i.
U 604 GO; sardines, domestic. H. .'t3 2508 50;
sardines, imported, is, til &01J 60, sardines,
imported, K'. Si'; sardines, mustard, tt 60; sar
dines, spiced, 54 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, t36 f
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, UU; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, t32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $21. Codfish Whole
pollock. 4c ft: do medium, George's cod.
6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in Dlocks, 6K7Kc Herring
Round shore, 15 00 S bbl; split. $7 00; lake,
$2 00 ft 100-ft half bbl. White fish. 87 00 ffl 100
& half bbl. Lake trout, to 60 ip halt bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
5P ft. Pickerel. K barrel, t2 CO; i barrel, tl 10;
Potomac herring, t5 00 fl barrel. f2 50 V H
Oatmeal 3 S06 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6557c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Floor and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change. 26 cars. By Pittsburg. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 3 cars of oats, 1 of flour. By Pitts
burg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars of corn,
lot wheat, 3 of oats. 1 of bran. By Baltimore
and Ohio, 4 cars of oats. By Pittsburg and
Lake Erie, 1 car of oats, 1 of flour. By Pitts
burg and Western, 1 car of oats, 1 of flour.
Sales on call, 1 car sample oats, 24c, 6 day, P.
R. R.; 1 car sample oats, free in elevator, 25c, 5
days, P. R. R.; 1 car No. 2 wheat, new, 82kc 6
days, P. R, R.; 1 car No. 2 y. a. corn, 42c, 6 days,
P.Tt. R-: I car winter bran. HJSc 10days.P.R.
R. Tne downward drift of oats has been ar
rested, and prices are steady at quotations for
good grades. Low grades are dull. Corn is
stead'. New n.ay is scarcely on market In suf
ficient quantity to establish prices. The wheat
and flour situation is unchanged.
Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red,
81682c: No. 2 red. old, 8S89c
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 45018c; high mixed
ear. 4444Kc; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4243c;
high mixed, shelled. 4142c: mixed, shelled,
Oats No. 2 white. 27M2Sc; extra No. 8,
25K26c: mixed, 2223c.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6051c;
No. 1 Western, 4960c; new rye No. 3 Ohio,
Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, to 60O6 CO; winter straight,
S4 755 00 clear winter, M 608475; straight
XXXX bakers'. M 00i 25; Rye Buur,t3o0
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, tl3 60A
15 00 ft ton; brown middlings, til 60Q12 00; win
ter wheat bran, til 00 II 25; chop feed, tlo 60
HAT-Baled Umothy choic tU 60011 75;
No. ldo, 81250013 00; No. 2 do, til 000)2 00;
loose from wagon, fl5 00317 CO; new hay crop,
tlO 00014 00, according to quality: No. 1 up
land prairie. J9 009 60; No. 2. t7 &08 00; pack
tag do, t 75Q7 00.
Straw Oats, t 60; wheat and rye straw
t5 506 00..
Fro visions.
Sugar-cured hams, large, HHci ingar-cnred
hams, medium, 12c- sugar-cured bams, small,
12Xc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, lOJfc; sugar
cured shoulders, 6Vic; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 9c; sugar-cured California hams.
8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 10c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, lie; sngar-cured dried
beef rounds, 13c; bacon shoulders. 6Kc; bacon
clear sides, 7c; bacon clear bellies, ijc; dry
salt shoulders. &jc: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess dote, heavy, siz &u; mess porx. lamuy.
tl3 00. Lard Refined In tierces. 6c; half-
barrels. 6c: 60-ft tubs. GAc: 20-ft palls, 7c: su-m
tin cans, 6c: 3-ft tin pails: TKc; 5-ft tin palls.
7c; 10-fi tin pail, 6c; 5-ft tin palls. 7c; 10-11
tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long. 6c: large,
6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams. 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 50; quarter barrel,
Dressed Blent.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550
fts, 5kc; 550 to 650 fts. 6Vc: 650 to 750 lis, 6$i
7c Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c f) ft. Hogs, 6c
Fresh pork loins. 8c
W. E. Denny, th absconding assistant
postmaster at Booneville, Ind., was arrested at
Kansas City last night. He confessed to hav
ing embezzled S5,0u0. He will be given a pre
liminary bearing to-day.
A train on the Missouri. Kansas and Texas
Railroad was wrecked nine miles south of lie
berly. Ma. at 6 o'clock yesterday morning by
running over a steer. Engineer Frank Ritter,
of HannlbaL Mo., and Fireman George Ben
nares were killed.
Tbe tariff reform picnic held at Plattsburg.
Mo., was a great success. Fully 2.000 persons
were In attendance. During the speech-making
tbe canvas covered amphitheater was filled to
suffocation. Ex-President Cleveland's tariff re
form sentiments as expressed in a letter of regret
were enthusiastically received. The speakers
were Senator Cockrell. Congressman Dockery,
Wilson Mansur, ex-Senator Ladne and Congressman-elect
James Sweet bas been arrested at Kansas
City on a warrant sworn ont by the Sheriff of
Green county, N, Y. The charge is the embez
zlement of tlo. 000. Sweet was a clerk iu the
Commercial National Bank at Kansas City
when tbe warrant was served. The place where
tbe alleged crime was committed and the cir
cumstances of it are known only to the officer
who served the warrant, and he was pledged to
secrecy by the New York Sheriff. -He has been
taken back to New York.
W. L. Scott's manager at the Spring Valley,
I1L, coal diggings bas prepared a proposition to
tbe miners, offering 76c a ton, bnt announcing
that no committee representing an organiza
tion will be received, and that each striker wilt
baye to seek employment for himself individ
ually. The price named is 6c better than
offered by most of tbe other operators, bnt the
clause regarding the union meets with dis
favor, and it is claimed that the Spring Valley
coal Is tbe easiest to mine in tbe district.
Margaret Turgoose, aged 62 years, was ar
rested at St. Louis yesterday on complaint of
L. F. Mitchell, charged with obtaining money
under false pretenses. Mrs. Turgoose bas been
placing stock of a mine called tbe "Silver
Point, Incorporated tinder laws of Illinois,
capital 11,600,000." The mine Is located within
nine miles of Deadwood. Dak., and Mr. Mitchell
claims bas no sign ot metal in It. Abont 20,000
shares of stock have been sold mechanics,
laboring men and shop girls. Mrs. Turgoose
was released last night on tl.600 ball.
A dispatch from Port-an-Prince says: The
Haytian gunboat Defense has just come in,
bringing the body of General Dardlgnac, Legl
time's Commander in Chief, and tbe news that
the whole of tbe South is lost to Legitime.
The fight is now entirely between Port-au-Prince
and the rest of Hayti, and people en
gaged here in business see some reason to bope
that the end is near. The loss of Dardlgnac Is
serious, but tbe loss of all tbe Important cities
In the South Is disastrous to Legitime's cause
Hippolyte announces that he will not storm
Port-au-Prince, as it would result in sacking
the town.
A report was current in Chicago yesterday
that a movement was on foot to consolidate the
Chicago and Northwestern and Chicago, Mil
waukee and St. Panl systems. The Idea is that
a syndicate of the Vanderbilts, who now con
trol the Northwestern, and Drexel, Morgan &
Co.. wbo hold a controlling Interest in tbe Mil
waukee and St. Panl. may take hold of the
property and issue new stock for both roads,
the syndicate pledging Itself to float tbe 5150.
000,000 new bonds ot tbe Milwaukee and St.
Paul. The Vanderbllts have lately been ex
tending their system in the Southwest and
Sonth by absorbing the Big Four and the
Chesapeake and Ohio, and there is a probabil
ity that they may do the same thing in the
News has been received from Maysville.
Ark., of a battle between two outlaws named
Hall and Mason, and three officers who were
trying to arrest them. Hall and Mason have
been selling whisky to the Indians in the terri
tory and have evaded arrest, although many
attempts to capture them have been. made.
They were surrounded on the outskirts ot tbe
town by three deputy marshals, while trying to
reach a patch of timber. A desperate combat
ensued. Bullets flew thick and fast, more than
86 shots being exchanged, and Mason's horse
was shot from under him, and it is claimed be
was fatally wounded. Both the others, how
ever, succeeded in reaching the timber and es
caping. The officers were unhurt and will start
in pursuit with a posse.
At an early hour yesterday morning three
thieves broke into the grocery store of Christo
pher W. Lnca. at Jay and High streets. Brook
lyn. They were surprised at their work by the
proprietorandahar.d to band conflict took
place,' during which the grocer was stabbed to
the heart. The pollse found one of the men in
the store biding behind a barrel. He said his
name was McElwaln. and gave a descrlntion of
his companion, who had escaped. Their names
he gave as Hawthorn Benson and Thomas
Quinlan. An alarm was sent to New York to
watch for the men and in less than an hour
Detective Barry bad captured Benson, wbo, on
being taken before Inspector Byrnes, was
recognized as Martin Denin. a, professional
thief and ex-convlct. He was surrendered to
the Brooklyn officers. The other man is being
nouy pursued.
There was an explosion of Are damp in the
No. 2 colliery of the Delaware and Hudson
Canal Company at Scranton yesterday morn
ing, by which five men were seriously and par
tialis fatally burned. The No. 2 colliery is one
of tbe largest breakers operated by the Dela
ware and Hudson Canal Company. Yesterday
afternoon a portion ot the mine caved In, and
this morning a gang of men went into repair
the damage. As they approached where the
caveln occurred one of tbe miner's lamps
Ignited the gas, and a fearful explosion, which
could be beard for miles around, occurred.
Tbe workmen fled for their lives, and all es
caped bnt Andrew Nichols, the Superintendent:
Richard Mason, the inside foreman, and John
Lavern, Samuel Williams and John Jones, who
were all fearfully burned. Nichols, who lives in
Scranton, was the most badly burned, and it is
feared that he cannot live
L. Gardner, of Chicago, who has success
fully used the mails to defraud tbe public was
arrested at Dixon, W. T., bv Postoffice In
spector Fleming. Gardner made Chicago the
headquarters for Ills schemes. He sent out
pamphlets through tbe malls throughout the
entire West in which be purported to publish
the Golden Age. Ladies 'Jlltutrated Journal
and other publications. To each subscriber be
offered a ticket in a drawing of watches,p!anos.
sewing machines and other articles. Every
ticket was guaranteed to win a prize. Gardner
made S30.000 by the scheme before the postal
authorities discovered that be was publishing
any paper and that the whole business was
fraudulent. He evaded arrest and fled to
Wyoming, taking refuge on a ranch near
Dixon. His biding place was dlsrnvere 1 by his
friends, inspector Fleming and aUnlted St-ts
Deputy Marshal started lutst with Gardner
soon after bis arrest.
This is now conceded to be the best In the
market, as witnessed by tbe fact that we have
just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held In Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
Transact a General Banting Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credit,
Available laallyaiti of the world. Also issue
For nsa In this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies. South and Central America.
Swift's Specific entirely cured me of a sever
case of blood poison which obstinately resisted
and refused to be cured for over 28 years. The
regular medical remedies of mercury and
potash only added fuel to the flames J suffered
during most of this long time with ulcers,
blotches and sores of the most offensive char
acter, and was for a long time practically an
Invalid. In less than 30 days use of 8. 8. 8. 1
was all cleared up sound and well. This bas
been nearly a year ago, and no sign of any re
turn of the old enemy.
Johk B. Willis;
87 Clark street, Atlanta, Ga.
Swift's- Specific cured me of terrible Tetter,
from which I had suffered for 20 long years. I
have now been entirely well for five years, and
no sign of any return of the disease.
Rogers. Ark., May 1, 1S89. W. H. WlOHT.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
The 8wmt Spjccitio Co., Drawer 3, At
lanta, Ga. aul2-55-MWr
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.r
Importers and Jobbers of
.bi uuuuu uuu ii y iiviiui
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest price call
and mod.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured,
Private wire to New York Stock
Exchange, New York Petroleum
Exchange, New York Coffee Ex
change, Chicago Board of Trade.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts,
burg papers prove. Is tbe oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
M C D CI 1 1 0 and mental diseases, physical
t II V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrnsbashf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im
poverished blood, falling powers,organlc weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for )rasiness,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely abd privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbe system.
1 1 Dl M A R V kidney and bladder derange
U n I ll nil I j ments. weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttler's life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as If here. Office hours 9 a. if. to 8 p. m. Son
day, 10 A. M. to 1 P. H. only. DR. WHITTIER,
8IlPenn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
Full particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine Grays
bpeclne sold by drusjrlsts only In
yellow wrapper. Price, 1 per
package, or six for S3, or bv mall
s'TTIk on receipt of price, bv address-
Sold In Pittsburg by 3. 8. HOLLAND, eornsr
Smlthfleld and Liberty sts. aplz-&9
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free and
strictly confldentiaL Office
hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8F.H.; Sundays. 2 to 4 p. ,
M.Consult them personally, or write, jjoctobs
Lake, 906 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
io3'S Certrtoaa. XtOOti
imnosed of Cotton Root. Tansr and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
'old physician. la tuecetsfuUu used
montftlir-Safe, EffectuaL Price SL by mall,
sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's
Cotlon Root Comnound and take no substitute.
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILT COMPANY. No. 3 Flahear
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, Mich.
Bed Cross Diamond Brand.
Th )t reliable Din for ul. Si io4
rare. Ladle, 4Mb Vntggltt for lt DU.
taontliirttdtin redi&uUleboxef,wte4,
with blue ribbon. TakeavotaeiN tVD14k
(uarpi) tor partieoian and KeUef fr
lAdlM." to Utter, dt mll. Aon JtoMiV
Cklehester Chemical Co MadUon fcq., PM1a1, Fa.
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treitlsa oa
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous
and Physical Debility, impurities ci the mood.
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignortnce, Ex
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, tbe Mar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. j
eautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only tl by mall, postpaid, concealed in plain ;
wrapper, illustrative Prospectus Free, if. you
apply now. Tbe distinguished anfbor, Wm. H. v
Parker. M. D.. recetvedtbe GOLD AND JEW-.-ELED
MEDAL from fhe National Medical As.-
soelstlen, for this PRIZE ESSAY en NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physicians may be con
sulted, confidentially, by mall or In person, at
STITUTE.No. 4 Bulflnch SL, Boston. Miss., to -whom
all orders for books or letters for advioo
Should be directed as above.aulS-OT-Turau'WJt ,
.an rf